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The Brief Consumer culture as a creative process. There is an implied view that consumption is a passive act, where we as consumers are manipulated by advertisers, marketers and designers into buying the signs that mark our differences. However, the inherent creativity of people and their often stubborn rejection of slick marketing has led some writers to present consumerism as a liberating force. The reality, of course, lies somewhere between the two perspectives. Consumption plays an essential role in in the way that people creatively make their own lives – in their networks of friends and bonds of family, in their shared and individual leisure pursuits and ways of organising and conducting their work. For some people, particularly the young, consumption is highly expressive, individualistic and hedonisticit marks out difference and provides pleasure. For others it provides a clearly identified set of codes to establish distinction and status. In a world in which most of us feel a lack of power and control – in both work and politics – consumption provides some source of choice and autonomy. As consumers we are neither passive victims or liberated freewheelers. Our consumption has inherent constraints and no little degree of pressure, yet within these constraints we can construct our lives and equip them with meaning. The essential task for designers is to understand how people make sense and meaning of the things they design, and how they create new experiences with them. It is a task that involves reconsidering the entire practice of design. The Design Experience: The role of design and designers in the twenty-first century Mike Press and Rachel Cooper 2003

Initial Idea Doll house - Initially after ready the brief i struggled for ideas. but

then thinking about happiness and the future, it instantly reminded me of family households and family members going their seperate ways in the future and general hapiness as a family. From this i came up with the idea of creating a open front doll house style animation, with each room developing as the simple animation went on. (1) It could start of as one room, possibly with two adults, a couple. Another room could light up with the two adults but with a child, while still looping the animation in the first room. This second room would then envolve the baby . The next room would then light up in the house with the family developing . This could continue till the whole house is awake and animated. Each room would be concidered as a indivdual GIF aswell. These could be printed out as physical stills. (2) This concept would start off with the whole house lit up, start off with a developed, average household in one living room, and then each family member could move to their rooms (teenagers) for example. This would show as the family is growing up they are taking their own paths into the future (family members leave, new arrive) changing the moods and interiors of the house. These animations would be simplistic clean illustrations, most likely 2D created in illustrator. (3)Possible conecept could be one ghostly character walking through the house as the household develops as he passes through each room, each room developing into the future showing wether they are actually happy or is the happy they think they are expeirencing actually hapiness?(If not a character the camera could be just sliding through) The message that this doll house idea will be depicted in this story would be showing the house developing through the eara of the internet and how it effects the average house hold in both negative and positive ways . Leaving you to decide which is positive or negative.

Secondary Idea Living room

- This is my further developed idea that i came up with after speaking to several tutors as i realised making the doll house animation was verty demanding on time given the time we have. I then spoke to Jay about this problem and he gave me the idea of creating my idea in a more simpler way. Three scenes of the exact same living room. Each from three diferent times. One | 1980 - in the mid 80’s the internet was invented by Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn, changing lives and households around the world. This scene will be set just before the internet. Two | 2016 - Set in the current time now, most young people are concidered as ‘internet natives’ when described by the older generation, mainly our parents. As these people have grown up with the internet this scene will show family/family members fully engaged with in their internet based devices, no longer socialising with their family but their freinds on the other side of their tablets and phones. Three | 2020 - although Virtual reality has been a hot topic for a few years the ftureu will soon be owned by this. everything will be UI based, hologramps, wafer thin devises and VR goggles. My concept for this final scene of the living room will be the same family yet again in the same living room, all using VR Goggles. In each scene, everything will be the same, but different. For example the TV in the first living room will be the old standard, bang on top of it to get a signal TV. the second will be the usual 50” too big for your living room TV. The final stage wont even have a physical TV, it will be some form of a 3D digital UI hologram based screen, along with a lot of other objects in this final room. The method of animating this will either be sliding through each door of the living room into the other room or suttle pops/fades of each thing in the room transforming into the next rooms stages. This is the Idea i am taking forward.

Initial Notes & Sketches

Initial Notes & Sketches

Initial Notes & Sketches

Initial Notes & Sketches

Digital Development

Digital Development - Faces

Digital Development - Faces

Digital Development - Body

Digital Development - Body

Digital Development - Interior

Digital Development - Interior

Digital Development - TV

Digital Development - TV

Digital Development - Sofa

Digital Development - Sofa

Design stages | 1960

Design stages | 2015

Design stages | 2025


Character Design | 1960

Character Design | 2015

Character Design | 2025


Animation Procces

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