Harworth & Bircotes Today July16

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JULY 2016

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Harworth & Bircotes Your community magazine



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Welcome to the

JULY 2016 edition

Farmers Market & Craft Fairs

Don’t be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you wil gain something better

@ Doncaster Dome Sunday 3rd July & Sunday 7th Aug

Unknown Author

The August issues will be delivered to you late July. If you would like to have something included in this, please make sure details are with me by Friday 8th July. Your assistance in ensuring that items are submitted on time in this busy period heading towards the school summer holidays is much appreciated. We do take the distribution of the magazines very seriously and have an easy way for people to let us know if they aren’t receiving their copy. If you know of someone who isn’t getting a copy of the magazine or perhaps you picked this copy up from one of our pick up points locally as you don’t get one through your door, then please text ‘1TODAY + your street name’ to 66777 and we will do our best to put that right for you. Enjoy July and I will be back in a months’ time with your August magazine.

Best wishes,

Paula x

paula@todaypublications.co.uk t: 01302 969696

Your Community - Your Magazine! www.todaypublications.co.uk

Over 150 stalls! Food & Drink! Fun Fair Rides!


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Another school year is coming to an end, and another set of young people are heading towards a change of nursery/school/college/apprenticeship/further education/employment. Leaving the place that they will have hopefully been very happy for many years can be a sad time for both children and their parents (I remember children’s and parent’s tears during and after the year 6 leavers services well) but it is also a positive time when we can look forward to what is to come and the new opportunities available. My eldest has just finished school and we now have the wait for the A level results that will determine where he ends up next; he is very philosophical about it – whatever will be, will be! Whatever change you or your loved ones may be facing over the coming months, I hope it will be change for the better.


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The Patie Participat Group RGERY OF THE TICKHILL AND COLLIERY SU th and healthcare.) r heal (Aiming to help you, to be in control of you

Continuing with our information about the Medical Practice we look at the latest GP to join the Practice:Dr Hareen De Silva (m) BSc MB BS MRCGP GMC number 7084898 Dr De Silva qualified from London in 2010 and joined The Practice in August 2015. As regular readers of The Today Magazine know Dr De Silva is a supporter of the Safe at Last Charity and took part in a Dance Competition in April which raised £25,000. Our congratulations to him and all the others who took part plus their sponsors. Dr Hareen is also a Committee member of the Faculty Fellowship of The Royal College of General Practitioners Sheffield.

AGM At the AGM in May The Practice reported that CQC (Care Quality Commission) had revisited and found that all the action points, set after the last inspection regarding improvements in non-clinical issues, had been addressed. The CQC were positive about The Practice and will amend their report to show this.

Reminder re the Tickhill Gala The PPG will be represented at The Tickhill Gala collecting feedback from patients to pass to The Practice and taking email addresses from patients who would like to receive updates from The Patients Group, The Practice, NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group and CQC.

Advance Notice The ‘Flu’ Clinic will be held on the morning of Saturday September 24th 2016 at The Tickhill Surgery.

Next Meeting The next PPG Committee meeting will be held on Wed June 29th 2016. Any patient having an issue they would like raised or feedback they would like passed to The Practice should contact the PPG via The Comments Box in either surgery or by email at tickhillandcollieryppg@yahoo.com

Jan Hart (Secretary) As ever the PPG can be contacted at tickhillandcollieryppg@yahoo.com T

The Medical Care was reported as good at the initial inspection and continues to be so. Six places on the PPG Committee were up for election at the AGM, three committee members were re-elected (Mrs N Carr, Mr S Johnson and Mr L Batty) and three new members were elected (Mr G Moss, Mrs C Smith and Mr I Morris). Our thanks to all patients who attended and voted. 4


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HARWORTH & BIRCOTES Wednesday 5pm & 6.30pm Harworth & Bircotes Town Hall Danielle: 07850 285590 danielleellio sw@yahoo.co.uk

TICKHILL Thursday 5.30pm & 7.30pm The Parish Room, Northgate Chris ne: 07825 686437

BAWTRY Thursday 3.30pm & 5.30pm The New Hall, Sta on Road Nicky: 07779 274468 www.slimming-world-retford-bawtry.co.uk

CARLTON-IN-LINDRICK Tuesday 5.45pm & 7.30pm The Parish Centre, Church Lane Caroline: 07860 119208 carolineannehill@hotmail.com





Ellicar Gardens open for 2016 Ellicar Gardens awarded the English Garden’s Best Gardener’s Garden 2015 now open Fridays 1-5pm, June, July and September. Explore our vibrant plant and wildlife enthusiast’s 5 acre gardens Plant Courtyard with unusual shrubs, perennials and grasses for sale and friendly horticultural advice on hand. Tea Room and Garden Shop Rare Breed Pets. Workshops for 2016 including willow weaving, garden photography Group visits at other times by arrangement. For information about admission, directions, workshop details and booking, please see website www.ellicargardens.co.uk Ellicar Gardens, Carr Road, Gringley on the Hill, Doncaster, DN10 4SN T

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Introducing... the tree bumblebee Bombus Hypnorum - this little chap with a white furry bottom is particularly active now, and a small QXPEHU RI WKHP DUH SUREDEO\ GRLQJ ȴJXUHV of eight by your garage roof, or outside a nesting box on your apple trees....(My beekeeper chums who are on the council’s list for honey bee swarm collection have been inundated with calls)... if you have them, don’t worry. They are not interested in you, these are the drones on the lookout for a queen... they are relatively benign and if you try and move them you will kill them. Come the end of July the whole colony except the queens die R΍ 7KH TXHHQV KLEHUQDWH XQWLO 0DUFK Honey bees are the only bees to go through the winter as a colony. Have a look at British beekeepers website to help identify bees. http://www.bbka.org. uk/help/do_you_have_a_swarm.php If you ring the council with a problem about bees they will give you the phone number of one of the members of Doncaster Beekeepers association. They get a lot of calls, and if it is a genuine swarm of honey bees will be happy to help as long as they aren’t somewhere inaccessible like a chimney or at the top of an enormous tree. The council (because of the cuts) have no one to deal with bees now. So please take some time and properly identify your bees before making that phone call. Bumble bees are a protected species. They will not sting you unless they feel you are about to threaten their colony. You can follow them around and even let them walk on your hands. Enjoy them! T TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

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Arts Review & what’s going on - July 2016

Sarah Villeneau S Saturday d 9 July. l Have you ever wanted to take part in the making of an artwork? And have you ever wanted to get completely naked with thousands of other people? The artist Spence Tunick is going to be working with a throng of people who want to get their kit off together in Hull this month. The Ferens Art Gallery are organising the event – sorry – it’s being called a ‘site-specific-commission’. Actually you won’t be completely naked, Tunick is going to have the participants painted in body paint to reference the colours of the sea found in the Ferens Gallery seascape -paintings. Imagine the logistics of this exercise! It’s quite mind-boggling…all that painting up and then do they send you home still the blue-green of the deep sea? Tunick’s work is great! I know people who have been part of these photoshoots. On a warm day it could be a wonderful experience. If you fancy it visit www.hull2017. co.uk/seaofhull (see it’s all part of Hull city of culture) Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery Wed to Fri 10.00 – 16.30, Sat & Sun 10.30 – 4.15 Exhibition: until 3rd July: Janet Waring: ‘Regenerative’. 16th July – 11th September Doncaster Art Club. Always one of the most popular exhibitions in the annual programme including paintings and drawings in a variety



o media by this thriving local club. of 23rd July - 17th September. Chris Moss: 2 ‘‘Wild Wire’ Chris Moss makes sculptures of beasts and birds in order to understand o tthem better, both their physiognomy and behaviour. Her sculptures are made from b new and reclaimed materials, sourced from n eevery-day suppliers of functional wire and metal products. She describes her work as m drawing in 3 dimensions, using the material’s d natural tension as a line to describe form and n movement. Each work is an original study of m aanatomy and behaviour, giving a sense of life aand energy to the subject. LLife drawing: 9th July 11-1pm and 2 - 4pm Art History Lecture: Friday 1st July: ‘This Sporting Life’ To celebrate a summer of sport the lecture takes a look at the differing ways that an eclectic group of artists including Eric Ravillious, Salvador Dali, Spencer Gore and Umberto Boccioni have depicted the sporting world. Lectures take place at Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery on Chequer Road, starting at 10.30 am and lasting for an hour and a half. Each lecture costs £5 to be paid at the museum reception and includes refreshments. There is no need to book, just turn up on the day and prepare to be educated and inspired. www.doncaster.gov. uk/museums The Plug, Sheffield July 13th host my favourite Country singer all the way from the Southern States - Lucinda Williams. For more than 35 years, singer-songwriter Lucinda Williams has penned some of the most emotionally devastating lyrics in Americana music. A great live performer. The Greystones July 6 Sam Outlaw and on July 24th Kelly Willis and Bruce Robison Tickets from venue or www.wegottickets.com Firth Hall Sheffield University y November 18th Sarah Jarosz www.sivtickets.co.uk Art at the Deli: all July - Madelaine Pick painting exhibition. Scicluna Deli, just off the market in Doncaster. www.artatthedeli.com Harley Gallery Welbeck k running through July two exhibitions: – from the USA artist Sarah Danay’s ‘Arms of the Portland Vase’ and Claire Twomey ‘Made in China’. And in the new gallery – give yourself a good hour at least visit the Portland Collection and then enjoy a coffee in the excellent café there. www.harleygallery.co.uk Dukeries Decorative and Fine Art Society 6 July 2pm David Boyd Haycock lecturing on ‘Eric Ravilious’ Ravilious who saw himself as part of a long tradition of English landscape painters, and


his use of flat watercolour recalls the work of John Sell Cotman in the early nineteenth century. However, his pictures often subvert tradition as much as echo it. A wonderful 20th century artist. This lecture is followed by the annual ‘Strawberry tea’ at St Anne’s Church Hall, Worksop S80 1NJ www. eastmidlandsnadfas.co.uk/dukeries Roots Music Club at the Ukranian Centre a fantastic, as always, selection of folk and roots artists 1st July - Martin Simpson & Martin Carthy + James Haigh £10/12. Ive seen and heard Martin Simpson and Martin Carthy a number of times, but never together. This will be a treat, they are in many ways very much opposites, both with a huge repertoire to draw on, well worth a night out. 8th July - at Doncaster Brewery Tap, 7 Young Street, Doncaster, DN1 3EL - Patrick Walker Trio £5 22nd July - Something Nasty in the Woodshed + Henry Parker £8/10 29th July - Bill Caddick £8/10 www. rootsmusicclub.co.uk Museums Sheffield until 9 October - Shaped from the Earth – Sheffield Ceramics Sheffield is home to a thriving community of ceramicists and ceramic artists creating a remarkable breadth of work, from desirable domestic objects to ambitious larger scale sculptural pieces. Curated by local potter Penny Withers, Shaped from the Earth celebrates the diversity of handmade ceramics produced in the city. The exhibition brings together work by a host of talented local makers, including Sarah Villeneau, who is an absolutely astounding artist and whose work I really admire, also Antonia Salmon, Brian Holland, Emilie Taylor, Norman Cherry, Hanne Westegaard and more. www.museums-sheffield.org.uk Sheffield Theatres Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Somebody pinch me! Is it Christmas? www. sheffieldtheatres.co.uk Yorkshire Sculpture Park k Kaws inside show has finished but you can still see his extraordinary work in the Park, amongst many others – a great day out for the price of a car-park ticket www.ysp.co.uk Cupola Gallery y is celebrating 25 years in action. 9 -10 July Cupola Gallery are organizing Hills-Fest to celebrate the arts in Hillsborough Park and Karen Sherwood (who is the Cupola Gallery) is showing her own paintings ‘From Northumberland’ 0114 201 1023 info@cupolagallery.com 174 Middlewood Rd, Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1TD www.cupolagallery.com

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Harworth Colliery Football Club July 2016 Update Hello and welcome to what is really our end of season update and one where we can look forward to the new and one we are very excited about already. I start with the news that we were unsuccesful with our quest for promotion in what you could say was controvervsial circumstances. We are bitterly disapointed with how we have been treated as a club by the FA but we met all the requirements and we are very proud that we now have a ground fit and ready for the next grade in the Northern Counties East League. So that will be the aim next season as it was this. Again a big thank you to everyone who worked so hard to achieve this. In May we held our Annual Presentation night at the Welfare Hall in what was a great occasion as they always are, it’s an evening where we congratulate all those who have achieved so much and also to say thank you to all the unsung heroes that keep the club going. The volunteers are the life blood, without all of you there is no club, you give us the platform to succed so thank you. Below is a full list of the winners and a full photo album can be found on our website. Under 8’s, Funniest Moment - Dylan King, Most Improved - Lewis Jack, Parents Player - Lewis Jack Players Player - Harvey Kingston, Managers Player Kieran Makin/Travis Bailey Under 14’s, Players Player - Bradley Guy, 2015-2016 Best Achievement Award - Jack Dean 100% win record special Award - Dave Guy; Under 15’s, Players Player - Bailey Clark, Managers Player - Ryan Hobson MUSC Players Player and Managers Player - Andrew Cleary Under 19’s, Most Promising Player - Josh Court, Players Player and Managers Player - Marley Alder Reserves, Breakthrough Player - Louis Maguire, Players Player and Managers Player - Chris Leather 1st Team, Dream Team Points Winner - Blake Freeman, Club Top Scorer - Blake Freeman Supporters Player of the Year - James Woodward, Players Player - Josh Dickinson Managers Player of the Year - James Woodward Paul Gordon Club Volunteer award - Jonathan Wilson Jones and Co Solicitors Special Recognition award -Steve Hawkins Robert Needham Young Player of the Year Award - Josh Dickinson Looking forward to the new season now and we have some very exciting news as we are in the process of forming an Adult Ladies side for the 1st time ever. We are holding open training at present and by the time this goes to print we will be registered in the league and looking forward to what we hope will be a succesful campaign. This again highlights how we are moving forward and progressing, the Juniors section has risen from 3 teams to 6 next year and once again we are delighted that the Juniors Section will be sponsored by one of our own in Matt Roberts. Here he is pictured 10 HARWORTH TODAY

with a collection of our Junior set up including cluding our new Under 13’s side managed by Paul Coward, massive thanks to Matt for the support shown yet again, long may this continue.

Matt is Harworth born and bred, but a recent Sponsor is new to the village and again we are proud to announce that Harworth Co-operative Funeral Care will be an advertising board sponsor for next season. Jenny and Faye pictured here have already supported the club through donations for recent raffles, we wish them all the success and we thank for them for wanting to support the club.

Any new businesses interested in supporting and sponsoring the club please get in touch. We will have lots of ways you can do this for next season so whatever your businesses budgets are we will have a package to suit. Without this we simply cannot do what we do, we are proud of what we are achieving and with you behind us we will get to where we want to be. Enjoy the Summer break, lets hope England do us proud in the Euros and if they don’t and you want to see a team and a club nearer to home to be proud of you know where we are. See more about us on our Website Pitch Hero/Harworth Colliery, or on Facebook or Twitter @HCIFC or the Ladies @HCILFC, please get in touch, we are a progressive club that needs your support. Regards Jonathan Wilson Chairman jonycw@hotmail.co.uk @jonycw. TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

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Hello from Mayflower Sanctuary, Apparently the weather there is really hot at the moment. Just when I have come on holiday to find the sun it appears in England. But all the Staff and volunteers are keeping the animals in their care cool and will be making sure they are not overheating g on hot summer days. y

Gri We recently arranged our Annual Dog Walk in Bawtry Forest which was wonderful. It was really special to see the dogs that had been adopted taking their new owners for a walk! It was especially heart-warming to see Gri, a dog rescued from Romania. When he arrived he was very sad and depressed. We had been waiting for the right people to adopt him for quite some time. Eventually he did find his new loving home and it was a very special moment for us all to see him looking happy and confident. confident Our fundraising is continuing with M&S, Wheatley Hall Road. We will be bag-packing on 2nd July and will be collecting outside the store on 10th July. Please come along and say hello hello. We are so grateful to M&S together with other supporters, Direct Line (who have recently raised £800 on a charity day for us) Rail Track, Sainsburys, Morrisons and all local businesses that help in any way they can. Without this support we would not be in a position to carry on with our work. work

Finding a forever home weekly basis, but we must look forward and be positive. We will always y be there to p pick up p the p pieces. As I said at the start of the write up, I am on holiday at the moment in a very small working village in Greece. I have been coming here for many years. However about 5 years ago the cat population escalated to such a degree it was totally out of control. There was no charity/rescue centre available apart from one English lady who did her best. I discussed the situation with the Mayflower Manager and we talked about how the village could start raising funds for a Neuter Programme. To cut along story short, lots of both English and Greek like-minded people came together, and with a very sympathetic Vet, their Charity was formed. After 5 years they now have a large number of people helping in any way they can, raising money towards neuter programmes and taking care of any sick, injured or abandoned animals. Also raising awareness which is most important. We are so proud to have been a very small part of this project. project Many countries are now realising that animal welfare is important. Most shops, restaurants and tavernas in the villages and towns now have collecting boxes so while on your holidays (abroad or in the UK) a donation no matter how small can make such a difference. difference If you are looking for that special pet to be part of your life, please come along and speak to us. We look forward to seeing g yyou soon. Best Wishes

Margaret Godley

Unfortunately there are still many stories of crueltyy that happens pp on a

Mayflower Animal Sanctuary, Narrow Lane, Bawtry. 01302 711330



Name: Charley Sex: Female Date into care: FEB 2016 Age: 4 years Good with dogs: ?? Good with cats: Some Good with children: Yes Charley arrived at Mayflower with her buddy, Missy, due to a bereavement in the family. Their owner felt that she was unable to cope so asked for them to come into our care. Charley is the more timid of the pair but is a fussy-puss once she gets to know you. All she needs is a little time and patience. Her new owner/s must realise that, as a semilonghaired cat, Charley will need to be brushed at least weekly to keep her beautiful coat in tip-top condition. She quite likes it though so it shouldn’t be a problem. A home with Missy would be perfect but not essential.

Name: Sooty Sex: Male Date into care: 30/4/2016 Age on arrival: 1 year Good with dogs: ?? Good with cats: Yes Lived with children: Yes Hi. My name is Sooty and I came into Mayflower’s care after my owner died. There was nobody in the family who could take care of me. I missed my Mum very much at first but now that I’ve settled things aren’t so bad. I try to make friends with the other cats but I’m told that my social skills need a little finetuning as I can be a little overpowering at times. I would be better with a female companion I’m just a fun-loving guy who deserves a 2nd chance. Could I come home with you?

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2008 (Bawtry) y Squadron Air Cadets A Bird’s Eye View

engineering and those wanting ng an RAF career.

Whether interested in joining the RAF or not the Air Cadets gives young people the chance to experience things that they may never otherwise get access too. Things that they could never believe they’d get the chance to do.

Air Cadets also have the chance to apply for an Air Experience Flight (AEF). The instructors are all current or former RAF service pilots who volunteer to pass on their knowledge DQG HQWKXVLDVP IRU Ⱦ\LQJ WR \RX )O\LQJ WDNHV place at one of 12 AEFs around the country, mainly at RAF stations. You’re shown how the DLUFUDIW ȾLHV DQG JLYHQ WKH FKDQFH WR FRQWURO it and experience aerobatics. And the views from 3,000ft are stunning. At the moment they use the Grob Tutor, which has a large canopy for the ultimate view from the skies

The aircrafts used by the RAF as well as the Air Cadets are gliders, the VikingT1 is a glider that’s used to teach their own instructors and can take you for a bird’s eye view of your surroundings. The VigilantT1 is a small engine twin seated JOLGHU ZKLFK XVHV D SURSHOOHU WR WDNH RÎ? ZLWK And whilst it doesn’t have the speed and the KHLJKW RI D MHW Č´JKWHU LW LV DJLOH HQRXJK WR JLYH any budding pilot a thrilling experience. These experiences are out at RAF Linton on Ouse are RÎ?HUHG WR VPDOO JURXSV RI &DGHWV HDFK WLPH so that every Cadet can get a good amount RI Čľ\LQJ WLPH 5HFHQWO\ WKH ZHDWKHU KDV EHHQ on our side and nearly half our cadets have JRW WR Čľ\ WKLV \HDU VRPH PRUH WKDQ RQFH

If you’re interested in becoming a Cadet or want to come and visit our squadron to see if it’s for you then either call on Weds or Fri evenings on 01302 771783 or email for more information 2008@aircadets.org T

Harworth Comrades Club Forthcoming Events for July: Sat 2 July SUPERSONIC (M/F Duo) Sat 9 July


One lucky Cadet in our squadron has been fortunate to gain a pilot scholarship DQG VKH LV QRZ UDFNLQJ XS Čľ\LQJ KRXUV to gain her Air Cadets pilots license.

Sat 16 July y The Return of TADPOLE PIE (NE Band) ÂŁ2 Door Charge Fri 22 July y The Return of WILSON ELLIS BAND ÂŁ2 Door Charge Sat 23 July y 2 REAL (Great Comedy Duo) Last seen on Members Night 6DW -XO\ &+$1*(6 0 ) 'XR b

But as well as being able to experience these

Monday Nights in The Lounge - Quiz and Bingo.

JOLGHUV OXFN\ FDGHWV KDYH H[SHULHQFHG Č´JKWHU jets, Hercules transport planes and other military aircraft as part of Camps and overseas experiences. The possibilities are there and DYDLODEOH WR WKRVH ZLWK D VHULRXV LQWHUHVW LQ Čľ\LQJ 14 HARWORTH TODAY

&RQFHUW 5RRP $YDLODEOHbIRU +LUH )ULGD\ day/night. Please contact club for details on 01302 742725 or 742507 43 Scrooby Road, Harworth, Doncaster, DN11 8JW T TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

The Byrne Practice


Why should I make a Will? Everybody with any form of asset however insignificant it may seem should have a Will professionally prepared. Often people think ‘I don’t have anything to leave’ or ‘I’m too young to make a Will’ or ‘I’ll do it another day’. Unfortunately death is one thing that we cannot predict. Dying without a Will can have lengthy and potentially expensive consequences for your family and loved ones during what is already a very difficult time. It could also mean that the people who you want to inherit your assets or who you think will inherit your assets actually do not. You should make a Will if any of the following apply to you; • You are cohabiting with your partner particularly if the property is not owned jointly by you and your partner. • You have children (particularly if they are under 18). • You have family members from whom you are estranged. • You are separated but not yet divorced. • You want to make provision for persons other than your spouse. • You have stepchildren who you class as your own. • You are worried about care fees. The above are just some of the reasons why you should make a Will there are many many more! Our fees for preparing a Will are fixed we don’t add on hidden extras and for the month of July 2016 only with this advert we will prepare your Wills at the following discounted rates; • Single Wills – only £ 85 plus VAT (£102.00) • Mirror Wills – only £125 plus VAT (£150.00) • Property Trust Wills – only £225 plus VAT & £3 Disbursements (£253.00) To arrange your appointment to make a Will please telephone Katy Delaney at The Byrne Practice Solicitors on 01302 711211 or email katy.delaney@tbplaw.co.uk

The Byrne Practice


The Byrne Practice Solicitors 10 South Parade, Bawtry, Doncaster, DN10 6JH

Email: katy.delaney@tbplaw.co.uk info@tbplaw.co.uk www.tbplaw.co.uk





Dear Friends, It is the season of exams and saying goodbyes to pupils and students. It is also a season of proms. I did not realise that proms were organised for all levels, including nurseries, till I came to Yorkshire about 15 years ago. Before that, I assumed that proms were for the secondary level only. This was another cultural shock for me. One argument I have heard about proms is that it is a way of encouraging the pupils to aspire onto greater heights. Yes, it is good to encourage children to aim high. By the way, the ‘motto’ of the middle school I attended in my hometown is “Aim High’. I can still hear the words of my late head teacher, Albert, repeating at daily school assemblies that we were being prepared for the future so we should ‘aim high’. As to what it means to ‘aim high’, most of us thought that we were being prepared to be engineers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, nurses, and so RQ +HQFH WKHUH ZDV VWLÎ? FRPSHWLWLRQ DPRQJVW the students as to who would be the best in the class. However, the competitive spirit sometimes EURXJKW WKH GDQJHU RI KDYLQJ D GLÎ?HUHQW YLHZ of failure. Some of my generation therefore grew up not accepting the fact that failure is real. 6RPHWLPHV IDLOXUH KHOSV XV WR VWRS DQG UHČľHFW upon the direction our lives are heading into. It seems that about 40 years on and the world has not changed when it comes to preparing our children for the future. Most of us parents and educators want children to become extraordinary in no time. Failure is not in our vocabulary anymore and success has been replaced by being extra ordinary. Ζ DP FXUUHQWO\ UHČľHFWLQJ RQ WKH LVVXH RI ‘encouragement’ and I have been challenged by the words of William Martin, which are as follows: 16 HARWORTH TODAY

“Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is the way of foolishness. +HOS WKHP LQVWHDG WR Č´QG WKH ZRQGHU and the marvel of an ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears. Show them how to cry when pets and people die. 6KRZ WKHP WKH LQČ´QLWH SOHDVXUH in the touch of a hand. And make the ordinary come alive for them. The extraordinary will take care of itself.â€? You know what? Most of us who have read about Jesus from the bible and other books see him as an extra ordinary person because of the things he said and did. But some of us forget that he was human and walked and worked on the plains, hills, valleys and shores of Palestine in his days. He lived an ordinary life for about 33 years and was killed for treason by the Roman soldiers with the collaboration of the Jewish authorities. But what made him extraordinary is that he lived a life that was totally dependent on God. His family taught him to taste tomatoes and apples and pears. He also cried when his friend died. However, his simple trust in God gave him the power to challenge injustice, heal the sick and rise from the dead among the other things he did. I wonder if I can encourage you to continue to do the ordinary things in your life but also consider trusting in the God of Jesus as part of the ordinary activities in your life. In so doing, as Martin suggested, the extraordinary things will take care of themselves. Have a blessed month. Yours sincerely,

Rev. Dr. Frank Okai-Sam Methodist Minister for Adwick-le-Street, Auckley, Bawtry, Harworth, Rossington, Sprotbrough, Sprotbrough Road, and Tickhill. Tel. 01302857952 • E-mail: frank. okai-sam@methodist.org.uk T TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

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'21&$67(5b &$1&(5b :H DUH SURXG WR VD\ DOO RXU VWDÎ? UHPDLQ volunteers VR SOHDVH EHDU ZLWK XV LI \RX ZDQW WR PDNH FRQWDFW b ΖI WKHUH LV QR RQH LQ WKH RÉ?FH \RX FDQ OHDYH D '(7(&7Ζ21b 75867 Some of you will have already heard about DCDT, EXW KHUHȇV D OLWWOH EDFNJURXQG b ΖQ -HDQQHWWH Fish (now Honorary Secretary and still working KDUG KHOG D FRÎ?HH PRUQLQJ LQ DLG RI D FROOHDJXH ZKR KDG UHFHQWO\ GLHG RI EUHDVW FDQFHU b $W WKH WLPH there were no cancer charities in Doncaster so HQTXLULHV ZHUH PDGH WR 'RQFDVWHU 5R\DO ΖQČ´UPDU\ who needed a Bronchoscope to identify cancer RI WKH OXQJV b )XQGUDLVLQJ EHJDQ DQG LQ WKDW %URQFKRVFRSH ZDV GRQDWHG WRb'5Ζ E\ RXU QHZO\ IRUPHG FKDULW\ 'RQFDVWHU &DQFHU 'HWHFWLRQ 7UXVW b /LWWOH GLG -HDQQHWWH UHDOLVH WKH Č´UVW FRÎ?HH PRUQLQJ was to turn into Doncaster’s oldest charity and UDLVH PLOOLRQV RI SRXQGV DORQJbWKH ZD\ Over the next decade we donated a further SLHFHV RI FDQFHU Č´JKWLQJ HTXLSPHQW WR ORFDO KRVSLWDOV b ΖQ ZH VHW RXW WR UDLVH e PLOOLRQ IRU D KRVSLFH WR WUHDW WHUPLQDOO\ LOO FDQFHU SDWLHQWV bb%\ b6W -RKQȇV +RVSLFH ZDVbFRPSOHWHG DVb3KDVH followed later by Phase 2 and land acquired for a SRVVLEOH 3KDVH DOObDW D WRWDO FRVW RI e PLOOLRQ b ΖQ 2014 a further ÂŁ500,000 was donated to upgrade all 10 inpatient bedrooms to suites with family support area. In 2008 we launched the Scanner Appeal with a target of ÂŁ600,000 to purchase a state-of-the-art CT scanner to enable chemotherapy patients to be WUHDWHG LQ 'RQFDVWHU ZKLFK ZDV DFKLHYHG LQ b No identifying plaques have ever been placed on any equipment donated by DCDT as we believe all donations have been made by local people and businesses. Last year we launched our ÂŁ1 million appeal to bring radiotherapy facilities to Doncaster to save SDWLHQWV WUDYHOOLQJ WR 6KHÉ?HOG IRU WUHDWPHQW b 6R far we have raised ÂŁ136,000. We will be bringing you regular updates such as the sale of scarves (as a result of our recent successful ČŠ0LOH RI 6FDUYHVČ‹ DSSHDO bZKLFK KDV UDLVHG e VR IDU bb ΖI \RX KDYH DQ\ IXQGUDLVLQJ LGHDV RU ZRXOG like to arrange a collection, event or simply make a GRQDWLRQ SOHDVH JHW LQ WRXFK ZLWK XV bb 2XU DGGUHVV LV bb&XVVLQV +RXVH :RRG 6WUHHW 'RQFDVWHU '1 /: b 7HO RU b 2XU website is: dcdt.co.uk and Email: info@dcdt.co.uk. 18 HARWORTH TODAY

telephone message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Yoga over 45 YOGA OVER 45 classes run near you at Cantley and Tickhill. Regular evening and daytime classes are available. Also - a new 6 week programme starts in -XO\ GHVLJQHG VSHFLČ´FDOO\ WR UHGXFH DQ[LHW\ tension; ease pain and aid sleep. For more information contact Shona on 07904 262877 or e-mail shona@yogaover45.co.uk T

Tickhill ŽŜÇ€ÄžĆŒĆ?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ Ä‚Ä¨Ä Ĺ˝ĹľÄž ĂŜĚ ĹŠĹ˝Ĺ?Ĺś ĆľĆ? Ä‚Ćš ŽƾĆŒ DÄžžŽĆŒÇ‡ Ä‚Ä¨Ä Í˜

Where: Tickhill Methodist Church Hall Northgate, Tickhill, DN11 9HZ Time:

Held monthly on a Tuesday Ä‚ĹŒÄžĆŒŜŽŽŜ ĨĆŒŽž Ď­Í˜ĎŻĎŹ – ĎŻÍ˜ĎŻĎŹĆ‰Ĺľ

tŚĞŜ͗ Ď­Ďľ :ƾůLJ͕ ϭϲ ĆľĹ?ĆľĆ?ƚ͕ Ď­ĎŻ ^ĞƉƚĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒÍ• 20 Ď­Ď´ KÄ?ƚŽÄ?ÄžĆŒÍ• Ď­Ďą EŽǀĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒÍ• Ď­ĎŻ ÄžÄ?ĞžÄ?ÄžĆŒÍ˜


TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

ROSSINGTON FESTIVAL 5-11pm on Friday 15 July Live Bands and Bar 11am - 5pm on Saturday 16 July FAMILY FUN 5-11pm on Sunday 17 July Live Bands and Bar ONLY £2 ENTRY FOR THE ENTIRE EVENT

Fairground Rides and Inflatables FREE ALL WEEKEND Food/Drink/Cra Stalls, Sports Compe ons, Exo c Animals and SO much more For more informa on ring 01302 864731 or search on our facebook page Rossington Parish Council 2016 for regular updates

Blacksmiths Arms Main Street, Harworth Under New Management

Fresh Home cooked food, all locally sourced Served Wed–Sat: 12pm-8pm and Sunday: 12-7pm Every Wednesday OAP Special Meal £3.50 On Thursday’s Children eat for £2.50 On Friday's 2 mains for £10 All enquiries and bookings 07591 978716 Like us on facebook to be kept up to date with all events and offers Facebook.com/theblacksmithsarmskitchenandcatering DELIVERED FREE TO OVER 3600 HOMES | WWW.TODAYPUBLICATIONS.CO.UK



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Tenants & Residents Association Visit the RY PANT wn Hall at the To

OPEN BETWEEN 9:30 0 ďšş11:45 11 NOON Bro Bro owse wse e aarroun ou o u d

Every Thursday

our ou our ur bo boo oksstal oks ok tal a l,l, Mee Me M eet your our u fr frien ien ndss for fo a cha chatt or rea ea ad the ne new e spa spaper pers Manned byy the the Harworth/Bircotes H Tenant Tena nt & Residents Assoc. nts

Pot of Tea ............................50p Mug of Tea........................ 50p Mug of Coffee...................60p Cup of Coffee ....................60p Toasted Teacake ..............50p Buttered Scone ................60p Jam ...........................................5p

Be Suure off a Waarm Welcome!e

Th T he me he eet etiin ng of ng of th he e Te en na an nts ts and d Res e id de en ntss Group ro oup up was as hel eld d on Tu T ues esda sd da ay 7 Ju Ju e 201 June 16 a att the he Dev evon o sh hirre Ro R a ad d Community Centre. It wa It ass wel ell a attte tend end de ed d the here re wer ere re on o e or two new members. Ther Th ere e was a di d sc scus usssion regarding the Bassetlaw District Council’s c lllecction of bulky items. One member had a 3 piece suite, chair and co computer table to dispose of after discovering that none of the charities was interested in taking it away. The charge by BDC is ÂŁ11.50 per item, making this a very expensive collection service, and members felt it would only lead to more dumping of such items. Also residents are supposed to ensure that the items for collection are left out in front of the property, and it could take up to ten days for collection, during which timed it is open to the elements and to vandalism. Members asked how pensioners who are not in the best of health can be expected to get these h iitems out to the h front f off their h i b bungalows. bungalows l S Secretary will write to Bassetlaw District Council highlighting these issues. Members were told of roadworks on Bawtry Road, starting from Monday 20 June until Friday 15 July 2016. This would mean 2-way WHPSRUDU\ WUDÉ?F VLJQDOV DQG LV WR DOORZ ZRUN WR LQVWDOO QHZ JDV DQG electricity connections. On a similar note a member complained about the poor state of Scrooby Road and Bawtry Road, but it was pointed out that until the building of houses on these roads is complete it is unlikely to be done, as damage could be caused due to use of heavy goods vehicles delivering to site. Also this comes under County Council Highways Department. Concern was also expressed DERXW WKH VWDWH RI WKH ČľDWV RQ %HYHUOH\ 5RDG 7RZQ &RXQFLO KDYH been informed and are currently trying to contact the owner. Plans for the Town Council’s Tea Party for the Queens Birthday, were discussed. Forty guests are expected to attend, and two of these guests are over 100 years of age. The others are aged 90 this year or over. Schoolchildren from All Saints Church will be in attendance to sing for the guests. The River Cruise from Nottingham had been a great success and was enjoyed by all, so it was hoped to do another one, and discussions took place about York, Leeds and Sprotborough. A decision will be made at the next meeting. Money is now being collected for the trip to Whitby on 27 July (ÂŁ10 per person). The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 5 July, at the Devonshire Road Community Centre. New members are always welcome. 5HIUHVKPHQWV DUH VHUYHG DQG D UDÉžH XVXDOO\ WDNHV SODFH T


TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696


OLDCOTES VILLAGE HALL Our long-awaited, much talked-about new lighting has arrived! Newly installed, it promises to add more atmosphere to Oldcotes Village Hall functions. Previously the lighting was rather ‘functional’ and perfectly ‘adequate’, but certainly lacking slightly in the atmospheric department.

Mike and Hilary y at Poplars p Farm, Styrrup Open Studios /

Open Garden and Open Dovecot would like to thank everyone who came along 6R RXU VWDJH DQG GDQFH ȾRRU DUH VDQGHG and varnished, the stage walls are decorated and the WRbWKH HYHQW RQ WKH EDQN lighting is complete! All adding to the suitability of holiday weekend and 11/12 June. We met some lovely Oldcotes Village Hall for your function/occasion. people and enjoyed it all. To book the hall ring John on 01909 731020, or Margaret Smith on 01909 540761. Our We had 200 visitors and made rates are very competitive, and the hire £600 for charity. We were price includes the use of the facilities raising money for Tickhill and equipment in both kitchens. Scouts and Guides, Bluebell Wood Hospice, NADFAS young arts project at Ranby Primary Regular bookings are as follows: School and Smile-Train. Enormous thanks also Monday go to Karen Booker who baked for us and to 7 – 8 a.m. High Intensity Interval Training (Ring George, Ruby and Max for their support. T Brett on 07703 844033) 10 a.m. – 12noon Mother and Toddlers Evenings (various times) Private lessons in Latin and Ballroom (Ring Margaret on 07800 524134

Tuesday 10 a.m. – 12 noon Table Tennis (Ring David or Maureen on 01909 540056 Evenings (various times) Beginners Latin and Ballroom (Ring Margaret on 07800 524134)

Wednesday 7.30 p.m. Sequence Dancing

Thursday 2 – 4 p.m. Carpet Bowls (Ring Stuart on 01909 733492) 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Line Dancing (Ring Dave on 07808 931534)

Friday 7 a.m. – 8 a.m. High Intensity Interval Training (Ring Brett on 07703 844033)

6DWXUGD\ Č‚ Č´UVW RI WKH PRQWK 7.30 p.m. Line Dance Social Evening (Ring Dave on 07808 931534)

Janice Birkinshaw T

Open Garden .....as seen in 2015 on Gardeners World. on Saturday 30th July 2016 to raise funds for St Marys Church Tickhill and Isabella Reynolds Fund. Location: 132 Doncaster Road Tickhill DN11 9JE Tel: 01302 743733 Time- 11:00am - 6:00pm Tickets- ÂŁ3:75 each including refreshments. 3DUNLQJ DW (DVWČ´HOG )DUP RSSRVLWH WKH JDUGHQ All are welcome to one of the highlights of the Tickhill Summer calendar. Looking forward to seeing you all! T




Bircotes Library News Summer Reading Challenge 2016 This summer’s challenge is The Big Friendly Read and will launch on Saturday 16th July, running XQWLO 6XQGD\ WK 6HSWHPEHU b 7KH 5HDGLQJ Agency is working with the Roald Dahl Estate to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Roald 'DKOȇV ELUWK b &KLOGUHQ ZLOO DJDLQ EH FKDOOHQJHG WR UHDG ERRNV RYHU WKH VXPPHU b b7KHUH ZLOO EH PDLQ FUDIW VHVVLRQV RYHU -XO\ DQG $XJXVW b 'RQȇW forget to participate in our treasure hunt and to join the challenge to enter our big prize draw!

.Ζ'6 )81 =21( Come along every Saturday 10.00-12.00 DQG MRLQ LQ WKH IXQ ZLWK DUWV FUDIWV b 7DNH our local challenge of Reading 3 books a week to enter our prize draw at the HQG RI HYHU\ PRQWK b *RRG /XFN

ANCESTRY Come along to our ancestry group DQG ZH ZLOO VKRZ \RX KRZ WR ȴQG RXW DERXW \RXU IDPLO\ KLVWRU\ b 1H[W meeting ‌‌Monday 4th July @ 2pm

Harworth & Bircotes Registered Charity Number 505696 $JH &RQFHUQ &RÎ?HH 6KRS DQG Signposting Service at the Community Centre Devonshire Road, Harworth Monday, Thursday and Friday 8:45am to 12:15pm 0XJ RI 7HD RU &RÎ?HH S HDFK All the work of Age Concern Harworth and Bircotes undertaken by unpaid volunteers. Our volunteers are not able to provide any personal care or administer medication. To ensure the safety of our clients and YROXQWHHUV DOO FOLHQWV DWWHQGLQJ WKH &RÎ?HH 6KRS PXVW EH VXÉ?FLHQWO\ LQGHSHQGHQW WR WDNH FDUH RI their own mobility and personal care whilst at WKH &RÎ?HH 6KRS Hilary Jones, Secretary 07790 230673 T

)5((b Č? H PDJD]LQHV DOO \RXU IDYRXULWHV HELLO, ELLE, BBC GOOD FOOD, HOUSE BEAUTIFUL, TOP GEAR AND 100’s MORE ! Call in for details and start saving money today!

TRY I.T Want to learn how to set up an e-mail, search the internet for information, book \RXU ȾLJKWV RU MRE Ȃ VHDUFK"b %RRN D 75< Ζ7 session and we will show how to do it.

NOT A MEMBER YET? call in with proof of your address and we will join you up, it’s free!! Inspire: culture, learning and libraries braries T


TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

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We have moved into our new purpose built academy where all pupils from Nursery through to Post-16 are in one building for the first me. Staff, pupils, parents and visitors have expressed their delight at the academy’s space and brightness together with the fantas c, well equipped classrooms.

Other outstanding features include state of the art ICT facili es in the classrooms and in dedicated ICT suites. There are also amazing specialist facili es for Science, Sport and Technology. Pupils and staff have se led in and the new procedures and rou nes established are working well.

If you are interested in registering a pupil here at Serlby Park Academy, please contact us on 01302 742535, email office@serlbyparkacademy.org.uk or view our website www.serlbyparkacademy.org.uk. We will then be able to arrange an appointment for you to visit us. DELIVERED FREE TO OVER 3600 HOMES | WWW.TODAYPUBLICATIONS.CO.UK


Garden View

Orna Or Orna name name ment ent ntss po ola l ri rise se gar arde dene de ners. rss Th They’r ey ’rre ey a lo lov ve ‘em or ha ve h te e ‘em em su ub bjec ject je c t. Ζ IH HOOO Č´UP UPO\ O\ LQW QWR R WK R KH H KD KDWH H ȆHP P FDW DWHJ HJRU HJ RU \ RU \ Ζ thou th ou ugh ht th they ey had ad a pla ace ce in bi big g co coun untr un try tr y gard ga rd den ens ns bu butt lo look ok ke ed d sliightl ghttlly ta gh tack c y in ck su ubu urb bia. ia Th his anti nttip ipat athy hy may hy ay date atte ba back back k to my childhood and Mrs. Frost, our elderly QHLJKERXU ZKR KDG D IURQW JDUGHQ VWXÎ?HG to the brim with gnomes, windmills and concrete toadstools. If our ball ever strayed y into this shrine to kitsch she’d burst from her house with a banshee-like scream, brandishing a broom at us. Somewhere along the way though I’ve mellowed. As I’ve studied show gardens and magazines I’ve realised that ornaments KDYH D GHČ´QLWH SODFH LQ D JDUGHQ DV ORQJ DV two important considerations are met: Context The ornaments complement the style of the garden. Classical statuary doesn’t work in contemporary spaces, while traditional gardens might need to avoid id stainless t i l steel t l or modern, d abstract b t t sculptures. Size Ornaments should be an appropriate size for the setting. Rules are there to be broken of course and whatever your garden type or size the ornament you choose should be special to you. My father had a grumpy gargoyle-like creature, set among ferns at the bottom of his patch. It made everyone who saw it smile in recognition of my dad’s own avuncular manner. A girly friend of mine 26 HARWORTH TODAY

By Rachel Leverton

ha h as a se as seri ries ies es of ssm mal all brronze on nze e fae aeri ries e set es et a ou ar ound nd her nd er tiny in ny pl plot plot ot,, wh whic i h ar ic are pe perf r fec ec tl tly y in n tun tu ne wit ne ith her ith h er p pe ers rson onal alit litt y y.. I fa favo vour vo ur natur aturral a mat aterria als myssel elff bu butt se eve vera era r l ye year arss ago ag go I pu purc rch hased ha hase sed be se beau auti au tifu ti ful an fu and d rath ra ther elega ther gant nt her e on cre eated atted fro rom m re ecy c cl cled d PHWDO Ζ DGRUH LW EHFDXVH LW UHȾHFWV ERWK P\ love of birds and my passion for recycling. It stands near a boulder fountain and I occasionally y brandish a broomstick at my y sons when their football strays too near...

Ornaments for all...and not a gnome in sight 7R VHW RÎ? RUQDPHQWDO JUDVVHV WU\ FHUDPLF balls in vivid blues and greens set among cobbles. For minimalist contemporary plots, mirrored columns and pyramids look striking. Classical statuary and urns look best in more formal, traditional settings. They are best made from marble or stone stone. Resin copies can look tacky. Don’t be frightened to show your sense of humour. Quirky can look brilliant in the right setting. Sculptor Dennis Fairweather’s best seller is a stone face and hands which emerge from D WXE RI ZDWHU DV LI WKH Č´JXUH KDG MXVW EHHQ for a dip! Natural materials can be a good starting point for garden ornament novices. Balls and sculptures made from willow are subtle and elegant additions to any garden. TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

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community Community

POLICE REPORT Incidents of note 6. 1st May 2016 to 31st May 2016 Burglary Dwelling


Jim Marti tinn

07777646 764604006

Emaiil james. james. s.m martin@n in@n @ ottingha ham ha mshirre msh mshi re..pnn.p nn. n.polic olic oli ol licce.uk e ukk

PCS PCSO49 O49 49916 4916 1 Car Carll Robi obiinso nsonn 078 0 87 874 874 7 691110 Em l ccarl.rrobin Ema Emai obinson4 son4 on4916@ on4 916@n 916@ 916 16@nott ottingh ot g am mshire.pnn. msh nn.pol olice.uuk ol

TO CONTACT NOT NO OTT T TIN TTIN INGGH GHAMSH GHAM AM MSH SHIR HIR IRE PO POLI LICE CCEE DI DIAAL AL 101 10 01 for Cr for fo Crim imes mes e to top opper pper pp erss 08 0 00 0 555 55 111 1 For a more detailed list of crimes and incidents, members of public can look on www.police.uk website which will enable PHPEHUV RI SXEOLF WR ȴOWHU down to street/area level you want to look at for detailed list of incidents/ crimes in that particular street or area. The easiest way to search is to put in any postcode for Harworth/Bircotes in the main page where it should then come up with a page listed Harworth with a crime map of Harworth & Bircotes, and the number of incidents reported in a month (usually 2 months behind). You can then click on the interactive crime map which you are able to zoom down to street level where incidents that have been reported are plotted on the map. You can then click on the circle of any incident where it will then show you the type of incident, current status of the crime/incident if under LQYHVWLJDWLRQ RU ȴQDOLVHG You can also search back over any month period over the previous 5 years. 30 HARWORTH TODAY


(including attempt)

Burglary Other


(including attempt)

Criminal Damage


(including Dwelling)

Theft Other


(including shop theft and theft in dwelling)

Vehicle Crime


Untaxed Vehicles If you believe a vehicle may have no tax then you can check h yyourself online for free on www.gov.uk where you can put w tthe details of the registration number for the vehicle and the website will tell you if the vehicle is out of tax. There have also been several 7256 WUDɝF 2΍HQFH 5HSRUW

tickets issued to persons LGHQWLȴHG ULGLQJ R΍ URDG ELNHV quad bikes in the area. Over the past 3 months Nottinghamshire Police, have VHL]HG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ R΍ URDG bikes 4 quad bikes being used in the Harworth and Bircotes area, and also nearby villages in the East Bassetlaw area. These vehicles were seized after they ZHUH LGHQWLȴHG LQYROYHG LQ crime, illegal road use, driving on land and involved in poaching. Some of these vehicles were also stolen vehicles recovered which were found stored in nearby woodland areas. See it? Report it? Once again we are urging anyone who has any information as to where the quads are being VWRUHG DQG RU ZKR LV ULGLQJ WKHP to report this either directly to us on the non emergency. 101 telephone number. Or if you prefer to report this anonymously you can ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

gathering evidence in relation to tenancy issues in the area and are working closely with social landlords A1 housing and Notts Community Housing Association along with private landlords to support evictions. Throughout 2015 Nottinghamshire Police have assisted other agencies in several evictions taken place within the Harworth and Bircotes area. I would like this opportunity to remind home owners and tenants that any property LGHQWLȴHG FDXVLQJ LVVXHV RI DQWL social behaviour on a regular basis will have the tenancy looked at with support of landlords, and if the evidence supports seek evictions. 'HFHQW DQG 6DIH +RPHV '$6+ East Midlands is a project funded by the Government RɝFH RI WKH (DVW 0LGODQGV They work with landlords, tenants and local authorities to raise standards in Housing. Further information on DASH, its associates, projects and successes can be found by visiting their website on www. eastmidlandsdash.org.uk or by calling 01332 258418.

Anti Social Behaviour : The Harworth Neighbourhood policing Team are continually TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696


community Community PRIORITY SETTING MEETING April 6th 2016 the three local priorities have EHHQ LGHQWLȴHG IURP IHHGEDFN UHFHLYHG IURP the community by the priority survey forms regarding issues of greatest concern and issues the public wanted the safer Neighborhood 7HDP WR WDFNOH b 7KH WKUHH ORFDO SULRULWLHV KDYH EHHQ LGHQWLȴHG DV 3ULRULW\ $QWL 6RFLDO %HKDYLRXU 3ULRULW\ (QYLURQPHQWDO ΖVVXHV 3ULRULW\ 6SHHGLQJ 5RDG 6DIHW\

The Next Priority Setting Meeting will be held on the 6th July 2016 at 2pm at the +DUZRUWK 7RZQ +DOO b Police Surgery Dates 7KXUVGD\ -XO\ SP WR SP Library, Scrooby Road )ULGD\ -XO\ DP WR DP Harworth Town Hall, Scrooby Road


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Harworth & Bircotes Town Council - JULY 2016 Counci Coun cils ls A Ann nnua uall Ge Gene nera rall Meet Me etin ing g of 2 23r 3rd d Ma May: y: tthe he Chai Ch airm rman an’s ’s R Rep epor ort, t, lloo ooki king ng back ba ck o ove verr th the e la last st y yea earr Our Envi Our Enviro ronm nmen entt is ccha hang ngin ing. g. We h hav ave e new new ho home mess on Scro Sc roob obyy Ro Road ad a and nd B Baw awtr tryy Road Ro ad,, an and d we k kno now w mo more re a are re to ccom ome e in tthe he ffut utur ure. e. F For or m me e the th e bi bigg gges estt re rewa ward rd iinn-ye year ar h has as been be en tthe he n new ew h hou ousi sing ng o on n Sm Smit ith h Squa Sq uare re/T /Tho homp mpso son n Av Aven enue ue – the th e lo long ng-a -awa wait ited ed d dem emol olit itio ion n of tthe he A Air irey ey H Hou ouse sess and and th thei eirr repl re plac acem emen entt by h hig igh h qu qual alit ityy attr at trac acti tive ve h hom omes es iiss a grea greatt adve ad vert rt ffor or C Cou ounc ncil il p per ersi sist sten ence ce,, and an d fo forr doin doing g so some meth thin ing g fo forr the th e ri righ ghtt reas reason ons. s. We c can an a all ll ssee ee tthe he g gro rowt wth h of o our ur iind ndus ustr tria iall si site tes, s, wh whic ich h is g goo ood d news news ffor or jjob obss an and d th the e loca lo call ec econ onom omy. y. I p per erso sona nall llyy had ha d to rrun un tthe he g gau aunt ntle lett when when spea sp eaki king ng iin n su supp ppor ortt of tthe he plan pl anni ning ng a app ppli lica cati tion on ffor or Harw Ha rwor orth th S Sou outh th B Bus usin ines esss Pa Park rk,, butt it iiss go bu goin ing g to h hap appe pen‌ n‌.. agai ag ain, n, g goo ood d news news ffor or ffut utur ure e loca lo call em empl ploy oyme ment nt.. Howe Howeve ver, r, grow gr owth th d doe oess pu putt pres pressu sure re on e exi xist stin ing g fa faci cili liti ties es a and nd iitt is LPSR LP SRUW UWDQ DQW W WK WKDW DW Z ZH H ȴJ ȴJKW KW W WR R JH JHWW the th e ne nece cess ssar aryy as assi sist stan ance ce iin n orde or derr to a acc ccom ommo moda date te ssuc uch h pres pr essu sure res. s. What h What hav ave e we d don one e as a Coun Co unci cill fo forr the the Co Comm mmun unit ity? y? The Th e sa sale le o off Ce Ceme mete tery ry H Hou ouse se putt Co pu Coun unci cill in a sstr tron onge gerr ȴQDQ ȴQ DQFL FLDO DO S SRV RVLW LWLR LRQ Q WR WR I IXQ XQG G D D numb nu mber er o off bi bigg gger er p pro roje ject cts, s, such su ch a ass re-s re-sur urfa faci cing ng tthe he ccar ar park pa rk.. The The sale sale a als lso o me mean antt smoo sm ooth thly ly u und nder erta taki king ng ssom ome e chan ch ange gess in tthe he O Old ld C Cem emet eter ery, y, whic wh ich h co cont ntin inue uess to g gen ener erat ate e lots lo ts o off co comp mpli lime ment nts. s. We iint ntro rodu duce ced d the N New ew Ceme Ce mete tery ry tto o the the pu publ blic ic a and nd have ha ve rres espo pond nded ed b byy ch chan angi ging ng ZKDW ZK DW Z ZDV DV D D ȴ ȴHO HOG G LQ LQWR WR D D P PRU RUH H 32 HARWORTH TODAY

at trac attr acti tive ve p pla lace ce o off re rest st-- th the e GHČ´Q GH Č´QHG HG F FKL KLOG OGUH UHQȇ QȇV V DU DUHD HD QH QHZ Z hedg he dgin ing, g, e ext xtra ra ccar ar p par arki king ng a and nd land la ndsc scap apin ing g – ne next xt iiss at attr trac acti tive ve plan pl anti ting ng,, and and el elec ectr trif ifyi ying ng tthe he gate ga tes. s. A ma majo jorr proj projec ectt was tthe he succ su cces essf sful ul ccom ompl plet etio ion n and an d bl bles essi sing ng o off th the e Mi Mine ners rs Memo Me mori rial al G Gar arde den‌ n‌hi high ghly ly visi vi sibl ble, e, vver eryy mu much ch a p pub ubli licc even ev entt an and, d, iitt ap appe pear ars, s, m muc uch h appr ap prov oved ed o off by lloc ocal al p peo eopl ple. e. Anot An othe herr pu publ blic ic e eve vent nt in whic wh ich h Co Coun unci cill was was in invo volv lved ed DQG DQ G FR FRQW QWUL ULEX EXWH WHG G WR WR Č´ Č´QD QDQF QFLD LDOO OO\\ wass the wa the To Tour ur d de e Yo York rksh shir ire. e. Gett Ge ttin ing g co comm mmun unit ityy in inte tere rest st wass in wa init itia iall llyy a bi bitt sl slow ow,, bu butt we alll go al gott th ther ere e in tthe he e end nd.. I ha have ve to ttha hank nk ttho hose se ccou ounc ncil illo lors rs,, busi bu sine ness sses es,, comm commun unit ityy gr grou oups ps and an d in indi divi vidu dual alss wh who o se seiz ized ed tthe he chal ch alle leng nge e an and d wi will llin ingl glyy ga gave ve prac pr acti tica call he help lp.. We iint ntro rodu duce ced d the w wee eekl klyy comm co mmun unit ityy bu buss serv servic ice e– this th is iiss no now w oper operat atin ing g th thre ree e days da ys a w wee eek, k, a and nd h hop opef eful ully ly will wi ll e emb mbra race ce n nea earb rbyy ru rura rall comm co mmun unit itie iess fo forr pe peop ople le w who ho want wa nt tto o co come me a and nd ssho hop p in o our ur WRZQ WR ZQ Ζ Ζ GR GRQȇ QȇW W NQ NQRZ RZ L LI I \R \RX X KD KDYH YH noti no tice ced, d, b but ut tthe he T Thu hurs rsda dayy PRUQ PR UQLQ LQJ J FR FRÎ?H Î?HH H VK VKRS RS K KDV DV blos bl osso some med d – fo forr me me,, th thes ese e ki kind nd of a act ctiv ivit itie iess ar are e ke keyy to w wha hatt a Coun Co unci cill sh shou ould ld b be e ab abou outt – the the comm co mmun unit ity. y. At llas astt w we e ha have ve tthe he llon onggprom pr omis ised ed C C.C .C.T .T.V .V.. an and d we a are re almo al most st h hom ome e wi with th tthe he lleg egal al tran tr ansf sfer er o off th the e la land nd o on n wh whic ich h

stand stan d the the tw two o bu bund nds; s; tthe heir ir remo re mova vall wi will ll e ena nabl ble e the the de desi sign gn forr a to fo town wn ccen entr tre e fo foca call po poin int. t. We h hav ave ean num umbe berr of n new ew face fa cess on C Cou ounc ncil il,, an and d we a als lso o intr in trod oduc uced ed K Kar aren en T Tar arbu burt rton on,, Comm Co mmun unit ityy De Deve velo lopm pmen entt and and Fund Fu ndin ing g Ma Mana nage ger, r, tto o Ha Harw rwor orth th and an d Bi Birc rcot otes es;; he herr skil skills ls a and nd know kn owle ledg dge e wi will ll ccer erta tain inly ly b be e need ne eded ed iin n the the co comi ming ng yyea ears rs.. Kare Ka ren n ha hass he help lped ed w wit ith h the the &RXQ &R XQFL FLOȇOȇV V RZ RZQ Q FR FRPP PPXQ XQLW LW\\ webs we bsit ite; e; h hop opef eful ully ly tthi hiss will will impr im prov ove e co comm mmun unic icat atio ions ns with wi th lloc ocal al rres esid iden ents ts.. Ka Kare ren n hass also ha also d dev evis ised ed a ttem empl plat ate e forr Coun fo Counci cill llor orss to u use se w whe hen n plan pl anni ning ng e eve vent ntss an and d pr proj ojec ects ts;; this th is w wil illl he help lp u uss ta take ke a prof pr ofes essi sion onal al a app ppro roac ach h an and d ye yett keep ke ep w wit ithi hin n an a agr gree eed d bu budg dget et.. So w wha hatt of tthe he ffut utur ure? e? Proj Pr ojec ects ts ccan an b be e bo both th ssma mall ll and an d la larg rge, e, a and nd ssom ome e ta take ke mont mo nths hs a and nd ssom omet etim imes es yyea ears rs of p pla lann nnin ing g an and d ne nego goti tiat atio ion; n; the th e to town wn ccen entr tre e fo foca call po poin intt will wi ll n no o do doub ubtt pr pres esen entt a few fe w ch chal alle leng nges es.. Behi Behind nd tthe he scen sc enes es,, wo work rk iiss on ongo goin ing g forr ot fo othe hers rs;; we m may ay ssee ee tthe he appe ap pear aran ance ce o off a seco second nd ccar ar park pa rk,, impr improv ovem emen ents ts tto o Sn Snip ipe e Park Pa rk p pla layy ar area ea a and nd tthe he ttra rans nsfe ferr from fr om B B.D .D.C .C.. of S Sni nipe pe P Par ark k Wood Wo od.. I expe expect ct tthe here re w wil illl be asso as soci ciat ated ed ccos osts ts ffor or tthe hese se,, and an d I al also so e exp xpec ectt th that at w whe here re we ccan an a app pply ly ffor or g gra rant nts, s, ssom ome e matc ma tch h fu fund ndin ing g will wi ll b be e re requ quir ired ed

Useful NUMBERS: „ Notts County Council „ Bassetlaw District Council „ A1 Housing -

08449 808080 01909 533533 0800 590542

TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

community Community from this Council. Currently we have a healthy bank account and the H[FHOOHQW ȴQDQFLDO PDQDJHPHQW E\ our Town Clerk keeps a tight rein on expenditure. I am expecting further planning applications for new houses and I know B.D.C. will continue to consult with this Council. Our town now has a reputation across Bassetlaw for being forward-thinking and capable of seeing the bigger picture; I can tell you our success and interest from developers has caused some envy elsewhere. However, this reputation brings with it a responsibility to ensure we deliver the right pieces of the jigsaw that will become the Harworth and Bircotes of the future, so the adoption of our Neighbourhood Plan was a major achievement. In conclusion: we have had a somewhat hectic though successful year, and I anticipate this pace of activity will continue. Our immediate attention will focus on projects and events; the bigger picture will see more development, more change, more challenges. The demolition of the winding tower ZDV Ζ EHOLHYH WKH PRVW VLJQLȴFDQW signal to everyone in our community of future change and fresh challenges.

June Evans

Chair H&B Town Council

LIST OF TOWN COUNCILLORS CLLR MRS JUN U E EVAN ANS S•C CH HAI A RM R AN A 49 – 51 Ba B wttryy Roaad Ha Harw rw worrth DN1 11 8P 8PA A 743239 • 07437 546 4634 340 0 CLLR MRS ANITA A SMI M TH VI V CE CHA HAIR IIR R 17 Styrrup Road Harw rwor orth th DN1 N11 1 8LLL • 74 7436 3682 82 2 CLLR STEVE BARNS 61 Sandrockk Road, Ha Harw wor orth th,, DN DN11 11 1 8P PJJ • 013 1302 02 2 750 5025 256 6 CLLR BRIAN LETHE ERLAN AND D 7 Common Lane Harworrth DN11 8LLW • 74 7 43 4 45 5 CLLR BOB TURNER 35 Beech Road Haarworth t DN11 8JD D • 74 7468 6 30 68 C LR MRS CLLR CL RS JAN A ET FLY LYNN N 14 Festiivaal Avve Ha Harw rwor o th DN1 or N 1 8H 8HFF • 75 7516 1628 16 28 CLLR MRS SHE HEEN NA DE DEAN AN 32 Alexandra Road Harworth DN11 8E EZ • 74 7433 7 3381 3 33 8 81 CLLR MRS GILLIAN WRA RATT TTEN EN 31 Scrooby Road Harw 3 r orrth h DN1 N11 8JJW • 74 7424 2463 24 6 63 CLLR CL LR MRS MANDY MOR RGA GANK NKIN NGSTO TO ON 5 Co C mm m on Lane Harworth DN1 N 1 8LW W • 74 7450 50 5000 000 0 C LR STEVE ASHWORTH CL 13 MOOR TOP ROAD HARWORTH DN11 8PR • 745 1 4 406 CLLR MRS ROZZ JONES CL 2 STYRRUP ROAD HARWORTH DN11 8LL • 7444 21 4 26 CL R JOH CLLR O N DURDY CORN CO RNER FARM, HARWORTH DN11 8PP • 07733107097 CLLR CL LR HARRY Y WILKINS SON 12 WIN INDS SOR O COU O RT, BIRCOTES DN1 N 1 8R 8 F • 745888

To Make Us Remember Available from 11th July for 1 week only: many people have contacted Harworth Estates about acquiring a piece of the demolished tower. Town Council has agreed to hold some of those pieces for people to collect from the Town Hall; this will be for 1 week only, starting Monday 11th July. What does this tell you about the people of Harworth and Bircotes? It says they are proud of their industrial heritage and the blood, sweat and tears that held this community together through good times and bad – a heritage we should never forget.

CLLR CL LR STE T PH ROB BIN I SON 67 NOR ORFO FOLK LK DRI RIVE BIR RCO COTE TES S DN N11 1 8AU • 0782 07 8256 5610 1032 328 8 Emergency Numbers for Nott No ttss Co Coun unty ty Cou ounc ncil i Bass Ba sset etla law w Di Dist stri rict ct Cou ounc n il nc A1 Hou ousi sing ng

084498 0844 9808 98 0808 080 0 0190 01 909 9 53 5335 3 33 35 0800 08 00 590 9054 542 2

You can contact the council by: Writ Wr itin ing g to t : Ha Harw rw wor orth t & Bir th irco co ote tess To Town w Cou wn unc ncil il,, In il Info form fo r at rm atio io on Cent Ce ntre re, e, Bi B rc rcot otes es DN1 N 1 8X 8XH H Emai Em ail:l: eoh ohar o arwo ar wort wo ort rtht htow ownc ncou nc ounc o ou ncil nc il@h il l@h @hot otma mail ma ail i .co. il.c .co. o.uk uk Exec Ex ecut utiv ive e Offi Office cer: r: Wen endy dy Dav a ie iess 75 590 9037 37 Depu De puty ty Cle lerk rk:: He Hele len n Ro Rodg dger er 759 5903 03 37




Dear Residents of Styrrup and Oldcotes. I feel that I have to apologise to residents, especially those who wished or tried to contact me over the past few months (since January) and had no response. I hope that, if you e-mailed me, you contacted Member Services at Bassetlaw Council as suggested in my Ȇ2XW RI 2É?FHȇ PHVVDJH" Ζ ZDV LPRELOH IRU D ZKLOH GXH WR Č´UVW having a cataract removed and also waiting for a total hip replacement. Eventually had hip replaced mid May. I’m glad to say that I am making, I think, good progress albeit that I will not be able to drive for 6 weeks from the date of the operation. As pain etc. is decreasing this doesn’t mean that I will not be able to pick up my duties before that date and deal via e-mail and telephone. I have to say, though, that I have tried to keep on top of all BDC and Ward matters and have forwarded a number of concerns from residents, who did manage to reach me, to BDC (and Parish Council) to address and follow up. There are one or two big and ongoing issues concerning both villages and I am very aware of that. I haven’t ignored or given up on them because I have come too far in attempting to resolve them. I will not be able to attend the next Parish Council but I am determined to resume at the next. Looking forward to being back amongst you very soon. Have a good and restful summer. Regards


Cllr. Barry Bowles, Blyth Ward, Bassetlaw District Council 34 HARWORTH TODAY

Dear readers, I am sure many of you are aware our Vicar the Rev’d Leah Vasey-Saunders has now left our parish to take up a new position as Canon Precentor at :DNHČ´HOG &DWKHGUDO /HDKȇV ODVW Sunday Service at All Saints was on the 22nd May, 2016. During the interregnum (vacancy period) all services will be covered by visiting clergy, Worship at All Saint’s Church will continue as usual and until such time as we have a new Vicar any queries regarding church matters i.e. weddings, baptisms please contact the Church Wardens: Les Batty (074544 530117) or Ann Wilson (07917 875195) who will be pleased to help you. Weekly services at All Saints Parish Communion every Sunday at 10am First Sunday of the month is our Family Service at 10am. A quiet service of Holy Communion Thursdays at 10am Sunday 3rd July at 4.30pm we will be holding a PHPRULDO VHUYLFH RÉ?FLDWHG E\ 5HYȇG ΖUHQH 7LVVLQJWRQ The service is a short service with hymns and includes an opportunity to light candles in memory of loved ones. There will also be quiet times and the reading of names of those for whom we have conducted funerals in the last 4 months or so. 7KH VHUYLFH ZLOO EH IROORZHG E\ WHD RU FRÎ?HH Weddings: If you have weddings booked, please do not worry as these will continue as arranged and nearer the date we will let you know who the vicar is undertaking the ceremony, they then will get in touch with you to make any arrangements and book a rehearsal date etc. Baptisms : If you would like to have your child or children baptized please come to church any Sunday morning to collect a baptism pack, once completed you will need to attend a Baptism preparation ZKLFK LV KHOG DW SP HYHU\ Č´UVW 6XQGD\ *LOOLDQ Wratten will then take you through the process. All are always welcome in Church. For information about other services, please do get in touch. You can also get in touch on All Saints Church Facebook page or email: Wilson.da@hotmail.co.uk All good wishes

Ann and Les

Church Wardens TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696

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community Useful Numbers SERVICES Police Station (non urgent). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Electricity - Emergency. . . . .0800 056 8090 Gas - Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 111 999 Severn Trent - Emergency. .0800 783 4444 BT Faultline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0800 800 151 Floodline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 9881188

BASSETLAW DISTRICT COUNCIL - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01909 533 533 - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01777 706741

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01909 533533 - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01777 702681

SOCIAL SERVICES - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01909 533533 - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01777 716161 Sure Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07971 307334 Tenants & Residents Assoc . .01302 746439 Town Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01302 759037 Youth & Community Centre 01302 743914 BCVS - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01777 869718 BCVS - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01909 476118

Benefits Help line . . . . . . . . . . . 0844 415 3905 A1 Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01909 534484 Carer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01777 713800 Crimestoppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 555 111 Crime Reduction Unit . . . . . . .01302 385462 Childline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 11 11 Citizens Advice - Worksop . .01909 476049 Community Develpment Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 743796 Drug & Addiction Advice . 08450 03 89 08 Job Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 367138 Bircotes Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01302 742384 Age Concern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07790 230673 NSPCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0115 960 5481 Samaritans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 90 90 90 Relate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08456 441027 RSPCA National Cruelty Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0300 1234999 Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0114 2701984 Alzheimer’s Society Doncaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01302 325628 Victim Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 365531

TRAVEL National Rail Enquiries . . . . . . 08457 484950 Bus Enquires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01709 515151 Stagecoach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 6050 605

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Traveline - info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0870 6082608 Chris’s Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07764 141228

HEALTH Doctors - Colliery surgery . . . 01302 741860 Doctors - Oakleaf Surgery . . . 01302 741820 Drs - Riverside Harworth . . . . 01302 741840 NHS Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0845 46 47 Hospital - Bassetlaw . . . . . . . . 01909 500990 Hospital - Doncaster. . . . . . . . .01302 366666

SCHOOLS & NURSERIES ETC Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . .01909 473561 Bircotes Pre-School . . . . . . . . . .01302 759222 Elizabethan Academy . . . . . . 01777 713700 Harworth CofE Primary Sch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 742477 North Notts College . . . . . . . . 01909 504504 Serlby Park School . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 742535 St Patricks RC Primary Sch . . . 01302 743145 Harworth & Bircotes Children’s Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01302 759062

GROUPS & SOCIETIES Rotary Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 535165 Royal British Legion. . . . . . . . . .01302 744345 Smiley Milers (Wed mornings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 711100 Tickhill & Dist. Lions Club . . . 0844 9632462

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community Index Accountancy & Business Services Bawtry Accountants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Aerial’s Aerial & Satellite Specialist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Buttercross Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Local Aerials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tony Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Alarms Buttercross Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Appliances John the Washerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Beds & Bedroom Furniture Goodnight Sleeptight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Care Services Rose Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Carpets All Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Car Sales & Services The Motor Co Bawtry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Caravan Storage Local Caravan Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Chiropodist & Foot Care Feet First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Country Store Torne Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 DIY Castlegate DIY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Electrical Buttercross Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 DM Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Estate Agents & Lettings Ewe Move Doncaster South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Johnsons Estate Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Food & Drink Gifts & Grub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Funeral Directors Deys Family Funeral Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 WE Pinder & Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Garden Services & Paving Blue Butterfly Garden Maintenance & Design . 27 Concrete Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Country Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 GreenThumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 W Marsden & Sons Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Health Riverside Health Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Home Improvements & Building Doncaster Building Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 External Cleaning Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 VSF Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hypnotherapy Sean Fennelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Locksmith Doncaster Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Metro Locksmith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Opticians Woolcott Opticians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Pest Control Keith Stubbs Pest Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Pet Supplies & Services Castlegate DIY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Plasterer G Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Plumbing & Gas Services AC Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 A* Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

31 36 Heating Yorkshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Sanderson Plumbing Heating & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . 28 D P Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green Footprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Restaurants, Public House & Venues Blacksmiths Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Rossington Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Roofing Torchmaster Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Schools, Colleges & Academies Serlby Park Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Skip Hire Retford Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Soft Furnishings & Blinds C&S Designs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 House of Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Solicitors & Legal Services Andrew Isaacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Jordans Solicitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Just Wills & Legal Services Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Byrne Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Television Repairs Telefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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