MAY 2016
Live Local, Love Local
Harworth & Bircotes Your community magazine
T: 01302 969696
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50 years of industry knowledge Free home Bathroom surveys 3D CAD Design Installation service available Fully qualified & insured installation teams Bathrooms for all budgets Market leading Brands
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Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm Saturday 9am-4pm Telephone: 01302 741707 Email: Unit 1, Tickhill Enterprise Park, Bawtry Road, Tickhill, DN11 9EX Free parking directly outside
Buying your megarider just got
Weekly megarider tickets are now available on a handy reusable smartcard from your bus driver
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TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Welcome to the
MAY 2016 edition
The Secret of getting ahead is getting started
No Job Too Small Contact Daniel or Gareth on 07515 266963 | 07950 288539
Mark Twain Sometimes we put o things that we want – decluttering our house, searching for a new job, starting our diet and/or exercise program, developing a business idea or beginning our novel. We can’t imagine how we could ever deal with a task so large. We feel overwhelmed. We don’t know how to choose the perfect program for us. So we do nothing. I’ve been there. We all have. But we don’t need to have a perfect plan before we begin. It’s only by starting, by making mistakes and getting feedback, by tweaking and revising, that we discover what works, and we work out how to do it. So perhaps the secret is not to have a perfect plan. The secret is to begin! Choose a ďŹ rst step – and get started. Soon after you receive this magazine the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race will make its way through this area. I am sure that when the cyclists that we see competing in this race ďŹ rst started out they never imagined that they would end up competing at this level – but they made a start anyway and worked towards their goals. The June issues will be delivered to you late May. If you would like to have something included in this, please make sure details are with me by Friday 13th May. Enjoy May and I will be back in a months’ time with your June magazine.
Best wishes,
Paula x t: 01302 969696
Your Community - Your Magazine!
BIRCOTES LIBRARY NEWS 7285 '( <25.6+Î&#x2013;5(b Saturday 30th April We will open all day with a range of childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s DFWLYLWLHV GLVSOD\V DQG HYHQWV b2XWVLGH RQ WKH lawn we will have lots of exhibitors to please all the family. Please do come and join in the fun LW ZLOO EH D ZRQGHUIXO GD\ b7KH UDFHV ZLOO SDVV just outside our doors so you can cheer on the cyclists.
KIDS FUN ZONE Come along every Saturday 10.00-12.00 and MRLQ LQ WKH IXQ ZLWKbDUWV FUDIWV
Try I.T
NOT A MEMBER YET? Call in with proof of your address and we will join \RX XS LWČ&#x2022;V IUHH
Bircotes Library Childrens, Families and Cultural services Nottinghamshire County Council Tel. No. 01302 742384
Harworth Brass Harworth Brass are performing in concert at the Harworth Town Hall at 7pm pm on Saturda ay 21st May.
Want to learn computer basics? If so call in and book a Try I.T session and we will show you how to do things like, use a keyboard, set up an email account, social networking and job search.
Tickets available on the door. 0RUH GHWDLOV RQ RXU :HE bVLWH H b
Come along to our ancestry group and we will VKRZ \RX KRZ WR Č´ QG RXW DERXW \RXU IDPLO\ KLVWRU\ 1H[W PHHWLQJ 0RQGD\b WKb0D\b# 2pm.
FREE...... e magazines- all your favourites +(//2 b(//( %%&b*22' )22' b+286( %($87Î&#x2013;)8/ 723 *($5b$1' Č&#x2022;6 025( b &DOO LQ IRU GHWDLOV DQG VWDUW VDYLQJ PRQH\ WRGD\
Harworth Organ Enthusiasts Harworth Community Hall, Whitehouse Road, Bircotes, DN11 8EF â&#x20AC;˘ Sunday Concerts in 2016 April 24th Martin Atterbury May 22nd David Last June 26th Keith Beckingham All concerts start at 2.30pm
...classes run near you at Cantley and Tickhill. Evening and daytime classes are available including 6 week beginner programmes to get you started. Gentle, but challenging sessions GHVLJQHG WR KHOS \RX KROG EDFN WKH \HDUV )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW 6KRQD RQ RU H PDLO VKRQD#\RJDRYHU FR XN N
Craft & Gift Fair Saturday 7th May Doncaster Deaf Trust Leger Way, Doncaster 10.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3.30pm
Saturday night Dances in 2016 April 23rd (Martin Atterbury) May 21st (Charles Brown)
Craft and Gift Fair in the large Sports Hall, around 60 stalls selling a wide range of products including Jewellery, Boutique Clothing, Photography, Candles, homewares, shabby chic, cards, knitted, handmade crafts and lots more.
)5(( (175< DQG )5(( 216Î&#x2013;7( 3$5.Î&#x2013;1*b
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The Beau Clinic at Eliza's Elegance We offer Dermal Fillers and Anti-Wrinkle Injections Our prices start from: £199 for dermal fillers, £175 for anti-wrinkle injections All our treatments are by a registered and experienced nurse and include a free face-to-face consultation and thorough after care 10% discount with this advert
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Harworth & Bircotes
2008 (B (Bawtry) Squadron n AIMING HIGH
Registered Charity Number $JH &RQFHUQ &RÎ? HH 6KRS DQG Signposting Service at the Community Centre Devonshire Road, Harworth Monday, Thursday and Friday DP WR SP 0XJ RI 7HD RU &RÎ? HH S HDFK
In the life of a cadet there are challenges and opportunities to reach far and beyond your own expectations. Visiting new FRXQWULHV Čľ \LQJ KLJK KLWWLQJ WKH ZDWHU DQG VFDOLQJ KHLJKWV literally.
All the work of Age Concern Harworth and Bircotes undertaken by unpaid volunteers.
Another cadet has been honoured for her achievements by the South Yorkshire RFCA becoming Lord Lieutenants (Air) Cadet, which has been held by Bawtry Squadron for the 3rd year in a row. This honour is awarded in recognition for a cadetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s charity work, community volunteering and also their commitment within their own squadron. She has also been one of our longest serving cadets and received her top reward for all her hard work as she made cadet warrant RÉ? FHU 7KLV VKRZV KHU ORQJ WHUP JRDO EHLQJ IXOČ´ OOHG ZLWK the air cadets and a fantastic culmination of all her training DFWLYLWLHV YROXQWHHULQJ OHDUQLQJ WKH KLVWRU\ RI Čľ LJKW WKURXJK to the creation of the jet engine.
Our volunteers are not able to provide any personal care or administer medication. To ensure the safety of our clients and volunteers, all clients DWWHQGLQJ WKH &RÎ? HH 6KRS PXVW EH VXÉ? FLHQWO\ LQGHSHQGHQW WR take care of their own mobility and personal care whilst at the &RÎ? HH 6KRS
Recently some of our senior cadets have reached new KHLJKWV 2QH RI RXU OXFN\ FDGHWV KDV EHHQ RÎ? HUHG DQ DLU cadets pilot scholarship which includes a residential stay and FRPSOHWLQJ KRXUV RI Čľ \LQJ WUDLQLQJ ZKLFK FDQ OHDG WR KHU receiving her pilotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license.
The Trustees Aims and Objectives
There are many other awards our cadets can and have aimed IRU 7KHUH DUH Č´ UVW DLG TXDOLČ´ FDWLRQV UDGLR FRPPXQLFDWLRQV awards and of course the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme which this year has some of our cadets achieving Gold as well as Silver and Bronze awards.
To enhance the quality of life and promote the well-being of all older people in the Harworth and Bircotes area.
Our cadets have applied themselves, stretched their abilities DQG JDLQHG UHZDUGV IRU WKHLU HÎ? RUWV Î&#x2013;I \RX WKLQN WKLV LV something you could see yourself doing the start your journey with us.
Committed to continuing to provide high quality services, for older people, to make later life a IXOČ´ OOLQJ DQG HQMR\DEOH H[SHULHQFH
:H DUH RÎ? HULQJ \RX WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR GR WKDW ZLWK VRPH UHJXODU RSHQ GD\V WKH Č´ UVW EHLQJ WK $SULO DP Č&#x201A; SP DW the Squadron on Park Road in Bawtry (DN10 6RR). If you have missed that look out for details of more dates in the near future.
Hilary Jones, Secretary
Come down and take a look, see what might spark your imagination and may interest you in a future career.
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Sean Fennelly Hypnotherapy Dyp Hyp ISCH EFT Prac oner & Hypnoslimmer Consultant Hello, my name is Sean Fennelly and I am a clinical Hypnotherapist. All my clients benefit from a free consultation which enables me to tailor treatment for the individual. I offer a very caring confidential service. Whatever the problem or issue is hypnotherapy can help and my goal is to help as many people as I can. I use the latest techniques and technology for the best possible outcome. Hypnotherapy is a wonderful way to treat many issues: x x x x x x x x x x x
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HARWORTH & BIRCOTES Wednesday 5pm & 6.30pm Harworth & Bircotes Town Hall Danielle: 07850 285590 danielleellio
BAWTRY Thursday 3.30pm & 5.30pm The New Hall, Sta on Road Nicky: 07779 274468
Contact me now for your free consulta on on 07891 431338
TICKHILL Thursday 5.30pm & 7.30pm The Parish Room, Northgate Chris ne: 07825 686437 CARLTON-IN-LINDRICK Tuesday 5.45pm & 7.30pm The Parish Centre, Church Lane Caroline: 07860 119208
ROSSINGTON Monday 9.30am Rosary Hall, Skipworth Gardens Jackie: 07834 987753
Arts Review & what’s going on - MAY 2016
Harley Gallery Welbeck k this is a real treat and will be for some time, as the exhibitions will change regularly. The astonishing collection of artworks that the Dukes of Portland put together for their own use is on display in a stupendous new building. It’s a statement building, as all good galleries should be, and as the long and well established gallery at the Harley is also. … but what is inside is quite incredible. My favourite spot was a small circular space filled with miniatures. There are magnifying glasses to hand so you can squint and the fine detail. There is in amongst the display a portrait of Blackadder. The label says it’s Charles II, but it’s not, its Rowan Atkinson. Look out for the benches by Jim Partridge and Liz Walmsley
most enthusiastic and warm response from the audience, it’s such a pleasure to be a part of it. I am sure that it is long sold-out by the time you are reading this….you need to be quick off the mark Museums Sheffield Millennium Gallery until 5 June ‘In the Making’: Ruskin, Creativity and Craftsmanship. and ‘Sheffield Cutlery on the Map’. Until 25 June at the Graves Art Gallery Bridget Riley: ‘A Moment of Change’.
Dukeries Decorative and Fine Art Society y to mark the tercentenary of Lancelot Capability Brown Twigs Way will be lecturing on the great man ‘Landscape, Art and Dame Nature’ . Twigs Way will look at our local Capability Brown interventions as well as those well-known landscapes of Stowe and Hampton Court. At St Anne’s Church Hall, Worksop S80 1NJ non-members most welcome £6 www.
Sheffield Theatres Jason Donavan is taking on the role of ‘Priscilla- Queen of the Desert’ this month. Terence Stamp was wonderful in the film, good luck JD. www.
Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery Wed to Fri 10.00 – 16.30, Sat & Sun 10.30 – 4.15 Exhibition: until 26th June: David Venables: ‘Working Lives’ and until 3rd July: Janet Waring: ‘Regenerative’. For life drawing dates, concerts and arthistory lectures check the website.www.
Tickhill Music Society y Friday 13 May at 8pm the final concert of the season presents the winners of the 2014 St.Martin’s Chamber Music Competition Aurea Quartet. This concert is financially supported by ‘Making Music’ the program includes Haydn, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. In St Mary’s School Hall Tickhill
Village Ventures this month- at local venues - presents: Sat 7 May at N&SWheatley village Hall: ‘Badapple Theatre co’ present ‘The Thankful Village’ Friday 13 may at Gringley on the Hill Village Hall: ‘Sonrisa’ present ‘A Taste of Latin’ I think you will find this is music and not a return to the classrooms of yesteryear, a bit of Rumba, Bossa-Nova and Cuban Rhythms – good foot-tapping stuff. www.
Roots Music Club at the Ukranian Centre, 6th May - Clive Gregson + Lowri Evans (Wales) 13th May - Josienne Clarke & Ben Walker + Rob Tickell & Paul Handyside 27th May - Boo Hewerdine + Edwina Hayes tickets : rootsmusicclubdoncaster Live Music Fans 16 yrs & under FREE with ticketholder
Yorkshire Sculpture Park until 12 June ‘KAWS’ He is a laconic ex-graffiti artist who is making hugely expensive sculpture work .The exhibition, in the expansive Longside Gallery and open air, features over 20 works: commanding sculptures in bronze, fibreglass, aluminium and wood alongside large, bright canvases immaculately rendered in acrylic paint – some created especially for the exhibition. The Park’s historically designed landscape becomes home to a series of monumental and imposing sculptures, including a new six-metre-tall work, which take KAWS’s idiosyncratic form of almost-recognisable characters in the process of growing up.
Roche Abbey Arts Review and Whats-On guide May 2016 - Hilary Cartmel The big one for me this month is Open Studios Nottinghamshire, not least because we are ‘opening up’ and for some weeks beforehand I shall be sweeping the yard and getting prepared. Some of this preparation will involve cake. So do come and visit the Dovecot rehabilitation and drink tea, eat some cake and have a look at artwork. Weather permitting there will be drawing in the garden, so bring your chair and sketchbook and make some art yourselves. There is a sort of North Notts trail during the Whitsun weekend, with events happening throughout Retford as well. We are number 1 on the list (‘’well - of course’’ I hear you say) but this is because we are the furthest North – two fields and its Yorkshire! For dates and addresses of all studios involved:
Art at the Deli: Dave Williams paintings Dave’s paintings are a master of scrunching pattern. 8
Bawtry Theatre 14 -21 May Neville’s Island directed by Sue Stevenson a play which sounds like an adult version of Lord of the Flies, where the action takes place on an Island in Derwent-water. www.
Bassetlaw Museum in Retford until June ‘Once upon a time…The magic of children’s books’ a delightful roomful of treasures. uk/
Cupola Gallery y until 22 May ‘Art is a lie that reveals the truth’ 0114 201 1023 info@ 174 Middlewood Rd, Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1TD www.
The Sheffield City Hall: Ballroom Thursday 26 May plays host to one of my favorite blues musicians: Eric Bibb. He is a superlative performer and creates the
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
The Byrne Practice SOLICITORS
Do you need a Lasting Power of Attorney? Have you considered who would look after you and your affairs if you were unable to deal with matters personally in the future due to ill health, loss of capacity or because of physical impairments? Sadly 1 in 3 over 65’s die with Dementia.
Who would look after your affairs? • Your spouse? Perhaps to some extent but what if they were to pass away before you then who would look after you and your interests? • Your children? Your children may be able to manage for a time but they will undoubtedly eventually come across barriers that they cannot cross without the appropriate legal authority to do so. A Lasting Power of Attorney ensures that a person or persons of your choosing can deal with your affairs. It also means that you can expressly exclude persons who you may consider untrustworthy or who you do not wish to be involved. Lasting Powers must be prepared whilst the person making the Power has the necessary capacity to do so – if you have been diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s or know somebody who has act now. If a person loses capacity and hasn’t prepared Lasting Powers of Attorney the only way a loved one can assist is by making an application to the Court of Protection – the process is intrusive, considerably more expensive and takes a lot longer. Although thinking and talking about what could happen if you lost capacity may be upsetting or far from your mind it is important to be aware of the difficulties your loved ones may face if you don’t act whilst you still can.
To arrange your appointment to discuss any of the above please telephone Katy Delaney at The Byrne Practice Solicitors on 01302 711211 or email
The Byrne Practice SOLICITORS The Byrne Practice Solicitors 10 South Parade, Bawtry, Doncaster, DN10 6JH
Design Notes
Be BOLD! I wr writ ite te on on a bea aut utif utif iful full sunny unny un n Sp prriin ng P UQLQ PR UQ QLQ L J J DQG QG DV V WK KH H FROR FR ROR RXUIX XUU IX I O ČľRZ Čľ RZ RZHU H U V emer em erge er ge in th ge the e ga gard den n I am aw awar are ar e off ho ow th he bare ba are win inte ter la and ndssccap ape e is bei eing g transformed intto a vibrant picturre splashes of colour add warmth an nd personality to th the he picture outside outside. e This inspires some of us to look at our homes and try to add some inspiration WR JLYH D GLÎ? HUHQW DFFHQW WR D URRP 7KH â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;wordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in the magazines is that colour is back in a big way, and with it, pattern. Here are a few tips for tight budgetsâ&#x20AC;Ś 1. Cushions are a winner and unbeatable value. They can immediately provide both colour & pattern as well as impact, which changes the focus of the room and enables \RX WR RÎ? \RX WR RÎ?HU HU DQ XSGDWHG ORRN 7U\ XVLQJ DQ XSGDWHG ORRN 7U\ XVLQJ GLÎ? HUHQW SDWWHUQV DQG VL]HV WR JHW D :2: factor, and avoid being too â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;matchyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;! 2. Flowers placed in water in simple containers always create a splash of colour. Put three or four glass bottles WRJHWKHU DQG WZR RU WKUHH PL[HG Čľ RZHUV in each (or all the same if you prefer) and introduce a good fresh feeling to the room. I recently bought (locally) three small pots of vibrant yellow daisies intended for the garden. They looked so nice in the house that I decided to place them on a round yellow tray in my sitting room. The tray now stands on a grey table VKRZLQJ RÎ? LWV JORULRXV FRORXUV DQG LWV JORU 10 HARWORTH TODAY
pro ovid id din ing a re r al a foc oca al poi oin ntt in th t e rro oom om. Tot otal a cos al ostt wa wass un unde der ÂŁ6 and I de der stil st illl ha il h ve the pleasurre of eventually S DQWL SO DQ QWWLLQJ WKH Čľ RZHUV LQ WKH JDUGHQ 3. Pictures are a mo oveable feast and can n be re-arranged re arranged many many times to FUHDWH GLÎ? HUHQW HÎ? HFWV 7RR RIWHQ Î&#x2013; VHH pictures hung too high on the wall. Aim to be able to see the detail of a picture without having to look up very far and thus you enhance the impact of the picture. Try a new poster type between frameless glass and place in a prominent position where you can see all the detail from some distance. Group pictures together without the worry of matching all the frames and it will produce a more relaxed look as it is a less formal display. Above all, have fun trying out some new ideas. Look at the gardens and see the extraordinary mix of colours, then take inspiration and try copying one or two of natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unbelievable ideas.
TO O ADVERTISE TISE CALL 01302 02 969696 9 6 969 696 69 96 9 6
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Join us for Sunday lunch ȱ ¢ȱ ȱęȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ delight you with our traditional 4 course menu. Rossington Hall Sunday lunches are served every Sunday from 12 noon until 2.30pm and as numbers are ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ǯ
£28.95 per person Children 12 and under are half price and there is no charge for children 2 and under.
Afternoon Teas
ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ěȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Ȭ ǰȱ Ȭ ȱ ǰȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ with a selection of teas and beverages.
£19.95 per person ¢ȱŗŘ ȱȮȱś ǰȱ ¢ȱř ȱȮȱś ȱ ¢ȱřǯřŖ Ȭś Children 12 and under are charged £8.50 and there is no charge for children 2 and under.
Call us soon for more information or to book. Ring 01302 866822 or email
Community Hello from the Sanctuary, where all the plants and flowers are waking and our Sanctuary is starting to look beautiful. The warmer weather and longer days are so welcoming after the dark wintry days. Everyone is so busy at the moment as we go into another phase of kennel upgrade. We have been lucky enough to receive a donation from Adoption for Pets to re-furbish our older kennel blocks. This will be our last phase of upgrade for a while and we are so fortunate that they have given us this donation. So a very big thanks to Adoption for Pets. Whilst we are upgrading these kennels the dogs will be taken to boarding which is within easy reach of our Sanctuary. So please be patient if you have seen a dog on the website and you are unable to locate it in the kennels as it may be in boarding. Please just ask one of our kennel assistants who will be happy to help you. We had a cry for help from a rescue centre in Cyprus this week. They have many black collie/lab type dogs that all have to be euthanased within the next two weeks. Apparently Cyprus Rescues are renowned for not being able to re-home black dogs of this type. There are 20/30 of these dogs that unfortunately they cannot find homes for. So the Rescue has put out a plea for any Sanctuaries that can take any at all that they feel they can re-home. We have said we will take 5 so far and they will be with us in the next few weeks. We maybe would have been able to squeeze a few more in however as we are having to empty some of the kennels for refurbishment this at the moment will not be possible. This was a heart-breaking story however we were pleased to help even in a small way. We like to do what we can to help the community here and also where the need is greatest. The puppies that were brought to us a few weeks ago are doing really well and causing havoc as anyone can expect with puppies. But they still make you smile and we do have some people interested in a couple of them already, which is great news. They will be vaccinated, wormed and will receive a neuter voucher at 6 months. Come and talk to us if you are interested in adopting a puppy. We also have mum of puppies she is ready to be re-homed and will make a beautiful pet.
Mayflower Animal Sanctuary, 12 HARWORTH TODAY
Finding a forever home She needs some love and special attention after having and taking care of her 7 puppies. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to re-home one of our dogs you must have a secure garden with not less than a 5ft fence or wall. If you have hedging there must be no gaps at the bottom that a small dog can squeeze through. You will need a padlock on your gate to ensure no one is able to wonder in and steal your beloved dog (it does happen) Be mindful if you would like a puppy they should not be left alone for hours, we would also not re home a dog that we have very limited history on with children under 5. The dogs that were sent to Boot Camp should come back like shining stars, we hear they are doing really well and will be ready to be re-homed on their return. We are sent videos of them all taking part in agility trials and the difference in behaviour is amazing. If you are thinking of adopting either a cat or a dog please come to see us, we will talk you through the process and help point you in the right direction. Our cat manager Penny knows the personality of all the cats in her care so please if you are considering a cat as a companion come along and speak to her she will be happy to have a chat. We are still desperate for things like washing up liquid, wash powder, hand gel and hand liquid soap also black bin bags. Thank you to the people that called into reception on a Saturday when I was volunteering it was lovely to meet you and the goodies you brought in were perfect. So thank you. Our telephone number if you need any information about our adoption process is 01302 711330. Bye for now and look forward to seeing you soon.
Margaret Godley
Narrow Lane, Bawtry.
Name: Sex: Date into care: Age: Good with dogs: Good with cats: Breed
Bryan Male FEB 2016 18 months Yes ? Lurcher
I am a very lovable dog that loves cuddles and affection. I can be slightly boisterous and does need plenty of exercise. He loves water and playing a lot. He is a very loyal dog and will make a great addition to a family. He will need firm leadership and guidance, without this he may become mischievous. A very handsome dog that needs a busy home to keep his days occupied. I travel well and am very good with older children. *Please ask a member of staff for further information*
Name: Sophie Sex: Female Date into care: JAN 2016 Age on arrival: 6 years Good with dogs: ? Good with cats: ? Lived with children: Yes Sophie was homed from Mayflower as a youngster but unfortunately her owners circumstances have changed and she was left with no choice but to bring Sophie back into our care. It was a sad day when they had to part. Sophie is finding life here a little difficult at the moment. All she needs is time to adjust and then her true personality will come shining through. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a real cuddle-cat under there waiting to come out. A little patience and the wait will be well worth it. All she wants is a home with a family to TO ADVERTISE 01302 969696 love again. Is thatCALL too much to ask for?
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Harworth Colliery Football Club MAY 2016 Update Hello and welcome to our monthly update from Harworth Colliery with the end of March and April as ever being incredibly busy. I will have to start with a big thank you to everyone who attended, donated, and played at the Robert Needham Memorial Concert, all the bands played for free and the turn out and the feedback has been incredible, not to mention the money raised which was a total of £3051.28. The hope was that we could raise enough for the ȴQDO LQVWDOOPHQW RI WKH VWDQG ZKLFK ZDV DURXQG £2800, so massive thank you, we will work hard on getting the hard standing to the Memorial stand now which will mean its more accessible for everyone, so Colin, Mandy and everyone associated with the Wilson Ellis band and all those that played, thank you so much.
a look out for the nex next one. Brett is last years Young player of the year and so are delighted to have helped him getting his instructors course sorted, he also plays for the Under 19’s and they have also had a good month. Firstly though I would like to thank Andrew Fletcher and Crown Conservatories for the sponsorship of the team.
Further Ground Improvements have been done and one that has been long on our list to get put in place and thats the Pitch perimeter fencing, it encloses the ground now which was needed and aesthetically is excellent, thanks to Darfen Fencing for their work and the project was funded 70% by the FSIF Football Stadia Improvement fund which is funded by the Premier League. The remaining 30% has been donated by the Local Council through another application we have been successful with, so as well as it making the ground ORRN PRUH SURIHVVLRQDO DQG ȴW IRU SXUSRVH ZH have paid for it by funding granted to the club.
+HUH LV WKH SLF IURP WKH 6KH 8QLWHG 6HPL )LQDO game, the lads did excellently going down 3-1 but doing all associated with the club proud. Thanks again Fleck and long may your support continue.
Another piece of funding we have been succesful with has been through the Big Lottery Fund. The project was split into two with part being for the building of Disabled/Ladies Toilet on the ground which will be done in the summer and to get Kids/ Parents more active by funding Fitness classes and making them free and accesible to all. These was done over the Easter Break which proved GLɝFXOW LQ LWVHOI ZLWK WKH KROLGD\V DOO EHLQJ VSOLW with the local schools, but we were able to do a full week with Brett Garrett who had his Course funded by the project. He delivered the classes along with Alan Henry, all those that attended I’m sure enjoyed them (albeit tough) and we will ensure that these now continue each school holiday. I’m sure they will grow and grow and keep
Again I appeal to anybody out there who may be interested in getting involved with us on any level, we are on a volunteer drive at present and if the club is to grow, which we want it to do, then we need more people assisting the ones we already have. More roles are being taken by the same people and we would welcome anyone to come in, so email me or get in touch for a chat.
We have also had the Ground graded by the FA recently and due to the work being carried out and investment put in over the recent 3 seasons it has provisionally passed to be able to go up a league if we are lucky enough to do so. This may or may not happen this season and by the time you read this it may still be up in the air, but if we don’t it will not be for the want of trying by all FRQFHUQHG RQ DQG R WKH SLWFK
Not much match info in here I know but so many updates and news to report on it feels that the football is becoming a touch secondary at the minute, nobody gets anywhere without hard work. See more about us on our Website Pitch Hero/ Harworth Colliery, or on Facebook or Twitter @ HCIFC, please get in touch, we are a progressive club that needs your support. TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Contact us discuss your claim call us FREE on 03303001103
Farmers Market & Craft Fairs
@ Doncaster Dome Sunday 15th May & Sunday 3rd July
Over 150 stalls! Food & Drink! Fun Fair Rides!
Entertainment! Gifts & Crafts! Nature Safari!
10am - 4pm
Just bring the mag & show on the door See our website for full details:
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
In the Spotlight
Groom2u â&#x20AC;&#x201C; where Quality is Assured Groom2u has become one of a select number of businesses in the UK to achieve the new Quality Assurance Standard for Groomers. 'HVLJQHG WR KHOS SHW RZQHUV Č´QG D UHSXWDEOH groomer, the Standard was launched by the Pet Industry Federation in 2013, in association with Dogs Trust and PDSA.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We are delighted that Fiona Durdy, has had the courage and enthusiasm to take on the challenge of achieving the Quality Assurance 6WDQGDUG Č&#x2021; VDLG 1LJHO Č&#x2020;2XU LQVSHFWRUV ZHUH impressed with the salon and the services )LRQD RÎ?HUV Î&#x2013; DP VXUH WKLV ZLOO EH RI SDUWLFXODU LQWHUHVW WR SHW RZQHUV LQ WKH 'RQFDVWHU DUHD Č&#x2021;
Quality Assured Groomers have to pass a rigorous inspection and testing process to ensure their knowledge, health and safety procedures, business practices and animal welfare policies are up to scratch.
A thank you message from Fiona So many dog owners in the local area have helped and supported me in a variety of ways; lending me dogs to attend grooming competitions, training days and grooming H[DPV Î&#x2013;W LV \RXU ZRUG RI PRXWK DQG UHSHDW custom that has enabled Groom2U to become WKH VXFFHVV LW LV WRGD\ 7+$1. <28 )25 <285 .Î&#x2013;1'1(66 6833257
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Grooming is unregulated, which means that anyone can set up, no matter what their TXDOLČ´FDWLRQV RU H[SHULHQFH Č&#x2021; VDLG 1LJHO %DNHU &KLHI ([HFXWLYH RI WKH 3HW Î&#x2013;QGXVWU\ )HGHUDWLRQ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sadly, there have been incidents of injuries to animals â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or worse â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in grooming salons. Whilst these incidents are few and far between, the general public may not know where to turn to Č´QG D JURRPHU WKH\ FDQ WUXVW Č&#x2021;
Groom2u, Corner Farm, Main Street, +DUZRUWK '1 /( 7HO (PDLO Č´RQDGXUG\#JRRJOHPDLO FRP P
Our caring and professional team are here to guide and advise you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With over 100 years experience, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re here when it matters most. For more information contact Funeral Arrangers Jeannette Pether and Faye Williams at:
Harworth 99 Scrooby Road, DN11 8JN
01302 750 093 The Co-operative Funeralcare is a trading name of Funeral Services Limited. Funeral Services Limited, registered in England and Wales with number 30808R at registered ofďŹ ce 1 Angel Square, Manchester, M60 0AG. VAT registered 403 3146 04. Part of the Co-operative Group.
Harworth Comrades Club Forthcoming Events for May:
Bawtry New Hall Friday 24th June SP SP SP Č&#x201A; SP
Maltby Leisure Centre Friday 20th May SP SP
Sat 7th May Sat 14th May Sat 21st May 6DW WK 0D\
SKYLINE (M/F Duo) HYSTERIA (Young M/F Harmony Duo) COPY CATS (Multi Tribute M/F Duo) )$5(1+(Î&#x2013;7 8. 7ULR
Monday Nights in The Lounge - Quiz and Bingo.
No clinics appear to be planned for Rossington, Bircotes or Doncaster Keepmoat in May or June.
&RQFHUW 5RRP $YDLODEOHbIRU +LUH )ULGD\ day/night. Please contact club for GHWDLOV RQ RU
For more details visit - https://
43 Scrooby Road, Harworth, Doncaster, DN11 8JW
OLDCOTES VILLAGE HALL Regular g bookings g in the Village g Hall are LQFUHDVLQJ Î&#x2013;I \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR ERRN WKH +DOO IRU J \ your Class, Function, Training y g Sessions, Grownup pp parties and Celebrations, Fund Raising g (YHQWV HWF FRQWDFW -RKQ RQ We have p plenty y of safe p parking, g two very y well equipped q pp kitchens which include fridges, g microwaves and ovens, and a large g wooden GDQFH Čľ RRU DQG VWDJH 2XU SULFHV DUH YHU\ J S \ competitive p Monday y to Friday y (before 6 p.m.) p ÂŁ7 an hour and after 7 p.m. p ÂŁ10 an hour. Saturdays and Sundays are charged at ÂŁ11 an hour. The recent event entitled â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;So you y think y you know about antiques?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; q was a g great success. Informative, amusing g and interesting g talks were given by g y John Dashper p and Michael Dowse RI 6KHÉ? HOG $XFWLRQ &HQWUH $ OLJKWKHDUWHG J valuation quiz q proved p that everyone y is not an H[SHUW e ZDV UDLVHG IRU 6KHOWHUER[ D FKDULW\ S that provides p emergency g y accommodation/ equipment q p for the survivors of natural or manmade disasters.
Monday y
7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 a.m. High Intensity Interval Training (07703 844033) 10 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 noon, Mother and Toddlers Evenings, g various times - Private Lessons in Latin DQG %DOOURRP
Tuesday y
Wednesday y
4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 p.m. High Intensity Interval Training 7.30 p.m. Sequence Dancing
Thursday y
2 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 p.m. p Carpet p Bowls â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all welcome, we can DOZD\V Č´ W LQ QHZ PHPEHUV
7.30 p.m. p Line Dancing g with Dave Birkinshaw All ZHOFRPH Č&#x201A; QR SDUWQHU QHFHVVDU\
Friday y
7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 a.m. High Intensity Interval Training
Saturday y
First Saturday y of every y month
7.30 p.m. p â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Line Dance Social Evening with Dave %LUNLQVKDZ
NEW 7.30 p.m. p â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8.30 p.m. p Beginners Latin and Ballroom, ÂŁ6
If y you think Oldcotes Village g Hall is suitable for \RXU ERRNLQJ ULQJ -RKQ RQ ZKR \ J J ZLOO EH RQO\ WRR SOHDVHG WR KHOS
NEW 8.30 p.m. Improvers Latin and Ballroom
Janice Birkinshaw
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Feed the Birds of Blaxton 01302 771354 07760 198530
Come and see why Fourteen types of Wild Bird Seed, Whole and customers have been coming for Granulated Peanuts, over 20 years Fat Balls, Suet Balls & other Suet products. Live & Dry mealworms. See our range of NoNo feeders.
Best price in Doncaster ? Dry Mealworms £1 /100grams 125gram bags £1.25 250 gram bags £2.50 3 litre tub equivalent £5.60 Live Mealworms £1.80 2kg bags of seed from £1.30 Full sacks from £13
... Spring Offers ... Bakery Grade Sunflower Hearts
A ll prices All p correct on 20/4/16 2 0/4/16 6
20kg — £24
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For the Best Value Feeds and Seeds in the Doncaster area
We love Spring, you’ll love these superb offers… FREE TRAILER
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£69.00 incVAT HD 1HGR HD-1HGR
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SureGr Sure Grow ow Padd ddock k Grass
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New Compost Arrived!!!
Bawtry Road, Tickhill
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Massive range of Hozelock solutions for gardeners in store • Garden Hoses • Easy Drip automatic watering • Spray Guns • Auto Reels • Connectors • Sprinklers etc
Great Storage Ideas see ou see ourr ma mass ssiv ive e co collllec ecti tion on of vari va riou ouss st stor orag age e co cont ntai aine ners rs, recyyling g bins,, tool cadd ddie es, kitc ki tche tc hen he n co cont ntai nt aine ai ners ne rs etc
Look at our new selection of Turtle Mats and Hug Rugs
01302 756000
Also at
Epworth 01427 871333 BAKEWELL 01629 812568 HARWORTH TODAY
Tenants & Residents Association
Visit the RY PAeNToT wn Hall at th
Every Thursday
OPEN BETWEEN 10ď&#x161;ş12 NOON
Browse around our bookstall, Meet your friends for a chat or read the newspapers
Manned by the Harworth/Bircotes Tenants & Residents Assoc.
Pot of Tea.............................50p Mug of Tea ........................ 50p Mug of Coffee ...................60p Cup of Coffee.....................60p Toasted Teacake ...............50p Buttered Scone.................60p Jam ...........................................5p
Be Sure off a Wara m Welelcccooomme!e
Th he An Annu nual al Gen e er e al al Meeting g of the Tenants and Re esidents *UR *U RXS S ZD ZDV V KH KHOG OG RQ 7X 7 HVVGD\ $SULO $QQXDO $FFFRXQWV w re presented and acccepted by members. A repo we ort by the Chair highlighted the achievements by the Group throughout the year, witth emphasis on the good wo ork done LQ IXQG UDLVLQJ HYHQWV VX XFK DV WKH 0F0LOODQ &RÎ? HH 0 0RUQLQJ and Santaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grotto at the lighting event event, along with the WRPEROD VWDOO DQG UDÉ&#x17E; H H 7KHUH KDG EHHQ VHYHUDO VX XFFHVVIXO and enjoyable trips out during the year, and membership KDV FRQWLQXHG WR JURZ $WWHQGDQFH DW WKH FRÎ? HH VK KRS DQG S book stall had increased d, as had those attending th he regular Tuesday craft afternoon ns held at Devonshire Road Centre, although it was hoped this would increase further to help us to pay the rent for the room. ro oom The existing committee were unanimously re-elected for a further year, and were praised by a representative of A1 Housing for the excellent work done by the committee and the members. The Chair of the group wished to thank County Councillor Sheila Place, and District Councillor Dave Challinor for their donations, which were very welcome. Thanks also went to A1 Housing, the Town Council, Bassetlaw District Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, and the Nottinghamshire Police force, for their continued support and help. Finally the members were thanked, because without the members we could not be the successful TRA we have become, which A1 Housing are happy to say is one of the best in Bassetlaw. Those attending the river trip from Nottingham, with a meal, were asked to pay as soon as possible, as we now need to pay in full. There was concern that cyclists were using the passageways, particularly the one leading from Festival Avenue through to Bawtry Road, without due care and attention for elderly pedestrians, and it is feared there could be a serious accident. This was to be raised with the police, and it was felt that the schools could include this in their assemblies. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 3May at 10.30 am at Devonshire Road Community Centre. All are welcome to come along and refreshments are always available. A UDÉ&#x17E; H XVXDOO\ WDNHV SODFH
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Community I will: work with the Chief Constable to maintain neighbourhood police teams commission even better services for victims of crime. For too long domestic crimes have been hidden. I am committed to tackling domestic violence against women and girls and I will target hate crime. tackle the increased risk of cyber crime and online fraud, working with partners to safeguard young people both online and on our streets
In the last four years Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve recruited more police RÉ? FHUV DQG 3&62V GHVSLWH &RQVHUYDWLYH funding cuts, given victims of crime a voice by properly funding victim services and made tackling domestic violence a key priority. %XW WKHUH LV XQČ´ QLVKHG EXVLQHVV Î&#x2013;Č&#x2021;P DVNLQJ \RX to give me a mandate to continue working for the people of Nottinghamshire to keep your communities safe. )RU DOPRVW Č´ IW\ \HDUV 1RWWLQJKDPVKLUH has been my home. I know its people and, importantly, their issues and concerns when it comes to crime and community safety. Policing is going through huge change as it adapts to the challenges of 21st crime and funding. Yet, at its heart it must remain a service which keeps you safe, reduces and prevents crime and is held accountable.
keep my promise that victims of historic abuse in local childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s homes receive both support and the public inquiry they deserve I am proud of what we have achieved so far and believe, with your support, I can continue making Nottinghamshire a safer place for everyone.
Paddy dd Tipping
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It has been an enormous privilege being 1RWWLQJKDPVKLUHČ&#x2021;V Č´ UVW 3ROLFH &ULPH Commissioner, making the county a safer place for all our communities.
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As PCC I will ensure you have a voice in shaping the way we police the streets of Nottinghamshire. DELIVERED FREE TO OVER 3600 HOMES | WWW.TODAYPUBLICATIONS.CO.UK
Dear Friends,
Most of us are aware that the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Tour de Yorkshireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; comes through Doncaster at the end of April. In fact, by the time you are reading this piece, it may be on or have occurred already. Interestingly, I found out a few months ago that the road behind my house is part of the route. As April was getting closer, I could see many old bicycles (painted yellow and blue) placed all around the village. Another bright idea was the wooden bicycles that have popped over in my community. The enthusiasm has motivated me to be a bicycle rider. However, one of my weaknesses in life is that I never learnt to ride a bike. Some of you may be having a laugh but I know that I am not alone. In my case, I never owned a bike till I bought one for my son a few years ago. However, the main reason I did not learn to ride a bike in my teenage years was that I was afraid of losing my balance and heading for the wall or the hedge. Talk of balancing on a bike and I am reminded of the IDFW WKDW PDQ\ SHRSOH Č´QG LW GLÉ?FXOW WR OLYH EDODQFHG lives. Some even feel that life is out of control. To speak of balance means to be poised, stable, and steady. Being balanced can also mean being pleasant, calm, peaceable, composed, and self-controlled. Learning to be self-controlled is a process The apostle Peter in his letter to Christians in the GLDVSRUD LQ WKH Č´UVW FHQWXU\ HQFRXUDJHG WKHP DGG self-control to their faith. He says,
A planned life includes being well-ordered and able to deal with emergencies in life. Interestingly, a planned life can help deal with stress. Secondly, a constant relationship with God is essential for a person to be balanced. Jesus mentioned to his followers that the Č´UVW FRPPDQGPHQW LQ OLIH LV WR Č&#x160;ORYH WKH /RUG \RXU God with all your heart, soul, and mind.â&#x20AC;? One of the ways of loving God is to have a frequent time of prayer. Relating with God in prayer can help a person stay calm and acquire strength for the tasks that lie ahead in life. To maintain a good emotional balance, one must put God and his word on oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daily routines. $V D IDPLO\ SHUVRQ VRPHWLPHV Î&#x2013; Č´QG LW GLÉ?FXOW WR ZRUN out a line between my life as a Minister and a husband, a father, a brother, and a son. However, I am reminded that though a family is a responsibility it is a privilege that God has placed in my hands. Another point is that in my life, sometimes I fail to look after myself. Jesus reminded his followers that the second most important commandment is to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Love others as much as you love yourself.â&#x20AC;? Loving yourself can include taking a rest and doing something HQMR\DEOH Î&#x2013;W FRXOG DOVR PHDQ WDNLQJ VRPH WLPH RÎ? and having fun with others. This fun time enables one to have a calm spirit in oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dealings with others. Moreover, I wonder how many people are prepared to say â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;noâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to another request for help when their lives are full already. In summary, I wonder if I can suggest to you that as you enjoy this spring season, kindly consider having a balanced life in order to stay out of stress. You may choose to plan ahead in your life, seek God and relate with him through prayer, and look after your family and yourself too. However, if you have a balanced life already then keep it up. But have you considered any room for improvement please? Have a blessed month.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do your best to improve your faith. You can do this by adding goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, devotion to God, concern for others, and love. If you keep growing in this way, it will show that what you know about our Lord Jesus Christ has made \RXU OLYHV XVHIXO DQG PHDQLQJIXOČ&#x2039; 3HWHU Č&#x201A;
Yours sincerely,
Friend, I wonder if you have considered balancing your faith in God by adding self-control to the list of virtues you have already. May I suggest to you that you consider a few issues that can help in this balancing act. These may include planning well in life, putting *RG Č´UVW LQ \RXU OLIH WDNLQJ WLPH IRU \RXU IDPLO\ DQG looking after yourself.
Sprotbrough, Sprotbrough Road, and Tickhill.
Rev. Dr. Frank Okai-Sam Methodist Minister for Adwick, Auckley, Bawtry, Harworth, Rossington,
Home Address: 10, Fieldhouse Road, Sprotbrough, 'RQFDVWHU '1 53 TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Phil Moore Gas & Boiler Technician
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Qualified Gas Safe registered engineer with over 10 years in the plumbing and heating industry.
CALL NOW FOR A FREE QUOTE 07792 239820 / 01302 752446
Doncasterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest blind manufacturer Ver cal Blinds, Vene an Blinds, Roller Blinds Special Price on Conservatory Blinds Nobody adver sing blinds can beat our price for quality including:
5 VERTICAL BLINDS FOR ÂŁ195.00 Restric ons apply - according to size and fabric
Free measure and home guide All guaranteed and ďŹ ed - Special rates for OAPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
I’’m a hu huge ge fan an of b biiol olog gic ical cal al warfa arr fa fare! fare re e! Bu Bu t b fo be ore re you u alll wri rite rite te in to t compl om mpl pa aiin ab abou bou o t my y r di ra dica al st stan an a nce c , I’I m re eal ally y nott tallk kiing g about boutt bo an nth t ra rax x an a d Eb Ebol o a: I ’m ol m tal alki k ng ki n abo out u ussiing ng natture na e to ti tip p th the ba bala lanc la ncce in fav vou ourr of us gardeners. Ladybirds adyb ds a are e my y favourite a ou te b biological o og ca FRQWURO 7KH\ IHDVW RQ DSKLGV JUHHQȵ\ DQG GXULQJ WKHLU \HDU ORQJ OLIHVSDQ WKH\ FDQ VFR 5000 of them! Ladybird larvae are long and black with orange spots. They look a bit mean but don’t be tempted to squish them as they are also voracious aphid-eaters. Lacewing larvae eat 300 aphids each before turning into adult lacewings and guzzling down even more, and even the much PDOLJQHG ZDVS KDV D WDVWH IRU JUHHQȵ\ so don’t be too quick to swat it with your gardening glove; it’s actually protecting your roses. The beautiful song thrush is in decline, but it loves to eat slugs and snails. Thrushes were very susceptible to slug-bait poison based on methiocarb and this was banned by the EU in 2014. The most common ingredient now is metaldehyde which is still very toxic to many garden beasts (as well as domestic DQLPDOV $QG VOXJ EDLW LV D YHU\ LQHɝFLHQW way to dispose of your slug population anyway, reducing it on average by just 10%. Frogs and toads are great slug-eaters, as are hedgehogs. The former can be encouraged 26 HARWORTH TODAY
By Rachel Leverton
by pro by rovi viding diin d ng g the h em w wiiith th a tiin th ny po ond nd:: itt re ea all lly does do e n’ es n’tt ha have ve to be be mucch bi bigg bigg g ger e than han a ha buck bu ck ke ett sun unk in nto o the e grro ound. und. un d Hedg He dg geh ehog o s pr og p ef efer er a pille off log ogs gs to hid de unde un der, de r, or yo you u co coul u d in ul inve vest ve st in a he hedg dgeh dg eh hog h use. The ho h re are many ha h ndsome ones about, though t oug if you’re you e a b bitt of o a handyman a dy a you could probably make one yourself. The big new thing in biological pest control in recent years was the arrival of prepacked nematodes and mites. Nematodes are tiny parasites which are watered on to a problem area when the soil temperature is 10C or greater. The nematodes enter the pest and reproduce inside it, killing it in the process. When the pest dies they are then released back into the soil, ready to infect new pests. There are nematodes to target slugs, vine weevils and ants. Predatory mites are also available to target red spider mite and thrips. $OO RI WKHVH PHWKRGV KDYH WKH DGYDQWDJH RI WDUJHWLQJ D SDUWLFXODU SHVW YHU\ VSHFLȴFDOO\ without causing damage to the environment. Of course with organic gardening you’re unlikely to get a pristine plot but don’t despair about the odd blemish. See it as a positive sign that you care about the environment and the wildlife in your garden then repeat after me, blemishes are beautiful...
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Call us today:
01302 865075 07817 949595
enjoy your garden this spring... • Great quality gardening service at affordable prices • We are reliable and will always turn up as promised • Spend time enjoying your garden rather than working in it • 14 years worth of happy, returning clients
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Andrew Isaacs Family Law
“... he was always a formidable opponent and preferably someone to have on your side...”
Roger Senior, (Senior Partner of Coles Miller LLP, Dorset)
01302 349 480
x Central Hea ng Systems Designed & Installed x Gas Appliance Service, Repair & Installa on x Landlord & Homeowner Gas Safety Checks x Bathroom Design & Installa on/Tiling x All Aspects of Plumbing & Hea ng HIGH QUALITY WORKMANSHIP NO CALL OUT FEE
James Winfrow: 07724 299264 Email: Locally Based
community Community
POLICE REPORT Incidents of note
Jim Marti tinn
07777646 764604006
Emai aill james. james. s ma martin@n in@n @ ottingha ham ha mshirre..pnn.p msh mshi nn. n.polic olic oli ol e ukk
Â&#x201E; PCS PCSO49 O49 O4916 49916 Car Carll Robi obiinso nsonn 078 0 87 874 874 7 691110 Em l ccarl.rrobin Emai Ema binson4 son4 on4916@ 916@nnott 916 916@ ottingh ot g am msh mshire.pnn. nn.pol olice.uuk oli ol
TO CONTACT NOTTT NO T TIN TTIN INGGH GHAMSH GHAM AM MSH SHIR HIR IRE RE PO POLI LICE CCEE DI DIAAL AL 101 10 01 for Cr for C im imes mes estop topper to pper pp ers rs 08 0 00 0 555 55 111 1 For a more detailed list of crimes and incidents, members of public can look on website which will enable PHPEHUV RI SXEOLF WR Č´OWHU down to street/area level you want to look at for detailed list of incidents/ crimes in that particular street or area. The easiest way to search is to put in any postcode for Harworth/Bircotes in the main page where it should then come up with a page listed Harworth with a crime map of Harworth & Bircotes, and the number of incidents reported in a month (usually 2 months behind). You can then click on the interactive crime map which you are able to zoom down to street level where incidents that have been reported are plotted on the map. You can then click on the circle of any incident where it will then show you the type of incident, current status of the crime/incident if under LQYHVWLJDWLRQ RU Č´QDOLVHG You can also search back over any month period over the previous 5 years. 30 HARWORTH TODAY
1st March 2016 to 31st March 2016. 3 Burglary Dwelling (including attempt) 16 Burglary Other (including attempt) 6 Criminal Damage (including Dwelling) 4 Theft Other (including shop theft and theft in dwelling) 2 Vehicle Crime
News from Recent Arrests/ Court over past 3 months. Male targeting vulnerable victims charged and remanded for Burglary and Robbery. A Male from the Harworth & Bircotes area has been charged and remanded in custody for a Robbery, Burglary and breach of court bail conditions which all occurred in Harworth in March 2016. The male had been targeting elderly vulnerable victims where he had been stealing money and being intimidating towards his victims where they were pressured into giving him money. The male is due for Č´UVW KHDULQJ LQ FRXUW RQ WK April 2016, he has also been charged with several breaches of an Anti Social Behaviour Injunction where he will be due in county court at the end of April 2016 in relation to the breaches. Male found guilty of Driving RÎ?HQFHV A Male from the Harworth and Bircotes area pleaded JXLOW\ DW 0DQVČ´HOG Magistrates for riding a motorcycle whilst under the e LQČľXHQFH RI DOFRKRO DORQJ ZLWK RWKHU GULYLQJ RÎ?HQFHV i.e No Insurance. The male was sentenced to 8 weeks
imprisonment, 16 months GLVTXDOLČ´HG IURP GULYLQJ DQG RUGHUHG WR SD\ e Č´QH Handling Stolen Goods 2É?FHUV IURP Nottinghamshire police attended an address in Harworth where 2 x quad bikes believed to be stolen were subsequently recovered. As a result of enquiries 1 of WKH 4XDG ELNHV ZDV FRQČ´UPHG as stolen property where a male has been prosecuted for Handling stolen goods and will be appearing in court in due course. Juveniles prosecuted for Possession of Air Weapons Two Juveniles from the Harworth and Bircotes area have been prosecuted for possession of an unloaded/ loaded air weapon in a public place where they were found in possession of an air weapon in the Bircotes area. Both Juveniles appeared at 0DQVČ´HOG <RXWK &RXUW LQ March 2016 where they both pleaded guilty, one Juvenile UHFHLYHG D &DXWLRQ WKH VHFRQG Juvenile appeared at youth court on 5th April 2016 where he received an extended youth referral order for 8 PRQWKV SDUHQWLQJ RUGHU IRU months, ordered to pay court costs of ÂŁ50, and destruction RUGHU IRU WKH DLU ULČľHV Going Equipped Two males from the Harworth & Bircotes area have been arrested in Derbyshire for
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
v v
Throughout 2015 Nottinghamshire Police have assisted other agencies in going equipped and have several evictions taken place been bailed until the end of within the Harworth and April 2016 pending further Bircotes area. enquiries. I would like this opportunity Vulnerable victims in Harworth and Bircotes area to remind home owners and tenants that any property Nottinghamshire Police LGHQWLČ´HG FDXVLQJ LVVXHV have arrested and charged of anti social behaviour on a male in March 2016 for a regular basis will have Burglary and Robbery in the tenancy looked at with relation to a male who was support of landlords, and if targeting elderly vulnerable the evidence supports seek victims where he had been evictions. stealing money and being Decent and Safe Homes intimidating towards his (DASH) East Midlands is victims where they were a project funded by the pressured into giving him *RYHUQPHQW RÉ?FH RI WKH money. We are urging East Midlands. They work residents in the Harworth with landlords, tenants & Bircotes area to be extra vigilant in looking out for any and local authorities to raise standards in Housing. elderly friends/relatives or Further information on any other vulnerable family DASH, its associates, projects members, in particular if and successes can be found they are getting befriended by visiting their website on by persons who may be trying to take advantage and XN RU E\ FDOOLQJ WDNLQJ PRQH\ RÎ? WKHP Î&#x2013;I anybody has any concerns 4XDG %LNHV 2Î? URDG ELNHV over a friend/relative and seized would like the local policing Nottinghamshire Police have team to carry out a home had some recent success in visit to any vulnerable person VHL]LQJ RÎ? URDG TXDG ELNHV WR RÎ?HU DGYLFH DURXQG and arresting/prosecuting crime prevention and home RÎ?HQGHUV ZKHUH PDOH KDV security please contact one of been prosecuted for handling WKH ORFDO EHDW WHDP &RQWDFW stolen goods. details can be found at the Over the past 3 months end of the police report. Nottinghamshire Police, have Anti Social Behaviour : VHL]HG D IXUWKHU RÎ? URDG ELNHV TXDG ELNHV DQG D [ The Harworth vehicle that were being used Neighbourhood policing in the Harworth and Bircotes Team are continually gathering evidence in relation area, and also nearby villages in the East Bassetlaw area. to tenancy issues in the area These vehicles were seized and are working closely with DIWHU WKH\ ZHUH LGHQWLČ´HG social landlords A1 housing involved in crime, illegal road DQG 1RWWV &RPPXQLW\ use, driving on land and Housing Association along involved in poaching. with private landlords to support evictions. Some of these vehicles were
also stolen vehicles recovered which were found stored in nearby woodland areas. See it? Report it? Once again we are urging anyone who has any information as to where the quads are being stored and/ or who is riding them to report this either directly to us on the non emergency. 101 telephone number. Or if you prefer to report this anonymously you can ring &ULPHVWRSSHUV RQ 111. PRIORITY SETTING MEETING From the Priority Setting Meeting held on April 6th 2016 the three local priorities KDYH EHHQ LGHQWLČ´HG IURP feedback received from the community by the priority survey forms regarding issues of greatest concern and issues the public wanted the safer Neighborhood Team to tackle. The three local priorities have been LGHQWLČ´HG DV 3ULRULW\ Anti Social Behaviour 3ULRULW\ Environmental Issues 3ULRULW\ Speeding/Road Safety The Next Priority Setting Meeting will be held on the 6th July 2016 at 2pm at the Harworth Town Hall. Police Surgery Dates :HGQHVGD\ WK 0D\ (10.00am) Harworth Town Hall. Thursday 26th May 2016 SP /LEUDU\ 6FURRE\ SP /LEUDU\ 6FURRE\ Roa ad
Harworth & Bircotes Town Council - APRIL 2016 A Majo Majorr Even Eventt – Th The e Tour Tour de Yorksh Yor kshire ire – Saturd Saturday ay 30t 30th h Apri Aprill Harwor Har worth th and Bi Birco rcotes tes wi will ll be partt of par of Stag Stage e 2 of th this is 3 day day rac race, e, and th this is mea means ns we also also get get to see the Wo Women men’s ’s Rac Race, e, whi which ch cov covers ers the sa same me rou route te as the Me Men’s n’s.. Thiss will Thi will be a uni unique que ev event ent fo forr our co commu mmunit nity, y, man manyy well well-known kno wn cyc cyclis lists ts are ra racin cing, g, and we kno know w ther there e will will be cr crowd owdss of of people peo ple an and d tele televis vision ion cr crews ews fo folllowing low ing th the e cycl c yclist ists; s; I unde underst rstand and manyy coun man countri tries es wil willl be be watc watchin hing. g. Tim Times es the cy cycli clist st will will appe appear ar in Harwor Har worth th and Bi Birco rcotes tes:: • The Wo Women men’s ’s Rac Race e – expec expected ted to pas passs thro through ugh ju just st bef before ore 10.30a 10. 30am. m. • The Me Men’s n’s Ra Race ce – esti estimat mated ed at 16.57. 16. 57. Events:: Events ȏ 2Q ȏ 2Q WKH WKH 5H 5HFUH FUHDWL DWLRQ RQ ȴHO ȴHOG Z G ZLOO LOO EH EH a live live ba band nd along along wit with h keen keen cyclis cyc lists, ts, th the e scho schools ols wi will ll be perfor per formin ming g sky sky art art,, Birc Bircote otess /HLVXU /HL VXUH & H &HQW HQWUH UH VWD VWD Z ZLOO LOO EH EH HQ HQ-courag cou raging ing yo you u to to ‘get ‘get ph physi ysical cal’,’, and th the e Arch Archery ery Cl Club ub wil willl be be out out in for force. ce. • At the To Town wn Hall Hall Sure Sure St Start art is organi organisin sing g bloc block k view viewing ing,, the the Tenant Ten antss and and Res Reside idents nts wi will ll be provid pro viding ing re refre freshm shment ents, s, and there the re wil willl be be a de desig signat nated ed roo room m for th the e Tour Tour Ma Maker kers. s. Decoratio Decora tions: ns: • Yel Yellow low bi bikes kes fr from om indivi individua duall reside res idents nts,, bunt bunting ing fr from om the T.R.A. T.R .A. an and d wash washing ing li lines nes wi with th yel yellow low tt-shi shirts rts.. Coun Council cil wi will ll be hangin han ging g eyeeye-cat catchi ching ng ban banner nerss along alo ng the ro route ute.. Spec Special ial th thank ankss to the Br Brynd yndale ale fo forr pers perseve everring de despi spite te the th theft eft of a yel yellow low bike bik e from from th their eir si site. te. I do do hope hope ev every eryone one ge gets ts inv involv olved ed and pa parti rticip cipate atess in in the the fun fun.. 32 HARWORTH TODAY
Transf Transfer er of the Bu Bunds nds The tw two o Bund Bundss (gra ( grassy ssy mo mound unds) s) situat sit uated ed eit either her si side de of the en en-trance tra nce to th the e car car par park, k, and th the e land lan d they they si sitt on, on, are in the the pro pro-cesss of ces of bein being g tran transfe sferre rred, d, fre free e of cha charge rge,, to to the the own owners ership hip of the To Town wn Cou Counci ncil. l. The pr previ evious ous owners own ers (a co comme mmerci rcial al com compan pany) y) have hav e stip stipula ulated ted th that at thi thiss land land ca can n onlyy be onl be used used as a pub public lic sp space ace;; as as such, suc h, the in inten tentio tion n is is to to crea create te an open open publ public ic space space where where peo people ple can me meet, et, si sitt and and cha chat. t. So no buildi bui ldings ngs or ca carr park parking ing pe permi rmittted.. Here ted Here co comes mes an anoth other er pro projec ject, t, folks fol ks – any any des design ign su sugge ggesti stions ons?? Nursery Nurser y near near Thore Thoresby sby Close Close Notts. Not ts. Co Count untyy Coun Council cil wi wish sh to place place a ‘tem ‘ tempor porary ary’’ nurs nursery ery buildi bui lding ng – thin think k of of a po porta rta ca cabin bin W\SH R W\S H RI V I VWUX WUXFWX FWXUH UH Ȃ R Ȃ RQ W Q WKH KH ȴHO ȴHOG G opposi opp osite te Tho Thores resby by Clo Close. se. Negoti Negotiati ations ons ha have ve bee been n ongo ongoing ing for so some me tim time e with with Ba Basse ssetla tlaw, w, who ow own n the the lan land, d, but ar are e now now at the st stage age of ag agree reeing ing le lease ase arrang arr angeme ements nts…in …in th the e mean meantim time, e, the nu nurse rsery ry has be been en ope operat rating ing at the To Town wn Hal Hall. l. Why Thore Thoresby sby Close Close?? Beca Because use links lin ks to dra drains ins an and d util utiliti ities es are nearby nea rby an and d ther there e is is vehi vehicle cle acaccess. ces s. Litter Litter A man man who th threw rew li litte tterr from from KLV FD KLV FDU L U LQ : Q :RUN RUNVRS VRS ZD ZDV ȴ V ȴQHG QHG D D total tot al of £36 £360. 0. In Har Harwor worth th and Bircot Bir cotes es we kno know w ccans ans,, pizz pizza a
boxes and po boxes polys lystyr tyrene ene ch chip ip box box-es bec become ome a lit litter ter pr probl oblem em along along the sh shop op fro fronts nts an and d Gros Grosven venor or Road, Roa d, especi especiall allyy at at the the wee weeken kend, d, and we ha have ve rec recent ently ly cleare cleared d out out litter lit ter fr from om the he hedge dge fr front onting ing All Sa Saint intss Prim Primary ary Sc Schoo hool. l. Thi Thiss seems see ms to ind indica icate te that that much much – though tho ugh no nott all all – of of this this ty type pe of litter lit ter co comes mes fr from om chi childr ldren en and teenag tee nagers ers.. I kn know ow man manyy pare parents nts teach tea ch the yo young unger er gen genera eratio tion n not to li litte tter; r; unf unfort ortuna unatel telyy the the messag mes sage e is is not not get gettin ting g thro through ugh to som some. e. A very very ad adult ult di disre sregar gard d of of resp respon on-sibili sib ility ty was ev evide ident nt thi thiss mont month h nearr Esse nea Essex x Stor Stores es in the fo form rm of ȵ\ ȵ\ WLS WLSSLQ SLQJ J 5XE 5XEELV ELVK Z K ZDV DV GXP GXPSHG SHG there, there, re remov moved ed by the la land nd-owner, own er, on only ly for mo more re bag bagss and and a car se seat at to the then n appe appear. ar. Co Counc uncil il know kno w who who was re respo sponsi nsible ble,, Enviro Env ironme nmenta ntall Serv Service icess are are now involv inv olved, ed, an and d I ho hope pe the cu culpr lprit it JHWV D JHW V D KH KHIW\ IW\ ȴQ ȴQH H UPDATE UPDATE Recycl Rec ycling ing an and d Gree Green n Wast Waste e Now is th the e chan chance ce to hav have e your your say,, as say as Bass Bassetl etlaw aw Dis Distri trict ct Cou Counci ncill is consul consultin ting g with with re resid sident entss on on Recycl Rec ycling ing Se Servi rvices ces.. You You can do thiss onli thi online ne – get get rea ready dy for th thisishttps: htt ps://w //www. ww.bas basset setlaw law.go .gov.u k/ everyt eve rythin hing-e g-else lse/en /envir vironm onment ent-servic ser vices/ es/was wastete-rec recycl ycling ing/ha /haveveyour-s you r-sayay-onon-rec recycl ycling ing-in -in-ba -basse law .aspx px
Useful NUMBERS: Notts County Council Bassetlaw District Council A1 Housing -
08449 808080 01909 533533 0800 590542
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
Elections • Thursday 5th May - Police and Crime Commissioner • Thursday 23rd June - Referendum on UK Membership of the European Union 'RJ &KLSSLQJ WK $SULO ZDV WKH FXW R date to get your dog chipped; dog owners have 21 days to comply or risk IDFLQJ D ȴQH XS WR e Car Park: the resurfacing job was completed and looks great – sorry for the inconvenience but it had to be done. Harworth Crossroads: The closure of DOO ȴYH URDGV FDXVHG PXFK LQFRQYHQience to local people and local businesses. I forwarded your complaints to Highways but to no avail; however, the junction is now looking good. &HOHEUDWH WKH 4XHHQȇV 2ɝFLDO %LUWKGD\ On Friday 10th June Council intends holding a Birthday teatime treat for residents aged 90 years or more; a partner or carer is also welcome to enjoy a meal and music. I will be able to tell you more next month, but I would encourage you to contact the Town Hall (759037) or a local Councillor if you are interested. To Make You Think The demolition of the Colliery Winding 7RZHU PDUNV WKH HQG RI D VLJQLȴFDQW period in the life of this community which must never be forgotten. It also marks the start of a new era for Harworth and Bircotes in the form of major regeneration on the colliery site… this, coupled with the development of a huge business park on Blyth Road will, we hope, breathe new life into what was regarded by outsiders as a redundant mining community. So were we prepared to just lie down and die? Absolutely not! Council has fought hard for redevelopment and investment and yes, change can be hard to accept and it always presents new challenges BUT this community now has a future…. It is up to the next generations to reap the EHQHȴWV
June Evans
LIST OF TOWN COUNCILLORS CLLR MRS JUN U E EV E AN ANS S•C CH HAI A RM R A AN N 49 – 51 Ba B wtryy Roaad Ha Harw rw worrth DN1 11 8P 8PA A 743239 • 07437 546 4634 340 0 CLLR MRS ANITA A SMI M TH VI V CE E CHA HAIR IIR R 17 Styrrup Roaad Harw wor orth th DN1 11 8LLL • 74 7436 3682 82 2 CLLR STEVE BARNS 61 Sandrockk Road, Ha Harw wor orth th,, DN DN11 11 1 8P PJJ CLLR BRIAN LETHE ERLAN AND D 7 Common Lane Harworth DN1 11 8LLW • 7 74 443 4 45 5 CLLR BOB TURNER 35 Beech Road Harworth t DN11 8JD • 74 7468 6830 68 30 C LR MRS CLLR CL RS JAN A ET FLY YNN N 14 Festiivaal Avve Ha Harw rwor orth th DN1 N11 1 8H 8HFF • 75 7516 16 1628 628 CLLR MRS SHE HEEN NA DE DEAN AN 32 Alexandra Road Ha Harworth arworth DN11 DN11 8E EZ • 74 7433 7 3381 3 33 8 81 CLLR MRS GILLIAN WRA RATT TTEN EN 31 Scrooby Road 3 d Harworrth h DN1 N11 8J 8JW W • 74 424 2463 6 63 CLLR CL L MRS MANDY MOR RGA GANK NKIN NGSTO TO ON 5 Co C mm m on n Lane Harw worth DN11 8LW W • 74 7450 50 5 0 000 00 0 C LR STEVE ASH CL SHWORTH 13 MOOR TOP ROAD HARWORTH DN11 8PR • 745 1 4 406 CLLR MRS ROZZ JONES CL 2 STYRRUP ROAD HARWORTH DN11 8LL • 744426 21 CLLR JOH CLLR O N DURDY CORN CO RNER FARM, HARWORTH DN11 8PP • 07733107097 CLLR CL LR HARRY WILKINS SON 12 WIN INDS SOR O COU O RT, BIRCOTES DN1 N 1 8R 8 F • 745888 CLLR CL LR STE T PH ROB BIN I SON 67 NOR ORFO FOLK K DRI RIVE BIR RCO COTE TES S DN N11 1 8AU • 0782 07 8256 5610 1032 328 8 Emergency Numbers for Nott No ttss Co Coun unty ty Cou ounc ncil i Bass Ba sset etla law w Di Dist stri rict ct Cou ounc n il nc A1 Hou ousi sing ng
084498 0844 9808 98 0808 080 0 0190 01 909 9 53 5335 3533 33 0800 08 00 590 054 542 2
You can contact the council by: W it Wr itin ing g to to:: Ha H rw rwor orth th & Bir irco co ote tess To Town w Cou wn unc ncil il,, In il Info form fo r at rm atio io on Cent Ce ntre re, e, Bi B rc rcot otes es DN1 N 1 8X 8XH H Emai Em ail:l:: eoh ohar o arwo ar wort wo ort rtht htow ownc ncou nc ounc o ou ncil nc il@h il l@h @hot otma mai ma ail il.c il.c .co. o. uk Exec Ex ecut utiv ive e Offi Office cer: r: Wen endy dy Dav a ie iess 75 590 9037 37 Depu De puty ty Cle lerk rk:: He Hele len n Ro Rodg dger er 759 5903 03 37
Funding help for community groups Does your group or organisation need help with funding? Or do you have an idea for a community project that you would like help developing? If so please contact me, Karen Tarburton, Community Development and Funding Manager to see if there is anything that I can do to help. You can contact me either by email, phone or calling in at the Town Hall. (PDLO NDUHQWDUEXUWRQKEWF#JPDLO FRP RU SKRQH
WILL YOUNG will perform att D Doncaster t R Race C Course after the racing on Saturday 14th May 2016! )ROORZLQJ KLV VXFFHVVIXO $XWXPQ Č&#x2020;/RYH 5HYROXWLRQČ&#x2021; 8. 7RXU :LOO <RXQJ LV EDFN ZLWK WKH QRW WR EH PLVVHGČ? HYHQW RI WKH 6XPPHU b :K\ donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you pop along for a day at the races before dancing into the evening with Will Young in FRQFHUW Last summer, Will Young released his new single Č&#x2020;7KDQN <RXČ&#x2021; WKURXJK Î&#x2013;VODQG 5HFRUGV bb Č&#x2020;7KDQN Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is the second single to be taken from Willâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FULWLFDOO\ DFFODLPHG DOEXP Č&#x2021; 3URRIČ&#x2021; ZKLFK ZHQW VWUDLJKW LQ DW 1XPEHU 2QH RQ WKH 8. 2É? FLDO Album Chart, his fourth Number One album. )RU IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ :Î&#x2013;// <281* FKHFN out the following websites / social media links: Website â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Facebook â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Twitter - <RX 7XEH KWWSV ZZZ \RXWXEH FRP XVHU ZLOO\RXQJb
Tickets for the Doncaster Race Course show on 14th May 2016 are available from: DONCASTER RACE COURSE Box 2É? FH Website â&#x20AC;&#x201C; http://www.doncaster-racecourse. FR XN ZKDWV RQ Č´ [WXUH YLVLW EDZWU\ PXVLF OLYH 7LFNHW SULFHV VWDUW DW e Gates Open â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3.00pm
We have a pair of tickets to giveaway! 7R HQWHU VLPSO\ VHQG DQ HPDLO WR SDXOD# WRGD\SXEOLFDWLRQV FR XN ZLWK :Î&#x2013;// <281* in the subject box and including your name, address and contact number. You need to be quick as to ensure the winner gets plenty of notice the prize draw will close at midday on Monday 2nd May. Also visit our facebook page for an alternative entry method. 34 HARWORTH TODAY
TO ADVERTISE CALL 01302 969696
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community Useful Numbers SERVICES Police Station (non urgent). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Electricity - Emergency. . . . .0800 056 8090 Gas - Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 111 999 Severn Trent - Emergency. .0800 783 4444 BT Faultline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0800 800 151 Floodline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 9881188
BASSETLAW DISTRICT COUNCIL - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01909 533 533 - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01777 706741
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01909 533533 - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01777 702681
SOCIAL SERVICES - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01909 533533 - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01777 716161 Sure Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07971 307334 Tenants & Residents Assoc . .01302 746439 Town Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01302 759037 Youth & Community Centre 01302 743914 BCVS - Retford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01777 869718 BCVS - Worksop . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01909 476118
Benefits Help line . . . . . . . . . . . 0844 415 3905 A1 Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01909 534484 Carer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01777 713800 Crimestoppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 555 111 Crime Reduction Unit . . . . . . .01302 385462 Childline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 11 11 Citizens Advice - Worksop . .01909 476049 Community Develpment Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 743796 Drug & Addiction Advice . 08450 03 89 08 Job Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 367138 Bircotes Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01302 742384 Age Concern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07790 230673 NSPCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0115 960 5481 Samaritans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 90 90 90 Relate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08456 441027 RSPCA National Cruelty Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0300 1234999 Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0114 2701984 Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Society Doncaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01302 325628 Victim Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 365531
Traveline - info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0870 6082608 Chrisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07764 141228
HEALTH Doctors - Colliery surgery . . . 01302 741860 Doctors - Oakleaf Surgery . . . 01302 741820 Drs - Riverside Harworth . . . . 01302 741840 NHS Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0845 46 47 Hospital - Bassetlaw . . . . . . . . 01909 500990 Hospital - Doncaster. . . . . . . . .01302 366666
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Smiley Milers (Wed mornings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01302 711100 Tickhill & Dist. Lions Club . . . 0844 9632462
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community Index Accountancy & Business Services Bawtry Accountants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Aerialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aerial & Satellite Specialist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Buttercross Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Local Aerials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Tony Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Alarms Buttercross Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Appliances John the Washerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bathrooms Wow Interiors Tickhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Beauty Salons & Clinics Elizas Elegance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Beau Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Beds & Bedroom Furniture Goodnight Sleeptight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Care Services Rose Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Carpets All Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Car Sales & Services The Motor Co Bawtry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Chiropodist & Foot Care Feet First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Country Store Torne Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 DIY Castlegate DIY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Electrical Buttercross Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Estate Agents & Lettings Ewe Move Doncaster South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Johnsons Estate Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Maple Lettings & Property Management . . . . . . 28 Food & Drink Gifts & Grub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Funeral Directors Co-operative Funeral Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Deys Family Funeral Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 WE Pinder & Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Garden Services & Paving Concrete Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Country Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 GreenThumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 W Marsden & Sons Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Home Improvements & Building Doncaster Building Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 External Cleaning Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 RAG Home Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Northern Window Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Hypnotherapy Sean Fennelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Locksmith Doncaster Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Metro Locksmith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Opticians Woolcott Opticians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Pet Supplies & Services Castlegate DIY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Feed the Birds of Blaxton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Aerials Freesat Freeview TV Moun ng Free quotes Contact Tony Pa erson on 07702 091057 or 01302 210038 Rossington Based
Groom2U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Plasterer G Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Plumbing & Gas Services AC Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A* Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 D P Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Green Footprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Heating Yorkshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sanderson Plumbing Heating & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Restaurants, Public House & Venues Rossington Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 RooďŹ ng Torchmaster Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Skip Hire Retford Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Soft Furnishings & Blinds C&S Designs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 House of Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Solar Mis-Sold-Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Solicitors & Legal Services Andrew Isaacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Jordans Solicitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Byrne Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Television Repairs Telefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Travel Stagecoach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Weight Loss & Slimming Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Full house renovations and extensions, including fitted kitchens and joinery work All plumbing work, central heating etc. carried out by Gas Safe Plumbers All electrical work carried out by 17th Edition & Part P Engineers All roofing work, including Firestone Rubber Roofing that comes with a 25 year guarantee Free Power Flush & TF1 Filter with every boiler fitted For more information, or for one of our team to meet you and discuss your requirementsâ&#x20AC;Ś Call Robert now on 07496 442332 or email
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