Todays Yoga Magazine September 2016

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september 2016




september 2016

cover stories


First Words First: Atha

To honor a first step toward self-realization, we present a beginners sequence of postures for our first issue

by David Ramoy


Taking Yoga To New Heights A relatively new style of yoga (5-10 yrs) blends traditional yoga poses, pilates, acrobatics, and dance with the use of a hammock-like fabric

by Barbara Alfonzo


Kickin’ Back With Corbin

Todays Yoga sits down with Corbin Stacy, the innovative founder of the NamaStacy Yoga Corporation

by David Ramoy



departments 10

The Seaside Sutras




Flow Corner


Food & Nutrition


The Yoga Chronicles


On The Horizon


ON THE COVER Ready for some anti-gravity



september 2016


TODAYSYOGA Managing Editor David Ramoy

Director of Photography Sean Egiziano

Online Manager

Corey Gleichenhaus

Social Media Director Lynzy Ferris

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Regional Advertising Miami / Ft. Lauderdale Sherri Henschke • 844 - 600 - YOGA Palm Beach County Jenny Diaz • 844 - 600 - YOGA

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For Circulation:

call 844 - 600 - YOGA e-mail: Printed on Recycled content 10% (post - consumer)

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Jeffrey (JD) Diaz 455 NE 5th Avenue, Suite D-151 Delray Beach, Florida 33483 844 - 600 - YOGA

Todays Yoga Magazine is published monthly and distributed to over 300 locations throughout South Florida. Entire contents of this publication is copyright 2016 Todays Yoga, LLC, all rights reserved and may not be reproduced in any manner, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher.


september 2016


ATHA “Begins the study of Yoga”

“Atha, yoga anushasanam” is the first line in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras meaning NOW (also assumes a “readiness” within the student), the study of yoga. Yoga being the study of who you are, self-realization. Here we explore the poses and postures of asana practice, only one of the eight limbs of yoga. Getting out of your head and re-connecting with your body, focusing on what it feels like, what it is telling you, is what this practice is really about. This is not about seeing how far you can stretch, how long you can hold, how much you can endure. STOP. Listen to your body, stretch or hold to the soft edge. Challenge yourself without incurring injury. Be gentle, patient and know that your body is different from side to side, day to day or even hour to hour. Have fun and remember to breathe . . .

Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

(If you have high blood pressure, any pose that puts your head below your heart is NOT advisable) Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, let the upper body fold forward, hold your elbows with opposite hands and just hang, don’t push, let gravity do the work. Put a slight bend in the knees if lower back is tight. Hang for 8-10 breaths Follow with Halfway lift OR with Down Dog by placing hands on ground and stepping feet back 3-4 feet OR curl body back up one vertebra at a time with the head coming up last.


Opens the hamstrings Stretches the hips and calves Stretches the spine Reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue Relieves tension in the spine, neck, and back Activates the abdominal muscles Stimulates the cardiovascular system

Halfway lift (Ardha Uttanasana)

While in forward fold have fingertips touch the floor or hands on your shins or thighs. While inhaling, straighten the elbows, and raise the torso up away from the thighs. Look forward without compressing the back of the neck. Bending your knees slightly will help arch the back. Hold for a few breaths and then release slowly back down to forward fold while exhaling. Follow with Down Dog by placing hands on ground and stepping feet back 3-4 feet OR Curl body back up one vertebra at a time with the head coming up last

Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Shvanasana)

With feet shoulder width apart, place hands on the ground about 3-4 feet in front of you, fingers spread and weight more in the fingers than the palms,. Lengthen through the palms, shoulders remain back and down away from the ears as head drops between arms, raise the tailbone up and draw the heels down towards the floor. Adjust distance between hands and feet and/or bend knees slightly to obtain comfortable stretch. Hold position during several deep breaths. Follow with Plank by just pushing forward to bring shoulders over hands.


Strengthens the legs, arms, back and shoulders and strengthens the bones Helps stretch the spine Stretches the hamstrings and calves Relieves back pain and stress Helps to relieve mild depression



Improves posture Strengthens back and spine Stimulates the abdominal organs, improving digestion Stretches the hamstrings as well as the quadriceps. Eases symptoms of conditions like asthma, headaches, insomnia, and menopause. Reduces anxiety, depression, stress, and mental fatigue.

ATHA “Begins the study of Yoga”

Plank Pose - Phalakasana

Laying on your stomach, place hands flat on ground below your shoulders. Raise up so arms are straight. Toes are curled under. The body should be in one straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Do not dip or raise your hips. Push back through your heels and lengthen through the neck out through the top of the head. At the same time, press firmly through the palms, not allowing the chest to sink. Breathe smoothly while holding position as long as you can without overly straining. Follow by lowering down for cobra or push back into child’s pose


Builds strong arms, wrists, spine, quads, abdominals, core Reduces back pain Improve balance and posture

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana

Lie down on the stomach keeping your legs together. Put your palms below your shoulders, elbows in. Inhale as you press the pubis into the floor, lengthen the legs, straighten the arms (as much as is comfortable for your lower back) to lift the chest off the floor, bring your gaze toward the ceiling. Keep the thighs on the mat and your elbows slightly bent Maintain the position for 3 to 5 breaths Follow by pushing hips back atop heels into Child’s pose OR pushing hips up and back into Down Dog OR slowly lower back to original position with deep exhalation.


Relieves backache. Good for kidney function Good for digestion. Healthy for thyroid gland

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Kneel on the floor. With knees together, or if more comfortable spread slightly apart, fold forward placing forehead on the ground. Arms are loose alongside the body with the palms up. (Variation: arms are softly extended in front of the body with the palms facing down and fingers spread) Breathe slowly and deeply into the lower back 8-10 times. Place the palms under the shoulders and slowly inhale up into the starting position


Stretches and strengthens muscle of hips, thighs and ankles Helps to relieve stress, fatigue and back pain Increases blood circulation.

ATHA, you are ready for meditation – Really. If you have the time, after your asana practice, (asana translates to “easy seat”) sit comfortably with your eyes closed and just notice your breath, how it naturally comes into the body, pauses, and then flows out, all on it’s own. Allow thoughts to come and go. See if you can just “watch” them without getting “involved”. See if you can do this simple exercise for at least 7 minutes. That is how long it takes for your parasympathetic nervous system to take over and set the feeling of calm within your body well beyond resuming your day.

Our posture model, Jessica Chin Fong, is a Yoga Instructor at the Yoga Joint. september 2016


The Seaside Sutras By Nikki ‘Harini’ Bruno


ith each deep inhalation of salty sea air, I’m reminded of the Yogic lessons I’ve learned from spending my time at the shore. I stretch my arms out in salutation of the morning sun, and the sand squeaks between my toes. There’s nothing like grounding yourself as part of a daily practice. Then, an instant later, though it feels as if hours have passed, a wave slaps me back into existence. I’m reminded that while I may access contentment whenever I want, sometimes I still must face reality. As you may know, Yoga isn’t just about the postures, or Asanas. It’s a collection of eternal and sage wisdom folded into neat and understandable packets. Each principle represents the highest form of existence we humans can present to the rest of the universe. They are the guidelines for us to follow in terms of how to interact with our awe-inspiring world. So, I present to you here, the Seaside Sutras, or the principles of Yoga as experienced through a lifetime of seashore and sailing adventures.


Commonly translated as ‘non-violence,’ Ahimsa is the outer-peace we as Yogis should project to the world. In tangible terms, this means actively involving ourselves in conservation efforts, at the least as vocal supporters. In terms of non-violent activities, I’ll always prefer the quiet rippling of kayaking or surfing, or the serene calm of a sailboat cutting through waves. The cacophony and gas-guzzling of a boat engine is too disruptive to natural peace. We must each be responsible for our piece of the picture. On top of environmental awareness, we must stay aware of our fellow humans, and definitely not shake our towels near them for fear of subjecting them to the violence of airborne sand grains!


As Yogis we commit ourselves to Satya, or respecting the truth by accepting what is. There’s no harsher reminder of reality than moments face to face with the raging power of nature. As South Floridians, we’re more than familiar with storms. But we’re more than familiar with sunshine as well, and we know that it will always come back out again, usually in 20 minutes. Why then, ever get upset over the weather? In addition, commitment to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, means being openly honest. If you keep information from another person, it might annoy them on land, but at sea where so much more can go wrong, it may cause irreversible harm.


When I’m sailing I’m reminded that I can’t change the wind or the waves, I can only adjust the sails and the rudder. This metaphor is directly related to our Yoga practice and the principle of Santosha, or contentment. We can’t always change our circumstances, but we can always change our attitude and approach. We can choose to follow a train of thought or to hop off when we’re where we need to be. Santosha involves quelling the inner voice that demands for more and fears scarcity. With practice, we can hold our inner wheels steady, even as chaos erupts around us.


It’s important that we cultivate feelings of psychological fullness, so we may pursue Asteya - or non-stealing. It’s only human to be acutely aware of what others have and we lack.

Place Ad 6 NE 5th Avenue • Delray Beach, FL 33483 • 561.278.6122 • Opened 7 days a week


But when we attach judgement to possession, we get ourselves in a bind - and not the good kind. What does it truly mean to win first place? To hold a headstand for five whole minutes? To finish that book you’ve been reading on the beach? Are we more peaceful, more enlightened, more compassionate, now that we’ve ‘achieved’ something? And if we are, is that because of the achievement itself or because of the experience we went through while achieving it? Yoga is the practice of the latter. The reason we call it practice is because it’s always an evolving process with only one goal: union of body, mind, and spirit. Don’t cheat yourself by trying to skip around it.


Life at sea lends itself to Aparigraha, or simplicity. There are only so many objects you can fit on a boat, and it’s not much more than you can fit in a car. Therefore, hoarding physical items is never a choice. Being forced to pare yourself down to the bare minimum works to lift the weight of tangible reality off of your shoulders. A free mind now has room to appreciate everything that’s outside the boat - the beauty of nature! In addition, a strong sense of Aparigraha frees the mind from worrying about what’s outside its body, like which pair of Sperry’s to wear! These aren’t the only Yogic principles, but they collectively share a common denominator. Respect your body, the bodies and minds of other humans, and every entity of nature, as if the core of their being was the same as yours. But don’t forget, respect comes in the form of relaxation too, and there’s no better place to relax than on the sandy shore of a South Florida beach!

Nikki Bruno draws her inspiration from the natural world. She has spent time as a marine biologist, trail hiker, science teacher, yoga teacher, writer, musician, and she regularly races sailboats. She is the founder of Student Coaching Services, an education company that teaches students the real-life skills they need to succeed in today’s fast-paced world. You can learn more about her and her work at

september 2016



AERIAL YOGA story by




erial Yoga is taking the yoga world to new heights! You might have heard it being called Aerial Yoga, Suspension Yoga, Flying Yoga, or Anti-Gravity Yoga - they are all very similar, but they may use a different style of fabric/hammock/swing. This is a relatively new style of yoga (5-10 yrs) that blends traditional yoga poses, pilates, acrobatics, and dance with the use of a hammock-like fabric as a strategized, user-friendly method, that help the practitioner to self-direct his/her own journey into a posture and beyond. Can you guess what Actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Starlet Vanessa Hudgens, Model Angela Lindvall, and Singer Pink have common? They are all part of the swingers club! And by that I mean, they all love aerial yoga! They choose aerial yoga as part of their work out, or even as part of their musical shows. Aerial yoga may have seemed faddish at first, but it’s still gaining momentum. That’s in part because of its surprising physical benefits, including spinal decompression, pain relief, and ease in inversions and other challenging poses, and also because it’s a potent teaching tool for finding better alignment in most postures.

This practice may also be a great way for many to overcome their fears of heights or being upside now. Many people who attend my classes show up with these fears, and by the end of class they’ve kicked fear in the butt and they return time and time again. This practice is not for everyone, it is not recommended for individuals who have high blood pressure, cataracts, are pregnant, or anyone who hanging upside-down could cause medical complications.

as well as relieve aching joints and stretch tight muscles. Aerial yoga is great for beginners as well as individuals looking to spice up their yoga and/or fitness routine. This practice allows the practitioner to hang upside down like a monkey, unravel like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon, and feel like an acrobat in a circus! Because of its weightless poses, it also helps decompress the body through zero-compression inversion therapy.

If you’ve always been fascinated by the aerial acrobatics in Cirque du Soleil then you’re going to love Aerial yoga! As you feel the sensation of floating in the air, you practice yoga poses that strengthen your core

Aerial yoga is a new addition to the adult’s playground so get ready to pack a sense of adventure, exercise new muscles in your body, and let the fun begin!

september 2016


Top 10 Health Benefits of

1 2 3 4 5 6 14

Aerial Yoga

Full body toning: Due to the nature of the practice, almost all the body parts are compelled to move and extend. Muscles are conditioned and redefined, and joints are regenerated and strengthened due to the nature of the practice where it defies gravity allowing the practitioner to perform various poses that might be difficult to do on the mat but easier in mid-air.

Mentally beneficial: helps to cultivate critical thinking skills by forcing the practitioner to think outside of the box, or in this case, the “swing”. It requires the student to problem solve in the present moment to find the best posture for them within the swing.

Enhances flexibility: Aerial yoga helps you to move all the more uninhibitedly, with less exertion, by neutralizing gravity. Suspension in the air releases strain on the bones and muscles, increasing flexibility and deepening your practice. Aerial yoga strengthens core muscles and increases spinal and shoulder flexibility.

Mends back issues: Aerial Yoga uses gravity to decompress the spine to lengthen with ease and less strain on your back and neck while doing the postures, it releases tension in the spinal cord and hip joint, helping you feel better.

Cultivates strength: Aerial Yoga offers the ability for the physical body to cultivate strength by exercising postures that allow the practitioner to pull, push, hold, balance, and invert.

Mood enhancer: Another key advantage of the practice is that it kicks in your adrenaline while going against gravity. It also releases “happy” hormones like serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine, which boost your mood and help you feel more energetic.

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Improves balance: with the help of the swing, the practitioner can enter standing postures that are challenging without a prop or wall to hold on to, the swing acts as a prop to help the student get into a posture and hold it for longer periods of time, all while learning how much to use the support and how much to let go of it.

Supports digestion: The different types of stretches and inversions help improve the digestive system, thus helping in healing various digestion-related issues, including constipation and indigestion.

Old age and heart disease: Aerial yoga improves the circulation of blood, thus combating aging and its symptoms. Aerial yoga also helps detoxify the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which lowers the onset of various cardiovascular issues.

Improves memory: Aerial yoga fortifies your neural connections, thereby, rendering better memory power. In a way, practicing aerial yoga can make you smarter!

Barbara Alfonzo is a professional yoga teacher, health coach, movement artist, wellness and sustainability advocate. Her work is to inspire others to make self-love and self-care a priority in their life and to be a steward to mother earth. More info:

You can find her upside down at Delray Aerial Yoga in Delray Beach where she teaches beginner’s Aerial Yoga Wednesdays at 6pm.

september 2016



Kickin’ Back with Corbin Stacy Hi Corbin, tell us about yourself: I am a native of Fredericksburg, VA and fell in love with yoga almost fourteen years ago. Looking for a way to balance my rigorous schedule as a full time flight attendant, I stepped into my first Vinyasa class in Fort Lauderdale and never looked back. Yoga quickly became an integral tool for me to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit. I am currently a registered and insured 500-hour RYT, 200-hour ERYT through Yoga Alliance. Blessed to have been able to continue my yoga education but realizing that so many of my yoga teacher friends, students and colleagues found it difficult to afford quality yoga training and education, I felt compelled to create a forward thinking scholarship program; the NamaStacy Yoga Corporation® ( NamaStacy was created to support yoga teachers and students with continual learning and development in the yoga of their choice. I made Fort Lauderdale my home in 2002 and am currently in the process of launching my own Yoga & Fitness studio. Diverse experience in martial arts, professional dance, acting, modeling, gymnastics, and cheerleading have all contributed to my unique style of teaching. I have been recognized for my ability to craft challenging and fun yoga classes and have created a partnership with various South Florida yoga studios with guest teaching appearances, fundraising events, retreats and more. Being named a Lululemon Athletica of Boca Raton Town Center Store Ambassador, I use my strong presence in the local South Florida yoga community to continue to expand the reach and contribution of the NamaStacy Yoga Corporation®. To date, twenty-one (21) scholarships have been awarded to local South Florida applicants as well as New York and Colorado recipients, with other states to follow. I am super proud of this Foundation - there are infinite possibilities ahead! What made you decide to become a yoga instructor? Funny you should ask … I actually took a certified yoga teacher training program to deepen my own personal practice, not become a teacher. I know . . . look at me now! Crazy, right? I was in a leadership role in the airline at the time, and it was a four-


week intensive program, so I had to take a personal 30-day leave of absence to attend. My Guru must have seen something in me at the time that I didn’t because the week before we graduated, I was offered a job teaching and started right after graduation. I literally hit the floor running. That was in July of 2011, and the rest is history. I launched NamaStacy Yoga Corporation® in January of 2013 and tailored my goals to eventually make yoga and fitness my full-time career, which is finally coming to fruition. Best decision I have ever made! Corbin, you typically pack a room when you teach. Why do you think so many people are drawn to your classes? Thank you for saying that my friend, I’m flattered! I am humbled that so many people are drawn to my particular style of teaching when there are so many incredibly talented facilitators in the area to choose from. I think the single most important thing that sets me apart from the masses (besides the fact that I am a male), is that I keep my classes FUN! I am committed to remaining light and lifted while delivering an intense and invigorating flow for the soul. You never know what to expect with me and I think that’s intriguing to most. I allow my students into my personal life by sharing life experiences. With social media playing such an intricate role in our everyday lives, I make it a priority to remain approachable and available. I play incredible music that feeds the heart, and I acknowledge people by their first names. I am their biggest cheerleader and I think they feel that immediately, and are naturally drawn in. I am blessed to be able to share the gift of yoga with so many!

Tell us about your organization NamaStacy The NamaStacy Yoga Corporation® is a Florida Not-For-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation that is in the business of paying it forward. We are committed to providing current and aspiring yoga teacher’s worldwide scholarship funding for Yoga Alliance recognized teacher trainings. All Yoga Alliance 200, 300, or 500-hour teacher trainings, continuous education courses, workshops or retreats that offer CEU’s are eligible for scholarship consideration. This past June the NamaStacy Yoga Corporation® also began providing yoga student scholarships where students can apply to receive an annual membership to their desired studio of choice. It’s an exciting time for our nonprofit. As we grow into 2017 we will be offering more fitnessbased certification grants as well (TRX®, Pilates, etc) . . . Stay tuned! What are the requirements to be accepted into the program? We highly encourage all potential candidates to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) on our main website at, however our decision to award scholarships and/or financial assistance (each an “Award”) is determined by our Board of Directors (the “Board”) and the Board employs an individualized and comprehensive process in reviewing each person’s application for the requested Award. We know that there is a great variation among our applicants’ personal circumstances, home environments, working environments and yoga practices. As a result,

our Award decision-making process considers all aspects of your personal history and as such, we do not award grants to Awards solely on the basis of any single criterion. We attempt to value the whole person—where you have been, where you are now, where you would like to be in the future, and of course, your practice and your desire and/or ability to enhance and promote the awareness, education and benefits of yoga. The Board utilizes a comprehensive, indepth process to evaluate candidates for the requested Award and we strive to ensure that each applicant receives fair consideration. Once the application (the “Application”) and all other required documentation has been completed and submitted to the Company, the Board, and or a committee thereof, performs the initial review and thereafter, the Board and/or an agent of the Company will contact the applicant for an in-person and/or telephone interview (the “Interview”). Once the interview has been completed, the application is referred back to the Board for final determination whether or not to award an Award. Besides assisting with expenses for teacher training, where else have you seen a big impact for the applicant? Paying it forward from a financial standpoint is a somewhat easy thing to accomplish as a nonprofit. We raise as much money as possible and then provide as many scholarships as possible, year after year. The real work for the actual scholarship recipients that we select is to then take their training off of the mat, and into the world. We select candidates based on their desires to get involved within their local communities. We choose not to force our BAMbassadors to support one specific cause driven by NamaStacy, but rather choose what their passionate about and follow that. Out of the current awards, we have yoga teachers ranging from activists for kids in distress, wildlife, GLBT, autism, green initiatives and more. That’s a beautiful thing! That’s YOGA! Do the graduates have the opportunity to stay active in the organization? ABSOLUTELY! YES! In fact, we highly encourage our NamaStacy Yoga Corporation® BAMbassadors to get involved with the organization as much as possible We host annual FUNdraisers that they can volunteer for, teach for and endorse. We have partnered with Green Planet Festivals to offer NamaPlanet™ - our community outreach program. We donate our time to all Green Planet Festivals and fly our recipients to Phoenix to represent our brand. We are just getting started! We are most certainly inclusive, not exclusive. We are yoga for the people and it will only continue to evolve.

Where do you envision Nama Stacy in the next 5 years? WOW! That is a really great question. As a lululemon athletica of Boca Raton Town Center Store Ambassador, I have attended Landmark Forum and gone through extensive goal setting through their company. They ask us to establish 1, 5 and 10-year goals as well, and for the life of me, I can not seem to wrap my brain around the infinite possibilities that NamaStacy can provide. My goal was initially to offer only yoga teacher training and student scholarships, however since I have invested in Evolution Yoga, LLC I am already expanding the program into the fitness world this 2017. Insane! I would like to create an entire wellness program under the Foundation where we offer massage therapists, nail technicians, hair stylists, and skin care scholarships . . . Who knows? We will always evolve! Any advice for aspiring students who would like to apply for Nama Stacy? So with the Student Scholarship program breaking ground post International Yoga Day this past June 21st, I’d honestly like to see students who are looking to get their 200-hour Yoga Alliance recognized teachertraining credentials to first apply for the Student Scholarship of that particular studio. Think of it almost as a pre-requisite to train. I’d like to see a lot more dedication to the practice of yoga and not so much of an attraction to the “free money”. The student scholarship program will help us to advance top notch potential teachers with a better understanding of their wants, needs, etc. One of my favorite quotes is “Sometimes a teacher, always a student!” Keeping that in mind will help potential candidates succeed.

Come by and meet the staff at Evolution Yoga Coconut Creek and take my class, participate in one of our FUNdraisers, get to know the Board of Directors and Advisory Board Managers … Date us! We like that! Your involved in so many incredible projects, tell us what’s on the horizon for 2016? 2016 will definitely be a year of major growth for yoga in South Florida, and I am honored to be a part of that movement. With so many yoga studios opening up in our community including my own investment in Evolution Yoga (Las Vegas and Coconut Creek) ( there are no more excuses allowed to not practice somewhere, somehow, and get back to the person who matters most - YOU! The biggest project that I have been working on is the 2nd Annual NamaStacy International Yoga Day “Health = Wealth!” series “The Stars cOMe Out at Night” FUNdraiser that took place in Boca Raton’s Mizner Park this past June 21st. I have an incredible retreat to Thailand planned with Christine Lewis of Spoken Word Yoga (www. in August and I am really looking forward to the Vegas Gone Yoga Festival! in September where I will be presenting scholarships to local yogis as well as teaching a high-energy VinVersion Flow™. The Miami Seed Food and Wine Festival and a couple other major events are still being finalized so please stay tuned. Favorite quote to live by? Can I pick two? LOL! “Release what no longer serves you! and “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change!”

Corbin shouting encouragement at the 2nd Annual NamaStacy International Yoga Day september 2016



Student Scholarship Winner from Evolution Yoga in Coconut Creek

Congratulations to Laura Waldorf Reiss for winning one of five Student Scholarship grants from Evolution Yoga Coconut Creek this past June 21st at the 2nd Annual NamaStacy International Yoga Day “Health = Wealth!” series sponsored by Whole Foods Market & Wells Fargo at the Mizner Park Amphitheater where Boca Raton Mayor Susan Haynie proclaimed June 21st as International Yoga Day.

Laura, was born in NYC and grew up in Miami. With her BFA from the University of Arizona in 1991, she has been a successful artist for over 20 years. In 2007, Laura conceived the program upon which Samaritans365Foundation was based. She created this community service project in response to her desire to give her three small children the opportunity to experience the joy that comes from giving to others and to understand that even small acts of generosity can make a big difference. As a community leader she has had success in creating and developing the structure of the program; communicating with local charitable organizations; finding speakers for the children to learn ways in which one can serve the community and beyond; enrolling and organizing the children; managing the fundraising drives; collecting, sorting and delivering items at all events; developing relationships with local authorities, such as the police and Fire department; creating parent and school administration involvement; training others to run their own Samaritans365 kindness programs and so much more. For more visit Welcome to the NamaFamily and enjoy your annual unlimited membership to Evolution Yoga Coconut Creek when their doors open this September! Send us your news:

Spotlight Naya Rappaport RYT 500hr.


aya (a.k.a Nayita) born in New Jersey and raised in Dominican Republic. Over 15 years ago Naya’s mother took her to her first Bikram yoga class. Seeking strength and flexibility Naya started a daily asana practice in October of 2012. Astonished by mental & spiritual changes, she committed to make yoga her lifestyle. Besides exposing her physical practice on the streets and through social media, her favorite way of inspiring is to guide her students through self exploration, adjustments, and filling the class with encouragement and positivity. Being a Body Positive enthusiast she believes yoga is for every body. She’s a fan of the outdoors, travel, wine and FOOD! On her free time you can catch her with her family and friends practicing some acro-yoga or dancing to merengue and bachata. Having her own rescue dog from Miami, Princess, Naya is a pit bull advocate and speaks for those who have no voice. Naya guides you through an all levels Vinyasa yoga practice. She dotes on traditional lineage but adds her modern twist in teaching. With a mix of Sanskrit, Spanish and Yiddish she’ll keep you on your toes while also offering silence, and time for self exploration. She loves to break down the challenging asana’s and make them accessible to every student. Expect her energy to keep you uplifted along with a safe and playful Vinyasa flow. Follow her on instagram: @Nayitavp. You can find her teaching at Yoga Journey in Boca Raton. Contact her at: Instagram : @NAYAPHOTOGRAPHY






elcome! What an amazing day! I am so blessed to be here with you and share timely tools on topics that will help and guide you to “Align Your Mind & Heal Your Body.” Each month, I will focus on a specific topic with some tips on HOW TO overcome obstacles using holistic practices. I welcome your questions and will answer them in this column. Today’s Yoga is about achieving a LIFESTYLE beyond the mat. For you to embrace your adversities, and make each and every day a better, healthier, happier one, filled with love. Your success is an inside job. Like the wizard, from “The Wizard of Oz,” who hid behind a curtain, your fears are your greatest strengths. We will master SELF DISCIPLINE and ways to strengthen your mind muscle, along with the other muscles in your body. I will share my “17 Minute Metabolic Make-over Moves” and yummy recipes with you so you can trim down, tone up and flush the flab. Inspiration vs Motivation. Many seek motivation to get a job done, to reach their goals and to feel good. That is one of the many fallacies that kills the success of garnering goals. Motivation is simply the first FEELING we get when we decide to do something. Just like when you go to a TONY ROBBINS seminar. You leave feeling motivated. But then what happens is the feeling simmers as LIFE happens, and you fall back into patterns that kept you from TRULY ACTIVATING your goal, from the core of your soul. That’s precisely where INSPIRATION kicks in! When you are inspired, you have a set PLAN or strategy. You develop a WHY that overwhelms and surpasses any excuse or challenge. In order to reach for something “bigger than you,” it is first necessary to draw out the pain (sorry) and glory (yeah baby) of what achieving it will mean. As an example, picture yourself swimming. Maybe you’re not the best swimmer, but suddenly a shark is seen and the lifeguard blows the horn to evacuate the water. You suddenly have enormous energy and capability to move, quicker than ever before. Amazing Results. There are MANY tools that I will share in Today’s Yoga, some from my courses, and others from masters you might have heard of. This month I’d like to share some transformational work from Deepak Chopra, his “Seven Laws of Success.” He shares that in the natural world, creation comes forth with ease. A seed doesn’t struggle to become a tree―it simply unfolds in grace.

The Seven Spiritual Laws are powerful principles you can use to fulfill your deepest desires with effortless joy. If you put them into practice, you’ll realize that you can manifest whatever you’ve been dreaming about. Fortunately, the laws of success aren’t difficult or mysterious but are easy to understand and apply. Here I shall share an assignment with you. Are you in? Each day I’d like to challenge you to perform one of the Seven Spiritual Laws to attract the life you truly want. By the end of the seven days, decide which one (or 2) you will incorporate into your life on a daily basis. It’s okay to alter to F.I.T. what works best for you, but be careful not to alter too much that it doesn’t change your pattern of how you normally do it. For example, let’s look at the first one, Sunday. It says to meditate twice for 30 minutes. If you don’t meditate at all, try 7-17 minutes to start with. SUNDAY - The Law of Pure Potentiality Take time to be silent, to just BE. Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day. Silently witness the intelligence within every living thing. Practice non-judgment.

SATURDAY - The Law of Dharma Seek your higher Self. Discover your unique talents. Ask yourself how you are best suited to serve humanity. Using your unique talents and serving others brings unlimited bliss and abundance. Love to hear back from you. Please share your thoughts at

Becca Tebon, founder of Becca Tebon FIT, is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor, as well as an author and international speaker. She has helped hundreds regain their health, release chronic pain, asthma and poor relationships with food and self, while gaining healthy habits. For more information visit

MONDAY - The Law of Giving Today, bring whoever you encounter a gift: a compliment or flower. Gratefully receive gifts. Keep wealth circulating by giving and receiving care, affection, appreciation and love. TUESDAY - The Law of Karma Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Choosing actions that bring happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you. WEDNESDAY - The Law of Least Effort Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. Take responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems. Relinquish the need to defend your point of view. THURSDAY - The Law of Intention and Desire Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment. Make a list of desires. Trust that when things don’t seem to go your way, there is a reason. FRIDAY - The Law of Detachment Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. Do not force solutions—allow solutions to spontaneously emerge. Uncertainty is essential, and your path to freedom.

september 2016



Mad for Mangoes!

Mango season is here! Did you know there are over 400 varieties of mangoes? The mango is native to South Asia, but has been distributed worldwide and is one of the most cultivated fruits of the tropics. At the Delray GreenMarket, look for Francis Mangoes, Haden Mangoes, and Kent Mangoes which are all in season in South Florida now. To learn more about these common varieties, visit

These tasty fruits are just begging to be consumed, but did you know that eating mango is extremely beneficial to your health? According to mangoes help fight against age-related macular degeneration, protect against certain forms of cancer, prevent asthma, assist in bone health, prevent heart disease, aid in digestion and are great for your skin and hair!


Mangoes are extremely versatile and are great in smoothies, bread, ice cream, salsa, or just sliced and ready to eat! Don’t worry about your mangoes going bad. Mangoes can be cut, frozen and stored to enjoy all year! For instructions on how to cut and freeze your mangoes, visit Check out our mango salsa recipe that is great for your next summer meal: Mango Salsa 2 cups mango, chopped ¼ cup red bell pepper, diced ½ jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced ¼ cup red onion, diced ¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped Half a lime, squeezed In a medium bowl, mix the mango, red bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, red onion, cilantro and lime juice. Refrigerate for at least one hour prior to serving. Serve over fish, shrimp or chicken. *Thanks to Cat Moore for submitting this recipe! Mangoes grow prolifically here in South Florida. If you have a mango tree, you may find yourself with a surplus of mangoes. If you have a few extra mangoes lying around, Mangoes for Charity will gladly take them! Mangoes for Charity is a branch of Aurora’s Voice, and collects surplus mangoes to sell in support of the Delray Beach Community Gardens. You can drop off your surplus mangoes at the Delray Beach Children’s Garden throughout the week.

Heat Star’s Organic Restaurant, Grown, in South Miami Thrives

Former Miami Heat player Ray Allen has reinvented the fast food scene in South Miami. Ray Allen’s wife Shannon Allen and the twotime NBA champion opened Grown restaurant, an organic fast-food joint, this past spring. The restaurant features organic and local food for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Allen is a 10-time NBA all-star who won NBA championships with the Boston Celtics in 2008 and the Heat in 2013. The 1,900-square-foot restaurant at 8211 S. Dixie Hwy. has a rooftop garden, and a space for cooking classes and wellness demos. The rooftop garden grows greens, herbs, and vegetables throughout Miami’s 10-month growing season. Ray and Shannon Allen were inspired to open Grown through the frustration of trying to meet the dietary needs of their nine-year-old son, Walker, who has type 1 diabetes. Diabetics have a strict diet that cannot include simple sugars including soda, cookies, white and refined breads, and artificial sweeteners. They partnered with executive chef Todd Kiley to help the menu, which is gluten-free and Paleo-friendly. The restaurant is also a peanutfree facility. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner plates range from $4 to $18. Visit





ood is our first medicine. It nourishes and cleanses the body. We need fresh, quality vegetables foremost, some clean proteins, quality fats and a little fruit. Why only a little fruit? What we are learning now is that sugar is truly our biggest problem, threatening our health as a nation. We did not evolve eating sugar in the quantities we do today. The only sweets in the diet were fruits, which were only available in summer fresh, or dried for the winter. It represented a rare delicacy that was balanced by fiber, vitamins and minerals, which creates a slower, more user-friendly release into the body. The advent of processed sugar from cane or beet is sucrose, a disaccharide containing glucose and fructose, which came with the industrial revolution and is the newest addition to our diet. When glucose is combined with fructose the absorption of fructose is accelerated. According to data from 2009, we are consuming 180 pounds of added sugar per year per person. This does not include fruit juice. In 1800 are average consumption was 18 lbs. per year.

Our bodies are designed to be fueled by glucose. It is found in small quantities in vegetables. Glucose is necessary because the insulin reaction it creates helps usher the nutrients into the cells. And that’s a wonderful thing! The problem is not glucose, a simple sugar, but our extreme consumption of fructose, minus the fiber, as in high fructose corn syrup. According to Dr. Robert Lutsig, a neuroendocrinologist specializing in child obesity at UCSF, fructose is a chronic toxin for the liver and is metabolized as a fat. In his video, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, he clearly explains the mechanisms and how sugary drinks will prevent the children he treats with obesity to lose weight. The processing of food adds both sugar and salt to the product and takes out the fiber to create a stable shelf life or better integrity as a frozen product. Although the USDA does not consider fiber an essential nutrient, it very much is all-important for our digestive health. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble and both are critical. Consuming fiber mitigates digestive issues, blood sugar spikes, cholesterol production, and losing and maintaining a healthy weight.

Join me as each month I will discuss food in terms of optimal nourishment for the body to do its job: homeostasis. How to make this an easy, delicious, committed journey with recipes to inspire you. Food is medicine and the ritual of enjoying it and getting that umami satisfaction is key to the prescription. And in honor of Todays Yoga Magazine, I will also reflect on Sattvic, Rajassic and Tamasic yogic philosophy, which wisely describe the energetic benefit or detriment of different foods. Remember a calorie is not a calorie, it truly matters what that calorie will bring to the game of nourishing you!

Denise Girard has been aware of food as medicine since her early 20’s when Dr. Francesco Borella was treating her in Geneva, Switzerland for a pituitary tumor. Today she is developing new food products at ZNatural Foods here in Florida. Her vision is to make super foods delicious and easily incorporated into our daily lives.

september 2016


TEACH Grads . . .Grads . . . and more Grads! Congratulations to Anthony Colantone Level I 200 Hour Weekend Immersion Teacher Training at The Barkan Method of Boca Raton. December 16, 2016 – April 16, 2017. Michelle Martin TT grad from Anuttara July 2016. Stephanie Gadaleta TT grad American Yoga Dec 2015. Mary Cabral TT grad from The Yoga Joint July 2016. More congrats are due to Ashley Allen, Janine Friedman, Jennifer Hannah, Leslie Ressler, Xavier Malgwi, all graduates of Yoga Aura Teacher Training in Boca Raton.

Continuing Education is Key

New Scholarship Recipient NamaStacy Yoga Corporation


The NamaStacy Yoga Corporation® is pleased to welcome Richard Scott to the growing team of Scholarship Recipients to our national nonprofit/501(c)(3) scholarship program. Richard has been selected to take his 200-hour multi-style Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga Alliance recognized Teacher Training with Aananda School of Yoga at Urban Namaste in Fort Lauderdale from September 2016 – December 2016 (

The 2016 Yoga in America Study has painted a clear picture about yoga now and in the future. As new students are picking up yoga mats for the first time, yoga teachers should be taking the time to engage in continuing education now to gain new skills to better serve the interests and needs of these new populations. Seventy-four percent of students in the U.S. have been practicing for fewer than five years, and 35 percent of students agree that a quality of a great yoga teacher is that he or she participates in ongoing learning. Send us your news:


o you’ve decided to join the 21 million adults in the U.S. who practice yoga. Or maybe you’ve had it with your mat, and you’re looking for a new one. What should you be looking for in a yoga mat? Here are some tips. Go for grip. Is there anything worse than sliding around on your yoga mat while trying to take deep breaths in downward dog? Nope. So when you’re shopping for a mat, test out grip. Are your palms sliding around? Are you clinging to your mat for dear life? If so, it’s probably not the mat for you. If you’re new to yoga, make sure your mat is padded enough ... When you’re just starting out, building up your strength takes some time — so make sure your mat is there to help you out along the way. ... But test out the foam situation. Padding is great and all, but make sure you’re not doing your sun salutations on a giant piece of foam. Keep toxins in mind. Some yoga mats are full of PVCs, which is a toxic plastic with carcinogens in it. So when shopping, opt for a PVC-free mat. Keep it light. As important as padding is, who wants to lug a heavy mat around all day? For a nice balance of thickness and lightness, opt for the eKO Lite Mat, which retails at $52 and weighs 3.5 pounds, according to PopSugar. Don’t be afraid to spend a few extra dollars. Don’t get us wrong: we’re all about saving money. But a high quality yoga mat is worth the splurge. Choose a fun mat. Like many of life’s functional tools, you’ll enjoy your mat more if its pleasing to look at. If a brightly-colored or patterned mat will make you more likely to go to yoga, make it happen. Who’s ready to go mat shopping? Courtesy: Leigh Weingus, HuffPost TV


Oska Pulse

Workout Pain

Relief at Last by LeonardFinkel


ouldn’t you be interested in a product that could ease or even eliminate your aches and pains? I’ve had chronic pain for 20 years. That’s why I tried an innovative new product, the Oska Pulse. Oska is a wearable pain-relief solution developed to reduce muscle stiffness and inflammation, help ease chronic pain and increase mobility. It optimizes pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), allowing people to live a more active, painfree lifestyle. It’s small (the size of a cell phone and just as light), portable, drug free and has no side effects. To ensure the finest quality control, it’s made in the USA. Oska was designed for convenience; people use it while working, relaxing at home or on a leisurely walk. I even wear it when I play golf! HOW OSKA WORKS Oska’s unique method of delivery mimics the electrical currents we produce naturally. Decades of research has shown that PEMF signals pass through bone and all other tissue virtually unaltered, opening cells to receive more nutrients and oxygen. Oska was designed to address specific areas of the body, especially the major joints most susceptible to injury or degenerative issues. Though the technology isn’t new, the configuration Oska uses definitely is. “Sequential Protocol Programming,” is a unique delivery method utilizing four frequencies specifically related to muscle ease, bone repair, capillary dilation and pain reduction. By helping release

the body’s natural endorphins, Oska reduces pain, promoting increased range of motion. By dilating blood vessels, it helps reduce inflammation. The increased oxygen rich blood flow promotes muscle recovery. PATIENTS EXPERIENCE RELIEF Dr. Joseph Shurman (Chairman of Pain Management at Scripps Memorial Hospital) began by using Oska on a variety of patients to see what type of relief they might experience. “Surprisingly, the majority of these patients got relief. I have found it to be beneficial for the hand, elbows, knees and backs. Hip and shoulders are other areas it’s successful with.” Dr. Shurman indicated that at least 70% of his patients who used the product got relief. He adds, “I don’t know of any other product of its kind that has this kind of literature behind it, more than I’ve ever seen for an alternative form of therapy.” ATHLETES RELATE SUCCESS STORIES Prominent athletes have had spectacular results. Rod Dixon’s highlights include taking a bronze medal at the Munich Olympics and winning the 1983 New York City Marathon. Rod says, “Oska works with the synergy of the body and helps you to heal. I don’t have to go to a physical therapist or be hooked up to wires. Oska is something you can add to your routine and it complements anything you do. I find that my hip, lower back and my knees all require support from Oska. If I go out for an hour and a half or two-hour bike ride, I don’t hurt like I used to. Every step of the way, Oska is with me. Over the course of time I’ve been using Oska, I’ve noticed an

improvement in my recovery time and a noticeable lessening of pain, absolutely!” Boris Said won the 24 Hours of Daytona in 1997 and 1998 and won his first NASCAR Nationwide Series race at the 2010 NAPA Auto Parts 200 in Montreal. Referring to racing for 30 years he relates, “It beats you up and twists the body. Since last year I’ve had a really stiff neck, where I could barely turn. I could never get it fixed. A friend gave me an Oska. I put it on three spots on my neck for 30 minutes each and the next day my neck was 90% better! I couldn’t believe it. Now I use it on everything that hurts and my neck is 100%. It’s pretty amazing. The product speaks for itself.” Oska has worked especially well on my knees, hips and back, though everybody’s experience could be different. If you’re experiencing pain of any kind, Oska is definitely worth trying. The company is offering an unconditional, 90-day money back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, return the product. The company will even pay the return shipping. The only thing you risk losing, is your pain.

For a limited time, purchase an Oska Pulse for $349. $50 off the regular $399 retail price (plus free shipping).

To order visit or call 844-317-4433. Mention yoga15 to receive your discount. september 2016






he year was 1985 and I had just finished watching what I thought was the greatest movie I’d ever seen. Rocky Balboa had just run up to the peak of a snowy mountain in the former USSR and then defeated Drago, the very next day apparently. The American flag was wrapped around him in complete glory.....classic. I was just a kid then, but I was pumped up – I wanted to box, dunk a basketball and play stickball all at once with a fury. I was all jacked up like I had just eaten a huge bowl of Fruity Pebbles. It was a rush I never felt before, yet it wasn’t just the movie that pumped me up, it was the music.

When I was a teenager my dad bought me my first guitar, a Peavy electric. I would play for hours on end, teaching myself to play by listening to the music and figuring out the chords. This became my escape, my safe haven. Eventually writing songs became a way of life for me, and till this day I still get lost in my own world, whether listening or creating music. For most of us, in either good times or bad, music is always there to make us happy, comfort, or even pump us up. We all have put on the radio and heard a song that reminded us of something significant from our own life, a memory from our past. Now think of how many millions of other people feel the same way about that same song. That’s a pretty crazy thought! But that’s the power of music.


We use music in so many ways and training is no exception to the rule. Everyone has their favorite playlist to train to. Whether its Rock, Hip Hop, Edm or tranquil music for your Yoga class, we use our music to motivate ourselves. Music pushes us to go that extra mile on a run, or a couple extra reps at the gym. Sports and music literally go hand in hand. I personally know how important music is to sports and training. I lose my mind if I forget my ipod when I go train and I’m sure everyone can relate to that feeling. Or even worse the battery dies when you are right in the middle or a killer session . . . brutal. But just as music can be our safe haven, so can the gym or wherever it is you train. Its another form of release, our own inner therapy session. The best part about this inner therapy . . . it makes us better. It keeps us healthy, improves our mood and focus, and gives us motivation. So as we enter a new season, keep a positive attitude and set your goals high. Who cares if you fail, keep going and stay focused. Plus we have our safe havens to lift us up! The old faithfuls, music and training. This autumn whether at work, at home, or at the gym, go the extra mile. Put others before yourself and achieve whatever you put your mind to. Create a new playlist to crush your goals. As for me, I’m going to do what I always love to do and go for a long run. Possibly listening to the Rocky 4 soundtrack! So in the words of Clubber Lang from Rocky 3, my prediction for the coming season . . . ”pain”. But only after cooked up.

Mike Arciprete is a NYC Firefighter, Certified PT, Clean Eating Coach, Musician, and loves Delray Beach, cooking and tattoos.







onsidering going on a yoga retreat? It is among the latest trends in health and wellness centered vacations. The benefits of adding exercise and meditation to your daily routine are widely documented. It is a place where you can disconnect from the pressures and demands of everyday life. It frees you from constant busyness and the predictability of routine. It allows you to go deeper into your yoga and meditation practice. Through the practice of yoga we are learning who we are. The body is opened in the postures and the mind is focused inwards. It can be a place to find support, to reflect, and to heal. Nature is an integral aspect of yoga retreats. Over 50 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas. We have become increasingly disconnected from nature and the elements that hold our lives in balance. Research shows that the environment we are in can impact our stress levels, either increasing or decreasing them. Spending time in nature reduces stress and tension, improving our overall physical and mental health. We feel calmer, can focus better, and feel more balanced when we spend time outdoors. Our happiness increases when we connect with the natural world. We begin to have an awareness of how we are connected to all things. Travel takes us out of our comfort zone, bringing up uncertainty and experiences that may challenge us. We gain confidence navigating through these new experiences. Visiting places with different cultures give us a new perspective, breaking us out of our usual habits and routines. It helps us to become aware of our attachments and where we might be stuck in our thinking. It is when we make changes in our lives that we are able to learn and grow. In the long run these experiences make us happier and fill us with good memories. The best yoga retreats create a once in

a lifetime experience. It is a great way to visit different places with a group of like-minded people, meet new friends and form lasting bonds. You don’t need to have an advanced yoga practice to enjoy a yoga retreat, you might even be a complete beginner. I had limited yoga experience when I decided to attend my first retreat. It was an amazing transformational experience that I will always treasure. You will be encouraged to take with you what you have learned and incorporate it into your daily life. A yoga retreat will create a shift, honoring the space within, assisting in releasing, and allowing for a clearer expression of your truth to emerge. You will feel transformed and have a lot of fun in the process! This fall I am excited to be co-facilitating a yoga retreat in Iceland! Here all the elements combine to bring you plenty of quiet time, nature and adventure! We will be immersed in the stark beauty of the natural world in Iceland. The landscapes are spectacular! We start with the Blue Lagoon experience, the most visited geothermal spa with reported healing properties. The adventure only expands from there with hiking to majestic waterfalls, exploring glaciers, and volcanoes! Yoga and guided meditations will be offered daily as well as time for journaling, crystal healing and Reiki. For complete details and to reserve your space please visit https://

More than a vacation, embark on a journey with Lisa Goodwin

Lisa Goodwin, International Yoga Teacher, Life Coach and Inspirational Speaker, and creator of the BodyMind Yoga Flow which combines life-coaching and physical asana, will host her annual Sedona Yoga Retreat at the world famous and award-wining Enchantment Resort & Miiamo spa from September 25-Oct 1, 2016 . Spend six glorious nights at the famous 5 star Enchantment Resort and Miiamo Spa, winner of Travel and Leisures’ award for best spa destination two years in a row. The treatments offered are endless. You will enjoy time to strengthen your body with 2 yoga classes each day and hikes in the amazing energy of the red rocks. There is also a menu of free classes offered by Enchantment if you would like to explore Tai chi, Native American flute or water color painting to name a few. Breakfast and dinner are included and served outdoors in a gorgeous setting with the blue sky and dramatic red rocks as the backdrop.

The food is delicious, served buffet style and the tables are set to perfection. After dinner get ready for life changing group talks to replace negative thinking with positive insights to recharge and inspire your view on life. The retreat lasts 6 days however the experience will last a lifetime. For more information on the Lisa Goodwin BodyMind Sedona Yoga Retreat, to watch the video preview and client testimonials, and reserve your place at the retreat, visit www.

Beginning a serious practice in yoga 7 years ago, Michelle Tamblyn graduated from the Anuttara 200 hour teacher training in July 2011 and the Level 2 Raja training in February 2012. In addition she has training in Restorative and Yin Yoga. She is also a Reiki Master and Integrated Energy Therapy practitioner. Michelle can be reached at

september 2016


YOGA , INC SoFLo Fitness and Wellness Chosen as Sole Provider of Fitness and Wellness Services at Miami’s Brickell on the River

MIAMI, FL – Brickell on the River has chosen SoFLo Fitness and Wellness as the sole provider of fitness and wellness services to the residents of the prestigious 700-unit condominium towers located on the southern banks of the Miami River. SoFLo Fitness and Wellness began offering 25 classes per week at the condominium’s indoor fitness facilities, pool and outdoor spaces on May 14, 2016 as part of their Fitness Center Programs and Management service. A sampling of the classes offered, include yoga, mat Pilates, cardio, boot camp, H.I.I.T, aqua fit, Zumba, SoFLo stretch and more, were chosen based on an earlier survey sent to all residents. In addition, SoFLo is offering residents individual services such as personal training, massage, private yoga and Pilates lessons, stretch and injury therapy and nutritional counseling. In keeping with SoFLo’s motto, these personal services are available anytime and anywhere residents choose. “We use our expertise in fitness and wellness to help create healthy, positive and productive environments. Our passionate professionals are experts at encouraging participation and creating community and individual enjoyment through social, fun and innovative fitness,” said Nikki Zembal, Founder and CEO of SoFLo Fitness and Wellness. “The number and variety of classes is just

A Famous Yogi Once Said . . .


you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else”

- Yogi Berra, New York Yankee

Liquido Celebrates First U.S. Retail Store in Hollywood, FL

what residents have been asking for. Resident feedback has been very positive and enthusiastic about the fitness services presented by SoFLo,” said Maritza Gonzalez, Property Manager at BoR. SoFLo Fitness and Wellness is the brainchild of ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor Nikki Zembal. Her company also offers fitness and wellness related services for the corporate market, including Corporate Fitness and Wellness Training programs. They are not just personal trainers, Pilates and Yoga instructors, massage, stretch, injury, rehab therapists and nutritional counselors, but health and wellness professionals committed to helping anyone feel and look their best. More information about SoFLo Fitness and Wellness is available at

Liquido, the global active wear brand, known for their buttery-soft fabrics, limited-edition prints and popular following of renowned yogis and style mavens, opened their first retail location in the United States on July 28th at 1937 Harrison Street in Hollywood, FL. Located one block south of the main drag called Hollywood Boulevard, and smack in the middle of a high-density area of specialty shops, restaurants, and open air cafes, the store is one block west of the city’s ArtsPark at Young Circle, a hub of visual and performing arts-themed educational, recreational, and entertainment activities.

“We are extremely excited about joining such a diverse community in the most vibrant part of the Hollywood downtown area,” says Liquido Global Distributor Renata Facchini. “We carefully scouted many locations throughout South Florida and determined this was the best place for our brand to debut as a retail center in the United States.” The retail location will carry the brand’s sought-after, supremely soft leggings that feature bold, vibrant prints that express Liquido’s core philosophies of standing out, taking the road less traveled, and pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. The limited-edition patterns are released every month and loyal fans keep a watchful eye on the new releases in order to scoop up the newest collections before they sell out. The store will also carry Liquido’s Performance Wear and Swim collections and a selection of mala bead necklaces. All of Liquido’s products and manufacturing processes are sweatshop-free, and all leggings and swimwear pieces offer 50+ UVA/UVB protection, are quickdrying and durable. For more information, please call 754.263.2546 or visit Send us your news:





n April 4, 2009, in Radio City Music Hall in New York City, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, the sole remaining Beatles, performed at the David Lynch Foundation benefit concert to raise funds to teach one million at-risk kids Transcendental Meditation (TM). Taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, TM became a global household word when the Beatles meditated at the guru’s Rishikesh, India ashram in 1968. They were joined by Beach Boy Mike Love and folk singer, Donovan. Both performed at the benefit concert, along with meditators Jerry Seinfeld, Sheryl Crow, Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, Moby, and Russell Simmons, among others. Paul and Ringo, inspired by Lynch’s vision of a million meditating at-risk youth, shared their longtime meditation experiences with the audience. This isn’t the first time meditation inspired their music. In India, the Beatles had their most creative production, writing dozens of songs that became worldwide favorites. From the early days of “Beatlemania” to the period after meditating with Maharishi, their music has always had transformative effects on the young and even the not-so-young. Always catalysts, the Fab Four ushered in long hair, the British Invasion, psychedelic music, and higher consciousness through meditation. The latter isn’t surprising, considering their timeless influences from the Transcendent. You’ve practiced Hatha Yoga, perhaps even Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga; now let me introduce you to Beatles Yoga. On Sgt. Pepper’s “Within You, Without You,” George sings:


It also ends with one of rock’s only guru tributes: “Jai guru deva om/ Nothing’s gonna change my world.” Maharishi taught students to say “Jai Guru Deva” in gratitude to his guru. Maharishi also taught the Beatles that Enlightenment comes about through the combination of direct inner experience of Reality coupled with an intellectual knowledge of it. Depictions of Reality serve to deepen one’s knowledge of it even before one actually gains this spiritual status, and they also help to awaken it, as well. So listening to these Beatles songs is not only a joy because… well, they’re the Beatles, but it’s also a bit like reading such Indian wisdom books as the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads in that they will aid you in awakening to your highest nature. Cary Bayer http/ taught Transcendental Meditation for three decades and is the founder of Higher Self Healing Meditation. A Life Coach, he’s worked with Oscar-winner Alan Arkin and Emmy-winner David Steinberg. He’s the author of 13 books, including Higher Self Meditations. His syndicated column, “Life 101,” appears in wellness publications throughout the country.


Benefits of Hot Yoga


Yoga being practiced in a heated room has similar effects to sitting in a sauna. Because of the heat, the pulse rate will increase, causing the metabolism to speed up.

2 3

Hot yoga requires you to step beyond your comfort zone!

Eliminating toxins in the body due to the large amount of sweating that occurs. It is possible to lose a bit of weight during a class (mainly from oils, salts and water).


The term “Yoga glow” must have come from someone who has taken a hot yoga class. The increase in sweat has enormous benefits to our skin from all the toxins being f lushed from the body.


Your body will be better equipped to fight an infection with a regular hot yoga practice. The heated room will assist in improving T-cell function and the proper functioning of your immune system.

“When you’ve seen beyond yourself Then you may find peace of mind, is waiting there And the time will come when you see we’re all one And life flows on within you and without you.”

In “The Inner Light,” “Lady Madonna’s” B-side, George encourages us to look within: “Without going out of my door I can know all things of earth Without looking out of my window I could know the ways of heaven.”

This was the Beatles’ ashram experience. On Let it Be’s “Across the Universe,” they describe meditation itself. From “Universe”: “Images of broken light, which dance before me like a million eyes They call me on and on across the universe Thoughts meander like a restless wind Inside a letter box they Tumble blindly as they make their way Across the universe.”

september 2016


ON THE HORIZON AUGUST august 16 Indian Singing Workshop led by Tanja Schmitt at Parasutra Yoga Studio, 234 S County Rd. in Palm Beach. 4:00pm 5:15pm. $25 Learn the basics of Indian singing. This music is the higher octave of yoga. It fine-tunes your chakras and aims at opening your heart; leaving you in a state of bliss. For more info go to: Contact Connie Beaudoin at 561-835-2006 or email august 17 Whole Foods Market Davie Open House - Talk & Taste! at 6:00 PM - Free event. Join us for an evening hosted by the members in leadership at Whole Foods Market Davie as we talk and taste our way through the store, let you know about our products and hear your feedback. This free event includes: Whole Foods Market Reusable Bag for all attendees, Samples and Q&A with every department Team Leader. How it works: We will be hosting two, hour long sessions where groups spend 5-7 minutes at each table sampling and meeting with each team’s leader. This will be a chance to learn, and also share feedback with our teams about what you love and what you would like to see us do better. Group One: 6-7pm Group Two: 7-8pm Space is Limited, so sign up today.


august 20 Vegan Chef’s Buffet - Vegtastic Music 5:00pm to 8:45pm at Tamarac Community Center - 8601 West Commercial Blvd. Paradise Ballroom, in Tamarac RSVP to brookkatz@hotmail. com, 954-971-4432 august 22 Mango Day at Wynwood Farmer’s Market 7:00pm - 10:00pm 2178 NW 2nd Ave in Miami august 23 Free Workshop - Get Unstuck! How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be at The Standard Hotel with Jennifer Grace 7:00pm - 8:30pm - The Standard Spa Miami Beach, 40 Island Avenue

SEPTEMBER september 7 - december 22 American Yoga Teacher’s Training: Come train with Monica Schmidt, E-RYT 500 and guest teachers! Topics: History, Anatomy, Pranayama, Mantra, Mudra, Meditation, Chakras, Marketing. Workshops in Nutrition, Life Coaching, and Arm Balance technique. Opportunities for Trainees to teach classes and master provided sequencing as well as explore creative sequences. A very practical approach to get started teaching Vinyasa Yoga.

september 7 Hathavidya Workshop Series with Will Duprey: Curious Mudras at Trio Yoga at 2330 NE 2nd Ave. in Miami. 2:00pm - 4:00pm. For more call 305573-1841 or visit september 10 Kinesthetic Awareness in Yoga with Angelique Sandas. 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Yoga Path, 4514 South Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach. Call 561-557-4026. september 11 Delray Dance Jam with Yoga Trance Dance. Freestyle dancing, non-stop music - express yourself! Project Mate Bar at 401 NE 2nd St. in Delray Beach. For info visit dance. 561-245-1273 september 18 Yoga Nidra w/ Julie with Julie Murphy From: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Simply Yoga

of Delray Beach. Yoga Nidra, known as the “yogic sleep”, is the state in between being asleep and awake — experiencing a deep relaxation of the body, while the mind remains awake and calm. In this place of tranquil awareness, positive affirmations are used for personal transformation. Cost: $20 Yoga Nidra with Julie is a monthly treat. No previous experience needed all are welcome! Visit september 27 “Thoughtmail: Mastering Happiness & Success,” with Coach Cary Bayer (, author of Prosperity Aerobics and Meditations on Enlightenment, at Crystal Vision, at 3160 Stirling Rd., in Hollywood from 7:30—10 PM. Investment: $20 when paid by September 24, $30 after. Contact: (954) 981-4992,

ON THE HORIZON Yoga at The Botanical Garden!

Take Hatha Yoga at Miami Beach Botanical Garden, and channel your inner Buddha amid the lush foliage. The all-ages class combines strengthening, stretching, and relaxation on the terrace. Instructor Terra-Nova begins the class with a mini-meditation and offers new themes each week, many of which revolve around our relationship to nature. All donations given at the class support the garden; suggested donations are $5 for garden members and $10 for nonmembers. The class begins at 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Miami Beach Botanical Garden (2000 Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach). Visit or call 305-673-7256.

OCTOBER october 1 EcoAction Days - Fern Forest Nature Center at 201 Lyons Rd. South, Coconut Creek 9 a.m.-noon. For ages 13 and up. Volunteers clean up trash, plant native plants, and/or remove nonnative invasive plants. Students can earn community service hours for graduation and college scholarships, and others can help improve and preserve the environment.

october 14-16 Embrace Yourself: An Anusara yoga workshop with Peter Goodman and DeAnna Alvarez. Wyndham Hotel in Boca Raton. For more call 561-4797819 or visit october 15-16 I CAN DO IT! Conference 9:30am5:30pm Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Ft. Lauderdale Share a weekend with some of the most inspiring and thought-provoking authors of our time Scheduled speakers: Dr. Christiane Northrup, Brendan Burchard, Cheryl Richardson, Greg Braden, Gabrielle Bernstein, Joe Dispense, Nick Ortner, Mastin Kipp, Kris Carr, Mike Dooley. For more information or to register: 600-6545126 or october 21-24 Retreat yourself in one of the best kept secrets of the Florida Keys. Join Angela and Tamara for a tranquil yoga escape in an oceanfront private villa less than two hours away from Miami. Embrace the natural beauty of Little Conch Key at its best with daily yoga, delicious food, and plenty of time to explore and relax. For more info or to reserve your spot email tamara@

october 22 Wanderlust 108 Miami 2016 7:30am to 3:45pm Virginia Key Beach Park, 4020 Virginia Key Beach Drive in Key Biscayne. Wanderlust 108 is a “mindful triathlon” bringing three events together to your favorite local park: a 5k run/ walk, an outdoor yoga experience, and a guided meditation - but with a twist. Unlike most triathlons, Wanderlust

places community above competition, inner peace above power, and self awareness above strength. From DJs on the main stage to lawn activities like hooping, slacklining and acroyoga, to local food and craft vendors, there’s plenty to do when you’re not on your mat. Nationally recognized teachers, speakers and musical talent are featured at each event to make for a fun-filled day. Visit


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his months pose of the month was sent in by Jessica McCarrick of Delray Beach. Jessica has been teaching yoga for 3 years and specializes in Yin, Vinyasa, Restorative and children with special needs. She fittingly calls this variation of Crow Pose: Crow vs. Horse! 1. Set up the foundation 2. Get knees as high up the arms as possible 3. Draw in first, then lift up 4. Shift the weight forward 5. Upper back is rounded

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Let us introduce you to our passionate readership and you'll be jumping for joy too!! • 305-901-1261 september 2016


the evolving yogi

For millennia, Yoga was passed down from teacher to student without ever recording a single idea on paper. In fact, the most physical aspects of what most Western practitioners consider to be yoga did not even appear in text until five thousand years after the first text included the word ‘yoga’. 

 This is not to say that the physical aspects of yoga (asana) are not important, because they are, and they do play a role in health and wellness. In this search of physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental well being, teachers, practitioners, and enthusiasts can all look to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (15 century CE) which describes the location of body parts to achieve different shapes within 11 different postures.

In the Midst of the Non-Evolution of Yoga by Laurie Levenstein


f you do or do not take yoga classes regularly, there is still a part of you that thinks or hopes there’s room for improvement. H-O-P-E keeps us going; there’s hope that we will feel better tomorrow, be able to do more or be better - as there should be. We hope to evolve, as individuals, as a society, and sometimes we hope to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. This leads us to wonder, “Do we want yoga to evolve, too? Should we expect our yoga to change with us?”

 Approximately 20 million people in the United States practice some form of yoga, from the copyrighted Bikram and trendsetting Ashtanga to the daring and flight-filled “Acroyoga.” Many welcome the commercialism of it all; though there is still a demand for the recognition of a deeper philosophy that dates back centuries. William Broad, a reporter for The New York Times and author of The Science of Yoga, has been practicing yoga in some form since 1970. He once claimed, “People pursue yoga for all kinds of reasons, from achieving health and fitness to seeking spirituality, energy and creativity. You see a wild correlation between yoga studios and the most stressful places on the planet. Yoga works to unplug, relax and to help tense urbanites deal with that tension.” Broad’s perceptive words ring true during this evolutionary path. 

 Nonetheless, it is amazing (especially to Easterners) that so much of the yoga practiced in the U.S. emphasizes the physical and ancillary aspects of the practice. Case in point, we have mass marketing titans like Nike and Lululemon carving out niche markets in apparel and accessories. Yoga, which originates from the Hindu tradition, continues to increase the number followers in the United States. Broad says, “Yoga was reinvented and somewhat sanitized in the 1920s and ‘30s. Some of the tantric and sexual aspects were removed and more health and exercise put in. There is no one ‘yoga’… there are hundreds and thousands of things that are labeled yoga.” Where does that leave us now?

 Undeniably, many practitioners would argue their practice goes far beyond a few headstands and arm balances. Yoga - Is it a lifestyle? Is it a philosophy? 

 You can take as many heated Vinyasa classes as you can handle with your monthly unlimited membership or you can stick with your dedicated home practice in your living room, however; neither practitioner will be getting the true intended benefit of their practice without being open to guidance from their modernday ‘guru,’ their teacher, or receiving feedback through self-study (svadhyaya).


From there, they can delve deeper in the philosophical realms with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (400 CE), the Bhagavad Gita (3rd-4th century BCE), and the Upanishads (6th century BCE), to name just a few. In this search, all will be found, and as they say, you don’t find yoga, yoga finds you. 
The good news is - many teachers pull directly from these ancient texts to provide their students with the origin and the proper foundations of yoga. 
 The origins and the words stay the same, though the modern-day yogi continues to evolve. Yoga helps us to evolve, but we don’t evolve yoga. Yoga is infinitely wise, producing for you a path to whatever it is that you want or need, that is, as long as you’re open to it. If you hope to look thinner, leaner, then yoga can be a path to that. And if you hope to go deeper, open yourself to the depth of knowledge and understanding that has no limits – dive headfirst into something new. Look for opportunities to learn: seek out workshops, pursue teacher training, read books about yoga, and perhaps most importantly, ask questions of your teachers. If money is an obstacle, be as innovative as is the evolution of yoga, volunteer for work-trade relationships and seek out scholarship opportunities for training. Yoga is about opening up to yourself and all of your infinite kindness and wisdom. Stop... Breathe...Listen (to the beauty of being alive)

Laurie Levenstein (500 E-RYT) is owner and operator of Yoga Aura in Boca Raton. She holds certifications in both Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga and works hard to consistently offer quality classes, workshops, and events that promote health of the mind, body and soul. Yoga Aura’s unique Teacher Training Program features Laurie as Lead Trainer. For more visit


“ Yoga is the

practice of quieting the mind.


september 2016



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