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William Forsythe questions the implementation of human rights through ‘Human Writes’ project
Obama moves closer to nomination
Kurdish activists demand mediation of leading international community figures, including UK’s Tony Blair
Yo u r Wa y o f U n d e r s t a n d ý n g T u r k e y
EU seeks radical overhaul of judiciary SELÇUK GÜLTAÞLI, BRUSSELS
Row between government and top judiciary intensifies
system, using quite strong terms after public prosecutors moved to open court cases to ban the governing AK Party and the DTP. The EU is also calling on Ankara to resolve the issue of closure cases by complying with the European Court of Human Rights verdicts and the principles of the Venice Commission. In the 17-page document, titled "46th Meeting of the EC-Turkey Association Council: Position of the European Union," the EU takes a critical position on the judiciary, Cyprus, the Kurdish question, freedom of expression, military-civilian relations, religious freedom (for religious minorities), Iraq and the reform process. Although pointing out the limited progress achieved in political reforms in 2007, the
EU says closure case not a matter of judiciary independence
draft notes the government's declared intention to carry on reforms. The draft says the EU "follows" the closure cases and hopes for the verdict to be in line with European Court of Human Rights principles and the guidelines established by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. Brussels draws attention to the closure cases in two different sections -- freedom of association and assembly, and political criteria. In the sections concerning religious freedom and minorities, the EU used blunter language. On the controversial usage of the title "ecumenical," Brussels clearly sides with the Patriarchate, stating, "The Ecumenical Patriarchate is free to use the ecclesiastical title 'ecumenical'." CONTINUED ON PAGE 06
The European Parliament yesterday reiterated its criticism of a closure case filed against Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), dismissing top judges and prosecutors' claims that it is a matter of the independence of the judiciary and saying instead that it raises questions about the impartiality of the institution. "Nowhere in Europe do top prosecutors enjoy such freedom," Ria Oomen-Ruijten, the European Parliament's rapporteur on Turkey, said at a press conference in Strasbourg following approval of her most recent report on Turkey in the EU assembly. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
Cemil Çiçek
In the wake of closure cases filed against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the Democratic Society Party (DTP), the European Union is preparing to ask Turkey to make radical changes to its judiciary at the upcoming Association Council next week. The Association Council is the most prominent institution to have been established between the EU and Turkey since 1963, when the Ankara Agreement was signed, opening the way for Turkey's possible membership in the bloc. A copy of the draft seen by Today's Zaman focuses on the reform of the judicial
ERCAN YAVUZ, ANKARA The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) fired back yesterday at the Supreme Court of Appeals and criticized the statement issued by the court's Board of Chairmen as "eroding the public trust in the judiciary." In what was considered to be a very harsh statement, government spokesman and Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Çiçek said, "The public statement has no democratic or legal legitimacy." He stressed that "this is a political statement and as such it can't be accepted." He also argued that "the judiciary has interfered with legislative and executive power," overstepping its authority. Çiçek also accused the Supreme Court of Appeals of acting "like an opposition political party," intending to influence the pending closure case at the Constitutional Court. A row between AK Party government and the Supreme Court of Appeals broke out when the chief prosecutor of the court filed a closure case against the AK Party has heated up after the court's Board of Chairmen released a statement yesterday accusing the AK Party of bringing the judiciary under its control. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
Israeli, Syrian envoys holding peace talks in Ýstanbul Israel and Syria said in surprise announcements yesterday that they were conducting indirect peace talks with Turkish mediation. Senior officials from both sides were currently in Turkey, an Israeli government official said. He would not confirm there had been direct contact between the two delegations, which have been in Turkey since Monday. Turkish sources said Israeli and Syrian representatives were not meeting directly, with Turkish officials shuttling between them instead. From the Israeli side, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's top aides Yoram Turbovitch and Shalom Turgeman were put in charge of contacts and traveled several times to Turkey to meet their Turkish counterparts, said the Israeli official. Feridun Sinirlioðlu, a former Turkish ambassador to Israel, is involved in talks taking place in Ýstanbul, Turkish officials said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 04
Some 800 victims of enforced disappearance remembered AYÞE KARABAT, ANKARA
Austrian President Heinz Fischer and his wife, Margit Fischer, tour Kayseri’s Hunat Mosque, guided by Turkish President Abdullah Gül.
Fischer gets friendly welcome amid questions on EU stance
Austrian President Heinz Fischer, who is in Turkey on an official visit, was warmly welcomed yesterday in Kayseri but was faced with questions over Austria's negative stance on Turkey's EU membership. President Abdullah Gül and President Fischer presided over a business council meeting in Kayseri that brought together Austrian and Turkish businessmen when the attendees started to question Austria's objection to Turkey's accession to the EU. CONTINUED ON PAGE 07
Hasan Örhan, Selim Örhan and Cezayir Örhan were three relatives living in the Deveboyu village of Diyarbakýr. On May 24, 1994 soldiers came to their village. The Örhans were allegedly forced by the soldiers to accompany them as guides - and this was the last time the three men were seen alive. They became three of the around 800 persons who went missing under Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) custody, according to statistics from the Human Rights Association (ÝHD). The Örhan family has suffered every day in the uncertainty of not knowing the fate of their loved ones, a statement made by the ÝHD highlights on the occasion of the Missing Persons Week from May 17-31. In 2004, 10 years after the Örhans' disappearance, some human bones were found near the village of Baðcýlar in Diyarbakýr. The bones belonged to eight victims who were shot and burned. DNA testing took another four years, but this past April it became clear that two bodies were those of Mehmet and Hasan Örhan. The fate of Cezayir Örhan is still unknown, as is the identity of the other six persons who were found in the same mass grave with Mehmet and Hasan Örhan. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
Turkey’s sale pýtch to become raýlway freýght hub SELÝM KUVEL / ABDULLAH BOZKURT, SEOUL / ÝSTANBUL Turkey has launched an international sales pitch to attract more freight volume coming from the East through the Persian Gulf by expanding its national railway transport grid; at stake is the lion's share of the $75 billion generated by the Asia-Europe railway transportation route. Turkish officials are lobbying at a meeting of the International Union of Railways (UIC) being held in
Seoul and are trying to convince its members that Turkey should be a major hub of railway freight coming from Asia and Central Asia. An increased volume of freight is passing through the Gulf region, and the transportation industry needs to provide better options to meet increasing demand. Turkey is competing with Iran and Russia in offering to serve as a major grid of rail transport in the region. Turkish State Railways (TCDD) Director General and board chairman Süleyman Karaman proposed two special proj-
ects at the UIC's executive board meeting the other day and later presented the case to the union's general assembly. Both projects envisage the Persian Gulf as a major freight forwarding point and suggest two major routes, one coming through Iraq and Syria and the other via Iran. The first route would connect to the TCDD's southern transit lines, while the other route would carry freight across Iran and merge with the grid north of Van, a major city in eastern Turkey. According to Karaman, who represented
Featuring news and articles from
Turkey at the UIC meeting, both Russia and Iran are suggesting alternate routes for freight forwarding that will go through the Asian steppes north of the Caspian Sea and terminate in Europe. To counter competing routes likely to push the Turkish grid to the sidelines and cause a loss of substantial amounts of revenue, Turkey has started intensive lobbying among UIC members. If Turkey's bid is successful, $3.5 billion in revenue is projected for the short term. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17