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Fethiye Çetin recounts her discovery of the realities buried deep in Turkish society in ‘My Grandmother’
Leftie Emre set to become a Yellow Canary
Gourmets and chefs flock to Safranbolu to sample saffron-flavored dishes
Yo u r Way o f U n d e r s t a n d ý n g Tu r k e y
Thumbs up for EU, down for closure case BETÜL AKKAYA, ÝSTANBUL A clear majority of society is uneasy about a closure case filed against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and upholds Turkey's bid to join the European Union, a new opinion poll has found. The poll, conducted by Ankara-based MetroPOLL Strategic & Social Research Center, found that 65.6 percent of the public does not appreciate a closure case filed against the governing
AK Party. The poll also revealed that 62 percent of society supports Turkey's bid to join the 27-nation European Union. An overwhelming majority of those surveyed noted that their support for the country's EU bid had increased after a state prosecutor filed the closure case against the ruling party. Supreme Court of Appeals Chief Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalçýnkaya requested on March 14 the closure of the AK Party on grounds that it had become a focal point of "anti-secular activities" and a ban on 70 of its high-level officials from engaging
in politics for five years, including Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan as well as President Abdullah Gül, a former AK Party member. Among those surveyed 65.6 percent viewed the case negatively while only 27 percent saw it as a positive development. A total of 75.8 percent of supporters of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), however, uphold the case filed to disband the AK Party. Around 69 percent of participants of the poll who are not CHP supporters indicated an objection to the prospect that the governing party may be shut
down. Only 25.3 percent of those polled said they wished to see the AK Party disbanded. A total of 72.5 percent of CHP supporters who participated in the survey noted the AK Party should be closed, while 21.4 percent of them said it should remain open. A full 41 percent of those surveyed expressed the belief that the Constitutional Court will disband the AK Party, whereas 38.9 percent said the top court will not shut it down. Respondents were also asked about their expectations of Turkey's bid to join the EU. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
Prosecutor’s statement raises eyebrows METÝN ARSLAN / AHMET DÝNÇ, ANKARA Supreme Court of Appeals Chief Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalçýnkaya has submitted an opinion to the Constitutional Court, following a response from the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party), on a closure case against the ruling AK Party over allegations of it attempting to undermine Turkey's secular foundations, but the legal validity of the prosecutor's statement of opinion is under debate. The prosecutor's statement, which seeks to ban 71 former and current AK Party members from party politics in addition to closing down the party, asserts that the AK Party has a secret agenda to install an Islamic state. It is a response to the party's initial defense. Experts point to a number of problem areas regarding the prosecutor's claims. Baþkent University's Mehmet Turhan commented that the understanding that sees shutting down parties as a form of protection would never be considered democratic. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
An increasing number of politicians have been criticizing Republican People's Party (CHP) Secretary-General Önder Sav for falsely accusing the government of having bugged his party's building and phone lines. The CHP last week accused the government of illegally monitoring its members' conversations when excerpts from a conversation between former Bolu Governor Ali Serindað and Sav were published last Tuesday in Vakit. The daily's correspondent said he had recorded the conversation between the two, as Sav forgot to switch off his cell phone during their meeting. A document sent from land line operator Türk Telekom to the prosecutor on the case showing phone records of the Vakit daily proved that Sav's cell phone number had indeed remained connected to the Vakit daily headquarters. Since the document was made public on Friday, the general public opinion has been in favor of an apology from Sav, if not his resignation. Grand Unity Party (BBP) leader Muhsin Yazýcýoðlu told Today's Zaman on Saturday that the CHP was trying to foment a tense atmosphere in Turkey. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
CHP’s Sav feels the heat from bugging fiasco
Efforts to link Fethullah Gülen's name to recent bugging claims have been described by Gülen's lawyer as a "shameless act of slander."
Leading Turkish furniture manufacturer Boydak Holding has tentative plans to expand into Russia, says Chairman Hacý Boydak.
Turkish Olympics: an organizational success
The International Turkish Language Olympics, a hugely successful international event now in its sixth year, hosted 550 students from 110 countries, all ready and willing to showcase their skills in Turkish. Speaker of Parliament Köksal Toptan attended the competition's gala night at the Ýstanbul Show and Congress Center. Many commentators have said the event brought the "United Nations" to Turkey. Organized by the International Turkish Education Association (TÜRKÇEDER), the Turkish Language Olympics are the result of a full year of preparation and organization. However, students participating in the competition are the end-result of more than two decades of hard work to open schools teaching Turkish around the world.
US labels PKK drug smugglýng kýngpýn The United States, which already classifies the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) as a terrorist organization, has imposed further sanctions on the group to cut off its funding under an anti-drug smuggling law. The PKK as well as a Turkish national and other foreign organizations and individuals are now on a US list of suspected drug traffickers. The terrorist organization will be denied access to the US financial system and all trade transactions involving US companies and individuals under the
Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, according to a statement released by the White House on Friday. "Now that the PKK has been designated under the kingpin act, the penalties for doing business with them are much higher," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council. "We also now have the authority to target and designate other PKK entities and associates for narcotics activity. Before, we were limited to this group's terror activities." The decision takes Turkish-US cooperation against
Featuring news and articles from
the PKK a step further. Washington designates the PKK as a terrorist organization, and President George W. Bush described the group as a "common enemy" during a meeting with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan in November. Washington is also assisting Turkey's efforts to fight the terrorist group in northern Iraq by providing intelligence and airspace clearance for Turkish jet fighters, which have been hitting PKK targets in the Kurdish-controlled region periodically since last December. CONTINUED ON PAGE 04