Hello fellow K
Welcome to the don’t know me
Medina and it is your Lt. Governo
What a great start to the year we are having thus far! It is so exciting to see the key clubs grow and get back out as school has ramped up again. Can’t wait to see all you do! Make sure to have fun.
Please take a moment, to read over my newsletter filled with monthly updates, my divisional project, and key club information. Please reach out if you have any questions, comments, concerns!
Yours in Service,
upcoming upcoming dates dates
divisional dproject: ivisional project:
One of the most pressing issues of our time, climate change threatens the lives and livelihoods of billions of people. It is our responsibility to do our part to combat climate change and preserve the planet. Key to Green focuses on helping preserving the environment as well as educating others about the importance of their role in keeping the Earth green.
KKiwanis iwanis
K Kids is a student led program in which elementary school students are able to begin developing a strong character and passion for service.
Key CLub
Key Club is a service organization for high school students that provides members with opportunities to serve and develop character and leadership.
Builders CLub
Builders Club is a club for middle school students
Members are able to learn self confidence and grow as leaders through teamwork and goal setting.
Kiwanis International is a service organization comprised of adult volunteers who serve globally
Circle K International is a student led service organization for college students.
Aktion Club
Aktion Club is a service club for adults with disabilities Members develop confidence and self esteem through leadership roles and helping others.
Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive impact in the lives of babies everywhere. Today, Kiwanis members continue that culture of service by supporting the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.
Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership
Preferred PCharities referred Charities
Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference and encourage others to join in the effort.
UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments, and nongovernmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children's needs in more than 150 developing countries through community based services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation.