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Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato ................................................................................................ 3 Misión ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Visión .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Eduación ....................................................................... 4 Misión ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Visión .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Perfil de Egreso........................................................................................................................... 5 1.

Trabajo Colaborativo........................................................................................................... 7


Trabajo Práctico ................................................................................................................ 29


Trabajo Autónomo ............................................................................................................ 32


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ............................................................................... 41


Prácticas Preprofesionales ................................................................................................ 45


Reflexión ........................................................................................................................... 46


Autor: Sebastian Pineda


Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.


Autor: Sebastian Pineda


Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.

Visión “La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos. ”.



Sílabo https://utaedumy.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/albaphernandezf_uta_edu_ec/EXhyinEDlVpAoApNW2dh wPABETOJuJNtPIakra0uhHIdJw?e=3WlGSQ

Programa Analítico https://utaedumy.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/albaphernandezf_uta_edu_ec/EXhyinEDlVpAoApNW2dh wPABETOJuJNtPIakra0uhHIdJw?e=3WlGSQ

Guías PAE No Aplica



Perfil de Egreso  La administración y operación de empresas turísticas y hoteleras orientadas a la alta calidad; para la realización de diagnósticos, planificación y coordinación de actividades turísticas.  El impulso del desarrollo de la actividad en relación con el entorno relacionado con un turismo ambientalmente sustentable que tienda a proteger y mejorar los recursos y las oportunidades futuras de uso de los mismos.  El desarrollo de nuevos productos turísticos temáticos e innovadores. la implementación de programas de calidad en empresas y destinos turísticos.  A su vez, está formado para desempeñarse en la actividad académica donde podrá investigar, ejecutar y evaluar propuestas y proyectos en el área de su competencia, ejercer la docencia y desempeñarse en los ámbitos de la gestión educativa.








Names: Wilmer Guananga Sebastian Pineda Kevin Sánchez Alex Tenorio





Tips to traveling with packages Traveling in the off season will give you the chance to most likely find cheaper plane tickets, accommodations, and activity packages. You’ll also probably have fewer other travelers to deal with at the destination, which means you might get better service from guides, activity organizers, and other service people. But times have changed, and maybe that job we can do much more easily. As always, it all depends on the destination you intend to travel, because not always what we find on the Web can be more advantageous. Travel agencies can have agreements and advantages for certain places far away or less popular for tourism.

Traveling, without a doubt, is fun. Should I say more? Although it is important to know that sometimes it can be difficult, I have never regretted traveling to new places. If you combine food, people, learn another language and all the rest, you end up with an incredible collection of memories and experiences to remember when you come back! In Ecuador that is a mix of cultures, we can different food, listen traditional music, know different people, speak some languages, walk around different ground and know and share different ways of thinking.

Study Your Itinerary Before your tour begins, take a good look at your itinerary. During guided tours and group meals, you will not need to worry about companionship. "On your own" meals and free time will present more of a challenge. Be ready to explore on your own, and embrace the opportunity to see and do what appeals to you without having to worry about anyone else's preferences. The perfect time to enjoy a tour of the world and discover the most important places on the planet. If you want in addition to making a simple tour, take to spend a few days completely organized, it is necessary to use your time in a better way planificating to enjoy the activities.



Advantages to travel with packages 

Someone to show you the way

When you’re travelling solo, you’re the one who’s responsible for finding accommodation, getting there, finding food and drink and making sure you get the best from your destination. On tour, your guide will tell you where you’re going each morning, probably take you there, and a good one will be able to give you facts about everything you see along the way too. This is definitely one of the best things about travelling in a tour group. When you travel by yourself, in a country where you don’t speak the language, there’s no one to ask the deluge of questions you might have. On a tour, no matter how silly your enquiry, your tour guide is there to help. This tip can help you if you really have that dream to travel to another country, maybe in the case none of your friends wants to travel and it´s more easy with all planed inclusive with people that know how the place is.

Tried and tested best of a destination

Whichever tour company you go with, they’ll have utilized years of tried and tested research to put together the best itinerary. It could take weeks of research to be able to put together as worthy a schedule as they do. Good tour companies will only hire locals, or people with super slick local knowledge that can give you the best insider information there is. They’ll also be able to recommend the best restaurants and bars to visit. You can trust a good tour company to show you the best of a destination. If you travel with a package they only going to give you the most exclusive places to visit because they perform a preliminary study for customer satisfaction.

Group discounts

When you travel in a group, your leader can arrange group discounts on activities, food and drinks. Companies will be happy to offer cheaper prices as there are so many of you. That it´s a fantastic offer that all travel agencies have because with this method can get the customer's attention and help them economically.



Tips to know another culture 

Find out everything what you could bring over of the country to which you are going to travel. Search on his history, religion, geography, economy, nature, gastronomy, artistic expressions, sports … Look for some words in the local language, especially those of comity such as regards, “please”, “thank you”; and even those phrases that you can be useful as “like” to ask how to come to a place or to ask to extract a photo. Be nice and cordial with the communities, don´t have prejudices and encourage enjoying of the differences. Your experience gonna be satisfactory with this tip.

At the moment to know other culture it´s important get respect with all the people because it´s other site and they try to give a unique experience showing his customs.

Our environment is very diverse and it is important to fully understand the culture of the people with whom we interact. One of the best ways to accumulate experiences is to travel. This allows us to expand the perspective in ways that go beyond what we can imagine. Traveling favors learning in an experiential way, experience allows you to compare and see the differences between what is foreign and what is your own, with what tolerance develops. It also increases the ability to learn another language and understand the historical concept, the uses and customs, the real meaning of the different manifestations of people's way of thinking and acting, avoiding misinterpretations.

Disadvantage of travel alone Safety: Without someone looking out for you, anything could happen. Things can happen in groups, too, but solo travelers are more likely to be targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks, etc., because they appear more vulnerable. What if you were hurt? What if you got lost? What if you got sick? There would be no one there to help you or take care of you. This is one of the reason why a travel agency it´s a safe method to travel inclusive you go with other people to protect each other, with insurance included in the package and guide you for safe zones and ways.



Advantages of developing a package Packaging’s intent is to create user-friendly products. It is intended to make carrying out business more convenient for both the business and the customer.

Advantages for the customer • It increases convenience for the clients by combining services that would otherwise have to be purchased individually, often with some difficulty. • It makes vacations more affordable and less time consuming to plan. • It allows customers to budget and more closely predict the cost of their vacations. It can provide some security of product quality.

Advantages for the business • It increases the number of sellable features, allowing the business to appeal to wider markets. • It creates unique products, because elements are usually different than the packages of other tours. • It provides newer businesses the opportunity to partner with well-established, high-quality products. • It facilitates tourism and regional economic development by increasing demand for some components of packages. • It encourages participation in tourism development. • It may maximize revenue for the package partners by decreasing marketing costs. • It increases marketing effectiveness through a well-organized effort. • It enables operators to provide control over the visitor’s experience through the selection of appropriate partners.



Disadvantages of developing a package • Partners have not got as much control over the quality of the total product. • Package may increase the logistics required to handle a client. • Packages may increase the potential for things to go wrong, as more players are involved in the package. • Packages may create client volume that a partner does not have the capacity to handle. • Package may create the feeling of inflexibility among customers, since most packages have predetermined components and often have pre-determined dates.

Step 1: determining your goals and objectives Goals and objectives can vary from package to package. Clearly articulate the goals for your proposed package. These may be: • To bring new visitors to your region • To develop new markets and diversify your products • To increase income during shoulder seasons • To partner with an upcoming event • To diversify economic development in your community

Step 2: identifying strengths and opportunities You may need to carry out an inventory of the existing tourism services, attractions and strengths in your region as a way to identify new opportunities. In addition, you may need to realistically assess your personal and business strengths and abilities in order to help clarify how you fit into the package. An inventory of the existing services and attractions in your region may include an analysis of: • Your product and services



• Transportation availability • Physical attractions • Natural history and wildlife • Cultural and heritage attractions • Entertainment • Special events and their dates • Guides, naturalists and interpreters • Accommodations • Restaurants

Step 3: identifying target markets Identify as specifically as possible your expected markets for the package. Be sure to identify their characteristics, origins and motivations. There may be more than one market for a package; each should be clearly identified. Identify market research information you need in order to confirm the proposed markets, into what age group might be expected to participate in hiking trips in the Canadian Arctic. Identify the research tools you will use to find out more about the target market, focus groups.

Step 4: developing the package Determine the potential components to be included, considering your strengths and opportunities and your target market. Then develop the itinerary. Will you include any or all of the following? • Transportation (and transfers). • Accommodations (hotels, campsites, lodges, bed and breakfasts). • Relevant services (e.g. meet and greet, translators, guides, outfitters, naturalists, rentals, instructors, hosts, interpretative guides).



• Meals (e.g. snacks, main meals, beverages). • Attractions, entertainment, activities (e.g. museums, parks, community events, galleries, sporting events, hiking). • Extra items (mementoes, coupons, welcome breakfasts, greeting from the mayor). • Fees, admissions and service charges.

Step 5: obtaining partners services and suppliers Traditional competitive business means being self-sufficient, trying to control all of the operational services, employees, infrastructure and marketing as a single company. A new, emerging trend is to shift to partnerships by focusing on your basic products and services and then by collaborating with others to help reduce your costs while making your business more appealing to target markets. This allows you to share expertise and offer a better experience to clients. It also allows you to concentrate on what you do best. Obtaining suppliers, services and partners occurs in the areas of, for example: • Entertainment, music, storytelling, cultural performers, artisans • Accommodations • travel transportation/charters • Meal suppliers, restaurants, caterers, community organizations • Rental services, skis, bicycles • Local businesses, retail • Guides, tour guides, scientists, aboriginal guides, non-government staff, etc.

Key decisions How many affiliates? If you recruit hundreds you will be dealing with them without any personal support or individual relationship building. Each individual affiliate is unlikely to be worth that much to you however taken in their entirety their volume could be substantial. Alternatively, if you recruit 10 well



performing ones you can adjust your offering based on their requirements and help them do much more with your products.

Should you use an affiliate network? One issue with taking on many smaller affiliates is that you will be constantly (hopefully!) paying out small commission payments every month. One way to solve that is to use an affiliate network. These services are setup to provide independent tracking and payment solutions. You make a single payment to the affiliate network. They make all the small payments to the affiliates themselves. This service will incur a cost however many affiliates prefer to work via networks as they trust the tracking and they themselves only have to deal with one incoming payment per month (rather than dealing with all the companies they work with).

How much should you pay an affiliate? As much as you can afford! The more you pay, the more they will work for you. Seems obvious but many tour operators just pluck a small percentage out of the air and then are surprised when affiliate marketing doesn’t work for them. Web affiliates tend to get 5% less than you give to agents for a similar sale. This is because they are not handling the customer and secondly not handling the money (hence not incurring any credit card transaction fees).

Attitude and behaviour At the beginning of the tour, participants who were joining a group tour for the first time and had negative thoughts, along with those who had had unpleasant previous experiences, were uncertain and lacked confidence in the product. However, the performance of the tour leader and interactions with other group participants either confirmed their fears or altered their opinion (positively). Indeed, the participants’ enjoyment of the tour was based more on numerous ‘moments of truth’ rather than any prejudicial pre-tour attitudes. Attitudes were also influenced by the positive/negative views of other participants. Under certain circumstances, tourists’ behaviour was changed by either imitation, interaction or the setting.



Sources: Alex Bainbridge (2010), 55 Travel ecommerce tips for specialist tour operators, travel agents & activity companies, Washington, DC: Author. Annals of Tourism Research 23 (3), 599-616, 1996. Clarke, H., Sanders, D., Stewart, M., & Whiteley, P. (2014). 6 Travel tips for students of electoral choice. Political Parties and Partisanship: Social Identity and Individual Attitudes, 57, 88. David B,(2005), Tourist satisfaction: A view from a mixed international guided package tour. Davrath, L. R,(2008),Productc packaging. Fingerhut, A., & Lacaine, F. (2002). Tips for your Trip. (pp. 73-74). Springer, Paris. Momenzadeh, N. (2017). How to travel more, even with low budget!. Morin, E. (2015). Por una reforma del pensamiento. Nataliia, P., & Anatoly, U. (2017). Advantages and disadvantages of active tourism in ukraine. World Leisure & Recreation 36 (2), 24-28, 1994.

















DOMESTIC FLIGHTS Domestic flights in Ecuador are reasonably priced and a fast way to get around this small Andean nation. Domestic flights, except those to the Galapagos, rarely cost more than USD $120 round trip. Most travelers base their trips to Ecuador out of Quito. As of February 2013, Quito has a new International Airport, Mitad del Mundo Airport, which is nearly a one hour drive east of Quito near the town of Tababela. 35 buses per day will be running from Ave. Once you get to the new Quito airport, traveling from Quito to la costa (the coast) or to el oriente (Amazon), or most anywhere in Ecuador is a short 30-minute plane ride away. Expect incredible views, particularly if you are passing over Ecuador’s breathtaking “Avenue of the Volcanoes” on the Quito-Cuenca flight. Flight schedules change frequently, so check the websites of the domestic airlines below for the destinations and times of flights. Flying to the Galapagos Islands Flying within Ecuador, with the exception of the Galapagos, is quite easy and affordable. For Galapagos flights, there is a two-tiered system where foreigners can expect to pay more than double what nationals pay. As an independent traveler finding availability can be challenging as tour operators usually reserve seats months in advance, fully booking most flights. If you go on a Galapagos cruise or organize a Galapagos land based tour, your tour operator almost always reserves your flight for you. There are two airports on the Galapagos Islands one on Baltra, which is used to access the adjacent Santa Cruz Island and its main town, Puerto Ayora. The second airport is on San Cristobal, next to the main town Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Most tours and cruises define where you fly into and out of for you. Ecuador’s Domestic Airlines Tame has flights to almost all destinations in the country including: Guayaquil, Quito, the Galapagos, Esmeraldas, Manta, Portoviejo, Machala, Cuenca, Loja, Tulcán, Coca, Lago Agrio, and Macas. Their website almost never works for buying flights, so try booking with a travel agency instead. Tame, pronounced tah-may, is Ecuador’s national airline, and has pilots straight out of the air force. Their reputation for maverick maneuvers is anything but tame.



Aerogal, a local airline recently bought out by a Colombian consortium, flies to/from Quito, Guayaquil, Coca, Manta, Cuenca, Lago Agrio, and both Baltra and San Cristobal Islands in the Galapagos. Aerogal’s website is about as reliable as Tame’s, which means it’s best to have a local travel agency book for you, unless you happen to get lucky. LAN Airlines is a Chilean based airline who started to offer domestic flights in Ecuador recently. The airline is very professionally run, and their website actually works to purchase flights. Beware though, if you select your country as being outside Ecuador on the website, you may get highly inflated prices, frequently several times the price of reserving the flight while in Ecuador. Domestic flights, except those to the Galapagos, rarely cost more than USD $120 round trip, make sure you’re not getting gouged. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS There are two international airports in Ecuador: Quito, UIO and Guayaquil, GYE. Most travelers fly into Quito, which has a new international airport opening in February 2013. The new Mitad del Mundo Airport, is nearly a one hour drive east of Quito near the small town of Tababela. About 35 buses per day will be running from Ave. Los Granados in the North of Quito via Avenida Simón Bolívar to the terminal. The buses will leave every 20 to 30 minutes, and cost $8 to 12 per person. There is a new road and bridges being built, so possibly by 2014, the transportation time may shorten considerably. All flights to the Galapagos originate in Quito or Guayaquil, see the Ecuador domestic flights page for more info. From the United States and Canada Flights from the US are always routed through Miami, Houston, Atlanta or New York. There are no direct flights from Canada. From Europe Flights to Ecuador leave from London, Madrid, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt and almost all include at least one layover. From Latin America There are regular flights from Bogota, Caracas, Lima, and Santiago de Chile to both Quito and Guayaquil. From Central America there is a daily flight from San Jose, Costa Rica and from Panama. There are few deals to be had when flying between Latin American countries. Transborder fares between Latin American cities can easily cost as much as flying from North America, despite the shorter distances. Many travelers prefer to fly to the border and cross the border by bus in order to save money. Flight Prices Ticket prices vary starting at USD 600 from New York or Miami during low season. The price of your ticket will usually depends on four factors:



Season: The peak tourist seasons are from June 15 to September 1 and December 15 to Jan 2. Expect to pay a lot more for your ticket if you intend to fly during these periods. Arriving in Quito Both international and domestic flights to Quito will land at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport, located in the city and just a few minutes from most of Quito’s hotels. Most important to remember is that Quito is situated at almost 3,000 meters (9,900 feet) and that the airport offers no covered walkways between the terminal and the planes. Bring a jacket and/or raincoat, particularly if you are arriving at night. Upon entering the airport, you will immediately get into the immigration line. Flights tend to all land at once making for huge lines in immigration. If you are going to be in Ecuador for 90 days, make sure to say so or the customs official may give you less.

The airport features adequate services, but limited in comparison with what you would find in a US or European airport, especially since most flights arrive at night when most services are closed. Pay phones are located in the departure section of the terminal, which may or may not be open depending on the time of day. To use a pay phone you will need a phone card or tokens and there is usually someone selling them nearby. However, if you arrive at night, you may have problems changing money or using the phone. Ecuador uses the US dollar, so best to change some money in your home country if needed. Try to arrange to be picked up before arriving in Quito. Another option is to take a taxi; drivers are happy to accept US dollars at any time (don’t pay more than USD 5 for a taxi to most anywhere in Quito). Sources: Alex Bainbridge (2010), 55 Travel ecommerce tips for specialist tour operators, travel agents & activity companies, Washington, DC: Author. Annals of Tourism Research 23 (3), 599-616, 1996. Clarke, H., Sanders, D., Stewart, M., & Whiteley, P. (2014). 6 Travel tips for students of electoral choice. Political Parties and Partisanship: Social Identity and Individual Attitudes, 57, 88. David B,(2005), Tourist satisfaction: A view from a mixed international guided package tour. Davrath, L. R,(2008),Productc packaging. Fingerhut, A., & Lacaine, F. (2002). Tips for your Trip. (pp. 73-74). Springer, Paris.





Security measures on a trip in the airport




Outcome 4: The good services in the rest aurant






Outcome 5: How to prevention measures during air travel or land- Types of common diseases symptoms of infections- Food and beverages in the different types of restaurants.



LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8i26xXb23M&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3aU7g2 B0so_0MWV4lR4FP1afojxjv4rddtgg_XmxeB92yR0TyRexo3DIs













3. Trabajo Autรณnomo INTERVIEW 26/




UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA DE AMBATO Tourism and Hospitality major Advanced English

Names:  

Jorge Lopez Sebastian Pineda

Date: October 26th of 2018 Topic: Unit research Teacher: Mg. Alba Hernandez Semester: Seventh




In 1937, the U.S. Army Air Corps began research flights in a modified Lockheed Electra; the XC-35 was the first airplane built with a pressurized cabin. The structural strength of the airplane determines how much differential pressure the cabin can tolerate C.





of Air


Space from




according to the author the Les Shu Les Shu @DT_Les POSTED ON EMERGING TECH

In-flight entertainment (IFE) on new planes no longer means staring into tiny, hard-to-see overhead monitors. They have become sophisticated seat-back computers loaded with more movies than most multiplex cinemas, or wireless setups that stream content to your smartphone or tablet. -

The American Geosciences Institute said Explain to the students that weather describes their surroundings for a short time. Their journals will serve as an excellent record of weather conditions for a given interval of time.



Climates differ for various locations on Earth. The differences are often related to the proximity to the equator or to the poles, the nearness to oceans and related currents, the position of mountain ranges, and the prevailing wind patterns.


The Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology (CREST)

Global Climate Change.- The earth’s climate is a balance between incoming solar radiation and the thermal infrared it radiates back to space. We will explore what affects this balance, how feedbacks can stabilize or destabilize the balance, and the reality behind the headlines. International Visitor has been defined as a person holding a foreign passport, visiting the country and the main purpose of whose visit is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the country visited. Domestic Tourist within the country to a place other than his usual place of residence and stays at hotels or other accommodation establishments run on commercial bases or in dharamshalas or stays with friends and relatives and uses sightseeing facilities, or goes on a pilgrimage for a duration of not less than 24 hours or one night and not more than 6 months. Journal of Tourism (Vol.-3, 1998).Department of Tourism and Hoteliering; HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal).



Figure N° 1. Methods of Ground Transportation



•Is a vehicle that goes regularly between two places

•also called a cab •is a car , you pay the driver to take you where you want to go

Source: Jorge López (2018) Figure N° 2. the Weather •when there are no clouds in the sky

•when it is rainy and windy outside

•when the sky is clear and the sun is shinnig




cloudy •when there are clouds in the sky

Source: Jorge López (2018) Figure N° 3. Documents for international travel





is a document given by a govermment that allows someone to travel through a country

is a document that allows you to enter another country

Source: Jorge L처pez (2018) Figure N째 4. Activities of the housekeeping

making the bed

cleaning the toilet, tub and sink

vacuuming the carpet

changing the towels and sheets

Source: Jorge L처pez (2018) Figure N째 5. Local attractions



Museum exhibitions Local arena football matches Trendy shopping district

Source: Jorge López (2018)

bus schedule bus stop bus trays


This service is complimentaryalthough drivers appreciate tips!

Public Transportation

Airport Shuttle

Figure N° 6. Airport transportation is a public vehicle, that takes passengers to and from locations

Source: Jorge López (2018)



Comments 

The most important aspect to consider during traveling is the ground transportation that is used for transfer at the hotel generally; the taxi, the bus and the shuttle are vehicles very friendly and good service. The weather is a factor to consider for to planning a trip, is necessary have information about the temperature of the place to visit and to use clothes and luggage commode. The passport and visa are documents that in other country fundamental during your stay, legal transit and benefits of tourist. In the hotel the housekeeping is who cleaning the room.









4. Componente Teórico QUIZ – CURRICULAR UNIT ONE 18/10/2018









5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) No Aplica



6. Prรกcticas Pre profesionales The practices were carried out in the academic period September 2017 - February 2018. In the restaurant the king of the burrito in charge of the Lcda. Yolanda Perez



7. Reflexiรณn This module is necessary for a professional in tourism because it helps us to provide a good tourist service and be cordial with foreign tourists, in addition to giving us the opportunity to get a good job in the future. On the other hand, it facilitates communication and thus be able to share experiences and grow in the workplace.


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