Writer / Lynda Thies Photography Provided
Kate Huffman knew at the ripe-old age of four that she wanted to be an actress, but by the age of ten there was a plot twist written into her script. The result could have changed the trajectory of her life, until one day she realized she had the power to pick up her pen and write a new script.
Kate’s introduction to acting came by way of her mom’s first musical. As a director, she needed a young child to open the show - a bit part that helped Kate find her passion, earn an award and start working on her craft early.
desperation to lose weight and desire to find acceptance with her peers would eventually consume an otherwise healthy young girl. The pain of her peers’ rejection caused her to become overly focused on losing weight, and the results shocked her.
By the time she was just ten years old, Kate was shamed and bullied for being a little overweight. The self loathing,
“It was like a Hollywood movie - fat kid, no friends, skinny kid, lots of friends,” Kate says.
6 / GEIST MAGAZINE / MARCH 2020 / atGeist.com