The Georgian 2017

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The Georgian


One School, One Philosophy, Two Sites.



College • secondary

• 02 06 • 08 12 • 14 23


Headmaster´s Introduction Prize List North

Headmaster´s Introduction Prize List Quilmes & North

Valette Houses

• 80 • 82 • 84 86 90 94 98

Preparatory • primary

• 40 43 • 44 47 • 48 56 60 64 68 72 76


Head of Prep’s Speech Prize List North

Head of Junior School Speech Prize List Quilmes & North


Headmistress Report North

Head of Junior School Report Quilmes & North

Pre K K1 K2 K3 Kinder Photos General

• 104 112 114 118 120 138

Quilmes & North

Sports Exchange Students Trips & Tours CAS & Community Service Creative Arts Departamento de Comunicación y Desarrollo

Houses • Primer Grado

• Year One

• Segundo Grado

• Year Two

• Tercer Grado

• Year Three

• Cuarto Grado

• Year Four

• Quinto Grado

• Year Five

• Sexto Grado

• Year Six

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College • secondary

• 02 06 • 08 12 • 14 23


Headmaster´s Introduction Prize List North

Headmaster´s Introduction Prize List Quilmes & North

Valette Houses

• 80 • 82 • 84 86 90 94 98

Preparatory • primary

• 40 43 • 44 47 • 48 56 60 64 68 72 76


Head of Prep’s Speech Prize List North

Head of Junior School Speech Prize List Quilmes & North


Headmistress Report North

Head of Junior School Report Quilmes & North

Pre K K1 K2 K3 Kinder Photos General

• 104 112 114 118 120 138

Quilmes & North

Sports Exchange Students Trips & Tours CAS & Community Service Creative Arts Departamento de Comunicación y Desarrollo

Houses • Primer Grado

• Year One

• Segundo Grado

• Year Two

• Tercer Grado

• Year Three

• Cuarto Grado

• Year Four

• Quinto Grado

• Year Five

• Sexto Grado

• Year Six

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Headmaster´s Introduction Mr Ian Tate’s introduction to Secondary Speech Day Celebrations As always the school year at St George’s College is full of opportunities for the students, maybe too many, so I will try to give e brief resume today of the year’s highlights. Forgive me if I miss something out.

I asked the Heads of Department for these highlights so I would like to start by thanking all the teaching staff for their dedication and hard work.

• The testimony of a survivor of the Holocaust, Moisés Borowicz, was an important and moving moment for the whole of the Secondary school. This helped set the scene for the students who are going on next year’s Academic Tour to Germany and Poland. • I was very happy to travel with the ES5 students from SGQ and SGN in the Salta IB Geography trip in September. • 21 students participated in the Model United Nations organized by ESSARP. • Theo Gibson and Guillermo Whitney were then selected to attend the Model United Nations in The Hague in 2018 to represent the ESSARP schools. • Jorge Antúnez Vega achieved the best IGCSE Economics result in Argentina • IGCSE and IB results in the interesting range of Humanities options have been improving steadily in the last few years.

Creative Arts • Another busy and successful year in the department saw two plays which were again of a very high standard with students rising to the challenge of these very demanding plays. • Chiara Zorgno achieved the best grade in the whole of Argentina in IGCSE Drama. • The 3rd Dance showcase was by far the best yet and the teamwork on display was great to see. This bodes well for the Creative Arts Maths Dance Tour that will visit Canada next year. • SGQ won the ESSARP Maths Competition. • The quality of Artwork on show at the IB exParticipating students were Lucas Lonegro hibition was fantastic and its work praised by and Matilde Killmeate (ES2), who won their all its visitors. Congratulations to Celina Camcategory, Chiara Bortolot and Cina He (ES3), pos Carlés and Sol Fernández who representwho came 2nd, and Carla Meringolo and Lucila Capurro (ES6), who must have come 4th to enaed SGQ at the ACBIRP Exhibition this year. ble SGQ to win the overall team Competition. • In Music our young choir performed excel• Numerous Olympics and ‘Mateclubes’ competilently at the Holy Cross School choir festival Ian Tate Overall Headmaster tions give the students plenty of opportunities to and at each and every one of the assemblies or be challenged. They practise for this at lunchtime actos where they sang. • The 3 rd jazz night was another success. It is wonderful for once a week. They have lunch in the Sanford and get quickly back students to have such a variety of events and activities to to class for their practise. This means they have 9 ‘classes’ a day. It participate in. is too much but it is obvious that they enjoy it. • Lucas Lonegro obtained an Honourable Mention at the NaEnglish tional finals in Cordoba for his participation in the National Maths • 100% pass rate at IB Diploma level and exemplary IGCSE results. Olympiads (OMA). • Students who entered the ESSARP Public Speaking and Cre- • Agustín Spina also obtained an Honourable Mention for his ative Writing competitions produced work of great quality. exam defense in the National Ñandú Maths Olympiads in Mar • The first half of the year saw a weekly creative writing club del Plata. which nurtured the ambitions of some of our young writers who • National Olympics finals of the Mateclubes took place in the are less interested in entering competitions. province of Cordoba and Xinran He, Felipe Pratt Vittori, Riki • The quality of debating we have seen from our ES1 and ES2 Sato, Pedro Marcet and Agustín Spina all obtained Honourable students this year is very promising and we hope to take debating Mention for defending their exams. further next year. Physical Education Humanities • New Zealand Rugby and Hockey Tour (ES4/5) was a success. • This was the first year of the new Building Citizenship project, There was not as much contact with SGN, who went at the same subject that really gives the students ownership of their learning. time, as was hoped during the tour but they got together in They are producing amazing results and the variety of individual Auckland. styles of investigation and presentation are impressive. The TED • Eugenio Pavlovsky broke the school record in the 400m. talk style being just one example of this. • The senior boys won the ADE Football Tournament. St Geor ge’ s college QuILMES _ 3



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• The ES1 Cross Country team, along with their friends from EP4, 5, and 6 won the Euskal Echea Tournament. • Sports Club continues to be very successful with more students joining each year. There were 3 divisions in the URBA Rugby Championship this year (Under 15, Under 16 and Under 19). Next year we will have 4 teams. • The school is especially pleased with the way the Hockey Project is moving forward. The OG Club has joined the adventure and now practise at school twice a week.

The Community Service and CAS team also help to foster caring attitudes in the students. The new CAS system encourages the students to devise, plan and put into action their own projects and the supervisors work to put their heart and soul into this area, as do the students.

Science This year’s representatives at the ESSARP Science Fair were Xinran He, Santiago Cavanna, Lorenzo Ciarlotti, and Liam Mac Gaw. They won an award for “Best development of a research question”. • We also had two gold medal winners: John Kirby and Marcos Posadas, and two bronze medal winners: Ezequiel Khoury, and Manuela Larrain, at the National Chemistry Olympics.

During the course of the year Lidia Frascarelli retired after working in the school for 34 years. Stephen Kay (7 yrs) and Alistair Taylor (3 yrs) gained senior management roles in International schools and left in July. They all helped the school develop, especially academically, and I am pleased to report that their replacements are settling into the school and Argentina very well. Hannah Israel and Pascale Nycz are going back to their native countries after guiding the students for the past 2 years.

Kultur magazine is excellent and available in the Intra-net page. Molly Watson achieved the best IGCSE Foreign Language Spanish result in Argentina.

Mr Piersanti is having an emotional rollercoaster ride as he prepares for retirement after no less than 41 years at SGQ. I have known Oscar since I met him in the UK in 1990 before I came to work here. In the 28 years that I have known him, I have never seen him lose his patience, temper or say a bad word against anyone. In an environment where you are dealing with people all the time that is an amazing achievement. Thank you Oscar and good luck!

The International exam results were very good • 76% of the 2016 graduating class obtained their IB Diploma. • 73% of the IGCSE exams sat by the ES4 students were A* to C grades. 33% of the grades were A* or A, which is a great achievement. • Ezequiel Khoury obtained the ‘Best across eight IGCSEs’ Award from CIE/ESSARP. He was the best IGCSE student in Argentina last year. • 97% of the PET exams (18% with distinction) and 85% of the KET exams were passed by the EP6 students. • The first ISCA trip to the UK for ES2 and 3 students was a resounding success and, along with the International Student Exchanges, allows the school to help the students become global citizens. From last year’s graduating class 10 students (16%) elected to continue their studies in Universities away from Argentina. A big push is being made to give all the students in ES6 positions of responsibility. At the moment there are 22 leaders out of the 48 ES5 students and we need to add to that the Sports captains, who will be chosen by the players and their coaches next year. I have also offered more leadership roles for those that would like them. Each will have their own job description and this is a wonderful opportunity for the graduates to make a mark in the school.

ly at how we all treat people with less power than ourselves. That is a great measuring stick in showing how caring a citizen you are. A big thank you to all the SGQ staff for all their hard work here.

The Co-educational Boarding House is almost ready for the boys to move into next year. The generosity of the community to donate to the project, and also to the swimming pool project, is very encouraging and the school is meeting all its infrastructure objectives. This is a complex school and campus life is changing as the school grows. On a weekend you can find many interesting activities happening at the same time. I am now a caretaker, as well as a Headmaster, so I ask you all to help me look after this wonderful school and not take any part of it for granted. Thank you for your attention and time. Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum

Student support becomes more important every year and I would like to thank all the teachers who really take their role as tutors seriously and show a great interest in the pastoral aspect and well-being of the students. All the staff working at the school contribute to the education of the students and it is very satisfying to see the respectful attitude the students have to them all. I try not to judge people, as you never know what is happening in their lives, but I do look very careful-

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Prize List Subject Prizes

Junior (ES1 & 2)

Intermediate (ES3 & 4)

Senior (ES5&ES6)

English – Achievement English – Progress Spanish – Achievement Spanish – Progress History – Achievement History – Progress Geography – Achievement Geography – Progress Business & Management – Achievement Business & Management – Progress Economics – Achievement Economics – Progress Global Politics Achievement Global Politics Progress Maths – Achievement Maths – Progress IT – Achievement IT – Progress Science – Achievement Science – Progress Biology – Achievement Biology – Progress Chem. – Achievement Chem. – Progress Physics – Achievement Physics – Progress Env. Systems Achievement Env. Systems Progress Visual Art – Achievement Visual Art – Progress Music – Achievement Music – Progress Drama – Achievement Drama – Progress Dance - Achievement Dance – Progress Film Studies - Achievement Film Studies - Progress Sports Science Achievement Sports Science Progress CdC – Achievement CdC – Progress

Lucas Lonegro Gurfinkel Rocío Otamendi Valentino Mosca Cofiño Josefina Arenas Guerrieri Catalina Frigerio Ceballos Gaspar Carbonero Olivia Varela Pía Martínez Sardi

Martina García Vidal Jason Tao Celeste Furuya Gonzalo Aguirre Martina García Vidal Cecilia Nieto Martina García Vidal Estefenía Sanguinetti Victoria Camps Estefanía Sanguinetti Cecilia Nieto Lourdes Matheou

Lucas Lonegro Gurfinkel María Trinca Lucas Lonegro Gaspar Carbonero Lucas Lonegro Gurfinkel Pía Martínez Sardi

Lucía Ruiz Estefanía Sanguinetti Martina Cavanna Victoria Albarracín

Sofía Gruner Kahn Julián Fraomeni Wendy Corti María Sol Fernández Jorge Antúnez Vega Gonzalo Perasso Wendy Corti Martina Ciarlotti Sofía Gruner Kahn Santiago Sin Lucila Capurro Tomás Carmona Sofía Gruner Kahn Sofía Maloneay Wendy Corti Ramiro Farña

Martina García Vidal Paula Luna Garimaldi Rosario de la Portilla Nicolás Torreblanca Lucía Ruíz Natalia Choi

Elisa Cipriani Josefina Arenas Guerrieri Agustín Spina Agustina Furuya Tomás Capón Filas Morena Cirone Juana Albina María Santina Scaminacci

Catalina Marcet Martina Cavanna María Emilia Gorosito Ratto Felipe Sin Eugenia Frigerio Ceballos Delfina Schirripa

Agustina Abalo Francisca Goodall Lucía Zavala Bautista Latrónico Justo Grané Pilar Santillán María Sol Fernández Sofía Maloneay Celina Campos Carlés María Sol Fernández

Lola Zambrano Sophie Cook MacArthur Gerónimo Lees Ibiricu Catalina Frigerio Ceballos Guido Angeletti

Mora Fredriks María del Milagro Vázquez

International Award Program - Gold Awards

CAS & Community Service Awards

The program is voluntary and aims to develop young people’s character in the areas of community service, physical recreation, art and expeditions and involves many hours of both school and personal time.. Pedro Benedetto, Agustín Bigliardi, Celina Campos Carlés, Lucila Capurro, Tomás Carmona, Martina Ciarlotti, Manuel Cipriani, Sofía CookMacArthur, Gastón Donikián, Alfonso Estol, Justina Fernández Arancibia, María Sol Fernández, Alezander Frazer, Felipe Gazzotto, Francisca Goodall, Mária Pilar Gorosito Ratto, Justo Grané, Sofía Maloneay, Milagros Medinaceli, Carla Meríngolo, Constanza Moras Mom, Francisco Muiña, Bárbara Navajas, Eugenio Pavlovsky, Ignacio Pérez Adrover, Azul Rabuffetti, Josefina Rappallini, Serena Sandoval, Pilar Santillan, Santiago Sin, Lola Zambrano.

Agustina Abalo, Martina Barbero, Martina Ciarlotti, Wendy Corti, Lucila Capurro, Francisca Goodal, Sofía Maloneay, Bárbara Navajas, Josefina Rappallini, Santiago Sin, Lucía Zavala.

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Year Level Progress & Achievement Prizes

Asistencia Perfecta

Year ES1 ES2 ES3 ES4 ES5 ES6


Achievement Francisco Dantas Lucas Lonegro Gurfinkel Xinran He Martina García Vidal Guillermo Whitney Wendy Corti

Progress 9.52 Nikita Aguzín 9.57 Priscila Nistico 9.72 Máximo Ambrosio 9.72 Victoria Albarracín 9.22 Ignacio Gherardi 9.89 Gastón Donikián

Aguirre, Máxima – Abril Gamboa Santiago del Toral – Valentino Mosca Cofiño Daniela Fernández -

Old Georgian Prizes

Mayor Sports Awards

Old Georgian Quiz - Junior Matilde Killmeate Ezequiel Khoury Old Georgian Quiz - Senior The Old Georgian Lodge Prize - for the student who Wendy Corti

Junior Hockey Player of the Year Hockey Player of the Year (Open) Junior Rugby Player of the Year Rugby Player of the Year (Open)

was most supportive in the CAS program

Xinran He Pilar Santillán Manuel Rocca Martín Nanni

The Old Georgian Prize - Awarded to the ES5 student Guillermo Whitney with the highest overall academic average for the year.

Olympiads Awards

Inter House Competitions


Kirby Academic Shield Roberts Sports Shield Nigel Green Overall Shield


John Kirby – Marcos Posadas de la Piedra – Manuela Larrain – Ezequiel Khoury Ñandú: Agustín Espina OMA: Lucas Lonegro Gurfinkel Mateclubes: Xinran He – Vicente Rueda – Felipe Pratt – Pedro Marcet – Riki Sato – Agustín Spina

Prestige Awards The Colin Graham Challenge Cup

Santiago Sin

The Dux Award The St George’s College North Centenary Trophy The George Barnes Memorial Cups LAHC Certificate for Creativity and Initiative in the life of the School

Wendi Corti Martina Ciarlotti Manuel Cipriani & Pilar Santillán Wendi Corti

Creative Arts Awards Senior Play: Best Performances Junior Play: Best Performances Excellence in Creativity Trophy Best Dance Performance

Serena Sandoval & Martina Ciarlotti & Lola Zambrano Elisa Cipriani & Tomás Iribarne Serena Sandoval Lucía Ruíz

Farran Agar Farran

Leaders Trophies 2017: Awarded to the Head Boy and Head Girl Eugenio Rattagan, Wendi Corti House Captains 2018: Agar Captains: Facundo Iribarne, Pilar Batlle Vice-captains: Ulises Mei, Olivia Del Rio Cutts Captains: Marcos Posadas de la Piedra, Delfina López Fumarola Vice-captains: Tomás Chismechián, Lupe Altuzarra Farran Captains: Ramiro Fariña, Chiara Zorgno Vice-captains: Mateo Cavanna Garibaldi, Eugenia Ochoa Cavanna Lockwood Captains: Ignacio Gherardi, Victoria Bianco Vice-captains: Jacques Le Pera, Delfina Cazzola Prefects 2018 Dantas, Valentina; Lonegro Gurfinkel, Marcos; Fariña, Ramiro Javier; López Fumarola, Delfina; Gibson, Theodore; Posadas De La Piedra, Marcos; Iribarne, Facundo; Whitney, Guillermo; Khoury, Ezequiel; Zorgno, Chiara; Le Pera, Jacques. School Captains 2018: Head Girl: Chiara Zorgno Head Boy: Marcos Posadas de la Piedra

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S e conda ry

8 _ St G e o r g e ’ s co llege no rth

Headmaster´s Introduction Mr Proctor´s words during the Speech Day Celebrations Guest of honour, Mr Malcolm Green, Mr Chairman, Honoured Guests and Colleagues, Members of the Board of Governors, General Manager, Teachers, Families, Students. It is our objective as a leading school in Argentina to create ethical and socially conscious global citizens for a constantly changing new world. To do so we embrace internationalism. We have many staff members from around the world, we have many staff members who travel the world, we have families returning from living abroad and we have families choosing us as they arrive to live on these shores. We were pioneers in bringing the International Baccalaureate programme to Latin America because we were pioneers in realising that looking outwards was the surest way to help us develop inwardly. International exam success is only one indicator of educational success but our international exam results do allow us to measure our positioning as a competitive and attractive educational choice. Our IGCSE results this year were excellent. Out of 233 exams taken by our students a record 77% were marked in the passing A*-C bracket. We were considerably above world November session averages in Spanish, English Language, English Literature, Maths and Geography - all in fact at least 10% above the global mean. Two of our students, Tomas Di Felice and Josefina Arcagni, achieved a very impressive 4 maximum A* grades. Our IB Diploma results were decent but with room for improvement. 25 of our cohort of 44 students gained the 24 points required to pass, with 8 getting a very respectable 30 points or more. Our average score was 25 points per student where the world average for the November 2016 session was 29 points. That leaves us 4 points shy per candidate to reach parity. Here, spelt out in black and white, is the first objective for our new academic development plan. While there have been many successes in 2017 I am going to give you a snapshot of some of the most salient: • Eight of our students reached the Provincial Finals of the Maths Olympiads in Mar del Plata with two of them, Josefina Arcagni and Tomas Laje Sapag, going all the way to the National Finals in La Falda. • At the ESSARP Science Fair both our Intermediate and Senior category teams won prizes and special mentions. • Ñám was our school play, Pedro Kovacic and Maria Quiñones starring, with the revenue from large numbers of tickets sold going to CAS activities. • Our musicians and singers excelled in the annual Music Gala and S1 Music Showcase.

Mr Oliver Proctor Headmaster • The IB Noche de las artes showcased our young filmmakers, visual artists and musicians. Two of our visual art students, Renata Pando and Clara Grasso, then represented our school at the IB Art Show at University Di Tella. • The very first combined hockey and rugby tour with St George’s College Quilmes travelled to New Zealand. Our captains Pedro Mastroizzi and Justina Strauss led 61 other students from the North, supported by 6 teachers on a rich cultural and sporting endeavour. • Thirty of our students took part in the ESSARP Model United Nations conference in which María Quiñones, Valentín Gianmarco and Maria de las Mercedes Nuñez Chutrau took part as chairs of their forums. Special congratulations go to Josefina Arcagni who has been selected to form part of the Argentine delegation travelling to the MUN conference in the Hague in January. • For the first time in our history a group of nine S5 students led by Mr Rodger took part in the construction of a house, alongside the family who were to then live in it, for Un Techo Para Mi País. • Another first took place when our Duke of Edinburgh programme took 16 students from S3 to S5 on an expedition to Sierra de la Ventana. • Our Community Service programme once more saw highlights in the S3 and S5 trips to Tandil and Entre Rios where students interacted with people young and old from different backgrounds, abilities and life possibilities. All of these opportunities nourish the caring, risk taking and leadership qualities of our students. So now to look forward. We can no longer talk about the future of education as if it is something in the far distance. The future of education is upon us, it happened yesterday, our children and students brought it to us, and we must respond. The 21st Century is one defined by change, flexibility, inclusion and above all innovation. I have been inspired by the progressive, dedicated and ambitious staff team and students that I have found upon my arrival here. As a result of the conversations that we have started the blueprint of a plan is emerging to help drive St George’s College North into the new century, fusing the 119 years of history and tradition that we belong to, with the innovation that will set it apart as a school of the future, today.

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The blueprint is divided into five categories: Teaching and Learning, Wellbeing, 21st Century Skills, A School Without Walls and Spaces. Allow me to give you a short insight into each area: Teaching and Learning The English poet, John Donne, once wrote: No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. To continually try to raise our teaching standards we must first see ourselves as part of one collective teaching team. Teachers are trained to be subject or age specific and so often find themselves becoming the islands that Donne referred to. In asking teachers to be reflexive of their practice and to stretch themselves to be continuous and lifelong learners we will have the role models our young people need. Sharing collective objectives, such as becoming proficient users of technology in the classroom or fluid practitioners of differentiation for example, will synergise our efforts to deliver the best education possible for our students. The famous researcher of education, John Hattie, spent over 15 years compiling a list of factors that influence learning. He used hundreds of thousands of case studies and pieces of research to arrive at his conclusion that Collective Teacher Efficacy was by far and away the most powerful influencer on young people’s learning. What does the term mean? It means that the school staff believe, genuinely believe, that they are able to achieve collective goals and overcome challenges to impact student achievement. That they can make a difference. This belief must be our priority. In parallel we will aim to increase student’s enjoyment of learning. Our school with its beautifully picturesque surroundings, access to the latest learning resources and vibrant and committed teaching staff should really be the Disneyland of Education. Giving students a voice in how their education is delivered is a start. Then we will aim to use more technology in the classroom, making learning more interactive and more interconnected via the wonders of the internet. We will aim, wherever possible, to use more project based and interdisciplinary learning. The real world works in that way after all, problems are complex and multidisciplinary and multi agency approaches are required to solve them. Take global warming or poverty for just two examples. Young people naturally connect dots, the IB encourages us to do so, why do schools structure themselves and their timetables so often in direct contradiction? No more islands. Continent building is our mission.

10 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge no rth

Wellbeing Understanding how to increase the likelihood of happiness and how to channel the emotional pain of setbacks will form the core of a new subject at our school. Mindfulness, healthy relationships and perspective will glue the work together. It will be led by a new pastoral team of housemasters, house mistresses and tutors, all trained to guide the holistic journeys of our students. One particular area our house tutors will be trained in is Restorative Justice. A restorative school is one which takes a restorative approach to resolving conflict and preventing harm. Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right. Tutors will use a range of methods to prevent relationship-damaging incidents from happening and to resolve them if they do happen. Finally there is no better environment to encourage the wellbeing of young people than the open air of the sports field and especially team sports, where social bonds are cemented. Gender bias to the preference of sport played will be explored and we will set equally high standards to sports achievement as we do with academic, pastoral and artistic areas. 21st Century Skills Where once generations entered the workforce with a goal of stability, subsequent generations are more concerned with finding happiness and fulfillment in their work lives. Our students leaving school today are highly unlikely to remain in the same job for their working lives, in fact they are just as unlikely to remain in the same career. Society has undergone accelerated change in economy and technology, it has affected the workplace and it has affected the young people looking to go out into it. As a school we must find a way to equip our students to go out and thrive in a world where teamwork and problem solving are probably going to take them further than expertise in one particular area. The skillset we are looking to build in them can be summarised in the four C’s of Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Creative thinking. Each and every one of our activities at school should be seen through the prism of these 21st Century skills. The International Baccalaureate programme, the base and the pinnacle of our education here at St George’s College North, is a concept driven, inquiry led continuum with an absolute focus on skill development. It must no longer be a curriculum that we “do”, it must be “our” curriculum as embedded brilliantly within it are all of the values of St George’s and each four of the 21st Century skills.

A School Without Walls An education goes beyond the walls of the school or the bell to signal the end of the day. Bringing the spheres of our children’s and students’ lives together requires trust, unity and communication. St George’s College North will soon be inviting parents in to participate in Masterclass IB lessons. For our students to succeed, our parents need to genuinely understand what the courses we deliver involve. We live in a world of 24 hour news, Presidential tweets and instantaneous access to information. As a school we must model communication, its purpose and its possibilities. That is why I have introduced the new position of Community Relations Manager, who will work closely with senior leaders in the school and the DCO in ensuring our messages are professionally delivered to our community, are timely and are accurate. An informed community is a strong community. And a strong community creates ambassadors who spread our good word far beyond our walls. Local, national and international trips extend learning well beyond the classroom and the confines of the school walls. They offer opportunities for cultural engagement, leadership and for service. We are already working at building a comprehensive package of trips, to run year round, which each student and each family can tailor build to suit their own learning needs and outcomes. Personalised, bespoke learning for our new century. Spaces The time has come to build new spaces and adapt others to house the education of the future. A sports pavilion to build community, a Creative Arts Centre to encourage creativity, innovation and artistic excellence, a 21st Century library to research, read and interact in, an IB Centre for Diploma students to come together, learn and build collaboratively, a Makerspace to design the future in. Then our classrooms. Today still often designed, as Eric Mazur of Harvard University describes: “for the teacher to be the sage on the stage rather than the guide on the side”. To truly deliver the student centred, inquiry based learning that our teachers want to deliver our classrooms need to be “flipped” where content is absorbed at home and projects done in the classroom. Flexible seating, workstations, collaborative spaces and “learner pits” will be created to encourage active learning, guided by teachers and led by students, who will be taking control of their own educations and hopefully fanning the flames of learning in the process. These are some broad, brushstroke objectives and as I said before, a blueprint for how our school could develop. It is now my job to sit down with my teams and with our board of governors to bring these ideas into a working Development Plan with specific, measurable, accurate, realistic and time bound objectives. I look forward to delivering it to you all but before so I invite each and every one of you to come and make your mark upon it. Pick up the metaphorical pen and design with me. Collaboration breeds ownership and by owning the destiny of our school our shared collective responsibility will lead us to build the school we want, for the future of our children and students, today. Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 1 1

S e conda ry

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Subject Prizes

Junior S1/S2

Argentine Studies Art Biology

Jazmín Agosti Milagros Argibay Molina


Senior/Diploma S5/S6

Guadalupe Álvarez Francisco Sied

Tomás Di Felice Renata Pando María Quiñones

Business and Management

Octavio Vásquez

Chemistry Design Technology Economics English Achievement English Effort and Progress Enviroment Systems Film Geography History Humanities Information Technology Mandarin Mathematics Achievement Mathematics Effort and Progress Music Physics Spanish Achievement Spanish Effort and Progress Sports Exercise and Health Science TOK

Boys Sportsmanship Girls Sportsmanship

ES 1 ES 2 ES 3 ES 4 ES 5 ES 6

Gaia Pelizzatti Matías Spano Fiorella Taraborelli Gaia Pelizzatti Paul Courreges

Antonia Storni Guadalupe Álvarez Julia Arcagni Catalina Valdez

Delfina Cardona Antonia Storni Ignacia Santoro Mattos María Clara Lopez

Sofía Ghilotti

Gaia Pelizzatti Matías Spano Ignacia Santoro Mattos Gaia Pelizzatti Iara Cardoen María Clara López

Marco Leoni Francisca Taboada Julia Arcagni Simón de Pellegrin Juan Cruz Assad Paco Corian

Nicolás Conti Clara Grasso Tomás Di Felice Zoe Lichtmajer Serena Stamboulian Manuela Viñales Valentín Gianmarco Manuela Viñales

Pietro Salemme Serena Stamboulian Micaela Taboada Serena Stamboulian Francisco Peláez Nicolás Conti Tadeo Vizcay Micaela Taboada Patricio Ornague

Junior S1/S2/S3

Senior S4/S5/S6

Open Prizes

Juan Cruz Assad Chiara Álvarez Molina

Pedro Mastroizzi Justina Strauss Mackenzie

IGCSE Prize Mathematics Olympics Prize

Director’s Prize

Headmaster’s Prize

Iara Cardoen Ignacia Santoro Mattos Carla Buceta Delfina Cardona Tomás Di Felice Serena Stamboulian

Julieta Edelstein Milagros Argibay Molina Jacinta Freire Francisca Taboada Josefina Arcagni Malena Calloni Aristizabal

ES 6 Graduation Points Prize Serena Stamboulian

OG Club Prize (IB) OG Lodge Prize (CAS) OG Quiz Prize (Senior) OG Quiz Prize (Junior) First XV Captain’s Prize First XI Captain’s Prize The Barney Miller Cups The John Taylor Trophy The Intellectual Curiosity Cup LAHC Prize St George’s College Challenge Trophy Head Boy's Prize Head Girl’s Prize

Tomás Di Felice Josefina Arcagni, Tomás Laje Sapag & Manuel Oribe Lucas Tkacz Micaela Taboada Josefina Arcagni Agustín Literas Renata Pando Octavio Vásquez María Victoria Fernández & Pedro Kovacic Serena Stamboulian Octavio Vásquez Serena Stamboulian

Fundación Educacional San Jorge Awards Canon Stevenson Scholarship ES4 to ES6

Juan Cruz Assad

Sir Robert Malpas Scholarship ES5 to ES6

Marco Leoni

Awards to 2017 Prefects Malena Calloni Aristizbal Nicolás Conti Niocolás Gianola

Clara Grasso Pedro Kovacic Mercedes Nuñez Chutrau

Renata Pando Francisco Peláez Joaquín Pereyra

María Constanza Quiñones

St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 1 3

S c h o o l

L e a d e r s




MATHEOU, Nicolás


CORTI, Wendy School Captain


House Captain

SIN, Santiago


BARBERO, Martina

House Captain

House Captain

House Captain

House Captain

School Captain

House Captain


House Captain


14 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES





Abalo, agustina

baik, alan










CORREIA, Fernando



ESTOL, Alfonso


St Geor ge’ s college QUILMES _ 1 5




FRAZER, Alexander


GOODALL, Francisca


GRANÉ, Justo



INGREY, Nicolás





MORAS MOM, Constanza

MUIÑA, Francisco

16 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES

NANNI, Martín

NANNI, Tiago

NAVAJAS, Bárbara

OK, Seth Jinu


PERASSO, Gonzalo



SIEGRIST, C Francisco

SINILA, Candelaria

SMITH, William


SZMIDT, Josefina

TROVERO, Santiago

TUZZIO, Franco

VOZZI, Tobías

St Geor ge’ s college QUILMES _ 1 7

VAL ETT E References


ZALBA, Uriel


Graduated with Merit

Agar House

Graduated with Distinction

Cutts House

Graduated with Honours

Farran House


Lockwood House

Prefects 2017 Top Row (L To R): Barbero, Martina; Cipriani, Manuel; Sin, Santiago; Carmona, Tomás; Sandoval, Serena. Second Row: Medinaceli, Milagros; Zavala, Lucía; Rappallini, Josefina; Matheou, Nicolás; Cook MacArthur, Sophie; González Bigliardi, Teo. Seated: Ciarlotti, Martina; Corti, Wendy; Rattagan, Eugenio; Santillán, Pilar.

18 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES

St Geor ge’ s college QUILMES _ 1 9

Top Row: Kunauer, Valentin; Mortola Saiach, Ignacio; Gibson, Frederick; Ingrey, Nicolás; Correia, Fernando; Smith, William; Gibson, Theodore; Meríngolo, Mateo; Pavlovsky, Eugenio; Chen Cao, Kevin. Second Row: Cameron, Rory; Ok, Seth Jinu; Cordone, Nicolás; Whitney, Guillermo; Ceirano Cassini, Felipe;Dominguez Barnada, Gonzalo; Pratt Vittori, Felipe; Ravindra, Radya. Third Row: He, Xinran; Shin, Stefani; Watson, Iona; Forrester Baker, Victoria; Watson, Molly; De Mello Henrique Carvalho, Rafaela; An, Erica; Artica, Aurora; De Mello Henrique Carvalho, Mariana. Seated: Blanco Rozov, Eduarda; Fernandez Arancibia, Justina; Navajas, Bárbara; Mr Andrés López (Boarding Housemaster); Miss Viviana Pérez (Housemistress); Campos Carles, Celina; Cook MacArthur, Sophie (House Captain & Prefect); Meringolo, Carla. Absent: Mr Leonardo Barcelo (Boarding Housemaster).

Boarders 2017

S c h o o l

L e a d e r s

Pando, Renata Flora

Stamboulian, Serena

Vásquez, Octavio Manuel

Conti, Nicolás

Taboada, Micaela Maria

Kovacic, Pedro

Peláez, francisco

Calloni Ariztizabal, malena

Nuñez Chutrau, María de las Mercedes

Gianmarco, Valentín

Castillo, Carlota Beatriz

Gianola, Nicolás

Quiñones, María Constanza

Grasso, Clara Inés

Zitnik, Timoteo

Pereyra, Joaquín matías

North Deputy Head Girl

House Captain

House Vice Captain

House Vice Captain

School Head Girl

House Captain

House Vice Captain

2 0 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

School Head Boy

House Captain

House Vice Captain

House Vice Captain

North Deputy Head Boy

House Captain

House Captain

House Vice Captain

va l e t t e

Canzani, joaquín augusto

Carbonetti Schwanek, clara

Chimmalez, Ramiro

Devoto, Agustín

Fernández, María Victoria

Fernández, Paloma

González Álzaga, Juan Benjamin

Lichtmajer, Zoe

Llambí, José Rogelio

Martínez, stefano

Mazzuca, pedro

Ornague, Patricio Tomás

Pancino, Franco

Rivaben, abril

Salemme, pietro

Scatamacchia, Victoria St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 2 1

S e conda ry References

Suárez Blanch, Dana Esmeralda

Viñales, Manuela

2 2 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge no rth

Vizcay, tadeo

Graduated with Merit

Agar House

Graduated with Distinction

Cutts House

Graduated with Honours

Farran House


Lockwood House

Ser parte de este House implica

muchas cosas

St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 2 3



Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

¡Festejar con todo!

Disfrutar de nuestros logros.

Darlo todo por el House.

Competir con nuestros amigos.

Tirar todos para un mismo lado…

… y también tirar todos para el otro lado.

Darle forma a nuestro House.

¡Ser un equipo!

24 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college Q U ILM ES

Trabajar entre todos por la identidad del House.


Top Row (L to R): Frigerio Ceballos, Catalina; Mei, Ulises; Campos, Luciano; Watson, Molly; Picolla, Victoria; Otamendi, Rodrigo; Ambrosio, Ramiro; Da Costa, Tobías; Khoury, Ezequiel; Khoury, Joaquín; Kohlhuber, Augusto; Steinmeier, Franco; Piraíno, Juan Cruz; Latrónico, Bautista; De Melo Carvalho, Rafaela; Biederman, Kevin; Medinaceli, Santiago. Second Row: Aguzín, Marko; Otamendi, Rocío; Saizar, Martina; Carmona, Renata; Frigerio Ceballos, Eugenia; Iribarne, Facundo; Podmokly, Gerónimo; Kein, Tatiana; Watson, Iona; Ambrosio, Máximo; Ravindra, Radya; Zambrano, Vito; Del Río, Olivia; Bianchi, María; Días, Ramiro; De Melo Carvalho, Mariana. Third Row: Mazzuco, Carlos; Spina, Agustín; Trinca, María; Sánchez Lay, Kiara; Sanvido, Sofía; Nieto, Cecilia; Medinaceli, Delfina; Carbonero, Gaspar; Iriso, Constanza; López Costa, Agustina; Gorosito Ratto, María Emilia; Cipriani, Elisa; Mei, Nicolás; Chiappe, Agustina; Ferlise, Benjamín; Iribarne, Tomás; De Jesús, Morena; Bembhy, José; Sato, Riki.

Fourth Row: Aguzín, Nikita; Arenas Guerrieri, Josefina; Ravano, Micaela; Blanco Rozov, Eduarda; Campos, Agustín; Batlle, Pilar; Artica, Aurora; Arbusto, Abril; Zaldo Arenas, Gonzalo; Guevara, Sofía; De La Portilla, Rosario; Lonegro Gurfinkel, Lucas; Killmeate, Matilde; Jara, Camila; Milito Santarelli, Santiago; Del Toral, Santiago. Fifth Row: Ok, Seth Jinu; Fernández Arancibia, Justina; Goodall, Francisca; Pavlovsky, Eugenio; Chiavarino, Agustín; Smith, William; Correia, Fernando; Espina Mairal, Segundo; Zalba, Uriel; Zambrano, Lola; Benedetto, Pedro; Nanni, Tiago. Seated: Mr Jonathan Kearns; Mr Joel Summerhayes; Mrs María Elena D’elía; Ms Belén Carreira; Ms Érica Ferioli; Carmona, Tomás; Mr Leandro Canale (Housemaster); Nanni, Martín (ViceCaptain); Medinaceli, Milagros (Captain); Cipriani, Manuel (Captain); Gorosito Ratto, Pilar (Vice-Captain); Mr Mauro Puerto Sternic (Housemaster); Ms Mariana Martínez; Mr Max Figueroa; Mr Stephen Kay; Mr Javier Marvaldi. Absent in Photograph: Batlle, Bautista; Kim Chung, Martín, Lonegro Gurfinkel, Marcos; Schaeffner, Adela, Mr Federico Tremari.

S e conda ry


Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

El trabajo en equipo es el método que nos caracteriza y el que entendemos como la herramienta fundamental para lograr nuestros objetivos.

Sin Esfuerzo no hay logros.

2 6 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

Pertenecer a una comunidad que tiene como lema “Sin esfuerzo no hay logros” el cual nos identifica y nos representa.


Top Row (L To R): López, Juan Ignacio; Fallik, Lorenzo; Laje Sapag, Tomás; Copertini, Timoteo; Devoto, Agustín; Mastroizzi, Pedro; Ghiorzi, Luka; Chimmalez, Ramiro; Sorondo Gardini, Juan Pablo; Llambí, José Rogelio; Calabró, María Victoria; Rodriguez Mangoldt, Manuela Ines. Second Row: Assad, Juan Cruz; Oribe, María Margarita; Celorrio, Lucía; De Cesare Sastre, Luca Andrea; Moricz De Tecso, Franco; Rosso, Máximo; Devoto, Matías; Kaufmann Alitisz, Octavio Federico; Rivaben, Abril; Gomes, Joaquín; Huidobro Caro, Morena; Colautti, Celina. Third Row: Hernández, Junior; Pelizzatti, Gaia; Gomes, Francisco; Huidobro Caro, Cid; Giesenow, Delfina; Strauss Mackenzie, Justina María; Diaz Alberdi, Delfina; Lopez, María Clara; Argibay Molina, Milagros; Sorondo Gardini, Agustín; Niro, Luciano; Freire, Teófilo; Pendás Alvarez, Gabriela Ignacia.

Fourth Row: Taboada, Francisca Maysa; Mendes De Moraes Benitez, Pedro; Benedini Montesinos, María Agustina; Freire, Jacinta; Mastroizzi, Valentin María; Oribe, Manuel Ceferino; Taboada Isabella María; Chimmalez, Felipe; Saponari, Felicitas Mariana; Strauss Mackenzie, Jacinta Inés; Edelstein, Julieta Abril; Molina Abeniacar, Estanislao; Freire, Juana María. Seated: Mrs. Pettinaroli, María Laura; Mrs. Pin, Liliana; Mrs. Zabaleta, Carina; Nuñez Chutrau, María De Las Mercedes (Vice Captain); Taboada, Micaela María (Captain); Mr. Cannellotto, Mariano (House Master); Conti, Nicolás (Captain); Vásquez, Octavio Manuel (Vice-Captain); Mrs. Bertone, Miriam; Mrs. Miguez, Anabella; Mrs. Maglione, María José. Absent in Photograph: Kaufmann Alitisz, Augusto Nicolás.



Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

Correr: Santiago Balestrieri, en plena carrera de Founder´s Day en la prueba 100 metros.

HouseSpirit: Los alumnos de Senior y Junior compartimos juegos al aire libre.

Nadar: Alumnas de Senior demostrando compromiso con el House en Swimming Gala.

Compartir: Alumnas Senior del House, demostrando uno de los pilares de Cutts: la amistad.

Saltar: Destreza deportiva en salto en alto de Mora Fernández Founder´s Day.

House spirit durante Swimming Gala. Luego de haber diseñado una nueva bandera, los alumnos y alumnas de Junior alentando a los competidores! 2 8 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college Q U ILM ES

Unión: El equipo de Capitanes 2017 y el futuro equipo 2018.


Top Row (L To R): Jarsrosky, Brunella; Capalbo, Maite; De Aramburu Colera, Felipe; Valente, Rocco; López Fumarola, Francisco; Pratt Vittori, Felipe; Chen Cao, Kevin; Chismechian, Tomás; Posadas De La Piedra, Marcos; Valente, Bautista; Meríngolo, Mateo; Antúnez Vega, Jorge; Williams, Felipe; Pedrotti, Federico; Antúnez Vega, Miguel; Larruy, Lucas; Nuñez Herrera, Tahoma; Purita, Eugenio. Second Row: Laight, Victoria; Prieto, Lucas; Ronzoni, Agostina; Dantas, Valentina; López Fumarola, Delfina; Baldi, Valentín; Fernández, Mora; Fabetti, Valentín; Rojo, Manuel; Fernández, Daniela; Aguirre, Gonzalo; Echave, Abril; Antón, Francisco; Altuzarra, Lupe; Irungaray, Manuel; Rappallini, Octavio. Third Row: Bertasio, Santino; Vázquez, María Del Milagro; Larruy, Ana; Dantas, Francisco; Furuya; Agustina; Núñez Herrera, Ignacio Javier; Rojo, Bautista; Matheou, Lourdes; Fredriks, Mora; Vázquez, María Eva; Martínez Sardi, Pía; Santamaria, Jerónimo; Bacci, Agustín; Aguirre, Máxima; Frazer, Iara; Prieto, Maia; Fernández, León; López, María Jesús.

Fourth Row: Santillán, Felipe; Spadone, Lucas; Purita, Isabella; Arcondo, Simón; Larrain, Dolores; Furuya, Celeste; Barrera Schuld, Sofía; Williams, Manuela; Lennard, Molly; Larrain, Manuela; Rappallini, Conrado; Astorga Iacono, Manuel; Cirone, Morena; Pose, Santiago; Cameron, Rory Edward Douglas; Estrada, Delfina; Fraomeni, María Sol. Fifth Row: Meríngolo, Carla; Baik, Alan; Fraomeni, Julián; Williams, Lucas; Balestrieri, Santiago; Tuzzio, Franco; Frazer, Alexander; Maloneay, Sofía; Trovero, Santiago. Seated: Mr. Yusuf Albasri; Mrs. Jocelyn Vasquez; Mrs. Silvia Schuld; Mrs. Margarita Maier; Sandoval, Serena; Mrs. María Soledad Texidó (Head Of House); Meneses Santos, Vitor (Vice-Captain); Santillán, Pilar (Captain); Matheou, Nicolás (Captain); Rappallini, Josefina (Vice-Captain); Mr. Ignacio Klimunda (Head Of House); Mr. Ulises Fagioli; Mrs. Hannah Israel; Mr. Cristian Ton; Mr. Patricio López. Absent In Photograph: Sinila, Candelaria; Sobradelo, Federico.

S e conda ry


Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

Pensar en cada uno de los integrantes del House.

Alentar a cada integrante a dar su mĂĄximo potencial.

30 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth


Top Row (L To R): Espada, Mariano; Canzani, Joaquín; Sied, Francisco; González Álzaga, Juan Benjamín; Henriksen, Ícaro; De Pellegrin, Simón; Asensio, Diógenes; Miranda, Juan; Martínez, Stefano; González Álzaga, Jerónimo; Munuce Coates, Juan Martín; Colina, Andrés; Peña, Tomás. Second Row: Di Felice, Tomás; Bautista, Tomás; Grasso, Clara; Scatamacchia, Victoria; Fernández, María Victoria; Sanucci, Victoria; Ezcurra, Clara; Colombo, Francisca; González Fontecilla, Rosario; Peña, Delfina; Sied, Lucía; Bautista, Lucas; Stamboulian, Clarisa; González Álzaga, Manuela; McCallum, John. Third Row: Storni, Antonia; Pavia, Camila; Correa, Valentín; Del Campo, Nicolás; Jabbari, Santiago; Carrillo, Martín; González Fontecilla, Iñaki; Sarmiento, Facundo; Asensio, Violeta; De Pellegrin, Violeta; Rodriguez Mir, Paloma; Reilly, Ian; Agosti, Santino; Colina, Ignacio; Storni, Felipe.

Fourth Row: Corian, Paco; Spano, Matías; Miranda, Gonzalo; Colombo, Ramiro; Agosti, Jazmín; Louzao, Annette; Carrillo, Daniel; Wellisch, Santiago; Plaza González, Laura; Courreges, Paul; Silk, Yasmin; Cardoen, Iara; Bertucci, Nicole; Cuadros Arias, Pilar; Cestaro, Vito; González Alzaga, Francisca; Cingolani, Sofía. Seated: Mr. Lucas Baeck; Mrs. Andrea Aiduc; Mrs. Karina Perone; Castillo, Carlota Beatriz (Vice Captain); Stamboulian, Serena (Captain); Mr. Julio Colombo (Housemaster); Peláez, Francisco (Captain); Zitnik, Timoteo (Vice Captain); Mr. Hernán Moreno; Mrs. Soledad Díaz; Mrs. Mercedes Herrán. Absent In Photograph: Mazzuca, Pedro.



Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

Alentar y mantener unido al equipo. Tener house spirit desde el primer año...

...hasta el último año.

Poner mucha garra...

Disfrutar juntos de un día al aire libre. 32 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES

Dar hasta el último aliento.

y poner mucha más garra.

Celebrar triunfos.


Top Row (L To R): Turri, Juan; Egea, Ezequiel; Cavanna Garibaldi, Santiago; Kunauer, Valentín; Mórtola Saiach, Ignacio; Ramognino, Milagros; Fariña, Ramiro Javier; Ruffinelli, Juan Bautista; Landín, Francisco; Migoya, Facundo; Ceirano Cassini, Felipe; Capón Filas, Tomás; Ciarlotti, Lorenzo; Retorta, Justo; Sánchez, Joaquín. Second Row: Justitz, Delfina; Lanata, Lola; Van Leeuwen, Tomás; Kim, Sophia; Szmidt, Estefanía; Albarracín, Victoria; He, Xinran; Zorgno, Chiara; Eaton, Nicolás; Moltini, Carolina; Torreblanca, Nicolás; Kirby, John; Pestana, Ana María; Schirripa, Delfina; Bernardo, Lucía; Monllor, Melina; Bernardo, Camila. Third Row: Arizmendi, Abril; Li, Meiyi; Albina, Juana; Donikian, Martín; Gamboa, Abril Celeste; Turri, María; García Vidal, Martina; Caffarena, Julia; Choi, Natalia; Ochoa Cavanna, Eugenia; Cavanna, Martina; Fajre Arnera, Federico; Cavanna, Ángel Francisco; Migoya, Manuel; Rocha Pereyra, Manuel; Mac Gaw, Cameron; Pérez Adrover, Manuel; Barbero, Juana.

Fourth Row: Breccia, Ema; Mayer, Conrado; Cruz, Delfina; Schvarsberg, Ivanna; Sin, Felipe Nicolás; Mosca Cofiño, Valentino; Aresani Pando, Luca; Baltuliones, Miranda; Barbero, Joaquín; Kirby, Delfina; Welsh, Pedro; Mac Gaw, Liam; Rocha Pereyra, Sofía; Angeletti, Guido; Bartucci, Milagros; Nístico, Priscila; Pearson, Simón Juan. Fifth Row: Capurro, Lucila; Abalo, Agustina; Campos Carlés, Celina; Cony Etchart, Tomás; Perasso, Gonzalo; Belloni, Pedro; Baltuliones, Pedro; Pérez Adrover, Ignacio; Szmidt, Josefina. Seated: Mr. Claudio Bedoya; Mrs. Dolores Garrido; Mrs. Adriana Gil; Mrs. Karin Pretzsch; Corti, Wendy (Head Girl); Mrs. Julia Tollo (Head Of House); Barbero, Martina (Vice-Captain); Ciarlotti, Martina (Captain); Sin, Santiago (Captain); Martínez Casas, Felipe (Vice-Captain); Mrs. Jorgelina Echevarría (Head Of House); Rattagan, Eugenio (Head Boy); Mrs. Cristina Flammini; Mrs. Mariana Zelalia; Mr. Hernán Williams; Mrs. Paula Silva. Absent In Photograph: Cascio, Martín; Cavanna Garibaldi, Mateo; Donikian, Gastón; Rondón Castaño, Ana María; Santillán Iturres, Martina; Tao, Jason.

S e conda ry


Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

Comunicación y respeto


Creatividad y trabajo en equipo

Concentración en las tareas

Ser una gran familia

34 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

Obtener grandes logros con el esfuerzo de todos


Top Row (L To R): Leoni, Marco Mariano; Flores, Valentín Antonio; Pancino, Dante; Follett, Bautista Andrés; Ornague, Patricio Tomás; Pancino, Franco; Gazcon, Diego; Goyanes, Francisco José; Salemme, Pietro; Wintour, Lucas Estanislao; Cubilla, Ignacio; Suarez Blanch, Tobías; Garoby, Juan Pedro. Second Row: Pallache, Marcos Manuel; Morey, Matías; Stewart, Ian; Rabinovich Quappe, María Isidora; Ritorto, Lara; Gusmano, Martina María; Oria, María Belén; Vivanco, Matías Alejandro; Fernández Handley, Jerónimo; Benazzi Manoukian, Delfina María; Ebert, Bruno; Moretti, Marco; Mateo, María Delfina; Rabinovich Quappe, Cristóbal Tomás. Third Row: Benazzi Manoukian, Mora; Suárez Blanch, Dana Esmeralda; Trivelloni, Mora; Fernández, Paloma; Arcagni, Josefina; Arcagni, Julia; Estévez, Marianela; Jaramillo, Juan David; Mancardo, Juan Cruz; Salemme, Francesco; Valdéz, Catalina; Mancardo, Mora; Álvarez Molina, Candela; Sterinzon, Juan.

Fourth Row: Ghilotti, Sofía Martina; Pando, Carmela Josefa; Samitier, Emilia; Follett, Maximo Ivan; Rabinovich Quappe, Max Vicente; Morey, Santiago; Martin, Máximo; Santoro Mattos, María Ignacia; Meneses Etchepare, Lola; Stewart, Nicole; Gusmano; Mila María; Ebert, Mauro; Prieto Asbun, Juan Ignacio; Prieto Asbun, Valeria Sofía.. Seated: Mr. William Beckingsale; Mr. Harry Rodger; Quiñones, María Constanza (Vice-Captain); Pando, Renata Flora (Captain); Mr. Fabricio Cardozo Massa (Housemaster); Kovacic, Pedro (Captain); Gianmarco, Valentín (Vice-Captain); Ms. Carolina Maturo; Mrs Mariana Azpiroz; Ms. Paula Quiroga. Absent In Photograph: Mrs. Paula Rey Chapur; Mr. Lucas Simone; Alvarez Molina, Chiara; Alvarez Molina, Micaela; Fernández, Lola; Martínez Bosch; Francisco.



Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

Trabajar en equipo y tirar todos juntos para el mismo lado. Campeones Tug-o-war Founder’s Day 2017

Crear amistades y fortalecerlas a través del tiempo. Este año le decimos adiós a Oscar Piersanti luego de 41 de amor y pasión hacia el house y hacia St George’s College

Hacer amistades, trabajar en equipo y ser leales unos con otros. Solo así se logra el verdadero “House Spirit”. Nuestros embajadores de ES6

36 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college Q U ILM ES

Nuevos desafíos y transiciones. Le decimos adiós a nuestros capitanes y vice capitanes de 2017, para darles la bienvenida a nuestros líderes de 2018. Capitanes: Ignacio Gherardi y Victoria Bianco. Vice Capitanes: Jacques Lepera y Delfina Cazzola

Crear y ver el espíritu de equipo en todo tipo de actividades. Felicitaciones a los participantes de ES1, ES2 y ES3, que formaron parte del interhouse de arte, “Celebrando a Picasso”

Superar obstáculos y llegar a nuestras metas


Top Row (L To R): Forester Baker, Victoria; Gherardi, Ignacio; Zelalia, Ignacio; Camps, Ignacio; Giamminola, Giacomo; Dominguez Barnada, Gonzalo; Gibson, Frederick; Gibson, Theodore; Lepera, Jacques; Gurban, Máximo, Whitney, William; Colombo Juan Ignacio; Chang, Joaquín; Cazzola, Delfina; Luna Garimaldi, Paula; Bortolot, Chiara Second Row: Camps, Victoria; Villanueva, Sofia; Venturino, Justo; Ann, Erica; Antuñano, Agustína; Bouchoux, Juan Ignacio; Parafioritti, Valentín; Cordone, Nicolás; Guitart Guimet, Olivia; Bretti, Máximo; Gherardi, Matías; Petrone, Pilar; Marcet, Catalina; Shin, Stephanie; Gonzalez, Albertina; Bortolot, Valentino Third Row: Badran, Abril; Curcio, Máximo; Fernandez, Agustina; Nasselo, Franco; Varela, Olivia; Marcet, Pedro; Lepera, Julia; Franconeri, Santino; Pardiñas, Valentina; Sanguinetti, Estefanía; Her, Elizabeth; Cadiz, María Dolores; Mogilner, Nicolás; D´Assaro Monardo, Giuliana; Rabufetti, Thiago; Chang, Máximo; Muiña, Timoteo

Fourth Row: Rosales, Inés; Rueda, Vicente; Antuñano, Ignacio; Brito Del Pino, Valentino; Lapeña, Benjamín; Bassani, Bianca; Scaminaci, María Santina; Lombardi, Pilar; Scheerle, Valentina; Bianco, Victoria; Bouchoux, Facundo; Ybarra, Consuelo; Couto, Julieta; Ruíz, Lucía Fifth Row: Siegrist, Francisco; Muiña, Francisco; Moras Mon, Constanza; Navajas, Barbara; Gazzotto, Felipe; Estol, Alfonso; Vozzi, Tobías; Bigliardi, Agustín; Gruner Kahn, Sofía; Rabufetti, Azul; Grané, Justo; Fernández, María Sol Seated: Ms. P. Nycz; Ms. L. Schwab; Ms. M. Castro; Zavala, Lucía; Ms. C. Whitelegg (Head of House); Ingrey, Nicolás (Vice Captain); Cook MacArthur, Sophie (Captain); Gonzalez Bigliardi, Teo (Captain); Grondona, Lucía (Vice Captain); Mr. A. Mellor (Head of House); Mr O. Piersanti; Mr. A. Taylor; Mr R. Griffiths; Ms T. Legris

S e conda ry


Ser parte de este House implica muchas cosas....

Compromiso y esfuerzo.

Correr riesgo = desafio.

Unidad. 38 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth



Top Row (L To R) : Artola, Iñaki; Swan, Jackson; Vizcay, Tadeo; Pichon Riviere, Agustín; Zabala Riveras, Jimmy; Metz Brea, Justo; Lichtmajer, Zoe; Göttert, Santiago; Quentin Andrés; Beamonte Tomás; Riadigos, María Macarena; Da Ponte Aragonés, Paula; Pereyra, Tomás. Second Row: Boullon, Carolina; Koch, Agustina; Carbonetti Schwanek, Sol; Gomes Jaloto, Gabriel; Rodriguez Reynoso, Manuela; Gomez Tena, Solana; Bilbao, Agustín; Leoni, Emilio; Rodriguez Lizarralde, Matías; Del Rio, Bautista; Rodriguez Lizarralde, Delfina; De Paul, María Camila; Navaza, Lucía; Maranzana, Valentín. Third Row: Chumbita, Juan; Zabala Riveras, Sofía; García Ambertí, Victoria; Berdichevsky, Mía; Silva Franco, Máximo; Rodriguez Reynoso, Carmen; Alvarez, Guadalupe; Cardona, Delfina; Gómez Tena, Santos; Buceta, Carla; Cardona, Catalina; Taraborelli, Fiorella; Cavernelis Tomás; Vizcay, Catalina

Fourth Row: Gómez Jaloto, Giovanna; Bianchi, María Emilia; Carbonetti Schwanek, Clara; Reynoso Moliné, María; Buceta, Tiago; Lancelotti, Agustín; Mercurio, Sofía; Literas, Agustín, Seligmann Justiniano, Delfina; Demarco, Martín; Rosella, Clementina; Palmeyro, Ignacio; Bilbao, Tomás; Fiorino Jungbluth, Gabriel; Beamonte, Lucas. Seated: Mrs. Bianchi, Andrea; Mr. Pereira, Martín; Mrs. Rodríguez Becerra, Jorgelina; Viñales, Manuela (Vice-Captain); Calloni Ariztizabal, Malena (Captain); Scarso, Pablo (Housemaster); Gianola, Nicolás (Captain); Pereyra, Joaquín (Vice-Captain); Mrs. Raboni, Griselda; Mrs. Kuskunov, Silvana; Mr. Cherry, Alex. Absent In Photograph: Grotessi Delia, Bruno; Koch, Federico.

p r e pa ratory

Head of Prep´s Speech Ladies, Gentlemen and of course, Prep School Children, good morning. Our school has changed a lot over the years. The system we had in place for Captains and Monitors has to be adjusted to our new conditions, where more responsibility is required in the running of House activities. During this year the Heads of House, Mabel and I have planned an alternative to provide a situation that will be more suited to our present needs, as a consequence, next year´s EP5 will have a complete change. There will be a boy and a girl captain for Prep and a boy and a girl captain for each of the Houses. These will carry out the jobs the Monitors used to do, but more importantly, will be the leaders of their groups working with their Head of House. We consulted EP5 and EP6 students to have their opinion on who they thought the Captains should be, for their House and for the School. The enquiry was done online in an anonymous way, and the results of this exercise were seriously taken into account when the Heads of House, Directora and I decided on the Captains for 2018. In June a team of International Baccalaureate Inspectors came to review the way we deliver the Primary Years Programme. A process coordinated very efficiently by Miss Mabel. They were satisfied about the way the programme is followed and understood by our community and particularly impressed by the independent way in which our children go about their learning process, the responsibility towards their work and the deep understanding of the different aspects of the IB Profile of which our sixth graders gave very good evidence in their Exhibitions in November. Ten of our teachers attended the Annual International ESSARP Conference and many courses were taken by our staff. Miss Tara and Miss Marcela presented work at the “Inter School sharing good practice day” and Miss. Kelly delivered a course for teachers of all associated schools as part of the ESSARP professional development programme. Once again our Choir represented us very well at the Inter School Festival at St George´s North and in Barker College. We are very happy with their progress. Mr. Thomas surprised the community with a very original show carried out by students from 4th to 6th reviving those great Rock Bands from the past with the audience dressed up for the occasion. Miss Mariana directed “Adventures in Wonderland” and together with the teachers of the lower grades managed to get the best out of the young actors who performed with confidence and enjoyed the rehearsals and performances.

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Mark Duggan Head of Preparatory The whole of the Prep now prepares for Math competitions. Miss Nanés and Miss Caro coordinate the first two grades with the “Terito” competitions, Miss Paula organizes and runs “Charito” while Mr. Ramat leads the way taking responsibility for “Ñandú” and “Mateclubes”. Congratulations to Nahuel González Nicoletta for reaching the National finals of the Ñandú Olympiads in Mar del Plata, and also to Martín Lonegro, Lucas Van Cawenberghe and Ivan Ottaviano who made the National finals of Mateclubes held in Córdoba. We carry on developing our Three Way Conferences in order to find the best way for our children to take responsibility for their learning process, reflect on it and be involved in the decision-taking that will determine their academic future. We believe that the better we know and understand other people, the greater the chance of reducing conflict and getting closer to a peaceful environment. A great deal of work is done on this in tutorial time, Assemblies, meetings in the Chapel, in PSE and in lesson time, but a very significant aspect is the Whole School Community Service Programme. Young Prep students help with very much appreciated donations with their families. As they get older, students go from the Service Learning Programme in EP5 working and doing activities with children from Filochicos and Casa del Niño right up to building houses for families, through “Techo” and “Sumando ladrillos” in College. We are the visible faces in the school but there are a lot of people who clean and tidy, collect, wash and administrate clothes and find solutions when we have all sorts of domestic problems. Thank you to all those people that are not usually here for us to recognize them in our major events. The Physical education Department does an enormous and much appreciated task running run all the school sporting events, Sports Club, camping and other trips a very important part of the school life. Dr. Fernanda Blanco and her team of nurses give the Prep that motherly touch. They are there to deliver medication, love and contention to all those in need. We thought we couldn´t do without Norita, our “Secretaria Docente” when she retired, and it is true we miss her lovely per-

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p r e pa ratory

sonality, but she trained Marina who has turned out to be a very efficient, considerate and proactive replacement. Miss Nora Luaces is retiring too. She has worked at St. George´s for nearly thirty years, being Prep Librarian since 2001. She was also 6A Tutor responsible for pastoral work, PSE, Three Way Conferences, Exhibitions and other activities as well as the main organizer of the Book Week. For many years we were able to count on her as a loyal worker and today we say goodbye and wish her much happiness as a retired citizen. Miss Antonella has decided to be a Risk Taker. She is going to Australia to try out a new life there, a very challenging and exciting step. We wish her every happiness and success in this mind-opening project. Mr. Owen ends his contract and will be moving on to greater challenges as he builds on his professional development. We shall miss his positive influence around the school and we wish him too the best of luck in his future.

A huge “thank you” to all the Room Mothers who have been so helpful in their effective and discrete way, and also to all those members of the community who came in to deliver very high quality talks and conferences to the different class groups. Miss. Mabel and Prep School Staff: What would we do without you? I´m proud to be part of this highly motivated team of professionals. As on other occasions, I close my report with an Old Irish Blessing from St. Patrick May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rains fall soft upon your fields, And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. Thank you very much.

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Prize Winners Arts and Sportsmanship Artistic Achievement: Awarded to the student who has displayed significant achievement and/or enthusiasm in each of the areas of Dance, Art & Music.

Dance Yannick Tahan Felicitas Peracca Julieta Tuzzio Carola Persichetti

1st Year Prize 2nd Year Prize 3rd Year Prize 4th Year Prize 5th Year Prize 6th Year Prize

Art Hannah Lee Danyang Liu Pilar Ruiz Emanuel Blanco Pedro José Arenas Guerrieri Ian Van Leeuwen

Music Mara Rodriguez De Lucci Emma Pellegrino Calvo Isabella D’Assaro Monardo Mia Girón Marat Tahan Valentino Ruffinelli

Sports Prizes: Awarded to the student who has displayed during the year the most significant evidence of Sportsmanship: a sense of fair play, positive encouragement of others and participation with appropriate enthusiasm, not necessary for sporting ability.

Bandera Nacional: Abanderado Egon Ferioli Berglund 1ra Escolta Sofía Pagano Castellani 2da Escolta Santino Ravano Bandera Bonaerense: Portador Giuliano Mosca Cofiño Escolta Magdalena Peracca Bandera del Colegio: Portador Pedro López Cordon Shield

The Cordon Shield is presented to a 6th grade leaver that has been a member of the Prep for at least two 3rd Year Julieta Tuzzio Francisco Pedrotti years and is not the School captain. The student has 4th Year Olivia Pellegrino Salvador Toulicot shown great personality, has stood for what is right 5th Year Sofia Vitale Manuel Bao Senlle and defended the school ideals and has always given 6th Year Luna Necol Giuliano Mosca Cofiño his or her best in academic and sports alike, whether on or off the field. In summary, this student will be an excellent ambassador, a student of whom Esfuerzo / Effort Perfil / PYP Profile Logros / Achievement St. George’s can be proud of. To the student who is judged to have To the student who is judged to To the student who has the highest made the greatest overall effort and/ have most consistently and success- overall average/has been the hior made the greatest improvement in fully displayed elements described ghest overall achiever throughout Outstanding Leaver the work he/she has done. in the PYP Student Profile. the year in that class. Valentino Ruffinelli.

1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 3C 4A

Clara Chomicz Mateo Gonzalez Vitale Carlos Facundo Vélez Servi Pia Capalbo Markus Ferioli Berglund Serena Isern Brolese Franco Ruffinelli Pilar Ruiz Anabella Balestieri Lautaro Gaute

Mara Rodriguez De Lucchi Mora Güerrisi Isabella Toulicot Isidro Reinke Felicitas López Candela Nöel Tomás Del Toral Tobías Van Cauwenberghe Isabella D’Assaro Monardo Margarita Fullin

Francisco Del Campo Morena Leiva Ricardo Nini Lorenzo Beauhaire Valentino Fernandez Dujmovic Lorenzo Scozzari Francisco Pedrotti Yi Zhou Pedro Sanchez Garay Valentino Giannasi

4B 4C 5A 5B 5C 6A

Santino Scheerle Lola Suárez Sofía Vitale Belisario Aráoz Lucio Octavio Cerullo Agustina Monllor

Leandro Milito Bonetto Valentino Martinez Cattorini Sara Micol Schvarsberg Santiago Gilleta Inés Larruy Iván Ottaviano

Máximo Gamboa Olivia Pellegrino Rocco Joaquín Coroli Tomás Jara Lucas Alejandro Chini Ferrari Sofía Pagano Castellani

6B 6C

Lourdes Mateos Lola Martinez Cattorini

Valentino Ruffinelli Santino Ravano Pedro López

Pedro López Egon Ferioli Berglund

Captain of School Prize and shield Bruce Shield (Behaviour Shield)

The Auld Shield (Sports)

4th 3rd 2nd 1st

4th 3rd 2nd 1st

8 10 10.5 11.5

Roberts Haxell Jackson Stevenson

375 500 520 605

Jackson Haxell Roberts Stevenson

The 1979 Leavers´ Academic Achievement Shield 4th 3rd 2nd 1st

6 8 12.5 13.5

Haxell Jackson Stevenson Roberts

House Captains 2018: Haxell Girl Captain Lola Kevorkian Boy Captain Augusto Scaminacci Jackson Girl Captain Juana Pellado Boy Captain Rocco Joaquín Coroli Roberts Girl Captain Sophia Rionda Boy Captain Belisario Aráoz Monitor María Belén Capon Filas Stevenson Girl Captain Sara Micol Schvarsberg Boy Captain Tomás Jara School Captains Sofía Vitale & Tomás Jara Abanderados 2018 Bandera Nacional: Abanderado Lucas Alejandro Chini Ferrari (9.86) 1ra Escolta Rocco Joaquín Coroli (9.86) 2da Escolta María Belén Capon Filas (9.71)

Bandera Bonaerense: Portador Bautista Spina (mismo promedio que 2da escolta Bandera Nacional)

Escolta Dante Vattuone Los alumnos con el mismo promedio se alternaran en la portación de las respectivas banderas en los diferentes actos académicos.

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Head of Junior School Speech Good Morning Everyone. Mr Horacio Buceta, Mr Oliver Proctor, Members of the Board of Governors, Mr Geoff Edbrooke, Mr Robert Taylor, Mrs Lally Barr, Families, Teachers, Students. Today we finish a School Year of hard work and this is a time to express our gratitude, as well as to rememb and reflect on the vast number of things we did in 2017. This is also an opportunity to recognize the merit of those children who stand out for their performance, commitment and dedication. First of all, we want to thank you, Children, for sharing with us your thrilling performance, your funny remarks, and the amazing ideas and thoughts you have. With St George’s College being an IB School, every five years we receive the visit of Inspectors from the International Baccalaureate Organization for an external audit. The Junior School went through this revision in June and the Evaluation Team pointed out great progress with reference to the PYP implementation. We obtained seven commendations related to different curricular areas and our present aim is to continue enriching the Programme, keeping the general development of children and the IB requirements in focus. During 2017, we applied several measures in order to improve the way we put PYP into practice and generate a School designed for children who can grow up in an environment of freedom, support and respect. It is very important that the children are right at the centre of their own learning process. This year, we organized the Three Way Conferences because we wanted them to communicate their own acquisition of knowledge. Families were able to see how their children could bring to life what they had learnt in class, while showcasing their achievements; as well as finding out what their objectives are in the near future. Our students’ social and emotional wellbeing is a priority at St George’s. “Learning to get along better” workshops aimed at helping children develop their own friendship-based resources in order to live together in a kinder and more harmonious environment. Breaktimes are social events at School. They are periods of choice and independence; i. e. children interact freely with one another. During playtime children learn and practice cooperation and conflict resolution. These skills are learned more effectively when interacting with peers because children are more likely to disagree with other children than with adults. At break time, they are very motivated to solve conflicts with their companions so that they can continue playing.

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Enzo Speranza

Head of Junior School

This year we offered more games for children to choose from and, therefore, more possibilities to play with new friends. Three conferences organized by School, on “Limits”, led by Maritchu Seitún, “Bullying” by CreSer Team and “Mindfulness” conducted by specialists from Fundación INECO, had the purpose of offering, both to families and teachers, tools which can help us in educating children. Solidarity is one of the values that we focus upon in class and bring into action when we organize, for example, food or toy collections for the communities at the Kindergarten “Niño Dios” and María Auxiliadora. As part of our education programme for sustainability, the Green Patrol led different activities looking after St George’s North Campus and promoting environmental awareness when we celebrated Earth Day on Founders’ Day. We want to thank the support received from Junior School Families as well as Ms Cecilia Stagnaro and Ms Marina Ulloa for leading both solidarity and environmental projects respectively. The Primary School Play, “A Quest for Adventure”, together with the Choir performances and the Art exhibition “Cuatro” -which you can even enjoy today- are good examples of three different ways to bring about the PYP holistic concept. As an example, the Play and Choir activities mix up the learning of English and the development of expression and communication skills. These are also opportunities to learn to work as part of a team and become friends with peers of different class groups. We want to offer a special recognition to Ms Delfina Perri, Ms Susan Perkins and Ms Paulina Vicino, who inspire our students by means of their own creativity and passion. Barack Obama, said the following in March, 2015: “[Science] is more than a school subject, or the periodic table, or the properties of waves. It is an approach to the world, a critical way to understand and explore and engage with the world, and then have the capacity to change that world…”

Nowadays, what you know is as important as knowing what you can do with what you know. Students who study the STEM subjects -Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths- such as Natural Sciences, Technology or Mathematics, are equipped with the knowledge and skills to solve tough problems, gather and evaluate evidence, and make sense of information. Academic Olympiads programmes offer students the possibility of facing new challenges, pulling ahead and discovering new things about themselves. In order to stimulate their interest in Mathematics, this year, we opened the invitation to every student in Years 5 and 6 who wanted to participate in the Ñandú Maths Olympiads . Additionally, in 2017, for the first time, St George’s College North took part in the Charito Maths Olympiads -intended for students in Years 3 and 4- and hosted the competition held in September where we welcomed Goethe Schule and St. Francis School. Congratulations to all the students who joined these programmes and thanks to Ms Luz Oberti and Ms Paola Torrisi for accompanying them.

We promoted the Natural Sciences by focusing on the experimental area enabling children to explore and discover the answers to their questions. Again, for the first time, we participated in the Junior Science National Olympiads and we made it through to the finals in Mendoza. Thanks to Ms Silvina Kiryk, Ms Alicia Sastre and Ms Gaby Chekherdemian for making this area stronger. Current trends indicate that computer-science literacy will be increasingly relevant for future jobs. Aware of the importance of technological competence and the skills it brings about, we started teaching coding in IT classes during the current year. Last week, we celebrated the Computer Science Week with a project called “The Hour of Code”, which consisted in children taking coding challenges. Many thanks to our IT Team: Ms Jennifer Verschoor and Mr John Cavernelis. Modern education values learning processes and results. We want our students to try out multiple ideas, to listen to different points of view and to be able to put their knowledge into practice in real life. One way to develop this is by integrating Arts with Science, just as Leonardo Da Vinci did in the XV century. Hence, we will add the STEM subjects to our strength in the Arts: STEM + A = STEAM

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We also take this opportunity to formally say goodbye to our smiling teacher, Ms Mabel Sola. Ms Mabel worked as a tutor and teacher of Spanish and Social Studies for twenty three years. Our recognition to her career at St George’s College. All the very best in your new projects, Mabel!

Sports and camping activities are significant in St George’s school life. During this year, we played many games versus other schools, we participated in tournaments and we had our traditional camps. A special acknowledgement to the Physical Education Team for their efforts and dedication in carrying out such a busy schedule. Trinity Exams in Year 5: The Speaking and Listening Examiner gave us very positive feedback. He said that all of our students exams were very good and many were excellent. Final marks will be published in February. We want to congratulate all the children in Year 5 on their efforts and to thank Ms Magalí Tardieu and Ms Sofía Magnasco for their hard work in preparing students for the examinations. After many years working in Primary, Ms Victorina Beltrame will move to a new position in the School Shop. We want to thank Ms Victorina for her constant and excellent willingness to help us all and wish her every success in her new role.

This was only a brief summary of the varied activities we offered in 2017. Everyday, walking around Primary, we meet people who can give the right advice, offer a loving hug or help us to encounter a new challenge. These people are a professional team of teachers and Learning Centre specialists who make big efforts and work extremely hard to make a difference. Thanks to all of you! Our team can achieve its goals and take on new challenges thanks to the support of Room Parents, the Staff in the Development and Communication Office, IT, Administration, Secretaries, Maintenance, Cleaning team and Security. We appreciate their constant cooperation. Finally, thanks to the Families who entrust their children’s education to St George’s College. Thank you. Today our life story is in the making. May we create a story that is worth telling. St George´s College

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Prize Winners YEAR 1 Best Achievement PYP Profile Best Companion Creative Arts Effort & Progress P.E.

YEAR 2 Rocco Pignataro Simón Nakazato Jerónimo Stagno Alexia Steverlynck Rocío Ebert Sara Santoro Mattos

Sara Santoro Mattos Mora Biet Ramiro Sied Blas Castillo Simón Nakazato

Best Achievement PYP Profile Best Companion Creative Arts Effort & Progress P.E.

YEAR 3 Best Achievement PYP Profile Best Companion Creative Arts Effort & Progress P.E.

PYP Profile Best Companion Creative Arts Effort & Progress P.E.

Matías Maglione Damasia González Alzaga Josué Haddad Josué Haddad Gregorio Cingolani

YEAR 4 Sophia Ingrey Juana Tellechea Juana Tellechea Paloma Ghiorzi Agustín Courreges Carballo Abril Cattaneo Daphne Bomrad

Victoria Goldenberg Thomas Ingrey Victoria Goldenberg Sofía Sosa Liprandi Matthew Keen

Best Achievement PYP Profile Best Companion Creative Arts Effort & Progress P.E.

Daniel Lucesoli Agostina Rodriguez Fitzgerald María Victoria Cuadros Lemos Daniel Lucesoli Iván Henriksen Galvão Matilda Reynoso Moliné Olivia Tellechea

Mateo Yañez Barbosa Renata Taboada Mateo Yañez Barbosa París Fabre Mateo Yañez Barbosa


YEAR 5 Best Achievement

Sofía Rennison Sofía Rennison Gregorio Cingolani Julia Cubilla Camila Carrillo Palacio Tonio Santilli Pazos Sofía Mastroizzi

Lucca Torlasco Lourdes Alterini Malena Reilly Zeni Lucca Torlasco Julia Argibay Molina Matías Milano Justina Freire

Rocío Aguzin Juan Cruz Lopez Simón Díaz Alberdi Pedro Laje Sapag Franco Cingolani

Best Achievement PYP Profile Best Companion Creative Arts Effort & Progress P.E.

María Eugenia Guerra Morena Yañez Barbosa Gaspar Santoro Mattos María Rosario Assad Josefina James Sofia Bush Prada

Special Award “Olimpíada Matemática Bonaerense Ñandú”

Juan Cruz Lopez & Juan Pablo Leoni

Special Award “Olimpíada Argentina de Ciencias Junior”

Agustín Maglione & Milan Grebenar

Rocío Donoso Castex Rocío Donoso Castex Juan Francisco Aguirre Catalina Oribe Marco Trivelloni

PRIMARY School Officials Head Boy: Gaspar Santoro Mattos Head Girl: Sofía Wellisch Von Gerstenberg

Ceremonial Flag Representatives Argentine Flag Bearers Argentine Flag Escorts Provincial Flag Bearers Provincial Flag Escorts

School Flag Bearers School Flag Escorts

Rocío Donoso Castex, María Eugenia Guerra. Sophia Keen, María Rosario Assad, Rocío Donoso Castex, Morena Yañez Barbosa, Agustín Maglione. María Eugenia Guerra, Sophia Keen, Juan Pablo Leoni, Rocío Donoso Castex. Creative Arts: Sophia Bush Prada, Ema Di Fiori, Florencia Salomón Zarza, Morena Yañez Barbosa. P.E.: Ema Di Fiori, Marco Trivelloni, Sophia Bush Prada, Gaspar Santoro Mattos. Sofía Wellisch Von Gerstenberg, Vicente Pando, Abril Goldenberg, Lucca Leoni, Juan Francisco Aguirre, Abril Goldenberg. Gaspar Santoro Mattos, Morena Yañez Barbosa, Matías Gutman, Catalina Oribe, Andres Barberis Williams, Francesca Lear, José María Plaza Gonzalez, Sophia Bush Prada, Juan Francisco Aguirre

House Captains: Haxell: Sofía Bush Prada & Pedro Fernando Rodríguez Mangoldt. Jackson: Morena Yañez Barbosa & Lucca Leoni. Roberts: María Catalina Oribe & Agustín Maglione. Stevenson: Rocío María Donoso Castex & Juan Francisco Aguirre.

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Top Row (L To R): Guastella, Matías Gabriel; Iriso, Ignacio; Palla, Valentina; Bao Senlle, Manuel; Rigueras Latapie, Andrés Luis; Gilleta, Felipe; Cerullo, Lucio Octavio; Kevorkian, Lola; Azar Ardura , Leonor; Assalone, Francisco; Baldi Mansilla, Mateo; Reyna Marchetti, Julieta; Pagano, Sofia; Gilleta, Santiago; Sohdi, Joshua; Lonegro Gurfinkel, Martín; Palla, Sofia; Frias, Catalina; Peracca, Magdalena. Second Row: Lee, Martín Marco; Sanchez Garay, Pedro; Soler, Clara; Lee, Francisco Benjamín; Manoukian, Sofía; Giannasi, Valentino; Manoukian, Ignacio; Camps, Ramiro Fernando; Gurban Josefina; Frias, Sophia; Ochoa Cavanna, Juan Sebastián; Jarsrosky, Isabella; Chomicz, Tomás Raul; Gandara, Santino; Elia, Ramiro; Kraiselburd, Atila David; Byun, Sophia Kayla; Perez Lagioia, Mateo; Alvarez, Lucía; Scaminaci, Augusto José. Third Row: Soligo, Juano; Guastella, Salvador Enzo; Dalan Toledo Vechi, Luiza; Sussman, Renata; Guastella, Fiorella Mariel; Fernandez Arminio, Constanza; Rigueras Latapie, Julia Isabel; Pinto Bessone, Manuel; Bao Senlle, Catalina; Venturino, Segundo; Dellepiane, Gaspar; Caffarena,

Felipe Agustín; Gandara, Máximo; Martinez, Sofía; Suarez, Lola; Reyna Marchetti, Juana; Cavanna, Guillermina; Palla, Santino; Bassani, Hipólito; Ruiz, Pilar; Sanchez Garay, Manuel. Fourth Row: Fernández, Catalina; Lee Jazmin; Genovart, Francisco; Alvarez, Sofía; Velez Uribe, Luciana; Giletta, Francisco; Garibaldi, Bautista Horacio; Kraiselburd, Marcos Thor; Fraomeni, Camila; Pellegrino, Alessio; Sussman, Mía; Nielsen, Valentina Sol; Fernández, Joaquín; Palla, Agustina; Danesi, Dante Valentino; Peracca, Felicitas; Reinke, Isidro; Azar Ardura, Jerónimo; Di Maio, Francisco; Lee, Hannah. Fifth Row: Velez Servi, Carlos; Byun Micaela; Fernández Arminio, Martina Magalí; Hidalgo, Maximo; Albina, Benjamín; Chu Jazmin. Seated: Ramos Carballeda, Agustín (Head Of House); Necol, Luna (House Captain). Absent in photograph: Vattuone, Dante; Vattuone, Guido; Donikian, Bautista Tomás; Gandara, Augusto.


Top Row (L To R): González Fontecilla, Juan Benjamín; Barberis Williams, Martín; Reynoso Moline, Lucas; Arcagni, Federico; Calabro, Melina; Lear, Francesca; Troelsen, Ivo; Goldenberg, Abril; Barberis Williams, Andrés; MacCallum, Sebastián; Rodríguez Reynoso, Pedro; Keen, Sophia; Plaza González, José María; Diaz Alberdi, Simón; Fernandez, Julián. Second Row: Ms Claudia Schanzenbach; Ms Jennifer Verschoor; Cattaneo, Abril; Valenzuela Rodríguez, Tomás; Argibay Molina, Julia; Saccani, Milo; Castillo, Alfonso; Cattaneo, Olivia; Frenkel, Marcos; Reynoso Moline, Matilda; Pando, Vicente; Vallauri Araya, María Jesús; Mercurio, Rafael; Lear, Duncan; Checchi, Martín; Polsak Esperante, Manuela; Milano, Matías; Milano, Sofía; Ms Micaela Fernández Bergés; Ms Kristina Dutton.

Third Row: Gomes, Delfina; San Pedro, Luca; Pando, Antonia; Barberis Williams, Raimundo; Sangenis, Rodrigo; Loskutova, Altana; Goldenberg, Victoria; Cavernelis, Anna; Sangenis, Juan Martín; Morey, Francisco; Keen, Matthew; González Fontecilla, Carmela; Sorribes Freyche, Isabella; Checchi, Milagros; Bush Prada, Luca; Ms Dolores Gómez Aguirre. Seated: Polsak Esperante, Valentino; Imas González, Vitto; Castillo, Blas; Lenga Romussi, Francisco; San Pedro, Siena; Bush Prada, Sofia (House Captain); Ms Silvina Kiryk (Head of House); Rodríguez Mangoldt, Pedro (House Captain); Berthin Blacker, Mora; Frenkel, Felicitas ; Brightwell, Elijah; Peña, Isabel; Carrillo Palacio, Camila Absent In Photograph: Ms Alejandra Feu; Jerez, Benjamín; Jerez, Felipe; Quentin Orrantia, Nicolás; van den Borne González, Esperanza.


Top Row (L To R): Aresani Pando, Santino Clario; Scozzari, Valentino; Errea, Victoria Inés; Rios, Lara; Rojo, Francisco; Torreblanca, Camila Abril; Pellegrino Calvo, Micaela; Robles Gorriti, Juana Elena; De Sousa Rubin, Sofía Valentina; Echave, Martín; Wylie, Thomas Jeremy; Otamendi, Sofía Belén; Ravano, Santino; Tahan, Marat; Mosca Cofiño, Giuliano; Arbusto, Bianca; Napoli, Vincenzo; Larruy, Inés; Secco, Mateo. Second Row: Londynski, Mía; Kim, Agustín Valentino; Alvarez De Olivera Dorrego, Juan Martín; Argul, Bautista; Carbonero, Isidro; Wilson, Bodi; Errea, Ignacio; Arenas Guerrieri, Pedro José; Ottaviano, Iván; Besteiro, Santiago Tomás; Hermoso, Angelina; Zhov, Hao; Pellado, Juana; Miccelli, Chiara María; Irungaray, Rosario; Fredriks, Justo; Coroli, Rocco Joaquín; Wan, Kaiqi. Third Row: Capalbo, Pía; Ottaviano, Gregor Igor; Ale, Ana Victoria; Leon Fernandez, Sophia; Pirillo, Tiziano; Sipioni Cavallero, Agustín; Spoltore Solis, Matheo Agustín; Badran, Francisco; Montenegro Schiaffino, Santino; Piraino, Catalina; Cattorini, Lucía Esperanza; Echave, Violeta; Gutierrez

Mayocchi, Renata Sofía; Fornaroli, Victoria; Besteiro, Juan Cruz; Napoli, Teodoro; Balestieri, Anabella; Dal Cason, Bautista; Driesbach, Camila. Fourth Row: Cejas Ortigoza, Brisa Antonella; Pellegrino Calvo, Emma; Gutierrez Mayocchi, Vicente Gael; Sanvido, Helena; Tahan, Yannick; Onufryjczuk, Sebastián; Arizmendi, Lucas; Rodriguez Da Silva, Álvaro; Arenas Guerrieri, Francisca María; Vitale, Dante; Scozzari, Lorenzo Salvador; Rivero Ballester, Felipe; Alvarez De Olivera Dorrego, Tomás; Isern Brolese, Serena; Catalano Royo, Allegra; Mayocchi, Octavio; Maneiro, Ralph; Van Deputte, Zoe. Fifth Row: Gonzalez Vitale, Mateo; Balestieri, Giulia; Spoltore Solis, Lourdes; Dal Cason, Ramiro; Causa, Isabella; Gancedo, Rocio; Gonzalez Elicabe, Lucio; León Fernandez, Ximena. Seated: Capalbo, Belén (House Captain & Monitor); Midón, Leonardo (Head Of House); Schirripa, Luca (Monitor). Absent in photograph: Bartucci, Felicitas; Vitale, Sofía; Drummond De Mello Viegas, Gabriel; Bouchoux, Manuel; Mitidiero, Violeta; Calvo, Delfina.


Top Row (L To R): Santoro Mattos, Gaspar; Martínez Lahitou, Blas; Chimmalez, Paloma; Creatore, Vito; Ilvento, Bautista; Pelizzatti, Mora; Moretti, Lucio; Salomon Zarza, Florencia; Wylie, Andrew; Garcia Martínez, Bautista; Trivelloni, Marco; Leone, Agustín; Freire, Justina Second Row: Miss Paulina Vicino; Miss Luciana Cendoya; Miss Luz Oberti; Creatore, Enzo; Yañez, Mateo; Aguzin, Rocío; Sorondo Gardini, Florencia; Copertini, Valentino; Porciani, Martina; Baudino, Manuel; Moricz De Tecso, Pilar; García Martínez, Mateo; García Ambertin, Guadalupe; Stagno, Valentín; Cuadros Lemos, Maria Victoria; Trivelloni, Ignacio; Porciani, Agustina; Miss Laura Antón; Miss Claudia Martins, Miss Mariana Lazzari.

Third Row: Alais Bieule, Pedro; Martínez Lahitou, Anita; Ghiorzi, Paloma; Koch, Nicolás; Moricz De Tecso, Mateo; Calloni Ariztizabal, Miguel; Vizcay, Juan Cruz; Chimmalez, Lucía; Occello, Máximo; Leone, Juan Martín; Santilli Pazos, Tonio; Freire, Toribio; Leoni, Sofía; Santoro Mattos, Sara; Baudino, Mora; Pignataro, Tiziana; Freire, Julia. Seated: Pignataro, Rocco; Cuadros Lemos, Lautaro; Sied, Ramiro; Martínez García, Zoe; Ebert, Rocío; Yañez, Morena (House Captain); Mr John Cavernelis (Head Of House); Leoni, Lucca (House Captain); Salomon Zarza, Valeria; Stagno, Jerónimo; Aguzin, Felipe; Rennison, Sofía; Moretti, Rocco. Absent In Photograph: Bracho Pérez, Annel; Bracho Pérez, Arianna; Gordon, Felix; Gordon, Iara; Salemme, Giulia.


Top Row (L To R): Nasello, Sofia; Khemani, Viraj; Van Leeuwen, Ian; Martinez Cattorini, Lola; Scheerle, Santino; Whitelegg Franceschini, Constanza; Giron, Marco; Moran, Lourdes; Martinez Cattorini, Valentino; Lomban, Juan; Capón Filas, María Belén; Cozzi, Leonardo; Monllor, Agustina Belén; Da Costa, Valentín; Ronzoni, Mateo; Poplawski, Victoria; Van Cauwenberghe, Lucas; Cepeda, Andrés. Second Row: Cozzi, Renata; Chini Ferrari, Lucas; Toulicot, Salvador Juan; Famulari, Felipe; Di Benedetto, Juan; Del Toral, Tomás; Gamboa, Máximo Nicolás; Latronico, Lourdes; Zhou, Yi; Branda, Máximo Ciro; Orunesu Aguirre, Franco Emilio; Gwozdz, Taddeo Benjamín; Cattorini, Brenda; Rosales, Facundo; Ruffinelli, Franco; Impallomeni, Attilio; Prisco Suarez Fuentes, Gianluca Alfredo; Pujol Rodriguez , Genaro Jaume. Third Row: Camara Bonifazi, Fausto; Monllor, Felipe Matías; Khemani, Nishita; Cepeda, Paloma; Sucarrat, Iñaki; Aguirre, Wenceslao; Giron, Mía; Rionda, Sophia Isabel; Sanchez, Macarena Ana; Gibaut, Olivia; Tuzzio, Julieta; Aguilera, Thiago Benicio; Monllor, Tomás Nicolás; Pavone, Bruno; Cipriani, Inés; Ferioli Berglund, Markus; Migoya, Felipe; Liu, Gengyue.

Fourth Row: Ruffinelli, Lucía; Toulicot, Nicole; Whitelegg Franceschini, Arturo; Tuzzio, Antonella; Fernandez Dujmovic, Valentino; Liu, Danyang; Fiad, Felicitas; Van Cauwenberghe, Tobías; Cantalupo, Agustín; Annacondia Zimmermann, Tobías; Gwozdz, Milagros Abril; Pacor Ramos, Guillermina; Gegenschatz, Gala; Rosales, Amparo; Weinberg Alvarado, Tomás Agustín. Fifth Row: Grasso Valvecchia, Francisco; Prisco Suarez Fuentes, Milena L; Toulicot, Isabella; De Martino, Tomas; Prisco Suarez Fuentes, Santino C; Toulicot, Laureano; Martinez Vujacich, Theo. Seated: Fiad, Salvador (Monitor); Cassullo, Delfina (Monitor); Ferioli Berglund, Egon (Captain); Mr. Andrés López (Housemaster); Breccia, Juliana (Monitor); Ruffinelli, Valentino (Monitor); Cantalupo, Lucía (Monitor). Absent in photograph: Araoz, Belisario; Araoz, Jerónimo; Alvarez Rodriguez Arnelli, Milo; Faija, Francisco Adrian; Poplawski, Camila; Gibaut, Pilar; Kotynia, Franco Tadeo; Liu, Chiyu Cristina; Ortiz Montoya, Jacobo; Seren, Ámbar Canela; Ortiz Montoya, Celeste.


Top Row (L To R): Bilbao, Juan Cruz; Trappa Winterhalter, Camilo; James, Josefina; Etcheverrito Martorani, Bautista; De Cesare Sastre, Fionna; Grebenar, Milan; Cubilla, Felicitas; Bomrad, Fabrizio; Gibbons, Nicolás; Da Ponte Aragones, Nicolás; Inzunza Soto, Vicente; Del Rio, Dimas; Laje Sapag, Pedro; Carratelli, Isabella. Second Row: Ms Cecilia Stagnaro; WELLISCH VON GERSTENBERG, Sofía (Head Girl); Rodriguez Fitzgerald, Agostina; Cuenca Girard, Emilio; Cuadros Arias, Maximiliano; Trappa Winterhalter, Agustín; Bekes Storiale, Facundo; Bekes Storiale, Matías; Fabre, París; Guerra, María Eugenia; Bautista, Sofía; Torlasco, Lucca; Wellisch Von Gerstenberg, Martina; Tuero, Agostina; Bomrad, Daphne; Ms Lilian Kennedy.

Third Row: Ms Mabel Sola; Ms Liz Sastre; Inzunza Soto, Trinidad; Cingolani, Gregorio; Von Gerstenberg, Victoria; James, Delfina; Bilbao, Clara; Carratelli, Benicio; Holoveski, Franco; Maglione, Matías; Cubilla, Julia; Lancelotti, Santiago; Miranda Hagerman, Pablo; Poggi, Agustín; Beamonte, Victoria; Ms Delfina Perri; Ms Sofía Magnasco. Seated: Fabre, Chloé; Comune Correa, Santino; Von Gerstenberg, Valentina; Da Ponte Aragones, Diego; Haddad, Josué; Oribe, Catalina (House Captain); Miss Silvina Seresi (Head of House); Maglione, Agustín (House Captain); Haymes Biedma, Pedro; Guerra, Francisco; Cordoba, India; Steverlynck, Alexia; Imbelloni, Valentino. Absent in photograph: Cingolani, Franco; Haddad, Khalil; Henriksen Galvão, Iván; Mauro, Catalina; Mauro, Francisco; Ricart, Mía; Topuz, Damla; Ms Paola Torrisi.


Top Row (L To R): Gaute, Lautaro; Persichetti, Carola; Noel, María De Las Mercedes; Welsh, Juan; Rovera Dodds, Nik; Milito Bonetto, Leandro Ezequiel; De Maio, Martina; Arias, Mateo Ezequiel; Aisenson, Julia; Blanco, Juan Bautista; Antoniazzi Kalogiannidis, Tomás; Maloneay, Juan Cruz; Muiña, Justo; Mateos, Lourdes María; Alonso Pechar, Jerónimo; Bonifacio, Matias Agustin; Blanco, Emanuel. Second Row: Mateos, María Guadalupe; Laight, Jacquie; Spina, Bautista; Santamaria, Delfina Gonzalez Nicoletta, Nahuel Cruz; Wan, Kairui; Antoniazzi Kalogiannidis, Isabella; De Crecchio, Loreta; Mayer, Lara; Perez Bortolot, Tobías; Restelli, Francesca; Lopez, Guillermina; Schvarsberg, Sara Micol; Jara, Tomás Luis; Aisenson, Martín; Pellegrino, Olivia; Mogilner Milesi, Abril; Pedrotti, Francisco; Pinta, Ambar Nicole. Third Row: Ferreyra, Juan Valentino; Yoon, Jiwoo; Giamminola, Allegra; Mazzucco, Pedro Abel; Paola Britos, Santino Dante; Bertasio, Rocco; Han, Sol Ianina; Amigo Mayer, Lucca; Saizar, Ignacio Facundo; Restelli, Catalina; Rappallini, Isidro; Beauhaire, Lorenzo Eric; Her, Augusto;

Batlle, Estanislao; Milito Santarelli, Luca; Persichetti, Juan Martin; Fullin, Margarita; Rodriguez De Lucchi, Juan. Four Row: Cardinali, Thiago Ezequiel; Daneri, Tomás; Diano, Bautista Pedro; Lopez, Felicitas; Otero, Magdalena Abril; Gaute, Patricio; Lucero Faija, Dante Pablo; Gonzalez Nicoletta, Facundo Gael; Zheng, Augusto William; D’ Assaro Monardo, Isabella; Ferreyra, Ambar María; Faija, Francisco Adrian; Kim Chung, Valentina; De Crechio, Isabella; Colombo, Catalina María; Cagna, María Alessandra; Garcia Varela Alves, Alvaro; Nini, Ricardo. Seated: O’Farrell, Joaquín; Leiva, Morena; Daneri, Tomás; Milito Bonetto, Agustina Oriana; Del Campo, Francisco; Daneri, Santiago E; Spina, María Sofía; Biederman, Megan E (House Captain); Mrs. Federico, Marcela (Head of House); López, Pedro E; Cadiz, Manuela; Hernández, Lucas; Noel, Candela Aylín; Furman, Lautaro; Rodriguez De Lucchi, Mara; Guerrissi, Mora. Absent in photograph: Brieva, Felipe.


Top Row (L To R): Mr Joe Paget; Storni, Clementina; Reilly Zeni, Malena; Lazo Labarthe, Juan Carlos; Ritorto, Mora; Rivaben, Ania; Di Fiori, Ema; Leoni, Juan Pablo; Chiacchio, Emir; Assad, María Rosario; Scatamacchia, Octavio; Mastroizzi, Victoria; Ruiz De Huidobro, Santino; Alterini, Lourdes; Lopez, Juan Cruz; Courreges Carballo, Nicole. Second Row: Ms Victoria Gómez De La Lastra; Taboada, Renata; Strauss Mackenzie, Timoteo; Martinez Burkett, Ernestina; Orozco Foster, Máximo; Fita Montanelli, Constantino; Nakazato, Tobías; Benazzi Manoukian, Lucio; Benazzi Manoukian, Franco; Rodriguez Pusterla, Benjamín; Mancardo, Juan Francisco; Tellechea, Olivia; Gutman, Matías; Taormina, Martín; Ingrey, Thomas; Ms Magalí Tardieu; Ms Marina Ulloa.

Third Row: Ms Gabriela Suárez; Orozco Foster, Ana Inés; Ruffa, Violeta; Gonzalez Alzaga, Damasia; Nardini, Franco; Hunter-Watts, Eliot; Nakazato, Joaquín; Ingrey, Sophia; Rodriguez Pusterla, Mía; Courreges Carballo, Agustín; Lucesoli, Daniel; Ingrey, Francisco; Chiacchio, Farid; Sosa Liprandi, Sofía; Mastroizzi, Sofía; Lucesoli, Nicolás; Ms Julia Grandi. Seated: Nakazato, Simón; Biet, Mora; Tellechea, Juana; Gomez Garret, Mariano; Vela Rosas, Juan Pablo; Aguirre, Juan Francisco (House Captain); Ms Susan Perkins (Head Of House); Donoso Castex, Rocío (House Captain); Strauss Mackenzie, Juana; Balestrini Burgauer, Luca; Uberti, Elena; Gutman, Catalina; Huss, Benjamín. Absent in photograph: Spaletra, Delfina; Talento Lanús, Felipe; Baieli, Alfonso; Ms Carolina Ferrari; Ms Dolores Lanús.

p r e pa ratory


En primer grado cada día

Lo que sabemos Antes de investigar sobre los hábitats compartimos con nuestros compañeros lo que sabemos sobre algunos animales y tratamos de clasificarlos. Lo que queremos saber Cuando compartimos nuestros conocimientos de los animales nos dimos cuenta que queríamos saber más acerca de los lugares donde viven. Investigamos en casa y compartimos nuestros hallazgos en el aula.

Así soy yo La unidad de indagación “Mucho gusto en conocerme” nos ayudó a descubrir quiénes somos. Aprendimos que en algunos aspectos todos somos iguales y también todos somos únicos. Primer grado ama leer Este año mejoramos nuestra lectura, leímos en clase y en casa; gracias a nuestro esfuerzo por aprender ahora podemos leer libros más largos e interesantes.

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trae una nueva experiencia… Juegos de antes y de ahora Aprendimos a jugar juegos que nuestros padres jugaban en el colegio.

Juegos de manos Aprendimos las rimas y jugamos en parejas. Esto también nos ayuda a mejorar nuestra coordinación.

Las escuelas antes y ahora Comparamos nuestra escuela con la de nuestros padres y comprendimos que cada escuela necesita una organización en particular.

Elástico Nuestras mamás y abuelas jugaban al elástico, nosotros intentamos jugar también.

Mapa interactivo Fuimos al College y aprendimos sobre cada edificio, diseñamos nuestro mapa interactivo. Lo podemos ver con un código QR. St Geor ge’ s college QUI LMES _ 57


Y 1 YEA R 1

A new beginning

Discovering trees.

Learning about tress, plants and seeds.

Swimming lessons.

Learning about the city and the country.

Singing festival. 5 8 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

Science experiments about air.

Enjoying poetry and poetry week

Visit to the hydroponic farm

“Acto del 25 de mayo”

Celebrating the 100th day at school.

Going to the lab

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Una aventura cada día.

Nos divertimos construyendo cuerpos geométricos.

Fotografiamos los lugares que hacen única a la escuela. En el salón leemos con nuestros compañeros.

Disfrutamos escuchando lo que saben de nuestros compañeros.

Somos secretarios y ayudamos en las rutinas diarias.

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En el parque escuchamos muchos cuentos.

Inventamos mĂĄquinas y hacemos experimentos.

Armamos carteleras con nuestras investigaciones.

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Animarse a dar nuevos pasos.

Aprender a relajarnos forma parte de nuestras rutinas diarias. Visitamos el Museo de Luján.

Tomamos nota de lo observado en nuestro paseo.

Observar y dibujar objetos de la época colonial.

Jugamos a armar y desarmar números. 6 2 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

Aprendiendo a usar la calculadora.

Compartimos caminos para resolver problemas.

La biblioteca nos ayuda para construir el hábito lector. Leer al aire libre.

Nos apasionamos con la aventura de aprender a leer. Cuanto nos divertimos con la bicicleteada.

Bailando al ritmo de la chacarera.

Las mamás participaron en nuestro acto del 9 de Julio. Le festejamos el cumpleaños al Lobo Rodolfo.

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p r e pa ratory


Disfrutamos expresarnos Después de leer el cuento “The Little Painter of Sabana Grande” elaboramos pequeños libretos teatrales y dramatizamos diferentes escenas: nos disfrazamos, nos metimos en la casita de Fernando, el protagonista, interpretamos diferentes personajes en nuestro jardín, nos convertimos en periodistas y entrevistamos a los personajes.

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de diferentes maneras.

También elegimos diversas maneras de comunicar nuestros aprendizajes: diseñamos posters en grupo, re narramos el cuento, escribimos un diario y hasta creamos una presentación con Google Slides.

A través de distintos plegados construimos figuras geométricas.

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Y 3 Ye a r 3

¡Más que momentos compartidos...! In the unit of inquiry How We Express Ourselves, we studied about the Universe. Children were highly motivated during the whole process and shared information, created posters and invented a model of the solar system with styrofoam and paper. In our unit of inquiry Where We Are, students could invent new animals to survive in different habitats using the application Switchzoo. In this way, they could show all the concepts learnt about adaptations.

Cuando terminamos la Unidad de Indagación: “Historias de ayer y de hoy” visitamos el Museo de los inmigrantes… ¡Cuánto que aprendimos!!!!

Y llegó la temporada de pileta. ¡Todos al agua! 6 6 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge no rth

Olimpíadas Charito en el colegio la Unidad en San Isidro… volvimos con diploma.

12cm; 4,3m; 1,5cm y seguimos midiendo en la clase!

Terminamos de leer “Tengo un monstruo en el bolsillo” y nos pusimos manos a la obra… creamos nuestros propios monstruos!

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Un año lleno de nuevas experiencias En este año tan especial en que los alumnos de 4to grado juran a la bandera, pensamos en una bandera que nos represente como ciudadanos argentinos.

Visita al museo: Visitamos el museo del colegio en búsqueda de objetos que representen las raíces y el comienzo de St George´s para luego poder describirlos en detalle.

Para la segunda 3WC del año se buscó que los alumnos se enfoquen en sus logros en comparación a la primera mitad del año y lo que aún veían como un objetivo, algo a mejorar en la segunda mitad. Se les dió libertad de elegir los criterios que ellos consideraban relevantes y que debían ser mencionados frente a sus padres.

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en esta nueva etapa escolar. Dentro de la unidad de indagación “Evidencias”, investigamos sobre nuestros orígenes. Armamos una línea de tiempo de nuestras vidas usando la aplicación “Timeline” donde incluimos los diez hechos más significativos.

Expresamos nuestras creencias en familia a través de maquetas, poemas y canciones que luego presentamos a nuestros compañeros y docentes.

Tras investigar sobre Manuel Belgrano realizamos un audio libro utilizando la aplicación Book Creator, donde incluímos información relevante acerca de su vida y obra.

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Y 4 Ye a r Fo u r

Learning independently

Green Patrol in Action.

Giving feedback on friends´ logbooks.

Sharing Writing Magellan´s Logbook. 70 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

Reading Charlotte´s Web.

Student Presentations during 3WC.

Camping in Kapawa.

Learning to use lab equipment.

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Q u i nto G ra d o

Estamos preparados para La tecnología acompañó todas nuestras unidades de investigación, como herramienta fundamental en las presentaciones e indagaciones. Utilizamos las aplicaciones de Google Drive, Socrative, Padlet, armamos carpetas en drive de nuestras 6 unidades, estudiamos humanidades aplicando Timeline, armamos nuestro portfolio digital y hasta hicimos un documental sobre “Desastres naturales” utilizando IMOVIES.

“Para viajar lejos no hay mejor nave que un libro”. Emily Dickinson Así disfrutamos de la lectura y dramatizamos algunas escenas.

Investigamos sobre Biodiversidad.

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un sexto súper tecnológico!

¿Cómo hacemos para levantarnos sin soltarnos los brazos? En pequeños grupos pensamos nuestro objetivo e intentamos llevarlo a cabo. Después de varios intentos y muchas risas, reflexionamos y notamos que lo más importante es trabajar en equipo. “Llegar juntos es el principio. Mantenerse juntos es el progreso. Trabajar juntos es el éxito”. Henry Ford.

Trabajamos con electricidad y circuitos eléctricos en la Unidad de Energía.

Representamos los roles de ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

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Year Five

High flyers in Year 5

We experiment with physics to understand the world around us.

Discovering the magical world of Harry Potter.

Researching with our iPads

Learning from great thinkers.

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In Year 5 we reach great heights.

Sharing sports and healthy life with friends.

Discovering our history in Casa Rosada.

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Grandes experiencias compartidas Trabajamos mucho organizando y preparando nuestro proyecto personal para las Exhibiciones, pensando nuestro tema, elaborando nuestra idea central y realizando conexiones. En grupos, discutimos, sacamos conclusiones, pensando además cuál era la mejor manera de presentar nuestro trabajo a nuestros pares y padres.

Tuvimos la gran experiencia de visitar la Casa Rosada, y además el grato encuentro con nuestro señor presidente, Mauricio Macri. Fuimos afortunados al poder hablar con él algunos minutos, lo que hizo de nuestra visita una jornada inolvidable. 76 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college Q U ILM ES

Hermosa y enriquecedvora experiencia vivida en nuestro viaje a Córdoba, no sólo disfrutando del tiempo juntos, sino también aprendiendo de la naturaleza que nos rodeaba.

Gracias al “play” nos sentirnos rock stars por dos noches. Disfrutamos de cantar, actuar y compartir ese momento con nuestras familias.

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Y 6 Year S i x

El final de un recorrido,

Juegos Unidad de Indagacion.

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el comienzo de un nuevo viaje

Encuentro con 5to

Book Week: Book Fair y Compartiendo poesĂ­a.

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Headmistress Report The early school years are full of excitement and growth! At St. George´s Kindergarten, in this first phase of school, children are provided with a fun and stimulating environment that helps them grow! They develop their social interaction, self-esteem, independence, awareness and positive attitudes towards their peers and learning. Our teaching takes into account the importance of play and stimulating activities which aim to widen children´s creativity, curiosity, thinking, imagination, improvisation, perseverance, understanding, questioning, decision making, concentration, the ability to communicate, to co- operate, to take turns, to respect others, to start to solve simple problems, to explore and even to be responsible when given a task. This has been a very successful year, with a great deal of achievements and completed projects! We had an IB visit with professionals from abroad. Not only did they observe our classes, but they wanted to know how the children learn: they spoke to the teachers and some parents, and analyzed our ways of teaching. The result of their visit was a report full of positive feedback. Congratulations to the whole staff for their commitment and dedication year after year! We know that in a child´s education, family and school have to act together, both parts working for the little ones’ well-being. We want to thank our dear families for being present in this process, for joining open lessons, special workshops on “limits”, fulfilling equests to enrich the Units of Inquiry, coming to tell stories, attending events such as the traditional Family Day and Founders´Day, participating in the “Manos Solidarias” workshop, and so many other things. This year family and school jointly reflected on the attributes of our IB Community Profile. An attractive brochure was produced where families can see what the IB profile means to small children. This was our yearly PSE campaign: how we reflect the profile at home and at school. Respect and diversity are very important for us so this year we had a special Kinder Celebration with our families. With a lot of enthusiasm we had a beautiful fair where children could see typical things from different cultures around the world. Teachers provided many creative and attractive material resources to develop children´s fine motor and attention skills. Children enjoyed playing with them.

Trixie Burgermeister Head of Kinder We had three new Art Projects. K1: The Sea, K2: Nursery Rhymes and K3: City Art. Children were proud to show their families around the colourful Art Exhibition. Each group went on an outing. K1 to a farm, K2 to the Firemen Station and K3 to visit an artist in town. Children enjoyed and learnt a lot with them. After lunch, animal lovers choose to visit the farm. This year we especially enjoyed three tame bunnies, Manchita, our pony, ducks and hens. Children were in charge of collecting apples after lunch time to feed them. Gardening is also a daily activity: watering plants, planting and of course looking after our plot! We explored with our technological resources. Programmes such as Aurasma, QR, taking photographs and making a memo game and making videos where children could see themselves afterwards. We also started with the e-portfolio in K1. Our Play, called Helping Hands, was performed with great enthusiasm. Children enjoyed it so much! To finish the year Santa came to school to speak to the children, and tell them a story. The children gave him a letter with their Christmas wishes. Earlier this year we said goodbye to a dear teacher, Miss Lili, and at the end of our year, our dear psychologist Miss Lucy, both were in Kinder since its start. We thank Miss Lili and Miss Lucy for their love, commitment and responsibility for these past 29 years! We wish them a successful future in this new stage in their life! We welcomed Miss Jen, Miss Aldana and Miss Beki! All of them lovely and active teachers. Children are in a safe and supportive environment enjoying their first experience at school. Our dedicated and loving staff does an excellent job with the little Georgians! I would like to finish this report by expressing my gratitude to all the teachers and to all the families that year after year trust in sharing their beloved little ones with us!

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Ki n d erg a rten

Head of Junior School Report Good morning everyone. Mr Horacio Buceta, Mr Oliver Proctor, Members of the Board of Governors, Ms Lally Barr, families, teachers and students. Many thanks to each family for trusting St George’s College. It is that trust between home and school, the starting point in building a solid education, with coherence and strong values, in the benefit of children. Teachers, supported by the School, are the ones who inspire that trust and carry out St George’s educational programme every day. Thank you very much to all the teachers and the Learning Centre specialists for their daily efforts, hard work and professionalism. Students stimulate us to be creative, to offer better lessons and take new challenges. In order to reach our goals we need the collaboration we receive from Room Parents, from the staff at the Development and Communication Office, Secretaries, Administration, Maintenance, Cleaning Team and Security. Our gratitude for their constant cooperation. The PYP (Primary Years Programme) is one of the most well known educational programmes around the world and, as with every IB (International Baccalaureate) programme, its main objective is to develop open minded people who can help in creating a better and more peaceful world. This IB learner profile, which is also St George’s College profile, starts taking shape in Kinder with the PYP and will be completed in Secondary with the Diploma Programme.

Enzo Speranza Head of Junior School This year, in order to improve its implementation, we brought the following into action: 1. Our students social and emotional wellbeing is one of our priorities, as we are persuaded that a pleasant and harmonious environment is necessary to be able to learn. In adding Yoga to our curriculum we put into practice one of the new strategies which helps our students to find and develop resources that will allow them to live better together. In this context of a new paradigm in education, families and the school should continue working together. Throughout this year, we organized a series of conferences on “Limits”, led by Maritchu Seitún, “Bullying” by CreSer Team and “Mindfulness” by specialists from Fundación INECO. Three different topics converging in the same search of tools for our children’s wellbeing. 2. We set in the 3WC to let families know how their children lived their learning process. 3. Children are inquiring by nature. They ask questions and find answers based on their own experiences. This is the actual process followed by the Natural Sciences. During this School year, we systematically used the School Science Laboratory to foster their curiosity. We focused on offering the opportunities for our students to think and make questions aiming at their own discovery of the answers through exploration. 4. As part of our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy, we applied technology in class to benefit learning and, in K3, we took the first steps into coding. 5. Sports allow us to develop coordination and psychomotricity, as well as social skills and team spirit. In 2017, we took the initiative of having a Sports event where children could enjoy exercising as a means of recreation and amusement. These are some of the varied activities that took place in Kinder during 2017. Next year, we will continue working to maximise everything which is already in practice and we will drive initiatives to help us improve ourselves. Our best wishes for all of you, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you.

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Ki n d erg a rten


Look at all the fun we had

We made a fun mess. We loved learning with our friends.

We hid and made houses out of boxes. We became artists.

We had fun learning about shapes. 8 4 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

We built toghether.

at Pre K this year!

We learned about squares.

We cared for each other.

We became different animals.

Water play was really fun!

We went on a train ride with our friends.

Painting made us feel happy.

We enjoyed exploring new materials. St Geor ge’ s college n orth _8 5



We learn so much when playing!

Playing outside games is fun

Let’s explore with our senses and make some wonderful art 8 6 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES

We can have a great time exploring our fine motor skills

Let’s walk and describe what we feel

We are getting ready to walk on different surfaces

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Ki n d erg a rten


Una convivencia cordial

Celebrando los cumpleaĂąos de nuestros amigos de la sala de K1.

Aprendiendo a ser amigos.

8 8 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

nos ayuda a crecer...

Jugando a ser mamás con los bebés.

Compartiendo los juegos en el arenero.

Somos superhéroes!

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Once upon a time in K2

We enjoyed looking at books: in the library, in our book corner with friends or sharing them with our families when we take the lending library books home every Friday.

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We loved creating stories: about our classroom pets “Gloria the parrot” and “Chispas the owl”. We also loved changing the end of a traditional story or making one up altogether.

We were inspired with rhymes: singing, dramatizing, identifying the words that rhyme in songs and games, and expressing ourselves during our art project “Art and Rhymes” based on traditional Nursery Rhymes. St Geor ge’ s college QUI LMES _ 91

Ki n d erg a rten


We loved our year in K2!

Green patrol visiting Mr. Proctor.

Enjoying Big Eye.

K2G visiting the LAB. K2S mixing colors in the science lab.

Concert: I´ve got a feeling. 92 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

K2 Camp.

Playing dress up in the drama corner.

Celebrating the end of book week dressed up as our favourite book character.

Playing in the Drama Corner: “The Supermarket”.

Working with emotions using the story: “The monster of Colours”.

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Sports in K3

Moving is fun!

This lovely place encourages us to be risk takers. 9 4 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES

Excercise keeps us healthy.

We enjoy playing all together.

We feel happy when we move.

We develop our motor skills while we have fun. St Geor ge’ s college QUI LMES _ 95

Ki n d erg a rten


A year full of games

Los varones armando una pirámide.

Emilio y Mateo verificando su hipótesis luego de mezclar ingredientes sólidos y líquidos

Fermín y Agustín mezclando soluciones.

Nuestro play. ¡ A punto de salir a actuar! 9 6 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge no rth

Emilio explorando con imanes.

Trabajando los con chicos de year 1

& learning opportunities

Pesando pañales y verificando su absorción.

Festejando el día de la primavera.

Visitando el museo de Ciencias Naturales.

Clases de yoga.

Juan Pedro y Pietro trabajando en equipo realizando mediciones.

Martina midiendo lados de diferentes figuras geométricas

Santino y Piero intentando separar dos ingredientes.

Ciro midiendo los lados de un cuadrado St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 97



K1 S “Pelicans” / K1 G “Kiwis”

Top Row (L To R): Miss. Beatrice Burgermeister (Headmistress); Miss Celeste Schembra; Miss María Paz Molachino; González, Nicolás; Tuzzio, Iván; Pucheta, Emma; Ferioli Berglund, Timo; Pavone Molinari, Frida; Martínez Molinero, Manuel; De Bourgknecht, Santiago; Gegenschatz, Astor; Thomas Lay, Catherine; Scarinci; Francesco; Del Campo, Olivia; Curcio, Mia; O’farrel, Felicitas; Miss Catalina Ruiz; Miss María Eugenia Michelena; Mr. Ian Tate (Headmaster). Second Row: Dong, Hazhou; Cattorini, Marina; Otamendi Whitelegg, Segundo; Giannasi, Luciano; Gaute, Josefina; Waxemberg, Franka; Causa, Benjamín; Calvo, Juan; Donadio, Francisco; Scozzari, Santiago; Faija, Mateo; Pinto Bessone, Emilia, Ji, Yoonwoo. Seated: Cruz, Tomás; Curcio, Mikel; Annacondia Zimmerman, Nicólas; Luercho, Sofía; Van Herbruggen, Martha; Capuano, Catalina; Guastella, Francisco; Pérez López, Máxima; Marte, Catalina; Otero, Sofía; Nielsen, Gastón; Soligo, Catalina; Wassi, Pedro. Absent in Photograph: Gancedo, Lucía; Lucero Faija, Emma; Suárez, Joaquina; Bernasconi, Bianca.


K2 S “Owls” / K2 G “Parrots”

Top Row (L To R): Miss Beatrice Burgermeister (Headmistress); Miss Muriel, Sicaro; Miss Sabrina Freyre; Velez Uribe, Simón; Brieva, Rosario; Margionte Mangiabosco, Gregorio; Badran, Pedro; Pellado, Antonia; Dahy Badaracco, Sofía; Yoon, Iseo; Iribarne, Félix; Camara, Rosario; Pérez Lopez, Felicitas; De Pol, Emilia; Fernandez, Francisco; Fernandez Saborido, Juan Cruz; Kim, Lucas; Miss Bárbara Pezzi; Miss Mercedes Prósperi; Mr. Ian Tate (Headmaster). Second Row: Rojo, Hilario; Queirolo, Sofía; Ji, Seoyoon; Rocha Pereyra, Trinidad; Curcio, Mark; Garibaldi, Sofía; Barreiro, Eva; Pratt, Clara; Ramírez, Benicio; Kotynia, Mauro; Argul, Francisco; Guest, Simón; Yebne, Felicitas; Romero, Cayetano; Genovart, Felipe. Seated: Amigo Mayer, Dante; Leiva, Juana; Chu, Benjamín; Van Deputte, Louise; Hamburg, Martín; Khader Ferreiro, Ismael; Forcada Devrient, Alejandro; Coroli Torres, Victoria; Leon Fernández, Andrea; Pobiegajlo, Harry Owen; Parma, Matilda; Fullin Martino, Tomás; Brito, Alina; Di Maio, Renzo; Benavides Galindo; Luciana. Absent in Photograph: Saner, Tómas; Celasco, Agustín; Tahan, Dastan.


K3 S “Puffins” / K3 G “Hummingbirds” / K3 C “Penguins”

Top Row (L To R): Miss Beatrice Burgermeister (Headmistress), Miss Constanza, Gazcón; Miss Sol, Baldi; Miss Yanina Lyons; Aisenson, Emilia; Reinke, Gregorio; Londoño Vasquez, Samuel; Husulak Ledo, Iara; Otamendi, Juan Manuel; Maneiro, Mandy; Luchelli, Carolina; Casal, Trinidad; Calvo Viñales, Franco; Diano, Martina; Gonzalez Nicolleta, Tomás; Levandosky, Juana; Miss Verónica Santana Mackinlay; Miss Silvia Sosa Crosa, Miss Mercedes Gullart. Second Row: Iglesias, Mia; Paravic, Sofía; Fernandez Dujmovic, Renato; Santamaria, Joaquina; Lee, Felipe; Barreiro, Olivia; Dafunchio, Lorenzo; Donadio; Carmen; Pinto Bessone, Lola; Vezzaro Montini, Enrico; Salgado Paiz, Indiana; Nielsen, Facundo; Jin Jianjun, Eric. Seated: Van Herbruggen, Louise; Guerra Devia, Valeria; Toulicot, Helena; Han, Millie; Mogilner Milesi, Benjamín; Lee, David; Staltari, Tarek; Barros Schelotto, Ramón; Barcelo, Magdalena; Di Benedetto, Luisa; Riverol, Manuela; Casal, Felicitas; Pellegrino, Juana. Seated on the grass: Grasso Valavechia, Marcos; Jarsrosky, Michela; Cosh, Jessica; Sussman, Mateo; Argul, María Trinidad; De Pol, Juana; Veltri, Santino. Absent in Photograph: Lin Shao, Karina; Paola Britos, Ian; Danesi, Augusto. 9 8 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES

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Ki n d erg a rten

Pre K


Top Row (L To R): Miss Sol Asenjo Pérez; Miss María Eugenia Illuminati (Headmistress); Frenk Fragnito, Roberto; Rodriguez Cuesta Chutrau, Juana; Capece, Manuela; Colángelo Fortunato, Josefina; Beffermann Correa, Antonia; Cardozo Perez Baliño, Lando; Miss Micaela Purriños; Uberti, Felipe. Second Row: Rojas Corres, Romina; Checchi, Trinidad; Daniels Bartak, Nilo; Cassagne Cornejo, Galileo; De Abreu Trappa, Sofía; Proctor-Zago, Benjamín; von Gerstenberg, Guillermina. Absent In Photograph: Alais Bieule, Antonio; Spada, Teodelina.

Top Row (L To R): Miss María Madero; Miss María Eugenia Illuminati (Headmistress); Bekes Storiale, Cristóbal; Mastroizzi, Santiago; Steverlynck, Félix; Imas González, Rocco; Haddad Rasic, Francisco; Gómez Garret, Rafael; Mr. Enzo Speranza (Head of Junior School) Second Row: Uberti, Joaquín; van den Borne, Kees; Giorgini Bonazzola, Inés; Beffermann Correa, Elena; Rodríguez Bidegain, Máximo; Mazaira, Francisco; Miss Valeria Epifanio. Seated: Poderti, Rufino; Olmedo, Facundo; Majo, Benito; Almirall, Clara; Moylan, Lucy; Raguenet, Olivia. Absent In Photograph: Biet, Benicio; Fuchs Facht, Thomas; Pereda, Justo; Rodriguez Bidegain, Inés.

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Top Row (L To R): Miss María Eugenia Illuminati (Headmistress); Lancelotti, Joaquín; Proctor-Zago, Santiago; Poklepovich Caride, Benito; Sarubbi Chiarello, Valentino; Bush Prada, Marco; Balestrini Burgauer, Pedro; Sarubbi Chiarello, Tomás; Marsengo Aira, Vicente; Mr. Enzo Speranza (Head of Junior School). Second Row: Miss Florencia González; Miss Magdalena Chuburu; Santoro Mattos, Inti; Huss, Franco; Torregrosa, Miguel; Tuero, Lorenzo; Cattaneo, Mía; Olmedo, Victoria; Simone Hambouris, Martina; Scalesciani, Mora; Cohene, Luciano; von Gerstenberg, Otto; Miss Amparo Zanoni; Martínez Lahitou, Santos; Miss Rosario de la Vega; Baudino, Toribio. Seated: Alvarez, Mía; Troelsen, Mía; Vizcay, Chloé; Lazo Labarthe, Ella; Rubilar, Luciana; Tuero, Julieta; Tellechea, Emilia; Méndez, Sol. Absent In Photograph: Grottesi Colivicchi, Bianca.

Top Row (L To R): Miss María Eugenia Illuminati (Headmistress); Messuti, Mateo; Colángelo Fortunato, Francisco; Marsengo Aira, Justo; Capece, Juan Pablo; Carratelli, Romeo; Marsengo Aira, Ciro; Speranza, Valentino; Creatore, Matteo; Mr Enzo Speranza (Head of Junior School). Second Row: Miss Florencia Olivieri; Miss María Jaroslavsky; Alais Bieule, Fermín; Poggi, Tomás; Medinger, Nicolás; Agosti, Hilario; Fernández Klemencic, Emilio; Marinozzi, Agustín; Talento Lanus, Jaime; Comune Correa, Pietro; Spada, Benjamín; De Abreu Trappa, Valentino; Miss Ana Lalanne; Miss Arnelle De Graaf. Seated: Porciani, Valentina; Olmedo, Sofía; Moylan, Sophie; Cañete, Sara; van den Borne, Esmeralda; Ricart, Clara; García Fernández, Martina; Vela Rosas, Valeria. Absent In Photograph: D’Ippolito, Santino; Rodríguez Pusterla, Joaquín. St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 1 01



Trips & Tours

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Creative Arts

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umpliendo con nuestro proyecto pedagógico, nuestros alumnos pudieron participar de Interhouses, Intercolegiales, Torneos y Encuentros ADE, Torneos invitación, Giras Deportivas y Campamentos durante las distintas temporadas que se desarrollan a lo largo del año. Iniciamos este 2017 con la temporada de natación en la que se han destacado los siguientes alumnos. De COLLEGE se consagraron Campeones: Junior Girls: Carmona R y Cádiz MD - Junior Boys: Mosca Cofiño V - Intermediate Boys: Rocca M - Senior Girls: Moras Mom C - Senior Boys: Gibson T. El Swimming Gala de PREP SCHOOL se realizó en noviembre y los destacados fueron: Junior Girls: Decrechio L & Pellegrino O - Junior Boys: Gándara M, Gianazzi V & Toulicot S - Senior Girls: Capalbo B & Frias C - Senior Boys: Mosca Cofiño G. AGAR fue el campeón en College y ROBERTS en Prep. La temporada de Hockey y Rugby se destacó por la realización de la 1er Gira Internacional a New Zealand para alumnos de ES 4 & 5 formada por 3 equipos de Hockey y 3 equipos de Rugby entre la sede Quilmes y la sede North. Si bien el itinerario de esta primer gira conjunta no estuvo integrado en su totalidad debido al gran número de participantes (140 entre alumnos y docentes), la organización fue totalmente en conjunto y el itinerario del Tour concluyó en Auckland donde nos alojamos juntos y donde compartimos los últimos partidos de la gira en una jornada deportiva en el Kristin School.

Catorce alumnos nos representaron en el tradicional North vs South de ADE. En Hockey Senior fueron seleccionadas: Agustina Abalo ( capitana seleccionado Sur), Pilar Santillán, Wendy Corti y Milagros Medinacelli. De ES1: Julia Le Pera y Abril Arbusto. En Senior Rugby fueron seleccionados: Martín Nanni- Fernando Correia- Agustín Bigliardi y de ES1 Manuel

Quilmes Swimming Gala EP2 10 4 _ St G e o r g e ’ s co llege Q U ILM ES

Perez Adrover (capitán del seleccionado Sur), Gerónimo Podmokly, Francisco Dantas, Cámeron Mac Gaw y Simón Pearson. La profesora Julia Tollo fue entrenadora del Seleccionado de Hockey Senior del Sur. Internacionales El St. Peter´s de York, Inglaterra nos visitó en agosto para jugar con nuestros representantes del First y Second XV. Recibimos también a dos colegios de Chile: St. Margaret´s nos visitó con su equipo de Hockey Junior y Redland con Junior Girls & Boys. Por otro lado, los alumnos de ES3 disfrutaron de la tradicional Gira a Chile donde experimentaron la competencia deportiva internacional y el intercambio cultural. Campamentos El contacto con la naturaleza y la importancia de su cuidado son también parte de nuestro proyecto pedagógico para lo cual seguimos innovando en nuestra propuesta de campamentos para Kínder y Prep. Como novedad, EP2 ya no hace su campamento en el colegio sino que ya se sumó a las salidas de vida en la naturaleza junto con EP 3, 4 y 5. Atletismo Este fue otro año con destacadas actuaciones y logros en la temporada de atletismo. Eugenio Pavlovsky batió el record del colegio e intercolegial en los 400m Senior Boys por segundo año consecutivo estableciendo una marca de 52.2”. También se destacaron nuestros equipos del PREP y College en el Cross Country Intercolegial del Sur donde consiguieron excelentes resultados: EP4 girls fueron campeonas al igual que EP6 girls y EP6 boys. EP5 Boys consiguieron un 2do lugar y EP4 Boys el 3er lugar. Finalmente, St. George´s College fue el CAMPEÓN en el Overall Girls & Boys entre 17 colegios. Nues-

ADE Seven a side- Senior teams Quilmes & North

M15 St Geor ge’ s college QUI LMES _ 1 05


Hockey Team vs Kirstin School

Rugby Team 2017

Agar Campeón

Cricket interhouse 10 6 _ St G e o r g e ’ s co llege Q U ILM ES

Javelin Senior Boys

tros equipos volvieron a destacarse en el Athletics Invitation Tournament. Las chicas fueran las Campeonas en Senior y segundas en el overall y los varones fueron nuevamente ganadores del Overall además de ganar las categorías Senior y Junior. Nuestros individual Champions de Founders´Day fueron: en Prepschool Junior Girls: Cipriani I - Junior Boys: Gándara M - Senior Girls: Capalbo B - Senior Boys: Lomban J. En College Junior Girls: Cipriani E - Junior Boys: Mosca Cofiño V (Farran) - Intermediate Girls: Piccola V Intermediate Boys: Giamminola G - Senior Girls: Navajas B - Senior Boys: Pavlovsky E. Los ganadores de Steeplechase College fueron: Junior Girls: Barbero J - Junior Boys: Gaspar Carbonero Intermediate Girls: Garcia Vidal M - Intermediate Boys: De Aramburu F - Senior Girls: Santillán P - Senior Boys: Cipriani M - Best Boy: Manuel Cipriani - Best Girl: Santillán Pilar por segundo año consecutivo. Los ganadores del Cross Country Interhouse del Prep fueron: Junior Girls: Cipriani I - Junior Boys: Gamboa M - Senior Girls: Necol L y Senior Boys: Guastella M. Los Campeones del Athletics Interhouse del Prep fueron STEVENSON & ROBERTS y AGAR en College.

Sports Club sigue creciendo. Este año sumamos a la M8 en rugby infantil desde el inicio de la temporada y a EP3 girls en hockey. En agosto sumamos 1 entrenamiento semanal para Rugby Infantil y Hockey Prep con el objetivo de incrementar el número de estímulos de preparación de nuestros equipos. Cerramos la temporada con la gira a Mar del Plata, la jornada de integración entre nuestros equipos infantiles de hockey y el primer equipo de hockey de OLD G´s conformado en agosto, el Seven “Integración” en rugby y el Torneo Seven de Hockey para categorías superiores. También crecimos en URBA contando este año con 3 divisiones juveniles. La M15 que logró clasificar en zona ganadores del campeonato y las M16 y M19 que cerró su temporada con una gira a Salta. Estos han sido nuestros líderes deportivos este año:

COLLEGE TEAMS CAPTAINS 2017 1st XV Rugby 1st XI Hockey Intermediate Rugby Intermediate Hockey Junior Rugby Junior Hockey 1st V Basket 1st VII Handball Athletics Captains 1st XI Boys Football 1st VII Girls Football Junior Boys Football Junior Girls Football

También destacamos logros de la temporada de Football. Los Senior Boys fueron CAMPEONES del Torneo ADE. Con el aporte de todos nuestros alumnos se hizo entrega de los Sports Shields 2017 que reúnen los puntajes obtenidos entre todos los Inter-houses del año:

Stevenson (580 pts) Roberts (495 pts) Haxell (475 pts) Jackson (350 pts)

Agar Farran Lockwood Farran Lockwood Farran Farran Lockwood Cutts Agar Lockwood Farran Farran Cutts

Mi agradecimiento al PE Staff por su compromiso y dedicación que nos permiten llevar adelante un importante y variado calendario de actividades y proyectos para nuestros alumnos. Nuestras felicitaciones a ES6 porque han dejado un alto standard deportivo y un muy buen ejemplo de trabajo, esfuerzo y orgullo de representar a St. George´s College que contamos resultará motivador para las camadas que los siguen.

“Hard work beats talent


Nanni, Martín Corti, Wendy Lees, Gerónimo Zorgno, Chiara Rocca, Manuel Xinran, He Baltuliones, Pedro Cook, Sohie Santillán, Pilar Pavlovsky, Eugenio Estol, Alfonso Albarracín, Victoria Mac Gaw, Liam Bortolot, Chiara

Agar (90.5 pts) Lockwood (85.5 pts) Farran (74 pts) Cutts (70 pts)

when talent doesn’t work hard”. Paula Val Head of PE Department

Los premios deportivos especiales han sido otorgados a : Junior Rugby Player of the year: Rocca, Manuel Junior Hockey Player of the year: Xinran, He Senior Hockey Player of the year: Santillán, Pilar Senior Rugby Player of the year: Nanni, Martín George Barnes Memorial Cup: Santillán, Pilar & Cipriani, Manuel

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a que nuestro año se encuentra guiado por temporadas, así será como realizaremos este viaje en el tiempo. La temporada de Rugby, Hockey y Basketball nos encuentra, a los profesores, con muchas energías y a los alumnos preguntándose qué hago acá. El desconcierto dura poco ya que son conscientes que un gran año se avecina y no hay mucho tiempo que perder. El inicio de temporada básicamente se centró en el acondicionamiento físico, la adaptación a las rutinas y la conformación de los nuevos “equipos”. Junto con los habituales encuentros con otros colegios (Bede’s, St Matthews, Belgrano Day School, St Andrew’s Scots School, St John’s, Florida Day School, St Gregory’s, St Paul’s) este año, el equipo Intermediate de Hockey participó en el torneo organizado por el Colegio St Mark’s San Isidro finalizando en la sexta posición. Este torneo serviría de preparación para algo más grande que estaba en camino... En el mes de Junio formamos parte de la primera 3 way conference realizada para Junior School, ahí nuestros alumnos demostraron y confirmaron que los atributos del perfil del alumno PYP están presentes y que se trabajan día a día en nuestras actividades.

La ADE (Asociación Deportiva Estudiantil) realizó el ya tradicional encuentro Norte vs. Sur. Los alumnos/as Sofía Mercurio, Mora Benazzi Manoukian, Valentín Mastroizzi (S1) Tomás Peña, Pedro Mastroizzi, Bautista Follett (S5) formaron parte del seleccionado de colegios del norte. Felicitaciones por su excelente participación! Hablando de grandes desafíos, el 23 de Julio partió una delegación del colegio compuesta por 63 alumnos y 6 docentes, el destino era Nueva Zelanda. Durante dos semanas recorri-

Rugby Training with SGQ 10 8 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge no rth

mos las ciudades de Auckland, Tauranga, Whakatane, Hamilton, Whangarei, Rotorua, Takapuna. Cada una de ellas nos demostró sus diferentes características (geográficas, sociales e edilícias) pero todas nos demostraron que el respecto, el orden y la amabilidad son la base de una excelente calidad de vida. No sólo las ciudades nos demostraron sus diferencias sino también los colegios que visitamos ya que según su ubicación tenían mayor o menor influencia Maorí. Los mismos fueron Kamo High School, Trident High School, Kristin School, St Cuthbert’s College. En todos ellos, fuimos recibidos de manera muy amena y cordial. Como hecho novedoso, podemos remarcar que antes del tour realizamos un entrenamiento con los alumnos/as de SGQ y ya estando en Auckland, compartimos los últimos dos días juntos. La experiencia fue muy buena y promete ser mejor en próximas oportunidades. En Agosto comenzó la temporada de Atletismo con miras a un gran evento, nuestro Athletics Sports Day. Ese día, como hace años, compitieron desde EP 4 hasta S6 demostrando que lo más importante es dar todo por el house. Podemos destacar los siguientes resultados: Dimas del Río (EP6) igualó el record en 60mts, Bautista del Río (S2) y Chiara Álvarez Molina (S2) rompieron los records en Salto en Largo y 1200 mts respectivamente. Los premios a los atletas del día (Víctor & Victrix Ludorum) fueron para Bautista del Río y Delfina Benazzi Manoukian en la categoría Junior y Joaquín Pereyra y Justina Strauss Mackenzie en la categoría Senior. Durante esa temporada, pero ya en septiembre, se realizaron los Sports de Kindergarten. Centrándonos en las formas básicas de movimiento, K1, 2, 3 realizaron una muestra de habilidades y destrezas para finalizar jugando todos (inclusive padres y madres) un gran juego con música y colores.

Y5 Mar del Plata

NZ Tour

First XV ADE Tournament

NZ Tour

NZ Tour

First XI ADE Tournament

EP4 Rugby

EP4 Rugby

Cross Country St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 1 09


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COLLEGE TEAMS CAPTAINS 2017 1st XV Rugby 1st XI Hockey Intermediate Rugby 2nd XI Hockey Junior Rugby

Octavio Vásquez Renata Pando Francisco Sied Clara Grasso Cristobal Rabinovich Luca de Cesare Sastre 1st V Basketball Patricio Ornague 1st Boys XI Football Nicolás Conti 1st VII Girls Football Malena Calloni Micaela Taboada Intermediate Boys Fooball Matías Morey Junior Boys Football Cristobal Rabinovich Juan Cruz Assad

Agar Farran Cutts Cutts Farran Agar Farran Agar Lockwood Agar Farran Farran Agar

La temporada de Fútbol nos indica que el final del año ya está entre nosotros. Este año se presentaron 5 equipos en los diferentes torneos: S1, Junior, Intermediate Boys, Senior Boys y Open Girls y los resultados fueron los siguientes: S1 finalizó 5th – Junior 9th - Intermediate y Open Girls 2nd y Senior Boys 4th. Podemos destacar que el nivel de juego ha sido muy parejo en todos los torneos y que nuestros equipos estuvieron a la altura de las circunstancias. Sobre el final del año se completó el cronograma de nuestro programa de campamentos y giras para la escuela primaria, todo funcionó muy bien, el mismo incluyó a EP 2/3/4/5 y logró cumplir con los principales objetivos que buscábamos: afianzar lazos entre los alumnos, conocer nuevos lugares y principalmente ayudar y conocer más a nuestra querida naturaleza. Podemos destacar que EP5 en su gira a Mar del Plata pudo hacer un recorrido por la Base Naval que posee la Armada Argentina en esa ciudad. Para finalizar este informe agradezco al staff del departamento de Educación física por su trabajo y dedicación constante. Pablo Scarso Head of PE St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 1 1 1


Exchange Students

From the World to St George´s Olivia Nadalini, Havergal College, Canada Rebecca Harris, Havergal College, Canada Wyllie Harris, The King’s School, Australia Lachlan Gilmore, The King’s School, Australia Shamen Sahil Kumar, Kristin School, New Zealand Emma Pronovost, St. Paul’s School for Girls, USA Benjamin Hemmati, Merchiston Castle, Scotland ​Anna Rasmus, Lakefield College School, Canada Joshua Holmes, Clifton School, South Africa Sofia Chrystal Chapman, Wymondham College, England George Harry Getley, Wymondham College, England Ashlee Meyer, Durbans Girls’ College, South Africa Georgina Saulez, Durbans Girls’ College, South Africa William Sanderson, Knox Grammar School, Australia Alexander Burkett, Norfolk Academy, USA

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From St George´s to the World Gonzalo Perasso, The King’s School, Australia Mateo Cavanna Garibaldi, The King’s School, Australia Marcos Posadas de la Piedra, Merchiston Castle, Scotland Theodore H Gibson, Clifton School, South Africa Carla Meríngolo, St. Paul’s School for Girls, USA Lucía Zavala, Havergal College, Canada Martina Ciarlotti, Havergal College, Canada Celina Campos Carlés, Wymondham College, England Josefina Rappallini, Wymondham College, England Santiago Sin, Kristin School, New Zealand Delfina López Fumarola, Lakefield College School, Canada Lucas Williams, Norfolk Academy, USA Juan Ignacio Colombo, Lakefield College School, Canada Fernando Correia, Old Swinford Hospital School, England

Canada UK USA

Australia South Africa

New Zealand

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Trips & Tours mendoza E S2

Trabajo comunitario en Escuela Polvaredas

Escalada y Rapel en Uspallata

Team Building Desafio Los Andes

ES2 en Cerro Gloria Mendoza

G ira Chile

Las chicas con sus contrincantes en St. Margaret´s

Grupo con Redland después del partido


Hampton Court Palace

Buckingham Palace 114 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES


Trips & Tours D uke of edinburgh

Pen Ă­ nsula



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Trips & Tours Salta geografía quilmes & norte


n el mes de septiembre se llevó a cabo el viaje para el trabajo de campo de Geografía a la ciudad de Salta, río de la Quebrada de las Conchas y Cafayate. Este año se hizo integrando grupos de Geografía de los dos colegios: San Jorge Quilmes y San Jorge Norte.

Registro de vehículos, peatones y contaminación sonora en las esquinas de la ciudad.

Alumnos pasando en limpio la información de regreso al hotel.

Alumnas haciendo cuestionarios a los residentes y comerciantes de la ciudad.

Mediciones de velocidad y caudal del río de la Quebrada de las Conchas, camino a Cafayate.

Visita y almuerzo en la bodega Piatelli en Cafayate. 116 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES


CAS & Community Service Proyecto de Cruz Roja Capacitación en Primeros Auxilios al Personal del Colegio

community serv prep kinder

• • • • •

Salta - APAER Día del niño Campaña Navidad Sumando Ladrillos Médicos Sin Fronteras Kenya • Intercas - Chile • Colaboracion en la Feria de Navidad de la Embajada Britanica

Fundación Audela Taller compartido con personas ciegas y sodormudas

talleres cas

Sumando ladrillos Campaña para construcción

Fundación techo Construccion de tres viviendas de emergencia

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CAS & Community Service entre rios

El trabajo en equipo es creatividad, acción y servicio.

El trabajo de todos. Una satisfacción compartida.

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Creative Arts


nother year brought another set of challenges for the Creative Arts department. It is always a pleasure for me to participate in the huge variety of concerts, shows and events produced by the excellent staff in our department. Our school is a busy and energetic one and students have many academic obligations to fulfill and many extra-curricular activities to enjoy. Yet again this year, our students have worked so hard to make all our events a success. They give so freely of their time to rehearse and prepare and for the staff it is inspiring to see their commitment. You can always find students practising in the Creatives classrooms during the day, during the evenings and even at weekends! I must thank all the Creative Arts teachers in all sections of the school. Staff have really gone that extra mile this year to make sure our standards keep improving.

of the activity and interaction of their ids, egos y superegos. It is sometimes difficult to believe the high standards our students can reach and this show was another perfect example.

This year saw a re-scheduling of events with the Big Sing taking place in April. Under the direction of Damian Moragas students of all ages performed excellently and we were pleased to include the Georgian Communuity Choir in the programme. It has been a sucessful year for the choirs of both College and Prep, attending choir festivals in schools throughout the region and performing excellently. A big thank you to Damian Moragas (College) and Laura D’Arcangelo (Prep School) for their hard work in music.

The Prep school also had another busy and successful year and again excelled with the quality of their productions. ‘Monsters of Rock’ brought the legends of rock music to St George’s College and had everybody clapping along for two excellent nights! It is a tribute to students so young that they were able to emulate the performances of historic and iconic rock bands so brilliantly

Miss Cecilia Gil produced our third Dance Showcase in June, with the title ‘Ellas’! Every year this event gets bigger and better and a special mention has to be made of the fantastic costumes provided by Claudia Santucci, mother of Morena Cirone in ES2. The students looked better than ever and it is very clear that Cecilia Gil is providing generations of young students with a very solid dance technique. To celebrate the success of Dance within the school, there will be a tour to Canada next year for dance students. I wish them all the best of luck!

The Junior play this year ‘Los Patéticos’, performed by first and second year students, was a comedy about death inspired by Rene Magritte’s work. Superb acting and scenography had the audience dying of laughter! Congratulations to all the performers and the production team. The end of the school year brought a very busy time with popular events such as Woodstock, Jazz night, the Carol Service and all the Interhouse events. Students prepared tirelessly for all these events and were totally committed right to the very last day.

Mariana Alouie excelled again as director of the Junior Prep production ‘Adventures in Wonderland’. The students and the theatre looked fantastic and great singing and dancing from everyone made for a wonderful show. Thank you also to our staff and students in the Kinder section for their production of ‘Helping Hands’. The Theatre was absolutely packed and everyone was treated to a wonderful show with a wide variety of songs and styles from around the world. This event is one of the higlights of the year for me. Well done to everyone involved! 2017 has been another successful year for Creative Arts!

Each year in College we eagerly await to find out what Sebastian Kalhat and his drama department will present. This year the Senior students participated in a fantastic performance of ‘Tridimensionales’. The Play described the mental life of four teenagers in terms

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James Thomas Head of Creative Arts

Dance showcase

los patéticos - Junior PREP Play

monsters of rock - school play

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Prep A rt

EP 1 H a n n a h Le e Retrato

EP2 Li u Da nya n g M á s c a ra s . S e nti m i e nto s

EP3 To m a s Va n C awe n b e r g h e Cu a d ro e s til o e x p re sio n i s t a

EP 1 I s a b e l l a C a u s a Va n G o g h

EP2 Lo r e n zo S coz z a ri Cu a d ro e s til o i m p re sio n i s t a

EP3 V i o l et a Ec h ave M o m i a s e g i p ci a s

12 2 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge Q U ILM ES

EP4 D o l o r e s Tri n c a P roye c to S o m o s A r q u ite c to s

EP 5 Da n te Vat t u o n e Dibujo estilo Surrealista

EP4 Constanza Fernandez Arminio En e l A r t E x h i b itio n

EP 5 S o p h i a R i o n d a Arte Abstracto

EP6 B a u t i st a B l a n co E s tu d io d e f ig u ra h u m a n a

EP6 A n d r é s L at a p i e E s tu d io d e f ig u ra h u m a n a St Geor ge’ s college QUI LMES _ 1 2 3


College Art

E S 1 El i z a b e t h H e r “Re d i s e ñ o d e á n fo ra s g ri e g a s”

E S 1 C a m i l a J a ra “Co m p o s i c i ó n”

E S 2 Va l e n t i n a S h e rl e e “C a b e z a”

E S 3 Eva Va zq u e z “Le c h u z a p o p” 124 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college Q U ILM ES

E S 3 M o ra Fr e d i c k s “L a d o l ce vit a”

E S 4 M a r t i n a C ava n n a “D i s e ñ o d e m o d a”

E S 4 C a t a l i n a M a rce t “Ce rá m i c a , h o m e n a j e a A r c h i m b o l d o”

E S 3 M i l a g r o s Va z q u e z “At a r d e ce r ”

E S 5 I g n a c i o Ze l a l i a “ Tri b u to a Va n H a l e n”

E S 5 O l i v i a d e l R ío “Pa ra d oj a b é l i c a”

E S 6 J u st i n a F. A ra n c i b i a “N o m e to q u e s”

E S 6 S o l Fe r n á n d e z “Fl u i r ” St Geor ge’ s college QUI LMES _ 1 2 5


monsters of rock - School Play

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adventures in wonderland - J unior PR EP Play

los paté ticos - J unior Play

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ellas - dance

tridimensionales - S EN I O R Prep Play

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drama - E S 3 I GC S E Th e V isit by Frie drich D ürre n mat t

drama - M O N O LOG U E E S2 E l p edido d e m a n o d e Á nton Ch éjov

drama - E S 4 I GC S E Th e B a l d S op ra n o by Eugè n e I on e sco

drama - M O N O LOG U E E S 4 I GC S E Th e S k in of O u r Teet h by Th ornton Wild e r

drama - E S 3 I GC S E Th e Fu n e ra l

drama - M onolog u e E S 4 I GC S E Th e G a m e of Love a n d Ch a n ce by M a riva ux


Creative Arts Artes visuales secundaria


n Artes Visuales de secundaria trabajamos proponiendo desde la diversidad en el empleo del uso del material, pero también enfocándonos en la conexión con el arte de diferentes épocas y culturas. S1 con la profesora María José Maglione, trabajó en un proyecto grupal a partir de vivencias personales, aplicando colores complementarios, figura fondo, reiteración y ritmo. De manera individual los alumnos plasmaron los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la profundidad en el plano, manejo del valor en el color, observación de obras de arte y la comprensión de la evolución del arte en la historia. S2; basados en el estudio del barroco realizó fotografías donde compusieron la imagen con características del período, así como también trabajos de collage con materiales reciclados inspirados en Gaudí. S3 estudió la iconografía andina y aplicó la simbología en la construcción de barriletes. S4 analizó y comparó obras del muralismo mexicano para crear trabajos a gran escala trabajando la idea de libertad e independencia. Los alumnos de 5to IB continuaron con sus proyectos personales realizando obras que parten del estudio comparado de artistas y culturas. 6to IB realizó su muestra final en el marco de “La noche de las artes” presentando proyectos variados y de profundidad analítica. El interhouse tuvo como tema el “Remakes de iconos del arte” El objetivo fue componer basándose en una obra iconográfica del arte, tomando los conceptos de intervención y apropiación de una obra, para darle un nuevo sentido a la misma.

S 6 I B Re n a t a Pa n d o

S6 IB Dana Suarez 130 _ St G e o r g e ’ s college no rth

I n te r h o u s e A r te

S 5- S 6 I B M u e s tra N o ch e d e l a s A r te s

M u ra l Co l e c tivo C a r o l i n a B o u l l o n , S of í a G h i l ot t i , Lo l a Fe r n a d e z , G a b ri e l G o m e z J a l oto

S 5 I B C a n d e l a Á l va r e z M o l i n a

S 5 I B C a m i l a D e Pa u l

Va l e ri a P ri e to

J a zm í n Ag o s ti

S 3 B a r ril ete s

S 2 I s a b e l l a Ta b o a d a

S1 grupal

L u c a s B e a m o nte

E S 1 El i z a b e t h H e r “Re d i s e ñ o d e á n fo ra s g ri e g a s”

S 2 I g n a c i a S a n to r o, I s a b e l l a Ta b o a d a Co m p o sició n Foto g ráf ic a - B a r ro co St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 1 3 1


FI LM - S econdary play

Ñam - secondary Play


n el curso de Cine, el objetivo de este año fue explorar la historia, la teoría y el contexto sociocultural del cine, mediante el estudio y el análisis de textos y ejercicios cinematográficos. A su vez, se busca darle al alumno las herramientas para que pueda crear a partir de su experiencia y encuentre un medio de expresión a través del formato audiovisual. Es una gran oportunidad para fomentar el trabajo creativo individual y aprender a ser parte de un objetivo más grande en un proyecto grupal. En nuestra película este año:

Los colores son la principal simbología de la película. Queriamos remarcar los contrastes, la oscuridad y la luz, el rosa de “mujer”, y el negro de “hombre”. Los personajes se ven en espacios cómodos que resaltan la luz. En cambio los espacios en que se sienten ajenos se remarcan con luz tenue.

Está siempre la luz vs la oscuridad.

Cuando se presenta en su trabajo, es decir su lugar feliz, la luz acompaña al personajes.

En su casa, en la cual se siente incómoda, la rodea la oscuridad, o una luz artificial tenue.

Para no perder tiempo ni improvisar el día de filmación, nos dedicamos un día a revisar el storyboard, recreando las escenas que luego filmariamos, pero esta vez en el colegio y sin los actores que participarían. Así pudimos observar como quedarían los ángulos y las tomas, y revisar las escenas que se podrían cambiar o mejorar.

D o n Fra n ci s co n o p u e d e cre e r l o q u e e s cu ch a

Lo s p l a n e s d e Ch ich o

Teniendo de guía estos videos previos ayudó a probar distintos ángulos y planos, teniendo tiempo para elegir, plano medio o plano americano.

C a r m e l o s e e n oj a 132 _ St G e o r g e ’ s colle ge no rth

¡ A co m e r, N o n a!

S e a g a r ra e s e m a n g i a

Po b re D o n Fra n ci s co…

¡S e n o s c a s a l a N o n a!

Ve n í , M a r tit a …

¡S e n o s c a s a l a N o n a!

D e s p a cio, N o n a

E s toy co m p o n i e n d o u n t a n g o m uy li n d o St Geor ge’ s college n orth _ 1 3 3




n Kinder, los chicos disfrutaron mucho durante las clases de música. Aprendieron canciones, tanto en inglés como en castellano; aprendieron sobre la orquesta y sus instrumentos e hicieron juegos rítmicos y cuentos sonoros. También cantaron canciones para los actos patrios y trabajaron en la preparación del Play: “Can’t stop the feeling”. El mismo contaba la historia de un grupo de amigos que decide pasar el día juntos y una serie de eventos los lleva a vivir una increíble aventura en donde deben enfrentarse a diferentes situaciones que los hacen explorar sus emociones. Investigaron sobre los personajes, eligieron las canciones, ensayaron y se divirtieron mucho. Fueron a grabar las canciones al Pavilion, en donde se familiarizaron con el estudio de grabación. Y el 27 de Octubre llegó el esperado día. Los chicos se disfrazaron, maquillaron, y lograron cantar y bailar al ritmo de la música. La actividad musical en Primaria se vivió intensamente desde el primer día de clase. Durante el transcurso del año los alumnos exploraron, improvisaron y compusieron, desarrollaron la escucha atenta, realizaron instrumentaciones y prepararon repertorio de canto e instrumental. Además de desarrollar sus habilidades musicales, nuestros alumnos pusieron a prueba sus habilidades sociales y de organización en la Competencia Interhouse de Música, demostrando un altísimo nivel de compromiso. En “A Quest For Adventure”, los alumnos tuvieron oportunidad de cantar y bailar en interpretaciones grupales y solistas. El Coro tuvo una destacada actuación en la Ceremonia de Founders’ Day y en el Encuentro Coral que se realizó en el colegio para celebrar el Día de la Música. En secundaria, este ha sido un año de muchos logros, no sólo por el trabajo que los alumnos han podido realizar y compartir, sino por el compromiso y el compañerismo demostrados en cada oportunidad. La ceremonia de Founders’ Day, en la que participa un coro integrado por alumnos y padres, el Interhouse de Música, que convoca durante un mes a todos los alumnos de secundaria que quieran tocar un instrumento o cantar, el Gala Concert, el Concierto anual de primer año, en el que los estudiantes presentan interpretaciones solistas y grupales, La Noche de las Artes, entre otros, han sido eventos propicios para observar en acción, no solo el nivel musical de los participantes, sino también varios de los valores que el colegio busca inculcar y promover. Haber visto a los alumnos ayudándose unos a otros y expresándose, mientras compartían su talento con la comunidad escolar, ha sido la nota distintiva de este ciclo lectivo en lo que a la materia se refiere.

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can´t stop the feelling - kinder

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music interhouse & choir festival - PRI MARY

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gala concert & founders’ day performance - secondary

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D e v e lo p m e n t

a n d

C o mmu n i c a t i o n s

O f f i c e

Departamento de Comunicación y Desarrollo

Quilmes New Boarding House


urante el año 2017, St George´s College sede Quilmes trabajó incansablemente en la Campaña de Capital para recaudar fondos para reconstruir el viejo Prep School y transformarlo en la Nueva Residencia para Alumnos. Se logró juntar un tercio de los USD3.500.000 que se necesitan para lograr llevar a cabo este proyecto. Hoy, con gran orgullo, podemos decir que durante Speech Day realizamos la pre inauguración del nuevo edificio con la presencia de miembros del Board of Governors, Trustees y Donantes. El año escolar 2018 se iniciará con la apertura del ala de varones. Ellos ya podrán vivir ahí.

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Algunos eventos realizados durante 2017. Torneos de Golf Martindale & Ranelagh


ealizamos nuestros torneos de Golf anuales en Ranelagh y Martindale con una participación de más de 100 jugadores en cada uno. Alumnos, padres, staff, ex alumnos e invitados disfrutaron de jornadas a pleno sol y deporte seguido de un cocktail y entrega de premios.

Climatización y cerramiento de la pileta


partir de junio de 2017 se lanzó en St George´s College sede Quilmes la nueva Campaña Anual que consiste en la climatización y cerramiento de la pileta de College. La obra se hará en dos etapas con fondos recaudados únicamente a través de donaciones. Nuestro primer evento fue durante Steeplechase donde se vendieron remeras donadas por una familia. La recaudación permitió que toda la comunidad se entusiasmara con el proyecto. Y así llevamos a cabo la 4th Gala Dinner. Una cena de recaudación muy exitosa y divertida. Gracias a todos por haber venido y apoyarnos en el desarrollo de todos nuestros proyectos.

Ciclo de Conferencias


frecimos un Ciclo de Conferencias orientado a la Paternidad. Desde cómo prevenir el bullying y favorecer la independencia e identidad de nuestros hijos hasta cómo aplicar la técnica de Mindfulness para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. Esperamos poder seguir creciendo como personas y favoreciendo el desarrollo de nuestros alumnos e hijos.

D CO _ 1 3 9

Issue after issue, the Old Georgian Club section of the Georgian magazine has summarized what has taken place during the current year. We trust you enjoy it and help us make it more interesting by sending us information and photos to include.

old georgian club

140 142 143 145 146 148 150 156 159

A message from the President 109th Annual Dinner President Speech Interview of the month Here, there and everywhere Gatherings Sports OG General Knowledge Quiz Club Reps and Contributions

The Georgian OLD GEORGIAN CLUB 2 0 1 7 I argen t ina

1 4 0 _ O l d g e o r g i a n c lu b

A message from the President Dear Old Georgians, I received the greatest honour of becoming the first woman President of the Old Georgian Club in June 2017 at the Annual General Meeting. It is with great responsibility and pleasure that I take this privilege, making sure the Club continues to grow in all possible ways. I am not alone in this endeavor, the Committee Members are a well prepared and fully committed group! I thank the previous Committee for their work and good will. I would also like to thank the Board of Governors of St. George’s College for working so cooperatively with us.

Ann V. Foster

We have been able to continue nourishing Rugby, start with a Hockey Team and keep on planning ahead towards the future Master Plan of a complete Old Georgian Club Sports Facilities on School Campus. Ahead of us awaits a big challenge where I ask all the Georgian Community to step in and help in any way they can in order we can all see our dreams come true. I am happy to announce that we have placed on public record the building of the Club on calle Juan María Gutiérrez under the name of our association last October. Thank you Fundación Educacional San Jorge for helping us out. Thank you all Old Georgians for your constant support. Let´s be proud of who we are! Floreat Domus! Sincerely, Ann V. Foster Old Georgian Club - President

Old Georgian Club Committee President First Vice President Second Vice President Honorary Secretary Asst. Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Asst. Honorary Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member

Foster, Ann V. Handley, Richard Williams, Alejandro Pobiegajlo, Harry Macadam, Anthony Storni, Adolfo Del Campo, Gregorio Chantrill, Cynthia Fernández, Gustavo Gerchkovich, Gastón López de Paul, Belén Macadam, Pablo

Member Member Member Substitute Member Substitute Member Substitute Member Substitute Member Substitute Member Substitute Member Auditor Assist. Auditor Legal Advisor

Miano, Giovanni Newell, Diego Watson, Robert Barrera, Joaquín Del Río, Felipe Nash, Stanley Necol, Delfina Olivero, Francisco Rancati, Florencia Aguzin, Vladimir Capelli, Mario Arnsten, Alan

Old geor gi an club _ 1 41

A n n ual

D inn er

109th Annual Dinner


or segundo año consecutivo, el Annual Dinner se realizó en un salón céntrico de Buenos Aires, un punto medio para que más de 400 personas puedan acercarse a festejar un nuevo aniversario del Old Georgian Club. Ex alumnos de ambas sedes del St George’s College disfrutaron de la tradicional cena, seguida de una gran noche de baile. Durante la cena, los invitados presenciaron el cambio de mando del club, con los discursos del presidente saliente, Robert Watson, y de la presidente entrante, Ann Foster. Entre ambos realizaron un raconto de los últimos cuatro años del club, y delinearon los objetivos para el futuro. Oscar Piersanti, oficiando como Master of Ceremonies, presentó al Floreat Domus, el CEO de Bioceres, Federico Trucco (Camada 1994), y al Guest Speaker, Martín Migoya, CEO y

14 2 _ O l d g e o r g ia n c lu b

co-fundador de Globant y padre de dos hijos en St George’s College. El Old Georgian of the Year Award 2016 fue para Richard “el Gato” Handley y Gustavo Guigale. Robert Watson presentó las camisetas de rugby para el 2017, y jugadores del equipo las entregaron a los sponsors que los acompañan año tras año. Varios Golden Oldies recibieron su medalla celebrando los 50 años de egresados, y además se rifó un reloj donado por la joyería Gerkovich y una estadía en Posadas Salentein en Mendoza. Pasada la medianoche, comenzó el baile que duró hasta la madrugada. Agradecemos a todos lo ex alumnos que siguen acompañándonos en cada nuevo aniversario del club,a los sponsors por su apoyo, y a la comisión organizadora que con mucho esfuerzo logra seguir sorprendiéndonos año a año.

President´s Speech

Permítanme presentar al Committee. Somos un equipo de trabajo sólido y responsable dispuesto a dar nuestro tiempo e ideas, manteniendo nuestras puertas siempre abiertas a todos aquellos Georgians que quieran acercarse con proyectos o propuestas. Un emblemático pensador dijo que el trabajo es la vía regia hacia la felicidad, les presento así entonces a nuestro equipo: Quiero nombrar a los miembros del Committee porque cada uno de ellos le brinda no solo su tiempo sino también su corazón al Club para poder hacer que todo se logre de la mejor manera posible, gracias Gato Handley, Ale Williams, Adolfo Storni, Gio Miano, Anthony Macadam, Derek Newell, Vladimir Aguzin, Mario Capelli, Harry Pobiegajlo, Gustavo Fernández, Gastón Gerkovich, Florencia Rancati, Belén López de Paul, Francisco Olivero, Felipe Del Río, Gregorio Del Campo, Paul Macadam, Delfina Necol, Joaquín Barrera, Cynthia Chantrill, Robert Watson y Alan Arntsen.

Good Evening! Thank you all so much for being here tonight. Primero de todo quiero agradecer a Robert Watson por su inmensa entrega hacia el Club en los últimos 4 años. Es un ejemplo digno a seguir y un enorme desafío seguir sus pasos. Robert, toda la comunidad Georgian está inmensamente orgullosa de lo que nos has brindado, lograste en tu gestión hacer que el Dragón vuelva a cobrar fuerza, a resurgir de las cenizas cual ave fénix. Con muchísimo esfuerzo el Club volvió a tener presencia en el Colegio. Motivaste a los jóvenes a querer ser parte del Club, representando con pasión sus colores frente a la sociedad. Lograste que muchos de nosotros queramos seguir esto que comenzaste, esta ola de entusiasmo que crece y crece cada vez más. Te aseguro que no se va a detener. Generaste controversias, que se hable del Club, de lo que se haría, de lo que se iba a hacer, de lo que se hizo, de lo que no se hizo, en fin, lograste darle vida nuevamente a este gran club al que todos adoramos. Imprimiste tu huella, sembrando en nosotros la generosidad y el espíritu de trabajo para tomar la posta. You got the ball rolling again! I would like to welcome our Guest of Honour Mr Martin Migoya and his lovely wife, Mr Federico Trucco our Floreat Domus, Members of the Board of Directors from St George´s College, Members of the Board of Directors of Fundación Educacional San Jorge and Staff from both St George´s Quilmes and St George´s North. En primer lugar quisiera agradecer la propuesta de la Comisión Directiva para ser presidente. Es un honor y un orgullo enorme no solo por ser la primer representante mujer en ocupar este lugar que antes ha sido ocupado por Old G´s tan emblemáticos, sino por poder apropiarme de las tradiciones y valores de nuestra comunidad, de la cual mi familia ha sido parte desde siempre. Apropiarme de tradiciones y valores para fomentar, desarrollar y transmitir con mucho cariño a los más jóvenes.

También quisiera agradecer a todos los Sponsors que nos acompañan hoy por su constante apoyo. Tenemos por delante grandes desafíos. Muchos se preguntarán ¿qué hará esta mujer? ¿Qué planes tendrá para el Club? Lo primero, será continuar con todo lo que se inició en la gestión anterior por supuesto. El rugby ha sido en los últimos años una estrella en ascenso y apostamos a que así continúe. Pero también tenemos otras estrellas en el deporte de las que no siempre hablamos, las chicas del equipo de fútbol femenino, por ejemplo, ¡el año pasado salieron campeonas! Los varones del equipo de fútbol también, en yachting hace poco tuvimos un desempeño increíble. El equipo de básquet siempre tiene algo positivo que dejarnos. Golf y tenis un clásico también. Tenemos varios proyectos de expansión en lo que hace a deportes, creo que todos, socios y socias, merecen tener igualdad de condiciones a la hora de representar a su Club, y vamos a lograrlo. Aún nos queda pendiente como Club llevar adelante el proyecto Hockey. Estamos trabajando conjuntamente con el Colegio para poder tener el Old Georgian Hockey Team. Las mujeres de a poco vamos tomando roles que antes no estaban disponibles, creo que podemos aportar grandes cosas desde nuestra posición. En el intercambio está la base de la riqueza. Por ello me gustaría centrarme hoy en una cosa en particular. Quisiera que todos los miembros de la sociedad georgian estemos comunicados, conectados. Para mi es clave que podamos comunicar perfectamente en tiempo y forma lo que está sucediendo dentro de nuestra sociedad, pudiendo así captar lo que los socios quieren transmitir. No es tarea fácil generar vínculos con una sociedad tan diversa como esta. Pero creo que de alguna manera de eso se trata, de los vínculos que armamos y heredamos desde nuestras épocas de colegio, que seguimos fortaleciendo como Old Georgians. Son estos vínculos los que hacen que hoy todos nosotros estemos jun-

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A n n ual

D inn er

tos acá. Es esa fuerza invisible, esa magia que nos une y no sabemos bien porque. Es el Dragón el que nos une. Es el haber tenido experiencias similares, el haber transitado una misma educación. El hecho de decir yo también soy Old Georgian, y conectar de inmediato con la otra persona sin importar la edad o los intereses comunes que pueda haber. De eso se trata. ¡De conectarnos! De escucharnos, de respetarnos y de enriquecernos con el intercambio. Y justamente para lograr mejor comunicación entre todos, y cuando digo todos, me refiero no solo a socios del Club, sino a todos los miembros de la Georgian Community, es que también quiero presentarles al Development & Communications Office del Club. El DCO estará a cargo de llevar adelante un plan de comunicación integral para brindarle no solo beneficios sino soluciones a los socios. Este plan integral de comunicación apunta a trabajar conjuntamen-

te con los DCO’s tanto de St George’s College como de la Fundación Educacional San Jorge. I would now like to toast with all of you tonight for supporting Our Club, Our School and above all the spirit that keeps us always united. Cheers! Last but not least I would like to pay tribute to our Golden Oldies. Without you we would have no memory, no traditions. That is why you are all so important in our society, to remind us where we come from and what we represent, to keep it burning in our souls and passing it on to the younger generations. Thank you!!! Enjoy the night! Thank you all for being with us here! Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum! Ann V. Foster Old Georgian Club - President

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Interview of the month In October we launched our Georgian Interviews Edition!

Analía Bigliardi

Clara Bortot

Q: What’s your graduation year (Camada) and House? A: Camada 81, Lockwood. Q: Which is your best memory of your times at St. George’s College? A: My first memory is the winter of 1976. I was a student at Quilmes High School and we went to St. George’s College for a hockey match. That’s when I first went to St. George’s and I knew I wanted to study there. In 1977, my journey at St. George’s College began. The best memories are those of my friends! Q: Can you tell us about an anecdote with a Professor? A: Professors in those days where really disciplinary and shaped us a lot. I remember running 100 metres and suddenly falling to the ground. Everyone was looking at me! I just wanted to disappear but Miss Turnes shouted “Get up and run!!!”, and so I did. I ran as fast as I could to get in with the rest of the girls to escape from an embarrassing moment. Q: Were you a sports person? Can you tell us something you learned after practising sports at School and which was your favourite one? A: I loved sports and it was the best part of the day! I always tried to give my best to at least give one point to Lockwood. My favourite sport was hockey and I still practice it. Q: What did you study after you finished School? Where? A: I studied Architecture at Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Q: How did your experience at St. George’s College influence your career? A: College gave me the values of determination, perseverance, effort, and taught me to never give up. Q: You are leading the new Boarding School, one of the most important School reformations and makeovers. How do you feel about it and what are your expectations? A: To participate in one of the most important projects the School has is a big challenge. The building brings up many memories for those who lived there and, although we have to make many changes, we try to keep its spirit so that everyone that has been there can always come back and feel the same way they felt when they boarded there. My expectations are to be able to give boarders a comfortable and modern environment where they can grow up, feel at home and add their history to the story the building already has. Q: You chose St. George’s College for your children. Can you tell us why? A: Because I want to give them the same education my parents gave me, for which I will always be grateful. Q: What do you value the most about being a Georgian? Can you tell us how this Community influences you every day? A: The fellowship feeling. Sharing those years with my friends when almost everyone was a boarder. When we even stayed the weekends and we had to share everything! The good and the bad. It bonded us in a very special way. And when you meet an Old Georgian you speak the same language, and share many memories, no matter what Camada you belong to, we are all the same. Q: What do you wish for our Community for 2018? A: To achieve all of our goals!

Q: What did you study after you finished School? Where? A: I studied Film Production at Fundacion Universitaria de Cine, in Buenos Aires.

Camada 81, Lockwood. Analía is an Architect. She is now in charge of the St. George’s College Quilmes Boarding Project. We invite you to meet her!

Clara graduated from school in 2005 and was from Lockwood. She dedicates herself to Film Production and now she has a great new hobby: she’s the Old Georgian Hockey’s team captain. Let’s hear more about her!

Q: Which is your best memory from your times at St. George’s College? A: Wining the all school seven-a-side tournament, we weren’t the favorite, but managed to win all our matches. Q: Can you tell us about a funny anecdote at School? A: I always found inter houses very funny, because it was a moment in which one would compete against your best friends, so for a very short time your best friend became an enemy and after the match was over we would all be friends again. I know we all still remember these matches and maybe even the results! Q: Where you a sports person? Can you tell us something you learned after practicing sports at School and which was your favorite one? A: I was always more of a sports person than a study person. I learned about the importance of practicing sports as a team, that’s why my favorite sport was always hockey, because you push your limits and in term also push the entire team to become better. Q: You are the Captain of the newly Old Georgian Hockey Team. How does it feel? A: It was a great honor being named captain; it still makes me smile every time my teammates call me that! Q: Creating a team is a big challenge. Can you tell us how you did it? A: It has been a great challenge but we are very fortunate to have assembled a hockey team that is able and willing to do pretty much anything we ask for, so it feels like the greatest ride. Our first training days were a bit disorganized because we had two different training groups and also kept having to rent hockey pitches. After two months we were allowed to start training at school and that has made all the difference. We train three times a week and play our tournament on Sunday. The process has left me speechless; there is such a commitment and organization from all the players that sometimes I feel we’ve been doing this for much more than three months. I’m fortunate to be part of a team that wants to push boundaries and make history!! Q: Which is your main goal for the team next year? A: To train and play as much as possible. To invite more Old G’s to join the team. Our biggest goal for next year will be in August which is when we should enrol at the Hockey association; this would allow us to play in the hockey league in 2019. Q: What do you wish for our Community for 2018? A: To achieve all of our goals!

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Dragon’s World Tour Bolivia The DWT has began! Bolivia was the first stop. On October 13th our President travelled to carry the Dragon’s Flame. We enjoyed some food and a lovely evening! Let’s keep the Flame going!

Encounter with Camada Leaders

Our Camada Leaders gathered at the OGC to talk about the Club’s new projects. 50 Old Georgians attended the event and now there are more than 70 leaders! We expect to overcome this number day by day! Camada Leaders are a fundamental part in the development of our community, and they are:

New Yor City On November 17th our Georgian New-Yorkers gathered at the Churchill Tavern.: Leticia Bilder (‘06), Nicolás Laufer, Andrés Palacios Schippert (‘05), Anastasia Feigin (SGQ Teacher ‘12-’13), Mía Rocco (‘15), Alejandro Sueldo (‘03) and Matías Sueldo (‘03). Thank you Andrés Palacios Schippert and Mia Rocco (Reps Abroad) for making it possible! Let’s keep the Flame going! The Dragon World Tour will continue throughout 2018!

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1952 Alejandro Castro Almeyra 1957 Ralph Goodliffe 1959 Alcides Miro Luis Masi 1960 Geoffrey Edbrooke 1961 Charlie Dickinson 1962 Richard Handley Miguel Iribarne 1963 Jorge Maschwitz 1966 Juan Bautista Peña 1968 José García Enciso 1969 Paul Morey 1971 Carlos M. Malcom Gibson 1972 Felix Biet 1980 Gustavo Fernández 1981 Alejandro Flores Lynn Whitney 1982 Miguel Morley Sylveen Miles 1983 Alan Mc Lean 1984 Juan Carlos Doval Cynthia Chantrill 1985 Adolfo Storni Corina Morley 1986 Jaquie Lowndes Patrik Kirby 1987 Paul Macadam Verónica Artica 1988 Alejandro Wintour Cynthia Finn 1989 Henry Obejero 1990 Ann Foster Vladimir Aguzin 1992 Mariela Peña Mario Capelli 1993 Eugenio Diaz Lis Harry Pobiegajlo 1994 Gonzalo Paz Gastón Gerchkovich Cora Gibson 1995 Santiago Simone Nicolás Vázquez

1997 1998 1999

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

2014 2015 2016

Eduardo Orteu Carolina Morey Juan Manuel Santucci Santiago Castro Patricia Shimamoto Esteban Peruilh Julia Sanz Javier de Santibáñez Juan Pedro Badie Milagros Barrera Cristian Brown Mercedes Castro Andrés Biet Julia Talevi Luis Casanova Victoria Gibson Constanza Mateos Joaquín Barrera María Elisa Dugo Pablo Pittavino Clara Bortot Nicolás Mangiantini Francisco Pardo Ana Mac Garrel Luis Castro Bárbara Vukojicic Stanley Nash Olivia Diaz Ugalde Nina Dodds Manuela Artola Lucas de Caboteau Felipe Obiglio Delfina Ferrari Agustín Rancati Agustina Mortola Tomás Albano Marina Gómez Nale Francisco Gazzotto Catalina Navajas Nicole Foster Kiva Martina Grané Florencia Rancati Delfina Nécol Matías Rocca

Old Georgian Clubhouse Reopening

Leavers’ Lunch and Parents Cocktail

The OGC reopened its doors! On September 13th, the Old G’s enjoyed a nice evening with food and drinks. We even celebrated a Georgette’s birthday and stayed dancing until midnight! Since the reopening, we were able to host a couple of Monthly Dinners, such as the traditional Christmas Dinner, were we celebrates the end of a great semester hoping the best for 2018.

On October 13th the OGC received the students graduating from College in 2017. We shared a lunch and introduced them to the club. We were also able to receive their parents a couple of weeks later to tell them all about the next step their children would take within the Georgian Community.

Founders Day at St George’s College - 2017 The OGC stand during our beloved Founders’ Day was a success! Both Rugby and Hockey shared all day, dancing and getting people to know more about the Club! The Dragon can’t wait to go back next year!

OGC Employment Hub One of the goals set up by the Committee for 2017 was to have an employment hub (bolsa de trabajo) were Old G’s both hunting for a job or offering one could find what they were looking for. Powered by Hiring Room, companies can now upload searches that only Old G’s will see, and Old G’s job hunting can now have access to offers posted exclusively for them. Help us expand and develop our professional georgian community! Old G’s looking for a job: Go online and search: Old G’s offering jobs please contact to authorize you to upload offers.

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Camada 1957: 60 years On November 10th, Old Georgians and some of their wives met at the Club to celebrate their 60th graduation anniversary! The next day, the School invited them to campus so they could walk around their old classes and dorms and share some memories. They thank the School authorities for receiving them and wish to repeat the experience in 2022.

Camada 1977: 40 years Twenty Old G’s travelled to Montevideo at the end of October to celebrate 40 years of graduation! Some came from abroad to join their friends. They are: Charly Bell, Marcelo Casas, Gustavo Paissan, Billy Benitz, Tommy Lord, David Hinchliff Mathew, Michael Arndt, Derek Newell, Danny Bell, Brian Arntsen, John Hudson, David Cooper, Charly Boyle, Jorge Sarasqueta, Mario Bortot, Andrew Gregg, Martin Arechavaleta, Peter Corning, Stephen Mac Auliffe, Robert Watson, Eduard Halliday and Rene Arce Romer. Hurrah!

Camada 1987: 30 years

Camada 2012: 5 years

28 Old G’s gathered at the OG Pavilion to celebrate 30 years of graduation with a wonderful asado and a guided tour by Lynn Whitney which brought back great memories. Plenty of fun and emotions with travelers from as far as the USA & Canada.

80 students celebrated their 5 years graduation from St George’s College, Quilmes on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Even though some of them couldn’t make it, they had a great day and enjoyed a pool party event!

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Camada 1985: Croatia Nine friends went to a spectacular trip to Croatia during the European Summer. They travelled on an antique schooner celebrating their friendship since College. They are: Paula Albin, Mariana Atencio, Paula Jamieson, Luchi Schettini, Marcela Villar, Corina Morley, Maria Weber, Malena Caro and Victoria Niemeyer.

Camada 1992: Gathering Camada 1992 gathered in Buenos Aires and enjoyed a lunch together. They had a great time sharing old memories!

South Mendoza Gathering

Camada 1996: Lanin We would like to congratulate our Old G´s Antonio Brea, Roberto Ehrman, Federico Cardoni, Gian Marco Maltoni, Juan Biet and Santiago Barrenechea for this great achievement!

Old G’s living in South Mendoza had their annual gathering asado in San Rafael. Some were also accompanied by their spouses and they numbered 13 in total: Ivan Walker, Anthony Worlock, Robert Bruce and Michael Mohr-Bell from Mendoza and Mark Scoffield (General Roca, Río Negro), Marcelo Hirsh (Cipolletti, Río Negro), Pablo Alagon & Andy Curtis (Bs As).

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Sports Party


o wrap up a fantastic year for our sports teams we wanted to open this year’s celebration to the community that revolves around the hockey, rugby and football teams. All teachers, players and their parents were invited to the Centenary Hall at St George’s College Quilmes. As well as dinner and dancing, prizes were given to best players, teammates and top scorers. Congratulations to all of them, and to all teams for a fantastic year!

Rugby M15 Best Player M15 Best Effort M16 Best Player M16 Best Effort M19 Best Player M19 Best Effort Primera Best Player Primera Best Effort Intermedia Best Player Intermedia Best Effort Retirement Medal CAP

Gerónimo Lees Bautista Ruffinelli Nicolás Fernández Martiniano Villagran Felipe Gazzotto Iñaki Ochoa Mariano Ramognino Isidro Couñago Juan Cillo Ignacio Inchausti Esteban Peruilh Gustavo Giugale

Hockey Best Player Best Goal Scorer

Sofía Cassulo Inés Del Río

Football Girls Best Teammate Best Goal Scorer

Martina Grané Martina Gallo

Boys Best Player Best Teammate

Rugby Scholarship


a Fundación Educacional San Jorge otorgó una Beca para el año 2018, equivalente a un 10% de descuento sobre el arancel académico, al alumno Ulises Mei, quien actualmente cursa 6to año del Colegio Secundario. Esta beca se otorga anualmente al alumno que jugando para el Old Georgian Club y que actualmente se encuentre cursando el último año del Colegio Secundario, se destaque en: •• Asistencia regular durante la temporada •• Fair play •• Compañerismo •• Liderazgo •• Nivel de juego •• Calificaciones académicas admisibles •• Buen compañerismo y actitud

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Gonzalo Cabrera Duncan Smith

We regret to announce the passing away of the following: •• Knapp, Gerald J.D - Camada 1959 •• Lockey, Tomas F.S - Camada 1957 •• Marconetti, Juan J. - Camada 1958 •• Brandon, D. - Camada 1942 •• Reed, Michael Stanley - Camada 1945 •• Sorley, Peter G. - Camada 1945 •• Newell, George Frederick - Camada 1945 •• Botting, Anthony - Camada 1950

Rugby: Plantel Superior


ste año que pasó significó mucho para nosotros, era nuestra oportunidad para demostrar todo lo que adquirimos a lo largo de los 5 años de sacrificio. Por fin llegó el momento de volver a competir oficialmente en el torneo de la URBA, de devolver al club de donde nunca se tendría que haber ido. Al comenzar la pretemporada con el staff nuevo, fuimos claros en los objetivos para este 2017. Estábamos ante la inigualable oportunidad de volver a escribir la historia del club, sabíamos que no iba a ser un año más.

La pretemporada fue muy buena, el plantel se pudo adaptar muy bien al nuevo equipo de trabajo. Jugamos tres partidos amistosos con rivales que juegan en categorías superiores a la nuestra, tratando de imponer nuestro ritmo e intentando plasmar el nuevo plan de juego. Ya era hora de empezar a jugar por lo puntos, el equipo estaba bastante motivado de poder mantener el invicto que había conseguido el año anterior, pero las cosas no se dieron como esperábamos. Tuvimos un flojo comienzo de campeonato con victorias bastante ajustadas, pero a medida que pasaron los partidos nos fuimos sintiendo más cómodos, encontrando un nivel más cercano al que deseábamos. Hasta que nos tocó recibir a Vicente López en

Quilmes, un partido que nos marcó para lo que quedó del año. Tanto la primera como la intermedia tuvieron muy malos partidos. Pero lejos de bajonear al equipo, fue como un despertador. La semana después del partido se notó el efecto que tuvo en el grupo. Ese martes y jueves fueron los primeros días en los que pudimos entrenar con equipos completos, el equipo se había despertado, los que estaban faltando se comprometieron a no volver a hacerlo y los entrenamientos comenzaron a tener mayor intensidad. En definitiva, como dice una vieja frase, “como se entrena, se juega”. A medida que pasaron los partidos, cada vez estábamos más cómodos con el sistema de juego, puliendo algunas cuestiones, y pudimos afianzar nuestro juego colectivo entre backs y forwards. En la última parte del año, por suerte el fixture jugó a nuestro favor, permitiéndonos cerrar el torneo con las dos últimas fechas en casa, donde nos sentimos muy fuertes y cómodos. Primero era el turno de San Miguel, el partido que nos podía asegurar el tan ansiado ascenso; recuerdo que el comienzo del partido estuvo lleno de ansiedad y nerviosismo, pero pudimos bajar los decibeles y mostrar nuestro juego. El resultado fue favorable para nosotros y el ascenso ya era un hecho, pero no nos queríamos quedar con eso. El siguiente partido fue contra Arsenal de Zárate el rival directo por el campeonato, el que se llevase la victoria sería el campeón del torneo. Fue un partido muy físico, sus forwards fueron amantes del roce físico y los nuestros tampoco quisieron quedarse atrás, una gran batalla en cada scrum y en cada maul; nuestra línea jugó como nos tiene acostumbrado, generando situaciones de peligro en cada ocasión que se abría la pelota. Creo que fue nuestro mejor partido del año, una defensa asfixiante que nos dio pelotas de calidad para poder atacar y

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lastimar al rival. La victoria se quedó en Quilmes y la alegría fue completa. Terminando con una gran ronda dentro de la cancha en la cuales había muchos juveniles, padres, sponsors, Old G`s, todo lo que buscamos desde que arrancó este proyecto, armar una familia. Dicen que la felicidad es solo real, cuando es compartida. Creo que poder vivir estos momentos con amigos y ver como los más chicos, los padres y toda la comunidad georgian nos apoyó a lo largo de estos años es emocionante y dan ganas de seguir tirando para adelante. Nuestro objetivo no es a corto plazo, sino que buscamos que los chicos de Infantiles y Juveniles que nos acompañan desde el costado de la cancha, ya sea alcanzándonos agua, el tee, o simplemente alentando, sean los que cosechen lo que estamos sembrando todos juntos hoy.

Rugby – M19


enores de 19 años de Old Georgian Club comenzó el año en febrero con muchas ganas y armando el grupo. Capitaneados por Felipe Gazzotto empezó la primera etapa donde fueron once partidos jugados, ganando con Chascomús, San José, Delta, Tigre, Varela Jrs. y GEBA; perdiendo con SIC, El Retiro, CASI y Las Cañas y empatando con San Patricio. Por un sólo punto no se pudo entrar en zona de Ganadores. Se alternaron pasajes de buen juego con obtención de parte de los forwards y correcto juego de manos. En la segunda parte del año con viaje de egresados y algunas dificultades incluídas jugamos con San Cirano, La Plata RC, GEI, Tigre, La Salle, El Retiro, Arsenal Zarate, Areco. En las victorias con GEI, El Retiro y el empate con Arsenal Zárate se vio un equipo jugando en conjunto, colaborador y con muchas ganas. Durante el mes de noviembre fuimos de gira a la ciudad de Salta, jugando con Tigres Rugby Club de esa ciudad, realizando un gran intercambio de camaradería y disfrutando de esta etapa tan linda del rugby.

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No quiero olvidarme de agradecer al Staff anterior el cual nos formó y nos enseñó lo que es un club; sin ellos no seriamos lo que somos hoy, quizás ni existiríamos. Podrán no estar más al costado de la cancha, o los jueves en el asado, pero siempre los recordaremos con mucho cariño y amor, gracias por todos los momentos vividos al Gringo Campbell, Santi Gómez Cora, Juan Casajus y Emilio Zaratiegui. También agradecer al Staff actual que nos hizo jugadores de Plantel Superior, Federico Wulf, Pico Montes y Nicolás Villalba. Tampoco quería olvidarme de la comisión directiva, en especial de Ale Williams que nos siguió y se aseguró de que no nos falte nada en ningún lado. A los padres, los seguidores más fieles que tenemos, que nos acompañan a todos lados llueve o truene, y a todos los chicos que juegan en juveniles e infantiles. ¡Este proyecto sigue creciendo, lo mejor está por venir! #Volvimos Para Quedarnos Franco Di Pace Capitán de Plantel Superior

Rugby – M16 La Menores de 16 fue un equipo con pocos jugadores pero mucho compromiso. En una zona muy complicada, con clubes difíciles como Almafuerte, Beromama o Pucará. Terminaron cuartos en la tabla clasificando a la Zona Intermedia. La falta de recambio acompañado de lesiones hizo que la segunda parte del año se complicara y se hiciera cuesta arriba. Sin embargo nuestro jugadores, liderados por su capitán Ulises Mei, pusieron el cuerpo y el corazón para dejar al dragón siempre en lo más alto.

Rugby – M15 Menores de 15 es siempre una división difícil ya que los chicos juegan por primera vez el rugby de Clubes. Sin embargo, nuestros jugadores no tardaron en adaptarse y tuvieron una primera ronda muy exitosa terminando segundos en la clasificación. El primer gran desafío llegó cuando el tryman de la división, Bautista Battle, tuvo que emigrar al exterior y dejar el club. Con gran madurez el equipo salió adelante y jugadores como Jerónimo Lees y Bautista Ruffinelli marcaron el camino para ganar seis partidos en la difícil zona ganadores.

Gira Salta


l objetivo de la visita a Salta era culminar el año de regreso de la división Menores de 19 de la mejor manera. Tras un año con altibajos, quedando a un try de ingresar a zona Ganadores y luego ganando varios partidos en zona Intermedia, el plantel viajó para seguir consolidándose y tener un gran 2018. Tigres Rugby Club nos recibió de la mejor manera, siendo unos grandes anfitriones, y logrando que la experiencia en tierra salteñas sea de las mejores. Sin lugar a dudas sirve de puntapié inicial para varias giras que se le aproximan a la división. Estaremos siempre agradecidos a todos los Old G´s radicados en Salta que nos hicieron sentir locales como así también a la subcomisión de rugby que hizo el viaje posible.

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fter several meetings and some failed attempts in August of 2017 eight georgettes stepped onto a hockey field as strangers and left the field with one common dream: to create the first Old Georgian hockey team. They organized two different training groups, by location; one group would train in Abril Club de Campo whilst the other would train in the parks of Buenos Aires. During the weekend they trained all together renting out different hockey pitches. They also started playing a small tournament called “La Rana”. Each Tuesday or Thursday new students would come and train with them. Soon enough they started winning matches, improving their skills and becoming a team. In November the team was allowed to train at St George’s Quilmes: the whole team for the first time! Around December the tournament came to an end and they became champions! In five months they went from being georgettes, to become a team, friends and founders of the Old Georgian hockey team. 2018 brings a lot of challenges: mainly keeping up their commitment, increasing the number of players in the team, associating the club to the hockey association and uniting school and club, so they can finally make their dream come true.

Fútbol Femenino


l año 2017 para el equipo de fútbol femenino del Old Georgian Club va a ser recordado con singular alegría, a partir de una sensación de auto superación, de haber aprendido y progresado muchísimo. En los primeros meses comenzamos en un torneo donde terminamos perdiendo y quedando ante últimas de nuestra categoría, un fuerte golpe para un equipo que estaba acostumbrado a perder batallas pero no la guerra. Con un poco de positivismo que al principio se sentía forzado y luego demostró no serlo, nos anotamos en un segundo torneo, dónde llegamos al primer puesto y nos llevamos no sólo la copa, sino un viaje a Ferrugem, una remera y un llavero a casa. Todas seguimos recordando el momento en que saltábamos eufóricas tras haber terminado la victoriosa final y se nos acerca una organizadora con los vouchers del viaje en la mano. Al final no nos organizamos para aprovechar el viaje

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ganado, pero lo que importa es que ya estamos anotadas en el próximo torneo. Como dice la famosa expresión de T.S. Eliot, “the journey, not the destination matters”.

Fútbol Masculino


l comienzo del año 2017 encontró al equipo de fútbol del Old Georgian Club peleando por el ascenso a la primera categoría del Torneo Intercountry Zona Sur, la cual había perdido el año anterior. El año 2016 dejo dos torneos pobres en lo anímico y futbolístico junto con algunas bajas irremplazables. Pero en julio de 2017, de la mano de Pepe Pardo y algunos refuerzos, el equipo supo sobreponerse a la adversidad logrando el tan deseado ascenso. Si bien esto le dio confianza, el desafío de la segunda mitad del año no era menor, jugar en la “A” frente a grandes equipos, sin un lugar para entrenar y sufriendo la salida de nuestro director técnico. Los resultados no fueron los mejores y su posición sobre el final del torneo lo obligaba a

enfrentar otra promoción, esta vez para mantener la categoría. Liderado por su capitán el grupo se unió más que nunca. Mostró su garra para los partidos importantes y se impuso frente a St. Thomas en un partido de 180 minutos, manteniéndose así en el lugar que le corresponde. El año 2018 comienza con muchas ilusiones. Una larga e intensa pretemporada, un joven técnico ex alumno con experiencia en el fútbol profesional, la incorporación de jóvenes Old Gs y un lugar en el colegio para entrenar son los principales elementos que hacen creer que el sueño se puede realizar una vez más, dar la vuelta al canto de dale campeón.



017 nuevamente encontró al equipo de yachting del St. George’s College navegando las aguas del Río de la Plata, y compitiendo en el Interschool Yachting Championship. El equipo estuvo representado por dos embarcaciones en una de las 6 regatas (BRUJA de Giovanni Miano, camada 84, y COYA de Marcelo Cuenca, padre de alumno de North), y por una embarcación las restantes 5 (BRUJA). A pesar del reducido equipo, se logró obtener el 4to puesto del campeonato!! La tripulación del BRUJA contó con 3 Old Georgians abordo, Andy Dey (camada 87), John Macadam (camada 86) y Giovanni Miano (camada 84). En septiembre estaba programada la Dragon’s Cup, que es la regata organizada por el College, pero lamentablemente el amigo Eolo no se hizo presente y no se pudo largar. Esperamos se sumen nuevas embarcaciones al equipo en este año 2018 y vamos por un puesto en el podio.

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Q uiz

OG General Knowledge Quiz Every year, the St George’s College students participate in the Old Georgian Club General Knowledge Quiz. In 2017 the winners were: OG Quiz Prize Senior: Josefina Arcagni (SGN) Ezequiel Khoury (SGQ) OG Quiz Prize Junior: Agustín Literas (SGN) Matilde Killmeate (SGQ)

Here are the questions and answers so that you can try to answer as many of them correctly as possible!

Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

What is the capital of Australia? What is the longest river in the world called? Where is Father Christmas originally from? Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun? How many bones is the human face made up of? How many tentacles does a squid have? What is the word used to describe an animal/plant that is both male and female? The atmosphere on the planet Mars is predominantly composed on which substance? a) Helium b) Oxygen c) Carbon Dioxide In which year was the first-generation iPhone released? a) 2005 b) 2006 c) 2007 In what country was Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, born? Complete the following list of the 5Ws, a series of questions commonly used in information gathering: Who, What, When, Where,? Ag is the symbol of which chemical element? At what degree Celsius does water freeze? In which country is the Pisa Tower situated? In which city is the Sagrada Familia Basilica and Expiatory Church located? What does FIFA stand for? When did the Second World War begin? Which is the third Planet of the Solar System? Where was Pablo Neruda born?

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20. What is the name of the process by which plants ob21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

tain energy? What’s the name of Barcelona’s Football Stadium? Who founded Facebook? How many hearts does an octopus have? What Italian team was beaten 4-1 by Real Madrid in the 2017 UEFA Champions League Final? Which land mammals have the longest tail? What colour is the ‘L’ in the Google logo? Which 2015 Pixar animated movie is set in the mind of a young girl called Riley Andersen? Aoraki / Mount Cook is the highest peak in which southern hemisphere country? Which 2017 song became the first to rack up over three billion views on YouTube? How old was Rafael Nadal when he won his first Grand Slam title, the 2005 French Open? a) 19 b) 20 c) 21 Which First Lady of the United States was born in Novo Mesto, Slovenia? The 2016 film ‘La La Land’ focuses on a couple falling in love in which city? Which Democratic nominee did George W. Bush defeat in the 2000 USA Presidential election? How many stars does the Chinese flag have? Death Valley National Park straddles the border of which two States in America? What is the name of the hurricane that devastated parts of Texas in August 2017? Sodium hydroxide is more commonly known as what? Which National Cricket Team is known as “The Black Caps”? Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport services which city?

40. In what year did Alexander Graham Bell patent the

41. 42. 43. 44.


46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

telephone? a) 1836 b) 1856 c) 1876 The name of the Argentinian capital translates to what in English? What type of acid is vinegar? Which is the first zodiac sign to start in a new year? The synthetic material Nylon is named after the two cities it was developed in New York and London. True or False? Around which year did Gutenberg invent the printing press? a) 1640 b) 1540 c) 1440 JRR Tolkien author of Lord of the Rings, was born in which southern hemisphere country? What two elements make up 98% of the Sun? How many years of marriage would you be celebrating if it was your emerald anniversary? Chief of Staff Linda Vasquez is regular character from the opening seasons of which US drama? Which actor played the role of Batman in the film The Dark Knight? Ishmael and Queequeg are characters from which novel? What colour is the cross on the flag of St. George? Brazil was previously a colony of which European country? Munich is the capital of which German state? What does UNESCO stand for? In Roman mythology, who was the God of the Sun? What does GPS stand for in GPS navigation devices? If you take a walk along Venice Beach, in which city would you be? Which planet in our solar system has the most rings? ‘Thinking Out Loud’, ‘The A Team’ and ‘Photograph’ are songs from which British singer-songwriter? What is the occupation of Otto Man in the animated series The Simpsons? John F. Kennedy International Airport services which city? After seven which is the next prime number? The United Nations Headquarters are hosted in which U.S city? Which organization has a panda as its emblem? In which year did the Titanic sink? Which financial organization is represented with the letters IMF? Whose ‘Plan’ was enacted in which the United States gave over $12 billion to aid Western Europe after WWII?

69. In which city are the Petronas Twin Towers? 70. With how many other countries does Argentina share

borders? 71. Why was April 23rd chosen as St. George’s Day? 72. Where on the moon did the first man land? 73. What is meant by UFO? 74. Only one astrological sign is not named after a living creature – which one? 75. Which country is the second largest in the World, in area? 76. Which river’s waters, head waters and tributaries drain half the continent of South America? 77. What year did the Berlin wall fall? 78. What year did Mauricio Macri win the Argentinean Presidential elections? 79. On what Japanese city was the first atom bomb dropped? 80. Insulin is commonly used to treat which condition? 81. What was the middle name of Wolfgang Mozart? 82. Who was named as the World’s best player for 2016 by FIFA? a) Cristiano Ronaldo b) Lionel Messi c) Neymar d) Luis Suárez 83. Who won the 2016 Literature Nobel Prize? 84. In 1992 on St. George’s Day McDonald’s opened up their first fast-food restaurant in which country? 85. In which European city can you find Anna Frank’s home? 86. Which film won the Oscar for Best Film Award in 2017? 87. Which city is ranked as the best city in the World in living standards by Mercer’s Quality of Living index ranking 2017? a) Zurich b) Vienna c) Munich d) Geneva 88. Who topped in the Forbes World’s Billionaires list in 2017? 89. When is International Women’s Day celebrated? 90. What day in 2017 was the “11th Earth Hour” observed? 91. What German city hosted the 2017 G-20 summit? a) Berlin b) Frankfurt c) Hamburg d) Munich 92. Who was de 2017 Wimbledon’s Women’s Single Champion? 93. What’s the square root of 81? 94. What is the name of the German flagship airline? 95. In which year did Princess Diana die? 96. What is the largest five-digit number? 97. What was St. George’s occupation? 98. Name the world’s largest ocean. 99. Which country is Prague in? 100. When was the euro introduced as legal currency on the world market?

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Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

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Canberra Nile Turkey Japan 14 10 Hermaphrodite c) Carbon Dioxide c) 2007 Australia Why Silver Zero Italy Barcelona Fédération Internationale de Football Association 1939 The Earth. Chile Photosynthesis Camp Nou Mark Zuckerberg Three (3) Juventus Giraffe Green Inside Out New Zealand Despacito a) 19 Melania Trump Los Angeles Al Gore 5 California and Nevada Harvey Caustic Soda New Zealand’s Rome c) 1876 Good Airs Acetic acid Aquarius False c) 1440 South Africa Hydrogen and Helium 55 House of Cards Christian Bale Moby Dick Red Portugal

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54. Bavaria 55. United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization 56. Apollo 57. Global Positioning System 58. Los Angeles 59. Uranus 60. Ed Sheeran 61. School Bus Driver 62. New York City 63. 11 64. New York City 65. World Wildlife Fund 66. 1914 67. International Monetary Fund 68. Marshall (Plan) 69. Kuala Lumpur 70. 5 – Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Uruguay. 71. He is believed to have died on this day in 303. 72. Sea of Tranquility 73. Unidentified Flying Object 74. Libra (The scales) 75. Canada 76. Amazon River 77. 1989 78. 2015 79. Hiroshima 80. Diabetes 81. Amadeus 82. a) Cristiano Ronaldo 83. Bob Dylan 84. China 85. Amsterdam 86. Moonlight 87. b) Vienna 88. Bill Gates 89. 8th March 90. 25th March 91. c) Hamburg 92. Garbiñe Muguruza 93. 9 94. Lufthansa 95. 1997 96. 99999 97. Soldier 98. Pacific Ocean 99. Czech Republic 100. 1st January 1999

Q uiz

Contributions The Old Georgian Club would like to thank all those who have kindly and generously contributed with time, money or in some other way to the welfare of our club, everything is highly appreciated. We have many goals ahead of us, we encourage the whole georgian community to help develop our projects. We would like to mention our sponsors during 2017 for supporting us throughout the year. Sponsors •• Abbey Sea •• Bell •• Globant •• Grupo SBS •• Sur Investments •• Pitmur •• Brightness •• Persicco •• Gerkovich •• IMP •• Candle Shop •• Thionis •• Sharewood Pilar •• UBF Group •• Capitán de Dragones •• Pannet

We would also like to mention the contributors who allowed us to start developing the hockey project in our club:

•• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Aragón, Carlos Biet, Felix De Anchorena, Luis Harrison, Roberto Lyons, Tommy Sanchez Posleman, Jorge Zorraquín, Julio

•• •• •• •• •• ••

Ayerza, Ezequiel Bodini, Atilio Earsman, Geoffrey Jarvis, Eduardo Perez, Fernando Vaccari, Edgardo

We appeal to all Life Members to contribute with any amount however small it may be, several many so so year after year, this can be done now through credit card, please contact and we will send you the form to fill in.

OLD GEORGIAN CLUB REPS Abroad Australia Perth: Gregory Baron • Sydney: Keith G. Yorston • John Mohr Bell • Bolivia: Stuart Harrison • Julia Gutiérez Parra • Brazil: Tony Keen • Victoria Mc Carthy • Canada: Brian Arntsen • Chile: Michael C. Hardy • Colombia: John Chiswell • France: Henry Goodliffe • Germany: Georg F. Von Oppen • Indonesia: Daniel Marshall • Italy: Martín Biondini • Mexico Huixquilucan: Joaquín Ezcurra • Monterrey: Leopoldo Macchia • Villahermosa: Alejandro Llaneza • Netherlands: Gerard A. Van Dobben • Paraguay: Martha Fernandez Lloret • Ivan F Mussi • Peru: Alan Duncan • South Africa: Alan Ross • Spain: Robert Dunning • Switzerland: Valentin Faleni • Colin Woolcock • UK: Roy D. Hubber •

USA Atlanta: Santiago Belassi • California: Charles Puleston • Connecticut: Michael Gilroy • Florida: Stuart Smith • Houston: Douggie Scott • New York: Andres Palacios Schippert • Mia Rocco • Pennsylvania: Dan A Pritchard • Washington: Gerald Richardson • Venezuela: Leandro Casas •

Argentina Chubut: Arturo Lownes • Entre Rios: Vicky Hunt • Mendoza: Michael Leach • Michael Mohr Bell • Mendoza – South: M. Mohr-Bell • Rio Negro: Ernesto Bassi • Rosario: Arturo Lownes • Veronica Benitez • Salta: Michael Follett • Nicolas Barr • Santa Fe: David Horner • Tierra del Fuego: David Thomson • Venado Tuerto: Ian A. Foster • Western Camps : M. Harrison •

Kindly please check if the following data corresponding to each one of you is correct. If it needs to be corrected please let us know:; in order to make the necessary changes. We would also much appreciate if you can inform us E-mail addresses of all other OG´s in your area.

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INGRESOS 2018-2019



INGRESOS 2018-2019




Transporte VIP


Trabajo aĂŠreo

Kinesiología y Fisiatría


Los valores construyen confianza Miguel E. Iribarne

· Administración de portafolio de inversiones. · Asesoramiento y planeamiento financiero. · Compraventa de títulos públicos, acciones y futuros financieros. · Originación, estructuración, organización y colocación de instrumentos de deuda.

· Arpenta Valores S.A. Agente de Liquidación y Compensación y Agente de Negociación - Integral Registrado bajo el nº52 de la C.N.V.

· Compañía Fiduciaria Americana S.A. Fideicomisos - CFA

Arpenta S.A. San Martín 344 Piso 28º (C1004AAH) C.A. de Buenos Aires Tel.: 54 (11) 4103 7400

Desde 1994 junto a ustedes

Tel: 5252-9559 instagram: @revistabamag


• Menú para empresas • Menú para colegios • Menú light • Salad Bar

• Cafetería • Asesoramiento técnico • División eventos especiales

Av. del Libertador Gral. San Martín 13.221 - B1640AOD - Martínez Tel.: (5411) 4733-2002 / 4733-4748 / 4793-1411 - Línea Nutricional 0800-444-0657

St George’s College Quilmes Guido 800 (1878) Quilmes. Buenos Aires. Argentina +54 (11) 43507900 I Fax. (+54 11) 43507900 ext. 425 I

St George’s College North Mosconi 3500 y Don Bosco s/n (B1613FWR) Los Polvorines. Buenos Aires. Argentina. + 54 (11) 4663-2494 int.112 I

Old Georgian Club Juan María Gutiérrez 3829 (C1425ARC) Ciudad de Buenos AIres. Argentina +54 (11) 4802 6692 I

Editorial Luna S.A. Carlos F. Melo 2134 - Dpto 49 Vicente López. Bs. As. Argentina + 54 (11) 5252 9559


• Menú para empresas • Menú para colegios • Menú light • Salad Bar

• Cafetería • Asesoramiento técnico • División eventos especiales

Av. del Libertador Gral. San Martín 13.221 - B1640AOD - Martínez Tel.: (5411) 4733-2002 / 4733-4748 / 4793-1411 - Línea Nutricional 0800-444-0657

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