Dissertation Proposal

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BA (Hons) Dissertation Proposal Form 2011 Submission Deadline Thursday 2.6.2011 by 4.00 pm

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Tomas Cummings


BA Graphic Design

Name of your current Contextual & Theoretical Studies Tutor: Richard Miles Your feedback will be posted to this address during the summer vacation Address: 5 Traflagar Lodge Post Code:





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Level 4:

Choosing a particular period between 1800 to the present, in what ways has graphic design or design practice responded to the changing social and cultural forces of that period?

Dissertation Topic

Level 5:

Hyperreality in Philip K Dick's 3 Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

(Highlight a title or theme)

Is fallout New Vegas a simulation that is bordering on the 'real'?

Issues/questions to be addressed (clarify the main subject areas and present these in a formal manner as detailed as possible)

Comparing timelines in both the real world and the virtual world to see if there are any connections in social, cultural, economic, or military values. It will also help to clarify if the game is an exile from the real or a universal mirror.

Looking at the social hierachy, politics and subsequent relationships relevant to each 'world's' timelines respectively, analysing the connections between the real and the virtual. Technological advances in both the real and the virtual, how the products have an impact on everyday life to military use and their impact when used in context with the simulated situation they were made for. Studying the relationship between player and character, the emotive responses to circumstantial events and the choices made in game reflect the character as the game unfolds. Method/Approach

(What type of analysis do you intend to use? These may be combined provided you are able to present a clear rationale for doing so. Historical, sociological, semiotic, psychological, feminist, Marxist, multiculturalist, postcolonial, genre, popular culture etc and give the names of specific theorists of particular relevance. Discuss with tutor and use Level 2 bibliographies before submission of proposal form).

Sociological – The interaction between technology/products: Marcel Proust, Pierre Levy, Paul Virilio Virtuality – Immersion (Immersive paradoxes) interactivity, the suspension of disbelief. Ideology – The plethora of clashing ideologies with the various different factions in the game: Communism, The member of staff giving your feedback will not necessarily be your dissertation supervisor. Your Supervisor will be assigned to you at the start of the Autumn term. Remember the summer break is the ideal time to conduct initial research, therefore try and read your key books before coming back in the Autumn. FEEDBACK: Your feedback will be posted to you during the summer vacation to the address you give on this form. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP A COPY FOR YOURSELF

BA (Hons) Dissertation Proposal Form 2011 Submission Deadline Thursday 2.6.2011 by 4.00 pm

You have been e-mailed this form to your college e-mail THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ON COMPUTER AND PRINTED OFF Sign the signing in sheet on the Contextual & Theoretical Studies Notice Board Submit to the Contextual & Theoretical Studies Submission of Work Box Capitalism, Imperialism, Marxism - Louis Althusser Hypereality/Simulatio - Baudrillard Ludology – Studying how the player interacts with said game: Julian McDougall, Wayne O Brien

The member of staff giving your feedback will not necessarily be your dissertation supervisor. Your Supervisor will be assigned to you at the start of the Autumn term. Remember the summer break is the ideal time to conduct initial research, therefore try and read your key books before coming back in the Autumn. FEEDBACK: Your feedback will be posted to you during the summer vacation to the address you give on this form. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP A COPY FOR YOURSELF

BA (Hons) Dissertation Proposal Form 2011 Submission Deadline Thursday 2.6.2011 by 4.00 pm

You have been e-mailed this form to your college e-mail THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ON COMPUTER AND PRINTED OFF Sign the signing in sheet on the Contextual & Theoretical Studies Notice Board Submit to the Contextual & Theoretical Studies Submission of Work Box

Primary Sources of Information

(To include libraries (other than LCAD), galleries, addresses of key contacts/sources, interviews, exhibitions, archives, collections, interviewees, case studies).

1.Description Location 2.Description Location 3.Description Location

Interviews/case studies with gamers: those working in a retail outlet, seasoned gamers (18+) and those in industry. Rockstar Leeds, Bethesda London, gamestations, GAME, Leeds, Harrogate, York and CEX Larger collection of reading materials and source materials Leeds Met Library Announced in september 2008, the Archive is working to preserve, analyse and display the products of the global videogame industry by placing games in their historical, social, political and cultural contexts. National Media Museum, Bradford

Books/Articles/Resources already located (minimum 6) Please list these using academic conventions (Harvard System) where necessary. Any proposal form without a minimum of 6 sources will automatically be returned as not approved!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

M-L Ryan, Narrative As Virtual Reality (2003) John Hopkins University Press J Baudrillard, America (1988) Maple Vale M Mcluhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (1964) Routledge & Kegan Paul N Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent (1992) BFI M Wark, Gamer Theory (2007) Harvard University Press, Cambridge P Harrigan and N Wardrip-Fruin, Second Person: Role Plying and Story in Games and Playable 6. Media (2007) MIT Press Relevance to main area of study: Be specific and include any research already undertaken

Computer game design is something that has always interested me, as well as the underlying narrative and how the player interacts with in-game elements. In a lot of the next-gen games, graphic design within the game is paramount to its success also how it integrates with the virtual world, it also a vital role on the player themselves, as in real life a great deal of ideologies, theory and philosophy is embedded either sublty or obviously. This aside, I have been an avid gamer all my life and find that there is a lot more to games than meets the eye of contemporary media.

Perceived problems or difficulties:

Please also enter here information related to academic support/dyslexia issues.

The member of staff giving your feedback will not necessarily be your dissertation supervisor. Your Supervisor will be assigned to you at the start of the Autumn term. Remember the summer break is the ideal time to conduct initial research, therefore try and read your key books before coming back in the Autumn. FEEDBACK: Your feedback will be posted to you during the summer vacation to the address you give on this form. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP A COPY FOR YOURSELF

BA (Hons) Dissertation Proposal Form 2011 Submission Deadline Thursday 2.6.2011 by 4.00 pm

You have been e-mailed this form to your college e-mail THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ON COMPUTER AND PRINTED OFF Sign the signing in sheet on the Contextual & Theoretical Studies Notice Board Submit to the Contextual & Theoretical Studies Submission of Work Box

The member of staff giving your feedback will not necessarily be your dissertation supervisor. Your Supervisor will be assigned to you at the start of the Autumn term. Remember the summer break is the ideal time to conduct initial research, therefore try and read your key books before coming back in the Autumn. FEEDBACK: Your feedback will be posted to you during the summer vacation to the address you give on this form. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP A COPY FOR YOURSELF

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