Worksample_Xinan Tan

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Tan Xinan // // +1 (917)-373-6349

01 Professional Works 2020-2023

Signage Logo Design Brochure Design Museum Interior & Guiding Map (unfinished)

Mooncake Museum

Archiland Studio March 2020 - June 2020

345 W 13th Street YUN Architecture June 2022 - Feburary 2023 Bathroom Kitchen
311 Adelphi Street YUN Architecture June 2022 - Feburary 2023

Guovdageaidnu village: Urban design

2019 Europan 15 Competition

Site: Guovdageaidnu, Norway

Site area: 45.5km2

Personal research and design

Northern Europe has always been a mysterious area and rooted with plenty of urban issues due to the topographical and climatic situation. Sami people tends to leave their homeland reaching for better opportunities, and the rest of the local Sami are still struggling with the development of the towns and preservation of their husbandry tradition. Thus, the loss of population and the problem of productivity lead to a stagnant status of the area. How to develop and enhance the productivity, and meanwhile preserve the traditional husbandry is the main task in the development of Guovdageaidnu.

Using the basic combination of farmland and housing as a unit, furtherly develop into a new chessboard model that contains the potential of growing and mode-changing. A sustainable development program could be made according to the chessboard model, in order to bring back the dynamic of the town and using its traditional agriculture base to generate the economy growth.

In the project, buildings surround a common farmland for husbandry/ agriculture, which is autonomous by the residents themselves and as a part of the farmland network that improve the productivity in the whole village. The central farmland view is also penetrating into each of the building and create a dynamic collective community. Buildings are also surrounded by other public farmlands, which will turn into public square or park in the next phase according to the chessboard model

Punctual farmland network

A solution in which housing surrounds farmland could be introduced and a network of farmland connecting with each other is established.

There is only one farm in the center of the town that provides productivity for the whole village, therefore a huge waste of time and efficiency on transportation of husbandry products to the residential area. A new network of farmland that supplements each other is needed to enhance the productivity and efficiency.

Farmland Public area Building coverage Farm-buidling ratio Building coverage Farm-buidling ratio 0 8191.5m2 6.4% 20% 0.56 1 2 3
Productivity dilemma
A basic relationships between farmlands, park, public squares, public facilities and housings is salient on the masterplan. 1 residences 2 warehouse 3 library 4 café 5 restaurant 6 hotel 7 gym 8 supermarket 9 tennis court 10 basketball court 11 cinema Masterplan 1:1000 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 11 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 5 8 8 8 8 10 2 2 1 15 35 85 185 m 1 1 1

Monument renovation: Museum design

2018-2019 Fall History Design Studio

Site: Turin, Italy

Site area: 4006m2

Personal design based on academic studio

Rem Kolhass once said preservation is overtaking us, which emphasized the excessive unnecessary preservation undergoing in the global range. However, preservation, restoration and renovation are the three motors that drive the development of ancient cities. And Turin is exactly in the awkward position between modern renovation and historical preservation. Therefore a question is raised: how can we proceed new renovation on old structure without excessive meaningless preservation?

In order to find a solution, I picked one of the oldest monuments in Turin- Porta Palatina, as an example to study its history of preservation. Starting from a sensorial understanding of the monument's history in order to create a relationship of LOCUS that guides the following process. A series of rational research of value superposition and space formation matrix is made and developed into new language of space. According to the LOCUS relationship, a new museum is designed underground.

In the project, an "integrated" and "condensed" museum renovation was made underground against the monument, which forms two different central spaces that function separately as main circulative core and exit, between which are different types of spaces that stack together and form a complex holistic space.

Space formation

The space forms selected from the left page corresponding to each level of the project

Two centralized spaces as entrance and exit circulation

Entrance and exit with a café

Temporary exhibition and museum store with ramp towards outdoor green space and staircase to the café above

#-1 Temporary #-1.5 Sightseeing

The ticket office and the entrance of the sightseeing tour from the top of the tower, a ramp leads to the store above Linear temporary exhibition space, ends with a glance-back experience staircase

#-2 Temporary

#-3 Permanent

Permanent exhibition space with a huge wall blocking, creating a surrounding circulation

#-4 Permanent

A holistic huge free space with permanent exhibition and excavation

03 Locus
Courtyard #0 Café

Stacking of history

A central open courtyard with daylight could be easily seen from the section, another courtyard space is hidden behind the ancient wall which serves as the exit. Between which are all the spaces from historical period stacking together and condensing the value of the site into this delicate museum.

Standardized structure unit: Library design

2018 Spring Future Library Competition

Site: New York, US

Site area: 1729m2

Personal research and design

Libraries are the warehouses of information and knowledge that transcend years even centuries, and also provide the services of studying and cultural activities. Tradition libraries always follow a certain form that generate from larger volume to smaller spatial divisions. The big-tosmall design methodology creates such problem as the efficiency and usage comfort of the space are ignored due to the general control in the beginning of the design process.

A reversed thinking of small-to-big methodology could largely take human activities and dimension into account and consider the basic human comfort and efficiency in space usage. Starting from reconstructing the actual scene of studying and its space using, a standardized units are created and combined together in a loop of relationship to build subtle atmosphere in library study and book (information) storage.

In the project, two separated area named Yellow (open) and Purple (closed) are blocked from each other and start to intertwine along with the rise of level, in which a loop of circulation is formed and an interesting experience of encounter and separation emerges throughout the development of the spaces.

04 Dimension

The circulation space is accessible through every floor.

What's Yellow? Transition

In Yellow, public sharing spaces are mainly in double/triple-height and are large open-oriented atmosphere spaces. Private spaces are for individual study and promote concentration and focus

Purple private space Purple public space Purple courtyard Purple cultural space #2

The transition spaces between Yellow and Purple: on the ground floor, the two spaces are isolated without any connection, while on the 1st floor, Purple tends to invade and tangle with Yellow to create a vague and subtle relationship. On the upper floor, the two spaces are blending together.

Entrance of Purple #1

#3 #4 The 2nd loop

Mutually isolated spaces ( yellow and purple ) create a complex loop in vertical circulation. 2nd floor could only be access through yellow space and purple space from 4th floor.

Perspective section

In Purple , public spaces mostly are for conference and meeting, which orients towards a closed formal atmosphere. Private spaces are mainly for leisure and relaxation . There is a break in circulation from 1st to 3rd floor.

of Yellow Yellow central courtyard Yellow public space Yellow private space Yellow/Purple Slice1 Slice2
Slice3 Slice4 Slice5
A medium size classroom, a double height salon and a large conference hall/stage is located on ground floor, 2nd and 4th floor. #0
What's Purple?
Slice6 Slice7 Slice8 Slice9 Slice10 Open Dynamic Closed Formal

Reversed spaces: Residence design

2016-2017 Winter Site dwelling Competition

Site: Salir do Porto, Portugal

Site area: 389.6m2

Personal research and design

When it comes to Southern Europe like Portugal, the atmosphere and relationship between oceans, beaches, mountains, cliffs, etc. are so subtle that living becomes more of an enjoyment and imagination. The project site is located on the cliffs of Salir do Porto, where the ruin of an ancient chapel sits on one side of the cliff. There is no more practical problem to be solved in this project, but to discuss in what way architecture could inspire imagination and enjoyment of living.

The starting point is still the ruin. Basic analysis of atmosphere is made concerning the site and the ruin, which further guided the decision of corresponding function. And to protect the ruin in its largest extent, the project mirrors the ruin completely to the other side of the cliff, given that the bay is symmetrical. A mimic and reverse of positive solid wall into negative circulation spaces creates a new sense of living develop from the ruin and inspires different interpretations and thinking of it on the other side. Therefore the project could be regarded as an isotope of the ruin.

In the project, the functional spaces of a residential housing are positioned around a central court yard which corresponds to the center chapel of the ancient ruin, indicating a sublime and variable feeling and relationship of different ambient. Walking inside "the wall" arouses the sensation of haziness between past and present, and therefore a picture of what lives were like in the past gradually emerges in mind.


The residence

Past Post-present

living reminiscent construction imagination design

Isotope: mirrored and reversed (positive-to-negative space shift)

weatheringdecay analysis


The ruin

Masterplan 1:3000

The new project is designated to reminisce history and inspire thinking and imagination, therefore a reversed and mirrored residence is located at the cliff on the other side of the bay. A subtle relationship of isotope is emerging between the residence and the ruin.

The 12th century Middle Age chapel

Roof 330mm

Prefabricated concrete slabs 30mm

Ventilated gap with wooden studs 30mm

Waterproof membrane 5mm

ZTBRA thermal-acoustic insulation sandwich board 100mm Vapor barrier 5mm

Cast-in-place concrete and steel decking profile KF70 30+70mm Cavity for pipes and wire installation 50mm Gypsum acoustic insulated suspended ceiling 10mm

Wall 300mm

Finishing plaster 10mm Gypsum board 10mm Vapor barrier 5mm

ZTBRA thermal-acoustic insulation sandwich board 100mm Waterproof membrane 5mm Standard brick/beam 150mm Gypsum board 10mm Finishing plaster 10mm

Outdoor flooring 300mm

Tiles 10mm Adhesive mortar 20mm Waterproof membrane 5mm

ZTBRA thermal-acoustic insulation sandwich board 100mm Vapor barrier 5mm

Cast-in-place concrete and steel decking profile KF70 30+70mm Cavity for pipes and wire installation 50mm Gypsum acoustic insulated suspended ceiling 10mm

Indoor flooring+foundation 740/890mm

Tiles/wooden flooring 10mm Adhesive mortar 15mm Waterproof membrane 5mm

ZTBRA thermal-acoustic insulation sandwich board 100mm Vapor barrier 5mm

Reinforced concrete 105/255mm Ventilated/moisture release igloo 450mm Concrete slab 50mm Dug-in base ~mm

Several family living scenes are incorporated in the section Perspective detailed section 2 3 4 1 1 Kitchen 2 Leisure area 3 Storage 4 Courtyard 5 Extensive platform 6 Corridor 7 Living room 8 Party pool 9 Swimming pool
6 7 8 9

06 Let's Go!

Student's behaviors: High school teaching building design

2021 Spring Undergraduation Design

Site: Yunfu, Guangdong, China

Site area: around 28600m2

Personal research and design

Chinese students are required to choose only from Art or Science subjects for their College Entrance Exam until recently a new policy is carried out, giving students more possiblities to choose their preferred subjects for the Exam. Therefore, the subject-selection system is introduced to the campus and gradually replaces the original administrative system that class is normally led by a class teacher. This shift of teaching pattern requires new spatial and functional models for future educational resillience: how to create new typologies of teaching building to adapt to new policy framework becomes the essential problems in the project.

A case study of advantages and disadvantages of existing educational facilities is made in both terms of administrative system and subjectselection system, which would help to extract suitable elements and spatial patterns for the design. More importantly, a research of students' needs in different years and their behaviors based on these needs are made and analyzed. We found that senior 1 to senior 3 is a gradual transit from full-administrative system to full-subject-selection system, in which different students have various school lifes and activities.

The project is seperated into 5 different entangling area in order to satisfy requirements from the students in different years: senior 1, senior 2, senior 3, activities and subject-selection area, where each of them has their own special spatial configuration and atmosphere. These areas eventually are connected by a centralized courtyard platform, providing more public spaces for students to gather and enjoy their campus lifes.

Teacher office

Public platform Study area Study area Courtyard



Senior 3 area works in full-subject-selection system, which closely connects to the subject-selection area. Different from senior 1 & 2, its spatial and functional organization is independent, far away from the activity area. A narrow balcony (public study area) is formed due to the displacement of the classrooms, providing spaces for students to share ideas and experiences on the subjects.

Senior 3 area construction plan 1:400 T3
Subject-selection area 50 students classroom

07 Waterostel

Water collection system: eco-hostel design

2021 Columbia GSAPP Fall Advacned V Studio

Instructors: Vanessa Keith, Andrew Homick

Site: East End, Jamaica

Site area: 3000m2

Group research with Leah Smith and individual design

According to the book Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency, written by Mark Lynas, he says that the global warming have already beome a non-negligible problem in the new century. Jamaica is an island country where environmental issues are influential and deciding. With further research, we found that flooding and drought might become a critical issue on the island in the future due to climate crisis. Therefore, the question of how to combine architectural design with resilient adaptive technology to tackle with environmental problem needs to be put on the table.

A simple design of rainwater collection is introduced to the project, in order to give resilience to the riverine flood condition, and help to redistribute the water resources during drought period. The design could be incorporated with the architectural structure and water supply/ drainage system. Collaborating with FMJ property, the project is consider to be beach hostel that provides amenities and services for the ecotourism in Jamaica, which could generate economic benefits for the region and client.

The core of the design is a series of water collector funnels that collect, purify, recycle and reuse the water from outdoor environment and within, to maximize the efficiency of water use and also to create a unique interactive atmosphere with water.

Water inflow Water curtain Water outflow Used water flow

Water flow diagram

Water going out the system Water going in the system Non recyclable pipes Water cycle Recyclable pipes 1 Dishes sink 2 Cooking sink 3 Restaurant toilets 4 Room toilets/showers 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The project’s core is the circulation and flow of water. Rainwater comes from above and enters the funnel collector leading to down pipes that are for the services such as guest rooms and restaurants. Some water will go through a water curtain system that would give the visitors a different feeling of walking through and between water. And that water will enter the storage tank installed below the deck of the first floor. After the treatment process, the water could circulate back to the roof through the light green funnels and be used for water curtains again or for services usage. The used water will leave the system through the drainage pipes.

Application range

where to apply this action

08 Governance

Air governance: borderland biostructure design

2021 Columbia GSAPP Summer Engtangled Studio

Instructors: Ersela Kripa, Stephen Mueller

Site: US-Mexico border, vairous locations

Example site: El Paso, Texas

Personal research and design

Biosecurity has always been a critical and contraditory issue along the border area. In fact, it's quite easy to manage human immigrants and animal imports, but not so easy on governance airborne pathogen, such as Coccidioides, our protagonist in this project. This fungus locates in the surface of soil and would be transmitted through winds and leads to a disease called valley fever. Environmental issues such as dust storm is so prevalent along US-Mexico border that make the borderland an endemic area. The question of how to counteract the governance of fungus and how to establish a new system that could manage air condition, environmental quality and human health is casted on the topic.

A new binational governance is designed considering different potential actors that would engage in the project, including goverment, scholars, initiators and workforce. Also geo-engineering techniques are introduced to the project to modify the soil and ground condition in order to improve the environmental quality for the border area. New binational relation are established after the execution of the planning above.

Furtherly into architectural scale, the air chimney and nonwoven fabric is introduced for indoor living quality improvement. The air chimney locates at the center of the house or public facility, which is for the installation of air purifier or air pipes; while the nonwoven fabric is used for enclosing the architecture and create a semi-open space to attract people to the outside environment.

Atmospheric section

human reaction to the fungus

Action axonometry

participators and action demonstration

Soil section

stratification and structure of the soil

Action 2: Ground freezing

A temporary technique to consolidate the soil and inhibit the growth of the fungus.

Action 4: Monitoring Action 3: Vibroflotation

A permanent technique to consolidate the soil and modify the teorritory condition.

The new monitoring-to-forecasting system for incidents real time response (dust storm, fungus alert, etc.)

Action 5: New city

The design and construction of a new neighborhood after the improvement of the ground condition.

09 Rethinking BIM

Long Line Building renovation workflow design

10 Ritual

Light experiments and "changing room" design

建 筑 施工图 2008.04.30


01 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 01 字体示例 2008.08.30 设计总负责: DISCIPLINE 日 期 版 本 号 INDEX 设计阶段 图 号 DRAWING NO. 名 称 PROJECT 图 纸 内 容 TITLE 业 务 号 工 程 专 业 建 设 单 位 CLIENT 设 计: DESIGNED BY 制 图: 审 核: CHECKED BY 校 对: REVIEWED BY 审 定: 专业负责: ENGINEER IN CHARGE PROJECT DIRECTOR 建筑工程设计证书号:A144002897 证 书 设计单位 修 改 记 录 DESIGN INSTITUTE 修改日期 修改原因、内容 序 号 给排水 建筑 结构 节 能 暖 通 电 气 智能化 首层平面图 某大学建设工程一期 某大学(筹) 二标段学生宿舍 2006-92 建 筑 施工图 2008.04.30 01 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 01 字体示例 2008.08.30 建施O2-01 DISCIPLINE PROJECT NO. 日 期 版 本 号 INDEX 设计阶段 图 号 DRAWING NO. 名 称 PROJECT 图 纸 内 容 TITLE 业 务 号 工 程 专 业 建 设 单 位 CLIENT 设 计: DESIGNED BY 制 图: 审 核: 校 对: REVIEWED BY 审 定: 专业负责: ENGINEER IN CHARGE PROJECT DIRECTOR 设计总负责: 建筑工程设计证书号:A144002897 证 书 设计单位 DESIGN INSTITUTE 修 改 记 录 给排水 建筑 结构 节 能 暖 通 智能化 修改原因、内容 修改日期 序 号 墙身大样图 某大学建设工程一期 某大学(筹) 二标段学生宿舍 2006-92 建 筑 施工图 2008.04.30 01 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 实名列 01 字体示例 2008.08.30 建施O3-01 DISCIPLINE PROJECT NO. 日 期 版 本 号 INDEX 设计阶段 图 号 DRAWING NO. 名 称 PROJECT 图 纸 内 容 TITLE 业 务 号 工 程 专 业 建 设 单 位 CLIENT 设 计: DESIGNED BY 制 图: 审 核: 校 对: REVIEWED BY 审 定: 专业负责: ENGINEER IN CHARGE PROJECT DIRECTOR 设计总负责: 建筑工程设计证书号:A144002897 证 书 设计单位 DESIGN INSTITUTE 修 改 记 录 给排水 建筑 结构 节 能 暖 通 电 气 智能化 修改原因、内容 修改日期 序 号 宿舍单元大样图 某大学建设工程一期 某大学(筹) 二标段学生宿舍 11
Construction Student dormitory construction drawing design

Xinan Tan Education

Columbia University GSAPP

New York, NY, United States

Master of Science in Advanced Architecture Design

South China University of Technology

Guangzhou, China

Bachelor of Architecture

Politecnico di Torino

Turin, Italy

June 2021 - May 2022

Phone: +1 917-373-6349 Email: LinkedIn: New York, NY

September 2016 - July 2021

September 2016 - July 2021

1st Degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Architecture


Archiland Studio

Torino, Italy


- Developed mooncake museum interior design

March 2020 - June 2020

- Researched mooncake production line detailed process

- Generated parametric design using Grasshopper

- Translated Italian-to-Chinese presentation (to client)

- Contributed to exhibition planning

- Planned exhibition presentation drawings and layout for museum

- Developed signage and mock-up design

SCUT Architecture Design Institute

Guangzhou, China


- Organized general planning for high school

- Researched high school reformation policies

October 2020 - Feburary 2021

- Analyzed relationship between student activities and social spaces

- Developed high school teaching building design

- Drafted construction drawings

- Produced rednerings of project

YUN Architecture

Brooklyn, NY

Project Architect

- Prepared construction drawings

June 2022 - Feburary 2023

- Involved in design of high-end residential/commercial projects

- Experimented designs with maquettes

- Developed 3D-modelings and renderings

- Presented ideas and projects to clients

- Communicated with consultants

- Communicated with material and retailing company

- Negotiated and bidded with contractors

- Supervised at construction sites

Adobe Suite AutoCAD Revit SketchUp Rhino Grasshopper

Twinmotion V-Ray ArcMap Microsoft Bluebeam Mandarin Cantonese English Italian

Medium Native Proficient Beginning Future Library by Competition for Designers Island April 2019 Finalist Team Leader

Roversi Design by Competition for Designers Geometry March 2020 Mention Team Leader

Functionalism or Monumentalism Restoration Essay, April 2019

How distance from city center affects real estate value in a polycentric metropolitan area: Hong Kong Real Estate Evaluation Essay, December 2019

Towards Russian Constructivism Thesis on History of Architecture Theory, March 2022

Softwares Language Competition Research Scholarship

TOPoliTo Scholarship Politecnico di Torino, Italy October 2017 - September 2020

Tan Xinan // // +1 (917)-373-6349

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