Tomorrow Lagos to Aljezur April 2018 Edition

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Small steps for big change We are all very aware these days of the scourge of plastic bags and the like and Tomorrow is aiming to take a leading role in supporting and promoting beach clean-ups across the Algarve. We are also aiming to work with other agencies and the Câmaras in the region to make a major impact and significant improvements in this major health hazard for sea life and humans alike. Please ask for us to help you promote your own chosen ‘Clean it up’ area and send in your photos with your rubbish collection bags which will help to encourage others to join in -we do believe we all can make a big difference. Let’s try! As you know last month we started a campaign to ‘Give Leonor her voice back’. We promised a monthly report on her progress and later in this issue we will be bringing that update. Any financial help towards the speech therapy costs would be really welcome. Please send any donations to Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust Account: PT50 0033 0000 45513973438 05 reference is ‘Leonor’. The Summer Ball is at the Tivoli Hotel Dunas Beach club on Saturday June 9th and it promises to be another exciting evening with a Hawaiian theme and great music, a brilliant atmosphere and the price is once again only €35 p.p. A real must in the Algarve calendar! Email Steven to reserve your tickets. Daniel and Elisabete and their team are a real inspiration at the Mustard Seed soup kitchen. They are now providing more than 300 meals per week to local needy people in our community and consequently they

are always needing financial and/or food aid, any help would be appreciated. Call Tom if you are not sure where to send donations or feel you want to get involved in this very deserving project by this inspirational team. Through your donations and continuing support in all our fundraising events we have been able to give €1500 to Madrugada which provides palliative care in the western Algarve. It really is marvellous how our readers in so many ways provide such community spirit. The Tomorrow trust will be running the John Aldridge 2018 Classic Golf Competition on September 1st at Boavista and if you want to participate, sponsor a hole to raise money we would be very pleased indeed. Please also take advantage of the opportunity of promoting your up and coming events in the magazines to make sure you get maximum coverage and it’s free! On a personal note - with this being a family magazine and all - I would just like to say Happy 1st Birthday to my granddaughter Skye who lives in Edinburgh with my youngest son Todd and his Portuguese partner, Marta.

Todd with Skye on her first birthday

Wishing you a great April from all us at team Tomorrow. Amber, Tom and the whole Tomorrow team. Tom Henshaw:  +351 919 918 733 |  Amber Henshaw: 

On the cover We are all buzzing about spring time in the Algarve. It's a fabulous time of year when it really feels like everything is coming back to life.

Stay Connected... 


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Left to right, top to bottom: The last straw hut still standing in 1974; The settlement before 1974; Indios da Meia Praia

The ‘Indians’ of Meia Praia: In search of a better life BY LENA STRANG They’ve featured in films, songs have been composed about them and their lives have been the subject of numerous academic studies. They are the so-called ‘Indians’ of Meia Praia in Lagos. Their unique story has given them an almost iconic status as part of the development of the country since the revolution of 1974. Their situation, however, has continued to be mired in political controversy.

the construction of the settlement immediately after the revolution of the 25th April 1974. During our many animated conversations I’m struck by his enthusiasm and firm conviction that the project he was involved in was of significant value. “It is a story that needs to be told in order to try to secure the future of the settlement,” he tells me. He introduces me to the residents and I am able to learn about their experiences first hand.

Who are they? Anyone who has made their way along the stretches of the golden sands of Meia Praia and glanced over the railway line at the far end will have noticed a large cluster of white houses nestling close to the dunes. This is the Bairro de 25 de Abril. The inhabitants are not real Indians at all but are poor fisher folk from Monte Gordo in the eastern part of the Algarve.

Their story goes back a long way. In their original hometown of Monte Gordo, they belonged to a community of fishermen living in dire poverty. In order to improve their lives, small groups began arriving at Meia Praia in the 1940s and 50s attracted by the availability of shellfish in the Alvor estuary and fishing in Lagos Bay. Some arrived by train, getting off at the Meia Praia railway stop, others arrived by bicycle or on foot. Using material found on the beach, they built basic structures made out of reeds and straw. Because of the straw huts they gained the nickname ‘Indians’ which has stuck ever since. “You have to appreciate that Lagos at this time was a small impoverished place with few facilities,” José tells me, “There were several slum areas around the town and setting up camp in the faraway dunes passed rather unnoticed.”

Over the years I have been curious about their existence and why there is this incongruous looking settlement next to a golf course and not too far from several hotels and tourist apartments. I am fortunate to be able to talk to José Veloso, a sprightly 87-year-old man sporting bushy, silvery hair and formidable sideboards. He is none other than the architect responsible for


82-year-old, Amaro Romão, standing in the courtyard of his well-kept house with bright yellow gables and window ledges, remembers the early years well: “I came with my parents in the 1950s when I was 14 years old. For a long time we lived in one of those straw huts. It was uncomfortable and dangerous. In the summer when it was very hot, they caught fire easily. In the winter it was cold and damp.” Life was made even more difficult by the inexplicable decision of the police to tear down any houses where straw had been substituted by other materials. However, as the years went by the original flimsy huts began to be replaced by tin shacks. “We tried to earn our living as best as we could. We kept our boats on the beach and went fishing as often as the weather allowed. For any fish caught we had to pay 20% in tax to the fiscal authorities. And of course, there were no such things as allowances for expenses when buying equipment or repairing engines. People had to work hard for what they had.” The residents lived under these conditions for decades. The peaceful revolution of the 25th April 1974, when the Salazar dictatorship was overthrown, changed things almost overnight. In the country as a whole there was a legacy of inadequate housing with hundreds of thousands of people living in poor conditions. “Something simply had to be done and things did move with lightening speed,” José says. There was an atmosphere of urgency with new initiatives and projects being launched. One of these was SAAL (Serviço de Apoio Ambulatório Local) aimed at improving the worst housing conditions. Everything was done on a legal basis with statutes drawn up and Residents Associations formed. José was given the responsibility of implementing the governmentfunded scheme for 16 areas, which extended from Aljezur to Silves, including five in Lagos. Central government provided finance, technical assistance and ceded territory for habitation while the relevant councils gave official approval. José already knew about the dire conditions of the residents of Meia Praia and was given the go-ahead to launch the project. Bairro de 25 de April had the distinction of being the very first shantytown to be rebuilt in the country under this scheme.

But it wasn’t exactly plain sailing. “I had to convince the people living there to agree to the project as they had a longheld mistrust of authorities. It was only when the women got involved that we managed to move ahead. They were the ones who could see the distinct benefits of finally gaining decent housing,” José chuckles. What did the project involve? There were two basic principles. All houses had to be built at the same time and everyone in the community had to help. The construction of 41 houses began in December 1974 and was completed two years later. “These were extraordinary times,” José remarks, ”It was a huge effort by everyone. Men, women and children alike played their part.” António da Cunha Telles, a notable filmmaker at the time, decided to document the whole process step by step in a feature length production, Continuar a viver Índios da Meia Praia. Here we see houses being constructed brick by brick with everyone contributing. An image that strikes me especially when watching the film is of an old woman gingerly carrying a single tile on her head. Every effort counted. Many will have heard of José ‘Zeca’ Afonso, a popular musician, known for having composed Grandola, Vila Morena, the signature tune transmitted on radio to indicate the start of the revolution. It is still played every 25th April up and down the country. The song that he wrote for the film also became well known. True to form José Veloso tells me the amusing story how the song for the film came about. Having been colleagues in the old technical school in Lagos in the 50s, they already knew each other. Zeca had the music in his head but needed the lyrics. 


Left to right, top to bottom: Every man, woman and child helping construction in 1974; José Veloso in 1974; José Veloso


“We spent one night in a smoke filled café writing notes amidst all the noise and movement of people. This is how the famous song emerged!” José laughs. He kept the rough copies, which he later donated to the Zeca Afonso Association.

With Amaro Romão and his wife

I remember the puzzling greeting that José had when we first visited the settlement. “Here comes the great maestro!” one of them exclaimed. Listening to the song once again I realise there is a reference to women and children, each carrying tiles and being part of a whole ‘orchestra’ performing together (Eram mulheres e crianças / Cada um c’m seu tijolo / Isto aqui era uma orquestra). And of course, the conductor who made it all happen was José. During a period of two years, all tin shacks were dismantled and 41 houses were built in a spirit of collaboration. At the completion of the project in 1976 there were great celebrations with music and dance with the Lagos Bombeiros (firemen) and people from neighbouring areas joining in. They all had something to be proud of. The film by Cunha Telles had its premiere at the old Império cinema in Lagos, to a packed audience of 900.

A fairy tale story? Not quite. The enormous effort and determination by the inhabitants to improve their living conditions are truly inspiring. The organisational expertise by José Veloso and his team is astounding in terms of what was accomplished in Lagos and elsewhere. The government funded SAAL project came to an end in 1977 and the settlements became the responsibility of the local councils. In Lagos all were duly completed and gained legal status, with the notable exception of one - the celebrated Bairro de 25 Abril. The municipal authority has never officially acknowledged this neighbourhood and the inhabitants have lived in limbo for over 40 years. José is well aware that the settlement is on prime development land close to the sea and this has certain implications. However, he maintains that “the residents did everything according to law. They worked and paid their dues. They were given central government funding and have rights. Having inherited a history of resistance, today’s ‘Indians’ are prepared to fight for what they have, knowing that their cause is just.” We have contacted Lagos Câmara a number of times to ask them for a comment but no one had come back to us with a quote at the time of going to print. In the second article in May, Lena will consider the issues facing the ‘Indians’ of Meia Praia, what has been done in the past to try to resolve the situation and what may lie ahead in the future.

Sea dance Lagos Sea Dance is a production team which works in education for sustainability and performing arts. Based in Lagos the team provides projects and programmes for people to take part in and enjoy in different ways. From the end of March to April 21st they are holding the first ever Lagos Sea Dance workshop with David Zambrano. Organisers said: “For one whole month we will deepen the techniques of ‘passing through’ guided by the author himself, David Zambrano assisted by Florian Vuille.” The workshops are followed by several performances for the community. On April 14th there will be all day performance which is free and also courses in the

afternoon for only €5 per person at a local school - Espacao Jovem. During April there are workshops at the Military Mess next to the slave market and on April 18th there will be an evening performance also at the same venue for only €8 per person. On April 20th there will be a final performance at the Pavilion Lagos part of the municipal swimming pool complex for only €5 and children under 12 are free. For more detailed information please consult the website.   +351 912 863 918



Environmentally cutting edge at Espiche The new multi-million pound development at Espiche is more than just a hotel, villas and conference centres – it’s about a way of living and looking at life. Our editor, Amber Henshaw, went to meet a man with a vision, Peter Tacon Thornton. For Peter Tacon Thornton this project to develop Espiche has been a labour of love. He first started thinking about it 1989. In the end there were three founding members – all visionary entrepreneurs – who turned that dream into a reality. Peter was one, Rob Cawthorn and Paul Langley were the others.

heart of the plans for the Eco Boutique hotel and resort on its 40 hectares of land. The concept is to create an environment that promotes a sense of community and a healthy life style. There will be running tracks, cycle ways and plenty of communal areas for swimming, tennis and other sports.

They built a beautifully lanscaped 18-hole course at Espiche which was designed by South African golf course architect Peter Sauerman that complements and and nestles into the distinctive Western Algarve landscape. The course embraces a sustainable and eco-friendly ethos.

Peter said: “I’m a bit of a dreamer. You have to dream to get any concept.”

Following the opening of the golf course a futuristic, award-winning clubhouse was built and opened in spring 2015. It is sited on a hill in the centre of the course with 360 degree views over the course and the land that will eventually become the hotel and villa resort. The building is modern and yet entirely sympathetic to its surroundings. It’s this ethos of being environmentally cutting edge and sustainable that is at the

The passion for this project is abundantly obvious when I meet Peter. He is the design and construction director and he arrives with detailed designs and plans. He’s so immersed in the project that it’s almost as though his brain is working overtime as we speak – he seems to be rethinking some of the details in the back of his mind as we are talking. As Peter said: “The hotel will be a multipurpose chameleon-like space which will be very adaptable and different.” There will also be 112 villas – some detached and semi-detached. They will all be of contemporary design to reflect a Mediterranean and Middle Eastern feel.


“We will use repeating patterns and architectural language in the villas, hotel and multi use centre to unify the concept. We want to continue the feeling that we have achieved in the clubhouse.” “We lean towards the ecological side. Modern contemporary designs that incorporate sustainable materials and integrate with the landscape will be thought provoking". The company wants to look after its local community and economy through the creation of job opportunities. The resort will add further expansion to this aim. He added: “Espiche is putting another jewel in the crown of the Algarve and I would say it’s quite a shiny one.” It’s hard to disagree – this development seems to me, in part, an idealistic blueprint of how the future could look. Work is due to start in June 2018. The hotel should be finished in two years and the rest of the development completed in five to seven years.

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Bogus bombeiros The fire service in Lagos has issued a warning against giving money to bogus bombeiros. A spokeswoman from Lagos Bombeiros warned people to be careful if they were approached in traffic or downtown by ‘supposed’ firefighters. A statement said: “Please be careful, they dress similar to fireman but they belong to a different association. They are asking for help to buy an ambulance but don't explain much about the campaign.”

Viv’o Mercado – new organic market opens in Lagos BY LENA STRANG

There is good news for people who enjoy going to the colourful Saturday market in Lagos and stock up on fresh produce. There will now be an additional complementary market day starting on Wednesday April 4th from 6pm to 10pm. This will be held weekly at the Levante market (by the bus station). What's special about this market day? It’s an initiative by the Rede Social de Lagos and aims to promote local commerce, with an emphasis on organic produce. Existing good practice will be promoted and others will be encouraged to convert to this form of production.

On sale will be a range of fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, meat products, locally produced handicrafts and much more.

The statement said people fall for it and buy the raffle tickets they are selling without getting any information about the rules and prizes. The spokeswoman added that you think you are helping local firefighters but you aren’t. The statement said that readers should note that local firefighters never go out on the streets to fundraise and that all their campaigns are clearly identified and transparent.

In a statement the organisers said: “The aim is to encourage the resident population and tourists who visit us to consume locally grown organic produce. At the same time we’d like to promote healthy lifestyles and increase awareness of the importance of sustainable environmental practices.” This seems a very worthwhile initiative. See you all at the Wednesday market!

Pop in Every day this month Sweet Home in Lagos is holding a pop-in centre from 9.30am to 11.30am. It’s a chance to meet new friends in the comfort of Marzena’s cafe. Coffee and a scone will cost €3 per person (only one scone each though!). You can find out more about Sweet Home on Facebook.






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The place where dreams are made BY JEFF MORGAN

When Stewart Cox first arrived in the Algarve in 1993 his mind already began the process of working out when he would get back here to live full time. That opportunity eventually presented itself in 2010. After working his way to the pinnacle of Formula One, where he spent a decade including roles such as the Team Jordan Chief Mechanic he was now able to move to Portugal and commute when needed. Stewart and Samantha formed Algarve Pro Racing, which is based in Albufeira, to provide professional, semi-professional and amateur ‘gentleman’ drivers with an organisation where they can develop and tune their skills enabling them to succeed in the uppermost echelons of international sports car and prototype motor racing. Samantha had a background in management, knowing nothing at all about motor sports her baptism was a shock to her. With no intention of being involved she was asked to step in during a race in the Eurocup Mégane Trophy weekend, when the fuel and tyre guy decided he needed a rest following a late night out on the town. To Samantha's surprise she enjoyed the whole experience and from that day forward began to immerse herself into managing the team while Stewart worked tirelessly in the workshop. Despite the local attitude to work the team continued to grow entering the European Le Mans in 2013 in the prototype single-design category and in December 2014 the team purchased a Ligier JS P2, the chassis with which French team Thiriet by TDS Racing had finished second at the 24 Hours of Le Mans that June. The 4 Hours of Red Bull Ring Austria saw the new blue car debut in the European Series with Michael Munemann, James Winslow and Andrea Roda in the cockpit. They finished tenth and secured the teams first ever championship point. In the subsequent races they came eighth at Circuit Paul Ricard and seventh in the home round at Estoril, eventually finishing the season in 12th place with a respectable 11 points. Stewarts' record of being a firm boss who sets and expects the highest standards of professionalism and safety attracted more drivers to the team eager to learn their trade. Encouraged by their success they entered the Asian Le Mans Series and despite missing the first round in Fuji, Michael Munemann, Dean Koutsoumidis

and James Winslow managed to secure a number of podium finishes collecting enough points to see the team finishing the season as vice-champions. This remarkable achievement ensured the team were number one reserve on the entry list for the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans. A series of coincidences then saw the team promoted to the grid and a driver who had lost his ride joining the team. Sir Chris Hoy, who also brought a television film crew with him adding a new dimension to the highly efficient racing garage. Starting the Le Mans race is one thing, finishing is the goal, though the odds would show you more than likely will not succeed, especially on your first attempt. The unlikely became the remarkable when the upcoming young driver, Andrea Pizzitola, piloted the car over the finish line to the delight of the whole team finishing in a creditable 17th place. Testament to the three drivers mental and physical stamina and the skills of the engineering team to turn a dream into a reality. Continued success saw the team finally win their first race in the Asian Series which guaranteed a grid place at Le Mans for a second year. It has not been all champagne though, and motor racing at this level is expensive. Every little spin-off to much larger incidents takes a whole load of time and money, keeping the team busy rebuilding gearboxes or other such important components constantly. The recent round in the current Asian Series the Algarve Pro car sustained heavy damage, which is just one of the many outcomes that has meant Stewart managed to spend just 116 days in his Algarve home last year. The 2018 European Le Mans series is due to commence in France during April, concluding with the Portugal round at the Algarve Autodrome the weekend of October 28th where the team hopes you will come and support their effort. If you think you have what it takes then contact Stewart with your very good reasons.

   AlgarveProRacingTeam



In January 2018, I had the pleasure to become one of the artists in annual residence at the LAC (Laboratory for Creative Activities), in the old prison of Lagos. Every day, whatever the season, I wake up one hour before sunrise and I immediately go outside in order to watch the sky and dance with the stars and the moon. After a quick meditation, I prepare my ‘working bag’ with my dancing clothes, my colored veils, my cameras, some papers and pencils, a bottle of hot coffee and some fruits and nuts. Once outside, I try to find the best place to watch the magical show of the sun rising from the ocean. Then I feel ready to start my working morning with a mixture of contemplation, meditation, walks, dancing performances, photo and video sessions, writing about my artistic and human experience, breakfast, phone calls… During my day, I often meet people who have watched my performances from the beaches, the cliffs or the ocean. Some of them come and join me for some minutes, with the energy of joy, happiness and creativity. I always take some extra plastic bags with me in order to clean the beaches and the cliffs and I hope that my cleaning ritual might be inspiring for some people who are more used to collecting shells than litter.

A Day in the Life… Every day French dance choreographer and visual artist Alexandra Fadin dances on the beautiful beaches of Lagos. She’s also an annual resident at the LAC (Laboratorio de Actividades Criativas) in the old prison of Lagos. This is a day in her life. My name is Alexandra Fadin. I’m a dancer, choreographer and visual artist from Paris. A few years ago, I fell in love with the Algarve and my life changed when I started to dance and create on the beaches of Lagos, interacting with nature and the Elements. Feeling deeply and truly connected to this fascinating environment, I slowly discovered my own nature and I started to create my own dance, the dance of joy and freedom.

At lunch time, I often meet some friends, artists, customers or partners and I appreciate appreciate being in town, in contact with the local life. In the afternoon, I love to spend some time in my cell at the LAC in order to work on my drawings, paintings and sculptures inspired by my exciting dancing morning on the beach. My studio is like a temple, a sanctuary where everything is possible. What I prefer in my work is my freedom to dream my life and my attempts to make my dreams come true. At the end of the day, I take some time to watch the sunset and I’m happy to work on my various artistic creations, prepare my future exhibitions or get ready for my workshops in order to share my powerful experience and my concept The Material in Movement with other people. During the evening, I like to write short stories exploring how we can introduce some simple and ‘organic’ magic in our everyday lives through our state of mind and our creativity. Before going to bed, I dance again with the sky, the stars and the moon and I feel thankful and grateful for my wonderful day.

   AlexandraFadinDanceArt  00 33 6 78 91 17 51  LAC (Laboratório de Actividades Criativas) Rua Convento Senhora da Glória 8600-660 Lagos 



Staff spotlight BY AMBER HENSHAW

When I’m out and about I am always interested to know more about the people who are cooking my supper, bringing it over to me or making me a cocktail. We wondered whether you might be too, so, with that in mind, we thought we would start by interviewing 29-year-old Daniel Fonseca, who’s a bartender at Mar d’Estórias in Lagos and a man with hidden talents!

“I am the second child of a family from Odeáxere who then moved to Lagos. My mother was a housewife and my father was a stonemason by profession but he was also a fisherman in his spare time. He also harvested shellfish. My younger brother is in IT but he’s also the President of Odeáxere Council. When I was a little boy I used to accompany my father along the Vincentian coast. I remember being a kid and exploring the area with him, and finding hidden places along our beautiful coast, descending cliffs and watching the sea and the sunset, accompanied by the silence and calm so characteristic of this area. I used to go to the market in the morning and see the boats and the fish arrive, as well as accompany my father while he was fishing in the Alvor estuary. I think what has changed the most in recent times was the exponential growth of tourism, bringing with it good things and bad things. Lagos, fortunately, has not lost its traditional trait. When I was 18 I started working at McDonald's in Lagos while I was studying. Eventually I was promoted to Assistant Manager and finally, for a few months, I managed the Lagos McDonalds. After this experience, I joined the team of Mar d’Estórias as a waiter. I am still formulating a new cocktail menu for next summer, using typical Algarvian products as a base. However, I created a special winter drink made up of coffee, milk and home-made cream called Nata Coffee. I love simple cocktails, usually from the sours family. Maybe a Chambord Sour, a Moscow Mule or a Gin Fizz.

When I am not at work you would probably find me exploring the north coast with my camera on, and accompanied by a soundtrack, since my other great passion is music. On a very rainy day, I will probably be accompanied by another passion called cinema. Ever since I was little I had a small obsession for images and the act of photographing and capturing the moment. I started shooting pretty late, comparing to the time I wanted a camera. I try not to be too luxurious with my purchases, but buying a camera at that moment seemed a necessity. I did not stop photographing since. I photograph everything that strikes me or surprises me. I photograph everything that makes me feel nostalgic. I photograph the landscape and people of the land, fishermen and harvesting shellfish. Every photographer looks for his ‘scene’. That area where you feel at ease and that gives you pleasure when shooting. The pleasure I take from photography is to be able to explore this coast from dawn to dusk, capturing the images that surprise me and sharing with others. To get home full of sand, like when I was a little boy. I won a first and second place in digital photography competitions in Lagos. I was also invited to participate in two joint exhibitions of M.A.L.A. I love everything that is Portuguese and from the Algarve. I also value authenticity. For this and much more, Mar d’Estórias is not only a job it became my second home. Since photography is an increasingly important factor in spreading a business, I have been playing an increasingly active role in creating content.”



We asked Daniel to tell us his top three: Favourite restaurant: Tasca d'Arrifana Favourite Beach: Praia da Bordeira, Carrapateira Perfect day out: Get in the car, accompanied by my girlfriend, and head to the coast with no time to return


Voluntary discoveries A chance encounter at a yoga class led Susan Hicks to get involved with a group of volunteers who support the CASLAS children’s home in Lagos. Here she tells us about a recent initiative to help the children that live there and how you can help too. Some years ago in London I had a solid month of headache so my doctor sent me for a CT scan revealing a neck problem – bones pinching a nerve. The choices seemed to be painkillers or traction. I chose to try hot yoga flexing my spine 90 minutes daily in 40 degrees heat and humidity 5 days a week for 1 month– that fixed it – a great discovery. So, here for winter (in my home in Portugal) and commited to yoga I found a lovely 45 mins walk Luz to Burgau and 90 mins yoga class – twice a week wonderful. My daughter visited and had found the endorphins really kicked in to help lift her mood after Body Pump so she persuaded me to try that too – I really believed I could not do it at 62 but thanks to her and the classes at Complexo Desportivo de Lagos (Lagos Sports Centre), I feel great on those classes too. Through Yoga I met Neti who has been a volunteer at the Lagos Children’s home CASLAS Lar de Jovens for many years. Neti took the time with the children there to compile a list of what each child might like for Christmas 2017 and forwarded it to a few of her friends. It was very touching to see how little some kids asked for. I selected a gift and when I asked my daughter to help find a requested perfume she immediately appreciated how lucky she was and bought the perfume gift herself. I regularly have coffee with a great bunch after Body Pump so I discussed the list and before I knew it my friends there selected a gift to buy too. Asking what else could be done we found that the children would love to have some weekend activity. I asked our Body Pump instructor Antonio Miranda


if he could put together a routine on the newly donated outside gym equipment at the LAR, oversee the first routine and then after six weeks judge which child had improved the most - so the youngest to the eldest, weakest to the fittest all stood a chance of winning one girls and one boys pair of trainers. With my lovely gym friends and their husbands we oversaw the set up and running of the gym routine over the six Sundays of the competition with the final being held at the beginning of March. Antonio measured and selected the two winners for the trainers. Each child participating received a small prize a t-shirt or item of sports clothing….thanks again to friends’ donations. The two winners were taken shopping to choose the much more expensive trainers than they would normally have the chance of owning. To our amazement one of the winners selected a more modest pair for himself so he could choose another pair for another child at the LAR! We discovered a great bunch of friends as we all became gym instructors for a Sunday a week, the kindness of people prepared to donate apples for the training day and gifts for prizes but most of all a great bunch of kids. As a parent you you try your best to coach your little ones to get ready for the world in all sorts of ways. It is a real lesson to find a 10 year old trying to find his way without one special parent he can turn to and to see teenagers struggling to make sense of the world where their parents are not there daily to guide them. Most impressive was to find some of the older ones taking care so kindly of younger ones there, when barely grown up themselves. I also discovered that loads of you already know all about the LAR as thanks to your donations we were able to buy those expensive trainers the kids all worked so hard to earn…. So from them, our Sunday gym crew, and me a heartfelt thanks. Neti is constantly collecting for the LAR and more weekend activities so we can continue to help that lovely bunch there. If you have an activity centre that could donate some place vouchers, a keep fit business or clothing shop for prizes or want simply to donate the details are: IBAN PT50-0045 7194 4024 0607 7558 6 LAGOS ORPHANS FUND Joyce Nevinson.


Blue Fiesta girl


As a child 28-year-old Cristina Rodrigues always enjoyed being in a car, predominantly due to the fact she grew up in one before she was old enough to attend school. Her father was from a travelling family which may explain her nomadic ways.

gear for some time, the Ford Fiesta had its gear box replaced, a new exhaust, a new battery, new tires, a new fuel pump. Luckily the engine still remains in good working order and here’s hoping it continues for many more years to come!

Life on the open road was always enjoyable for Christina and from a young age, before she could officially drive, Cristina started to have frequent dreams about driving. At 23 she passed her driving test and bought a car on a very tight budget. For €200 she got a 1990 blue Ford Fiesta - it wasn’t quite love at first sight.

Cristina has many fond and profound memories of her travels in the 1990 Blue Ford Fiesta. On one occasion after running out of money, Cristina decided to stay calm and meditate in the car. Later that day a couple stopped and offered her an apartment along with helping her check the car. They also brought her food and drinks which was particularly serendipitous with Cristina having such a lack of funds. Another entertaining moment was when Cristina was travelling through Zurich and got stopped by the police. The police were perplexed by this bold Ford Fiesta amongst all the prestige cars.

But she did love the freedom and decided to explore her home town of Lagos and the surrounding areas and very quickly became attached to her beloved car. Once Cristina had the funds she decided to become more adventurous with her exploring. During one of her adventures ended up driving approximately 1,600km in a week, visiting 17 locations which included seeing snow for the first time in Serra da Estrela. Cristina is an advocate of the law of attraction and fully believes that you bring to your own experience that which you focus on. After managing to raise sufficient funds Cristina dreamt of travelling across Europe in her trusty 1990 Blue Ford Fiesta. Her dream became reality and in two weeks Cristina drove over 6,000km and had visited eight countries (France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, Spain and of course Portugal). After setting up a Facebook page solely for friends and family to also enjoy her adventures, the general public became very interested in the now branded Blue Fiesta Girl’s explorations. With over 1,228 followers Blue Fiesta Girl has a fully established social media platform with some exceptionally keen followers. Cristina’s car has not gone without a few mechanical hiccups. After being unable to get the car into first


Cristina also got caught at the roundabout by the Arc de Triomphe due to a GPS malfunction after earlier the very same day saying she would not return to such a chaotic location particularly with seven lanes. Cristina has also been caught in all weather conditions during her Blue Fiesta adventures. Again, this has never deterred her and if anything has increased her levels of determination to fulfil her dreams by seeing the world and appreciating all its glories. Cristina was once caught in a vicious thunderstorm with intense rain whilst driving to Barcelona. Her music playing in the background spurred her on further. Cristina has bigger dreams and is now planning on driving her trusty Ford Fiesta to Morocco and later onwards to India. “Dream commands life” – Fernando Pessoa is one of the Blue Fiesta Girls favourite quotes. When asking her if she had any advice for people her response was; ‘dream big, life can be amazing, but the choice is yours’.


Meet the artist This month in our regular feature about local artists we wanted to introduce you to Chris Kelly, a retired head teacher who fell in love with the Algarve 30 years ago. After she retired her and her husband found their dream home overlooking the Alvor Estuary. Here Chris tells us about her passion for art. I have had an interest in art for most of my adult life. I knew and worked with, a diverse group of people, many of whom were extremely creative and were also artists. I fell in love with abstract art after seeing an exhibition of the work of Howard Hodgkin. So, after a busy and stressful working life, what was I to do that would help me cope with a stress free and self-centred retirement! Tell us about your art? I had always used my creativity in all aspects of my working life. In my spare time, I gardened and found the process of nurturing plants and ‘painting’ with the form and colour of them, extremely rewarding. The land- and seascapes of Portugal stimulated me to paint. For some reason, (I have no idea why!) I started to paint portraits. The likenesses I produced were crude, but recognisable and that gave me the confidence to try landscapes and the environment around me. I loved the process and found that the process of painting enabled me to ‘switch off’ and become totally absorbed. I hadn't the confidence to try abstract painting, but it remained my passion. Then, I was fortunate enough to attend a painting

course with the Australian painter, Peter Griffin. He, and the professional artists who attended the course, showed me, forced me, cajoled and flattered me into finding a way of freeing my mind to paint abstracts. They also taught me technique and gave me the basic tools to progress. What mediums do you work with? I work on both paper and canvasses, mainly canvas and use acrylics in a variety of ways. I dabble with collage but love to work with fluid acrylic. I enjoy the alchemy of mixing various chemicals with acrylic to create intricate patterns with vibrant colour combinations. I also use conventional acrylic with brushwork and occasionally, pallet knives. Can you tell us how you create your work? I use the environments of Portugal and countries we've visited over the years to inspire much of my work. I’m fascinated by the idea of tapping into emotions to inspire pieces and I sometimes use music to inform my choice of colour, form and structure. I work spontaneously with a general idea of the emotions or impressions that I wish to represent but without a detailed plan. Provided there's some sort of reaction, that's fine. The worst kind of reaction to


a painting for me would be for it to seem boring, cute, realistic or ‘nice’! How long does each piece take to create? Creation time varies enormously from painting to painting. Sometimes an acrylic pour works perfectly first time and can be a matter of minutes in the making. Preparation and planning always takes several hours, but the work can emerge in minutes. Brushwork pieces take longer and usually take several days. Occasionally, a painting goes badly and can sit or be worked on for months before the desired result happens. Sometimes it just doesn't work and is overpainted later. How would you like people to respond to your work? My subject matter is always ‘political’ in the sense that my work is designed to challenge in some way. I aim to get a reaction of some kind, whether or not they're to the taste of the viewer. A metaphor for my life and personality perhaps! I tend not to think beyond the pieces that I’m working on at the time. I paint for myself only, so thinking about what I’ll do with each piece only becomes an issue 


o u t d o o r

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Giving Leonor her voice back BY TOM HENSHAW Tomorrow started a campaign over a month ago to give Leonor her voice back and we promised to give our readers and supporters a monthly update on her progress. when space is short! Nevertheless, I am thrilled when someone likes my artwork and are prepared to have a piece hanging on the wall.

Do you have any advice for an aspiring or hobby artist? Just go for it! Worry less about what others think and think more about your own satisfaction, pleasure and inner motivations. What else are you working on or planning for the future - what can we look forward to from you? I’d love to have an exhibition of my work. Not because I want to be a commercially driven artist but because I would like more work to get a reaction! Is there anywhere else that we can buy your work - and are you available for commissions? You can buy my work online. I have a Facebook page and a website. I also have a small studio/gallery at home where people can come, by appointment, to view paintings. My works often have interior design potential as colour dominates their character. Commissions based on colour themes, are therefore, welcomed.

Many of you will have seen Leonor in the main Intermarché store where she runs a small stall near the entrance Leonor had four strokes over six years ago which meant that she couldn’t speak. Apparently she did try therapy at that time but gave up as nothing seemed to work for her and eventually relied entirely on texting to communicate. She has now had four lessons with Inês Góis, a trained speech therapist who has worked wonders and we are very pleased to report that big progress is

Carnival party for cats and dogs

This article has been provided by the Algarve Society of Artists - a group formed to support and promote art and artists across the Algarve. They have a website and publish a free quarterly online magazine entitled Algarve Art! Visit their website for more information.

   @artodiaxere



being made. Inês says that she is now using everyday words like bread and coffee etc and I know for sure that after even her very first lesson she was able to say good morning and how are you Many of the clients that have known Leonor over several years are absolutely shocked to hear her speaking to them as they walk past her. You never know we might be able to get her into the western Algarve choir in time for the Christmas carols! If you would like to make a donation to ensure that we can carry on providing speech therapy to Leonor here are the details: PT 50-0033-0000-45513973438-05 ‘LEONOR’

Earlier this year the Friends of AEZA organised a fantastic fundraiser to help the cats and dogs of Aljezur. The Carnival Party, which was attended by about 90 people, was a great success full of fun, dancing and excellent food. It was held at the Fonte do Vale Restaurant in Vale da Telha. The Fonte do Vale donated a meal for two which was a prize drawn on the ticket entry number. A hamper was raffled off which had donations made by various people and local businesses including members of the Friends of AEZA committee. Prizes for best costume were donated by O’Paolo’s Restaurant Arrifana and Catherine Smith. All monies raised where donated to AEZA Aljezur which is a non-profit organisation whose main objective is to provide abandoned animals a decent condition, giving them shelter, food, care and health care.


Explaining pain Living with pain is a terrible burden to have to bear for many people. Algarve-based Chris Wells, vice-president of the European Pain Federation which represents thousands of health care professionals who are involved in pain management and pain research explains more.

Everybody feels pain at some time. It may be shortlived, or if we are lucky, the cause is identified and managed, the pain passes, and we can get on with our lives. This is acute pain, and it is an essential warning sign that actually protects us from damage. For example, we might move our hand away from a hot stove, or get rid of a splinter. We might see a doctor about our stomach pain, which could turn out to be appendicitis, a very treatable condition. So acute pain, whilst usually unpleasant, actually serves a very useful function. However, persistent (or chronic) pain, is a terrible condition. It is now recognised as a condition in its own right, although some types of chronic pain stem from a known cause. Other types don’t, and are a source of frustration, for the sufferer, for their family, and often for the health care professionals who are trying to help them. “How can the pain be so bad”, they ask, “and interrupt and blight my life and you don’t understand the cause?” It can seem a fair question. It is important to recognise that pain is not a sense. There are five senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, and these are very defined and sophisticated. Descriptions of them mean the same from one person to another (eg,” the sun was shining, the sea was blue and warm, it tasted salty, and I had a great swim”- we know just what that felt like) However pain is subjective, and it is an emotion. It can be considered as the opposite of pleasure. “For all the happiness mankind can gain- Is not in pleasure, but in rest from pain.” wrote the poet, John Dryde ( The International Association for the Study of Pain have defined pain, after much discussion, as follows. “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. Each individual learns the application of the word through experiences related to injury in early life. It is unquestionably a sensation in a part or parts of the body, but it is also always unpleasant and therefore also an emotional experience.”

The point about this sophisticated definition is that pain is complex, and widely recognised as a true ‘bio-psych-social” experience, affected to some degree by all these three modalities. Bio means biological, and every year, another piece in the complex jigsaw puzzle of pain transmission is recognised and added to the overall picture. But it is not completed yet. Abnormal neurochemicals are identified, or shortages of trace elements. Researchers identify plasticity of the nerves (this means they fire off more readily than they should), or errors in structure and function of the spinal cord and brain, from electrical short circuits to dysfunction of the glial cells, the packing tissue of the nervous system. Psycho means the psychological effect of pain and its ramifications and feedback to influence the pain experienced. We know this. We talk about the “pain of a broken heart” or someone being a “pain in the neck “( or even, the backside). So pain affects, and in turn can be affected by, the psyche. Social, our social environment, everything in our particular milieu, including family, friend, job and hobbies. These factors also result in feedback, not always accurate or helpful to our pain. Many people have chronic pain (100 million in the EU alone) In some, the pain is understood, but in many, the pain continues without clearly recognised causes and it is maintained within complex neural circuits and pathways which can be truly influenced and affected by many diverse factors including stress and depression. No wonder then that chronic pain remains difficult to treat and cure, and many coping mechanisms are required in its management. In this respect, chronic pain is like some other chronic conditions such as Diabetes, which cannot be cured but can be managed with diet, lifestyle and medications. Educated health care professionals, who understand the complex causes and mechanisms of persistent pain, can help most people to lead more fulfilling lives.

 


Chris Wells Vice President, European Pain Federation


Living the dream At Tomorrow we love stories about people who upsticks and move to the Algarve to start a new life. This month we spoke to entrepreneur Anita Hadlow who bought a bar in Burgau, called Bar One, then branched into other businesses including biodegradable straws. This is Anita’s story.

I come from a catering background in the heart of Norfolk, East Dereham. My parents owned a fine dining restaurant offering French cuisine. I started helping from the age of about 10, in the wash-up area, and was too small to reach the bottom of the sink so was generously supplied with a beer crate to stand on. I was called to help periodically and worked my way through the ranks, though the upshot of this was that I swore I would never go into the hospitality trade. That said – I did! I worked in pubs, hotels and restaurants and owned my own restaurant until 1992, when I decided to make a change and take back my evenings and weekends and enjoy quality time with my young family. I then concentrated on the second string to my bow – bookkeeping and management accounting. I began working from home and launched a new business which offered administration services to businesses on an adhoc basis, reducing the headache of employing short term staff or using agencies. This worked well until one of my clients asked me to join their team on a permanent basis. My family were now all in full time education so I made the move and I enjoyed this up until my husband (Mark) and I made the move to Portugal in 2014. This was a completely spontaneous move, my parents had retired to the Algarve and lived here for 20 years. After my father passed away in 2012, I was left with the task to settle his estate, which included the home here. During our visit in 2013, to do this, my husband and I stood on the terrace admiring the view and chatted about the beauty of the place and how wonderful it would be to live here. I then had a lightbulb moment and realised…..WE CAN! Our three sons were all adults by now and we had reached the point in our life where we could be a little selfish. The decision was made (more momentous for Mark as he had only ever spent four days in the Algarve at this point and was totally smitten). We arrived on a glorious morning, in a fully loaded white van with our three dogs, to a villa with no electric or water, but we were ecstatic. We had decided to give it one year and continue our work on the villa (a huge thank you mum and dad). After three months I decided that I needed to work (yes, mad I know) and made the return to hospitality and started waitressing at Quay Lagos. Alongside this I discovered the whole new world of virtual working and began bookkeeping for companies in the UK. I


rediscovered a new love of the hospitality trade, it was so different here, everyone was happy and a pleasure to serve. In November of 2015, my friends (who own a boutique bar in Salema) told me about a bar in Burgau that had become available and thought it would suit me perfectly. I was not looking for a bar or even considering it, but, I went to look at it just two days later. Yet again, Portugal worked its magic and it was love at first sight. Within four days of the initial conversation it was a done deal and Bar One, Burgau was born. The hardest thing we found was the bureaucracy, red tape aplenty, but with the help of friends and the staff at the Finanças and Câmara in Vila do Bispo we battled through. I wanted to extend our range to include drinks that I was unable to source here, and whilst looking at this I discovered other products that I thought would work well. My principal line is Tart’s Tea Gin Infusion Bags, which are made by a cottage industry in the UK. All the fruit is freeze-dried to lock in the freshness, it simply re-hydrates and blends with the dried herbs, spices and flowers it’s paired with and then releases all its goodness into your drink, making it deliciously fruity and often a beautiful shade of pink! I thought this was a marvellous idea for the bar and after speaking with them they gave me the distribution rights for Portugal. Niche Products Algarve was born. I also wanted to make the move to biodegradable straws, we have all seen the reports of the results of single use plastics and it had a great impact on me. Again I found a very limited offering in the Algarve and so another Niche Product arrived. I added a line of biodegradable straws to our offering. I soon realised that demand was huge and gave this line its own company brand StrawMania. I have to say that StrawMania is now taking up a large amount of my time and I foresee this being a major brand. I am currently in talks with both small and large companies with a view to them #makingthechange and I am becoming more involved in biodegradable products and our environment. I have lost count of the times I have thought “that would be a good idea” or “why doesn’t somebody do that” and then never acted on it. If you feel there is a place for product, idea or service, then go for it. You only have one shot at this life and you could be making a big improvement for others.


Azure winged birds April sees the start of the breeding season for many birds in the Algarve, none more remarkable than the Azure-winged Magpie, which is strongly defying predictions that it may be facing extinction.

Photo © cuatrok77

About the size of a blackbird but appearing bigger because of its multi-coloured body and much longer tail, the Azure-wing’s brash and boisterous behaviour also make it easy to spot. Male and female are identical in appearance and they remain gregarious even though winter flocks are now loosening. Young couples, as well as monogamous pairs that have already bonded for life, will, this month, be home-building on the basis of a single new nest per tree. In Europe, Azure-wings occupy the southwest corner - the Algarve, southern Alentejo and the neighbouring Spanish province of Andalusia. They are found nowhere else except on the other side of the world - in China, Korea and Japan. Pleistocene fossil evidence has ruled out any notion that exotic Azure-wings were imported from the Far East by early Portuguese explorers. The resident European and East Asian populations were slowly split apart a million or more years ago with the advance of the last Ice Age. Once fairly scarce in the Algarve, they are now flourishing in woodlands, parklands and orange groves all across the region. Their numbers seem to be ever increasing despite an ominous study published some years ago in the international science journal Nature. Researchers forecast that a quarter of all land and plant


species in the world might be driven to extinction if greenhouse gas emissions were not drastically reduced. The authors of the study named the Azurewinged Magpie as one of the top ten climatically threatened bird species in Europe. The study predicted a loss of between 50% and 95% of the Azure-wings, depending on their ability to disperse and occupy suitable new areas in response to habitat changes brought about by global warming. While even now they do not care for sparsely vegetated, wind-swept areas and would be forced out by desertification, Azure-wings are extremely adaptable when it comes to diet. In addition to all sorts of creepy-crawlies foraged from trees, bushes and the ground, they enjoy fruits and nuts and are thus regarded by farmers as a menace. Their popularity is also tainted by the fact that they will take eggs and young from the nests of song birds. Their audacity commonly stretches to swooping into gardens and backyards to raid kitchen scraps or leftover biscuits in cats’ and dogs’ bowls. Cheeky, but as Darwin explained, it’s the most adaptable and fittest that survive. While aggressive in some ways, Azure-wings within their own communities show compassion. Individuals within loose breeding colonies help each other with nest building, supplying food to incubating females and feeding fledglings. Along with other fellow members of the crow family, this is one of the brainiest species in the bird world. Its brain-to-body ratio equals that of the great apes, whales, dolphins and porpoises. It’s only slightly less than ours. Extinction? Not in our lifetime. You can read more from Len at:

Clean it up CLEAN


Last month we launched our ‘Clean it up’ Campaign where we called on readers to pick up three pieces of litter each time they visited the beach and we know that it’s a been popular idea with many of you. To follow it up we are organising a ‘Giving It Back’ weekend when members of Tomorrow and our readers can get together to take direct action.

On April 14th and 15th we will be focusing on the environment. We will be in Lagos, clearing up the area around the beach and also the area by the old railway station on the 14th and on the 15th we will be at Armação de Pêra helping on the beach. If you wish to join us and want to help please call Tom or email Steven for the details.

 +351 919 918 733 


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650nm to Les Palmas, arriving 12 days before the start, where there is a great party atmosphere and feeling of camaraderie with all sailors preparing their boats and flying their national flags.

Left to right: ARC Europe 2016 Lagos arrivals Testarossa; Augusto Perreira

Sailing the seas from Lagos Ever since Henry the Navigator gazed out over the rolling breakers hitting the Atlantic coastline and craved the knowledge of what lay beyond, this area has inspired sailors to embark on ocean voyages. We sent Sophie Sadler to find out more about the Lagos modern-day adventurers. Many of the sailors who cross the Atlantic from Lagos, do so as part of the ARC, Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. A ‘must do’ for many sailors it attracts over 200 boats and 1200 people every year to sail the 2700 nautical miles across the Atlantic. The starting line in Gran Canaria means that Lagos is an unofficial start point for many boats and each year some Lagos-based crews take part. One of these is Belgian Jac Janssen, a retired engineer, who berths his 58 ft Oyster, Surya, in Lagos Marina. He has taken part in the ARC in 2010, 2013 and before Christmas completed the challenge for the third time with three crew Jan Snep, (Dutch) Alex Pincket, (Belgian) and René Trippears (Belgian living in Aljezur). All of these intrepid sailors have boats in the Lagos Marina. He also employed professional skipper Augusto Pereira to oversee the preparations and accompany them on the voyage. It took Jac, Augusto and André, (a third crew member that joined just for the delivery,) four days to sail the


I meet Jac in his Marina apartment to learn more about his adventures and the journalist in me is keen to hear about any near-death experiences! I soon realised, however, that Jac is not a man who would allow such an eventuality! “I have a backup for everything and if that backup fails there is another backup.” Although the ARC will not allow any boat to participate that is not fully prepared and each participant must have satellite communication so they can receive emails from the organisers, Jac says; “only a fool does not feel uncertainty when you set off to cross an ocean. Anything could happen.” So if you are not doing this for an adrenaline rush why take on the challenge? “The ARC is not a survival trip,” he explains, “It´s about enjoying sailing. Although you start with 200 yachts after a days sail none are within eye vision so you feel the vastness of the ocean.” Surya can cover 175nm per day sometimes 200 all with no motor, just the awesome power of the wind. “At night you feel the isolation and you can see a million starts so inevitably you start to think about eternity and the feeling of crossing an ocean is something very special.” The rally finishes in St Lucia and most boats make it into port for the prize giving event. Jac tells me that on arrival there is a great deal of cheering and applauding from other crews on the pontoon and organisers come out to meet you with a rum punch. A steel drum serenades the sailors as they alight on to land for the first time in several weeks. Many friends are made in the bars and restaurants around the marina as everyone celebrates having achieved a dream. Augusto Pereira, who manages boats for private clients and prepares them for ocean voyages, has already participated in the ARC four times, he tells me; “The ARC is not about getting to the finish line, it is about the joy of being on the ocean. The quietness of being away from society. It is 100% mindfulness and about being in the moment.” Valentina Vela is originally from Italy, but moved to Dublin in 2011 and took a leave of absence from 


Left to right: Augusto on Spirit of Lisutania; Valentina becoming Yachtmaster; Spirit of Lisutania

her job in Telesales in 2017, in order to complete a ten-week FastTrack in Lagos to obtain her RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate with the company RU Sailing.

Inspired by the majesty of the Atlantic waves she experienced during her time in the Algarve, after completing her FastTrack, she immediately started dreaming about crossing the Atlantic. “I felt the need to get an oceanic experience to integrate my sailing training and the ARC, with over 200 yachts crossing the Atlantic at the beginning of November, seemed to me the perfect opportunity to achieve my goal.” Her TransAt was a bit more adventurous than she had expected! "During the second day of our crossing, we experienced a major power system failure. Sailing the Atlantic is a deep experience. It can challenge you as a sailor and as a person. But for every difficult moment, it gives you, it always returns at least 10 unforgettable moments of pure joy.” In May, Jac will head back to the Caribbean to join the ARC Europe and bring his boat back home as part of this west-to-east transatlantic rally. Boats can start from Nanny Cay, in the British Virgin Islands, or Portsmouth, Virginia on the US east coast. I talk to Sarah Collins, Communications Manager at The World Cruising Club: “ This year, we anticipate having approximately 20 boats in the Nanny Cay

fleet, and 8-10 from Portsmouth. The two fleets rendezvous in St George's, Bermuda before crossing the Atlantic to the Azores. After cruising the Azorean archipelago, boats sail to Marina de Lagos in southern Portugal, or sail independently to northern Europe.” Lagos is an important cog in the wheel of the ARC challenges. ARC Portugal was originally started to help promote the opening of Marina de Lagos back in 1994. The rally sails across the Bay of Biscay from Plymouth in the UK to Bayona in Spain, before day-sailing down the coast of Portugal to Marina de Lagos on the Algarve. In every port there is a program of social activities or tours ashore, making ARC Portugal one of the most social of rallies. This year, the fleet is scheduled to depart from Plymouth on June 3rd, and the rally concludes in Marina de Lagos on 27th June. The Atlantic, named after the Greek God Atlas, which covers one-fifth of the earth's surface, seems to act as a magnet challenging sailors to take on its might. There is no doubt that Lagos, in its unique geographic location, will continue to grow in importance as a starting point for Ocean Adventurers.


Get set for support The next meeting of the Alzheimers’/ Dementia Support Group will be on Wednesday April 18th at 11am. The event will take place at Cafe Bom Dia, Rua Moinho do Azeite, Lagos. The group is open to anyone who would like advice, support or just a coffee and chance to chat. Many of the people in the group have a

lot of practical experience in dealing with dementia and can offer really helpful tips.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, but not the only one.

The word ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problemsolving or language. It can lead to changes in their mood or behaviour.

A number of languages are spoken by the group. Please call Carol Evans for more details or email Kirsteen Landert.


 +351 926 297 527 


No sweat A German couple have started a new venture which means that people can enjoy the cycling and hiking trails of the Costa Vicentina with one of their rental e-bikes without breaking into too much of a sweat. They even deliver their e-bikes to anywhere in the Western Algarve as far as the Monchique mountains. We caught up with Claudia Muller and Michael Staats to find out more. Please tell us about yourselves. We are a couple from Hamburg (from the grey, cold north of Germany). I have been an enthusiastic mountain biker since my childhood and Michael the ‘screwdriver’ who repaired bikes as a teenager for the neighbourhood.

We have been living here for 18 months and I still can not imagine a better place to live. Today I also know why: This beautiful coast, nature, people, the enjoyment of life and the different people from so many countries and layers of society, who get along well with each other.

Please tell us about your professional background. We were self-employed in the online business in Germany for a long time. We earned enough money, but never felt satisfied with our jobs. None of us like to work on the computer all day long. That was one reason why we dared to make a new start in Portugal and turned our hobby into a career.

Please tell us about your new venture. We rent e-mountain bikes. We deliver the bikes to any place in the Western Algarve and to the mountains of Monchique. The delivery service is for free in the area of Aljezur.

How did you end up in the Algarve and particularly Aljezur? We fell in love with Portugal many, many years ago. This country is different to any other in Europe. We knew that someday we would like to live in this country. When we coincidentally drove through Aljezur (we were just passing through and did not want to make a stop in this city) it was love at first sight for me. I immediately shouted STOP, we have to stop here. Then we walked around and I painted ‘my house’ in the sand. I did not know why, but I knew that would be my new hometown. I had never felt so comfortable anywhere. Then everything went very fast -seven months later, we gave up our good running business and house in Hamburg and left for a new start in Aljezur.


All of our electric mountain bikes are equipped with an engine support system perfectly suited for a drive in the mountains. The bikes have a powerful 48V rear engine which you can easily turn on and off by switch on the handlebar. That means, that you have the possibility to ride the bike without electric support or choose one of six levels of assistance. We chose this engine because it is not easy to drive an e-bike without motor support with other engines. Our e-bikes have unbreakable tires. That gives you the chance to drive almost all trails in the Algarve including the very stony ones. We chose a powerful battery. With that you can drive more than 50 km in the mountains. We can also recommend various tours to our customers. We are happy to help and we can recommend bike trails for bloody beginners or more experienced mountain bikers new to the Algarve area. We will find a suitable tour for everyone. 

Community What gave you the idea? I've been an avid mountain biker for a long time. After we moved to Aljezur, I also noticed that it is the perfect area for mountain biking. There’s almost always good weather, nice mountains, easy routes or challenging mountains ... But I also noticed that many hills are very steep and I, as a trained biker, was exhausted relatively quickly.

My partner Michael, on the other hand, did not even dare to ride the bike on the Costa Vicentina and bought an e-mountain bike. Of course, I also tried the bike right out. At first I was really sceptical because I'm more a sporty person. But after only a few miles, I was totally thrilled. It's still sports and I can go for super long bike rides and enjoy the area as well. When we realised that nobody rented e-bikes in the whole Western Algarve yet, we had the idea

to get started, so that every tourist and resident can enjoy this. What are your hopes for the business? We hope that we can make many tourists happy. We think that it is an enrichment for the nature park. It is a new way to experience the Rota Vicentina. Long distances can be covered without loud, annoying motor drive. Therefore nature is not disturbed and vacationers and animals can feel comfortable together in this wonderful area. Currently we rent the bicycles but in the future there will also be guided tours and a shop in Aljezur. What have your customers said? Our customers have been very enthusiastic about the engine equipment so far. One said: "It's a completely new experience to be able to race up steep mountains with high speed." All our customers were thrilled by the great routes on the Costa Vicentina. I have already heard sentences like: "That was the best bike ride I've ever made.” Why not give it a whirl?


Algarve Network for families in need BY ALISON WEBSTER We continue to be very active, particularly in the western Algarve, supporting families, The Mustard Seed (soup kitchen in Lagos) and residential homes in the area. As well as our store at AIM, we also have additional storage in Portimão, kindly given by Laurinda Seabra who has opened an ‘upcyling’ store in support of ASMAA (Algarve Surf and Marine Activites Association). The address is Rua J Pereira Sampaio Bruno No 53, so if you find yourself in Portimão, pop in and support this worthwhile cause.

by her and many others to The Reverse Advent Calendar scheme which meant many children had gifts on Christmas Day. If anyone would like to get involved with this great initiative for Christmas 2018 please get in touch with either Chantelle or Bernadette Abbott. More thanks to Greg Mckensie Brown for the transport provided for free. Also to Steve Bradford and Paula Pereira for their time and transport generously given.

Thanks again to Sarah Lees, who along with colleagues at Stanstead Airport, arranged for a large quantity of disability equipment to be sent over. Many thanks to Direct Transport for transporting it for free.

We have recently been given €500 worth of baby equipment, clothes, food, toiletries, domestic cleaning materials and much much more by Blevin Franks, Almancil. Many thanks to the staff and especially Debrah Broadfield for all the hard work to achieve this.

Belated thanks to Chantelle Kortekaas for the hard work and generosity put in

As well as this, Debrah also conducted a three week drive amongst her colleagues

and clients resulting in the donation of clothes,toys and household items. We believe that there is more to come! If anyone has any clothes, furniture, household items they would like to donate, please get in touch with Bernadette Abbott or myself on the emails below. Many thanks to all who have given and continue to help. It is very much appreciated. Algarve Network for Families in Need is a group of Algarve residents who wish to help families in need. Poverty here in the Algarve unfortunately is at an all time high. The group aims to connect people who have and don’t need anymore, with people who desperately need. They are always looking for volunteers to sort through donated items and people who are willing to deliver to the needy. You can find out more about Algarve Network Families in Need on their Facebook page.

Bernadette Abbott:  Alison Webster: 



More canine capers on the west coast BY MATT D’ARCY

It is called the Costa Vicentina Fun Dog Show because it’s all about dogs, owners and spectators having fun with their four-legged friends. That reminds me: Q: What’s the difference between a dog and a marine biologist? A: One wags a tail and the other tags a whale. Q: What do you call a dog digging up old bones? A: A barkaeologist. A woman called an airline customer-service desk asking if she could take her dog on board. “Sure,” the guy said, “as long as you provide your own kennel.” He further explained that the kennel needed to be large enough for the dog to stand up, sit down, turn around, and roll over. The bewildered customer said: “I’ll never be able to teach him all of that by tomorrow!” Hopefully many of the dogs at the show will have mastered some or all of those tricks! This, the fourth annual Costa Vicentina Dog Show, which features competitions like the dog with the waggiest tail, and the dog looking most like its owner, will take place on Sunday April 15th 2018 at Vale da Telha, Aljezur. The show will be hosted on and between the terraced frontages of two neighbouring restaurants around the landmark Pines Roundabout, thanks to the hospitality of José Orelha at the Restaurante Vale da Telha and Hugo Nanitas of Hugo’s Bar. The large area of land behind the two establishments will be open for signposted car parking. The show will begin at 11am, and will include 12 different classes to go before the judges: Best rescue dog Best pedigree Veteran 8+ years Puppies less than 1 year Prettiest bitch Most handsome dog

Agility Owner and dog look alike Waggliest tail Best trick Sit and stay Best in show.

The admission fee is €3 for the initial class entered, then €1.50 for subsequent classes with the same dog. Judging by Paula Veiria will begin at noon

but the show opens at 11am for entries and for stallholders who, it is expected, will be selling local art, handmade crafts, beauty wares, pet products, jams, chutneys, jewellery and good quality second hand clothes amongst others. The 12 classes will be judged, amongst other things, on mixed breeds, rescue dogs, pedigree, obedience and agility, culminating in a parade for best dog of the day. Also—for anyone coming from the south coast along the N120 at the western end of the A22 motorway—there will, on the day, be signposts from the N120 junction with the hill up to Vale Da Telha (on the left, a few hundred yards before you reach the town of Aljezur itself) directing people to the venue. The organisers ask that all dogs should be on a lead, and owners should bring their dog’s vaccination record. The two bars hosting the event will be open throughout the day serving burgers, chips and their full range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and it is hoped there will also be a raffle for a superb doggie hamper—any donations to help fill it would be gratefully received! The Friends of AEZA will also have their customary cake and savoury stall. All profits from the show go to AEZA, the Association for Environment and Animal Protection of Aljezur, a non-profit association based in this west coast town, whose main objective is to provide abandoned animals decent conditions to live in, with shelter, food, care and health care. This show is organised by Friends of AEZA, a group of Vale Da Telha locals who give their time and energy freely to benefit the animals in the Aljezur shelter. Show Rules: - All dogs kept on leads please - Please clean up after your dog - Bring your dog’s current vaccination records - Class entries and payment accepted from 10.30am - Entrance to the public is through donations to AEZA please. Further information can be found at the AEZA website and the AEZA Facebook page.






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Pictures by Kjell Motet

Charity bar walkers light up the children’s lives BY MATT D’ARCY

Charity walkers have brought light into the lives of special needs children at a west coast school. Cath Baker, co-organiser of the annual West Coast Charity Bar Walk, presented Aljezur School with equipment for a new Snoezelen (sensory) Room*, paid for by funds raised during the third fun walk in September. A year earlier Cath, from the west coast community of Vale da Telha, outside Aljezur, had presented the school with educational, therapeutic and sensory toys from funds raised by the walkers in 2016. And the first of the 3.54km (2.2miles) Charity Bar Walks in 2015—they call it a fancy dress pub crawl as it involves calling at 10 bars and restaurants along the route!—resulted in the presentation of 29 wheelchairs to Portimão Hospital. The latest walk raised €2,717, €1,041 of which was used to buy an electric wheelchair and ramp for a local boy suffering a degenerative illness. The remainder was used to buy a bubble machine, projector, fibre optic lights, two large bean bags, paint and a blackout blind to provide equipment for the Snoezelen room Cath is organising for the special needs children at the school. “This room will help them relax and we are fitting it out with a bubble machine, projector, fibre optic lights and two large bean bags, all of which leaves us with just €12 from the total raised,” said Cath, who was accompanied by the walk’s coorganiser Steve Scott. “The plan is then, that with future Charity Bar Walks, we can buy more things for the room every year including, hopefully, a water bed next year.” The school’s special needs leader Claudia Fernandes welcomed

the donation which was received by specialist teachers Angela Luz, Carla Bessa e Sandra Mergulhão, psychologist Patrícia Jacinto and school director Piedade Matoso Claudia told us: “For the second successive year Cath Baker, a special friend from the Charity Bar Walk fundraisers has been to the school to present our special needs pupils with specific materials—interesting light effects, comfortable seating, optical fibres, tactile, massage and pleasant materials—to equip a sensory room which will provide wonderful experiences for our children. Some of these materials are portable so they will be taken to a student´s home to provide her a work of sensory simulation. Iris Viana, a seven year old with a genetic disease can’t go to school, but now she can enjoy a multisensory world! “Catherine, Steve and the Charity Bar Walkers are making a dream come true, because we special needs teachers have long wished for a Snoezelen room as it beings so many benefits to our special needs children. “It can offer a multi-sensory environment, a relaxing atmosphere with pleasant surroundings that allows them to regulate behaviour and feel good. Further, the Snoezelen environment provides opportunities for interaction and engagement. “All of our special needs children thank the Charity Bar walkers for the amazing experiences that they can have from now on! We say to them—you are the best!” Cath told us: “It gave us a lovely, warm feeling watching the children respond to things they have never experienced before. It was very difficult getting them to sit still for the photographs!


“But it is all down to a lot of people, Steve Scott and Brian Jutsum, my co-organisers, and, of course, the 50-plus walkers themselves, not to forget all the bars which joined in and the lovely people who donated to this worthy cause. “A special mention, too, goes to John Scott at Algarve Removals who once again transported the wheelchair and all the sensory equipment for free from the UK, as they did with the items we have had shipped over in the past three years”. A total well in excess of €7,000 has been raised for local causes over the three years since this annual event was started by Cath. The walkers visit 10 bars in three hours during the walk between Restaurante O Paulo on the Arrifana promontory and the final ‘watering hole’ at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale in Vale da Telha. *Snoezelen, or controlled multisensory environment (MSE), is a therapy for people with autism and other developmental disabilities or brain injury. It consists of placing the person in a soothing and stimulating environment, called the "Snoezelen room". These rooms are specially designed to deliver stimuli to various senses, using lighting effects, colour, sounds, music, scents, etc. The combination of different materials on a wall may be explored using tactile senses, and the floor may be adjusted to stimulate the sense of balance. The person is usually accompanied by an aide or therapist. Developed in the Netherlands in the 1970s, Snoezelen rooms have been established in institutions all over the world and are especially common in Germany, where more than 1,200 exist.

What's on

April Calendar Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

Events Jazz Lunch | Sun 12.30pm (Now in its 25th year!), Fortaleza da Luz Restaurant, Praia da Luz, Reservations: 912 511 196 April 21st Jazz-Flavoured Concert Vasco Ramalho (Vibraphone) & Tuniko Goulart (Electric Guitar) | 3pm | Reservation Only: €19.50 inc. refreshment buffet with wine, cheese & homemade products, Quinta das Alagoas nr. Almadena, geral@quintadasalagoas. com/924 204 343

April 7th & 8th Hiking Weekend on Vicentine Coast |€10p/day | Vila do Bispo, 15th HikeThe Miller Route | €10 | Monchique, 21st Meia Praia Beach Cleanup | Free | Lagos, 22nd Hiking in Bordeira €10 Bordeira Aljezur, 25th Hike Vale de Centeanes to Srª da Rocha | €12 | Carvoeiro, 28th & 29th Hiking Weekend in Mértola | €10€ + €13 | Mértola Alentejo, Quimera Experience, For more info: 962647741/ 969467275

April 1 Easter Sunday 8am Holy Communion | 11.30am Festival Holy Communion


Tennis Doubles- Round Robin Thurs 3-5pm €7.50, Golf Santo Antonio Budens, 282 690 008

Netball Wed 7pm, All ages & abilities, Behind Bombeiros Building Lagos,

Fitness Zumba Gold, €5 Lagos, 914 731 772 Gymnastik for a fit back Mon 6.15am, €8 Belavista, 965 211 996 Pilates Mat Classes (All Levels) Mon - Fri 8:30, 9:30 & 10:30am & 6pm, €10 or €90 x10, AR Pilates Studio Lagos, 966 787 280 Pilates Mat Class Tue & Thur 6-7pm Clube da Raposeira, & Thur 10-11am Centro Cultural Barão S. João €5, 911 754 890 Hatha Yoga Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.15am | Yin Yoga 9.45am | Teen Yoga Sat 9.15am €10/ €8 (mem). Boavista, Book: 282 790 930 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30 Old School Burgau & Wed 12.15, Hotel Belavista Luz €8, 965 201 477 Tai Ji Quan Mon 10am (beg) & Thurs 5.30pm (adv), €10 Dojo Zen de Lagos, B. S. João, 919 718 955

Walking Football Wed 9.30am +50yrs Welcome, €3 Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, 282 790 930

Riding for Disabled Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, 915 090 044

Fitness Tue & Thurs 9.30am | Pilates Tues & Thurs 11am, €5, Golf Santo Antonio Budens, 282 690 086 Yoga (Ashtanga) Tues & Thurs 10.30am | Slow Flow & Yin Yoga Wed 9.15am €10 , €65 for 8 (resid.) | Yoga for Men Tues 6.30pm €20 for 4, Grupo Desportivo do Burgau 913 202 621 Healing Meditation with Sacred Geometry Mon 8pm Sug. donation €10 | Barre infused Yoga Tue 12.30pm | Hatha Yoga Wed 6pm | Yoga Flow Thur 6pm | Vinyasa Flow Sun 9.30am,€5.80 - 10, InLight Lagos, 913 127 421

Pre natal Yoga & Hatha Yoga Group Classes, €10 or 1 x week p.m €30 or 2 x Week p.m €40, Casa Sakra Lagos, 916 06 0814 Pilates Mon & Tue 10am & Fri 6.30pm, Yoga Dance Flow Wed 6.30pm, Power Yoga Thur 10am, €5.50 - €8.50, Lalitana Yoga & Pilates Center, Lagos 914 061 143 Legs Bums & Tums Mon 1.30pm | Total Fitness Mon 7.30pm | HIIT Yoga Fri 9.30am, (€7) Burgau Sports Centr | Boxercise Tues 7pm Lagos nr. Skatepark | Buggy Fit Thurs 9.45 - 11am Wacky Lagos, €6 Soames Fitness (1-2-1 & Group Training available at your location or studio), 913 425 893 Pilates Wed 11am | Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am | Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am | Step! & Tone (pre-booking) Thurs 10am, €7.50 Hotel Belavista Luz, 968 288 258


Charity/ Support

April 18th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Cafe Bom Dia, Rua Moinho do Azeite | Lagos, Carol 926 297 527 or Kirsteen 968 084 946

Pilates Mat Classes Mon Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6.30pm (1hr), €10 or €90 for 10 | HathaYoga Tues 6pm | Ashtanga Class Sat 10.30, Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room | Lagos, 926 514 613

Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Extra hands needed to help Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, More Info: cadelacarlota.comp@ AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, 964 201 904 / 282 760 506, AA hotline: 917 005 590

Open Painting Atelier Thurs 10.30am, €12.50 (+ materials) | Colour Your Life - Healing painting classes Wed & Thurs 3pm| +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary, €10 Barão S. João, 962 039 574 Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience, Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. Espiche, 968 086 320 Drumming Classes Thurs 11am, AmoVate, Vale da Telha Aljezur, 960 305 141 Portuguese Beginners Class Mon 10am, €7, Portelas, 912 417 994 Oriental Dance Class (beginners) Mon 7pm €6, LAC Lagos, 914 851 331


Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo 962 690 582 Mediterranean Gardening Classes (Beginners) Green & brown thumbs welcome, small groups | Classical Homeopathy Classes Certified expert | Theory & practice | English & German, €45-€65 (35hs), Nr.Lagos, SMS only: 918 264 864 Watercolour Lessons Thur 10am - 12.30pm (Beginners welcome) €10, Church Hall Praia Da Luz , 912 149 839

African Dance Classes Mon 7pm (Teatro Experimental de Lagos) & Tue 10.30amTertúlia, Aljezur & Tue 7pm & Thurs 10.30am Rogil-Aljezur, €10 964 588 588 Life Drawing Mon 11am Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess Marina de Lagos, 916 035 308 Computer Classes Sat 10am All levels Lagos, 918 764 613 Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am, €12.50 (non-mem.) €10 (mem.), Holiday Courses 3x per Week €25 (non-mem.) €20 (mem.), Boavista Golf Resort, 917 953 914


Meditation Thurs 5.15pm, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, 282 790 930/963 614 499 Communion Services Said Holy Communion Thurs 10am & Sun 8am, Sung Holy Communion (with hymns) 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: 282 789 660 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, 919 718 955 Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, 910 640 927

Useful Numbers General INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491

Consulates/Embassies BRITISH 282 490 750 FRANCE (FARO) 281 380 660 GERMAN (LAGOS) 282 799 668 NETHERLANDS (FARO) 213 914 900 CANADA (FARO) 289 803 757 SWEDISH (FARO) 213 942 260 IRISH 213 308 200

No job too small PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850

What's on in April Algarve Nature Week This year’s Annual Nature Week takes place between April 13th and April 22nd. It’s a 10-day event that explores the region’s vast amount of natural beauty.

The event programme includes walks, canoeing, diving, stand up paddling, surfing, climbing, birdwatching, whale watching, horse riding, donkey riding, boat trips and cycling.

This annual event is popular with locals and visitors from across the globe, who are keen to explore the area and learn more about the natural wonders of the region.

The full programme is available on the website, where all experiences are available at special rates. Also check the Facebook Page for the latest info.

  algarvenatureweek

Do you have what it takes? Super skating in Lagos The 15th International Speed Skating Tournament Terras do Infante will take place in Lagos this month. It is the second stage of this year’s European Cup and will see some of the best skaters from across Europe coming together to take part between April 6th to 8th. The event has been organised by the Roller Lagos Clube de Patinagem and this year features races on the European 2017 track, and the 100m and a half marathon (25 km) on the streets around Lagos.

Have you ever wished to be part of your very own action or detective film? Well, look no further! At the newly-opened Escape Room in Lagos, called the Orphanage, you get the chance! An Escape Room is a live-action game where you and your friends are the main characters. Look for clues, solve puzzles and complete challenges to complete the mission and escape the room! There are 60 minutes on the clock and the moment you step in time starts ticking! Your goal is simple: Get out before you are out of time! Puzzles, challenges and clues are all around you. Can you and your team work together to uncover the secrets hidden within the hour?


The Orphanage in Lagos is set in the Barlow’s Home for Children which was closed down in 1985. Since then, people have been terrified by the strange atmosphere surrounding the old orphanage. According to the legend, weird noises and whispers can be heard late at night. Something strange happened in there. Your task will be to uncover the mysteries hidden behind those walls. Do you have what it takes? Players under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Keeping in mind that the Orphanage could be scary at times, we don’t encourage kids under 15 to participate. 


RUM BAR. Local CRAFT BEER. Good Tunes. Great Vibe. Y’all Come See US! For Reservations: FACEBOOK.COM/olbASTARDs

What's on

Teen Yoga Open Day BY LENA STRANG

On Saturday April 7th between 9.30 and 11am, Boavista Golf and Spa in Lagos will open its doors for a free taster session of Teen Yoga. The session is aimed at youngsters between 11 and 16 years of age.

Teen Yoga sessions will subsequently take place every Saturday between 9.30 and 11am. Yoga Nidra Meditation classes on Thursdays at 5.15 - 6.30pm. A new class of Yin Yoga on Tuesdays at 9.4511.15am

There tends to be plenty of yoga provision for adults, but Noeline Oldham, yoga teacher at Boavista, thinks there is a need to plug the gap for youngsters. She is convinced that practising yoga at an earlier age brings clear benefits. “Yoga builds strength, increases flexibility, coordination and balance,” she says, “For teenagers who are often hunched over a desk or a smartphone, yoga poses can help them maintain an upright posture, strengthening the spine.” Other benefits include improved body image. Yoga can promote self-awareness and acceptance and helps teenagers overcome a negative self-image.

There always seem to be numerous distractions that compete for their attention. Yoga can help them mentally refocus on tasks at hand. An important aspect of yoga is the connection it breeds. Teenagers may learn to accept one another more fully through yoga practice, no matter the group they belong to, social interests or popularity rankings. The best way to find out about Teen Yoga is to come along to the Open Day and see what it is about. Registration will take place at the Spa Reception before 9.30am. Youngsters under 16 should be accompanied by an adult when registering, for any medical issues to be be ascertained. Loose clothing should be worn and it’s a good idea to bring a bottle of water. For more information please contact Noeline or Boavista Spa Reception.

 +351 963 614 499 / 282 790 930

Viva Espanha! On the road to Barcelona The small but enthusiastic team of nine dancers from minis to seniors from Nicola Move-Ment Dance Academy of the Clube CRCD Luzense once again arrived home from the Portuguese qualifier of Dance World Cup with chests bursting with pride and clinking with medals. Of the 24 dances they won medals for 12, including two golds, two silvers and eight bronze and have been chosen to represent Portugal in four more dances. This is a truly outstanding success rate. Six of these were solos and the categories were tap, song and dance, national and jazz and range from ages 5 to 20-years-old. Please watch out for the fundraisers from now to the finals in June to support these young but ambitious dancers on their quest to repeat the success on the stage in Sitges, Barcelona at the finals. There has been a request, by the guests who attended, to repeat the fun social night and a date

has been set for April 28th. There will be dinner and games at Clube Luzense at 7pm. Entry is €12 There will be a morning of surfing lessons with Arrifana Surf Camp on May 1st with other fun activities for the nonsurfers. So, this should be a lovely day on this public holiday. Lisa Longhurst of the Pilates Room will be running some classes at the Clube CRCD Luzenze on May 26th or 27th . There will be an old-fashioned Jumble Sale and other appearances of the girls at events locally. So please watch out for the posters and postings on Facebook or call the school for details of these events and also on classes for this dynamic school.

 +351 913 832 335


What's on

Hunting the Neanderthals of the English Channel BY JANE ROBERTSON

On Tuesday April 3rd, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Dr Matt Pope. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Brás de Alportel, the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa. Dr Matt Pope will be presenting the results of his archaeological work on the Channel Island of Jersey where, since 2009, he and his team have been exploring the potential of the landscape of the island through archive research and a detailed study of it. The work has focused in particular on La Cotte de St Brelade, a large Neanderthal occupation site with a sequence spanning 200,000 years of Neanderthal occupation. The results of this work and survey of the sea bed around the island suggest that parts of the English Channel have excellent preservation of the submerged landscape of the Ice Age, rivalling that of Doggerland. The English Channel is a largely unexplored submerged landscape which lies between the southern coast of England and Northern France. Like the more famous Doggerland, it is a landscape which was dry land to some degree over much of the last million years. Transforming through a dramatic flood water breach 480,000 years ago from an embayment in the Atlantic to a large river system including the Rhine, Thames and

Seine, it would have provided a varied landscape of ridges, hills and deep valleys useful to early human hunters. This landscape, which we call La Manche, offers a chance to examine in fine detail the degree to which the La Manche river represented a frontier, barrier or corridor to Neanderthal movement into northern Europe. Along with the record for Neanderthals from Wales, Britanny, West France, Spain and Portugal, Matt Pope considers how Neanderthals responded to being close to or separated from the Atlantic Ocean. This lecture is of particular interest since the recent discovery of a cave on the banks of a tributary of the Arade River near Portimão which contained evidence for occupation by Neanderthal Man 40,000 years ago in the Middle Palaeolithic period. Dr Matt Pope is a well acknowledged expert and is Principal Research Associate in Palaeolithic Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology at UCL (University College London) and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine. Nonmembers are welcome to attend the lectures for a €6 admission, with all money raised by the AAA being spent on archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.

Crafty Almadena On May 12th a craft fair or Art Expo is being held at the Almadena Social Centre in aid of the Bombeiros. The doors will open at 12.30pm and the bigger and better the atmosphere the more money we can raise for the Bomerios. So far over 30 tables have been booked. If you are interested in exhibiting your crafts or you would be willing to donate your time to play music for an hour or so or set up your own stall to sell food please let Liza know. Liza will be organising a Hog Roast bap with salad and sauces from 1pm and the bar will be open from 2pm. Currently all available table are booked but there is ample room for anyone to bring their own and we would love to make this a memorable event. We already have the Algarve Community Choir and Nicola MoveWent dance troupe performing and we are searching for more performers, tuktuks, even snake charmers to create a great atmosphere. Get in contact if you can blow a horn, knit a sweater or bake a treat! Table €10 (proceeds to the Bombeirs)

Liza:  +351 914 185 021 (English) Rita:  +351 925 106 972 (Portuguese)  Almadenacraftfair Charity Number: AIL - Accociação para Alerto de Incedio Florestal NIPC No. 514208295

Maxine:  +351 917 267 948    Algarve Archaeological Association


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What's on

Fabulous fundraiser for Marley BY KATE INACIO

The Marley Benefit on March 15th was a huge success. As Marley’s mum I want to thank absolutely everyone who was involved. We raised over €5800 and donations are still coming in! We had a simply lovely evening in Quinta do Paraiso, Carvoeiro with over 150 guests and enjoyed a fabulous meal. Not only that we had the pleasure of being entertained by the wonderful Big John, Abba Divaz and Daddy Jack Band. The programme was put together. by the one and only Danny Maverick. Ricardo Martins, manager of Quinta do Paraiso, ensured everyone had a marvellous time and we even managed to get a bus put together by a friend of mine at Vialgarve so no one had to worry about driving. Thanks to all the people and businesses who supported the raffle and auction which featured amazing items such as week’s holiday in the hotel, Sam Smith tickets donated by Direct Transport and a Man United shirt donated by Tomorrow magazine. Peter Mills was a great auctioneer.

Marley is currently undergoing treatment which is predicted to last the next couple of months. By which point we’ll be ready to make our way to Barcelona for his operation. We are fundraising for his current treatment and testing, his operations and once we are out of the danger zone we’ll be ready to equip the house for his recovery. We still have a long road ahead but this event really has given us a great start, more fight and we are so grateful for everyone’s love and support. Only through this experience with Marley have I realized my huge responsibility to him as his mother and equally my responsibility to raise awareness for disability in the Algarve. Thanks to everyone who helped with this event (Marilyn Clarke and Shelly Dancer deserve a big mention) and I’m sorry I can’t name everyone personally but we appreciate every single one of you.

 



Herb of the month BY POPPY BURR I’ve been enjoying calendula (Calendula officinalis) a lot this month - growing it, drinking it, making infused oil to use in face creams and prescribing the herb in all its forms. In fact, this sunshine herb is one of the most versatile and useful medicines you can have in your garden. It’s easy to grow from seed, does well in shade as well as sun and, if harvested regularly, will continue to bloom all through summer and beyond. Simply remove the flower heads as they appear and you will be surprised how quickly they grow back! These bright orange flowers, along with the resinous ‘bracts’ that make up the green base, have been used for centuries for their innumerable healing properties - from skin healing to supporting immunity to lifting the spirits. Perhaps the most indispensable use of calendula is its stimulating effect on the lymphatic system, which helps to clear congestion and inflammation from the skin and uterus. This helps with inflammatory skin conditions, congestive period pain and endometriosis, ovarian cysts and polyps.

Calendula resin is also extremely anti-bacterial and anti-fungal - combined with its regenerative properties on connective tissue, it heals wounds, clears infection and prevents scarring. It can therefore be very useful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal candidiasis, or uterine and vaginal infections, as well as healing post-surgery. Calendula also promotes liver detoxification, contributing to a healthier digestion and helping with PMS through its effect on hormone clearance. It is safe to use during pregnancy and can be taken as a tincture, tea, oil, salve, pessary, medicinal bath or steam. Dry the flower heads thoroughly before using as tea, and simply infuse in almond oil for a few weeks on a sunny windowsill to make a medicinal oil. You can then add beeswax to make salves or pessaries.  +351 969 091 683

Yoga for men BY ANN DE JONGH

This month I have asked one of the people that takes my yoga class for men to answer a few questions. Martin Randall has been coming to classes for the last couple of months. He started off just doing the men’s yoga class but has since branched out to daytime classes too! For me it is great to see when people start to realise the benefit of yoga in their everyday lives, to help them to stretch, to ease problems they may have due to tight muscles and to spend time to relax and distress. Why did you start yoga? My lower back has been steadily getting worse with time. I don’t like taking pills unless it’s absolutely necessary, I prefer to try to cure the cause of the problem.

Was it what you expected? More physical than I expected, stretching muscles that have become tort over time can be hard work. What benefits do you get from yoga? I do feel loosened up after a session, yoga feels like it will help my back over time. I also like the opportunity to relax and unwind, something that’s all too easy to forget to do.

MTB, but am really poor at warming up and stretching afterwards. Yoga feels like it’s a really good way to loosen up, ideally before and after sport, but if I can’t manage that, doing it as part of a class structure is a good discipline.

What has surprised you the most about yoga? I am really not very supple!

The men’s yoga class was a great introduction to yoga, and being with other people who were as ‘unsupple’ as me made it easier, as we are all the same! Classes tend to have other surfers and cyclists as well as golfers and those who have back problems, so we all have similar tight areas, so it is great to focus on that.

Any other comments? I do sport regularly. I surf most days and

Men’s Yoga is on Tuesday at 6.30pm, at Clube Desportivo in the centre of Burgau.


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Don’t be so serious! BY LAURA NEWMAN

Becoming a parent is a very personal process. It can be painful at times and we sometimes wonder why we do it. But the rewards we receive from our children hit that sweet spot in us and bring us joy that permeates through every cell of our body. Engaging in the process of parenting is a powerful way of seeing through the difficult times and experiencing the beautiful moments. Dan Seigel describes conscious parenting as a mindfulness process in which the parent brings attention, awareness and compassion to everyday situations. John de Ruiter talks about taking ourselves less seriously to allow for energy to flow. Putting these two great teachings together, then taking yourself less seriously as a parent, allows something to open up between you and your child. That something is a very important part of the relationship. Allowing more space, more connection, more flow between you and your child, opens up their potential, allows nature to take its course, and

affects your child’s development in unseen positive ways. When you get angry and close down your warm connection, your child reacts, feels unsafe and everything in them gets blocked. If you can find your calm, truly relax in the moment and be willing to be open to whatever comes, when you are really present with your child, that’s when the magic happens. There is often no specific strategy to get into this flow because it is so personal. Suffice to say that stopping what you're doing and embracing the present moment helps. Listening to your child and not fixing their problems helps. Letting go of your agenda helps. The research shows that parents who come to understand their own childhood experiences and how these may affect their reactions to their children, have the best possibility of parenting well. “When you take yourself less seriously you see your child for who they really are.” Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc Speech Therapist - Child Behaviour Specialist

 +351 961 633 995    connectedchildfamily

These boots are made for… BY DOCTOR WEN OATES DC MCHIRO …..walking. It’s an activity that’s suitable for people of any age and can be done anytime and anywhere…with minimal risk to injury (unless you trip on some of the uneven cobbles in town!). All you really need are comfy walking shoes! Walking is an activity that can be built into daily routines, whatever your age or level of fitness. Just 30 minutes brisk walking a day can help you to maintain and even improve your health. Walking strengthens your body and helps position the spine in the natural shape it was designed for – keeping you upright. Research has also shown

that walking can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, plus relieve tension and stress.

moderate-intensity aerobic activity (a bit faster than a stroll), where you can speak, but not sing, the words to your favourite songs.

When you next visit Doctor Wen at Lagos Health Chiropractic, she can advise you on appropriate pre and post-walking stretches.

If you’re up and about early, you may see Lagos Health’s Clinic Director Geoff ‘power-walking’ to the beat of his favourite hits from the 70’s and 80’s on the cobbled promenade by Lagos Marina! But if you hear him singing out loud to ‘Where Do You Go To My Lovely’ or ‘Ernie, The Fastest Milkman In The West’, please tell him to stop…his singing is awful!!

Of course, it can be challenging to make regular walking part of your lifestyle, so start slowly and try to build a walking regime gradually. To get the best health benefits from walking, it needs to be a

 +351 282 768 044  Follow us on Facebook



Pets Mate


You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Or at least ol’ Bob said it… Well, you don’t need to search weather charts to know that it has been lashing it down around these parts lately … just check your garden. I have spent the morning yanking those small yellow flowering weeds out of me lawn, A process which is, at once, frustrating and satisfying. As I yanked and sweated I pondered the analogy to life, itself. Frustrating and rewarding. Then I remembered that I was gardening! I digress. Or, at least, I digress from my intended article. This month I was going to write about Leishmaniasis. This is a follow up to last months article about heartworm (and Ziggy). Both heartworm and Leishmaniasis are spread by mosquitoes (and sandflies). As the weather warms dogs are now being exposed to both of these fatal diseases. Leishmania (like heartworm) can be prevented by one injection, lasting the whole season. Now, at the start of the season is the time to give these lifesaving injections. However, whilst pottering around in the garden this morning amazed at the springing of all manner of

life-forms, I realised I had best discuss ticks. With loads of rain followed by sunshine the ticks come out in plague-like numbers. At the time of writing the rains are still coming down on us, but I bet a fiver that by the time of publication pet owners are finding ticks on their dogs and cats (and horses). Ticks in Portugal spread a number of parasites to animals, all of which can kill them (sounds like Australia), so it’s better to talk about prevention! There are three options for tick control: - Tablets like Bravecto (the best) - Spot ons like Aktivyl - Collars like Seresto Contact us at Lagos Vet Clinic for free advice about controlling ticks, as well as Leishmania and heartworm. Now, I’m to my pansies. 

The digestive tract: the large intestine BY NIKKI MEDLOCK So we are at this final section, known as the large bowel or colon, whose primary function is to absorb water and essential vitamins from the digested food and then turn what is left into faeces. Although it is shorter than the small intestine, approximately 1.5 meters in length, it is considerably thicker in diameter at 6-7 centimetres.

It starts at the bottom of the right side of the abdomen, connected to the small intestine by the ileocecal sphincter. At this junction the colon splits two ways, downwards to form a dead end segment known as the caecum which ends in the appendix, and upwards along the right side of the abdomen to just below the diaphragm. It then turns 90º extends

across the body to the left hand side where it again turns at approximately 90º down the left hand side of the abdomen where it again bends in a S shape before straightening downwards into an enlarged section called the rectum and ending in the anus. Slow waves of peristalsis move chyme (digested food) through the colon and this is where we get help from “friendly” bacteria that live there (around 300-1000 different types, although 99% of bacteria comes from only 30 – 40 species)! Without them the human body would not be able to use some types of carbohydrates as our cells do not contain the enzymes required to break them down. These bacteria also make up 60% of the dry mass of faeces. This process of fermentation releases


minerals, such as magnesium, calcium and iron, and vitamins, such as vitamins K, B1, B2, B6 and 12 amongst others. These are then absorbed through the wall of the large intestine and used throughout the body. A bi-product of this process is gas – carbon dioxide and methane, the causes of flatulence!!! Our friendly bacteria also have the job of neutralising some toxic by-products of digestion, reducing harmful substances (such as toxins and carcinogens), and discouraging 'bad' bacteria and yeasts. The dried, condensed faeces, resulting from the colon reabsorbing the water, is then stored at the end of the colon and rectum until it is eliminated by the process of defaecation. So, what can go wrong with the digestive system? Find out in our May edition.

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How time does fly I met with Mary Mangham from Algarve Home Sales in Luz to get an update on her business based both in Luz and Carvoeiro. She reminded me that it is 14 years since her business was formed and it really does show how time flies. Sometimes we overlook these solid and reliable companies who ‘get on with the job’ and give excellent service. In line with changing trends since 2016 there are far more Europeans making their lives here in Portugal which in itself brings many changes and she believes that her continuing links with Winkworth, the very well established real estate agency in the UK which has connections worldwide has been extremely beneficial. The business has been re-branded and it is now far simpler to navigate their website and at the same time they have developed the other side of their growing and successful business, namely Algarve Holiday Lets which has been proving to be an enormous success as more and more holiday makers choose to come to Portugal and particularly the Algarve.


Mary confirms that this is a family run business and that they think long term and their philosophy is based on the knowledge that buyers entrust them to let or sell their homes for them and that trust is very important to Mary and her company. Very often these clients leave Mary’s team to make important decisions on their behalf whilst they are away or out of the country. "We make regular customer appraisals, she says, when assistance is required and our vision for the future in our relationships is considered and constant and is now more than ever underpinned by forward planning and state of the art technology". Mary has agreed to let Tomorrow have a more detailed look at the exciting technology changes in the next couple of months. The aim is to ensure that the relationships with their clients is mutually beneficial and allows planning for the future whether downsizing or upgrading their homes. Making property plans for the future.

 +351 918 279 592 / 282 763 902 

We shop Algarve An important initiative has been launched by ACRAL, the Association of Commerce and Services of the Algarve Region. The main goal is to group all the typical and regional products of the Algarve in a single online store called ‘We shop Algarve”. The idea it to increase the knowledge and ease the access to what is produced locally for any private or corporate customer to buy products from the Algarve. The producers joining this initiative will have all the support from ACRAL and the inclusion of their products on the online store is free. Those who wish to join the initiative should contact ACRL on the contacts listed below. The key markets targeted are England, Spain, Germany and France; these being the countries of origin of most visitors to the Algarve and having experienced the quality of Potufuese products here they have the opportunity to buy them again or seek these products at their local shops.


ACRAL will promote the products made in the Algarve next to potential buyers in the four markets and arrange their visit to the Algarve where they will be introduced to the range of products available locally and also visit local producers where they will be able to verify the quality of the products made in Algarve and how they are produced. The Algarve already exports several products successfully such as oysters, mussels, and raspberries among others. But many other products such as honey, figs, tinned fish, oranges, sweet potatoes, marine salt, etc that are of an excellent quality should be made available for everyone in an easy way. The online store, available since January, already has 50 local producers that have joined the initiative but the number is expected to grow to 200 in the near future.

 +351 282 887 130  



Leading the way Linen-Etc celebrates its 10-year anniversary this year. We wanted to find out how the business had changed and adapted to cope with the tough times of the last decade so we spoke to the owner, Karen Carfree. Karen and her husband Ian moved to the Algarve in 2003, straight away Ian joined the Good Time Jazz Band playing saxophone and clarinet. Ian also formed a 10-piece band, both were very successful. Karen set up a villa management company, which led them on to sourcing bedding and towels on behalf of private owners and small villa management companies across the Algarve. Now they supply a vast range of bedding, towels and soft furnishings. The company deals with private retail customers at their showroom in Budens, delivers to many of the leading villa management businesses and hotels across the Algarve. What was the business landscape like when you started the business 10 years ago? In September 2008, many of us in the Algarve felt the recession deeply. quickly changed the marketing direction and the business grew. How have things changed during that time? We buy directly from the manufacturers in Portugal in such big quantities we have our own label and dictate our own quality specification. We now beat our competitors and the big department stores in the UK on product design, quality and price.

home use. The number of bed sizes has increased considerably, we now sell 13 sizes of fitted sheets from ranging from 80cm wide up to 220cm wide. Customers want the best product at the best price, they require quotes so they can make comparisons, saving time is also more important. So as well as being able to visit our retail outlet, our customers order by email, online and more customers request our delivery service. Ten years on how would you assess the economy in Portugal for businesses like yours? The Algarve is seeing tremendous tourist growth, all using bedding and towels so more business and a lot more stock, choice and new staff. We have taken over all three of the buildings to match current stock needs and added two extra staff to our team to ensure we can maintain service levels. Looking forward, what are your ambitions for the business for the next 10 years? Having returned to the business after chemotherapy I have had plenty of time to plan the future. We have just partnered with our manufacturers, we will continue to increase our range of products and improve quality and delivery services.

How have customer needs changed? Now 75% of the properties in the Algarve put their bedding and towels through the commercial laundry and they need a product that is suitable for commercial laundries and constant use, this product is different to the product you buy from home linen stores.

We have been offered exclusive rights to specific products in Portugal from manufacturers.

Linen etc products are designed specifically for commercial laundries suitable for rental/hotels and

Happy birthday Karen and Linen-Etc. We wish you every success for the next 10 years.

We have a completely unique product that we plan to launch by 2019. And as I am 60 on April 1st this year….may be a business partner to manage growth and product development.

 +351 282 697 791  


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When it comes to selling your house and moving back to the UK we understand that you are looking for a fast, simple process that gives you great exchange rates.

We have been helping clients transfer money to and from the UK for over 13 years. Talk to us to find out how we can help you transfer your money simply, safely and quickly.

To find out more about all of our products and services please contact us at: Vilamoura Office 289 093 137 Lagos Office 282 768 136 / UK rate 01622 815 201 E GCEN is fully authorised by the FCA to provide payment service as an Authorised Payment Services Institution. Registration No. 504346.


Full of surprises Abacoz has now been running a very successful and growing estate agency for four years and in many ways it seems like they have been in the Lagos real estate business for much longer than that. It was a pleasure meeting up with Ineke, Hans and their team in their new and prestigious offices on the Lagos marina recently. They have developed their business by initially purchasing a property in the Lagos area and they felt they could improve on the service offered and they saw a market opportunity in the real estate business in the area.

offices sees Abacoz ready to take further advantage in the fast moving market as Lagos proves to be one of the best property hot spots in the Algarve. They have a sales team able to handle almost any European language and they have added details to their website to advise potential clients which of their team speak which language to ensure clients are readily able to make their viewing plans. They are looking for new staff members who can speak Swedish and Norwegian alongside English as they progress their business working with all nationalities We wish Hans, Ineke and their team great success in their ever confident development and their new offices.

The recent move into these very smart and open plan

 +351 282 044 886  

Is your pool clear blue? If you own a pool the pool cleaning is a very important part of making your life happy and relaxing. That is why it really is vital that you choose a reliable pool cleaner that turns up on time and has the most modern equipment available.

agreed with his clients and provides the practical aids to ensure the whole experience is smooth and efficient.

Does your pool suffer from any of the following issues? Algae, cloudy water, tile scale build up missing tiles, leaks and finally lack of proper and regular maintenance?

Clear Blue has the latest and most modern technical equipment which tests for every possible eventuality and take my word for it there seems a lot that this machine can deal with and is able tests for chemicals I have never even heard of!

As an introductory offer and to show Simon Jacob’s willingness to ensure real satisfaction he is offering to clean your pool for the first month totally free of charge! That is such a great opportunity to get to know the man and the service! Simon is adamant that the service itself must be satisfactory but he feels it is important to go ‘the extra mile’ to ensure that he turns up to the time

So if you want total peace of mind, great service and a local friendly reliable pool company and your first month free the you had better call Simon.

 +351 282 624 442 


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I.T. can be easy


Easter Eggs – No, not the chocolate kind! Software Easter eggs are secret surprises hidden on websites or in computer programmes. Here are five Easter eggs and silly things to try today. Head over to and type “fun facts” or “I’m feeling curious” into the Google search box. You'll then be shown a little-known fact - waste the next hour learning about things you never knew. In Microsoft Word try typing =rand(4,4) followed by the Enter key. That strange phrase will disappear and in its place four paragraphs each containing four sentences of largely random text will appear. In Chrome or Firefox web browsers (but not Internet Explorer) open and search for the phrase “do a barrel roll”. You’ll be treated to the sight of the page being rotated through a complete 360 degrees before returning to normality. Cortana is Microsoft's Windows 10 voice-activated personal assistant for Windows 10. She has personality, lots of funny quirks and a library of snappy comebacks so here are some things you can ask her: Sing me a song Who’s your Daddy?

Tell me a joke! Beam me up Scotty Play a game Siri is Apple's voice assistant that appears on the iPhone, iPad and Macs, it’s great for things like setting reminders etc. but it turns out that it can be a great way to have a laugh too, try asking: How much do you earn? How old are you? What are your best chat-up lines? Talk dirty to me… (don’t worry the answer won’t be rude) How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man? If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy to help. Have a great month, see you in the May issue.   +351 936 387 512

The changing face of Lagos BY DAVID WESTMORELAND The changing face of Lagos is not only in the landscape of the city. Over the last few years we have seen many changes in Lagos. From new apartment blocks being built through to new urbanizations of villas cropping up across the city. The shape of the town is changing year on year. We have also seen a distinct change in the style and designs of the properties being built. Contemporary apartments such as Santo Amaro and Condominium de Porto de Mos as well as modern designed villas being built on Ponte da Piedade. The tastes of buyers have evolved internally as well. Clients are looking for more modern finishes such as white high gloss kitchens, stylish bathrooms with rain showers and on trend style fireplaces or even under floor heating. Gone are the dark wood ‘farmhouse style’ kitchens and doors.

Clients are looking for bright. Light and more contemporary finishes. This does not necessarily mean that all clients want ‘boxy’ style properties but the finishes required are most definitely modern. This has been driven through the evolution of buyers coming out of the recession. Remember, we almost lost a generation of buyers where the conditions for buying were not right due to the recession. This means the next wave of buyers are coming through and they have a more modern view on how their homes should be. Not just in colour and shape but also in terms of layout and flow. So, what can you do if you have a more traditional style property and want to sell? Well to be honest probably nothing! The cost of making changes could mean that you would need to move the price of


your property post renovation to above its ceiling price. Also, what you think is the style clients want may not be exactly what they are thinking. So best to leave it as it is, price accordingly and leave it for the new owners to choose their personal style. This approach is becoming more and more popular and we see properties that are priced correctly and in need of some updating selling at a faster rate. 70% of the properties we sell have been on the market for less than six months. If you would like to discuss this topic in more detail either send me an email or call into our recently refurbished office on the Avenida or email us.


Food & drink

Gecko launches new menu Guy Taylor, renowned South African born and Stockholm based restaurateur, has teamed up with head chef Luis Rodrigues to develop an exciting new menu concept for Espiche Golf’s Gecko Bistro. Guy’s credits include being part-owner and executive chef of the legendary Swedish foodie favourites Rolfs Kök and Food.

Guy said: “It has been deeply satisfying to develop a curated menu based on the simple honesty of the fresh quality ingredients available here in the Algarve. My philosophy is that good food, authentically cooked from the heart with imagination and care, is a central part of the best human experiences. What an inspiration to be able to bring those ideas to such a unique and stunning venue as the Espiche Golf’s Gecko Bistro! It has been a great pleasure to work with Espiche exceptional team to help develop this new concept.”

He is known for his passion for creating simple but sophisticated dishes that give true value for money. The new breakfast and lunch menu is based on combining the best local ingredients with interesting and unexpected flavours, textures and temperatures.

Espiche Golf’s Gecko Bistro is open daily until 5:30pm, and will have extended spring and summer hours.

It brings new life to old favourites like our 19th Hole Burger and Fish ‘N Chips, as well as offering a carefully curated selection of novel dishes and rotating weekly specials.

 +351 282 688 270 

Lyonnaise Salad This is one of Guy’s simple and delicious recipes so why not try it at home? Serves 4 people Ingredients: 160gr ruccola and mixed green salad 12 asparagus, blanched very quickly. (It is good if they still have a crunch.) 160gr beetroot, in wedges 1 red onion, this sliced into fine slithers 16 Cherry tomatoes, halved 4 eggs, soft boiled and halved before serving


120gr homemade croutons 300gr bacon, crispy is best 150gr of shaved parmesan cheese 80gr, sherry vinaigrette Salt/pepper Serving: Choose four similar salad bowls and begin by plating all the green salad. Then it is just a matter of creating a plate that looks pretty. In with the beetroot, asparagus, egg halves, cherry tomato halves, onion, croutons, bacon, shaved parmesan and then finish off with a splash of sherry vinaigrette.

Food & drink

Luis’s bar re-opens Perfect new pizza place BY THE YUM, YUM BOYS! Eating out recently took us to a newish pizza place (previously a café) called Oliva. First thing to say is go hungry. The pizzas are enormous. I will come onto that later. This is a newish place and café style which is perfect for the type of place it is. It has a great fresh feel. It is bright and expect children as this sort of meal is popular here. It’s not huge and going later in the evening when the kids have gone to bed, you will have to book as it is proving very popular. We went late afternoon, so seating was no problem. By the time we left, one empty table remained. Onto the food. There’s a normal standard pizza menu and pasta dishes. There are other meat and fish option but why would you come to a pizzeria and have fish!! So, we thought we’d start with garlic bread with cheese and oregano. It says its 30cms and boy, was it big. Nice thin crust, which we like and fresh, handmade base. You can see the chef stretching the dough by hand. It’s perfect for four, huge for two but being foodies, it all went. The main course was a pizza for each of us. This is where you eyes pop out of your head. You could use them as a table runner, they are that big. You choose the size: 30cms, 50cms or a metre!! The latter would be great if going with a large party and I understand that you can have a variety of toppings too.

For review purposes you understand, we both took a 50cms. One was the four cheeses and the other the speciality. No guessing what was on the former, but the latter came with all the trimmings you would expect - pepperoni, salami, olives as well as the tomato and cheese base. Even anchovies which I love. (My advice would be to pass on these as they do overpower the taste). Both were thin crust and the sizes were literally the biggest personal pizzas we have ever had served up. The taste was not compromised at all and having had the garlic bread, a doggy bag was in order for at least half of it. The ingredients were fresh and not out of a freezer too. All washed down with two beers and two cokes. €30 the total bill. The service was good, not rushed but it didn’t need to be. It noticeably picked up when the owner arrived on the scene. They also do take away. Make sure you have a large enough space in the car if you take this option In summary, this a new place, deserved of success. A fantastic place for either a group of adults who feel they are big enough to take on the portion sizes, couples too and a great place to bring the kids. They will love it and it won’t break the bank. Go now before the summer kicks in to sample it. In a few months, I can see this place heaving and rightly so. Well done to the owners for finding a winning formula. See you very soon when we haven’t eaten for a few days!!

Oliva Pizzeria:  +351 282 764 202  Rua Professor Jose Ventura Neto Cabrita, lote 2 r/c, e/d, 8600-774, Lagos


The well-loved bar close to the Tivoli hotel in Lagos has re-opened, A full refurbishment has made an enormous difference to this well known and well-liked bar as now, at last, it is a non smoking bar. Another very welcome change is that 11 years to the very day sees the return of Paulo Viana as the manager! Well done Luis you have made yet another great improvement and we look forward to many years of excellent service with the very well liked Paulo. Happy hour: 5pm until 8pm  +351 282 761 731

Take-away tonight


If you haven’t tried a take-away from Delhi Durbar then tonight could be the night. Last month my family and I had not one but two take-aways from there in a week because the food was so good and the service was extremely efficient. We phoned, made our order and collected the piping hot food 30 minutes later. We had a range of main courses including chicken shashlik, chicken korma and side dishes including a delicious saag paneer and daal. I can highly recommend the King Prawn dishes too - the prawns are huge. For those people that don’t like their food too spicey Delhi Durbar can make milder or spicier versions of the same dish so even my children were happy too. Delhia Durbar is near to the Repsol petrol station in Lagos.  +351 923 206 701


portuguese restaurant & bar open 7 days a week +351 913 505 038 -

rua lancarote de freitas, 18 - 8600-605 lagos

Food & drink

Casa do Prego


It is always a pleasure to write a review when the whole experience leaves a lasting impression and you feel that you are on to a good thing as soon as you walk in and feel the ‘buzz’ and that certainly was our feeling here. Casa do Prego is in no way pretentious, it just works well with bight and fresh, rustic painted wood, adding to its vibrant atmosphere. It does not disappoint in any sphere of its operation. The service, an A-team that really works together, great attention to detail with good humour and great smiles, they certainly did make everyone feel special and it just seemed to come so naturally. Everything on the menu was explained in detail by Boris and recommendations made, we did not need to wait long to sample the house wines, an excellent red from the Alentejo region and the lovely dry white from the Douro. We then enjoyed a gorgeous red recommended by Boris namely the Nana Reserva from the Tejo region and one we both felt was a superb choice and all were very reasonably priced. The food started to arrive and the aim of the choices made was to give us a true representation of the skills in the kitchen. We tried and loved all three of the starters, namely spicy prawns, beetroot humus and ‘Pica Pau’ fresh lightly cooked tuna with fresh homemade bread-superb choices.

So then we came to the three recommendations for the main course. We wanted to try one of the vegetarian options as so many people wish to have that choice nowadays. We had the Arifana, an aubergine based vegetable mix which was lovely, the Milano, a delightful superbly cooked steak with a Parmesan cheese topping, roasted tomatoes and a Balsamic glaze and we also sampled the Samui chicken with Pire Pire. This was followed by the cheesecake Banoffee, another great suggestion and like all the food full of flavours and colours. The whole meal surpassed our expectations with middle of the road prices, parking only 100 metres away and immediately opposite the cultural centre, just perfect for every occasion and there is absolutely no doubt that we will be back for more of the same! Well done to everyone in your team you all deserve high marks for great food, great attitude and top service. Please book to avoid being disappointed. It’s open seven days a week.  +351 913 505 038  casadoprego

It’s not at all bad!


We were invited to join three other couples for dinner to celebrate 2018 arriving after returning from the UK. One of the party had been to this restaurant and although some time ago remembered that it was well worth a visit.

decided to share the melon and parma ham for starters with others having fish soup, tomato and onion salad and a mixed salad. Being January the menu had been limited very slightly but we were all keen on fresh fish.

So we walked 50 metres up the hill from the Tivoli Hotel to find A Floresta on the right hand side where we were met by Le Patron who had prepared two tables of eight for us, one round and an oblong, to give us a choice. We chose the round and ordered red and white house wine that was most acceptable and extremely reasonable. It became obvious that this was a traditional family run Portuguese restaurant, not modern but comfortable. Two of the couples

We were offered dourada, robalo and salmon but there was also a great choice of traditional Portuguese fayre. We asked if the salmon was recommended to which the reply came “It’s not at all bad.” When the starters arrived those sharing the melon each received a ‘half portion’ that was more than adequate for a full portion. For the mains we had the fresh fish as offered plus a swordfish steak all served

with potatoes and fresh vegetables. It was unanimously decided that everything about the meal had been excellent. Well cooked, good portions, nicely presented food served with a perfect level of attention and humour. One of the party managed a dessert which again was excellent. The wine flowed throughout the meal and it was agreed that this restaurant was a great find and we would definitely be returning. When we eventually requested the bill everyone was amazed how reasonable it was for quality food with great service. If you enjoy authentic Portuguese food in traditional surroundings then a visit to A Floresta is a must.

 +351 282 763 719  Rua Antonio Crisogono dos Santos 51-8600 Lagos


Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself.

Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays • Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f

Food & drink

Family-run business BY REBECCA SIMPSON The newly acclaimed Bombordo Restaurant has certainly made its mark in Burgau. Rita Custódio is 23-years-old and always wanted to have her own eatery. Rita and her family are originally from Porta Alegra in the Alentejo which as Rita said: “Is a very quiet place to live and work.”

previously been in the navy which explains the nautical theme and décor of the new restaurant. When interviewing Rita she said: “We aim to have a very high standard of Portuguese food with a continually changing menu whilst also embracing the traditional culinary delights of the Algarve.”

Rita and her parents Luis and Celeste moved down to the Algarve with a dream of opening their own restaurant in 2012. Rita worked in various locations in order to raise the funds to attend university. Rita went on to study Tourism at the University of Portimão and is the manager of the newly established Bombordo Restaurant in Burgau.

Bombordo also has a fantastic dessert menu including traditional Portuguese delights such as Pudim de Ovos, Torta de Laranja and the infamous Tarte de Amendoa, along with more well-known British sweet treats. All of which are homemade on the premises by Rita’s mother Celeste. There have also been strong reviews specifically recommending the Octopus Lagareiro Style and it’s true to say this this really is something worth trying.

It opened on January 6th and has had excellent reviews from residents and tourists alike. Rita’s father Luis has

restaurant to be as a long-term project she said: “We just want people to enjoy our food and be happy, we have already received great feedback and will continue to work hard as a family run business, as for us working as a family, it is very special.” Bombordo is located in central Burgau and is open Tuesday to Sunday, opening at 10am until 11pm everyday. Bombordo offers an extensive light menu at lunchtime and a vast evening menu from 6pm. They have a wide range of wines from across Portugal, including Douro, Dão, Península de Setúbal and the Alentejo. Rita and her parents aim to be open throughout the year and support the local community. You can follow Bombordos latest updates on Facebook and on Instagram.

When asked what Rita wanted the  Bombordo Caffe Restaurant  bombordo.burgau

Sunita’s opening night We were very happy to attend the opening night of the Sunita’s Castle which is a new Indian restaurant that has opened in Espiche. It was a lovely and friendly event and one that has shown Sunita’s determination to finally open her own restaurant with the help, of course, of her husband ‘Doc’. I am sure the standards will be high and I look

forward to sampling a dinner there soon! Their chefs are all the way from India, having perfect experience of delicious Indian food. They offer food for vegetarians and non-vegetarians, from dining in to take away, from snacks to main course and from starters to desserts.

 +351 920 556 611  



Help tackle the nurdles BY LOIS, YASSIR AND ARJAN We currently live in a world inundated with plastic – wrapping, kitchenware, car parts, disposable crockery and cutlery, bottles, furniture – not forgetting clingfilm and the ubiquitous plastic bag. But have we any idea what damage these are doing to the environment, especially the ocean? Great rafts of plastic litter in the ocean are a wellpublicised from of pollution. Less recognised are the problems of microplastics. Defined as being less than 5mm in size and observable down to the nanometer scale (multiple particles can occur within a single cell) these are ubiquitous in the oceans, at scarily high concentrations. Estimates put the global weight of floating microplastics at 5,500-35,000 tonnes. This excludes all the particles which have sunk to the seabed, washed up on beaches or accumulated inside marine organisms! Microplastics are not just affecting wildlife: humans are eating them in contaminated seafood. (A Rocha International News, Issue 60 – December 2016). Two young men, Yassir (French) and Arjan (Dutch) have been working for the past year as volunteers at A ROCHA Portugal, a Christian Environmental Centre on the Alvor Estuary, conducting research on a number of local beaches into microplastic pollution caused by what is blown or thrown into the ocean. There has been no previous study in the Algarve so this is pioneering work. As part of the 2017 Environmental Education week of the Algarve (SEIVA), run by the National Agency of the Environment (APA), A ROCHA arranged two separate workshops on the beach aimed to alert the English speaking community about the danger to the environment of microplastics, and how they can help to prevent further damage. Before demonstrating their method of obtaining data, Yassir and Arjan gave an introductory talk. Microplastics are generally divided into two categories; primary and secondary microplastics. Primary microplastics are particles that have been specifically produced in their small size. A well known example of this is the use of microbeads in facescrubs, shampoo, toothpaste or sandblasting. Since they are produced as small as 0.5mm, they often go through our water filtering systems and end up in our rivers and oceans. Not as well known are nurdles; these are plastic pellets the size of a lentil used in the manufacturing of larger plastic items. Manufacturers of plastic objects buy these nurdles in bulk, melt them down and reshape them into the required form. Carelessness in transportation and use often leads to spilling large quantities of nurdles into waterways, which eventually lead to the ocean. When exposed to UV-light for an extended period of time, the plastic will lose its flexibility and become very brittle. The plastic will break down into smaller and smaller particles. The pieces broken off of a


larger object are called secondary microplastics. They come in the shapes of fibres, film, foam and fragments. Studies have shown that plastic attracts POP’s (Persistent Organic Pollutants) like pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Many of these chemicals are no longer being used in agriculture or manufacturing, but they are still present in the marine environment. Plastic absorbs these chemicals, thereby becoming toxic themselves. Many marine animals can ingest plastic particles floating in the ocean. Filter feeders like bivalves, worms, basking sharks and baleen whales will capture them along with their food. Active hunters like storm petrels, crabs, sardine and many other species of fish will often mistake the particles for food. Beside the likelihood of toxins being released in the organism, microscopic particles of plastic have been found to migrate into the muscle tissue, which is the part we eat. Yassir and Arjan are keen to promote the idea of Citizen Science, i.e. encouraging folk like you and me to learn how to collect data and communicate information to help protect the environment. It is vital to find citizens willing to collect data. Schools can be encouraged to take samples and record the quantity and type of microplastics being washed up on to our beaches. So what small changes can we make in our daily lives to help reduce the damage caused by plastics? - Reduce the use of ‘single use’ plastic, such as cling film and plastic packaging. Use foil or greaseproof paper instead. - Cut down the use of plastic bags. Use re-usable bags instead of plastics and save bags for re- use and when finished with, make sure they are recycled. - Contribute to initiatives to fight further pollution or clean up plastic pollution present in the environment. - Pick up any plastic debris when you see it and dispose of it properly. - Avoid using public bins without lids which can be got at by birds or animals – if necessary, take your litter home. Check out the website Beat the Microbead to find a list of personal hygiene and beauty products that contain microbeads. Another helpful site is The Great Nurdlehunt. An informative book is titled Microplastic Pollution. 


Paradise gardens in India BY TAMSIN VARLEY I have just returned from a three week trip to India which included visiting several iconic Mughal gardens. These are derived from the paradise or charbagh gardens of Iran. Their main features are that they are enclosed, are divided into four quarters, have lots of shade and are dominated by water often in the form of canals, ponds and rills. For Muslims, such gardens are the earthly reflection of the paradise that awaits them after death which are evocatively described in the Koran. The first garden we visited was in Delhi and is the oldest Mughal tomb garden. Humayun’s tomb was built on the orders of Bega Begum, his first wife and chief consort and was built between 1565 and 1572. It was designed by a Persian and those influences can be clearly seen in both the design of the sandstone tomb and the 13 hectare Charbagh gardens. The garden is divided into four quarters with four channels of water that appear to meet beneath the tomb. It is mainly laid to lawn with plantings of huge trees that give welcome shade in the summer heat. However, this planting was introduced by the British in the early 20th century when the 1915 planting scheme added emphasis to the central and diagonal axis by lining them with trees.

Some trees were even planted on the platforms originally reserved for tents. The original planting however would have been very different. There would have been no trees as the tents would have given shade – the idea being that the tomb should be seen from anywhere in the garden with no trees blocking the view. There would have been no lawns either – instead planting would have been much more sunken and there would have been lots of jasmine and scented fruits to perfume the air which would have been wafted through the gardens by the slowly moving water. The most famous tomb garden in the world is the Taj Mahal in Agra. We got up very early in order to access the complex at sunrise when the gates are opened. The marble mausoleum was commissioned by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died giving birth to her 14th child. Building started in 1632 and it took 20 years to complete. The 300 metre square garden has raised pathways that divide each of the four quarters into sixteen sunken flowerbeds. Halfway between the tomb and the main gateway is a raised marble water tank with a reflecting pool on a north south axis to reflect the image of the mausoleum.

 Clube Dos Bons Jardins 


As with the Humayan tomb in Delhi, the original planting scheme has long disappeared and the current planting is courtesy of Lord Curzon in the early 20th century and with the lawns and specimen trees has a passing resemblance to an English country park. The trees are either cypress (which represent death) or fruit bearing trees to signify life. Birds are abundant here and we saw hoopoes and grey wagtails on the lawns and rose-ringed parakeets feeding on some flowers. Most Mughal charbaghs are rectangular with the tomb at the centre, but the Taj Mahal is unusual in that the mausoleum is located at the end of the garden. However, in the last 20 years, a moonlight garden has been discovered on the other side of the river which would have been the private preserve of the emperor - adding this garden into the complex results in the tomb now being central, which has generated a lot of interest in academic circles as it fundamentally changes the way the Taj Mahal is viewed. Tamsin is chair of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations throughout the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday every month except over the summer with an optional lunch afterwards.




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