Tomorrow Algarve August 2018 Edition

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Rua Professor Dr. Luis de Albuquerque, lt.44 loja - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - info @ -

Turn key solutions from â‚Ź4,699

Editor's note  TomorrowAlgarve

EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733

DESIGN Creation Media

Sizzling summer in the Algarve At last ‘real’ summer has arrived and the western Algarve is buzzing with travellers, residents and holiday makers alike all enjoying the wonderful atmosphere of the beautiful Algarve. So much to do and so many places to visit and you’ll find many ideas for August in this edition!

On the cover Last month’s Lagos Food Fest was bigger and better than ever. This annual event is now a firm foodie favourite in the local calendar. Thanks to Nico Arnoldi


We have three big charity days in store for the golfers amongst you. Firstly, on August 31st and September 1st we have the John Aldridge Charity Classic Golf weekend 2018 which is a joint event with Tomorrow magazine. This is a new event for our charity and we are very optimistic and hope to raise in excess of €10,000 for the Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT). We are also hosting a separate event at Espiche Golf Club which is the annual Tomorrow Charity Golf Day on September 14th where we hope to raise around €5000. So, we very much hope that golfers will wish to be part of these two big events. The money we raise goes to local charities. We are delighted to report that TACT has just paid for the next three months of rent for the Mustard Seed, the Lagos soup kitchen. On August 12th The Lagos Sunset Color Party takes place on Meia Praia beach and is run by

a group of Portuguese youngsters in support of International Youth Day which promises to bring fun and colour to the city and everyone is welcome to come along. Funds raised from the small charge of around €5 (pre-booking) or €7.50 (on the day) will go directly to the bombeiros. You can read more about it in this edition. Another big event takes place on August 29th namely the BANHO 29 at Praia da Luz and also Praia da Batata (near the Bandeira Fort) which is a great night when everyone takes to the beaches with BBQs, live music and is really good fun. We must not forget one of the most memorable weeks in the Algarve calendar and one everyone here should visit The Silves Medieval Festival which starts on August 10th and ends on the 19th. One final point is to say a huge thank you to our friends and readers (pictured above) who helped us to collect and deliver 6,000 magazines from Algoz last month because there was a delay in getting the magazines delivered. Now that really is going the extra mile! Best wishes for a great month, Amber, Tom and the whole team

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A life dedicated to heritage conservation BY LENA STRANG “Lagos has something to offer which is unique,” Frederico Mendes Paula, the city architect of Lagos, emphasizes, “We must do our best to retain its identity.” We’re sitting in his office in the Municipal Council building. On the wall behind his desk I note an array of maps and diagrams along with black and white photographs of local buildings. If I want to know about the restoration of old dilapidated houses, the impact of tourism and the general development of Lagos, I’m in the right place.

“It’s hugely challenging and often frustrating but when we manage to complete a project it’s very satisfying.”

Frederico’s credentials are impeccable. Having studied architecture at university, he pursued his career first in Lisbon and then joined his father’s business, M. Paula Ltd, in Lagos in 1983. He has been involved in urban planning ever since.

I know that his father Rui Mendes Paula, was a highly respected architect and his well researched book on the historical heritage of Lagos (Lagos. Evolução Urbana e Património, 1992) could be said to be the font of all knowledge. Aware of his father’s professional stature, what was it like working with him? “He had a great influence on me,” Frederico says. “But I must admit that it was difficult at times. A boss is bad enough but with a father in charge it can be even worse!” he laughs.

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But the achievements can’t be gainsaid. Along with his father, Frederico helped to draw up the very first plans for urban rehabilitation in Lagos. Some projects were directly associated with him such as the Lagos pedestrian area and the Praia da Luz waterfront improvement. It’s interesting to ponder the work that has gone into creating the features of the city that we now take for granted. The work was consolidated when in 1986 the Câmara took on government-funded initiatives to restore and preserve historic centres. The work of their private office alongside the city council, continued until his father’s death. Frederico decided to close the business and in 1998 he joined the Câmara staff officially with particular responsibility for the management and recuperation of the historic centre. Along the way he has picked up a host of other responsibilities and projects such as strategic planning, seismic and tsunami risk, urban mobility and the use of traditional building techniques. I’m keen to know how one goes about preserving a historic centre, the one in Lagos being one of the largest in the country. Surely a mammoth task? “Yes, it is,” Frederico says, “It’s hugely challenging and often frustrating but when we manage to complete a project it’s very satisfying.” So what has been done to date? Amongst others things, he has been involved in restoring most of the churches in the Lagos area, two of which were in a serious state of disrepair. He is particularly pleased with the restoration of the Igreja das Freiras, part of the Convent of Nossa Senhora do Carmo (situated in the upper part of the city near the outdoor auditorium). He received an award

from the Gulbenkian Foundation in 2003 for the methodology used in the restoration. Many will have noticed that the Church of Santo António (near the Municipal Museum) was closed for a long time and reopened a couple of years ago in its full splendour. Frederico gives me an insight into the scale of the task they faced: “When we started with the ceiling, we discovered serious cracks in the stucco work and realised that half had come loose! All the holes had to be injected with lime and sand and painted over. This is on top of restoring the delicate decorative art.” When I visit the church next, I will certainly look at it with new eyes. Currently, the Municipal Museum, integrated with Santo António Church, is having a long-overdue overhaul. It’s being re-organised and extended to include the old police station across the road. The existing museum will continue its focus on ethnography and sacred art while the new section will be dedicated to archeology. I’m sure it will be worth a visit when it reopens. From left to right, top to bottom: Lagos street; Frederico in his office; Lagos city walls

Something that is blotting the urban landscape of Lagos is the number of dilapidated buildings. What is being done? According to Frederico this is an ongoing issue and is being tackled with the limited resources available. In 2012 a project called ARU (Área de Reabilitação Urbana) was established with a life span of 15 years. It has allowed public access to EU funding, providing an average of 65% of the expenditure for renovating historic buildings. It’s also good news for anyone who has bought a property in the area covered by ARU and intends to renovate it. Owners of restored properties will receive tax benefits for a period up to 10 years. There is also a special fund (IFFRU) with low rates of interest for long-term mortgages. He laments the fact that they are not able to provide technical assistance and points out that there are no laws in place to enforce sympathetic and authentic renovations. There is always a great battle as regards using traditional methods. Many architects not versed in building techniques of old, resort to cement, instead of lime and sand. And it’s not uncommon to see aluminium and plastic window frames that are totally out of place.

Cultural and technical issues are at stake but he admits it’s often a question of economy and people tend to resort to the cheapest. There are roughly 1650 buildings in the ARU area of 50 hectares – one of the largest in the country – of which some 300 may be considered to be in a poor state. The project is in its sixth year and processes up to ten buildings per year. By my calculations it’s going to take a while to deal with all the issues… What about the derelict buildings that seem to have been empty for years, I ask? “Apart from imposing tax penalties - empty houses pay three times more IMI - the council can in effect, enforce the sale of properties, oblige the owner to renovate or even as a last resort, take them over, but these are legal measures that, as a rule, will not be taken. Complex political issues are involved and council funds are limited, so the market must do its job within our regulations,” Frederico says. He has always been adamant that any restoration of historic buildings or monuments must serve a purpose and be profitable in the sense that it brings direct benefit, not necessarily monetary. Two examples spring to mind. In 2007 the 18th century family house Casa Fogaça on top of the Municipal Market was restored and now incorporates Lagos Science Centre, a project that he coordinated. The other one is Casa Mãe, a manor house by the top end of the city walls, next to the bulwark of São Francisco. Having played a significant part in the history of Lagos, the house and terrain was finally rescued by a private entrepreneur and is now a flourishing boutique hotel. There have also been bitter disappointments, such as the issue of Casa das Palmeiras, the pink manor house opposite the new Câmara building, endangered by lack of essential restoration. Built in the 1890s on the foundations of a 16th century monastery, it was an important building at the time with its own fascinating history. It belonged to the same family for over a hundred years but subsequently sold to local businessmen and now going to rack and ruin. He feels it’s not enough just to prevent demolition. The owners should be obliged to restore it rather than let it collapse. To the chagrin of many in Lagos, the day may soon arrive when the building is beyond rescue. Frederico feels strongly that the preservation of the heritage is also linked to the urgent need to diversify tourism and economic activities in the city. Sleepy Lagos in wintertime swells out of all proportion in summer. From 20,000 inhabitants to about 80,000 visitors in high season is a reasonable estimate. There is an impact on local infrastructure struggling to cope with increasing visitor numbers. “Seasonality is a huge problem as Lagos is a city that is after all focused on the sun and beaches,” Frederico maintains. “With an investment in cultural and nature activities, we could increase low season tourism and have better economic and employment stability throughout the year.” As far as I know this has been on the agenda in Lagos for many years. I hope we can see concrete measures taken in the future. The changing characteristics of the historic centre are also providing concerns. Local inhabitants are leaving, often due to increasing costs and exorbitant rates. The increase of hostel accommodation and the lack of residential housing is a problem. “The soul of the old town is its people and we must be careful not to create a Disneyland scenario,” he adds. Walking through the thronged narrow streets in the centre with a plethora of bars and restaurants competing for custom, he may well have a point. 

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From left to right, top to bottom: Historic centre of Lagos; The Science Centre, "Casa de Fogaça" after restoration; Conference in Salé, Morroco about rehabilitation of heritage in Lagos.

When I ask him if he has any spare time he laughs. I already know the answer. He loves researching and writing about his overriding interest, which is the Arab legacy in Portugal and more recently the evidence of the Portuguese presence in Morocco. He has become an expert in this area having written numerous articles and a published book together with a string of lectures, both in Portugal and Morocco. He is clear about the significance: “The book opened several doors. The former Moroccan Ambassador in Portugal expressed his appreciation and the Portuguese Ambassador in Morocco invited me to do various presentations. I think these led to the subsequent involvement of Lagos Câmara and the steps we are now taking.” We are all aware of the close links between Lagos and the Portuguese Discoveries and in many ways it has become its identity. The city walls also play an important role. There are still large sections in place of the original 2400 km long perimeter walls but some are in need of urgent attention. I soon realise that this is a topic very close to Frederico’s heart. His face lights up as he outlines details about the project. He tells me that the walls are a unique example of ‘transition fortifications’ dating back to the 16th century. They retain some medieval characteristics but also show evidence of more modern military architecture.

Anyone visiting Lagos at the moment will have noticed scaffolding erected on parts of the city wall. “We are currently creating a master plan. Critical areas are being restored to ensure physical integrity and public safety,” he explains. When complete, Frederico hopes the walls will be open to the public as they command a superb view over the city and connected with important public leisure areas. Frederico’s enthusiasm is palpable as he outlines the future prospects for the city. He considers international partnership to be essential for promoting the city walls and the ‘Lagos of the Portuguese Discoveries’ brand. Plans are afoot to create a centre for military architecture in Lagos and a network of maritime fortifications. The first promising steps have already been made in Morocco where evidence of these fortifications abound. Frederico has been involved in delivering training for local tourist guides on the Portuguese heritage in the country, followed by similar events in Marrakesh and El Jadida. Last April, Lagos Mayor and a city delegation went to Morocco and signed cooperation agreements with three different cities connected with the former Portuguese presence.

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While there is increasing awareness of the Arab heritage in Portugal, less is known about the Portuguese legacy in North Africa. Frederico is clearly doing some groundbreaking work. With his Moroccan wife he also spends much time in her home country “the place where my heart has stayed.” What about the future? Frederico ponders for a while and then reflects: “When I started work for the Câmara over 30 years ago I was convinced that in a few years I would change the world. All buildings would be restored and everything would be beautifully organised.” With a glint in his eye he adds, “But life is not like that.” Although not being able to solve all the problems in one go, it seems he will be busy for the foreseeable future. Besides working for the Câmara, Frederico is involved in some private work. He has recently collaborated with Álvaro Siza Vieira (a Portuguese architect of international acclaim) on the construction of a Chapel in Barão de São João. He also finds time to contribute to numerous associations to do with the rehabilitation of historic centres. “My main activity is of course, my work at Lagos Câmara, where I hope to make my contribution to heritage conservation until I retire but I must admit that the work in Morocco is my biggest passion,” he concludes. Pleasingly, he saw his career recognised when in 2014 he was granted the Memory and Identity award by the Portuguese Association of Municipalities with Historical Centres. The past informs the present and Frederico, more than anyone else, is aware of this. His efforts to preserve the historical legacy of Lagos are invaluable in our understanding of the city today. Equally valuable are his explorations of the impact of the Portuguese presence in North Africa and the role of Lagos as the springboard for the discoveries at that time.

A story of success Carlos Pereira joined Espiche Golf’s maintenance team on a one-year governmental social programme designed to integrate people with special needs into the workplace. It now looks like he will become a full-time member of staff. Before 36-year-old Carlos joined the programme his assessment tests placed him at a greater than 70% deficiency level in key skills but his colleagues at Espiche would entirely disagree. Carlos has great difficulty speaking but he has proved to be a fast learner, and is a very popular and hardworking member of the team.

Carlos was born in Alcochete and had five sisters and 10 nephews - he’s been living on his own now since he was 25. His job at Espiche is wide-ranging and includes a little bit of everything from general maintenance works to renovating the bunkers. He also drives utility vehicles to support various jobs. He really enjoys gardening, pruning and trimming. When he is not at work he enjoys going to the cinema and beaches and really enjoys travelling. One thing his colleagues may not know about him is that he is an excellent snooker player if anyone fancies a challenge!


More than 10,000 ice creams have been seized from beach operators by the Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE) The ASAE announced last month that it had instituted 75 cases of misconduct for operators who carry out their economic activity in bathing areas and seized 18,000 euros worth of food, including more than 10,000 ice creams. In this operation, the Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE) inspected 446 operators and detected 75 infractions, which correspond to a default rate of 17%. Among the main infractions detected are the non-compliance with procedures related to the food safety protocol, lack of licensing / registration, noncompliance with hygiene requirements or those related to infrastructure of catering establishments, lack lack or inaccuracies of price lists and disregard for price-reduced sales regulation.

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In this operation 10,482 units of ice cream were also seized for improper use of a weighing instrument and lack of temperature control. "The seizures amount to around 18,000 euros," said the entity, noting that there was still suspension of activity, due to lack of hygiene requirements. The inspection action was directed at economic operators who carry out their activities in the bathing areas, namely beaches, tourist companies, maritime tourism operators and icecream parlours. The operation took place at the national level and was attended by ASAE, the Regional Inspection of Economic Activities, the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Regional Authority for Economic Activities of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. In terms of beach support, the operation also took place simultaneously in several member countries of the CPLP Food Security and Economic Activities Inspection Forum, namely IGA (Angola), ARFA and IGAE (from Cape Verde), IGAC (Guinea Bissau), INAE (Mozambique), DNIAE (São Tome and Principe) and AIFAESA (Timor-Leste).


The best of the Algarve is now launched in the form of a brand-new development in Lagos. This private condominium has 24 luxury, modernly designed two and three-bedroom apartments with high quality finishings. This exceptional condominium is located in Torraltinha, a privileged position close to the town centre and local beaches, with amenities on the doorstep. This gated complex was designed by the renowned Architect Mário Martins who tailors an elegant and contemporary design with a combination and selection of materials that ensure quality and comfort. Lagos Prime Residence has a large central pool and a solarium, which are both surrounded by landscaped gardens that ensures privacy, a gymnasium and private underground parking in the basement. All apartments range from 170sqm to 428sqm and have spacious outdoor areas with living room balconies. The ground-floor apartments have private gardens and the first-floor apartments have private roof terraces with sea views. These modernly designed apartments offer large living room areas and open plan kitchens with floor to ceiling windows. All bedrooms are en-suite and all units also have an additional toilet for guests. Standard features include air conditioning, underfloor heating in the bathrooms, solar panels for hot water, and a central vacuum system, with private Jacuzzi as an optional extra. With estimated completion for the summer/autumn of 2019, this is undoubtedly an investment not to be missed! Fully equipped apartments with prices from € 375,000. Contact us now for further details. E: | T: +351 282 780 870

Miles of achievement BY REBECCA SIMPSON

Madrugada:  +351 282 761 375

James Kemp is a 50-yearold architect from South Yorkshire who decided to take up cycling due to football injuries about 15 years ago. For the second time since 2010, James has decided to take part in another mammoth challenge to cycle from Dronfield in North Derbyshire to Praia da Luz. In 2010 James raised over £10,000 for Cancer Research UK and also published a book called A Long Ride Home which documented his journey across Europe. On this occasion James also raised funds for the Luz-based palliative care charity Madrugada. Two years ago, James decided to take part in an even greater challenge that would certainly test his strength and durability. James rode 4,000 miles across the USA. He did this over two months and managed to raise over £7,000 for Ashgate Hospice in Chesterfield. For someone that took up cycling purely from a recreational perspective James has certainly achieved a huge amount in such a short space of time. When interviewing James, I asked him how his passion for cycling originally began. ‘I did a ride from Workington to Sunderland back in the UK and found it a great challenge, so I just wanted to continue, I love a challenge and being able to raise such large amounts for good causes’. James moved to Praia da Luz last year semi-retiring in 2016. When he’s not cycling James has a private consultancy business which takes up a lot of his time along with his beautiful Golden Retriever Lola. I asked

James what he would like to achieve through his cycling ambitions in the future: ‘I would like to do this event from the UK to Praia da Luz every year and anyone is welcome to join me’. ‘It’s a beautiful route through France, Spain and Portugal and a real sense of achievement at the finish’. I asked James what his top tips were for cycling in such hot conditions through Europe; ‘Hydration is key, protect your head and wear a good quality and high factor sun cream’. I also asked James if he had any particularly memorable moments through his cycling career; ‘Well there’s been quite a few! I have got lost a fair few times and once ended up cycling on a motorway! A surreal moment was cycling through Spain where I rode 80 miles that day and didn’t see a single person for the duration it ended up being a very contemplative and emotional ride’. James has also ridden Prudential Ride London four times and continues to relish a challenge on two wheels! This year the event will start on August 4th in Dronfield, North Derbyshire and James with his five friends Laura, Jed, Michelle, Jene and Jane and will cycle the 1,500 miles through four countries to Praia Da Luz. With a total of 21 days cycling and an average of 80-100 miles per day the team aim to be at the finish line, near the Habana Bar in Praia da Luz on 25th August. James has asked if anyone would like to donate to the Madrugada, please do so directly. We look forward to interviewing James and his team at the finish line next month. Here’s wishing James and his team mates the best of luck on this epic challenge.

Marvellous Marley Over the last few months we have kept you up-to-date with the plight of a very brave 6-year-old boy from the Algarve, Marley Inácio. Marley was born with Marfans Syndrome and Poretti Boltshauser which encompasses various medical problems including cerebral problems, muscular and bone conditions derived from genetic connective tissue disorders. This is where his muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones are all on the same “control” system, whereas in most of us systems are linked but autonomous. However this is just a name, not a cure... He has a global delay which affects many things in his body such as his

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speech, hearing, understanding. Marley’s parents are fundraising for him to have brain and back surgery. There are only four doctors in the world who can operate on cases like his with connective tissue disorders. Three are in the States and one is in Barcelona. They are doing this while he is in and out of hospital getting treatment. If you would like to read more about Marley and his ordeal or if you would like to find out how to donate or fundraise then please go to the website.


Keep fitters bid farewell to instructors BY MATT D’ARCY

Bob & Ian in the red shirts as some of the fitness class raise their glasses in a toast to their trainers

Two fitness instructors at a west coast keep fit club stepped down last month—10 years after first getting members to start stepping up! Bob Packham and Ian Bedford decided to take a break from running the twice-weekly classes at the club house of community association Amovate. And the fitness enthusiasts got together to organise a presentation and a barbecue to thank them for all the time and effort they have put in making sure people in the community stayed fit and healthy to enjoy their retirement years— or just to enjoy keeping fit. They were presented with commemorative tankards which no doubt reflect that the keep fit classes are as much a social gathering as a benefit to health and well-being for those who take part. Cormac Murphy, one of the members, said the classes had been a huge benefit to everyone who has signed up, and that after a serious knee operation they helped to accelerate his recovery in a way that otherwise would not have been possible. He pointed out that Bob and Ian’s involvement hasn’t just covered the hour-long sessions, but also the time and effort spent setting up the equipment and then storing it again before and after each of the classes. There was also the thought and planning that goes into designing the training and exercise circuits for each class to avoid repetition which risks people becoming bored. Ian declared: “What a fantastic send-off for Bob and myself after 10 years trying to get reasonably fit, and thank you all for the kindness you showed both Bob and myself. “The two of us are so grateful for our gifts and I can assure you that the tankards will sit in a place that will always remind us of our happy times at the Old School House. People of all ages and fitness have graced our Monday and Wednesday sessions and of course family visitors when they are here to enjoy the sun. The barbecue was such a fitting end to the last session that Bob and myself hosted and I can assure you it was thoroughly enjoyed. We have had such fun over our time and now it’s up to you all to keep going and we know you will and Cormac has started by drawing up a rota of help. So, onwards and upwards!” As Ian said, Cormac Murphy himself will be stepping up to take over some of the classes, along with Julia Curphey who has professional experience in this field, having worked for Dragons Den guru Duncan Bannatyne at one of his health clubs in Shropshire.

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And Cormac called for more volunteers to help out. So, if YOU live on the west coast and have any experience in the world of fitness training, aerobics etc, please get in touch with Amovate. The details are below. The fitness classes were started in 2008 by Bob and his physiotherapist son Chris…and from small beginnings come great things. At the outset members had to make do with sitting on chairs whilst rapidly tapping their feet on the floor, running up and down the room, stepping up and down on step trainers and using elastic straps as tension bands for working their muscles. It was pretty basic stuff, but gradually Bob, Chris and Ian—who joined a few weeks after the classes began—started begging, borrowing or buying more equipment. Chris returned to England for professional reasons to take up new positions in football and hospital physiotherapy in those early days but Bob and Ian continued the work he had started. Now, thanks to their efforts, it’s quite possible that Amovate has the best-equipped gymnasium facilities on the Algarve’s west coast! The gym is now equipped with a multi-gym, three treadmills, four cross-trainers, two rowing machines, three static exercise bikes, situp benches, weight benches, a couple of dozen step trainers, abdominal crunchers, a variety of equipment to tone up or strengthen various parts of your body and a large assortment of free weights. The classes are held twice a week, at 11.30am on Monday and Wednesday at the Old Schoolhouse, situated where the road forks outside Vales, towards Arrifana to the left and Vale da Telha to the right. Each session lasts for one hour and normally begins with a 10-minute aerobics warm-up to music, followed by around 40-45 minutes of exercises using the equipment, weights and floor mats you can see in the accompanying pictures. The routines are changed for each session so there’s no risk of anyone getting bored and the entire session comes with a background of enjoyable music. It’s fun to be fit…and these classes make it fun to get fit! No membership fee is required and the cost per session is just €2.50. If you would like further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.

  Caixa Postal 205, Vale da Telha, 8670 – 156, Aljezur  Amovate

Back to school BY VICKI GOOD

Children’s charity ACCA has started its annual drive to ensure that youngsters across the Algarve can start the new academic year with confidence… and with the basic essentials they need for school. This is where your help is needed. Although the government here does provide text books for the poorest, it does not supply children with the simple, everyday materials that are vital to support the learning process. Every year, ACCA increases its back-to-school programme in an attempt to help as many kids as possible – in 2017 the charity gave out 850 backpacks, filled with those all-important essentials and this year hopes to top that figure. Here’s where you come in and can make a real difference, ACCA needs the following:

For each student under 10: A4 lined, squared and plain exercise books, 1 A5 plain exercise book, pencil case, scissors, colouring pencils and felt tip pens, 30cm ruler, pencil sharpener, rubber, HB pencils, blue pens and glue stick.

For children over 10, the above plus: Recorder, set square and protractor set, blue, black and red biros, A4 files, A4 paper with punched holes, calculator and compass.

For senior students, the above plus:

August 21st and September 5th, you will be making that difference. There are a list of drop-off points and these include:

Alcantarilha: The Golf Shack, EN125 Almancil: The Hut, opposite Apolonia and Curiosa Indoor & Out, Troto, EN125

Armação de Pêra: Holiday Inn Algarve Boliqueime: Diamond Properties, EN125 Guia: Iceland, Albufeira Retail Park and Barbearia JUST Montcarpacho: Casa de Povo Lagos: CARDS, centre and Moveison, EN125 Portimão: Iceland, Retail Center Santa Barbara: Julie's Bistro São Brás: The Museum Silves: Castelo dos Sonhos Tavira: Somewhere Else, Dave's Bar Moncarpacho: Casa de Povo Or, if you prefer to let us have a donation, we will do the shopping and assemble the back packs (we can purchase these (with gym bags) – for just €5. ACCA is an Algarve-based charity dedicated to to helping children in need across the region, which was founded in 2000. Since then ACCA has delivered lifesaving, and life-changing, therapies and medical aid to disadvantaged youngsters who either live below the poverty line, or are orphaned and in care, or who require specialist treatment that is not available to them through Social Services. ACCA is run by a small committee who give their time, experience and enthusiasm freely to make the world a better place for these children. Thanks to our generous sponsors, donors, and volunteers we can make a difference, and put smiles on young faces.

1 ream of plain paper, post-it notes, correctors, pen drives, stapler and scientific calculator. If you can shop for any of the above and drop your purchases off at one of the points listed below between

A happy winner We are delighted to inform you that Liselle Barnsley was the winner of the Cool Charters Competition.

40ft rib, courtesy of Cool Charters. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the competition!

Liselle correctly said that Ferdinand Magellen was the first Portuguese sailor to circumnavigate the globe. Liselle won a luxurious Sunset Cruise Charter aboard

  +351 926 412 165 (Lagos)  +351 934 228 116 (Vilamoura)

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  +351 936 431 77 (Lynda) 

Teaming up with 'Aldo' Next month Tomorrow magazine joins forces with football legend, John Aldridge, to host a charity golf event. Rebecca Simpson caught up with John to find out why charity work is so important to him. John Aldridge or ‘Aldo’ is a well-known local in Praia da Luz. As ex-footballers go he is certainly one of the town’s most well-known faces. John is a former Liverpool and Republic of Ireland player but is predominantly known for being a prolific and record breaking striker at Liverpool Football Club in the late 1980s. He is also known for his appearances with Real Sociedad, Oxford United and Tranmere Rovers. John and his family have always been keen on giving back to the community and taking part in charitable events but this year he has teamed up with Tomorrow. So, what are his ethos and outlook is for such occasions? After 15 years of very successful golf tournaments with the help of the development company Oceanico, John’s events have raised approximately €500,000, for a list of charities both local and UK based. I asked John why he has done so much for charity over the years and he replied: ‘I believe that ex-footballers have a substantial following and that this should be used positively to give back to the communities which we live in, otherwise such influence isn’t being utilised as well as it could be.” John’s golf event last year raised over €37,000 for charities including the Praia da Luz Orphanage, the Dog and Donkey Sanctuary, NECI, the bombeiros, Heart Disease Liverpool, Temple Street Dublin, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Liverpool, Marie Curie, KIND, Edinburgh Children’s Hospital and funds were also raised for a personal friend who had found themselves in very difficult and tragic circumstances. After a great chat about football and the upcoming event in September I also asked John what he hoped to achieve in the future. He said: “I would like to carry on with these events with Tomorrow magazine and continue to raise money for such good causes whilst also offering people the chance to have a great couple of days at the event, after all the golf is secondary it’s all about the crack!”

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When I asked John how he thought being a football celebrity helps with such events he replied: “Exfootballers get a lot of backing. I think you should do what you can and give back to the community and also charities that are personal to you.” When discussing John’s various charity work I asked him what his greatest achievement was to date. “I took part in a national singing competition in Ireland, 14 songs over a two-week period, Louis Walsh was one of the judges and I actually managed to win.” He added that: “We raised over €200,000 for Temple Street Hospital.” John is a keen golfer and of course an avid football supporter. As a semi ambassadorial role, John works for Liverpool Football Club on a game basis. He also does a significant amount of work for newspapers, radio and LFC TV. When I asked John how he found working so much within a football environment he replied: “I have the privilege of working for the club I love and follow which is really great.” John also enjoys breaks in Praia da Luz approximately every six weeks and as a grandfather spends a lot of time with his family and young grandchildren. John would like to recognise and thank Gary Williams from GWR engineering, PMB Construction, Geoff Holden and John Mulvany for their significant contributions towards previous charity events. This year’s golf event with Tomorrow magazine is taking place on September 1st. There are approximately 20 teams and the event will take place at both Espiche and Boavista golf clubs. One thing is for sure, when you walk around Luz with 'Aldo', the amount of people who stop him and say hello certainly means you’ll never walk alone!

Vine and dine BY SOPHIE SADLER From subsistence farming to a successful vineyard in three generations. Herdade do Seromenho is the family story of how one man's dream to leave a farm to his grandchildren has led to an award-winning wine. After spending a very enjoyable evening at a friend's birthday party in the cosy dining room of the vineyard, nestled in the beautiful countryside behind the Monte Piscarreta ridge in Lagos, I set out to find more about the history of our gracious hostess Paula Seromenho. Paula's grandfather, Francisco Bravo Seromenho bought the property in Ferrel in 1974 after the revolution when there were new opportunities to buy land. He grew oranges, lemons, plums and kept cattle at a subsistence level. Paula's Father, José Inacio de Sintra Seromenho, was born in the farmhouse that was situated over the cowshed. Francisco later decided that the farm did not offer a future and so took José and his family to live in Lisbon, where he made lamp shades and kept the farm as a weekend retreat. José grew up and became a hotel manager in Albufeira and had four children and Francisco dreamed of one day leaving one part of the farm to each grandchild. It was this dream, that he kept alive for many years, that has led to the impressive vista we see today. Rows of vines are breached intermittently with dusty tracks, stretching across the gently undulating land which gradually rises up the ridge seperating this agricultural land from the coast to the south and to the North is framed by the dramatic backdrop of Monchique.

able to obtain the license and buy the equipment to make the wine on the farm. They are lucky to have a good water supply from a number of wells and use sulfur to kill bugs rather than using pesticides. The decision came in 2006 to produce the red, white and rosé Vinho Regional Algarve wines, a total of approximately 12,000 bottles. The project to produce their own wines continued in 2007 and the same year 2,500 bottles of the new DOC Lagos Reserva 2007 were produced, which won the Silver Medal in the Best Wines of the Algarve competition 2008, organised by the Algarve Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries. Their wine is also marketed with the Lacóbriga label, (the name of the Roman settlement that preceded Lagos) the red, which is described as having a “subtle floral touch”, has won gold. Paula helps with marketing and distribution and bottles can be bought at the Lagos and Budens Intermarchés along with Spar and Baptista in Praia da Luz.

In 2001 José bought some more land and developed his farmhouse from a former cow shed and his children inherited one-quarter of their grandfather's original farm. José Seromenho and Vítor Manuel Seromenho – father and son – decided to work together. They tested the quality of the clay-limestone soil and were told that it was best suited to vines and Alfarroba trees.

It was one of José's other success stories, however, that led to my discovery of Herdade do Seromenho and enjoying their unique hospitality. The patriarch is National, European and World champion in Trap shooting. What is now the private dining area, was built as a room to display his impressive array of trophies. The family started using the space to entertain friends and family who then suggested to Paula she started to do it commercially. Teresa, a friend of Paula's, has a catering company, Mimos da Teresa, so they started hosting evenings for paying guests.

In 2002 a 60-hectare vineyard was established through the Vitis programme, a national support programme for the Portuguese wine sector. The remaining ten hectares were put aside for growing the Carob fruit, widely cultivated because the naturally sweet pod exempts the use of sugar in the manufacture of sweets making it a good alternative to cocoa.

They cook for up to 30 people and can design a menu to suit any budget which includes traditional Portuguese home cooking accompanied by their range of wines produced on the estate. Our group enjoyed a range of plates of tapas to start with, a choice of two delicious main courses and a chocolate mousse which can only be described as “dreamy” for €25 per head.

Paula and Vitor built houses on their land, each situated on a different corner of the farm, the other two brothers live in Lagos. The Agricultural Company was founded in 2003 and the vines produced the first grapes in 2006, which have a distinctive taste as they are flavoured by the smell of the ocean. The whole family including José's seven grandchildren, pick the grapes every September engaging the help of friends and also hiring pickers. After they are cleaned the grapes are sent to a plant in Lagoa to be made into wine.

Herdade do Seromenho is one of Lagos' best kept secrets. An opportunity to experience wine, gastronomy and the beautiful Portuguese countryside encapsulated in a delicious and authentic bubble.

The vineyard is the second largest in the Algarve, behind Cliff Richard's Vida Nova and the family dream of being

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 Herdade-dos-Seromenhos  +351 961 380 579 

José Seromenho with his granddaughter

to help alleviate their current suffering but also to show the next generation that horses are wonderful animals with real feelings and emotions, not machines. We also help to provide suitable equipment. Many horses wear very old and very poor-quality harnesses and collars, which can cause terrible wounds and also do not spread the weight evenly across the horses neck and back.

Helping horses in the Algarve BY HOPE FAULKNER Algarve Horse Alarm is a non-profit organisation, established earlier this year, which aims to reduce the suffering of mistreated horses across the Algarve, to support horse owners and the community through education and medical support. The organisation was created by three horse loving friends, who decided that they could no longer continue to sit by and see poor horses needlessly suffer. Their mission, to rescue as many horses as they can, rehabilitate them and ultimately find a loving forever home for them. Most of us, on a nearly daily basis, see poor skinny horses being forced to work all day in the blazing sun. Often desperately malnourished, dehydrated, riddled with parasites and covered with open wounds, many of these horses are forced to work until they cannot go on. When the crack of a whip or a beating from a stick can no longer bring a horse to its feet, they are often simply left at the side of the road to die. How can these practices be allowed to continue you may ask? How, in Portugal in the twentieth century, can this blatant abuse be left to continue without intervention from the authorities? Only recently animal rights were introduced in Portugal, undoubtedly this was a positive introduction and a step in the right direction. Sadly, these new laws do not apply to horses. Considered a “working animal” there is very little protection in place for them. With very little help from the authorities, we must take it upon ourselves to do what we can to help. We want to educate owners on how to care for their animals,

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We visit the local community camps on a weekly basis to do general check-ups on all the horses, as a result of all our help with treatments, wormers, new harnesses and collars etc; we are starting to notice a difference in the community already. Of course, this is a long process and will take time, however this is very positive progress. Ultimately, in some cases, there are horses we find who would not survive if they were to continue living under their current conditions. In these cases, we negotiate to take ownership of the horse, with the aim to nurse them back to health and then find a loving home for them. We have been involved in over 20 cases of mistreated horses since the beginning of 2017. Before the horses can be re-homed we need to ensure they are back to a good physical standing. Most of the horses we take in are at near starvation levels, therefore we need to carefully monitor their feeding and make sure they are given good quality feed to help strengthen them up. All the horses also need to be checked over by a vet and most will require multiple visits. They also all need to be wormed and vaccinated. And as almost none of the horses are registered they have to be microchipped and inputted on to the system. All of this costs time and money. So far, the majority of the money that has been used by the charity has come from the pockets of its members, a small membership that works tirelessly to help as much as they can. In order to extend our reach and save more horses, we need help from our local community, both physically and financially. If you would be interested in helping our cause in any way shape or form, we would love to hear from you. We will be holding a fundraising fête at Parque das Marendes in Barão de São João on the August 5th 2018, starting at 11am until 6pm. There will be lots fun activities for children and adults alike, and plenty of good food and merriment to be had. We invite everyone along to meet with us to discuss how we can carry our mission forward and stop the needless suffering of horses in the Algarve. If you would like to make a difference in helping us save more horses by making a donation or giving your time, please contact us. To make a donation, please see our bank details: IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 5605 8310 0011 1

  +351 914 005 601  horsealarm  algarvehorsealarm

Fighting forest fire The Portuguese Prime Minister says that the country has adopted a new attitude to fighting forest fires. "More than that we have more elements and means" to combat forest fires, this year and "we have a new attitude", said the Prime Minister António Costa at the session to present the results of the initiatives on prevention and fight forest fires, held in Lisbon last month. This new attitude translates into the fulfilment of the three priorities defined by the Government in October 2017: greater interaction between prevention and combat; increased professionalism and qualification; and greater specialisation and knowledge in the decision making. During the session, organised by the Mission Structure for the Installation of the Integrated Management System for Rural Fire, the Prime Minister stated that "never before this year has there been so much invested in prevention, and investing in prevention is the best way to avoid fighting fires". The effort to increase professionalism and qualification "was made in all entities, those of the State, which increased their human resources, and the private ones, such as voluntary firefighters, which increased professionalism through permanent intervention teams".

"Never before this year did the owners of forest areas make such a large effort to clean their land, local authorities mobilised both to clean and inspect the areas that were to be cleaned to reduce the fuel load in the forest." "The league and volunteer fire brigades were as involved in the preparation as all the other civil protection agents." "A great effort regarding awareness and information was also disseminated to the public, through a system to characterise the areas with the highest fire risk foreseen for 2018", based on scientific information. This scientific forecast "enabled the development of the Safe Villages - Safe People Information Program. For the first time we have a program focused on an essential thing namely: that each one knows how to protect themselves and to create conditions of safety of the public, that is the first line defence ", in a territory with" enormous dispersion of settlements and isolated houses". Thanks to Safe Communities Portugal for this piece.

New radio comms for local bombeiros BY MATT D’ARCY A West Coast expat community association is boosting communications with—and between— their local firefighters. Amovate (Associação Dos Moradores e Amigos do Vale Da Tel, or the Association of Residents and Friends of Vale da Telha), will be supplying radios to their local Bombeiros after a fundraising event in May. Amovate committee member Steve Scott explained: “The radios will be used by the firefighters when tackling fires, so they all can make each other aware of the developing situation when they are not close enough to speak directly to one another”. The radios are just part of a donation to the Bombeiros after Amovate raised €3,120 at a Beatles-themed benefit concert held at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale, just outside Aljezur. In recent years Amovate has held several fund-raisers for the Aljezur Bombeiros, and also helped organise and deliver to them the donation of €50,000 worth of state-of-the-art firefighting and rescue equipment from the UK. Last month committee members met with

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officers and men of the Bombeiros Voluntários de Aljezur to ask what they would like Amovate to buy with the funds from the concert which saw Algarve-based band The Bottles perform on a stage built by Amovate to resemble the famous Liverpool Cavern club. After a short discussion they settled on the radios, along with fire-retardant jackets and trousers which cost around €150 a suit. The Bombeiros suggested a presentation of the equipment should be made in Amovate’s home ground of Vale da Telha, preferably at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale which hosted the event and who were also generous in their support, with a donation of €500 and various financial concessions. The Bomberios also suggested that their new ambulance and fire engine could be made available to be on display at the same time, emergency calls permitting. The Bomberios also revealed they planned to hold several public meetings in the district, so as many people living in Vale Da Telha as

possible can attend.There, they will outline procedures for major fires and/or earthquakes, indicating the designated ‘safe’ areas and how messages and information will be relayed to residents. They also plan to appoint two or three volunteers in the area with whom the Bombeiros would have direct contact and who would lead the warning of any potential threat through fires or natural disasters. The Bombeiros are also programming their own database of the whole community and surrounding areas and all hills, which are named. This will give full information on each household, so the Bombeiros know how many people are normally there, and if they have special needs etc. This also includes type of property, whether commercial or other and how accessible the property is. Steve Scott added: “This was once again another positive meeting and the Bomberios assured us they are very thankful and appreciative of Amovate’s efforts and help once again”.


o u t d o o r

l i v i n g

Diogo Simões

Our lifeguards keeping us safe BY EDGAR NEVADA

Without a doubt the beaches are the most popular attractions of the Algarve, even more so during the summer. Among the most beautiful in the world, the Algarvian beaches welcome thousands of tourists every year who come to enjoy themselves in the amazing weather and then to return home safely. To make sure this happens there is an army of men and women watching our beaches along the coast; the lifeguards. Dressed in their recognizable yellow t-shirt and orange shorts they are on duty 10 hours a day, six days a week. As a regular beach visitor I’ve been wondering what it is like to be a lifeguard and what do they do to keep us safe. I ventured down the 200 steps to the stunning Praia do Camilo in Lagos to find out. I had a chat with its resident lifeguards Diogo Simões (30) and Nuno Macedo (38), both really friendly guys with a real vocation for what they do. They talk with passion about it and seem very happy and proud to look after everyone who visits Praia do Camilo during their watch, not to mention prepared to risk their own lives if needs be.

How did you become a lifeguard? Diogo: In my case, six years ago I got the opportunity to join the lifeguards and as I love swimming and being on the beach I thought it was a great idea. First you need to do a course to be certified as a “Nadador Salvador” by the Instituto de Socorro a Náufragos (ISN), in which you

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learn to use the lifeguard equipment, rescue techniques and how to proceed through practice with simulation of accidents and potentially dangerous situations.

What other skills do you need to be a lifeguard? Nuno: Apart from being a good swimmer you need to stay in shape, if someone needs your help you have to be fit to deliver and be willing to take the risks involved in saving a life that’s in danger.

D: Is important to see the risk before an accident happens. Some people may not be aware of the danger and put themselves in a hazardous situation. We have to be there to avoid an accident. N: Not only having the skills is important, you have to really love this job. After a while the beach becomes your second home, you get to know it from end to end, and of course, you have to love working with people.

What is your typical daily routine? N: In the morning we check over the beach, set up our safety and rescue equipment, raise the warning flags according to the water and sea conditions (see box below) and we try to clear up any rubbish. Is also important to workout at least once or twice a day and have a swim. With time it is very easy to get lazy, but a fitness routine is extremely important.

What’s the best part of being a lifeguard? D: When you help someone who needs it, that’s the best feeling, it's extremely rewarding. 

Among the lifeguards’ duties raising the warning flag at the beginning of their shift is crucial to let the visitors know if it’s safe or not to get in the water. The most common are the green, yellow and red, plus a brand new half red, half yellow recently added by the authorities.

Here are their meanings:

Green Safe to swim Nuno Macedo

Yellow Safe to get in the water with feet on the ground but not swimming

Red You should not enter the water

Red Yellow Zone recommended to enter the water

Have you ever had a bad experience? D: Luckily I’ve never had any serious

casualty, I have rescued people from the strong currents but no one has ever drowned on my watch, and that’s what you want, to keep everybody safe. Being a lifeguard is more about the prevention of incidents or mishaps.

What are the biggest risks of the Algarvian beaches? N: Every beach is different and has its own risks, so our particular job is not exactly the same as it would be on other beaches. For example, people can hurt themselves walking on slippery rocks or

climbing where they shouldn’t. In other areas the biggest cause of problems are the weeverfish, which can sting. Lately we have noticed many people taking selfies on the edge of the cliffs and these rocks are not stable. I would recommend to everyone to avoid unnecessary risks. So, next time you go to the beach, pay attention to the warning flag, stay safe, say hello to these guys who do an amazing job of keeping you safe, and don’t forget to pick up any litter you see around, to help keep our beautiful beaches clean.

Call for ban on sardine fishing Scientists have gone head-to-head with Portugal and Spain’s fishing fleets by again requesting a zero sardine catch next season. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) opines that only a total ban on sardine fishing off the Iberian coast will save the species from obliteration. ICES scientists claim that due to the reduction in stocks that has been seen over the past years, “there should be zero captures in 2019,” as adult sardines stocks have been falling since 2006. ICES advises the European Commission which can intervene if it feels that Spain and Portugal have set the catch too high. How it will react to this second call for zero fishing remains to be seen but Portugal Fisheries Minister, Ana Paula Vitorino, has a way of getting a goodly tonnage agreed in Brussels, whatever the scientists say. The scientists claim that a zero catch policy for 2019 would enable a 10% increase in adult stocks and give the

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species a breathing space to recover. In the meantime, the public should get used to eating mackerel which remain plentiful. Portugal’s fishing groups set sail on May 1st after a ban, saying there were plenty of fish in the sea, sardines among them but low catches have underscored the scientific opinion that a crisis is looming and unless drastic action is taken, the days of a plentiful supply of sardines sizzling on grills across the country may be at an end. The current fishing season ends at the end of July, after which time, work begins to establish stocks and to decide on 2019 quotas. Thanks to the Algarve Daily News for this story.

From left to right, top to bottom: Great Shearwater ©Will Pollard; Whitethroat ©Jo Garbutt; Dittrichia viscosa ©Juan Rodriguez

Algarve wildlife BY NUNO BARROS

WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR IN AUGUST Summer strikes in all its splendor and population densities peak. In the natural world, things are heating up as well. August is a landmark for major change, as some birds are already clearly on the move. The lovely yellow flowers of the Inula (Ditrichia viscosa) are now covering the uncultivated dry fields, and a sweet and intense scent is released by its stems and leaves. The endemic subspecies revoluta – with its downward curved leaves - is the one present in the region. The huge seed heads of thistles are everywhere in the brown landscape. Most wildflowers are gone, and this means also less butterflies – however, some Swallowtail and Painted Ladies can still be found. In the dunes, Sea Daffodils are now the most notorious plants. Dried Curry Plants give the air a pungent scent. It is also time for the white berries of the Portuguese Crowberry bush to be ripe. But the whole region has its eyes on the sea. Seabirds are migrating. Balearic Shearwaters are returning to the Mediterranean, Sandwich, Common, Little and Black Terns are flying south, and an occasional Arctic Skua can sometimes be spotted. Further offshore, Great Shearwaters can sometimes be more abundant than Cory's. These remarkable birds breed almost 10.000 kms away in Sub-Antarctic islands, and a few are now here enjoying their non-breeding season. Along with the elusive Wilson’s Storm Petrel (which shares the same breeding grounds), they are the one of the targets of

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naturalists going out to sea. Of course it is also Common Dolphin season, and a feeding frenzy with dolphins and seabirds is one of the world’s most amazing shows. In land, especially in the last two weeks, it is starting to be obvious that things are changing. Small migrants pop up here and there – the first Willow and Garden Warblers, an odd Reed Warbler or a Whitethroat, an occasional Pied or Spotted Flycatcher…Yes, the long awaited ‘autumn’ bird migration is starting. In Sagres, lone Woodchat Shrikes can show up in the top of an also lone Juniper bush, and young Golden Orioles fly through the pines. Raptors are starting to be seen in higher numbers. Actually, by the end of the month Black Kites and Montague’s Harriers have their peak passage. If you are lucky, an Egyptian Vulture can be seen as well. August also brings north winds and the upwelling phenomena. The strong winds push the surface water away, and rich colder water from the deep take its place. In contact with the hot summer air, a thick layer of fog sometimes covers the West Coast in a beautiful mist. The days are getting shorter, and the evenings fresher. Before sunset the light is now orange and warm, in a prelude of Autumn.

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Diplomatic ramblings BY DOUG MCADAM

CASLAS children get a night out Last month youngsters from the children’s home in Lagos got a real treat with an evening at the Lagos Cultural Centre which showcased the marvellous activities carried out at the Kapa Dois Centro da Actividades in Rua Do Canal in the city’s centre. There was a brief yoga demonstration, followed by dancing and singing a cappella (unaccompanied). The young students had been rehearsing all this year and were quite nervous to be performing in front of an audience. They need not have been as they were brilliant and a credit to the super singing and dancing teachers. The evening was capped off by their Capoeira team, Capoeira Revolucao, led by their master, Mestre Betao. Members of this team were an eclectic mix of young children, youths and adults, both male and female. Capoeira is a form of martial arts performed to the accompaniment of music. It was invented by African slaves in Brazil to disguise practising fighting and self defence (I think). Some of the participants were sponsored by the readers of the Tomorrow magazine and especially the fundraising from Only Fools and Horses Pub who support the children's home in Lagos.

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In a previous Ramblings about my final posting as Consul General in Hamburg I mentioned in passing that there around 100 Consulates there. Hamburg was immensely proud of its worldwide trading connections and delighted that so many countries were represented there. Only about twenty of the consulates were represented by career diplomats and the rest by honorary consuls – mainly leading figures in the Hamburg business community. The Dean – or spokesman – of the Consular Corps was the most senior career diplomat in terms of length of posting and, to my horror, I became Dean some 18 months before I was due to leave Hamburg. With already heaving diary commitments this was something of a poisoned chalice. But I also saw the role as an opportunity to use the Corps’ status as a potentially powerful lobby. I decided to institute a monthly working consular lunch at the prestigious Anglo German Club (where I was Honorary President and able to negotiate a preferential rate!). Most of us represented our countries in all four northern states (Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony and the city states of Bremen and Hamburg) and thus a whole range of issues could arise. All four states held New Year receptions for the Consular Corps which would be addressed by the state prime minister and where I would have to speak on behalf of the Corps – this could be a little challenging as the consuls represented countries as diverse as the G7, Iran and Russia. I became a little irked when on two successive occasions one of the state prime ministers did not turn up and, to the horror of some of my colleagues, I wrote to him saying that if the following year he felt unable to attend perhaps he could let me know beforehand so that we could be represented by our deputies as we too had other commitments to deal with. As it happened he was not re-elected at the next parliamentary elections but his successor did attend the following year! As Dean I was asked by the Hamburg authorities to represent the Corps during visits by VIPs. My wife Sue and I were

also asked to sit at the top table at the Hamburg mayor’s annual black tie grand dinner for the great and the good in the splendid town hall. At one of these my table companion was Steffi Graf so I had a very convivial evening. Knowing that she had spent most of her life in Florida and was married to Andre Agassi I jokingly told her I was going to give her the chance to practise her English. My wife Sue was not quite so blessed – her table companion was the well-known Hamburg figure and former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. When she asked him if he minded if she spoke to him in English he replied in impeccable English, “My dear, you can address me in any language you like – I am stone deaf”! The Consular Corps’ traditional way of thanking the Hamburg authorities from the Mayor downwards for their hospitality was to host a black-tie dinner at Hamburg’s leading hotel. I felt their prices were outrageous and summoned the appropriate hotel directors to my office to say just that and inviting them to make a lower offer. They disregarded my veiled threat to change the venue so, again to the horror of some of my colleagues, I did just that. We held a very successful event at another leading hotel who were only too keen give me a highly competitive quote. I had to speak on behalf of the Corps at all manner of events. One such event was the taxi drivers’ black-tie dinner at the Hamburg Congress with several hundred participants. As it happened I had visited the Bentley factory on my previous UK visit and over the years had attended a number of events involving the local Bentley representatives. They had consistently offered to drive me to official events and I decided that on this one occasion I would accept their offer. So Sue and I were duly driven to the Congress Centre by Bentley. I was thus able, in my speech, to ask how many taxi drivers drove VW cars and to say that we had just turned up in a VW – a VW Bentley. Doug retired to the Algarve 14 years ago after over 40 years in the Foreign Office

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Meet the artist

This month we meet Zimbabwean-born Leanne Byrom who wound her way to the Algarve four years ago and found a place to really call home. Here she tells us more about her art. “I was born and raised in Zimbabwe, a place I still hold dear in my heart and where my love of nature began. I lived in the UK on and off for almost 15 years. Often, I would come to the Algarve during the winter months, to soak up some sun and take a break from the hectic lifestyle in London. In 2014, my little dog, Arnie, was given weeks to live. I promised him his last winter would be on the beach. So I packed up the house, put everything in storage and drove down to Armação de Pêra, with my dog, my computer and all my art materials. The climate agreed with him (and I) so much, that he lived happily for another 2.5 years, and I found that Portugal was a place I would very much like to become my home. The people, food and way of life was something that really appealed to me.

Please tell us about your art. I’ve always had a love of nature and animals, preferring to spend my time ‘in the bush’ with a dog at my side whenever possible. My passion for nature only increased when I started to paint in 1997 and over the years, my art and photography has evolved to focus on this. Wild animals, domesticated animals, flora and fauna are really where my artistic passions lie. Wherever I travel or live, I always seek out the more rural and wilder parts of the country. This is where my inspiration comes from and what makes my subjects ‘real’.

Have you always been an artist? As a child I was always creative and many of my after

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school activities involved arts and crafts. However, it wasn’t until around 1997 that I felt a real yearning to express myself artistically. I tried to ‘teach myself’ but didn’t do terribly well, so I signed up for evening art classes and found myself a private tutor - and I’ve been hooked ever since. I was what you would call a ‘hobby artist’ up until about 10 years ago. By that stage, many people had started asking me to paint something for them. I realised that I could probably make a living doing something I really loved if I put my mind to it, and over the years art, creating wild and natural art has become more important to me. I love experimenting and exploring art in all its forms not just painting and drawing, and so I get involved in pottery, photography, glass making, knitting, crochet and a multitude of other creative past times.

What mediums do you work with? I usually describe myself as a mixed media nature artist. At the moment, most of my works are in oil or chalk pastels, although I have two acrylics on the go as well.

How long does each piece take to create? It varies hugely depending on how motivated I am and how many pieces I have on the go at any one time. I have one pastel that I completed in a weekend of inspiration, staying up until the early hours in order to complete it and then there’s another painting that comes out the cupboard and back onto the easel every few months and has a bit more work done on it. The pet portrait work I do is usually around 4 - 6 weeks per portrait once the composition is agreed.

How would you like people to respond to your work? I want my art to make people feel like they are actually ‘there’ living the moment and feeling all the emotions that connect us to nature. A sense of harmony and oneness. I want my viewers to be able to know the character of the animal or the roughness of the tree trunk just by looking at my work. 



Do you have a unny story, something unique or unusual - or quirky or even famous to share with us?

My boyfriend fell in love with one of my paintings, a monochrome leopard portrait that is part of a series I’m working on. When it was complete, I sent it off to Galeria XXI in Portimão for framing and selling on…. but a week later, much to my surprise the painting was back in my house! My boyfriend had gone and bought it from the gallery, determined noone else was going to have it.

What else are you working on or planning for the future? I have a series of monochrome wildlife portraits that I started last year which I hope to exhibit at the Lagoa Art School towards the end of this year. This originally started out as a small series featuring African wildlife only, but it has grown somewhat to include animals from most of the continents. As these portraits are done from my own photography, the concept is to have the original photographs shown with the completed art works. I have recently started taking on private students, teaching animal portraiture and hope to launch a new art learning group in Silves in early October.

Is there anywhere else that we can buy your work - and are you available for commissions? My work is available at Galeria XXI in Portimão and through my website. Commissions are taken primarily for pet portraits and this can be done through my website or by giving me a call.

   +351 934 747 233

This article has been provided by the Algarve Society of Artists - a group formed to support and promote art and artists across the Algarve. They have a website and publish a free quarterly online magazine entitled Algarve Art! Visit their website for more information.

34 Community

Cast shines in sparkling production BY RAY GILLMAN A wonderful evening of top class comedy entertainment delighted full houses in Lagoa auditorium over three nights at the end of June. The long-running, much-loved TV series The Vicar of Dibley has been adapted into a theatrical production using original Richard Curtis dialogue and showcasing the unforgettable characters that made the series so enjoyable. As most readers will know the action centres on the church life (and the attempted sex-lives!) of the newly arrived female vicar, her daffy female verger and the assorted oddballs who serve on the parish council. The play’s focus is on the burgeoning romance between the sweetly eccentric (daft as a brush) verger, Alice, and the nice but dim Hugo: cowed son of the pompous and pretentious chairman of the parish council. Gillian Clarke does a brilliant job of recreating the late actress Emma Chambers’ star turn from TV as Alice, the verger. Her new best-friend - and relationship counsellor - the fun-loving, very irreverent vicar, Geraldine Grainger - Dawn French on TV - is vivaciously brought to life in a barnstorming central performance by Angela Theobold. The parish councillors are all great too. The overbearing, self-important, David Horton (played by Jim Landis) softens winningly. His son, the benighted Hugo, is played with engaging charm by Rui Louzeiro. The coarse man-of-the- soil, Owen, is given to imparting too much information about bodily functions - both his own and the farm animals! Clearly relishing the role, Chris Winstanley provides many laugh-out-loud moments in his doomed

attempt to woo the vicar. The indecisive Jim (No, no, no, no, Yes!), is another excellent comic turn as played, deadpan, by David Butler-Cole. The ‘creative’ cook Letitia (Jan Sheppeard) tries to fob off her unsavoury concoctions with the aplomb of a born farçeur. The fastidious taker of the council minutes who innocently spreads confusion Frank Pickle - is played with razor-sharp comic timing and an air of convincing bemusement by Ian Carfrae. The director, Melanie Winstanley, deserves high praise. It was a masterstroke to invite Elizabeth Roberts-Honey’s Western Algarve choir to join the production. Cassock-clad they filed up the stairs into the back of the auditorium, their singing neatly punctuating some of the action, and scene changes. At the finale they filed down the central aisle to stand behind the rest of the cast and the two bridesmaids (Maddie Green and Eva Newman dressed as Tellytubbies! ) as Geraldine joined Alice and Hugo in matrimony. They exchanged Hula-Hoops as rings!. Suddenly, however, an elegant stranger voiced her objections from the audience (now enlisted as the congregation). She was already married to the groom! Then she got a little closer and realised she was in the wrong church! A short, but highly effective, contribution by the final member of the ensemble: Madeleine Wheare - and another example of the director’s clever touches. We are fortunate indeed to have live entertainment of this quality presented on our doorstep. One can only marvel at the dedication and commitment of the Algarveans - not only those on stage but the many talents employed behind the scenes.

Times back then were very difficult, we had little money, but thankfully the move to the UK was pivotal and slowly our success changed for the better and it was actually the making of the family once again. As a child, I remember finding a £20-pound note on the floor, and when I bent down to retrieve the money it turned out to be 2 x £20-pound notes and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it and that was to pay for a school trip which was going to Spain. That £40 find had a quite massive impact on my life.

A day in the life... of a Michelin-trained chef. Thirty-nineyear-old Lucia Sofia Ribeiro has a passion and drive for cooking which is why she is head chef and runs Mimo Algarve at the Pine Cliffs Resort in the Algarve. Mimo Algarve is a cookery school within the enclave of the Pine Cliffs complex. I was born in Armação de Pêra, both my parents were accountants and I was the eldest with a younger sister. I had a love of food from an early age and as a child growing up there was little commercialism. However, there was an abundance of fig trees and plentiful land rich with the most amazing array of fresh fruit and produce. My summer retreat was my grandma's house which had a little bit of land where I helped her grow and tend to the fruit and vegetables. I loved the outdoors and was at one spending time with my grandma and being in the garden and then cooking. I loved our dinners surrounded by local produce, good quality, traditional meals being served and the whole family coming together. It was definitely these times which shaped my tenacity for family. I love family life but my working week is now typically 80-hours - most certainly not for the faint-hearted! My life changed exponentially when I was 12 when the family businesses of accountancy / real estate and their bar in Armação de Pêra closed due to a change in economic circumstances. As a result my father went back to his home country of Angola to find work, which was fairly typical of this generation. Unfortunately, this then separated the family unit and Angola back then was quite a troubled place and unfortunately my father never returned home. Even today there is no confirmation of my father and one can only presume his life may of been taken. So from the age of 12 I had to grow up incredibly fast and now I have steely desire which I am sure comes from this part of my life. Years went by and my mother decided to seek her fortunes of employment in the UK and so took us with her.

36 Community

I consider the UK as my dual-home home, I love London with a passion and whilst being Portuguese, I also have many UK traits which I believe provide an eclectic mix. I studied and gained GCSE'S, A-Levels and gained a degree in International Business in Spanish. This then afforded me a career that included forays into banking, wine and finance. I met my husband in 2002 after I had moved to New York after successfully becoming only 1 of 100 successful applicants of 3,000 expats for an internship. I was an expat-expat, from Portugal and then the UK to New York. Unbeknown to me was that my future husband was one of those that shortlisted the candidates. However, at the time I didn’t think anything of it and it was only later that romance blossomed and the rest is history I guess. I took a career break for a couple of years and had the first of my two children and thereafter decided to embark on becoming a chef, I was at my happiest when I was working as a chef and so this became my primary focus. The career ladder involved working stupid-long hours at many restaurants but my passion was fuelled by knowing that I had made the right choice. I then experienced the higher echelons of eateries and worked for several Michelin starred restaurants in the UK, Cordon Bleu and then returning to the Algarve and working at Vila Joya. That kind of brings me to where I am today, I am very proud to be head chef at Mimo Algarve. I am very focused on the whole scenario in the restaurant. I even notice when the glasses are not 100 percent sparkling. Attention to detail is essential. I have exacting standards and at work my relationship is professional yet there are prerequisites that I have to have and God help the person that forgets a key ingredient prior to service. There’s nothing more I love than a dish of chicken Piri Piri, or fresh seafood served on a paper towel ready to go or Thai food. I am constantly moving with the times and pioneering artisan products which are akin to the localisation. Bringing the old-fashioned traditional values straight into the modern age which is definitely the reflection of the service levels which Mimo uphold for themselves and also for their clientele. My love and passion is for re-working old forgotten Portuguese classics, but then applying new techniques, which elevates the dishes to an incredible level of gastronomy. There are a few little twists which kind of ‘blindside’ you. I try to make sure that your taste buds are surprised and delighted.

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Living the dream Here at Tomorrow we always like to hear about people who have upsticks and moved to Portugal in search of a new life. The people we interview usually have amazing stories to tell about projects they have set up or new businesses they have started. This month we are featuring Simon Barker, who most people know as Boogie. Boogie moved to the area almost 20 years ago and loved it so much that he stayed. The 47-year-old entrepreneur from the Midlands came with an idea. That idea is now a reality. Boogie set up Lotus Flower, an eco-inspired glamping site which is nestled in the rich valleys of the small village of Barão São João. The idea was inspired by Boogie’s travels around Thailand, India and Nepal and the glamping site now has a reputation for being a unique and luxurious hideaway off the beaten track. Boogie wanted to create a fully sustainable retreat for discerning travellers, tourists and guests here in Portugal. He said: “I remember falling in love with the simplicity and mindfulness of how the tribal people of northern India lived and wanted to create a space that would evoke this in our guests.” Boogie has lived on the land for about eight years. He said that it felt like home as soon as he spent time there. Four years in Lotus Flower has grown to become a vibrant oasis for those with a more alternate taste in tourism, and with easy access to the local village Lotus Flower provides six beautifully furnished Lotus bell tents capable of sleeping up to four in each. Privately spaced the tents are interlaced with pathways that lead to the solar powered showers, eco toilets and communal kitchens where guests can mingle and dine under the stars. “Our dream,” adds Boogie, “was to create a low impact eco campsite that worked with the land and provided a space where people could appreciate rural Portugal at

38 Community

its best.” With good access to the vibrant little village, which is home to a number of bars and restaurants, including the Barão Bistro that serves an array of freshly prepared seasonal food with an ethnic twist, Lotus Flower is spreading its petals. “Since starting we’re seeing a new wave of progressive tourism,” adds Simon, “with more families, couples and friends wanting a taste of what Portugal has outside the standard tourist hot spots.” It’s not just the tourists who are being attracted to Lotus Flower, but more and more wedding couples and celebrations are holding their events at the ecoglampsite. “We’re getting a lot more bookings for festival style weddings,” confirms Simon. “We have recently joined forces with a stretch marquee company called Meadowstretch so we can now cater for 60-80 guests at a time, with more space for more pitches, as well as sound system, lighting, bar and catering.” With a growing number of wedding parties flocking to the Algarve Lotus Flower certainly has the space, amenities and surroundings that make it a prime wedding location for those who prefer a more ethnically inspired space. The glamping site is about 20 minutes (13 kms) from Lagos in the valley behind Praia da Luz. The last five minutes or so are on a track – it’s not too bad, just take it slowly. It sounds like a little piece of heaven! What’s not to love!

  +351 910 076 212 




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5 1. TedEves 2. Etype 3. Bentley 1949 4. Lomax 5. Fiat

A passion for classic cars BY PHIL EGGINTON What exactly defines a classic car? Well, the exact definition varies around the world. The Classic Car Club of America describes a Classic as produced between 1915 and 1948 whilst the Antique Automobile Club of America recognises "motorized vehicles 25 years old or older”. In the United Kingdom there is no fixed national definition of a classic car but vehicle taxation does make some definition. All UK registered cars built before January 1, 1978, are exempt from paying the annual road tax vehicle excise duty as “historic” vehicles. It is generally accepted across the world that a classic car is an older car with enough historical interest to be collectable and worth preserving or restoring rather than scrapping. Older sports or luxury cars are easily identified with this definition. Thus, Jaguar, Austin Healey, Triumph TR, MG, Bentley or Rolls Royce cars easily fall into being defined classic cars. But what about more everyday cars like the those produced by Austin, Rover, VW, Renault, Peugeot or the Japanese manufacturers? Even these every day cars can develop enthusiastic support for their older models as classics. For example, the Citroen 2CV and the Renault 4 were staple every day cars of French farmers for many years. Clubs of enthusiasts now exist for both of these cars. Can modern cars also be instant classics? Personally, I am a great fan of Morgan sports cars. These have been made using much the same methods for over 100 years in Malvern UK. I would argue that you can buy a new classic car in the form of a 2018 Morgan today. Enthusiasts of Aston Martin, Ferrari and Lamborghini would argue the same. What exactly is it that binds enthusiasts of all the above together? The answer is a shared passion that sees these cars as special.This

40 Community

passion is however varied and often individual. It therefore provokes much debate and discussion. However, the passion does not bring conflict but more frequently an enthusiasm for the variety of engineering and design that each car has. Classic car clubs are thus formed! During the late 1980’s Edward (Ted) Eves, a motor racing photographer, editor of the motor sport annual Autocourse and latterly Midlands editor of Autocar magazine moved to the Algarve with his wife Doreen (Do). Ted had suffered heart problems and decided that the Algarve offered a better lifestyle. Much the same as many others have concluded, including myself! Not long after he moved there was a knock on the door and their stood Alex Wilson. Alex was a dentist who had a practice in Lagos. Alex had a collection of classic cars having built a 10 car garage over which he also built a house to live in! Nearby also lived one of the great names in British motorsport, Ralph Broad. Ralph established Broadspeed one of the UK’s foremost tuning companies in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Ralph’s cars won the British Saloon Car Championship and he became the UK’s best tuner of Mini’s, Ford’s, Triumph’s and latterly Jaguar v12 saloons. Ralph went on found a successful wood fire burner business in the Algarve. Between Alex, Ted and Ralph they formed a club to meet on Mondays to discuss and debate their enthusiasm for cars. The Monday Club met on the first Monday of the month at Fonte de Pedra, not far from where the Autódromo do Algarve is now located. Sadly, all three founders have since passed away. Ted in 1999, Ralph in 2010 and Alex in 2014. However, their legacy continues. Originally the club was for men only but in these more enlightened times it has expanded to include all. The club’s members range over all nationalities living or regularly visiting the Algarve. They now include British, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish and Swedish to name but some. Classic cars are a usual feature although it is not compulsory for members to have a classic to come along. Just a shared passion. Current members cars include MG’s, Jaguar E Types, Jaguar XK’s, Bentley’s, Corvettes, Aston Martin DB6 and a Fiat 124 Spider. They still meet once a month usually on Mondays including lunch. This is combined with some other form of activity. In recent months they have visited the Wax Museum in Lagos and the Crazy Golf in Alvor. Once a year they meet at Fonte de Pedra for a meal of Egg and Chips which was Alex Wilsons’ favourite meal. Future plans include a desk top rally in the Autumn. Many members take part in the annual Algarve Classic Cars event in Vilamoura held in July. A display of cars is also put on at the Algarve Classic race festival at the Autódromo. Irrespective of the activity or venue for the club you can be assured the conversation will include discussions on cars! The club is now organised jointly by Do Eves (Ted’s widow) and local enthusiast Geoff Dean. They are always open to new ideas for events and venues. Phil Egginton is a motorsport consultant and journalist who has now retired to the Algarve. Phil, naturally, is a member of the club.

Geoff Dean:   +351 914 279 163

Petanca Competition BY MATT D’ARCY

The West Coast’s third annual petanque competition saw another hugely successful interaction between expats and the local Portuguese community. The tournament, launched to promote and foster friendship between the foreign incomers and the Portuguese inhabitants, has become a fixture in Vale da Telha, near Aljezur. Hosted by community association Amovate ((Associação Dos Moradores e Amigos do Vale Da Tel, or the Association of Residents and Friends of Vale da Telha), the tournament attracted 26 teams, each consisting of a Portuguese player and an expat. Pre-publicity about the event in Tomorrow magazine also attracted entrants from Lagos, 25 miles away on the Algarve’s south coast. Amovate secretary Steve Scott, one of the originators of the tournament, told us: “This was another fantastic afternoon and evening in the battle for our coveted cup. The weather was brilliant sunshine, with a nice breeze to keep players cool—or alternatively they chose to sip a cold beer as they played! “Competition was strong because, as usual, although these can safely be called the friendly games, everyone playing nevertheless did so with the sole intention

of wanting to win. The formula is simple—an expat is teamed up with a Portuguese local and the Portuguese players once again had the skill to knock any ball away that was thrown too close to the jack by an expat! So it is a steep learning curve! “But that didn’t stop one of the expat ladies emerging as champion in her first-ever game of petanque! Celia Lynch teamed up with a very talented Filipe Semeão to claim the winners’ trophy. Runners-up were Brieske Van Thuyme and Artur Silva, with this year’s wooden spoon going to Victoria Morecroft and Rita Malhado. “But, as is the custom and in the interests of fair play every player won a prize, whether beer or wine.” Steve added: “As it is designed to be a social gathering with the two communities becoming ever more integrated a BBQ followed the final play with the Portuguese ladies of their Clube do Petanque providing all of the food preparation. Then everyone got into a party mood, with music and dancing. The proof is in the pudding and these annual tournaments really do what they say on the tin— promote and foster a genuine friendship and respect between all the nationalities living here”.

Photos © Cath Baker for the Pentanque comp: Winners Celia Lynch & Filipe Semeão With António Ramos, The Petanca Club President; Runners up Brieske Van Thuyme and Artur Silva

42 Community


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What's on in August Medieval magic in Silves Aljezur Feira Da Terra If you still value the traditional knowledge and flavours of the rural world—then go west, young man (or anyone else for that matter!) As in previous years, the Câmara of Aljezur on the Algarve’s west coast are holding another cycle of the Feira da Terra, a fair of local products. The fair began last month at the EMA (Multipurpose Space of Aljezur) and continues on the following August Saturdays of the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, and then September 1st, 8th and 15th from 8am until 1pm each day. The area is world-famous for its sweet potatoes and peanut production, and visitors will be able to buy natural and organic products, agri-foodstuffs such as honey, sausages or the tasty regional sweets, as well as vegetables and local and regional handicrafts. The Feira da Terra’s main objective is the promotion of handicrafts, agricultural products and some economic activities that reflect the traditions and customs of the Municipality of Aljezur, thus enhancing the cultural and social values ​​of the region.

44 What's on

The 15th Medieval Fair of Silves takes place between August 10th and 19th in the historic centre of this Algarve city. It will be 10 days of stepping back in time to the medieval period of the former capital of the Kingdom of the Algarve. There will be dance, music and poetry which will show vitality and diversity of the arts in medieval Arabic everyday life. The event, which is on daily between 6pm and 1am, gives visitors the opportunity to experience unique adventures, memorable experiences that will bring them back to other times, to the golden age when Silves was the capital of AlGharb. There will be two tournaments on horseback per day, exclusive animation in

the Castle of Silves, medieval delicacies, dance and animation, will take visitors on a real journey in time. There will be a real bustle in the streets of the historic centre. This festival is seen as being one of the absolute musts in the Algarve calendar. It’s a real family event which every age can enjoy.


Trio to perform On August 25th there will be sunset jazz on the threshing floor at Quinta das Alagoas nr. Almadena. The concert will be given by the well-known Hugo Alves Trio. The event starts at 7pm and entrance costs €19.50 which will include refreshment buffet with wine, cheese and homemade products from. Quinta das Alagoas. It is by reservation only so

please contact us to reserve. Just a reminder about data protection. If you haven't updated the Quinta please do so or you will not receive their emails with future programmes. Please tell your friends too.

  +351 924 204 343

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August Calendar Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

ACTIVITIES Kids Fun Club (4-12yrs) Mon - Sat 10am-6pm €25 incl. lunch and afternoon tea / €15 half day, Golf Santo António, Budens, T:282690086 Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities, Behind Bombeiros Building | Lagos, E: ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) Rua Direita Luz, T: 919707635 Walking Football Wed 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort, T: 282790930

Happy Dance Hour Fri 7pm Dancer & have fun, €10, Dancing in the Street Art 10am €15 LAC Lagos | Creative Dance on the Beach Sat 8pm €10, Batata Beach T: 920290521

Live Sax Music Tues 7pm Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda Lagos, T: 282763222 August 4th & Sept 1st Hog Roast with Rock Vinyl & August 11th with Nightshift l €11 (Adults) & €7 (Kids) | 18th BBQ with Rock Vinyl & 25th with Roger Hughes Ensemble €6 (kids) €9 (Adults), Pigs Head Burgau, Tel: 934293821 Live Music by Jo Alice Braswell Thur 8pm Fish & chips and specialties, Bar Central Salema August 7th, 14th & 21st BBQ with Live Music 6pm €22 (inc. salad, dessert buffet & 1 drink) Kids (4-12yrs) €12 FREE face paintings Golf Santo Antonio T: 282690051

46 Calendar

Pilates Mon & Tue 10am & Fri 6.30pm | Yoga Dance Flow Wed 6.30pm | Power Yoga Thur 10am, €5.50 - €8.50, Lalitana Yoga & Pilates Center, Lagos T: 914061143

Yoga (Ashtanga based) Tues & Thurs 10.30am | Yoga for Men Tues 6.30pm Yin Yang Flow Tues 7.45pm Yin Yoga Wed 9.15am €5-€10, Grupo Desportivo do Burgau fit2lovelife T: 913202621

Zumba Gold with Marion, €5, Lagos, T: 914731772

Pilates Mat Classes Mon Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6pm (1hr) | €10 or €90 for 10 Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, T: 926514613

Pilates Mat Classes (All Levels) Mon - Fri 8:30, 9:30 & 10:30am & 6pm, €10 or €90 x10, AR Pilates Studio, Lagos, T: 966787280

Tennis Doubles-Round Robin Thurs 3-5pm €10, Golf Santo António Budens, T: 282690008

Fitness Tue & Thurs 10am, Pilates Tues & Thurs 8.30am, €5 Golf Santo António Budens, T: 282690086

Kids Golf Lesson (4-16 yrs) Tue & Fri (from 17th) 9.30am €12 | Adults Try Golf Lesson Tue (from 17th) 12am €15, Golf lessons with PGA Pro on request | Football Academy (4-15 yrs) Mon & Thu 9.30am €18 Golf Santo Antonio T: 282 690 054

Total Fitness Mon 7.30pm | Legs Bums & Tums Wed 2pm | HIIT Yoga Fri 9.30am, (€7) Burgau Sports Centre | Boxercise 9.30am Ocean Club Luz & Tues 7pm Lagos nr. Skatepark | LB&T Wed 2pm Ocean Club, Luz Soames Fitness (1-2-1 & Group training available), T: 913425893

EVENTS Jazz Lunch Sun 12.30pm, Fortaleza da Luz Restaurant, Luz, Reservations: 912511196


August 11th Hike Zambujeira do Mar €10 Azenha do Mar 12th Gastronomic Tour: €35 Lagos and Monchique 15th Salt Route €25 Olhão 18th Tour Bacalhôa Palace €55 Setúbal 25th , Traditional Algarve Pastry Route €30 | 26th Hike Sunset in Carrapateira €10, Quimera Experience, Info: 962647741/ 969467275 August 25th Sunset Jazz on the Threshing Floor Hugo Alves Trio €19.50 (inc. refreshment buffet), Quinta das Alagoas nr. Almadena. Reservation only. T: 924204343 Fado Nights 8pm or Michael Jackson’s Tribute 9pm Wed, Carvi Hotel Praia Dona Ana T: 282760993 Live Music Every night Habana Bar, Luz

Pilates Mat Class Tue & Thur 6-7pm Clube da Raposeira, & Thur 10-11am Centro Cultural Barão S. João, €5 T: 911754890

Hatha Yoga Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.15am | Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am | Teen Yoga (11-16yrs) 9.30am Booking required, €10 Boavista Golf Resort T: 282790930 Yoga | Tue 10am, €9 / €7 for regulars, Monte Rosa | Barão de São João T: 962492607

Tai Ji Quan Mon 10am (beg) & Thurs 5.30pm (adv), €10 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, T: 919718955 Gymnastik for a fit back Mon 6.15am, €8, Belavista Luz, T: 965211996 Qi Gong Mon 6.30pm & Wed 10.30am €8 | Ninjutsu/ Budo Tajutsu Tues 6.30pm & Fri 7.30pm €10 | Yoga Nidra Thurs 6.30pm €7 | Pre-Natal Yoga Thurs 4pm €10, Casa Sakra Lagos, T: 916060814 Tai Chi Wed 8.30am Qi Gong Fri 8.30am

(donation), Inlight Lagos, T: 913127421 Tai Chi Wed 2pm Qi Gong Fri 2pm

€7 Madrugada Charity, Luz T: 925664235

Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30pm Old School, Burgau & Wed 12.15pm, Hotel Belavista Luz €8 T: 965201477

Tai Chi Sat 10am

Pilates Wed 11am, Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am, Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am, Step! & Tone (booking)

Yoga Mon-Sat 9am

Thurs 10am, €7.50 Hotel Belavista Luz T: 968288258

(donation), Jardim da Constituição Lagos, T: 939734394

Everyone welcome, Blocks and mats provided, €10, Ocean Villas Rua da Calheta Praia da Luz, T: 282767303

CLASSES Open Painting Atelier Thurs 10.30am - 1pm, €12.50 (+ materials),Painting classes Wed & Thurs 3pm| +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary, €10 | Barão S. João, T: 962039574 Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience) | Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. Espiche, T: 968086320

Computer Classes Sat 10am Lagos, T: 918764613 Drumming Classes Thurs 11am-1pm, AmoVate, Vale da Telha Aljezur, T: 960305141 The Sketch Sessions Drawing workshop (+18) Thurs, 6pm €10 (incl. materials & a drink), Lagos T: 914148373

Life Drawing Mon 11am (Beg & Pro) €10 p.sess Marina de Lagos, T: 916035308

Afro Fusion Dance Classes Wed 6pm & Fri. 10.30am, €10, Amovate Aljezur T: 918047263

Walking Tour Portuguese Lessons Once a month Mon, Wed, Fri mornings €15p/h (Private) or €50p/m (Group), Silves, T: 937207384

Latin & Ballroom Tues 10am (imp) & 12pm (beg) Learn Party Dances drop-in 11am, €5, Alvor Community Centre, T: 961916821

Oriental Dance Class (beginners) Mon 7pm €6/class €20/m, LAC Lagos, T: 914851331 Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am, €12.50 €10 (mem.), | Holiday Courses 3x per Week €25 €20 (mem.), Boavista T: 917953914 Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo T: 962690582

Useful Numbers GENERAL FAITH Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, T: 910640927 Meditation Thurs 5.15pm, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, T: 282790930 / 963614499 Communion Services Said Holy Communion Thurs 10am & Sun 8am, Sung Holy Communion (with hymns) 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: T: 282789660 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, T: 919718955

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611



August 22nd Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Cafe Bom Dia, Rua Moinho do Azeite | Lagos, Carol T: 926297527 or Kirsteen T: 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, T: 915090044 Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Extra hands needed to help | Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, E: cadelacarlota.comp@ AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, T: 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898

Seafood Festival in Olhão The biggest seafood festival in Portugal is the Olhão Festival and this year it takes place between August 10th and 15th. Every year thousands of people attend this very popular fishy food fest in Olhão when they can eat tons of seafood while there are the concerts performed by some of Portugal’s best artists. For more than 30 years, the Olhão Seafood Festival has been considered one of the Algarve’s most popular events. There are plenty of different types of seafood to try in the dozens of restaurants that join the Olhanense Fisherman's Garden in the centre of Olhão.

Celebrations ahead The 31st anniversary to commemorate the opening of Santo Antonio Golf Course will take place on Sunday August 12th.. This will include a Singles Stableford golf competition for the Pepe Gancedo Trophy with a shotgun start at 9.30am. Afterwards there will be a prize giving buffet with a delicious menu, professional service and live entertainment. All the ingredients are there for a memorable event. The Parque da Floresta golf course opened in 1987 and was designed by Pepe Gancedo (1938-2016), one of Spain´s

most famous golf course architects whose design philosophy was to make courses enjoyable, traditional, challenging and memorable with minimal alteration to the existing terrain. This celebration is open to all golfers, family and friends. Details are available from Santo Antonio Golf Reception.

  +351 282 690 054 

There will be concerts from a whole range of musicians playing everything from rock to fado - something different each day.

 festivaldomariscodeolhao

Fancy a sing-along? Take to the streets

It's that time of the year again, and the Western Algarve Community Choir invites you to join them for the traditional summer evening sing-along performances. Over the month of August the choir head down to the beach in Luz to sing - our next performance date is Tuesday August 14th.

Every Friday from August 24th to September 13th there will be live performances in the streets of Lagos. The first one will take place at 6.45pm on August 24th starting with a Tango in the square followed by ‘baile’ dance at 9.30pm.

Anyone is welcome to join in...or, if you prefer, you can just sit, relax and take in the atmosphere while we sing some of our favourite songs of the year so far for you.

The final event on September 13th will take place at 11pm.

48 What's on

Performances start at around 6.45pm and last for around an 45 if you're heading out for an evening meal, or

simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the front, there's time to catch up with us first and enjoy some singing in the sunshine. You can find us on the walkway beside the beach. We look forward to seeing you there! The Western Algarve Choir is an allinclusive choir with no auditions or previous singing experience necessary, and a strong emphasis on singing for fun. For more information about joining, performances or bookings, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts Honey.


F Festival The last festival of the summer, which brings together the biggest names in Portuguese music, returns to Faro. This is the fifth year that the event has been staged and it runs from August 30th to September 1st on seven stages scattered in the usual places: the historic areas of Vila ​​ Adentro and Ria Formosa. In addition to music, the festival features exhibitions, theatre, stand up comedy, street animation, video mapping, tertulias, plastic arts, children's programming and crafts. There will also be a wide range of street food.

Ticket Information: Doors open at 6pm and close at 4am. Pre-sale: pass from three days to 30 euros, with sale limited to 2000 passes or until 24 August; Three days pass to 40 euros, as of August 25th; Daily ticket: 15 euros.

Sérgio Godinho, The Gift, Raquel Tavares, D.A.M.A, Moonspell, The Legendary Tigerman, Diogo Piçarra, Aurea and Revenge of the 90's and Salvador Sobral are just some of the highlights of a vast and diverse poster with more than 40 artists. Among the stand up comedians there will be performances by Eduardo Madeira, Hugo Sousa and Môce dum Cabréste. Last year, nearly 35,000 people attended the festival. Festival F is an initiative of the Municipality of Faro, the Municipal Theater of Faro, S.M., Ambifaro and the producer Sons em Trânsito

Children under 12-years-old are free. Three-day passes and daily tickets purchased at pre-sale must be exchanged for a wristband at the entrance to the event. Places of sale: Teatro das Figuras,, Fnac network, Worten and CTT.

Take a sound journey Experience a Sound Journey this summer. It’s an experience that is designed to awaken the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance.

Sleep with the fishes Have you ever fancied a night at the aquarium! If so, now is your chance!

Parents are welcome to join for breakfast and visit the aquarium.

Zoomarine invites you to spend the night at its aquarium where you can see the sleek beauty of sharks and rays up close. Learn about the fascinating world of the oceans while enjoying the games and activities as well as a dimly lit treasure hunt.

The next aquarium nights will be on August 11th, 18th and 25th, September 15th and 29th and October 13th.

Enjoy a well earned rest beneath the watchful gaze of the sharks and awake early to take on the work of fish caretaker, feeding the fish and sharks.

50 What's on

It costs €50 per person, participants must be from 8 to 12 years of age. It is limited to 15 participants per night. Each aquarium night starts at 8.30pm on Saturday night to 9am on Sunday morning.


A true sonic bath, that revitalizes, relaxes and harmonizes every cell of our body. It’s an inner journey guided by the power of intention, sound and its healing frequencies. The 'Sound Journey' which is taking place at Macdonald Monchique follows a simple principle that all matter is energy, a vibration of certain frequency. Using various instruments, people are able to reach a state of deep relaxation, self-awareness and expansion of consciousness, amongst other sensory experiences. You can book your Sound Journey for 15€ on either August 8th, September 5th, October 3rd and 31st. It starts at 8pm until 10pm


Top 10

Algarve holiday fun If you are finding that you are getting sick of sunbathing and have itchy feet then here are a few things that you can try to mix up your holiday! Our editor, Amber Henshaw, has worked with My Guide Algarve to compile our own top 10. Thanks to Fiona Butler.

World’s largest underwater reef Four decommissioned navy ships were sunk in 2012 to form the world’s largest underwater artificial reef, and boosting the biodiversity in the local waters.


Dolphin interaction

Children’s Life Sciences Centres

Did you know that the Algarve is the only place in Europe where you can play in a pool with dolphins?

Kids love to get involved and that’s exactly what they can do at the Centros de Ciências Vivas in Faro and Lagos. There are plenty of interactive exhibitions and experiments to awaken curiosity.

At Zoomarine theme park you can take part in the Dolphin Emotions programme - a briefing and education session, one on one time in the pool with the dolphins and great photo and video memories of your experience.


52 What's on

Just off Portimão the reef is a huge dive attraction as well as a valuable study tool for marine biologists. Divers are welcome all year round.

The centres are inspired by Portugal's rich seafaring past and give a nod to renewable energy. Very good value for a few hours fun.


Loulé Market One of the biggest and best produce markets is at Loulé. Even the building is one of the most striking around. There is a great variety of fruit and vegetables, a meat section, cheeses and deli produce as well as the fish section where you can find all kinds of strange sea creatures. Saturday morning is the day to go - local small farmers descend upon the town and set up stalls outside the market building, selling their wares.

SuperBike World Championships

Portimão Sardine Festival

Lagos Zoo

Look out for this event between September 14th to 16th.

It doesn't get any more Algarvian than this - a whole festival celebrating the humble sardine! Live concerts, handcrafts, local wines, cheeses, meats and sweets are all on offer too. The festival is between August 1st and 5th. In keeping with the theme, a visit to the local Portimão museum, known as the sardine musuem, is recommended.

Lagos Zoo is all about conservation, education and protection. It’s a wonderful day out. There are more than 120 species of animals and 200 plant species. Visitors can enjoy a 60-metre-long flight tunnel, which allows you to view birds in full flight, an idyllic scene on Monkey Island, and a small farm where children have the chance to come into close contact with domestic animals, including the dwarf zebus




Petrolheads will love watching these motorbikes put through their paces at the world championships held at the Autodromo do Algarve - the region's very own international racing circuit near Portimão.

Water sports

Cross border zip line

There’s a huge range of water sports (and sports in general) available along the coast. You can do a huge range of activities: fishing, dolphin trips, boat trips to see caves and grottos. There is also plenty of surf schools who teach surfing as well as Stand Up Paddling. You can try rafting, kite surfing, jet skis and there’s a wide range of boats to choose from.

We reckon a 720 metre long zip line, that crosses the border between Spain and Portugal and that sends users hurtling into Portuguese airspace at 80 km per hour is pretty awesome. Add in time travel thanks to different time zones and the Limite Zero zip line in Alcoutim is truly unique. The line starts in Sanlucar, Spain, crosses the wide Guadiana river and lands in the Algarve village of Alcoutim.

You’ll find most things down at Lagos Marina.


Karting If your kids feel the need, the need for speed, then karting is an option. There are several locations for Karting in the Algarve. In Albufeira, there is a fabulous indoor track, Hot Wheels Raceway in the marina underground parking. There is a pretty impressive outdoor track at Almancil, and another great karting track near Portimão, adjacent to the International Race Track, home to world championships and Superbike competitions.

For more ideas and for events happening across the Algarve please do check out: 

54 What's on

Bringing sunshine BY TOM HENSHAW This summer why not give yourself a real treat? The Fortaleza Restaurant in Luz offers a jazz lunch every Sunday with the Sunshine Big Band and it’s a huge hit with locals and holidaymakers alike. Believe it or not, the Fortaleza jazz lunches have been running for almost 25 years. Graham Roberts was one of the two founder members of the band and is still a larger than life member. As you can see from the photographs this is a merry happy musical bunch and they now cover far more than just jazz classics these days and they have an ever-growing musical repertoire including classic jazz, Latin and popular songs with modern arrangement. Not bad to think that with over 400 years experience between them they can still be relied upon to include lots of new classics and keep well over one hundred people very happy on a Sunday afternoon at the magical Fortaleza. The setting of this wonderful place with superb views over the Atlantic Ocean make it perfect for every occasion but it is

uniquely placed to make this a must visit location and afternoon. A lovely gentleman, namely John Hulme, that I met whilst meeting the band goes almost every week and has done so for the last four years as he says it is such a splendid location and in fact, he thinks, it has the best views on the west coast. The Sunshine Big Band is one of the only bands left in the Algarve and they work with Luc St John Webb, the owner of the Fortaleza, until the end of November at the fort, weather permitting of course! Band members are Graham Roberts on piano, Luis Hilario on double bass, Zé Ribeiro on drums, Ray Charsley on trumpet, Matt Lester on Sax, Roger Clarke on trombone, Sandie Croft provides the vocals. The three course lunch is outstanding value at only €25 per person , the views and the band all rolled into one make this a brilliant package and one very hard to beat. It is so popular that I recommend you book at least one week ahead.

 +351 912 511 196

Soccer Camp This month your children have got the chance to train with football legends Rio Ferdinand, Richard Dunne and Bobby Zamora at The Campus, Quinta do Lago. The premier league footballers will be joined by the Football Escapes' UEFA coaching team to provide the ultimate football training experience for young fans. The Football Escapes Soccer Camp i​s an inclusive and fun learning environment and is open to children of all abilities, aged 5 to 15. Each child receives a week’s worth of coaching on the world-class football pitch at The Campus, Quinta do Lago, as well as a full kit, signed certificate and a medal upon completion of the course. The dates are August 13-17th with Rio Ferdinand and Bobby Zamora or August 20-24th with Richard Dunne. Children are welcome to attend both week's, however two bookings will be required.


Fatacil Fair in Lagoa This year the Craft, Tourism, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Fair, which started in 1980, will take place between August 17th and 26th. When it was set up it was considered to be a pioneering initiative for business events in the Algarve Crafts, Portuguese gastronomy and a string of live concerts with top national artists are all part of the fair.

56 What's on

This year Fatacil is at the Lagoa Fair Park. It will feature live music on August 17th Gabriel o Pensador, August 18th mariza, August 19th Virgul, August 20th HMB, August 21st José Cid, August 22nd Quim Barreiros, August 23rd Amor Electro, August 24th Carolina Deslandes, August 25th Richie Campbell and August 26th C4 Pedro.

 +351 282 380 465  

Lagos Food Fest 2018 BY JULIE BATTERSBY

Photo Š

This year’s fabulous food fest was split over four mouth-watering nights in Lagos. It took place near the Santa Maria Church, at the Infante dom Enrique square in the open air and was spread out against the magical backdrop of the castle walls. This was the fourth Food Fest to take place in Lagos, which has been drawing more and more people each year. It is an event for you to taste the many gastronomic delights on offer, cooked and supplied by representatives brought together from all over Portugal. With various vehicles modified into the most original designed kitchens and bars on three and four wheels plus screech tent, a diverse range of food and drink for all to experiance and a showcase of flavours for the vendors to test their ideas out on the public. The whole area of the food fest was

58 What's on

buzzing with people navigating around the event stopping to relax in the seating and grassy areas around. Then of course eat, chat and listen to music around in the air, meet up with friends , dance or just people watch; it was a party of various sounds in music... more importantly delicious food. A fantastic range for vegetarians, vegans and meaty madness to try tacos, baps and wraps, roasted rolls chips and dips. The sweeter side of scrummy was also there for you to try: crepes, waffles, cakes and ice creams. Drinks were a plenty with fruit smoothies, beers, wines and even prosecco on tap with a choice of flavours. There were fun activities for children and street buskers adding to the entertainment. As the evening drew on live music added to this feel-good, food-fest of fun.

Summer charity ball Next month Chilli Pepper Productions is holding a charity ball to raise money for UK cancer charity, Niamh’s Next Step and a children’s home in Loulé with the Lighthouse Grill and Bar in Carvoeiro. Simon Moulson from Chilli Pepper Productions tells us how they got involved in organising this inaugural event. A few weeks ago we were reading a post on Facebook which resonated and struck a chord with us at Chilli Pepper Productions and the post was about cancer. From reading and relating to the post with family members who are no longer with us due to cancer and those who are currently poorly we had the idea of setting up a charity ball at the Lighthouse Grill and Bar in Carvoeiro, where we had recently filmed a wedding. So all action stations. We have several major sponsors onboard who are going to help us create a spectacular evening of music and gastronomy along with an auction with some outstanding prizes donated by many Algarvean businesses and also our UK charity, Niamh’s Next Step for Neuroblastoma. Last year we were involved in filming and producing a charity golf day for Niamh’s Next Step for Neuroblastoma at Vale do Lobo Royal and Ocean course. Niamh’s Next Steps was set up after five-year-old Niamh died of a rare cancer in 2012. The other charity that will benefit from the event is Casa da Primeira Infancia, a children’s home based in Loulé. The event will be a stunning evening which will feature a Champagne cocktail, a charity auction with many sporting and musical celebrities donating charitable items, a sumptuous dinner and wine and the most amazing musical talents in show are from Leandro and his

band. Leandro is a professional pianist and vocalist who along with his band have been storming the Algarve in his effervescent style who guarantees incredible entertainment which is pretty much unrivaled in the Algarve. The event will be sponsored by Chilli Pepper Productions and The Lighthouse Grill and Bar along with Imperial Vodka Portugal, Malfi Gin, MIMO, Direct Transport, Dave Sheldrake Photography and Moët and Chandon. This event is a ticket-only event and tickets (€60) can be purchased either directly from The Lighthouse Grill and Bar in Carvoeiro or contact us directly. Tickets are for adults only and will sell out fast, so don’t delay, book this evening with us and enjoy a superb evening of great food, charity auction, great music and ambiance. The event starts at 7pm on Thursday 20th September 2018 at The Lighthouse Grill and Bar, Carvoeiro.

  +351 963 807 162

Bringing colour to Lagos On August 12th, Lagos will celebrate International Youth Day with a beach party that promises to bring fun and colour to the city. The event, which is supported by a partnership with this magazine, has been organised by Diogo José Viegas Rodrigues. Part of the money raised will be given to the bombeiros (firefighters). The next day will see a beach clean-up. The party will have lots of excitement, exercise, youth and solidarity. The main performance will be by Putzgrilla a group of national artists. Opening for the main artists are DJ Diamond with MC Groove and Dj RSouza. Food and drink will also be available at the event which starts

60 What's on

at 4pm and goes on until midnight. The beach clean-up with the CM Lagos and the Banco Local de Voluntariado (Local Volunteer Bank) will start at Bar Lina on August 13th at 6pm. A special kit will be offered.. Anyone can participate, just email us or go to our website. Price: €5 pre-sell / €7.5 on the day (both include 1 bag of ink) Free for 10 year-olds or younger.

Tickets can be bought on Ticketline or call: Barbara Reis:  +351 913 382 879 Jorge Lopes:  +351 913 729 488 Kerys Davidge:  +351 913 051 245  

Clifftop surprise BY JULIE BATTERSBY

You will breathe deeper after walking into Vivenda Miranda, in Porto do Mós, as you look out across the extensive gardens to the dazzling views of the Atlantic Ocean and prepare to indulge in some quality time for that well deserved treat. It felt like it was our personal sanctuary, tailor-made for us which added to a wonderful relaxing day together. The elements of the venue, spa treatments and food all combined into turning this to a wonderful day. We were greeted by Sharon our therapist, who talked us through our day spa. Starting with a Mango apple and ginger smoothie, after we had changed ready for our day, we sat on the comfortable lounge chairs overlooking the swimming pool and the coastline. Therapeutic massages and remedies from Neal’s yard are truly natural, safe and organic for all the family. The skincare is certified by Cruelty –free international guarantees it has not been tested on animals. Most of the products are suitable for vegans. The Vivenda Miranda staff masseurs had great knowledge and were very professional, calm and sensitive to our needs and this only added to the comfort of the dreamy surroundings and fantastic setting. You get given full access to all the spa facilities plus the hotel swimming pool and beautiful gardens to rest in on loungers under the cool of the trees or sunbathing during your day. The food and spa experience is aligned with the spa philosophy for healthy mind and body. The recipes also compliment the treatments that you have during the day - there’s also a wide variety of vegetarian and vegan choices.

62 Health

The scrumptious lotions and creams create aromas which add to the atmosphere of the spa, the décor is warm with earth tones on the walls setting the mood for your spa experience. Tom and I filled in the paperwork which required some simple answers about health. And then we were shown to our couple’s room which had a great view of the outside and yet had great privacy. I was not prepared for the ‘disconnection’ from the world in my head, I was taken to a ‘dreamy place’ fully relaxed and I found myself falling asleep during our treatment. Afterwards, I felt as if I was floating in a sort of exhaustion which overcame over me, but in a good way. We were directed to the magnificent terrace outside the restaurant where we had a two course meal starting with vegetable Pakora with curry sauce/chilled homemade ice tea/chicken breast with red cabbage and apple. I felt renewed, energised, invigorated and ready to enjoy some’ lounge’ time in the garden. A spa is sensory driven and so a head massage feels very different to a back massage/facial etc all equally fabulously relaxing. We loved our day and will certainly want another one soon. Prices are very reasonable and Tomorrow readers are offered a 10% discount during September using the code VM SPA18.

 Rua das Violetas, Encosta do Canavial, Porto de Mós, Lagos  +351 282 763 222 

Fun and fit at 50 BY ANN DE JONGH So, this month sees me hitting the milestone that is 50. Something I never thought I would happily broadcast. But as it is getting nearer, it really does become something to celebrate. When I think back to when I was a child, 50 seemed really old, you dressed in nice slacks from M&S, maybe played badminton or did aerobics in the village hall – or that’s how it appeared. But it is not …. It is about having fun, learning new skills, embracing our fears and doing things that scare us and not to let age be a barrier to stop us doing anything, Keep active, don’t let life pass you by, go out and grab it , make the most of it and enjoy every minute of every day. As a woman this time of our life is when menopause hits with a vengeance, hot flushes in the hot Algarvian summers are not fun, but it is all part of moving on to the next stage of our journey through life. We learn to adapt to embrace these changes, making dietary and lifestyle changes to help to minimise the effects of our raging hormones (you do learn to love decaf coffee!). As we age it is even more important we keep moving, stretching, and raising our heart rate. Sometimes we

might need to change how we train. At certain times during menopause we may need to reduce the intensity in our training. We learn to listen to our bodies and to do what our bodies want and need to do, not necessarily what we think we should do! We also need to make sure we fuel our bodies, both to make us feel better, but also to make us look better, what we eat and drink has a massive impact on our skin, so the healthier we eat and drink the younger our skin will look! For my 40th birthday present I got a new set of golf clubs, for my 50th I think it is going to be a custom surfboard – a far more appropriate present I feel ! Whilst I will never be someone who catches big waves, it doesn’t matter, it’s all about getting out in the sea, having fun and getting some exercise at the same time and if you are getting surf tips from a 10 year old, then listen to them, especially if they catch way more waves than you. So as we start the second half of our lives go out have some fun, laugh and get fit to love your life. Ann is a trainer, yoga teacher, sports massage therapist.

 +351 913202621    fit2lovelife  anndejongh

The digestive tract: immunity BY NIKI MEDLOCK Have you ever thought that the gastrointestinal tract is a very important barrier between your body and the world? It is the largest internal extension of the body’s surface so that technically anything that is travelling through it is actually on the outside of your body. As such our ‘insides’ are constantly being bombarded and exposed to multiple environmental stimuli (microbes/bacteria, food and diverse inorganic materials) therefore our intestines have the monumental job of keeping the underlying tissue separated from potentially harmful substances. A single layer of epithelial cells provides an important physical barrier against these harmful substances but because we need to take up water and nutrients from the intestine this cell layer has to be permeable, ensuring optimal absorption of these products without

64 Health

allowing both pathogenic organisms and commensals (the microorganisms/bacteria that live in a symbiotic relationship with our bodies) from crossing this barrier. To achieve this the intestinal tract is equipped with a highly complex, fundamental immune system to ward off attacks and prevent illness (70 – 80% of our immune system is in the GI tract!!!!) Immediately below the epithelial level are various patches of lymphoid tissue which make the immune cells (various types of white blood cells). In simple terms there are two layers of attack that can be launched by these cells if a pathogenic organism, such as a bacteria, breaches the intestinal physical barrier. - The innate immune system - which is the most dominant, is triggered to provide an immediate non-specific, general response.

It is activated by recognising the pattern of certain components making up the invading microorganisms/toxins or when damaged, injured or stressed host cells are under attack and send out alarm signals. If this is overcome then a second layer of protection kicks in. - The adaptive immune system – this response is very specific to each particular pathogen it encounters and during an infection not only does the pathogen get destroyed but this system will recognise the same pathogen again. This is called an immunological memory and allows for a faster and stronger attack. Next month: So how does bacteria help your immune system?

Niki Medlock is head nurse at 

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Damask Rose BY POPPY BURR Almost every day I spend in clinic, I’m reminded that the physical aspect of ‘dis-ease’ is only ever part of the picture. Patients come back after only a couple of weeks and say “Wow, what did you give me? I feel completely different.” Usually, two weeks is too short a time in which to notice the physiological changes brought about by a herbal prescription. So what’s going on here? In these cases, it’s the ‘energetics’ of the plants that are in action. Herbal medicines act on many different levels - on cell receptors, on tissues, organs and on whole physiological systems. They also influence the emotions, mind and ‘will’ or inherent nature of a person - these are its energetics. Damask Rose or Rosa damascena is a herb whose energetics I just couldn’t do without in my practice. This subtle but powerful aromatic beauty makes its way into every prescription where grief, bereavement, loneliness or neglect are part of the picture. It has a specific affinity for the heart - the seat of emotions in the body - and helps cultivate a renewed sense of self-worth after traumatic life events. Like a “hug in a bottle”, it calms the nervous system, allays anxiety

and self-judgement. For those who need it, Rose can be extremely effective at helping to cope with loss - of a loved one, of selfesteem, of contact with an important person - and the anxiety that goes with it. People say things like “I just accept things a bit more now”, or “I’m starting to like myself again”. Physiologically, Rose is a cooling and astringent herb, useful in hot, itchy skin conditions and digestive problems where excess heat is an issue. It’s great for irritable and hot-tempered children, helping to calm the nervous system before sleep. Infuse fresh rose petals in cold water overnight, and drink throughout the day for the best results. Poppy is a degree-qualified medical herbalist practicing from two clinic spaces in Aljezur and Praia da Luz. She offers holistic consultations and personalised treatment plans using plant-based medicine.

  +351 969 091 683

Mosquito menace BY LEN PORT

It’s hard to speak kindly about mosquitoes, but let’s not forget they provide nourishment for bats, swallows and pond fish. Unfortunately, that’s about as good as mosquitoes get. Comprising thousands of species, they are the deadliest family of creatures on the planet as far as humans are concerned. Rest assured though, that those that buzz around in the Algarve are not a health hazard, just a nuisance. However, invasive species that can transmit dangerous viruses are spreading northwards from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America. The spread is facilitated by the easy mass movement of goods and people.The World Health Organization considers dengue to be most serious of all mosquito-borne diseases. Limited so far to tropical and subtropical areas, dengue kills between 10,000 and 20,000 of the half a million people hospitalised with the disease. Many millions of others suffer the normal symptoms of sudden high fever, severe headache, fatigue, nausea,

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vomiting and intense joint pain. Researchers fear that large parts of Europe could suffer epidemics if climate change is not held within the framework of the Paris Agreement on a maximum of two degrees of warming. If global warming continues beyond two degrees, the dengue-bearing Tiger Mosquito (Aedes aegypti) could move into large swatches of Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, France, and the Balkans. Enough of this doomsday talk – at least for now! Small, itchy bumps on the skin are the worst anyone is likely to suffer from mosquito bites in the Algarve. Both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar. Females supplement this with blood to provide protein for their eggs. They do this by piercing the skin and sucking up to twice their body weight in blood. They’re gone before you feel a thing. The number and severity of bites depends on your particular body odour. Mosquitoes are attracted to some smells more

than others. And don’t take it as a compliment if they fancy you more than some of your friends. It’s the saliva of a mosquito that causes the itchy bumps on the skin. Humans are not their only prey. Plenty of other animals and birds are attacked in the same way for the same reason. The behaviour and life-cycle varies from species to species of mosquito but typically the females drop plentiful eggs in or close to standing and often stagnant water. The eggs develop into wriggling larvae that pupate after several days. They emerge into adulthood a few days later to start the whole process over again. The best way to insist that mossies buzz off and leave you alone is to ensure that no buckets of water are left sitting around outside, keep fly-screen windows and doors closed, switch on fans because mosquitoes only like still air, and use insect sprays and repellents as appropriate.

Meet the staff This month we wanted to introduce you to the staff at Faby Hair and Beauty Salon. Many of you will already be acquainted with them because this salon salon has been popular popular with locals and expats alike for over 25 year. The salon’s team offer anything from enhancing, health, beauty and in doing so gives confidence to their loyal customers. The owner is Gilsa Soares owner who moved to the Algarve in 2002 and shortly afterwards opened GIlsa Estética. A few years later she proceeded to purchase FABY Cabeleireiros and now in 2018 added FABY Massage and Beauty Salon. Gilsa does manicure, pedicure and hair removal. She is also a licenced aesthetic podologist with training, licenses and certificates from Portugal and Brazil with over 25 years of experience in the field. Célia and Sonia do hair design and are stylists. They have been with FABY Salon for over 20 years each. They are licensed and certified and carry out annual mandatory training in several European cities, including Madrid and Milan. Cátia is a gel nail designer and has

Pets Mate BY LARS RAHMQUIST So , here we are: #augustinlagos. Ha, that was the first hashtag I’ve ever done! (so what…) With the mercury running in a thin grey line now, our furry four legs are panting and blowing like old boilers. This month’s article is about those dogs who cannot breathe well enough for #augustinlagos. Last one, OK. French bulldogs and pugs are two examples of brachycephalic dog breeds (google it). This means that all of the respiratory mechanisms a standard dog has is bunched up into the space of a few centimetres. All of the associated soft tissues are then left to partially obstruct the passage that brings air from outside and into the lungs. Partial blockages of airways cause snoring or snorting. If a brachycephalic dog makes NO noise when struggling to breath, there is NO air going through the airways. So, the snorting noise you hear when a brachycephalic dog is breathing is the noise of the dog struggling to oxygenate. Not so cute, when you think of it that way… As temperatures rise, dogs expel heat by panting (you’ve all seen that on the telly). For those who are familiar with physics of fluid dynamics will know that the faster that a fluid (e.g. air!) moves through a pipe (e.g. the dog’s trachea) the more negative pressure is built inside it.

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been with the Salon for four years although she brings over 15 years worth of experience. Gil offers massage and is a beautician and is the new addition to the FABY family. Born in Brazil he graduated in Beauty Therapy and Massage Treatment at the VTCT in Oxford, England. After living in England for eight years, he has decided to move to the Algarve. So please do come and meet the team, if you haven’t yet and why not try the FABY Clear Life Facial Treatment. It is a 40-minute treatment that will effectively treat and improve the appearance of wrinkled and sagging skin around the eyes, skin discoloration and facial expression lines. When you leave the salon with your youthful appearance you will feel and look 10-15 years younger. Faby is that place to go for a one-stop beauty shop. They say: “We will strive to make you a lifelong guest of our salon and a positive difference in your life.”

So, soft tissues around it are drawn into the airway, and making the situation worse. With hotter weather conditions, these dogs can precipitate into respiratory failure quickly. This then leads to death… and no more snorting noise! Before death comes severe respiratory distress...sounds terrifying! Large dogs can also develop upper respiratory tract failure. This is through a paralysis of the muscles around the larynx. Meaning that the larynx doesn't open properly on inhalation and leaves folds flapping in the wind...which would be fine, except that wind is the oxygen going into the dog’s lungs! At Lagos Vet Clinic we operate on brachycephalic dogs to enlarge the airways (from the nostrils to soft palate resections). This is a surgery we are doing more since the weather has become warmer and owners are noticing more respiratory noise (read: early respiratory failure) whilst walking their dogs. We also operate on laryngeal paralysis problems in older dogs. It is AMAZING the difference between the breathing of dogs before and immediately post-op, with these surgery patients. Even as the dog is waking up from the anaesthetic you can see and (not) hear the improvement in the dog’s breathing! If you have a brachycephalic dog, or an old Labrador, which is making more respiratory noise (i.e. cannot oxygenate properly) as the weather is getting hotter, then speak to us at LVC about the option of respiratory surgery to improve the quality of life for your dog during #augustinlagos (ugggghh). Happy summer to all!

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Enjoy the South Explorers experience Young António Bule started work for the Câmara in Portimão as their cameraman and then got an opportunity to work in the region as a graphic designer for around 12 years but didn’t enjoy spending so much time around a computer screen. He decided that he needed to have a re-think and that led him to start his own business using the great Portuguese outdoors as his backdrop. So in June this year António started his own tour business and his first outing with his own transport was his Sagres Tour which includes the Sagres Fortress and then on to the stunning St Cape Vincent, the most westerly point in Europe. This has proved to be a great idea and now he is offering another trip to Mértola which is a full day trip. He also offers trips to Monchique and Silves. There really is something for everyone who would like a day to find some of the beauty of the Algarve without a huge price tag! We do recommend you call António (he speaks great English) and get more facts for your trip. There is a 10% discount for Tomorrow readers!

  +351 964 331 497

New real estate agency in Aljezur Guthrie Rocha Properties is a new estate agency that’s been opened in Aljezur by husband and wife team, Pedro Barata da Rocha and Jemma Guthrie. Our editor, Amber Henshaw, spoke to Jemma to find out more. I was born and raised on a large farm in New Zealand, the youngest of three children. And Pedro was born and raised in the city of Porto, the youngest of four. We both have very different backgrounds but are both from very open minded families. We met quite by chance at Amoreira beach when Pedro parked and blocked my car in! Weirdly we had a friend in common and it turned out that Pedro had booked to go to New Zealand at the end of that year. Needless to say I decided to stay on in Portugal for the rest of the summer and Pedro followed me to NZ at the end of the year, and as they say the rest is history.

Please tell us about your professional backgrounds? I have a degree in Commerce majoring in Marketing Management and Pedro has a degree in Tourism Management and later went on the study Osteopathy and Cranial Sacral Therapy. In the past 12 years Pedro has had a successful osteopath and massage business in Aljezur but Pedro began to find it too strenuous and stressful. We now have two young boys too so we knew we needed a change. We’ve always had a passion for the property market, both with buying and selling, renovating, and interior design. Over the years we found a lot of friends and clients both through the rental houses and clinic, asking us to help them find properties in the area or asking for our opinions. We started seeing people were really trusting of our opinion and we

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were bringing together sales for people and we started thinking how we should start our own agency.

What makes your business different? By creating relationships based on trust and honesty, we believe we are able to generate a lasting, positive impression and we thoroughly believe that in the real estate industry there is never a right time to do the wrong thing. We all know instinctively what the right actions to do are, so we are committed to always doing the right thing. We have a lawyer specialised in property law who is on hand to take the hassle out of the paperwork and streamline the process, especially with updating property papers. Our international sales team also includes Dutch and German consultants who also have a passion for Portugal and especially the west coast area.

Can you please tell us your favourite restaurant, beach and best day out? Our best restaurant is Varzea in Aljezur. The sister restaurant to Gulli Bistrot. Our favourite beach is Arrifana and our best day out is Saturday morning at the farmer’s market in Aljezur followed by coffee and a surf check at Monte Clerigo beach. Ideally taking turns to go for a surf and playing with the kids on the beach and at the rock pools. A relaxed lunch with friends at O Sargo, followed by the kids having a long nap. An early evening stroll on top of the beautiful cliffs at Ponte Atalaia with a sunset picnic, glass of wine and a stellar west coast sunset.


I.T. can be easy BY STEVEN DUNWELL

Three of the best summer apps. Wine, dine and… tan!

Boavista’s Bayview Club Boavista Golf & Spa Resort, part of the Jones Homes Emerson Group, is proud to be embarking, once again, on a new phase of construction. Work has commenced on the first of these luxurious homes, which will be available at the end of 2018 and will provide a high build specification. There will be apartments with two bedrooms with underground, covered parking with prices starting at €370,000. The first phase of linked villas with three spacious bedrooms and an integral garage are available from €470,000. Enjoying some of the most magnificent land and sea views that the western Algarve has to offer, these properties will benefit from glorious views over the golf course and bay of Lagos. The exclusive new phase of the Boavista Resort has been designed to cater for

the needs of our discerning clients. With many of our residents now wishing to spend the winters in the Algarve, our new build properties are designed to offer winter comfort and all-year-round leisure facilities.

Best for BBQ parties – GrillTime £1.99 on iOS Two pounds for a BBQ alarm clock? Believe me, GrillTime is worth every penny. This app allows you to set timers for individual foods, including steak, burgers, chicken, pork, fish, and vegetables. And it will even tell you how long each type of meat should be grilled for. And it's also available on Apple Watch.

Best for Wine selections – Delectable Free for iOS and Android

Bayview will offer residents a new leisure centre with indoor and outdoor pools and gym. Standard specifications will include split air-conditioning system, solar hot water, under-floor heating in bathrooms, electric shutters, SMART security system, high speed internet and 24-hour security patrol. Sales Manager of the on-site resort office, Ann Laws, said: “Last month we opened our new sales centre and show home, adjoining the building site and we are inviting people to come and visit us to see the high-quality build and fabulous views on offer. We can now take early bird deposits giving buyers the opportunity to choose the best units at the best prices.”

  +351 282 000 170 

This app has some of the best wine label recognition available, allowing you to easily pull up ratings, reviews and your tasting notes for a particular vintage all from a photograph of a wine's label. In addition to the label-scanning, users can keep a personal wine journal of their favorite wines with tasting notes. Cheers!

Best for tanning - UVI Mate Free for iOS and Android Everyone loves lounging in the sun, but you should always put your high-factor sunscreen. This app can help protect you from sunburn. Select your skin type and it will remind you when to re-apply sun tan lotion. It also tells you when to seek some shade and track ultraviolet stats wherever you are in the world.

If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help. Have a great month, see you for another tip in September issue.

  +351 936 387 512

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Getting married in the Algarve! The Algarve is fast becoming the number one European destination for weddings. Why has it taken so long for people to realise that the Algarve is, quite literally, perfect for all budgets, honeymoons, families and has the most amazing settings to say “I do!” A group of savvy individuals who are service providers to the Algarve wedding industry have setup a Facebook page & group along with a website which allows prospective brides to be able to deal directly with wedding service providers from a videographer to a wedding celebrant / priest. The rationale for the Getting Married in the Algarve Facebook group/page is to enable brides-to-be to be in control of their wedding budget and for them to personalise it so they get exactly what they want and need for their big day. Unlike other similar websites this is the only website and Facebook group that doesn’t allow wedding planners to be involved. Each and every wedding supplier can be contacted directly, enabling the bride to gain the best price available and to communicate directly with suppliers.

They also encourage and assist prospective brides with a blog where they can engage with other like-minded brides-to-be in asking for advice and they can also talk to brides who have already got married in the Algarve. Some of the married brides (or wives!) used a wedding planner, some didn’t so it provides first-hand invaluable advice in a very detailed and at times puzzling array of wedding options which are available. So if you are a wedding supplier or indeed a brideto-be or a friend/family of a bride-to-be then pass on our details so that we can continue to steadily build an enviable array of wedding suppliers and continue to build on a super concept which offers a truly personalised approach in enabling you to have your stunning wedding day within a budget you may not of even thought possible.

  Help I'm getting married in the Algarve

A growing market BY DAVID WESTMORELAND I think everyone is aware that the property market here in the Algarve is booming. Latest figures show house prices in the Algarve grew 5.9% during the second quarter this year. This demonstrates the depth of the boom and that not only the prosperous areas in the Algarve and Lisbon are benefiting from this great sales period. The UK market was once our largest market with almost 55% of sales coming through this channel. This changed after Brexit and dropped to around 5% in the immediate months following the decision. This has recovered somewhat but still only accounts for around 15% of our market. Fortunately, the markets of Belgium, France and Scandinavia exploded at the same time as Brexit and this has resulted in an overall increase of around 60% year on year. The French market has also evolved. We now see many clients buying larger properties, thus

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selling their original property, some buying additional properties for investment and many setting up permanent homes here and setting up businesses. This is the same for the Scandinavian market except they seem to have deeper pockets across the board! What does this mean to you the seller, buyer, renter or someone just simply having a general interest in the market? Well, for starters property prices are rising and I believe will continue to rise. Developers are building more properties than they have built in the last 10 years. The problem is as soon as they are released for sale they are selling out. This gives the developer more confidence, hence new build prices are rising at huge rates. New build apartment prices are considerably higher than older/used apartments as the ‘new buyer’ wants modern finishes and sleek lines in contrast to traditionally styled apartments. Sensibly priced villas sell as soon as they come

on the market and even plots are beginning to sell at enhanced prices. Rental prices are also rising as a shortage of supply means landlords can pretty much ask what they like, and someone will pay it. At our sister company Lagos Long Lets, we have an average of two serious enquiries a day and properties are literally on the market for hours as the demand outnumbers the supply massively. So there we have it. A buoyant market, increasing prices, less properties available, increase of rental properties meaning increasing rent prices all fuelled by evolving markets across Europe. If you would like to discuss buying, selling or renting a property be sure to call in the B&P office on the main Avenida or send me an email.


narrow steep lanes around and up to Silves Castle. The auto-rickshaw has a roof to avoid most of the hot midday sun, though is completely open offering a 360° vista for all of those travelling onboard. A wide variety of tours are available to choose from, starting with a 1, 2 or 3 hr journey, a ½ day or even a full day.

Major award for local firm BY JEFF MORGAN Portimão-based Allgav Tuk Tuk was rewarded with the Algarve's Cultural Tour Operator of the Year 2018 accolade at the recent global awards ceremony hosted by the British magazine, Luxury Travel Guide. “This means a lot to us” explains Vasco Chaveca, the very likeable Portimonense who founded in the company in 2013. “The award is based on customer feedback, so we appreciate that our hard work is liked by our customers. We listen to their suggestions and are always trying to better our service”. The company specialises in transporting guests aboard a fully electric three-wheeled Tuk-Tuk, giving visitors a unique experience of the towns less popular but equally interesting landmarks, showcasing the history, unique landscapes and lifelong memories of the city and wider region.With so many visitors unaware of the plethora of museums, monuments, cultural sights and activities, preferring to crowd on to the beaches Vasco was determined to find a way of keeping his beloved city from dying through lack of commerce. It was on his honeymoon in Thailand that his concern saw a possible solution, the many auto-rickshaws that are everywhere, although he knew then that the two stroke fuelled air would not be appreciated in the quiet Algarve streets. Determined he scoured the earth for a manufacturer who could produce an eco-friendly version. “Our vehicles are non-polluting, 100 percent electric. They are very quiet to travel in and do not bother the passengers, nor the residents of the streets of the historic centres. For me this is very important, for the driver to communicate to the guests, this low noise is vital”. Allgav Tuk Tuk's agile fleet of auto-rickshaw's can manage the narrow paths where conventional vehicles have difficulty accessing which is particularly useful when exploring the mountainous town of Monchique and the

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The most popular route among the guests is the Silves tour which includes a stop at D. Sancho's establishment next to the Castle where clients are presented with brunch and have the opportunity to sample the finest local Port wines. Well refreshed the castle, the cathedral, archeological museum and the old town beckon and are easily reached with the nimble Tuk-Tuk. Should you like to have a couple of alcoholic beverages with your sightseeing trips there are a few wine tours available on the companies itinerary all of which ensure you are safely delivered back to your destination without worrying about driving yourself. Of the general tours offered, Alvor and Ferragudo is the most popular among the clientele which Vasco estimates to be made up of 90 percent British and Irish. Starting with just an hour, taking in either Portimão, Alvor or Ferragudo you can also choose a longer 3 hr tour taking in Portimão, Alvor and Praia do Roche, or alternatively Lagoa, Estômbar and Ferragudo. If city exploring isn't for you then consider the ride to the slightly cooler Caldas de Monchique. Take in the spectacular views along the journey before being greeted by the magnificent waterfalls and hot springs. Gastronomic products of Monchique are served, then a local guide will talk about the local history, flora and fauna as well as guiding you through the mine. It is not just during the day that you can call up an Allgav Tuk Tuk. Ride at night for dinner at a restaurant in Ferragudo where you can taste various typical local tapas accompanied with wine from local producers whilst enjoying various artists singing Fado into the night. If shopping is your thing, why not grab the Tuk-Tuk for a shopping session, traversing the cities narrow cobbled streets hunting down every shoe or bag shop ensuring that you still have the feet left to go dancing in your new purchase. Celebrating a wedding, want to go to carnival? Whatever your needs the company is flexible enough that should you have an alternative itinerary you only need discuss your requirements with Vasco ahead of schedule to arrange your unique experience. To find out more about the trips offered on this fun, open-air, eco-friendly form of transport check out the company website.

 +351 966 337 664   

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19/06/2017 10:52

Tasty tapas

Quinoa Summer Salad

A new tapas bar has opened in Lagos. It is called O Cantinhoda da Sangria and it’s already proving to be a real hit with customers. It is located a very short distance from both the cinema and the cultural centre. What a lovely ‘find’ - it serves great tapas at only €1.50 each and delicious Sangria as well as a whole range of other drinks including cocktails and International beers.


Ingredients for 4 portions of a very tasty and easy vegetarian summer salad.

Metropolitan chic with a cool artisan twist and vibrant music. It opens at 6pm everyday and offering a great start to your evening out in town!

Method: Cook the quinoa according to the cooking instructions on the package and let it cool down. Cut the bell peppers, the cucumber and the beetroot small and put in a bowl. Mix the cold quinoa with the vegetables, add oil, the juice of half lemon salt and pepper. Then put a handful of ruccola on top.

100g quinoa 1 bell pepper 1 cucumber 2 cooked beetroot Salt Pepper Ruccola (Rocket) 1 big spoon olive oil ½ lemon

Great people, great place a ‘must visit’ in the centre of town! Check them out on Facebook.

 O Cantinho da Sangria


Coffee hot spot BY EILEEN DICKINSON Many of us who have lived here for many years have selected Cafe Do Bairro for our morning coffee.

Monica are friendly, happy and helpful every day and you can see the reasons we have selected this lovely cafe as a ‘coffee hot spot’!

You will find it on Rua Doctor José Francisco de Matos Nuna da Silva just behind Oliva the popular pizza restaurant. Their coffee, hot buttered toast and cakes are all marvellous but we have now discovered that they offer very good meals as well and at very reasonable prices.

Our latest dicovery is the tapas on Fridays which we have now been for three times taking different sets of visitors each time. All of them have loved the food, atmosphere and prices.

Quality, quantity and cost are all in excellent supply! The owners and staff, Elisabete, Zé and

78 Food & drink

There are 12 different dishes, all Portuguese favourites-olives, tasty bread cheese, hams, chicken, prawns, calamari and more but also not forgetting the choice of cakes which can be cut into thinner slices so you can catch the

Portuguese flavours without overeating and also partake in a glass of Muscatel. All these and wines and beers for around €10 per head and the price has never exceeded €15 per head! The inside can only seat 20 people and the atmosphere is very comfortable and so it is recommended for you to book especially in the summer.Oh and by the way wear something with a loose waistband!

 +351 282 033 356




Enjoy freshly prepared food in your holiday home Catering for small parties and weddings  +351 960 216 070


AUTHENTIC PORTUGUESE TAPAS AT ITS BEST Portimão is our port of call for our favourite tapas bar. This is not your usual ‘dressed up’ tapas but good traditional food, very reasonably priced and if you decide to go after this review, keep it a secret. It is located one street back from the river walk near the taxi rank and it seems frequented by mostly local people so. We have been many a time but on this occasion it was pre-football so sitting outside, soaking up the afternoon sun was a given. Even though it was mid-afternoon, enough people were here to give it that semi full feel. The inside is great with natural stone on either side and an Iberico ham greeting you as you venture in, just before you get to the bar. My advice is to pop in and look at the fresh counter. It changes frequently depending on

what is fresh for the day and once sold out, not replaced until the next day. You can pick your food from here as well as the menu so let’s give a flavour of what we had. The cold octopus salad with chopped onion in virgin olive oil is my favourite. We also ordered the chicken kebabs, some tuna salad in olive oil, again finely chopped with a hint of mint, some cheesy mushrooms and the chicken pie. Oh, and a whole bbq’d Portuguese black sausage. Enough for two hungry people. All washed down with water, one beer and two cokes. €21. Previously, we have had chicken gizzards, chargrilled peppers and the fresh calamari rings, again chosen from the fresh counter. We have also been on a Saturday evening

and they’ve had live music with a guy and his guitar. Very subtle sound and in no way intrusive but again, adds to the ambience and makes for a great evening. Don’t go too often but do treat yourself every so often. Take friends and you will be their best mates forever. They will tell their friends about you and you will be the best people that they know in Portugal. In summing up, great value, fantastic food, polite and unrushed service. All wrapped up together and sit back and say, ‘Welcome to Portugal’.

 Largo Do Dique Number0 16, Portimão  +351 282 459 129

New bar opens in Lagos The doors officially opened at the Ol’ Bastard Cocktail Bar on June 26th which meant that it missed our July edition but we wanted to tell you about it as soon as possible. This bar is conveniently placed for the ever more successful Ol’ Bastard Restaurant so you can have a few drinks before nipping in to the restaurant for the best fish and chips in town.

to the cinema at the top end of town. We are delighted to see that Mika and Ali Cycon have started this new venture with business partner Antonio Sousa and we wish them every success.

It is now three years since the restaurant opened close

 Ol' Bastard's

80 Food & drink


PORTUGUESE FOOD +351 282 792 165 | Rua Silva Lopes, nº30 - 8600-623 Lagos

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself.

JULY AND AUGUST: Closed for lunch • Open every night from 6pm to 11pm | Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f

Richard Jackson, the owner of In-Villa-Chefs

Vasco Snelling

Tomato and watermelon gazpacho This is a recipe from Ricardo-in-villa Chef


Kucher Tolik, new on the team and a former head chef at Lazy Jacks in the Marina

Olivia Kirschner, former chef for the Forest School in Aljezur and mainly caters for the vegan and healthy options plus retreats.

Fantastic food for all A new company has been set up so you can truly enjoy the holiday of a lifetime. Ricardo and his team of In-Villa-Chefs prepare and cook fresh local ingredients, from scratch, in the comfort of your holiday home. We asked Nirali Shah-Jackson to find out more, so she spoke to Ricardo. I grew up in rural England around fruit and dairy farms in Herefordshire and spent my childhood picking fresh fruit and working alongside farmers. At 13 I got my first job as a kitchen-hand and loved it. Most kids in my town at the time went into the army including my twin brother and older brother but I opted for art college instead. After I finished my degree in 3D design, I somehow ended up becoming a Financial Advisor in Norwich, while my partner was heading up her career in Art Direction. We both became 'a bit'- take this out) disillusioned with living there so sold all of our possessions in a carboot sale and travelled the world for about a year. On our return, I retrained and became a Design Technology teacher, and within that, there is a food technology option, so I opted to teach this as soon as I qualified in 2005, as I loved the idea of teaching food to young kids.

How and when did you end up in the Algarve? My wife was born and brought up in Kenya, and needed the sun so we went searching for it! We rented out our flat in Bristol, bought a T5 campervan and hit

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the road for about nine months. This was in 2008. As soon as we crossed the border from Spain into Portugal, we kind of both knew that this was it. I secured a job in the International School here and we thought we would give it a go. Eventually, we bought a house in Monchique and still live there now.

Why did you start this new venture? I realised that a personal chef just tops that whole luxury, put your feet up and do nothing feeling that people need to help them wind down. It is the icing on the cake when you are on holiday!

- 2kg ripe tomatoes peeled and chopped - 5 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped - 6 celery stalks, pale parts and leaves, all roughly chopped - 1 small onion, roughly chopped - 400g watermelon flesh (remove seeds) - 100g crustless white bread, broken into small chunks for croutons - 150ml tomato passata (or tomato juice) - 2 tbsp red wine vinegar - 200ml olive oil, plus extra for drizzling - 15g basil leaves - Coarse salt and black pepper - 150g crustless white bread, broken into 2-3cm chunks - 1½ tbsp red wine vinegar

Method: To make the croutons you'll need to preheat the oven to 180C. Place the bread in a medium bowl along with the oil, vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Place a griddle pan on a high heat, add the croutons and cook for 2 minutes or so, turning until all sides are slightly charred and start to crisp. Transfer from the pan onto a baking tray and place in the oven for about 12 minutes, until golden brown and crispy. Set aside to cool. Place the tomatoes, garlic, celery, onion, watermelon, bread, passata and 10 grams of basil in a blender or large bowl along with 1½ teaspoon of salt and a good grind of black pepper. Blend until smooth and then, with the blender still going, add the vinegar and olive oil. Refrigerate until needed.

I think this is the next '5-star hotel experience', where you don't have to pay a premium and hang around strangers and be restricted to hotel eating times, you can have food that you choose at whatever time you want and in your own space.

To serve, pour the soup into individual bowls and top with the croutons. Tear the remaining basil and sprinkle it on top of each portion, along with a final drizzle of oil. Finish with a little sea salt and serve at once.

When you are on holiday and don't have to get dressed to go out, (took the 'and' out) can lounge around your own pool and be served food that comes from choosing your own menus, you are î –

This is a great summer recipe, all ingredients are in season and can be bought at local organic markets. It also keeps well for a few days in the fridge, so good to make a big batch up.

going to be like, 'wow' this is what I call 'being on holiday but feeling completely at home'.

There has been a high demand for bespoke catering for people with food intolerances as well as vegan catering, which we have been providing from the outset. We literally offer clients whatever they want, cateringwise! I am currently working for a family who all want completely different breakfasts as they wake up. I'm there to cater for whatever they want whenever they want it and so is my team. Also, because I am a Food Teacher, the kids love it as they can sometimes get involved in the prep and the parents love it as well, as

their kids are entertained too. All of our In-Villa- Chefs are passionate about local, seasonal and organic ingredients and have a wide variety of experience with different cuisines from all over the world. We also cater for small weddings, events, retreats and offer cooking workshops. So, what are you waiting for? You can call or email Ricardo and his team on the contacts bellow.

 +351 960 216 070 

Garden Café BY SIMON MOULSON What a tranquil, magic-like setting the Garden Café in Almancil is, it’s like a forest-clearing full of enchantment and you half expect to bump into Bilbo Baggins. However, the mystery is also trying to find this oasis of calm within the beautiful Natura garden centre. Purposely there are no signs to lead you to the Garden Café and so therein lies and is the start of this lunchtime adventure. The restaurant is beautifully framed between majestic trees which provide a much-needed canopy of shade for diners. Suspended from several trees are upturned wicker-basket type shopping bags which have been carefully placed and provide a quirky and charming sense of style and oozes contemporary dining. The oversized tables are carved from monolithic sizes of olive tree which are stunning and are so mesmerising you want to touch to feel connected. There are splashes of colour everywhere from the fuschia tablesettings and bright fabrics which contrast beautifully with the environment. There is a lovely aroma wafting through the air of orange blossom and a water-fountain which just so

84 Food & drink

adds to the ambiance. It’s fair to say that this café is more than a café, it’s a portal to their sister restaurant and cooking classes, which is unapologetically decadent and seriously ‘fine dining’. The attentive staff, who are seriously well-informed and ooze passion seem to breathe, live, work the ‘great food’ mantra. Service levels are completely on-point, yet without any stuffiness and the food is divine. We opted for a medley of dishes (there were three in our party) and the host, Kate, thoroughly entertained our table, educated us with her superb knowledge of world food and their menu. If I may at this point detail that the prices for the level of refinement, gastronomy and setting are incredibly inexpensive and make this as probably our best lunch in the Algarve and we have lived here for 14-years, is saying something. Their array of salads with their ‘cheffy twists’ on things makes a taste sensation from something that you instantly recognise and yet when you taste it, it’s like nothing you have tasted before. How you can make something look so simple, effortless if you like, but have

the taste complexity which tingles your tastebuds exponentially. Every minute attention to detail has been lovingly thought about and is an utter credit and resounding success to their achievements. Yet all of this without costing you, the diner, a fortune, is incredible. Their combination of flavours is the brains of the owners and chef’s alike who seriously work tirelessly in creating combinations which wouldn’t look out of place at the top-dining establishments in the Algarve. Just a little tip to any tea-lovers, do ask what teas they have, the presentation box you are presented with is sublime and look out for the stunningly beautiful tea-timer which enables the finest of tea to be brewed perfectly for the most discerning of tea-drinkers. A truly wonderful lunch which affords an unrivalled tasting and setting ambiance and is an utter must for your next luncheon.

 gardencafealmancil

Clean it up Over the next few months a group of residents plan to hold a series of beach clean-ups in the western Algarve. One of the organisers, Alex Hapgood, tells us about the first such event they held in Cordoama. Watch this space for details about the next one. Living in the western Algarve there can be few of us who take the fact that we have an incredible number of stunning beaches on our doorstep for granted. From the smaller coves tucked in to the south coast through to the impressively imposing cliffs and the miles of sand of the west coast: if you enjoy spending time on the beach – or in the water – you’ve come to the right place. So we’re perhaps more sensitive and conscientious than most to the condition of the oceans and of the beaches that we frequent as part of our day-to-day lives. Thankfully, environmental awareness regarding the oceans has become a more ‘mainstream’ concern in recent times (with charities such as Surfers Against Sewage in the UK – who have been screaming about the importance of looking after our oceans for almost 30 years – due much of the credit) and we’re now really beginning to come to terms with the impact that we, as a species, are having on the ocean. Nowadays we realise that the impact of rubbish in the ocean isn’t limited to the dire consequences of plastics being ingested by fish, or of birds becoming tangled in sea detritus, and it’s becoming evident that the sheer amount of plastic which ends up in our oceans means that it is actually become a visibly problem which – when you consider the mind boggling volume of water in the ocean – is depressingly incredible. With this in mind, when we were looking for a good way to raise money to contribute to new sun shades at Burgau Sports Centre we felt

86 Environment

that a beach clean would be a great idea. The Sport’s Centre had recently removed the trees surrounding their football pitch due to the legislation following last summer’s forest fires leaving kids (and parents!) with nowhere to hide from the summer sun when they weren’t on the pitch, and the local community were keen to help ou. Following this spring’s storms, piles of plastic had been washed ashore on the west coast so we decided that Cordoama would be a good option and – having consulted the guys at Straw Patrol (a Portuguese charity which organises beach cleans and who raise awareness through visiting schools and educating children about environmental responsibility) – we armed ourselves with plastic gloves, sacks (empty horse feed sacks so we were not using more plastic to clean up plastic) and sieves, and headed to the beach. Around 34 people attended and spent the morning with their heads down paying much closer attention to the sand than you would on a usual Sunday morning at the beach. The waste that we collected could be placed into two categories. There was the stuff you would expect to find – plastic bottles, rope from fishing nets, and other random detritus – which was generally along the high tide mark. And it was in the sand higher up the beach (which had not been touched by the sea since the storms) that we found the bulk of the plastic. And it was quite depressing. The volume of tiny bits of plastic in

a relatively small area of sand was astounding. The sieves proved to be the weapon of choice and we filled seven large bags with these smaller bits of plastic. The worst culprit was cotton buds, with literally thousands of tubes leftover from these buried in the sand, then there were tiny plastic microbeads which were too small even for the sieves and then a lot of disposable lighters, plastic straws and even some medical supply bottles with the ‘hazardous waste’ warning still visible. Overall, it was a little like a ‘lucky dip’ with no real winners, but it was an eye opener for us all and particularly for the children who saw firsthand the impact that humankind’s behaviour is having on the ocean and the beaches. But it wasn’t just the kids who took more than a bag of waste away from the day – a lot of the adults have reported that they’re now being even more cautious with the packaging they are buying and with their recycling, and – personally – I now usually get back to van after a surf with a couple of handfuls of plastic I’ve picked up on the walk back up the beach. After all: it’s the beaches that brought many of us here and we should do what we can as their custodians. Over the last few months Tomorrow magazine has been running a campaign to keep our beaches clean so please pick up three pieces of litter when you are next down by the sea.




From left to right, top to bottom: East Algarve with island; Ilha de Tavira

88 What's on

Stretching from Faro to the Spanish border, the coastal and inland towns and villages of the eastern Algarve remain a hidden gem compared to other areas at the Algarve. The east Algarve is in the developmental stage compared to other regions, but this means it enjoys pleasant, quiet and peaceful areas with dream beaches - not just on the nearby islands. It is also surrounded by beautiful rolling countryside with lots of small traditional villages and towns. There is also a good infrastructure with with international supermarkets, many restaurants, top quality golf courses, shopping malls, marinas, good amenities and endless coastline.

walk. The water is usually much warmer and calmer here than on the beaches in the west.

The east also means protected land - the ‘Parque Natural da Ria Formosa’ stretches from Faro in the west towards Tavira and Vila Nova de Cacela in the east. This nature reserve, separated from the open sea by sandbanks, is one of the largest lagoons in Europe. It has sandbars, saltwater lagoons and many waterways and protects a fantastic ecosystem of birdlife, small fishing communities and traditional mussel-seekers. Boat trips from Faro, Olhão and Tavira can guide you through this paradise. The region is probably best known for its superb islands offering fantastic white, tranquil, sandy beaches which can be accessed either by boat, rail or a delightful long

Altura (Alagoa): Well organized, with watersports and a hotel just 100m away - making it a lovely beach to have fun in the sun.

East Algarve beaches Not everyone knows of the endless beaches along the coastline - you can go all year and enjoy the beauty of the local fauna and flora either to walk and/or swim!

Manta Rota: Ideally situated not far from Tavira, this beach has a huge car park, restaurants and bars. Praia da Lota: A more private and less known beach, but served by cafes and restaurants.

Praia Verde: Formed on a small sloping hill next to a pleasant urbanization surrounded by pine forest. There are lovely beach restaurants and a bar with great views. Praia do Cabeço: A beach of the municipality of Castro Marim with an excellent stretch of sand and clear water. Monte Gordo: A small town with immense nightlife,

restaurants, casino and many bars. In addition it has a beach that boasts excellent water quality. The eastern beaches begin with a long stretch of sand that runs uninterrupted from the edge of the River Guadiana at Vila Real de Santo António to Manta Rota and then on to the other beaches. They are backed by gentle dunes rather than cliffs and give a fantastic Mediterranean feeling. The beaches are not crowded and there is something for everyone. Another very important aspect is that you do not need to rent a sun bed or pay tourist tax as in other countries. The freedom to choose is yours, whether it’s the long sandy beaches of the coastline, or the coves, bays or islands a little further away. Here they are:

Ilha da Culatra/Farol (Farol is a must to see): Culatra and Farol are two villages on the island of Culatra. There is a third, less known village called Hangares. These are accessible via ferry boat from Olhão throughout the year (out of season four or five boats per day and in high season only from Faro). There are beaches on ocean side as well as the river side. The soil is very sandy and there are good amenities including various bars and restaurants, some houses and rooms to rent so it is possible to stay.

Ilha de Tavira: Accessible by ferry from Tavira and from Quatro Águas (Tavira). This is the most developed beach on Tavira Island boasting a large number of bars, restaurants and simple but popular campsite.

Cabanas: Accessible by small boats from Cabanas.

Fábrica: One of the most desirable beaches in the Algarve, this is a beach of fantastic sand and water, plus you can walk across to the ocean. Crystal clear water with excellent temperatures makes it perfect for any bather. The east Algarve has so many positive qualities; lifestyle, nature, beaches and beautiful islands - everything the tourist and property purchaser is looking for.

From left to right, top to bottom: Praia Manta Rota; Praia Estreita; Praia de Barril - Pedras de'l Rei; Praia Verde

Written by Susanna Gross - Sales & Marketing Manager, Christian Gotsch & João Soeiro - Sales Consultants, Togofor-Homes Real Estate, Tavira Office.

Ilha da Armona: Similar to Culatra but has a more sophisticated image. Ferries are available from Olhão all year round.

Fuzeta: All the houses that existed, being illegal, were demolished and the protective dune recovered. Consisting of very light sand - it is possible to walk to the entrance of the sea to the Ria Formosa. Praia do Barril (can walk or take the train): Probably the best known beach on the large Ilha de Tavira. There is parking at Pedras del Rei also accessible by public transport from Tavira.

Terra Estreita (Tavira): The quietest of the three beaches on the Ilha de Tavira, accessible by ferry from Santa Luzia. It is ‘open’ only from May to the end of September, when the ferry stops and the bar closes.

Outdoor 89

experimented with different planting schemes to create harmonies and contrasts. His bold planting schemes have been much copied and studied in subsequent years.

The legacy of Lawrence Johnston BY TAMSIN VARLEY I don’t expect many of you have ever heard of Lawrence Johnston. He was a shy, quiet man who kept himself to himself and was never happier than when he was chatting to his head gardener or out in his beloved garden. He was also a voracious plant collector and a very talented garden designer who created two famous gardens in the early part of the 20th century, which have had two very different outcomes. The first garden is Hidcote located in the Gloucestershire countryside which is now managed by the National Trust. The second garden is Serre De La Madone near Menton in the South of France where Johnston died in 1958. This garden was actually the more famous of the two in its heyday – borne out by the fact it employed twelve full time gardeners compared to just six at Hidcote. Lawrence Johnston was born in Paris in 1871 to a rich American family. He was tutored at home and then at Trinity College in Cambridge. In 1900, he took British nationality and signed up to fight in the second Boer war, which sparked an interest in South African flora. In 1907, his now divorced mother bought the Hidcote estate and her son created the basic framework and gardened obsessively there for the next 40 years. Johnston had spent some time in northern Italy before the First World War and this heavily influenced the basic layout of Hidcote. There are strong axes cutting through the garden with large manicured hedges dividing the garden into symmetrical rooms. Planting was lush and exuberant with plants crammed together to discourage weeds. However, he was also a talented painter and

90 Outdoor

Hidcote though was only known to a few of Johnston’s close friends until 1930, when two articles about the garden were published in Country Life. Although it was also opened to charity a few times a year, it became one of those gardens that everyone talked about but almost no-one had seen. Its reputation was so famous that it is the first property that the National Trust took on in 1948 simply because of the garden alone. As a result of the National Trust management, the gardens status has increased enormously and although it’s huge (10.5 acres), its appeal is the variety of garden rooms that can be copied and adapted for much smaller gardens. Johnston acquired his French property in 1924 and tended to spend most summers there, moving there permanently after the Second World War. He was an avid plant hunter and collector and Serra De La Madone was the perfect showcase for his sub tropical paradise. He created a series of terraces between the olive trees with a double pool in the centre. By all accounts, in its heyday it was magnificent. Sadly, after Johnston’s death, the lady who inherited it stripped the garden of its valuable statues and sold the property and the gardens went into decline. After seeing a programme about Lawrence Johnston on the BBC, I felt compelled to visit Serra De La Madone as I had seen Hidcote a few years previously and thought it fantastic. It is now looked after by a non profit organisation, but is a very sad place to visit as clearly they do not have the funds necessary to restore it to its previous grandeur. However, there are still some very interesting specimen plants there, but it’s more of a garden for plant enthusiasts who can appreciate some of the more unusual shrubs and trees there rather than for the casual visitor. The supreme irony is that Lawrence Johnston’s standing as a great garden creator actually rests upon Hidcote – the lesser of his two gardens – which thankfully, was saved for the nation by the National Trust who ensured that the general public had easy access to it. This means that it is no longer the mythical mystery it was in the 1930’s but an inspirational garden with a world-wide reputation. What a fantastic legacy to leave behind. Tamsin is chair of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different location around the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday every month except over the summer with an optional lunch afterwards. NOW RECRUITING.

 Clube Dos Bons Jardins 




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