Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagos - February 2020

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Interior • Design • Exterior • Accessories

Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

 TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733 DESIGN Creation Media

SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Editor's note

There is no doubt that the most important topic this month is the impact of Brexit on UK citizens and the implications of the new rules. If you have not already organised residency to remain indefinitely in Portugal then this must be your priority now. Also consider your UK registered vehicles, boats, caravans, trailers and pets, all of which will fall into a new status and may require action on your behalf. This issue includes some good advice from Tig James and Phil Egginton on this subject. Tomorrow magazine is pleased to welcome new contributors this month. Accomplished author, yachtsman and historian Julian Putley. Julian, along with his beautiful Brazilian wife, are currently in the process of relocating to a new home in Luz from the British Virgin Islands after living through yet another hurricane that had destroyed their family home of many years.

We are also pleased to introduce Annie O’Dea. Annie will be writing book reviews for the readers to enjoy, to compliment her soon to commence book club that will bring together

avid readers to share their passion with other like-minded folks.

Should you be interested in contributing, regularly or once only, or having your story told by one of our writers then please do send a message, or telephone, either Jeff or Sophie to discuss your ideas. March will be an important milestone for Tomorrow reaching the 100th edition of the magazine, to celebrate the issue we will be extending our area of operation taking in Silves, Lagoa and Portimão as part of the growth plans. If you have no-one to share your love with on Valentine's Day then why not share your love with your neighbours, spare some time to volunteer at one of the animal shelters, or give a home to one of the unwanted pets who will give you unconditional love. Tom, Sophie, Jeff and the staff at Tomorrow magazine wish you a fantastic February and a very happy Valentine's Day!

On the cover Photo by Sergio Stakhnyk - Almond Blossom You know that spring is on its way when the stunning beauty of the almond trees in bloom begin to appear across the region.



Women are achieving equality in the waves Female empowerment and surfing are not two terms you would typically put together, but Annika von Schütz is riding a wave of creativity to depict a new breed of woman. This new vision of femininity is one that explores their creativity, embodies freedom, fun and embraces comradeship with other women, through surfing or other extreme sports. Annika is currently being sponsored as a resident artist at LAC, (Laboratório Actividades Criativas), in Lagos. She puts her creativity down to the energy and synergy she feels with the ocean while surfing. “Women need to take the waves as a medium to achieve something else”, she tells me. “Thanks to a great network on the international surf scene, I am in contact with very interesting surfers, surf journalists and environmental activists. I am very grateful for the opportunity LAC gave me to live and study in Lagos”. She began the sport aged 14 while on a family holiday. Later, when she was 18, she when she was 18, she travelled to France from Germany and learnt properly. This led to her forming a band of nomadic surf goddesses who called themselves the Velwet Girls. They define this as a collective output of photography, art, editorial, travel, love and life. The girls came from an academic background but wanted to have fun without limitations and to explore their creativity. “Our mission was to show that women could have fun and travel with other women, not with a boyfriend. Of course, it has become more normal now, but then we were not the norm. We slept in our cars, surfed or snowboarded, made clothes, art and created a website”. The founder of Velwet collective is Valerie Schlieper, a graphic designer and photographer who receives sponsorship at surfing competitions, Faye Sjöberg works as a musician in Berlin, Alexandra Siebert is a graphic designer who creates surfing images, t-shirts and bottles. “Being in nature is linked to creative output,”



explains Annika. Annika herself is a cultural scientist, yoga teacher and actress but is currently pursuing a passion for documentary-making, and the topic? You have guessed it, women and surfing! After studying for a Masters in Art and Media, she worked with a German national and regional TV channels and even tried her hand at presenting. Her first film was a University project in Mali, and she became hooked on the medium. She made her first documentary film in 2018, Set Up To Sell - Surfing as a Lifestyle Product, exploring the commercialisation of the surf scene, which won an award at the Ericeira Film Festival. “My work keeps me driving to the European Atlantic coast. I work as a curator at surf film festivals, art exhibitions and organise workshops on sustainability and plastic pollution in the sea”. She is now working on a new documentary, Femmeocean - Unlimited, where she invites women from all backgrounds to share their experiences and to discuss the power of sports to impact lives. “Thanks to the greater power and ability in many fields, women surfing is growing fast. Female surfers are fighting for their dreams and we are seeing more and more equality. One example is the equal payment in surf contests since 2019. It is important to have strong and authentic women with perseverance for women to identify with. The documentary is about strong female portraits as role models in a growing market.


Together with a professional crew, we will create high-quality content, pictures and impactful stories”. Twelve five-minute portraits of international surfers and short features for social media demonstrate their “waves of life" in a very personal way. “The stories open the doors to their personality and show what is hiding behind their sunshine façade. They are professional athletes and amateurs, stand for diversity, environmental activism, independence and risk-taking. One thing unites them: surfing as a motivation to live and to protect the place they love, namely the sea”.

In 2019 women achieved equal pay in surfing competitions In 2019, Hawaiian born, Carissa Moore ranked number 1 in the World rankings for the 3rd time. The 27-year-old was named Woman of the Year by Glamour Magazine in 2013. Brazilian big wave surfer Maya Gabeira set the women's record for riding a 68ft wall of water in Nazaré in 2018.

The documentary will feature Joana Andrade who rides 30m waves in Nazaré and who will appear in the 2020 film Big Versus Small about conquering fear and pushing your limits. In December, Annika interviewed a free surfer who lives in Peniche and is over 60, but surfs every day and often without a wetsuit. Another of her subjects is Lizzy Artwork, who is an artist who works for the

Surf-Rider Foundation, which fights for environmental protection in Portugal. The documentary will be screened at international Surf Film Festivals, such as Save The Waves, International Surf Film Festival Ericeira, Santa Cruz Surf Film Festival, Sun Valley Film Festival International Ocean Film Tours, and digital TV. When I meet Annika she has suffered an injury while filming in Ericeira, she was walking on the beach and hit by a freak wave which washed her onto some rocks, so she had to stop filming. Ironically, this action woman suffered a setback while taking a walk, but she shrugs it off and says, “No matter how difficult it is, you should fight to do the things you love.” If you feel you can contribute to the documentary or wish to sponsor the project, please contact Annika.

+INFO:   @annikasyniva @femmeocean_unlimited @velwet_

Sarah Anne Cohen, Dörthe Eickelberg, Thiago Andrade

Movie poster: Faye Sjöberg and photographer Valerie Schlieper






Cars are an emotive subject for some. I have over the years become very attached to some of my cars, especially those of value, classical age or other sentimental attachment. Naturally, when moving to Portugal it is something that can be difficult to detach from. Some years ago, I, myself imported a special Morgan sports car and so I speak from experience. At the time I owned three Morgans and had to reluctantly decide to sell two before moving. Although there are moves to change and ease the costs of importing classic cars to Portugal, these are not completely clear at the time of writing. The process is therefore considered as the same for all cars. Anyone who browses listings for second-hand cars will be aware that the value of these is maintained much higher here than, say in the UK. There are historical reasons for this which I won’t bore you with. These are to do with higher new vehicles taxes but also associated with the fiscal rules surrounding “write down” of vehicle values for businesses. The result is that second-hand cars can be considerably more expensive Pound for Euro than equivalent UK vehicles. As some readers may be aware under EU rules you can import one vehicle free from import taxes when you move. Which on the face of it makes import an attractive option even for normal, not just special, cars. However, there are downsides too. As you might expect there are several bureaucratic “hoops” to jump through to do this. My strong advice is that unless you are very proficient at Portuguese and have experience dealing with local authorities, then seek expert advice. The Association of Foreign Property Owners in Portugal (AFPOP www. have an excellent advice sheet detailing what you need to do. There are also local specialists such as doc.Lagos ( see an advert in this edition) who will help. Safe advice is always to go off recommendations from someone you know who has done the same. Personally, I tend to avoid internet forums and groups for reliable information.



From a technical point of view, you will need to make changes to convert vehicles from left side roads to right side roads, e.g headlight angles, fog and reversing light positions. You will also need to provide proof of living and owning a car in the UK for at least the prior six months. I had issues with this as we lived in temporary rented UK accommodation for five months before moving. The last thing we thought of was retaining utility bills. Having got through the necessary hoops there are other things to consider. The main difference from an ex-UK car to a Portuguese one is the fact that the steering wheel is on the “wrong” side. Once again from experience, this can give additional hazards to driving in Portugal. Overtaking can be a real challenge for example. I consider it a false economy to not purchase a local car. You will find it very difficult to sell a right-hand drive vehicle to the Portuguese. They know the hazards of driving one. There are limits (currently 12 months) for how long after you import a car tax-free before you can sell it. If you think you can eventually sell it for the same value as an equivalent local left-hand drive vehicle then also think again. A good estimate is to think of its Euro value as being no more than the equivalent it would have for the same miles/age in Pounds in the UK. I have seen people attempt to sell right-hand drive cars at local prices and get a big shock! If you do buy locally then you will retain value much better than a UK imported car. You will not suffer massive depreciation as UK cars do. For efficient, low emission, new car prices are nearly comparable with the UK. So, as an investment, it makes much more sense to me to buy local. In summary, my advice is don’t import…unless the car is really special and sentimental. Plus, get good reliable recommended help. Good luck! Phil is a motorsport photographer and journalist who now lives in the Algarve. Phil is also an ex-manager in the UK car industry.

"You will find it very difficult to sell a righthand drive vehicle to the Portuguese."

Katja dancing the routine BEAST directed by Debbie Rosas founder of Nia in Rimini 2019



The heart-wrenching story of a brave woman who has fought back from devastating setbacks to find a new lease of life. Katja Kaller has lived for 17 years without BY SOPHIE SADLER

Fast Facts  Nia was created in the US in 1983 by Debbie Rosas and Carlos AyaRosas  Since 1983, Nia has helped more than 100,000 people get in their body  Nia is a non-impact movement practise based on the idea that through movement we find health  Nia combines movements and philosophies from martial arts, dance arts and healing arts  Nia practice is done barefoot and set to diverse music from around the world. Classes are taught in more than 45 countries - there are currently 2500 licensed Nia teachers



hair, suffers from multiple auto-immune diseases and has PTSD, but has found salvation with Nia, which she now wants to share with others. When I meet Katja she takes off her hat to show me her bald head, and apologises if I find it shocking, but she prefers not to wear a wig and be honest about who she is. Her appearance is in no way disturbing as she has a natural warmth and enthusiasm, having no hair does not make her less beautiful. However, she tells me her hair loss and an increase in weight due to a thyroid problem, led to the break-down of her second marriage. “When I met my husband, I had beautiful long red hair and he did not like the new me”. She insists, however, that she is not a victim and does not feel sorry for herself, although many on hearing her background would argue she was. She witnessed her mother die in a car accident when she was a child and on being sent to live with her father suffered physical abuse. She has also suffered sexual abuse which gave her PTSD, the stress of which she believes gave her alopecia. “I am a fighter, and since I started Nia and became a Nia white belt Teacher, my life has a new quality”. Nia is a cardio fitness technique which fuses dance, martial arts, and healing arts. Through a mix of simple choreography and guided improvisation, Nia instructors emphasise sensation and internal experience over outward aesthetics to cultivate awareness of one’s body, mind, emotions, and life as a whole.

As a child, Katja had practised martial arts but gave it up as it was too high impact. “In 2015 a good friend who is a dancer woke something up in me when she suggested I tried Nia. I had always loved dancing but had never pursued my passion. Nia helped me express myself and get out of my comfort zone”. After moving to Portugal, she could not find Nia classes, but practised the discipline through the internet. As she has lots of injuries from the physical violence she suffered, she found Nia helped her deal with the pain. “Nia is a beautiful tool; I can dance and express myself and not feel discomfort”. She was practising five times a week, but because no one was teaching it in Portugal, she took the life-changing decision to try to teach it herself. She received an 8-day intensive training course in Scotland and earned her white belt. “Before I took the course, I found it difficult to touch a stranger, but after the training, I found myself able to be close to other students without fear”. Spurred on she is travelling to Colorado at the end of March to earn her green belt. “Nia has given me a whole new quality and changed my life. I have better health and have lost eight kilos”. She started teaching lessons in October but confesses it is challenging to get new students as no one knows what it is! She hopes this article will encourage more people to take up the discipline. She smiles and says; “I make progress,” and this incredible story should hopefully show others how any obstacles can be overcome with the right tools. Katja will be teaching the Nia Technique every Thursday at 18:30 in the Academia de Musica, Lagos and Fridays 17h-18 h in Espaço Vital in Lagoa.

+INFO:  

BELMAR SPA & BEACH RESORT PROPERTIES FOR SALE STARTING FROM 270.000€ | LAGOS | EXCLUSIVE TO CASAS DO BARLAVENTO Belmar Spa & Beach Resort is a tourist complex offering an excellent range of properties for sale. There are several typologies available, f rom studios, luxury one, two and three bedroom apartments or two bedroom duplex apartments. All apartments are fully equipped with top appliances, air conditioning, Wi-Fi high speed internet and television. The various areas of the apartments are spacious and decorated in a simple yet elegant style for a calm and serene experience. Living the Dream is here at Belmar Spa and Beach Resort, as an investment or permanent home, either option makes sense!




MASONS HELP LOCAL CHARITY The Lagos based English Freemasons of the Lodge of Discoveries No 9409 has donated €500 to the Silves based Castelo de Sonhos. The Lodge of Discoveries is part of the group of English Freemasonry lodges in Portugal, which, in turn, is part of the United Grand Lodge of England. During 2019, the Lodge of Discoveries raised money to support worthy causes nominated by the Master of the Lodge, currently Steve Johnston. Steve nominated Castelo de Sonhos for support. It was formed in 1997 by Dra. Liliana Rodrigues, with a mission to help the poor and underprivileged of Silves. They supply basic necessities like food, clothing, bedding, blankets, nappies plus basic furniture for poor families. They also give legal, social and psychological support to young mothers and families at risk. Castelo de Sonhos manages the local government family support organisation, Centro de Apoio de Familiar e de Aconselhamento Parental (CAFAP). It has a small team of social workers and psychologists employed for this. The Castelo de Sonhos board, fundraisers and shop helpers are all volunteers. Fundraising is by sales of donated items

at their charity shop based in Rua Francisco Pablos, Silves. Funds also come from voluntary donations. They are an authorised distributor from the Banco Familiar Alimentar (national food bank). Just before Christmas 2019, Steve Johnston (pictured) presented a cheque for €500 to Rita one of the clinical psychologists who work with Castelo de Sonhos. Castelo de Sonhos committee member David Butler-Cole said, “We plan to use the €500 to buy food for those registered with the food bank. There is always a shortfall in the monthly allotment and this donation will be a huge help”. Steve Johnston, Master of the Lodge of Discoveries adds, “It is such a pleasure to be able to support Castelo de Sonhos, by making a contribution to local people in need”.

+INFO Castelo de Sonhos:  OCasteloDeSonhos +INFO Lodge of Discoveries and English freemasonry in Portugal:   John Bergstrom-Potter (Lodge Secretary)

More Healing

Steven Sutton, Vice President of T.A.C.T. offered a big thank you to BOAVISTA MONTHLY LADIES GROUP. “On behalf of TACT and all of the staff at Tomorrow, we would like to say a massive thank you to the Boavista Monthly Ladies Group who have raised over €200 for the sensory room in Lagos after reading about this special project in our January edition”. Thanking the ladies for their amazing efforts, Steven confirmed that the money will be a big help in maintaining the room, well into the future.



CHARITY SWIM The annual charity event, hosted by the Holiday Inn, to swim or paddle in the Atlantic Ocean over Christmas and the New Year has raised over €1700 to date.

Volunteers Needed Riding For The Disabled in Bensafrim needs new volunteers to help out. No previous experience of working with horses is required as full training is given. Sessions take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.

+INFO:   +351 915 090 044 (David)


Maria Rosa's Son

A cut above the rest

Maria Rosa da Ponte Silva is 79 years young and still cutting a dash in her hairdressing salon. BY DEBBIE DARGAN

Maria Rosa is famous in the local Lagos community as her salon business has been around for so long. While other companies have been around for longer, hers is the oldest business to be run by its original owner. Maria Rosa was born in Lagos and has lived there all her life. As was the norm many years ago, she only attended primary school for four years. She then left education all together at the age of 11. She grinned when she explained, “I didn’t like school much. I was born to be a hairdresser; it was my dream”. She was always an individual, with her own style and never followed the crowd. So, with such a clear idea of what she wanted, she started working as an apprentice hairdresser at a salon in Lagos at the tender age of 12, how times have changed. She worked in several salons in the city, learning her trade as she went along. “I learned so quickly because I liked it so much”. So, it was no surprise that she decided to set up her own business. She opened her salon on 1st May 1965 in the very same salon that she works from today. She was married for 54 years and has a son and two granddaughters. Sadly, her husband passed away two years ago. I wondered if it had been difficult for her to run a business while having a family to look after as well. “Not at all! It was easy,” she chuckled. “My husband stayed at home to look after our son and the family home. We also had a lady who came in to help with household chores once a week. She still cleans here at the salon and helps me out at home”. How many women of her generation can claim to have been so forwardthinking?



In the past, she had up to six staff working for her, so it was a bustling salon. However, over the years she has scaled back the operation and she now works alone. Having said that, it still looked pretty busy to me when I visited to chat with her on a Tuesday morning. She has a loyal following of clients, many of whom have been coming to the salon for 40 or 50 years or more and her oldest client is 92 years of age. The vast majority of her customers are Portuguese, but she also has a few clients originally from overseas, and can even boast that the wife of the Ambassador to Canada is amongst her clientele. She has never stopped learning and working. Over the years she has travelled to Lisbon and abroad to attend training courses so that she could keep up with the latest cuts, products and what was new in the hairdressing world. She also put her artistic talents to good use in other ways and has several times been involved in fashion shows at the Hotel Golfinho in Lagos. She has clearly passed on her creative genes to her family as her son works in the music industry. One of her granddaughters is a professional photographer, and the other is a fashion designer with her own successful fashion business. I asked her what her favourite part of the job was. “I love it all! I love colouring hair, doing short cuts and setting hair”. Then she laughed and said, “Well, I don’t like doing perms. I don’t like using all the small rollers. I used to get one of the youngsters to do it, but I have to do it now, and sometimes it makes my arms ache”. There was a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the salon, and it was obvious that her clients are like family to her. “The salon is a place where people meet and catch up with what’s going on locally”. So, the obvious question to ask was whether she ever thought of retiring from her business? But she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, “I don’t want to stay at home. I like being here, chatting with everyone and being busy”. She works Monday to Saturday and even when she’s ill, she still prefers to come to work. As I left, she wished me happiness, health and peace. I took one last glimpse of her at work with her clients, chatting happily away to them and I could understand why this remarkable lady had been so successful and happy in her work and had no plans to hang up her scissors any time soon.

+INFO Cabeleireiro Maria Rosa:  +351 282 763 166  Rua Cândido dos Reis 21, (first floor), Lagos 8600-681



Are you feeling stuck in a rut, overwhelmed, stressed or anxious? Are you struggling to come to terms with the loss of a loved one, your lifestyle or yourself? Do you need guidance and solutions from someone who understands? If you feel like you need some valued advice that will help you move forward and clarify your life, Lynne Pomeroy is the person for you.

Lynne tells me; “I didn’t realise how exhausted I was with the pace of life I had been living until I moved to Lagos, I had forgotten how to enjoy other people’s company and to appreciate what was going on around me. I had got stuck in the rut of getting things done, so I could get onto the next thing that needed to be done! Fourteen months on, and I feel calmer, healthier.” As an Energy Reader, Lynne interacts with your energy and the energies of those that are now in the spirit world. She then relays messages back to you from all the significant and important information that she picks up. Lynne's aim is to bring you the clarification and understanding you need to make the relevant changes in your personal and professional life. Your unique energy holds a lot of information about you and your life. What is holding you back? What is causing you so much pain or unsettling you, which you may or may not always be aware of? As human beings, we are all made up of energy. An energy reader communicates within the different levels of energy whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. They can intuitively read your unique and solely personal energy and relay this relevant and important information back to you. Just like fingerprints, we are all completely individual, so Lynne will convey your bespoke energies to assist with life’s ups and downs. Lynne has a very down-to-earth, realistic, but caring approach to what can be a very intense and overwhelming problem. “As I feel everything about you and your situations, I will relay messages back to you that will give you understanding, confirmation, and direction. I do this in a way that will make sense to you,



so that you can step out of the drama and back into a more natural and comfortable lifestyle”. During times of loss and change, Lynne is a great comforter and guide which allows you to see that change is a great facilitator, not a threat or a punishment. Energy direction will also help give closure to situations that no longer serve you and allow you to see the changing perspectives which may have not previously been evident. With her assistance, life’s challenges become clearer and more compartmentalised, Lynne will also encourage and guide you into taking ownership of the situation in question. Having a consultation will generally allow you to see currently troubling situations in a transparent and more manageable way. Lynne is not only helping others in the Algarve, but she has also regained her own positive energy, “I never imagined I would live anywhere else than the place I had lived in for the last 60 years in the UK. After coming back and forth to Lagos over a five year period to spend time with my daughter and her great dog Elliott, I decided to try a winter here. To my surprise, I am still here 14 months later enjoying a very different lifestyle, happier and more contented. I am now able to make good use of my time in the very beautiful and intriguing part of the world that is Lagos.”

+INFO: 

"Your unique energy holds a lot of information about you and your life."


SAGRES AND CAPE ST. VINCENT Their Places in World History A Stepping Stone for Horatio Nelson, Britain’s Greatest Naval Hero. BY JULIAN PUTLEY

Admiral Horatio Nelson

Portugal and Britain have been friends and allies for centuries. In 1373 England signed the AngloPortuguese Alliance, the oldest alliance in the world still in force. Both countries have shared maritime destinies with strategic coastlines beneficial to exploration. Portugal’s Cape St. Vincent is the most south-western point in Europe and nearby Lagos provides a protected anchorage. The location provided inspiration for an inventive Portuguese dreamer. Probably the most famous Portuguese expeditionary was Henry the Navigator (1394-1460), actually a prince; son of King John 1 and Philippa of Lancaster. He was credited with being at the forefront in the Age of Discovery. Ironically, he was neither a seaman or a navigator but rather a visionary who saw that the world in 1415 was much bigger than had so far been explored. One of his earliest achievements was the discovery of Madeira. After several sponsorships of successful voyages, he set up a school of navigation, geography and cartography at Sagres. Portugal has provided the world with many important maritime explorers, most notably Ferdinand Magellan, whose fleet of five ships was the first to sail around the world – an incredible feat in uncharted waters. Unfortunately, Ferdinand didn’t reach home after the voyage; he was murdered in the Philippines, but he gave his name to the famous strait separating Tierra del Fuego and the southern tip of the South American continent. Also, of great importance was Vasco da Gama, born in 1460. He holds the distinction of being the first person to sail from Europe to India around Africa’s southernmost cape. Trade routes and Portuguese colonies followed in his wake. For Britain, Cape St. Vincent would go down in history as the setting for one of the great sea battles of the



late 18th century. Nelson lived a relatively short but illustrious life (1758 -1805). His major victories included not only the Battle of Cape St. Vincent but that of the Nile, Copenhagen and the climactic Battle of Trafalgar. His career was like a stepping stone of engagements and achievements with seldom a sorry endeavour. In 1796 Spain allied herself with France and posed a threat to the United Kingdom and thus began the Anglo-Spanish War. On 14th February 1797 a British fleet commanded by Admiral John Jarvis engaged a much larger Spanish fleet off Portugal’s Cape St. Vincent. Commodore Horatio Nelson, in command of a 74 gun frigate, became the hero of the British victory by audaciously tacking into the middle of the Spanish fleet. Going against his Admiral’s orders and, heavily damaged, he managed to come alongside an enemy ship, the San Nicolas which subsequently drifted into another Spanish ship, the San Josef. Heavy hand-to-hand combat ensued with the British seamen clambering from one ship to the next to secure a decisive victory. The manoeuvre became known as Nelson’s Patent Bridge. He was lauded as the hero of the battle and was awarded the Knight of the Bath. Admiral Jarvis was given the Royal Accolade, Earl St. Vincent. After the battle, the British fleet took refuge in the Bay of Lagos for ships to undergo repairs, before proceeding to Lisbon. Ever since the Middle Ages, Britain and Portugal have been friends and allies – a relationship that endures to this day.


Brexit is Here


What a tumultuous and torrid time it has been. Uncertainty has abounded for over three years now, but since the UK election result, a number of things have become clear. I will attempt to bring some clarity to the many UK nationals who still seem confused and uncertain about what the Withdrawal Agreement will mean to them. I have been ably assisted by the British in Europe organisation, to compile the main points. As their representative in Portugal, I can inform you what the latest Withdrawal Agreement will mean to UK nationals living here. Firstly, the Withdrawal Agreement for Brexit, which has been agreed by parliament and is now with the House of Lords, will occur on 31st January 2020. This initiates a transition period which subsequently ends on 31st December 2020. Following this ratification, even if the trade deal stalls and WTO (World Trading Organisation) rules are initiated, then all of the following WILL still take place regarding citizens rights. EU citizens rights will be retained until 31 December 2020, other than certain voting rights and being able to stand in elections. However, what is even more important to note is FOR ANY UK NATIONAL TO HAVE ANY EU RIGHTS CONTINUED THEY MUST BE LEGALLY REGISTERED AS A RESIDENT IN PORTUGAL BY 31ST DECEMBER 2020. It is unlikely, although possible, an extension to this date will be requested. So what will our citizen’s rights be as it stands at the moment within the Withdrawal Agreement? 1. If a UK national is legally registered as a resident in Portugal on 31st December 2020, then they are entitled to remain. 2. The current EU conditions remain in place for residency and have to be fulfilled for five years, when they become invalid and permanent residency (ten years) can be applied for. 3. Once permanent residency has been applied for (ten years) then you can leave Portugal for five years and return whilst still keeping those permanent residency rights in place. 4.For UK citizens who are residents, the Portuguese government have kindly agreed to continue free healthcare. By the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement, those visiting Portugal from the UK will require a S1 form to allow them to receive healthcare, the cost of which will be covered by the UK. 5. It has been agreed that social security contributions will still be aggregated if work has taken place in a number of EU countries. This aggregation will include before and after 31st December 2020. 6. For many, the UK state pension and the uprating of it has been of great concern. In this Withdrawal Agreement uprating will continue for life.



7. If you have had your professional qualifications recognised in Portugal then this recognition will only continue in Portugal, not throughout the EU. 8. On 31st December 2020, if you are considered to be an EU frontier worker, within the EU definition, you can continue to work in both countries. 9. Certain, defined, family members, who are considered dependents, can come to Portugal to be with you so long as your rights are protected as per this Withdrawal Agreement. This protection is for life. 10. All of your rights within this Withdrawal Agreement are for the duration of your lifetime. What are some of the things that haven’t been included and are still to be negotiated? a) Freedom of movement to live, work and study (other than given above) in the EU. b) The ability to be self-employed providing cross border services. c) There are some professional qualifications that have not been recognised. d) For any spouse or partner to be with you if the relationship started after 31st December 2020. e) To be able to return to the UK with a non-UK spouse or partner. As always, the above information is simply my understanding and opinion of the current situation but please remember this. If you are not a legally registered resident by 31st December 2020 and living in Portugal, your EU rights to remain in Portugal will be removed. This is now very real.

+INFO:  British in Portugal  British in Europe  Gov.UK Living in Portugal page


Luke Recrop

BOAT OWNERS WARNING Brexit will have a large impact on sailors, introducing more bureaucracy and administrative burdens for craft that sail for extended periods of time in EU countries, warns the Cruising Association. Cruising sailors are likely to be faced with strong enforcement of existing rules and regulations. You could be stopped more frequently and checked by local officials on whether safety equipment is standard, in good condition and in-date, particularly liferaft, flares and navigation lights. Carrying receipts and test certificates is advised. Some countries require visiting skippers to prove their competence with an International Certificate of Competence while others accept RYA certificates, but the future is not yet clear. VAT is a major issue as boats that are located in the UK on Brexit day will lose their EU VAT-paid status, whereas boats located in the EU will retain their EU VATpaid status. Therefore it will be important for owners of yachts kept in an EU country to have evidence to show where the yacht was located on Brexit day. Craft must only be used for private purposes while all commercial use will not be allowed. It is advisable to follow the Cruising Association for up to date information.

+INFO: 



Susanne Burgess

OPERA STARS IN TUNE WITH LOCAL CHARITIES Over 25 years ago, Janet Burgess came to Portugal on holiday and instantly fell in love with the country and vowing to retire here. Her dreams have finally come true and to repay the favour, she has come up with a show-stopping initiative to help the local community. Janet's family moved around Europe due to work, and finally, they settled in Austin, Texas where her daughter Susanne grew up. At school, Susanne discovered that she had been given a fabulous gift and trained hard as an opera singer and now lives in New York City. Sadly a few years ago, Janet's husband passed away (due to pancreatic cancer). After a few years, Janet found love again and as fate would have it, he was Portuguese. To cut a long story short, they decided to fulfil Janet's dream of retiring in Portugal and have made a new home in Praia da Luz. They became involved in helping the children at CASLAS, and have worked as volunteers at the community home for young people in Lagos. Along with other volunteers, they discovered that one of the children there loves singing. They wanted to help make her dream come true by helping out with singing lessons and a plan evolved to try to raise money to fund that. Susanne is currently auditioning for the National Theater of São Carlos in Lisbon and is coming to the Algarve to see her mum, and offered to put on a concert, along with her boyfriend Luke, and the idea for an Opera Night was born. The young singers have graciously offered to donate their time and talent to raise money for local charities, through the TACT programme with Tomorrow magazine.

Susanne is a soprano and has been praised for her unique penchant for dramatic coloratura, emotional expression, and stage presence. In 2019 she made her debut with New York City Opera as Hannah in the World Premiere of ​Dear Erich by Ted Rosenthal. In 2020, Susanne will join Teatro Lirico d’Europa’s Winter Tour as Violetta in L ​ a Traviata and reprise the role of Cio-Cio San in Madama Butterfly at Opera New Hampshire, before joining Opera Theater St. Louis for their productions of Susannah and Die Fledermaus. Luke MacMillan, a baritone, originally from Hood River Oregon, was most recently seen performing with the Brooklyn, NY based orchestra The Knights, in their production of Candide at the prestigious Ravinia and Tanglewood Music Festivals. A lover of new music and classics alike, he has premiered several new compositions and adapted productions in the US and internationally. Join them for a memorable evening of well known classical opera arias combined with more popular pieces that we all know and love. Friday 20th March 7:30 p.m Operatic Performance and Dinner at Espiche Golf Club. Ticket Price 40€.

+INFO / TICKETS:  +351 964 700 081  

NATIONS CUP 8th to 9th February Join us for this unique Tournament Teams of 6 players from the same nationality

VALENTINE’S DAY 14th February Celebrate love with your soulmate, friend or family in a perfect setting 37€ per person

INTERNATIONAL LADIES DAY 8th March Join us for our Golf Competition followed by Dinner at 19h30

WINE TASTING 14th March Join us for another Wine Tasting Dinner at Gecko restaurant with exciting new dishes and wines

ESPICHE GOLF CUP 29th and 30th May Packages available with or without accommodation. Contact us for more details




Open Your Heart to Chocolate this Valentine's Day Dani has lived in the Algarve for 22 years and tried her hand at many things, including selling clothes, crafting jewellery and teaching dance. Unsurprisingly she has found her destiny is chocolate! She began making raw chocolates about seven years ago, cutting out the sugar, wheat and dairy to make a healthy way to enjoy good quality chocolate. “I developed my own flavours and treats over time and stuck with some favourites, tweaking along the way. I use the best quality ingredients, raw, organic wherever possible. I also use pure grade therapeutic essential oils in some of the flavours making them not only delicious but also healing - win-win”. Although she would have liked to have used Algarvian Carob, she found the local variety too strong. She imports a similar product, Mesquite, from South America. She mixes it with coconut oil from Sri Lanka to create an indulgent, yet healthy treat. She sells her products at the local Barão de São João market on Tuesday mornings and at the Vivo Mercado in Lagos on Wednesday evenings. “I love the Wednesday market as it is a really integrated blend of Portuguese and expats. The Saturday market became very touristy, but this market is for the locals and has a fun and social atmosphere”. “I also use cacao itself as a medicine, to aid in meditation, dance and singing. It was and still is used in countries where it grows, such as South and Central America, as a medicine. It can make you feel very open and connected, so it’s great to use in group settings, be that work or fun. To relax, to inspire or motivate, it's a wonderful medicine, gentle yet powerful. I have swapped my morning drink from coffee to cacao as I find it uplifting without the anxious energy I sometimes feel from caffeine. It is my switch on drink”.



Special 10% Discount promo code for Tomorrow readers! Chocolate is traditionally a gift for your beloved as it is known to open your heart, as well as your taste buds, so why don't you use Valentine’s day as an excuse to sample Dani's delicacies? Contact her on her Facebook page or find her at the markets and quote the code: ChoccaTomorrow-14/02.

Dani offers a Sunday Meditation by donation, where she links in with a global community focusing on peace in the world and harnessing in love and light to the planet. Dani is looking to spread the love this Valentine’s Day by offering our readers a 10% discount on her delicious treats. Presented in heart shapes they would make an ideal gift for your valentine.

+INFO:  Raw ChocoMama



What's on in February

Street Art Lab The LAC Street Art Tour of Lagos continues in February with one date this month. The 29th from 10 a.m meeting at LAC Creative Activities Laboratory HQ. The tour and subsequent workshop last for four hours with tickets costing 15€. The guided tour of discovery of the urban art in the city visits the works of some of the most representative artists of the contemporary panorama of urban art. The participant is invited to discover possible implicit messages in the city murals, while looking for evidence of the cultural, historical and artistic importance of the city.

ODIÁXERE CARNAVAL BY DAVID FOOT You don’t have to fly to Brazil to enjoy this year’s carnival (Carnaval in Portuguese) or drive to Loulé, which holds the biggest event in the Algarve, because you have a great Carnaval parade just up the road, in the streets of Odiáxere.

normally up to 50 fantastic floats making a circuit of the streets, but your best viewing position is in the square, near to the windmill. You will also see a bizarre collection of “vehicles” all painstakingly built by the locals and marchers from all sections of society.

This year, the carnival takes place on Saturday 23rd with the children’s parade, while Tuesday 25th is the main event.

Some of the floats make humorous statements about the government and society in general, and you may be fortunate enough to see some very attractive dancers. There will be bands producing a variety of music and a “public figure” will be leading the proceedings.

The high spot is the Tuesday afternoon parade, especially if the weather is okay. Parades travel around the village and last all afternoon - the festivities run well into the evening if you have the stamina. Be prepared to see most of the village’s residents, old and young, in colourful and imaginative fancy dress. There are



Some shots of previous events are shown here. Make sure you don’t miss it this year – and remember to take a camera.


SILVES ORANGE CAPITAL After the building of the Arade Dam, Silves has become the greatest national producer of citrus fruits and is known to be the National Capital of the orange!

To celebrate this fruit, the 4th edition of Silves, Orange Capital fair will be taking place between 14th and 16th February. Several dozen exhibitors working in the sector, as well as local and regional organisations and associations, will be showing citrus, wine, agricultural and regional produce, sweets, handicrafts and food. The event seeks to highlight the citrus industry in the municipality of Silves and to consolidate the brand Silves Capital da Laranja. One of the many events taking place during the festival is the The Valentine's March that will take place on the 16th

at 10 a.m, departing from the Silves Municipal Swimming Pool Complex.

Each participant is invited to choose one of two routes; the first of 5 km, with a medium to low difficulty level follows a totally urban environment. While the 10 km route has a medium to high difficulty level, taking in urban areas and the mountains. Both routes end at FISSUL, where the 4th Silves Capital of Orange Show will be taking place. Registration must be made with the Sports sector (located in the Silves Municipal Swimming Pools complex), by phone or by e-mail.

+INFO:  +351 282 440 270  

DID SOMEONE SAY PARTAYY!!! Kids Entertainment with The Babysitting Co is back for another awesome party at Burgau sports centre for all the family to enjoy, with a Carnival Fancy Dress theme. Join the party for some fun, socialising and to let the kids let off steam! Entertainment includes an Arts & Crafts Creation Station with Mardi Gras Headband Making, Carnival Photo Funbooth (with free download), Soft Play Corner for the younger ones, floodlit court for the older kids, Disco with DJ Dan, Colouring Corner with prizes for the most creative, Confetti Cannons, Carnival Parade with prizes, party games,

Piñata and last but not least a Kids Entertainment Glitter Station.


The fourth edition of Jazz in the Wineries offers a different, memorable ambience and musical sessions, held at the home of the producers of Silves wine. The events include different styles of jazz, where audiences listen to sounds that adapt to the environment that each producer provides. Three wine tastings of the host's wine will be offered to audiences during the event, accompanied by tapas made from regional products. ON THE 1ST FROM 5 P.M AT QUINTA DA MALACA, ALCANTARILHA. JazzUalg, a cultural and artistic group whose purpose is the creation, interpretation and dissemination of jazz music. This group is part of a University of Algarve project and involves musicians who are residents in the region who like improvisation and originality on stage. They play themes by composers such as Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Horace Silver, and Chick Corea, among others. ON THE 28TH FROM 9 P.M AND THE 29TH FROM 5 P.M AT CABRITA WINES, SILVES BWN. Band Without Name is a Silves lineup of friends who love to play music together and give listeners the pleasure of hearing old and new versions of music from great musicians and timeless bands. Some of the themes that are part of this band's repertoire have been adapted to jazz, blues and country music. Ticket cost 12€

+INFO: 

When: 7 p.m Sat 29th February Where: Burgau Sports Centre Ticket info: 5€ per child, includes a glow stick for every paying child and Mocktail (Adults and under 12 months of age are free). Available from the sports centre or Zoe at Little Nipper sessions, or pre-order on FB

+INFO:  Kids entertainment with The Babysitting Co




Lavrar o Mar +INFO: 

A Cantora Deitada A magnificent book by Sandro William Junqueira with illustrations by Maria João Lima will fall into the hands of the children, so that they do not forget that the rain sings when it falls in a hole, or on the glass of our window. The audience will listen, paint, sing and feel. The event runs for 90 minutes and is suitable for ages 6+, tickets cost 3€ 8th from 3 p.m and 5.30 p.m at Espaço +, Aljezur 9th at 11 a.m and 3 p.m at Espaço +, Aljezur 15th February at Junta de Freguesia de Monchique from 3 p.m

Deux Pierres Turak Théâtre presents an imaginary society that came from Turakia, an imaginary country that exists in vertical geography…Deux Pierres is like little visual conversations. A haze from which small characters appear without direct connection to daily life where they were made… everything fits in the palm of a hand or even in a shoebox. It is a poetic “bricolage”, an improbable mix of used objects drawn from forgotten drawers filled with things that did not go to waste. The show runs for 60 minutes for ages 8+. Tickets cost 7€ (Adults) | 5€ (Children) Shows at Aljezur are on the 21st and 22nd at 9.30 p.m and 23rd at 6 p.m. Monchique 28th and 29th at 9.30 p.m and 1st March at 6 p.m.

Medronho (Arbutus) | Fermentação e destila Theatre in the Mountains and the Distilleries With recent wildfires embedded in our memories, like a scar we will always have, we are able to visit the cycle of the medronho (strawberry tree) in the places it still grows. The show addresses fermentation, the first stage in the transformation of the fruit that takes place in the distilleries. Under the artistic direction of Lavrar O Mar’s, Giacomo Scalisi, the meeting point is at Heliporto de Monchique. 7th to 9th, 2 p.m and 5.30 p.m, tickets cost 10€ aged 18+ and fit enough to walk from various locations.

The Out-(In)Verno Festival will be held in Vila do Bispo on 28th and 29th February and 1st March. It is the Winter edition of the festival, focusing on globalism seen through the lens of the Algarve region, offering projects which address our identity. It is directed at anyone and everyone, with the goal of offering a great cultural dip into the history of the Algarve, and the whole of Portugal.

Verno Festival 26


The initial premise that founded this festival was the goal of offering projects and events showing the bond between Art, Science, and Heritage. These elements have opposite

dynamics but are permanently woven together, and it is through this idea that the project and its events were created and are planned, allowing for insight and discussions, open to interpretation, not only empirical but also poetic. The programme includes concerts, walks, astronomy, street animation, exhibitions and workshops. For a complete list of events and times please check the event website.

+INFO: 

Limited stocks, whilst stocks last Lamps pictured may not be in stock

Budens Shop, En 125 Rua Areias de Cima 2, 8650-070, Budens

+351 282 697 791

Lagoa Shop, En 125, P. Empresarial, Lote 3, 8400-431 Lagoa

+351 282 071 674



4TH PIANO FESTIVAL There are two events during February at TEMPO the Teatro Municipal de Portimão, as part of the Algarve International Piano Festival. The first takes place on the 8th and features soloist Vasco Dantas. Vasco, a promising young Portuguese pianist with an international career, will perform Tavares Belo Piano and Orchestra Concerto. This Algarve premiere will be accompanied by the Central Classical Orchestra. The show´s duration is 70 minutes. On the 29th, the four-handed duet that is Eduardo Jordão and João Vasco presents the recital From Mozart to Chico Buarque, featuring rhythm, dance and humour. The show 20 FINGERS has received enthusiastic acclaim from audiences

Mother and Baby sessions at the Library during February.

in venues such as the Belém Cultural Centre, Cascais Cultural Centre, Viriato Theatre, and musical events such as mú in Loulé or the Berlinda Festival in the Azores. The show will last 60 minutes. Both shows commence at 9.30 p.m with tickets priced at 20€ (balcony) and 25€ (stalls) and are suitable for ages 6 and over.

PLAYING WITH MUSIC AND BABY MOVEMENT WITH ANA TERESA CRUZ. When: 15th at 10.15 a.m. Class Ages: Babies between 3 and 36 months. Free participation, but subject to the limit of 8 babies with one or two companions. These sessions aim to promote the development of hearing (ability to hear and understand sound that is not or was never present); develop rhythmic, melodic and coordination/body awareness skills; feel the music in your body through movement; promote contact with musical instruments; and the promotion of language development. LITERACY AND RELAXATION CYCLE WITH SANDRA MARREIROS. When: 15th at 3.30 p.m. Class Age: Children between 5 and 10-years-old, accompanied by an adult.

+INFO: 

Exhibitions in February

Photo ©

Free participation, but subject to the limit of 16 previous registrations. “Yoga, Meditation and Relaxation”. A session to strengthen the bond between parents and children, deepening the relationship, love and trust between both. A moment for parents to have fun and relax with their children and a moment for children to pamper their parents. This session will be streamlined so that each pair (adult/ child), through play, games, sounds and yoga postures, strengthen the complicity between both and deepen the relationship. CREATIVE FAMILY MUSIC AND TRADITIONAL DANCE WITH ANA TERESA CRUZ. When: 22nd at 10.15 a.m. Class Ages: Children between 3 and 6 years old.

Forte Ponta da Bandeira Century of the Seas exhibition by Tara and Sylvain Bongard continues until 12th April (Exhibition Room 1 and 2 and Reception) Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m until 12.30 p.m, then from 2 p.m until 5.30 p.m. Admission is 3€ (1,50 for + 65 years and Youth Card).



Cultural Centre

LAC Gallery

Kerstin Wagner's Exhibition Spaces in Between runs until 18th April Exhibition Room 1.

A new photographic exhibition Spiritual Daily by Hanna Lumbroso portrays her journey to Myanmar in 2005.

Amazon Exhibition by Ana Carvalho Exhibition Room 2. The shows are open Tuesday to Saturday - 10 a.m to 6 p.m until 18th April. Entrance is free.

Free participation, but subject to the limit of 8 children with 1 or 2 parents. Traditional Portuguese Music (Passing the Riverside - Alentejo). Based on Edwin Gordon's Theory of Musical Learning, this activity seeks to provide rich and diverse listening environments in a playful way through varied musical examples. This class will teach children that music is inseparable from movement, so there will be a dance element to the activity.

+INFO:  BibliotecaMunicipaldeLagos  Biblioteca Municipal de Lagos, 12, R. Dr. Júlio Dantas 2, Lagos


A BUNCH OF AMATEURS MEETS HOLLYWOOD The curtain has barely closed on The Algarveans’ hugely popular production of The Wizard of Oz, yet members of the experimental theatre company are already in rehearsal for their Spring comedy A Bunch of Amateurs, opening at Lagoa’s Municipality’s Humorfest 2020. Keen to boost his flagging career, fading Hollywood action hero, Jefferson Steele, arrives in England to play King Lear in Stratford, only to find that this is not the birthplace of the Bard, but a sleepy Suffolk village and the cast are a bunch of amateurs. Jefferson’s monstrous ego, vanity and insecurity are tested by the enthusiastic amateur thespians - who are not averse to a spot of ego, vanity and insecurity themselves. As acting worlds collide and Jefferson’s career implodes, he discovers some truths about himself and his relationships with other people… along with his inner Lear! Originally conceived as a film in 2008 starring Burt Reynolds, Derek Jacobi and Samantha Bond, it premiered as a play at the Watermill

Theatre in 2014. However, as writers Ian Hislop and Nick Newman note: ‘as a piece about the redemptive power of theatre, A Bunch of Amateurs is perhaps more powerful and appropriate on the stage than on the screen’. Director Paul Kloegman is no amateur himself, having enjoyed a career as both screen actor and director. As the cast like to boast, ‘he’s been on the telly and everything.’ Paul will ensure that the acerbic wit of Hislop and Newman metamorphoses into some hugely funny oneliners and are delivered with perfect precision by his cast. A Bunch of Amateurs will be performed in English at the 300-seat Carlos do Carmo Auditorium in Lagoa on the 27th, 28th and 29th of February, at 7:45 p.m. Tickets at 10€ are available at all Worten and Fnac stores as well as the Auditorium and Convento de S. José box offices, or online at

+INFO: 


Contact and commerce between Portugal and the United Kingdom during the Medieval and Post- Medieval period – a numismatic perspective

Coins evoke the mystery of archaeology and can provide a wealth of information, particularly if they are foreign coins, which invites the question as to how and why they have ended up where they were found.

evidence of this alliance in both countries dating from the medieval period. Some of the coins that were used to buy products from Portugal are today found in many places in the UK. As part of his Master’s dissertation Tiago recorded 291 Portuguese coins dating from between the 13th and the 18th century. The coins were recovered from archaeological excavation and shipwrecks, but mostly as casual finds from metal detecting.

On Tuesday 4th February, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting a lecture by coin expert Tiago Gil Curado. In English, 6 p.m at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.

Non-members are welcome to attend AAA lectures for a 5€ admission fee, with all money raised being used for archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or Facebook page for any last-minute changes.

The lecture will look at the contact between Portugal and England in what is considered to be the oldest alliance still valid in the world which has lasted for 646 years. There is archaeological

+INFO:    'Algarve Archaeological Association'

As an archaeologist, one of the most common questions asked of you is "have you found any coins?".



Chinfrão (silver coin of Afonso V of Portugal)

Fake Pedro II pierced coin

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Events during February at the Lagos Cultural Centre, Duval Pestana Auditorium +INFO:  CentroCulturaldeLagos  Rua Lançarote de Freitas, n.º 7, 8600-605 Lagos

Free Parking

“VOU FICAR” The second of Dário Guerreiro's solo stand up comedy shows, the Algarvian comic tells us why he has not yet left his mother's house and the consequences of this, containing a flurry of visceral and eschatological outbursts.

 WHEN: 1st at 9:30 p.m PRICE: 12,50€ MINIMUM AGE: 16

O LOBO VERMELHO The history of the red capuchin is seen and reviewed from every possible and imaginary point of view, developing unusual ties with the Algarve culture. Aimed at children and families, comprising entertaining readings, music and theatre around the symbolism of the tale.

 WHEN: 28th at 7 p.m PRICE: 8€ (discounts for locals)  +351 282 770 450



Pedro Teixeira da Mota's second stand up comedy solo is a true account of new experiences, travels and the decisions that mark the humorist's life.

 WHEN: 21st at 10 p.m PRICE: 12,50€ MINIMUM AGE: 16

 WHEN: 7th at 10 a.m and 2 p.m, and 8th at 4 p.m

ORQUESTRA CLÁSSICA DO SUL The Programme is entitled music and nature and covers Mendelssohn's Overture from A Bela Melusina, and Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 Pastoral, and is conducted by Rui Pinheiro.


WESLEY SEME SPECTACLE The popular French singing sensation who now lives in Lagos and has just become famous on TV show, The Voice - Portugal, will be performing in front of a legion of fans in Lagos.

 WHEN: 29th at 9.30 p.m

4th EDITION INTERLACED FESTIVAL - Rhythm of the dance This Contemporary Dance Festival is proving to be one of the most significant events in the cultural programme of the Algarve region, with a program that mixes the arts and culture through a set of INTERLACED initiatives. Intertwining the universe of contemporary dance with photography and other arts, as well as wine culture; the event “heats up” cities and the region in winter, with shows, workshops, fairs and exhibitions.

DIZ-ME ANTÓNIO Tell me, António is a project that unites dance, music and spoken word and commemorates the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poet António Aleixo as a tribute to his birth and work.

 WHEN: 22nd at 9.30 p.m PRICE: 5€ MINIMUM AGE: 12

Don’t forget if you watch any show at the Cultural Centre you can receive free parking. Simply show your event ticket to the attendant at the underground car park. Your exemption is valid for one hour before and after the show.


 WHEN: 9th to 16th

Muhsilwan is a trio of Afro-Arab Muslim musicians from the African continent. The 65-minute show is based on traditional themes from the countries where they originate, played with traditional instruments from their culture and accompanied by a dancer performing oriental and tribal dance.

See full show and workshop schedules on the website: 

 WHEN: 15th at 9.30 p.m PRICE: 10€  +351 282 770 450

Over the course of two weeks, Portimão, Lagos and Silves welcome dancers, creators and companies to celebrate artistic expression in its various strands and fill every corner of the city.

AMI 1538


Bathrooms: 3

600 000 € | Ref.: C3247









00351 282 788 977


February Calendar Promote your events and activities here it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: CLASSES & ACTIVITIES

Lagos Walking Football Tues 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, 282790930 Aljezur International Choir Singers from the Southwest Algarve | Thurs 2pm | Sing in various languages, Music Room Aljezur Bombeiros, 914285640 Algarve Walking Meetup Wed 10am | Friendly walk & talk meetup of 2.5 - 3hrs All welcome For full details search Facebook: Algarve Walking Meetup Salsa Cubana | Mon 8.30pm (Inter.) Thurs 6pm (Beg.) & 7.30pm (Adv.) Bachata Thurs 9pm 920547209 Capoeira Tues & Thur 7pm €30 p/month Drama Classes Mon & Wed 6pm (Kids) 7pm (Teens) | Contemporary Dance Wed 7.30pm €10 drop in / €25 month 926512133 | TEL Lagos

CHARITY & SUPPORT 19th February Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Snack Bar Silva, Estrada Albardeira, Lagos, Carol 926297527 or Kirsteen 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, 915090044 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590

Creative Writting €10, Marina de Lagos 968787664 Rally-Obedience Dog Training | Tues 11am €25x4, Espiche 968086320 Open Painting Studio | Wed & Thurs 10.30am-1pm | €12.50, Healing Painting For Generation 70+- | Thurs 3 - 5pm - €10, Barão S. Joao, 962039574 Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities,Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort, Photography Advice Mon 11am-1pm, Art Academy Marina de Lagos Contact: 917271789 Singing Circle - Marion and the Kirtaniens Wed 5 - 7pm | Donations Afro-Mandinga Drumming Class Thu 5 - 7pm | donations, Monte Rosa | Barão de São João, 282687002


Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels | Lagos, 918764613

Portuguese Lessons Individual or groups All levels, Portelas (or in the student's home) 912417994 Portuguese Classes | Individual or groups, all levels | Barão S. João or at your home,966176131 Mum & Toddler Dance & Gym Class Thurs 9.3010.15am €6 drop in/ €20 p.m Bilingual Dance Clases All Styles (Babies-Adults) Classes from €20 p.m. Clube Luzense, Praia da Luz 913832335 Suzuki Violin Lessons (English speaking, Suzuki trained), lessons for children & adults (refs. available). Your home in Algarve, Rebecca 915847703

Portuguese Lessons Thursday 10.30am Beginners & Fridays 10.30am Level 2, Lagos Marina Hotel, €5, 964696345 Classical Guitar Classes | English speaking | ABRSM certified. Suzuki approach. 1-2-1 lessons for children, adults & seniors.20 € p/h. Jammig experience and chords practice. References available. Lagos Paulo 962690582 African Dance Wed 7pm & Thurs 10.30am, €10, Rancho Folclorico do Rogil, Aljezur 964588588 Watercolour classes Thurs 10am - 12.30pm (beginners welcome), €12, Social Club, Praia Da Luz 912149839

Oriental Dance Mon 6.30pm | Beginners & Intermediate €7.50 p.class, €25p.m, Lagos 914851331 Latin & Ballroom Tues 10- 11.30 (Dancers) & 11am (Improv.) €30p.m | Alvor Community Centre & Tues 7pm (Beginners) 8pm (Dancers) €25p.m, Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis, 961916821 Dance classes Mon - Sat from 1pm until 9.30pm (3+yrs) 25€ per month, Lagos, Rua Gil Vicente 50, 912376595 or 915812055 Life Drawing Mon 11am 1pm | Beginners & Prof., €10 p.sess | Marina de Lagos, 916035308 ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) | Floresta Bowls Club | Rua Direita | Praia da Luz, 919707635

FITNESS Pilates Tue & Thrus 10.45am | Yoga Mon 7.40pm & Wed 9.35am Zumba Tues & Fri 7pm, €7.90, Maisfit de Lagos 961547531 Zumba Dance | Wed 10am, Pilates Mat Wed 11am | Centro Cultural Clube Luzense, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz, Zumba Dance Fri 10am Yoga & De-Stress Fri 11am Centro Social de Almádena, Rua Escola €7.50, 968288258 Pilates Mat classes with equipment Mon 9.30am & 6pm, Wed 10.30am, Thur 6pm Fri 9.30 & 10.30am, €10 (or 10x €90 ), AR Pilates Studio Marateca Lagos 966784280 Yin Yang Flow Tue 10 - 12am | €10 | Yoga Fri 10 - 12am | €10 Monte Rosa | Barão de São João, 282687002


Circus Classes Tues 4-6pm (7 - 9 yrs) Thurs 2-4pm (4 - 6 yrs) & 4.30 6.30pm (10+ yrs), €25 per month, Circus Vagabunt Aljezur, 968296503

HIRT (High Intensity Resistance Training) Mon & Fri 8.15am | Tues & Thur 6.15pm €5 Aqua Aerobics Tues & Fri 4pm & Wed & Fri 9.30am, Boavista Resort 282790930 Hatha Yoga Classes Mon, Wed, Thurs 9am & Sat 9.30am Vinyasa Flow Yoga Mon & Thurs 6pm & Sun 9.30am Yoga for Back Care Fri 9am Beginners Yoga Tues 6pm & Sat 11 €12 dropin (€72 for 10), Aditi Yoga Lagos 912176914 Nia Technique Class Tues 4pm | Studio Ballet de Gwen Morris Lagos | Fri 5pm Espacão Viral Lagoa €8 or €28p.m, 913006590 Yoga Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 10am | €10 | 75mins Drop-in | Ocean Villas Gardens Praia da Luz, 282767303

Candlelit Yoga & Meditation Wed 7.30pm | Core Yoga Flow Thurs 9.30am €10, Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel Yoga Shala 964593937 Hatha Yoga Mon & Thurs 10am, €12 | BabYoga Mon 11.30am €15 Qi Gong (Chi Kung) Wed 10.30am & Thursday 5pm & 6pm | €8 | (monthly price options) Casa Sakra Lagos, 916060814 Pilates Mat Classes | Daily 9.15 & 10.30am | €10 or €90 for 10, Barre Pilates Mon 6.30pm Wed 12pm & Sat 10.15am Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, 926514613 Qi Gong | Mon 8.30am €8, Inlight, Lagos 920573949

Stretch & Flow Yoga | Tues 9.30am | Yin Yoga | Wed 9.15am | Ashtanga based Core Yoga Thurs 10am, €10/€65 for 8 (residents), O Clube Burgau fit2lovelife 913202621 Hatha Yoga (Begninners) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am | | Booking required, €10, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, Yin Yoga Mon 4pm, Hatha yoga (beginners) Fri 3.30pm, €12pc or €60x6, Alma Verde, 963614499


FAITH Holy Communion Service Sun 8am & 11.30am & Thurs 10am CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: 282789660 Sunday Service 10.30am | International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, 932082813

EVENTS Open Mic Night | Thurs 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians, poets, comedians, dancers & fun people welcome | Free Admission | Junction 17 (Under The Galley Restaurant) Luz | 964201904 Quiz Night Mon 9pm, Rodizio of Tapas 7pm Call for dates BBQ Meat Feast Sun. 2pm – 9pm, €7.50, The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor 912441143 Starts January 26 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training ( 8 weeks MBSR)10am12.30pm (continues 2, 16, 23 Feb & 1, 8, 15, 29 March), €200, Espaço Portas do Sol, Portimão, Elisabeth 967254052 / 2 February Walking in Azinhal dos Mouros 9.30am €12.50, 16 February Almond Tree Blossom Route 10am €12.50 Alta Mora, Quimera Experiance, 969467275 8th February Snow Moon Workshop | Connect your inner fire | 9.30am 12, €20, Quinta Bonita Yoga Shala, 964593937 8th February Full Moon Gathering 6.30 pm €10, Casa Sakra Lagos, 920573949 19th February Latin American & Ballroom Dancing FREE Beginners Taster Session 7pm 8pm, Alvor Community Centre, 961916821

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750


10K BEACH WALK To celebrate the 100th edition of Tomorrow magazine this March, we will be undertaking a 10k Beach Walk along Meia Praia on Sunday 15th March.

Starting at Linda Bar at midday then walking along the beach, stopping for coffee, or maybe something a bit stronger at other beach bars along the way.

You can complete the full length walk or just part, it will be great to see you.

Why not come along and join us for a fun few hours walking along our beautiful beach and meet new friends.

+INFO: 

Rotax Trophy

The main national karting competition is back at the AIA for the last race of the season. The competition takes place over the weekend of the 15th and 16th of February. All of the different classes will be on track. Micro Max, Mini Max, Junior Max, Max, Max DD2 and Max DD2 Master, performances are sure to be dramatic as drivers strive to lift the Rotax Trophy.

+INFO:  

AN EDUCATED JOURNEY Aiming to disseminate the heritage, history, music, traditions and customs of the Algarve in a relaxed way the Happy Van team are back with a new event at the Megalithic Ruins of Alcalar. The event starts with a musical show by the duo Fad'Nu. The activity continues with a theatrical performance staged by Happy Van with music by Cátia Alhandra and José Alegre and ends with

a handicraft workshop with renowned local artisans. The next session will take place on 8th February at 2.30 p.m with the event lasting for two hours. Tickets are 10€ without transportation or 20€ to be collected from Lagos, Portimão or Lagoa.

+INFO: 

Castle Walk

Travel in time with a visit to the Governor's Castle and the maritime fortifications on the 15th at 3 p.m. Participation is free but subject to registration at the Municipal Tourism Office or by email.

+INFO: 





On the 22nd February at 9 a.m at Lagos Municipal Pavilion, Roller Lagos Skating Club will host the Artistic Infant Land Show Cup.



Duplex Apartment with Swimming- Pool in Meia Praia

275m² 250.000 € | REF: VA489 AMI9140





The Portuguese Cycling Federation has confirmed the presence of ten teams from WorldTour, the first division of cycling, to compete in the 46th Tour of the Algarve. The Tour will comprise of five stages covering a total of 771.4 km. The race starts on the 19th February with a 195.6 km stage between Portimão and Lagos. The finish line is expecting a sprint arrival.

23rd February starting at 9 a.m. Following the trail around the beautiful coastal scenery. Choose between the 20 km or shorter 10 km routes. There is a parent and child race at 9 a.m. Participation is free upon registration.

The second leg, Sagres to the Fóia peak, in Monchique, is a 183.9 km route, this stage will provide the first match

+INFO:  Trail Ponta Piedade - Lagos

between candidates for the yellow jersey. Sprinters have new opportunities in the third stage, at 201.9 km the longest of the competition, between Faro and Tavira. On the fourth day, the race departs from Albufeira to reach the top of Malhão, Loulé, after having completed 169.7 km. The race ends with the so-called “proof of the truth”, an individual time trial of 20.3 kilometres, starting at, and ending in Lagoa on the 23rd.




Today let me help you with the best way to approach the second hole of Espiche Golf Course. DESCRIPTION The 2nd hole at Espiche Golf is a par 4 and completely straight from the tee to the green (like the 1st hole). The fairway goes down and, at the middle of the hole, it goes up until the green (Please note that the slope is steeper than the 1st hole. Check picture 1 and 2). This hole is well protected: The undulation of the fairway pushes your ball to the left and, when it goes up, it pushes your ball to the right. A water hazard on the right of the fairway in the middle of the hole . A fairway bunker on the left and two big bunkers around the green (one behind on the right and one on the left) (picture 3). And to finish, to spice this up, you have bushes all around the hole from the tee to the green! STRATEGY One more time, the driver is not necessary for your tee shot. You can play with a short iron to



use the undulation and the ball will roll correctly and safely until the middle of the hole on the fairway. For the second shot, you have approximately 135 metres to hit the front of the green but you need to add two more clubs to hit the green, due to the undulation of the fairway. You should take a safe line by hitting the left side of the green. Then, the green is yours to make a good score and be ready for the 3rd hole. Play well! Mickael is the resident Golf Professional at Espiche Golf.

+INFO:   +351 282 688250





Healing Hands Rei - universal Ki - energy

Chloe Ward discovered spiritual healing after damaging her back. She attributes Reiki to her recovery and is now sharing her knowledge and love in the Algarve. After many years working at a ski resort, in 2005 Chloe damaged her back snowboarding and went along to a Healer for help. She connected with the work on energies in the body, and began training on a spiritual healing course that took two years to complete. “I started my Reiki journey in 2002 when I completed the Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 degree. I didn't use it for anyone else, just to practice on myself. It was this course that deepened my knowledge and understanding of Chakras and how they play a huge part in healing mind and body. In 2017 I completed the Reiki Masters degree which trains you to run courses to attune people to Reiki.” At the start of every Reiki healing session, Chloe massages the clients head with various essential oils and it wasn't long before she developed her own blend of oil. Teaming up with Bio Scents Oils, she created a perfect mix to balance a busy mind and relax tired bodies. “It is so uplifting to see the difference in a person after they have received a Reiki session as if they have connected back to themselves and completely and truly relaxed.” Reiki is a gentle form of energy healing, passed from the Reiki practitioners hands to the client. A Reiki treatment is a relaxing and calming experience where the client will remain fully clothed, resting on a treatment couch, sported by pillows and blankets. You can choose if your practitioner uses a hands-on or hands-off technique, this depends on



how you feel. Contact with your healer isn’t necessary as the energy will flow to where it needs to. Reiki can help on an emotional, physical and mental level, and there are no side effects or contra-indications with any other treatment or medication. Chloe explains; “You don’t need to feel ill, stressed or anything wrong at all. See it as an hour of complete relaxation and taking a vitamin for your soul, similar to an hour of meditation. The intelligence of the energy is beautiful, as it will intuitively flow where it needs to go, healing the cause, which will then treat the symptoms.” Your practitioner will have completed their Reiki 2nd degree, this means a Reiki master has attuned them through Reiki 1st and 2nd degree. Some healers will combine Reiki with other forms of healing, such as Chakra Balancing. Chakra Balancing requires the further qualification of Spiritual Healing and it takes two years to be qualified to offer this treatment. During a healing session with Chloe, you will receive Reiki energy healing alongside Chakra balancing and occasionally your angels or guides will come forward to offer guidance to pass on a message. Contact Chloe if you are interested in becoming attuned to Reiki 1, 2 or Masters level or if you would like to book a healing appointment, or find out more about Reiki and healing.

+INFO:   +351 964 593 937

What I love about the Algarve is that, even in the depths of winter, spring herbs abound. Take the trusty dandelion, for example - renowned among Western herbalists as a brilliant bitter. Bitter herbs and foods stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, including stomach acid, bile and pancreatic fluid, and promote detoxification processes in the liver. The root is used for treating digestive, hormonal and liver-related conditions such as jaundice and hepatitis, constipation, gallstones, migraines, a tricky menopause, PMS and endometriosis. Bitters also balance blood sugar levels, making them really useful when trying to detox after the festive season, or in conditions like type 2 diabetes. Dandelion leaves are another treasure trove of medicinal activity. Sprinkle them on salads to give your tastebuds a bitter kick - they are full of minerals like potassium, calcium and folate as well as vitamins A, B, C and D. The young leaves are particularly valued as herbal ‘depuratives’. This means they stimulate lymphatic flow, cleansing the blood of impurities and increasing elimination via the kidneys. Dandelion has a true diuretic effect, making it a good herb for treating urinary tract infections, kidney stones, swollen ankles, fluid retention and mild high blood pressure. Its reputation for cleansing impurities from the blood means it is also indicated for chronic skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and rheumatic complaints like arthritis and gout. As a bitter, the leaf and root work on emotions like anger and resentment are held in the liver dandelion helps to liberate these and release emotional stagnation.

+INFO:   +351 969 091 683

We care for each other like family.



+351 282 770 050

+351 282 762 901

R. Dr. José Francisco de Matos Nunes da Silva, Lt 5, Lj A • LAGOS

R. Prof. Joaquim Alberto Taquelim, Lt 8, Lj E • LAGOS



Hoping to stay healthy, or to regain your health in the Algarve? Ana Casco claims she can help you using biomagnetic lines coming from the centre of the planet. Ana, 77, is originally from Uruguay. A retired teacher she started practising water dowsing, (sensing water under the surface), with her father when she was very young. But after retiring, she took a course on Radiestesia (dowsing) in Porto Alegre, Brazil. “Domotherapy is one of the serious applications of Radiesthesia that I consider has been neglected for too long as an external help to improve human health,” Ana told me. So what is it? Domo Therapists believe in the influence of the natural energies rising from our planet. These powerful forces need to be released and they do so through so-called, biomagnetic grids. These lines can be sensed 2 km above the surface of the planet and they can disturb our natural energy patterns. All of this has been documented to be the cause of diverse illnesses, as well as sudden deaths. Domo Therapists sense the grids of biomagnetic lines coming from the centre of the planet. As soon as you learn where these powerful

lines are, and where they cross, the crossing points are believed to be more dangerous than the lines, you will be able to reorganise your living or working space, to make sure that you are sleeping or working on safe spots. Domotherapy believes that any disease process can be 'inverted' by doing so. I ask Ana if she thinks she possesses magic powers. “No. It only implies the finding of some biomagnetic lines that can be sensed and measured through scientific methods. Domo Therapists are usually natural ecologists, and we prefer not to overuse electrical or electronic apparatuses”. For more information on this topic, Ana is happy to give her advice and you may find her magnetism gives you the feel-good factor for the New Year.

+INFO:   +351 968 787 664

Fitness & Wellbeing Toolbox BY ANN DE JONGH

These days we all know that we need to keep our bodies fit and strong, that we should stretch more often and maybe do something to de-stress and unwind. Often these are thought of as completely separate areas, going to the gym, doing yoga/pilates and meditation or mindfulness, but there are not always enough hours in the day to enable us to do it all as separate entities. The longer I am in the fitness industry (16 years now) I realise that everything is all intertwined and very rarely does a person need just one element. We cannot separate our body and mind, they come as a joint package, and we need to look at it as a whole. As we get older our bodies don’t move quite the same as they used to, we get less flexible, and our hormones change (perimenopause can start in our early 40s) which can lead to increased joint pain, fatigue and osteoporosis, as well as changes in our mental health, anxiety, mood swings, depression and irritability.



I have been looking at ways to combine those and I am now offering classes, which will embrace all the elements. As we age we do not necessarily want to “smash it” every time we go to the gym, we still want to work out to build strength, but we realise we need to mobilise and stretch our body more. The class duration will be 90 minutes and will include stretching and mobility; strength and fitness, the class will end with breathwork and mindfulness. The aim is to provide you with tools to use in your day-to-day life. Classes will be for a maximum of six people and will run in four-week blocks.

+INFO:  +351 913 202 621   fit2lovelife 


GYM GOER’S GUIDE TO BACK PAIN Going to the gym is a great way to stay fit and healthy - especially after the festive period where we’ve all probably relaxed a little too much! Pushing our body to the limit encourages it to change in a positive way, making us stronger and faster. However, going to the gym, like any other sport or activity, can add extra stress to our muscles and joints when combined with what we do for the remainder of our day, whether it is housework, chores or our routine at work.

+INFO:  +351 282 768 044 

For example, our spines take a lot of stress when sitting for long periods at a computer, our shoulders can be fatigued from lifting things repeatedly for many hours. By going to the gym as well, those areas of tension and stress will build up more until we feel pain or stiffness and can even lead to real damage. Contrary to popular belief, going to the gym to do intense cardio or lift weights does not undo the issue

built from prolonged, repeated positions and actions, it adds to it! Chiropractic can identify these overstressed areas and undo the restrictions before real damage is done, allowing you to continue with your favourite exercises and activities. And remember – professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger says, ‘I found it was better to go to a chiropractor before you get injured. We are a perfect team – the world of fitness and the world of chiropractors.’ Dr Andrew Garbett (DC) at Lagos Chiropractic is an experienced chiropractor and enthusiastic gym-goer. If back pain is causing issues with your time in the gym or hindering your New Year’s resolutions to improve your fitness, then he is the man to help.



Brow lamination is the latest salon treatment which helps give eyebrows uniformity, creating a fuller, thicker and more defined brow.

silicone, this can increase brow growth by creating a protective film around the hair and the treatment can last up to eight weeks.

This works well if your eyebrows do not have symmetry where the hairs follow a different pattern. With lamination, you can realign the eyebrows in such a way to give them the desired shape you want with a fuller look.

SO WHO CAN HAVE BROW LAMINATION? This treatment is available to anyone who would like to improve their shape and if you combine the treatment with a tint and shape you can create a thicker fuller brow that frames the face. A patch test is recommended prior to treatment.

This treatment solves the messy brow issue and let’s face it as we get older our eyebrows do start to take on a life of their own, the odd one that grows to an incredible length and the wiry ones feel like you need a gardening tool to cut them! By using a protein composition based on liquid keratin and

Contraindications would only be if there was an infection or a flare-up of eczema or psoriasis in the area at the time of treatment and you should notify the therapist if you are pregnant.

+INFO:  +351 282 789 354  thekuttingroomluz



What you need to know Why? For a fuller thicker look How long? 30 minutes Costs? 30€. Spoil Yourself. Add a tint and shape for 40€ Where? Jess at The Kutting Room, Praia da Luz


Izzy’s Market


A vegan establishment in Vila do Bispo

Opening in April last year, Izzy's Market is a modern and different space in the food scene of Vila do Bispo. It is the first local bistro where it is possible to enjoy an all-vegetarian meal, made with natural ingredients cultivated and developed with natural and biological techniques. Here, nothing is industrialised. From dishes inspired by, and sometimes with, the same traditional Portuguese names, to the usual recipes of vegetarian cuisine, the alternative food preparation is carefully executed and does not take away the pleasure of enjoying a good meal. Even burgers and pizzas are 100% natural, meatfree and tasty! Izzy's Market is the work of Isaura Arouca and her husband. Isaura has a long connection to restaurants in the area. For many years, she developed her craft at Dromedário Bistro Bar in Sagres. When she reached the pinnacle of her professional evolution in Dromedário, Isaura decided it was time to start her own project, something that she and her husband had been planning for a few years. She began by helping in the update of both the menus and décor of Zig-Zag, a popular snack-bar in Vila do Bispo, which is run by Isaura’s relatives. But she did not lose sight of her dream, and Isaura and her husband were about to pave the way for their own project. They were pretty sure about the location in Vila do Bispo and started working on one of the most modern commercial spaces still available in town. The place needed a lot of work, but the skills, dedication and hard work of everyone involved, made things possible in a relatively short time. Isaura also paid special attention to the décor, materials, colours and furniture to make the place modern, friendly and cosy. Finally, in the first days of last April, Izzy's Market – Vegetarian Boutique was open for



business. And things started to roll almost instantly. The success of Izzy's Market is now real, attracting more clients that anyone would expect, Isaura observes, “The huge receptivity of a vegetarian restaurant in this small town has been a surprise and demonstrates the enormous potential for veggie food in the area. Our customers are mostly residents and people working in the different businesses and services in Vila do Bispo, teachers, city hall officials. Some also come from Sagres, Raposeira, Budens, Carrapateira and other nearby places, from every walk of life, nationalities, tourists and residents”. While lunchtimes are very busy you can pop in and have a coffee in the afternoon when it is quieter and enjoy a range of biological snacks and desserts. The name Market is not a coincidence, nor a marketing choice. In addition to the bistro, the same space has a small but well-stocked market zone where it is possible to select and buy a wide variety of organic products (mostly local) such as vegetables, fruits, and various types of bread or even tea among other products. In addition to good veggie food and products, Izzy's Market offers a modern, welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. Simple and functional décor and wellselected music, help create a cocoon of calm and conviviality. It is a feel-good place that you can enjoy beyond the food and demonstrates that the popularity of the vegan diet has spread to the Western Algarve.

+INFO:   +351 282 639 153  izzysmarket  Opening times: 9 a.m - 6 p.m  Loteamento Municipal Senhora do Amparo Fracção A, R/C D.º, N.º5, Lote 13 8650-436 Vila do Bispo (Close to Lidl)


GETTING CONNECTED BY MALCOLM TUTT For most of us, getting quickly connected to the internet as soon as we move into our new home or even if we are just short term tourists, is really important.

You should expect charges to range from 25€ to 60€ per month, depending on which type of connectivity you choose.

We want to be online as soon as possible, whilst it is true that most Euro-citizens are not subject to data roaming costs, this is not the same for anyone from other parts of the world.

Generally speaking, bandwidth is good, but just like anywhere else in the world, mobile internet is affected by weather conditions. You can expect consistent speeds from 1.5 Mbps to 60 and even 100 Mbps.

Portugal has invested heavily in the necessary infrastructure for good internet access. Gone are the days that having a landline for access to the internet is a must. Good service on the Algarve makes it one of the European destinations of choice for nomadic and remote workers, these are people who choose to work online anywhere in the world.

Sitting with a group of friends all you need to say, “Man, my internet connection has been slow this week” to open the flood gate of comments but let us unpack this a bit.

In the Algarve, there are several Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offering fast fibre, ADSL (requires a landline) and mobile (cellular) internet connectivity.

2. WHAT EQUIPMENT ARE YOU USING FOR YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION? If you choose to use your own equipment, for example, replacing the router supplied for your fast fibre connection, with your own device with different functions, you may impact the service.​

The big providers are NOS, MEO, Vodafone, Net Sapo, Claranet and there are few more smaller companies in this sphere. You will need a Portuguese residency to take out a contract. If you are not a resident you will need to settle with a prepaid mobile internet deal and rely on finding public hotspots of which there are many, just about every coffee shop has a free hotspot these days. When selecting a service provider, the first consideration should be geographical coverage (head over to www. for a 3G / 4G / 5G coverage map), go onto the service providers websites for fast fibre and ADSL coverage. Cost is an important consideration and more important than performance/speed. It is not true to say the more you pay, the better the service will be. There certainly isn’t any need to look at the very expensive satellite services that seem to have lingered around since the advent of fat-pipe fibre and mobile internet. Make sure that whichever service you select is uncapped, there are horror stories of huge bills once the data cap is reached.



1. WHAT TYPE OF INTERNET CONNECTION ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Fast Fibre, ADSL, 4G, 5G. They all have pros and cons.​

3. WHO IS YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER? It is unfortunate that not all service providers are good. Stick with the big-name brands where you know there is a good investment in support.​ 4. WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED? Coverage is not the same by any stretch of the imagination.​ 5. HOW MUCH RESEARCH DID YOU DO BEFORE YOU SELECTED YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER? Ask around, find out from people who live near you and what their experience is, or has been. Ask them which service provider they recommend, as many users will have started with one service provider and moved to another. In many cases, it is a combination of all of the above considerations that can lead to a less than a delightful experience. Enquire with a few service providers before you make your decision, many will negotiate deals too. It can either make or break your pocket.

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Currency, tailor made We outperform the high street banks and make international money transfers simple and stress free. We think you should be able to move your money in ways that suit you. In ways that your bank can’t offer such as our buy-now-pay-later forward contract option.

+44 (0) 203 974 4738 / +351 282 768 136 Offices in Lagos and Vilamoura Global Currency Exchange Network Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017, FRN 504346. Global Custodial Services Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised and regulated by the FCA and holds Part IV Permissions under the FSMA 2000. Registration number 595875.


Don´t Break the Bank BY ALISON DAUN

More and more people are choosing to transfer their foreign currency online using a specialist foreign currency exchange provider. But what if you have never exchanged currency online before, are unsure of how it works or have concerns about the safety and security of your money?

+INFO:    +351 282 768 136 / +44 (0) 203 974 4738

TRANSACT ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE You can use online exchange services anytime and from any device and location. Benefiting from market leading exchange rates, you can simply log on to your account, check the exchange rate, buy your chosen currency and transfer it to your desired destination. Paying bills or putting down a deposit on your new property and paying your legal fees couldn’t be easier via an online currency service. MAKE BIG SAVINGS ON FEES International money transfers can be costly. If you transfer your money overseas with your UK bank you could be charged anything from £10 to £40 for each transfer. It doesn’t sound much on a €400,000 transfer to purchase a property. However, the costs can add up. Especially if you’re transferring money every month for your pension or to pay your mortgage. These could soon amount to charges of between £120 to £480 a year. By using a specialist foreign currency provider you can remove these costs completely by exchanging money to Euros and transferring your money directly from your UK bank account saving you both time and money. REGULAR PAYMENTS MADE EASY Just like any online banking provider, it is simple to set up new payees or beneficiaries so making regular payments is easy and secure. If you arrange your transaction in the morning, quite often, the funds can be in the beneficiary account the same day. For those of you with a private pension that is paid into your domestic bank account. You can simply transfer these payments to your overseas bank with ease. Small fluctuations in the exchange rate could impact the amount you receive. If you actively manage your currency

transfers or secure your exchange rate via a forward contract, your money could end up going further. Similarly, if you need to make regular monthly payments for a mortgage, a specialist FX provider can help you set up recurring payments. SET UP A STANDING ORDER If you are looking to transfer money overseas on a regular basis for your mortgage payments, pension, or bills then paying by standing order might be the most suitable option for you. Most banks won’t allow you to do international standing orders but it’s simple to set up with an online currency service provider. FLEXIBLE TRANSFER METHODS Transferring your funds internationally with your bank might be difficult if you don’t have internet banking. If you purchase your currency online you can use your UK debit card as an alternative payment method, so there is actually no need for internet banking. Whoever you choose to transfer your money with, make sure they are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to give you the confidence and assurance you need when you transfer your money. Do your due diligence and check out their reviews online on Trustpilot. GC Partners is a specialist financial services provider. We move money overseas, quickly, reliably and securely. Using great foreign exchange rates. Opening your account is easy and takes just a few minutes. You can do this online or in person at one of our offices. GC Partners is the new trading name of both Global Currency Exchange Network Limited (GCEN) and Global Custodial Services Limited (GCS). Based in the Algarve since 2005.


Portugal IN is a task force created by the Portuguese Government, in the wake of the Brexit referendum, to further attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to the country, responding directly to the Prime Minister.

stop-shop for foreigners wishing to set up a company in Portugal. Foreign investors wishing to incorporate a company in Portugal can now do so more easily, at the new “Company IN” counter of “Empresa na Hora”.

It addresses the specific challenges which need to be addressed by the remaining member states in the EU. Working with industries across the country to attract foreign investment, it aims to create integrated solutions for foreign investors who wish to remain in the EU after Brexit.

There, a TIN (Tax Identification Number) can be assigned, thus eliminating the need to previously request it to the Tax Authority. Additionally, bilingual minutes of proxies, memorandum and articles, are available online in the Company IN site, providing all necessary information to assist the process of incorporation.

On the executive committee is Chitra Stern one of the entrepreneurs behind the Elegant Group, which established the Martinhal Resort in Sagres. An entity of this is Company IN, a pilot project which will act as a one-



+INFO: 


I.T. CAN BE EASY How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad BY STEVEN DUNWELL

WE ALL WANT A BIT OF ‘HOME CONFORT’ Antonia and Sonia Aquas started their own furniture business on 15th October 2015 and I visited their large showroom, over 400 sq metres, not long afterwards and wondered how they would ever fill the space. I was totally amazed, four years later, to see the transformation and the amazing choices on offer. Being professionals in the furnishing market the couple always knew what they wanted to achieve but the recession and market forces often dictate the speed of progress. You can take my word for it or better still visit them, by the private hospital, and assess it for yourselves. Nothing seems too much trouble, they deliver, assemble the new furniture and remove the old, free of charge; they will even let you take home occasional items to ‘test’ if it suits your home. Their product ranges mainly come from Portugal where they can rely on the quality and the fact that many suppliers can ‘personalise’ individual items to suit the client’s taste. They also offer a range of furniture packages for customers who intend to rent their property.

+INFO:   Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m -1 p.m and 2 p.m to 7 p.m and Saturdays 9 a.m to 1 p.m and 3 p.m to 7 p.m.



I’m frequently asked how to free up space on iPhones and iPads. As some of the older models have very limited storage and it cannot be expanded, here are a few hints and tips to reclaim some of that precious memory:

DELETE THOSE UNUSED APPS First thing first, you need to check how much memory your device has. Go to Settings > General > [device] Storage. At the top, you'll see a multi-colour bar chart that shows how much space certain applications are taking up on your device. If you continue to scroll down under Storage, you'll see a list of all your installed apps and how much memory space they use. Select any app and a new page appears with two sets of information, the amount of space the app uses, and the space used by the app's data and documents. On this same device storage page, look for apps you don't use. If there are apps you really don't need, tap them and select Delete App. Remember, any app you've purchased from the Apple App Store is always available to re-download again. To delete apps from the home screen, press and hold on the app you want to delete. All the apps will start to wiggle, and a small X appears on each app. Press on the X and confirm to delete. To stop the wiggling, press the home button or tap "Done". CHECK YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS The Photos app often takes up a lot of space, to see how much, go to Settings > General > [device] Storage, find Photos to see how much space it's using. If you have more than 1GB here you should consider copying photos and videos to the iCloud or other storage services so you can delete them from your device. You can also choose to keep lowerresolution photos on your phone while allowing the full-resolution ones to remain in iCloud. Go to Settings > Photos > Optimize iPhone Storage and make sure this is checked.

REMOVE UNWANTED MUSIC AND VIDEOS Music and videos can take up a lot of space. There are two ways to delete these. From Settings Go to Settings > General > [device] Storage > Music. At the bottom, you will see a summary of all the songs and albums on your device. Delete whole albums or single tracks you don't listen to by swiping left. You can also use the Edit button to delete multiple tracks and albums in one go. SAY GOODBYE TO MESSAGES! Text messages can take up valuable space, however, you can set texts to automatically delete after a specific period. Go to Settings > Messages > Message History and choose to keep messages for 30 days or one year. EMPTY YOUR WEB BROWSER'S CACHE One final place to clean is the temporary cache on the Safari web browser, go to Settings > Safari. Tap Clear History and Website Data. Have a great month, see you in the March edition.

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT

Free IT Support and help session Where: The Tropical Café Nº. 33, Avenida dos Descobrimentos, Lagos When in February? Tuesday 11th & 20th from 11 a.m until 1 p.m


Keep reading...



Kiko’s Tasca wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wine, food and friends. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays • Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f

Closed for holidays: From December 23rd till February 5th 2020

FOOD & DRINK When James, Robbie and Hollie got together and created ‘THE PIE’ restaurant on Rua 25 de Abril, they brought to fruition the concept that James has had in his head for the last ten years. After tasting their pies I can confirm that all the planning has finally come to a very successful conclusion.


From the main street, you will identify it by the stanchions clearly labelled ‘PIE’ to guide you up the staircase to the restaurant and into the casual and cosy dining area. Individual booths allow privacy and space for all diners. It has a good-sized bar area, with loads of reasonably priced drinks and exclusive local beers. The attractive outside dining area is ideal for parties and gatherings. When we visited, we sampled the ‘pie’ menu and the choice whilst not enormous, a good thing in my personal opinion gives a good selection with fish, vegan and vegetarian options.

Some like it hot! BY SHAIRA THE SPICE GIRL

Almost every country has its own hot sauce. Sambal is the hot sauce of Indonesia. This sauce is made from various hot peppers. If it is not pedis (spicy) it is not sambal, my grandfather would say.

SAMBAL BRANDAL: In Indonesian, Brandal means “rascal”, which gives you a clue that this sambal variety is pretty spicy. The key spices are Galangal, Cumin and Coriander seeds. Lombok Peppers are used for its hot sauce.

The most basic Indonesian Sambal is made from hot peppers with salt, but in most varieties, other ingredients such as Tamarind, Galangal, Lime Leaves and Lemongrass are added, which gives each sambal its own name and unique taste. Some Sambals can be eaten raw but others have to simmer for a few hours.These are the most common Sambals of Indonesia:

SAMBAL MANIS: The key ingredient of Sambal Manis, meaning sweet Sambal, is Molasses, which makes the Sambal milder.

SAMBAL OELEK: A sambal which is made with an Indonesian mortar and pestle. It is not being fried that gives it its heat, it is made from Rawit peppers which are related to the Piri Piri peppers. SAMBAL BADJAK: (pirate sambal) is a fried Sambal with onions, which gives it a spicy but sweet aftertaste. Because the hot peppers are fried, it has a full and deep taste to it.



There are many types of Sambals which are usually paired with particular dishes and the names all depend on the key ingredient. It is easy to make your own sambal, with the right ingredients. To make your Sambal milder, add some tomatoes or molasses. If you’d like to know more about making Sambal, this month I will be teaching a Sambal cooking class on Saturday 15th February. For more information about this class see: Selamat Makan!

You can ‘build’ your own speciality pies which include steak, chicken, fish and vegetarian/vegan. Julie chose the fish pie which was a mix of salmon and hake and I chose the steak pie, absolutely great and I had it with mash, pastry topping with fresh vegetables. You can add extras and for a euro have a cheese topping for the mash. We enjoyed every mouthful and that is partly down to the fact that you are in charge of ‘designing’ your own mouthwatering and delicious pie. There is a regularly changing specials menu giving you other options, which is a good job as I am sure you will really enjoy it here and will want to be back soon! Nothing on the menu seems to be overpriced and nothing seems to be too much trouble! I do hope that you can tell from this short review we liked the whole experience and of course, we hope you will too.

Open Tuesday through Sunday, midday until midnight. Bookings:  + 351 282 184 509

You can already experiment and make my grandfather Tonny’s Sambal recipe:

Opa Tonny’s Easy Sambal Oelek  200 grams of Spanish peppers  125 ml of water  1 teaspoon sugar cane sugar  1 teaspoon of sunflower oil  1 teaspoon of vinegar  1 teaspoon of salt  1 stalk of lemongrass cut in pieces  3 cloves of garlic  Zest from half a lime  2 big slices of ginger Blend the chillies, garlic, ginger and lemongrass with a mortar and pestle. Add the oil in a saucepan. Add the mixture to the oil once it is hot. Add the vinegar and water. Reduce the heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Add the salt and lime zest. Remove from the heat, cool and bottle in sterilised jars. You can keep the sambal refrigerated for about a month.



Happy February everyone. We have made it through the worst of the winter and the days are getting longer. We have two big, very different, events to look forward to this month. The first, arriving on the 14th is Valentine’s Day, the second is the Volta ao Algarve on the 19th. The first occasion may require us to shop and cook and dress up, the second is like a big fair coming to town with lots of buzz and exotic strangers. We know which we prefer (the second), and suggest you get your other half to do all the running on the romantic front; however, if you have got to cook on Valentine’s, here are a few ideas. The first thing you must remember about Valentine’s are the rules. Anything pink/red is Valentinesy Anything with a sexy name is Valentinesy Anything French is Valentinesy Anything heart-shaped is Valentinesy So, what we have for you is two cocktails with sexy names, one of which is red; a French breakfast dish; and advice on the heart-shaped stuff.

Firstly, what could be more appropriate than a kiss? If you like your cocktails with a little innuendo, why not try a Between the Sheets. Now under no circumstances are you making either lunch or dinner on Valentine’s. What you might consider is a fairly substantial breakfast. Who knows what the day may bring? Croque Madame is a variation on the classic French sandwich Croque Monsieur and will set you up nicely. When Valentine’s is over don’t forget to get out to the Volta ao Algarve. You won’t be able to miss it. The Avenida will be closed to all other traffic and there will be huge pantechnicons parked everywhere. The carnival atmosphere will stretch into the night, so get out there and be a bar-fly. The Lazy Tigers will be there. If you miss us, come and see us in London Tiger Coffee, we are open all February.

The Kiss


Croque Madame (SERVES 2)

 4 slices of nice ham (not wafer-thin or anything like)  100 to 200 grams (depending on the required level of cheesiness) of any hard, white cheese that will melt well. Consider Cheddar or Gruyere, or anything you have in the fridge. Of course, mixing in a bit of Mozzarella won ́t do any harm  4 slices of a good quality bread such as sourdough  4 tablespoons of butter (at least)  2 eggs Heat a heavy-bottomed frying pan on a medium heat and put your oven on about 80 to 100ºC. Grate the cheese. Make 2 sandwiches with ham between the cheese between the bread, then butter the bread on both sides on the outside. Keep a little of the butter back. Fry the sandwiches, pressing down with a spatula or fish slice on both sides till they are golden brown, then transfer to the oven to keep warm. Melt some butter in the pan and fry two eggs (another opportunity to make something heart-shaped with a heart-shaped cutter). Top the sandwiches with the eggs. On no account serve with salad or any other vegetation



 60ml of Gin (any old kind)  25ml of Sweet Vermouth (like Martini Bianco)  25ml of Dubonnet Rouge  7.5ml of a luxury cherry liqueur  Apple to garnish Add all of the alcohol into a mixing glass and top up with ice. Stir and strain into two martini glasses or one big glass with two straws. Garnish with a piece or two of apple cut into heart shapes.

Between the Sheets (SERVES 1 OR 2)

 30ml of Brandy or Cognac  30ml of Triple Sec (like Cointreau)  30ml of Light Rum (any old kind)  7.5ml of fresh lemon juice  Orange peel to garnish Add all of the liquid into a shaker with ice and vigorously shake. Strain into two small glasses or one big one with two straws. Flame some orange peel over the glass and then discard. Garnish with some more orange peel.


THE HAIRY HAIRY CATERPILLAR BY DR LARS RAHMQUIST Lars is the Vet. Not to be confused with the hungry hairy caterpillar. The hair, or processionary caterpillar is one that residents are no doubt familiar with. The little blighters walk like a Parade of Elephants one behind the other, as they go from pine tree to pine tree. Hairs from these little hirsute slugs imbed themselves in dog’s tongues, if they are picked up by overzealous hounds. Being dogs, the very curious ones will indeed try and pick up the caterpillars. This is where problems begin.These hairs set off a vicious reaction. The associated inflammation causes swelling and eventual gangrene to the tongue. Affected dogs lose parts of their tongues and in extremis can die from the excessive reaction, especially if these hairs have entered the lungs of the dog (this is extremely rare, no need to get panicky about this situation). Nests of these prickly adventurers can be seen in pine trees at the moment and this author has just seen that the little charmers have started

emerging and being a temptation for dogs on the ground. Every year the time of emergence of these caterpillars will vary, but BE WARNED they are emerging now. If you see your dog looking agitated with its mouth and drooling a lot after being on a walk near pine trees, we advise you to take a wet towel and thoroughly wipe ALL of the inside of the dogs mouth: The WHOLE tongue, under the tongue, the cheeks, the palate…the lot. Antihistamines are good to have at home in case of this situation. Any brand of human antihistamine will work…we suggest cetirizine, because it causes no sedation in the dog. If you are worried, clean the mouth out and call your vet straight away. They can advise you on the dose of antihistamine for your dog (we recommend super high doses for these cases), then make your way to your vet for follow up injections, and a full examination. Enjoy the coming springtime, no doubt by publication we will have lovely almond blossoms lining our country lanes. Much nicer than hairy caterpillars.


On 16th January the Facebook page, Friends & Volunteers of Canil Municipal de Lagos, was two years old.

Their motto is; Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless. Volunteer Fiona Gallagher says: “Each year we pray that the number of animals that need the help of the Canil is greatly reduced but unfortunately that is not the case. This year we have seen what feels like a massive increase of both dogs and cats removed from dire situations and in some cases just abandoned to die.” “We have also seen lots of our favourites who have been at the Canil a while finding their forever homes, the joy and elation at seeing them, at last, find love and happiness within a family environment gives us the strength to continue to do what we do.”



The Group this year introduced Canil “play dates” which have been incredibly successful and it's a real joy to see the dogs off their leads and having fun in a secure environment. As well they have supported several events where we have not only had the opportunity to showcase the dogs available for adoption but also to talk about volunteering. To help celebrate this year's achievements, they are asking members of the group to post a memory from the past year, it might be you have adopted from the Canil, it may be a moment with a dog or cat that holds a special place in your heart. So please join their FB group and spread the word, it may lead to another successful adoption.

+INFO:  Friends & Volunteers of Canil Municipal de Lagos


The Testaments

The Paris Architect



Born on the 18th of November 1939, in Ottawa, the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood is the fourth author to win the Booker Prize twice; first in 2000 with her novel, The Blind Assassin and last year with the dystopian sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale 1985, The Testaments 2019. Although this sequel only appeared towards the end of last year, The Testaments is chronologically set only fifteen years after Offred’s harrowing story of female persecution and torture under a totalitarian regime run by male Commanders set in America. The acclaimed television adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale in Spring 2017, received numerous Emmy Awards, including Elisabeth Moss for her role as Offred. Atwood as a feminist and political writer, had the readers of this predecessor in mind when writing The Testaments. She states in her Acknowledgements, “The citizens of many countries, including the United States, are under more stresses now than they were three decades ago”. Atwood wrote this sequel in response to the repeated question, “How did Gilead fall?” Opening The Testaments is Aunt Lydia, whose secret writings become the “The Ardua Hall Holograph” where she warns us “the unknown reader” that “it will get worse”. Immediately we are enticed to read on and discover the truth. We are then launched into Part 11 which introduces the second narrator as “Witness 369A”, who is a Commander’s daughter growing up in Gilead, called Agnes. We learn her story which runs alongside the third narrator “Witness 369B”, who is a young girl called Daisy growing up in Canada. This multiple narrative structure keeps the reader engaged and in suspense as the retrospective narration evolves and their stories entwine. Atwood’s style is powerful, poignant, figurative and haunting. Unlike the prequel, there is a ray of light, some hope with a somewhat contrived ending. The girls’ flashbacks are innocent as they lack the experience and worldliness of Offred, but Aunt Lydia’s account is far from innocent as she defends her life in her hidden manuscript, which in turn bears witness to the horrors of Gilead for future generations after its fall. It is as if Atwood is warning us, and so The Testaments stand as a vivid reminder of man’s inhumanity to man!



An excellent book for the autumn is one I came across recently and, knowing nothing of first-time novelist, American Charles Belfoure, decided to try his offering. I was definitely not disappointed in The Paris Architect with its fascinating evocation of the feeling pervading Paris at the time of the Occupation in World War II - glitz undermined by desperate fear. The author himself, being an Architect, is well able to capture the beauty of the buildings, their locations and the art and history of this city and there is no doubt that the accuracy of this background enhances one's enjoyment of the whole book. The main character, Lucien Bernard, is commissioned to design a secret hiding place for a very rich Jewish man and, at this point, Lucien presumes it is for the man himself. Up to this point, Lucien has managed to keep his head below the parapet with both "sides". Now he begins to contemplate his own moral stance, although he desperately needs the commission money and the challenge to his architectural skills appeals to him. Thus begins an association that is life-changing. Further down the line one of his hiding places fails with disastrous consequences and he has to deal with the problem now that it has become personal. Extraordinary characters appear such as Father Jacques, Bette and the German officer Hertzog. As Lucien becomes further embroiled he questions his own interpretation of right and wrong, querying what humanity looks for in friendship, which pulls the reader into the equation. What would any of us do in those specific circumstances? The novel follows a fairly ordinary man's change in general attitude to life with his initially somewhat reluctant slide into heroism. A truly interesting read and one to savour.

Did you know...  Margaret Atwood was born in Ontario, Canada.  She did not attend school full-time until she was 12  Although an accomplished novelist she confesses to being a terrible speller  Atwood's works encompass a variety of themes including gender and identity, religion and myth, the power of language, climate change, and "power politics".

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52




We are all aware of the plight of the bee, so bee-friendly planting is a lovely way to give back. Winter or early spring flowering plants are a great idea. Remember they need nectar as well as pollen, so try low-growing plants such as annuals and herbaceous plants, grown in large clumps in sheltered, sunny spots. Bamboo sticks bound together inside an old pipe could be great for a solitary bee nest, while an overgrown stone wall is ideal for bumblebees.

We can all give nature a helping hand by turning our gardens into welcome wildlife refuges. The rewards of being among wildlife are welldocumented: reducing stress, combating depression and helping hospital patients heal more quickly if a garden is within sight of their bed. Taking care of nature is mutually beneficial, so this month we have taken a look at simple ideas to inspire your inner wildlife gardener.


Share your efforts on our facebook page,  Attainable Sustainable, Algarve.

No wildlife garden is complete without a nesting box, be it for birds or bats. Tips if DIY boxing: diameter can be species-specific; drill drainage holes in the bottom, and include a hinged lid for cleaning out at the end of the season.

GET WET It is difficult to overstate the positive impact of water for attracting wildlife and adding excitement to our gardens, so this is our number one tip: if you can, create a pond. Even a washing bowl with a thin layer of soil will do. Keeping it at ground level with gently sloping sides. Water is essential to all life, so even beyond the aquatic animals you can home (fish, frogs, newts, toads), other visitors such as hedgehogs, birds and foxes may come to drink. You will also attract insects that cannot breed in a 'dry' garden such as dragonflies and damselflies. Aquatic plants that emerge from the water will encourage these, as well as providing an escape route for insects that might fall in.

Native berry or seed-bearing plants and trees (e.g. fig) make an excellent food source. A bird table for feeding or hanging feeders do supplement a winter diet well and a shallowsided bowl of water to bathe, even an upturned dustbin lid with a few pebbles in to stand out in the open should do the trick!

GO ORGANIC Avoid chemical or 'natural' commercial pesticides. They have a long-lasting knock-on effect on the whole ecosystem and harm natural predators like frogs and hedgehogs.

GO WILD An abandoned log pile overgrown with native species can become a nest for bumblebees or stag beetles; stinging nettles in the sun are great for caterpillars and butterfly larvae. A small sheet of corrugated iron left to nature can house a woodlice colony which in turn are great snacks for lizards such as slow worms. 'Think invertebrates and the rest can take care of itself'. Build a bug hotel or wildlife towers with old pallets, bricks, straw, old carpet or tyres. Deadwood, on or off a tree, is a perfect home and food source for many critters which were once abundant. Nature will thank you for not clearing it ALL away.



If you must spray, try and research organic pesticide ideas like lemons, garlic or vinegar, limit it to the veg patch, and only spray at dusk when bees are not flying.

BUTTERFLIES With a majority of species in visible decline, spare a thought for butterflies. Many flowering plants are good for nectar-eating butterflies, and rotting fruit will also attract them (try leaving that too bruisedto-eat apple next to your flower bed). Many caterpillars or larvae are more specific: stinging nettles, long mixed grasses or thistles in the sun can be good for quite a few species. Provide sheltered, undisturbed places to hibernate in the winter – piles of logs or leaves and ivy are ideal. Get the kids involved by making a butterfly feeder – stick a bottle top to a piece of brightly coloured card and fill with sugar solution (1/20 sugar/water) and place in a sunny, sheltered spot (also good for bees and hummingbirds)!

TOM-7-14-engl-2_Jens-ESA 16.07.15 16:39 Seite 1

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Valentine's Flowers If buying flowers for your loved one on Valentine's Day leaves you dazed and confused, as well as out-of-pocket, fear not! Tomorrow magazine has the ultimate guide to creating a bouquet, which means this year your romance will bloom and not be nipped in the bud!

If roses are a bit heavy on the pocket you can always opt for some red gerbera daisies. They are cheaper than the traditional rose but look equally as lovely.

The ranunculus flower comes in some beautiful vibrant colours and has a cute meaning " I am dazed by your charms".

If your florist has them in stock, the dahlia is a lovely flower to give on Valentine's Day, it comes in red and other vibrant colours and the meaning is forever thine, truly romantic.

The beloved carnation is often used in our day to day floral arrangements as they are cost-effective and seem like they last forever. The carnation comes in beautiful shades of red and the meaning behind the carnation is devotion.

The sunflower can light up any room with its bright yellow petals and dark centre. It has a meaning of adoration for that special someone you love with all your heart.

The amaryllis is such a beautiful flower just on its own, it sometimes comes as a cut bloom or even potted in a vase. This single bloom is just gorgeous the deep red is sure to tell your loved one how much you love them. The meaning of the amaryllis is a splendid beauty.

If you have some lavender in your garden or can buy some from your local farmers market, a bunch is a lovely gift for valentine's as its meaning is love and devotion. Lavender has a calming and relaxing effect which will set you in the mood for your valentine. When dried you can put some in your bath under running hot water for a relaxing hot romantic bath !!

The Phalaenopsis Orchid is a lovely gift for Valentine's Day, not only will last for over four months or longer, if properly looked after, but the meaning behind the orchid is love, beauty and refinement.

The strelitzia or bird of paradise is not really a traditional flower for Valentine's, but for a lady who loved to give flowers to her man, this is a different alternative to the rose. The strelitzia is a flower that lasts a long time, so it is there for the long haul and its meaning says it too, a symbol of faithfulness from woman to man.

And last but not least, the red rose is a classic for Valentine's Day. A single red rose always speaks a thousand words, it is simple but beautiful and means love.

Article by Wedding Florist - Michelle Teixeira Xeli Florista Lagos (Source CUT FLOWERS by Su Whale) +INFO: î €





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