Tomorrow Lagos - Aljezur January 2018 Edition

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Welcome to 2018! A very happy New Year from all of us at the Tomorrow magazines. I am always full of hope and possibility at this time of year. It’s a good time to make changes like losing weight, cutting out bad habits and to think about introducing new positives into our lives. Of course we all know that a lot of our New Year’s resolutions may be short lived but hope springs eternal! As we settle back into our Algarvian lifestyles we can think more about our community and seek ways that we can be giving back to support good causes locally for the wider benefit. The Mustard Seed, the Lagos soup kitchen, is a good example of good works and their Christmas party on December 22nd proved to be a great success and helped those in most need in the area. And thinking of good times the Tomorrow Christmas Ball took place on December 8th and raised €1500 and was once again one of the most enjoyable events in the magazine calendar. Our thanks go to Boavista for its wholehearted support and the same applies to all our clients who offered vouchers which makes the raffle so important for our fundraising.

Look, one of our Tomorrow teddies ended up on holiday in Thailand! Please send us photos of any globe trotting Tomorrow teddies that you come across on your travels!

December 16th and the owners, as you will read in this issue, only charged us €5 per child which was remarkably kind and goes to show just how much good will there is in the western Algarve for good causes! In February we will start our Monday, Wednesday and Friday ‘pop-in’ centre for our older readers when you can have a coffee and homemade scone for €2 per head in a lovely friendly cafe Sweet Thing a new up and coming small business next to Banco Popular. Please call Tom if you have any difficulty in finding it. We will be bringing news of all our plans for 2018 as we get the year underway but, as always, we know you, our readers, contributors and clients, will be there to help us make more days ‘giving back days’ as we try and support local good causes. Best wishes, Amber, Tom and the whole Tomorrow team.

The magazine charity, TACT, treated 34 youngsters from CASLAS, the home for disadvantaged children, to lunch at Os Lambertos Restaurant in Lagos on

Tom Henshaw  +351 919 918 733 Amber Henshaw 

On the cover The stunning photograph on the front is of Cape St Vincent in Sagres. In this edition you can read about one man's mission to return the Saint to the cape.

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St. Vincent returns to the Cape The statue at the Cape of St. Vincent

BY LENA STRANG Anyone who has recently visited the Cape of St Vincent will have noticed the shining iconic statue of the Saint in its commanding location near the lighthouse. In its simplicity it symbolises the martyred young archdeacon of Saragossa after whom the Cape has been named. How very appropriate. However, many may not know that the existence of the statue is due to the sole efforts of one person. When Finnish born Riki Grahne moved to Lagos five years ago and first visited the Cape of St Vincent, he was puzzled by the fact that there was little information about the saint and his connection with the Cape. It’s a popular venue for tourists who come to admire the outstanding vista over the ocean from the vantage point by the lighthouse. Riki bemoans the lack of initiatives given the potential for promoting the region’s history: “After photographing the scenery, including shots of an incongruous gigantic chair in the courtyard, apparently left over from a theatre performance, tourists are bundled back onto their coaches. They leave without any idea of the significance of the place.” This part of the Algarve, often dubbed ‘The End of the World’ made an everlasting impression on Riki and he was determined to find out more. Eventually he was granted permission to visit the area behind the lighthouse, closed to the general public.


The discovery of the chancel of the monastery church with its beautiful Latin cross on which the lighthouse was built, along with arches of a 14th century vault, fired his imagination. On the hillside he could make out the remains of an old cave made by pickaxes during the time of the early Christians. What was its significance? “I realised that the history of this holy place and its connection with St Vincent should be made clear to people who visit,” he says. The first seeds for the idea of designing a statue were planted in his mind. Now he needed to set to work to accomplish something no one thought possible. Riki is no stranger to tackling difficult projects. He has spent his professional life problem solving and turning around international companies in trouble and was ready to take on another venture. But little did he know that it would demand such perseverance, determination and sheer will power to deal with the multiple agencies involved, along with layers of bureaucracy. He first set about researching the history and legends surrounding St Vincent and published a book entitled: The Saint, Vincent and the Cape, which he hoped would cover some of the costs involved as he had no financial assistance. Riki doesn’t need much prompting to summarise the story of the Saint: “Vincent was deacon of the

church of Saragossa and martyred in Valencia on the January 22nd, 304. According to legend, his body was cast amongst wild animals but was protected by ravens from being devoured. It was then attached to a millstone and thrown into the sea. The body miraculously floated ashore and was recovered by his followers. He remained buried for 400 years in a grave outside the city walls, which became a site of pilgrimage.” It’s after this that the connection with the Cape becomes clear. In 779 a ship transported the saint’s body to the The Sacred Promontory as the Cape was known at this time. Here it lay for another 400 years underneath a stone in a chapel named the Church of the Ravens, as the birds were ever present. The new tomb became a popular destination for pilgrims too. In 1173, Afonso, the first King of Portugal, wanted to be in on the act, and the body was exhumed in the Algarve, which at the time was under Moorish rule, transported to Lisbon by ship and buried in the cathedral. Interestingly enough, the coat of arms of Lisbon, still in use today, depicts the ship followed by two ravens. Riki points out that the present lighthouse stands on the exact site of the old monastery church, close to the spot where St Vincent’s remains were found in the 12th century. A fascinating history that is little known. Having produced one more book about a present day pilgrimage to the Cape, Riki was ready to tackle the statue project. Being interested in art, he had already designed a series of simple mini statues using nails and natural materials. He was able to use this experience to design a statue that would symbolically represent the saint. “After my seventh prototype, I was satisfied with the result,” he laughs. Armed with 3D prototypes of the statue, he was ready to do battle. Knowing full well that no single authority would give the green light for the project, he proceeded to elicit letters of support instead. The first port of call was the bishop of the Algarve. “He really liked the statue and suggested some minor modifications which I made straight away,” Riki says. A letter of

support from the Diocese of the Algarve followed. After months of sending emails and letters to local councils and organisations, attending meetings which either proved very productive or totally futile, Riki had the support of the Regional Ministry of Culture and the Councils of Vila do Bispo and Sagres. Surprisingly enough, the Algarve Tourist Board did not show interest at any stage. The final hurdle was obtaining permission from the Portuguese Navy, responsible for the area around the lighthouse. “I had a meeting in Lisbon with the Chief of all Portuguese Lighthouses who secured the permission from the Navy I had long waited for,” Riki says,” This was in June and the plan was to have the statue in place for St Vincent’s Day on the following January 22nd.” A period of intense activity ensued. A specialist company in Finland produced the three metre high statue, of shiny marine steel, weighing 244 kg. Swedish and Japanese engineers worked out the resistance of the material in accordance with the wind conditions on the Cape. The stone base, symbolising the millstone tied around St Vincent’s head, was procured from Monchique “The statue is pure and simple in a modern way. I think nonfigurative art like this gives scope for people’s imagination and creativity,” Riki maintains. Despite the race against time, the statue was duly transported from Finland and erected by the engineers of the municipality of Vila do Bispo in time for the inauguration on January 22nd , 2017. And what a grand affair it was. After the traditional procession where the relic of the Saint’s thumb is paraded in a gilded cask through the streets of Vila do Bispo, a large crowd gathered at the Cape. Official representatives of the lighthouse and the Navy dressed in their finest regalia, mingled with local residents and foreign visitors. Adelino Soares, the President of the Vila do Bispo made a speech expressing his satisfaction that the Cape now had a statue in honour of the Saint. After unveiling the plaque, the statue was blessed by Manuel Quintas, the Bishop of the Algarve. 


Left to right: At the inauguration; Riki and the Bishop of the the Algarve; The statue


Left to right: Unveiling the statue; Riki exploring the lighthouse; Riki and his wife Thua at the inauguration.

The voices of the Western Algarve Choir echoed on the cliffs to the tuneful melody of The Rock of Ages. During the ceremony there were rain showers, followed by bright sunshine and a beautiful rainbow across the sky. A portentous sign perhaps?

I can’t resist asking Riki about his thoughts after the inauguration. “What a relief it was to see the statue standing there. I felt a real sense of pride and satisfaction.” After two years of solid preparation, he is keen to know if his hard work has paid off. According to statistics, nearly one million tourists visit the Cape annually, and a sizable proportion will observe the statue and read the information plaque. When I accompany Riki to the Cape to observe reactions of visitors, the statue gets the thumbs up. According to Bruna Maneiras, an employee at the Cape, the statue is long overdue: “As there is nothing else here about St Vincent, people will be curious about the statue and the meaning behind it. It’s bound to attract interest from locals as well as from foreign visitors.” Susan from Spain, and Chirs,

form the UK, are effusive in their praise: “It’s really lovely to see a modern statue in an old setting like this. As soon as you look at it you understand the whole concept of the Saint.” What are Riki’s feelings on the first anniversary of the statue? After pondering for a while, he concludes: “I’ve been responsible for lots of projects during my career but this is the most meaningful for me. However, I hope there will be further spin-offs in the future.” Perhaps the possibilities of reactivating old pilgrim routes should be explored? Today there are some signed routes but not one pilgrim in sight. Santiago de Campostela, through its popular pilgrim routes has succeeded in promoting tourism and local enterprise, so why not in the Algarve? Whatever future ramifications there are, one thing is certain. Riki has produced something tangible that is of great cultural and historical value for the region. The statue is bound to enhance appreciation of one of the most important Saints in the Catholic Church, for so long forgotten.  The Statue by Riki

At the sharp end There’s so many things about living in the Algarve where old meets new. We always love to see the knife sharpener - it takes us back to a different time! You’ll often see him around Lagos and Luz. Wherever you go you will find him cycling and playing on his penny


whistle like the pied piper. Please let us know if you spot any other characters like him. You can email our editor Amber Henshaw. 


Danish entrepreneur diversifies A few months ago we introduced you to Brian Knudsen who was growing pumpkins in the Lagoa area - now he’s diversifying and people will soon be able to find rhubarb for sale in the Algarve. Len Port has more.

and basil. All are in big demand in Northern European countries such as Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK where Knudsen has well-established business connections. Rhubarb is also in big demand and of special interest because it can be grown here in the Algarve during Northern Europe's off-season. “Lagoa has just the right conditions to produce rhubarb from January to June, out of the normal growing season in Scandinavia,” says Knudsen. Another crop of peas is currently being cultivated on the original 12-hectares of land leased by Knudsen south of the town. The latest pea crop is for harvesting in March. In 2017, his first full year of production here, Knudsen dispatched many tonnes of peas, squashes and pumpkins northward.

By turning more abandoned ground within the municipality of Lagoa into fertile fields of vegetables this year, Danish entrepreneur Brian Knudsen will not only increase production, but diversify the type of crops he is able to export to Northern Europe.

He was able to rely on Silves reservoir water for irrigation but has now drilled a borehole on the original site as Silves reservoir supplies are normally cut while maintenance work is carried out during the winter. Considerable winter rains will be needed to top up the region’s reservoirs for this year's domestic and agricultural supplies.

For the first time ever, Lagoa will have a full range of herbs, as well as a vegetable never commercially grown anywhere in the Algarve before and rarely seen in supermarkets here ~ rhubarb.

Knudsen is hoping to buy or lease much more land in the coming months. He is passing more of his business activity in Denmark to a colleague there in order to concentrate more on expansion here.

The list of herbs to be grown in greenhouses will include parsley, chives, oregano, chili, mint, rosemary

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The Reverse Advent Calendar Last Christmas Chantelle Kortekaas from Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel decided to try an idea that one of her friends had started in Malaysia. Here she tells us about its success and why we should all try doing something similar next Christmas. As Christmas approached once again I wanted to think of moving away from the constant receiving at Christmas time and spend more time thinking of others. I adopted an initiative called The Reverse Advent Calendar, which I had used to assist one family for Christmas 2016. I contacted Bernadette Abbot from the Facebook group “Algarve Families in Need” to see if we could spread the idea further this year into the Lagos and Portimao communities to help more families over the festive season. The idea is simple, find an empty box and print a calendar template. Every day invite your children or family to countdown to Christmas by adding something to the box. Then tick, colour or label in the calendar template. (Lists of suggestions, calendar template and all delivery information are

provided as part of the initiative). For my own family, the reverse advent calendar became an important part of our Christmas preparations opening up our cupboards to see what we could donate each day to our Lagos family. My two little boys - whilst only three and four-years-old really became involved as they discussed what our family could benefit from their own kitchen cupboards or weekly shop and the boys even donated small toys of their own. On Boxing Day last year I caught my then 3-yearold loading up his toy car with all his new presents "to take to the children in need". The initiative was a great lesson for us all to think daily about those not as lucky as ourselves and for ours kids to be thinking about things that would make other less


fortunate children smile on Christmas Day rather than what the next chocolate square was going to be on their commercial advent calendar! For Christmas 2017 we had a goal to help 12 families and through the power of social media and the wonderful generosity and enthusiasm of the local Lagos and Luz families we managed to help 19. Bernadette and I would like to thank everyone for participating and hope that we will be able to reach even more families for Christmas 2018. For more information on The Reverse Advent Calendar contact Chantelle Kortekaas by email or via Facebook. 

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out and about from the house I use a walking frame. In the garden I use a four-wheeled rollator with a basket under the seat for my tool box. Every day I possibly can I work in the garden, arranging compost, checking for any algae problems and making sure the underground irrigation system is working properly. My part-time handyman and gardeners do the rest of the work. Of course, I closely supervise them. Carvoeiro Jardim Aquatico is the name of my business selling lilies. You can read about it on an internet website. My customers used to be hotel complexes as well as developments and private homes.

Photo ©: Lisa

A Day in the life of … Charles Every turns 102 this month but still keeps himself fit with the gym he has at his home and busy with an online business and monthly club lunches. I'll be celebrating my 102nd birthday on January 20th. Although I'm not as physically active as I used to be, of course, I still keep myself busy in the same home I bought on the outskirts of Carvoeiro in 1968, the year after I first came to the Algarve. As a qualified architect with a town planning degree, I'd worked for many years as a town planner in South Africa. I fell in love with the Algarve when I first came here and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Most of my time nowadays is spent in the garden with an open view to the sea. It's an unusual garden, set on different levels of volcanic rock with hollows of various sizes that I turned into ponds, 10 in all. The reason for creating the ponds was to cultivate various types of lilies and breed ornamental fish. Because of the fish, I hate cats. Herons and egrets are a menace too! The cobbled pathways in the garden are sloped and uneven so that I can only get around slowly. If I'm

At the far end of the garden with an overall view of all the ponds I have a glass-fronted gymnasium. It has a proper exercise bicycle, weights, a treadmill and other equipment. Every day I try to spend at least half an hour in there. Along with eating and drinking in moderation, I try to keep as fit as possible. I don't take any daily tablets and avoid doctors whenever possible. Next to the gym I have a swimming pool. We've replaced the ladder to get in with steps so I might be able to use it in summer, though my physio doesn't think that's a good idea! Afternoons and evenings? I have plenty of paperwork to do. Stocks and shares still interest me, but I've given up reading newspapers and watching television news. The news is always so dreadful. It's become a totally different world, a much worse place than when I was young. There are too many people in the world now. What takes up quite a lot of my time is organising the club lunches we've been holding for the past seven years on the first Monday of every month. It involves arranging a suitable restaurant able to cater for about 25 people. This is not so easy in the winter when a lot of restaurants we like are closed. After booking the restaurant, I have to spend quite a lot of time on the telephone, ringing lists of numbers to find out who wants to come to the next lunch. They are nearly all long-term foreign residents who have known each other for many years. They've been calling it the 101 Club. We'll have to have a name change this month and start calling it the 102 Club.

We are always looking for interesting people for our ‘Day in the life’ series if you know someone suitable then please email our editor 10


From novice to natural “Four years ago I couldn’t even tie a knot!” and now Natasha Seromenho is competing with the Portuguese National Fishing Team. She tells our reporter, Jeff Morgan, how she got into fishing. “Having only moved to the Algarve 11 years ago I am extremely proud that I am so well accepted within the Portuguese arena considering that I wasn’t born here, and my parents are British”. Accepted to the level that Burgau resident Natasha Seromenho has been nominated by the Portuguese Fishing Federation (FPPD) for the prestigious Female Athlete of the Year awards. This month a judging panel will decide the five finalists, then via an online public vote the eventual winner will be announced at the annual CDP Awards taking place in Estoril this month. An even more remarkable achievement considering that Natasha, who along with her husband Jorge owns the restaurant Esquina, only began fishing here four years ago for a laugh with her friends and she doesn't even eat fish! “I watched endless youtube videos, the guys at Nauticmar in Lagos spent ages teaching me how to tie knots and I was absolutely terrified to touch live bait. It was hilarious, though, to my amazement I absolutely loved fishing. Every time I caught a fish I would shake with excitement.” The fisherman in the village used to joke, but once she started catching fish regularly they stopped their banter and became more interested in how well she was doing.Then a random meeting on the beach with José Peres who lives in Almadena, “was the day that changed my life dramatically.” Offered to go fishing Tash grabbed her gear and a new friendship was born. Ze introduced his friend João Ribeiro from Alvor and between them they shared all of their combined knowledge. With their encouragement Tash joined GDR Olhos d’Agua Fishing Club and in 2015 became the Regional Champion. To be able to compete the following year in the Nationals meant obtaining dual nationality, she came sixth overall qualifying for the Portuguese national team. The 2016 world championships in Ireland the Portugal ladies team finished eight. “I didn't fish well, but the experience was fantastic.”

Esquina Restaurante, Burgau  +351 282 695 545


Working at Esquina in the evenings, juggling a day time job from home with three children, time for fishing is relegated to whenever the opportunity arises. A fourth place at the 2017 nationals Tash qualified again for the national squad. Taking her place along with three other ladies from the Algarve who make up the five woman team. In November they headed to Langebaan in South Africa to compete at the 25th Ladies Shore Angling World Championships. “Fishing in SA was very different to here, big hooks and big fish.” After the opening day Tash was in 12th place individually with the team laying in second. Day two the team remained second while Tash dropped to 13th overall. Day three, with more fish in the net Tash moved up to sixth place with Portugal still in second spot. The last day of competition went well for the whole team and everyone had their fingers crossed. First the team results were released, Portugal had overtaken the Netherlands to take the Gold Medal and the World Championship title. Tash moved up to fourth overall missing the bronze medal by 70grams, with the size of the South African fish, just an eye probably. Fantastic results with three of the Portuguese ladies finishing in the top 10 places in the world. The next world championships will take place in Wales during November 2018. The results of the nationals starting in April will determine the competitors who will make the eventual team.

Fishing licenses are very cheap in Portugal so whether you are looking to catch your supper, are looking to enjoy fantastic days at the beach or perhaps joining a club and starting a new sport, fishing is open to anyone, and with our beautiful coastline, rivers and bays, there are endless locations to enjoy the great outdoors. “Fishing was something that I started for a laugh and not in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to achieve what I have accomplished so far. If you have never tried it then I would strongly encourage you to have a go, it certainly changed my life and could change yours too!”


From trash to artistic treasure Diana and Phillip are from Germany and when they are not working they travel around Portugal. They love the country’s beaches but over the years have noticed more and more rubbish amongst the sand. Eventually they couldn’t ignore it any more. Phillip said: “ We are just two people, but we started our own little thing called ‘Peace, shanti and ahoi.’ We collect the plastic trash from the beach from Aljezur to Lagos.” They take the rubbish they find and turn it into art. “Very fast our collecting box was full and we started to create. We found pieces of plastic from the 50s which just shows how long this pollution stays in the ocean without disappearing,” they told

Tomorrow. Phillip said: “We can’t clean everything, but with our art, we like to inspire people, to have a look, and maybe take a little.” “Diana takes more the practical part of our pieces, She creates things, making daily life easier and more colourful. Like little shells for keys or beautifully-made vases for the flower lovers,” he said. Phil creates little sculptures out of tiny plastics. He said: “The ocean needs more attention. It’s big, yes, but no so big. We need to find another way to solve this problem. The first is the focus we have to change. Even though we do not see the trash, it’s there. So, we try to open the peoples eyes with our work.


“We all can do something. This problem touches our daily life today, not tomorrow or in a few years. We love the oceans so lets do something. Start somewhere.” So why not take that single bottle with you when you leave your favorite beach next time, and be part of the process stopping the pollution of our ocean? Last year they showed their work during the Portuguese Film Festival in Ericeira which was a great success. They also sell their beach art at a few markets in the Algarve and it is also possible to order on Facebook. You can see their work on Youtube.

 Peace, Shanti & Ahoi  peace, shanti & ahoi beachart


A new wave There’s been change in the air at Madrugada over the last year since Carol Spires took over as President of the Luz-based palliative care association. There’s been a shift in focus from setting up a Hospice to providing palliative care in a patients homes. The association has now recruited a clinical manager who speaks Portuguese, English and German. Here we speak to Tanja Himming. Tell us about your background I was born and raised in south Germany and I regularly return to visit family and friends. How did you wind up in Portugal? It’s a long story, but I will try to make it short.… I fell in love with Portugal when I travelled through southern Europe in a Camper van. In 2005, I had the chance to take some months off work and spent them in Portugal to see if there were any work opportunities in my profession. And what should I say. I had the good fortune to meet the right people and started work within a few days of my arrival and I’m still here. Please tell us about your professional background After grammar school, I did voluntary work in the oncology ward of the University Hospital of Tuebingen. This was when I decided to become a nurse. After my nursing degree I worked in the hospital in Konstanz and with an organisation which provides nursing care and medical support for people affected by cancer. A bit like the Macmillan nurses in the UK. When I moved to Portugal, I started to provide home nursing in cooperation with local GPs and I have been part of the Madrugada palliative care team since the early days in 2010. Also, regularly I do night shifts in a rehabilitation/detox centre. This has given me a good knowledge about the services available in terms of medical, nursing and other care related help for people living in the Algarve. I have been fortunate to build up good relationships with healthcare providers and medical professionals. Please tell us about your role with Madrugada I have been part of the Madrugada palliative care team since the early days in 2010 and cared for a lot of patients since then. In April 2017 I started my role as the clinical coordinator. Next year I am looking forward to my new role as the clinical manager and the tasks and challenges that come with it. What do you offer to patients and their families Madrugada offers support to people who are affected by a life limiting illness. The Madrugada centre is an open centre where we offer practical advice, information, different

groups, complementary therapies, counselling, workshops and muchmore. This is available to people from diagnoses onwards and to their family members and carers. Our professional palliative care team provide home-based end of life care and supports the needs and wishes of the patient and their families. We believe that it is the person’s right to choose where they would prefer to be cared for during their last remaining days. Care equipment is made available to make the patient comfortable and to make it safe for the carers to handle them. I or a member from our palliative care team will assess each patient and their home environment to find out their individual needs and wishes. At the moment, we are also trying to get a small group of volunteers together so that we can offer respite care to our patients at an earlier stage and that the carers can have some hours a week for themselves. This will not be a medical professional, but somebody that can sit with the patient, listen, talk, have a cup of tea, read a book or just be there. If you think, this is something you could do, and you have some hours a month to spare, please get in contact with me at the Madrugada office. How and why is that important? It gives the patients and their families a choice. They can spend their last days in the comfort of their own home if it is their wish and get all the support they need. They are not alone and have professional help at their side. We also offer professional counselling. It can help a family to prepare for their loss and if needed, the counsellor well be there for the family after their loss as well. How does your job feed into the service that Madrugada offers? As a nurse, I can be hands on and do the actual nursing part as well as giving good advice to patients, their families and carers. When you are supporting a patient, what do you offer? First, we assess the individual needs and wishes of the patient and their family. It is important that the patient’s family and their medical team are willing to work in tandem with our palliative care team and that the home environment is suitable for safe, 






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Community home based end of life care. Then we give them the support they need. Everybody is different and has different needs and wishes. It is very important for us to respect this. If it is needed, a patient can have up to 24-hour home based care in the last days of their life.

How is this all funded? We have an amazing team of volunteers and a great retail manager who looks after our clothing store, Encore, and our bric-a-brac furniture shop called Homestore. All help to raise the necessary funds through our retail shops and fundraising events. We also receive kind donations from people across the Algarve and beyond. We have had a number of generous sponsors in 2017 who have made a real difference to our fundraising efforts. For example, Madrugada was the charity of choice for the Boa Vista Golf Captain’s events last year and we were one of the three charities chosen by Tomorrow magazines /TACT for support this year. A big thank you here to all who help. Also, all the income from our Hibiscus home care service goes directly to Madrugada. How do you see the future of palliative care in the Algarve? There is still a long way to go and lots of work to do, but there have been positive changes over the last couple of years. We are always looking for ways in which we can share our message with the local community and demonstrating that we offer care and support of the highest standards. You are looking for a new centre - what difference will this make? We need a new centre as our current lease will finish at the end of 2018. Our goal is to secure suitable premises in the Luz / Lagos area. It must be easy to access and be mainly on one level. So please let us know if you think you have the right place for us. The centre will be an open centre, a bit like the ‘Maggie centres’ in the UK, where patients and their loved ones can find support and somebody to talk to. It will also host complementary therapies, group therapies, support groups, counselling and different activities, all based around then needs of the people we support and the local community.

Dealing with a disability BY TOM HENSHAW

Over the last couple of months we have been raising awareness of living with a disability in the Algarve. We have heard from Kate Ignacio about her son Marley and you can read more about them in this edition but we also want to introduce you to 29-year-old Lance Da Silva. I recently had the pleasure of meeting up with Lance and was immediately impressed with his inspiring view on life and his sheer belief that all is possible with or without disabilities.

is almost impossible to manoeuvre through the doors. There are loads of examples he cited that people like me probably never even think about as we are not burdened with this problem.

Lance was born in South Africa in 1988, and moved to Aljezur with his mum, who is South African and his father who is Portuguese. And his sister, Celine.

He did say that things do seem to be improving in some areas, for example the cinema in Portimão is very difficult to access but the new cinemas in MAR shopping has marvellous access and he is optimistic that modern architects and planners see the need to redress this situation.

Unfortunately when they made their move here Lance developed an arthritic condition that meant he was no longer able to walk and is forced to live his life from a wheelchair and that is as far as he has allowed his ‘disability’ to go because nothing seems to stop him living his life to the full . What was immediately apparent was his positive attitude and love of life, in fact he made it clear to me that the only thing that worries him is the lack of accessibility for him and obviously others in the same circumstances. We met initially to discuss ‘his take’ on the access problems which obviously are a major factor in his and lots of others lives’ in the Algarve. He pointed out streets that are so narrow that it is impossible for him to access, the cobbled streets that are so uneven that they are hard to navigate, shops and banks where very often it


All in all a large problem to be addressed urgently but one that Lance surmounts with laughter and a good spirit. One of Lance’s talents is his ability to teach and is now teaching Portuguese in Aljezur and I hear truthfully that he is really good. Call him on the number below, he only charges €10 for an hour and a half lesson. I was so impressed with him and his English skills that I have asked him to submit some articles to our editor Amber this year. It was great meeting Lance and I look forward to meeting him again soon and hopefully working with him too!  +351 961 388 644


Working with wood


Chris Bartel is living his dream - he lives in a wooden truck and makes handcrafted surfboards out of wood.

the connection with this material: “I love working with wood, I like the texture, the smell and I also like burning it! That is why I built my wood stove.”

German-born Chris first came to the Algarve with the scouts 14 years ago when he was 16 and fell in love with the Costas Vincentina natural park. He dreamt of returning and as soon as he earned his driving license he re-visited and discovered the beaches and surfing. It was while he was enjoying the ocean that he started to question why you would use an instrument built from toxic materials in order to engage with nature.

I ask him if he trained as a carpenter but he trained in media design which explains why he is having success with his internet sales business and his excellent website. He learnt to work with wood by instinct as a child and his first project was building himself skateboards and later he used youtube videos to perfect his craft.

I find Chris in his beautifully constructed home which is parked up next to Meia Praia beach in front of Bar Linda. He is cooking breakfast and has lit the wood stove he built to keep the van warm in winter. I settle into the comfortable and very tidy interior with his dog Ron curled up on the bench next to me and we have a chat. While we talk Chris is preparing packages of his ecological surfboard wax which he is preparing to fulfil an order. They are not made with petrochemicals and he uses the natural ingredients of coconut milk and beeswax. For wax to be used in cold water he adds pine resin which he harvests from a friends farm in Peniche. He shows me the jar and tells me to smell it and the aroma is gorgeous. He explains to me: “I guess nobody who rides a wooden surfboard would want to wax it with surf wax made from petrochemical-based paraffin. It's blended with many chemical ingredients that end up in the oceans and can produce rashes on the skin. But there is a more eco-friendly procedure to get good wax.” It was while he was in the scouts and involved in activities in the woods that he formed


“I am in love with riding the waves in a smooth and gentle way. But I am also disappointed about those toxic substances for this natural sport. So I started to experiment with wood and tried to build a surfable board completely made of ecological materials.” He started building surfboards in Germany to use himself but then he started to get orders. After several years of spending the summers in Portugal, he decided to try to live in Portugal permanently and embarked on the construction of his truck which he says has been his biggest project. He built it in his grandparents garden with the help of his grandfather. “ I love to travel and stay close to the waves. I am stoked about our incredible nature on our unique planet, so I want to respect, to protect and to interact with it in many ways. I have reduced my stuff and started living a simple and sustainable way of life. A conscious consumption and rethinking of natural techniques.” The boards are made to order and come in three shapes including the Silvertip Shortboard with a wide shape and pronounced rocker making it easier to catch more waves. 

Community The Pulpo Pintail is ideal for beginners and the Thirsty Fish achieves high speeds but is easily manoeuvrable. They are hollow inside which makes them great for buoyancy and are made from a wooden mix consisting of poplar for the inner and the deck/bottom construction and cork for the rails. The struts inside make them very stable.

Chris tells me: “I don't need many tools, so I have everything with me and am able to build the boards in front of my truck with an ocean view and under the sky, because it's just wood! I manufacture one by one and concentrate my energy on every single one, from the beginning of the production until the lucky eyes of their new owner.” It is ironic however that it was while trying to figure out how to recycle the off-cuts from the board production that he came across the most profitable part of his

business. Chris was taught by a friend how to print pictures onto wood and now he transfers photos of the ocean he has taken and prints from an old book of brightly coloured fish and shells onto the waste wood. They are really striking and would make fantastic souvenirs to take home or presents. He lifts up the bench to reveal his neatly stacked collection and I buy 3 as gifts! Chris tours the markets of the Algarve selling his crafts and promoting his boards. You can see him in the market at Barao Sao João, the Lagos flea market and he also has a permanent stand at Amado throughout the summer. Fortunately, during the summer season, he often manages a sunset surf after his closes shop for the day! He also sells his products successfully on Etsy. It was while he was at Amado that he found his live-in companion Ron, whose

elderly owner had died and was being looked after by some people on a farm but after he went and sat under Chris´s van and refused to move it was decided that they were meant to be together. Ron´s favourite home is Meia Praia which is why Chris returns there most often. I have enjoyed my time in Chris´s van chatting to him and feel very relaxed after time spent in his company so I can see why this lifestyle would appeal, as I get up I see a guitar on his bed, Chris grins: “Yes I am the total cliché.” Far from being a cliché, this innovative young man is proof to us all that we can make our childhood dreams come true and can find an ecological alternative in which to live and fulfil our goals. 

More about Marley A couple of months ago we told you about a fundraising campaign to buy an electric wheelchair for six-year-old Marley Ignacio. We are delighted to say that, with the community's help - especially fundraising by the Aljezur International School, he now has the chair. Here his mother, Kate, tells us about the next stage for Marley.

2018 isn’t going to be an easy year with new obstacles presenting themselves with two operations approaching – one on his eyes and another on his palet. Marley has progressive conditions - muscular dystrophy and congenital bone deficiency - which means that new problems will constantly emerge. I’m apprehensive about the year ahead however positivity is a must and I have to keep smiling for him. We are now fundraising for his eye operation and also all the specialized equipment he needs for the home. I have attached a list below as sometimes your readers may have some contacts or anything going second hand. Buying second hand equipment is a very difficult challenge and there is a very small market for disabled equipment in the

Algarve. Just one bar for a toilet costs between €300-€500 the prices are insane!

aware of to help with comfort but most importantly independence.

- Travel hoist - Specialised mattress and sleepform support - Toilet aids and raised seat - Bath hoist and longer term wet room - Mattress overlays - Respiratory sleep device alarm - Blood pressure machine - Rest bite chair - Grab bars - Bath seat and bath lift - Specialised car seat - Ramp for the car and various at home - Bed rail and support - Foam pillow and slide sheets - Pressure care - Any other equipment which we become

Over the next few months we will be holding a series of fundraisers including an evening meal, an impossible run and a line dancing barbeque. I’m always looking for more ideas for fundraising and for people to help. What I would love is to one day create a small centre – somewhere children with difficulties can go to get help, have fun and support for families who really struggle out here. This is my aim and I really hope we can make a difference!


If you would like to find out more, have any fundraising ideas or want to make a donation please go to our website. 

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Left to right: En Route to Battle; Knight and Horse

Meet the artist Kaye Miller-Dewing is a painter with a passion for Medieval themed subjects. Here she talks about her crusading art and how she got involved with an American thrash metal band. Please can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself. I was born in Hampshire but have moved around the UK quite a bit. I spent the most part of my life living in various parts of Lincolnshire, from the north to the south. I’ve always loved Portugal, my husband used to live here 30 years ago, so we decided to move out full time when our children left home. Tell us about your art and what you specialise in. I’m a painter who concentrates predominantly on medieval themed subjects. I’m probably best known for my Crusades Series of paintings featuring The Knights Templar. Have you always been an artist? I’ve always been creative and have drifted in and out of painting over the years. During my child-rearing years I did a little, then I embarked upon a degree course with the Open University studying Philosophy. It was after obtaining my degree that I decided to dedicate a lot more time to painting. I painted all manner of themes to begin with, from floral stuff to figurative, from watercolour, to gouache, to mixed media, to acrylic. The early years were very much my personal apprenticeship, which led me to what I do now, historically themed paintings working with acrylic.

What mediums do you work with? How would you describe your subject matter? So, acrylic is my preferred medium now. I love the strength of this paint and the way you can use a brush or a knife to work the colours. It’s a pain to use during hot weather as it dries so quickly, but I love the fact that it does as I’m innately impatient and loathe waiting for paint to dry. As mentioned before, the historical/medieval is my preferred subject, although I have knocked out one Viking Skirmish as a deviation.

like Pinterest etc, and movies are also a useful reference.

Can you tell us how you create your work, where do you source your ideas from - and how do you decide what to do with each painting? Until recently I used to sketch out to start each painting, but now I go straight in with a brush and acrylic and map the outlines, the gist of the image. This way I can correct/perfect the perspective, and from here I see what’s working and what I can add. I don’t like to be too prissy to begin with, and although it’s good to think and look before you start, I like to be spontaneous and get the beginning begun.

What do you want your work or your art to do? How would you like people to respond to your work? I want my art to ‘move’ people, to evoke an emotional response. My subject matter means a lot to me and also to many people with a knowledge of The Knights Templar, so it’s great when others can identify and appreciate the images I’ve created.

I usually have a point of reference but find I soon discard this as the painting’s underway. I source my ideas from all manner of prompts, photos in magazines, newspapers, pictures in books ie: my children's old horse books, internet sites


How long does each piece take to create? I spend a lot of time on each painting, usually a couple of months. I can start and finish a small painting within a fortnight, but I prefer to paint a larger canvas, say 2’ x 3’ and these take longer. My paintings contain many layers, to give depth and intensity, so we are very well acquainted by the time the piece is finished.

Do you have a funny story, something unique or unusual - or quirky or even famous to share with us? I recently had a request from the thrash metal band Forced Order from Southern California. They asked if they could use my artwork on their new album cover One Last Prayer. I said yes, and the rest is history, I think it looks fantastic. So hardcore! 

Left to right: La Reconquista; Marching Out; Defence of Jerusalem

Do you have any advice for an aspiring or hobby artist? Yes, totally, don’t give up, don’t let others try and deter you from what you love to do. Practice makes the challenges less challenging. If you’re struggling with a particular ‘bit’ of your creation then persevere - it will come good in the end.

What else are you working on or planning for the future - what can we look forward to from you? My immediate plans are a continuation of The Crusades series, I have a lot of ideas to immortalise on canvas. I would also like to portray other periods of history/military history in future works.

My work remains on full time show/exhibition, and for sale, in Arte da Natureza in Nora da Apra, Algarve, and also in Restaurant H in São Brás de Alportel, Algarve. Is there anywhere else that we can buy your work - and are you available for commissions? Prints of my work, and other paraphernalia - mugs, t-shirts, bags, cards, etc, etc, are available online from,,, and from deviantart. I am open to commissions, and if someone has a request about any of my work, perhaps a painting that isn’t on show, they are welcome to contact me via email and facebook.

Are you involved in any upcoming shows or events?    Kaye Miller-Dewing (Artist) This article has been provided by the Algarve Society of Artists - a group formed to support and promote art and artists across the Algarve. They have a website and publish a free quarterly online magazine entitled Algarve Art! Visit their website for more information:

Christmas cheer at Caslas BY TOM HENSHAW

The annual Christmas party for the children who live at the CASLAS home in Lagos makes us remember what Christmas is really about. This event brings together people like Ralph and Nettie Griffin who do so much to support the children at the home all year round and this year has been no exception with regular outings, camping holidays and the like. All of these children come from very challenging backgrounds so these special treats help to make them feel wanted and they were so appreciative of the whole event as you can see from the picture here.


Every child not only received a superb lunch supplied by the family that own O Lamberto for only €5 per head but received a Christmas card and a €25 voucher to spend and also each had a lovely present selected for both their age group and sex. The monies that make these events possible and that help give meaning to their lives comes from people like you and me, the Tomorrow charity fundraising activities, George and Lynne from the bowls club in Luz and many more kind hearted givers. We had a record turnout for this year’s party and I personally came away feeling very elated that so many people find it in their hearts to help so much. I’m not sure it’s possible to sum that up in words. Thanks to everyone for their help and generosity.


A bodyboarding champion BY JEFF MORGAN

Five times Portuguese, four times European and now the 2017 APB World Bodyboarding Champion, Joana Schenker has travelled to a lot of beaches but still says that the best are right here in the Algarve. Born on the Algarve to German parents, Joana modestly credits her mother for her achievements since she caught the bodyboarding bug at the age of 13. From writing letters to the school informing them that she was at the beach, to never missing a day of driving her there, to fully supporting her choice to turn professional, which meant foregoing university.

Photo © (top to bottom): Francisco Pinheiro; Ricardo Alves; Francisco Pinheiro

The beach is now her office, spending every day there, sometimes checking up to 20 times a day for waves. “I just love the beach, my main focus is just to surf better, push my own limits, work on my style, share my passion with others and ultimately have fun with my friends.” Despite Portugal's large surfing community the country had never had an athlete as World Bodyboarding Champion since the professional tour commenced in 1982. The historic victory raised Joana's profile and suddenly she was receiving media attention, including becoming the first bodyboarder to be featured on the cover of GQ magazine. “That was a funny thing. I was so nervous. It's for famous people, and I am not famous. They called me and four days later I had 10 people pulling at my hair! Though I am just happy to be able to give back to everyone who has helped me achieve my goal.” With limited sponsorship from Vila do Bispo and Sagres brewery enabling her to compete in just her second full world tour season Joana's victory in Japan gave the sport such a boost in Portugal that she hopes to keep that momentum going. “After five months of surfing in competitions and travelling you are not as good as you were at the start of the year. So now I will train for four months.


If you want it you have to remain in focus and be disciplined about your work and I won't be giving the world title away easy, that’s for sure.” Sagres is known to be the best place in Europe to bodyboard and as the recreational popularity expands the area now attracts thousands of people to the enjoy the thrills of riding the surf. Locally there is a strong community and getting into bodyboarding is easy. By far the best option is to take proper lessons where you can learn the basics, the rules and safely build confidence. Injuries are rare and it is deemed a pretty safe sport. Alternatively you can go with friends but one should never venture in to learning the sport alone. The Association Bodyboard Sagres Club at the Surf Planet shop in Sagres is the only school that specialises in teaching children to bodyboard. Offering classes on weekends where Joana is one of the instructors and you can gain valuable knowledge from the world champion. “When I was young, there were older people and they pass on what they know, I am doing the same, this is how bodyboarding in Sagres is. The ocean, it's a gift, it is free. There is not much to do here, so I think everyone, especially children should be given the chance to try this, if they like it then great, they have found something to do and the beaches will have future custodians.” The future of the local beaches are a concern to Joana who describes the typical palm fringed sandy paradise beach as boring preferring the dramatic, intense coastline back drops, with high steep rocks bearing a raw and natural beauty. “This is a special place, the locals must try to protect the area for the generations to come after us, and it's not about nationality, it's about caring for the place.” Her favourite beach depends on the waves, but Praia do Zavial is the beach she will go to even if there aren't any. Interested in finding out more about bodyboarding then drop into the shop or visit their Facebook page.

 SurfPlanetSagresSurfShop


Refugio dos Burros – Donkey Sanctuary


Dogs are famously said to be man’s best friend. Renowned for their loyal and lovable spirit, canines are the ideal companion for millions of humans around the globe. Unfortunately, a dog’s endearing nature does not always ensure them a happy home. Hundreds of strays wander the cobbled streets of Portugal’s Algarve with no place to call home. Staff over at Refugio dos Burros are working tirelessly and selflessly to combat this. The sanctuary has its work cut out; housing up to 98 dogs at any one time is no mean feat. The animals are fortunate to share acres of land, which requires a great deal of maintenance, and live harmoniously alongside donkeys, sheep, pigs and horses (other animals in the care of the sanctuary). A lot of these animals have suffered a traumatic past, meaning that individuals often have special requirements. What makes it even more difficult is that the Refugio dos Burros is dependent on the donations they receive. The sanctuary is in Estombar and survives through the generous donations of the public and money raised from their charity shops. Figures reported on the website shed light on the scale of this expense: ‘every month around €1200 is spent on food, €1500 on veterinary care.’ Any donations to the sanctuary are greatly appreciated and can be made online. Otherwise, if you have, volunteers are always needed to help out in their charity shops. Any donations that could be sold in the shops are also welcome, alongside donations for the sanctuary such as dog leads, food, blankets and towels for bedding.

  @o.refugio.dos.burros


Every Thursday from 11am until 1pm the sanctuary’s doors are open to volunteers to help walk the dogs. You won’t have to take all 98 at once, but rather just one at a time, for as long as you would like. This is great exercise for us as the dogs are inquisitive and full of energy. They love meeting new volunteers and thrive on their weekly adventures. You will leave the sanctuary with the welcome knowledge that you have made a difference. After starting a new life here in the sunny Algarve, it can be difficult to commit to the responsibility of owning a pet. Whether it's apartment rules and regulations or simply time and money, becoming a pet owner can seem a daunting task. That’s why Refugio dos Burros holds the perfect solution; a once a week visit to get out in the fresh air with a canine companion by your side. It is the perfect excuse to spend a few hours’ outdoors and active. Get to know the dogs each Thursday while meeting fellow walkers and volunteers. You can even sponsor a dog if you would like to contribute to their upkeep for €25 per quarter. After sponsoring an animal, the sanctuary will send you updates, pictures of your chosen sponsor and how your donation has helped. Visit their website or Facebook page to find out more. Updates are posted regularly about the sanctuary and its residents. The Facebook page also posts pictures of dogs and cats that need a new home, they are often from local pounds where animals are in constant need of rehoming. Make a difference this New Year and help an animal in need.


Walkers get Nuno on the move BY MATT D’ARCY A young boy suffering a degenerative illness has been given life-changing mobility thanks to a number of kind-hearted people who walked 3.54km (2.2 miles) in fancy dress on his behalf. This year’s annual West Coast Charity Bar Walk in Aljezur on the Algarve’s west coast—they call it a fancy dress pub crawl!—raised €2,717 for local causes. And last weekend organiser Cath Baker, from Vale da Telha, presented 13 year-old Nuno André Chirac Ribeiro with a state-of-the-art electric wheelchair shipped over from the UK. The wheelchair, and a ramp, cost €1,041 and after watching Nuno try out his new wheels Cath told us: “I just can’t get his smile out of my head. He can now be independent and it was just lovely to see him so happy. He told me that I am his very special friend and that made me cry, bless him. “But it is down to a lot of people, the co-organisers of the Charity Bar Walk Steve Scott and Brian Jutsum and, of course, the 50-plus walkers themselves, all the bars which joined in and the lovely people who donated to this worthy cause. “A special mention, too, goes to John Scott at Algarve Removals who once again transported the wheelchair and other items for free from the UK, as they did with the items we had shipped over in the last two years”. Two years ago €2,300 of the total raised in the first Charity Bar Walk resulted in the presentation of 26 wheelchairs to Portimão Hospital. Last year Cath presented Nuno with an electric bed that meant he could finally get a proper night’s sleep,


with the local school in Aljezur also benefitting from a range of equipment for the special needs pupils. Once again the remainder of the money raised from this year’s September walk is being used to provide equipment for a sensory room Cath is organising for the special needs children at the Aljezur School. Cath explained: “This room will help them relax and we are fitting it out with a bubble machine, projector, fibre optic lights and two large bean bags, which leaves us with just €12 from the total raised. “The plan is then, that with future Charity Bar Walks, we can buy more things for the room every year including, hopefully, a water bed next year.” The walk in September was the third of Cath’s Charity Bar Walks from Arrifana to Vale da Telha, which have so far raised a total in excess of €8,000. **The photographs show Cath with Nuno as he tries out his new wheelchair for the first time, plus a look back at this year’s participants at the start of the walk in Arrifana.


Golfers join forces for military charities


They say in golf that you drive for show, and putt for dough. But all 92 golfers at the Royal British Legion Poppy Day Memorial Trophy tournament didn’t just drive for dough—they also chipped, sliced, hooked, shanked, faded, chopped and putted for as much cash as they could raise! By the end of the day they had accumulated €8,500 for The Royal British Legion’s 2017 Poppy Appeal and the On Course Foundation. The event, on the significant date for the British Legion of November 11th, was hosted by the Boa Vista Clube de Golfe headed by Golf Captain Janice Galloway. Two charities benefitted from the day: The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, which provides lifelong help for the armed forces community (serving men and women, veterans and their families) and the On Course Foundation supporting the recovery of injured and sick service personnel and veterans through nationwide golf events and employment in the golf industry. The day was organised to appeal to both golfers and non-golfers and turned out to be such a resounding success that there was even a reserve list for golfers and people wishing to attend the lunch. A total of 92 players participated in a team AM/AM competition whilst a further 40 people—many of them guests of the golfers—also enjoyed a splendid buffet lunch. A number of these visitors were also pampered with the special treatments and facilities on offer by the course’s Essential Fitness & Health Spa. The event was strongly supported by Boa Vista and the Emerson Group who donated the course for the day. A number of businesses and members of the local community also joined forces with the Boa Vista team in supporting the event, either by sponsoring a golf hole, donating a prize and providing auction items; support that contributed enormously to the overall success of the day. Six On Course Foundation ambassadors and former veterans—including a double amputee—also attended, with one of them, Dave Onions, delivering a wonderful speech which

gave the day a great focus. Also, a minute’s silence was observed at the 11th hour on this 11th day of the 11th month, and John Geraghty gave a moving rendition of Flanders Field, all of which emphasised the true meaning of Armistice Day. It was also an opportunity to remember those members of the club and their partners who had passed away. Fabulous entertainment was provided generously by Althea Browne—once a backing singer for Boney M—and the audience enthusiastically participated in a very successful auction and raffle, which included a great luxury holiday raffle prize kindly donated by Casas do Barlevento. Club Captain Janice Galloway expressed her thanks to all those who attended and all the sponsors for their support in making this event a truly memorable day, adding a special thank-you to those who assisted with the organisation of the tournament and also helped out on the day. The day ended with the presentation of the prizes. First prize went to Kelly’s Society members, Dave Parratt, Daren Stephen, Raman Bashin and Ronnie McMullan who came in with 90 points. OCF Ambassador Ian Bishop RBL treasurer Ian Galloway, Club Captain Janice Galloway and Brian Kenny came in second with 88 points. And third place went to Phil Turner, Jerry Moon, Paul Haywood & Paul Oldham with 85 points on countback! RBL President Jacquie Collins closed the event by expressing her gratitude and thanks to Philip Pope and to Boa Vista for hosting the event, and to Janice Galloway for all her hard work helping to raise the profile of the Royal British Legion Portugal Branch and this year’s Poppy Appeal. You can find more information about the two charities on the websites listed below.

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What's on

January Calendar Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:


January 20 | Concert Lagos Children's & Youth Choir 3pm | €19/50 inc. buffet with wine, cheese & homemade products, Quinta das Alagoas nr. Almadena. Reservation only +351 924 204 343 January 7th Nourishing Stillness 2.30 - 5pm (Reg. deadline 5th) €22, January 11th & 25th | Yoga Nidra - Deep Relaxation 7.30 - 8.30pm | €5.80 - 10, January 20th Self Healing for Women 2.30 - 5pm | €25, January 21st Prenatal Yoga (Reg. deadline 19th) | €28 | Workshop InLight Lagos, +351 913 127 421

January 8th - February 5th | Connected and Active Sexual Energy with Qigong Mon 6.15- 7.30pm x 5, €35, Lagos +351 969 147 910 January 6 Walking in Paderne | 11km 3.5hrs |€10 inc tea and cake | January 13 Walking in Malhão | 9.30am 16km 5.30hrs | January 28 Native Tree Planting 9.30am Free | Dontation to Nossa Terra Call for for info: Quimera Experience, +351 962 647 741


Tai Chi/Qi Gong Wed & Fri 2pm, Pilates Mon 2.30pm & Thur 10.30am, Meditation 11.30am | Yoga Thur 2.30pm, €7 | Madrugada Centre | Praia da Luz, +351 282 761 375 Tai Ji Quan Mon 1011.30am (beginners) & Thurs 5.30 -7.00pm (advanced), €10 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, +351 919 718 955 Legs Bums & Tums Mon 1.30pm Total Fitness Mon 7.30pm HIIT Yoga Fri 9.30am, Burgau Sports Centre, Boxercise Tues 7pm Lagos nr. Skatepark, Buggy Fit Thurs 9.45 11am Wacky Lagos, €5 Soames Fitness (1-2-1 & Group Training available at your location or studio), +351 913 425 893


Tennis Doubles-Round Robin | Thurs 3-5pm | €7.50, Golf Santo Antonio Budens, +351 282 690 008 Football Academy Mon 4.45 - 6.15pm (5-11 yrs) & 6.15 - 7.45pm (12 -16 yrs) & Sat 9 - 10.30am (7-11 yrs), 10.30am - 12pm (3-6 Yrs) & 12 -1.30pm (12-16 yrs) | €5, Adults Touch Rugby Thurs 7.30pm | €4, Burgau Sports Centre, More Activites & Info +351 282 697 350 Walking Football Wed 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, +351 282 790 930

Hatha Yoga Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.15am €10, Kids Yoga Sat 9.15am | Booking required , Boavista +351 282 790 930 / 963 614 499 Pilates Mat Classes | Mon Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6.30pm (1hr) | €10 or €90 for 10, HathaYoga Tues 6pm, Ashtanga Class | Sat 10.30, Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room | Lagos, +351 926 514 613 Circuit Training Wed 10am, Ladies Sports Fri 1.30 3pm | €5, Zumba Mon & Wed 6pm | €5, Burgau Sports Centre +351 282 697 350

Pilates Wed 11am, Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am, Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am, Step! & Tone (pre-booking) Thurs 10am, €7.50 | Hotel Belavista | Luz, +351 968 288 258 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30 8pm Old School | Burgau | Wed 12.15 - 2pm, Hotel Belavista | Luz | €8, +351 965 201 477 Fitness Tue & Thurs 9.30am, Pilates Tues & Thurs 11am, €5 | Golf Santo Antonio +351 282 690 086 Asthanga Yoga Mon 6 - 7.15pm, Barre infused Yoga Tue 12.30, Tai Chi & QiGong Wed & Fri, 8.30 - 9.45am (Suggested donation €5),Yoga Flow Thur 6 - 7.15pm, Vinyasa Flow Sun 9.30am €5.80 10, InLight Lagos, +351 913 127 421


Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities, Behind Bombeiros Building | Lagos,

Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience) | Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. | Espiche, +351 968 086 320

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) | Floresta Bowls Club | Rua Direita | Praia da Luz, +351 919 707 635

Mediterranean Gardening Classes (Beginners) | Green & brown thumbs welcome, small groups | Classical Homeopathy Classes Certified expert | Theory & practice | English & German, €45-€65 (35hs), Nr.Lagos, SMS only: +351 918 264 864

Group Lesson - Short Game Area & Driving Range Wed 10am - 1pm | €20 p.p & Fri 3 - 4.30pm | €15 p.p, | Espiche Golf +351 282 688 250

Pilates Mat Class Tue & Thur 6-7pm Clube da Raposeira, & Thur 10-11am Centro Cultural Barão S. João €5 | +351 911 754 890

Life Drawing Mon 11am Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess | Marina de Lagos, +351 916 035 308


Oriental Dance Class (beginners) Mon 7pm €6, LAC Lagos, +351 914 851 331 Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking) Sat & Sun children, adults & seniors ABRSM certified €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo +351 962 690 582 Watercolour Lessons | Thur 10am - 12.30pm | (Beginners welcome) €10, Fortaleza Restaurant Praia Da Luz , +351 912 149 839 Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels | Lagos, +351 9187 64 613

African Dance Classes Mon 7 pm (Teatro Experimental de Lagos) & Tue 10.30am Old School Barranco da Vaca Aljezur, €10 | +351 964 588 588 Colour Your Life - Healing painting classes Wed & Thurs 3pm| +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary, €10 Barão S. João, +351 962 039 574 Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am, €12.50 (non-mem.) | €10 (mem.), Holiday Courses | 3x per Week | €25 (non-mem.) €20 (mem.), Boavista Golf Resort, +351 917 953 914

Useful Numbers General Charity/ Support

January 24th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Cafe Bom Dia, Rua Moinho do Azeite Lagos Carol +351 926 297 527 Kirsteen +351 968 084 946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, +351 915 090 044 Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, Trudy +361 912 444 666 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, +351 964 201 904 / AA hotline: +351 917 005 590


Communion Services Said Holy Communion Thurs 10am & Sun 8am, Sung Holy Communion (with hymns) 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church Praia da Luz +351 282 789 660 Meditation | Tue 11.30am & Sun 10.45am, Inlight Yoga Studio, +351 913 127 421 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 | Dojo Zen de Lagos, Barão S. João, +351 919 718 955 Catholic Mass in English Sat 7 pm (Everyone Welcome), Church of Our Lady of Light | Luz Meditation Thurs 9.15am, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, +351 282 790 930

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491

Consulates/Embassies BRITISH 282 490 750 FRANCE (FARO) 281 380 660 GERMAN (LAGOS) 282 799 668 NETHERLANDS (FARO) 213 914 900 CANADA (FARO) 289 803 757 SWEDISH (FARO) 213 942 260 IRISH 213 308 200

No job too small PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850

What's on

The Palaeocoast Project BY JANE ROBERSTON

Investigating Palaeolithic human coastal adaptations in the southwestern Iberian Peninsular. On Tuesday January 9th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by João Marreiros. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa (please note the new permanent change for time for the Lagoa lecture). The geological and geomorphological formations on the Atlantic shore of southern Portugal in the Algarve are characterised by karstic formations. Karstic formations, such as natural caves and shelters, have long been seen as an attractive ecological and geological landscape to early human occupation during the Pleistocene and Early Holocene. During the last decades, archaeological investigation in this region has shown that prehistoric human populations occupied this territory from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic. The project PalaeoCoast, Palaeolithic Human Coastal Adaptations in the Southwestern Iberian Peninsular, aims to locate and identify coastal karst formation, assess its speleological (cave) and geological characterisation and archaeological potential. From the archaeological perspective, the project research scope is focused on studying human ecological adaptations in the coastal environment of southwestern

Iberia during the Palaeolithic. In this talk, the PalaeoCoast research project will be presented, including the main research scope, goals and methods, and an overview of the preliminary results from the pilot study conducted in 2017. Combining terrestrial (ie shore) and underwater archaeological work, the field work in 2017 was focused on high intensity survey of two main geological setttings where Jurassic limestone formations are present: 1) the coast and 2) the valleys perpendicular to the coast. Underwater survey was characterised by two phases: 1) visual prospecting (boat survey) along the coastal limestone cliffs for the location of terrestrial and submerged cave entrances, and b) diving, using the scientific diving gear and techniques, in all identified submerged caves. According to the main scope and goals of the project, the pilot study shows very interesting results. Based on geological mapping, exploration diving was also carried out in two main areas: 1) Ponta da Torre and Zambujal, from Praia do Zavial to Praia das Furnas, and 2) Martinhal, from Praia dos Rebolinhos to Praia do Barranco. Preliminary results from this phase will be used as major data to develop the second phase of the project which will be focused on the high-resolution excavation of the most promising archaeological sites.

João Marreiros is a senior researcher at the MONREPOS (Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution) in Neuwied, Germany and Professor of Archaeology at the Institute for Vor- und Fruhgeschichtliche Archalogie (Institute for Ancient Studies) at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. He is interested in stone tools produced and used by anatomically modern humans, with special interest in what they can tell us about early human ecological behaviour in different geographic regions across Western Europe. Besides lab work, focused on stone tool technology, experiments and functional analysis, João is also a field archaeologist. He is currently working as principal investigator in two fieldwork projects in Portugal, on the SW Iberian Atlantic coast (PalaeoCoast) and in central Portugal in the limestone massif (Transaire), and as an associated researcher in the EcoPlis Project in Leiria, Portugal and at the site of Bacho Kiro in Bulgaria. Lunch in São Brás can be arranged in advance – please call Maxine. Nonmembers are welcome to attend the lectures for a €6 admission fee - all money raised by the AAA is spent on archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.

Maxine:  +351 917 267 948    Algarve Archaeological Association


What's on

Jazz in the Wineries Singing the Janeiras

A series of concerts have been organised for people in Silves to hear great jazz, chat to musicians and appreciate good wine while finding out how it is produced from the producer or oenologist.

BY LENA STRANG At the start of January, the parishes of Luz will come together singing the Janeiras in houses, restaurants and streets in the region. This is an age-old Portuguese tradition that consists of groups of people, strolling the streets of a town, greeting the neighbours and wishing them a Happy New Year. As it takes place in early January, the songs are called Janeiras, after Janus, the ancient god of doorways, representing the beginning of all things. It’s believed that the tradition came from Roman times to ward off evil spirits. The lyrics review the significant events of the year with a spirit of happiness and good will, frequently laced with humour. Instruments such as tambourine, triangle, guitar or accordion often accompany the songs. Traditionally, the singers challenged householders to listen to their verses in exchange for some food or drink. If listeners didn’t reciprocate, some

songs of mockery were sung especially for them! However, listeners might well be let off this year…

Two of these concerts are taking place this month featuring artistic groups who have been doing important work at both national and international level.

Local singers will join forces to bring happiness and joy to householders and restaurant goers in Almádena on the 2nd, Espiche on the 3rd and Praia da Luz on January 4th and 5th .

On January 13th Low Tech Groove will be performing at Quinta João Clara, Alcantarilha.

The activities will culminate in a festival of Janeiras at Epiphany on the January 6th where groups from Estômbar, Monchique, Odiáxere and Vila do Bispo will join local singers and members of the public at Salão St Paul II (back of Luz church) at 4 pm. The Bolo Rei (King’s Cake) is eaten on this day. It’s related to the three Kings who followed the Star of Bethlehem on their way to greet the baby Jesus. For anyone who hasn't tried it yet, it’s a round cake with a large hole in the middle resembling a crown, covered with crystallised and dried fruit. Let’s see in the New Year with merriment and good wishes for all!

The big band comes to Faro The Glenn Miller Orchestra conducted by Maestro Ray McVay returns to the Algarve, with a show at Teatro das Figuras in Faro on February 9th at 9.30pm. The Glenn Miller Orchestra continues to delight audiences around the world with their shows, featuring all-time hits such as Moonlight Serenade, In The Mood, Tuxedo Junction and Chattanooga Choo Choo. Ray McVay

In 2013, Low Tech Groove embarked on a journey along the pathways of groove, trying out various styles of music, such as rock, funk, blues, bossa nova and jazz. This adventure allowed them to gather a diverse legacy of sounds that became the basis for their musical creations. They set off on this journey and they do not know when they will return! Then on January 20th people are invited to another one in the series. This time at Convento do Paraiso in Silves. André Capela, a music virtuoso from the Algarve, is always involved in various projects including, but not limited to, jazz. For Jazz in the Wineries, he has put together a repertoire geared towards wine tasting. Plenty of groove and rhythm and a unique way of connecting with the audience. André Capela (Saxophones, flute and guitar)

directs around 20 talented musicians and singers in this big band spectacle, which captures the magic of the 1930s. This is one that is not to be missed! Prices: 27.50€ (front stalls) & 25€ (rear stalls). For more information visit the website. You can also buy tickets online.

Cathy Santos (Voice) Vasco Ramalho (Vibraphone, marimba and percussion) Bruno Vítor (Double bass and percussion)  +351 282 440 800 



Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

What's on

Youth hub Located in the old part of Lagos City (Rua da Canal 23), the Kapa Dois Activity Center has been serving as an activity hub for the local youth and the young at heart since 2009. Under the management of Tessa Sander and her partner Walé Bakare, who both relocated from Germany to the Algarve in the early 2000s, the Kapa Dois Center has been offering a variety of dance classes, Capoeira (Grupo Revolução), performing arts, music and other activities. The curriculum includes workshops and projects with inter/national tutors

and artists. Musicalevents are also part of the agenda. “The philosophy that drives us on is a simple one, as we strive to create a platform for empowerment for those that come to us to train, play or socialize and offer incentives to our cultural environment. We feel lucky to be able to realize this alongside a team of dedicated tutors which has expanded in this year, and so we are looking forward to 2018. The Kapa Dois Center will be opening again on the January 4th 2018.

There’s still time to get your skates on and take a twirl round the temporary ice rink at Faro’s Forum Algarve shopping centre until Wednesday, January 6th.

main plaza and the €2 entrance fee goes towards helping local charities – children’s home Refúgio Aboim Ascenção, the Faro branch of Portugal’s cerebral palsy association and animal association Pravi Faro. Forum Algarve’s festive ice rink is now an annual event set up for the festive season.

The rink can be found in the mall’s

Success for disabled riders At the end of November the finals of the Special Olympics Championship for disabled riders took place in Porto. This followed a number of regional qualifiers throughout Portugal. Four riders from Riding For The Disabled Barlavento took part in the finals. The riders are all from NECI in Praia da Luz. At the dinner on the

The Vale do Lobo Art Gallery is exhibiting a selection of paintings by Rodrigo Ferreira and sculptures by Paula Castro Freire over the next few months. Explore the thought-provoking paintings of Rodrigo Ferreira and the expressive sculptures of Paula Castro Freire.

 +351 282 764 224  

Ice ice baby

Art and sculpture

Wednesday night three of the riders received Diplomas for the highest results in the qualifiers in the Algarve region. The main competition took place on the Thursday and the four riders won 1 gold medal, 2 silver medals and a sixth placing. Riding For The Disabled is always looking for new volunteers. No previous experience with horses is required as full training is given. Please contact David Hibbert on the contacts listed.

 +351 915 090 044 

This exhibition is part of an ongoing collaboration between the resort and the famed São Mamede Gallery. Entry is free and provides a wonderful opportunity to view the work of two talented artists. Rodrigo Ferreira was born in Paris in 1951 where he still resides and attended the École National de BeauxArts de Paris between 1969 and 1975. He has exhibited since 1967 in France and Portugal and his works feature in several private collections. Paula de Castro Freire holds a degree in Interior Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of UTL and studied Drawing, Video, Photography and Sculpture. She has worked as a graphic designer, in television and, at the invitation of the Jacques Delors Centre, painted tiles on The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in Trancoso, Reguengos de Monsaraz, Ulgueira, Sintra and Loures. This exciting joint art and sculpture exhibition promises to be truly memorable, bringing together an exciting and thought provoking selection of works to the resort. Vale do Lobo Art Gallery is open from Monday to Friday from 10am until 7pm.

 +351 289 353 327 


Out and about

Photo credit Š: Nicco Arnoldi (+351) 914 157 503

A night of fizz and fun Last month saw another very successful Christmas Ball held at Boavista Spa and Resort where 110 guests enjoyed another fabulous event, our third Christmas Ball an helped raise in excess of â‚Ź1500 for local good causes.

certainly the man with a golden voice!

Liz Roberts led the Western Algarve Choir and it was great to see so many dedicated carol singers singing their hearts out for this lovely event.

Thanks in abundance to Steven Sutton and Phil Harding for the flawless running of the whole event. Our sincere thanks also go to those kind contributors that provide the prizes that make the raffles so good and profitable.

Your time and effort are always very much appreciated, we thank you sincerely for supporting yet another of our fundraisers which are now becoming established event on the local Christmas scene. Our thanks go to JoĂŁo and the Protons with a few great songs from Wesley


The staff at Boavista once again continue to prove, beyond doubt, their ability to put a happy stamp on good service and hospitality!

Nico Arnoldi is our regular professional photographer at our major events and his skill and time also ensure the events success. Also without doubt it is also thanks to you all that support our events and charity work.



Out and about

Photo credit: Many thanks for the photos to Andy D "©Andy D"

The ball is over - next the Burns Supper BY DOUG MCADAM, CHIEFTAIN The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve once again held a highly successful Saint Andrew’s Ball at the Penina Hotel on Saturday November 25th with well over 100 participants. Our piper Malcolm MacGillivray greeted guests into the hotel and then led the parade into the ball after the champagne reception.

guests warmly. They, along with contributions from piper Malcolm, ensured that the dancing was both energetic and enthusiastic leaving just enough strength for a lusty Auld Land Syne on the stroke of midnight. An unexpected treat to bring the evening to a close was a moving bagpipe duet with Malcolm and band drummer Andrew who is also a talented piper.

As ever the Hotel Penina looked after us wonderfully well. They produced a superb buffet – including preparing a cake with the Saint Andrew’s cross under balloons in the shape of the number “10” signifying the number of years they had been hosting our ball. The friendly and attentive staff ensured that everything ran smoothly.

The Society was very grateful to our sponsors EuroFinesco for once again contributing to the costs of transporting the band from Scotland and to Medal Insurance for covering the cost of the magnificent heather table decorations made by Janette Owenson.

For the 19th year running the Scottish ceilidh band “Sound of Islay” entertained

The Society hopes that the Ball will have whetted appetites for their next event –

Mardie Cunningham:  +351 282 356029 Chieftain Doug McAdam:  +351 935 577 362


the Burns’ Supper at the Restaurante Ponte Romana in Silves on Saturday January 27 2018. So put this event in your diaries now and watch this space for further details later. And if in the meantime you would like to practise your Scottish country dancing skills give Mardie Cunningham a call about the sessions at the Nobel School in Porches on Monday evenings from 7.30-9.30 pm. If you would like to know more about the Society – no need to be Scots – give Chieftain Doug McAdam or Treasurer Kathy Prentice a call.

Treasurer Kathy Prentice:  +351 919 635 246


Mindset and New Year’s Resolutions BY ANN DE JONGH

How many times have you set New Year’s Resolutions only for them to fall by the wayside after a couple of months? You get to the stage where you don’t even bother to start them knowing that they won’t last. Often we set resolutions because we think we ought to, out of habit, or because our friends do. One of the reasons for not sticking with them is that change is hard to maintain, and in order to maintain the change we have to be really committed to it. What we really need to understand is: What do we actually want? Why do we want it? Can we do what is necessary to achieve it? If we achieve it will it bring the desired outcome we think it will?

Will it make us happier/healthier? What is really driving us to want to do it? In order to make the changes we have to really want to and we have to change our mindset. With any change that you want to make, there has to be the desire to want to do it. It will be hard at times, and you will have to be willing to change and adapt routines and habits. Accept that the changes you have to make are for the long term, not just for a few weeks. By changing one’s mindset and accepting the changes that are required, embracing them, and knowing the reasons why you are doing them, the new habits can form, old habits can be discarded and before you know it you have stuck to your New Year’s Resolution! Ann de Jongh is a trainer, Yoga Teacher and sports massage therapist

 +351 913 202 621    fit2lovelife

Love your liver There is no better time to pay attention to the health of our livers than after a merry season of overindulgence. The liver is the largest glandular organ in the body and works round the clock to remove toxins from the blood, process hormones, digest fat, regulate blood sugar, make important proteins and generally keep us free of ‘dis-ease’. When this important organ is overworked, a collection of unspecific symptoms develop that are difficult to correctly diagnose. These include: - Acid reflux - Indigestion, bloating loss of appetite - Allergies, sinusitis, chronic runny nose - Headaches or migraines - Depression, low energy and ‘brain fog’ - PMS, painful or irregular periods, infertility or loss of libido - Difficulty sleeping, nightmares - Acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions


- Yellowing of the skin or eyes - Intolerance to cold and poor circulation - Clay-coloured stools with constipation or diarrhoea

the dried herbs from the Lagos market or health shops to make into teas, or see your local herbalist for a supply of high quality extracts.

As you can see, these symptoms are very wide ranging, affecting almost every system of the body. So, what to do about it?

Lastly, our digestion is intimately linked to our emotional and psychological state. Anger and resentment are thought to directly affect liver function - practice letting go of these feelings.

Firstly, take care not to overeat or consume fatty, sugary or processed foods, and cut down on alcohol - this really helps take the load off the liver. Getting a good night’s sleep is also crucial - visit my blog (below) for more on this. Secondly, you can reduce liver congestion with bitter herbs that stimulate the release of bile. These include milk thistle, dandelion root, artichoke leaf and the Chinese herb Bupleurum falcatum. Milk thistle especially helps repair damage to liver over time. Get


Go on - give your liver some love. It could be the best thing you do for your health this year. Poppy Burr is a medical herbalist practising in Aljezur and Praia da Luz. To book a consultation call or visit her website for more articles, information and events.

 +351 969 091 683 


A New Year and a new you… with good posture


What does good posture mean to you? Head up, shoulders back, chest out? Along with your bottom tucked under and a mild tightening of your abdominals, your mum was probably right when she nagged you about standing up straight. Your posture plays a key role in your spinal health, helping to prevent back and neck pain and even injuries to spinal structures. In any event, even if you have a spinal condition, try to be aware of your posture and make good posture part of your normal routine. If you suffer from back pain, you may be consciously or subconsciously adopting an unnatural posture to try to limit movements that you fear will create potential pain. Unless there’s a fracture or other serious problem, try not to take on an unnatural or stiff posture.

Be on the lookout for any of the following possible warning signs of poor posture: - Back pain that’s worse at certain times of the day or week - Pain that starts in the neck and moves downwards into the upper back, lower back and extremities - Pain that goes away after switching positions while sitting or standing - Sudden back pain that’s experienced with a new bed, a new sofa or a new car If you’re experiencing any of these warning signs, take note of your posture and seek professional help. At Lagos Health Chiropractic Clinic we can identify and treat your problem and advise you on the best way to manage any symptoms. Happy New Year…and a Happy New You!

 +351 282 768 044  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Be smart with their phone Getting a new smart phone for your child may not be so smart unless you know what you're dealing with. That little device may seem innocuous and be able to keep them quiet for hours but when it’s used excessively the consequences on your child’s health and intellect can be far-reaching. Children are getting lost. They don’t have the developmental maturity to safeguard themselves against this social media tsunami.They are losing their passion to be creative, their communicative skills and their joy of engaging in real play. They are sharing their secrets with each other online and becoming rich pickings for silent bullying. Above all else, they are at risk of losing the vital connection with their parents, which is their lifeline to emotional security and emotional intelligence. When this happens they are walking straight off nature’s path that would have lead them to maturation; instead they are walking armin-arm with an ever-growing population of children addicted to their devices.


Raising children in a digital world requires a specific type of adaptation by parents. Here ‘child’ is defined as “a person who is immature, usually up to the age of 24 years, if all things are going well”.

respect them in their house. The need for connection is a natural desire in all humans that needs to be satisfied. Make sure your ‘digital native’ is orientated towards you for connection and not to their smart phone.

Parents need to be clear what their values are regarding digital usage and what limits to set before things go awry. Setting limits too late is a source of conflict and disempowers parents to lead their children well. Children need plenty of opportunities to talk with their parents and to have their feelings listened to, without judgement. Without this ‘luxury’ children will often do things secretly, including opening up social media accounts behind their back.

Be SMART: - Set limits early and stick to them - Mealtimes are for sharing conversation not posts - Avoid discipline tactics that break the vital connection - Remember to share your values with guests in your home - Talk to your kids more, encourage them to share their worries & their secrets

Children are naturally the best of imitators. They copy the ones they feel closest to. If they constantly see their parents (or peers) attached to their devices, they want the same slice of cake. Different families have different values. Parents can be clear what theirs are and make sure their child’s friends

Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc is a Speech Therapist and Child Behaviour Specialist with 25 years professional experience. She offers online parenting courses, online consultations for more specific and complex behaviour challenges, and home visits within Portugal and Europe.

   +351 9616 33995 (GMT)


Bookings: +351 913 505 038 Rua Lancarote de Freitas 18, 1 8600-605 Lagos

follow us:


Pets Mate


It wouldn’t be the January edition if I didn’t wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! … and dare to hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas. Here’s hoping the year 2018 (of our particular Lord) brings just as much excitement in the global geopolitical landscape and that global warming brings us more sunny winters without the accompanying bushfires and flooding of our lower lying cousins. Here’s hoping. It was somewhere in the early Trumpocracy, not long after Brexit, probably whilst waiting to be blown up during a transfer at Charles de Gaulle airport that I reached ‘negative outlook saturation point.’ You see, I had become despondent over so many things: the rising rates of pollution and degradation of our home, the wars all over the globe, the lack of accountability of all our lying leaders and how the kiddies won’t be able to ever buy or even rent a roof soon enough. It was at this nadir of disillusionment that I remembered… I am just here in my corner of the blue planet, chipping away, like anyone before me. Blacksmiths in the Iberian peninsula a 1000 years ago were probably ruminating on similar topics, if they were looking for something to furrow their brow… You can help protest oil drilling in the Algarve, but you can’t have Kim Jong-Un over some tea and kimchi and create plutocratic harmony. So if, like me, you found yourself feeling a little disconsolate last year, with the world’s state of

affairs, just remember that it’s all the same old s***, just a different bucket. Your worries are nothing new and personal to you. They have been shared by millions, over millennia, and will continue to be shared by the kiddies who wear their trousers too low today. Think globally. Act locally. That’s what Greenpeace, et al, suggested I do sometime in the 90s. So I did. After a while it kind of got me a bit forlorn and glum. Now I’ve realised think globally doesn’t mean fret eternally. Just read the papers, form your opinion (remember: there is no right nor wrong) and get in some debates with friends and strangers at the pub/ gym/bus stop...just for a laugh and some personal interaction. Chip in a little bit in your neighbourhood. Donate some of your energy to others, be it with a charity or helping a friend with their chores. Let people merge into your lane (knowing that, by the grace of God, it could’ve been their lane) and hold the door open for that nice old lady. It is our interactions with each other that make our lives. Enjoy where you are and appreciate who and what is around you. Do your recycling, call your mum, hug your dog, get a round of tennis in with your mates. Then you can tell them all about the Russian election rigging you read about on farcebook. Here’s to a 2018 of enjoying living together! Happy New Year (again). Oh, and vaccinate your dogs, and stuff! 

Small intestine – what does it do? This part of the digestive tract is called the ‘work horse’ of digestion as it is where most of the nutrients from chyme (food) get absorbed into our bloodstream. Movement of the chyme is very slow through the small intestine, moving at around 1cm per minute therefore taking 3 – 5 hour to go from the stomach to the ileocecal valve, which separates the small from the large intestine. There are two types of movement causing this: 1) peristalsis, causing long propulsive waves, and 2) segmentation, which basically causes small amounts of chyme

to be mixed separately, in segments (like a cement mixer!) causing the maximum amount to come in contact with the mucosa (wall) and the bile and pancreatic juices to be mixed evenly. Like the rest of the intestinal tract the wall of the small intestine is made up of four layers. The mucosa is the inner layer that specialises in absorbing nutrients from the chyme, the submucosa is where the blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, as well as nerves, are situated, which carry off the nutrients throughout the body to either be used for energy or stored for later use. Then there is the muscular layer for movement



and finally the serosa which is the outer layer connecting to the mesentery. This is the thin membrane which surrounds and supports the small intestine, as well as the blood and lymphatic vessels, anchoring it in place to the abdominal cavity. Next month: What do the liver, gallbladder and pancreas do regarding digestion? Nikki Medlock is head nurse at Luzdoc


5 f inlight.lagos

Travessa do Forno, 4 - Lagos

1 (+351) 913 127 421


Sunny shades It’s all about the team Helen Wickham heads a great group of dedicated individuals who seem utterly committed to offering great shades and at the same a matching standard of service in all aspects of the process. Jonathan, her son, was the originator of Shade Sails in the western Algarve some 15 years ago. Unfortunately he died tragically doing what he loved best, sky diving some five years ago. Ray and Helen took over the reins in honour of his memory and have proved beyond any doubt that they have fulfilled his ambition! The team has developed since with the passion and energy that Jonathan brought to the business in spite of all the obstacles along the way. This team has proved over and over again that it has the ability to take the ‘right decisions’ in difficult situations. Helen says 2017 was their best ever year and she can see a very bright future in the years ahead.

They have been able to maximise their success through good design and practical applications which have all proved that it is not only about the sale itself but the whole process including the backup service. One of the factors in their success is the fact that we are all much more aware nowadays of the dangers of over-exposure to the sun and shades have been proven to be especially protective to the sun’s rays. Sunny Shades covers the whole of Portugal, and now operates in Spain and the Canary islands not to mention that they have even sold shades in Romania! A passionate group of people working to provide the best shade options for you and with a great reputation.

 + 351 282 767 159    On the road to Odiaxere from Lagos on EN 125

Are you looking to sell? BY DAVID WESTMORELAND As 2017 came to a close we had a stronger than usual Golden Quarter, packed full of some great sales, this resulted in us selling a property every 36 working hours over this period where we sold just short of 50 properties. This was on the back of listing some fabulous properties in September and October. As we stand, 40% of our new listings are sold within 6 weeks of coming on the market and 70% of our new listings sell within the first 6 months. We have also seen the markets strengthen in Scandinavia and French speaking Europe with more and more buyers travelling the South of Europe to invest. The UK market also seems to be on the up after the Brexit upheaval in the summer of 2016 with confidence from the British market slowly returning. We hope to see this recovery continue well into 2018 and beyond. There has been a significant improvement in Ireland which means the Irish buyers are now returning to the Algarve and we expect this trend to continue into 2018… Could this be a return of the Celtic Tiger?


In 2017 we sold to 15 different nationalities so it is a good job we speak 13 languages in the office, from Portuguese, English, French through to Russian, Italian, Bulgarian, Flemish and Czech. We anticipate 2018 to continue in the rich vein of sales we have been experiencing. Our marketing means we now have the highest google ranking within the Western Algarve across key search phrases. Social Media will continue to be a key element of our marketing plan for 2018 ensuring that we engage with both buyers and sellers from every medium possible. I now need your help. Following on from this superb 2017 performance, our stocks are running low. Are you considering selling your property? Why not nip in to the office or drop me an email and one of my team will be more than happy to come and value your property. If you are thinking of buying, B&P will work hard for you to find you the perfect property.

 + 351 282 771 134 

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I.T. can be easy


Four essential tips to make your shiny new Windows 10 computer safe and secure. The excitement that comes with getting a new computer at Christmas usually means you can’t wait to switch it on and start using it, but a new laptop won’t necessarily be properly configured to protect you online. Here are a few tips to keep your computer happy in its new home. Turn on System Protection If a programme or bug causes a problem with Windows 10, you can ‘undo’ it by using System Protection, this restores your computer back to an earlier time. So before you do anything else turn on System Protection. Type 'system protection' in the 'Taskbar' search box and select 'Create a Restore Point' from the list of results. When the System Properties dialog box opens, select your Windows drive (usually C:) and click the Configure butt Then, on the next dialog box, enable 'Turn On System Protection' and click 'OK'. Uninstall unwanted software Many manufacturers fill their PCs with all

manner of software and a lot of it is of little use. Remove any software you think you won’t use, some of it may even interfere with the way Windows works, possibly slowing it down. Go to Start - Settings - System - Apps - Apps and Features and look through the list. Anything from Microsoft Corporation is worth leaving for now, it could be part of Windows 10 and potentially useful. Anything labelled as ‘trials’ could be worth removing as you may need to pay to continue using them. Rule of thumb, if you’re unsure leave it and get some advice. Review Windows 10’s privacy settings Windows 10 has a handful of privacy settings that are, shall we say, questionable at best. Certain information about you and your PC can be shared with Microsoft once you are online, so it’s best to review and disable any you don’t like before connecting your computer to the internet. Type 'Privacy Settings' in the 'Taskbar' search box and select the option that appears. You’re then presented with a

comprehensive list of all the various privacy options you can turn on or off. Run Windows Update One last thing to do before you use your new computer, connect it to the internet and run Windows Update. Do this by going to Start - Settings - Update & Security Windows Update - Check for updates. Windows 10 automatically updates, but if your new computer was sitting in a warehouse for a few weeks before you purchased it, it’s possibly missing the latest important updates. Finally, don’t forget the drop-in sessions mentioned above if you would like to come and have a personal chat. Please contact me via email or call if you require any assistance with the topics covered in this article, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Always happy to help.  + 351 936 387 512 

Free IT Support and help sessions January 2018 When: Tuesday 9th, 23rd and 30th | Time: 11am until 2pm | Location: Artesão Café Marina de Lagos Lojas 11/12, Lagos No appointment necessary. Bring your device, purchase at least a drink from the establishment and I will give you 10 minutes free IT support or help with any simple issues you may have with your laptop, PC or smartphone. If the issue cannot be resolved, an appointment can be booked at a later date, at your convenience. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Good old fashioned, honest service


It is very refreshing to ask someone to quote for a job, in this case painting to find the quotation is very reasonable indeed. Even better than that though we also found that the work was above expectations. The little extras most of us always need when we ask a maintenance and painter to work for us were almost all included in the overall price! Pete Mitchell is just that kind of individual, honest, reliable, and fair and cleans up every night after he  + 351 938 956 897 


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19/06/2017 10:52

Food & drink

Wine from the Douro region


Boavista hosted a very successful wine tasting evening at the end of last year where Nuno Cabral from Quinta dos Murcas introduced us to a selection of wines from the Douro region. Their wines which are characterised and styled by the eight differing soil types and further distinguished by the differing altitudes, exposures, soil types and near vertical vineyards. Having said that the main issue for us mere mortals was to enjoy the flavour and quality of these wines and I can assure you that they were all superb. We were introduced to the Assobio range which is on the edge of the Quinta dos Murcas boundaries and here the vineyards are primarily north facing at high altitude and more protected from the sun. When the wind blows it creates a whistling noise and so

that is the reason the wine is called assobio which in Portuguese means ‘whistle’! As we arrived we were served a first rate chilled rosé and from this point Nuno took time and patience to explain the qualities of all the four wines we were enjoying. We highly recommend you check out more from Herdade do Esporão by visiting their website www. as they range is impressive and alongside their wide range they also produce high quality olive oil. The evening was a great success especially as all the four wines we were offered went perfectly with the very excellent meal including bruschetta with prawns followed by Corvina, duck breasts, fillet steak and an orange flavoured cake. All in all an absolutely delightful evening and I do hope there are many more such evenings this year.

Boavista Spa & Resort  + 351 282 000 114  

Sweet potato - beer! A new beer that has sweet potato as one of it's main ingredients was launched at the Aljezur Sweet Potato Festival at the end of last year. The annual festival which was held at the town’s Espaço Multiusos pays homage to Aljezur’s famous sweet potato. The borough’s sweet potatoes have even been officially recognised as a product with a protected designation of origin. Sweet potatoes are used in many local recipes but the local câmara wanted to see it in a beer as well. The idea was taken up Sérgio Rodrigues from Alen’Tejo in Sabóia (Alentejo) and André Gonçalves from Marafada in Silves, two craft


Photos © Jornal Algarzur

beer producers who agreed to create the new Tuber Bock, made with Lira sweet potato. Described as a “Dunkles Bock” beer, it has a 6.5% alcohol level. It also has a 21 score on the International Bitterness Unit (IBU) scale, which measures the bitterness in beers. “The Tuber Bock is less bitter than other kinds of Bock beers,” the producers told Barlavento newspaper. “The sweet potato contributes to create a more malty flavour due to its non-fermentable sugars,” they said, adding that the beer is a perfect complement to grilled meats, stews, sausages and cheeses.




Food & drink

A taste of Turin in Lagos! BY SIMON MOULSON

We step inside and are met by one of the owners, Valentina, a bubbly personality who explains to us that tonight is an apericena which translates from aperitivo and cena (dinner). You pay once which covers both your food and drinks. An apericena is a social event in the Italian calendar, specifically Turin though. It's where you catch up with an old friend or go on a first date. The atmosphere is quirky, an abundance of mustache-wearing famous posters from Marilyn Monroe to the Mona Lisa. The translation of baffi is mustache. Italian funky hipster is the music choice, quite an eclectic mix of music which complements the bar / restaurant perfectly. There’s a very cool ambience - the walls in the bar are adorned by hundreds of happy clients adorning mustaches for photo opportunities. When you pass by the bar you are in a small courtyard. This place is deceptive, you carry on and then the next zone is the dining area, which offers a relaxed, cool environment for diners. If you carry on pass the dining area, the reveal keeps on giving, next up is a pool table with a dimmer switch to carefully control the lighting. Finally at the end of the restaurant is the open courtyard which in Spring / Summer comes into its own and provides a welcome respite from the world. Decked with oversize cushions and chairs and tables

creates an oasis which is marooned by large walls which create a lovely enclave. Tonight we experienced an aperitivo at Baffi Bar. So what's an aperitivo I hear you ask! Well, imagine you're in the middle of Turin and you step inside a bar/restaurant where you are greeted with a lively establishment who have an array of stunning mouthwatering snacks - think of an Italian Mama's traditional cooking fusion with an English buffet. Particularly moorish are the little vol-au-vent like pastries, beautiful quiches and I can't not mention a great selection of Italian cheeses and cold meats. To accompany it all is a lovely house red, which is full bodied and is from, you guessed it, Italy. The menu is going to have a few changes for 2018, but classics, such as: Nordico Burger and Piemontese Pasta, which have proved incredibly popular this year will remain. The prices are incredibly inexpensive and the food cooked fresh with love and passion, as you would expect from two professionals from Italy is delicious. So, when you fancy a little bit of Italy in Lagos, then enjoy your time at Baffi Bar, mustache - fake or real most welcome!  + 351 925 495 786  @baffibarlagos

Snack Bar Solar


Simply great value for money You can wander around the streets of many cities and find some great places with excellent value for money but it’s all about trial and error and that’s why some of our reviews definitely help locals and residents make better choices, we hope! We did a tour the other evening on a cold, windy and uninviting night and we just wanted cheerful and heart warming food. Well, we certainly found one answer in the streets of Lagos and not a stone’s throw from the back of the bus station so you understand the location is not central and it’s a snack bar in essence that doubles as a well established bed and breakfast in the day time.

 + 351 282 762477 / 912 682 508


Clever use of space and the family have come up with a good formula. Basically the mother and father run the hostel and the three sons run the diner! Their mother Cleusa is the chef and take my word for it she certainly can rustle up an enjoyable meal. Most of the fresh fish dishes are all around €10 and they have specials of the day for meat and stews at similar prices. We both feel that the three or four fresh fish offerings daily represents the best value but meat eaters will be happy with the choices. The sons do a fine job and give excellent service. Great value.


Fighting for our water Drought in Portugal BY CLAIRE FRIEDLANDER

Whereas wildlife on some golf courses around the world is perceived as an added attraction, wild boar are apparently cause for complaint on golf courses in the Algarve- to their ultimate peril. There are unusual numbers of them on golf courses this year- very sad when you realise that their natural habitat is so parched that they are resorting to lush green fairways in desperation for survival. This human/ animal conflict provides a hint at the far greater implications of the threat of water shortages, particularly in times of drought. The UN warns that future wars will be fought over water as shortages become acute. Water stress is driven by two main factors, the first of which is increasing and unchecked human demand. In the Algarve agriculture is the top water consumer followed by public water supply, then golf course irrigation. Agricultural water usage is notoriously poorly monitored or controlled leading to inefficient consumption, whilst swelling tourist numbers place huge demand on water supply particularly in summer. The other factor influencing water stress is climate change. European climate projections outlined by the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) suggest significant warming alongside decreasing precipitation, especially in Southern Europe, resulting in greater frequency and severity of drought periods. Currently, 97% of Portuguese territory is officially considered to be under severe or extreme drought conditions. This is extremely serious. Not only was last winter notably dry, but also record monthly temperatures have been achieved since April alongside abnormally low precipitation levels for consecutive months to December. Overall, precipitation is 30% of what it normally is for the year, and the Algarve is the driest it has been since 1931. Dam levels are at a 30 year low, whilst annual river flows continue to diminish in southern Europe as part of a trend that has evolved over the last half century. The Tagus River is at risk of drying up completely! Portugal’s river levels are usually contingent on flow from headwaters in Spain, leading to potential conflicts of the sort brewing worldwide between nations that share trans-boundary freshwater rivers and reserves. Despite complex legal agreements, there are already tensions between Portugal and Spain, which can only worsen as drought intensifies.

Public water supply here comes mainly from dams, but during the 2004 drought, local councils were forced to sink more boreholes to resort to subterranean water supplies. Demand continues to deplete aquifer levels, though, which also causes concentration of salts in the water making it costly to purify. Furthermore, uncontrolled agricultural pesticide use leads to widespread toxic pollution of subterranean water. Academic studies have highlighted the alarming lack of coordinated planning and management of Algarve water reserves and National water tariff strategies have done little to discourage waste. Water companies have failed to address system inefficiencies, resulting in enormous wastage. Almost 20% of water collected and treated at vast expense each year is lost on the way to the tap in poorly designed and maintained piping systems. This is shocking considering how precious our water is. Largely overlooked, stormwater is a resource that could massively boost both surface and subterranean water reserves. Currently the vast majority ends up in the ocean, taking eroded soil nutrients with it. Municipalities should be doing everything possible to embrace sustainable drainage techniques that encourage immediate infiltration into the ground. Not only do such techniques promote greener, cooler urban environments, but they are also substantially cheaper than the engineered storm-drain solutions of the last century that literally force our most valuable resource down the drain. All local authorities should be doing a great deal more to manage critical water reserves and infrastructure, but we all have a part to play. The cruelty of climate change will force us to adapt. Already, cities around the world are realizing how critical it is to change the way water is managed. Let’s watch cities like Cape Town, which is likely to run out of water completely in less than five months despite major water restrictions and public awareness. That scenario is not impossible here.

Claire Friedlander  For information regarding water-saving solutions, contact: 



Pomegranates: marvels of our gardens BY ROSIE PEDDLE AND JEAN-PAUL BRIGAND

The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is commonly planted on the Algarve as a hedge and is one of the few plants to have autumn colour. It is a lovely sight to see the bright butter yellow foliage studded with the shiny round red fruits. But, it also has a story to tell us about the ignorance of our time. For the last 10 years the biodiversity of pomegranates has collapsed dramatically. In garden centres in Portugal, only the Asseria variety is left. All around the mediterranean we are losing old and carefully selected varieties, and almost all the white sour varieties which replaced vinegar or lemon juice are now lost. Yet this is a marvelous fruit. First, the tree is easy to prune in any shape you can imagine: hedges of dwarf pomegranates, high hedges, clouds, geometric forms, topiaries. The fruit has preventive effects on prostate and colon cancer, it is a stronger antioxidant than tea or red wine, to be neuroprotective and anti inflammatory. It is the panacea of all non communicable diseases. Decorative pomegranates chosen for their flowers are available from one or two nurseries and there are lovely apricot coloured, double white and double red forms available. The guilty party in diversity loss is a pretty variety named ‘Wonderful’. Born at the beginning of the 20th century in California. ‘Wonderful’ alternates little, has very consistent fruit that is bright red inside and out, the seed is not too hard, the fruit ripens simultaneously. Attractive and ideal for the juice industry and now being farmed in the Alentejo. There is a twofold cause for the damaging loss of pomegranate biodiversity. Firstly, we have kept only two uses: the juice industry and the consumption of fresh arils. Secondly the pomegranate is native to a geographical zone that has become closed or inaccessible. It is now impossible to get cuttings from Iran and Afghanistan (in antiquity Kabul was considered the best pomegranate orchard in the world). There are very few people collecting and preserving these rarities. The collection of the Algarve DRAP


(Frutalg program) in Tavira gathered by Eng.º António Marreiros is an exemplary work. In common with our oldest domesticated plants: grape vines, fig trees, olive trees - pomegranates are reproduced by cuttings. Pomegranates from seed remain in an adolescent stage for a long time. If you work from cuttings in summer for example, plant them the Chinese way, horizontal in the ground with just one bud sticking out. There is no need to go far to find amazing pomegranates. Here in Portugal ... at a former Pousada, the Vale de Gaio, where it is so nice to eat by the water, be sure and take cuttings from the pomegranates on the left when you arrive, these pomegranates have fruit that stays on the tree until March. In Nisa, José Travassos Valdez has four varieties of black Portuguese pomegranates, surprising outside of Iran. Here even the cultivar ‘Dona Ana’ has remarkable energy, hardly loses its leaves in winter and is an excellent rootstock. There are hundreds of varieties of pomegranates, depending on what they are used for and depending on the climate. This beautiful fruit and this easy to grow tree speaks to us of 6,000 years of horticultural expertise. We may think of all those things when we have the wisdom to plant one and now is the ideal time - we should all run out and plant pomegranates right away. Suppliers: Pépinère Baud grenadiers.html who has the dwarf varieties for hedges. Pépinère Filippi, the dry garden nursery of Olivier Filippi in south west France, lists the species and nine named varieties in their catalogue – consult and look up Punica granatum ‘Legrelliae’ for a small tree with gorgeous double apricot flowers with white edges. Jean-Paul and Rosie are members of The Mediterranaean Gardening Association Portugal





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