Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagos - January 2020

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4.500 FREE COPIES January 2020 | Edition 98 | ďŒ€ TomorrowAlgarve



Interior • Design • Exterior • Accessories

Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

 TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733 DESIGN Creation Media

SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Editor's note

The start of a new year is always a good time to make fresh plans and set new goals. Some though, maybe feeling daunted, or be suffering from post-Christmas or pre-brexit blues, then Sophie’s heart warming story on page four will surely help you get past your crisis and realise anything is possible. Asking friends to help can always be worthwhile. If you prefer, then many of the advertisers who support Tomorrow magazine in maintaining a free month magazine supply just the services or products to help you achieve your goal. Reach out to them, letting them know that we sent you. For some, Lagos was not the same with one of its famous landmarks missing. The Seven Chairs had sat on their roundabout for twenty years. Raised in April 1999 to commemorate 25 years of the 25th April revolution they were removed late last year while the roundabout was being refurbished.

The sculpture, that was conceived and created by the artist Vera Gonçalves, has been recreated, this time with more strength using iron, and with more beauty and complexity. The Seven Chairs represents, that through fraternisation, speaking and listening, we all can reach agreement, freedom and democracy. The roundabout now looks splendid, especially at night, with each chair illuminated, helping people navigate the city. Finally, nobody wants to start the new year with a parking ticket, so if you are heading into town, remember that the free parking offered in some zones comes to an end on the 6th. Good luck in reaching your goals in 2020 from Sophie, Tom, Jeff and all of the team at Tomorrow.

On the cover The welcoming, sheltered harbour of Lagos has been a refuge and a departure point for many ships throughout the centuries. Today, nothing has changed in this regard, always ready to greet visitors.


T.A.C.T GIVES A HEALING HAND On World Disability Day, T.A.C.T. (Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust) was able to make a large donation towards a new sensory centre at the residential home, Casa de Santo Amaro in Lagos. The Tomorrow team joined the staff and residents for a party to celebrate. The Casa de Santo Amaro home is located next to the Centro de Saude and is run by CASLAS, the Lagos institution which facilitates social services. Although it looks austere from the outside when we enter there is a lovely internal courtyard where citrus trees grow. The 33 residents are sitting outside enjoying some winter sunshine as waiters serve them. The annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons, on 3rd December, was proclaimed in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly. It aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilise support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It was a fitting day to bring to fruition the dreams of the home ́s director Marlene Henriques and her team of staff including among others, a social worker, clinical psychologist, physiotherapist, speech therapist, caregivers, cleaners and cooks. As well as the permanent residents, who take care of day patients that stay at the centre while their families work. One of their more famous residents is Leonor, who many will recognise, as she sells hand-made crafts in Intermarche. Tomorrow ran an appeal to give Leonor her voice after she lost the ability to speak from a stroke. Through therapy, she now has regained some vocal ability and shakes my hand saying a hearty “Bom Dia,” before giving me a proud smile.




The social worker, Patrícia Carolino, explains that, “every day is a challenge, we see more and more mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar.” This is where the sensory room comes in. It allows patients to relax and be calm. It aims to stimulate all of the eight senses, through aromatherapy, textures, sounds and colours, allowing those with disabilities to experience new pleasurable feelings which in turn promotes wellness. She says, “we have dreamt for a long time about this room.”

The state-of-the-art centre, features a heated water bed, cloud, water column, fibre optics, musical therapy, a video projector and ambient music. As well as the help from T.A.C.T. it was made possible by a donation from a double amputee and former resident, Matilde Teixeira. She passed away aged 65 and wished her remaining money to go towards the facility. Her friends also attended the event to witness the room named “Sala Matilde” unveiled. T.A.C.T. was first alerted to the home's cry for help by Chris Hogg. After his bowling club collected Christmas presents for the residents, he visited the home many times and tells me, “the residents hand over their benefits to the home as a rent to stay there, meaning they have nothing left over for luxuries. Anyone who has anything surplus that they can give,


T.A.C.T. needs you If this story moved you, and you have the time to make more people in the local Algarve community smile, we are looking for people just like you to volunteer.

from toiletries to furnishings, would be very much appreciated here.” T.A.C.T.'s Steven Sutton organised curtains that were being thrown away by a hotel to be re-hung in the home, creating a cosy atmosphere in the resident’s lounge. They were then told that the home was very damp and air-conditioning would contribute to the resident’s well-being. Tomorrow's registered charity donated three units. Steven says; “TACT is a non-profit charity trust. Our aim is to raise funds and help build awareness for local causes in the Algarve, working in partnership with local communities, organisations and people in need.” Thanks to the fantastic success of the Tomorrow Christmas Ball, T.A.C.T. was able to give 5.000€ to top-up the money left by Matilde, allowing the sensory room to be completed. Patricia says; “We are so appreciative to T.A.C.T. for the large contribution.” She takes us on a tour of the home which opened in 1999 and is partly funded by Portuguese Social Services but also needs to be self-funded. It is simple but comfortable; however, it would benefit from some homely touches and some areas need to be painted. She is proud to show us their occupational room,

where there is a Christmas tree carved from wood which has been painted by residents. Many make beautiful artwork which adorn the walls, and they also receive instructions on health, hygiene, food and diet. We go upstairs to the twin rooms which share specially adapted bathrooms and are accessed by a ramp or a lift. They show me the Dining Room, which they would like to refurbish next, to make it a more comfortable living space where residents can receive guests. After our tour, there is only one thing left to do, reveal the plaque which is unveiled by two residents and T.A.C.T. president Tom Henshaw. The CASLAS president tells us, “On behalf of all our residents I would like to tell you how appreciative we are of your help.” Marlene gives a small speech to all those assembled; “International Disabled Day is the day we chose to inaugurate this room which has been a dream for five years. We celebrate with our friends from Tomorrow magazine who gave us the possibility to realise our dream. You have made over 40 people smile today.” Marlene would also like local people with disabilities to come and share the room. It will allow the people that call Casa de Santo Amaro, home to alleviate some of their stress and frustration and be a healing room, for many years to come.

We need skilled people to help us run the many activities we pursue throughout the year. You could also be appointed to carry out tasks in the absence of the lead person for that role. If you are only in the Algarve for part of the year we have tasks that can be carried out on a month by month basis too. We would like you to use your business experience in helping us to make strategic decisions so that you can use your knowledge for the benefit of all. So if you would like to become a member of one of our boards, we can arrange a chat to discuss suitability. Why not drop us a line with a bit about yourself and tell us how you think your skills can help us?

T.A.C.T Membership Thank you to everyone that turned up on a cold day in November to sign up as members of T.A.C.T. It was very inspiring to see you all and we are pleased to have you on board. We will also be hosting a further event at Boavista Golf Club to attract even more new members. We will be there from 10.30 a.m until 12.30 p.m on Saturday, 18th January. Pop along and we can tell you all about our exciting plans for 2020, and how the donations received go towards very worthy community causes here in the Algarve. To join, our membership fee is only 10€ per annum, per person. If you want to know more, please contact us. With your help, we can make 2020 even better.





CASLAS XMAS PARTY Another wonderful, and very uplifting Christmas party was held for all of the children at CASLAS, the home for the disadvantaged children in the region. We are blessed once again with the generosity shown by the Tomorrow readers, and the wonderful expat helpers that make these parties, and many other events throughout the year, such a joyous occasion for the children. Santa arrived this year laden with gifts, the children all receiving a personal gift, a father Christmas chocolate figure and a €30 voucher, to spend at Primark. Danielle, one of the children sang carols and read a heartfelt message from all the children to thank us all. T.A.C.T would like to thank all of you that helped in bringing happiness to these children. We are also grateful to Tiago, and all of the staff at O Lambertos, for the very special way they support us, each year with their generosity of a 50% discount on the overall cost of the lovely three course lunch.

New Treasure Trove BY LENA STRANG

On the 30th January, ASMAA Treasure Chest, a vintage shop with a difference will open its doors in Lagos.

Laurinda laughs,” we have just added a new dimension to our work that will help us further our goals.”

This is no ordinary shop. Laurinda Seabra, ASMAA's Chief Executive Director tells me, “It will offer high-end goods in very good condition, including vintage clothing and high street brands, home decor items and furniture, books in various languages, and a special section dedicated to collectables and antiques.”

She is grateful for the amazing support from donors across the Algarve and abroad. However, they are still on the lookout for items that are aligned with the shop and fit well in with their objectives. As the shop will trade for six days a week and will require a minimum of six volunteers each day, a large team is needed. The depot in Portimão and additional warehouses in Barão de São João also needs volunteers. “If anyone has any spare time on their hands, we invite them to contact us,” she urges.

“However, the most important function for the shop is to serve as a hub for the InContact programme aimed at reducing isolation and loneliness across the Algarve, and to assist in building true community cohesiveness,” she concludes. This is good news for Lagos. The organisation ASMAA has been supporting worthy causes for a number of years, including running a Families in Need programme and providing assistance in cases of national disasters. They were able to give immediate assistance to fire victims, both in the north of Portugal and more recently after the fires in Monchique. Currently, their charity shop in Portimão is being converted into a depot, to support the Lagos shop, while in parallel continuing to assist those in need. The new shop will trade as a normal vintage shop with any profits being used to support various social and environmental campaigns. I know that ASMAA has been instrumental in the campaign against oil exploration and is now supporting communities fighting against open-pit lithium mining and fracking in central Portugal. How come she and her colleagues have the energy and resources to engage in yet more activities? “It is not as if we don’t have enough to do,”



The In-Contact programme has recently teamed up with a UK based NGO and Laurinda tells me that more information about the collaboration will be available soon. Everyone is welcome to come along to the opening on the 30th of January. “We invite people from all communities across the Algarve to pop in, not only on the opening day but on a regular basis,” Laurinda says. A formal launch will take place in March with more details to follow. The shop is open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m until 7 p.m. It is situated off the EN125 in the Matareca Industrial Area in the old Iluminação shop, next to the Pilates Studio and close to Raminhos. There will be direction boards on the EN125 and a large sign on the shop clearly visible from the main road. I wish Laurinda and her team all the success with their new venture. See you all at the shop!

+INFO:  +351 969 320231  




Many British people come to live in the Algarve in order to enjoy a better life. But they also have to find a way to make it work, and sometimes this means reinventing themselves, which is what pebble picture artist, Emma Louise Fahy did in 2016. Emma is originally from Rednal in South Birmingham. She later moved to Staffordshire because, as she said, “Birmingham was too busy for me.” She stayed on at school to complete ‘A’ levels but had little idea of what she wanted to do in terms of work. She took a job in a bank and stayed in banking for many years. Although, by her own admission, she does not see herself as being particularly artistic, she does, however, see herself as being creative, a characteristic she inherited from her Mum who taught her to knit as a young child. So, whilst a career in banking offered her a career path and job security, it provided no creative outlet for her. In 2001, at the age of 30, Emma suffered a mild stroke which she put down to the pressures of her work. Still being young, she recovered but this would later be a contributing factor in her quest to find a quieter, more well-balanced life. Good fortune did smile on her twelve years ago when she met partner Craig, an IT network systems engineer. Happy together, they planned to start a family, but this was not destined to happen as early menopause robbed the couple of any chance of having their own family. This was a cruel blow as Emma had always wanted children. The need to care and nurture was very strong in her and therefore she turned her attention to adopting animals. “I never had the children I wanted, so I put everything into the animals I adopted.” Then in 2013, her mother died suddenly at the age of 65. This was a huge shock for Emma and understandably it



triggered her and her partner into rethinking their own futures and plans for retirement. “It finally dawned on me that tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.” With these sentiments in mind, she raised the subject with partner Craig, and they started to talk about a different life, and about bringing their retirement plans forward (well, the location bit of the plan at least!). She and Craig had always loved the Algarve, this being one of the first places they ever visited together. “I immediately fell in love with it and vowed we would one day retire here. We returned to the Algarve every year for a few years after our initial visit, but every time it became harder to leave.” In 2016 she, Craig and her Dad sold up and moved to São Marcos da Serra. She brought with her ten rescue cats, although she acquired another 14 once she arrived, more have arrived recently, Emma also adopted three dogs. Finally, she was living where she wanted to be, in a gloriously peaceful and beautiful place, but clearly, the next step was to ensure that they had an income as they were still a good few years off retirement. Emma saw this as the opportunity to try something more creative. The idea for the stone pictures came about after partner Craig visited the UK and brought back a framed slate picture with pebble cats on it. Emma confessed to having a passion for collecting shells and pebbles on the beach whenever they visited the seaside and then on one of her walks with her dogs along a nearby riverbank, she collected some stones and started to think about how she could use them to make pictures of her own pets. Playing around at home with ideas, she came up with pictures that caught the attention of various friends who had pets themselves. She soon found herself being asked by friends to make similar pictures of their pets. Then, as is often the case, friends talk to friends, and she found herself being commissioned to do pictures by people she did not know. “People began asking me if I could create pictures including their pets which I absolutely love to do. I have managed to create cats, dogs and even ferrets!” Thus, a fledgeling business was born. Most afternoons you can find Emma busily working away on her latest commission in the tranquil surroundings of her rural home. To see more of Emma’s work, why not visit her Facebook page to see some of the fabulous pieces she has put together.

+INFO:  stoneartbyemmalouise  +351 912 937 611

SIGNATURE APARTMENTS AT PALMARES - 1, 2 & 3 BED From 390.000€ | REF. A /05445 | LAGOS Private condominium with a total of 37 fabulous apartments of which 19 are now being released, will comprise of adult and children's pools and communal gardens, in the heart of Palmares. All apartments face southwest with views to the river estuary, the Atlantic Ocean and the golf course, and will be sold fully furnished and equipped. Two garage spaces and storage are included in each unit. An annual golf membership will be offered for 2 people. Areas of the 1 beds are around 75sqm plus terraces. Modern finishes. Stylish design. Able to generate interesting 'return on investment', these apartments would be ideal as a holiday/rental/investment property.


www.c as a s d oba rlave




Laurie Barton and Rupert Harman, claim to be simple guys who enjoy growing vegetables and drinking a few beers. Still, they are on a mission to start a compost revolution in Lagos. We talked to the surf-mad duo to find out more. Laurie Barton is a 38-year-old Australian from Melbourne. He originally came across the Algarve while he was travelling, making a group of friends he found a job that he enjoyed, managing a surf camp. He then became friends with 37-year old Rupert Harman, Rupert had grown up in the Algarve and lives on a small farm near Bensafrim.

"We are working on a system that will allow us to take on more composters in the new year"

“After years of running a surf camp and frustratingly throwing away all of our organic waste, I teamed up with Rupert. After a couple of months of collecting organic waste from the hostel for compost and pig food, we began to understand just how much was being sent to landfill from Lagos every year. None of the restaurants or cafes in town were separating it, so we began offering a free pick-up service. We take fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grinds, eggshells, cartons and anything compostable.” Three times a week, the two eco-buddies pass by small companies and collect any buckets with waste in, leaving fresh buckets for the coming days. The service is completely free with the goal of making it as easy as possible for businesses to participate, and make a positive contribution towards the environment. The restaurants and cafes they currently work with include, The Green Room, Nah Nah Bah, Beats and Burritos, Goji, G’s cafe, Coffee and Waves, Gorilla, Sunrays Kitchen as well as The Algarve Surf Camp and The Surf Experience. There are also a group of families, households and holiday rental apartments that have joined and use the drop off and pick up point at the Algarve Surf Camp in Lagos. Currently, Rupert has two pigs, Wilbur and Wifey, about 20 ducks, some chickens and Charlie, the dog. “We grow as much fruit and veg as we can, enough for us and some surplus to give away to friends. It is early days, and every year the yield and range of what grows in the garden is increasing as I learn more from our experience and the advice of other people. We are fortunate to have



two great neighbours on either side of us, who have been farming their land for a lot longer, so I learn a lot from them as well." "We got a huge response from a lot of other local cafes and restaurants that wanted to get involved but, for the moment due to a lack of time, we have had to restrict the number of places we collect from.” Laurie explains: “we are working on a system that will allow us to take on more composters in the new year. All of these businesses and their staff have been great at committing to minimise their food waste and are enthusiastic about composting.” All of the food waste is taken to Bensafrim, where it is transformed into compost. The piles are turned about once a week, in a line, so at the beginning of the chain is the new food waste, and at the end is healthy humus soil. Because of the heavy clay soil that we have in the Algarve, the more organic material you can put into it the better. Rupert says: “It’s amazing how much the volume of the food waste decreases as it breaks down, this summer we were collecting on average 1500 litres of food waste each week, but after about three weeks of composting that will have already reduced by 50% and by the end of the process, about three months, there is around 10-15% of the original volume.” They don’t sell any of the compost or produce, the compost revolution was started as an initiative to make use of organic waste that would otherwise end up in a landfill. So why should we compost when it is so much easier to put it in our black bin bags? “If you compost your food waste and add it to the soil in your garden, it puts all of the moisture, nutrients and healthy stuff back into the earth, thereby creating a thriving environment for plants to grow. As opposed to sending it to Landfill where it sits mixed with plastic and other non-decomposable waste toxically producing methane,” explains Rupert. The Compost compadres suggest that If you live in an apartment or don’t have much outdoor space, a fun way 



to start composting is with a worm farm. You can do this easily at home. “It’s amazing how quickly the worms turn your waste back into nutrient-rich soil, black gold for a farmer!” says Rupert.

Laurie adds: “The amount of waste being produced is a global problem, but we believe that change begins at a community level. Since starting this project and seeing the response from the Lagos community and surrounding villages, the majority of people living here care about and want to preserve the environment that we live in. Our belief is that by aiming for zero waste, creating localised waste management systems, and supporting local agriculture, Lagos can encourage other villages and communities to do the same.” If anyone else has a small farm and would like to start their own Compost Revolution, Laurie and Rupert would be happy to share their experiences and help you to get started. Already in the new year, there will be a pick-up, drop off-site in the village of Sagres thanks to a local farmer who wants to build soil. Do they have any big plans for the future? “We would love to see Lagos become a more environmentally friendly town. We still have a long way to go, but I think with a few small habit changes from the community it is definitely possible.” For the moment they are happy picking up buckets, making some excellent compost, growing veggies and drinking a few beers.

+INFO:  The Compost revolution 



Lagos' new superstar, Wesley Seme, has reached the live show stage of The Voice Portugal. When you meet the singing sensation you are struck by the incredible aura he has. Far from being flippant about the show he takes everything to do with music very seriously and tells me; “I am not there to joke. I am putting everything into it.” After a successful music career in France, Wesley was taking some time out when he discovered Lagos and Leila and they now call the Algarve home. The family has expanded since he started his journey with two-month-old Zaniah being born in November, a sister to oneyear-old Zildjian. Wesley sang Nessun Dorma in the blind auditions, and I recommend you watch it on Youtube, it is breath-taking and leaves the judges open-mouthed. For the knockouts, he performed Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You. He tells me, “I give the song my own Wesley style.” He certainly does, giving this classic a new twist which is totally captivating. Wesley travels from Lagos to Lisbon every week to prepare for the show. He is being coached by Áurea Isabel Ramos de Sousa, a Portuguese soul singer. They choose the songs together, and he receives vocal coaching before a dress rehearsal on the stage, before going live. He is also given a choice of outfits by the wardrobe department, through which he tries to reflect his personality. “It is a humbling experience as the stage is beautiful, the crowd is fantastic and

the orchestra excellent. I still cannot believe how far I have come.” Wesley's super-fans are his Swiss-born partner, Leila and his two babies who go to the show. Tiny Zaniah wears a very fetching pair of pink earphones so she can continue to sleep peacefully while her Daddy sings. In last weeks show, out of her four acts, Aurea chose to save Wesley, but Wesley is not eyeing up the competition, “I have to be the best version of myself. For me, it is not a competition against the others, only myself.” After enjoying Christmas in Lagos, Welsey and all his fans are keeping their fingers crossed that he will be in the finals on the 12th January. “I am getting so much love from the people here in Lagos, they feel like they are on the stage with me as I am representing their town. It is a great feeling.” Forever humble, after our interview Wesley is going out to sing for passersby. He may not have the time to do this if he wins the show, the prize of which is a contract with Universal. Whatever happens, he will be going on the Voice Tour after the show around Portugal. Wesley's daughter was named Zaniah after a star which is only seen every fiftyyears and can currently be spotted in the night sky. I am sure, like his daughter’s name star, this is the year that Wesley's star is due to rise. If you are a fan, post on the Facebook page below and you could climb aboard the Wesley Fan Bus up to Lisbon to watch the finals.

+INFO:  Grupo apoio Wesley Seme The Voice


gargoyles and other ornate features, inside there are Venetian crystal floors, exotic carvings and a mysterious crypt. It’s perhaps the gardens that are the truly mystic feature. Covering ten acres, winding paths lead to small temples, fountains, magical caves, lakes and exotic gardens.


The spectacular Initiation Well, supposed to symbolise the Initiation Ceremony for the Knights Templar has a nine-story, 30-metre spiral staircase leading to a mysterious labyrinth of caves and lakes.


Flamboyant palaces, secret gardens and ancient castles…Sintra has it all. Sintra is part of the regional district of Lisbon. The city and its surrounding area of thick forests, exotic mansions and beautiful gardens gained UNESCO World Heritage status in 1995.

family until 1910 when the Republic was established. King D Manuel II going into exile in Twickenham (yes Twickenham!) where he died unexpectedly in 1932 aged 43 and was later buried in Lisbon following a state funeral.

Steeped in history, Sintra was chosen by the Moorish lords as a summer retreat and the ancient walls of their castle Castelo dos Mouros built in the 8th Century, can be seen high above the town.

Construction of the palace began in 1840 and was completed in 1885 and features a myriad of design influences including Medieval, Gothic, Renaissance and Mudejar. Inside the palace are rooms and halls rich with paintings, tapestries, beautiful carvings and original furniture. In 2007 the palace was voted one of the seven wonders of Portugal and it’s easy to see why.

The castle is considered to be one of the finest examples of Moorish military architecture in Portugal and remained largely intact until the 1755 earthquake which destroyed large parts of it, the walls were later restored in the 19th century by King Ferdinand II. It was the mild climate and attractive landscapes that persuaded the Portuguese Christian monarchs, writers, artists and rich merchants to make Sintra their base and in doing so created the architectural richness of the city. There are so many standout buildings to visit (far too many to mention here) but to give you a flavour, two of them that we visited probably reflect more than most the alchemy and sheer flamboyance of the architecture of Sintra. PALÁCIO NACIONAL DA PENA Looks like something from a fairy tale with its pink and yellow walls, towers and domed roofs. The palace was inhabited by the royal



Surrounding the palace is the Parque da Pena – a magnificent wooded area of nearly 500 acres featuring lakes, waterfalls, pavilions, statues, exotic plants and trees. PALÁCIO QUINTA DA REGALEIRA Palácio Quinta da Regaleira is an incredible mixture of architectural styles and exotic influences. Freemason and Knight Templar symbology appear all around the palace and gardens. Bought in the early 20th century by lawyer António Carvalho Monteiro who, inspired by the Palácio da Pena, commissioned Italian architect Luigi Manini to create a spectacular and exotic palace and gardens. The palace built over five floors has its façade decorated with gothic turrets, carved

Sintra is truly a magical place and probably Europe’s finest example of the whimsical and colourful Romanticism style of architecture, inspired by the love of art and mysticism of ancient cultures, creating decorative and flamboyant buildings which are a joy to visit. HANDY TO KNOW We visited Sintra in early November driving from Luz and stayed for three nights which is probably just enough time to see the key sights. It is just over a three-hour drive via the A2 or you can take the IC1 which we did, that takes about 1.5 hours longer but is a much more pleasant drive. Driving in Sintra is not for the faint-hearted with lots of narrow streets, steep and winding roads. Even in November, there were a lot of cars on the road not to mention, coaches and Tuk-Tuks who are a law unto themselves! To avoid the queues book tickets for the Palácio Nacional da Pena and gardens on-line ( it’s well worth it. There are hop-on/off buses which are inexpensive and a great way to get around Sintra. Uber operates there too and we used them, especially at night. Trains run directly from Lisbon to Sintra and take about 40 minutes.


Somewhere over the Rainbow

In November the Amateur Dramatics Group, the Algarveans, dazzled audiences with their production of the Wizard of Oz. For the main actors, it was a life-changing experience allowing them to fulfil ambitions, conquer demons and discover new talents at the end of their personal rainbows. We meet them to find out more.



Abby was born in Portimão in 1987 to British parents. She credits living in Portugal with giving her an ear for different accents, which has helped in her future career.

Frank retired to the Algarve recently from San Diego. He had been involved for many years in theatre in the US which he calls “a hobby and a bit of therapy.” His passion has always been musical theatre and he has played lead and supporting roles in over 30 productions. As well as a bit of directing and producing.

She always dreamt of being an actress and at 18 was accepted on a one-year acting foundation course in North London, which led to a two-year professional acting course at The Bridge Theatre Training Company. Her acting credit includes touring in panto and a stint as a Scare actor at the London Dungeon! In 2012 Abby moved back to Portugal to be near her family after a traumatic and unforeseen event. She started to build up her confidence again and became a voice-over actress and artist. When she auditioned and won the role of Dorothy in the Algarveans production of the Wizard of Oz, it was a dream come true. “When I was a kid I used to play at being Dorothy and watched the film over and over.”

After many years of working in insurance, he tells me, “Theatre is an escape from the Real World, a chance to be someone you might not normally get to be in real life.” The Wizard of Oz has been a favourite since childhood. He had previously played the Tin Man in a professional house in San Diego but the Cowardly Lion was a “bucket list role for me.”

"Being on stage again was a personal and emotional challenge. I have now regained some confidence and would definitely like to pursue more theatre projects "

I ask him how he finds the Algarveans after San Diego? “I have found the standard to be very professional and I am fortunate to be part of it.” He and his husband, a retired teacher, moved to the Algarve two years ago. “We fell in love with the country and the climate is very similar to Southern California.”

She recommends that people consider joining the Algarveans, especially children, as it is great for your mental health.

Frank has already started rehearsing for the next Algarveans production, A Bunch of Amateurs.



CARL WILSON - THE SCARECROW Carl, who works behind the bar at A Fábrica in Praia da Luz, had never acted before when he got the part of the Scarecrow. His parents have been in the Algarve for 13 years and he moved here permanently two and a half years ago. “The bar has always been my stage,” he jokes. The owner of A Fábrica, Nikki Weijdon has been involved with the Algarveans for years and introduced Carl to the director, Karen Barroso, at a BBQ. “I had drunk a few beers and was larking around as usual and she asked me to audition.” He originally auditioned for the Tin Man but got the part as the Scarecrow, “I think the fact that the scarecrow has gangly legs, dances around and doesn't have a brain, won me the part!” He tells me he was totally out of this comfort zone initially but, “everyone was so experienced and friendly I just relaxed into it really quickly.” He claims acting is a fantastic way to express himself now he is in his '30s. He has totally caught the acting bug and auditioned has a part in the next production.

ALAN SMITH - TIN MAN This was Alan's first production for the Algarveans, but having been in many amateur dramatic productions for the theatre group, Avalon in South London, he was well within his comfort zone. His most notable parts have been playing the Dame in panto and Manuel in a stage version of Fawlty Towers. His experience in music goes back to the 1970s when he achieved moderate success with a band, producing a number of records but never quite making it into the top 40. He then went into musical production making jingles and siniging in adverts. Later he went into the family business but kept up his passion for music with performing cabaret spots and later theatre groups. His son caught the bug and is also a professional actor touring with Shakespeare companies. Alan retired to the Algarve in 2017 and says amateur dramatics in brilliant for bringing out your hidden talents and finding confidence.

The Algarveans next production A Bunch of Amateurs, by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman is being directed by Paul Kloegman and will be performed on 27th, 28th and 29th February in Lagoa.


Via Algarviana

Ten years since its inauguration Via Algarviana, the network of walking paths across the region, received a double boost recently. A new pedestrian route opened, the 13th stage of the 226.5 km Fisherman's Trail offers walkers an 11 km trail between Burgau and Lagos, passing by Praia da Luz and Ponta da Piedade, places of great natural and scenic beauty. Probably one of the best coastal trails in the world, the route is always adjacent to the sea, following the paths used by the locals to access the beaches, along the cliffs, with some physically demanding areas, the trail is in permanent contact with the wind off the sea and the wild nature. Further good news, to ensure the route can continue to develop, be properly maintained and have additional plans for use, came from Lagos City Council when they confirmed their continued support of Almargem - (Association for the Defense of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the Algarve), with a financial package. The contribution of the municipality in the maintenance, management and promotion of Via Algarviana, will allow, among other actions, the annual inspection of the routes, the maintenance of signs and painting works. Fulfilling its role as an asset in tourism for the region, Via Algarviana crosses the territory of Lagos from Marmelete / Monchique to Bensafrim / Lagos to Bensafrim, a route of 30kms / Lagos to Vila do Bispo a 30.1 km route, the is a connection to Lagos railway station at 10.1 km and the 6.1 km Pedra do Galo route located in the Barão de São João Forest. There is also an audio-guided, Lagos of Discovery, tour around the urban area of the ​​ city. Having financially supported the installation of the extension to the trail, Lagos City Council has also approved a collaboration agreement to be



concluded with the Rota Vicentina - (Association for the Promotion of Nature Tourism in the Alentejo and Vicentine Coast), within the scope which is intended for the development of the Rota Vicentina project, its management and maintenance of marking posts, directional and signposts, as well as informative placards and billboards. The local government continues to focus on sports development, following its Strategic Plan, which aims to create and support more dynamic and cohesive partnerships, guaranteeing existing partnerships and promoting new ones. A focus on creating affordable sports products and promoting events that the municipality alone could not develop, the city has supported and promoted programmes such as Cycling & Walking and the Barão de São João Festival Walk & Art Festival. The Executive also decided to support the 3rd edition of the Algarviana Ultra Trail (Alut), a track race that aims to promote the potential of the Algarve for the sport in the low season, as well as highlighting the heritage and landscape wealth. Bringing together 100 national and international athletes who had accepted the challenge of running a total of 300 km, mainly via Via Algarviana, within a time limit of just 72 hours. The race started in the municipality of Alcoutim ending in the municipality of Vila do Bispo, crossing the municipality of Lagos through sectors 12 and 13 of Via Algarviana. The event benefited from a live broadcast maximising the promotional potential associated with the event and the region.

Forthcoming running events: RUN AND RACE On the 12th starting at 10 a.m at Estrada da Atalaia (next to the restaurants), the 2.5-hour event is free to participate although subject to registration by telephoning:  +351 282 763 827 THE ALENGARVE TRAIL CUP An eight race series, round three, the Salted Trail of Lagoa takes place on the 26th. The competition comprises the Long Trail, a 30 km route between Praia Grande and Porches, Short Trail an 18.5 km route between Benagil and Porches, and on the playful side, the 12 km walk between Benagil and Porches. The event is organised by the TRP Association BARÃO DE SÃO JOÃO CROSS-COUNTRY The 25th Barão de São João crosscountry takes place through the National Forest on 2 February.


Keep reading...




VILA DO BISPO REDUCES TAXES The municipal executive, led by Adelino Soares approved a reduction to the IMI (Municipal Real Estate Tax) to be applied in 2020, the IMI rate will go from the current 0.35% to 0.34%. It also approved a reduction in the IMI rate for couples with one or more children. This discount is automatically deducted in IMI, for families signalled through the IRS declaration from the previous year with tax domicile in a building intended for their own permanent housing in the municipality.

Adelino Soares stresses that “the reduction of municipal taxes is only possible due to the efforts of taxpayers and strict municipal management. 2020 will be the culmination of the strategy implemented in 2010, where we set out to reduce the total municipal debt for a decade, with clear benefits for the local community already reflected in this tax reduction, which, will enable in the near future us to make investments without resorting to tax under-load .”

HAPPY BIRTHDAY The Infante de Sagres Recreational Club (CRIS) received new facilities on the day it celebrated 80 years of its existence. The former Sagres Primary School is the new headquarters of CRIS. A celebratory dinner brought together 250 people of the parish to join the official handover ceremony. Adelino Soares and Fernando Santana, mayors of Vila do Bispo and CRIS, respectively, signed a collaboration protocol, whereby the municipality assigns the former Sagres Primary School, to set up the new headquarters of the Club. The document states that the City Council cedes the right to use the municipal space, free of charge, for a period of 25 years. This measure is within the scope of the principles that the municipality assumes as priorities, namely in support and collaboration with the cultural and sports associations of the county, as well as in valuing the effort and work developed by its leaders and associates.




Meet the Artist Aileen Friis Jorgensen

Aileen was born and brought up in Edinburgh, attending primary and high school then the university of the city. At school one of her best subjects was Art, although Aileen was advised to study Biology for a career in teaching. With her M.A. in Botany and Zoology, she worked for 35+ years in the biology and science departments of various schools in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

the artichoke paintings are coloured pencils. I have been trying to work on vellum with watercolour and recently attended a course using acrylics for Botanical work. I always work on hot-pressed paper as do most Botanical artists, as this allows for very fine detail to be applied. Also, I prefer to use heavier weights of paper as this does not need to be stretched and makes corrections less damaging to the surface.

“My ability to draw was a very useful skill in Biology, and I continued painting outside school hours when bringing up two sons allowed me the time. I had a period of ill health which made me decide to resign from full-time teaching and do some studying in Art. I passed the Advanced Higher Art certificate in 2001 and went to classes at Edinburgh College of Art for several years. Tutors tried to encourage me to be looser with my painting, but I eventually gave in to my need to paint detail and attended Botanical Illustration classes at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh. To continue progressing with Botanical Art, I have, latterly, attended classes run by McNeill Botanicals, with two of the most talented Botanical Artists, Robert McNeill and his wife, Fiona Strickland.”

WHAT THEMES SEEM TO OCCUR IN YOUR WORK? Tulips and vegetables are favourites, especially the onion family and artichoke.

PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR ART AND WHAT YOUR PASSION IS. As a botanist, my passion is definitely plants, not just flowers but all kinds and all stages of life, and death of plants. There is beauty in a dying flower which is irresistible! Creating a work of art as well as showing the detail of a specimen can be a real challenge, but infinitely satisfying when somebody likes the result enough to buy it. WHAT MEDIUMS DO YOU WORK WITH? I mostly work in watercolour, but use coloured pencils for subjects which have some fine texture in them. Both of



HOW LONG DOES EACH PIECE TAKE TO CREATE? The Iris painting, a full-size plant, took around four months to complete. As the flower only lasted one day, lots of photographs were essential. Most take several weeks, depending on the time available in the week. Going slowly gives a better result. WHAT THREE THINGS NEVER FAIL TO BRING YOU PLEASURE? My grandson, my garden and some new pencils or paints. DO YOU HAVE A MOTTO? Give it a go! FINALLY, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN THE PIECE YOU ARE WORKING ON IS COMPLETE, AND IT IS TIME TO STOP? I stop when my piece looks three dimensional with deep enough shadows and bright highlights. Also, when my botanical artist friends say, stop! Aileen is a founding member, and director, of the Scottish Society of Botanical Artists.

+INFO: 

Limited stocks whilst stocks last Lamps pictured may not be in stock

Budens Shop, En 125 Rua Areias de Cima 2, 8650-070, Budens

+351 282 697 791

Lagoa Shop, En 125, P. Empresarial, Lote 3, 8400-431 Lagoa

+351 282 071 674


The who’s who and the best of the best were at the Tomorrow Winter Ball. This event was by far the biggest and most glamorous event to date. In just five years the ball has already become part of the social calendar with the attendance double that of the first ball. Dressed to impress, guests arrived on the red carpet where they had their picture captured by our now renowned photographer, Nico Arnoldi. Welcome drinks were served as guests mingled in the Tivoli reception and bar. Once seated, the guests were treated to a three course meal with wine, while Elizabeth Roberts Honey and Steven Sutton spoke about the cause for the evening, San António House in Lagos.

Photo ©

The evening’s entertainment was from the now legendary band, 5ex, who packed the floor until the early hours.



There were some sore feet along with a few sore heads and as always the Tivoli staff were exceptional, the evening went with a bang. By the end of the evening the generous revellers had helped TACT to raise all the funds that were needed for this very worthwhile cause. The results of the fundraiser have already accomplished the goal, which you can read about on page four in the feature article. We would like to thank everyone who helped with this evening and everyone who attended. Steven Sutton Vice President of TACT

  +351 919185677





KING OF KINGS To mark the end of the festive season Lagos celebrates King's Day on the 5th with an evocative spectacle of this religious tradition in the Church of S. Sebastião. Beginning at 9 p.m the celebration concludes at Midnight.

XIV SENIOR OLYMPICS The event will be held at the Lagos Municipal Pavilion on the 22nd January starting at 9.30 a.m until 12.30 p.m. Organised by Lagos council the event brings together partnerships with the municipalities of Silves, Lagoa, Monchique and Portimão for the Senior Olympics. An event designed to offer seniors the ability to participate in various sporting activities, while bringing conviviality through the practice of physical exercise.



What's on in January NEW YEAR, NEW CIRCUS

The two circuses at Monchique continue the show starting at 6 p.m with Les Dodos Company, Le P’tit Cirk. The show is composed of five acrobat musicians who elaborate models of micro-societies expressed through games invoking the sensitive relations of fragility, power and benevolence. The rhythmic show breathes through the music of guitars, a bass and a violin. Then at 9.30 p.m Company Collectif Malunés presents Forever, Happily. The seven dwarfs of Snow White want to gather all the princesses in their circus tent! The whole universe of fairy tales, from poisoned apples to misplaced

slippers, the acrobats stumble in their red hood and tell us what is beyond the stories known to all. Not everything is wonderful here and the human relationships are as fragile as they are funny. Here the robes suffocate the princesses, the wolves are terrified and the princes die of exhaustion. The performance explores the superficiality of this “wonderful world” displaced from reality, bringing a modern vision, alive and contemporary, but also ridiculous. The acts run from the 1st until the 5th with tickets on sale at 

LAUGHTER YOGA Celebrate World Laughter Day with a special yoga workshop with Joanne Helms and Ana Banana.

Enjoy a good laugh at Lagos Municipal Library on the 18th January at 10 a.m, expect the session to last for 3 hours. Participation is free, although subject to the limit of 80, who must have previously registered.

STORIES ON THE FARM Portimão Pedagogical Farm and Manuel Teixeira Gomes Municipal Library join hands in the project “Histórias na Quinta”, which aims to teach children the habits and characteristics of different animals, with the accompaniment of the growth of their young. This new activity will take place on the fourth Saturday of each month, between 11 a.m and midday, is aimed at children between 3 and 11-years of age accompanied by an adult.

The initiative Stories in the Farm is promising a unique experience of joy and personal appreciation, as encouraging greater awareness and environmental responsibility, stimulating small participants through sensory stimuli. Registration costs 1€ per participant, with the schedule running until June.

+INFO:  +351 282 480 730 

Photo Race A new exhibition of works from the 19th Portimão and Estuaries Photographic Race, held during December in the city, has opened at the Portimão Museum. The Portimão Photographic Race, the largest photographic marathon south of the Tagus, featured a special 24-hour, day and night challenge. The event drew 83 photographers, not only from the Algarve but from various parts of the country and of different nationalities. The participants had the opportunity through their photographic creativity, to capture the municipalities cultural and natural heritage, activities, experiences and details of Portimão, in a daytime and night light. The free exhibition, part of the official programme of the 95th Anniversary of Portimão's elevation to city status, can be visited until 12th April. Opening hours are Tuesday, from 2.30

p.m to 6 p.m and Wednesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m until 6 p.m. In addition to the winning images, the show will also feature the fourteen best photos of each of the eight daytime and six nightly themes and a special Jury Prize.

WHAT’S ON The work of Kerstin Wagner will be on display from the 25th January until 18th April, at the Centro Cultural de Lagos from 10 a.m until 6 p.m, Tuesday through Saturday. Entrance is free.

WRITING WORKSHOP Join Pedro Seromenho at the Lagos Library on the 25th from 10 a.m. Participation is free although subject to a registration and limited to 25 people. The workshop is intended for educational and social agents, teachers and educational assistants, animators, ADB technicians and guardians. Pedro’s workshop will explore various stories through the poetics of the text and the pictorial power of illustrations. There will be room for interactive reading to support the creation of the idea, nontext, and everything that happens before writing. Some key topics for editing a children's book will be addressed. The importance of storyboarding, various exercises and methods of creative writing will also be covered in the two and a half hours session. A good understanding of Portuguese is required.

Walk of Discovery Revisit one of the golden periods of the city of Lagos on 25th January with a pedestrian walking journey that takes you back to the time of discoveries in the year 1573. Participation is free, although subject to registration at the Municipal Tourism Office or by email.

+INFO: 



Painting Exhibition

Kerstin's works are inspired by the chromatic tones and vibrations of the sea and the light of the Algarve, where the artist currently resides. In addition to her travels, she is influenced by the use of three opposite principles: movement vs. calm, chaos vs. harmony, darkness vs. light, which, through its colour, technique, acrylic paints and the pigments used, emphasises the strong intensity and visual dynamics of the paintings.

LITTLE MI'S GREAT JOURNEY A new Lavrar o Mar production, the first shows are in Aljezur on the 18th at 3 p.m and 5.30 p.m, and the 19th at 11 a.m and 3 p.m. The show then moves to Monchique for the final performance on the 25th at 3 p.m. “A dancer performs on top of a large table. She dances in silence. The audience seated around her watches her closely. She dances for us to discover how her steps, her gestures and movement phrases are and where they come from. Is she thinking about a body’s geography that she’s seeing, in a poetic equation

that suddenly comes to her mind? Is she thinking about vegetable soup almost ready for lunch? How does she join aspects of what she sees, such as the looks and poses of the adults and children of the audience at the same time she is dancing through her micromovements?” Mi, in this case, is an abbreviation of micro movement. That is the source that sustains the whole show. Tickets are 3€.

Tickets: 


Em Canto na Algarviana (Enchanting Algarviana) aims to stimulate the body and soul and by combining choral music from different origins with walks on the Via Algarviana.

The walk takes time to value the traditions and the richness of the biodiversity of the region, there is also time to enjoy the traditional gastronomy in the local restaurants. The next hike starts at 9.30 a.m on the 5th January and takes the Via Algarviana route S. Bartolomeu de Messines. The meeting

point is at São Bartolomeu de Messines Primary School. The concert by the Choir Ossónoba starts at 3 p.m at João de Deus Cine Theatre, S. Bartolomeu de Messines. Tickets are 5€ for the hike and concert or 15€ to include lunch.

Tickets: 

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toldolanda | | 914 609 517

WHAT’S ON Photo © Rui Cambraia


LAC Open Days

Starting at the former Lagos jail the guided walking tour takes you on a journey of discovery of the urban art found throughout the city of Lagos. The programme also comprises creative and experimental activities, tutored by a guest artist. Materials such as stencils, paints, sprays, and paper, among others will be available. At the end, you may keep the work you have created.

LAC opens its doors to another LAC Open Day, an event that aims to educate the public about the work of the association and of PRALAC, the Artistic Residency Programme, open classes and their activities.

STREET ART LAB on the 25th begins at 10 a.m until midday, and from 3 p.m until 5 p.m. Tickets cost 15€.

+INFO: 

LAC Open Days include exhibitions by resident artists. Looking at the activities carried out while in permanent residence, which homes over 20 projects in various fields such as plastics, visual arts, music and performing arts. The programme includes exhibitions, concerts, presentations, performances, workshops and open classes. LAC Open Days is on the 17th and 18th from 6 p.m until 2 a.m, admission is free.

ART EXHIBITION The German artist Nalvma will be exhibiting his paintings at La Tapadera for the entire month of January. A resident of Portugal for 17-years, the artist considers his work very colourful compositions of different structures.

BURNS SUPPER Grab your Tam o’ Shanter and join The Saint Andrew’s Society to celebrate 260 years since the birth of Scotland’s national hero, Robert Burns. The Burns’ Supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of Rabbie, piping of the



traditional haggis and the odd dram of whiskey along with readings, stories and dancing will all be part of Burns night at the Ponte Romana restaurant in Silves on Saturday 25 January.

+INFO:  +351 935 577 362 (Chieftain Doug McAdam)

TRIBUTE TO THE BEATLES The Beatles Tribute band, The Peakles will be playing all of the fab fours greatest hits on Saturday the 4th from 11 p.m until 2 a.m at Marginália Bar, Rua do arco Maravilhas, Portimão.

+INFO:  barmarginalia

Piano Festival

Enjoy the 4th Algarve International Piano Festival with two concerts during January at TEMPO, the theatre of Portimão. Composer Joly Braga Santos is perhaps one of the greatest Portuguese composers. However, his Concert for piano and orchestra is rarely played. This work will be performed by soloist Goran Philip in the first part of the concert at the festival, which this year is dedicated to the theme, Distinguished Unknowns. For the second part, the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra, conducted by conductor Pedro Amaral, will perform Brahms' Fourth Symphony on the 18th January. On the 25th, pianist António Rosado will perform Saint-Säens Concerto No. 2 for piano and orchestra. The Lisbon Metropolitan Academic Orchestra, under the direction of Jean Marc Burfin, will accompany the soloist in this concert. Both shows start at 9.30 p.m, tickets cost 20€ for balcony seats and 25€ in the stalls.

+INFO: 

AMI 1538


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AFPOP LUNCH AFPOP, who provide a range of information services and support to foreign residents and visitors are holding two social events. The Lagos branch will hold their January meal on the 17th at Sandeep’s in Luz, while the Portimão branch will visit restaurant FAINA, next to Portimão Clube Naval, on Friday the 24th.


The fourth edition of Jazz nas Adegas returns in January. Jazz in the Wineries offers three memorable sessions at the home of Silves’ wine producers. The entertainment includes different styles of jazz and wine tastings of the host's wine accompanied by tapas made from regional products. Entrance for each of the sessions is 12€, with tickets available online.

+INFO: 

+INFO:  (Anita Nott-Bower)  (Pat Allen)





Every Friday is Ukulele Coffee Morning in Barāo de Sāo Joāo. Bring your own or make use of the few spare ukuleles to join in the fun and lift your spirits, with this cheeky little, easy to learn, instrument. No experts, just fun, all sessions begin at 11 a.m.

Rui Caetano's musical career started in 1998 when he dedicated himself to studying piano and jazz by travelling to New York, in the city that never sleeps he graduated in Jazz and Contemporary Music. While in New York he had the opportunity to study and play with some of today’s finest musicians.

The DixieLab, as the name suggests, play the great classics of New Orleans jazz that emerged at the start of the last century. Comprising of five musicians with extensive experience in swing and hot jazz from the 1920s and 30s.

+INFO:  +351 936 330 379   Rua das escadas, Barão S. João Lagos, 8600-013

In 2005 he created the Rui Caetano Trio who will play at Quinta do Barradas, Silves on the 17th at 9 p.m, and 18th at 5 p.m.

JazzUalg is a cultural and artistic group whose purpose is the creation, interpretation and dissemination of jazz music. This group is part of a University of Algarve project and involves musicians who are resident in this region, who like improvisation and originality on stage. They play themes by composers such as Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Horace Silver, and Chick Corea, among others. JazzUalg will be at Quinta da Malaca, Alcantarilha on the 31st at 9 p.m and 1st February at 5 p.m.

Soul Club Grab that afro wig and your finest dancing flares for the return of Soul Club, an appreciation of soul music with live PAs & vinyl selections takes place on Saturday 25th, from 4 p.m until 10:30 p.m at Alma Verde in Burgau.



The DixieLab repertoire is rich in improvisation, spontaneity and excitement, making for a unique dixieland experience at Quinta do Francês, Silves on the 24th at 9 p.m and 25th at 5 p.m.

YOUR SONG With Joana Espiñal. Some Indian tribes believe that each person has their own song, the Song of Life. During the evening you will learn that each being has a song, a name and a special vibe that makes it unique. Then you will become an Indian discovering the song that lives hidden in each of us. A Night in Lagos Municipal Library is free to participate, although the session is subject to the limit of 15 children between 5 and 12-years of age. 1st February at 9 p.m, registration is required.





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January Calendar Promote your events and activities here it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: CLASSES & ACTIVITIES

Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities,Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort, Algarve Walking Meetup Wed 10am | Friendly walk & talk meetup of 2.5 - 3hrs All welcome For full details search Facebook: Algarve Walking Meetup Salsa Cubana | Mon 8.30pm (Inter.) Thurs 6pm (Beg.) & 7.30pm (Adv.) Bachata | Thurs 9pm 920547209 Capoeira | Tues & Thur 7pm €30 p/month Drama Classes | Mon & Wed 6pm (Kids) 7pm (Teens) 926512133 Contemporary Dance | Wed 7.30pm €10 drop in / €25 month 965310351 TEL Lagos Photography Advice Mon 11am-1pm, Art Academy Marina de Lagos Contact: 917271789

CHARITY & SUPPORT January 22nd Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Snack Bar Silva, Estrada Albardeira, Lagos, Carol 926297527 or Kirsteen 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, 915090044 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590

Rally-Obedience Dog Training | Tues 11am €25x4, Espiche 968086320 Open Painting Studio | Wed & Thurs 10.30am-1pm | €12.50, Healing Painting For Generation 70+- | Thurs 3 - 5pm - €10, Barão S. Joao, 962039574 Portuguese Lessons Individual or groups All levels, Portelas (or in the student's home) 912417994 Singing Circle - Marion and the Kirtaniens Wed 5 - 7pm | Donations | Afro-Mandinga Drumming Class Thu 5 7pm | donations, Monte Rosa | Barão de São João, 282687002 Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels | Lagos, 918764613 Portuguese Classes | Individual or groups, all levels | Barão S. João or at your home,966176131


Mum & Toddler Dance & Gym Class Thurs 9.3010.15am €6 drop in/ €20 p.m Bilingual Dance Clases All Styles (Babies-Adults) Classes from €20 p.m. Clube Luzense, Praia da Luz 913832335 Suzuki Violin Lessons (English speaking, Suzuki trained), lessons for children & adults (refs. available). Your home in Algarve, Rebecca 915847703 Portuguese Lessons Thursday 10.30am Beginners & Fridays 10.30am Level 2, Lagos Marina Hotel, €5, 964696345 African Dance Wed 7pm & Thurs 10.30am, pre booking required €10, Rancho Folclorico do Rogil, Aljezur 964588588

Classical Guitar Classes Jammig experience & chords practice (English Speaking ABRSM Certified, Suzuki approach) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo 962690582 Oriental Dance Mon 6.30pm | Beginners & Intermediate €6.50 p.class, €20p.m, Lagos 914851331 Latin & Ballroom Tues 10- 11.30 (Interm) €9 (€30 monthly) 11.30am (Improv.) | Wed 6pm (Begin.) & 7pm (Improv.) €8 (€25p.m) Alvor Community Centre Social Dance 7pm €20p.m, Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis, 961916821 Dance classes Mon - Sat from 1pm until 9.30pm (3+yrs) 25€ per month, Lagos, Rua Gil Vicente 50, 912376595 or 915812055 /

Watercolour classes Thurs 10am - 12.30pm (beginners welcome), €12, Social Club, Praia Da Luz (Rua Direita), 912149839 Golf School (until 18th Dec) Sat 3pm (Max. 10 juniors p.class) €25 p.m Mixed Group Lessons (until 18th Dec) Fri 9.30am (Min. 3 pax p.c) €20 p.p (Book 24hrs in advance) Equipment provided Espiche Golf, Espiche Contact Golf Pro Mickael Carvalho Life Drawing Mon 11am - 1pm | Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess | Marina de Lagos, 916035308 ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) | Floresta Bowls Club | Rua Direita | Praia da Luz, 919707635

FITNESS Pilates Tue &Thurs 10.45am | Yoga Mon 7.40pm & Wed 9.35am Zumba Tues & Fri 7pm, €7.90, Maisfit de Lagos 961547531 Zumba Dance | Wed 10am, Pilates Mat Wed 11am | Centro Cultural Clube Luzense, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz, Zumba Dance Fri 10am Yoga & De-Stress Fri 11am Centro Social de Almádena, Rua Escola €7.50, 968288258 Lagos Walking Football Tues 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, 282790930 Pilates Mat classes with equipment Mon 9.30am & 6pm, Wed 10.30am, Thur 6pm Fri 9.30 & 10.30am, €10 (or 10x €90 ), AR Pilates Studio Marateca Lagos 966784280


Creative Writting €10, Marina de Lagos 968787664

HIRT (High Intensity Resistance Training) Mon & Fri 8.15am | Tues & Thur 6.15pm €5 Aqua Aerobics Tues & Fri 4pm & Wed & Fri 9.30am €29 p/month, Boavista Resort 282790930 Yin Yang Flow Tue 10 - 12am | €10 | Yoga Fri 10 - 12am | €10 Monte Rosa | Barão de São João, 282687002 Beginners Yoga Sat 1112:15pm & Sun 6.30-7.45pm, €55 for 6 classes Inlight Yoga Studio, Hatha Yoga Classes Wed 6pm-7.15pm Yoga for Back Care Thurs 2-3.15pm, Lagos Marina €10 drop-in or €45 x 6 cl 912176914 Yoga Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 10am | €10 | 75mins Drop-in | Ocean Villas Gardens Praia da Luz, 282767303

Stretch & Flow Yoga | Tues 9.30am | Yin Yoga | Wed 9.15am | Ashtanga based Core Yoga Thurs 10am, €10/€65 for 8 (residents), O Clube Burgau fit2lovelife 913202621 Qi Gong Mon 8.40am | Tai Chi Wed 8.40am €8 Inlight, Lagos, 913127421 Tai Chi Wed 1pm | Qi Gong Fri 10.30am €7 Taoist Meditation Fri 11.30am (Donation), Madrugada Center, Praia da Luz 939734394 Hatha Yoga (Begninners) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am | Booking required, €10, Boavista Golf Resort | Luz, Yin Yoga Mon 4pm, Hatha yoga (beginners) Fri 3.30pm, €12pc or €60x6, Alma Verde, 963614499

Nia Technique Class Tues 4pm | Studio Ballet de Gwen Morris Lagos | Fri 5pm Espacão Viral Lagoa €8 or €28p.m, 913006590 Yin and Tonic - relaxation and meditation Tues 9.30am Vinyasa Yoga 7.30pm €10 , SUP Yoga Thurs 11am €15, Body Conditioning blend of pilates & yoga tone & strengthen 9.30am €10, Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel Yoga Shala 964593937 Pilates Mat Classes | Daily 9.15 & 10.30am | €10 or €90 for 10, Barre Pilates Mon 6.30pm Wed 12pm & Sat 10.15am Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, 926514613


FAITH Holy Communion Service Sun 8am & 11.30am & Thurs 10am CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: 282789660 Sunday Service 10.30am | International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, 932082813

EVENTS Open Mic Night | Thurs 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians, poets, comedians, dancers & fun people welcome | Free Admission | Junction 17 (Under The Galley Restaurant) Luz | 964201904 Quiz Night Mon 9pm, Rodizio of Tapas 7pm Call for dates BBQ Meat Feast Sun. 2pm – 9pm, €7.50, The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor 912441143 Starts January 26 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training ( 8 weeks MBSR)10am12.30pm (continues 2, 16, 23 Feb & 1, 8, 15, 29 March), €200, Espaço Portas do Sol, Portimão, Elisabeth 967254052 / January 26th Adega Mayor Golf Tournament €68 (inc greenfee, buggy & lunch) Register at golf.reception@ January 10th/ 17th/ 24th & 31st Transformational Breathworkshop with Breath & Sound, 3 to 6pm, €35 for 3hr workshop, January 18th Yoga Beginners Course 11am to 12.15pm, €55 for 6x75min, InLight Lagos Travessa do Forno 4, 913127421

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750




Theatre in the Mountains and the Distilleries

“With recent wildfires embedded in our memories, like a scar we will always have.” This edition of the Lavrar O Mar show, Medronho takes the audience on the cycle of the strawberry tree in the places that it still grows. This show will address fermentation, the first stage in the transformation of the fruit that takes place in the distilleries.

Under the artistic direction of Giacomo Scalisi, Medronho begins at the meeting point, Heliporto de Monchique at 11 a.m on the 1st and 2nd of February.

On Tuesday 7th January, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Inés Vaz Pinto. The first lecture will be at 2.30 p.m at the Museu do Traje in São Bras, the second lecture will be at 6 p.m at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.

Tickets are 10€


Roman Tróia is a National Monument on the western coast. Inez, the site manager of the Roman ruins will be talking about this large fish-salting production centre which was occupied until the 6th century.


Be sure not to miss the Portuguese Philharmonic Orchestra at TEMPO, Portimão Theatre for their show, From Blues To Blue on the 3rd January at 9.30 p.m. Divided into two parts, this concert takes us on a fantastic journey that begins on the other side of the Atlantic, featuring works by two great American composers, Leonard Bernstein and George Gershwin. Taking us through the blue from the ocean until we finally

reach Austrian lands, with works imbued with the best Viennese tradition of New Year celebration, some of the most emblematic waltzes and polkas by Johann Strauss, which will be presented in a cheerful, festive and celebratory atmosphere. The 90-minute show offers free admission, although tickets must be ordered for picking-up from the 2nd.


AMAZÓNIA Exhibition Amazónia by Ana Carvalho, opens on the 25th January on the 25th January, remaining open through to the 18th April. Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m until 6 p.m at Centro Cultural de Lagos, hall two, entrance is free. The exhibition focuses on the presentation of drawing and painting works of two multidisciplinary projects that come from two “untouched” places, two immense ecosystems that survive with the constant threat of the contemporary process - the disappearance and destruction. The works that integrate both projects are reflections on the concepts of landscape and place that play with visual



perception, from micro to macro. These imaginary exercises articulate exhaustive research on histories, cartography, topography and scientific illustration, and records collected on-site. The research was extracted from the Arctic, alongside the Svalbard Archipelago, during the residence/expedition “The Arctic Circle”, and in the Brazilian Amazon, in the Reserva Adolpho Ducke of INPA (National Institute of Amazonian Research), during the residence “Labverde”.

+INFO: 


Events during January at the Lagos Cultural Centre, Duval Pestana Auditorium +INFO:  CentroCulturaldeLagos  Rua Lançarote de Freitas, n.º 7, 8600-605 Lagos

RODRIGO LEÃO Due for release in February, Rodrigo presents his new solo album O Método with two shows on one night in Lagos. A founding member of Sétima Legião, one of the most influential rock bands in Portugal and one of the musician composers behind the successful Portuguese ensemble Madredeus. His solo career has even won him an ASCSP award for his soundtrack to The Butler.

 WHEN: 4th of January at 7 p.m and 9:30 p.m PRICE: 20€




A show that translates into a panoply of performing arts ranging from singing, dancing and theatrical performance, always with hilarious moments of social criticism enriched by joyful ballets, and songs as the tradition of the magazine à la Portuguesa dictates.

A night of dance, this fundraising show for the Iberian Dance Association plans to raise awareness of the environment, climate change, the human footprint and the future of Planet Earth.

 PRODUCTION: Lacobrigense Artistic Club WHEN: 7th to 11th of January at 9.30 p.m PRICE: 12€

 PRODUCTION: Estúdio de Ballet Gwen Morris WHEN: 17th of January at 8 p.m PRICE: 8€



À Modantiga, an evening of popular music with performing groups from different regions of the country, especially the Algarve and Alentejo. Tambourine, triangle, bass drum, keys, guitar and clarinet join the male and female voices of this traditional and upbeat group.

As part of the commemoration of the elevation of Lagos to city status, the singer Salvador Sobral has been invited to present Paris | Lisboa, his second studio album that was released last year. His album reached number one in the Portuguese music charts and eleven in the Spanish.

Algarvean comedian and humour poet Dário was first spotted in 2010 using Youtube to publish his works. Invited to the stage he now tours the country living on his whit.

 WHEN: 18th of January at 9.30 p.m

 WHEN: 24th and 25th of January at 9:30 p.m

 WHEN: 1st February at 9:30 p.m PRICE: 12.5€




GET YOUR SKATES ON! Becoming an active member of Lagos Roller Skating Club is a great way to get fit in the New Year.

Before you dismiss the idea because you are unable to skate, consider that just one hour of skating can burn up to 600 calories, learning will help you maintain a balance in your everyday life and skating is five times safer than cycling. Studies have also shown that roller skating provides a complete aerobic workout and involves all of the body's muscles, especially the heart muscle which leads to improved blood circulation. Roller skating may be equivalent to jogging in terms of health benefits but according to another study, skating causes less than 50 per cent of the impact shock on joints when compared to running. With some of the best coaches in the country, Lagos is the ideal place to learn how to skate. Among those who know, Lagos has the best track for skating in the Iberian peninsula too. Roller Lagos is a perfect club for your children to join. They get to stay in shape and live a healthy lifestyle and just hanging out with their friends while on skates, means any activity is better than running the same distance. You need not be concerned about investing in skates when considering starting either. The club welcomes anyone who wants to give it a try and has skates available for those who want to find their feet first. Skating is also a



him even more. He completed his studies and took a year to focus full time on skating and that’s when things really started to happen.


great way to meet new people, a very social discipline, you only need to ask any skater and they will tell you that they do it because it is fun. Roller skating is an important sport in Portugal, to reach the top in your field brings with it prestige and rewards. Rink Hockey World Roller Games Champions, figure skating medals and one of the fastest men in the world, the levels of determination to be the best skaters are very high in Portugal. Roller Lagos maintains three disciplines, Roller Hockey, similar to ice hockey. The club has a number of teams depending on ages, gender and ability. The Figure Skating, that you can take up competitively or just get involved in one of the many shows. The sport that put the club on the map though was Inline Speed Skating. Paulo Batista is one of the key players behind Roller Lagos Clube de Patinagem, one of the coaches, he has been by Diogo Marreiros side since he discovered a love of skating at the age of four, now he is twenty-eight and he is acknowledged for his hard work and determination as an inline skating champion. At age six Diogo was entering competitions, by seven he was winning medals. The decision to take his skating beyond a hobby happened when he headed to university in Lisbon to study sports science. It was a difficult time balancing training and studies and he was unsure if he could make a career out of skating. He persevered and when he started training with high-level athletes it motivated

In 2014 he won his first Europa Cup and Bont Skates, the designers and manufacturers of inline skates came on board as a sponsor and he joined their team. Since then, Diogo has been travelling the world, winning medals at the European Championships and Europa Cup. A particular high point was bringing home the silver medal at the 2018 World Championships in Holland. His achievements were recognised by his hometown when he was awarded the Honorary Merit Municipal Silver Medal by the city. A very proud moment for Diogo, his family and coach. The club is like a second home for Diogo and Paulo, it is where he trains intensively, sometimes 10-12 times a week to keep fast and fit. Diogo encourages young people to get involved, saying, “speed skating is a complex sport working on your speed, coordination and endurance. It is a lot of fun and you make good friends. If you want to take it to competition level, then you have to put the work in to get results, and it’s a great feeling being out there racing on the track.” The Europa Cup will take place at Roller Lagos starting on the 3rd of April, so you still have time to learn and get up to speed or pen the date in your diary to support the local hero. “I want to make my parents proud, and all who believed in me.” You are never too old or young to Get Your Skates On.

+INFO:   @rollerlagos @diogomarreiros



Hole 1 Today, let me show you how to play the 1st hole at Espiche Golf course. It is very important to have a good strategy, to not lose points and have a chance of beating this amazing opponent. The Course, after yourself, of course.


Celebrating the 95th anniversary of Portimão's recognition as a city, City Day was also a celebration of the amazing sporting achievements made throughout the year.

A very intense set of activities, there were more than 700 events with 100,000 athletes and over 400,000 spectators. Medals of Honour were awarded to those who made the events happen, the ambassadors, sponsors, partner organisations and companies, sports clubs and volunteers, whose work and dedication had helped Portimão become the Best European City of Sport (CED). The celebration included a Sports Gala, a Tribute to the Portimonense Champions of the 2018/2019 season, athletes, who, individually or collectively, had obtained international, national or district federation titles. A total of 632 were honoured, which is the most since this initiative began. The closure of one event marked celebrations for the start of another chapter. An official ceremony introduced by the Portimonan Philharmonic Society, Mayor of Portimão Isilda Gomes officially opened Boavista Sports Pavilion. “From the skeleton of a huge shed, closed more



than a decade ago, stands new sports equipment to serve the community." Boavista Sports Pavilion has a floor area of ​​1075 m2 and provides for a seating capacity of 484, making this the largest indoor venue in the county. Some of the facilities include new sports equipment, a dedicated room for practising rhythmic gymnastics, as well as three fitness rooms. This year's celebrations also include the opening of the Figueira Children's Park and news that works will soon be launched for the restoration of the Portimão Youth Park. Isilda Gomes concluded, “we are an example to follow in encouraging sport and developing municipal sports incentive programmes for the entire population, with benefits for health promotion, integration and education.” Considering that the investment was 3.8 million euros, including the pavilion, it seems that after all the motto More Sport for All was a good deal for the city too.”

DESCRIPTION This hole is a par 5, Slope 9 and completely straight from the tee to the green. The fairway goes down until the wall then goes up until the green (Picture 1). This hole is protected by the undulation of the fairway that pushes your ball to the right. Then you have two trees after the wall on the middle of the fairway, and another on the left and front from the green. You will also find two bunkers around the green: one on the right and one on the left (Picture 2). To help you, even more, there are bushes from the tee to the green surrounding the fairway. STRATEGY The driver is not necessary on the tee for one simple reason: the undulation of the fairway pushes your ball right down behind the wall. A close iron or hybrid should be enough to hit the fairway, staying safe for the second shot. Then, your target is to cross the wall and the two trees in front of you. Choose the left line on the fairway because it will push your ball completely to the right, an open iron is enough to hit a great spot for the third shot. Now you have less than 100 meters to the green, the safe line is the middle of the green to miss the two bunkers. Safely on the green, you now have two putts to make par, or even better! Play well. Mickael is the resident Golf Professional at Espiche Golf.

+INFO:   +351 282 688250


NEW YEAR INTENTIONS I am writing this whilst I am away on a Yoga Teacher Trainer course, continuing my learning and education. One of the areas that we focus on is intention. What is our intention when planning classes, what is our intention outside of the mat? This got me thinking about what my intention is for the coming year. January is a time when we think about the year ahead, the opportunities that we have in front of us when we plan our goals, our New Year resolutions. They tend to be individual specific goals, which we often don’t fully achieve during the year, and by March they can fall by the wayside. A great way to start the year is to set an intention. What do we want the following year to look like, how do we want to feel during the year, what qualities do

we want to cultivate? For instance, it could be about having more gratitude, acceptance, self-compassion or patience. It could even be to move more, spend more time in nature, laugh more, have a better work-life balance or more quality time with loved ones. Whatever it is, it needs to be an intention that resonates with you, one that can be an umbrella from which your individual goals can come from, one that enhances your life. It is something that can interweave your day to day life and can assist you towards those goals you want to achieve. Grab a pen and commit that intention to paper, write it down and let it stay with you for the year. As Mary Oliver penned, “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.”

Herb of the Month BY POPPY BURR BSC MCPP

Milk Thistle is an ideal herb to start the year with. After the heavy holiday season has wreaked its havoc, we could all do with a nice liver herb to help us hit the ground running into the new year. Milk thistle is just that. It’s a native European bitter herb that owes its name to the milky-white veins on its leaves, as well as its traditional use for stimulating lactation, as a galactagogue. More recently, a special flavonolignan complex called silymarin has been isolated from the seeds and extensively researched for its liverprotecting properties. In general, bitter herbs and foods have a stimulating effect on digestion and bile production, through stimulating saliva and enzyme secretion, as well as increasing blood circulation to the abdominal organs. But milk thistle and the ‘silymarin’ complex have various specific regenerative properties on the liver and digestion. It is an antioxidant, which means it both neutralises free radicals and switches on the in-built protective antioxidant mechanisms of human cells. It also protects the liver cell membrane from damage, by stopping the absorption of toxins through blocking binding sites and transport proteins. In an early study, it even protected



against changes in liver structure during pregnancy and in women taking the contraceptive pill. In terms of regeneration, the liver is pretty good at that anyway, even if 50% of the liver’s mass is damaged, it can regenerate completely within around 150 days. But milk thistle may help it do this, by actually enhancing the synthesis of DNA itself. Results from human trials have been variable, but there is clinical evidence for using milk thistle in alcoholic cirrhosis, diabetes and fatty liver disease. It may also protect the liver from the effects of general anaesthesia when taken before and after surgery. Milk thistle is best taken as a powder, mixed into some yoghurt, oats or smoothie, before breakfast and before the last meal of the day, taking into account the liver’s nocturnal habits. Poppy is a UK-trained medical herbalist practising in Praia da Luz.

+INFO: 


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If back pain is robbing you of precious time on your bike then Dr Adam Rich is here to help. Cyclists will tell you that time out on the road, mile after mile, can have an impact on your bike with spokes becoming loose and wheels becoming wobbly. They will also tell you it has a similar effect on the body, highlighting areas of tension in their back and knees as well as hips and shoulders. Prolonged time in that locked position can cause new issues to develop. Here are some common ailments I see in my cyclist patients: HIP LOCKS: Cyclists develop big, powerful glutes that can cause hips to tighten and the pelvis joints to lock up. The stress of that can travel down the kinetic chain and result in knee pain. An adjustment from a chiropractor can free the pelvis, regaining its natural movement. LOWER BACK PAIN: Hunching over handlebars has much the same effect as hunching over a desk all day. This puts stress on your lower back because it alters the natural, healthy curve of your spine. As well as realigning your spine, chiropractors can advise on core strength and range of motion exercises that are essential to support this.

Dr. Adam taking a break from cycling! WRIST PAIN: Cyclists often complain of numb or tingling hands which are a result of constant pressure on the hands and shoulders leading to restrictions in these areas. Lots of people think chiropractors only adjust backs and necks but we can adjust any joint to alleviate pain and restore proper function to that body part. On a positive note, cyclists hardly ever present with ‘text neck’ because they are so good at holding their head in its normal upright position to look up and out! AND REMEMBER – Lance Armstrong thinks his chiropractor is the most important member of his team! Adam at Lagos Chiropractic is an experienced chiropractor and keen cyclist.

Ear candling is a traditional therapy used by the ancient greeks and continued by the Hopi Indian tribe of America and the South-West. The word Hopi means ‘peaceful people’. The Hopi tribe were known for their extensive healing skills and spirituality.



There are many illustrations on the paintings on the walls in the Grand Canyon which show initiation and healing ceremonies. The ear candle is a cotton tube combined with beeswax, honey and essential oils. HOW DOES IT WORK? During the treatment, the client lies comfortably on their side. The cotton tube is placed into the ear and the other end lit. Essential oils such as chamomile, an anti-inflammatory, sage, which stimulates lymph and improves circulation, and St John’s wort that helps with the nervous system, are released. The flame acts as a suction, a bit like a chimney effect. The suction draws out the

impurities and wax from the ear canal. The heat relaxes the eardrum regulating the pressure, then pressure in the sinuses are released. It is quite normal to hear a crackling noise and even popping. The procedure will then be performed on the other ear. After 24 to 48 hours some impurities and wax will expel itself from the ear canal. After both ears are finished, the client lies on their back and a relaxing pressure point massage is carried out to compliment WHO CAN BENEFIT? Ear candling helps all sorts of ailments such as; tinnitus, sinusitis, glue ear, hay fever, rhinitis, colds, tension, headaches and stress. You are not able to have this treatment if you have grommets, any ear infection at that time, or a perforated eardrum. The cost of the treatment is 35€ and takes about 45 minutes.

We care for each other like family.



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R. Dr. José Francisco de Matos Nunes da Silva, Lt 5, Lj A • LAGOS

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SOOTY N' SWEEP It is the time of year that many are starting to use the hearth of the home, starting a fire to generate heat, or even winter ambience, but before you go sparking up, when was the last time your chimney was swept?

If the answer is you do not know, then it is time to do just that. Chimneys are vital to a safe fire and as such should be cleaned annually, ideally before your first lighting following a prolonged break. Open fires and wood-burning stoves can become hazardous if not kept clean and well ventilated. Neill Bailey spent many years in the fire brigade so has firsthand knowledge of chimney fires and how avoidable most of them are. “In the Algarve it is birds,” Neill says, adding “they nest in spring and are usually gone by winter, leaving behind material that needs removing before any fire.” Recognising the connection between his job as a firefighter Neill trained as a sweep. “I was fortunate to work with an old chimney sweep named Jack Higgins who has now passed away. My training was in the traditional methods of chimney sweeping. I owe my knowledge and expertise to this man who started sweeping when he was a boy.” Gone are the days when the sweep would send his boy up the dark, sooty chimney armed with a stiff brush and wearing his protective soft cap. Neill has been a professional chimney sweep for 25 years. Living in the Algarve for almost 17 years his sweeping career restarted eight years ago when a friend, knowing of his professional background, asked him to clean his chimney. Word spread and Neill found that a few people started asking him to clean their chimney. “I introduced the power sweep system and just with recommendations my chimney cleaning business has gone

through the roof, no pun intended!” Fires are extremely dangerous and there are a lot of other things to consider if your home has an open fire or stove. Keeping your chimney clean will reduce the risk of a chimney fire. If your home catches fire as a result of a chimney fire, and it has not been professionally swept, it may invalidate your insurance. It is commonly believed that only gas appliances produce carbon monoxide. The truth is that every appliance that burns fuel produces carbon monoxide. Your solid fuel stove or an open fire produces hundreds of times that of gas or oil appliances. The possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious risk too, from a system that has not been cleaned by a trained and competent person. It is advisable to have a Carbon Monoxide detector installed in the home if you use a fire, after all, no one wants to be the next carbon monoxide statistic, and the Bomberios have enough fires to contend with. “The number of chimney fires increases every year, nearly all of these fires could have been avoided by getting them swept. Often they are families who have moved into their dream house and are having that first proper winter.”

+INFO:  +351 934 927 944 

VIV'Ó MERCADO Viv'ó Mercado is becoming a popular fixture in Lagos every Wednesday evening. The idea for the all year round market came from the Rede Social, a municipality department that organises such projects, who wished to support local producers and encourage organic produce. Initially it was intended to be an entirely biological market, which at present is not quite possible, although good progress has been made to realise this intention. Organiser Anita says, “Viv'ó Mercado has great long term objectives and overall we aim



to create more sustainability by being more environmentally aware and incorporating local businesses.” The market’s culture is driven by small local business with a long-term objective of bringing more local producers to the market as weekly vendors. It is also very clear that Vivo is not just a biologically driven market, its principles and influence encompass so much more. The market concept is part of a network of associations with a biologically driven ethos

which collectively wants Lagos to be more organic and consistently contribute towards sustainability and environmental awareness. There is something for everyone, including live music and a space every month providing education for children. The market is open every Wednesday from 5 p.m at Mercado de Levante, Lagos 8600-764

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STARTUP PORTIMÃO The first Informal Incubator Meeting of the Algarve recently took place at StartUp Portimão. The event was promoted in collaboration with the Algarve Association STP (Systems and Technology Partnership) and the University of Algarve. For the first time, representatives of the various incubators in the Algarve region sat at the same table. Startup Portimão, the municipality's incubator programme, is located at the Algarve International Autodrome and provides assistance to new tech orientated business ventures. This first meeting was marked by the presence and active participation of representatives of the main incubators in the region, both public and private, such as the CRIA - University of Algarve; ANJE-Algarve; Startup Portimão - Municipality of Portimão; IEFP-CACE; Casula, Social Incubator of Loulé - Poeta Aleixo Association; Loulé Design Lab - Municipality of Loulé; Level Up Municipality of Tavira, QRER - Cooperative for the Development of Low-Density Territories; NERA and also from the Business Centre, Faro Avenida Business Centre, the group meeting to share good practices and to identify various paths for future work. This was a first and important step towards a collaboration that plans to foster an even stronger link between the various regional entities, and close collaboration to promote entrepreneurship in the Algarve.

A second meeting has already been scheduled, which will take place on the 28th of January, in Loulé, at the Loulé Design Lab premises. The meeting will also be open to those responsible for incubators who did not have the opportunity to attend the first meeting. It is hoped that from these meetings a platform for common understanding at a regional level will be able to generate synergies, and leverage regional and national collaboration proposals. Municipality of Portimão is the latest member of the Algarve STP Association. As part of its commitment to entrepreneurship and the performance of the municipal incubator StartUp Portimão, the Municipality of Portimão recently joined the Algarve STP group of public and private associates, non-profit private association whose main objective is development and consolidation. The Algarve Innovation Ecosystem is based on a partnership between associations, entities and companies. At the moment, Algarve STP has the following associates: University of Algarve, Anje, Faro City Council, Loulé City Council, Portimão City Council, Docapesca and Algarve Evolution Association, with new memberships coming soon.

+INFO:  

Follow these simple tips and you can shop online with confidence in the online new year sales. Here is one of the best tips I can give you: Never, ever give anyone your credit card over email. Ever.


New Year’s Resolutions - How to keep safe online in the January sales and it is time to say goodbye to Windows 7. 52


Stick with well-known sites like, or other familiar retailers. Use PayPal wherever you can, it is one of the safest ways to make online payments. Use uncrackable passwords when shopping online. Your password is weak if: It uses numbers or letters in the order e.g. “1234” or “qwerty”; name of children, pets, favourite football team etc. Birthday, anniversary or car license plate numbers etc; it is letmein or especially, password. Don’t Share Too Much - An extremely important online shopping safety tip is keeping your personal information protected. No store needs your National Insurance, Fiscal number or your birthday. Combined with your credit card details some serious damage can be done. Always give

up the least amount of personal information possible. Say goodbye to Windows 7 on 14th January. Windows 7 will come to the end of its supported life this month, which means that your copy of Windows 7 will no longer receive security updates and patches from Microsoft, making your machine potentially vulnerable. Now is the time to make the jump and upgrade your software to Windows 10. In conjunction with upgrading your computer, one of the best ways to speed an ageing laptop or desktop computer would be to install a new superfast SSD disk drive at the same time. If you would like to make the change from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and upgrade your disk drive, please contact me.

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT



Lentil Soup (SERVES 6)

BY THE LAZY TIGERS We can only hope that this month's magazine does not find you as it does most of us Lazy Girls. That is, so hungover that words like banjaxed, woebegone, and crapulent spring to mind. If this is the sad case, then enough of lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself. If you get up and make yourself something nutritious with a lot of liquid in it like some incredibly easy, lazy soup, we will give you permission to fix yourself a hair of the dog later. The first one is so easy even someone still drunk the next morning could make it. This lentil soup will be ready in less than an hour and you can have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In fact, if you dress it up with some fancy cheese on toast you can even give it to other people for dinner. Also, there is a really good chance you have all the ingredients already. If you must go out to buy the ingredients get twice as much as you need. After all, forewarned is forearmed. As with the lentil, if you haven't been living on booze for two weeks you may very well have the ingredients for our Carrot and Coriander soup indoors already. Like the lentil, you can make it vegan or with a chicken stock cube. Now you have had your soup, you are allowed a medicinal alcoholic drink. The best thing for this is beer. After all, Martin Amis says in Money that beer is almost a health food, and Guinness used to say Guinness is Good for You. Now let us all get to grips with 2020, and a Happy New Year from everyone at London Tiger Coffee.

- 2 Onions - A few glugs of cooking olive oil - 500g of lentils (red ones please, green ones will make black soup) - 1 stock cube (Knorr vegetable stock cubes are vegan which means you don’t have to think before giving the soup to others, but you can use anything you like) - 1 large or 2 small bay leaves - Salt and pepper Slice the onions thinly and soften in the olive oil. Make the stock with the

cube and a litre of water. Pour the dry lentils into the softened onions and mix through so that they are coated in the olive oil. Add the stock and stir Drop in the bay and bring to a simmer. You may have to add as much as another half a litre of water over the course of the next half hour while it bubbles, and you give it the occasional stir. When all the lentils have dissolved, and it has gone from red to green the soup is ready. Add salt and pepper to taste

Carrot and Coriander Soup (SERVES 6)

- 1 Onion - 1 Potato - A few glugs of cooking olive oil - 600g of carrots (you want to have 500g once you have top and tailed them) - 1 teaspoon of ground coriander - 1 stock cube - 1 small bunch of fresh coriander - Salt and pepper Slice the onions thinly and soften in the olive oil. Dice the potato and add to the pot with the tsp of coriander

Stir for 5 minutes to start to cook the potato- Top and tail the carrots (only peel them if they are really dreadful) Make the stock with the cube and a litre of water. Add the carrots and the stock to the pot. Simmer for about 20 minutes till the carrots have softened. Add half the bunch of coriander to the pot and blitz with a hand blitzer Chop the rest of the coriander and stir in. Add salt and pepper to taste.


2 bottles (less than a litre in total) of nice beer 1 elegant beer glass Pour the beer one glass at a time and drink slowly whilst recumbent on a couch Get an early night




AÇAFRÃO, TURMERIC AND CURCUMA BY SHAIRA, THE SPICE GIRL When looking for spices in the supermarket for the first time I noticed a package labelled Açafrão, which translates to saffron. When I went to use the Açafrão, to make tea, I noticed that it was not Saffron but a yellowish powder that I recognised as turmeric, or curcuma, in a dried and pulverised form.

Açafrão da Terra, in short Açafrão. This is where the confusion sets in. Saffron was originally used in cooking for its colouring properties, both turmeric and saffron leave behind a dark yellow colour. After turmeric/curcuma was introduced to the cuisine it soon replaced saffron because it was easier to cultivate and harvest.

Knowing saffron from my travels in Iran, where fields of precious violet flowers known as Crocus Sativus are in abundance. The scent from their flowers is as magical as the sight of the violet fields, with hints of crimson red. Women harvest the saffron from the stem of the plant, every flower is removed by hand with a pincet, making it an intense production process, saffron is a precious and expensive spice.

A spice isn't just a spice. There is always a magical story behind it.

After some research I found in Portugal turmeric is called Açafrão das Índias or

You can learn more about turmeric and saffron during the Indonesian Cooking class on the 17th and 31st January at Quinta Estrela Montes, near Loulé. Turmeric cleanses the liver and gives our immune system a boost. The liver is the organ that removes toxins from our system, and after the festive season, many livers are in need of a comforting, cleansing and a detoxifying hot drink.

For many, an epiphany is a moment of clarity or a striking realisation, while for Christians, Epiphany has a much different meaning. Epiphany is a feast of celebration that takes place on King’s Day, 6th January. Countries and historians each have their own thesis and rules around the event, with the only agreement being that the celebration should include cake, with a gift hidden inside.



Baked in a large round dish that has the centre missing, the dough is covered with crystallised fruits to resemble gems in a crown. The King’s cake is a highly decorated cake that is shared with friends and visitors on the festival of the Twelfth Night. Shakespeare's play of the same name makes mention of the Lord of Misrule, a title won by finding the gift in your slice of cake. The last feast of Christmas, it is traditionally a time for parlour games, skits and celebrations. In Britain, the gift found its way into the traditional christmas cake becoming a silver coin. Portugal too used the bean, to represent the

Shaira’s Golden Milk, or Tumeric Latte (Indian Turmeric tea) - 350ml almond milk (or any milk of your choice) - ¼ tsp ground turmeric - ¼ tsp ground cinnamon (preferably Ceylon Cinnamon) - ¼ tsp ground ginger - 1/2 vanilla stick or ½ tsp vanilla extract - A pinch of black pepper, I always use Pipali black pepper, which has a fruity hint when compared to the conventional black pepper. It is not easy to find in the Algarve and regular black pepper also does the trick in combination with turmeric. Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and heat. Use a milk-frother or whisk and pour into your cup. Sprinkle with carob powder. Cheers to Liver health!

baby Jesus, this tradition progressed to baking in a porcelain baby. The baby should bring luck and prosperity to whoever finds it. Portuguese King cake is usually eaten between Christmas and Dia de Reis, or Kings’ Day that gives its name, Bolo Rei. The recipe began approximately 300 years ago as a dry French bread–type dough with sugar on top and a bean inside. Bolo Rei arrived in Portugal with Confeitaria Nacional, the Portuguese monarch's official baker introducing the recipe in the second half of the 19th century. The Bolo Rei is baked from a soft, white dough, contains port wine and is decorated with candied oranges, pears, red and green cherries, blanched slivered almonds, golden raisins and walnut halves. Tradition dictates that whoever finds the bean has to pay for the cake next year. To bake your own you will need a special circular pan with a centre missing or just visit your favourite baker. If you need a reason for cake, in some cultures you can eat King’s cake up to Shrove Tuesday and the start of Mardi Gras.


Open Tuesday to Sunday from 12-12  Rua 25 de Abril in the centre of Lagos (upstairs)  Pie.LagosPortugal

Kiko’s Tasca wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wine, food and friends. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays • Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f

Closed for holidays: From December 23rd till February 5th 2020

PETS & WILDLIFE Here are Sasha's knees Both, years after surgery and Cartrophen

PASSING TIME BY LARS RAHMQUIST How nice to finally be out of our teenage years and starting the roaring 20's (for this century)! So, let us dive into our first veterinary topic for this decade: ARTHRITIS. With the dropping mercury levels, the fluid in arthritic joints starts to thin out and the arthritic capsules contract. This causes more pain to these joints, as they start to cease up. In cars, we have overcome this problem years ago by the advent of coolant in the radiator. Nowadays we have an analogous treatment for arthritic joints. Arthritis is a progressive disease, as some of our readers are all too familiar with. Damage to cartilage tissue releases enzymes from the subchondral bone which, in turn, causes more cartilage damage. So, we see a vicious cycle developing (not to be confused with Lance Armstrong after he was stripped of his medals…that's a vicious cyclist). So, arthritis is a one-directional (downhill) road. The aim of this deterioration is the body attempting to fuse the affected joint (usually in vain). At the Lagos Vet Clinic we use a special drug called Cartrophen to slow this deterioration down. It is a natural product which improves the health of the joint capsule, increases the metabolism of the cartilage tissue and supports the viscosity of the joint fluid. Owners often see a response during the treatment course (one injection per week, for four injections), with continuous beneficial effects for the following six months. Cartrophen actively slows the development of arthritic damage to the cartilage. We recommend starting this treatment as soon as arthritis is



diagnosed. That way we can halt the disease progression before there are too many (irreversible) boney changes around the affected joint. With Cartrophen treatments, we not only see a happier dog during the protocol, but we are preventing that dog from having incurable arthritis in 5/6/7 years’ time. I have euthanased too many healthy old Labradors because they cannot walk anymore with their debilitated joints! Attached are some X-rays from Sasha. Sasha is a lovely golden Labrador, belonging to Natasha, our receptionist at the clinic. In 2014 we operated on a ruptured cruciate ligament in the left knee. Since then she subsequently ruptured the cruciate in her other knee (!). Cruciate ligament rupture is always associated with arthritis. This is one reason we do surgery ASAP, to minimize the development of this arthritis. You can see some metal implants in both knees. For me, the Xray is amazing at how little arthritis has developed in those 5+ years. This is thanks to the effect of Cartrophen, helping Sasha's body to not deteriorate the joint as it normally would have. The X-rays say it all! The injections work just as well for arthritis in cats (and horses).


New regulations now apply to any animal whose microchip is not registered in Portugal. Owners must register dogs, cats and ferrets in the pet information system, Sistema de Informação de Animais de Companhia (SIAC). The fee to register is 2.50€ while the fines start at 50€ and can go to 44.890€. The file includes information on the owner and includes identification of the animal as well as vaccine information. Registration is mandatory for every animal born in, or present in, Portugal for a period of 120 days or more. If an animal changes ownership a new registration must be made. If you change your residence, or if the animal moves to another address, or if the pet disappears or dies, you will have to update the registration. The registration is valid for just a year, requiring annual updating, the animal's identity card must be carried on every journey you take with the animal.

If you think your old mate is a bit stiff getting out of bed on these frosty winter mornings, call us at the clinic and book him in for a review and maybe some Cartrophen injections.

There are also new laws concerning pets in condominiums regarding the maximum number of pets allowed in a home. Three dogs or four adult cats, and no more than four animals in total are allowed to live in apartments.

Lars is the vet at

Register your pet at 


CELEBRATE AND RECYCLE In this festive season, ALGAR has launched a campaign to encourage residents to separate their Christmas packaging and place the materials in the relevant eco points. First, we celebrate, then we recycle! “Regardless of the Algarve's good performance on the amount of recyclable packaging waste shipped annually, per capita, much work remains to be done in the region.” The important campaign has come about after ALGAR disseminated and analysed data. Of the waste received at its facilities, the data shows that only 40% of glass packaging sold in the region arrives for recycling. Of the paper and cardboard packaging produced in the Algarve

about 40% is also placed in eco points. The figures are much worse for plastic, with only 20% of plastic packaging making its way into the system for recycling. ALGAR is calling for all recyclable packaging to be placed in the appropriate eco points and not just some. Placing rubbish in the container for undifferentiated waste, or ordinary refuse is collected by the municipalities and destined straight for the landfill. “The goal must be to separate and put all packaging in the eco points, currently only a fraction of recyclable packaging waste is deposited, remembering that we can all do more, and better.”

Recycling in Action

To celebrate the festive season the regions waste treatment centre ALGAR will gift a small plant growing in their Nutriverde compound, in sustainable paper packaging, to customers who deliver recyclable packaging waste to their premises. Through this gesture, ALGAR hopes to inspire Algarvians to create their own garden, in addition to boosting their interest in healthy eating, and the economic advantages of growing their own tasty vegetables.

Nutriverde is a 100% vegetable organic matter, made exclusively from green waste collected from parks, gardens, golf courses and agricultural establishments locally. Nutriverde is produced and marketed by ALGAR, it is created through a biological process called composting and promotes higher yields in agricultural crops. “It is ideal for use as an organic fertiliser and, or, substrate, as well as not being aggressive or polluting to nature, Nutriverde brings numerous benefits to the soil by returning the absorbed



WATER According to IPMA, Portugal is in a meteorological drought, with 31.9% of the country in severe drought and 4.3% in extreme drought. The Algarve is at the most severe levels with the western region suffering most. The water volume of the dams was Odelouca 22.51%, Odelite 27.13% and Beriche 23.34% when measured in October.

organic matter from plants back to the ground, closing the natural cycle. It will combat soil erosion and improve its physical, chemical and biological properties.” NUTRIVERDE can be purchased at ALGAR's premises during their opening hours. The company has three Green Composting Units in operation, in Portimão, São Brás de Alportel and Tavira. NUTRIVERDE® home deliveries can also be arranged with ALGAR, “subject to conditions to be agreed with the customer.” Bear in mind that Nutriverde and NUTRIVERDE PREMIUM® are currently only sold in bulk, and in a big bag, about 800kg.

+INFO: 

The Municipality has some serious issues to address, irresponsible forms of consumption, and the age of its network which is under extreme pressure. Between June and August there were 44 ruptures and 28 invisible leaks detected that had to be repaired. Water is essential for maintaining life on planet Earth, please conserve it.



The start of the year means a new calendar on the wall and a good time to look ahead to the special dates for creating awareness about environmental issues.

World Wildlife Day

International Day of Forests

World Water Day

Celebrating and raising awareness of the importance of all types of forests and trees for current and future generations, on this day people are encouraged to organise tree planting events and campaigns.

The theme this year is Water and Climate Change. Activities will focus on how climate change is causing severe conditions like floods and droughts, contributing to the global refugee crisis. More locally, it’s a day for thinking about how we can conserve water, particularly important since the Algarve is a droughtprone area.

Earth Day

World Migratory Birds Day

World Environment Day

The organisers of Earth Day have also opted for Climate Change as their theme for 2020. Activities will take place around the world to draw attention to the climate crisis and what needs to be done to turn things around. Look out for events near you or organise your own – there are lots of helpful resources online.

Some fantastic migratory bird species visit the Algarve, but they can be easy to miss if we don’t know what, when and where to see them. Why not use this day to learn more about migratory birds? Some really talented bird guides can host you and your friends for an unforgettable day.

Running since 1974, World Environment Day encourages awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Previous years have focused on air pollution, plastic pollution, nature and wildlife, bringing people from all walks of life to take positive action together.

WasteAid Day

World Oceans Day

World Vegan Day



Living so close to the Atlantic Ocean, this is an important day for Algarvians to celebrate the role of the ocean in our everyday life, to protect the ocean, and to use marine resources sustainably. Expect beach clean-ups, stunning photography exhibitions, film screenings and a whole host of maritime-themed events.

This is an annual event celebrating the benefits of veganism for humans and the natural environment. It’s a great opportunity to try out some new vegan recipes – why not host a bring-a-vegandish party and give yourself the chance to try something new, delicious, and light on the planet.


The perfect day to celebrate the wildlife on our doorstep, and to help protect wild animals and plants. We can all do something, from growing plants that encourage bees and butterflies, to building a birdhouse or even digging a small garden pond.



The Walk for WasteAid 2020 will take place in Bristol (UK), while elsewhere, volunteers will be organising clean-ups, upcycling demonstrations and other fundraising activities. All the money raised will be used to spread recycling skills around the world.



Earth Overshoot Day ?

Last year, humans had exhausted the biological resources our planet can renew in the whole year – by 29th July. Previously known as Environmental Debt Day, the date creeps earlier and earlier in the calendar each year (in 2018 it was 1 August). In fact, in 2019 the UK’s overshoot day was 17th May and Portugal’s was 26 May (the dates on which Earth Overshoot Day would fall if all of humanity consumed like the people in this country.) It’s certainly food for thought and good motivation for reducing our environmental footprint!





There are plenty of resources online for all of these special days. Many of the organisers encourage you to make a pledge on their website or to organise an event and register it with them so they can track people’s involvement. Whether you would enjoy a beach clean-up, a day of tree planting or something completely different – 2020 certainly holds plenty of opportunities to make a positive impact. Happy new year everyone. Attainable Sustainable, Algarve. Lisa and Zoë are writing this series in support of WasteAid.

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52


Why so back-to-front ? BY FRANK MCCLINTOCK

It seems like only yesterday that we were saying “Até logo” to the last of the bird species on their way south on their Autumn migration. It will surprise you, therefore, to be told that the first species has already returned north! The Great Spotted Cuckoo, Clamator glandarius, is a bird that few people outside the birding fraternity either notice or care about, but it has returned north again and is a spectacular individual, both in looks and behaviour. For its migration pattern alone, I make no bones about bringing it to a wider audience. Its call is a harsh and loud cackle heard only during the breeding season, characteristically restricted to ten weeks or so from mid-February to the end of April. Although there are records of European individuals breeding twice during the year, once in the Spring in Europe and then again in the Sahel during the Autumn. During the breeding period, it is not a particularly difficult bird to see, but at other times of the year, even when present, it is much more secretive, and one can be forgiven for thinking it completely absent. The core body is approximately the size of a Blackbird and both adults and juveniles are long-tailed with grey, spotted, wings, a white belly and fawn neck and chin. In contrast, the adult has a lilac cap and crest, juveniles have a black one as well as sporting a brown panel in the outer wing and a red surround to the eye. It is an insect-eater, specialising in caterpillars and focusing in particular upon long-haired caterpillars which are often toxic and therefore untouched by other insect-eaters. It deals with the toxicity by knocking and scraping off the hairs on a perch before consumption. Mating is a particularly interesting spectacle as this can only take place when the male offers the female a caterpillar, as illustrated in the photo. In the greater scheme of things, it is not a rare bird at all, though it is uncommon north of the Mediterranean as its geographical stronghold is south of the Sahara, and in most of its range it doesn’t even bother to migrate at all. Its range in Europe is restricted for the most part to the Iberian Peninsula with a small resident population along the southern coast. If you are very lucky, you can find them all year round in the Algarve.



As with the more widely recognised Common Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, it is a brood parasite, (i.e. it relies upon another species to raise its young), but unlike the Common Cuckoo, which has a broad range of hosts, in Europe, the Great Spotted almost exclusively targets Common Magpies, (Pica pica). The recent expansion of this Magpie in southern Europe is helping in the expansion of the Great Spotted too – as with all things Nature, these things are interconnected even if we humans have yet to figure out the whys and wherefores. Its migration strategy is what makes the Great Spotted Cuckoo really stand out from the crowd, as it is pretty well the opposite of any other species that visit Europe. Whereas other species head south for the winter, typically leaving the continent during September and October, the Great Spotted Cuckoo arrives back from Africa during December and stays till June when the adults head south again, followed by the juveniles a month or so later. Of course one could easily dismiss this with a throwaway, “Surely they are tied to the breeding cycle of their host species”, but this doesn’t cut the mustard. Common Magpies breed at the same time as the myriad host species of the Common Cuckoo, which has a “Spring/ Autumn” migration pattern, so why the four-month aberration for the Great Spotted? I am not so much of a bird-nut that the question keeps me awake at nights, but it is an intriguing mystery and one day I hope that someone will tell me the answer. Despite the sterling work being carried out throughout the world by organisations such as the BTO, (British Trust for Ornithology), and SPEA, (Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves), and despite the leaps in knowledge that have been achieved over the last fifty years, the answer to this question awaits discovery.

"It is not a rare bird at all, though it is uncommon north of the Mediterranean"

TOM-7-14-engl-2_Jens-ESA 16.07.15 16:39 Seite 1

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Areca Palm

Fan Palm

Parlor Palm

Pygmy date palm


I have checked out local garden centres and have found five that are widely available, and the good news is that they are all pet-friendly.

forsteriana. Both are very tolerant of low light levels and lower temperatures. They are normally sold with several plants in one pot resembling more of a palm shrub than a tree. Both are slow-growing, the Parlour palm potentially grows up to two metres tall with a one-metre spread. The Kentia palm grows a little taller, up to three metres tall with a similar spread.

Most palms tolerate low light levels and will suffer in direct sunlight, which makes them ideal houseplants. Bright natural filtered light is best, a south-east or westfacing window is ideal. They should be sited in a low traffic area so that the fronds are not damaged as they are quite delicate. Good drainage is essential for palms as they will die if they become waterlogged, so never let them sit in water. Palms, however, also like the soil to be consistently moist, water them when the top 3 to 5cm of soil has become dry. A good indication of watering problems is if the leaves turn brown, you are probably under-watering them and if the leaf tips turn yellow, then you are likely giving them too much.

Another easy to grow candidate is the pygmy date palm, Phoenix roebelenii, which is extremely slow-growing and will eventually grow between one to two metres tall. It has graceful arching delicate fronds with delicate leaflets, but be aware of the vicious spines on the stems and leaf ribs when pruning them. If you like fan-shaped palm leaves, then look no further than the Lady or Bamboo palm, Rhapis excelsa. This slow-growing beauty will eventually reach two metres in height. It likes a lot of water in the summer and needs to be kept consistently moist, but not overwatered. It also benefits from regular misting. This is also the best palm for removing atmospheric impurities.

Most palms like some humidity, so it is a good idea to spray them with water every so often which also helps keep red spider mites, a common pest, at bay. Alternatively, stand the pots on a saucer with gravel, pouring water into it, to boost humidity levels. Soil should be porous and open, with added organic matter. Palms are not greedy feeders, so only fertilise them two to three times a year, in spring and summer using a slow-release fertiliser. Palms do better when they are pot bound so do not need repotting very often, perhaps every two to three years, when the roots have filled the pot.

Finally, there is the Areca palm, Dypsis Lutescens, which has clusters of slender erect stalks and a feathery appearance to the leaves. It likes warm, humid conditions and brighter light than most palms. They are heavy feeders too, but fussy, they are susceptible to the build-up of fertiliser salts and dislike fluoridated water. They will not tolerate neglect, so are probably best suited for the more experienced gardener.

The two easiest to grow are the Parlour palm, Chamaedorea Elegans, and the Kentia palm, Howea

+INFO: 

Who doesn’t love the sophistication of palms which conjure up a tropical, stylish atmosphere with their exotic leaf forms?



Tamsin Is a member of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets around the Algarve every month.



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