Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagos - July 2019

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Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

 TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733 DESIGN Creation Media


On the cover this month you can see a giraffe, one of the feature animals at Badoca Safari Park. Read more on page 20.

SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website.

Editor's note Once the decision was made that Amber would devote all of her time to ensuring that the launch of the second title was given the full support that a new magazine needs to take root and grow Tom was left with a task of replacing a vital asset to the Lagos edition. The work that Amber undertook was the work of two people which is why Tom asked us as two casual writers to take up the task of producing and editing Tomorrow magazine, Aljezur to Lagos. With the Tomorrow Ball and Golf Charity Day in the same month, along with all of the other components that come together to make this magazine possible, this month has been an extreme crash course and learning curve for us both. Sophie is taking over as the features editor. "Working in PR in my 20’s I found I had a knack of coming up with ideas that newspaper editors wanted to publish. Since my move to the Algarve and having children I had lost my creative juices! Tom and Amber have given me the opportunity to do what I love and I can not thank them enough for that." "I am passionate about the magazine, I do not know of another like it that focuses on the integrity of its content and its good causes. We are lucky as a community to have it. The Algarve is a treasure trove of interesting characters doing creative and innovative projects. Every time I think I will run out of ideas for stories or interesting things to write about I find another."

"The best stories are about ordinary people doing extraordinary things and I can’t wait to keep finding more for you to read." "Jeff and I both wish Amber as-great-a success in the Vilamoura edition as she bought here with the Lagos edition." Jeff is the new managing editor. "I came to Portugal to assist my very ill father 18-months ago and thanks to Tom getting me out of the house to do some casual writing for the magazine my father is still alive." "Faced with his refound youth and my work done heading back to Florida was looking iminent until Tom made his generous offer of managing the magazine." Writers usually edit their own work, when they do make a mistake it is always the very word that makes every writer cringe in horror. We have all done it, some more so than others. This case will be no different we assure you. So our first apology is a large one. In the June edition we announced that the amount given to charity through TACT in 2018 was €185,000. Of course it should have read €18,500. It is easy to do, make an error that is. So sorry folks. Have a great month, Sophie, Jeff, Tom and the whole Tomorrow team.


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Unless specifically stated Tomorrow Magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.




Andy and Judy Robinson

While on holiday in Burgau, a chance conversation led to Andy and Judy Robinson moving to the Algarve with the idea of building a sports-centre. 35 years since its inauguration Andy explains how his dreams became a reality. Andy Robinson is a bit of local action man. A role model to the hundreds of kids, including Spurs' Eric Dier, that have passed through his sports centre, he played 1st class Rugby for WASPS and London Welsh. Despite this when he came to Burgau on holiday, he was looking for a new path. “When I first came to Burgau, it was 1979 and I was lost. My dreams of being capped for rugby hadn't come to fruition and injury had halted my sporting career. I had been a P.E. teacher, but I become disillusioned by the non-competitive sports initiative that had infected British schools. For me, teaching was about throwing yourself into improving childrens' lives with competitive sport, but now I was told that it was cruel to make children compete. So with a lump in my throat and missing the kids terribly, I walked the plank.” Andy started working as a rep. for Adidas but feeling that it wasn't the job for him. “I had come on holiday with my wife Judy, my brother and sister-in-law plus two friends. Fate turned for me on that day.”



“I had organised a football match on the beach for the holiday-makers and locals. We were drinking in one of the bars afterwards, I was playing the guitar and everyone singing. A big guy with a posh accent who had been playing football asked me, out of the blue, what I was doing here and what I did for a living. The drink talking I told him; “I would like to build a sports centre here in Burgau.” That guy was David Miller the MD of Beach villas so the seed was sown on that summer day in 1979. “To my surprise, he asked me to meet him in Cambridge. I marched along Hill’s Road, went into Beach Villas and came out appointed as a holiday rep. We took that chance and we are still here 39 years later. ” “We had come with nothing more than our clothes, leaving behind a great circle of friends. We just got on with it, every Thursday we had 100 tourists arrive to stay in Burgau, Luz and Salema. We settled them into their accommodation, organised parties for kids, football matches and beach parties.”

“At that time Burgau was a poor village. Some of our neighbours had no shoes. There were just three cars in Burgau.”


They lived in the old Burgau fisherman’s cottages owned by Beach Villas, great in the summer but cold and damp in the winter. “At that time Burgau was a poor village. Some of our neighbours had no shoes. There were just three cars in Burgau and one of those belonged to Beach Villas.” They were thrilled that David Miller had not forgotten their conversation with them about a sports centre, but at the time Burgau had a communist council and they were not supportive to Andy's plans labelling him a capitalist. “I had borrowed £15,000 on 33% interest and that had to be paid back within six months of the centre opening. Some capitalist! Still, we did it.” It was during 1983 that Andy and Judy watched as the walls of their sports centre gradually arose from the ground, helped by João Jaceito, Beach villas partner who liaised on their behalf with the local council. As well as the centre they built six houses, three being kept for the family and the others sold. “On May Day 1984 the Burgau Sports Centre opened. Thanks to Tina, our beloved cleaner, it shone like a new pin! We had done it! JPR Williams opened the centre, Billy Beaumont and Roger Atley, who I had met during my rugby days all visited.” The couple did not have much time to savour the moment though as Dan, their first son had been born a month before. The Sports Centre was a partnership made up of Andy and Judy holding 70% with, Andy's and Judy's parent's investing too. It was always an uphill struggle with most of their clients being the summer holidaymakers, they borrowed money during the winter and paid it back with what we could make in the summers.

A huge set back was buying the land in front of the Centre, in order to get planning permission for twenty houses so people could stay and use the Sports Centre. Before it came to fruition the Environmental agency declared all the land to be a green belt. “They would not let us build anything, not even the full-size football/ rugby pitch we would love to create now, to form a football club.” During this time they grew their family when Ben came along in 1986 and Sam four years later. “In 1984 I introduced some of the locals to squash and taught them to play. It was a bit like missionary work at first. No no no! Hit it against the b***** wall! Squash in the U.K. was huge in those days. I formed teams and organised competitions and we were regularly playing in a league we had started with three other Algarve clubs.” Well-known squash players came from England to see this thriving squash club that they had heard about in a small fishing village in the Western Algarve. Andy then set about finding converts to play tennis, a game he had only recently taught himself. “We built that up nicely organising matches and roll-ups. Our early tennis progress, however, was spoiled when in 1986 Lagos built its own courts. We lost most of our Portuguese players.” In 1990 the Beach Villas and Martin Holidays went bust, where they used to host parties for 100 tourists a week, it went to nothing and all their trade had gone. Judy got a job teaching when Sam was one. 




Andy with his son Dan

“I can’t ever forget the worst winter, our lowest time by far. It was 1996 and it rained for four months. I could not believe it when I saw one guy canoeing down the road outside the Sports Centre! It was literally ‘all hands to the pump’ as we nearly went down. Nearly bankrupt and with few or no customers, with a wife and three kids it was a time of big worry for me. I did not know how we would get through. It was a case of swallowing our tears and rolling up our sleeves.”

Andy with Eric Dier

From about 2000 expats started moving to the area and Andy started kids football and built up the tennis club. One of the kids that came to his football academy is Eric Dier, whose parents lived in Lagos. Then when Eric showed talent he moved to Lisbon and joined Sporting. This is all the sweeter for Andy as he is a huge Spurs fan. Eric still remembers Burgau Sports Centre and just sent him a signed t-shirt for his birthday, proudly displayed on the wall. The Centre would now desperately like to create a full-size pitch so they can create a team and not lose the young talent they help to cultivate. “We try to do our best to make people enjoy the sports centre family atmosphere which is what keeps us going. Tennis is now very strong, with an evolving group of players who are new to tennis but who are regularly turning out for Dan’s coaching sessions.” "Sadly David Miller died very young at 59. He was a big loss to everyone and especially to us at the Sports Centre. Without David Miller, we would not have been here.” Another big sadness to Andy is the unitmely passing of both Keith Shepherd and Ralph Eveleigh, partners in the Burgau Beach Bar. They had been some of the first



expats to live in Burgau, since before the revolution and had initally encouraged Andy and Judy to make the move. On May 1st, the boys organised a bash for their parents in the place where so many parties, sporting events and friendships have played out. Dan posted on Facebook; “Happy 35th anniversary to my home. The place I grew up, the place I became me. Thank you to my parents as well as my Gran for your vision, investment and constant battle to create and sustain our business for as long as you have, its such a massive part of the community and has been helping families who have moved here to settle as well as giving families on holiday a place to go and enjoy their family time together.” Andy has never regretted coming to Burgau and has proudly watched his sons as they have grown from boys to young men. “I only have to look at my lovely granddaughter Sofia as she toddles towards me and I say to myself “Yes it was worth it!” So what is Andy's ambition for the future? “My only wish is that my family will keep the Sports Centre open with my ashes scattered over it!”

+INFO:  BurgauSportsCentre



There was not a dry eye in the house at the Tomorrow magazine summer Mardi Gras ball on Saturday night, as Vicente's mother and grandmother tearfully thanked partygoers for their help. In the June magazine, we launched the Vicente campaign, for a 3 ½-year-old boy, who due to complications with his birth was born with cerebral paralysis. Vicente, who attended the 5th Summer Ball, looking very dapper in a white shirt with glow bands on his writs is a very engaging little boy. He has a winning smile and beautiful eyes and like most 3-year-olds is interested in everything going on, but unlike other children his age, he cannot walk or talk. My heartstrings are pulled as his grandmother Isabel tells me, as her voice breaks, that their dream is that he will walk, something that most grandparents would take for granted that their grandchild would enjoy. Vicente cuddled in his mother's arms, flashes me his disarming smile, which melts your heart. To achieve this dream they need two lots of 8-week treatments per year in Braga, comprising of physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and speech therapy. The cost of this, however, is not covered by the state and the prices are unaffordable for a normal family, especially as his mother is not able to work because of the care Vicente and her two other children require. Without outside help, he would have no treatment. While his father works full time, on Sundays his mother spends much of the day collecting then splitting the metal and plastics bottle tops into separate bags. After these treatments, Vicente makes noticeable progress and he can now sit for a short time and has started to say words like “sim” and “mama.” So, Tomorrow magazine has made it our mission to help. You can see in Vicente's big brown eyes that he is desperate to get more from his life and the ball-goers raised a staggering €2,000 on the night to help him. One local businessman took to the stage at one point to personally donate €2,000, which was met with rapturous applause. In return for their generosity, the guests were treated at the Tivoli to some jaw-dropping magic tricks from local magician Dan Brazier, music from the Mash-ups and a buffet dinner. The campaign is, however, not just asking for money. There is a fantastic opportunity for people to help Vicente without having to go into your wallet at all! All you need to do is to collect either plastic or metal bottle-tops which are sent to a residue treatment centre in Beja, Resialentejo.



The company's website tells us; “As part of its social responsibility policy, RESIALENTEJO provides a solidarity collection system - Dê uma Tampa Project, which aims to receive plastic or metal bottle caps, collected by citizens or entities, which after being sent to recycling companies allow us to obtain funds for the acquisition of medical or orthopedic equipment or financing of medical services.” The recyclable materials are then weighed and translated into cash which is put in an account for Vicente. The treatment can then be paid for from this account and so it doesn't pass through anyone else's hands. So far 5,000kg have been collected but 24,000kg is needed which will allow Vicente to travel to Braga twice a year. The next step in our campaign is to appeal to all commercial enterprises such as restaurants, hotels, bars, golf courses or schools, to start collecting theirs to contribute to getting the 12,000 kg they need to on full treatment. The Tivoli Hotel announced at the ball that they will be collecting tops in their hotel and beach club in Lagos. What does the support mean to the family? His mother Vera tells me; “Without the treatment, Vicente would struggle to develop any of the skills he has already acquired. Simple tasks like holding up his head without the support and gripping with his tiny hands have all developed from the treatment.” If you are a business manager in Lagos or Aljezur and want to help, please contact Tom Henshaw who will arrange for the bottle tops to be collected from you. We can all make a difference to this lovely little boy and his family.

+INFO:  mundo colorido do vicente 

LUXURY VILLA IN LAGOS 2.300.000 € | REF. M/05234 | PORTO MÓS Located in Porto de Mós - Lagos, this luxury villa with a contemporary design and panoramic sea views offers 3 bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and a living/dining area that is accompanied by spacious balconies. The basement offers access to outdoor space and the possibility of creating a cinema, games room or additional accommodation. In the outdoor areas, there is a swimming pool, a jacuzzi and an extensive garden with a terrace.


www.c a s a sd oba rl ave n m


KIDS MARCH FOR THE PLANET In a school where “respect” is the only rule, it is not surprising that the children of Aljezur International School took part in the recent climate change student march in Faro on Friday 24th May. The students were calling world leaders to respect the planet and change legislation as part of the international student movement #SchoolStrike4Climate and #FridaysForFuture. The student climate campaign is inspired by Sweden's Greta Thunberg, 16, who last year launched a boycott of classes to demand urgent action from the Swedish parliament to halt climate change, a protest that has quickly spread worldwide. On March 15th this year, an estimated 1.4 million students in 112 countries around the world joined her cause with striking and protesting.

“The majority of our students have a genuine concern about the planet,”



demonstrating the food chain from field to fork, has given our students a greater awareness of the impact our actions as human beings can have.” Karen believes there has been too much apathy amongst the young population in recent years. “When I was a student in the 80s we frequently went on marches. We weren't militant but it just felt like we had a voice. I was happy for our students to experience a march, the feeling of people power, of being heard and we knew this would be a safe environment to do so.” Every student from the school participated and Karen feels that if just one of them goes on to make a difference it will have been worth it. The march started near the Forum shopping centre and they joined students from Portuguese state schools throughout the Algarve to walk over 2 km through the streets of Faro with police escorts. They also appeared on local and national news.

A similar event involving students from 125 countries took place on May 24th, and school directors Karen Whitten and Sílvia Catarino were happy for their students to participate. “The majority of our students have a genuine concern about the planet,” Karen told us. “They can see changes in the climate from little things like having to water the school vegetable garden more now than they have done in the past.”

I chat with a group of students who attended the march to see what the kids understand by climate change. Their knowledge is impressive; they know about the effects of different forms of pollution and many of the negative environmental impacts caused by present day lifestyles. They tell me it makes them very sad.

Year 10 student, Pedro Rocha aged 14, initiated the school's participation in the march after seeing the campaign on Instagram. He wanted to do something about it and asked Sílvia and Karen if Aljezur International could take part.

“Raise your voice not the sea level” is what Vasant aged 10 wrote on his banner. His knowledge of the environment is practically encyclopaedic and he has obviously read many books on the subject. There is a concern among the youngsters about the number of animal species becoming extinct that they will never get to see in the wild, like the blue parrot and river dolphin.

The school’s curriculum is very much focused on the environment. “We try to have lessons outdoors as much as possible, so the children are more in touch with the natural environment,” Sílvia says. “We’ve found that including agriculture lessons in the timetable, thereby

They also understand that pollution and plastic can get into their food chain and this has made some of them make the decision to become vegetarian. 


Teenager Christian tells me that seven million hectares of rainforest are lost annually while agricultural land expands by six million hectares per year, a fact he found himself on the internet. Most of the students also follow environmental social media groups.

Part of the student campaign is stopping the use of plastics in schools and the students at Aljezur all use refillable water bottles and know about the dangers of plastic straws. The kids tell me that one of the organisers of the Faro march had lost her voice because she was shouting so loudly into a megaphone. A few of the Aljezur students, including Vasant and Luna, also spoke through the megaphone to the crowd at the final rally point. Luna told the crowd, “Everyone says I am too small to make a change but if we all think like that nothing will happen and we should do something today otherwise tomorrow it will be too late.” Vasant said, “Why do we do bad things to hurt the planet? It is dying so please help us save it.” I ask Karen what impact children can have. “They are the leaders of tomorrow. Our job is to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to effect change. During a class discussion about climate change last week, one of the kids looked me in the eyes and told me that they will have to try to clean up the mess my generation has created. That was very humbling,” says Karen. In the population of 80 students at Aljezur International, there are 26 different nationalities and so the school is a living demonstration of how diverse nationalities can unite to make a difference. There is no Planet B.

+INFO: 



Meet the artist Sophie Wills

PLEASE START BY TELLING US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOU. I grew up in the South West of England loving the countryside and the sea but later I moved to London where I worked for many years as a freelance sculptor, prop-maker and scenic artist for films, TV and theatre. WHEN DID YOU BECOME AN ARTIST? I’ve always drawn, made jewellery and painted whenever I could. Mum encouraged me a lot as a child and I mostly just learnt by experimenting, watching and learning from other people. YOU STARTED SPECIALISING IN MURALS, HOW DID THAT COME ABOUT? Craving the sea I left London for Brighton and set up a business painting murals mostly for children’s bedrooms although ironically it took me back to working a lot in London again. WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO PORTUGAL AND WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED? I came here on a surf break to clear my head and ended up living just outside Aljezur. WHERE DO YOUR IDEAS COME FROM? Ideas for the murals usually come from

my clients. They show me a picture their child likes in a book or tell me what they love, maybe a toy or a character in a film. It's also very special when I get to meet the children themselves and I can ask them what they want. HOW LONG DOES A IT TAKE TO COMPLETE A MURAL? It can take anything from a day to three weeks to complete. It really depends on what people choose, it could be small and really detailed or huge and fairly quick to do, but any subject or style is possible and there are lots of creative shortcuts you can take if necessary. WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE PIECE? It is really amazing to see the children’s reaction for the first time, so for me it's more the memories that go with the work, it feels very special to play a part in creating some magic. I have very happy memories of doing the Room on the Broom mural in a playroom which had The Gruffalo on the other wall and The Flower Fairies which I have done a few times, is another favourite of mine.

+INFO:  



July 1st represents the first day of the heightened risk of fires for the region, with the number of wildfires already having increased compared to this time last year, it is this time of the year we think more about those who fight fires and those who support them. A number of lessons were learned from the devastation caused in recent years, to decrease risks by better land management and raising the awareness of the citizens to the risks of fire. Any form of bonfire is banned until September 30th. Rapid response to evaluate the situation relies heavily on a network of individuals and what began as a Facebook group under the command of Debby Burton has become so much more. Algarve Fire info have become a completely integrated unit of the fire service, mobilising a civilian network that are adaptable to the needs of the time. Whether stocking local stations with bottles of drinking water and snacks, first aid products or just a change of socks for the bombeiros the group has become invaluable.

In June Debby, the founder and President of the Algarve Forest Fire Alert Association was notified that The Queen of England on the occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty’s Birthday had approved the award of the British Empire Medal to her for services to the community in the Algarve. Three cheers for Debby, let us hope that she is not too busy to receive her award personally. The Lagos firefighters that operate from the town's station number 75 souls in total, 40 of whom are



volunteers which follows in a long held tradition in Portugal of giving your life for a life, the motto of the brigade. The professionals work shifts ensuring the town has a constant on call team to deal with emergencies. Whether professional or volunteer every firefighter will have gone through a rigorous 18-month long training course before they are ready to put on a firefighters helmet. Once they have reached this stage the protective clothing required to keep our brave bombeiros safe costs €5000 per person. Government funding for the station provides just 75% of its annual budget leaving a massive 25% to be garnered through any means possible. One of the ways that the service can generate additional money is through its fire extinguisher business. Whether you need a certificate of conformity, a refill for a used appliance, disposing of an unserviceable unit or need to purchase new extinguishers B.V. Lagos is the only certified local place to take care of this. They also sell a variety of a variety of regualtion signage required by law. This service is just one way the crew help themselves. They also rely greatly on the generosity of the general public who raise money in a variety of ways. At its last ordinary meeting the Lagos Chamber approved the purchase of vehicles to a value of more than 1.5 million euros to provide the municipal services, unfortunately fire-engines are not within the municipal jurisdiction. 

COMMUNITY The fire-truck parked outside the station looks like a hollywood prop for a movie, it actually dates from 1961 retiring after 20-years service in Germany only to be forced into work as one of the town’s most modern appliances. The fire station house has a fascinating area dedicated to years gone by, among the artifacts found is a horse-drawn appliance which would have rattled through the cobbled streets of town from the old station up until the 1930’s.

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The remaining appliances at B.V Lagos’s disposal, ready to tackle the next operation, are all over 20-years-old and require constant maintenance sucking dry the savings for replacement units. The most modern of the engines was on Monchique mountain fighting the fires that wreaked havoc to many last year. In the thick black smoke the appliance left the road rolling down a steep incline receiving damage that is repairable to the figure of €30,000. Inside the appliance the driver was less fortunate, his lungs already filled with

smoke the rolling of the truck bought all the weight of his comrades down upon him. The name of the injured fireman is João Lopes, he is 55 years old and was a professional fireman, although at the time of the accident he was in a volunteer shift. Unlike the truck João will not be returning to work at B.V Lagos. Paulo Jorge Reis, councillor with the area of Civil ​​ Protection and Commander of the Volunteer Fire Brigade of Lagos recently presented the work done in the field of fire prevention, the structural prevention work carried out during the winter and the operational prevention consisting of active surveillance which began in June. Today there are four teams, two in Aljezur, one in Lagos and one in Vila do Bispo, all of them equipped with five vigilantes. Concluding the report with "in what is prevention, our homework has been done, now it is hoped that the weather conditions will also help." Thankfully we also have Debby and her valued group watching and sharing information with the rest of us.



The Surf Experience traded laughs for money when they hosted their standup comedy night at Mullens on the May 23rd. Surf Experience's Toby Millage, once more delved into his impressive contact list to bring professional stand-ups to the Algarve. The three comedians enjoyed some surfing and treated the local community to some laughs in return for cash for the Bombeiros volunteers. Stand-Up for the Bombeiros, Barry, Ryan and Gareth The event raised €275 for the Bombeiros thanks to Ryan Cullen, Barry Castagnola and Gareth Waugh. Irish comedian Ryan is a Comedian and comedy Writer for RTF’s Republic of Telly and Callan’s Kicks. Barry is an actor, comedian and writer whose TV appearances include the Stand UP Show and Net. Comedy. He had the audience in stitches with his encyclopedic knowledge of Lagos!



Edinburgh-based comedian and writer Gareth Waugh was described by the BBC as “One of the fastest rising stars of the Scottish comedy circuit”. The two-time Scottish Comedian of the Year finalist and winner of Radio Forth’s Big Comedy Audition has appeared on numerous radio shows, but met his match in Lagos, when being heckled by a man from Porto! He claimed even at the Edinburgh Fringe festival he had never been interrupted so much! Toby says; “It's small drop in the ocean but shows what can be raised through entertainment.” If you missed this one then watch this space as Toby hopes there will be another Stand-up event in October.

+INFO: 


MADRUGADA NEEDS YOU Many of the articles about Madrugada Associação are related to fund raising through our retail ‘charity’ shops in Lagos, Luz and Lagoa and other events. Our wonderful team of international volunteers in retail work very hard, collecting, receiving and selling the donations from a very generous community, right across the Algarve. Their work is incredibly important. However, there are also volunteer teams working to develop the business and clinical strategies, and are involved in general management, monitoring finances, compliance and fundraising initiatives. Raising awareness through articles in Tomorrow magazine, coffee mornings and talks to groups & clubs is a very important part of our management volunteer’s responsibilities. More recently Madrugada attended the International Fair in Lagoa to inform the residents along the Algarve of the choices we can give those at the end of life who wish to stay in their own home. Our Clinical Manager, Tanja, together with one of our registered nurses, Helen, were on hand with information and advice, and our Retail Manager, Judith, and volunteers from the shops shared their volunteering experiences to encourage

more people to join us. It was a great success and we hope to see the benefits over the coming weeks with more volunteers joining the Madrugada family. Each task carried out by one of our volunteers or members of staff is for the benefit of a patient and their loved ones. The end result of their contribution, whatever it may be, enables Madrugada to support our Nurses and Carers so they can give the best possible care in the home. We are currently searching for a Board volunteer who is as passionate as we are about our free, end of life, care for those with a life limiting illness. No experience required, just a kind heart, a ‘can do’ attitude and availability a few hours a week. Contact us to find out more or to speak to one of the current volunteers. Alternatively, if you are interested in joining as a volunteer but only wish to be involved on an adhoc basis or have some ideas you would like to share then we would love to hear from you.

+INFO:    +351 282 761 375

Bispo Go A new mobile application designed for tourists and locals alike has just been launched by the Câmara of Vila do Bispo.

More than a digital tour guide that takes you to over fifty points of interest around the region, this app is also a game. Collect objects at the various sites and exchange them for real world prizes. A treasure hunt that lets you discover archaeological sites, paradisiacal beaches, natural landscapes and dinosaur footprints. You can follow the five thematic routes, whether on foot, bicycle, by car or you make your own way to each site. The app is available in English and Portuguese from the Play Store and App Store and is hoped to attract more people to discover the heritage of the area. Once downloaded it will work offline with a GPS connected device.




The National Institute of Statistics (INE) is recruiting 49 interviewers in the Algarve in prepation for the 2019 Agricultural Census taking place between October and May next year.

In some areas technology has altered farming far from the rurual concept, so the data collection is essential for agricultural, rural, regional and territorial development policy decisions.

The census is carried out every ten years, collecting data from farms with interviews conducted face-toface the purpose of the census is to help characterise the current farm structure, to identify systems and modes of production that typify the rural population.

At European level, the results will contribute to the analysis of the CAP 2014-2020 performance and to draw lessons for the post 2020 picture. Response to the Agricultural Census is mandatory.

+INFO:  / (Recruitement)



OUT OF AFRICA! Not many people in the Western Algarve know about Badoca Safari Park, a hidden homage to Africa, in the countryside between Santiago de Cacém and Sines, which children and adults alike are sure to love.

“The idea is that the visitor feels like they are in Africa and forget they are at Badoca."

When managing partner Francisco Simões de Almeida first visited Herdade da Badoca, it had a few African animals but no infrastructure, electricity or water. He fell in love with the place and knew he had to have it.

The giraffes are certainly the main draw and it is very special seeing these magnificent creatures at such close quarters happily munching on leaves plucked from the trees, in the beautiful Alentejo countryside.

Francisco, originally worked in the restaurant industry, before he became involved with the new project. “It all started as an adventure, without knowing where it would go. I always loved animals and Africa and with time I managed to buy it.”

The herd has six in total, with two babies. One is just 18 months old called Niassa, he had to be hand fed, due to the fact that the mother didn't give her enough milk. Another baby, Mallawy, is four months and is thriving at a height of two and a half metres already.

The Park first opened in 1999 and in 2008, they obtained an EU grant of €3 million for infrastructures such as the African Rafting ride, the Great Primates' Island and the souvenir shop.

While the train is definitely the USP of the park you can happily spend an hour enjoying the antics of the different monkey species on Primate Island. Although with young kids I found the walk there a challenge, it is a lovely trek through the park and around the lakes which are home to Chimps, Baboons and Mandrills.

“The idea is that the visitor feels like they are in Africa and forget they are at Badoca. Over time my desire to create a unique, nature-related tourism and conservation project became a passion, which grew. With this came the responsibility of dealing with the preservation of animals species, some near extinction".

The main attraction is the safari train which is tractor driven through beautiful countryside with cork trees providing shade for the giraffes, zebras, wildebeest and buffalo, which wander at liberty. Ostriches sidle up to the carriage and you can't help but think Sr. Simões has achieved his goal and saved you a plane ticket!



Badoca has an environmental enrichment programme where the islands are changed every week in response to the behavioural demands of the species. New novelties or changes are introduced to stimulate natural behaviours that a healthy animal in the wild would have. For example seeds and honey being hidden in tree trunks with holes which the animals must get out using sticks. One of the essential roles of zoos in the modern day is captive breeding programmes for nearly extinct species. 

COMMUNITY watch their climbing abilities and become aware of the destruction of the Madagascar Forest and the impact of human activity on ecosystems. The birds of prey presentation is an opportunity to sit down for 30 minutes, to view eagles owls and vultures in flight. There is also a walk through a African forest exhibit containing a number of birds including parrots. The kids play areas are wonderful for young kids with carved wooden animals set amongst the trees.

Badoca is playing a vital role in this. Oryx Scimitar is a type of antelope which became extinct in the wild in 2000, Badoca currently is home to ten of these animals and one baby born in captivity.

Graça Oliveira, who works in the Parks veterinary services says: “We can keep the animals in a place where everyone can see them, we can provide that experience to the general public and above all, we can talk about their conservation, so they can have the tools the knowledge, the desire and passion to make the difference somewhere, somehow to save them in the wild.” We tried their self-service restaurant which was a wonderful safari style complex with a canteen serving delicious home-made Portuguese food which you could enjoy while looking out over the Park. In addition, there is a café and picnic area. An important project of the Park is to educate childen and they welcome many school groups of all ages; “The experience children have at the park by looking at these animals, touching, smelling them is a lesson you can't really teach in any classroom.” There is a twice daily presentation from a keeper when you observe the feeding of the lemurs while learning about the species which is a crowd pleaser. You can

The Park is also offering a range of VIP experiences, including a safari in a jeep, rather than the train, where you can get up close to the wildlife and have photo opportunities with the giraffes for a cost of €79. You could also sign up for the falconry experience or interaction with the lemurs. Badoca opens from March until October, 7 days a week from 9 am until 6 pm and welcomes 100,000 visitors a year with 23 employees. First opening to the public in 1999 it has taken 50 million euros of investment to get it to where it is today, but it is still far from the dream of Francisco, who wishes to build a hotel with 80 rooms. "People could stay here, listening to the sounds of the animals at night, or even doing a night safari," he explains. Badoca is a wonderfully imaginative family experience and well worth making the journey to enjoy this summer.

+INFO: 

Summer is here again, and the choir invite you to join us for our now traditional, summer sing-along. Over the months of July and August the choir head outside to sing for you, this year we are excited to be adding a new Lagos location to our programme.



Sr. Francisco - owner of Badoca

Our next performance dates will be Saturday July 6th in front of the Lagos slave market (start time 5.30pm) and Tuesday July 23rd at the front in Luz (start time 6.30pm). Anyone is welcome to join in, or, if you prefer, you can just sit, relax and take in the atmosphere while we sing some of our favourite songs of the year so far for you. So if you're

heading out for an evening meal, or simply enjoying a leisurely evening stroll, there's time to catch up with us first and enjoy some singing in the sunshine. We look forward to seeing you there! The Western Algarve Community Choir (WACC) are an all-inclusive choir with no auditions or previous experience necessary and where everyone of all ages and nationalities are welcome. For more information about joining the choir or to book us for your event, please email choir leader Elizabeth Roberts Honey.

+INFO: 




Zoe Campbell has been working with children since she was 15. In 2018, after moving to the Algarve, she opened Kids Entertainment, offering childcare for weddings and a babysitting service. She went on to start Little Nipper's Toddler Groups as a free service for local parents. “I started as a nursery assistant in a crèche when I was a teenager. I also ran holiday clubs and play schools. I went on after school to do my NVQ in childcare which fell through, as numbers became so low the college could not carry on funding us. I carried on my training with online schooling.” After having her second child she became a registered childminder working from home for five years until she embarked on a career change as a kitchen designer! “After the birth of my 3rd child in 2011, I trained in photography and started my own business. I combined my skills taking photos of children and newborns and creating children's parties.” Zoe moved to the Algarve when her youngest daughter was five and she started to babysit and carry on using her skills as a photographer. In January 2019 she was joined by Davina & Ellise and started Little Nipper's toddler groups and hosting kids parties. “The ethos of the group is for families to come and enjoy a morning together making arts and crafts while mixing with other children from many backgrounds and with different interests. This is of huge benefit to the children, learning to play with each other, communicating and making new friends. They develop their hand and coordination skills whilst having fun playing, glueing, sticking, colouring,” explains Zoe. It's not just the kids that benefit though, mums are able to talk to one another and share valuable information

and tips for others who may be struggling in areas of child development. It is also a great place to share and pass on clothes and equipment that are no longer needed. Ironically the mother that may have benefitted the most is Zoe herself! “I was struggling with getting my daughter to go to school, a mum suggested a heart on the hand and a reward chart. We have done both and it worked!” What is extra special about these groups is that Zoe does not charge the parents: “I wanted to offer a service that could benefit everyone, parents, venues and my business. I am asked to babysit for pretty much all the children in the groups and I’ve been asked to host their children's parties. Venues gain by the parents drinking tea or coffee and enjoying some amazing food from the cafes so we all benefit from Kids Entertainments free generosity.” Zoe runs regular toddler groups at Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis every Monday morning at 10am - midday and at Burgau Sports Centre every Wednesday at 10am -midday. During the holiday seasons she hosts kids workshops in various venues for the older ones to enjoy and this summer she will have a selection of Pool Parties. All the details can be found on her Facebook page.

+INFO:  thebabysittingcopt

CELEBRATING CHILDREN'S DAY Boavista Resort helped kids celebrate children's day on 4th June with a summer open day bonanza. 60 children enjoyed bouncy castles, paddle boats, yoga and face-painting. All before they took on the kids challenge of an obstacle race. The kids all looked like they were having a fantastic time and Boavista staff had gone to great lengths to give them all a Happy Children's day!





A New Book About The Algarve Covering a time period from the stone-age through to the modern day looking at the fascinating characters who visited the Algarve, from the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, Henry the Navigator and Sir Francis Drake to the likes of Lord Lucan, Paul McCartney and the family of Madeleine McCann, the new book by Len Port is a fascinating read for residents and tourists alike. Len Port has been a journalist for over 50-years, his inquisitive nature complementing his prolific writing skills have led him to working in some of the world's troubled areas during the most fascinating times of recent history, from the Far East in the 1960's to Northern Ireland and South Africa in the 1970's. Reporting news for the world’s leading news organisations Len has led an interesting life, meeting politicians like President Richard Nixon through to cultural icons of the time including The Beatles and Jayne Mansfield. Len moved to the Algarve in the early 1980's where he continued his writing, producing countless feature articles on all sorts of subjects for a range of publications including British national daily newspapers and latterly Tomorrow Algarve. In the early 1990's Len and his business partner created the largest English language publishing house in Portugal, Vista Ibérica. Len wrote and published the popular children's book



Bica, the Portuguese Water Dog along with many local and regional tourist guides including Algarve in your Pocket, Algarve on Wheels, Great Nights Out Great Days Out, The History of Porches and the controversial The Fátima Phenomenon, Divine Grace, Delusion or Pious Fraud?. His most successful work, Get to Know the Algarve has reached seven editions. After the guide books came a whole range of magazines aimed at the English speaking visitors. A resident of Porches it was here that Len first developed the concept of People in a Place Apart. With his clear and concise writing style peppered with a touch of humour, in the same vein as other Irish writers before him, Len has recently published his book in paperback format which was launched at the Faro Book Fair in May by the Faro-based publisher Sílabas & Desafios. The subtitle gives a good idea of the book’s subject matter, Insights into Adventure, Mystery and Intriguing Personalities throughout the History of the Algarve. Chronicling the comings and goings of foreign cultures and colourful characters in Portugal's southernmost province from the dawn of history to the present day. A combination of historical research along with personal interviews and encounters culminated in this new non-fiction title.

What readers say: “...packed with colourful characters who have passed through the Algarve since the dawn of history: outrageous royals...romantic writers, dictators, sports stars, air aces, animal activists, fugitives, musical maestros, victims and villains” “ Just the right mix of history and intrigue to keep you spellbound” “This book has something for everyone – and is great for a holiday read too, as every chapter covers a different personality/ subject and can be read in any order you like”

Len Port's book can be bought locally in the bookshop in the main plaza of the Vale do Lobo resort and is available in both digital and print form from Amazon. 


PHOTO SPREAD Photo © Fátima Vargas  bestillfatimavargas

SUMMER BALL '19 Guests attending the 5th Tomorrow Summer Ball got into the carnival spirit at the Mardi Gras themed event. An amazing €2000 was raised and a large part of this was due to the superb raffle-sales skills of Chris and Greer Hogg who volunteered on the night and sold over €1000 worth of tickets. Thanks also to the local businesses, listed below, who donated prizes to the raffle which is the main driving force of the money raised. A local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous, donated a further €2000 making a grand total of €4000. In addition to the ball helping Vicente, we are giving €450 from the Ball and the upcoming Golf day to CASLAS's Camp Sunshine fund. The children's home in Lagos houses about



35 youngsters who find themselves in this institution because their parents have serious problems with drug and/or alcohol abuse or because they have suffered physical abuse or poverty. This money will allow some children to have a summer holiday. We would like to thank: Quay Lagos - Bar Linda- Portofino - Days of Adventure - Nauti Girl - Eva Clark - Boavista Golf & Spa Resort - Raul Milhano Hair Salon - Abode - Old Bastards - Sea Life - Bom Dia - Hugo Beaty - Ann de Jongh - Algarve Accommodation Agency - Pizza Real Luz - Graham Jones - Pilates Room Lagos - Rebeca Simpson - Tivoli Lagos Hotel - Sofia Beauty Therapy - Nico Arnoldi

You can view all the photos and download them at: 





What's on in July SAIL AWAY

PORTIMÃO NEON RUN July 20th from 9pm until 1130pm Neon tickets are required to participate in this event. Cost €8-10

with a new approach to the concept of entertainment, the programme begins at 9pm with neon warm up and DJ. The main run starting at 9.30pm. For those still with energy an after party starts at 11pm.

The Volta ao Algarve à Vela is back for its 27th edition.

A fun 5km run or walk through the lights and sounds in the company of many others each wearing their own neon kit. Billed as a new way of doing sports

The sailing event runs from Lagos to Tavira with passage through Albufeira and Culatra Island over July 18th to 20th. Composed of three stages. Stage one starts in Lagos and ends in Albufeira. On the second day depart Albufeira finishing on Culatra Island. The final stage of the sailing tour of the Algarve from the Island ends in Tavira.


With a vast social program at each stop, the event is known as one of the most important sailing events at the national level with an anticipated participation of 240 sailors, 20% of these coming from several countries. Racing is conducted under the burgee of The Clube Naval de Faro Gymnasium.

+INFO:  navaldefaro.gcnf



+INFO: 

Art Academy Marina de Lagos is offering a workshop for children on the 5th and 19th of July, from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The theme is "Cosmos". All materials are provided. The final show of the works of the participants will be included in the exhibition during the “Art in the Marina de Lagos” cultural event on September 28th 2019.

+INFO:  lagosartacademy

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HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL The 13th Aljezur International School's Play in the Parque 2019 This year's outdoor theatre performance will take place on Friday July 5th in the usual idyllic setting of Parque de Merendas near Barão de São João. The show is entitled The Rocky Horror History Show, written by the school's director Karen Whitten. Karen says,“This is not just a school play, it’s a community theatre production. People of all ages from all walks of life come together once a year to create a special magic.” Karen's unique take on play-writing is to see which children and adults wish to participate and then write a part especially for them. “Every year, more and more people become involved and this year's cast of 67 adults and children are promising an unforgettable evening of fun and laughter”.

The Rocky Horror History Show will take the audience on a hilarious romp through time, meeting colourful characters from the past. The quiz show hosts, Riff Raff and Magenta, are on hand to ask questions and give clues to the contestants which will help them win the prize, although no-one seems to know what that prize actually is. As always, the action is sprinkled with surprise cabaret acts and musical mayhem. The bbq and bar will start at 4.30pm, the performance begins at 6.30pm. You don't need a ticket, but they ask for a €5 donation when people arrive with half the proceeds going to Alwan Kindergarten in Syria and the other half to the local bombeiros.

Medieval Fair Alvor The River Zone of Alvor will be the stage between July 27 and 30, from 6pm to 12am, of the Medieval Fair of Alvor with the right to a Parade.

In the program there is the famous Cortejo on July 29 and 30, at 8pm, as well as Tavernas, Merchants and Historical Recreations.

+INFO: 



HOLIDAY WITH DANCE In association with the Town Hall, The Cultural Association of Portimão introduces Dancenema for the tenth consecutive year. The project Holidays with Dance is a series of summer dance lessons to be held from July 15th until the 26th, from 2:30pm to 6pm in Casa das Artes. Aimed at children and young people from the age of nine up to the age limit of 15 years who are interested in the art of dancing. The project is part of the Municipal School of Ballet but will offer classes in a variety of styles from hip-hop to tango. Each class will have a minimum of eight and a maximum of 16 participants.

+INFO: 

MUSIC ON THE PATIO In the courtyard of the Cultural Centre of Lagos the Town Hall has organised free concerts during July.

10th: Zé Manel Martins Trio offer Afro-Brazilian music 17th: Bafos De Baco sings Alentejano 24th: Ricardo Martins plays Portuguese guitar 31st: Guada Loop Project Electronic Music


Candlelit Market

LOTA COOL MARKET July 18-20th in Portimão Lota Cool Market is a handicraft market with design and gourmet products, organised in partnership between Teia D'Impulsos and Diana Condesso. The participants are national creatives with originality or small brands who are invited to promote their products. The exhibition and sale of products is also accompanied by a program of cultural animation in the same space.

+INFO:  lotacoolmarket

Among the various delights to greet and entertain you at this years Lagoa Candlelit market is the harpist Helena Madeira.

A native of Lisbon her musical life began by studying classical singing with Fernando Serafim at Juventude Musical. She attended the Music Conservatory in Lisbon for three years studying the harp and singing before extending her education at the Hot Club Jazz School. In 2004 she took the first steps towards a professional career becoming a singer with the Portuguese folk band, Dazkarieh. In 2006 Helena became the lead singer of the MU band, recording the album Casanostra in 2008 which won the Carlos Paredes Prize. During extensive touring across Europe, Malaysia, India and along the African west coast she encountered many traditional musicians which gave her the inspiration and confidence to launch her own solo career, composing her first solo album Da Voz Do Embondeiro, from the baobab's voice, in 2014.

Recently, Helena Madeira has returned to the roots of Portuguese music and has focused on building a blend of Christian, Arab and Sephardic mediaeval sounds, especially from the 13th century. Today Helena's wide repertoire is in much demand, working on many fusion projects, musical partnerships and further developing her solo career. Helena will play from 8pm until 9.30pm in the Convento de São José which is now the Cultural Centre of Lagoa. The Convent Saint Joseph dates from the early 1700's and was founded by Carmelite nuns to look after abandoned children. The two standing stones in the entrance of the grounds were relocated from Porches to the site in 1975 and are believed to date between 4-5000 B.C and is the perfect venue for Helena Madeira to create, through her harp and her voice, an atmosphere of romance. The Candle Market in Lagoa runs from July 4th through July 7th from 7pm to 12.30am.



A fun half day cycling around the Bravura Barragem on E-Bikes has been organised by the avid cyclist Karl Burkett who will lead the ride.

taking in all the views stopping half way for a light snack. Bring your own snacks, plenty of water, sunscreen and loads of enthusiasm.”

“We will meet at the car park at the Hello Goodbye Cafe at 9.30am on July 6th. It is designed as a fun ride, no skills or experience are required, though it will help if you can handle a bike. We will ride all the way around the barragem

Free to attend with your own e-bike or you can rent one from Booster Bikes in Luz who will deliver bikes to the dam and set them up to suit your size and weight.

+INFO:  +351 967 778 661 (Karl Burkett)


Arte Doce Fair

July 27th & 28th the annual Arte Doce (Sweet Competition and Fair) in Lagos will have a wide range of traditional sweets competing as an art form. David Fonseca will open the musical entertainment with a free concert on the 26th As one of the highest Portuguese record sales is sure to attract a large crowd.

PORTIMÃO WINE TASTING From July 26th to 28th, 6 11.55pm, you are invited to come taste and take home quality wines, in a relaxed atmosphere, where you can talk, socialise and even dance. The format is quite informal since the theme this year is Street Food.

Participation of three wine producers of Portimão, Lambreta Maria do Mar, Em Pão Torrado and the Porco no Espeto, promises wine lovers three days of great wine experiences, highlighting the local harvests with an exhibition of traditional Portuguese products.

DANCING FOR THE PLANET If you appreciate dance don’t miss the Gwen Morris Ballet studio’s annual Espectaculo. The dance studio featured in the June edition’s The Algarve’s Dancing Queen and the show promises to entertain while highlighting environmental issues. Children and adults star in the show which is choreographed by the teachers and is performed at the Arade Pavilion on July 6th. The show contains all different dance styles and you are sure to be dazzled!

CALLING CYCLISTS Centro de Ciclismo de Portimão has been in existence since 2008 and currently has around 200 active members. Under one roof the club caters for Road, Mountain and Enduro classes with teams competing at many levels. The club also has a Triathlon division which is also open to children. As part of the European City of Sport project, during July C.C. Portimão will host two events both of which are still open for registration for interested



participants. The first Champion of Portimão road event takes place on July 21st, starting at the Autodrome International Algarve. The event has a variety of classes for all ages and genders. On July 28th, The 2nd Duathlon Cross is a 5km run, 15km bike-ride ending with a further 2.5km run to finish.

+INFO:  centrociclismoportimao



The 6th edition of the Horticultural Fair will be held in Monchique on July 6th and 7th with the main objectives of promoting the farmers of Monchique and their agricultural products. All of the agricultural production from the county will be represented at this fair, vegetables, fruits and small animals. Organised by the Monchique Town Hall the fair will be open from 10am until 7pm in Largo dos Chorões.

BEER FESTIVALS Alameda Beer Fest Faro hosts the 5th edition of the International Festival of Beers and Artisanal Beers where 200-types of craft beer will be exhibited from July 4-6th at Jardim da Alameda. In addition to the beers there will be an urban craft market, Algarve gastronomy, artistic performances, music including live concerts and DJs. The festival opens from 5pm until 1am each day.

+INFO: 

Silves Beer Festival The festival began in 1978 and ran until 2006. After a break of 10 years it returned in 2017. Organised by Silves Football Club with the support of the Municipality of Silves the 2019 edition of the festival has been extended by an additional day this year. The event expects about 40 exhibitors from July 17th-21st. The activities take place in Al-Muthamid Square and entrance is free.

+INFO:  silvesbeerfest

FEIRA DO PRESUNTO If you are looking for an excuse to visit the interior of Alentejo, the traditional smoked ham and sausage fair should be enough. Attracting thousands of visitors each year the annual fair has unique black pork ham produced in the mountains of Monchique and smoked for all tastes. Local handicrafts, confectionery, medronho spirit and liqueurs are just some of the other attractions. The fair takes place on July 20th & 21st in Monchique with Calema, the eurovision song entry, entertaining on the opening night.



LAGOS STREET FOOD FESTIVAL Midday until midnight on July 12 - 15th, this year the organisation hopes to highlight different types of food in order to promote gastronomic diversity.

+INFO:  lagosfoodfest


24H RACING Autódromo Internacional do Algarve will host, for the second time, the 24hr Endurance event Racing. It starts at 11am on the July 6th although the paddock areas are open to the public on Thursday 4th with practice and qualifying sessions.

COME DRIFTING If you like your motorsport visually spectacular, with cars sideways and a whole lot of smoke, on July 6th between 10am and 7pm next door to the Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve, there is a drifting event taking place. While not part of the official Drift Championships this is more of a practice event for drivers to hone their skills and organisers are expecting drivers who are competing in the championships as well as people experiencing drifting for the first time. “One of the main reasons we started doing these events was to have a place where you can practice safely and legally here in Algarve, since the closest place where these type of events take place is in Fátima, almost 400km away.” This is not just going around the car park making dirty marks everywhere, tracks are studied and marked with barriers to maximize security to the public as well as for the participants. The drift community is known to be welcoming and loves helping the new members evolve. It is free to watch with food and restroom facilities available, drivers lunch break will be between 1pm and 3pm. There will be 30 and 35 drivers. There is still time to take part too.

+INFO:  Driftalgarve



There will be two championshipship races, the European Championship with races in Mugello, Spa-Francorchamps, Brno, Portimão and Barcelona and The

Champion of the Continents, with races in Dubai, Portimão, Barcelona and North America. GT cars from a road-going background put through a gruelling 24hr test with local representation in Team Parkalgar. Tickets are priced from €5.

+INFO: 

Classic cars

If you prefer your motorsport with more ellagance then the 26th Edition of Algarve Classic Cars is one not to miss. The Historical Regularity Rally is expected to draw 150 classic cars of various marks to compete in one of two events.

The challenging Sports Route, is where the participant will have to compete in all 16-special stages and classification tests, maintain average speeds and complete time cards. Or there is the more leisurely Tourist Route where participants will not have to carry out any regularity tests.

The event takes place July 12, 13 & 14th to see where to watch at the track or on the roads, or where to avoid, check the official programme for times.

+INFO: 

BMX NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS The Bicross Club of Portimão hosts this major event in the BMX calendar, scheduled for July 7th and is sure to include the best riders in Portugal and provide the spectators with plenty of action.


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Stick Fighting Lesson (16+ yrs) Tue 6.30pm €8 | Playing Pois (12+ yrs) Tue 5pm | FREE (BYO pois or borrow for €3), Kultivarte Barão S. João, T: 963924743

Open Painting Studio Wed & Thurs 10.30am, €12.50, Healing Painting For Generation 70+-, Thurs 3pm €10, Barão S. João, T: 962039574

Contemporary Dance Class Wed 7.30pm, €10 class/€25p.m, T: 965310351 Capoeira Class Tues & Thurs 7pm, €5 class/€30p.m, T: 920547209 Salsa Cubana Dance Class Mon 8.30pm (Beg.) & Thurs 7.30pm (Adv.) | €35p.m, Bachata Dance Class Thurs 9pm €20p.m, T: 964151952 Teatro Experimental de Lagos (TEL), Lagos

Circus VagabunT Classes for children (6-12yrs) Tues 2.30-6.30pm Aljezur Wed 2-5.30pm Budens Thurs 3-6.30pm Odeceixe, €25 p/m, Leo: 968296503

Aljezur International Choir Singers from the Southwest Algarve Thurs 2pm | Sing in various languages, Music Room Aljezur Bombeiros, T: 914285640

Latin & Ballroom Tues 10- 11.30 (Interm) 11.30am (Improv.) & 12.30pm (Beg.), €9, Alvor Community Centre Wed 7pm (Begin.) Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis, €8 T: 961916821 Music Lessons (Piano, Guitar, Keyboard & Voice) Beginners & Intermediate €25p.h, Salema T: 964201904

EVENTS July 6th Journey Through the Chakras | 9.30am 12pm | €15, Quinta Bonita Yoga Studio Lagos, T: 964593937 July 16th, 23rd & 30th BBQ with Live Music 6- 9.30pm inc salad and dessert buffet & 1 drink €22 (Kids 4-12rs €12) Golf Santo Antonio, Budens T: 282690051 July 20th & 27th Live Music & BBQ | Bbq from 7.30pm and music from 8.30pm Adults €9 Kids €6 (Wendy & Adam 20th & The Mashups 27th) Pigs Head, Burgau T: 282697315 Sunday Brunch Live Music with Jo Alice Braswell (Blues, Jazz & Rock) 2pm 5pm Galley Restaurant, Luz Until July 31 Transformations in Nature Exhibition by the Algarve Artists Network, Centro Cultural de Lagos Quiz Night Mon 9pm | Rodizio of Tapas (Call for dates) 7pm | BBQ Meat Feast Sun 2pm - 9pm €7.50 The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor, T: 912441143



Open Mic Night | Wed 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians, poets, comedians, dancers & fun people welcome | Free Admission | Junction 17 (Under The Galley Restaurant) Luz T: 964201904/ 911568625 July 13 Yin Journey into the subtle Chakra Energies with Puck | 3 - 5pm, €15, July 14 Heart2Heart Shamanic Journey with Phara & Yves | 3-6.30pm (donation range: €25 - €35) InLight Lagos 913127421 July 13 Kayaking in Ria Formosa €16 Faro Beach July 20 Bike Ride in Vale da Lama €10 Lagos July 27 Walk in Alcoutim + River Beach €10 Alcoutim Quimera Travel Experiences T: 969 467 275

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.), Floresta Bowls Club - Rua Direita, Praia da Luz, T: 919707635 Lagos Walking Football Wed 9.30-11am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 Boavista Golf Resort Luz, T: 282790930 Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo: 962690582 Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities,Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort,

Junior Golf Academy Sat 3pm, €25 | Mixed Group Lessons Fri 9.30am | €20 | (Max 7 p.p. class) 24hr advance booking Equipment provided, Espiche Golf, Espiche Contact Golf Professional Mickael Carvalho Tennis Doubles-Round Robin | Thu 3-5pm | €10 T: 282690008 (from July 16th) Kids Golf Lesson (4-6) Tue & Fri 9.30am €12 | Adult Try Lesson Tues 12pm €15 Golf lessons with PGA Pro on request ( | Football Academy 4(15yrs) Mon & Thurs 9.30am €18 (or 3 for €48) | T: 282690054, Golf Santo Antonio, Budens

Urban Dance Wed 5.15pm (Kids 7+) 6.15pm ( Adults) | €8/€25pm, Alma Verde Burgau, Fri 6.30pm (teens) €7, Bombeiros Vila do Bispo Private Classes €20p/Sess., T: 916022719 Life Drawing Mon 11am - 1pm | Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess | Marina de Lagos T: 916035308 African Dance Classes Thurs 10.30 | €10, Rancho Folclorico Rogil, T: 964588588 Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels | Lagos, 918764613

FITNESS Cardio Flow Yoga Mon 6.30pm | Calm & Gentle Yoga Wed 2pm | Yin Yang Yoga Thurs 6.30pm | Wake Up & Flow Yoga Sat 9.30am |€10, Quinta Bonita, Lagos T: 964593937 SUP Yoga Mon, Wed & Fri 11.30am | €20 | Alta Vista, Luz T: 964593937 Hatha Yoga (beg.) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am (Booking), €10, Boavista Golf Resort, Yin Yoga Mon 4pm, Hatha yoga (beg.) Fri 3.30pm, €12pc or €60x6, Alma Verde, T: 963614499 Legs Bums & Tums Mon 11am, €6 Quinta Bonita Total Fitness Mon 7.30pm Boxercise Tues 10.30 €6 | HIIT Fri 9.30am €7 Burgau Sports Centre, Boxercise Wed 10.30am €6, Praia Dos Tres Irmaos, Alvor, Soames Fitness, T: 913425893 Zumba Dance | Wed 10am, Pilates Wed 11am | Centro Social de Almádena Zumba Dance Fri 11am | Alma Verde Studio €7.50 T: 968288258 Yoga Mon - Sat 9am €10 Drop-in | Ocean Villas Gardens Luz, T: 282767303

Tantra Yoga Tues | 7.45-9pm Vinyasa Flow Tue 12.30pm & Sun 9.30am | Yin Yoga Tue & Sat 6-7.15pm, €6 - €12, InLight Lagos T: 913127421 Fitness Tue & Thurs 9.30am, Pilates Mon & Wed 8.45am €5 | Golf Santo Antonio Budens, T: 282690086 Pilates Mat Classes | Daily 9.15 & 10.30am | €10 or €90 for 10, Barre Pilates Mon 6.30pm Wed 12pm & Sat 10.15am Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, T: 926514613 Pilates Mat Classes (All Levels - inc. equip.) MonFri 9:30am 10:30am & 6pm, €10 /€90 x10, AR Pilates Studio Chinicato, Lagos T: 966787280 Stretch & Flow Yoga | Tues 10am Yin Yoga | Wed 9.15am Core & More Yoga Thurs 10am, €10/€65 for 8 (res.), O Clube Burgau T: 913202621 Beginners Yoga Classes Wed 2-3.15pm Hatha Yoga Wed 6pm Yoga for Back Care Thurs 2pm, €10 drop-in, €45 x 5, Lagos Marina T: 912176914

Mother & Babies Yoga Tues 10.30am €15 Hatha Yoga Mon & Thurs 10am | Kundalini Yoga Mon & Wed 6.30pm | Bujinkan Tajiutsu/Ninjutsu Tues 6.30 & Thurs 7.30pm €8| Qi Gong (Adults) Wed 10.30am & Thur 6.30pm €8 (Lids) Sat 10.30am €10, Casa Sakra Lagos T: 916060814 Tai Chi Wed 8.30am €8 Qi Gong Fri 8.30am €8 Inlight, Lagos, 913127421 Tai Chi Wed 2pm €7 Qi Gong Fri 10.30am €7 Meditation & Sound Healing Fri 11.30am (Donation), Madrugada Center, Luz T: 939734394 Tai Chi Sat 10am (from July 13) City Garden Castle, nr Arco de S. Gonçalo (Donation) T: 939734394 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30 8pm & Wed 12.15-2pm | Old School, Burgau €8, T: 965201477 Qigong Class | Wed 8.45am & Thurs 5.30pm | €5, Rua dos Bombeiros Voluntarios, Lagos T: 969147910

USEFUL NUMBERS GENERAL FAITH Sunday Service 10.30am, International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, T: 932082813 Communion Services Said Holy Communion Thurs 10am & Sun 8am, Sung Holy Communion (with hymns) 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz (church by the sea) T: 282789660

CHARITY & SUPPORT July 17th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Snack Bar Silva, Estrada Albardeira, Lagos, T: 926297527 (Carol ) T: 968084946 (Kirsteen) Riding for Disabled Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim T: 915090044 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos T: 964201904 / 282760506 T: 917005590 (AA hotline)

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


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PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750



Members of the Clube Bicross de Portimão voluntarily gave up their time to join the contractors to move tons of earth to create one of the most up-to-date courses across Iberia, meeting the current competitive requirements for BMX athletes. The track boasts a fully electric starting grid and a new lighting system allowing the course to be illuminated for night races. It is fitting that the Portimonense club now has a course worthy of the current national champions status. Financial assistance from the Câmara as part of the Portimão European City of Sport 2019 initiative made the project possible. 100 athletes attended the first major event, rounds five and six of the Portugal Cup just days after the new track’s grand opening with two days of racing across multiple age ranges and genders. Algarvian Hugo Martins, currently ranked fourth worldwide in the category of riders over 40-years old is an inspiration to competitors of all ages. He had great local support but it was a Spanish rider, Guillermo Garay who took home the spoils from the event. With four remaining rounds for the Portuguese Cup, Martins

SLALOM WINDSURFING Martim Monteiro is the new National Champion 44


remains at the top of the ranking on 63 points, one more than Jaime Airosa with Carlos Rosado (Clube Bicross de Portimão) laying third. BMX became an Olympic cycling discipline in 2008 and continues to attract new riders to the sport. To help train new participants to the sport Clube Bicross de Portimão offers a comprehensive training school with two certified coaches providing training sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7pm until 8.30pm. The minimum age to take up BMX at the club is just five years old. If you would prefer to just watch this fast paced racing, the next major event the club will host is the National BMX Race Championship, scheduled for July 7th will attract the best of the Portuguese riders and is free to come along and watch. Located in the Youth Park, Parque Da Juventude, the new BMX course is open to the public to ride.

+INFO:  CBPRace

Martim Monteiro became national champion in windsurfing slalom after four days of competition held at Martinhal beach in Sagres. "My main goal was to be a national champion after five years away. I have been very busy following an acting and modeling career but I have told everyone that I would be a national champion again and I did it! " The event was dominated by Brazilian Mateus Isaac, a competitor on the world circuit, who was taking advantage of an extended passage through Portugal

to join the event. Isaac won 10 of the 11 races held. "I really like Portugal. It helps to speak the language, of course, but also because I have many friends here. The test itself was very good and I really enjoyed competing here. Martim competed with me on the world circuit a few years ago and it was good to see him walking well again. Then Martinhal was wonderful, very beautiful, always windy. I really enjoyed it and hope to return for next year. "




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School Trophy). This first step on the ladder, is for young people between the ages of five and 12. All use the same motorcycle, an Ohvale 110cc Automatic. All must also be in possession of the correct protective gear (suit, gloves and helmet) as well as a Speed Sports License. Next is the Troféu-Escola MiniGP (Motocycle GP School Trophy). This will further train and promote the future motorcycle champions. Using the same RAV MiniGP 220cc bikes, guarantees mechanical equality between riders. Participants in this category are aged between 10 and 14 years.


Miguel Oliveira is currently the latest in a long line of top level Portuguese motorsport competitors. The 24 year old is this year competing in MotoGP, the highest level of motorbike racing in the world. Riding for Red Bull KTM Tech3, 2019 is his first year competing at this top level. The fabulous Autódromo Internacional do Algarve (AIA) is one of his sponsors. Many of us hope to see him racing at the circuit should MotoGP come there in the future. Miguel is keen to ensure that other Portuguese talent follows him into the top level. In order to be successful in motorsport, it takes many years of hard work and focus. The younger you can start the better. For example, Lewis Hamilton, the current Formula 1 world champion, was winning in go-karts at the age of 10. To encourage young people, Miguel has founded the Oliveira Cup. This is a motorcycle racing school project, based on finding and nurturing new talent from seven to 14 years old. It is supported by the Miguel Oliveira Fan Club, and has eight events for this, its second season, in Portugal. The aim is to enable young talent to then move on to Portuguese national motorbike racing (National Velocity Championship) all with Miguel’s personal support. From there, hopefully, into international competition in World Superbikes and ultimately MotoGP. The Oliveira Cup consists of three classes of racing. Firstly the Troféu-Escola Ohvale (Ohvale



Finally, is the Troféu Naked (Naked Trophy). The Naked category is intended for participants over 14 years and with no age limit. Participants up to 25 years of age are included in the Junior sub-category, above 25 years in the Master and in addition there is a Naked Pro category. Junior and Master categories use single-cylinder 220cc bikes with tubular chassis and adjustable suspensions giving the feel of a true racing bike. The second round of the 2019 season, was held at the Kartódromo, part of the AIA complex, on Sunday April 28th. Local interest centred on Portimâo based 11-year-old Miguel Santos, entered in the Ohvale trophy. Miguel is the son of former AIA communication and marketing director Miguel dos Santos. So, he is keeping the family tradition of having petrol in his blood! With some personal coaching from AIA events and racing school director Miguel Praia and AIA architect Ricardo Pina as technical support, the odds were stacked in his favour. Young Miguel finished an excellent fifth overall and now lies seventh overall in the championship. In the Naked Trophy Miguel Oliveira himself was entered together with our local ex World Supersports rider Miguel Praia. A good crowd of spectators and supporters watched the racing on a hot day blessed with the usual Algarve clear skies. I have seen motorsport at all levels from bottom level club racing to the very top levels of international competition. I can say without doubt that the young people racing this weekend had the same level of determination and focus I have seen at the very top. They were not playing; this was serious professional sport to them. This bodes very well for the future of motorsport and motorbike racing in Portugal. It is also testament to the level of dedication Miguel Oliveira puts into it himself. He spent the day talking to and encouraging the young riders. After every race he greeted and congratulated every one of them, no matter where they finished. What a fantastic example to the world of motorsport. To quote Miguel himself “It's always good to get back to the Oliveira Cup. Every race there are pilots who surprise me more and more. This is fantastic.” Phil Egginton is a motorsport consultant and journalist who has now retired to the Algarve.

+INFO:  /

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SHORT CHIP SHOT In this tip I am concentrating on the short chip shot, one that is approximately 10m from the flag on a flat lie. This should be a simple shot due to the small distance between the ball and the hole, however, adapting the swing to cover such a small distance makes it difficult for many players. The illustrations will help to show that the shot is much simpler than it may first seem.


1. ANALYSING THE SHOT Firstly, club selection is very important dependant on the situation in front of you. You need to determine the distance from the ball to a point 50 cm from the edge of the green and then the distance from that spot to the flag. Club selection depends then on the total distance of the shot, for example 10m and how it is broken down in distance between the two parts: 50%-50% - select your sand wedge (the ball flies 5 meters then rolls 5 meters) 40%-60% - select your 9 iron (the ball flies 4 meters and rolls 6 meters) 30%-70% - select your 7 iron (the ball flies 3 meters and rolls 7 meters) 20%-80% - select your 5 iron (the ball flies 2 meters and rolls 7 meters)

Suggestion: For high handicap players a “chip and run” shot is safer and more effective than a short lob shot. Practice this shot using every club in the bag and learn the ball flight and how the ball runs after it lands on the green. On courses with hard running fairways such as Espiche Golf, this shot is priceless. 2. SWING This is a simple putting movement as illustrated in the previous tip, utilising a small pendulum movement using only the arms and shoulders, ensuring that the rest of the body remains as still as possible. It is very important that you use a neutral grip and ensure that the ball is positioned in the middle of your stance. Believe in the club and let it naturally swing from the backswing until the end of the follow through. 3. CLUB PATH, FACE AND CONTACT Due to the utilisation of the pendulum movement, the club must maintain the correct path towards the direction of the hole enabling you to ensure that the face of the club remains square at the strike point.

EUROPEAN DISABLED GOLF ASSOCIATION Making a difference to the lives of those individuals with disabilities, EDGA have recently released a new book, Mulligan, which contains 18 inspirational stories of players with a disability competing in the game of golf. “For every donation of €25 or more we will gift a book to you, and we will give a book to a hospital, rehabilitation or medical centre as a token of our appreciation” says Tony Bennett, President of EDGA and resident of Bordeira.



The next events on the Algarve will be the EDGA Algarve Open and the EDGA Ladies Open taking place at Vila Sol November 14-16. To participate in an EDGA badged event a pass will be required, these are administered and issued by the EDGA medical team, applications available on their website.

+INFO: 


COASTEERING PIONEERS New craze comes to Lagos Coasteering is a thrilling combination of swimming, cliff jumping and rock climbing. This unique sport allows you to explore the Algarve coastline from a new perspective. Sophie Sadler interviews dare-devil business partners Jim Newington and Nick Ainley to find out more. WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO THE ALGARVE? Jim: I moved to Portugal at the start of 2017. I came out to the Algarve on a surf holiday and I loved it so much I decided to move here and find a job. I got work as a surf instructor and Stand-up paddle guide and then stayed for the winter and loved the place even more. Nick: I came out to visit Jim the same year and I loved the area so much I kept returning until I eventually decided to move out too and started working as a SUP guide. DID YOU WORK IN OUTDOOR PURSUITS BEFORE YOU CAME TO THE ALGARVE? Jim: We had previously worked together in Cornwall in outdoor education doing a variety of things including surf teaching, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing as well as coasteering which we both loved. We did a lot of coasteering guiding back in England with a wide range of clients when it was first taking off. Nick even worked training with the Royal Marines.

the company after a few missions around the coast. Sagres is perfect for the cliffs, islands, coves, hidden caves, jumps and easy access. WAS IT DIFFICULT TO GET THE NECESSARY LICENSES? Jim: It took us more or less a year to get everything in place in terms of licenses, insurance etc and now here we are, ready for the season and we can't wait for the summer. WHO IS THE SPORT AIMED AT? Jim: Our ethos for Poseidon Adventure is to make this amazing sport accessible for all. Essentially it's an extreme sport but we don't want it to be exclusive, we want to share our passion for it with everyone and in doing so create a totally safe, bespoke and family friendly environment for our clients. Participants do have to be over eight-years-old.

Nick: I was a paddlesport coach, SUP guide and coasteering guide in the UK. Over the years I have trained a wide range of groups in the ocean, including the British armed forces.

Nick: Our sessions are perfect for groups, families with children and individuals. We will provide you with top of the range coasteering safety equipment for your 3-hour adventure during which you will swim in the crystal clear water of the Algarve coast, jump from extraordinary heights and explore hidden caves.

HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE IDEA OF COASTEERING AS AN ACTIVITY IN THE ALGARVE? Jim: We saw the potential for coasteering between Lagos and Sagres and decided to start

IS IT SAFE? Jim: Our safety procedures are robust - every activity site has been extensively riskassessed and explored, we provide all the necessary safety equipment (helmet, wetsuit,

buoyancy aids, gloves) and we only operate in conditions that we determine safe. We know just how important safety is from working in the outdoor sector in the UK and we pride ourselves on our ability to operate under the highest standards. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BEST MOMENT WHILE COASTEERING? Jim: I think the best thing that's happened whilst coasteering is seeing dolphins not too far away when we were in Beliche and also swimming in caves that nobody else has access to without coasteering. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Nick: Our sessions are priced from €50 per person. This includes pick up/drop off (between Sagres & Lagos), all safety equipment, photographs of your coasteering adventure and fully qualified and experienced guides.

HOW LONG DOES COASTEERING LAST? Jim: Our sessions are 3 hours long, including full safety brief and introduction. HOW DO YOU BOOK? Nick: Call us or complete the contact form on our website, please note that we may not be able to answer your call during the day as we may be out exploring in the ocean. However, we will always be free for a chat in the evenings until 10pm.

+INFO:  (+351) 919 667 849   @poseidoncoasteering





Microblading is a form of tattooing. It is created by hand, using a small blade. By using this technique, it creates a fine, feather-like stroke. Our local beauty expert Donna Groom explains the technique. Microblading is suitable for anyone, particularly clients with sparse or overplucked eyebrows, post-chemotherapy patients and for those who would like to enhance what they already have. This process can last up to a year. Celebrities are also lining up for this little gem of a treatment. Stars such as Helen Mirren, Gwyneth Paltrow and Adele are also ditching their eyebrows pencils for microblading. We are led to believe that microblading is a relatively new treatment but it’s been around for centuries. Even Cleopatra was partial to cosmetic tattooing! Eyebrows have the power to change the look of your face. Not only do they frame the eye and give a natural lift to the area, but they also add definition to the facial structure.

As we live in a warmer climate most of us battle with the infamous eyebrow pencil. We spend most of our day desperately trying not to touch our face for fear of rubbing them off or trying not to sweat in the heat so they won’t run off and that’s if we can actually draw them on correctly in the first place! You’ve decided to have microblading, what happens next? Well, you will need a patch test and will have to answer a few yes and no questions. All going well the procedure can be booked. You will be numbed and the brow mapped out and measured to perfectly fit your features. The decision of colour is based on the natural pigments of your own skin tones. The treatment generally takes two and a half hours and you’re given an aftercare form to abide by. After having the treatment the

STRENGTH TRAINING & MENOPAUSE As we age we start to lose muscle, but for women we are even more prone to this. Hot flushes are not the only effects of the menopause that women have to deal with, muscle loss is also a common side-effect of menopause and aging. As we lose muscle mass our metabolism also decreases, meaning we need to eat less calories. Our bone density also decreases which can lead to osteoporosis. It is possible to slow this down and help to keep muscle mass and bone density, by doing some strength and resistance training. Lifting weights is not something that is just for the young, you are never too old to start a resistance training program and it has massive benefits, both physically and psychologically. Increases muscle mass & strength, increases bone density, increases metabolism, lower blood pressure, improves sleep, increases flexibility, improves balance,



Microblading before and after image created by Donna Groom eyebrows will darken as they heal. It’s a scary 48-hours but within a few days, they start to lighten. By the time they’ve healed, they’ve lightened by 60% from initial treatment day. A top up is included six to eight weeks from your first appointment to fill any lost strokes. Does it hurt? Well, you are numbed prior to the process. It feels like a scratch but it’s a small price to pay to have a great brow that won’t run off in this years predicted heat wave!

+INFO:  +351 282 789 354  The Kutting room Praia da Luz


reduces risk of heart disease, reduces risk of diabetes, reduces risk of injury and can help to alleviate back pain. You are never too old to start to train, some of my clients never stepped foot in a gym before they retired. My oldest client who weight trains is 81 years young. It is not necessarily about lifting heavy weights, but it is about lifting weights that are appropriate for each individual, with the correct technique & form to ensure you lift injury free. Increasing your strength will have an impact on your everyday life, making day-to-day tasks easier, give you more energy and enable you to be fit to love your life. Ann de Jongh is a Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Sports Massager & Nutritionist

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HEALTH & BEAUTY Have you ever thought what sets aside the likes of Tiger Woods in the golfing world? They and many other professional golfers practice Pilates but why do they do it? They do it for the very same reason that Terry (shown in the photographs) came to The Pilates Room for his Pilates classes. Golf places a lot of stress on the body as a result of the repetitive nature of twisting the body. Some muscles become weakened and overused creating an imbalance over time.


Terry initially came to me asking for a “stretch class”. My response was that during his classes he would have a program designed to work his whole body and he would gain in flexibility and strength in his muscles and gain more spinal mobility and rotation. This rotation and strength would give him a more efficient and powerful swing.

Five years later I asked Terry what Pilates brings to him now after all this time. He mentioned all of the above but he said that the most important thing to him is the prevention of injury. During our classes we are working to create balance through the abdominals, back muscles, shoulders and hips to prevent injury to these areas and allow the body to be more resilient to the force being put through it. Tiger Woods has recently credited Pilates for his improved physical and mental approach on the course. So if it is good enough for Tiger and Terry it could be good enough for you! For more information or interest in a dedicated Golfers Mat Class then please get in touch.

+INFO:  +351 926 514 613 

CHRONIC SKIN ULCERS So what leads to an ulcer? BY NIKI MEDLOCK Skin ulcers are classified as either acute, those which heal within 12-weeks, or chronic, those that do not heal after 12-weeks, they are prone to infection and can cause a lot of pain. One of the main causes is a disrupted blood supply to an area of skin whereby the oxygen and nutrients essential for healthy tissue are not available. The origin of an ulcer can be an existing wound but there is generally an underlying problem with blood supply preventing the natural healing process. Causes include: DECUBITUS ULCERS (PRESSURE/BED SORES) These are caused by continued pressure on a particular area of skin for long periods of time compressing the blood vessels which stops normal circulation and leads to the breakdown of tissue. They generally develop around bony areas where there is less tissue to cushion the skin. VENOUS SKIN ULCERS These are the most common type of ulcers and caused by poor blood circulation in the legs when blood pools in the veins rather than travelling back to the heart. This blood leaks into the surrounding tissue causing



swelling which puts pressure on the skin leading to its breakdown. ARTERIAL SKIN ULCERS These occur when the arteries fail to deliver enough oxygen rich blood to an area of tissue which leads to cell death. NEUROPATHIC SKIN ULCERS These are a common complication of uncontrolled diabetes as over time high blood sugar can cause nerve damage resulting in loss of feeling in the hands and feet. So small cuts and wounds may not be recognised or felt until they become ulcers. As the blood is high in sugar this is also a fantastic breeding ground for bacteria to create an infected ulcer! ATHEROSCLEROSIS This occurs when arteries become narrow due to fatty deposits called plaques so they cannot provide adequate circulation to an area of skin tissue causing breakdown and formation of an ulcer. Next month: Signs, symptoms and treatment.



Qigong retreat with Master Iain Armstrong This last full-moon, Kung Fu Master Iain Armstrong brought his knowledge and experience to host a residential Tong Ling Qigong at the Karuna Retreat Centre nestled on the Southern face of the Picota Mountain, Monchique. The weekend course was attended by an international group of 16 participants of all ages who were joined by several Monchique residents. WHAT IS QIGONG? Qigong, also known as Chi Kung, Chi, meaning energy, breath, air or gas and Kung, the work of practice, is the ancient Chinese practice of cultivating the energy of breath in the body. It complements traditional Chinese medicine and is at the core of Chinese martial arts, particularly, Kung Fu. ELEVEN EXERCISES FOR LIFELONG HEALTH At 6am, the group gathered for an introduction to the Tong Ling system of Qigong, “Clearing diseased chi from your body, enhancing smooth flow of blood and positive chi”. They learned about the body’s vessels and meridians, the importance of air quality and the Tan Tiens, energy reservoirs that correspond to Chakras in the Indian tradition. Overlooking the foothills, practical training began with whole body and abdominal breathing, the first exercise of the sequence. For each of the 11 exercises, Master Iain gave a demonstration and talked through breathing, benefits and energy movement, giving every participant personalised input on how to improve. Seven auspicious repetitions and several breaths later, previously clueless students learnt the 15 to 45-minute-long anti-ageing practice to maintain health and prevent disease for life, in one morning. The groups favourite, Circulating the Big Universe, is a movement-rich, full-body stretch known for energising the mind and relaxing neglected parts of the body.

instrumental in developing the “calm and confident non-confrontational posture required in many situations”. Stressed at work or in class? Qigong practices such as stimulating the meridians with deep breathing or with a face massage can be easily adopted. When angry or anxious, by directing one’s chi down, one can reverse “hot headed” and “fiery” responses. Additionally, the five step Shuang Yang routine and walking meditation are two tension-based relaxation practices to complete ones’ mental, physical and spiritual toolkit. A (NEW) WAY OF LIFE For those who know Karuna, it is remarkable how it has risen from the ashes of the August 2018 fire. Along with freshly cooked vegan food prepared by Ana, Nuno and Michael, participants tasted a selection of Thai and Chinese teas and received an autographed book, “Get Your Health Back FAST with Chinese Chi Kung”. Everyone was encouraged to practice every day, remembering, in Chinese compromise-friendly fashion, that “done is better than perfect”. IS THERE MORE TO LEARN? With a last cup of immortality tea Jiaogulan, Master Iain graced the group with a demonstration of the Sun Frost White Crane Soft & Gentle Art (internal kung fu). When performed to perfection, this impressive 66 move sequence, reflects mastery of a way of life. The Thai-based Master is looking at bringing the martial practice to the Algarve’s mountains. Monchique may have a Kung Fu Training Camp in the near future. From the October 12-19, Master Iain will be returning to Karuna to present a weeklong Kung Fu course.

+INFO:  FULL MOON CHI KUNG At 11.15pm under a brilliant moon, students gathered in silence to repeat the sequence learned by day, followed by a solo meditation in Karuna's gardens. Participants recounted the surreal experience of feeling the effect of the moon on their energy levels, emotions and behaviour, putting Master Iain’s invitation to “Go beyond language, go beyond thought," into perspective. BENEFITS Since body language affects perceptions of confidence significantly more than tone and language, the practice of Qigong can be




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E-BIKES COME TO LUZ Too many hills to consider a bicycle? Not now, as a new bicycle hire company in Luz has the very latest 2019 Trek off road Mountain E-Bikes for rent. The battery assisted bikes require no license and can take you up to 90Km on a single charge allowing you to visit areas you would not be able to access in a car. With over 300Km of trails just in the forest of Barão de São João to explore the potential is endless and a great way to improve your health. Three years working in Norway, the proprietors of Booster Bike, Aneta and PJ got married and went on a four month european extended tour winding up in the Algarve as their final stop. They loved it so much they returned to their home country of Poland where they conspired a plan to move to the Algarve full time and begin a new life together.

PJ, an avid biker for many years, a qualified bike mechanic so the bikes are kept in the best condition with regular services, and a certified tour guide decided to turn his passion into a full time venture. Booster Bike currently have eight E-Bikes, five for regular size riders and one each for extra tall and those of a shorter nature, all bikes come with a helmet although for insurance purposes you must be a minimum of 18-years old to hire an E-Bike. You can rent bikes and explore yourself or take part in a tour which requires a minimum of two riders and if you don't know where to go is the ideal way to explore the region.


This month, a few handy tips and tricks that every computer user should know…

Free IT support Find me at The Tropical Café, Nº. 33, Avenida dos Descobrimentos, Lagos on Tuesday 9th and 23rd between 11am and 1pm. If the issue cannot be resolved there and then, an appointment can be booked.



MAGNIFY A WEB PAGE While in a webpage, press and hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard and then rotate the scroll wheel in the middle of your mouse backwards or forwards, on most computers this will shrink or magnify the text! SEARCH TEXT WITHIN ANY WEB PAGE You’ve opened a web site and you need to find an exact word on that page, hold Ctrl + F and a search pop-up box will appear. Now you can type any word into that search box and your internet browser will find and highlight each instance of that word as it appears on the page. REOPENING AN ACCIDENTALLY CLOSED WEB PAGE Reopen your web browser then simply press Ctrl + Shift + T to reopen the most recently closed page and get back to what you were doing. DELETE AN ENTIRE WORD Instead of deleting a single letter, pressing Ctrl + Backspace will delete the entire word behind the cursor.

Booking in advance, stating your height and weight will allow PJ time to adjust the bikes set-up to optimize your riding experience, with full suspension you won't feel most of the pot holes. Booster Bike will even deliver and pick up to your hotel or home free of charge, or you can collect the bike from the shop in Luz.

+INFO:   +351 966 262 438

THERE’S ANOTHER WAY TO INSERT A EURO SYMBOL A little tricky, but handy to know. If you’re using a non-European keyboard and you need to insert the Euro symbol, press and hold the Alt key and type 0128 on the numeric keypad on the right of most keyboards. It will insert the Euro symbol… give it a try! MINIMIZE ALL WINDOWS Simply pressing Windows key + D will minimise everything you have on screen, press the same keys again and they will all reappear. SCROLL THROUGH PAGES WITH THE SPACEBAR Tapping the spacebar on a website will scroll down in full page chunks and hitting shift + spacebar will take you back up. Have a great month, see you in the August edition

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT


YOUR PENSION IN PORTUGAL, BEFORE AND AFTER BREXIT funds, however, it is essential that transfer value is not the only consideration when deciding on a QROPS or SIPPs transfer; there is no substitute for regulated, licensed pension and wealth management advice in this regard. Reassurance but no certainty Although expats should be reassured by Britain’s close relationship with Portugal, until a deal has been agreed, there can be no certainties and global volatility means that it is perhaps more important than ever for retirement savers to make robust plans for the long-term. If you would like your money and your pensions to continue to work for you, speak with Blacktower Financial Management in the Algarve today.

Brexit uncertainty has resulted in many UK expats in Portugal having major concerns about the future of their pensions, both state pension and private schemes. One of the main worries is that the EU-agreed 'triple lock' on the state pension will be lost and pensions may not increase or uprate annually. While some commentators suggest that a reciprocal agreement between Portugal and the UK will almost certainly be negotiated, at Blacktower we can help you make your pension pot work for you right now, as well as into the future. Annuities in Danger Many expats currently rely on annuities to provide a guaranteed income once they retire. There have been widespread fears that a NoDeal Brexit could mean increased exchange rate charges and the possibility of payment problems into EU banks, but UK-firms should have already made plans to ensure retirees will still get payments. If you have an annuity and

your provider has not been in touch, perhaps now is the time to contact them.

Blacktower in Portugal Blacktower is an experienced wealth manager with offices in Lisbon and the Algarve. Speak with us today so that we can help you assess your wealth and its future.

While no-one can, at this point, predict what effects Brexit will have on financial services providers, what Blacktower can do for you now is to review your pension planning to ensure you are in the best position possible as we head towards Brexit and to be fully aware of your situation in the post-Brexit climate. Pension Transfers May be Key Ever since the introduction of pension freedoms in 2015, over 55s have had greater power to make decisions about how they invest and draw income from their pension pots. Some pension schemes have offered members favourable transfer values on their pension

For more information contact Blacktower: Tel: 289 355 685 Email: Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission. Licence No: 00805B. Blacktower Financial Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registry No: 3500648.


Mr Music

Player, promoter and teacher, Hugh Carslaw has been blowing his own trumpet, organising and promoting events, hiring musicians while also mentoring artists to achieve more from their own careers for decades.

Despite a planned retirement, today his Algarve based agency Unique Events Music continues to organise and play a number of performances including many engagements with his trio, Unique Algarve Jazz.

of Music. Although in it's seventh year Hugh secured a place working on the big London show, Jesus Christ Superstar. With lots of freelance work he was soon playing with numerous companies.

“There are so many great musicians here, I have had a great pleasure to meet and play with some really talented people who already have amazing careers behind them.”

“I did a bit of work with the Old Vic Theatre Company having a fantastic six months touring with Hamlet starring Derek Jacobi. Five weeks in Australia two each in Japan and China. This was 1979 so China had not opened up, blue smocks and bicycles were in abundance.”

Hugh's career itself spans a wide repertoire, from solo, small jazz and swing bands through big band and orchestras, a career that any professional artist would dream of. When his cousin arrived for a visit in a Triumph Spitfire and a beautiful girl on his arm Hugh determined that he too would become a dentist. After a year of dental school he quickly knew that this field was a mistake. Two years at a bank followed but the daily boredom was not worth the £750 annual salary. The twenty-one year old Scotsman was concerned for his own future. “A friend who was studying music, he could afford to run two cars, suggested that I take up music.” Three years at the Scottish Academy of Music in Glasgow, Hugh hasn't looked back. His career began while still studying, picking up work wherever possible. On completion of his degree, Hugh moved to London taking a post graduate course at the Royal Academy



Some work with the Ulster Orchestra it wasn't long before he was offered a full time place in Belfast. What he thought would be a year turned into twenty five as the co-principal trumpet for the orchestra. During this time he performed twice for President Bill Clinton. Firstly during the peace process at Queens University, a small group with musicians from the orchestra were waiting to begin. “The CIA handler gave us a minute warning on his arrival, the band began to play the tune shine. Forty five minutes later we were still playing because the Reverend Ian Paisley wouldn't go in to the same room as Gerry Adam and Martin McGuinness. I still don't like to play that tune. The second time he came for his honorary doctorate was better because the timing was controlled by the broadcaster, the Sky Arts channel.” With the peace process underway Hugh then teamed up with Tchaikovsky piano

competition winner Barry Douglas to form the all Ireland Orchestra. Camerata Ireland still exists today where new and seasoned musicians from various parts of the emerald isle play at home and tour annually around the world. When The Queen visited Dublin as part of the peace accord, Hugh played a major role in securing the Joint Patronage of HM The Queen and Mary McAleese, President of Ireland for the orchestra. This opened the doors to the diplomatic communities of both the UK and the Republic of Ireland which resulted in many private events in embassies in London, Paris and Washington. It was in Belfast that Hugh first began promoting, his agency contracted musicians for private and corporate events through to shows for the BBC. He supplied the string section for George Benson's Waterfront Hall concert as well as organising the music for the near, state funeral of the footballer George Best. “We put on our own promotions which included large scale open air orchestral concerts. The largest, a 'space' themed concert as part of the millennium celebrations in Wallace Park, Lisburn. The concert included 20 grands worth of fireworks, it was a really spectacular show for the audience of 22,000.” In 2011 that feeling of wanting to achieve more than he already had with his career, Hugh decided to move to North America where he joined the Cleveland Baroque Orchestra as the managing director. Playing at the Tanglewood Festival, one of the premier music festivals in the United States and a venue on every musicians dream list, New York's famous Carnegie Hall. Now home in Portugal where he has maintained a summer house for many years, Hugh is able to teach, at any level, although his experiences would be particularly helpful at the more advanced students through grades five to eight who aspire to reach diploma level or even envisage going to a musical college. To hire a band for a corporate or family event, or if you are a musician looking to expand your skills or reach, you can contact Hugh via the website.

+INFO: 

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Currency, tailor made We outperform the high street banks and make international money transfers simple and stress free. We think you should be able to move your money in ways that suit you. In ways that your bank can’t offer such as our buy-now-pay-later forward contract option.

+44 (0) 203 974 4738 / +351 282 768 136 Offices in Lagos and Vilamoura Global Currency Exchange Network Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017, FRN 504346. Global Custodial Services Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised and regulated by the FCA and holds Part IV Permissions under the FSMA 2000. Registration number 595875.


"Under one brand we can bring together all our offerings." continue to offer to clients remains outstanding. It’s our business which means we all care personally for each and every client and transaction. The founders of the business firmly believe that as each staff member is a partner they will have a vested interest in the future of the business. Therefore, the employees should be more motivated to take an already successful business to the next level whilst ensuring the highest levels of customer service are maintained. It was important that the senior management structure remained in place to provide continuity, experience and ensure the vision of the company remains on track. We have employed new staff and will continue to do so to improve our services to our clients and our IT structures. As we all begin to embrace technology more and more and with most services moving online, we need to work hard to ensure that we embrace this movement, ensuring we never lose track of the personal service that we pride ourselves on.

MOVING WITH THE TIMES Changes are afoot at Global Currency Exchange Network which has changed its name to GC Partners and revamped its business structure to make sure its moving with the times. GC Partners, Head of Portugal, Alison Daun, spoke to Amber Henshaw, to find out more. WHAT DOES GC PARTNERS OFFER? We’re a specialist financial services provider. We move money overseas - quickly, reliably, and securely using great foreign exchange rates. We transfer money for buying or selling a property overseas, for businesses selling or buying goods from other countries. It doesn’t matter how large or small the payments are. We have served over 100,000 customers and carried out over $5bn worth of transactions in 2018 alone to over 125 markets across the world. YOUR NAME HAS CHANGED AND WHAT ABOUT THE STRUCTURE? Last year we decided to change the structure of our business making each and every employee a partner. With every employee owning a share of the business we felt this was a great way to ensure that the service we



PLEASE TELL US MORE ABOUT THE NAME CHANGE? Many of our clients have been working with us since we began Global Currency Exchange Network Ltd (GCEN) back in 2003, helping clients all over the world with their foreign currency needs. In 2013 we created Global Custodial Services Ltd (GCS) which allowed us to offer a wider range of corporate services to a broader spectrum of clients. In many instances the services of both organisations have been packaged together, it was therefore decided to combine the two businesses under one brand – GC Partners. Under one brand we can bring together all our offerings. As GC Partners, we’ll continue to provide foreign exchange services to private clients – moving money overseas quickly, reliably and securely, using great foreign exchange rates. And for our business and corporate clients, our range of solutions such as mass payments, payroll, client money and investment solutions, FX hedging, FX and international payments, and global currency accounts can all help to improve operational efficiency and cost reduction. WHERE IS THE COMPANY BASED? We have offices in the UK, Dubai, Malta, Spain and Portugal. We are strategically placed throughout the world in order to work closely with our clients in each country and to understand the necessary money transfer procedures in each country. For example being based in Portugal helps us with our clients who transfer money to buy and sell property here. We understand the buying and selling process and we know many of the estate agents and lawyers, so we can help clients with their money transfers to ensure that they get to where they need to be on time.

+INFO:  +351 289 093 137 


Life’s Balance Trying to find that perfect balance to their lives Inês Nunes and her husband Bruno are just one of a growing group of Portuguese returning to their roots.

Inês from Portimão was lured away to Lisbon to study when she was 18-years old, with a bachelor degree in hand she worked as a strategic consultant for telecom companies in five countries on three continents. Nine years later she meet Bruno who had worked as a finance controller for the automotive industry while also teaching analytic accounting at university. Leaving their corporate careers was the first step in looking to rebalance. “We left our jobs to travel the world without any plans. We just wanted to experience new cultures, new landscapes, meet new people and learn new traditions. This big adventure was to break the link between the society and rules that we were used to living.

Inês shared a healthy recipe Detox Juice: 1 Apple 1/2 Banana Fresh ginger (small piece) Parsley (optional) Spinach (hand full of leaves) 1/2 Lemon, squeezed 1 glass of water



“We turned vegetarian at the beginning of our journey and like all good Portuguese, we love to eat, so our search for local vegetarian food was a big part. By staying in homestays and local houses we learned what the locals eat, how they cook, the ingredients and what is a typical meal in the different countries. It was amazing to see and experience so many different flavors and ways of cooking. When we started this trip we were open to fall in love with a new country and move there, but the truth is we realised that Portugal is really the best place in the world to live”. Not wanting to go back to their old routine, the couple came home to Portimão to open Balance Cafe, a healthy food Cafe & Restaurant based

on vegetarian and vegan recipes the couple picked-up. “Our place is very relaxing, cozy and comfortable, ideal for good conversations or just to read a book. All of our meal options are healthy and sugar free, we use seasonal, local ingredients as well. The food is inspired by many different cultures, everyday we prepare two dishes of the day often from two countries. We also replicate many traditional dishes from Portugal with a vegetarian twist to share our gastronomic culture. We want to show to local people they can eat in a very healthy way, keeping the same flavours that they are used to eating every day, of course there are many who resist this type of food. But we are very happy to see people that are not vegetarian come just to try and they return for a 2nd, 3rd or more times, some are coming every day.

+INFO:  BalanceCafeVeg  R. Dona Maria de Aragão e Castela lt 73D, 8500-449 Portimão

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52



In a country where one of the most famous exports is a custard tart called pastel de nata, bakeries are nearly as ubiquitous as churches. Entrepreneur Sofia Costa, however, is trying to put a new healthy twist on the traditional Portuguese padaria. Though Portuguese bread and sweet treats are tasty and popular, they aren’t exactly the best options for anyone with dietary concerns. Sofia is trying to change that in Aljezur with her new bakery, simply called A Padaria (The Bakery). Located on the main street of the village, it puts a modern, health-conscious spin on the traditional Portuguese bakery with a revolving rotation of glutenfree, vegan, sugar-free delicacies, all baked fresh with organic, non-processed ingredients. Arriving in Aljezur five years ago with her husband, Vet Pedro Kaisler, they opened up the town’s second animal clinic. For two years, the trained physiotherapist from Sintra, worked alongside him. At home, she baked for pleasure and to find alternative healthy treats, her two children would enjoy. Friends who tasted her baked goods liked them so much they suggested that she open a business selling them. Sofia’s interest in eating healthy natural foods and snacks that she had difficulty finding locally inspired her to open her premises. Gluten-free products, sugar-free cookies, healthy muffins, and an assortment of nut and seed-filled breads made without white flour, A Padaria also offers some of the usual Portuguese specialities like pastel de nata and broas (honey and cinnamon cookies) with a healthy twist. A Padaria also offers a variety of organic fresh juices, herbal teas and sandwiches. The current team of six bakers use mainly organic ingredients and unprocessed sugars, so even traditional recipes can be consumed guilt-free. For example, Costa makes the Portuguese white bread popular in toasties, called Pao de Forma, in a vegan version, whereas the typical recipe includes eggs or milk. “Before I opened, everyone didn’t believe much in what I was doing when they saw all the investment I was making,” said Costa who completely remodelled an old building in the town centre with the help of her architect



mother, Ana Costa. “People said, a bakery? You’re not going to make enough money with that.’” Costa persisted, driven by her belief in the project, which took two years to get off the ground, as well as in the thriving town, “Aljezur is really growing in four-five years we saw so many changes,” Costa said. “ It is now an allyear-round community and international holiday destination. There are so many new people now who want new things.” Some of those new things include more eco-friendly and health-conscious choices in food, how it is sourced and presented. Although being a small business owner in Portugal is notoriously difficult, Costa is one of a new wave of female entrepreneurs in Aljezur bringing a 21st-century mindset. A Padaria follows eco-friendly ethics using bags and cups made of compostable paper, while their fresh juice and smoothie cartons appear to be plastic, they actually are made of a biodegradable vegetable-based material. One issue Costa said she faces when offering both organic ingredients and eco-friendly packaging is that they are more expensive than traditional items. “That’s one of the challenges,” she said. “I don’t want to put my prices higher. A Padaria is not just for tourists. This is for local people who come in and can’t afford so much. A big challenge is finding the balance to keep things low price but also of high quality.” Sofia also hopes that her example will inspire other women with similar dreams to start new projects of their own. “I have so many friends that say, ‘I’d like to do this and that, but, but, but! Don’t say but. just go for it. If you really don’t give up, you can always do it.”

+INFO:  APadaria.Aljezur

"A Padaria is not just for tourists. This is for local people who come in and can’t afford so much."


BY THE LAZY TIGERS Ah July. The month when long term residents visit their relatives in the more northern and colder part of the continent, and Lagos is en fête with lovely, lively visitors from all over the world. It is also bleeding hot! Far too hot to consider for one moment cooking unless there is absolutely no way out. Luckily the town is full of fab restaurants, and if that wasn’t enough, July brings the Lagos Food Fest. This year it is from the 11th to the 14th in the Jardim da Constituição. The theme is Gastronomic Diversity, hurrah! You can wander the festival picking up a bit of this and a bit of that, no work or forward planning required. There is also live music. However, if you are feeling too lazy to go out, how about recreating some street food at home? Wraps always feel like they should be eaten in the open air and are very easy. This is a store cupboard and fridge recipe and the only must haves are the wraps themselves, some veggies, some meat/cheese/beans and some sauce. STREET FOOD WRAPS (MAKES 4): - One pack of wraps from the supermarket - Iceberg lettuce - 4 carrots cut into strips - 1 yellow pepper cut into strips (or red or green) - 1 large onion cut in thin semicircles - Cucumber cut into strips - A few chillies deseeded and cut into strips - 200g of cooked chicken (or any leftover meat) OR 200g of Feta cheese (or any cheese in the fridge) OR 200g of precooked kidney beans drained (or any other beans except, of course, baked beans) - Black pepper and piri piri to taste - 5ml of olive oil - A sauce such as mayonnaise, tzatziki, sweet chilli, hummus, or taramasalata Mix together the olive oil, piri piri and black pepper and toss your meat/ cheese/beans in the mix, then leave for a few minutes while you assemble everything else. Place the first wrap on a board and add some lettuce and a quarter of all the chopped and sliced



veggies, add a quarter of the meat/cheese/beans, and moisten with the prepared sauce. Then wrap it up (you know how). Repeat. Cocktails in jugs are a good lazy way to make drinks for a group of people. In hot weather it is all about making the easiest cocktail which looks the showiest. For this we recommend a jug of Strawberry Daiquiris. At the moment, strawberries are good and cheap in the shops, although sometimes, whisper it, you may have to use Spanish ones. The most important thing in this recipe is that your blender can crush ice. We would never use one in the shop which had a less than 800w motor. STRAWBERRY DAIQUIRIS (MAKES A LITRE): - 200ml of white rum (Bacardi or other) - 100ml of triple sec (Cointreau or other) - A punnet of ripe strawberries - Juice of two limes - Maybe some sugar - Ice to make up the litre - 1 lime and 4 strawberries to garnish Put all the ingredients except the garnish into a blender. Blend till the consistency of a slushie. Adjust taste with lime juice and maybe a little sugar (this will depend on the strawberries). Pour into tall glasses which have been garnished with strawberries and lime slices. Even easier? How about a Gin Fizz? You will need a cocktail shaker and some sugar syrup for this recipe, but this method is simple, and the taste is fabulous. GIN FIZZ (MAKES 1): - 50ml of Gin - 25ml lemon juice - 10ml of sugar syrup (Soares sell the Monin brand, easier than making your own) - Ice - Sparkling water Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and add the other ingredients except the water. Shake hard, in the approved Tom Cruise method, until the outside of the shaker is cold. Pour into a tall glass and add sparkling water to taste. Have a great July, and come and see the Lazy Tigers at London Tiger Coffee.


+351 913 505 038 | | R. Lanรงarote de Freitas, 18 - 1ยบ - 8600-605 Lagos

PETS & WILDLIFE Pet Park is a small farm in Mexilhoeira Grande, once home to sheep has since been converted to a holiday park for cats and dogs. A life-long love of dogs led Caroline England to create a fun place for pets to spend their holidays. The barn has been converted and separated into different areas so it can house up to 30 dogs. Some spaces are large with armchairs and loungers which can accommodate up to four dogs whilst others are smaller. All are comfy with lots of duvets and cushions to help the dogs feel at home.


Caroline who now lives at and runs Pet Park has worked with animals all her life. She began her career with horses then found herself in Manhattan working as a dog walker, often with 13 dogs at a time. She started Pet Park around 25 years ago, but family reasons meant she returned to England for 10 years where she ran Farnham Animals, caring for up to 20 dogs at her home. “I feel I am now back where I belong and very happy to stay and live out my days doing what I love best, caring for the animals.” The farm offers two small and one large paddock where the dogs can play and if they are social, can have a good romp with new friends that are staying too. Some dogs aren’t mixed, while the older dogs are cared for with more hugs than

runs so each and every dog feels happy, safe and secure. Dogs can stay for short or long periods. It normally takes just a day for the dogs to settle in and when they see the other happy dogs this reassures them. With a few extra hugs and treats, they normally thrive. The dog's day starts when the sun comes up and after breakfast, they spend time outside. After a while, most dogs are waiting to get back inside where they can cool down or warm up, they are given a treat, a cuddle and doze off while listening to the radio. Some dogs like to stay outside and lay in the shade of the old fig trees, but in the heat of the summer or the rainy winter, most are very happy to get back to their beds. The emphasis is on keeping their environment peaceful and calm so there is no constant barking, except when visitors arrive. Cats too can enjoy the Pet Park experience. The Cattery has loads of space to explore and sunbathe. There are snuggly indoor areas too so the cats do not feel imprisoned and can relax in a homely environment.

+INFO:   + 351 926 660 465


The unseasonably dry weather through spring brought the senescence early this year. Yes, the spring flowers were out in March, lovely, but after the bloom, came the dried out grass seeds which were sent forth to propagate the survival of their species. Much like a Douglass Adams scenario, some of these precious DNA parcels end up, not landing on rich loam soil, but rather in some dogs ear canal, or nostril, conjunctival sac or stuck right up there, between their toes. Speaking of, last month my colleague pulled out two from a dog’s anal gland. Yes, they have those too. The early senescence and enthusiasm of the spring flowers to continue on their lineage, led to a long period of retrieving these little things from various parts of (mainly) dogs anatomy, what, with them being so nosey, and all.



We even pulled a fox tail out of the lung of one dog with our video endoscope! A chronic cough was all the dog had.

opening such wounds to help the body eliminate the unwanted hitchhiker is all the body needs to heal again.

Sometimes grass seeds just go in, create an infection and get pulled out by the dog or by good fortune. At other times they can migrate, sometimes long distances (well, not kilometers) to other parts of the body.

My last article mentioned vaccinating your dog against Leishmaniasis. Every week we see another Leish case.

If your dog has a chronic wound, swelling or draining sinus, speak to your vet about it. They may suggest an exploratory surgery to go hunting for a foreign body in your pets own body. If a foreign body has been imbedded in an animal for a while, the immune system may have broken most of it down and when we go looking for it, we just find small amounts of vegetative matter there. Nevertheless,

LEISHMANIA is an incurable disease which is transmissible during the warm, insectprevalent months. The new vaccination is just one injection, which can confer 98% protection to your dog. Speak to your vet about it, if you haven’t already protected him/her/they/ neither against this debilitating disease. Here’s to another tops summer!

+INFO: 

TOM-7-14-engl-2_Jens-ESA 16.07.15 16:39 Seite 1

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In a beautiful valley near Aljezur, German-born, Melanie Michel has created a horse centre where kids and adults can learn circus skills, have a horse and carriage ride, or just cuddle them.

“I cannot remember a time in my life when I did not adore horses,” she says. “Rather than a riding school, this is a special place surrounded by unspoilt wooded hills for people to come, relax, and enjoy horses in the countryside. You will not meet highly trained horses here, but you will meet a little herd of lively and intelligent animals, interested in humans and keen to learn alongside you.” The structure of the lesson with the horse is very open. You can just watch, get to know and stroke the horses, or you can find your balance on a horse, practise a new skill, or go for a ride. Melanie is not sure if she would call herself her horse whisperer, “It’s more like me listening to the whispering of the horses!” She has spent time with horse trainers such as Linda TellingtonJones and Peggy Cummings, whose ‘connected riding’ approach greatly influenced the way she teaches.

"He did not want to be touched, he would kick and try to bite young riders."

Her holistic methods have been used to great effect on horses, including a stressed-out retired showjumper who had years of being pushed beyond his capabilities. “He did not want to be touched, he would kick and try to bite young riders. Finally, at the end of my tether, I asked Linda Tellington-Jones what to do and she gave me a brilliant tip. Tell the horse that we loved him, but if he wanted to stay with us he had to give up his old habits and work a bit with the children, or if it was too much and he just wanted to be with one person, we would find him a caring new home.” Melanie immediately began to see his behaviour change. “He obviously decided he wanted to stay with us, which he happily did until he died a few years later.” Another horse Melanie helped was Trovão. He was tied up in a field until he was rescued and castrated by one of the very helpful rescue societies. If you tried to separate him from other horses he would panic, push people away and frantically try to escape.



“The first thing I did was to train him to lower his head. This is the position where horses are able to think. I gradually realised that the more freedom I gave him, the more he cooperated. Often, I give up my wish to control, and just run with it and see what happens. He loves learning and working with my little students, he does a great job.” Besides a wide range of individual lessons and carriage rides, Melanie offers the Horse Guiding Licence which is a course of four three hour units for children from eight, to learn how to handle horses safely and gently. She also offers a course on circus skills, for children over 10 and adults. “The idea came to me because I love teaching horses new things. Morena is the leader of our herd, she is very nervous. I tried all sorts of approaches, but I could not make a connection. In the end, a friend of mine showed me some circus tricks. Together with a special training tool called a clicker, and a lot of treats, I got Morena’s attention. This was a great feeling, she is much more relaxed now, happily learning these new tricks and getting more eager and curious.” Mogli, their Shetland pony, is trained for pulling carriages. “He loves kids so even the little ones can be on the go, maybe enjoying a picnic or even a treasure hunt on the carriage.” What is the most important thing that Melanie has learnt working with horses? “The greatest teachers of all are the horses themselves. Ask them questions and they will give you an answer, though sometimes one you might not like, but one that is always truthful and authentic!” Photo © Cait Caulfield and @othercait on Instagram

+INFO:  +351 966 043 907 / 282 997 058 (Melanie Michel)



Plastic pollution is gaining increased global attention, thanks, in part, to media coverage like the BBC’s War On Plastic. Hugh FearnleyWhittingstall travelled to Malaysia to investigate the journey taken by waste plastic collected in European countries. Since China’s National Sword Policy came into force in 2018, many developed countries have switched to exporting plastic to countries in South East Asia. Unfortunately, the material is often not actually recycled. To make matters worse, once it arrives in South East Asian countries, it is not being processed by official, regulated recycling plants. In Malaysia, dozens of illegal factories have opened up to handle the increased volumes, many without an operating licence, using low-end technology and environmentally harmful methods of disposal. Large consignments of plastic waste are being illegally dumped in the rainforests, where it pollutes water courses and is often set on fire. Burning waste, especially waste which contains large quantities of plastic, sends clouds of noxious smoke billowing into the air. The smoke contributes to climate change and seriously affects the health of young children. Kids growing up in places with no waste management are 4.5cm shorter by the age of eight years old, have doubled levels of diarrhoea and six times the levels of respiratory



illnesses. Imported plastic adds to the challenges faced in poorer countries that lack capacity to deal with their own waste. WasteAid is a small charity that shares waste management and recycling skills in the world’s poorest places. The British government is supporting its work in the Gambia and Kenya, where WasteAid is training people to stop open burning and dumping, and to transform plastic waste into useful products like paving tiles and roof tiles. In Gunjur, the coastal village of the Gambia, WasteAid is training 90 villagers to collect, sort and recycle waste plastic. In Kenya, the charity is helping develop “total community waste management”, to stop rubbish entering Lake Naivasha, where pollution levels are now so high the entire ecosystem is under threat. WasteAid is now running its first public fundraising campaign, called Widening the Net. Benefitting from UK Aid Match, all donations from UK taxpayers made by July 31st will be doubled by the UK government. They are aiming to raise £100,000, which when doubled will be enough to develop a plastics recycling training centre in the coastal city of Douala in Cameroon, in the east Atlantic. The mudflats and mangrove forests provide a global biodiversity hotspot – home to many water birds, and internationally important breeding grounds for fish, sea turtles, African manatees and other wildlife. Typical of many places in poor parts of the world, there is no rubbish collection in Douala or surrounding areas. Four major rivers meet at the Cameroon estuary and they each bring vast amounts of plastic waste from inland towns and villages.

When monsoon season arrives, rain washes the plastic into the fragile Cameroon estuary. It becomes tangled in the mangrove forest, and mistaken for food by hungry turtles and gentle manatees. Eventually the tide flows out to the wide Atlantic Ocean, sweeping vast amounts of plastic out to sea. The plastic problem will only get worse unless we take action today. WasteAid is aiming to train 300 people near the Cameroon estuary to recycle plastic waste into useful products, like paving tiles and roof tiles. Donations to the appeal will give people in poverty life-long skills so they can put plastic waste to good use and help keep our oceans healthy. People are organising fun fundraising activities, from local bake-offs to summer street parties and talent shows. All donations are welcome, and any received from UK tax payers by July 31st will be doubled by UK government. £30 doubled will stop 100,000 plastic bags from polluting the ocean each year. £300 doubled will stop a million plastic bags from polluting the ocean, each year. There’s never been a better time to make a positive impact.

+INFO: 

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are now part of their consideration. They want to act responsibly and have a principal of having a positive impact.”

BEACH SEASON IN LAGOS Everyone loves the local beaches, they are one of the main attractions that bring the tourists in droves during the summer season. Once again the beach cleaning season led by local business owners swung into action with a flurry of activity.

“It is urgent that we change our behavior in society for the sake of the environment"

In this environmentally conscious time among citizens, it still remains a mystery how people can leave the beach without taking everything they came with, while still having a spare hand for picking up something else someone else may have inadvertently dropped too. The task is left to the good people who volunteer their time to collect rubbish from the beaches. It was appropriate that June 8th, World Oceans Day, was chosen by ZooLagos to hold their first annual clean-up, in partnership with the City Hall who provided the bags and gloves for a three hour clean-up of Praia da Luz. “We had 29 kind volunteers and a collaboration of groups from #LitterHERO and the Luz Parish Council. Together we collected 35kg of rubbish. Here at the zoo we are very concerned about the problem that plastic presents to the environment and we are keen to do more of these actions”. It is not just locals who are concerned as Helena of Algarve Golden Properties, organiser of the second initiative explains. “We looked at travel trends and found that there is a great deal of concern among tourists when choosing a holiday destination, environmental and social sustainability.and reducing their ecological footprint



Helena and a group of local business owners designed a plogging event specifically with this group of people in mind. Plogging consists of collecting litter while jogging a recent craze that began in Scandinavia. The action, supported by the Town Hall focused on the collection of non-biodegradable garbage took place June 16th Participants consisted of local and tourists who each donated €5 to receive a T-shirt, back-pack and the most important tool for the day, a reusable water bottle. “It is urgent that we change our behavior in society for the sake of the environment and by not using plastic water bottles is a good way that we can all achieve this by using reusable bottles”. Almost 40 volunteers came together for the clean up on Meia Praia, taking away more than 300kilos of litter from the beach. All the money raised from the donations destined to the Volunteer Firefighters of Lagos. “It is our way of thanking and returning the effort and dedication of the Volunteer Firefighters, more than taking care of Meia Praia, we will all take care of those who take care of us daily”.

The municipal treasury has set aside approximately 100 thousand euros for hired external services to clean the beaches on a daily basis, so hopefully soon sending your bored children to go find a bottle top and let you read your book in peace won't have them back before you can count to ten. Keep the beaches clean and bring back real treasure hunting.



Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our freshly formed eco-habits didn't go out the window as soon as it’s time to celebrate? Sticking to your green credentials needn’t dampen the fun. Hosting a party is a good opportunity to spread your message and show people an alternative way. It’s a great conversation starter and likely inspiration for your friends! Invites and cards – we often don’t need to send out physical invitations at all, and can rely instead on text messages, facebook events and other online invitation platforms… even for something as formal as a christening, it is becoming the norm. Not everyone has access to the internet and if you do choose to send paper invites, why not get creative with your own homemade recycled art? Party food – all parties take a degree of planning and a lowwaste party just takes an extra step. Try making two lists, one with the dishes you’re going to prepare and what you will serve them in: borrow anything you don’t have from friends and neighbours rather than buying disposable serving trays. Then on your shopping list, add the containers, bags or jars you will need to take to the shops to cut right down on your single-use packaging. Defrost and eat the contents of your freezer to make space for leftovers. Serve dishes based on local, seasonal foods – it’s a great talking point, your guests will feel spoiled and it sets a great example! Making your own dips cuts down on packaging and they taste much better too. Drink it up – when it comes to soft drinks, it can be easy to avoid plastic waste and give everyone a welcome change. Homemade lemonade, with the Algarve’s abundance of lemons, sugar and perfectly good tap water always goes down a treat. Water steeped in the fridge with mint leaves and cucumber shavings is ridiculously refreshing. Or go all out and use the leftovers from your food prep – give cucumber skins, strawberry tops and orange rinds a second life before they hit the compost heap. If you are inviting lots of people, enquire into hiring a keg of beer, or visit a local vineyard they may offer bottle refill services. The easiest here is the option of refillable beer bottles – better for the environment and cheaper too. Tableware – although we've all done it in the past, disposable tableware is just not on. Don't do it! Plastic glasses break so easily each guest could use several during the event – so wasteful. It’s easy to pick up a few extra supplies of the real deal from charity shops and flea markets, then just stash them away for the next time. A fantastic alternative is to rent a party pack! We have a trial run of a rentable party pack available at the Almadena charity shop for a €20 deposit (€15 back with safe return), containing crockery, cutlery, kids’ cups, glasses, serving trays and tongs. You could even make your own with friends.



Failing all this, maybe you could just ask your few closest friends to loan some supplies for the occasion. This is a great talking point and will discourage others from the horrible single-use plates and glasses of the past. Decorations – skip balloons and Chinese lanterns, they offer nothing for the planet and only cause unnecessary pollution. Anyway, paper pompoms and reusable garlands are much more chic. Green gifts – give homemade presents like soaps, beer or jam, or thoughtful gifts like artwork or a charity donation; offer seeds, seedlings and plant cuttings, especially bee-friendly species; or buy experience gifts like cinema tickets, surf lessons, yoga classes or dinner vouchers. Wrap gifts in cloth (the ancient art of Furoshiki). Foraged leaves make adorable gift tags! Replace sticking tape with a simple homemade glue of flour and water. Finally, suggest carpooling, with the added advantage of less parking needed and fewer designated drivers! Let guests know you are coordinating a sustainable event. It really makes others think and enjoy the effort you’ve gone to, and inspires them to give it a go. Next month we’ll put a spotlight on beach time – how to make sure you take only memories and leave only footprints. Lisa and Zoë are writing this series to support WasteAid. Please help make a difference at All donations from UK taxpayers by July 31st will be doubled by the UK government.

INFO:  Attainable Sustainable, Algarve

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An old adage goes “From one small acorn can a mighty oak tree grow”, and the fight to save our wildlife heritage for the benefit of future generations could justly take this as a motto. For a fight it is, it goes on unceasingly, with growing confidence and commitment with many small, seemingly inconsequential and unnoticed victories. Take Thursday June 6th 2019 for example, rightly remembered as the anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, it may also be remembered in the future as a landmark date in the fight to save another little wetland along the Algarve’s southern coast, the Alagoas Brancas in Lagoa. This wetland has been under the threat of development for many years and the idea that it should be developed has been contested ever since, but on June 6th it was for the first time officially linked into a growing movement to preserve the last of the Algarve’s coastal wetlands. This movement has seen the arrest of the idea of development at Salgados, and the complete turnaround in developmental thinking by the forward thinking Loulé Câmara as regards Trafal and Foz do Almargem. The attitude of Loulé’s Câmara towards the future of their natural heritage has to date been in stark contrast to that displayed by Lagoa’s, whose plan to concrete over the Alagoas Brancas and “move” this important area of 11 hectares into a newly made area a tenth of the size is as ridiculous as it sounds.

all interested parties on the 6th where Almargem presented their unified proposal backed up by a detailed scientific survey of the area concerned by SPEA, The Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds. For years Lagoa’s Camara has been using the ICNF’s appraisal of Alagoas Brancas to justify moving ahead with the destruction of the area. With the new study no longer can that be the case as now SPEA has identified the 114 bird species that regularly use the site, the 13 terrestrial reptile species, the five aquatic, the 11 amphibians, the 71 different insect species. Each category containing species under threat or considered to be in need of conservation. What’s more, the scientific study also brought to light a red-light area for any future developer or occupier of the land. The threat of flooding has long been known, but the peril of collapse has not. The Alagoas Brancas sits on a karstic zone where soluble rocks pose a constant risk of sinkholes. Any future owner of a warehouse built atop this area would be hard-pushed to find an insurer willing to take on the risk, let alone pay out, should the inevitable happen in an area menaced with regular seismic activity. Faced with these facts we hope to find the Câmara’s attitude changing soon and I hope we will be able to look back on the work done by Almargem and SPEA as being another small victory towards the goal of saving these wetlands for the future. One small acorn …

“Are you going to move the animals one by one? Aren’t they going to be a little squashed?”. These were just two of the incredulous questions posed to Lagoa’s representative at the first meeting of



If you haven’t already done so please sign the online petition

This wetland has been under the threat of development for many years

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From L to R: Mandevilla; Petrea; Bougainvillea close-up; Campsis close-up; Campsis

Part Two

BY TAMSIN VARLEY There has been a slight time lapse between this article and Part One as I have been waiting for more of my climbers to burst into life and impress everyone with their showy flowers. I’ve chosen four different ones to cover in this article which are in flower now during early summer and are all thriving in my garden. The first, and perhaps, rather obvious one is the Bougainvillea, which is commonly grown in the Algarve as it is easy and showy over a very long period of time. The secret to growing Bougainvillea is heat and sun. They need a minimum of six hours direct sunlight a day and adore the heat which results in stronger colours. They are pretty drought tolerant once established and prefer a deep watering every three to four weeks in the summer rather than frequent shallow waterings. Mine drop their leaves in the winter and it’s towards the end of winter that I give them a hard annual prune as the flowers only form on new growth. After then, it is just minor cutting back to maintain shape and bushiness. Be warned though, that unless you have a thornless variety, they are armed with very sharp spines so wear gloves when pruning. There are over 250 different varieties, varying from clambering monsters which require strong support, training and tying in, to shorter varieties that can be used for hedging, ground cover or indeed be grown in pots. A more unusual climber is Petrea Volubilis also known as Queens Wreath or Sandpaper Vine due to its extremely rough evergreen leaves. I haven’t seen these for sale in Portugal, but you can find them in Spain, where I sourced mine and it’s certainly well worth seeking out. Mine is planted in a shady spot, in a pot which has had the bottom removed so that the roots can grow into the terrible soil beneath our terrace where they are kept quite cool. It has grown quite quickly so has its leaves in the sun on top of the pergola where it wows us with its very impressive drooping clusters of purple flowers that resemble Wisteria at first glance. It flowers at regular intervals over the summer and is very rewarding. It grows to about four metres and twines around any available support including other plants nearby.



When we first moved to the Algarve, I asked for a fast growing aggressive climber to cover a large pergola and was recommended to try Campsis radicans, which is native to the southeastern United States. It can grow nine-12 metres and likes full sun with some summer water although it is drought tolerant when established. It has attractive pinnate deciduous leaves that give wonderful shade in the summer and then from May onwards it produces masses of terminal clusters of six12 bright orange, trumpet shaped flowers which last for a few days before dropping. It’s a self-supporting climber attaching itself to pillars, walls and trellises by aerial roots. It has similar requirements to Wisterias regarding pruning, in other words prune side shoots back to two to three buds in late winter once the main framework is established. My final climber is Mandevilla which is native to tropical South America. They can’t take a frost and need a sheltered, sunny site in order to thrive. The glossy dark green leaves are attractive in their own right but the mass of beautiful red to pink trumpet shaped flowers seal the deal as it blooms non-stop throughout spring and summer. These twining vines need plenty of support in order to climb so I have a trellis attached to a pillar, and tie the shoots to it as they grow. They also need plenty of water, but do allow the top couple of centimetres of soil to dry out in-between waterings. They also like regular fertilising throughout the growing season. The slight down-side of this plant is that it seems prone to quite a few bugs, so watch out for them and control with whatever pesticide regime you favour. Tamsin Varley is the Chairman of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations throughout the Algarve on the second Tuesday monthly, except over the summer, with an optional lunch afterwards.

+INFO:  Clube Dos Bons Jardins 




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