Tomorrow Aljezur to Lagoa - March 2020

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Editor's note  TomorrowAlgarve


Sophie Sadler - Editor 

 +351 912 176 588

Tom Henshaw - Sales 

 +351 919 918 733

Janine Nieper - Sales Assistant 

 +351 913 320 509

Creation Media - Design

As I sit down to write ‘the editors note’ (the job loaned to me for this edition) I have to look back to the very first issue at only four pages and wonder how in heavens name, we managed to get to 92 pages, with such an absolute abundance of great stories. The Calendar of Events, What’s On and far more and I am amazed every month how, in my opinion, it just keeps getting better. Our contributors keep providing great articles and some, no names, have done so from the very first edition! You really are the heart of this magazine. I also must say a BIG THANK YOU to all our readers from Aljezur, Sagres and East who keep reading the magazine and help us keep focused on what they feel brings the magazine to life for them. From this edition, we made the decision to ‘spread the word’ to Silves, Monchique, Portimão and Lagoa as we believe more and more readers will enjoy the benefits of feel good news, views and enable more events, activities and what’s on information to be publicised, as we add more contributors and editorial from this new area.


6,500 copies printed this month SEDE: R. SENHORA LORETO LOTE 6 RC D PARIO CONVENTO 8600-683 LAGOS PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 6,500 TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

I know I started it eight-plus years ago, but what has happened since is, more than ever, down to the people who truly have dedicated so much time and effort to create this unique magazine in the Algarve. In fact, it seems that all of our team make it more of a mission to improve people’s lives and yet at the

same time enriching theirs through their samaritan like actions. I also know it is not about the income as all the Tomorrow team really do go way beyond what most people would deem a job requirement. It is more a commitment to help all the people, young, old, poor, disabled, disadvantaged that the magazine brings us into contact with on our travels. This is how and why Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT) has now raised many thousands of Euros to help improve, in some measure, the lives of the neediest in the area. This note is my big thank you to everyone who helped to make this community magazine what it is today. Every one of you knows what you did, and do, to keep us on track and keep the ‘magic’ flowing. I cannot ever really thank you enough; I am very humbled to know that you all want to help me continue the good works we all do so readily in the community. On that point TACT continues with more major projects in the making which I know, with your support, will soon come to fruition! I am not really a wordsmith and I know there is a lot more I have probably missed but suffice it to say; I THANK YOU ALL AND I BELIEVE TOMORROW WILL CONTINUE WHEN I AM LONG GONE!!

What's on the cover this month: A youthfull Tom Henshaw in his acting debut

Areas we cover


You can find this edition of Tomorrow magazine in the following areas:

 Aljezur  Vila do Bispo  Lagos

 Portimão  Lagoa

Aljezur Portimão Burgau Vila do Bispo Sagres

Lagos Luz


Silves Lagoa




Tom Henshaw´s Winning smile has contributed to his success Tom always enjoyed sunny climates

Tomorrow The True Story


As the Tomorrow Team celebrates the 100th edition, we unveil the true story behind its glossy covers. With a long list of characters, plot twists and cliffhangers, it is the Western Algarve’s very own soap opera. Still, there is no doubt the key to its high ratings is its leading man, Tom Henshaw. It may surprise many to learn that media mogul, Tom, began his career in furniture in Stoke on Trent. His company, Henshaws, dealt in retail, manufacturing and removals and was where the ZIT chair was conceived. This dazzling new concept involved picking the elements of a chair off a wrack including the frame, material and colour. It was launched to the market with a glitzy party at the Ritz Hotel, hosted by renowned TV presenter and newsreader, Jan Leaming. Why you may wonder have you never heard of it? "It was a disaster, we sold nothing," explains Tom. Unperturbed Tom went on to import polished wood furniture from Taiwan, which he discovered wasn’t kiln dried and so in the damp English climate absorbed water. This sadly resulted in the closure of the Henshaws furniture empire.


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Like every hero, Tom faced adversity with a smile and as the saying says, you can’t keep a good man down. After a spell working for Courts Furniture, he was posted overseas to Bali and then Fiji. He had to return to the UK after a coup in Fiji. Still, the expat lifestyle rubbed off on Tom and together with his now exwife, Margaret, they decided they wanted to live abroad. As fate would have it, Margaret’s daughter was living in Lagos with a boyfriend, and so they decided to move to the Algarve and bought a house in Bensafrim. After a period as a labourer, he lost a lot of weight, but decided he needed a different challenge and applied for the Sales Manager position at the Algarve Resident. This began his career in the Algarve media world, and he has never looked back. When Sheena Rawcliffe returned to the Resident after a spell working at AFPOP, Tom’s position became redundant. He worked for a short time on the Portugal News and then moved onto work on the Apolonia catalogue.

Flyer from Tom's furniture company, Henshaws, where the ZIT chair was conceived.

COMMUNITY Tom with his two greatest loves, Tomorrow and beer

Tom Henshaw and Lena Strang

1st edition - November 2011

During this time, Tom had accumulated a large fan base in the area. Known and loved by many, he was very successful in his roles but had become dissatisfied with working for others. He had seen that many in the Algarve needed help and so he had the idea of starting a charity called Helping Hands as a way of supporting those in need.

began in Oasis café in the marina, where Tom bumped into Phil Harding. "My background was in print media in the UK, when I first moved to Lagos, I worked for Vigia, and so knew Tom. I had followed the progress of Tomorrow and after starting my own design business was itching to be involved. I finally persuaded Tom to let me come on board while having lunch in Oasis."

It was thanks to his son, Chad, that the magazine we now know and love came about. "Chad said to me why didn’t I start a magazine to promote the charity? He suggested the name Tomorrow to highlight the concept of building a better tomorrow, it was always about helping the community".

Creation Media then started the design, printing moved to Spain and the rest is a rating success story. "Phil was instrumental in the success not just for his aptitude at print design but because he created adverts free of charge for my clients. This has always stood us apart, and he works with businesses to put them across in the best way," says Tom.

The first edition was in November 2011 and was called a newsletter and looks very different from the version we have today. Jane Crossman, was originally Tom’s partner in the publication and the opening article says; "Our aim is to offer a free monthly newsletter focused on the expat community. We also wished to facilitate lowcost trips, walks, shopping, coffee mornings, lunches and reasonably priced dinner specials, activities, hobbies and events." Jane tells me, "I felt most privileged to be asked by Tom to assist in the start-up of Tomorrow. Tom had a vision in those early days, and my goodness hasn’t it come to fruition. Through sheer hard work and a belief that the Western Algarve was much in need of exactly what Tomorrow has to offer." What is a testament to Tom is that many of his first advertisers are still promoting their businesses with him, including Quinta da Boavista Golf and Spa and Ann de Jongh at Fit2LoveLife. Lars Ramquist at The Lagos Vet Clinic wrote his first Pet’s Mate column in Edition one. The soap opera however almost got discontinued after the pilot. The original designer was from Germany, and she did all her printing there. The magazine got held up and didn’t arrive in the Algarve until the 21st of the month. As it was February, this was after all the Valentine events they were promoting. He had to give all his clients a free advert in March, and it could have been the Eldorado of the soaps, had the next leading man, not stepped in. As with many Australian soaps, a lot of the action plays out in a coffee shop. The next chapter of the story

The evolution of Tomorrow

All soap operas revolve around faaaaaamily! Tom puts a lot of the success of the magazine down to having his daughter, Amber Henshaw, come on board as editor. She trained as a journalist in the UK with the Star and then the Express before moving to the BBC. Originally she worked for Pebble Mill before becoming their political correspondent in Scotland, then Ethiopia and Sudan. After a stint at UNICEF, she decided her Dad needed some help and Amber’s input was invaluable. She cracked the whip and started getting the editorial content to a high standard.

October 2012

April 2015

Helping her was another hard-hitting woman, Lena Strang, a third dan black belt, she was a member of the British National Team and won the World Masters Judo Championships five times. Originally from Finland, she joined the cast after bumping into Tom at a party. "Tom and I met and I casually told him I’d interviewed a 90-year-old Portuguese man in Burgau, about his life and written a short piece. I wanted to do some writing and perhaps publish a novel, having retired from my work as an English teacher in the UK. He asked me to submit the piece to the magazine, and that was it! My first article appeared in March 2012. I never wrote the novel, instead, I wrote countless feature articles for the magazine, ending up publishing two books (also translated into Portuguese) based on the articles. It must have been fate meeting Tom that day eight years ago." It was decided that the cast now needed a bit of style and glamour and so Steven Sutton was brought in to give the magazine a touch of class. 

July 2017

September 2019


COMMUNITY Tom Henshaw, Julie Battersby, Steven Sutton and Phil Harding at a charity ball.

The outstanding generosity of the community is now being matched by a private individual and the Luz Foundation who are contributing to TACT´s charity funds to ensure targets are met to improve people’s lives. Louise and Tony Gallagher run the Ray Of Light trust and generously worked with TACT and personally donated much of the money to refurb CASLAS. Every star needs a leading Lady and Tom has his glamorous partner Julie, helping him with accounts and as she says, "propping him up and keeping him alive!" He tells me that he will die selling adverts and still gets such a thrill out of seeing the magazine printed each month.

Steven doing a tandem skydive for TACT

 He had a background in the luxury retail market having worked in Harrods. He originally contacted Tom as the person to go to if you needed info in Lagos. He chatted to Tom about starting up a business for deep-cleaning villas. Tom laughs as he recalls that originally he put his contact in his phone under "The Unlikely Lad". It was Steven who came up with the idea of the charity ball, and Tom confessed that with the first masquerade event they let him exercise his creative freedom a bit too freely. "We arrived, and the tables looked amazing with huge flower displays in the centre. We were all impressed until we sat down and realised they were taller than any of us so no one could talk to each other. We had ballerinas, singers, a band and an orchestra, so we did scale it back a bit at the next event".

The team that drove to Algoz to get the magazines

Steven has been the driving force behind establishing the registered Tomorrow charity TACT. His tenacity solution-orientated attitude has made a success of Tom’s original vision. This, says Tom, has been his greatest achievement. "I always wanted to be superman when I was a kid. He was always there to help when people needed him! Now when I see TACT giving a car to the children’s home or the Sensory Room we have just helped to fund, then I feel in some small way I have achieved my childhood dream, thankfully not the red pants though". TACT has been the culmination of Tom’s original dream of helping the community. Over the years there have been many schemes such as the Business Network, Dementia and Cancer Support networks, The Supper Club, At a Loose End and the infamous Lagos Lights initiative. Some have fallen by the wayside but undoubtedly they all were a step on the ladder towards Tom’s crowning glory, the charity that gives a voice to the underprivileged in the community.


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There have been cliffhangers along the way, like Helen Daniel who had a car accident while delivering the magazines and broke her neck, which left everyone shocked. We are glad to say she has just returned to work this month, and has not been put off but is once more delivering her lines to the public with great dedication. It is always good publicity for a Soap, when one of its stars has musical talent and releases a single. Enter Elizabeth Roberts. She met Tom and one of his networking events in 2013 before she moved to the area. She had a background in music and drama and was also a music teacher. Tom immediately spotted an opportunity and told her that he thought she should set up a local choir. An advert was placed in the magazine and in the first week they received 12 eager vocalists and in the second it grew to 24. Now from the dizzying heights of 75 members, Liz observes, "From what Tom envisaged it has surpassed all expectations. From a community perspective, it hits the spot. We have been though losses and personal tragedies but it is difficult to feel lonely or sad when you are singing. There are also health benefits associated with filling your lungs and being active". There are two Awards for best-supporting actresses. Firstly Layinka, who gives Tom invaluable support with the accounts, manages the events page and proofreads the magazine. Second is to Rebeca Silva, Phil’s right-hand woman, whose creativity can be seen in the layouts of the pages. Dramatic plot twists involving extras have provided suspense. Tom and Julie were having coffee with friends one Saturday when they got a call that the magazines were in Algoz and would not be delivered until the following week. All of their friends piled into their cars and drove to Algoz, they filled their cars from floor to ceiling with boxes, to make the next instalment hit the airwaves on time. So as we play the theme tune and the credits roll on the 100th episode, we can only reflect on our gratitude. Such a large audience enjoys a project that we all feel so passionate about and love producing. Thank you to everyone who supports the magazine either by advertising or reading it, and we look forward to filming the next 100 episodes.


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COMMUNITY A Catalina at Gibraltar during WW2, Image courtesy The Catalina Society

A Catalina in RAF Service during WW2, Image courtesy The Catalina Society

George McNaughton the Australian Navigator, Image courtesy Don Taylor

Struggling to keep control, the pilot turned the aircraft into a sharp bank... It crashed down into the cliffs, exploded and disappeared below the Atlantic waves.

RAF Heroes Honoured


On 22 March 1943, World War Two dramatically came to the Algarve. Tragically 10 RAF aircrew lost their lives, but in doing so, saved many locals in Sagres. These heroes are now being honoured. Anyone who visits Sagres at the far western tip of the Algarve will know it is a very beautiful place. In summer the views out to sea from the lighthouse at Cape St Vincent are spectacular. But it can be very windy. During the winter months, it may be bleak and wild. Storms can blow straight in from the Atlantic, as indeed one did on 22 March 1943. A cold front extended right over Sagres. Visibility was very poor; the cloud cover extending down almost to sea level. Locals in Sagres reported that just before 4 p.m the sudden and loud noise of engines could be heard at Tonel Bay. People rushed out to see an aircraft emerge very low from the mist. Suddenly seeing the vertical cliffs in front of them, the aircraft lurched upwards under power. Skimming the cliff tops, the pilot was then faced with the houses of Sagres right in front of him. Struggling to keep control, the pilot turned the aircraft into a sharp bank. Some locals reported that one of the engines stuttered. The aircraft quickly lost lift, technically called a stall. It crashed down into the cliffs, exploded and disappeared below the Atlantic waves. Locals including fishermen, rushed to help the crew. Sadly, only two bodies were recovered. The other eight crew remaining, to this day, beneath the waves at Tonel Bay. The aircraft was a Catalina of 210 squadron, RAF Coastal Command. The aircraft carried the squadron code letter D. A detachment of 210 squadron had been sent to Gibraltar in 1942. Convoys from the UK to the Mediterranean were being harassed by German submarines (U-Boats). The Catalina was a flying boat with radar, special searchlights and anti-submarine weapons. Catalina D was built by the Consolidated


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Aircraft Corporation at San Diego, California being handed to the RAF in July 1942. It arrived with 210 squadron in Gibraltar in late 1942. The crew of 10 consisted of Flying Officer M.J.French who was first pilot and commanded the plane. He had Sergeant E.McKim as second pilot, Pilot Officer G.E.McNaughton (an Australian) who was navigator, Flight Sergeant R.J.Campbell and Sergeants C.Field, G.J.Orton, G.Gibson, E.J.Smith, E.H.S.March and I.L.McLean as flight engineers, weapons operators and air gunners. French and his crew had taken off from Gibraltar at 8.12 a.m on an anti-submarine patrol off Cape St Vincent. The Gibraltar base radioed them to return at 3.23 p.m which they acknowledged. Tragically they crashed only 19 minutes later at 3.42 p.m. The bodies of Sergeants Gibson and Orton were recovered. George Gibson came from Lockerbie in Scotland, he was 23. Gilbert Orton came from Birmingham, he was 21 years of age when he died. They were buried with full military honours in Sagres municipal cemetery. Their well-tended graves, with Commonwealth War Graves headstones, can be visited today at Sagres cemetery just off the N268. The crew were all young men, the oldest being only 31 years of age. On 9 April 2019, Vila do Bispo council inaugurated a monument (Monumento de Homenagem aos Combatentes) in memory of local servicemen. The council included the names of the Catalina crew in homage to their sacrifice in saving local lives. Clive Jewell, the British consul and Peter Rayner, the Australian ambassador to Portugal attended. î ƒ

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Catalina today, Image courtesy The Catalina Society

The graves of Sergeants Gibson and Orton at Sagres today, image by Phil Egginton

I would like to thank Don Taylor and his family for letting me share the personal information and photo of George. I also want to thank David Legg, editor of the Catalina News of the UK based Catalina Society. They maintain a flying Catalina at Duxford near Cambridge. David provided much of the technical details and squadron history for me. Finally, thanks to Konstantinos Alexandropoulos, Communications Executive of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

 Lagos based expat Mike Pease was instrumental in this homage. My own interest was sparked upon hearing of the Vila do Bispo monument. I met with Mike and discovered he was attempting to trace relatives of the crew to let them know about the monument. Some limited contact had been made with families in the UK. I offered to help, and through a well-known family history website, I managed to track down the family of Pilot Officer George McNaughton and contacted his nephew, Don Taylor. George died at the young age of 25.

Mike Pease is now planning to present an artist’s impression of the incident to Vila do Bispo council as thanks for them honouring the crew on their monument. Plans are well advanced, and an artist has been engaged. This will also cement the good relations between the UK and Portugal that have existed for centuries. Anyone wishing to contribute to the costs of this are asked to contact Mike by email, on

George and his sisters lived in Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria. Caulfield today is the home of the popular TV soap, Neighbours. Extensive records exist in the Australian national archives relating to George. These include the original RAF investigation report written by the 210 squadron flight commander on 27 March 1943. This reveals that the pilots had little experience of flying using only instruments and the aircraft navigational aids may have been out of service. The report concludes "An unfortunate accident probably due to the inexperience of the pilot as Captain of an aircraft".

Phil Egginton is a journalist and motorsport photographer who now lives in the Algarve.

The archive documentation includes copies of the very moving telegram received by the family on 25 March 1943 informing them, "Deeply regret to inform you that your son pilot officer George Ericksen McNaughton is missing and believed to have lost his life as a result of air operations on 22 March 1943". George’s personal effects were collected and sent back to the family. They were signed for by his sisters, including Don´s mother. As well as the expected clothes it lists items such as a Kodak Bantam camera, a pair of ice skates, 31 photos, a table tennis ball, a chrome cigarette case and a membership card for the Boomerang Club. George trained to be a navigator at Pennfield Ridge air navigation school on the east coast of Canada. Don told me, "George's death had a profound effect on my mother. Even though I see from the records that she and my aunt were fully informed, she spoke about it to me and my sisters only in very general terms."


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We will cover the sketch and its presentation in a future edition.

+INFO:  (The Catalina Society)  (Commonwealth War Graves Commission)

Did you know...

The PBY Catalina series of flying boats was originally conceived to meet a military requirement and its development built on Consolidated’s experience with earlier flying boat designs. It was one of the most widely used seaplanes of World War II. As the war progressed, Aircraft manufactured in the US were supplied not only to the US forces and the Royal Air Force but also to the Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Netherlands Navy and Royal New Zealand Air Force. After the war, Catalina planes were used for aerial surveys, due to their ability to fly steadily for long periods. The other role was aerial firefighting and Portugal had one of the last Catalinas to be used in this role.


competing for his country. He had to appeal to the Scottish Amateur Athletic Association for reinstatement and pay back the money. This took over a year, but in 1982 Gus was immediately selected to run for Scotland in the sprint events against the Benelux countries. A week later he gained his full GB international vest: his international career as a sprinter started in earnest. Like he said, "one minute I´m a bloke drinking a pint in the pub with my mates and a year later I´m running for Great Britain."

Gus McCuaig The Flying Scot How many people can boast that they´ve represented their countries in athletics, gained international honours in squash and played top-level amateur football? No-one…….unless your name is Gus McCuaig. Gus was born in Garelochhead, near Helensburgh, Scotland and came from a sport-mad family. Two of his brothers were keen footballers, and another played rugby. One of his brothers, Archie, even played against Pele. Sadly his footballing days were cruelly cut short when he died at the age of 23 from a head injury sustained while playing. Every day after school, his Dad, who was a drill sergeant in the army used to get him and his three brothers to run against the stopwatch before they did their homework. "It sounds awful to most people, but we absolutely loved it." After leaving school at 16, he went on to do a plumbing apprenticeship and indulged his love of sport playing for local football team Rhu Amateurs. His speed on the football pitch was noted at the age of 23 by a local athletics talent scout, who invited him to come along to a training session in Edinburgh. Although Gus didn’t see himself as an athlete, his curiosity was piqued. A short while later he donned his first pair of spiked shoes in the stand at Meadowbank Stadium, as he watched the competition warming up. He explained, "They were all former Scottish schoolboy champions who regularly trained with a coach. I just walked on the track, ran, and won comfortably!" One of his first races was at the Powder Hall handicap event. This he won easily along with prize money of £1000. However, in accepting the money, he had effectively barred himself from


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Later that year, Gus was bound for Brisbane, Australia, to run for the Scottish team at the Commonwealth Games. While there he competed against famous names, such as Linford Christie and John Regis in the 100m and 200m events. Being a man for the big events, he performed personal bests of 10.49 seconds for the 100m and 20.86 for the 200m. In his time, he has also competed against Olympic champions such as Carl Lewis (USA), Ben Johnson (Canada), Don Quarrie (Jamaica) and Scotland´s own Allan Wells, who won 100m gold at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Gus even had Olympic decathlon champion Daley Thompson come along to some of his training sessions to help him with speed events. He was certainly in good company. One of his proudest achievements in athletics was winning the Scottish AAA 200m title, a record-breaking five times. Previously the record had been held by none other than Eric Liddell, the winner of the 1924 Olympic 400m title, whom many of us will remember from the 1981 film, Chariots of Fire. Sadly, at the age of 29, Gus retired from athletics due to injury and returned to playing amateur football and the day job as a plumber. During this time, he set up his own business called Sprint Plumbing. One day, a woman called for assistance and jokingly said, "with a name like Sprint Plumbing, let´s see how fast you can get here!" Unbeknown to her, Gus lived around the corner, so he put on his GB tracksuit and raced over. Five minutes later, when she opened the door to him, he beamed at her and said, "was that fast enough for you?" Needless to say, she was a delighted customer. Now, for most people, a career in one sport would have been enough, but Gus wasn´t done yet and took up squash at the age of 35. Ten years later he was picked to play for the Scottish team in the over-45s Masters Series where he beat Peter Alexander, the World Veterans Champion from England. Nowadays, Gus takes things slightly easier and can be found down at Lagos Padel/Tennis club or walking on the beach with his wife Sara and their dog Sensão that they adopted from Lagos caníl. "I´ve been fortunate, I´ve travelled all over the world, but I feel comfortable in Lagos, the people are honest and open." Then he laughed and added, "and they can understand my Scottish accent." He´s a happy man.




Duke of Windsor

The story of the King’s son BY LENA STRANG

In October last year, intriguing headlines reverberated around the world: A French hotelier claiming to be the grandson of Edward VIII is prepared to take action against Buckingham Palace to prove his royal ancestry. Lagos resident, François Graftieaux’s assertions aren’t as frivolous as they first seem. He believes he has substantial proof that his father is the illegitimate son of Edward VIII, who abdicated in 1936 to marry twicedivorced American, Wallis Simpson. He has always felt uneasy about his family situation never having been told the identity of his grandfather, only that he was "someone famous who wasn't allowed to marry my grandmother". Throughout his life, he felt rejected by his father without understanding why. The deep sense of perturbation led him years later to delve into his family history. His uncanny resemblance to Edward was noted along with a set of conjunctures that propelled his quest to discover his roots. After years of research, he felt compelled to write his autobiography The Man Who Should Have Been King, published in France in 2016. Here he asserts that his grandmother, Marie-Leonie, a poor seamstress in Paris, had a love affair with Edward, resulting in the birth of his father, Pierre-Edouard, in 1916. He outlines some remarkable coincidences in support of his claims. Luna Park where they would have met is described both by Marie-Leonie in her diaries and by Edward in his autobiography. Marie-Leonie suddenly has enough funds to open a successful fashion house. On his 19th birthday, Pierre-Edouard travels first class to London, staying at Edward’s favourite haunt, the Grosvenor House Hotel. On the birth of his son, François, a mysterious gift arrives in the form of a Van Cleef and


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Arpels diamond bracelet, based on an exclusive design created by the Duke of Windsor for Wallis Simpson. Enough evidence for François to draw his conclusions. He has kept Buckingham Palace informed about his research and book publishing but with no other response than to say that the Palace doesn’t comment on these matters. As the French version didn’t reach an English audience, he decided it was necessary to invest in another book. Australian born writer J.J. Barry specialising in crime novels and historical fiction based on true events was contracted to write a biography of Pierre-Edouard. The author’s contacts with the Palace ensured there was direct communication. Before the publication of the English version, five copies of the manuscript were forwarded to the royal press for perusal. This time Francois hoped his requests for DNA matching would be granted but unsurprisingly to no avail. However, it is interesting to note that François' DNA shows that he is 63% Anglo-Saxon. The King’s Son, François’s second book, is a different treatment of the subject matter. It is based on extensive original research including diaries, journals, historical archives and information sourced from François himself. Written in an easy narrative style, it follows the fate of the main protagonists. The prologue sets the scene in 1895, introducing Marie-Leonie’s and Edwards’s entry into the world; two people divided by a social gulf but destined to be united in later life. 


Facts supporting the claim that François is the grandson of Edward VIII:  Close physical resemblance;  The mystery watch, identical to the one designed by Edward for Wallis Simpson, sent to François’s mother on his birth;  The manifest of P&O showing that François’s father on his 19th birthday travelled to London first class and stayed at Grosvenor House Hotel, where Edward entertained his guests;  François’s DNA test shows 63% Anglo-Saxon markers.  No reaction from the Palace regarding DNA test. Had there been no match, François would definitely have been told.

Van Cleef and Arpels diamond bracelet


The King's Son: The True Story of the Duke of Windsor's Only Son by J.J.Barrie is available in paperback on Amazon.

 The book deals with events in a chronological time frame with specific dates as subtitles in each chapter. The first part centres on the burgeoning love affair of the young couple and its inevitable traumatic end for Marie-Leonie. Left on her own with a baby, she manages against all odds, sacrificing the happiness and wellbeing of her son to build up her fashion empire. The way Edward supports her financially is probably pure conjecture on the part of the author but rings true. The rest of the book deals with Pierre-Edouard’s fate, including his (real) remarkable escape from Colditz as a prisoner of war. The last few chapters outline the so-called The Graftieaux Lineage – biographical details of the members of the Royal family. There are helpful photos throughout the book showing places and people that are mentioned in the narrative. How accurate is the book? All historical events are based on facts and many conjectures are followed by documentary evidence. There is, of course, much poetic licence in filling in gaps and describing interactions between characters. It’s a good, easy read and informative as regards this period in history. The publication of the book created a stir in the international press. The PR agency utilised by François decided to focus on his apparent intent to sue the Palace unless there was recognition. "A crazy idea," François admits, ‘but it seemed the only way to get publicity. Of course, I won’t take any legal action. My only claim is to be acknowledged as the illegitimate grandson of Edward VIII without any kind of privilege … and perhaps be invited for a cup of tea at the Palace." Where to now? His search for identity has taken him a long way but there is still much to do. The story would lend itself to a documentary or a TV series for the British and American markets and some proposals have already emerged. We shall be watching this space.


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Brexit update for UK nationals BY TIG JAMES In addition to my article last month, regarding the recent Withdrawal Agreement, and the citizen’s rights within it, it has become clear that certain conditions have now been implemented in Portugal. Those conditions include: If you wish to apply for EU residency in Portugal, a person MUST have arrived in Portugal by 31 December 2020, the end of the transition period. On arriving they, and all UK nationals in Portugal, now have, AT THE MOMENT, until 30 June 2021 in which to apply for residency. Remember you are legally obliged to apply for residency 90 days after arriving in Portugal. After the transition period, proof will be requested that you have arrived prior to the end of December 2020 although, at the present time, it is not known what that proof will be. Additionally, the Withdrawal Agreement itself states once permanent residency (the tenyear residency) has been applied for in an EU country, you can leave for five years and return, whilst still keeping those permanent residency RIGHTS but not Portuguese residency whilst away. However, Portugal does not make the distinction between temporary (five-year residency) nor the permanent (ten-year) residency. Therefore, if legally resident in Portugal you may leave for five years and

return irrespective of how long you have been a resident. Although there appears to be a slightly longer period in which to apply for residency, the current advice from the British Embassy is for ALL UK NATIONALS to apply for residency as soon as possible. I concur with this given the confusion regarding the current situation and within certain Portuguese Government Departments around procedures, they need to implement regarding Brexit. As usual, this is simply my opinion and understanding of the latest developments in Portugal which can be taken on board or discarded. What needs to be borne in mind is that the UK is no longer a member of the European Union. With that comes consequences and actions that need to be taken by all UK nationals in order to retain certain EU rights and the ability to live in Portugal freely. For your own sake, please apply for residency, protect yourselves as much as possible because, after all, none of us wishes to be an illegal immigrant.

+INFO:  British in Portugal  British in Europe


Take Heart with Art


Discover your Hidden Artist at First Class Art Have you ever watched a painter at work and thought, "I’d love to be able to do that"? Do you find it difficult to draw a stickman? If so read on, as Karen Wride claims she can turn anyone into an artist. Karen earned a degree in Art and Design in the eighties, when everything was still done by hand with no computers. After many years as a commercial artist and graphic designer, she fell into teaching. "I started to help out a friend who was running classes here but was moving away and needed someone to give some lessons until his students found someone else. I found I really enjoyed mentoring people, and those initial five students are still with me six years later". She now believes that she can make an artist out of almost anyone. "I say ‘almost’ because the only ingredients I need from you are an open mind and an enthusiastic attitude. If you put a crayon in a toddler’s hand, they can’t resist creating wild, bold colours on just about anything within reach. Everyone is born with this urge to the artistic. Sadly, as we grow, we are told to colour between the lines of stylised cartoon figures; praised when we manage to keep to guidelines and considered a failure if we don’t". Karen attempts to teach her students how to set free the latent artist that lurks inside each and every one of us. "I will show you how to see new colours that were always there, but previously you overlooked. I will teach you how to use a brush or a palette knife, a sponge or simply your fingers to create your own unique way of demonstrating how you see the world. I will show you how to study something with the eyes of an artist - to see objects anew as though with the eyes of a child. To be amazed and delighted at a kaleidoscope of colours that dance around you every moment of every day". June Szucs is one of Karen´s students: "I started painting classes with Karen three years ago. I hadn’t


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picked up a paintbrush since school and had never used oils before. Karen has taught me to look at things differently and really observe. I used just to see an object in one colour, now I see all the different colours, shadows and depths. You see the world in so many colours after you’ve been painting a while". Karen’s patience and encouragement gave June the confidence to start selling her art and she now exhibits in Corte Real Gallery, Carvoeiro Tennis Club, Vale do Milo Golf club and O’ Alambique Restaurante near Silves. "If someone had said three years ago I would be selling art and exhibiting, I would have laughed at them. I will never give up my lessons, I’m always learning new things, and my art is ever-evolving". Creating great art is just half of the benefit of attending her classes, which take place in Guia, near Algarve Shopping. The other part is a deep sense of peace that you feel from allowing yourself to simply let go. Karen believes, "A morning spent in the company of a small group of tentative artists, each lovingly pushing a myriad of colours around a canvas, is the best form of meditation known to man. Nothing else exists but your control of a handful of paints. Your brush strokes are unique to you. Just like your own signature". If you’d like to rediscover a hidden part of yourself or would like help to develop an already emerging talent, then First Class Art will give you a head start! June and Karen will hold a joint exhibition together at the Convent Bio in Lagoa for the whole of May.

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One of June’s paintings available to buy at Corte Real Gallery

COMMUNITY Casa Inglesa 1971

SR JULIO MARREIROS: There are many stories and memories. It is said that the historic building was originally occupied by a Noble family and rumour has it, was owned by the Viscountess of Alvor. This was before the Portuguese Monarchy was overthrown in 1910 and replaced by the Portuguese first Republic. It was then given to a respected family in the area when the Viscountess died with no heirs of her own. Casa Inglesa was founded in 1922 by Mr Pedro Dias and was originally known as Pedro Dias. It then consisted of a cafe, restaurant service, tobacconist section and newsagent. We sold newspapers and magazines of the times and received foreign newspapers here. It was a meeting point for tourists and residents. I think in 1922 we still didn’t have the concept of tourists, what was a tourist? It was a foreign person who passed by here!

"Frequented by foreigners, mainly English, people started to refer to the place as Casa Inglesa"

What was a tourist? Situated on the picturesque riverside square at this ambient area of Portimão city, you find a well-known local meeting point, Casa Inglesa. For 98 years the family and associations have opened the doors for business. The current Manager Mr Julio Marreiros was born and raised in Portimão. He originally studied Mechanical Engineering in Lisbon although he diligently followed in his father’s footsteps and kept the business running while maintaining the centuries-old building. TOMORROW: Can you share some of your knowledge of the history of Casa Inglesa and the area?

The residents and people that were on their journey would come here to make the reservation for a specific newspaper, within one or two days they came back to collect it. As the cafe was often frequented by foreigners, mainly English, people started to refer to the place as Casa Inglesa, the house where you find English men, and the name stayed. My father became an associate through the business after working here for a few years. After the death of Mr Pedro Dias in the 1940s, the association continued and now it is solely managed by myself and my son. When the 7th President of the Republic died in 1941, the meeting point for his funeral was here in the square in front, the space between Jardim Bívar and Casa Inglesa. The historic name of the square in the time of the Monarchy was the Visconde Bívar Square, as he gave the area to the city of Portimão. There is also a sculpture of him in the peaceful garden in his honour. The square was renamed in memory of the President Manuel Teixeira Gomes. There was a road that passed in front until the Câmara Municipal extended the square. Now we have our sun-drenched outside seating area which is perfect for the summer evenings. TOMORROW: What are your Childhood memories of Casa Inglesa? MR JULIO MARREIROS: I recall as a child in the sixties and seventies it was a café, we had two billiard tables and two tables for playing chess, we also had a section with a bookshop and sold Kodak products like film and cameras. I wasn’t here every day although I visited often. I really liked to play chess. In this time, we lived under a dictatorship, it was normal that some journals and books were prohibited, we had little liberty and the liberty of expression didn’t exist. 

The winter of 1954 on a rare occasion when it had snowed in the Algarve. This picture was taken a few years before Sr. Marreiros was born.


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COMMUNITY Casa Inglesa, between 1985 and 1989

Casa Inglesa today

Visconde Bivar

 TOMORROW: How has Casa Inglesa changed the most throughout the years?

TOMORROW: Can you tell us more about your impressive pastry and sweet selection?

MR JULIO MARREIROS: Oh, many things, Portimão was a city with an industry of fish production, and so what did Casa Inglesa do? One side was closed off and used for the exportation of fish and we sold boxes of tinned fish, it was also a delivery point, this was one of the Casa’s activities until 1940. Now that space is one of our main entrances. To one side there has also been a Barbershop and a smaller establishment called Casa Havanesa. There has also been an office to examin the necessary documents of the merchants to enter the port for export.

MR JULIO MARREIROS: We have a large selection of sweets, many regional original sweets and also national. For traditional Algarvian treats, we have Bolos do Amêndoa (almond cakes) and Doces do Ovos (shaped sweets).

TOMORROW: Are there plans for Casa Inglesa continuing into the future?

We have quality here, there doesn’t exist many other establishments in Portimão that sell products directly from the source.

MR JULIO MARREIROS: The building is in a good state of conservation, the ceilings are the traditional solid wood construction. Julio Marreiros

We always care for the space and give life to the building. It will continue to be a meeting point for the city, it is easier to say to meet at Casa Inglesa than to explain the name of the street because everyone here knows Casa Inglesa.

Plug into O Feedback Popular music bar O Feedback is celebrating its seventh anniversary on 6 March. The venue, opposite Alcantarilha Gare railway station in Silves, has established a great reputation for live music and great food since it opened. O Feedback has hosted many wellknown artists, with future bookings including Althea, former band member of Boney M, on 26 March.


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Every Sunday, there is a jam session where local musicians – and holidaymakers – have an opportunity to play rock, blues, jazz and Latin. There’s a fantastic PA system, and backline amps, drums, piano, mics and guitars are provided. All you have to do is plug in and do your thing, musically speaking.

+INFO:  O Feedback on Facebook 

We also have cakes only originating from other parts of the country and we receive them regularly to sell here in the establishment. We sell only from the origin, for example, the sweets traditionally from Aveiro, are made in Aveiro.

TOMORROW: Thank you once again for sharing with our readers your intriguing history. Casa Inglesa also has a complete menu and traditional Portuguese main dishes. Next time you are in Portimão why not pass by to meet a friend for a coffee or cake! Opening hours from 08:00-23:00



John Wilson is on the left and Shak is on the right

Whatever the scale, art is art BY TRACY BURTON

Researching and painting a large three-panel artwork isn’t very different from creating an original tattoo, claims Ian Shackleton.

face of an elderly pipe smoker dominates the first panel, while lower down a smiling padre attracts the eye.

And if anyone knows, he should. Because Ian, aka Shak, is the artist behind the acrylic canvas in the office of Bespoke Architects in Carvoeiro. He was commissioned to create the 12 m2 painting depicting the resort’s history and culture by architect John Wilson, a long-time friend.

The artwork is compelling in its detail. There are lizards, a bee, gulls, a cat and even a mouse. Fishermen untangle their nets, while a local angler perches high above rocks; a woman works tirelessly in the field, her feet seemingly taking root as she scratches a living from the soil.

Many tattooists might be daunted by such a challenging project, but not Shak. "I was an artist long before I become a tattooist," he said. "My mother gave me a blackboard and chalks as a tiny child and always encouraged me. Art was always there in the background".

"Until tourism hit, people in the Algarve lived a very frugal existence," Shak explained. "And it’s still within living memory."

Once he’d accepted the challenge, Shak began his research, sifting through old photographs of Carvoeiro for visual stimulus. It’s a similar approach to the one he uses with tattoo clients. "I ask people to bring me as many visual images as possible so I can interpret them. This painting came together a little bit like a tattoo because it’s a pastiche of ideas".

Just as he does with his tattoo work, Shak sketched out ideas before making them permanent – that took weeks in itself – and then spent 99 days over 12 months painting the panels in situ, while the ‘warm and welcoming’ architectural staff worked alongside him. "I always bite off more than I can chew," he laughed. "If you look at the whole thing as an entity you’d be overwhelmed, so you just have to concentrate on a centimetre at a time.

Shak arrived in the Algarve from Manchester two decades ago and felt an instant infinity with Carvoeiro, something he subconsciously referenced in his painting. "From a young age, I’d had a recurring dream where I was floating above a beach, although I could never identify the location. When I turned up in Carvoeiro in 1999, I got out of my van and realised the beach in front of me almost exactly matched the beach in my dream".

If I was painting something high up, sometimes we’d take it down or I might stand on something, but basically, it was all done in the office".

It wasn’t until he’d finished his work that Shak realised the small boy he’d painted walking across the sand with a bucket and spade was ambiguous; the child could equally be interpreted as floating above the beach.

View Shak’s painting at Bespoke Architects. Shak is available for commissions.

Thanks to painstaking research – and a collaborative approach – Shak’s artwork is full of fascinating detail, with individual scenes and components flowing naturally into one another. As well as the streets and buildings of old Carvoeiro, there are people, animals, insects and local produce. "I never imagined I’d paint a plate of sardines and potatoes," Shak admitted. "But that and the chameleon are the two aspects which are most satisfying". Some of the faces are familiar: an old woman, a well-known local figure; Arjan, a surfing friend, who sadly died; and Beto Kalulu, who created a colony of musicians in the early 1970s. The striking


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How did he know when he had finished? "You just have to reach a cut-off point where you think that’s acceptable, I can live with that".

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"You just have to concentrate on one centimetre at a time."



When Tom Allen started scribbling down local bus timetables he just wanted to make life easier for tourists drinking in his local bar. Fifteen years on, is about as comprehensive a guide to the Algarve’s public transport system as you’ll find. Tom, a retired civil servant, insists the initial project was very much a joint effort. "I was a regular in an Albufeira bar, and the owner and I kept getting pestered by people who wanted to know how to get here or there," he explains. "A lot of bus companies didn’t have an online presence in those days, so we put down what we knew on paper". When their attempts to fathom bus schedules proved popular, Tom and some friends created a basic website. The information they ‘cobbled together’ has expanded over the years to offer a one-stop-shop for those travelling throughout the Algarve and beyond. "It started as a hobby for us retired people really. I don’t drive, and when you move anywhere, you make a point of finding out what’s what so it started with exploration. I found out how hard it was to find information and kept hearing the same thing from others".

and two others a week." It’s a similar story north of Tavira, Messines and Monchique, with buses failing to meet travellers’ needs. Even along the coast, buses can be few and far between on weekdays and non-existent at weekends. Though frustrating for passengers, the lack of clarity over bus times and routes can present some comic moments. "There was the notorious change some years back when they changed the route without telling anybody," recalls Tom. "Old ladies were waving their umbrellas and telling the drivers they were going the wrong way". Something that did change public transport for the better in Tom’s opinion was the introduction of GIRO buses in Albufeira around 2009-2010. There was no published timetable, but that didn’t deter him. "One of the guys got a one-day ticket for all the buses and spent a day riding around on them".

Tom realised the biggest problem facing visitors was not knowing who operated various routes. "I thought, why don’t we try to be a bit helpful here and put everything together in one place?"

Nowadays, it isn’t such an onerous task to keep the site current. Most bus companies have their own websites, enabling Tom to check published timetables against his own data.

Anyone who has visited the website will agree it’s more than a ‘bit helpful’, covering everything from Albufeira’s GIRO buses to an unravelling of the region’s public transport network. There is information about long-distance routes, including to Lisbon, Porto and Seville, plus useful tips about where and how to buy tickets (and getting the best deals).

"Normally, I’ll do a complete sweep once a month," he explains. "Every timetable has a date on it, so if it’s different, I’ll scan it for changes. One of the problems is the changes are never announced very far in advance, or one hears about the change afterwards. If I notice something has changed on my travels or someone says it’s different then I’ll update it straight away".

Unfortunately, having such a comprehensive grasp of Portuguese transport has its downside. Tom knows better than anyone the challenges facing travellers who wish to travel between certain towns and villages, particularly inland destinations.

The vagaries of Algarve’s public transport system can occasionally foil even Tom. "Yesterday, in Olhos de Água, I noticed one of the bus stops I had marked down has gone – it had simply vanished."

"Alcoutim is a good example," says Tom. "The timetable is very complicated, but basically there’s a 5 p.m bus for schoolchildren


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"I thought, why don’t we try to be a bit helpful here and put everything together in one place?"

Kozii, a slow fashion and home deco brand for those longing for aesthetics, exclusivity & sustainability. Now new in Lagos! Find us at Rua da Oliveira, 41.



Arts Lab Open Day It’s a mild winter evening and we are climbing the hill towards Lagos’ former Town Jail, appropriately situated next door to the GNR station. It is dusk and the first thing we see is a large crowd ahead, then a colourful piece of art projected on two of the neighbouring buildings. The old jail is the location of the town’s own Arts Laboratory, LAC, and the occasion is their Open Day. Many of the crowd filling the square in front of the jail are children, queuing with their parents for a series of marionette shows which will be starting shortly. But, we are a bit old for puppets, so we make our way through the crowd into the jail. The first thing that we see is a bedroom turned 90 degrees so that it is mounted on the wall and we are looking at it "from above". This is a creation by Jorge Pereira who has long been LAC’s resident artist, and we go on to find more of his work on show around the jail. LAC has turned most of the cells into workshops which have been opened up for the evening and contain exhibits of various types – music rooms, ceramic displays, audiovisual exhibits and artists’ studios. It was in one of these studios that we

BY DAVID FOOT come across Millie Wilkins who is giving a painting demonstration using a live model. Millie comes from England and studied art at Falmouth University before coming to Lagos on holiday five years ago. Still in her mid-twenties, she decided to stay and worked for a while as a surfing instructor before returning to art as a career. She now takes commissions and has become well known for painting residents’ pets, as well as a range of other subjects. There is a link to her website below. Various interactive events took place during the evening including a group doodling session. A stage had been erected for a series of live music sessions that went on beyond 2 a.m, far too late for us. A thoroughly enjoyable evening and, apart from the marionettes, completely free of charge as LAC is publicly funded.

+INFO:  +351 282 084 959  Rua Largo do Convento de Nossa Sra. Da Glória (the old jail), 8600-660 Lagos  (Jorge Pereira)   +351 914 148 373 (Millie Wilkins)

The Monday Munchers Munch your way to Expert Quilting The Monday Munchers is a group of like-minded ladies who combine their three favourite activities in one morning. Their holy trinity is the love of needlecraft, cake and a good chat! They meet on Mondays near Porches and enjoy tea, cake and quilting.

2 of the residents of Nosso Ninho, Allison Hohnbaum and Ana Luisa.


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The small, private group formed in the mid-nineties, originally as a ladies lunch club. It then evolved into a sewing group incorporating different nationalities and ages. Members travel from Lagos and Luz to the group that is run by Allison Hohnbaum.

"We work on individual and group projects," explains Allison, "some for charity". At the end of last year, the group had a workshop day and created cosy, colourful quilts for the Nosso Ninho Old people´s home in Lagoa. They were presented to Ana Luisa Domingos, technical Director of the home, who tells Tomorrow, "The residents were delighted and fascinated with the designs and colours we are so grateful for this contribution to the community."

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Lisbon tram finished painting

Igreja Matriz de São Brás de Alportel. Kateryna Ilchuk

Meet the Artist

Kateryna Ilchuk PLEASE CAN YOU START BY TELLING US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF? I am 24 years old and I was born in Ukraine. I came to Portugal for my master´s degree in economics. Studying and working as a researcher here, I fell in love with the Portuguese urban landscapes and started painting them in my spare time. TELL US ABOUT YOUR ART AND WHAT YOU SPECIALISE IN. The photorealistic urban landscape is my main speciality. I draw street perspective with mathematical precision and use oils or acrylics to finish a piece. I have also painted impressionistic landscapes, portrait commissions and even made a copy of a famous painting on a special request. My favourite medium is traditional oil or acrylic paint on linen canvas. HOW DID YOU BECOME AN ARTIST? Since I can remember, I´ve always been drawing and sketching. My childish scribbles were attached to the walls and fridge, all over the kitchen. My parents were patient enough with my art expressions, although they encouraged me to follow a different career. I have never studied art professionally, only when I came to Portugal I participated in an art exhibition for the first time in my life and am still working towards becoming a professional artist. Before that, I was painting just for pleasure and never thought that anyone would be interested in my art. CAN YOU TELL US HOW YOU CREATE YOUR WORK, WHERE DO YOU SOURCE YOUR IDEAS FROM - AND HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH EACH PAINTING? The ideas are just around the corner. Even though each tiny


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street, each streetlight and each pavement differ from one city to another, they have some resembling patterns which I like to spot and represent in my work. I try to find the best composition and recreate a distinctive look of those streets with maximum realism possible. HOW LONG DOES EACH PIECE TAKE TO CREATE? From several weeks to several months. Artists can agree that the planning phase of the creative process is the most timeconsuming and important for the rest of the task. Choosing the scene to paint, in my case, requires some fieldwork in a search for a scene to paint, then defining the light and composition. If it is not possible to paint right on the spot, I take lots of pictures and continue at the studio. And then comes a perspective drawing, colouring and covering with gel gloss. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE PEOPLE TO RESPOND TO YOUR WORK? I want my art to spread peace and tranquillity. Some people say that if we cook in a bad mood, the food transmits negative energy, I believe it is the same with the art. So, I try to paint only when I am in a good mood therefore my work is due to positive vibes and pleasant memories. DO YOU HAVE A UNIQUE OR UNUSUAL WAY THAT YOU WORK? Believe it or not, I have a personal art critic. She is our neighbour´s cat that spends most of her time at my studio and in the garden where I paint. Her name is Princesa and she accepts payment only in high-quality pork ham or sausages. The cat carefully observes each painting process, meows when I need to take a break and plays with supplies helping me to choose brushes. Once she even scratched a half-finished painting... A month of work – down the drain, but as a result, a new version of the painting was ten times better than the old one. ARE YOU INVOLVED IN ANY UPCOMING SHOWS OR EVENTS? WHERE AND WHEN? I have a personal exhibition at the Municipal Gallery João Bailote in Albufeira, Rua das Telecomunicações 2. The event is FREE of charge and is open for public from the 20th of March until the 11th of April during the opening hours of the gallery (9:30-12:30 13:30-17:30).

+INFO:   

Budens Shop, En 125 Rua Areias de Cima 2, 8650-070, Budens

+351 282 697 791

Lagoa Shop, En 125, P. Empresarial, Lote 3, 8400-431 Lagoa

+351 282 071 674


Two Generous Ladies Once again readers of Tomorrow showed their support for Tomorrow and its charity TACT. By giving 260€. Margaret and Maree, both recently had landmark birthdays and told friends that they did not want gifts but asked for donations for the charity. We love to be able to receive such gifts as it all goes towards local needy causes. Well done ladies!

How you can help? You can do your bit by signing up to one of our fundraising events during the course of the year. Get your glad rags out and enjoy a night of glamour, good food, dancing and of course fundraising at our Summer Ball at the Tivoli Hotel on 13 June. The Tomorrow Charity Golf Day is a great way to enjoy a round of golf and give money to a good cause, all washed down with a great meal afterwards. Get a hole in one on 3rd July at Espiche Golf Course. The John Aldridge Charity Golf Classic is hosted by the former Liverpool striker at Quinta da

Tons of Aid Algar, S.A., is promoting a new scheme in the Algarve to encourage recycling and at the same time give money to charity. The social responsibility campaign Toneladas de Ajuda allows IPSS charities to register for the scheme. All recyclable materials such as paper cartons, glass, metal and plastic, which they deliver to the treatment centres (in Albufeira, Alcoutim, Aljezur, Castro Marim, Lagos, Loulé, Tavira, Vila do Bispo, Quarteira e Portimão) get converted to funds for the charity. Similar to Vicente’s scheme, the amount the charity gets is based on the weight of each material. IPSS charities work with the state to develop "social solidarity activities," responding to situations of social emergency. They also work with vulnerable citizens and attempt to boost local economies. To promote the initiative Algar, represented by the Directors Executives, and Banco Alimentar


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Algarve, represented by the Chairman of the Board Dr Nuno Alves and the Treasurer of José Pinto, signed a cooperation protocol on the 22nd of January, at the Algar Environmental Education centre. Banco Alimentar do Algarve is the first institution in the region to join the campaign, having delivered 1700 kg of paper and cardboard and 360 kg of plastic and metal to Algar facilities. The association provides support to 106 IPSS in the region, which will also contribute to the separation and delivery of recyclable packaging waste to the campaign. The Food Bank will exclusively use the entire financial contribution to purchase food for supported families.

Boavista on 4 and 5 September. Finally, the Tomorrow Charity Winter Ball is the first of the big events running up to Christmas. Last year we raised the most money ever and are hoping that this year will be another recordbreaker. Make sure you put these events in your diary now.

+INFO: Golf Events:  +351 916 606 226  Charity Balls:  + 351 919 185 677 


Art Tours Tour of Contemporary Public Art in Rural Villages in Algarve The Villages Art Experience Tour explores the potential of the artwork created by the artists Xana, Jorge Pereira, Mariana a Miserável, Padure, Susana Gaudêncio, Menau and Tiago Batista. The tour highlights the possible stories and fables that were left inscribed in public places and squares. An exploration of the contemporary public art that values communities within low density areas, allows us to rediscover the Algarvian rural world. The program includes a light meal in one of the localities.

 When: 7th March 10am - 5pm Where: LAC - Laboratório Actividades Criativas Price: 20€ (Light meal included) 


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What's on in March

Ventania Barlavento Festival of Performing Arts - 2nd edition From the 14 to 22 March The Experimental Theater of Lagos (TEL) is promoting, the 2nd Edition of VENTANIA | Barlavento Performing Arts Festival. This event of artistic activism explores themes of social ecology and global citizenship, in Lagos, Lagoa, Portimão and Sagres, with the theme of International Water Day and International Forest Day. VENTANIA proposes to spread throughout the Western Algarve, shows and awareness events, with contemporary circus, contemporary dance, theatre and music. They are attempting to merge different genres such as music and gastronomy, public art with performance and art installations alongside soundscape in order to reach audiences of various ages and cultures, and promote cocreation with the local community.

 When: 14th to 22nd of March Where: Sagres, Lagos, Portimão and Lagoa Full list of events  Ventaniafest/events

Heritage Paths The Municipality of Lagoa has created a series of themed walking routes that follow a historical narrative, with the geography of the county and its urban landscapes forming the back-drop. The routes take participants on a journey through theatre and music, exploring four different locations. A true trip back in time on routes that explore the area’s origins, showcasing how Lagoa has evolved over the last two and a half centuries. ROUTE 1: A HISTORIC VILLAGE In 2020 Ferragudo will complete the fifth centenary of its establishment by Charter from Queen D. Leonor. 1520-2020: 500 years of Ferragudo marks iconic Ferragudo’s five centuries of history.

When: 15th March Where: Ferragudo, Lagoa ROUTE 2: FIGURES AND FAMILIES OF ESTÔMBAR This route recalls the people and families who made a remarkable contribution to Estombar’s progress.

When: 29th March Where: Estômbar, Lagoa  Registration:   +351 282 380 400


Jazz in the Wineries

Charity dog walk

Motown Moods Support Associação Obrigado Bombeiros!

Walk the dogs from the AEZA kennel through the town of Aljezur to help raise awareness of the AEZA dogs and cats.

A night of Motown Disco plus special guests Black Widow playing Funky Rock Classics. Hosted by DJ Solutions and Kaleidosonix Sound and Lighting.

 When: March 21 10 a.m – 12 p.m Where: AEZA kennel Aljezur Donation: 5€ (if possible)  +351 915 968 260 

 When: Saturday, 14 March 19:00 - 00:00 Where: Ponte Romana, Silves Price: 10€​ Tickets: Call Michelle  +351 934 273 817

Walks with Art Sausage Fair Sausages, handicrafts, honey, medronho, sweets and food stands will be featuring at this two-day event, which the organisers hope will attract thousands of visitors to the town in the Serra.

 When: 7 March 10 a.m - 12 p.m and 8 March 2 p.m - 10 p.m Where: Monchique Municipal Heliport  +351 282 910 200 

CHIBANGA GROOVE Formed in 2008 through a shared love of music, the musicians in Chibanga Groove had already worked together in other projects, such as Tora Tora Big Band. The music is cheerful, with strong rhythms, a lot of improvisation and influences of various styles. An African-American musical tradition forms a solid base for this profusion of Latin and predominantly African rhythms, with the presence of Guinean Ibrahim Galissa, a descendent in a line of Kora masters. The fourth edition of Jazz nas Adegas (Jazz in the Wineries) offers a different and memorable ambience in sessions held at the home of producers of Silves wine. The event includes different styles of jazz, where audiences listen to sounds that adapt to the environment that each producer provides. Three wine tastings of the host's wine will be offered to audiences during the event, accompanied by tapas made from regional products.

 When: 20 March 9 p.m and 21 March 5 p.m Where: Paxá Wines, Silves Price: 12€  +351 282 440 800 

Ten artists from many backgrounds and disciplines as different as dance, theatre, literature, cinema, new circus, music, photography, sculpture, painting, performance, philosophy and geography, meet with a group of 20 walkers. They explore a path with them, through the nature of this landscape over the course of an entire afternoon. Walking and talking at the same time, at the end of the course, they have a feast and celebrate together. The event is a collaboration between Rota Vicentina and Lavrar o Mar.

 When: 21 March 10.30 a.m Where: Aljezur When: 28 March 10.30 a.m Where: Monchique Price: 10€  +351 913 943 034 



Craft Show The best of Algarve craftsmanship is presented by the talented artisans of the Barlavento in an exhibition that promises a lot of animation, music, contests and tradition.

 When: 20 to 22 March 11.30 a.m. - 8.30 p.m. (Closed Fridays) Where: Armazém Regimental, Praça Infante Dom Henrique, Lagos


4th Algarve International Piano Festival

The Algarveans invites you to open auditions for Peter Shaffer’s Lettice And Lovage, directed by Jim Landis ABOUT THE PLAY Lettice and Lovage is a comedic and satire play by Peter Shaffer. It is centred around a flamboyant tour guide who loves to embellish the history behind an English country house and who clashes with a fact-conscious official. The play is all about two distinct characters, the chemistry between them, and their reactions to one another. They are ladies of mature years. Lettice is a tour guide for visitors to stately English homes who finds her allotted mansion so dull that she embellishes its history with ever wilder invention. Charlotte is her boss at the Preservation Trust, who finds it necessary to sack her; not an auspicious beginning for the relationship about to develop. Their progress is littered with laughter and brings them to a conclusion which is at once logical and satisfying. The play was written specifically for Maggie Smith and the auditions will include reading from the script. This play will be FUN to put together and perform. The Algarvians encourage everyone to come to this audition!!! Rehearsals will begin the week of April 20, twice a week (exact days TBC). Performance dates are 18, 19, 20 June at the Convento do São José in Lagoa.

 WHEN: 1:30 pm on Sunday, 8 March Where: The Bombeiros in Lagoa 


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Piano Festival Kristina Miller, one of the most notable pianists of her generation and gifted with a brilliant technique, is renowned worldwide for her talented performances. She will be in Portimão for the Fourth Algarve International Piano Festival where she will play a challenging piano repertoire.

Happy Van

Promoted by Happy Van and part of the 365 Algarve cultural programme, the event The Algarve - An Educated Journey, takes the participants on a humorous discovery of the region through a ride in vintage VW van, a musical show, a comedy theatre play and a handicraft workshop. The activity aims to disseminate the heritage, history, music, traditions and customs of the Algarve in a relaxed way. It all starts with an optional VW vintage van trip to where the activity is going to take place. Then, after a visit of discovery you are treated to a musical show by the duo Fad'Nu.The activity continues with a theatrical performance staged by Happy Van and music by Cátia Alhandra and José Alegre and ends with a handicraft workshop with renowned local artisans. The first three sessions took place in 2019 and were acclaimed by the audience.

 When: The second Saturday of each month (until May) Tickets: 10€ or 20€ with transportation  /

 Where: 28 March 9.30 p.m Where: TEMPO – Teatro Municipal de Portimão Price: 20€ (balcony) and 25€ (stalls)  +351 968 741 664 

Wet Felting A work shop teaching the art of Artisanal Felting. You will learn to transform virgin sheep wool into fabric (felt) or other decorative objects using two techniques:  Wet felting (wet felt using the soap and water technique)  Needle felting (dry felt using the needle technique) In this workshop you will make a case or bag with virgin merino wool or Magic Wool using the technique of WET FELTING with a mould.

 When: Saturday, 28 March 09:30-14:00 Where: Lagos Price: 35€ 


Open Mic Nights Open mic night welcoming all ages and talents. Anyone is welcome to sing, play, dance, recite poetry or be a stand-up comic.

 When: Every Thursday night from 9 p.m. Where: Junction 17 in Pria da Luz. Price: Free admission!  +351 964 201 904 ( Jo)  jobraswell

Start Work After the success of the first three editions, Start Work returns. Bringing together in Portimão Arena more than 50 companies and public and private institutions in the region. The show, which has free admission aims to promote the dissemination of job offers and professional internships, vocational training and investment support. It supports secondary and higher education, provided by public and private, polytechnic and university education companies and institutions in the municipality and region of the Algarve. A talk on the challenges of competition, by the Portuguese bodyboard athlete Joana Schenker, will take place on 21 March, at 12:00, in the auditorium.

 When: 21st and 22nd March 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. and 23rd March 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Where: Portimão Arena  +351 282 470 700 


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7 Sweet Wonders

Art Exhibit

Learn how to make traditional Algarve cakes that were the district finalists for the 7 Sweet Wonders of Portugal.

Gudrun Bartels was born in Bremen in Germany and studied art at the University of Göttingen.

You will be taught the techniques of this ancient art, from the choice of ingredients to the making of the dough, and its modelling. All materials are included in the price and all participants are entitled to a certificate of participation, recipes and cakes.

 When: Sunday, 15 March from 10:00-14:00 Where: Portimão   +351 282 094 987

Photo Workshop

She now lives and works as a freelance artist in the Serra de Monchique after first visiting in 1975. Since then has always returned for longer stays and has shown her art in numerous exhibitions in Lagos, Sines, Lagoa and Porto. In her "Portuguese" paintings there are impressions of landscapes, flora, natural forces and Portuguese culture. She works with acrylic, with pastels and pigments. In various Portuguese schools, she has given workshops in recent years with David Trubshaw to learn simple printing techniques. On 16 March and 4 April from 14:00 to 16:00 Gudrun will give a workshop.

 Where: S. Brás de Alportel Museu de Traje When: 14 March 6 p.m. and the exhibition runs until 4 May Opening times: Monday to Sunday 2 p.m.- 5 p.m.  +351 966329073 

A free workshop in the initiation of digital photography for people who wish to understand and benefit from the use of their digital camera. The camera must have a manual mode.

 When: 14 - 21 March 10:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 to 20:00 Where: Fototeca Municipal de Lagos 

Forest Club Forest Club will have a Mums and Tots Mini Forest Club on Thursdays 5 and 19 March. Including sensory play, natural art creations and nature walks. A Nature Detectives group will take place on 14 and 28 March, which is suitable for two to five-year-olds, with parents. They include bug hunting, mud pies and scavenger hunts. There will be a drop-off Forest Club over the Easter Holidays

  Forest Club Algarve

Nandi Fashion Show All proceeds will go to Nandi Charity.

 When: Sunday 19th April from 2 p.m - 4 p.m. Where: Jardim Restaurant (near Meia Praia train station) Tickets: 10€ (including a free drink and a winning ticket)

AMI 1538


House Area: 175m²

1 350 000 € | Ref.: C3472









00351 282 788 977


Find a Bargain If you want to de-clutter this year or find a bargain, then you might want to put Espiche Flea Market/ Car Boot in your diary. It is on 3rd Sunday of the month and in March will be on the 15th. There are vegan food stalls and other refreshments, lots of bargains and a great atmosphere. The Cadela Carlota Dog shelter has a stall with proceeds going towards their charity.

Tax Seminar The annual afpop Tax Seminars, in association with euroFinesco, will take place in March. The afpop IRS Seminars provide the information which residents in Portugal and people moving to Portugal need; about their individual obligations for presenting their tax declarations to the Finanças; what personal allowances are available; ways to submit annual declarations and about the penalties for either false declaration or late submissions.

Events at the Lagos Library +INFO:  Biblioteca Municipal de Lagos - Dr. Júlio Dantas   Rua Dr. Júlio Dantas, 4 Lagos

Discover Your Origins

Poets and Fado

A genealogy course with the author of the book Discover Your Origins: Manual of Genealogy and Family History. The objectives of the workshop are to enable participants to take full advantage of the potential that the Internet has in genealogical research, either as to the unveiling of several little-known databases or tricks to access data and find information.

In the month of Poetry, this activity, which is already part of the Municipal Library's annual activity plan, is organised by Maria João Cristino Lopes. It aims not only to disseminate the popular poetry created by the municipality's poets but also promote the interaction between several generations and get the community involved in poetry.

 When: 1 March 10 am.m - 1 p.m. and 2p.m. - 6p.m. Price: Free, with a limit of 40 people Language: Portuguese

 When: 15 March 14:30 Price: Free entry Language: Portuguese

Story Time

A Night at the Library

We all like a good story. In this session, the stories are for everyone, from five to 99, so come with the whole family.

Night of the Largest House in the World, with Joana Espiñal, is aimed at children between five and 12-years-old.

 When: 14 March at 4p.m. Price: Free entry Language: Portuguese

 When: 7 March at 21:00 Price: Free, with a limit of 15 people Language: Portuguese

The presenters from euroFinesco are there to give impartial advice about all matters to do with individual taxation. They will answer questions about items which are considered of general interest in the open forum and are also on hand to give more specific advice on individual cases after the group session has been completed. For afpop Members who have any doubts about their legal obligations, or doubt their ability to complete their Tax Return without guidance, the afpop Tax Seminars are essential. For those people who cannot attend, but would like the information, the packs will once again be available after the event, for 15€.

 When: 3rd of March Where: Boavista Golf Club Price: 15€ Members / 30€ for non-Members  +251 282 458 509 


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Charity Network Event Portugal Charity Chat Facebook group are pleased to announce details of their next event.

Events at the Lagos Cultural Centre +INFO:  CentroCulturaldeLagos  Rua Lançarote de Freitas, n.º 7, 8600-605 Lagos

Do you volunteer? Run a Charity? Would you like to volunteer? Do you need volunteers? Then this event is for you. There are many people doing incredible charitable work across the Algarve, and this event is the opportunity for charity-minded people to get together to network, discuss ideas and opportunities, and to share resources. Each of you will have the opportunity to talk about your cause, interest, vision or anything else charity themed. Even if it’s just to say ‘Hello, does anyone need my help?"

 When: Tuesday, 10 March 3.30 p.m. - 6.p.m. Where: Al-Gharb Coffee Roasters, Albufeira Tickets: 9€ including high tea (cakes and sandwiches) served with coffee, soft drinks, wine or beer 

St Patrick's Day This cultural and religious celebration is held on the 17 March, the date St Patrick, patron saint of Ireland died. It commemorates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland and celebrations involve parades, festivals and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. You can celebrate all things Irish at Jacks Irish pub in Albufeira marina.

 When: 17th March Where: Jacks Irish pub, Albufeira


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Orquestra Ligeira de Lagos

"Volta Portugal em Revista"

A concert to commemorate International Women's Day titled, Respect!. Performing in the concert are six singers, four of whom graduated from the Light Orchestra of Lagos. Fado singer Ana Valentim and the jazz singer Manuela Lopes, complete the line-up. The Experimental Theatre in Lagos will also contribute with a poem alluding to the theme.

Is a type of Portuguese theatre, containing social criticism, satire, as well as singing. António Calvário and Natalina José return to the stage where they have proved themselves as great stars of the "magazine theatre" and musical genre.

 When: 7 March at 9.30 p.m. Price: 10€

 When: 14 March at 9.30 p.m. Price: 10 € Language: Portuguese

Vagina Monologues

Neverending Tour

The Vagina Monologues has been a worldwide phenomenon and now actresses Carla Andrino, Vera Kolodzig and Teresa Guilherme are bringing them to Lagos. A recurring theme throughout the play is the vagina as a female empowerment tool and the ultimate personification of individuality. A great night out with your girl-friends!

The audience is invited to join the songs performed by the two artists Eduardo Madeira and Manuel Marques and to participate in the stories they invent - or say they invent.

 When: 28 March at 9.30 p.m. Tickets: 12€ Language: Portuguese

 When: 6 March at 9.30 p.m. Tickets: 12€ Language: Portuguese

Society, politics and sport are topics that are frequently debated and analyzed in a nonimpartial and jovial way.


Algarve Cup 2020 Namaste

The 27th edition of the Algarve Cup, an invitational women's football tournament held annually in Portugal, will take place from 4 to 11 March.

Quinta Bonita is celebrating the first year of their yoga studio by offering free classes and refreshments. With Vinyasa flow yoga in the morning, followed by a Soames fitness mixed class, SUP yoga and concluding with Yin and meditation.

In recent years, the Algarve Cup has been played with group games but for the 2020 tournament the eight participating teams will meet in a form of playoffs where all teams play three games. For full game schedules go to the website.

You are invited to spend the day at the hotel, enjoying the beautiful garden and pool with refreshments of tea, coffee and cake all day.

 When: 4, 7, 10 and 11 March Where: Lagos, Parchal or Algarve Stadium 

 When: Wednesday 11 March Where: Quinta Bonita, Lagos  Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel

Get Running A summer body is made in winter! So start running at these two family-friendly events. MARCH E CORRIDA Registration must be made in the Union of Parishes of Bensafrim and Barão de São João and anyone can participate, the event is free.

 When: 1 March from 8:30-13:00 Where: Parque Urbano de Bensafrim  ODIAXERE ATHLETICS PRIZE It is a test open to all ages and levels and is also free. Registration must be made at the Algarve Athletics Association (can be by email) until March 5th.

 When: 8 March at 9:00 Where: Odiáxere (meet at Largo da Alegria) 


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Day 1 matches: vs Match 1 Where: Parchal Time: 6 p.m.

vs Match 2 Where: Estádio Algarve Time: 8.15 p.m.

vs Match 3 Where: Estádio Algarve Time: 5 p.m.

vs Match 4 Where: Parchal Time: 14:00

Rugby Festival 10th Algarve Rugby Festival With rugby fans warmed up after another thrilling six nations tournament you won´t want to miss the annual rugby festival. The British Army Rugby squad will be there and there will be lots of 10th-anniversary surprises.

 When: Saturday, 28 March Where: Browns Sports Resort, in Vilamoura. Price: Free Entrance

Rally Car Racing The first race of the South Rally Championship 2020. Taking place entirely in the municipality of Loulé it will have its base in Ameixial and Salir.

 When: 14th - 15th March Where: Ameixial and Salir 

Coastal Walk

Walk the pedestrian path, at a leisurely pace, to appreciate and enjoy the natural beauty of the cliffs of Albufeira. Participants will take the opportunity to pick up any rubbish that they find on the way and thus contribute to environmental preservation. Dogs on a lead are welcome.

 When: Saturday, 14 March at 9 a.m. Where: Meet at Marina de Albufeira 


Calendar Promote your events and activities here! Contact:

Activities & Classes Creative Writting 10€, Marina de Lagos 968787664

Aljezur International Choir Singers from the South-west Algarve | Thurs 2pm | Sing in various languages, Music Room Aljezur Bombeiros, 914285640 Algarve Walking Meetup Wed 10am Friendly walk & talk meetup of 2.5 - 3hrs All welcome For full details search Facebook: Algarve Walking Meetup

Salsa Cubana Mon 8.30pm (Inter.) Thurs 6pm (Beg.) & 7.30pm (Adv.) Bachata Thurs 9pm 920547209 Capoeira Tues & Thur 7pm 30€ p/month Drama Classes Mon & Wed 6pm (Kids) 7pm (Teens) Contemporary Dance Wed 7.30pm 10€ drop in / 25€ month 926512133 | TEL Lagos Netball Wed 7pm All ages & abilities,Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort, Photography Advice Mon 11am-1pm, Art Academy Marina de Lagos Contact: 917271789 Circus Classes Tues 4-6pm (7 - 9 yrs) Thurs 2-4pm (4 - 6 yrs) & 4.30 6.30pm (10+ yrs), 25€ p/m, Circus Vagabunt Aljezur, 968296503 Portuguese Lessons Individual or groups All leves, Portelas (or in the student's home) 912417994 Portuguese Classes Individual or groups, all levels Barão S. João or at your home, 966176131


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Computer Classes Sat 10am All levels Lagos, 918764613

Singing Circle - Marion and the Kirtaniens Wed 5 - 7pm Donations, Afro-Mandinga Drumming Class Thu 5 - 7pm donations, Monte Rosa Barão de São João, 282687002

Suzuki Violin Lessons (English speaking, Suzuki trained), children & adults. Institute de Artes e Letras, Albufeira; Conservatório da música, Portimão 915847703 Portuguese Lessons Thursday 10.30am & Fridays 10.30am Lagos Marina Hotel, 5€, 964696345 Classical Guitar Classes Jamming experience & chords practice (English Speaking ABRSM Certified, Suzuki approach) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors 20€p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo 962690582 Oriental Dance Mon 6.30pm Beginners & Intermediate 7.50€ p.class, 25€p.m, Lagos 914851331 Latin & Ballroom Tues 10- 11.30 (Dancers) & 11.30am (Improv.) & Wed 7pm (Begin) 30€ monthly Alvor Community Centre & Tues 6.30pm (Improv.) 25€p.m, Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis, 961916821 Life Drawing Mon 11am - 1pm Beginners & Professionals, 10€ p.sess Marina de Lagos, 916035308

ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) Floresta Bowls Club Rua Direita Praia da Luz, 919707635

Harmony Sing Come sing your heart out Wed 5.30pm Moagem Celeiro Space Aljezur, 916147840

Fitness & Sports Zumba Dance Wed 10.15am, Pilates Mat Wed 11.15am Centro Cultural Clube Luzense, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz, Zumba Dance Fri 10am Yoga & De-Stress Fri 11am Centro Social de Almádena, Rua Escola 7.50€, 968288258 Lagos Walking Football Tues 9.30-11am +50yrs Welcome, 3€ Boavista Golf Resort Luz, 282790930 Pilates Mat classes with equipment Mon 9.30am & 6pm, Wed 10.30am, Thur 6pm Fri 9.30 & 10.30am, 10€ (or 10x 90€), AR Pilates Studio Marateca Lagos 966784280 HIRT (High Intensity Resistance Training) Mon & Fri 8.15am Tues & Thur 6.15pm Aqua Aerobics Tues & Fri 4pm & Wed & Fri 9.30am, Boavista Resort 282790930 Yin Yang Flow Tue 10 - 12am 10€ Yoga Fri 10 - 12am 10€ Monte Rosa Barão de São João, 282687002 Hatha Yoga Mon, Thurs 9am & Sat 9.30am Vinyasa Flow Yoga Thurs 6pm & Sun 9.30am Yin Yoga Fri 9am Yoga for Back Care Fri 10.30am, Beginners Yoga Tues 6pm & Thurs 10.30am 12€ drop-in (72€ for 10), Aditi Yoga Lagos 912176914 Candlelit Yoga & Meditation Wed 7.30pm Core Yoga Flow Thurs 9.30am 10€, Quinta Bonita Luxury Boutique Hotel Yoga Shala 964593937

Yoga Mon Wed, Thurs & Fri 10am 10€ 75mins Drop-in Ocean Villas Gardens Praia da Luz, 282767303 Mat Pilates Tue 12.30pm Kundalini Tantra Yoga Thurs 8.30pm Yin & Yang Yoga 10am 7.20€ - 12€ InLight 913127421 Pilates Mat Classes Daily 9.15 & 10.30am 10€ (90€ for 10) Barre Pilates Mon 6.30pm Wed 12pm & Sat 10.15am Pilates Equipment Classes, Duet Reformer, Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos, 926514613 Vinyasa Flow Yoga Tues 9.30am Yin Yoga Wed 9.15am, 10€/65€ for 8 (residents), O Clube Burgau 913202621

Qi Gong Mon 8.30am 8€, Inlight, Lagos 920573949

1st March Cellular Group Healing 11.15am - 12.45pm 15€ - 20€ (donation based), 20th March DANCE Journey 7.30pm 12€ InLight Lagos, 913127421, Starts March 1st (cont. 8,15 & 29) Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training ( 8 weeks MBSR) 10am-12.30pm 1, 8, 15, 29 March), 200€, Espaço Portas do Sol, Portimão, Elisabeth 967254052 / 7th March Yoga Workshop 15€, O Clube Burgau, fit2lovelife 913202621 March 20 - 22 All Around Sound 10€ per class Bella Vida Portugal 936456244 or 932736836

Hatha Yoga (Begninners) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am Booking required, 10€, Boavista Golf Resort Yin Yoga Mon 4pm, Hatha yoga (beginners) Fri 3.30pm, 12€pc or 60x6€, Alma Verde, 963614499

20th of March - 30th April Cultural Event, Art in the Marina de Lagos 4 - 7 p.m The Art Academy Marina de Lagos & Marcela Property will present live music & gallery Marina de Lagos will show an exhibition of works by international artists open from 11 - 7 pm (except Sat & Sun).

Hatha Yoga Mon & Thurs 10am, 12€ BabYoga Mon 11.30am 15€ Qi Gong (Chi Kung) Wed 10.30am & Thurs 5pm & 6pm 8€ Casa Sakra Lagos, 916060814

15th March Open day from 10am Activites include Qigong, yoga Chinese medicine and self massage..., FREE by reservation, Casa Sakra Lagos 916060814

Local events Quiz Night Mon 9pm Rodizio of Tapas 7pm Call for dates BBQ Meat Feast Sun. 2pm – 9pm, 7.50€, The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor 912441143 24th March Relaxation Day Retreat 10am - 4pm, 75€, Quinta Bonita Luxury Hotel, 964593937

7th March Wild Orchid Walk 9:30am Estômbar, 14th March Can Industry Historical Walk 9.30am Portimão, €10 Quimera Experiance 969467275

Useful Numbers COUNTRY CODE: +351

Faith, Charity & Support 18th March Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Grape Vine Snack Bar, Urb. Pesos, 8600- 192 Espiche, Carol 926297527 or Kirsteen 968084946

Riding for Disabled Mon, Wed, Fri 10am Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, 915090044

AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590 Holy Communion Service Sun 8am & 11.30am & Thurs 10am (no service 5th) Lent Course Thurs 11am in the Salão behind church Everybody Welcome, St Vincent’s Anglican Church, Praia da Luz (the church by the sea) 282789660

Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, 932082813


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750


Schools incorporate Golf into Curriculum In 2018 The Municipality of Lagos embarked on a project which aimed to initiate children attending state schools into golf. Golf was integrated into the Curriculum Enrichment Activities (AEC), in the area of ​​ Physical and Sports Activity, part of their Strategic Plan for Sports Development in Lagos, which aim to provide, "better sports spaces for recreational and outdoor leisure."

The New Golf 'Tiger' Cubs Parque da Floresta Golf; Inspiring The ‘Tigers’ of the Future BY LUCY ALEXANDER When you think ‘Algarve’ there are a few things that spring instantly to mind; sunshine, beaches…and of course golf. Landing at Faro, you’re guaranteed to see large numbers of middle-aged enthusiasts piling off the planes to play one of the 35 courses across the Algarve. But with a reputation for being the preserve of the more wealthy, ’mature’ generation, how do you entice young people to the game? At Parque da Floresta Golf Club near Salema on the Western Algarve, members are so keen to breathe new young blood into the sport (and the club itself), they’re subsidising a Junior Academy for the next generation of players. Under the guidance of the club’s qualified instructor, Rui Gloria, the Junior Tigers are a group of committed young players who come together once a week for some top tips from Rui on how to master the perfect game. Aged between 8 and 12 years, the team are put through their paces either at the driving range, the ‘short game’ practice area or on the course itself. "With the age of our members getting higher, the club was noticing that you don’t see many younger players," says Rui. "We’re hoping our Tigers will be


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The partners recognise that "playing golf helps the development of children, increasing their ability to concentrate and reason, as well as their motor control. It is also intended to demystify the idea that Golf is a sport only for elites."

Treasurer and father of one of the club’s Tigers. "We’re working on gaining federation places for a few of the more advanced players. The club has competitions every Wednesday and Sunday - that’s where you get the real adrenaline pumping - and we’re wanting to get these young players taking part in these competitive games. Federating them is the way to enable that".

Every week for the past eight months, at no expense to the children apart from the cost of the balls, Rui instructs them in the basics of golf; it’s all about grip, ball position, posture and body alignment. Once they’ve mastered these, it’s on to the swing…and finally on to the course itself.

Parque da Floresta Golf Club has seen its membership grow 25% over the past three years to more than 200 active members. It’s a hilly, challenging course and that’s what makes it popular - no one hole is the same as another, there’s always something to keep you on your toes at the next tee. "We’re a really friendly club - you don’t have to be a member to play and we want to make sure it’s seen for what it is - a club that’s welcoming for everyone, of any ability; whether it’s men, women or children," says Giles. And to that end, in a break with past traditions of many golf clubs, Parque da Floresta’s next captain is a woman, committed golfer Mary Berry.

One thing Rui demands is that the children adhere to the club rules, that they dress appropriately "and to be really good golfers, it’s absolutely crucial they pay attention," he adds.

"We’re building a golf club of the future," says Rui Gloria "Working with the Tigers is a fantastic experience for me as a coach. They’re great kids, it’s great fun and I’m learning so much from them too".

For anyone watching the children on a Sunday morning at the club, you can’t help being struck by how gratifying it is to see them detaching themselves from the trappings of modern youth - the addictive screens, devices and ‘tech’ we all know too well.

If you want to be part of the next generation of Tiger golfers at Parque da Floresta, contact Giles Fox.

"There’s nothing better than seeing these children getting out in the fresh air," says Giles Fox, Club

+INFO: 

the future of the club. No other club on the Western Algarve is making this level of commitment to children. Who knows, in a couple of years we may have a large group of young people playing the course".

Lucy Alexander is a former journalist and broadcaster


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SPORTS Hugo Pereira, Lagos Mayor (courtesy Lagos Câmara)

João Paulo Rebelo Secretary of State for Youth and Sports (courtesy Lagos Câmara)

The Award Winners (courtesy Lagos Câmara)

Sports Heroes


By 2030, Portugal aims to be in the top fifteen European countries for sport and physical activity

At the end of January, Lagos Cámara Municipal honoured over 200 local people at a Gala Sports Festival. The event was supported by João Paulo Rebelo, Secretary of State for Youth and Sports. More than two hundred athletes, including school sports teams, local clubs, coaches and managers, were honoured. The festival was held in the pavilion of the Lagos municipal sports centre. As well as the minister, the festival was supported by Hugo Pereira, Lagos Mayor. In a speech, João Paul Rebelo stated that by 2030, Portugal aims to be in the top fifteen European countries for sport and physical activity. The minister recognised the role of local councils, associations and clubs in promoting sports. He especially drew attention to the young, who he considers the true stars of the future. The minister continued, "Sport is very important for the physical, psychological health and development of young people. It transmits values that ​​ are useful throughout life." He stressed the importance of cooperation as the basis of many of the great achievements of mankind. "Learning to win and knowing how to lose, is vital for young people. Future adults need to know how to deal with the frustrations, that, as well as success, are all part of life." Hugo Pereira was proud of the opportunity to publicly recognise the talent and dedication of the many sportspeople who are working daily in Lagos. The Mayor reiterated the council’s commitment to supporting sports. He applauded the growing commitment made by school-based projects, allowing students to practice new sports such as surf, stand up paddle, golf and skating. The mayor


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also praised the growing number of local sportspeople and the good results achieved. Hugo said, "This has allowed many dreams to come true and is a source of pride for the whole community." At the Sports Gala, a total of 171 individual athletes were honoured. They came from a wide variety of sports including amongst others skating, indoor football, golf, table tennis, athletics, roller hockey, sailing, gymnastics, karate, triathlon, handball, soccer, swimming, pétanque, judo and archery. A variety of individual awards were made including for dedication, professionalism, fair play, trainer of the year, adapted (Paralympic) sports and athlete of the year. Team awards were also presented. School sports team of the year went to the female indoor beginners’ football team from the Gil Eanes group of schools. Team of the year went to female beginners’ handball team of the sports club of Gil Eanes secondary school. Club of the year was awarded to the Roller-Skating Club of Lagos. Phil Egginton is a journalist and photographer who now lives in the Algarve.

+INFO:  (Lagos Câmara Municipal News item) 

Local Football Star Honoured

Another local athlete was honoured in early February when André Silva was called up for his first cap to play for the Portuguese national under-17 football team. André originally played for the Lagos Football Club (O Clube de Futebol Esperança de Lagos) and now plays for Parma in Italy. On 10 February, the Portuguese under-17 national team played against Germany. The game took place at the Municipal Stadium in Lagos as part of an international tournament played in the Algarve. André helped Portugal to a 2 – 0 win over Germany. At half-time, the Clube de Futebol Esperança de Lagos gave recognition to their former player for his call to the National Team. Present were António José Alves (Lagos club president), retired Portuguese national footballers, Humberto Coelho, João Pinto and Pedro Pauleta and André's father.



Be Profound about Beauty


BY JESS RIDLEY Ever thought about having anti-wrinkle treatments but worry about having the 'frozen face' or muscle paralysis? Here are two treatments that can help, without any side-effects. WHY NOT TRY PROFOUND? Profound is a bio-stimulation treatment which improves skin characteristics, by dermal and sub-dermal injection of compounds, leading to human fibroblastmodulation. Profound uses the following ingredients with these amazing benefits:  Low and High molecular weight hyaluronic acid - hydrates skin, stimulates your fibroblasts to produce collagen and provides a good structural framework for your skin.  Niacinamide (Vitamin PP) - an antioxidant which also reduces skin yellowing, discolouration, redness and blotches. Really good for getting rid of melasma (dark patches on the skin). Reduces lines and wrinkles and stimulates collagen growth.  Acetyl Hexapeptide - composed of six amino acids which reduce lines and wrinkles.  Deanol - used to relax muscles which reduce wrinkles.  Reservatrol - stimulates natural collagen production, and has even greater antioxidant effects than vitamin C and vitamin E.  Glycine/Proline/Arginine - amino acids found in collagen cells. Profound is effective across multiple sites on the body, including face, eyes, lips, neck, chest and hands. Treatment is performed as a cycle, usually, two to four sessions are required depending on age and skin condition.

PEPPERMINT PEEL TO AID REGENERATION PMP is a new soft peeling product with a totally innovative idea, which works well in conjunction with Profound. PMP is not only a peel, but it is also a rejuvenation product designed to aid cell regeneration and produce compelling aesthetic results. First, it removes the ageing cells and stimulates new cell growth, then it provides the skin with the raw ingredients required to stimulate and maintain cell healthiness. Peppermint Peel consists of acids, moisturisers and aesthetic improvers. There are five active acid ingredients combined with six moisturising and aesthetic improvers to bio-stimulate the skin post exfoliation acid effect. PMP promotes tissue regeneration, cellular turnover, structural protein turnover and restores the ideal physiological condition of the skin. PMP helps reduce imperfections like enlarged pores, scarring results, fine lines and hyperchromic spots. Profound and PMP peel cost €150 (The peel alone is normally an €80 treatment) Profound is then followed up 2 weeks after the first treatment for €130. Jess is a beauty therapist at the Kutting Room in Praia da Luz

INFO:   +351 910 795 573

Jess is offering 10% off both treatments during the March edition Please get in touch to take advantage of this offer and book your free consultation


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Salty Dreads Marjolein van der Weide, as a child was obsessed with wigs, braids and dreadlocks. Originally from Holland, she now lives in Aljezur with her husband and 17-year-old daughter and runs a dreadlock extension salon. The idea for the business first started with the installation of her own dreads. "So many people commented on them and complimented me then asked where I had had them done, that I realised there was a business opportunity that fitted my childhood fascination". That was three years ago, and Marjolein’s business is booming. She is juggling working in her salon, studying as a professional Dreadlock Stylist and being a mum. She handmakes all the dreadlocks from high quality, chemical-free synthetic hair. Each customer can choose between a huge range of colours, styles and lengths, and can decide to have a full set of dreadlocks, or just a few. Therefore Marjolein’s prices vary depending on what is required. Marjolein initially installs the dreadlocks but they can be removed and put back in as and when wanted. She points out, "A common misunderstanding is that dreadlock extensions harm your hair, but this is not true. It’s fine to shower with them in, and a very important point for the surfing and swimming community is that seawater does not harm them". In fact, Marjolein’s salon is situated right next to the sea at her home in Aljezur, which inspired her to name the business SaltyDreads. I ask Marjolein what she most loves about her work, "It gives the chance for all personalities, all ages and people from all walks of life an opportunity to express themselves in a unique way".

INFO:  

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An Attitude of Gratitude I will start this article by being grateful to Tom and his team for providing us with this great magazine. I have been lucky enough to have written 99 articles for Tomorrow magazine (I forgot one month when I was away!). I love the community spirit that the magazine embraces, and it is wonderful to see how much it has grown over these last 100 editions and look forward to being part of it as it continues to grow over the next 100. These days there is a lot written about gratitude why we should all be grateful. But what is it, what does it mean, and why should we have an attitude of gratitude? Being grateful is about appreciating what we have, whether it is people, possessions or our surroundings. It can be as simple as being grateful for a morning cup of coffee, the smile when a friend greets us or watching the sunset. When life feels that it is getting us down, it can be harder to find reasons to be grateful. This is when it can help us the most. If we have an attitude of gratitude it gives us a

more positive outlook and can improve our mood. When we take the time to be grateful for what we have, rather than dwell on what we don’t have, we will stop thinking that we need more. There have been several studies done which show why keeping gratitude journals can lead to better physical health and they have been shown that after two months of keeping a journal there can be a decreased risk of heart disease. It does not need to be a time-consuming process. It can be as basic as waking up and writing down three things we are grateful for, and in the evening writing down three things that made the day great. Having a healthy mind and body is not just about taking the time to go to the gym. We need to ensure that we cover all angles so adding a gratitude journal into your daily routine, along with your moving and mobility goals is a great addition.

Echinacea is one of the most widely used, and widely misunderstood, herbs of the modern era. Every part of the plant has been the subject of scientific scrutiny, with ideas about which part to use, how long for, and in what types of patients differing vastly between experts.

Herb of the Month: Echinacea BY POPPY BURR BSC MCPP 54

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The Eclectic physicians of North America (late 19th/early 20th centuries), who learnt about the herb from Native American tribes, traditionally prescribed the root for snakebite, syphilis, typhus, septic wounds, diphtheria, tuberculosis and scarlet fever. This supports the modern consensus that echinacea works mainly on the innate immune response - the immediate response to a viral or bacterial threat. HOW ECHINACEA WORKS Echinacea has been shown to stimulate phagocytosis (white blood cell activity), increase natural killer cells (NK) cells and, monocytes (a type of white blood cell), and modulate immunity via the body’s ‘cannabinoid’ system. The active principles in the root are thought to be the alkylamides, which are captured best in an ethanolic extract and are highly bioavailable. One common myth - that echinacea shouldn’t be taken long term - was busted in 2004.

Research showed that echinacea prepares resting monocytes for a quicker immune response, however, in overstimulated monocytes, it first reduces and then extends their inflammatory response. This supports herbalists’ clinical experience that echinacea acts as an immunomodulator in chronic inflammatory conditions, and is perfectly safe for long term use. The Eclectics were also not averse to using it for the treatment of autoimmune thyroid problems, diabetes, psoriasis and even cancer. IT’S ALL IN THE DOSE Dosage and timing is crucial. For colds and flu, research indicates that echinacea is best taken as a preventative at 1.5 - 4.5g dried root per day. For treating already established infections, a much higher dose is needed - up to 10-15g per day - and this is probably how the old Eclectics used it. Echinacea root can be bought as a tincture from Harmony Earth in Luz, or as a powder or dried root online from Baldwin's UK.

HEALTH & BEAUTY prevent age spots and reduce skin thinning. This needs to be an SPF 30 or higher.

How the Menopause Effects our Skin BY DONNA GROOM

During the menopause, our body stops making as much collagen. Women tend to lose 30% of collagen during the first five years of menopause and about 2% per year thereafter. If that wasn’t bad enough we also start to lose the fat cells under the skin and the natural elasticity we once had drops. The shifts in oestrogen levels before and during the menopause can cause many different problems for our skin such as dryness, skin rashes and acne. Age spots appear on the face, hands, neck and chest and become more prone to red bumps and irritations. Pre-cancerous growths are more common as well. So that’s the bad news so what can we do to help our skin during this magical stage of our lives? AVOID SUN DAMAGE Apply sunscreen every day before going outdoors. This will

Lower Back Pain

DRYNESS Avoid soaps and astringent cleansers. Instead, use creambased cleansers and gentle toners. Apply moisturisers and body creams. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and cream that contain peptides. Adding serums into your skincare routine is a great way to give a boost. These are applied under your moisturiser. Preferably on damp skin to boost hydration. HAIR LOSS What we lose on our heads, we gain on our face. If the hairs are pigmented or terminal then do not shave as this will stimulate growth. Instead, you should wax, thread or laser. BREAKOUTS A tough one to deal with but if you start getting spots, avoid the teenage acne treatments. Our skin cannot cope with these harsher products, particularly if your skin is dry and you still have spots. Use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid which helps to unclog pores. In some cases, hormonal treatments may be necessary. RASHES AND IRRITATED SKIN The PH of our skin changes and our skin becomes more sensitive. If you suffer from eczema or Rosacea, this can worsen at this time. Keep your skincare simple and less perfumed. Eat lots of antioxidants to make you stronger from the inside out. COLLAGEN SUPPLEMENTS These are great as a booster. I recommend the liquid collagen, which is more effective but can have an odd fishy taste. Take the vials in the morning for maximum absorption. If none of the above works then fill your face with Botox and filler and pray for a miracle in the meantime!

+INFO: 


What has sitting got to do with my lower back pain? This is a subject I discuss with many patients suffering from lower back pain who spend most of their days sitting. It could be sitting at a desk for work or in their favourite chair at home relaxing. To be clear, the issue isn't the sitting action itself, it’s the amount of time we spend in this position. Sitting has become more a part of our daily lives and therefore making it more of an issue on our bodies. Standing on one leg for eight hours a day or lifting an arm in the air repeatedly for 10 years will lead to similar issues with our bodies. Sitting for long periods for many years can predispose an individual to a variety of soft tissue injuries from muscle strains, spinal joint irritation and more commonly disc injury. What confuses people the most is that when their symptoms occur, it’s usually brought on by an event that is not sitting (i.e.


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sudden bending, running or lifting), so how could it be linked? Sitting, especially in a poor posture, puts a constant strain on the postural muscles in the lower back eventually causing them to weaken. Over time this puts increased pressure on the discs in the spine until eventually, they start to collapse which can lead to pressure on the nerves going into the legs. Bending down to pick up a pencil simply pushes these damaged tissues too far. For those of you who do spend most of your day sitting, try and break it up by getting up and walking about every hour or so. Using a chiropractor to release the pressure on the spine joints can reduce changes to the joints and surrounding soft tissue, therefore, preventing issues from happening.

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Positive birthing in the Algarve In a small corner of the Algarve, a group of health and birth professionals are looking to change the way couples think about birth. Tomorrow met with Patricia L’Sage, holistic doula and birth educator, and Poppy Burr, medical herbalist, at Ritinha’s organic cafe in Barão de São João, to discuss their upcoming venture: a weekend retreat for expecting couples where the main focus is on the new buzzword, "empowerment". Having birthed all of her four children at home, Patricia explains, "when I started out as a doula in 2010, I thought the only way to have a positive birth experience was to have ‘um parto domiciliar’ - a homebirth". Now, after many years of supporting couples through this exciting transition and seeing the changes that have happened in the healthcare system, Patricia has changed her views somewhat - "Now I think it’s equally possible to have a positive birth in hospital, providing the wishes of the couple are met and they feel totally in charge of their birthing process. We encourage people to ‘bring their home to the hospital’ - and Portimão hospital makes this possible, which is fantastic".

"For me, education was the most important thing during my pregnancy ", she says. "Through educating myself about birth and the postpartum period, I felt more relaxed and in control. I spent months reading books, watching birthing videos, looking at the research - which is how I came across the Birthplace study, a huge piece of research comparing the safety of home and hospital births". "I was amazed when I learnt that it’s actually safer for a woman to give birth at home, in terms of avoiding interventions or complications like Caesareans, perineal tears and post-partum haemorrhage. Most women don’t know that - they think they’ll be safer in hospital in the hands of medical doctors. This doesn’t mean everyone needs to give birth at home - it just means women need to be informed, empowered and involved in their birthing process".

The retreat, which will be held at the Salema Eco Camp each month from May to November 2020, with further dates in 2021, is Patricia’s brainchild and the culmination of over a decade of involvement in the ‘humanised birth movement’.

Poppy, who trained as a herbalist in the UK and now operates a busy clinic in Praia da Luz, will be giving herbal medicine workshops on the retreat and sharing her ‘home-birthing toolkit’ with pregnant couples, which includes herbs like red raspberry leaf, motherwort and shepherd’s purse.

Besides helping couples give birth she is also a Perinatal body therapist with training in various types of massage and aquatic bodywork, and supports couples during the critical postpartum period, helping the mother return to full health and teaching these valuable supportive skills to the father.

One snippet of wisdom she shared was that eating six dates a day in the weeks before birth has been shown in scientific studies to aid in cervical ripening, reduce rates of induction and shorten delivery times by up to half! Sounds like a delicious way to go into labour.

Her passion speaks for itself when she says - "I want to provide a space for the pregnant couple to relax, be pampered, and enjoy this special, sacred moment in their lives. Birth can be a powerful spiritual experience, and relaxation is an essential element to a positive pregnancy and birth. And of course, education".

Other workshops and activities on the retreat include Watsu bodywork, childbirth and post-partum education, sound healing and other relaxation techniques. Prices are 595€ for the weekend including camping accommodation and pregnancyspecific meals, with accommodation upgrades possible at an extra cost.

"Couples have the opportunity to experience birth as a beautiful initiation, a rite of passage - but preparing to achieve this is important, as is the choice of every detail, the information that comes to the couple, the place, and the team that goes with it".

Get in touch with Patricia L’Sage for more information, and if positive birthing isn’t for you, just make sure you pop down to Ritinha’s café for a slice of her otherworldly chocolate cake.

Poppy, who opted for a homebirth in her home in Barão de São João - a few doors down from the café - only 15 months ago, wholeheartedly agrees with this view.

+INFO:  L’Sage Pure Nature  +351 915 545 922


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"Through educating myself about birth and the postpartum period, I felt more relaxed and in control."

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Koziishop The ladies of Lagos will be getting hot under the collar this month when a stylish new sustainable fashion brand opens a new store. Sophie Sadler talks to co-founder and entrepreneur Cecília Silva. Daughter of a nomadic family, Cecília grew up with her family in Portugal, the US and Belgium. She then travelled to New Orleans, San Francisco and later Vancouver, while studying Cultural and Art Anthropology. Unsurprisingly, a young Cecília found her creative inspiration in studying different cultures and materials. Her first shot at fashion designing was when visiting her parents in Mozambique in 1997, where she began experimenting with prints and fabrics, designing garments from Batiks with the local women, as a hobby. After her graduation, she embarked on an epic journey where she undertook to work with diverse materials in different countries. "For five years, I travelled alone to different countries to discover new techniques. In Mexico, I worked with leather and precious stones. In Brazil, I experimented with making necklaces out of seeds. I learnt embroidery in Guatemala. And then for three more years, together with Nuno, my partner in crime with whom I've been venturing through life for the past 15 years." Cecília says that Nuno Campos, who has studied Environmental Management, has been with her every step of the way and they are the dream partnership. After endless travelling, the couple felt the need to put down roots and have children. They wanted to settle in a beautiful place where they could feel at home. They


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first chose Vila Nova de Milfontes, on the beautiful West Coast in the Alentejo and exercised their creativity with a restaurant. Dissatisfied with the lifestyle a restaurant gives, the idea for their fashion brand began to take shape and in 2015 the couple moved to Tavira and launched Kozii. It was based on their identity, what they believed in and a style they thought would fit in Tavira. Cecília has taught herself everything she knows and creates the designs from scratch with help from craftsmen, tailors and artists. Together they bring the concepts to fruition. Given her and Nuno's backgrounds, it was inevitable that the label´s founding philosophy would be the line: "For Timeless Journeys." "Kozii is a journey through time that immerses us in a search for value, to learn from ancient traditions and to reinforce the importance of substance in fashion. Forever embracing the idea of fashion as a timeless journey. As an ongoing story of multiculturalism, Kozii pursues a balance between the use of ancient, slow and delicate art forms with modern contemporary needs". 


 Kozii set out to support local artisans so they could develop their own crafts. "We naturally created a slow brand for those longing for aesthetics, honesty and sustainability in a brand. And it was in India that we found our strongest source of inspiration, more precisely in the city of Jaipur, in Rajasthan".

If you buy one of Kozii´s stylish garments, we would love to see you in it. You can post a photo of you looking gorgeous in a Kozii creation on our FB page.

When I met Cecília, she was about to embark on a journey to India to visit her printers. They use stamping techniques, such as woodblock printing, the oldest, simplest and slowest of all printing methods, allowing them to create a hybrid of contemporary fashion that, at the same time, safeguards tradition. The patterns that result from this are beautiful, both in their graphic simplicity and in their organic feel. Each garment is totally unique as it is hand-printed, so no two are ever the same. They limit the number of garments in each product range and pay people fairly through the process of production. "Kozii is gratified by the knowledge it earns through time, creating each piece slowly and thoughtfully, to the scale of who makes it and of who will wear it. The result is the delivery of exclusive collections of the highest quality." This comes at a price, and you will pay between 70€ and 150€ for a dress. It seems like a small price for something so intricately conceived and made. Creating a sustainable brand was an organic process. They created a product that naturally mirrored their values and only then realised they had created a "sustainable" brand. They are pleased that they evolved this way as the more they learn about the fashion industry the more they realise how urgent it is to take a stand and make a difference. As you can read on their website, "The fashion industry is notoriously known for its ‘take-makewaste’ way of operating. It is an approach with a disastrous environmental impact and substantial economic losses. Not only depleting the planet of critical resources, but nearly 60 per cent of all the clothes produced end up being burned or in landfills within one year of their creation". Having been a great success in Tavira and online, they have now turned their sights to Lagos, "Everything we know about Lagos reflects our brand. It is bohemian and bursting with eclectic people who love food, travel, culture and care for the environment". Their new premises are situated in a gorgeous pink-hued old building on a cobbled back street and they are giving it some contemporary glamour on the inside. In the same way as their brand it is old meets new. It seems that everything to do with this venture has evolved organically, this includes the help of their new Lagos store manager, Flor. She had worked for Cecília and Nuno in Tavira for four years and then moved. In a twist of fate, they bumped into each other on the Climate Change March. Flor told them that she wished to move to Lagos because she surfs. "It all came together perfectly," smiles Cecília.


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Their endeavours have not gone unnoticed. Kozii has been worn by famous Portuguese actress Ines Castel Branco and by Portuguese model Luisa Beirão. They even dressed the hosts of the TV show Á descoberta com… still running on national TV. For the coming summer collection, they decided to make the editorial shoot in the São Tomé Islands, on the equatorial line. "We wanted to focus on the necessity of disconnecting to reconnect. To remind us of the loss of modernity to time, to slowness, to nature, to humanity". So what do they think the future holds? "Kozii never ceases to surprise us. With every new collection, we are startled to learn more about one or another uncovered fabric or printing technique. We are currently working with Organic Lotus flower fibres and Modal, which give a very light texture that feel just like a second skin". They would like the shop in Lagos to tell a story, Flor says, "As you wander through the shop there is a tale about every item. It is like visiting a museum of culture, textiles and fashion". For those wishing to experience the timeless journey that Kozii represents, you can now visit the shop, opened every day from 10 to 7 p.m and next Friday 13th, at 17.30, Kozii will offer music and a little aperol for the official celebration of their new little corner in Lagos. You are all cordially invited to attend!

+INFO:  Rua da Oliveira, 40 Lagos 

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I.T. can be easy BY STEVEN DUNWELL

Three ways to clean up space on your Android device Android phone and tablet storage can fill up quickly as you download applications, take photos and add music and movies etc. Many lower-powered Android devices can have limited storage, making this even more of a problem. Here are three of the easiest ways of freeing up some space: CLEAR THE CACHE Many Android applications use a special store (known as a cache) that can help save a little time and mobile data, locally stored maps are an example of cached data. These files are convenient but not strictly necessary. If you need to clear up space on your device quickly, the cache is the first place you should think of clearing. To clear cached data from a single application, go to Settings > Applications > Application Manager and tap on the app you want to clear. In the app's Application info menu, tap Storage and then tap Clear Cache to clear the app's cache. To clear cached data from all apps, go to Settings > Storage and tap Cached data to clear the caches of all the apps on your phone. DELETE YOUR DOWNLOADS Your Android device has a downloads folder where everything you download from the internet e.g. photos, videos, documents etc. are stored. Chances are you won’t be that attached to most of the files in there, how many cat videos do you need? You should be able to free up some valuable space by deleting these unnecessary files. You'll find your downloads folder inside the My Files in your list of applications. Tap and hold a file to select it, then tap the trash can icon, the remove/delete button to get rid of it. MOVE APPS TO THE TRASH If you've tried these tips and you still need more space, then you're going to have to start deleting some things. You've probably got a few apps on your device that, let’s be honest, you


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never use. To figure out which apps are taking up the most space, open Settings and look for Storage > Apps. You'll see a list of apps sorted by size with the biggest apps at the top of the list. To delete an app you don't use, select the app then Tap uninstall to get rid of it. WINDOWS 7, GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN! Windows 7 came to the end of its 11 years of supported service on 14 January 2020. Which means that if you’re still running Windows 7 on your laptop or computer you will no longer receive security updates and patches from Microsoft, making it potentially vulnerable. It’s not too late to make the jump and upgrade your ageing Window 7 software to Windows 10. In conjunction with upgrading your computer to Windows 10, one of the best ways to speed an ageing laptop or desktop computer would be to install a new super-fast SSD disk drive at the same time. If you would like to make the change from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and upgrade your disk drive, please contact me for a chat and we can discuss further.

+INFO:  +351 936 387 512 

Free IT Support Wonderland Tea Room Rua Da Hortinha, 20 Rc, Ferragudo 3rd March, 12am until 2pm The Tropical Café Nº. 33, Av. dos Descobrimentos, Lagos 17th March, 11am to 1pm

Work, Create, Play Cowork is a new concept for Lagos. A space for collaborative work aiming to unify people as well as creating a solid work and networking platform. With the increasing trend in the area for remote working, a co-working space allows people to work in an arrangement in which several workers from different companies share an office space. This allows cost savings and convenience through the use of common infrastructures, such as equipment, utilities, and receptionist and custodial services. The Cowork Lagos, website explains; “We all need to share, to work together, to have good advice, to cooperate, to feel social and integrated beings, to dream and to see the dream reaching a specific place: let’s Cowork together.” Cowork Lagos provides internet, printer, communal books and to get you through those deadlines, a coffee machine. Located near the centre of Lagos, in Rua Gil Vicente your desk costs €30 per month. All residents have access to the key, allowing them to work 24/7. The Cowork is maintained by a small group of people who don't have enough resources to have a reception, so in order to book your space, the check-in period is every Friday between 10:00 and 12:00. Let Cowork Lagos be your office, your home, your hideaway.

+INFO:   Cowork Lagos

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Discover our Exclusive Dream Properties

The 5-bedroom villa with its open floor plan and harmonious architecture offers an exceptional all year accommodation or holiday home. W-02H9TU · 1.100.000 € · EC: B

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Mexilhoeira Grande: Charming 3-suites home with great potential, set on plot of 1.470m² in a quiet urbanization close to Portimão and Alvor. W-02HIPG · 395.000 € · EC: E

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Monchique: A unique 7-bed country home/hostel with swimming pool, in a rural plot of 13ha, with income from oak and olive trees, close to town. W-02GXS9 · 800.000 €

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Take a walk on the Wild Side! BY SHAIRA

Spring is here and the flowers are blossoming. The perfume of Wild Fennel fills the air as I hike from Lagos to Luz along the coastline, with a light ocean breeze and sunshine on my face. I love to collect wild herbs and spices during my hikes, as I feel that these plants must be strong to survive near the ocean with a minimal amount of water in rich but loose soil. Fennel is the one that really stands out these days with bright-green colours. The wild Fennel that grows in the Algarve is easy to recognise and is a delicious treat of nature when hiking along the coast. Fennel has this sweet liquorice/Anis like aroma to it that takes me away to my childhood in Holland. There is much to say about Fennel with its sweet suave taste. Not only is Fennel delicious it also has health properties that might surprise you. Did you know that in ancient Greece, Fennel was called Marathon? Fennel grew widely and wildly around Marathon City, where the battle of Marathon took place against the Persian empire. Classical history tells us that Pheidippides, an Athenian herald, ran the 42 km (26.2 miles) from the battlefield to Athens to announce the Greek victory over Persia carrying Fennel in his hand. In ancient Rome and India Fennel is described as a medicine for the eyes. Nowadays it’s

scientifically proven that consuming Fennel and Fennel seeds reduced Glaucoma in the eyes of animals. The Latin saying Semen Foeniculi pellit spiracula culi means "Fennel drives the vents in the bottom". Fennel is known for its calming effects on the intestines. To do so, make a tea with fennel or eat it as a veggie. Fennel contains Anethol which stimulates the production of breast milk. Not only that Anethol contains anti-cancerous properties. World wide Fennel or Fennel seeds are used as breath fresheners. Chew on a few Fennel seeds or make a mixture of Anise, Fennel and Cumin seeds. Eat a teaspoon after a meal to prevent bad breath. From 24-30 April I’m hosting my second Spice Life retreat about the best the South- West Algarve has to offer. Experience the luxury of a beautiful villa with heated pool, walking distance to the car-free beach of Figueira. This retreat will focus on: plant-based foods, cooking classes, visits to local markets, natural cosmetics, fermenting, making chocolate from local Carobs and of course a coastal herbal walk!

+INFO: 

Shaira’s Fennel-Mint spice cream Anyone that knows me also knows that next to spices I’m extremely passionate about icecream. I like Vanilla but what really gets me excited is experimenting with spices and icecream...Spice Cream as I love to call my frozen creations. Enjoy!

Ingredients (serves 4)  250 grams of coconut or sugar cane sugar  100 ml of water  5 twigs of mint  6 Fennel tubers  Juice of 1 fresh lime  4 ice waffers

Kitchen appliences  Juicer  Sorbet/icemaker or a lot of patience

Method 1. Heat the sugar in 100 ml water until dissolved 2. Press all the fennel and mint through the juicer and mix it with the sugar syrup and lime juice 3. Place the mixture in a metal or glass bowl and place in freezer. Stir every 30 minutes untill frozen or place it in a icecream/Sorbet maker.


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Kiko’s Tasca Wine, food and friends. Unique, Exclusive and Distinct wines from Portugal. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays.

Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: • f Centro Naútico Sopromar - Est. Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176'


We liked the whole image and we did think the service was extremely friendly and helpful which is something we all appreciate. It is open all year and serves breakfasts from 8 a.m until 10.30 a.m followed by the lunch and dinner menu from 12.30 pm until 9.30 p.m, so there is great time flexibility for every age group.

All year round good food BY TOM HENSHAW

Boavista has pulled off another success-story with the recent opening of their La Bistro Restaurant at their recently completed satellite resort, named Bela Colina. It has a lovely open and modern style with loads of outside seating making it an ideal location for any time of the year. They can cater for 70 guests in a private dining room so it offers itself for lots of special occasions and of course, golfer’s events.

An idea we like very much was their daily special, which is around €12, including a main, a glass of wine and a dessert. You cannot beat that for really excellent value, I particularly noted the fish and chips on Fridays! This is very much a family welcome restaurant with children’s specials at around €7 so really it covers all aspects to ensure families, golfers and the local residents can enjoy a good night out or a takeaway service as well. Summing up I would say, as I said at the beginning, Boavista have proved that they have another winning formula.

+INFO:  +351 282 095 515 

Casa Padaria Pizzeria BY THE YUM YUM BOYS

Well, this was a little hidden gem in the depths of winter. Finding a place open at this time of year can be a challenge as we all know but Casa Padaria delivered. Four of us descending upon the Pizza establishment on a cold winter´s evening looking for some hearty supplements and we were not disappointed. A lovely little place where all of the pizzas and some of the starters are freshly made, so if you’re looking for something that is not shop bought, this is it. For starters, we all shared the figs with goat´s cheese wrapped in presunto and garlic bread pizza. A particular favourite was the apple wand walnut cream cheese. All freshly made as mentioned and so unique. For main courses, we had a Quattro Formaggio, a Margherita with chicken, a seafood special and a slap-up portion of ribs. Delicious and extremely tasty. Accompanied by a generous portion of house salad and house coleslaw. With bellies about to pop, we decided to share a dessert of a Portuguese sweet-tart. All washed


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down with beer, no wine as it didn’t fit the occasion. Perfect for a cold winters evening. People with food intolerances may also want to note that the establishment is famous for offering gluten-free pizza dough. The owner told us that many celiacs have been eating their pizzas for years aswell. They now have an extensive vegan menu and, for an extra charge, you can top your pizza with vegan cheese, which is also suitable for those with lactose intolerance. The service was extra special by the owners and takeaway is available too. Not expensive and a great place for a quick bite with family and friends. I would imagine the kids would love it too. Definitely one to look out for.

+INFO:  +351 969 678 519  Largo da Liberdade 1, Burgau


A Lazy Girl's Guide to March in Lagos BY THE LAZY TIGERS Welcome to March, everyone. The summer is so close now we can taste it. There are a couple of things we Lazy Girls are really looking forward to this month and the weather is just calling to us to get out and participate. The first and the most scrumdiddlyumptious, (best word ever invented by Roald Dahl and really in the dictionary) outing that we would recommend has got to be the Feira dos Enchidos in Monchique on the 7th and 8th of the month. How tempting is a sausage festival, to those who have an aversion to elaborate slaving over a hot stove? And how easy is a four-ingredient meal that takes minutes to prepare?

Monchique Sausage and Bean Hotpot (SERVES 4)  200 grams of cooking Chouriço  2 x 400 grams tins of chopped tomatoes  2 x 400 grams of any robust beans you like (pinto, butter, black-eyed)  1 tub of pesto sauce (there is a lot in the shops)

The range of sausages in Monchique is going to be fabulous, look out for anything with porco preto in it. Our recipe for Sausage and Bean Hotpot is for the Enchido or Chouriço type. Monchique is beautiful at this time of year and is worth the visit even without the bangers, but you can use any variety of the delicious local sausages that you can get in the supermarket.

Slice the sausage reasonably thickly and fry gently in a large heavybottomed pan for about five minutes till it is a nice brown colour.

Another exciting event this month is the Algarve Cup 2020. Eight international women´s football teams (including top 5 teams like Germany and Sweden) will be playing a knockout tournament in the Algarve. In the past, some of these matches have been played in Lagos. Go along and root for the home team. A great meal to have ready to heat up after the footie is Baked Sweet Potatoes. This recipe also works for regular spuds.

Mix in the pesto lightly and season before serving with some local bread

Looking for a drink to warm you up on a cool spring evening? Why not make a Lumumba? Is it Swiss, is it Danish, who knows? We just know it is great.

 Chocolate milk from the supermarket (you CAN make your own) about 250 ml  Rum (any kind you like) about 50 ml

Don’t forget this month, if push comes to shove, 13th March is the first Friday the 13th of the year, and as such is officially 'Blame Someone Else Day'. You're welcome! Come and see the Lazy Tigers at London Tiger Coffee we will definitely be celebrating this one.


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Add the tomatoes and the beans, up the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Lumumba (SERVES ONE)

Baked Sweet Potatoes (SERVES TWO)  Two large sweet potatoes  Olive oil and melted butter to coat.  Salt and pepper to season  Topping of your choice (sour cream and piri piri is great, so too is canned chopped tomatoes with herbs) Prepare the oven at 200ºC Wash and dry the potatoes thoroughly and lay in a single layer on a nice big baking sheet, coating the sheet and the potatoes in lots of mixed olive oil and melted butter. Bake for 30 minutes on one side then turn and bake for 30 minutes on the other (regular spuds will take about 40 minutes each side) Now you can put whatever you like on them, we suggest a pot of crème fraiche or sour cream mixed with some piri piri sauce You can pre-cook the potatoes and heat them up in the oven for 10 minutes if you are coming in from the match

Heat the chocolate milk in the microwave and add the rum You know this is infinitely flexible

If you are tem pted by any of the Lazy Tigers sc rumptious reci pe suggestions, please take a photo of you with yo ur Lazy Girl cr eation and post on ou r FB page. Happ y Lazy Cooking!


Your Dog's Second Best Friend Rodolfo Aço recently moved to Lagos from Lisbon and has for the last seven years devoted his life to helping dogs with behavioural problems. He previously worked with children which he thinks contributed to his empathy with animals. He and his dog pack of five, are currently working with dogs at the Cadela Carlota. Some have been segregated for being aggressive and Roldofo has managed to befriend many with a few simple techniques, which he puts down to understanding canine psychology.

be turned upside down, but in the end, if you do things right, you will have a friend for life.

Rodolfo will be writing a weekly column to explain how to integrate a dog into your life starting with what to think about before you welcome your new best friend into your home.

If after all this you still feel like having a dog, please consider the financial demands. To provide all the nutrients needed, food is something important. Also, even the healthiest of the dogs need to go to the vet for regular check-ups, plus worms and fleas/ticks treatments that you will have to buy.

"I work with dogs and dog owners, most of the situations that I'm called to help with are related to a lack of knowledge. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to have a dog, but if you do want to have a dog there are some things that you need to know. The first thing, a dog is a dog, not a "baby". Treat your dog as a dog from the very beginning. Equally important to remember is that a dog is not a gift or a present, that you buy, or get, for someone. If you ever feel tempted to give a dog as a gift, talk to the person in advance, he/ she should be the one selecting the dog, not you. If you want to have a dog in your life, you must know that it is a big commitment. Your life will


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Always take into consideration that having a dog brings with it demands on your time. If you are going to struggle to have time don't rush it, wait for the moment when you know that it is right for you to have a dog.

Last but not the least, when you get a dog, from a breeder, a friend, or a shelter, try to take a professional with you that can evaluate the temperament of the dog. Every rule has an exception, there's always that situation when a dog comes to you, and if it happens like that, it's probably because you really do need a dog in your life."

Beating Doggy Breath! "Doctor, my pet has started to eat, he is happy again". Welcome phrases, like this, from satisfied dog owners, makes it worth all the effort put into one of the main jobs of a veterinarian: ensuring health through nutrition. Here in Centro Veterinário de Ferragudo, we tend to look at all aspects of animal health. For this reason, when an animal comes for a consultation we talk with the owner about every aspect that can be improved, like behaviour changes, nutrition, exercise, and of course prophylactic treatments. One of the more common reasons small and miniature dogs come to the clinic is because of bad breath odour. After careful examination, most of the cases are teeth infection. In mini and small dogs this is very common because the ph level (acidity) in their mouth, is quite different from bigger dogs. This difference allows bacteria to grow in their mouth and create the bacterial plaque regularly identified by brown teeth. Most of the cases need antibiotic treatment and surgical scaling of the teeth. This could be prevented if animals change their diet to one that prevents the change in ph levels and prevents bacterial plaque forming. Here in our practice, we recommend grain-free Portuguese-made, small-breed food. It is made with Mediterranean natural ingredients, creating a synergy that improves pet health and slows the development of bacterial plaque. A dog with a healthy mouth is a happy dog.

+INFO:  +351 938 093 829 

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PETS & WILDLIFE One hundred editions of the Tomorrow magazine! Well done Tom and Julie, it's been fun to be involved from the start. That means that this is the 100th Pet's Mate article, who's name was suggested by Mr Henshaw, all those years ago.

dog's heart and pulmonary circulation. They can grow up to 30cms in length! The worms cause serious irritation to the heart (not unlike a Donald Trump midnight tweet (OK, that's the only one). With this inflammation progressing, dogs will die from pulmonary embolisms.

So, I shall aim this article at Pet Health, with less tenuous connections to thoughts on life, politics and allusions to the spirit.

Leishmania is a more insidious disease. The parasite gets inside cells of the immune system and can set up the disease in any part of the body. This causes life long debilitation. If it gets into the kidneys it can cause acute renal failure. Not so insidious… It takes six months for these diseases to test positive after infection, but longer to see clinical signs. We advise you to test your dog for both Heartworm and Leishmania if you have not had them protected against them (yes, that includes if the protection has lapsed).

That being the case, I feel it timely to remind you about the mosquito and the sand fly. By March, many of you who enjoy a sundowner outside (be it a Pimms, a Sagres or a cup of tea) are aware that they have returned to bite at our ankles, etc.

One hundred Pet Mates! BY LARS RAHMQUIST (B.V.SC, M.R.C.V.S.)

If you were in Chad (!) you might want to have taken your Malaria prevention or you could risk...dying. Sounds dramatic, doesn't it? But that´s Malaria for you and, of course, many of you clever clogs know that the mosquito is the deadliest animal in the world. Happily, for us we don't have such an infectious disease in Portugal. But for our canine friends, there is. Indeed, there are two. Heartworm and Leishmania are both spread by these vectors. Bites from infected insects will transmit either of them to your dog. Heartworm infestations take six months to grow into adult parasites that live inside the

There is veterinary protection against both diseases. These protections are both effective and safe. Speak to your vet or fling us an email for more information. That concludes my 100th Tomorrow article. Thanks for reading when you have. I have enjoyed waffling along and I hope that this article has given some helpful advice for your pets (and thoughts on life, religion and politics). See you next month!

+INFO:  

Equine Escape


Gudrun Seitler lives a lifestyle dedicated to horses

Did you know...

Doma Vaqueira is the Portuguese riding style used for cow herding. The Lusitano is a Portuguese horse breed, closely related to the Spanish Andalusian horse. Both breeds both developed on the Iberian peninsula, and until the 1960s they were considered one breed.


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Gudrun moved with her husband and two children from Germany to Aljezur 20 years ago. The reason for this decision was based entirely on horses.

The family tradition continues with her daughter, Nadia, who rides, and her four - year- old grandson who has been riding since he was two.

They believed Portugal was the best place in Europe to make stables, acquire horses and start a riding school. When they first got to Aljezur, there were no other riding schools in the area. "In fact," says Gudrun, "the Algarve has much less riding history than the rest of Portugal. In the Alentejo, Ribetejo and other more northern parts of Portugal, Lusitanian horses have and still are used by cow breeders to herd cows. The Algarve has never been a big cow breeding area and horses and riding schools mainly came here with the influx of foreigners and tourism".

Gudrun offers riding lessons and treks into the beautiful countryside that surrounds her home. "It’s such a fantastic thing to do," she says. "You’re up high, moving silently and slowly, not disturbing nature and feeling connected to such a majestic, sensitive creature".

All of Gudrun’s 10 horses are from Portugal and many were rescued from neglectful owners. The eldest is Rosanna, who is 30 years old and the youngest is Rita, who is nine. Gudrun trains all of her horses, and for this reason, she prefers to acquire them when they are young. "My father had a love of horses," she says "and he passed that passion on to me at a very early age."

Occasionally Aljezur school brings groups of special needs children to Gudrun. She teaches them how to brush and clean the horses, and the abled ones learn how to ride. "It’s incredible to see how these children become calm and more stabilised while with the horses, and the horses seem to sense the difficulties these children have and are extremely careful with them. The time I spend with these children is the most rewarding part of my work".

+INFO:  +351 964 371 304 


Book review of the month BY ANNIE O’DEA

I Am, I Am, I Am, Maggie O’Farrell Drawn to the title as it reminded me of John Clare’s poem, "I am—yet what I am none cares or knows;/ And yet I am", Maggie O’Farrell’s 2017 memoir is an autobiographical account of her narrow escapes with death. In fact, the actual title is from Sylvia Plath’s novel, The Bell Jar, an apt choice considering death pervades both. Although O’Farrell began writing this memoir as a private exercise, ultimately I Am..., her eighth book, is written for her three children, specifically her middle daughter who was born with a life-threatening immune disorder and so the family are never far from death. O'Farrell hoped that by writing about her own life/death experiences, thereby revealing personal secrets she had spent a lifetime trying to conceal, her book would act as a message that life is still possible and that her daughter was not alone. With this sentiment in mind, the memoir takes on an additional significance as we all face death at some point in our lives. O’Farrell writes candidly, "a near-death experience changes you forever: you come back from the brink altered, wiser, sadder." She warns, "I knew only too well how fine a membrane separates us from that place, and how easily it can be perforated." Born of Irish parents in 1972 Northern Ireland, Maggie O’Farrell grew up in Wales and Scotland and now lives in Edinburgh with her husband, writer William Sutcliffe and their three children. Her life to date is encapsulated in I Am..., dedicated to her children, which details her "seventeen brushes with death" in

non-chronological order, thus making the narrative structure more interesting and events more intriguing.

The memoir opens "...with a day on which I nearly die..." as an eighteen-year-old girl venturing on a mountain walk between shifts. Written in first person present tense, which intensifies the situation for the reader and draws us in, O’Farrell later in the book describes how she was suddenly struck with encephalitis which changed her life forever: "Until that morning I woke up with a headache, I was one person, and after it, I was quite another." She recalls "The experiences you live through while gravely ill take on a near-mystical quality" as she was hospitalised for over a year at the tender age of eight, being told she would never walk again if she survived. Now as a mother herself she admits she was afraid for the first time of death and realised her vulnerability to it. In her final chapter entitled "Daughter" bringing us to the present day, she documents the heart-rendering reality of her daughter’s illness as she "lives without protection" from an allergic reaction. She ponders on the fact that this child so desperately wanted after all the failed IVF attempts, "In any fairy-tale, getting what you wish comes at a cost," and how she longed that it was her instead to pay the price. O’Farrell closes her daughter’s story asserting with strength and positivity, "She is, she is, she is."

Hard to believe that we have had the bookshop for over six years now - time passes quickly when you are having fun!


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If you read this book please post your own review on our FB page

Many more shelves to house the thousands of quality second-hand books covering a wide variety of topics to suit all ages and tastes. We spend a great deal of time searching for books, visiting private homes across the country to purchase collections and recently bought some four thousand books from three houses. There has been much talk in recent times of the decline of the book in favour of electronic gizmos - do not believe it. After all, there is nothing quite like opening a book and turning

the pages in anticipation of the delights to come. All life passes through our door and one of the exciting things is that we have had a number of published authors dropping in for a browse - some of whom are well-known. No two days are ever the same. Christine will be writing regular book reviews for us in upcoming editions.

+INFO:  Rua Marreiros Netto 67, Lagos  The Owl Story Book Store Lagos

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52



In the basement of an old shoe shop in Monchique, a team of four, a band saw, a sanding disk, a pile of bamboo and a box of cork-bottle tops create artisanal, hand-made, ecological and reusable cigarette and ash containers. I joined the founders of Naturu Monchique for a morning of manufacture to find out more about their first product launched in January 2020. Every year, two-thirds of the 6.5 trillion cigarettes bought worldwide are thrown onto pavements and roadsides. And you think they are biodegradable, right? Cigarette filters - also known as butts or ends are made of a plastic called cellulose acetate that takes years to decompose. According to Ocean Conservancy, cigarette butts have since the 1980s accounted for 30-40% of all litter found in coastal and urban cleanups. More and more research is showing the devastating effects of microplastic bioaccumulation in the animal world and the daunting fact that much of the food we eat has residual quantities of noxious substances. So who is doing something about it? Motivated by his increasing awareness of the problem of cigarette butts and legislative attempts to penalise people for littering, Cristian Briceag started looking for alternatives to conventional ashtrays. Joined by his very creative friend, Eduardo Carrilho, they came up with a solution - a bamboo container with a cork lid - both biodegradable and locally available. In order to test the idea, they brought on another friend, Costea Marian, for production and sales, and together hit the 2019 Vila Palco festival in Monchique to validate the product and gather customer feedback. With many sales and positive responses from the festival audience, it was time to bring in João Justino for his marketing and design skills during the several months of pre-launch R&D that ensued. For less than the cost of a pack of cigarettes, you can stop polluting the environment with their cleanable, odour


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free, portable container that fits in a pocket and can take approximately 12+ cigarette butts before needing to be disposed of - roughly once a day. Naturu Monchique also provides a sixpiece display rack, a tailored social media promotion kit and an A3 poster for free to anyone who would like to sell Naturus in their space. They are open to all kinds of B2B arrangements. While 2019 was filled with challenges such as the struggle to synchronise timetables, the need for a helping hand in the form of talented Monchique jeweller Nuno Lopes and the scramble to make orders on time. In 2020, they aim to visit all of the Algarve´s shops, be at festivals and events with custom branded Naturus and implement their launch campaign this October - to invite the Algarve to join Naturu Monchique in planting 1000 trees for the first 1000 Naturus sold. As a smoker, I admit there isn’t an argument in my defense for still smoking. The highly visual data at backs up how irrational and destructive our smoking habit is. However, if your love of tobacco is stronger, I recommend you get a Naturu. I now take mine wherever I go. Even when I forget it, I take the awareness Naturu Monchique has given me. I now keep cigarette buts until I can put them where they belong - in the bin - to be recycled. All feedback and support to back these young entrepreneurs is welcomed.

+INFO:   @naturu.monchique


SUP and Clean Up

that can be used here on the Algarve for tourists and residents through Lagos Surf Centre.


We all love a challenge but Daniele Caon has certainly taken things to the next level. Daniele is going to embark on crossing the Algarve coastline from Faro to Sagres via paddleboard. Daniele has also decided to set himself this personal challenge as he wanted to incorporate environmental awareness by taking part in a beach clean-up at every beach he is camping on. Anyone is welcome to join him with this great cause and assist with the clean-up. I had the pleasure of interviewing Daniele and discussing his upcoming endeavour. This journey is approximately 137 kilometres and will take around four to five days fully dependent on the weather and water conditions. Daniele has also split his challenge into stages as after a gruelling day of paddleboarding the Algarve coastline, he will be camping on the following beaches; Faro, Albufeira, Alvor, Praia da Luz, Ingrina and Sagres. "I have always had a dream of doing something worthwhile, to test myself by going a little further than I already have! Five years ago, I left my city life in Italy and began a journey to change the way I live. I've been in the Algarve for two years, which has profoundly changed the way I approach my life, shifting my focus to ease and simplicity because here, nature and the environment are the masters". With the great support of Lagos Surf Centre and his friends, Daniele will have a car following him along the coastline which will deliver what he needs to camp on the beach each evening of the SUP challenge. Daniele is passionate about the sustainability of our planet and cleaning up the Ocean and beaches. ‘I believe that each of us should contribute to making this planet better with our own personal gesture. This is mine’. Another reason for taking part in this incredible challenge is to raise funds for people with disabilities and provide water activities with two adapted paddle boards and two wheelchairs


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‘In 2020, I will be involved in opening the Lagos Surf Club in association with Lagos Surf Centre. It will be an inclusive water sports club with dedicated resources for people with physical disabilities. Our modified SUP can be used as a means of approaching the ocean and getting in touch with the water in a new way". Daniele’s passion for environmental awareness and incorporating this into his challenge has also inspired him to team up with the Nalu project. Founded by Eva Diemer in 2018 the Nalu Project aims to reduce and reuse wetsuits. Across the Algarve, there is a huge waste issue with wet suits so this innovative project aims to extend the lives of wet suits by doing fast, professional repairs. Eva also uses unrepairable wetsuits and transforms them into laptop cases, beer coolers, bottle protectors, phone cases, fin bags and much more. The Nalu Project also has a driving passion to create local awareness for environmental pollution and therefore organises regular beach clean-ups in collaboration with Sagres Beach Clean. The Nalu project will be assisting Daniele during his adventure and promoting its ethos of sustainability with the beach clean-ups along the Algarve coastline. Daniele’s Paddle Board challenge will take place in March 2020. The exact dates are yet to be confirmed as the endeavour is reliant on weather and Ocean conditions. Daniele can be followed on Facebook under the name Danca On where he will post updates on his forthcoming adventure along the coastline. Daniele aims to paddle for approximately five hours per day with Marco Perini and the team from Lagos Surf Centre meeting him at each beach destination. ‘I will keep you updated with my preparations and, above all, with all the activities that we are going to do in the Lagos Surf Centre for you guys! Along with favourable weather conditions, I hope you will follow me’. Tomorrow magazine wishes Daniele the best of luck with his incredible endeavour and hopes to catch up with him during and after the challenge. If anyone would like to donate to this worthy cause and help towards funding the adapted paddleboards and wheelchairs please either directly message Daniele on Facebook or email him.

+INFO:  daniele.caon.5 


Girl on a Mission Natalie Fox is a surf and yoga instructor based in the Algarve and the French Alps. "Right now, I am living my passions, riding mountains and the ocean waves. I am based at Soul and Surf retreats during the summer, then in winter, I head to Morzine where I teach snow specific yoga". During the ten years that Natalie has spent travelling and teaching she has seen that no country is exempt from the issue of pollution. Passionate about protecting the oceans, Natalie first joined forces with Surfers Against Sewage in 2010, to help raise awareness of marine litter on the beaches of Morocco. Despite graduating with a degree in media she chose the beach over the city, although she has been able to use her educational skills to compliment her lifestyle. "I believe that the media has the power to challenge people's perceptions and activate them into changing behaviours". Natalie maintains a blog ECO YOGA SURF, writes articles for Surf Girl magazine, and is starring in the film project, Undercurrents talking about the connection between surfing and mindfulness, and how we can all benefit from a #bluemind. In 2011 she co-founded Women for Whales, spending time at sea with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society protecting whales in the Faroes and Antarctica. Next, she joined with Surfers For Cetaceans, travelling the coast of California in a communitybased campaign on the plight of the grey whale. Recently Natalie became a Whale and Dolphin Conservation ambassador for their #notwhalefood campaign where she hopes to raise awareness about the impacts of ocean plastic pollution on whales and dolphins. Currently undertaking an online Masters in Sustainability at The Eden Project and Anglia Ruskin University, her studies focus on environmental issues, how to tackle the circular economy and how we can protect our oceans through the blue economy. Natalie's next mission was setting sail with the all-female eXXpedition crew for the first leg of their pioneering circumnavigation of the globe, microplastics campaign. The Round the World (2019-2021) eXXpedition voyage aims to raise awareness of, and explore solutions to the devastating environmental and health impacts of single-use plastics.


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The eXXpedition was co-founded by ocean advocate Emily Penn and Dr Lucy Gilliam, to make the unseen seen, from the toxins in human bodies to the toxins in the seas. This eXXpedition will conduct the biggest global study on ocean plastic to date. Enabling 300 women to board as hands-on crew, experience the challenges we face from single-use plastics while contributing to cutting-edge scientific research and solutionsbased thinking. Partnering with internationally-recognised ocean plastic experts to carry out citizen science, both at sea and onshore. Professor Thompson and his team of scientists at the University of Plymouth will be taking the lead on the sea-based science programme, while Dr Jambeck and the University of Georgia will be focused on land impacts. Natalie says: "This is the perfect opportunity to delve deeper into the wicked problem of plastic pollution and explore ideas of how to eliminate it at its source. Our plastic pollution problems are piling up and these days a beach clean is not enough to offset the amount of packaging produced by just one company. I have led countless beach cleans across the world for years, and do every time I go surfing in fact, but I am anxious about witnessing the extent of this global problem". "This campaign will aid my Sustainability Masters dissertation and has inspired î ƒ


 my research which centres on collecting microplastics whilst surfing. My hope is that by creating a Scientific paper with cutting edge data, it can influence policy, consumer behaviours and ideally packaging companies; helping change the systems that are producing plastic pollution and encouraging everyone to become champions of zero waste". On a mission to collect plastic pollution data in the North Atlantic, Natalie's voyage departed Plymouth headed for the Portuguese islands. "I've spent a lot of time in the waves but not on a sailboat so this will be quite different, out in the wild ocean surrounded by 13 creative and innovative women. I marvelled at Emily and her ability to communicate complex issues in a down-to-earth and non-catastrophic way, as well as being able to take the helm and sail for nine hours straight with no food! I had utter faith in her as our Mission Leader. The week we were due to leave, Mother Nature decided to let us know who was boss with Hurricane Lorrenzo bringing an incredible amount of energy in the projected path of our vessel, the S.V Travel Edge. Despite this, we embarked on our mission". "I was excited to arrive in the Azores, an archipelago often visited by fin, blue, and the unfortunate sperm whale, who are more prone to ingesting larger pieces of plastic, like bags, bottles and sheeting which all clog up their stomach". Marine debris affects everywhere on our planet these days. It is now understood that over five trillion pieces of plastic are currently floating in the water and that it can be found in the deepest and most remote parts of our oceans. Whilst plastic has only been in circulation on a global scale since the 1970s, the


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material is almost indestructible, lasts 400 years, yet is made to be used just once. In 2018 the world produced 359 million metric tons of plastic, this is set to increase 40% over the next ten years. Dr Winnie Courtene-Jones, the eXXpedition lead scientist on board, is hoping to challenge perceptions that the ocean is twodimensional and microplastics are only found in surface waters. This means measuring from three areas, collecting samples from the surface, 25-metres down, and from sea-floor sediments to compare the findings. "By seeing the truth with my own eyes and witnessing the horror in the eyes of my fellow crew members, it was a dark day when we realised that we had found microplastics in every one of our samples. With plastic breaking down into smaller parts and being distributed everywhere, the ocean is too precious for apathy; strategies and solutions through radical and unconventional ideas are needed. The ocean is my greatest love, and I am grateful to have the privilege to enjoy it".

+INFO:   Do you have an environmental project to share with the readers of Tomorrow magazine? Please contact Why not educate your children in the problems of plastics on our beaches and encourage them to pick up plastics from a beach. Please post pictures of what you collect on our Facebook page  TomorrowAlgarve


Stop and Smell the Wildflowers…


The poet, William Wordsworth wrote about daffodils, "besides the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze…" and here in the Algarve, we have a vast array of wildflowers that come springtime carpet the ground in colour, a sight to behold in the hills around Monchique. Walk through the trees or look up to the terraces and Bermuda Buttercups scatter the landscape and pretty little flowers peek out from rocks and walls, and the cherry blossoms are bursting in full bloom. Enough to inspire any poet or artist to reach for their scribe or easel, but now there is also growing evidence to suggest the scent of plants in nature can be good for our wellbeing too. Nature being good for us isn’t a new thing, but more research is being done into the science behind why spending time in green spaces can reduce stress, bring down cortisol levels, and calm the mind. Results from an experiment in Sweden which tested natural environments and how they affect physiological stress found smell to be the strongest sense to regulate stress in the body. The study’s co-author Johan Lundstrom, a neuropsychologist at Karolinska Institute in Sweden, says, "It’s unique among the senses because it is not first processed by the thalamus— the brain’s switchboard. Instead, the smell signal is sent straight to the hypothalamus, a brain region involved in stress responses". The direct wiring of smell to the brain may help reduce stress faster but it is the type of smell or


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odour that is key. We experience pleasure through vision when we see flowers and greenery, or through hearing - listening to birdsong and the sound of leaves gently moving in the breeze, but according to the findings, natural scents from nature have the biggest impact on our bodies and in reducing nervous activity.

Follow your nose ROCK ROSE, CISTUS SP This pure white flower with its yellow centre and sticky leaves fill the hillsides to the west of Monchique and all the way down to the coast. It gives off a resinous, amber-like scent and is often used as an essential oil to combat stress and anxiety. IBERIAN PEONY, PAEONIA BROTERI A sweet fragrance is carried by this pretty petite flower with its striking magenta coloured petals. You can find the peony amongst the pine and oak trees or popping out from behind rocks. Named after the Portuguese botanist, Felix Avelar Brotero.

IRIS, SUBBIFLORA The Portugal Iris as it is known comes in shades of purple, and blue- violets and it is considered a rare species, so tread carefully and not for picking. The flower emits a pleasant fragrance and it loves rocky hills. I often spot them on my walks above Caldas de Monchique. PORTUGUESE WILD LAVENDER The national flower of Portugal, lavender and the essential oils that are extracted from it have long been used in aromatherapy as a scent to aid relaxation and sleep. It is all over the Monchique area and grows close to rock roses so one plant should guide you to the other. It’s sometimes mistaken for rosemary (which also smells good) you may have noticed jars of local honey baring the label, rosmarinho this means lavender and not rosemary, as is a common mistake. ORANGE BLOSSOM When the white flowers blossom on orange trees the heady aroma is intoxicating. There is isn’t any shortage of orange trees in the Algarve but if you head in the direction of Silves you will see lines of orange groves. Step inside and walk among the trees where permitted, take in a feast for the eyes and inhale the scent that signals, spring is well and truly here!


Houseplants Part Four: Indoor Hanging and Foliage Plant If you want some hanging indoor plants then I can recommend Devil’s ivy (Epipremnum aureum) which is a tropical vine native to the Solomon Islands that can tolerate very low light levels. It has heart-shaped satiny leaves that can have silver, white or yellow blotches on them. To really show this plant off, let some tendrils hang down and train others to climb. If the tendrils get too long just cut them off. The soil should be kept moderately damp but not waterlogged and it benefits from regular misting and monthly feeding. This a great clean air plant too but poisonous to pets. My next two recommendations are both pet-friendly and equally easy to look after. English ivy (Hedera) and the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), are both very easy to care for and tolerate quite a bit of neglect. Ivy plants need quite a bit of light and prefer to be kept on the dry side. By contrast, spider plants hate direct sunlight which can scorch the leaves and like to be kept evenly moist but are tolerant of a wide range of conditions. Feed both of them regularly in the growing season. Both the spider plant and ivy are listed by NASA as some of the best air purifying plants you can grow. Included in my list of foliage plants are Mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria) and the Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) which are both included in NASA’s best air purifying plants. Sansevierias are almost the ultimate diehard house plant as they can live for many years and thrive with very little care. With their swordshaped, tough, leathery leaves that come in all sorts of variegations, they bring a modern edgy look to a home. Do not overwater these plants and let them dry out completely between watering otherwise they can rot. They are tolerant of a wide range of light levels but will scorch in direct sunlight. Their ideal is about three metres in from a south or west-facing window. Ideally, they like some humidity so are perfect for a bathroom where they also filter out the formaldehyde found in cleaning products, facial tissue, toilet paper and hair treatments and dyes. They also release oxygen at night so are well suited for bedrooms too. Boston ferns have long graceful fronds that are very attractive. They will tolerate higher light levels than other ferns but still prefer filtered, dappled light. They like to be kept moist at all times and you could even


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soak the root ball at least once a month. They like high humidity too so stand them on a humidity tray and mist them periodically. If their leaves turn yellow it’s a sign that the atmosphere is too dry for them. Another tip for success is not to fertilise them much – just a few times a year. With their high humidity requirements, they are ideal in bathrooms, where the moisture from your shower will keep the plant hydrated. It also removes xylene found in paints, lacquers, adhesives and tobacco smoke and, according to NASA is the best plant for removing formaldehyde from the atmosphere. My final recommendation foliage is the almost bulletproof Zanzibar Gem or ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) which comes from east Africa. It has very attractive glossy green leaves, arranged in a herringbone style, on the contrasting colour stem. It is very tolerant of being treated badly, but ideally likes low to bright light and some water when it is completely dry but is very forgiving if you forget every once in a while. It also seems to be immune to a lot of the more common bugs that might try and infest your plant. The one drawback is that all parts of the plant are toxic and you should ensure you wash your hands after handling it to avoid skin irritation. Tamsin is a member of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations around the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday every month except over the summer with an optional lunch afterwards.

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