Tomorrow Lagos to Aljezur May 2017 Edition

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FREE to take home May 2017 | Edition 66 | 5,000 copies |  TomorrowAlgarve


Community A shipyards struggle to success

What's On Put the colour in carnival

Business Helping you move

Outdoor I Spy wild flowers Plus much more...



The ship roundabout finally reopened

New chapter We are marking May with a totally new look for the magazine. We thought it was time for a ‘freshen up’ which we hope you will like. We look different but our aims and values remain exactly the same – people and community first. I saw this quote the other day which sums it up: ‘Everybody deserves somebody who makes them look forward to tomorrow’. So, let us all try to do our bit here in the western Algarve where we can really help in the community around us. We have started two initiatives in recent months and we believe that in some way they can help alleviate a degree of loneliness in the community. One is 'Loose Ends' where Irene Wareing is trying her utmost to include anyone wishing to make new friends, share activities and start a connection email Irene at We also have started another group for singles through Mandi Keen and all you have to do is send an initial email to All emails will be circulated to all other participants and then you can take it from there. Just meet up for a coffee, a drink, a cinema night or just anything that takes your fancy. The possibilities are endless. You can start now and help make your life more fulfilling and make new friends. Remember that the Tomorrow Summer Ball at the Tivoli Dunas Beach Club takes place on June 17th so there is not much time to get your tickets - over 150 tickets of the 220 tickets have already been sold. It’s all for a great cause and at the same time you are sure to have a really memorable evening with Tiago and

5EX. Email Steven at to avoid disappointment. At the same time you may wish to book tickets for the other Tomorrow Ball on July 15th at the Tivoli in Portimão overlooking the beautiful marina. We had a very successful and very enjoyable time at the last Tomorrow ‘Giving it back day’ at Praia de Cordoama, as you can see from the photographs later in this issue. The environment wins and so do all of us who had a lot of fun and collected loads of rubbish. It is hard to believe really how much waste is left on our golden beaches-shame on all of us for our carelessness and the damage we do to this lovely coastline! We hope to hear from you with your planned events, small or large so that we can help publicise them on your behalf. If you have a story or an interesting hobby we would love to hear from. After all Tomorrow is all about community news and activities. Best wishes for a great month, Tom, Amber and the whole Tomorrow team. Tom Henshaw  +351 919 918 733 Amber Henshaw 

On the cover If you look around the skies of Lagos at this time of year you may be lucky enough to spot storks nestling in chimney stacks like these two captured in the photograph on the front. Many thanks to David Sheldrake for this wonderful shot.

 Dave Sheldrake Photography

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+351 919 918 733



Living a writing life BY STEPHANIE GINGER

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” Philip Pullman Everybody has a story to tell so the saying goes and the Algarve seems to attract its fair share of interesting characters with more than one or two. None more so than Lisa Selvidge, teacher of creative writing and author of five novels, a book of interlinked short stories set in the Algarve Beyond the Sea as well as creator and editor of an anthology of Algarvian writers’ Summer Times. But I’m a long way from the sea today – I’m high in the Monchique mountains to meet Lisa, one of the English writers invited to share her work with the public on the May 18th as part of the Eighth Algarve Book Fair in Lagos. Lagos seems far removed as I approach Lisa’s home tucked away in a tiny village above Marmelete. Turning off the precipitous mountain road, I sniff the air, heady with the scent of eucalyptus. The tantalising blue smudge of the baragem lies far below, the ocean a distant blur and I can see why this place would appeal as a writer’s retreat. But walking through an archway leading to Lisa’s house, past the toys, bikes and small tee-shirts hanging on the line, it’s clear there’s a lot more going on here than a solitary writer contemplating the surrounding hills. Leo, Lisa’s lively four-year-old son, has been spirited off to the beach by his visiting English grandfather, to give us time to talk. “Otherwise this would simply have not been possible,” she laughs.


Over coffee, Lisa fills me in on her background and how she came to be a writer. How she came to be here. A keen traveller from an early age, she left England at 17. For five years in the eighties, she lived and worked in places as diverse as Switzerland, Berlin and Tokyo, travelling around South East Asia, before returning to do a BA in Russian and Portuguese, followed by an MA in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia. And how did she come to teach creative writing? “I always loved writing,” Lisa explains. “I won essay prizes at university but I’d never done a course in creative writing until I did the MA.” She goes on: “Creative writing wasn’t an accepted academic course in the eighties and nineties.” Nonetheless, long before self-publishing became recognised, even admired, Lisa knuckled down and wrote and published her first two novels: The Trials of Tricia Blake, a thriller about a young girl who murders her stepfather and A Divine War, a dark comedic fantasy about a pantheon of Gods who descend to an Earth devastated by global drought and stir things up further. “I loved writing that book,” Lisa admits. “It may not be one of my better written novels but I had such a lot of fun and it was one of those books that just flowed from beginning to end.” These two novels were followed by The Strange Tale of Comrade Rublov, with an unusual hero in the form of a cockroach, based on her time in Russia during the period of the counter-revolution in 1991. Perhaps the book Lisa refers to as her big book, probably her best seller and perhaps the novel of which she is most proud is The Last Dance over the Berlin Wall. Set in 1984 and 2004, it’s a story of love, decadence and tragedy set in cold-war Berlin

about Johnny, a British dancer who falls in love with a Russian tightrope walker. Together, they plan crossings from East to West. “Place is very important to me,” Lisa says. “I lived in Berlin as a teenager before the wall came down and found it deeply inspiring.” “In fact,” she goes on, “although my characters are purely fictional, while doing my research I discovered that what I’d fictionalised had actually happened.” She was even asked to appear on Newsnight with Jeremy Paxman as publication of the book coincided with the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. “But I was in Portugal and just couldn’t get there in time for the programme,” she says with a little shrug. “But it was nice that they asked.” So what persuaded Lisa to swap a job as Academic Director for Creative Writing for Continuing Education in the humming lecture halls of the University of East Anglia for the somewhat different challenges of pastoral Portugal where she’s now been living for almost thirteen years? “I worked at UEA for a long time… about nine years,” she explains. “I was teaching mornings, afternoons and evenings and then had to fit in admin and board meetings in-between. I just burned out. I was with my Portuguese partner, Mario, at the time – although he’d never lived in Portugal – but we’d had a holiday apartment in Salema since 1995. So in 2004, we decided to sell up in England and bought this place.” Unfortunately, in the three years it took to renovate the house in Monchique, Lisa and Mario split up. “I think that’s what killed it,” she now admits with disarming honesty. “We moved here and split up. It happens. Suddenly you have time to find out who you are and what you want. So much change was happening and we didn’t know where to stop.” But over time things settled down and Lisa continued teaching online courses in creative writing for UEA, York and Oxford universities and ran writing workshops in Monchique and Lagos as well as weeklong writing retreats from her home. “I could only have three or four people at one time and it was very intensive but I enjoyed it very much.” Lisa’s also produced a Writing Fiction Workbook published in 2006, using methods developed from her online university courses as well as the book of interlinked stories from the Algarve Beyond the Sea, which she wrote shortly after arriving in Portugal. “When you visit somewhere for the first time, you’re like a sponge,” she says. “People and place make more of an impression. You just soak up everything.” Interestingly, she tells me that the German version Zwischen Himmel Und Meer of that book is easily the best-selling version. So how does she fit in writing and teaching as well as being a mum?

“After Leo was born, lots of things in my life had to change. But I still wanted to travel. Travelling by air proved very difficult so I bought a camper van and Leo and I have travelled all over Spain and the UK. This summer we are planning to visit my father in Corfu, returning via Albania and Croatia. After that, I’ve given myself a four-month slot to concentrate on writing my next book before I start teaching again in January.” Understandably, Lisa now finds herself drawn to children’s fiction. Her new project is aimed at the 7-10 age group about – guess what – a magic camper van. She hopes it will be an enjoyable read but also inclusive and empowering for children from all kinds of different families and backgrounds. “Thanks to medical advances in IVF there are so many children these days born to non-traditional families: marginalised people who were previously unable to have children whether they were couples with medical problems, gay and lesbian couples, single mums and even single fathers. The central theme is the importance of love and children having their needs met – as much as possible. And travelling in a camper van that can become invisible and flies is fun!” “Writing the novels should be quite quick,” she laughs. “I have planned out a series of six books. It’s now just a question of sitting at the computer. But ultimately, living forms what I write about, so it’s very important for me to live life as well as write life.” And living life is clearly a priority. Before I go, Lisa shows me the electric bike with special trailer, which she uses to pick up Leo from school. “I love cycling but I’ve got knee problems so an electric bike is perfect. I try to travel this way as often as I can,” she says and I can see why. I can imagine the serenity of cycling the empty mountain roads with her son enclosed safely in his own little bubble behind her. Writing is a journey,” she says with a smile, before I head off down the mountain back to cars and civilisation and 21st century life. “And now Leo is part of that journey too. A magic journey.”

For more information:  


Lisa will be reading from Beyond the Sea Algarve Book Fair. Algarve Book Fair May 14-28th Armazém Regimental (Military Warehouse) Praça do Infante, Lagos


10 minutes with… JJ Johns Along with his wife, he also runs Vivenda Yucca, a country-themed holiday home where guests can enjoy a 'how-dee holiday’, with country by the pool, BBQ nights and live performances. We caught up with the Dutchman to find out more What is your background? I was born and raised in the Netherlands, just a few miles from Amsterdam. I worked in the advertising business as an illustrator and art director, but also as a musician. How did you get into music? When I was 12 I started singing rock ’n’ roll music by the likes of Cliff Richard, Elvis and The Shadows. Later when music became my profession I changed to the Beatles and Rolling Stones, playing in clubs in Holland, Belgium and Germany. After some (surprisingly!) very successful TV performances as Barry Manilow on the Dutch version of Stars In Your Eyes, I did a one-hour Manilow Show for a few years, but I finally followed my heart and started playing and singing country music. When did you move to the Algarve? I moved here in 2005. I live in beautiful Silves with my wife, Marja. We’ve been married for 50 years. Where might our readers have seen you performing? I sing all over the Algarve; in and around Silves all the way down to Aljezur. At the moment I regularly appear at Big Reds in Alvor and campsite A Cegonha in Albufeira. I sing the old country songs that will ring

a bell, such as Rawhide (you might know it as Rollin’, Rollin’ Rollin’!), The Gambler and Ring of Fire. I dress the part too - all my outfits are sourced for the USA. What’s your favourite live music spot in the local area? I love the music café O Feedback in Alcantarilha (located on the N269 opposite the train station What is it about country and western that you love? For me, country music has something special. Even the saddest songs have some sort of twist that makes them different from other music. I also love the instrumentation, such as the sound of the guitar picking on the Fender Telecaster and the crying of a steel guitar. In regards to our holiday home, the western statues, paintings and other paraphernalia give our place a special atmosphere. What do you love most about living on the Algarve? Living in the Algarve must come very close to living in heaven - I don’t know anything that could be an improvement.

For more information: 

Forest fires

Every year during the critical period between July 1st to September 30th people in rural areas are not allowed to:

As summer approaches it is time to start thinking about forest fires and how to prevent them. Safe Communities Algarve has put together some reminders about the critical wildfire period known as Phase Charlie.

• Smoke, make fires or bonfires, • Burn agricultural or forest debris • Undertake grassland or renewal burning • Operate tractors, machines or heavy transport vehicles that do not have fire extinguishers, spark and ember retention systems or flame dampers in the exhaust pipes or chimneys. During this time the following rules apply: Burning of debris It is prohibited to light fires during the ‘critical period.’

To read more about fire prevention and protection please go to 

Fireworks During the ‘critical period’, in rural areas, the use of fireworks is


subject to prior authorisation from the respective City Hall. Use of matches and cigarettes During the ‘critical period’ it is forbidden to make fire of any kind, including smoking, in the forest areas, in the pathways that border or cross them. Bonfires It is prohibited in rural areas during the ‘critical period’ to light a fire of any kind, including the provision of campfires for recreation and for food preparation, as well as the use of burning and combustion equipment for lighting and or making food. Picnics It is prohibited to hold barbecues and picnics in rural areas with the use of fire for cooking or heating food. Suitable authorised spaces should be used instead.

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A day in the life..... This month we hear about a day in the life of Filipa Fernandes. Originally from Aveiro she now runs a language lab in Lagos which offers study, translation and interpretation.

“I was born in Aveiro, then moved to Lisbon. I qualified as a teacher of modern languages from the University of Lisbon where I studied for a Masters Degree in Comparative Literature. I was awarded two scholarships to study and work in Hamburg, Germany, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne in,England. It was only when I moved to Leeds to work as a language assistant that I discovered my passion for teaching Portuguese as a foreign language. Should a student desire to learn German, Spanish, Italian, English or French, I can interchangeably teach those languages too.

businesses to arrange cultural events. Learning a foreign language becomes a cultural experience. We have had visits to a cork factory, wine tours, boat trips, walks, literary afternoons and cookery lessons. This adds fun, practicality and enriches the learning experience. During these trips, the students get to know one another and they become part of an international family. I love to travel, and am able to do so via my students here in Lagos, I have the world come through my door and into our home, which makes the lessons pleasant in a relaxing environment.

My day starts much the same as other families, getting my daughter ready for school. We always have breakfast together, then Hugo, my husband, takes our daughter to school. They travel on their cycles, not my choice of transport! Once they have left, I catch up with the news via international newspapers online. This gives me topics to discuss with my students of many different nationalities. I have had more than 500 students from over 30 countries. After checking email and occasionally a lesson via Skype, my teaching day begins.

I pick up my daughter from school and take her to ballet class once a week. Evenings are family time with dinner followed by bedtime stories. On weekends I love long lazy breakfasts, walks along the beach Meia Praia, taking our daughter to the carousel, and watching detective series on the BBC.

Hugo and I catch up over a quick lunch. Hugo handles the IT for the Language Lab including off-site and on-site training, computer repair, website design, and maintenance of our website hufilagos, so it’s usually a ‘business lunch’. The afternoon brings more students or I visit local

What do I love most about my job? Well, a few months ago, we arranged a history trip to a small town in the Alentejo area with a small group of students. One of the students, an English lady, started talking in Portuguese to a tiny old Portuguese lady who was operating a 300-year old weaving loom. To see and hear them conversing, laughing and exchanging experiences, made me proud and happy. For me, I have the best job in the world, I would never change it.”

We always love to hear from people of all walks of life – whatever your day job or hobby - so please get in touch with our editor if you would like to contribute a 'Day in the life' piece. We have guidelines to help you write it!



Musical Notes


This month I am featuring Lagos-born acoustic drummer, José Ribeiro (Zé). His father was a sardine fisherman but José was driven by music and design rather than the sounds of the sea.

This page José Ribeiro and Orquestra Ligeiro de Lagos at the Madrugada Charity Easter Fair 1st April 2017 Photograph by kind permission of David Sheldrake

Born into a large family in Lagos in 1957, Zé’s father was a sardine fisherman all his working life and Ze's mother was a homemaker; a clever woman with exacting moral standards and a passion for reading books. She influenced Zé, her youngest of eight children and instilled in him lifelong curiosity and a wide variety of interests. Although music and the listening to it, was censored during Salazar’s regime, the radio aired traditional tunes as did the local Lagos Brass Band. With Zé tapping out rhythms on furniture and objects, his family made their own music. An older brother became an accomplished accordion player and another brother became a drummer. Following suit and aged six, Zé took up the guitar and selftaught, joined in the fun. Music, as part of the school’s curriculum, mostly consisted of singing traditional songs and unbeknown at the time, this was to be instrumental in forming Zé’s future. By the age of eleven, he was so inspired by his teachers, Louis Robert and Anatólio Falé (the latter becoming a Professor of Music with a prestigious, annual, classical award named in his honour) that he began to study music more seriously and by 14 he was receiving formal lessons, learning the rudiments of drumming and demonstrating a natural ability with percussion. In addition to music, Zé showed great promise in art and design and in 1976 he travelled to Belgium where he studied architecture, returning to the Algarve where subsequently he designed some 30 building projects. During this period of selfinflicted, musical famine, his heartfelt need to have music in his life was too great a pull and he decided to forego the financial rewards of architectural design and focus entirely on his passion for drumming. The musical influences that have inspired Zé throughout his 40-plus years as a drummer were introduced to him a little later than expected as he explains “prior to 1974, we only heard music they For more information:  José Ribeiro Músico


wanted us to hear but in 1974 we gained easier access to records from the UK and USA.” Zé was attracted to Symphonic Rock, listening to Genesis and Deep Purple but he was also touched by the songs of Joni Mitchel. The 70s was an era of change but when Jazz exploded onto the Algarve music scene in the eighties it went from famine to feast for the next two decades. This was a period of solid bookings throughout the region where Zé played with highly regarded jobbing musicians and some great visiting vocalists. Tourism was the driving force and venues like The Casino, Alvor Torralto, The 666 Club and The Adega always had live music and dancing to offer. Zé discovered a music genre that would seep into his very heart and soul and the Jazz musicians he listened to avidly were accomplished and numerous. He was captivated by a new freedom of expression whilst working rigidly within the confines of composition. Inspired by the great Jazz Masters and their Afro-American influences, he marvelled at the percussive rhythms and improvisations of pianists like Cecil Taylor, Miles Davis, Bill Evans and Thelonious Monk, the great dexterity of trumpet player Bill Coleman and the artistry of aptly named drummer Art Blakey. For many years, Zé has been a well-established drummer in the Algarve, his love of all things creative, lead him to modestly describe himself as a jack of all trades and master of none, sometimes confused, not always practical and lacking the persistence to devote himself to one thing; “I’m basically an Arab, look at my features but I’m really very Portuguese and this is a huge advantage when it comes to understanding and playing Brazilian or Cuban Jazz, Bossa Nova and Samba” he assures me. In his modesty he glosses quickly over the wonderful work he has been doing with groups of children in Lagos and Chinicato, children who face more than their fair share of challenges. Playing regularly with the Fortaleza Jazz Band and the Orquestra Ligeira de Lagos, Zé is also a fine vocalist and frequently combines voice and drums, gigging with the OJA and other musicians throughout the Algarve.


Not forgetting Niamh Chris Curry and his wife lost their five-year-old daughter to a rare and aggressive form of cancer in 2012 and set up a charity in her name to raise awareness. This year they are holding a celebrity golf day in the Algarve. Our editor, Amber Henshaw, spoke to Chris. Please tell us a bit about yourself? My name is Chris Curry (44) and I have been married to Samantha (41) for 17 years. We have a daughter called Hannah who is 12. We are originally from London but moved up to Northamptonshire in 2000. Samantha and I founded Niamh’s Next Step in December 2012 after losing our youngest daughter Niamh (pronounced Neve) in May 2012. Our day job consists of us running a furniture removal company called CCT Removals. Can you tell us about your family life? Despite having some amazing events and incredible contacts through the charity we are a quiet family. We enjoy the usual things in life and are always busy. We have two dogs (Coco the Springer Spaniel and Bailey the Morkie. Hannah is in year 7 and at local school is doing amazingly. We are very proud of her. Your life changed dramatically 7 years ago – can you tell us what happened? In Nov/Dec 2010 life changed forever when Niamh went into hospital for a routine scan to try and find out why she was getting urine infections. During that scan, they found what they thought was a tumour on her adrenal gland. Niamh was just threeyears-old. We were referred to the amazing Kamrans Ward at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford where Niamh underwent extensive scans and tests before the childhood cancer Neuroblastoma was confirmed a week or so before Christmas 2010. Just after Christmas Niamh was back on the ward starting her treatment programme which included three months of front line

chemotherapy, an operation to remove the tumour which took six hours, high dose chemotherapy followed immediately by stem cell transplant, 12 weeks of localised radiation therapy. This programme took around 12 months and included many blood and platelet transfusions throughout and plenty of time in hospital. Can you tell us a bit more about Niamh and her sister please. Niamh was a beautiful, amazing little girl and never let anything get her down. She always had a smile on her face and made life so easy for Sam and I throughout. Hannah has been a superstar throughout and we are so proud of the way she has dealt with losing her sister. She is thriving at school and is so caring with so much time for others. We are incredibly proud of them both. How did you cope when Niamh was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Cancer? As parents we breeze through life and never expect anything like this to happen to our children. We learnt the hard way that this can happen to anyone. I don’t think you can explain how you cope when you are told your child has cancer. You just do what you have to do to get them better and make them comfortable. Can you tell us more about Neuroblastoma Cancer. Neuroblastoma is a rare but very aggressive childhood cancer usually diagnosed in children 5 years and under. It is classed as a cancer of the nervous system. It usually originates on the adrenal gland and can spread quickly to other parts of the body. In the UK 100 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma each year.


What impact has her death had on all of you. On Sunday May 20th 2012 at 7pm life as we knew it changed forever. Niamh passed away after a very brave 18-month battle with this vile disease. As a family, Sam, Hannah and I carry on (because you have to) but we miss Niamh so much every day. In May this year it will be five years since she passed away meaning she has been gone longer than she was alive. Please tell us more about the charity that you set up. We set up Niamh’s Next Step after losing Niamh and our main focus is to fund research into Neuroblastoma. We also support families in various ways to help make their fight that bit easier. Our charity is run on love by myself and Sam with an amazing group of trustees. Nobody gets paid meaning that every penny can go to the right place. There is currently no government or NHS funding into this research meaning all funding has to come through charities like ours. In the five years we have been going we are very proud to have committed over £250,000 to research. We are currently working with some of the leading organisations in the world to fund research including Sparks, Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, Neuroblastoma UK, Brunel University, Newcastle University and SIOPEN (International Society Of Paediatric Oncology Neuroblastoma) This is all great but there is still so much more to do to save these children’s lives. How do you fundraise? Each year we have various fundraising events in the Northamptonshire area including our big charity gala ball and charity golf day. 

Community We are very lucky to have amazing supporters who do all sorts of things to raise money including climbing mountains, running marathons and by simply dropping a couple of £ into our charity pots.

What are you doing in Portugal? From June 8th to 11th we will host our annual charity golf tournament at Vale do Lobo. It’s going to be superb and we have around 4050 golfers coming over from the UK including some of our celebrity patrons. We are also very excited to be able to offer places to the local Algarve community to join us and play golf on Saturday June 10th with a presentation dinner straight after hosted by former England cricketer Ronnie Irani.

Why have you chosen to hold an event here? We have a golf tournament every year but because it’s five years since we lost Niamh we wanted to do something special. We teamed up with Phil at Algarve Sports who put together a superb package for us at this stunning resort and we are very excited to be raising money and awareness on the Algarve. I gather it is a celebrity event – who is coming and how did you get their support? Yes, we are very lucky to have a few celebrities involved with Niamh’s Next Step including Shane Filan, Darren Gough, Pete Dale (Tubes from Soccer AM) Bruce Reihana (Former Saints and All Black Rugby) Ben Foden (England Rugby) Lee Dickson

(England Rugby) Ronnie Irani (Engalnd Cricket). They are coming over to play and support which is amazing. Is this event a one-off or the first of many? We have a golf tournament every year but this is the first outside the UK. Hopefully this will be the first of many in the Algarve sunshine. What are your ambitions for the charity? Our main goal for Niamh’s Next Step is to keep Niamh’s name alive through the research we fund and the awareness we raise. Our ultimate goal is that the research will one day find a cure to this vile, life destroying cancer called Neuroblastoma.

For more information or to buy tickets to the event:  

See our new ambulance BY PAT ALLEN Your help (and money) has enabled us to purchase an ambulance for the Lagos Bombeiros and, encouraged by our efforts, Lagos Câmara also purchased a new one too so the Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros (AHBV) is in a far healthier position now as far as vehicles are concerned. Both of these are now with us and you are all invited to an open day to view them on Sunday May 7th at 11am at the bombeiros headquarters in Lagos. This is a special occasion for the bombeiros and will be attended by the brigade, council dignitaries, the town priest who will give the vehicles a typical baptism and blessing, and as many members of the public who wish to attend. The force would be happy to see a strong turnout of people who have helped to support them. A welcome drink awaits you and a big ‘thank you’ to all, so the more the merrier. They really would like to see a lot of members of the wider community of all nationalities there. I was asked what vehicle signage to put on the side – should I go for Pat Allen’s Ambulance, I wondered?? (British humour) But instead I went for ‘Com o apoio da comunidade estrangeira’ which translates as ‘with support from the ex-pat community’ so you will always recognise ‘our’ brand new white Mercedes ambulance and we can be very proud that we have put this vehicle on the road. The Câmara bought the more expensive A1 emergency red one and its dedication on the side is the same, just replacing ‘Estrangeira’ with ‘Câmara Municipal de Lagos’. At one stage I wondered if we would only have enough for the vehicle itself but our fantastic efforts have ensured that the ambulance comes fully kitted out with the latest equipment available inside too. What a wonderful community effort it has been.

I hope you never have to use it but come along on May 7th and take a look at what we have managed to achieve for our district. I hope to see many of you there.


Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

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Ambassador visits disabled riders On her recent visit to the Algarve the British Ambassador Mrs Kirsty Hayes requested that she could make a visit to Riding for the Disabled. The meeting took place in Almancil and David Hibbert from Riding for the Disabled (Barlavento) which is based in Bensafrim was invited to attend. There was a short demonstration by some of the disabled riders and then time for coffee and a chat with the Ambassador. The Ambassador was

The British Ambassador Mrs Kirsty Hayes with David Hibbert

The 12km walk was organised by Aljezur International School and followed a fisherman’s trail along the Rota Vicentina. As well as students, teachers and friends of the school, there were also two donkeys from Burros e Artes, and the entourage was led by record breaking bagpipe player Ross Jennings. Students and teachers of Aljezur International School have been in contact with the director of Alwan Kindergarten, Abdulkader (Abdo) Almurie, for over a year and have been raising money on a regular basis for the kindergarten. They are also in regular contact with American NGO Bridge of Peace, which has been supporting Abdo’s project since 2015. The kindergarten is in Hass, Idlib province and, after recent heavy bombing and chemical attack, has been forced to close its doors temporarily. However Abdo and his team of five teachers have now launched a risk education project which is saving children’s lives by educating

Although this meeting took place in Almancil, David is hopeful that the Ambassador will accept his invitation to visit the Riding for the Disabled team in Bensafrim.

If you would like to become a volunteer contact David on  +351 91 509 0044

Sponsored walk success More than 100 people took part in a sponsored walk at the beginning of April in aid of Alwan Kindergarten in Syria.

very interested in the work being done by Riding for the Disabled and all of the volunteers. As a horse owner and rider herself the Ambassador was very keen to establish who is involved with the charity and how it works.

them of the dangers of approaching remnants of war. The target of the sponsored walk was to raise €2000 in order that the risk education project can continue for the next three months. This target has been exceeded and Abdo and his team are delighted. Karen Whitten of Aljezur International School was in touch with Abdo after the walk and told us: “This means so much to the Alwan team and they are eternally grateful, not just for the financial support but also for the fact that people so far away actually care about their children and want to help. Abdo is a part of our school family now and we will continue to support his projects in any way we can.” The next fundraiser will be the annual ‘Play in the Parque’ on Friday July 7th. Now in its 11th year, the community theatre show is performed at Parque de Merendas near Barão de São João. With a cast of 68 children and adults, this year’s play is called Lord of the Things and will take the audience on a magical journey through fantasyland, meeting some mythical characters you may recognise, as well as the usual sprinkling of fun and cabaret.

Equestrian Special Olympics The Associação de Equitação Adaptada Barlavento (AEAB) is proud to announce that for the third year running it will be sending six riders to the Equestrian Special Olympics Regional competition to be held on May 11th at Pinetrees Riding Centre in Almancil. The competition is for athletes with mental disabilities and qualifies riders to compete in the final in Lisbon later in the year. The competing athletes from AEAB have been participating in weekly sessions for up to eight years and have been selected from the NECI charity group. AEAB is holding weekly sessions at its base at Centro Hipico QPA where they receive either training, therapeutic riding or hippotherapy with qualified instructors, therapists and of course the volunteer helpers.

AEAB chairman Frank Bulmer:  +351 912 967 870

For more information: 



Are you drinking safely?


It’s easy for all of us to have one too many but here Sally Vincent from the Nova Vida Recovery Centre gives us a realistic guide to safe drinking.

Our aim is not to spoil your fun nor to over dramatise the dangers but to be honest about alcohol and the short and long term effects. In a commercially driven world we are surrounded by adverts encouraging drinking. There has been an increased number of different brands of Gin and Vodka in the shops recently with attractive shaped bottles with eye-catching labels and images of happy couples enjoying a drink. They never show a picture of someone vomiting in the gutter or legless by the pool because the reality is that there is a down side which goes beyond the morning hangover. If you want to continue to enjoy those sundowners you may be interested in reading this article rather than dismissing it as yet another sermon on the evils of drink. Trust me it’s not about that. It’s about a realistic view on drinking alcohol in its many guises. Alcohol is a drug which relieves anxiety, lifts inhibitions and it is pleasantly, mildly euphoric but when used to excess it is dangerous and causes misery, illness and death. Is it a friend or foe? Surprisingly alcohol is not particularly addictive; unlike for example cocaine or heroin and for the vast majority of people who drink, it does not become a problem. However, alcohol abuse and dependency are real issues for about 8% of the adult population with significant consequences for themselves, their families and society as a whole. Safe Drinking Over 90% of the adult population are not dependent on alcohol but nevertheless may have problems from drinking too much or inappropriately. A proportion will go on to drink more and eventually lose control so alcohol has an ability to slowly cause addiction over many years. The UK Government has produced guidelines on sensible drinking. The unit system introduced by the British and other Governments gives a fair estimation of how much is drunk and how safe it is. The limits are: 14 units per week for both men and women. These unit limits are based on sound medical research and it is now deemed relatively safe for most men and women to drink up to three units a day for

For more information: 


five days a week with two days a week abstinence. These two days of abstinance are important for the liver to ‘rest’ from being overworked processing the toxins from drinking alcohol. The liver’s role is not just a filter for alcohol but an important processing unit for everything we eat and drink that is absorbed into the blood. OK, occasionally we may drink a unit or two over the recommendations. Let’s not beat ourselves up when this happens but when it happens frequently we really should look at our drinking habits and make some changes. No drinking is risk free but we can minimise the risks by keeping to the guidelines. What are ‘units’ of alcohol? Calculating the amount of units you are drinking is easy. A fairly accurate guide is one litre of the alcoholic beverage is equal in units to the percentage alcohol of the drink. One litre of beer of 4.6% alcohol is 4.6 units; one litre of Gin at 40% alcohol is 40 units. Spirits are sold in the UK in 25 ml measures and there are 40 measures in a litre bottle. Therefore one single measure of spirit is equal to one unit of alcohol. Simple isn’t it? But be careful when the drink is poured from the bottle and not measured. A double or triple measure isn’t unusual. The average man or woman can safely drink 14 single measures of spirits, one litre of wine or four and a half litres of beer per week. The unit system is only a guide and does not represent a definition of when drinking is acceptable on health. For some people, just a couple of drinks triggers a change in personality, affecting relationships and to drink even a single alcoholic drink before driving always impairs performance and judgement. Alcohol affects our perception and after an alcoholic drink our perception of our ability is always greater than reality. For these people, avoiding alcohol altogether is probably the best policy. The setting and time of drinking is also important when assessing safety. Be aware drinks poured at home or in the homes of friends and family are almost inevitably larger than those in bars and restaurants. Next month Sally will give us some tips for safer drinking.


From left to right Father Rob Kean and his family; Father Rob Kean

A new church leader in Luz St Vincent’s Church in Luz is getting a new priest two years after the previous incumbent returned to Canada. We managed to catch up with Father Rob Kean before he took up his new role. Please tell us a bit about yourself? I am 52-years-old and grew up in Hackney, London, but moved to Edmonton when I was 17 and then spent quite a few years in the North London area around Enfield and Southgate. I met my wife Angela when we were 18 and we married when we were 24. We have two children, Sam, aged 26 and Sophie aged 24. Sam is currently working as part of his degree course at the Max Plank institute in Cologne Germany and returns to the UK (now via the Algarve for a few weeks) in September for his last year at Kings College London, where he is studying Bio-Chemistry.

Please tell us about your last position I am currently part of the Witham and Villages Team Ministry with responsibility for the villages of Terling (where we live), Faulkbourne and Fairstead, and the South of Witham Town. The villages have populations of 700, 80 and 200 respectively, and so congregations can be very small. There is quite a bit of involvement with local schools through assemblies, being a governor at two schools and having services in the church for the schools. The area is rural-ish with plenty of farming, but also very close to towns and Chelmsford (which is now a city).

Our daughter Sophie works as a US Marketing Exec for Boden. She is based in the UK but goes out to Boston (US, not Lincolnshire) frequently.

Can you tell us about other places you have been based please. In terms of my ministry, I have only been placed in one previous place, Black Notley, which is only five miles from where I live now.

I have worked at a few things in my lifetime, but it has been predominantly IT for the 12 years or so leading up to ordination training and then ministry. When and how did you know that you wanted to be a priest? Well, for me it was a gradual realisation, a process, rather than a flash of lightning an Emmaus Road rather than a Damascus Road experience! I think the true 'calling' was when I actually wanted NOT to go through with the process, but something deep inside me realised that not to go forward wasn't an option - I can't explain it more than that I'm afraid!

Why did you want to move to St Vincent's in Luz? I have always had a desire to live somewhere other than the U.K. Having looked at the profile of this parish it was really the congregation and church size and its dynamic style of worship that first attracted me - then of course, the location wasn't too bad either. What do you think you will bring to the community in Luz? I hope to bring a sense of my own joie de vivre really - that sense that the world is a wonderful and joyful place, despite the

tragedies and sadnesses that occur. I am an optimist and have a love for all people. All of us have good people in our lives and yet all of us suffer tragedies. What are your hopes (and possibly fears) about taking on this new parish? I hope that it will be a stimulating environment in which I can grow in my faith and help others grow in theirs. What do you like about being a priest? For me it is the privilege of serving others, of being there for others and being able to support them. We are called to be a blessing in the lives of others - not just Priests but all Christians. Being a priest was the best way for my own faith, understanding and knowledge to develop, and so I do feel exceptionally blessed to have been fortunate enough to be called to the priesthood. What are the biggest challenges? Learning Portuguese to a reasonable level. I do love languages, and have a smattering of Spanish, but Portuguese is a 'real man's language' (I hope that doesn't offend anyone!). But I relish the challenge. What would you like to say to your new congregation? That I am looking forward to travelling the path with them over the coming years - it will, I'm sure, be a wonderful journey, and thank you for allowing us to be part of your continuing story.

For more information:  +351 282 799 601  PT: +351 969 475 158  UK: +44 07802 217601


toldos - awnings sun wind rain protection

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Help them finish filming Last month we introduced you to Longship Films who were on a five-day shoot in the Algarve for a new feature film, Exposure. Filming took place in locations all across the Algarve, from Vila Real de Santo António on the Spanish border in the East to Ponta Ruiva on the West coast. Ponta Ruiva | director Kristjan Knigge | cinematographer Chad McClarnon | sound recordist Erik Schuring Photo by Gonçalo Osório

The filmmakers can now add this to the rest of the scenes they shot in Wisconsin. Exposure is the story of a break-up. The two women Jo (Geerteke van Lierop) and Rachel (Erica Anderson) were in a loving relationship and they broke up. The film is about their process in dealing with the break up. They each set off on a journey of self-reflection and contemplation. It is an

exploration of memory, perception, love and heartache based on a simple event that we can all relate to - a break-up. But the film-makers need help to finish the film. Exposure was shot on a tiny shoestring budget. The crew and cast paid for their own flights and chipped in to cover essential expenses like food and fuel. No-one got paid, as everyone works on a no-cureno-pay basis. Equipment was borrowed, costumes and props scrounged, but most of all the film was made through dedication and love from all involved. Director Kristjan Knigge, said: “We are crowdfunding for the next steps. Editing and other postproduction takes up the lion’s share of the time in the making of the film. We need to hire editing space and sound studio time. Then there's distribution costs and festival fees and deliverables and on and on.” To find out how to help Longship Films finish Exposure (they need just less than $10,000 and already have about half of that).

For more information: 

Support our soup kitchen Lagos soup kitchen fundraising event When: May 6th Where: Adega da Marina

Demands on the Lagos soup kitchen, The Mustard Seed, are at an all-time high. Last year almost 10,500 meals were served to homeless or people in need. So far this year, volunteers have already served up 4,080 meals. If the rate of need continues as it has Mustard Seed staff say they expect to serve over 16,000 meals by the end of the year – a rise of about 60 per cent. This is having a big impact on running costs. Daniel Saunite from the Mustard See said: “It is estimated that it will cost 1,600 euros per month to sustain the current level of service.” Daniel said: “Behind each of these numbers is a real person, a real life. It is our mission to make those lives better, more purposeful, and to enable each person to make a meaningful contribution to their community.” Mustard Seed staff want to help people reintegrate back into mainstream society – especially those who have been marginalised through unemployment, poverty, family breakdown, physical or mental ill

health or substance misuse. “We can´t do this alone – we need help and whilst nobody can do everything everyone can do something,” Daniel added. What can you do to help? Donations are always much appreciated – every cent donated goes straight to the purpose for which it is donated. If you are looking for staff maybe you would consider employing one of the Mustard Seed’s service users which would help with social reintegration. Do you have a business that provides a service which could help the homeless? For example, if you are a hairdresser could you perhaps donate two free haircuts a week? If you are a dentist could you donate a few oral health checks a month? These are just a few examples. The possibilities are endless. Or, you can raise awareness in your own community of the level of poverty many people face in this beautiful town. Finally, you could support our next fundraising activity please come along to the Adega De Marina Restaurant on May 6th for a party.

For more information:   +351 919 439 069  +351 962 032 325



A mariner's tale Lagos boatyard, Sopromar, is a real success story but here our reporter, Sophie Sadler, finds out about a family’s struggle against the odds. I knew that Sopromar, Lagos´s boatyard, had a long and interesting history as my father-in-law, Barry Sadler, has kept a boat there since the 1970s. I requested an interview with Pedro Pereira, the son of the founder, João and uncovered a wonderful story of a family's struggle against adversity to create a now renowned business. João Pereira´s story starts in Angola, he like many Portuguese at that time, had moved to the Portuguese colony to seek opportunities. As a marine mechanic, he had a small business, owning a couple of fishing boats, repairs and a fuel station. When the colony left Portuguese hands he moved to Lagos which looked very different to how it does now. Barry remembers: “There were old workshops in an area that is now the marina, in those days I kept a catamaran on the river which had not been dredged at that time. The boats sat on the sand until the tide came up and I remember my children having to pull the boat along the river to where we moored it!”

My mother up to this point had been a housewife and had no experience of business

João started to make a living repairing boats and leasing his workshop to customers who wanted work on their vessels, there was a limited amount of tourism in those days so most of the clients were fishermen. Barry remembers: “I built a boat called Wi Maru and


João let me use a building next to the old Doca Pesca slipway where they used to build fishing boats. With his help, I built the vessel and launched it on what was then a beach where the docks are. I recall João, with a bunch of fishermen, carried each hull down to the water's edge, place the planks in between, put the mast up and fixed the two tillers, it must have been around 1977 or ´78.” “João was a first class mechanic and a genuinely lovely person. His family at that time lived in a caravan on the site which is where the Lighthouse Bar is now, he was incredibly generous, he would entertain me to lunch on fresh fish and give me Medronho which he made himself!” Sadly in 1980 João passed away and his wife Maria Cedia was left on her own with three children ages 12, 13 and 14. It must have been an incredibly hard time, but Pedro remembers: “My mother up to this point had been a housewife and had no experience of business and in those days it would have been a hard business for a woman to run, but she never gave up.” The feisty matriarch kept the company going transforming herself from a stay at home mum to a business woman and managed a staff of four. Sandra, the eldest child, was soon to join the business to help her mother and in time her husband Hugo came on board. She has become a great role model as a local business woman and has been a driving force for the company. 


The making of the company was when they acquired the hoist to lift boats in and out of the water, at that time Pedro remembers the only other hoist was in Vilamoura so they attracted more customers and bought more land. “I will always be grateful to Credit Agricular bank who believed in us and gave us the loan for our first lift. That is why we are still here today.”

time to spend with his two young children. Two years ago Sopromar implemented another dramatic expansion with the building of 3000m2 of new premises which Pedro tells me now optimises their efficiency.

Pedro started out in the business aged 18 and he has worked his way up from the bottom. “I used to lift boats out of the water,” he laughs ”And wash and paint them with Hugo, those were the days and I still love to be in the workshops.”

Each craftsman now has their own workshop, there are large modern offices, meeting rooms for training, a large shop and showroom and accommodation for boat-owners to occupy while their boats are having work done. Sopromar now employs 55 staff and around 700-800 boats pass through every year with 150-160 boats permanently in the yard. “We have more boats than the hotels have guests,” jokes Pedro. They have at their client's disposal three Travel Lifts with a capacity up to 35, 50 & 300 tonnes, as well as a crane up to 25 tonnes.

Then the Marina came along in 1994 and the rest is history as they say! The marina was an instant hit due to its fantastic location next to the town and the train station. Any sailor wishing to travel across the Atlantic or to the Mediterranean will pass through and often Lagos is the last stop to get repairs done before embarking on one of these voyages. Sopromar now has a working partnership with the owners of the marina, Mar Lagos. Pedro remembers with a grin: “My sister and Hugo told me I now had to take on a managerial role, but they had to keep dragging me away from the workshop and back to behind my desk. When I can I still like to supervise the works.” It is easy to see, however, why the business has prospered with Pedro in a managerial role, he has a very likeable and easy manner and you can see how he would be excellent with customer relations, he says however that he struggles with the work-life balance and finding the

As well as undertaking just about any type of maintenance work on a boat the yard also works in partnership with a company to sell boats including “Princess” and “Williams” and they have inflatable boats in their store. My father-in-law tells me that in his opinion Lagos has one of the finest Chandleries and boatyards in Iberia and it seems that others agree. The Pereira family were recently visited by the ambassador for Argentina who wanted to meet them as he has heard about the business. That makes all their years of hard work pay off. So if you are looking to sail off into the sunset anytime soon it would seem there could be no better place than Lagos to choose as your home port.

For more information:   +351 282 763 889 





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Fundraiser makes a personal donation This article First Lieutenant Michael Barradas dos Santos, Faith Quinton, Cath Baker Commander Paulo Tomás de Sousa e Costa

West Coast resident Cath Baker, who has raised thousands of euros for charity has made another - more personal - donation to Portugal’s lifeboat service.

one day one of them will be operating off the coast here, where Peter loved to go out fishing.

Cath, from Vale da Telha outside Aljezur, donated a scale model of a new lifeboat to the Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos, in a special ceremony at their HQ in Caixas, Lisbon. She did so in memory of her late husband Peter, a lover of the sea, who died last year.

Cath, accompanied by close friend Faith Quinton, travelled to Lisbon for the presentation ceremony where she was met by Commander Paulo Tomás de Sousa e Costa, Director of the Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos, and First Lieutenant Michael Barradas dos Santos, Chief of the Maritime Rescue of the Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos.

“Peter had his own boat and he loved to be out at sea fishing with his friends off the coast here,” said Cath, who scattered Peter’s ashes into the sea off Ponta da Atalaia.

The model, made by João Marques, was presented in a display case bearing a brass plate reading: “Presented by Mrs Catherine Baker in memory of her husband Mr Peter Baker”.

“He also had friends among the local fishermen at Arrifana and he cherished the time he spent with them.

“I was overwhelmed when I saw the size and detail on the boat,” Cath said.

“The lifeboat service is there to protect seafarers, and Peter really appreciated the work they do, putting their lives on the line for others at sea. “So when the mourners at Peter’s funeral made a collection of €550 it seemed appropriate to donate that money to the lifeboat men in his memory”. Cath, whose various fund-raising activities in the Aljezur area have benefited children’s charities, the local school and Portimão Hospital amongst others, contacted the Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos to ask what they would like her to do with the donation. Cath told us: “They said they were launching a drive for a new type of boat and would like to use the money to have a replica model built, which they would use in their fund-raising activities. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the Portuguese Lifeboat Service can contact them by letter or email. The ISN will then arrange to speak to the individual donor to come up with a mutually agreeable plan for the use of those funds.

“They also presented the model, which is now on display in Caixias, to the Secretary of State to show him the specifications of the 15-metre boat they needed, a large capacity lifesaver class “Vigilante II”, which has twin 440hp engines and a maximum speed of 31 knots. “So, hopefully, the replica plays a big part in helping them achieve their goal, and I know Peter would be proud of that. I think they are hoping to eventually obtain four of these boats to cover the entire Portuguese coastline, so it’s quite possible that

“The main thing is that they will save lives wherever they are and that’s what is most important”.

“Paulo and Michael made us feel so welcome—they presented me with a shield bearing the name of the Institute and the inscription ‘In appreciation to Mr Peter John Baker’ which made me so emotional. National lifeboat chief First Lieutenant Barradas dos Santos, whose organisation is about to celebrate its 125th anniversary, told us: “We wanted to create the scale model to demonstrate to the Admirals and the politicians just what was needed, in order to get their support for this new generation of lifeboat—and we now have it, so the replica paid for by Mrs Baker’s donation did its job. “All donations to the ISN are very important, as the work we do is to protect people at sea. “However, this donation in particular was important because it allowed us to materialise one idea, a step fundamental to ensure we could get the backing we need to build these new lifeboats. “But we also wished to keep it on display at our headquarters as a lasting memory of Mrs Baker’s generosity in the name of her husband.” (In 2016 the ISN lifeboat operating out of Sagres had 12 emergency call-outs, saved the lives of eight people and assisted another 36 who had got into difficulties. They also saved one boat from sinking, and assisted 15 other boats that were in trouble).

For more information:  Rua Direita de Caxias 312780-042 Caxias, Portugal  +351 214 544 710 



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r the Winners fo

This article from left to right Mojo Best Puppy Selina Henman & Colin Lanigan; Jan Cragg With Top Dog Digby

You can't keep a good dog down!

ses were:

various clas

R. with GZA : Francisco og D e cu es AR LU 1. Best AEZ er with LU e Bitch: Pet cu es R A TTY Z n with DO 2. Best AE (8+ y): Daw ch it B or Dog 3. Veteran ith DIGBY Dog: Jan w e 4. Pedigre with ZENA itch: Chris B e re ig ed h MOJO 5. P : Selina wit 1 year-old er d n U y GO 6. Pupp with DJAN t Tail: Helen es gi ag W INCESS 7. n with PR n coat: Joh io it d n co t 8. Bes ail with ZSA ok-alikes: G o L er n w AIKA 9. Dog & O atilda with y Bitch: M tt re P t PREGY os 10. M lotte with e Dog: Char m so d an H 11. Most ith KEY ick: Gail w INDI 12. Best Tr dien with & Stay: Ger t Si te u in 13. 1-M es: eautiful Ey 14. Most B R h BUSTE Selina wit n: Competitio 15. Agility IE. K with COO Maddison


You can always command them to ‘sit’ or ‘stay’. But when you’re as lovely a dog as Digby you’re soon going to be asked to strut your stuff! The Goldens De Santo Quintino (Golden Retriever), struck gold once again at the 2017 Costa Vicentina Fun Dog Show on the Algarve’s west coast. Digby, owned by Jan and Ken Cragg, was judged ‘Best in Show’ for the second time in three years, after being named Best Pedigree Dog during the judging of the various classes. And Digby certainly does have the right pedigree, as he has also won a ‘Best in Show’ award at the International Algarve Fair in Lagoa when he was just 11 months old. The dog show, staged once again at La Preferida near Aljezur, attracted some 200 people and was hosted by local animal charity AEZA (Associação Ecologista e Zoófila de Aljezur or Association for Environment and Animal Protection of Aljezur) to raise funds for their dog and cat shelter in Aljezur. Show organiser Wendy Smith said: “There are regularly around 50-60 dogs living there, with another 25-30 dogs in local foster homes, and the shelter stands out from many others in that all the dogs get a walk three times a week with volunteer walkers.


“That really does make a difference to their lives, as some have little hope of ever being adopted. With the generosity of local people and our guests that day we made a good sum to donate to the shelter and thank everyone who willingly came to help out”. A total of 61 dogs were entered into the 15 classes as the day began with an agility demonstration with dogs and members of the Algarve Dog Training Club in the agility ring. Giacomo the Briard and his owner, Supriya then entertained the spectators by dancing together in the main ring to the music of Queen! Six visiting stands sold various arts and crafts, beauty potions, jams, chutney and doggie treats and they all made a donation to AEZA. There was a grand selection of homemade food for sale, quiches, savouries, and cakes with the BBQ for burgers and hot dogs. The judge for the show was Carla Rodrigues and she had a tough job choosing the winner of the 1-minute sit and stay with one command, as FOUR dogs all sat rock steady for more than one minute! Finally, it was decided that the competitors drew their 1st to 4th places by hidden ticket as they were all fantastic, obedient dogs, and top winners!

What's on

Get together BY KIRSTEEN LANDERT The next meeting of the Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group will be on May 17th at 11am at Restaurant Pirilampo in Lagos. The support group started four years ago. People exchange experiences and strategies on how to deal with challenging behaviour, continence issues, nutrition, carer's contacts, available appliances for the home and general tips which can help make life easier for all involved. Through shared experiences the group can help UK citizens apply for attendance and carers’ allowances if applicable; suggest where and how to get power of attorney, and a living will can be attained if desired. Some of us also speak German and Portuguese. Please see the magazine for future dates and contact numbers. Don't feel alone and isolated - give us a call or just join us at a meeting that suits you.

 +351 926 297 527  +351 968 084 946

The Final Touch Two Lagos-based artists, Kasia Wrona and Jacek Ulinski will be taking part in an exhibition at Ler Devagar Gallery, in LX Factory in Lisbon. The event opens at 6.30pm on May 10th and will run for a total of three weeks. The exhibition's subject, the Final Touch, came from contemplating earthly cycles and universe. Jacek Ulinski was born in the early sixties in Poland. He is a freelance photography artist with more than 35 years of experience. His passion for nature photography was sparked while serving in the

military in many strange places all over the world. Kasia Wrona graduated with honors from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland in 1991. Kasia uses the mediums of drawing, painting, graphic design and video installations to showcase her talent. Through these various techniques, the natural elements of earth, air, fire, water and space are revealed as her principal inspiration. Kasia is a founder member of the Marina de Lagos Art Academy in, Portugal, since 2011, where she teaches drawing.

Music to our ears Don’t forget this month will see an international music festival on the streets of Lagos. The event, which is expected to draw crowds from far and wide, has been organised by the Surf Experience Lagos and will take place on May 20th. It’s being held to celebrate the Surf Experience turning 25 but will also raise money for local charities including Surfing for the Disabled, Lagos Voluntary fire service and Carlota´s Dogs Home. There will also be a strong focus on the environment and a

sustainable surf tourism market place. On the day the AESCV and all its members will co-ordinate beach cleaning on the days and flood the internet with the hashtag #algarvesurfbeachclean. Absolutely everyone can join in on any beach with another prize awarded on the night for best hashtag ‘shot.’ There will be a string of live acts including The Dub Pistols, Frankie Chavez, The Cuban Brothers, Dedy Dread, DJ Rhythm amongst others.

 


What's on

You can read more about Lisa Selvidge in an exclusive interview carried out by Stephanie Ginger on pages 4 and 5 of this month’s magazine.

Book Fair with a difference BY LENA STRANG This month Lagos will host one of its main literary events of the year – the eighth edition of the local authors’ book fair with plenty on offer for everyone! It takes place from May 14th to the 28th in the Armazén Regimental (Military Warehouse) in the Praça do Infante. This year is special, as local authors from the international community will participate, presenting their books, alongside their Portuguese counterparts. Books are for sale each day from 11am to 11pm with the main highlights in the evening offering individual book presentations, music and entertainment. The fair kicks off on Sunday May 14th at 4pm with an exhibition of photos by students from the Centro de Estudos de Lagos, followed by a song performance. In order to encourage creative writing in the city, a competition was held for youngsters and adults under the theme of ‘Journeys’. The winners will be announced during the afternoon. Every evening something special will be on offer. On Tuesday May 16th at 9pm Tomorrow Magazine’s writer, Lena Strang will present her book Touching Lives / Vidas que nos Tocam in both English and Portuguese. João Pedro Cunha, from the Music Academy will play the violin and other local personalities Lena has written about will also participate. On Thursday May 18th at 8pm is the chance

for other local writers from the international community to shine. Long-standing author, Lisa Selvidge will start the evening by presenting Beyond the Sea, her enchanting tales from the Algarve. Swedish author Göran Linde will talk about his tongue-in-cheek publication Den yttersta sanningen – Raka svar till svåra frågor. (The ultimate Truth – Straight answers to difficult questions). He is hoping to attract the everexpanding Scandinavian community in Lagos. Anthony Pearce will be talking about his novel Perspectives while Peter Cain will be presenting his adult fiction and children’s poems written in his inimitable style. Mary Schaffner, Kit Thackery and Richard Baker also join the line-up. An evening definitely not to be missed. Next year, it is hoped that authors from other sections of the international community can be represented. A selection of other events include Nuno Júdice, one of the most valued and singular voices of contemporary Portuguese literature, who will present his collection of poems Mitos de Europa (Myths of Europe) on Thursday 19th at 9pm. Fado musicians and guitarists along with popular poets will be on the programme on Tuesday 23rd at 9pm. On Wednesday 24th at 9pm Timo Dillner, artist and writer, will present his poems and paintings in both German and Portuguese. The Book Fair which closes on Sunday 28th at 9pm will no doubt add something valuable to the creative ambience of Lagos. See you all there!

Fancy a go at modelling? The APAA (the Association for Protection of Animals on Algarve) will be holding a fashion show at Restaurante Recanto dos Mouros in Silves from 11 am on Friday June 2nd. Following the show, good quality second-hand

clothing and accessories will be available for sale. The cost of attending the show, including coffee, will be €5. Lunch following the show is offered at €15 and includes couvert, main course, dessert, wine, water or beer and coffee.

For more information:   +351 919 041 903


What's on

Calling choir members BY LIZ ROBERTS

Enjoy the carnival This year’s Soul in the Algarve Carnival will take place on Sunday May 14th and it promises to be bigger and better than ever. Organisers say they expect about 3,500 to take part. This third annual carnival follows two very successful street festivals in Alvor in 2015 and 2016. All you have to do is turn up on the

day and if you could please remember to dress up in the most colourful and ‘carnival’ costumes as possible that would be great. If you would like to find out more then please go to the website and search for the carnival. You can also book seats at your favourite restaurant through the website for after the procession.

For more information: 

New priest St Vincent’s Anglican Church (Church of England) in Praia da Luz is delighted to announce the arrival of its eagerly awaited new permanent priest, the Reverend Rob Kean, after a gap of over two years.

Geoffrey Johnstone Archdeacon of Gibraltar, on Thursday May 11th 11am at the church of Nossa Senhora da Luz, Praia da Luz (the church by the sea).

Father Rob, together with his wife Angela, arrived in Luz at the end of last month.

After the ceremony there will be an opportunity to meet with Father Rob at a welcome reception in the salão behind the church. Everybody is welcome.

There will be a formal Service of Induction led by the Venerable

You can read an interview with Father Rob on page 20 of this month’s edition.

With the return of longer evenings, and the weather starting to warm up again, it's nearly that time of year when the choir start to take our rehearsals and performances outdoors (to the beach front in Luz). What could be more fun than singing together and enjoying the beautiful evening sunshine at the same time? Outdoor performance dates will be announced soon. And just to let you know that we continue to meet all through the summer months and, as well as our regular and outdoor rehearsals, we also have a series of workshops or masterclasses where various choir skills are covered (such as rhythm, harmonising or singing technique). As always, anybody can attend any of these dates - so even if you're only visiting the area for a week or so but you still like the idea of singing with the choir, please feel free to come and join in. The Western Algarve Community Choir is for people who want to sing for fun there are no auditions and everybody is very welcome regardless of experience.

St Vincent’s Praia da Luz service times: For more information on joining, performances or for future bookings, please contact Elizabeth Roberts: 

Holy Communion (said service) Thursdays 10am Holy Communion (said service) Sundays 8.00am Holy Communion (choral service with hymns) Sundays 11.30am


More than just furniture...



(+351) 282 031 726 | Cell: 936 114 838

Rua Infante Sagres 95-97 Loja B, Lagos, 8600-743 Gii-Home

What's on

March Calendar Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

Fitness Mat Classes Mon Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6.30pm €10 /€90 for 10 Equipment Classes Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room, Lagos  +351 926 514 613

Tai Ji Quan Mon 10am (beginners) & Thurs 5.30pm (advanced), €10 Dojo Zen de Lagos Barão S. João,  +351 919 718 955

Gymn for a fit back Mon 6pm €7 Hotel Belavista, Luz  +351 965 211 996 Hatha Yoga Mon Wed & Fri 9.45 €10 Classes for Children Sat 9.15am (4-7 yrs) & 10.30am (8-12 yrs) Booking required Boavista, Luz  +351 282 790 930 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30 The Yoga Place, Burgau Wed 12.15 - 2pm Hotel Belavista, Luz €8  +351 965 201 477

Cardio Fitness Mon & Fri 11am & Wed 9.30am, Body Fit Classes Tue & Thurs 9.30am, Pilates Tues & Thurs 11am, Yoga Wed 11am, €5 Golf Santo Antonio  +351 282 690 086 Yoga Tue & Thurs 10.30am €10 (residents €60 x 8) Burgau  +351 913 202 621 Pilates Wed 11am, Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am, Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am, Zumba Step! (pre-book) Thurs 10am, €6.50 Hotel Belavista, Luz  +351 968 288 258 Tai Chi/Qi Gong Wed 11am & Thurs 2pm Pilates Thurs 11am Yoga Wed 2pm, €7 Madrugada Centre, Luz  +351 282 761 375

Zumba Mon & Fri 9.45am €6 Alma Verde  +351 918 461 840 Hatha Yoga Mon & Fri 1pm 1xwk €32, 2xwk €45, Kundalini Yoga Tues & Thurs 6:30pm 1xwk €30, 2xwk €40, Qi Gong Wed 6pm €35 p.m Casa Sakra, Lagos  +351 916 060 814 Bootcamp Class Mon - Fri 7.30am 10am & 7pm, Yoga Tue & Thurs 9am, Pilates Mon Wed & Fri 9am Mobile Bootcamp Sat 9.30am, €8 Luz, AXN Club Cascade Resort, Lagos  +351 915 183 888

Circuit Training Wed 10am Ladies Sport Fri 1.30pm €5 Zumba Mon & Wed 6pm €5 Burgau Sports Centre  +351 282 697 350 Hatha Flow Mon-Wed 10am & Sat 9.30am YinYoga Tue 10am, Sat 6pm Yin & Yang Yoga Tues 8.30 Integral Yoga Sat 9.30am €5.80-€10 Tai Chi,QiGong & Meditation Wed 8am donation €3-5, Inlight, Lagos  +351 913 127 421

Faith Communion Services 10am Thurs (followed by coffee & Bible Study/discussion) Sun 8am (said) & 11.30 (choral), CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church Praia da Luz (church by the sea  +351 282 78 8104

Sound Healing 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Figueira  +351 914 523 636 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 B. S. João  +351 919 718 955

Activities Football Academy Mon 4.45pm (5-11 yrs) & 6.15pm (12 -16 yrs) & Sat 9am (7-11 yrs), 10.30am (3-6 Yrs) & 12pm (12-16 yrs) | €5, Adults Touch Rugby Thurs 7.30pm | €4, Burgau Sports Centre,  +351 282 697 350 Walking Football Wed 9.30am | +50yrs Welcome, €3 | Boavista, Luz  +351 282 790 930 Netball Wed 7pm All ages & abilities, Behind Bombeiros Building, Lagos Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am €10 (mem.) /€12.50, Holiday Courses 3x per week €20 (mem.) /€25, Boavista, Luz  +351 917 953 914 Weekly Walk 9.30am (2.5hrs), various locations meet at the Boavista Car Park (Nr play ground) ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) Floresta Bowls Club Rua Direita, Luz  +351 919 707 635 Adult Ballet Mon & Wed 1pm | €9/€50p.m, Baby Ballet Sat 9.30am, Childrens Dance Mon-Sat, €3 Nicola's Move-Ment Dance Academy  +351 913 832 335 Golf Academy with PGA Pro, Tennis Academy with certified Pro, contact us for details Golf Santo Antonio  +351 282 690 008 Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson Wed 2pm | €10 pp Group Lesson Putting & Driving Range Fri 2pm €5p.p Junior Golf School Sun 10am | €10 p.lesson, Espiche Golf  +351 282 688 250


Classes Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience) | Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. Espiche  +351 968 086 320 Dog Instruction Sat 5pm (Group dog lessons) 1st lesson by appointment, Hotel do CÃO Rasmalho, Portimão,  +351 964 083 602 Watercolour Painting Thurs 10.30am, all abilities welcome (Materials supplied or BYO), €10 Casa Grande, Burgau  +351 912 149 839 Music Lessons all styles, 1-2-1 guitar, piano & voice beginners & intermediate theory & performance, €25 p.h Lagos & Sagres area  +351 964 201 904 Life drawing Mon 11am Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess Marina de Lagos  +351 916 035 308 Portuguese Language Beginners Class Tue & Thur 9.30, €5 Chinicato  +351 912 417 994 Colour Your Life Healing painting classes Wed & Thurs 3pm| +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary, €10 Barão S. João  +351 962 039 574 Computer Classes Sat 10am | All levels, €10 | Lagos, 918764613 Practical Portuguese Lessons Fri 10.30am, €5 Lounge Bar, Marina Club Hotel,  +351 964 696 345 Open Studio/ Painting Atelier Wed & Thurs 11am for women to explore their creative potential, €10 Barão S. João  +351 962 039 574 Meditation Classes Thur 5.15pm Boavista Golf Luz  +351 963 614 499

Events Live Saxophone Music Tues 7pm Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda, Lagos  +351 282 763 222 Walks/Tours May 6th Walk Rota Vicentina 9am 24km €15, May 14th Walk Fonte Santa, Picota & Monchique 12.5km €15, May 20th Ria Formosa Tour 9am €20, May 21st Speleology Vale do Telheiro 9am€20, Quimera Experience  +351 969 467 275 May 5th Live Music Jo Alice & Friends 8pm Music Jam & Drinks, Free Admission, O'Grahla Vale Fuzeiros, Messines  +351 964 201 904 May 6th Yoga Workshop 9.30am (inc. lunch), €105 Boavista, Luz  +351 963 614 499 May 4th Mantra Circle 7.30pm | Donation based May 8th Sound Bath Meditation Thu 8pm (1hr+) Suggested donation €5/8, InLight, Lagos  +351 913 127 421 May 12th Wine Paring “Monte Além” 4-course dinner with Solo Harpist 7pm, €55 p.p | Reservation Necessary, Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda,Lagos  +351 282 763 222 May 21st Reiki 1st Level Course 10.30am (lunch not inc.), €65 Casa Sakra Rua José Abreu Pimenta nº 338, Lagos  +351 916 060 814 May 28th Qi Gong Workshop for beginners 11am, €15 Kapa Dois Center Lagos  +351 969 757 779 May 27th 'Morphosis' Hugo Alves & João Frade 3 pm, reservation €19.50 (inc. refreshment buffet) Quinta das Alagoas nr. Almadena,  +351 924 204 343

Charity/ Support May 17th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos  +351 926 297 527  +351 968 084 946 Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, Trudy  +351 912 444 666 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos  +351 282760506 AA hotline:  +351 917 005 590

Useful Numbers General INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

No job too small PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 TRISTAN (HANDYMAN) 282 101 010 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624

What's on

Local culture flourishes in Burgau Following two successful cultural events at the Bar do Clube in Burgau, the owners Mário and Jelice are very happy to accommodate other literary and artistic events in the region. In March, Lena Strang, writer at Tomorrow presented her book Touching Lives at the bar, followed by an exhibition of paintings entitled The Road to Burgau by Michael Fuller in April. Both events were widely publicised and well attended. Mário and Jelice are keen to support local cultural events and offer their venue, free of charge, on Sunday afternoons.  Rua 25 de abril (left on the main road leading down to the beach)  +351 282 697 092 

This article from left to right Michael Fuller; Lena with Mário and Jelice

A thousand years of Iberian history

Science in Sagres

Lagoa Arts and Letters presents a lecture by Professor Ron B. Thomson, From Carthage to Mecca: a Thousand Years of Iberian History on Wednesday May 10th at 5.45pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.

north, Iberia also saw invasions and occupations by these Germanic groups (mainly the Visigoths) who in turn, were replaced by Muslim forces, ironically invited in as allies in the various internal wars of the seventh-eighth centuries.

Later this month you are invited to a two-day festival at the Fortress in Sagres. The event called Nova Escola Naval de Sagres is taking place on May 19th and 20th.

Iberia moves into recorded history with the systematic occupation of its southern and eastern coasts by Carthage from as early as 500 BCE, but especially after 241 BCE, the end of the First Punic War with Rome. Iberia became the jumping off point for Hannibal’s invasion of Italy during the Second Punic War (218 to 201 BCE) which in turn led to counter attacks and its capture by Rome during the war. Rome eventually occupied the entire peninsula, creating numerous cities whose remains can still be visited across the whole of Spain and Portugal.

Ron B. Thomson (Fellow Emeritus, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto) outlines these various changes and shows the underlying themes which mark each of them, as well as those themes which are essentially common to all of these groups.

With the disintegration of the Roman empire in the fifth century in the face of various non-Roman tribes from the

From Carthage to Mecca shows that there is a unity to the history of the period, even if the personae dramatis change. By the twelfth century one can also see these themes as the background to the various Christian kingdoms which developed in Iberia, including Portugal. Lagoa Arts and Letters sponsor and advertise cultural events in the area.

For more information: 

The goal of this festival is to gather scientific and practical knowledge from the past and the present to understand how some scientific discoveries were made. Visitors will get the chance to tell the time using a sun clock, as well as the opportunity to handle navigation systems, drawing maps. There will also be the option to read navigation charts with experts on hand to explain. These are just a few of things that are on offer during the festival at the Sagres Fortress in Sagres, Vila do Bispo. This festival is being organized and sponsored by Lagos Science Center and the Algarve Cultural Regional Board.



What's on

Silves through the ages BY JANE ROBERTSON On Tuesday May 2nd, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Jorge Correia and Antonio Rodrigues. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Trajo in São Bras, the second lecture will be at 5.45pm at the Convento de São Jose in Lagoa. This page from top to bottom Roman villa at Corte; Menir da Vilarinha

Lunch in São Bras can be arranged in advance, call Maxine +351 9172 679 48 Non-members are welcome to attend the lectures for a €6 admission fee - all money raised by the AAA is spent on archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or Facebook page for any last minute changes.

The municipal area of Silves offers a diverse geological landscape that ranges from the hilly uplands to its coastal limestone cliffs. The archaeological evidence shows that human occupation has occurred throughout the region from as far back as the Upper Palaeolithic. The presentation by Jorge Correia and Antonio Rodrigues will focus primarily on some of the main archaeological sites and finds that are the material evidence of human presence in the region. They will give a brief insight into the prehistoric presence through the various aspects ranging from microlithic tools to megalithic monuments. Changes in the social structures brought about through the origination of metallurgy (metalworking) are mirrored in artefacts that accompanied the deceased during the Bronze and Iron Ages, the graves of which are quite numerous in the region of Silves.

the Algarve (UAlg) where he obtained his master’s degree in archaeology. He collaborated with Prof Nunho Bicho (UAlg) in excavations at Lapa do Picareiro cave and Vale de Boi between 1999 and 2004. In 2004, alongside Pedro Barros, he discovered and excavated the Iron Age grave of Gregórios. In 2009 he co-ordinated the excavation of the Iron Age graves of Vale Romeira near Messines and participated in excavations of the Roman villa of Cortes (which was detected during a survey that he lead in the region in 2004). Since 2005 he has worked for the Municipality of Silves in the Historical Heritage Department. Antonio Medeiros Rodrigues studied History and Archaeology at the University of Coimbra (1997-2001). He collaborated with Prof Teresa Gamito (UAlg) working at the Horta de Misericordia in Faro, the Necropolis Crista just to the north of the Cathedral in Silves and the Islamic cisterna in the Rua do Castelo in Silves. Since 2003 he has been working as an archaeologist in Silves Council, where he has worked on a number of projects including the Gregorio Mascarenhas Theatre and in the Silves Municipal Archive. He has also carried out archaeological evaluations in Armação de Pera, which led to archaeological excavations at the Fortaleza de Santo Antonio das Areias on the beach front.

The rise and expansion of the Roman Empire introduced a new modus vivendi to all the conquered regions and the Iberian Peninsula was no exception. Although investigation has focused little on the Roman presence in the Silves region, recent archaeological studies have produced some surprising results. The timespan between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula was marked by a strong generalised ruralisation of the various communities. This period left minute evidence in the region, although an astounding group of graves carved into the bedrock located in São Bartolemeu de Messines and Vale Fuzeiros has survived. The rise of Christianity and the spread of the Islamic faith contributed significantly to great change in the status quo of the Iberian Peninsula, influences that are still felt today and the evidence for which will be presented. Jorge Correia studied Heritage at the University of

   Algarve Archaeological Association


Eggscellent Easter hunt

The palliative-care charity, Madrugada, was very grateful for the support it received from Luc St. John Webb and his team to hold its Easter Fair at Fortelza da Luz. The restaurant and gardens provided a fabulous venue for this family friendly event. There were many stalls throughout the day which included craft and cake stalls, face-painting, children’s games and egg decorating. In total the event raised over € 1,000 of which every euro will go directly to fund patient palliative care for those affected by life limiting illness. The visitors were also treated to a very special performance by Orquestra Ligeira de Lagos (OLL) followed by an ensemble of young violinists aged between 4 and 9 years old under the directions of the very talented professor and maestro João Pedro Cunha (Associação Academia de Lagos). President of Madrugada, Carol Spires said a huge thank you to Luc for his hospitality and all the many Madrugada volunteers who worked so hard to make the event such a tremendous success. Thanks very much to David Sheldrake for the photographs of the event.

Stand up paddle success “This year’s Guadiana Challenge exceeded all expectations,” said Nick Robinson from Algarve SUP (Stand up paddle) which organises the event. Over 135 paddlers and hundreds of spectators came out to enjoy an amazing three days of fun on the river. Stand up paddlers came from all over Europe not just to compete but to enjoy the festival. Tom Longhurst from Algarve Marquees one of the main organizers said: “We were so happy to see families from all over Portugal travel to be part of the festival.” This year was not just about the 32km race from Alcoutim to Mértola, but about showing people the amazing sport of stand up paddle.

The day's adventures were split into three - the 32km race, the 32km fun paddle where participants were able to stop for lunch and enjoy the stunning unspoiled river and the 10km paddle where we had entrants as young as five and seven - Noah and Lily Longhurst proved it could be done by any age. One hundred people took part in the river side dinner which made a fitting end to the days’ events. The party went into the early hours with camp fires and live music. Next year’s event will take place on April 22nd and Nick and Tom say they have lots of ideas to double the numbers to 300. Nick and Tom would like to thank the festival sponsors Blacktower Financial Management.

To find out more about the festival please go to  Thanks to Dan Birch for the photographs.  +351 965 770 093 


What's on

Brilliant beach clean up BY STEVEN SUTTON

At the beginning of last month the Tomorrow team, along with a group of volunteers, held its second ‘Giving it back day’ of 2017. The team met in the car park at Praia do Cordoama in Vila do Bispo for the beach clean-up. The Algarve relies so much on the ocean for support of its economy – from the tourist industry and world class surfers to the fresh fish on your plate. We felt this was a great way to help the community and the environment. The turnout was fantastic with over 30 people taking part - a mixture of local people and some who had come from as far as Lisbon to help.. We were also pleased to have the company of four children from the children’s home in Lagos.


During the event, we managed to gather a total of 45 bags of rubbish, lots of discarded metal and furniture. The biggest contributor was plastic bottles and bottle tops. Now, before you all start to say we are fighting an unwinnable battle….. If 30 people can remove 45 bags of rubbish every week. In one year that’s 2340 bags. In 10 years that’s 23400 bags and so on. That’s 23400 less bags in the ocean. So, we may not be able to change the world but we can do our part. A special thanks to Sebastian of Extreme Algarve for arranging the event and suggesting we help. If you would like to know more about our charity or how to get involved in our ‘Giving it back days’ please contact Steven Sutton.

  +351 919 185 677


Algarve Network for Families in Need Dear Editor, We continue to help families, residential homes and orphanages across the Algarve. In the Lagos area we have been working very closely with The Mustard Seed (the soup kitchen). They have identified many families and people in need of clothes and household items. If you have any clothes, household goods, bedding or furniture you no longer need please get in touch via our Facebook page.

The Mustard Seed is in constant need of funds to provide hundreds of meals every week to so many. The charity has a Facebook page with a map showing where they are in Lagos and other details should anyone wish to donate money. Thanks again to AIM for the storage facility we have. Many thanks to everyone who has given to our network and helped people in need. Yours sincerely, Alison Webster

We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the newsletter please email: 

Lagos Lions celebrate first anniversary Dear Editor, To honour the first birthday of LC de Lagos, the club had the privilege of welcoming the district governor, Snr. Raul Amado, for his annual visit. Other guests from our parent club, LC de Loulé and guiding Lion, Dr. Carlos Nunes from LC de Portimão, and senhora Sauledade Botelho president LC de Vilamoura joined to celebrate this important milestone. Together commemorating our heritage during this centennial year of humanitarian service around the world. After the traditional flag ceremony, the LC de Lagos president mentioned the enthusiasm and motivation of this young club, following a year of fundraising projects by its cosmopolitan members, ready to serve the community and those most in need. As a result of our continuous recruiting, we had the pleasure to induct two British members, Jeannie and David Buckle, who are proud of being part of Lions International, eager to share their skills and

experience for the benefit of the wider Lagos area. Aldeia de Azul served a festive lunch in the exclusive ambiance of their resort after the Lagos’ president welcomed the governor officials and guests. The district governor complimented the fellow members for their dedication, the engagement and fundraising achievements, and expressed his view that the quality of a club is measured by its results in serving. Our ever-growing and vibrating Lions Club is inviting those interested in our objectives to visit our website to learn more about our activities and missions: www. If interested in membership and becoming a member, you are welcome to contact the membership secretary: Yours sincerely, Thibaut Grosserie, Lagos.


Getting active Why do I Earwax keep getting back pain? BY ANN DE JONGH


I often get asked about which exercise is the best to do but what is the best exercise for one person maybe the most hated by another person. Unless you are training for a specific event, the best exercise is the one that you like and will look forward to doing.

This is a very ‘popular’ health issue amongst our clients and it is important to say that excess earwax is not as a result of poor hygiene. Also known as cerumen, it is a yellowish waxy material 60% of which is keratin, a protein from shed layers of cells from the skin lining. The rest of it is made up of 12 – 20% saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, 6 – 9 % of cholesterol and other trace elements, such as alcohol, all of which are produced in the outer third of the cartilaginous portion of the ear canal by both sebaceous and sweat glands.

Exercise does not always have to be done in a gym. We are lucky to live in an amazing part of the world with some many options to be able to exercise outside…golf, tennis, bowls, surfing, paddle boarding, biking, sailing, kayaking , swimming, running, hiking, triathlon etc. So think about what you enjoy doing. Maybe you want to learn a new skill, take up a new sport, whatever it is find something that will make you happy, and keep you coming back for more. Do not be afraid of trying new things, or worrying that you are too old, too inflexible, overweight, unfit ….the most important thing is to move, to feel exhilaration as you learn something new, or achieve a goal. A great sport for every one of all ages and fitness levels is Stand Up Paddleboarding. There was a great Paddleboard Festival last month. I set it as a goal to do the 32km, having never been out for longer than a couple of hours on my board it was quite a daunting thought. However it was fantastic, the paddle was made much easier by the amazing scenery and the camaraderie of all the other paddlers. I am already looking forward to next year.

BY DR WEN OATES DC MCHIRO Back pain can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain that makes it difficult to move. It can start quickly if you have a fall or lift something too heavy, or it can get worse slowly. Who gets back pain? Anyone can get it, but some things increase your risk, such as: - Getting older, back pain is more common the older you get; - Being overweight, a diet high in calories and fat can make you gain weight, which then stresses the back and causes pain; - Your job or lifestyle, if you lift, push or pull while twisting your spine, or you sit at a desk with poor posture. Can back pain be prevented? The best things you can do to prevent back pain are: Exercise often and keep your back muscles strong; Maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if you weigh too much. Plus, for strong bones, you need to get enough calcium and vitamin D every day; Improve your posture by sitting or standing up straight.

Ann is a trainer, yoga teacher, sports massage therapist

How is back pain treated? Many people try home remedies, such as Hot or Cold Packs to soothe their pain, while others buy gels to rub onto the skin. Over-the-counter medicines such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen are also popular. Some people will try Alternative Medicine such as acupuncture, but most choose to have professional clinicians, like Chiropractors, find what’s causing the pain and then correct it.

 +351 913202621    fit2lovelife  anndejongh

Lagos Health Chiropractic  +351 282 768 044 We’re in the big, pink building just across the road from the Lidl supermarket in Lagos

So this month set yourself a task, go out and doing something active and continue to do it.


This ‘mixture’ has various functions: - Cleaning – this occurs through a ‘conveyer belt’ process, aided by jaw movement, where the keratin from shed cells, formed in the ear drum, mixes with the other elements of the cerumen travelling down the walls of the ear towards the entrance at a rate compatible with fingernail growth. As this blend ages, it loses water and oxidizes, thereby taking on a darkened appearance. Jaw movement also dislodges any debris, such as dirt or small foreign objects, that are attached to the ear canal wall and this is carried out by the earwax as well as preventing water accumulating in the ear canal. - Lubrication – of the ear canal is carried out by the sebum in cerumen produced by the sebaceous glands. - Antimicrobial effects – cerumen, which is slightly acidic, has an effect on some strains of bacteria and also some fungi inhibiting its production and spreading to the ear drum. If we did not have earwax the ear canal would become extremely dry, waterlogged and infected! Next month: why do some people create excessive wax and what can it lead to.



Counselling to help you cope BY TERESA HUGHES Counselling can help people overcome emotional difficulties. I will honour any issue the client chooses to bring to the session in a non-judgmental confidential environment. This empowers individuals to look at their lives and make changes as they see fit. It is not my role to be directive and instruct people, the choice is entirely theirs. This is a person centered counselling approach, which can help with many problems, including anxiety and depression. Some clients may choose to review historic material in an attempt to understand why they are having difficulties and what exactly has led them to therapy. The loss of a loved one is without doubt one of life’s most traumatic events. The rawness of grief and the accompanying emotions can at times feel overwhelming. Clients undergoing bereavement counselling are given the opportunity to explore the impact their bereavement has had on them. It is not uncommon for feelings of guilt to arise after a death, in the session we examine the definition of guilt. We may discuss how continued negative thinking has an adverse impact of mental wellbeing. Grieving is a normal process, it is a testament to the love felt for

the person who has died. In time the acute sadness does begin to recede, acknowledging and exploring this in therapy can help an individual adjust to life without their loved one. Counselling support can be extremely helpful for people affected by cancer, this group of clients includes patients, family and friends. The impact of a cancer diagnosis and the uncertainty it brings can cause immense emotional distress. Families often try to protect each other and avoid conversations with the patient for fear of causing more stress. Many individuals experience anxiety at the prospect of a cancer recurrence, in this instance we focus on how worry will not influence outcome. We also look at strategies for developing strength and resilience, which may include signposting for some complementary therapy. I view my clients with compassion based on my firm belief all human beings have the desire to be happy and can overcome suffering. Teresa is a Person Centered Counsellor and Bereavement Therapist. She is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

For more information:  +351 960 417 731 

Behaviour affected by gut bacteria BY LAURA NEWMAN

Parent Support Groups / Weekly Connection works / courses & support for parents / and online Vibrancy: healthy living presentations / May & June

Parents can never be too complacent. Just when you think you have everything covered – there’s always more! If you have a screaming toddler, an unhappy child, or one that seems to go off the rails at the drop of a hat, consider this:

* Diary, wheat and sugar are the common triggers for inflammation and leaky gut. Cut out one of these for a few days and see what happens to their behaviour. * Buy some good probiotics (10 billion broad spectrum)

1. Microorganisms swimming around your pipes not only digest food and fight disease, they secrete mood-regulating chemicals like serotonin. New York Times

* Come to our Vibrancy presentation in June by Raw Algarve and learn to make your own delicious, Kombucha and Kefir, loaded with healthy bacteria.

2. Gut bacteria affect toddler’s mood, curiosity, sociability and impulsivity. Ohio State University

* Contact Laura for support with making dietary changes with children.

For parents with children with behaviour issues, it would be wise to look at their diet. In particular, anything that affects their healthy gut flora.

Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc Speech Therapist, Parent Consultant, Health Educator 25 years Professional Experience

   +351 961 633 995  connectedchildfamily


The Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen Lagos We serve over 300 meals each week. Please, we need your help to continue helping those in need. Account #


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Pets Mate Bzzzzzzzzzzz..... WACK WACK …. bzzzzzzzzz..... Missed again! Yes, the mosquitoes are well and truly here. Come twilight hours the flying blood suckers have been descending on BBQs, beach walks and sun-downers across the Algarve. Last month I discussed tick control and control of heartworm (one of the mosquito spread diseases). Most of our clients have now given their dog an injection of Guardian SR, which will protect them, against heartworm throughout the season. Leishmania is the other mosquito spread disease with a similar (10%) prevalence. There is NO cure for Leish, once contracted by a dog. Commonly said to be spread by the ‘sand fly’, we prefer to move away from this name as it confuses a lot of owners, who often inform us that this won´t be a problem as their dog never goes to the beach. When you are giving the ´Australian salute´, i.e. swatting away at mozzies, some of these nuisances are indeed sandflies. Unlike heartworm prevention (i.e. Guardian injections or monthly tablets), control against Leishmaniasis is


less guaranteed. The mainstay of prevention here is to repel the blood(y) thieves. This is best achieved by either a collar (namely Seresto or Scalibor) or a spoton which contains a permethrin (i.e. is a tick repellent as well), Because there are many parasites here, in Portugal, to protect your dog from, the options of tablets and collars and spot-ons can get confusing. Certainly a spot-on or a collar (if your dog is a swimmer) is strongly recommended to help protect your dog from this awful disease. If you are using Bravecto tablets for flea and tick control, a scalibor collar is perfect to add to the mix. The second arm of defence against Leish is a specific agent. As of this year, there are two vaccines. One called CaniLeish, which a lot of our clients are using for a few years now. The new one (out this year) is called LetiFend. The third preventative (which I personally use with my mob-o-dogs) is an oral liquid called Leishguard. If you have been outside wearing mosquito repellent, you know that some mozzies will still get through and into you. Using Leishguard or one of the vaccines will ´mop up´ any of the Leish carrying mozzies that got through the primary barrier and keep your dog free from the disease. Please protect your dog against Leish and avoid a life time of giving him tablets, injections and treating chronic skin problems.

For more information: 

Heart attack


A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked. The interrupted blood flow can damage part of the heart muscle. A heart attack may lead to cardiac arrest (heart stoppage). What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack? - Sudden crushing vice like chest pain that does not subside with rest. - Pain radiates to neck or left arm - Dizziness/weakness/nausea - Cold and profuse sweating - Breathlessness - Ashen skin - lips blue - Fast pulse becoming weaker and irregular - Unconscious - Breathing and heart may stop. For more information: 


What should you do? - Sit the person down with their back against a support - Get them to pull their knees up towards their chest and place support under the legs if possible - Give lots of reassurance as the person is often very frightened - Call an ambulance quickly (ring 112) and advise them heart attack suspected - Keep the person warm, maintain support and constant reassurance - If the person loses consciousness and stops breathing – assess the person and be prepared to carry out CPR if necessary. REMEMBER: Follow the instructions of the emergency services at all times.

Business so you can determine the best fit for your property projects. • Schedule and hold contractor’s meeting – if you are out of town or unable to attend the meetings with contractors, Portugal Projects will go in your place and report information back to you. • Payment to all service providers in one place – no need to set up a payment process for each provider, Portugal Projects can simplify your life with a single payment point. • Regularly scheduled site visits – if you are unable to visit your job site regularly, the team at Portugal Projects will do it for you and provide updated information and pictures so you know exactly what is happening at all times. • Translation services – making communication between you and service providers clear and straightforward.

Portugal Projects Real Estate Seminar When: May 6th 3pm Where: Lagos historic center Cost: €35pp What: Everything you need to now about purchasing and renovating property in the Algarve

Property the Portugal Project way BY STEPHANIE CALCOT

Do you own a house in the Algarve and want to update the kitchen or bedrooms? Have you found your dream house but you’re afraid to purchase it because it needs renovations? Are you nervous about building that pool because you don’t know which contractor to use?

• Legal support – with an attorney on board, there is always legal support and supervision of your renovation partners as well as help with paperwork and legal logistics of each and every project. In addition, Portugal Projects is offering informational seminars that will demystify some of the questions you may have about living and investing in the Algarve. We will be hosting a seminar on May 6th at 3pm at the Lagos Historic City Center to explain the ins and outs of purchasing a property as well as the process of renovating property in the Algarve. Join the Portugal Projects panel of experts to find out: Purchasing 1. What steps you take when purchasing a property?

We know how hard it is to find quality service providers when you are new (or maybe not so new) to Portugal. There are so many people that claim they are experts - who can you trust? Portugal Projects was created to be your trusted partner for all of your property renovation needs. For over 13 years, the team at Portugal Projects has purchased and renovated properties in the Algarve. From new builds and whole house ‘facelifts’ to pool builds, electrical, and plumbing work – Portugal Projects has done it and are here to help! Here’s how Portugal Projects can help you with your specific needs: • Provide you with a list of fully reviewed and approved service providers – from general contractors to painters, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, house cleaners and more; Portugal Projects will share the best resources in the region for your specific project. • Ensure you receive two to three quotes/budgets –

2. What legal paperwork must you have? 3. What are some of the “red flags” you should look out for? 4. What should you look for when purchasing an existing property vs. a new build? Renovating 1. How can you ensure that your renovations are legal? 2. What is the difference between renovating the inside of your property vs. adding-on and changing the façade? 3. What is the difference between renovations in the city center vs. renovations in the outskirts or the country? 4. What are the dos-and don’ts of updating or renovating your property?

For more information:  


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I.T. can be easy Windows – all good things come to an end!

Free IT Support and help sessions for May When: Tuesday May 9th and 23rd Time: 11am until 3pm. Location: The Tropical Café Nº. 33, Avenida dos Descobrimentos, Lagos No appointment necessary. Bring your device, purchase a drink and I will give you 10 minutes free IT support and help with any simple issues you may have with your laptop, PC or smartphone. If the issue cannot be resolved, an appointment can be booked at a later date, at your convenience. Looking forward to seeing you.

Operating systems are not meant to last forever and have a pre-determined expiry date when newer versions become available. As a result, you may be running the following versions of Windows that are no longer being supported by Microsoft both for security and other updates. These expiry dates are: Windows XP - April 8th 2014 Windows Vista - April 11th 2017 Windows 7 - January 14th 2020 Windows 8/8.1 - January 10th 2023 Windows 10 - October 14th 2025 As you can see above, if you are running either Windows XP or Windows Vista you are vulnerable to possible security threats on your computer. Here’s what you can do: Windows XP – to be honest, the best

Help when you move “We break through the language barriers in order to achieve a better integration when you choose to live in Portugal.” This very much states the aims and principles that make LC Consulting so valuable in this market. Started by Ana and Luis Cardosa in 2012 this is very much a ‘giving it back service’ to assist Europeans moving over to Portugal. Ana and Luis help people find their feet in the transition from one home to the next one. Luis said: “I understood the necessity of creating a company that could help people solve issues when moving to Portugal. “I was already doing this for friends, so I thought; why not extend it and help more people. I understand the unique challenge to move to another country because I have experienced it myself. My knowledge in Portuguese, Swedish, English and Spanish facilitates my work with clients.” Luis himself was born in Lisbon but grew up in Sweden. With their warm, easy and knowledgeable background Ana and Luis have that experience


solution is to get a new computer! Modern computers are not built to run XP, the operating system software has expired and cannot be upgraded on a machine brought before 2001. Windows Vista – firstly, this must be upgraded to Windows 7. The software can then be upgraded further to a newer operating system if required. All other versions of Windows that have not yet expired can be upgraded to the latest version. For further information on the above, please contact me for assistance. Happy to help. Finally don’t forget the drop in sessions mentioned above if you would like to come and have a personal chat. Have a great month, see you for another tip in the June issue.


that most of us wish we had had when we moved here. Their service covers everything from translation to every other aspect of the moving process. They have now helped more than 300 families in the change and they even suggest if you are concerned or have any fears about their credentials you can always call your own consulate to check on them. Their guiding principle is to help people on a mission to move to this country for a fresh start to find peace, happiness and new friends. LC consulting is able to help with almost every aspect of documentation required in Portugal. Please make a call to see how they can help you, there is no obligation to have a chat with them.

For more information:  +351 916 123 473  0046 735 172 400  


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Access Algarve The idea originally started with a book we used whist living in Dubai and all the great benefits it gave us living there. It helped tourists choose where to go and gave them an extra incentive to go there. When I moved to the Algarve I noticed that the expat and tourist community were very similar to that in Dubai and also how budgets varied from person to person. I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to explore what the Algarve has to offer as well as benefit people that live in the Algarve all year round or for the majority of the year.

The benefits of Access Algarve voucher book:


1st 2017 to February 28th 2018. This gives people ample opportunity throughout the year to use their vouchers at their own convenience; providing the benefits for both tourists and locals alike. The voucher book is broken down into three sections; food and drink, with discounts at bars and restaurants. Activities, offering fantastic unique deals at all three major water parks, wakeboarding, hot air balloon riding, boat tours, tennis lessons everything really if you can do it in the Algarve it is more than likely in our book. Finally lifestyle, with unique offers in shops such as Baptista, where your voucher can save you €15 alone on your shopping bill. Spas are featured strongly and every Vila Galé across the Algarve is in our voucher book with 50% discounts. Pottery shops and discounts at all Nevada Bobs golf stores and other golf stores across the Algarve are also inside the book. Being part of the Access Algarve family:

The benefits of Access Algarve’s voucher book are widespread. From locals to tourists, the book is for everyone and offers a wide range of discounts on everything the Algarve provides. From discounts in supermarkets to Buy-1-get-1-free on hot air balloon rides to discounts on waterparks, there really is something for everyone.

If you run a business in the Algarve and would like to be part of this new and exciting opportunity to help promote yourself and highlight what your business has to offer, contact either myself or Julie by phone or email us or check out our website and our Facebook for the latest on what’s happening with deals and events throughout the year.

How people use the book: Save money…enjoy living The book retails at €20 and can save you €2000 with 300 hundred vouchers. Access Algarve voucher book is an annual publication from March For more information:  +351 282 037  +351 989 935 342 444  

Prize draw winner! Property Specialists Algarve proudly announces the winner of its prize draw which was a dinner for two at the fabulous Campimar Restaurant at Porto do Mos beach.

Facebook page for future special events. Don’t forget Property Specialists Algarve is hosting a real estate clinic to help answer your questions! It’s free, there’s no obligation.

The winner of the prize draw was Valerie Illing!

It takes place every Friday from 3pm at Rua Hospital Sao João de Deus, Lote 1, Loja G. Next to Pasteleria Ritinha.

Keep an eye on Property Specialists Algarve

 propertyspecialistsalgarve  +351 925 106 230 


Food & drink

Beach cafégets a facelift BY SOPHIE SADLER

Diners in Luz will be treated to new culinary delights with the former seafront café Kiwi coming under new management. The new ‘Luz Beach Café’ has had a facelift under the guidance of new proprietor Paul Mikhelson and with the help of his fiancée Claire Sadler. Many residents will know Claire who was the former owner of Do Cais, now Quay Lagos in the Marina. She has devised the menu and resurrected some of her mouth-watering classics from the old days such as her famous Voodoo chicken wings with blue cheese sauce and clam chowder. There is also a takeaway menu for those that don´t want to leave the beach including sandwiches, burgers and wings. Claire, who works in the Luz Beach Apartments next door, says; “I wanted to create something unique for Luz, we are not a café or a restaurant but a hybrid of the two, giving tourists and residents alike a new experience. I am primarily focused on fresh ingredients created on the premises by our fabulous chef.” Coincidentally Claire and Paul first met when the former attended a catering college in Leysin, Switzerland in 1986. After dating they went their separate ways but re-ignited the relationship and 31 years on are set to marry in July. So it will be a busy summer for Paul who moved here from Andorra in 2013. His background in property management will stand him in good stead for the challenge of managing a busy eatery and he speaks five languages. “We want to give our guests a fun

experience, our menu has something for everyone and we have a fabulous barman Harrison, who can mix great cocktails and is also a magician, so if he has the time he will be showing customers a few tricks!” I can recommend the cafés fabulous burgers which are 100% beef and prepared on site, a personal favourite of mine is Claire´s melted goat´s cheese, beetroot and pine nut salad. If you want to start your morning off with a hearty breakfast then they have the full English breakfast feast as well as a herbivore breakfast, a toasted bap or healthy smoothie. I was lucky enough to get to sample one of chef James’s puddings while there, a chocolate cheesecake which was sublime, having worked as a baker and in Michelin star restaurants his food is certain to be a hit. They also offer special promotions with Wacky Wednesday where you can share a nacho bowl, jalapeno scrunchies and a sweet chilli dip with a bottle of house wine for €18.50. Or if you want to try those famous wings check out Funky Fridays with wings, blue cheese dip, garlic bread and a bucket of 4 beers priced at €15. The wine is all specially selected by Claire and Paul who have visited the vineyards to find the best value of money for their clients and most can't be bought in a supermarket and they can be enjoyed with a tapas menu or with a meal. If all this is making you feel peckish then Paul and his staff are keen to welcome you, so go and take a seat at one of their outdoor tables looking out at the ocean and try something new.

For more information:    +351 963 272 993


Food & drink The kitchen cuts its own potatoes, no frozen food at all is used and consistency is the order of everyday at Cabanas. Summing up Rafa’s mission I would say that he ensures the restaurant presents a casual, fine dining experience which is affordable and in a location that is hard to better. I then met the ‘front of house’ manager John Paul who has years of experience working with top quality local restaurants offering the specialist care that genuinely ‘goes that extra mile’ to make your dining experienceis remembered for everything good. After all they want to see their guests back as often as they can.

The total package


First impressions, I think, always count and when I visited Cabanas Beach Restaurant my initial thought was ‘the Caribbean’. The music and the style gave me a very uplifting feeling and energised my spirit as I cast my eye in the bright sunshine over the ocean only one hundred metres in front of me. Just about everything here impressed me honestly and the place itself is really only a small part of it. Dave and Mandy introduced me to their senior team and I realised what a fantastic operation they run. Rafa is the chef and what a lovely open character he is. He has vast experience for one so young and he really has a passion for his profession. His philosophy is that everything must be fresh and he is very ‘prep’ orientated even the Nachos are made fresh.

There is a very well balanced wine list all from Portugal, why import when Portugal has such an abundance of quality wines and here at Cabanas the house wine is extremely hard to beat too. Monica is the events manager and you can understand why she is so important as she covers weddings, parties and private functions and this year there are going to many more live music functions to entice all age groups. The beautiful beach area which has lovely sun umbrellas and sun beds offers the ultimate experience as you can just sit and ‘ring the bell’ for service as you sunbathe, how decadent is this! Talking about the beach this year Cabanas has been given a gold flag as they have five years as a blue flag so even the beach gets the ‘thumbs up’ all round! There are three lifeguards for you and your families safety and to top it all you can learn how to stand up peddle board by professionals on hand. Did I mention that it has ‘the total package’ yes that’s right I did at the beginning but I think I should end on that point too! Probably now is the time to book ahead if you can as the season progresses.  +351 968 871 974

 cabanasbeachrestaurant

Rooftop restaurant review BY HEATHER COX A few weeks ago John and I celebrated our wedding anniversary with 15 family and friends at the Rooftop Restaurant at the Carvi Hotel at Praia Dona Ana. We had a wonderful lunch in fabulous surroundings. Although it wasn't quite warm enough to eat outside on the terrace, the sun was shining and the views from the restaurant were spectacular. We had visited previously just for a toastie and a drink and were really impressed with the service. We made arrangements to have a set meal for our anniversary which


was couvert, then a choice of fresh fish or chicken and a choice of dessert from the menu. Everything was freshly cooked and delicious and the staff were all really efficient and friendly. We will certainly return. It was a lovely lunch which was enjoyed by everyone. They are open every day from 12 pm-10pm for lunch and dinner until 1am for drinks and cocktails.What a fantastic place to have a cocktail on a warm summer evening!

 +351 282 762 026 

Serge & Satoshi pâtisserie française Croissants, Roasted chicken, Quiches, Oven ready meals, French pastry and more...

Open everyday except Mondays

Praia da luz, Next to the pharmacy Tel: 960 028 647 |

Food & drink

Free charity BBQ for Madrugada Outdoor Living Retailer, Moveison, based on the EN125 just east of Lagos is holding a free charity BBQ on Saturday May 27th at its showroom. It is supporting local charity Madrugada, who provide care and support for people affected by life limiting illness in the Algarve. The event will start at 12.30pm and will include a Weber BBQ demonstration from one of Portugal´s top BBQ competition judges, live music and most importantly great BBQ food and drink. Melanie Winstanley who owns Moveison said: “We are so pleased to be supporting Madrugada and know they do great work in our community and have provided support to both friends and clients”. The event is free to attend on an invite only basis, however as the saying goes ‘there is no such thing as a free lunch’ and guests will be invited to take part in a raffle and auction to raise money for Madrugada.

Carol Spires, the new president of Madrugada said: “Our charity is working hard to demonstrate the work we do in the local community and this innovative event will give us a great opportunity to spread the word”. Moveison have kept places for 10 lucky readers of Tomorrow to attend this great event. All you have to do is send an email to info@moveison. com and in the title box type in MADRUGADA BBQ and give us your name and contact telephone number and you will be entered into a ballot for a place at the free BBQ. All emails need to be received by 6pm on XXth May 2017 and you will be contacted by Moveison by XXth May 2017 to invite you to the BBQ. We wish you good luck in the ballot and hope you enjoy the BBQ, those of you who are lucky enough to attend.

The pearl on Maia Praia Beach


Open all year round for lunch and dinner

Half way along Meia Praia, one of the most beautiful beaches along the Algarve coastline is this very special restaurant bar. Martim's father started on this stunning site in 1968 and it has remained in the family ever since to become Gaivota Branca. You will see from the original restaurant bar photograph and the new photographs that the original building was replaced completely with the state of the art modern building that now stands dominantly on Meia Praia beach. It offers fabulous views over the Atlantic and as far as Alvor from the wonderful floor to ceiling windows all round. It is very much family-run with Martim, Mariana and Martim’s son Rodrigo heading up a very professional team in this high quality restaurant, snack bar and

water sports centre. They manage to create a happy fun atmosphere, in fact it really is the perfect place for all ages and stages particularly families. The dramatic restaurant offers really excellent food and the service is outstanding with over 20 staff during the busy months all of whom offer attentive but not intrusive service. Fresh fish daily, water sports and sun beds complete the package of great services here. Whether you want a morning coffee, a lunchtime snack or your favourite fish cooked to perfection you will be hard pressed to better Gaivota Branca. The team’s motto is: “When it is not good for our clients it is not good for us and so our aim is to satisfy everyone.”

Booking really is essential. Call  +351 282 761 466  +351 914 588 074


Food & drink

Marina restaurant gets a revamp When Susie and David Robson took over running Quay Lagos on Lagos Marina in March 2014 they were never entirely happy with the way it looked. Three years down the line they decided it was time to give the busy restaurant a facelift.

Opening Times: Everyday 10:00 - 23:30

They sat down with Jonathan Palmer who they describe as a good friend and a fabulous interior designer He came up with fresh plans to redesign the bar complete with plans, visuals, colour, lighting etc etc and the Robsons loved it and didn't changed a thing. Jonathan also recommended a building company Jason Craddock owner of CAPS

The worked started on January 27th straight after Burns Supper, with the re-opening target for Valentine's Day but they actually reopened two days early a credit to Jason and his team. Susie and David said: “We also revamped our menu and wine list to complement the refit so there are lots of new dishes and wines to try. “We're absolutely delighted with our new look and we go from strength to strength but none of this would be possible to achieve without our dedicated hard work staff all of whom we are very proud to employ.” Open all day every day.

For more information:  +351 282 761 128 


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This page Phlomis purpurea © Stickpen; Ophrys apifera © Hans Hillewaert; Anagallis © Luis Nunes Alberto; all other images © Clive Goodacre

I Spy Algarve: wild flowers BY CLIVE GOODACRE

In May the Algarve is a magic carpet of wild flowers.

Walk a short distance east from the coast and one enters maquis – areas where evergreen shrubs and trees grow higher and become entangled with plants like honeysuckle and morning glory. Within a few hours walking one can see literally hundreds of varieties of flowers - here are just six.

The land west of Odiáxere has a particularly glorious profusion, whilst the natural park spreading from Salema up to the top northern edge of the Algarve’s western coast puts on displays year after year that never fail to amaze.

See if you can spot them this Spring!

Anacamptis pyramidalis (pyramid orchid) Grows in open grassland, May – July. Usually found in large colonies like the similar but much rarer and lighter Orchis italica (sometimes known as as naked man orchid - look it up and use your imagination!)

Phlomis purpurea A hairy evergreen shrub that flowers April to June on dry hills and stony places such as pathways. A rarer yellow variety, P.Lychnitis, is sometimes grown as a garden plant.

Ophrys apifera A member of the relatively large Bee orchid group. Flat, smooth green leaves appear in January and then it flowers with an amazing bumblebeeesque rear end from March to May in stony soils, grasslands and alongside tracks.

Cistus ladanifer (gum cistus) Found on garrigue and maquis (low-water shurblands with poor soil) from March until early summer, they have five white petals and yellow stamens.

Fritillaria Lusitanica Flowers from April onwards in mixed vegetation and on cliffs in pockets of earth. Beautiful bell-shaped flower with yellow interior that can be hard to spot.

Anagallis (pimpernel) Often found growing on paths and mixed in with other wild flowers, this flower grows in the driest spot in full sun amongst sand dunes from March to October.


Stéphane Rambaud for Fermob

Find your favourite


Sunbeds, chairs and tables in 24 colours Fermob Shop at Q Garden in Odiáxere/Lagos (EN125) Buy online at


Plants that need to look after themselves BY JEANETTE FAHLBUSCH

Last month a group of local gardeners took a trip to a hidden hillside gem where the visitors learned about using local plants that don’t need to be watered. Could this be your kind of gardening? For the April event of our Western Algarve Garden Group (WAGG) we visited again a private garden: well-hidden up in the hills behind Bordeira, near the West Coast. We were met in the village by the host Georg Krause and then our convoy followed him on an adventurous 15 minute uphill drive on a winding dirt track through highly scented Cork, Oak and Pinus plantations, here and there criss-crossing the Via Algarviana and eventually landing on top of a hill with the most amazing far reaching views over the inland hills and over to Carrapateira. Flowering white and pink cistus, purple wild lavenders, blue and yellow lupins as far as the eye could see. If that wasn't Spring Algarve at its best, I don't know what is! Over the last 11 years or so, our charming hosts, Gisela and Georg, have created a garden that, fenced in only to keep the wild boar out, blends in seamlessly with the wild countryside around it. Partly for practical reasons (they live both in the Algarve and in Germany) and partly because they are passionate about using only local plants, they have designed a garden that does not need watering. Gisela explains: “We only water once – when we plant a new plant. Once it is established,

it needs to be able to look after itself. If it survives, fine. If not, it is not a plant for our garden. We started gardening full of enthusiasm – and had to learn the most important experience: patience! We planted many flowers and trees and were often disappointed when nothing happened. It took us a while to understand that gardening in this area is quite different from gardening in Germany. Here, we have to respect the dry and hot summers, the strong winds and soil conditions. We read a lot of books, learning about draught resistant plants and how plant and take care of them. We were lucky in that the previous owners had planted lots of Osteospermum in different colours, Vinca as ground cover and Pelargonium, so we have wonderful spring flowers. Our greatest success was with Bougainvillea which we grow together with Jasminum and Campsis as climbers. We planted Tecomaria which did not flower for five years but now suddenly started growing and flowering! Other shrubs and plants that do very well are Agapanthus,

Convolvulus, Rosmarin (ideal ground cover), Hebe, Myrthus and the very fast growing Myoporum. “ Following our tour Gisela and Georg served a wonderful brunch – imagine a traditional farm house kitchen with a table laden with grilled chicken, home-made salsas served imaginatively in kilner jars, spicy red hot and cool green sauces, baskets with fresh crusty country breads... all of which our group then enjoyed outside in delightfully shaded seating areas at tables decorated true Algarvian style with sprigs of flowering Rosemary and fresh oranges. We all agreed: another very enjoyable Garden Group get together in a wonderful location, in true like-minded company and learning more and more about the Mediterranean way of gardening. There is no membership fee for our local group, but paid for membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal (of which we are the Western Algarve offspring) is well worthwhile and will give additional benefits.

For more information:  





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