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Hello, crazy world! I don’t want to discuss all this craziness going on because of COVID-19. I would just like to state that this month’s magazine will be smaller, if not our smallest issue to date because of the fact that there are no bike nights, poker runs, charity rides or events of any nature happening and probably won’t happen in the month of April. Full Throttle is all about telling you what is happening in the motorcycle world and where to go and what to do. At this point the answer is to stay at home or “safer at home” but they are not saying you can’t go out for a ride! So, do just that! Getting back to our roots where it’s not just bar hopping, it’s filling the tank, riding in the country and enjoying our motorcycles and the ride! Please be safe everyone and remember to keep your distance and if you are sick to stay at home! I hope this all ends soon and we can get back to normal, or as close to it as possible because I am missing my biker family and bike nights. SOOOOOO Because of social distancing, we are trying something different…. An ONLINE BIKE SHOW! The first one seems to be working nicely. But you all have bikes and we are really just sitting at home. It’s very simple to do, all you have to
do is register online for $20. Send 4 pictures of your bike to tonyc@floridafullthrottle.com and when we post the classes, tell people to go vote for you! The winner will receive a goodie bag from full throttle and a trophy. We will send it in the mail and list all of our winners on our Facebook page! This way anyone in the world can enter their bike in our virtual online bike show! So, at this point we are still planning our SOAKED AND SORE ASS POKER RUN for June 13th starting at Quaker Steak and Lube and ending at Hog Heaven on Islamorada in the Keys. I talked with Bill Church at Quaker and they will be doing breakfast and coffee for the start of the ride. This will be great as we should be coming off of the stay at home orders and people will want to ride and travel, and why not travel to the keys! This is a 300 mile+ ride and everyone who registers will receive 3 poker hands, a t-shirt, a patch and a completion certificate at the end stop. The last few years our best had has won over $600 and our worst hand won over $100. We will be doing online pre-registration this year as it is always so busy to register the day of. HOTELS, I talked to a few on Islamorada and they all told me the same answer….. Book your hotel rooms online as that is the cheapest pricing. So, look for hotels online in or around Hog Heaven on Islamorada and we hope to see you all on this great Soaked and Sore Ass Poker Run to the keys in June. I would like to wish my beautiful daughter, Krystiana, a very special 21st happy birthday and my grandfather a happy 92nd birthday! Be safe, be smart, and we hope to see you all soon!
Am I ready for a bigger Bike? I got this question on my Ride Like a Pro YouTube Channel when I reviewed a 2020 Harley Soft tail Slim. The question was, “my wife has a Harley 750 Street and would like to move up to a Harley soft tail Slim, can she handle the extra 100 lbs. of that bike?” I’ve had this question and similar questions quite often through the years. Since I don’t know the rider in question skill level, I answer it this way. If the rider knows the proper techniques and how to use those techniques, she can ride even the biggest, heaviest, motorcycle with ease. A great way to find out a person’s skill level is to set up a few of the exercises from my Ride Like a Pro video. Have the rider that is thinking of “moving up” run through the exercises on the bike they ride now. If they can’t do it on their bike, a bigger bike will just amplify a rider’s lack of skills. The reply I usually get is, “oh, she’s fine out on the road, it’s just low speeds where she has a problem”. Having the ability to ride straight on down the road and make great big, wide turns, and come to an easy stop at a traffic light requires virtually no skills. A first day rider can do that. The problem is sooner or later, something gets in your way and you will have to make a quick left to right or right to left swerve or a quick stop. Having the ability to make that type of maneuver takes skill, a/k/a, technique. Ninety percent of riders on the road today cannot perform that type of maneuver on their first try. I know this because I have my students perform that type of maneuver in several different exercises at my Ride Like a Pro class every week. To perform that type of quick swerve and stop, it usually takes at least five tries and about ten tries to get good at it. Out on the street, you’ve got one shot at it. If you haven’t been trained and if you’ve never practiced that type of maneuver, you will simply crash. The most common motorcycle crash that involves just the rider and no other vehicle is failure to negotiate a curve. A rider gets into a turn and doesn’t know to look towards the end of the turn or doesn’t know how to set up for a curve and winds up running off the road. Again, avoiding that type of crash takes training, not dumb luck. Bottom line learn to ride the bike you have now before moving up to a bigger, heavier, bike. My website, www.ridelikeapro.com has everything you need to become the skilled and confident riders we must be for riding out in the real world. We have digital downloads available, thumb drive, our Ride Like a Pro, The Book. Videos for High speed, low speed, and everything in between. Visit our YouTube channel, Ride Like a Pro Jerry Palladino, where we have hundreds of videos there from our classes, road tests and events for you to learn from and enjoy. Order them, practice the techniques while we’re all home due to the corona virus. Practicing is good for your mental stability in trying times, you’re outside, keeping your social distance at the same time as you’re honing your skills. Wishing you all the best and know that America always come through stronger and better. Be well. Motorman - www.ridelikeapro.com
The Gulf Coast Divas are certainly living up to the mission! At our Diva Angels tent for the Annual Thunder by the Bay weekend, we spoke to women (and men!) about our organization, visited with old and new friends, listened to some good music, and supported the Suncoast Charities for Children by having a weekend 50/50 with the drawing held on stage at the end of the day Sunday – congratulations to the winner and to Suncoast Charities for Children! It was a perfect weekend for having an event and RIDING – thank you to everyone who stopped by our tent to say hi! Speaking of another perfect weekend to RIDE, if you have never attended the Annual Nite Train Scavenger Hunt you are really missing a hilariously funny and fun event! Team Diva Angels RODE over 100 miles to either locate specific items or perform specific acts to accumulate points. The predestined stops along the scavenger route provide the background for each team’s scavenger ‘list’ and also allow teams to perform their acts in front of a crowd. One of our funniest acts was to wrap our heads in toilet
paper and stand in a portapotty! But the act that put us over the top was our Nite Train Express cheer N.T.E! It was a great sense of comradery with other scavenger teams as well as a real sense of Diva Angels teamwork. Team Diva Angels came in first this year and we were thrilled to be able to give back a portion of our winnings to the Nite Train’s Oak Park School. Other recent activities were the St. Patty’s Day Poker Run for the Humane Society of Sarasota County where we assisted with registration and RODE to Irish Pubs to collect our hands. We also RODE to spend the weekend with fellow riders in Leesburg for the Sisterhood Ride at Gator Harley Davidson. You can be sure that you’ll see a Diva Angel or two at the Leesburg Bikefest and other biker events. If you do happen to see one, make sure that you stop to say hello or better yet, join up with us to RIDE! Visit us on facebook at fb.me/divaangelsgulfcoast/ (Diva Angels chapter in Manatee and Sarasota counties) COME RIDE WITH US! Kathie Minidis / Director Diva Angels Gulf Coast Chapter 17
Hello bikers. Welcome to the Back Yard. We hope everyone staying safe this month. Not much happening in April but we are making plans for the Future. The big event of course is the 80th Black Hill Rally in Sturgis S. D. August 7th thru the 18th. Full Throttle Magazine has Sturgis covered with our 6th Annual Full Throttle ride in Bike show at the World Famous Buffalo Chip. Also, this year for the first time the great folks at Buffalo Chip are giving Full Throttle Magazine our own camping area for the rally. It will be just across 206th street (Airport Road) in the Cottle Creek area of Buffalo Chip. There are limited Full RV hook up spots there so if you are bringing the RV or Toy Hauler call early to get those spots, there is plenty of dry camping and tent camping area with us. Now if you want to be in the Full Throttle area CALL THIS NUMBER ONLY 605-3479000 and tell them you want to stay in the Full Throttle
camping area. But that’s not all. If you ever wanted to do the ride from Florida to Sturgis now is your chance. Full Throttle is doing a Sturgis or Bust ride from the Tampa area to Sturgis this year. It’s a 5-day ride leaving Tampa on August 6th and Arriving at Buffalo Chip August 10th. We will have 2 chase trucks one with closed trailer for your luggage and an open trailer if you want to ride in truck a day or break downs. It’s 100 dollars per person plus hotel cost along route. If you would like to reserve your spot on the ride call our office at 727-935-4875. Well that’s all from the Back Yard. Be safe everyone and remember Always keep your stick on the ice. MONGO
Is it just me or has every single thing that you have heard, read or dreamed about lately started and ended with something related to the Damned Coronavirus, Covid-19, Self Quarantine, The Purge, Zombie-Bikers and / or Unemployed Strippers??? OK, OK... The stripper thing was just me but I'm pretty sure we are all sick of the rest of that stuff that I mentioned. I mean, don't get me wrong, this stuff is Extremely Serious even though it's starting to feel like a strange drinking game. So in this drinking game every time you hear about 'Rona' you have to take another shot and since nobody will stop talkin' about her, try not to die of alcohol poisoning (or Covid-19 that started all this in the first place). Also, in case you missed it, I did just refer to the Coronavirus / Covid-19 as Rona. I will continue to refer to that bitch as Rona for the duration of this article. We Black folks have a tendency to abbreviate stuff in the coolest of ways and Rona is no exception. White folks please feel free to borrow this one. After all, We are all in this together. Now where were we??... Oh yeah, Have you noticed that there is a certain group of people (that we all know) that are in Full Panic mode about 'Rona'? These are the people that just a few weeks ago, were calling this thing the China flu, swore up and down this was all a hoax by a bunch of snowflakes. However for some strange reason those same people are now wearing paper Ninja Mask while Kung Fu Fighting in Walmart over the last few packs of Charmin toilet paper. So what is the cause of the mass hysteria that these people seem to have all caught? Is it because of all the Tide Pods that they ate last year or could it be something else? My Brother, Wize; suggest to get to the answer we have to identify who these people are or more importantly who they are not. SO HERE'S THE DEAL... these high strung, tide pod eating, toilet paper loving, Doomsday Preppers are actually just People. People are the ones that we military vets referred to as Civilians. Civilians are what Bikers referred to as Citizens and us 1%ers call 'EveryDamnBody who ain't us'. At this point
you might be asking what the heck does any of this have to do with a bunch of Citizens spazzing the F*ck out over Rona? Well, it's real simple. We don't panic as much as others. I mean take a minute to think about it. When bikers practice social distancing we will travel from point A to point B on our motorcycles, and it doesn't matter whether you're riding a Harley Davidson Road Glide or a Kawasaki ZX-14, you have a big motor and a bunch of Highly flammable gasoline between your legs. At your leisure you might be going anywhere from 80 to a 150 miles an hour and the slightest error could end your life. The point is if ThAt isn't going to make you go into a panic, then Rona damn sure ain't going to do it, Especially when we've got really good information on just how to deal with her ass. Right about now you're probably thinking. 'Well Damn! These Biker's are Really Cool!!' and if you weren't thinking that then you should be. Perhaps you were thinking about the fact that these bikers have a reputation To Raise Hell, party and fight sometimes. While this is true we rarely do it in Walmart over toilet paper and we damn sure don't panic. Most of the time we are truly living life. That's why we jump on those motorcycles in the first place. In times like these when Rona is being a real pain in the butt we bikers keep our wits about us. While these doomsday people are buying 50 gallon drums of hand sanitizer, many Bikers are buying stock. Yes, I just said that. Bikers are buying stock because we have faith that America is going to come back like she always does. While the Preppers are hiding in a weird-ass bunker out in the sticks, Bikers like Fran Haasch are doing everything they can to help the elderly, children and various businesses throughout our entire community because this too shall pass. So what's the moral to this story? My Brother Wize, said it best, 'in every circumstance you will be an in Ambassador or an Embarrassment.' The one you are is your choice. If you are feeling concerned or cautious about Rona then you are intelligent because this Rona is no joke but just know that we're going to make it through this. However if you think that your future is looking like something out of a Mad Max movie because you think that the end of the world is near... just remember in every one of those movies, the only people running shit are the Bikers! I am Big Bone 1%er. I am a Marine, a Biker, an Outcast, a Father, a Brother and a media contributor to Full Throttle.
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Here we are again, moving another month forward into this year. As we are all aware the times as we know it have changed significantly. Our nation along with the global population has been plagued with the pandemic known as COVID-19, or the CoronaVirus. While our society has taken countless measures in order to combat the infection of this disease, there are still many things that we can do to better protect ourselves. First and foremost, we need to adhere to the guidance set forth by the professionals who know best about this virus. It is very certain that we will overcome this, just like any other catastrophic situation to which we have been in. So, what does that do for us as citizens, as riders? Our motorcycle community is most generally not going to hunker down for weeks on end without getting out on two wheels. I am not too sure how many of us ride within the six feet mark of one another, so that being said I think that falls within the guidelines of “social distancing”. For the many years that I have
been a rider I cannot tell you how often I have taken advantage of the “no cages” part of being a rider to overcome my personal issues. While not everyone rides for the same reason, I like to ride to treat my PTSD along with other medical issues. I do not have a service dog, cat, horse, or any other outlet of the sorts, I therefore use my motorcycle as my “Service Dog”. This has certainly allowed me to free my mind, as well cope with some of the concerns that I have at that time. I can only hope that each and every one of you who suffer from any conditions/ailments such as I do, that you too can find an outlet that works best for you. Most importantly, in these times of pandemic, or whatever else you may choose to label our current global situation, please take care of yourself, as well as your family and loved ones. I ask that any of you that have family members, friends, or even neighbors that suffer from any form of medical condition that you look in on them. It is paramount that we take a few moments of our time to do health and welfare checks on those in need. A phone call, text message, or a simple knock on the door goes a long way. Being isolated when suffering from mental conditions such as PTSD and many other facets of mental conditions is not always best. So, please keep our community safe. Lastly, remember that life on two (or three) wheels is very freeing for us. Keeping social distancing in mind, get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather that Florida offers us. Life without cages, and living life Full Throttle is how we get it done. Shawn Rosen MSG, U.S. Army, Retired Vendors/Sales Full Throttle Magazine 727-935-4875
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