The Sentinella
N o 57
Axarquia Edition!
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Ma y 0 9
ARKWRIGHTS The British Store & more
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ay w a ve gi tails to e ls r d a e o m 80 f E e RE ag F P e or See
RENT A HOME Property Sales - Property Lettings Property Management
Tel: 952 547 554 or 680 210 414
NEEDED QUALITY HOLIDAY PROPERTIES FOR RENT NOW Alcaucin Central Amazing reformed house 4 beds, 3 baths, large garden private pool central heating 600€ pm REDUCED Lake Vinuela RENT TO BUY Lovely spacious villa 4 beds, 2 bath, pool, garden Fully furnished 525€ pm 255,000€ Torrox Campo FOR SALE Newly constructed 3 bed, 2 bath villa with pool. Needs 20,000€ to finísh off 2km of track. 4km from coast Bank repo ONLY 110,000€ Torre del Mar REDUCED 4 bed, 2 bath villa, pool, furnished or unfurnished 700€ p.m. Long Term
Avda. Andalucia, 133, Torre del Mar
(Just around the corner from the Thursday Market)
From the Ed..
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Recently I met the most interesting man I’ve ever met in my life. Since the age of four he has been blessed with a very special gift in that he can see spirits/ghosts (or whatever you want to call dead people). Like me, you’re probably thinking of the blockbuster film, The Sixth Sense. But this guy’s no actor. I was first introduced to him when I read one of his books ‘Talking With Spirit’, in which he interviews a number of spirits about the after life One day, several months after first reading the book, I was working away on my computer when the thought popped into my head to call him and arrange a meeting. I’ve always been interested in the spiritual world, so it seemed a logic move. Fortunately I managed to catch him at home in Almeria, taking an Easter break from travelling the globe. He was more than happy to take some time out of his ‘holiday’ to meet me. I drove there on Good Friday and he welcomed me into his nice, but in no way luxurious, house. I was really nervous at first and perched awkwardly on the edge of his sofa, wondering whether he could also read my thoughts. “Just relax,” he told me. “Talk to me just as if you were speaking to an old friend.” And so we passed the time of the day. I was careful not to let any personal information slip, of course! A few minutes later, he stopped me “There are now quite a number of spirits all around us,” he revealed. His eyes were particularly drawn to the sofa to my right. I glanced across the room and although it appeared empty, I could feel that the energy in the room had changed.
A Taste of What’’s Inside This Month
Top Tips..........................Page 6 Useless Facts...............Page 10 Cocktails.......................Page 21 Network Update...........Page 23 BBQ Tips......................Page 35 Amazing Animals........Page 38 Film Review.................Page 73 Star Signs....................Page 91 What’s On....................Page 92 Puzzle Page.................Page 96 Jokes...........................Page 98 Sentinella Trader........Page 106 CONTACT THE EDITOR PHONE: 664 210 468 EMAIL: Deposito Legal MA-1435-2005
No part of this publication, including pictures may be copied, used or reproduced without our prior written consent. The Sentinella accepts no responsibility for alterations to events listed, claims made by our advertisers or information provided by our contributors. So there!
The Sentinella is eternally dedicated to Colin Checkley, the founder and editor of The Sentinel Magazine. May he rest in peace. (Born; 1960 Died; 2004)
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He continued to explain that I have had two spiritual guides since my birth – a French nun and a Portugese man, plus I had acquired a further three throughout the years, including a Chinese dude called Chang Li. He told me a lot about my life; past happenings, future events and a splash of current info too. All of it resonated with me 100 per cent. He was able to name and accurately describe a few dead relatives, plus pass on advice from them. After my reading I felt extremely at peace and very confident about my future and my ultimate life purpose. I won’t bore you with the finer details, but I can’t resist telling you a tad more about my new friend. He travels the world giving readings to celebrities and royalty, including the Queen, Prince Charles, William and Harry. He has also written a huge array of books, children’s stories, blockbuster films and popular TV programmes. And he has even seen a few aliens in his years. The most fascinating thing for me is that he is now 93-years-old, but with the mind, looks and mobility of a 60-yearold. I fell very privileged to have had the opportunity to meet him – wow!
Keidi Keating x
Editor (of the original little mag)!
Strange News Groom Sells Ad Space On Tie
A Romanian groom is hoping to pay for his marriage by selling advertising space on his wedding tie. 4
Tudor Ciora, 26, from Sibiu, has set up a website for bidders and reckons he'll easily pay for the ceremony and some special presents. Companies can pay 20 euros for a slot near the top of his tie, 15 euros for one in the middle or just 10 euros to have their name at the bottom of the tie. Mr Ciora's website keeps a running total of all bids.
Baby Baptised With Lemon Cola
A baby was baptised by a priest with lemon cola in Norway after cold weather froze the church's taps. The cold snap in Stord, about 150 miles from Oslo, forced church caretakers to turn off the taps. Priest Paal Dale used lemon-flavoured cola instead of water to baptise a baby. Apparently the fizzy drink had gone flat and that "only the lemon smell made this unusual".
The Todbot
European scientists have invented a humanoid robot based on a three-and-ahalf year old toddler. The £200,000 iCub is able to crawl, visually perceive and sense its surroundings and use its hands to grip and manipulate. Designed by the RobotCub Consortium of several top universities, Europe's most advanced robot is the result of a five-year project funded by the European Commission. A production line has been set up and by the end of the year around 20 different universities, including Imperial College, Plymouth and Manchester, will have their very own iCub.
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Top Tips
Some more top tips from yours truely - Tony
Before attempting to remove stubborn stains from a garment, always circle the stain in permanent pen, so that when you remove the garment from the washing machine you can easily locate the area of the stain and check that it has gone. Don't waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand next to the object you wish to view.
Weight Watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at a chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying it in the first place. Don't buy expensive 'ribbed' condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a hand full of frozen peas inside it before you put it on. Anorexics. When your knees become fatter than your legs, start eating cakes again.
An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an inexpensive vibrator. Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you've taken steroids by running a bit slower.
Smokers. Save on matches and lighters, by simply lighting your next fag from the butt of your last one. Vegetarians coming to dinner? Simply serve them a nice bit of steak or veal. Since they're always going on about how tofu, Quorn, meat substitute etc 'tastes exactly like the real thing', they won't know the difference. Invited by vegetarians for dinner? Point out that since you'd no doubt be made aware of their special dietary requirements, tell them about yours, and ask for a nice steak. High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.
Heavy smokers. Don't throw away those filters from the end of your cigarettes. Save them up and within a few years you'll have enough to insulate your roof.
Corsa drivers. Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car before starting a long journey. You drive the things like dodgems anyway, so it may as well look like one.
Housewives. I find the best way to get two bottles of washing-up liquid for the price of one is by putting one in your shopping trolley and the other in your coat pocket.
F o r a l l yo u r U p ho l ste ry & S o ft Fu rn i shi ngs
Home Furnishings / Curtains Alterations / Upholstery / Tablecloths Loose Covers / Re-upholstery
T el : 9 5 8 3 64 01 6 / 6 60 7 43 46 8 E m a i l : g i l l y s fa b ri c w o rk sh o p @h o t ma i l . c o .u k
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Est. 1999 ‘The Friendly Family Bar’ DRAUGHT
Sunday Roast inc. glass of wine € 9.50 Bookings recommended All Day English Breakfasts, Full Menu Open from 10am till late every day
Quiz Night every Thursday from 8:30pm with cash prizes APARIV Charity Quiz last Friday of every month
C/Dr Maranon, Torre del Mar Tel: 952 544 362
Random Jokes
Giving up Wine I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner. I took out my purse, got out ten euros and asked, 'If I give you this money, will you buy wine with it instead of dinner?' 'No, I had to stop drinking years ago', the homeless woman told me. 'Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?' I asked. 'No, I don't waste time shopping,' the homeless woman said. 'I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.' 'Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?' I asked. 'Are you NUTS!' replied the homeless woman. I haven't had my hair done in 20 years!' 'Well, I said, 'I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take
you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.' The homeless Woman was shocked. 'Won't your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.' I said, 'That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine.' ---------------------------------------------------A woman was wondering why she hadnt had sex in 5 months. So her friend told her to go and see a chinese sex doctor. When she got there he told here to take off all her clothes and crawl to the other end of the room and back. As she was crawling back towards the doctor, he said "Oh yes... I see the problem now" "What is it", replied the woman. "Your face look like your arse" said the doctor.
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Child Support Agency
The following are all replies that British women have put on Child Support Agency forms in the section for listing father's details. These are genuine excerpts from the forms. - Be sure to check number 11, It takes the prize. 1. Regarding the identity of the father of my twins, child A was fathered by Jim Munson. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of child B, but I believe that he was conceived on the same night.
2. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my child as I was being sick out of a window when taken unexpectedly from behind. I can provide you with a list of names of men that I think were at the party if this helps.
3. I do not know the name of the father of my little girl. She was conceived at a party at 36 Grand Avenue where I had unprotected sex with a man I met that night. I do remember that the sex was so good that I fainted. If you do manage to track down the father, can you send me his phone number? Thanks. 4. I don't know the identity of the father of my daughter. He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels. Perhaps you can contact BMW service stations in this area and see if he's had it replaced.
5. I have never had sex with a man. I am awaiting a letter from the Pope confirming that my son's conception was immaculate and that he is Christ risen again.
6. I cannot tell you the name of child A's dad as he informs me that to do so would blow his cover and that would have cataclysmic implications for the British economy. I am torn between doing right by you and right by the country. Please advise. 7. I do not know who the father of my child was as all squaddies look the same 8
to me. I can confirm that he was a Royal Green Jacket.
8. Peter Smith is the father of child A. If you do catch up with him, can you ask him what he did with my AC/DC CDs?
9. From the dates it seems that my daughter was conceived at Euro Disney; maybe it really is the Magic Kingdom. 10. So much about that night is a blur. The only thing that I remember for sure is Delia Smith did a program about eggs earlier in the evening. If I'd have stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party at 146 Miller Drive, mine might have remained unfertilized.
11. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my baby, after all when you eat a can of beans you can't be sure which one made you fart.
The rumours that I have ceased working as a massage therapist are false. I am still based in the old Osborne Centre. Now operating under the new name: Centro Mar y Salud. Paseo Maritimo, El Morche, Torrox Costa.
Old and New clients are welcome. Jonathan M. Leggott. S.M.T.O., I.T.E.C. Remedial Massage, Soft Tissue Manipulation, Advanced Sports Massage.
Tel: 639 528 205 Clinic: 952 532 065
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BLACK & WHITE SPECIALS Book any size black & white advert for 3 months & get the
4TH MONTH ABSOLUTELY FREE! 1 / 8 P AG E - 6 0€ FO R 4 MO NT HS - SA VE 20 € 1 / 4 P AG E - 1 20€ F OR 4 MO NT HS - S AVE 4 0 € 1 / 2 P AGE - 21 0€ FO R 4 M O NT HS - SA VE 7 0€ F UL L P A G E - 3 0 0 € FO R 4 M O N TH S - S A V E 1 0 0 € T O R ES ER V E YO UR S P A C E N OW !
C AL L: 664 210 468 Funny Quotes
Some more of those special quotes by famous people...
Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself, 'Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.' Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)
I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.' Eleanor Roosevelt
Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, and now wish to withdraw that statement. Mark Twain
I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back. Zsa Gabor
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. Alex Levine
My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying. Rodney Dangerfield
Money can't buy you happiness... But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery. Spike Milligan Until I was thirteen, I thought my name was SHUT UP. Joe Namath
I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap. Bob Hope
I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it. W. C. Fields
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Useless Facts
A group of finches is called a Charm. A deer cannot eat hay.
Disneyland opened in 1955.
Buckingham Palace has over 600 rooms.
There is a city called Rome in every continent.
160 cars can drive side by side on the Monumental Axis in Brazil, the world's widest road. A snail can have 25,000 teeth.
An iguana can stay under water for twenty-eight minutes.
A full loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed takes at least twenty minutes to stop. A full moon always rises at sunset. A standard grave is 7'8 x 3'2 x 6.
An inch of snow falling evenly on one
acre of ground is equivalent to about 2715 gallons of water.
Any free moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere because of its surface tension. Approximately 98% of software in China is pirated.
Construction workers hard hats were first invented and used in the building of the Hoover Dam in 1933.
Did you know you share a birthday with at least nine other million people in the world?
At a fair in Maine, a boy spit a watermelon seed 38 ft. 10
952 551 466
Charles Dickens was an insomniac,
who believed his best chance of sleeping was in the centre of a bed facing directly north.
The average person will spend two weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic lights to change.
More than 2500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products.
It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population are drunk.
The tip of a 1/3 inch long hour-hand on a wristwatch travels at 0.00000275 mph.
A man's beard contains between 7000 and 15,000 hairs.
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SAXON S.L JC B D ig g e r H ir e Velez-Malaga Area Rates: Special Offers:
Large Digger from 260â‚Ź all day (8hrs) inc. local Travel Small Digger from 130â‚Ź all day (8hrs) inc. local Travel Other services inc. Plumbing and Drainage Septic Tanks, Carpentry & CCTV pipe surveys
662 39 83 72 67 8 2 3 2 2 5 3 Email:
BIKES, BIKES AND MORE BIKES! We are delighted to announce the addition of bikes to our hire stock
F REE P LA YM A T O R TO Y F O R T HE D UR A T I O N O F T HE H I RE . From bikes to buggies, stairgates to sterilisers. Everything you need for when little ones come to visit. C OM E A ND S EE U S AT K M 2 9 O N TH E A3 5 6
PH O NE DA WN O N: 6 27 93 1 36 0 WEB S ITE: W WW . NU R SE R Y N E ED S .C OM EMA IL : dawn @n u rseryn eeds. co m
Menu del Dia Mon-Fri. 12pm - 4pm
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SPECIAL OFFER!! Adults - 9.95€ Chidren under 12 - 5.50€ All a la carte meals (inc. starters, various mains, reduced by 1€ vegetarian, rice & bread) *************** Rachid and his team are Every day *************** determined to continue Chef’s Special Menu Wednesdays Only Only 8.50€ includes pappadam, offering his excellent Special Dinner - 9.50€ pickles, mixed starters (meat cuisine. Now even better 3 courses - Tea or Coffee samosas, pakora & onion bhaji) value for money!! (Tandori or prawns are extra) 3 courses €5.95 with vegetable curry €6.95 with meat / prawn curry
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Avda Anadaluica, Bloque Jupiter, Pasaje Timon 2, Calle Timon, Torre del Mar Tel: 952 547 798 or 665 675 053 Open: 12.00 - 16.00 18.00 - 24.00 everyday
TEL: 951 28 44 26 MOB: RAYMOND 672 112 998 MOB: MICHAEL 671 758 375
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Urb. Jardines del Mar, Blq C3 - Torrox Costa (near Garden Centre 1km direction, Nerja)
Do you suffer from back problems, pain in neck or shoulders, tightness in muscles, joint discomfort, migraine or internal ailments?
The BOWEN TECHNIQUE is gentle and works on the whole body for inflammation, illness and pain. The treatment is safe and appropriate for everyone, from newborn babies to the frail and elderly.We also offer massage, lymphatic drainage and other treatments.
Tel: 952 967 628 or 659 374 673 (also home visits) Ask about gift vouchers
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GLASS SERVICES DIRECT Replacement Windows UPVC / Aluminium Replacement doors Patio doors Conservatories Roof glass & polycarbonate Sealed units Glazing repairs Self cleaning glass application Contact: 800 088 041 free phone Mobile: 626 458 954
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TEL: 618 496 269
From The World's Leading Experts In The Field Of Nutrition
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Argentinian Meats cooked on the grille
Avda. Tore Tore Torre del Mar Tel: 952 54 15 92 Mob: 687 232 149
All our food is prepared using only fresh ingredients.
Now open until 9pm serving: Cod or Haddock (in homemade batter) & chips ONLY 7.95€ (inc. tea or coffee) also our usual excellent menu
Choice of 4 meats, fresh veg, Yorkshire Pudding & all the trimmings 7.95€ including glass of wine Menu del Dia (varies daily) 2 courses 6.50€
a ke
vi er S y
Open daily from 8.30am for breakfasts T ak ce Closed Saturdays ea wa C/Dr Maranon, (1 min from beach), yS Torre del Mar er
609 108 759
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Funny Book Titles
The ones that were never written! How to Destroy Buildings by Dyna Might Beauty Secrets by Janet Reno
How to Get to the Super Bowl by Dan Marino Things I Love About Bill by Hillary Clinton My Life's Memories by Ronald Reagan
Things I Can't Afford by Bill Gates
Things I Would Not Do for Money by Dennis Rodman The Wild Years by Al Gore
Detroit A Travel Guide
All the Men I've Loved Before by Ellen Degeneres Spotted Owl Recipes by the Sierra Club
My Plan to Find the Real Killers by O. J. Simpson My Book of Morals by Bill Clinton
How to Write a Mystery Novel by Paige Turner The Great English Breakfast by Chris P. Bacon
Vacation Spots in the Tropics by Sandy Beech
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Caught on a Train
Caught on a Train was a critically successful British television drama written by Stephen Poliakoff, based on an overnight train journey across Europe, and following the route of a journey Poliakoff had himself made from London to Vienna.
It was originally shown on BBC1 on October 31, 1980. It starred Dame Peggy Ashcroft and Michael Kitchen. The production won a BAFTA Television Award and other plaudits in1980. In 1975 thru 83 I was that man. My trains were from Barcelona to Paris, Paris to Venice - Zagreb, Hamburg to Kolding, Antwerpen to Bordeaux to Sevilla, London to Madrid (for the European Cup Final, Forest defeating SV Hamburger) and several other origins and destinations across Central and Eastern Europe, before the wall came down... deepest cold war (Le Carre) times. It was of the same time and bleak era, same kinds of people and same kinds of circumstances. Same deserted cities late at night and horrible European trains and eurocentric stations without sanitation, cold water or food. Hot, sweaty, grimy, stale, sweet and rancid air and with a sense that while traveling, you never really went anywhere. Behind every door a psychopath with a foreign
Poligono la Panoleta C/Juan Gris No 5 29700 Velez Malaga Tel: 952 501 543 20
language and a grudge. Each train leaving Gare de Lyon, Gare du Austerlitz and Gare Montparnasse at midnight so you could sleep through the night. Some hope, with all of the stops or border crossings and immigration checks preEuropean Community unity. A convenient myth. I even met my own dowager on a SNCF train to Bordeaux who took me home with her, as a pet. Art so very often imitates life. Saw it again recently. Brought the memories flooding back. Nostalgic for this... Not sure why. Yet in many ways, these were much more socially innocent times with an undercurrent of despair which masked the insecurity and futility and drudgery of life in Europe at that time for a young chap with a mission but little idea of how it would be achieved. This drama exemplified just exactly what there was to live for... the alternative, wherever that was or whatever it may be. By David B. Green, International Crime Fiction Author of the Oscar Phelps novels & British Expatriate in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Canada, formerly of Capistrano, Nerja.
For your Wood - Carpentry Kitchen furniture, Doors, Windows WE TALK ENGLISH!
Email: / Web:
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What better time of the year to seek out your cocktail shaker than the month of May, when the summer sun appears to make us thirstier than usual! This month we bring you the best T’s in the cocktail world…
Talking Monkey - 1oz Van Gogh Dutch Chocolate Vodka, 1oz banana liqueur, dash Van Gogh Espresso Vodka, dash coffee liqueur, 1oz cream Teacher’s Pet – 1oz Scotch, 1oz coffee liqueur, milk or cream
Tea Tini – 1 3/4oz vodka, 1oz sweet iced tea, 1/4oz fresh lemon juice, lemon wedge for garnish Tequila Boom Boom (shooter) – 1oz tequila, 1oz ginger ale or lemon-lime soda
Toasted Almond – 1 1/2oz amaretto, 1 1/2oz Kahlua, 1oz cream
Tornado – 1oz whiskey, 1oz vodka, 1oz rum, 1oz tequila, cola, 1 tsp sugar, 3 ice cubes
Tuscan Pear – 1 1/2 part Grey Goose La Poire Vodka, 3/4 part limoncello, 3/4 part ginger liqueur, 1/2 part simple syrup, 1 part orange juice, mint leaves for garnish, dried pears for garnish
Trojan Horse – 1/2 pint Guinness Stout, 1/2 pint cola
Tom & Jerry – 1 egg, 1/2oz simple syrup or 1 tsp powdered sugar, 1oz dark rum, 1oz Cognac or brandy, hot milk or hot water, grated nutmeg for garnish
Twentieth Century – 1 1/2oz gin, 1/2 oz white creme de cacao, 1/2oz Lillet Blanc, 1/4 oz fresh lemon juice
There Will Be Rum – 1oz Malibu Rum, 1oz ruby red grapefruit juice, dash of grenadine syrup, chilled G.H. Mumm Champagne, strawberry slice for garnish
Alterations Clothes Made To Measure Bridesmaids Dresses Party Wear Curtains & Soft Furnishings
Call Elaine on: 6 2 9 6 1 0 9 1 9
Located close to Puente don Manuel / Periana xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Roast Dinner
Fancy a Roast Dinner? Look no further! Where to get your Roast on the Coast and Inland this summer. Bar Atila - Puente don Manuel Tel: 685 552 529 Cornish Pride - Torre del Mar Tel: 609 108 759
Crumbles - Torre del Mar Tel: 635 080 095 or 618 640 086 Tiffanys - Puente don Manuel Tel: 952 494 325 Viva Bar - Torre del Mar Tel: 952 544 362
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Top 10’s
Top Ten Things You DON’T Want To Hug 1. The Fire
2. A gorilla in a bad mood 3. A firework
4. A hedgehog 5. A wet dog
6. Anything your allergic to 7. A spider
8. A dragon 9. A cactus
10. A detonated bomb
Top Ten Likely Titles For The Next Stephen King Book
1. Look at how freakin' big my name is on the cover. 2. Seriously, shouldn't you be outside getting some exercise?
3. I wrote this entire 500 pages of crap in two months. 4. Some nonsense about a guy with writers block or insomnia. 5. Another vampire book.
6.The auto-biography: Why I can't sleep at night. 7. At least it isn't dean koontz.
8."New England" sounds romantic, But it's really kinda lame. 9. Carrie: Mall days.
10. Sometimes they don't come back. 22
Body Matters
Facts about your body
It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach.
One human hair can support 3kg (6.6 lb). The average man's penis is three times the length of his thumb.
Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet. Women blink twice as often as men.
The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.
If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.
Women reading this will be finished now. Men are still busy checking their thumbs. ----------------------------------------------------Letter to Bank Manager Dear Sir:
One of my cheques was returned recently marked "insufficient funds". In view of current events in the banking market, does that refer to me or to you? Yours faithfully.
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Network Update
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email The newest member of The Sentinella Group – The Sentinella Torrevieja – is due to launch on June 1st. If any companies or people are interested in advertising their goods or services in this issue, please email before the deadline, of May 18th. Note that we are still looking for suitable candidates to take on The Sentinella Mojacar edition after personal circumstances led the existing editors unable to continue meeting the monthly deadlines. If anyone is out of work and would like the opportunity to grow and expand The Sentinella in that region, please contact Keidi on 610 976 284. No start up cost or investment is necessary. You would need to be prepared to actually move to the Almeria region, as the distance
means commuting and is not a viable option. You will also receive training in how to run, maintain and manage the publication on a monthly basis. We are pleased to announce that The Sentinella Newsletter will be launched this month and we have lots of excited readers who can’t wait to have a butchers. To receive your free electronic monthly newsletter, please simply send an email to with ‘Newsletter’ in the subject heading.
AMAZING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AT... Would you like to be part of
The Sentinella Global Magazine Network?
We are looking for people to run The Sentinella in the following areas: Granada City Almeria West Gibraltar
Now Pay only €4,000 up front!
Further areas available in Cadiz, Sevilla & Cordoba provinces, plus along the Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, Portugal and the Islands
UK areas also
! available! Fee includes all you need to start up and run the little mag, including software, advice, tips, training notes, back issues full support, knowledge and a comprehensive start up pack... 5 streams of income For enquiries call: 610 976 284 Email:
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Dates for the Diary
Country Farmers market Every Tuesday between 10am and 2pm. Los Jardines del Trapiche Call: Dale 600 783 870
Every Tuesday Quiz night Bar Triana, Triana. call: 618 373 316
Archery, Skittles and Petanque. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Vinuela area Call: 618 496 269 Every Wednesday Quiz Night Tiffanys, Puente don Manuel. Call: 952 494 325
Every Wednesday Evening Modern Jive Dancing. Held at Restaurant Horto Malaga, on the main N340 road, Torrox Costa. Starts 8.30pm. Modern Jive dancing with tuition. Open to single men, women or couples. Tel: Jacqueline 658 729 274
Every Thursday Evening Dovestones Trio. Vocal Jazz and Pop, 11.00pm in “SABOA”, Torre del Mar (opposite the tram station), Call 627 398 511 for details.
Every Thursday Evening Bar Viva, C/Dr Maranon, Torre del Mar, Quiz night from 8.30pm with cash prizes. APARIV Charity Quiz last Friday of every month. Call 952 544 362
Every Friday Chiringuito Antonio Market, Call: Dale 600 783 870
Every Saturday Colmenar Market, Hotel Arco del Sol, Colmenar 10am 2pm Call: 625 914 427 / 665 475 270
Every 2nd Sunday Evening Morenos Bar, Jammin night from 7pm, Cruce de Periana, Puente don Manuel.
7th May Bar Atila, C/Buena Vista, Puente don Manuel, Thursday “Eggheads Quiz” 8.30pm start.
Sunday 17th May Arkwrights 4th Birthday party. Call: 951 167 289
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email
Del Boy’s Dodgers
Continuing our feature on certain businesses that The Sentinella no longer have any association with. Take this as you wish as we don’t want any lawsuits now do we!! Probuild
Rest Assured property Management Roman Tile Moasics
Readers Writes
On a good note this month we have received a very rewarding compliment with reference to one of our advertisers namely Spanslish Webs.
Dear Editor, In light of your Del Boy's Dodgers section, I have had the total opposite experience on approaching one of your regular advertisers, namely SPANGLISH, under the classified heading of Web Designers. I approached this company in order to obtain a quotation for designing, effecting and launching my own website. The competitive quote, the design samples, the speed in which the whole procedure was effected was exemplary. The initiative shown by Rachel of this company was unsurpassed. I cannot recommend SPANGLISH enough; proof of the end result may be seen on:
Unblocked, Serviced Repaired or Installations, all work undertaken, Former UK British Gas Trained & Dyno Rod Engineers all fully qualified English & Spanish speaking
If you have had a good experience after using one of our advertisers we and them, would be very pleased to share this with our many readers.
666 123 055 952 514 333
Yours Mowbray Holt
We look forward to hearing from you. Email:
To advertise call 664 210 468
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Summer Fun
Ways To Beat Summer Boredom (For Kids)
1. Write a story... writing can take you to magical places if you let your imagination run free. Write about a place you have never been and describe what you imagine it to be. Write fun and crazy descriptions and make up silly characters.
2. Make a card for someone special. Make several cards and decorate them with race cars, flowers, rainbows, or dragons. Sign your name and ask your mum or dad to drop them off or to send them to the local nursing home. A card could brighten the day for someone else AND help them to not be bored.
3. Put on a neighbourhood circus or play. Plan a few simple games or skits, dress up like clowns, and entertain your younger brother or sister or neighbours for an afternoon of imagination and fun. Just remember to clean up afterwards.
Women’s Bits
Women’s bum size study
There is a new study about women and how they feel about their bums. The results were pretty interesting: 30% of women think their bum is too fat... 10% of women think their bum is too skinny... The remaining 60% say they don't care, they love him, he's a good man, and they wouldn't trade him for the world. ----------------------------------------------------My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flicking through the channels. She asked, 'What's on TV?' I said, 'Dust.' And then the fight started... ----------------------------------------------------My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 200 in about 3 seconds.' I bought her scales.
4. Get a blanket and some board games. Find a shady place in your backyard and gather a friend or two. Play a board game and see how much fun it can be to play something that doesn't need batteries. Good games to play are Monopoly, Twister, Checkers, Uno, or Yatzee.
5. Do a random act of kindness for your mum, dad, or neighbour. It could be to weed a small garden, do a small cleaning job, carry in groceries, carry out the rubbish, sweep the garage, or a hundred other small jobs that would show someone you care. It could even be to play with or walk your own pet. Doing something for others will almost always make you forget about being bored. Challenge yourself today and find something to do. Try to go the whole day long without saying the words "I'M BORED." And if you’re still bored try number 6. Tidy your room, now this will always keep you busy!
To advertise call 664 210 468
Menu del Dia Mon-Fri 12pm - 4pm 3 courses €5.95 with vegetable curry €6.95 with meat/prawn curry
Monday nights are special cuisine nights*
4 COURSE DINNER FREE Pappadam with Mango ONLY €9.50 Takeaways available Chutney & Pickle * Large parties please Free Pappadam & pickle Tray with all book in advance with takeaways meals Opening Hours 12pm - 4pm and 6pm - 12am every day Puente don Manuel Alcaucin Tel: 952 510 886 Mob: 667 934 731
Bar Cruce Café/Bar Puente Don Manuel Tlf: 618 902 961
Special evening meal offer during months of March, April and May Grilled Succulent Pork Chop* Grilled Breast of Chicken* Grilled or Deep Fried Rosada All above served with chips or boiled potatoes *Chicken and Pork Chop served with choice of mushroom or pepper sauce Starter of mixed salad and choice of one of above including FREE drink of your choice (1 per person)
Great value at 8.50€ (closed Friday evenings)
Located beside La Maroma Estate Agency
Open: Mon. - Fri. 10:00am - 19:00pm Sat. 10:00am - 14:00pm OPEN ALL DAY NO SIESTAS
Vista La Maroma B&B Good rates
Small B&B in the heart of La Vinuela village
2 x guest terraces and dipping pool Group bookings available: All 4 rooms can be booked sleeping up to 10 guests. Price on application)
En-suite rooms, all with air conditioning, sat tv and mini-bar.
Tel: 952 519 095 Mob: 666 396 562 E-mail: Website:
Separate guest sitting room and dining room
We want to assure all our regular customers that we are doing our upmost to bring the food stalls back! The stalls in question are just awaiting final paperwork and documentation. We will keep you posted and let you know as soon as anything changes. So we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support! In the meantime we still have plenty of interesting stalls. In fact there is something for everyone!
So for an excellent morning out, PAY US A VISIT! YOU WON´T BE DISAPPOINTED! For further information please contact Anita on 627 877 164, Chrissy on 617 811 030 or Dale on 600 783 870
Choose your frame from 500 models of the best trademarks and get them with organic lenses & antireflex
Come and try our extensive food menu incl. Pork Chops, Beef Chops, Fresh Chicken Breasts & fantasic new Curries Served 10am - 10pm Mon - Fri & 12pm - 9pm Sat Sunday Roast served 1pm - 6pm Beef, Chicken, Lamb or Vegetarian Roast available 2 courses 9.95€, 3 courses 12.45€ Monday nights - 8.00pm - Bingo - Happy Hour - 6pm - 7pm Tuesday nights - 8.30pm - Quiz - Happy Hour - 6pm - 7pm Wednesdays - Pool Club - 2pm - Happy Hour - 6pm - 7pm Thursday nights - Happy Hour - 6pm - 7pm Friday nights - Skittles are back - 8pm - Happy Hour - 6pm - 7pm Sundays - Pool Club - 2pm Thursday 7th May “EGGHEADS QUIZ” 8.30pm start OPEN EVERY DAY Mon - Fri 10am - midnight, Sat 12pm - midnight Sun 12 midday - 10pm ***Please note: We will be closed on Sunday 24th May for a private function to celebrate the 1st Holy Communion of our daughter Aimee***
Forthcoming events: Join us 27th May - Champions League Final 30th May - FA Cup Final 6th June - Derby Day
For information or bookings call: 68 5 55 2 529 C/Buena Vista, Puente don Manuel
C/ La Piragua Cjt. Las Arenas Bq. 5 Bajo 3, Torre del Mar Tel: / Fax: 952 54 19 42 email:
CANAL + DIGITAL + Now in English! Internet via Satellite T.D.T. Closed Circuit Television
The following prices include a connection charge on the 1st minute D OE S Y O U R SE P T IC TA N K N EE D C L E A N I N G ?
Call us and we will come & empty your septic tank. (Certified)
652 65 60 66 Competa, Malaga
For a complete list of all our World Wide Rates email:
PAY AS YOU GO or CONTRACT Rates just 5 cents per minute to other Low Cost Call users Same day sign up and immediate activation available
Tired of Juggling?
Part Time work for Full Time Income!
The fastest growing international company in the Health & Wellness sector is now seeking to establish a team of 5 key people in the Axarquia region. Honesty, self-motivation and reliability essential. Full training, high income potential and profit share for the right person. Contact Miriam Bowen by e-mail:
Our prices are valid 24 hours per day, 365 days per year
Call our team on FREEPHONE
800 088 040
Landlines also available at up to 70% cheaper than Telefonica
casablanca Asador Asador Snack Bar
Spit Roast Chickens Tapas Food to Take Away Open 8am - Late Closed Tuesdays Tel: Genoveva
654 223 202
C hir inguit o A nt onio Pue nt e don M a nue l / Ve nt a B a ja
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BBQ Tips
Barbecuing during the summer months is a tradition that many people look forward to all year long. Between the great food, good company and casual atmosphere, it's no wonder that barbecues are popular.
Now that the weather is warm, it's time to host your own summer barbecue. By following these tips, you'll be able to host a party that your friends and family will be talking about for years to come. You'll want to start your barbecue off right by planning it for a good time and day. Saturdays are a great day to host a barbecue, and you'll want to plan it for a time of day where it's not too hot. While lunchtime barbecues give you more time to hang out with your guests, it can be hot during that time of day. Anytime from 2pm to 5pm is a good time to start a barbecue, especially during the summer months when it gets dark late at night. Send out invitations, or make calls if you prefer to be less formal. If all of your guests are web savvy, try using an electronic invitation like those available at This way you'll be able to take a running inventory of who will be coming and who won't be able to attend. Make sure to have a backup date just in case you have some unexpected rain or the weather gets too hot. Barbecue potlucks are very popular. If you decide to make your party a potluck, make sure to assign food to people. Generally, one side dish or dessert per person is expected. As the host or hostess, you should provide the meat and drinks. Think about your guests' likes and dislikes when it comes to your food choices. For a large group, hamburgers and hot dogs work well. Smaller groups would appreciate steak or chicken. Make sure to offer some grilled vegetables or veggie burgers if there are vegetarians in the group. Activities are always popular at barbecues. Pools make for a lot of fun at summer gatherings, but if you don't have a pool there is still plenty that you can do to entertain your guests. Depending on the ages of the group that you are host-
ing, you can arrange anything from a (controlled) water balloon fight to classic outdoor games such as croquet or badminton. Make sure to plan ahead for the comfort of your guests. If you won't have enough chairs or tables for everyone, rent some extras or ask guests to bring them. You can also provide for their comfort by placing citronella candles around your yard to ward off mosquitoes. Placing them around the perimeter of your yard will help keep the space bug free as the sun starts to go down. Hosting a summer barbecue is a breeze if you plan ahead and keep your guests at the centre of your plans. Getting together with family and friends in our backyard is a great way to create terrific memories that will last for years to come. Just follow these simple steps and you'll have a party to remember.
To advertise call 664 210 468
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I Resign!
Below is a letter of resignation from an employee at a computer company, to her boss, who apparently resigned very soon afterwards! It’s no wonder!
Dear Mr. Smith, As a graduate of an institution of higher education, I have a few very basic expectations. Chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel. After your consistent and annoying harassment of my co-workers and me during the commission of our duties, I can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time. Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every little nuance of everything I do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of precious oxygen. I was hired because I know how to network computer systems, and you were apparently hired to provide amusement to myself and other employees, who watch you vainly attempt to understand the concept of "cut and paste" for the hundredth time. You will never understand computers. Something as incredibly simple as binary still gives you too many options. You will also never understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and explain it to you, even though I am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an IP is. Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will. You walk around the building all day, shiftlessly looking for fault in others. You have a sharp dressed useless look about you that may have worked for your interview, but now that you actually have responsibility, you pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping their talent will cover for your glaring ineptitude. In a world of managerial evolution, you are the blue-green algae that everyone else eats and laughs at. Managers like you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle. Since this situation is unlikely to change
without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, I am forced to tender my resignation, however I have a few parting thoughts.
1. When someone calls you in reference to employment, it is illegal for you to give me a bad recommendation. The most you can say to hurt me is "I prefer not to comment." I will have friends randomly call you over the next couple of years to keep you honest, because I know you would be unable to do it on your own.
2. I have all the passwords to every account on the system, and I know every password you have used for the last five years. If you decide to get cute, I am going to publish your "favorites list", which I conveniently saved when you made me "back up" your useless files. I do believe that terms like "Lolita" are not usually viewed favorably by the administration.
Menu of the Day 5.90â‚Ź (Monday to Friday) Open every day 12.00 - 16.00 18.30 - 24.00
Avda. Andalucia,35 Bajo 29750 Algarrobo-Costa (Malaga) Tel: 952 551 439 or 665 167 060
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email 3. When you borrowed the digital camera to "take pictures of your Mother's birthday," you neglected to mention that you were going to take pictures of yourself in the mirror nude. Then you forgot to erase them like the techno-moron you really are. Suffice it to say I have never seen such odd acts with a sauce bottle, but I assure you that those have been copied and kept in safe places pending the authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation. (Try to use a spell check please; I hate having to correct your mistakes.)
Thank you for your time, and I expect the letter of recommendation on my desk by 8:00am tomorrow. One word of this to anybody, and all of your little twisted repugnant obsessions will be open to the public. Never mess with your systems administrator. Why? Because they know what you do with all that free time! Wishing you a grand and glorious day, Cecelia
Smile :)
Signs to cause a Smile
Swiss mountain inn: Special today - no ice cream. Thailand: an ad for donkey rides asked Would you like to ride on your own ass? Tokyo bar: Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts. Tokyo hotel: Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not person to do such thing is please not to read this notice. Tokyo shop: Our nylons cost more than common, but you’ll find they are best in the long run. Yugoslavia: a sign in a hotel read, The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid. Turn to her straightaway. Zurich hotel: Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose
Dont dream the dream
Our track record speaks for itself, so SAVE time and money by giving us a call
Tina/Geoff 0034 666 135 516 email: To advertise call 664 210 468
Please mention The Sentinella when replying to adverts
Amazing Animals
Would you believe that some people keep these ferocious, sharp-teethed fish as pets? Piranhas – not quite puppies! Piranhas' natural habitat is the freshwater rivers of the Amazon in South America.
Piranha have a fast metabolism, which means they digest their food very quickly. Piranha
are mostly carnivores, which means that they need to eat protein, meat or fish.
The word for scissors in the *Tupi Indian language is piranha. *Tupi are a tribe from the Amazon region of Brazil. Piranhas
are known for their sharp, pointed teeth and shark like feeding frenzies, but the threat to humans is largely exaggerated. The
piranha is usually small (the red piranha grows no longer than 13 inches).
Their teeth are set in powerful jaws, and top and bottom teeth interlock, giving the freshwater fish its ability to tear and rip flesh.
Piranha live in shoals of approximately 20 fish.
Baby piranhas feast on tiny crustaceans, fruits, seeds, and aquatic plants. Once they reach about 1.5 inches in length they begin feeding on the fins and flesh of other fish that wander too closely. Adult
piranha have been known to eat their own babies. When
a school of piranha are in a feeding frenzy the water appears to boil and churn red with blood. They attack with such ferocity that they strip an animal of its flesh within a matter of minutes, even taking bites out of each other in the process.
There are approximately 20 species of
piranha found living in the Amazon River, with only four or five of them posing any danger. Most piranha species are quite harmless and docile, but the ones with the nasty reputation for aggressive behavior are the red-bellied piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri.
teeth are so tough they can bite through a steel fishing hook.
are between 30 and 40 species of piranha, and not all are strictly carnivorous. In fact, some consume large quantities of seeds.
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email
Sun Protection
Once again, winter has faded into Spring and Spring has burst into Summer. The sun can prove to be your skin's arch-enemy, particularly if you play or exercise outdoors.
Most people know that using sunscreen protection is essential. There are a number of ways to promote a healthy glow without exposing your skin to harmful rays. To help avoid summer skin when playing or exercising outdoors on a hot, sunny day here are a few tips: Lightweight and light coloured clothing combined with plenty of sunscreen protection on exposed and unexposed skin is a good way to protect yourself. If overheating isn't a concern, dark coloured, tightly woven clothing is more effective at blocking UV rays. Light coloured clothing lets the sun and UV rays reach the skin more easily. Another barrier against sun damage comes in the form of eyewear. Protect not only your eyes, but also the skin around them by wearing sunglasses that block 90 percent to 100 percent of the sun's UV rays. Always wear a hat. Though a cap may be more comfortable for jogging, try a wide brimmed hat that will shade your neck and face while gardening or walking outside. Now that you know how to protect the skin's surface, it's time to start thinking about what you can do to make a healthy glow from the inside out. You're already off to a good start with some form of exercise, which gets the blood circulating and delivers fresh oxygen to the skin all over your body. The next step is to drink plenty of water. Outdoor play or exercise, especially in the summer, increases your risk of dehydration. This is one risk you don't want to take since it not only affects your performance and robs your skin of vitality, but also may be potentially hazardous to your health. Be sure to drink fluids before, during and
after physical activity. To replenish your fluids after any outdoor activity, weigh yourself before you participate and then weigh again after. Any weight you lost is water and should be replaced by drinking two glasses (16 ounces) of water for every pound you have lost. Summer is a time for sun, fun and physical activity. Sipping on a cool drink, participating in your favourite activity and enjoying the long days of summer.
No matter what you like to do, with a little insight and these few tips you can help alleviate the effects of summer skin and make your Summer one you will enjoy.
By the time you read this I will hopefully be somewhere on the Great Wall of China for Macmillan Cancer Support.
I would just like to personally say a huge thank you on behalf of Macmillan to everyone who made it possible with their donations and support for me. My target the week before going to Bejing is a massive £2,500!! The money is already starting to make a difference for so many people affected in one way or another by cancer. I still have another £700 to achieve by August 2009 to reach the £3,200 and I know I can achieve that with your help. For me I am pleased to say the neurosurgeon at Carlos Haya Malaga checked out my latest scans and reported that my tumor is still the same size and we are both happy that although there will be another scan in 6 months so long as circumstances are the same then no more scanning for one year!! I will send a report upon my return from China round about Mid-May time and I hope to take some pictures too. Marion
To advertise call 664 210 468
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Reasons to Advertise
Don’t be the one to miss out on some potential business during these tough times. 1. Customers Forget. We the customers forget without constant reminders. Each day a customer doesn’t hear about your company is one more day they start hearing about your competitor.
2. Name Recognition. When a customer thinks of a product who do you want them to think of? It’s pretty hard for them to immediately think of you if they don’t see your name anywhere.
3. People often take their time when buying. I often use a laptop when I travel and the time is coming for a new one. So I’ll be shopping for that. Am I going to buy it tomorrow? Probably not. I’ll start looking out for the ads, studying the available brands and assembling the features I need. I might not make the purchase for several months but when I do I will probably have a dealer in mind and they will get a shot at my business. 4. Customers move. Studies show that 25% of your customers will move each year.
5. A portion of the market is always shopping. Did you notice the tyre ads in the paper today? If you need tyres you probably did. If not you probably didn’t give them a second glance. Not everyone is your customer every day. But each and every day there is a portion of the population that is looking for your product. And you need to be there when they are ready to start looking for that product.
Recession Advertising 40
Companies willing to raise their voices and continue advertising their wares in a depressed economy “will not only consolidate their existing position but will likely achieve a degree of dominance when the marketplace makes its inevitable recovery.” While consumers may stop buying during a recession, it doesn’t mean they stop listening. But if you keep your cool and maintain your advertising presence, when your competitors withdraw their voices from the market place your voice will be heard all the louder. To advertise in The Sentinella Axarquia call 664 210 468 or email The deadline for the June edition is Friday 15th May. Keep your name out there for as little as 5€ a month. Think about it!!
Advertise here and receive
*1 month for FREE! 4 months ONLY 120€!
*Offer applies when paying for 3 months Call: 664 210 468
To advertise call 664 210 468
Terence Seaton & J Daniel Renovations & Refurbishments Professional Builders with over Pai g ntin ilin 20 years experience g
El e ing ctri b ci t y m Pl u Free advice / no obligations
Eng. Tel: 664 459 868
Van & trailers. Light haulage, removals up to 25m3, car & boat transport. Vinuela based, 25 years experience. Local or anywhere in Europe. Regular Spain-UK-Spain trips. Phone 636 844 209 E-mail:
SKY INSTALLED from €350 Includes all BBC, ITV, CH4 & CH5 DISH ONLY FITS 1.2m €250, 1.3m €300 Spanish, German also installed Service calls, realignment, relocation, etc, from €50 Call Paul 669 943 452 Velez Malaga All areas covered Coming soon FREESAT Recordable Boxes
D ave THE Di gger
On: 6 7 6 49 1 8 11
M ob : 66 5 18 5 574 Hom e: 95 2 03 0 383
Let me give you a free quote for re-painting at affordable prices. Exteriors/Interiors, Rejas & Garden Walls My team can help. Phone Nick in Vinuela
SPANISH COURSES INTENSIVE & CONVERSATIONAL ALL LEVELS AVAILABLE Including for children starting school C/Fragata, 6, Torre del Mar
Tel: 952 54 40 39
*Mini Diggers/Bob Cats/JCB *Self-drive or with qualified English/Spanish drivers FREE delivery & collection Vinuela area Phone for best prices
A professional service for all your electrical needs *Illuminate your outside spaces with garden lighting *Electrical repairs and installations for the home *Commercial and industrial work undertaken Call for a free quote Dave 616 681 567 Steve 657 048 833
Please mention The Sentinella when replying to adverts
Viva Jardin launches new colourful
Shade Sails
Viva Jardin, part of Silvershades SL, offer a range of pre-made and Custom made Shade Sails to provide important shade in your garden, terrace and kids play areas. Our shade sails are easy to put up and keep clean. The good news for your family’s health is that the material provides up to 98% protection from the sun’s UV rays, as well as maintaining a cool environment underneath – making them truly “the Coolest Shade under the Sun”. The Shade sails come in a number of contemporary colours, in triangular and square shapes and different sizes to suit the space you wish to cover. For a dramatic effect use two or three in complimentary colours. Viva Jardin also provide custom made sail shades which can be designed to your exact requirements.
They are ideal for larger projects such as school playgrounds, outdoor dining areas and restaurant terraces.
For further information, tel: 696 831 125 / 679 168 203
See advert on page 99
Want to see the latest in Television Technology?
Stunning High Definition Television for FREE? No Card, No Subscription, No Contract!
Call: 657 484 853
Or Email: To advertise call 664 210 468
Collection & Assembly
Complete Kitchens & Bedrooms or just a small Chest of Drawers. Curtains & Soft Furnishings, Picture hanging & more NO JOB TOO SMALL For quotes phone Christine or Paul on:
952 030 025 / 958 360 333 648 196 282
Secondhand Furniture Shop
aariviss technologies
aariviss technologies are based in the Velez Malaga / Torre Del Mar area of La Axarquia, in Andalucia. We specialise in the following areas: Web Design (wor ldwide) W PC Help, Advice and Tuition Infor mation Security
Open 9.30am - 2pm Closed Thursdays
Book exchange available Now on ground floor! “ Ho u s e C l ea r a n ce s ”
Call Gilly on: 630 211 907
Call us on 0034 (for Spain) 686 412 877. Alternatively, e-mail us on, or go to our website at
La Vinuela Pueblo (Down steps at side of Bank)
952 539 219 / 622 719 640
Female Vocalist For All Occasions Disco & Karaoke Music to suit all ages from 40’s - 00’s Tel: Home: 951 167 998 Mob: 618 587 146 / 628 236 661 Email:
English Dental Technician Over 20 years experience Fully Qualified Denture Repairs Adjustments / Duplications Based in Torrox Pueblo We can visit if needed Call Graham for confidential advice on any denture problem on:
The English Rose “KATIE”
Dentures Implants & Dental Cosmetics Free check up for The Sentinella readers
A professional service that provides all types of care: *Personal *Domestic *Social *23 years experience as a qualified nurse in the NHS *Long/short term
Emergencies: 678 974 892
951167093 693286625
Algarrobo Costa Torrox Costa Tel: 952 55 05 21 Tel: 952 53 20 12
Call Sharon for an informal chat to discuss your needs. Covering Torre del Mar & Inland
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BEM idiomas
Handy Phrases:
Do you have this in a size 10/12/14? ¿Tiene la talla 10/12/14? I’d like size 10/12/14 Quisiera la talla 10/12/14
Shopping in Spain Now I am a girl, and like most I love to shop for clothes, but I have never really taken the time out to learn the items that I need or want to purchase. It has become a habit now if I can’t see it then I can’t have it. Now if I were in England and I didn’t see something in my size or colour or see it at all, I would ask. So why not in Spain too? So this month I thought what better idea for me to list some of the items you will be wanting to purchase like me and some handy phrases for you to pop in your bag for when you need them.
Items of clothing: Shoes: Zapatos Boots: Botas Socks: Calcetines Sandals: Sandalias Knickers: Bragas Bra: Sujetador Underwear: Ropa interior Tights: Medias, Panties Underpants: Calzoncillos Nightdress: Camisón Gloves: Guantes Scarf: bufanda Hat: Sombrero Cap: Gorro/a Coat: Abrigo Jacket: Chaqueta Jumper: Jersey, Sueter Cardigan: Rebeca T-Shirt: Camiseta Shirt: Camisa Tie: Corbata Blouse: Blusa Sweatshirt: Sudadera Dress: Vestido Skirt: Falda Trousers: Pantalones Shorts: Pantalones cortos Jeans: Vaqueros
Do you have this in blue/green/red/black? ¿Tiene ésta en azul/verde/rojo/negro?
Can you tell me where the shoes are? ¿Puede decirme donde está la secciòn de zapatos? Excuse me, do you work here? ¡Perdone! ¿trabaja aquí?
Where are the changing rooms? ¿Dónde están los probadores?
Can you help me in the changing room? ¿Puede ayudarme en el probador? How much is this? ¿Cuanto es?
Can I have a receipt please? ¿Puede darme un ticket por favor?
Can I have my change please? ¿Puede darme el cambio por favor? I think this item is priced incorrectly. Creo que este/esta artìculo tiene el precio equivocado I’ll take it Me lo/la quedo
I’ll take them Me los/las quedo
I’d like some summer dresses, skirts Quisiera ver algunos/as vestidos de verano/faldas etc.. See main advert on page 90
To advertise call 664 210 468
Professional Mobile Hairdresser Nail Technician Nail Extensions Manicures / Pedicures
TEL: 679 249 868
€SCAP€ THE CREDIT CRUNCH It’s so simple, No experience required
0034 671 879 715
MONTESSORI NURSERY Play Scheme 22nd June to 14th August Ages 3 to 8 yrs - Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm Lots of activities! Book now!
618 489 503
CHIROPODIST (Registered) Foot & Hand Care
Treatment for Corns, Veruccas & hard skin etc... Also Manicures, Pedicures Mon-Sat 9.30 - 14.00,17.00 - 21.00 Now doing Home Visits
C/Pizarra 40, (above bank), La Vinuela Tel: 695 243 238
European Soccer School FROM 4YRS TO 15YRS OLD
NEW! • Qualified Coaches with First Aid and Child Protection; Skills Award Program; Fun and Safe Environment Professional Scouting Tournaments & Junior League • Toddlers Fun Football
2x Hummel • Training • Kits on • joining • course
All types of tools Chainsaw Sharpening Service
New Location Alcaucin
For more details call: 951 167 093 693 505 272 693 286 625
Delivered by Professional UEFA coaches For further details or booking forms please contact me by email: or on: 0034 697 915 833 Luke Ogbolu Director of Coaching European Soccer School
Locally based 12 cubic metres €25 per hour
S m a l l L o a d s to U . K Phone Mark: 951 321 660 669 255 968
Please mention The Sentinella when replying to adverts Breakfast with Figs
Book review
It was developed by the Moors into a little paradise on earth, the same islamic people who created the Alhambra palace and wonderful gardens of the nearby province of Granada. In Axarquia you will find deserted sandy beaches, an ever-blue sky, and a clear sea brimming with sardines and octopuses. This is a playground for those who love sailing, sunbathing, water skiing, windsurfing and scuba diving. Axarquia is the perfect place to swim with dolphins and observe exotic marine life in the clear deep blue sea. The mountains are laden with exotic fruits - avocados, pomegranates, mangoes, papayas, peaches and almonds. The sweet wine and raisins of Axarquia are very famous, while the region is legendary This book is an extremely funny travelogue that will make you laugh loud and long, while it imparts a wealth of essential information to would be settlers in Spain. It explores the Costa del Sol's best-kept secret - the region called Axarquia. Lying just north of Malaga, this area covers only 40 square miles.for horse riding and country walks. Little
Pueblos are dotted all over the mountains like little gems, while the mouthwatering local cuisine is food to die for. Brakfast with figs is the creation of Shaukat Khan, an artist and writer from Canterbury who has devoted six years to this fascinating, funny and touching diary and travelogue. To make it really special, this book is lavishly and lovingly illustrated with Khan's stunning paintings. Light hearted sketches anecdotes describe the culture, traditions and village lifestyle of the Spanish inhabitants who, after a hard day's work, relax in the tranquil evenings at their local cafes, with a glass of tinto, while they watch flamenco dancing with friends and family. Breakfast with figs also has fascinating little gem of stories, which show readers the advantages of living in a sunny paradise and warn them of pitfallsthey ought to look out for when buying a house in Spain. It is invaluable to have good inside guidance when you are in search of happiness overseas - fulfilment that this book can really help you achieve.
Breakfast with figs is available from Smiff’s bookshop near Nerja Post Office. Competa - Todo Papel bookshop. Torre del Mar - La Libra bookshop near the church. Cyber Costa del Sol - Edif.San Antonio and in the UK. Waterstones Website: Email:
DESPERATE TO STAY IN SPAIN? DON'T want to move back to the grey UK? Learn to earn a substantial full-time income while working part-time at home. Not MLM
Call 671 879 715 To advertise call 664 210 468
P EOPLE C ARE If you need help with:
*Cleaning *Ironing
*Shopping Trips or Personal Hygiene
THEN WE CAN HELP References available.
Ca ll D enise o r Da ve on: 65 722 7 764
with Russell Lee O n S ax o p ho n e & Cl a ri n et
Parties / Weddings / Anninversarys Le s s o ns a l s o a v a i l ab le
Tel: 693 933 945 Pedicure at
Sherlocks Hairstudio
Pedicurist Margot - specialises in the treatment of diabetes and rheumatism of the foot - also nail art
Spanish Number Plates with no hassle & no unnecessary expenses Sara Bright:
951 167 094 658 501 610
M o b i le H a ir d r es s i n g
(UK Qualified) Tints, High Lights, Complete Restyles, Wedding Contracts (on request)
Tel 679562328 or email: mo r ty.mor ty@btopenw or EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY & ADULT COUNSELLING
Patricia Winspear MEd. BA. DipEd. Albert Vickers UK trained counsellor
Assessment of children with Dyslexia, learning and behaviour problems Adult counselling
Tel: 608 858 983 6 Plaza de la Ermita, ARENAS (15 mins from Velez Malaga) We speak English, Dutch, Spanish and German
Tel: 620 150 605 / 678 429 649 Email:
Are you ready to make the
income you really want? Serious, motivated, & driven should call:
671 879 715
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Cleaning of the Colon A detox Enjoy: clearer skin, increased energy, weight loss, mental clarity and more... Call Eileen: 951 167 238 or 609 811 879 (near Hotel Vinuela)
Please mention The Sentinella when replying to adverts
Women In Cars!?!
Funny Bumper Sticker Quotes: Caution: I drive like you do!
Save the Earth, it's the only planet with Chocolate.
No, I don't have PMS. I just really hate you.
My mind works like lightning, one brilliant flash and it's gone. I didn't ask to be a princess but if the crown fits... I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it.
I brake for scholars, priests, and no apparent reason. Stupidity is not a crime so you’re free to go. "I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth!" "Watch out for the idiot behind me!" Moooooove, I'm trying to speed!
Buckle up... it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car.
There are 2 types of pedestrians, the quick and the dead.
Learn from your parent’s mistakes use birth control. He who laughs last thinks slowest.
All men are idiots, and I married their king.
Friends help you move; real friends help you move the body. Very funny Scotty; now beam down my clothes.
Low riders are for little boys who can't get it up. Saw it, wanted it, threw a fit, Got It!!
Want to get laid? Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait!
Mothers with teenagers know why animals eat their young. We're not old people we're recycled teenagers! If you're rich, I’m single!
Hannah's Writing Group - informal, creative & fun 1. Start Writing 2. Develop your Style 3. Get Published -1st class free -
Meet Torre Del Mar, Tuesdays. Call 952 553 779/645 373 433 or email
To advertise call 664 210 468
at Chiringuito Antonio, Puente don Manuel (formerly the Monday Market – now under New Management)
The market will be held every Friday, from 10am until 2pm in the typically quaint Spanish surroundings of Chiringuito Antonio
All of the original stalls will be there plus many more including fresh fruit and vegetables, crafts and artesano stalls, with the emphasis on variety and quality. Customer satisfaction guaranteed! Refreshments are available, so make a morning of it! Plenty of supervised Car Parking Free Admission
We are looking for new stallholders – anyone who can bake, or perhaps make quality gift items, or with an excess of produce to sell, or would like to turn a hobby into a little cash, then please contact Dale King on 952 554 249 or 600 783 870 for further details
Tots, Toddlers & Childrens Swim School Nerja Teach your child to swim from a really young age so they can enjoy their life around the swimming pools and the sea on the Costa del Sol *Convenient & Affordable Classes *Courses start slowly and gently *6 Weekly Courses *0 - 6 years+ C a l l: 6 6 2 4 6 3 4 5 2 w ww . s wi m b a by n e r ja . co m
Fantastic Business Opportunity Be part of a massive Global Company
New product will be launching in Spain on 9th May
Don’t miss out!!
This will be the next level in telecommunications The Best thing since the colour TV Call now for more information 951 047 904 664 689 138
Extensive publicity in every issue of The Sentinella, covering all areas from Mojacar through to San Roque... Seen by over 80,000 readers each month! Get your properties noticed today! For more information call: 664 210 468 Email:
Private sellers - Sell your property commission free! € one off payment guarantees your property Just a 150€ is advertised with up to 10 photos until it’s sold!
Estate Agents - Feature 25 properties, including 10 photos per property + A direct link to your website for € per year! just 299€ Dive into our pool of holiday and investment homes for sale across the Costas!
Summers on it’s way, time to get your aircon in good condition!
Before we know it the stonking hot weather will hit us like a cricket ball being hit by Kevin Pieterson. So now’s the perfect time to sort out your aircon on your car. Most people think that when they put their cars in for a service that their aircon systems will be serviced as well as their engine mechanicals. Unfortunately this is not the case and as a result many a/c systems never get serviced at all. I noticed last year that my a/c wasn’t working very well so I called Mike from AutoCool. A time was arranged and he was bang on time, something I find quite refreshing! Mike went through what was going to happen step by step. The initial temperature that my car was chucking out was 10.40, quite good I thought until Mike reckoned on it being 5 ish, Wow!! After carrying out some visible checks, Mike then got to work. He connected up his equipment & measured the bar pressure of my system - 45 psi which is quite low, should be about 65 psi. The next stage was to remove the old gas, which is quite dangerous as it could give you a nasty freeze burn and is not very nice for the atmosphere if it escaped, then vacuum the system. This is the most important part of the service. This procedure vacuums the system to minus pressure to remove all remaining moisture, which does the damage. Fresh gas is then introduced and Mike added some compressor oil with some UV dye, to lubricate the seals and to pinpoint any leaks that may occur in the years to come. After some final checks, Mike was finished and we both sat in the car to take the temperature again. Amazingly it was now pumping out just over 50, my car was freezing - BRING ON THE SUMMER!! In all, Mike was here just under an hour and was thoroughly efficient and professional. This service is a must. I have a 5 year old car and it had lost half the gas in it’s aircon system. Think about it.
Mike tells me that at the beginning of May he is offering a new service to car owners in the Costa del Sol. In his travels repairing car aircon systems he noticed that a large number of car headlights had been badly affected by the UV rays of the sun.
A lot of car headlights are now made using polycarbonate or other plastic compounds and as a result of exposure to the sun these headlights are badly affected, making them yellow and opaque. Not only is this dangerous, cutting down their effectiveness by up to 85% but it is now classified as a FAIL POINT in the current ITV test. Help is on hand as Mike has invested in professional equipment that can restore headlights and rear light lenses to virtually as new condition leaving a bright, clear finish with protection against the sun’s UV rays. Many new headlights can cost anything from 100 to 350 euros and Mike can re-finish them to a very high standard at a fraction of this cost. See main advert below
No need to take your car to a garage. Call us today & we will come to you. No.1 for auto aircon Service & repair
Phone: 616 264 067 / 951 321 446 Email: Website:
all about beauty Introduce Justin, the new hairstylist
His Profile: A freestyle cutter to suit your lifestyle needs. He believes in educating the clients about hair and products. London trained Aveada colourist. Putting c o n d i t i o n before fashion. Giving you a lower maintenance style for your daily needs, but still staying chic and up to date without the stress of harmful drying, colouring and dressing. B OO K NOW !
all about beauty
hair - cosmetic - make up the first make over shop
TORRE DEL MAR C/ Infantes 23 Tel. 952 967 968
For further information call: 952 967 968 C/Infantes 23, Torre del Mar
HOW SAFE IS YOUR WATER? IF YOU LIVE IN ANDALUCIA, ANalysts HAVE SHOWN THAT 95% OF TESTED HOMES HAVE CONTAMINATED WATER. WHEN MADE AWARE OF THE PROBLEM THE NORMAL REACTION IS WE DON’T DRINK THE WATER, WE USE BOTTLED WATER. Our analysing chemist says this is all very well however, people don’t realise that the use of water for showering, washing up, washing salads and cleaning teeth can also lead to bacterial contamination. A problem that can be much more serious for the young and elderly. HERE AT AGUAS ZAGO WE HAVE THE ENVIROnmENTALlY FRIENDLY SOLUTION
Our ultra violet water disinfection system is guaranteed to kill 99% of all bacteria in the whole dwelling, ensuring safe drinking water without the use of dangerous chemicals and bad taste. As our system uses a natural component of the sun’s rays it is totally environmentally friendly and all our units are installed by our professional engineers. We use only quality made English products, the only unit approved by the water regulations advisory scheme in England. No moving parts and low maintenance.
HOW SAFE IS YOUR WATER? Ultra Violet Sterilisation Systems Ultra Violet water treatment is used to kill bacteria in water. It has always been associated with ensuring safe drinking water from well, spring and borehole supplies though, with increasing legislation, use within food and drink related industries is becoming more common.
UV treatment is one of the safest ways to disinfect water as the rays are a natural component of sunlight. No chemicals are added so there is no danger from overdosing or creating a bad taste. If your household water is from a ‘private’ water supply and you want to be confident of its safety or you are aware of a problem with bacteria in your water, an Ultra Violet Sterilisation System is the perfect solution. All our UV systems are stainless steel and are WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) approved, Certificate no. 0801091.
The approximate cost supplied and installed for a 2/3 bedroom house is as little as 700€ depending on site survey. For a free survey, friendly advice and initial water analysis, contact us; R ic har d: 657 353 488 A lber t o: 650 943 713 em ai l: sa les@ ag ua sza go. co m we b si te : www .ag ua sz ago .c om
B a r Tr i a n a
English Breakfast, hot and cold snacks served daily 8am - 2.30pm Pool table, dartboard, terrace. Quiz night Tues 8.30pm start Sunday lunch last Sunday of every month. Curry nights, paella and barbeques.
Benamargosa Road Triana
Telephone: 618 373 316
Telephone: Russ Heath
654 184 242
A xarverde
Supplied & Fitted
A rtificial Grass and Playground Equipment
For a FREE quotation call:
Worktops from: 160€ per metre Plinths from: 22€ per metre
644 153 712
Mo - Th: 9.30-13.30 & 16.00-20.00 Fri: 9.30-16.30
Avd. Andalucia 157- Torre del Mar Appointments :952 547 251
Call: 619 317 211
Come and find us at the Saturday Market, Colmenar
Specials in Paella, Prawn pil pil & Sardines Open 11am - 11pm (Closed Tues & Sun evenings)
Edf. Asuncion, 7 Algarrobo Costa Tel: 952 55 10 51
WE HAVE NOW MOVED TO Laguna Beach, Torrox Costa Laguna Beach is an Indian restaurant with a difference. We offer an "All you can eat" menu, which is all freshly cooked to order. Also you do not have to move from your table; everything is served to you! In order to make the best of this menu, we will serve your food to you in courses. We do not compromise on the quality of the food or the standard of the service. Our friendly staff are always on hand to assist you in making your choices. Separate upstairs dining area available for parties and celebrations.
. Adults - â‚Ź12.95 / Children under 10 - â‚Ź7.95
Light of India, Laguna Beach, Torrox Costa, (next to Laguna Sport) Tel: 951 047 943 Mob: 627 141 966
Summer Opening Times Full Menu: 2pm - Midnight
95 11 67 289 95 11 67 674
95 11 67 289 95 11 67 674
M ake sure you make the right move & turn right at Venta Baja crossroads to Arkwrights Aladdin’s Cave! (Nicknamed by all who visit us).
95 11 67 289 95 11 67 674
95 11 67 289 95 11 67 674
We have just taken delivery of a selection of meat free products: Roast mix, sausage mix and soya mince 2.90€ for 150g; here are some of our other offers in the food shop, the bags of 200 tea bags are back @ 2.90€; 850g Brown sauce 2.40€; Oxo 12’s 1.50€; Peanut butter 1.40€; Multi pack crisps (e.g. 10 Hula hoops) 2.60€; Jucee 3 ltr 2.80€, 2 ltr 1.80€; 400g Homeville Indian pickles 2.70€; M & S water chestnuts 1.20€; Pataks 540g 2.80€; Branston Pickle 2€; Colmans jars 2€; 695g salad cream 1.40€; Sharwoods Thai lime & coriander 1.50€; Heinz soups still 1€ & Beans still 4 for 3€ etc........ OUR GIFT SHOP IS SELLING THANE DIRECT PRODUCTS WWW.THANEDIRECT.CO.UK THE MOST POPULAR ITEM IN APRIL, THE STEAM MOP, ASK TO SEE THE RESULTS!!!! ALSO SELLING FAST ARE THE SARESS BEACH/POOL WRAPS, LOOKS LIKE A DRESS, LIGHTWEIGHT WITH NO TIES OR KNOTS IN LOADS OF COLOURS.
DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS FANTASTIC OFFER Order 1,000 Flyers (Double-sided & full colour)
& 500 Business Cards (Double-sided & full colour)
& GET...
*A full page colour advert in THE SENTINELLA JUNE ISSUE
The complete package to kick-start your Business
*Offer vaild for new and existing clients when ordering and paying in May before the 15th of the month
Call: 664 210 468
Call: 664 210 468 or email:
PASEO DE LARIOS, TORRE DEL MAR TEL / FAX: 952 54 13 43 MOB: 607 839 035
Las Yucas, Avda Andalucia 64, Torre del Mar and and TORRE DEL MAR Ref.: 1634 Beautiful Studio (42m2) with marvellous sea and mountain views, completely reformed, fully furnished, double glazed, communal pool, tennis & garden, south-west orientation. REDUCED €99,000 MEZQUITILLA
Ref.: 1880
Beautiful duplex (71m ), near to 2
the beach, total in marble,
4th floor, 2 beds, 2 baths, f/f kitchen, roof terrace.
TORRE DEL MAR Ref.: 2101 2 Nice flat (90m ) in the 1st beach line and with sea views, near to the centre, west orientation, 3 beds, 1 bath, furnished, f/f kitchen, laundry. €189,000
CALETA DE VELEZ Ref.: 1722 Beautiful terraced house (160m2) with sea views and a walking distance to the beach, 4 beds, 3 baths, fully furnished, huge terrace with Jacuzzi, solar panels, broadband internet, a/c heating, big garage, 214m2 plot. REDUCED €325,000
Telephone: 952 965 724 :: 649 123 068
PUENTE DON MANUEL Ref.: 1001 Beautiful villa (190m2) with panoramic views, 4 beds, 2 baths, 2 toilets, several terraces, open fire place, a/c heating, fitted wardrobes, private pool, independant guest apartment, horse stable, 5,000m2 plot, 2 km track. REDUCED €325,000
BENAJARAFE Ref.: 2048 Villa (240m2) with magnificent sea views, separate guest apartment, 4 beds, 4 baths, completely furnished, 2 kitchens fully furnished, fire place, laundry, store room, BBQ, huge pool, garage and carport (730m2 plot). €420,000
CALETA DE VELEZ Ref.: 1881 Fantastic Duplex (199m2), frontal to the beach and with wonderful sea views, 3 beds, 2 baths, f/f kitchen, furnished, storeroom, communal pool and garden. €435,000
CALETA DE VELEZ Ref.: 2047 Very nice semi detached house (123m2) – Beachfront – in one of the best urbanisations, 3 beds, 2 baths, f/f kitchen, open fire place, fully furnished, huge terrace, separate garage, communal pool and garden. €699,000
? deserve?
: Tel 273 517 2 95
Peel Of fs P
Decorative Stickers Charms & Brads D Embellishments E 3D Decoupage 3 Scrapbook Albums S
606 Mob: 149 020
Made Paper
Yarns & Ribbons
T Shirt Printing
Your own design, photo or logo transferred onto a T shirt
Coming Soon
Printing mugs and plates (dishwasher proof) and clocks We are at the top of C/Arroyo Limon. NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK!! MORNING COFFEE & FRESHLY BAKED CAKES
Join us in the garden, in the shade of the avocado trees or inside in the air conditioned dining room for some imaginative French / Italian style bistro food. The menu is based on the seasons to insure all the freshness of Mediterranean flavours and will change weekly. Saturday dinners with 2 choices per course. An example: Warm Goat Cheese Tart or Moules Marinieres, Poached Salmon with Dill Sauce or Steak and Frites New York Cheese Cake or Lemon Squares Average cost: 12€ to 17€ On Sunday, come and relax with the Bistro Brunch. Enjoy a Bloody Mary or Mimosa with a selection of freshly made rolls, Eggs Benedict, quiches, salads and pudding for a set price of 8.50€ Times: Saturday Dinner from 7pm - Bistro Brunch from 12 noon to 4pm
Reservations encouraged, call: 660 549 051
At last, something different in Axarquia!
Top of the range 100% insect proof Magnetic seal allows simple window operation PVC Frame fastens to window or brickwork Easy to fit or remove for cleaning Suitable for domestic & commercial applications For the DIY enthusiast, this screen can be ordered and comes with easy to follow
manufacturing and measuring instructions in English
THE ALUMINIUM HINGED SCREEN *A simple but very effective screen *Powder coated decorative profile *Suitable for Internal or External applications *Also American style swing doors
At the Mosquito Screen Company, we now manufacture all types of screens, from Aluminium Sliders, Roller Blinds and the above. We also deliver to the trade and public within 3 days of order.
NOW INTRODUCING: Aluminium Double Glazed Windows & Doors Balcony Enclosures in Double Glazing or Mosquito Screening
Come and see me at the Indoor Farmers Market Trapiche every Tuesday. We also guarantee we will not be beaten on price or quality. For more information or free quotation, please call:
Tel/Fax: 952 573 577 / 690 296 952 / 638 499 140 or 665 392 299 E m a il : t h e. m o s q ui t o . s c r e en .c o m p a n y@ g m a i l .c o m O r v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e : w w w. m o s q u i t o s c r e e n c o . c o m
Call Javier at: 666 13 88 86 or email: Free quotations and good prices
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email
It seems that everywhere you turn these days you are being told to save this and save that: save money, save rubbish, save energy and rightly so, the planets resources are over stretched, our money has all but run out and all that is left is our rubbish! Recycle is now generally accepted as the way to go and most villages have plenty of bins provided. If you can’t quite understand which is which your local town hall will be very helpful explaining what goes where. A far cry from the once weekly burning of un organic waste at a local beauty spot; the norm when I first came to live here! Eco friendly saves energy and helps to keep the environment clean. The Junta de Andalucía has provided grants for the installation of solar water heaters over previous years, and again, your local town hall can provide you with the relevant information if available. Solar power is the most obvious alternative energy source for our part of the world given the amount of sunny days we have and we at LA VAQUERIA are keen to do our bit so GREENER SENIORS have come on board to help us live a more sustainable, low carbon life whilst saving money too! With a range of solar lighting, re-cycling pumps and biodegradable products now in stock along with free advice and information on keeping your garden greener, we are hoping that we can help you to help our children have a better life. Our Spanish neighbours are also changing and here in Benamargosa the num-
ber of organic lemon groves is rapidly rising. We have all read Driving over Lemons which refers to the lemons quite literally being knocked to the floor and left to rot, but now, for the first time in 30 years the farmers are actually earning by being greener. The environmentally friendly pesticides cost the same price as the poisons but there is quite a lot more work involved, however if the pay is comparative, at long last our agriculturists are collecting their due. With the warmer weather encouraging us all to spend more time outdoors, LA VAQUERIA has increased the café menu to include daily lunchtime snacks in addition to the freshly baked cakes and morning coffee. LA VAQUERIA BISTRO will be open to serve you a delicious array of French/Italian style Mediterranean food from Saturday May 9th, with a Buffet Libre style brunch available every Sunday lovingly prepared by our French/Canadian chef. (sample menu on page 6). For those of you who read my article regularly you may well be asking yourselves why no mention of the incessant road works? Well, I’ll tell you why..... they are no more! THE ROAD IS OPEN!!!!!! Our little oasis is now readily accessible to all. Many thanks to all of you who have persevered throughout the last year, both regulars and newcomers, it has been a pleasure to receive and meet you and we look forward to many more pleasant times together. Please see full colour spread on pages 66 & 67 for full details of all of our facilities.
To advertise call 664 210 468
Please mention The Sentinella when replying to adverts
General Maintenance “Water Systems” Fencing Hard and Soft Landscaping
Contact: Don Brown “The Sentinella’s Gardener” 30 Years Experience Phone: 685 584 829
Gardening Time
The Low Maintenance Garden.
plants thoroughly and add additional compost to your soil and when they are all planted out give a thorough soaking. The next stage is to install a drip watering system that only waters the individual plants and not the whole area by using 12mm tubing. Using smaller tubing will mean that the gravel will hide it easily hence no unsightly tubing showing. The final stage is to give the area a covering of gravel about 5cm depth using 15mm stone. The advantage of using gravel beds is it greatly reduces weeding and watering requirements. The Veg Plot. I´m pleased to have had a lot of feed back via email from readers who have started vegetable plots. Already this year they have harvested broad beans, cauliflower and potatoes, the list goes on. Some have also benefited from growing flowers for cutting to grace the inside of the house.The main ones being roses and freeshia. Now is the time to think about planting out tomatoes, peppers, aubergine etc. Small plants are now available at most garden centres. Before planting them out introduce as much animal manure/compost as possible into your plot. Sacks of well rotted sheep manure can easily be obtained at a reasonable cost and will give you really good results. Not only will compost/animal manure improve your soil fertility it will help to maintain moisture levels and greatly reduce watering requirements. Thats if for this month. Happy gardening Don Browne.
When asked what type of garden they wanted most people included in their answer low maintenance. One way of doing this is by growing your plants through a gravel bed. Once you have decided on the area you are going to plant out spray the whole area with weedkiller (round up or touchdown). When the weeds have died back (2/3 weeks) cover the whole area with woven nylon sheeting. This will allow water to penetrate the soil but also suppress further weed growth. Choosing Your Plants. Succulents are ideal for a gravel bed giving you colour all year round and look fabulous when in bloom. Succulents vary in height from a few cm’s up to one metre or so. Small plants can be bought quite cheaply and once planted out will grow surprisingly quickly into specimen plants which are very expensive to buy. Another group of plants to include would be grasses, sedges and bamboos. The choice is yours but I would suggest you choose your plants from more than one garden centre to widen your choices as each centre carries only limited stock of different varieties. One particular plant I would recommend is the 'Yuca'. This will give you a mature plant of 2/3 meters for no more than 30€. Having chosen your plants place them all out where you wish to plant them. When you are happy with the design plant them up, simply cut a cross slit in the sheeting, remove the soil and introduce your new plant then follow the normal rules for planting out such as, soak See main advert above. 70 To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email Cancer Care Hospice needs quality furniture in good saleable condition (sofas, beds, dining tables/chairs, bookshelves, dressers, armchairs etc etc) anything you don't need, or surplus to requirements, PLEASE don't dump, just ring Tony on... 661 826 654 or 638 108 564. Anything you give, helps us to raise much needed funds for our Cancer Hospice in Benalmadena.
Funny Pics
Isn’t it refreshing to be able to take the **** out of the Banks?
To advertise call 664 210 468
Formula Freight
Are you missing shopping in Argos, Tesco, B&Q etc.. There are solutions out there. Formula Freight is a freight shipping service designed specifically for British expats living in Spain and Portugal.
Formula Freight Europe provides a complete range of transport products, from dedicated express vans, groupage and express trailer services, through to aircraft charters for same day delivery within Europe. Formula Freight Europe has a well-established online shopping and personal effects service for the British communities living in Spain. Through this initiative, people living in Spain can order British products via the internet from their favourite UK High street stores, have them delivered to the Formula Freight depot for shipment to their homes in Spain. They have been operating this service for 6 years, with 2 x weekly departures from the UK with a delivery time of 4-6 days depending on the final destination. They also have two points where clients can collect from them if it is more convenient, in Alcaucin and Marbella. All items can be transported (non hazardous of course), whether it be personal shopping items or commercial items for British shops. They can consolidate multiple orders in their UK depot, palletize and send as one shipment if required. A recent addition to Formula freight is a Personal Shopper service, where they can buy goods on your behalf from those shops that won’t allow you to order on-
line. Anything is possible!! Expats wishing to transport furniture will also find this service useful as the rates compare very favourably with the typical removal companies who tend to go on a less regular basis. Whilst they have Europe-wide coverage, their specialist market is Iberia, where they can offer a unique next day and 2 day road express service for both dry cargo and temperature controlled freight. Formula Freight was originally set up to cater for clients’ European requirements, it has seen over recent years the necessity to establish links worldwide. More and more clients have relocated production from Europe to the Far East, therefore it was decided to join the World Cargo Network Association (WCNA). The WCNA has over 150 members throughout the world and this has given them access to their own network that specialises in the movement of freight by air and sea. So whatever your needs Formula Freight can accommodate. From a jiffy bag to a 24 ton machine, Formula freight can, in most instances, get it delivered within 48 hours.
If you would like a quotation on any of their services, normally you can email via their website: and they endeavour to respond within the hour where possible. Or call them on 0044 1296 770029.
See main advert on page 100
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email
Film Review
Monsters Vs Aliens
When a radioactive meteor hurtles into Susan Murphy (voiced by Reese Witherspoon) on her wedding day, she is transformed into a towering, platinumhaired giant. Taken away by the government and dubbed "Ginormica," Susan is introduced to other scientific oddities, including the amphibious Missing Link (Will Arnett), the dim blob B.O.B. (Seth Rogen), and the brilliant, bug-headed Dr. Cockroach (Hugh Laurie). These "monsters" are released from captivity when a massive alien robot sent by the scheming Gallaxhar (Rainn Wilson) appears in San Francisco and clearly does not come in peace. With little time to adjust to her new stature, Susan must learn to work with her strange allies to avoid an all-out extraterrestrial invasion. Co-directed by Rob Letterman (SHARK TALE) and Conrad Vernon (SHREK 2) for DreamWorks Studios, this enjoyable animated production riffs on 1950s sci-fi movies while also playfully referencing everything from DR. STRANGELOVE to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. The vocal talent, which also includes Stephen Colbert as a daft, keyboard-playing American president, is top-notch, adding plenty of personality to the super-sized visuals and eye-popping effects. Conveying an easy-going sense of humour that will delight kids and amuse adults, MONSTERS VS. ALIENS is fun family fare that is sure to leave everyone thoroughly entertained. Definitely worth seeing in 3D, at Plaza Mayor Cinema, Malaga. Star Rating: ****/*****
It's time for the monthly glance through the Share'oscope.
This months pick is Trinity Mirror, purchased at 45p, for 2222 shares. Trinity Mirror is a newspaper publisher, best known for its Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror publications. The group produces some 250 titles in total, including The Racing Post. Looking back at previous month's shares, we are happy to reveal that all of them have climbed since their initial purchase, signifying that the market is beginning to turn - at last! Sepura 32p now 33p
Huntsworth 32p now 57p Ferrexpo 70p now 89p
Northgate 80p now 129p Happy trading :-)
The Nerja Hire Centre
***NEW LOCATION*** Long established family run business offering you the following service: LOCAL REMOVALS FULL OR PART LOADS NO JOB TOO SMALL IKEA COLLECTIONS Ring for a no obligation quote. Come and look at our large display GOOD QUALITY SECONDHAND FURNITURE DOMESTIC HIRE We install BRITISH SATELLITE.
Contact Chris or Jackie: 952 522 687 / 660 962 327 691 552 459
website: Ctra. Nerja-Frigiliana, Km. 1-4, Nerja
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German Bakery
If you like German bread, cakes and food? Then have a look in our Bakery shop. Back & Mehr opens Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm and Saturdays 8am - 2pm. We have a wide selection of rolls and freshly made bread with natural flavours. We have a wide selection of different pies and cakes baked daily. Take your pick from doughnuts plain or filled with various fillings, a variety of marzipan, hazlenut nougart, chocolate and crossiants. We also have weekly offers and can supply to bars, restaurants and campsites etc.. Come and visit us today ! Back & Mehr, Calle Azuccarera 6, 27940, Torre del Mar. Tel: 952 544158
Look inside for an array of German goodies!! See there main advert on page 32
N E W S A T U R D AY M A R K E T Every Saturday 10am till 2pm
H O T E L A R C O DE L SOL , C O L M E N A R Situated on the main A356 road towards Casabermaja
Enjoy a visit with all the family. A superb selection of over 40 different stalls including: HOMEMADE PIES, PASTRIES, CAKES, QUICHES, CURRIES, VEGETABLES, SOUP, BEDDING, JEWELLERY, SUNGLASSES, HANDBAGS, DVDS, KEY CUTTING & SHOE REPAIRS, CHEESE PLANTS, PET, SKY, BLINDS, BOOKS, AVON & MANY MORE Enjoy everything from a Coffee, Tapas or a full meal in the Restaurant C O N TAC T:
625 914 427 / 665 47 5 27 0 To advertise call 664 210 468
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Getting Old
How true!
Do you realise that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions. 'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key. You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead. 'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life! You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony. YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!! But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed? You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone. But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would! So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60. You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday! You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.' Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!' May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!
Random Joke
The town fathers were looking for a way to increase attendance and participation at their regular meetings. One member suggested bringing in a hypnotist. The officials agreed, a famous hypnotist was hired, publicity distributed, and everyone was pleased. A few weeks later the meeting hall was packed, and the town's people sat fascinated as the hypnotist withdrew a pocket watch. The hypnotist began chanting... "Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch..." The crowd became mesmerised as the watch swayed back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface. Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch, until suddenly the hypnotist's fingers slipped and the watch fell to the floor... "S***t" said the hypnotist. It took three weeks to clean up the town hall.
THE DOG HOUSE While you are away on holiday or a weekend break, your dogs live in our house alongside our dog.
*Large Enclosed Play Area *Lots of Country Walks
*Pet Collection / Delivery Service *Vet Services - On Call
*Gourmet Meals if Required
Ring: Phil (mob) 649 079 321 Email: Comares / Benamargosa Ex - cat & dog
To advertise call 664 210 468
Refs Available
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Computer Angel
*Setting up your internet *Finding the best deal to suit you *Liasing with internet companies via the telephone *Installation of Anti-virus programmes *Sourcing and installing programmes *Lessons in basic internet navigation and I.T skills *Solving any computer / internet problems
Call Chema: 654 403 146
A Trendy Place
Finally... On to the most precious corner, next to the sea front, we would like to welcome you to enjoy the taste of out International Kitchen. The big demand from several expats who wanted some change, made us decide to create something elegant, new and... Trendy! Our chefs offer you daily fresh meat and fish dishes a la carte with promotions on the day/menu at very reasonable prices. The Trendy’s team are ready to spoil you and your guests with Belgian and French cuisine preparations which will surprise you the most.
See advert on page 61 76
Funny Poem
Brown is my shepherd, I shall not work. He leadeth me beside still factories. He restoreth my faith in the Conservative Party. He guideth me to the path of unemployment.. Yea, though I wait for my dole. I own the bank that refuses me. Brown has anointed my income with taxes. My expenses runneth over my income. Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of his term. From hence forth we will live all the days of our lives in a rented home with an overseas landlord. I am glad I am British. I am glad that I am free. But I wish I was a dog And Brown was a tree ‌..!
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email How to stay young!
Staying Young
1. Throw out non essential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's. 4. Enjoy the simple things.
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is
with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive. 7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is. 10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
(0044) 7850 575862 (0034) 667 235 205 email: To advertise call 664 210 468
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Countries of The World
Number Seven in the A-Z list is a constitutional monarchy and one of the Caribbean’s most prosperous nations, thanks to its tourism industry and offshore financial services
fortunately, they succumbed easily to disease and died by the thousands. The African slaves had the misfortune of adapting well to the new environment, and thus became the number one choice of “unpaid labour.”
Main Reasons to go there – A luxury Caribbean escape. Many superb hotels and resorts are located around the coastline.
Biggest Celebrity – Viv Richards, one of the greatest cricketers of all time, was born in St Johns.
National Sports – Cricket, but football is becoming popular.
Antigua and Barbuda
Population – 83,000 Language – English Located – Caribbean Sea Capital City – St John’s Currency – Caribbean $ Religion – Christian Main Exports – Petroleum Literacy Rate – 89% Life Expectancy – 71 years G.D.P Per Capita – US $11,520 Total Area – 442sq km
Famous for – Antigua means “ancient” in Spanish and was named by Christopher Columbus after a church in Spain, Santa Maria La Antigua – St Mary the Ancient.
Infamous for – The British colonists initially tried to use Indians as slaves. Un78
To advertise call 664 210 468
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El Salmon
Following the success of the 50 free meals The Sentinella gave away in January at El Salmon Restaurant, Torre del Mar. We have managed to secure another 30 FREE meals for the month of May!!
A great number of you missed out last time for not emailing us quickly enough. If you do not want to miss out this time then email: today and you may be one of the lucky 30. The same procedure applies as before. We are offering a free ‘Menu del dia’ meal worth 8.45€ with every paying diner. So what are you waiting for email me now.
Random Joke
Some race horses staying in a stable. One of them starts to boast about his track record. "In the last 15 races, I've won 8 of them!" Another horse breaks in, "Well in the last 27 races, I've won 19!!" "Oh that's good, but in the last 36 races, I've won 28!", says another, flicking his tail. At this point, they notice that a greyhound dog has been sitting there listening. "I don't mean to boast," says the greyhound, "but in my last 90 races, I've won 88 of them!" The horses are clearly amazed. "Wow!" says one, after a hushed silence. "A talking dog."
Tired of businesses that don't work?
See main advert on page 89
If you are financially motivated, driven and want to excel in life, Call 671 879 715 Or log on to: ww w.Sup erHigh
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Randon Jokes
Jokes that can be told in church
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, 'Why is the bride dressed in white?'' The mother replied, 'because white is the colour of happiness and today is the happiest day of her life.' The child thought about this for a moment then said, 'So why is the groom wearing black?' ----------------------------------------------------A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class. As she ran she prayed, 'Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!' While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed her self off, and started running again! As she ran she once again began to pray, 'Dear Lord, please don't let me be late...But please
R E M O VA L S & L I G H T H A U L A G E
Local, distance, Sp ai n-U K - U K-Sp a in REGULAR T RIP S M a n & Va n H i r e A v ai la ble
................................... OWNER DRIVER, NERJA BASED, MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE RELIABLE SERVICE ............................................. Call or email for a free quote Tel: 620459908 email:
don't shove me either!' ---------------------------------------------------Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, 'My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him â‚Ź50.' The second boy says, 'That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him â‚Ź100.' The third boy says, 'I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper; he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!' --------------------------------------------------An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, 'They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.' ---------------------------------------------------A police recruit was asked during the exam,'What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?' He answered, 'Call for backup.' ----------------------------------------------------A Sunday school teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem . A small child replied, 'They couldn't get a baby-sitter.' ----------------------------------------------------A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to 'Honour thy father and thy mother,' she asked, 'is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?' Without missing a beat, one little boy answered, 'Thou shall not kill.' ----------------------------------------------------Two boys were walking home from Sunday school after hearing a strong sermon on the devil. One said to the other, 'What do you think about all this Satan stuff?' The other boy replied, 'Well, you know how Santa Claus turned out. It's probably just your Dad.'
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Hair and Beauty Studio
Now we have just moved house, some say this is the most stressful time of your life
and I TOTALLY AGREE! We have now moved 3 times in just under 3 years and each one is more stressful than the last. My husband and I met Sarah from Hair and Beauty Studio and she persuaded us to have a lovely pamper of which now afterwards I could not thank her enough. Sarah explained that there would be something suitable for us both. My husband an all over massage and me a collagen facial. Sarah invited me into her quaint room with lovely views and explained exactly what I was having done. I was made really comfortable and relaxed on the couch and Sarah began by giving me a lovely cleanse and tone to ensure the mask was effective. The mask was placed on my face and left on for 1hour 15 minutes. The mask itself which is used for mature, sallow and tired skin filled with vitamin A, C, E and pro-vit B5 which is to improve moisture retention and elasticity of the skin, increase hydration, visibly increase the smoothness of the skin and remoisturises. During the 45 minutes Sarah also gave me a lovely hand and head massage and performed a little bit of Reiki on me. All so relaxing I almost dosed off!! Then it was my hair that needed a makeover I really needed a good old wash, cut and colour, my hair was looking a tad limp. Sadie who was going to be cutting my hair made me feel really welcome and whilst sipping a lovely cup of tea we discussed my cut. 1hr 20 minutes later and I can honestly say I had one of the best cuts I have had here in Spain. My hair being very thick and weightful was now flowing and weightfree, just how I like it. Then it was onto the colour, (a test patch 82
was carried out prior to the colour) and a chat on my preferred colour, Emma explained to me a process that I had never had done to me before. A very simple procedure which allows the colour to last for longer and make the hair appear fuller but also for me, keeping the weightlessness. This was called a presoften and only lasts 10 minutes but the outcome she explained is much better in the long run. I was up for that after all it was a pamper I needed so anything that was going to make me look and feel better was a bonus. Emma, very chatty to make me feel like an individual not a customer which was very nice. My colour with my new cut looked lovely, a real deep colour, my hair looked radiant and really healthy and shiny again thanks to the team at the Hair and Beauty Studio. Now for the men, now i’m not getting any younger, in fact I am getting on a bit, so pondering the streets distributing your favourite mag every month takes its toll. Add to the fact that we have just moved house, I am for the knackers yard!! Speaking with Sarah she told me about a young lady called Amanda, a sports therapist, working at the Hair and Beauty Studio that would be able to sort me out. On arriving at the Studio, I was made to feel very welcome and shown to the room. It was very warm and cosy and after explaining to amanda what was aching, she got to work. Kneading, probing, pushing, rubbing and soothing. She identified the knots in my back and with a bit of pressure, released them. Amanda has been a Remedial and Sports Therapist for 10 years having qualified in the UK. She certainly knows her stuff and after just 1 session I felt like a new man. So we are all ready to move again !!! See main advert opposite
To advertise call 664 210 468
THE HAIR & BEAUTY SP uTentU DIO e d o n Ma n u e l
Qualified sports and remedial therapist specialising in soft tissue massage and manipulation inc. treatments for sciatica, back problems, tension headaches, muscle injuries as well as relaxing & lymphatic massage.
Call: 647 875 223
Call: 690 258 414 or 647 875 223
“SADIE” Weds by appointment only, Thurs & Fri Call: 691 744 711 “EMMA” Mon & Tues & Sat by appointment only Call: 620 849 338 Both fully Qualified in all aspects of Hairdressing for men & women
“LINDA GUNN” Experienced Holistic Therapist will be holding clinics on Mondays & Saturdays offering all types of soft tissue techniques including remedial, structural & spinal adjustments Call: 677 130 236 or 647 875 223
Semi - permanent makeup / micro - pigmentation With this new advanced technique & procedure, you can have stunning smudge free makeup that lasts for years!! For more information & prices, call Sarah on: 647 875 223
“JUIN” - Allergy Testing. Call: 652 274 962
Tel: 952 532 633
Sample Menu - Eat in or take away Cod........................................€5.95 Quarter Pounder..................€3.95 Haddock.................................€5.95 Cheese Burger......................€4.50 Plaice.....................................€6.95 Egg Burger............................€4.50 Cod Roe................................€1.95 Mushy Peas...........................€1.00 Chips......................................€1.50 Baked Beans.........................€1.00 Jumbo Battered Sausage......€1.95 Curry Sauce...........................€1.00 Jumbo Sausage.....................€1.70 Bread & Butter.......................€1.00 Bratwurst................................€2.50 Gherkin & Pickled Onions......€0.60 Various Pies & Pasties...........€3.95 Pineapple Fritter & Ice Cream....€1.95 Jumbo Sausage Roll..............€2.95 Ice Cream..............................€1.50 Opening Times:
Tuesday - Sunday 12.00 - 15.00 & 18.00 - 22.00 Closed Mondays
Standard Oven 49â‚Ź
Let us restore your dirty oven to it’s original condition. Using our caustic free and toxin free products, we safely remove grease, fat & burnt on carbon deposits in about 2 hours. Ovens, cookers, stoves, agas, ranges, hobs, extractors (including filter replacements), & microwaves.
ALSO CLEANING: Barbeques and Outside Ovens
*Is your oven in need of a clean? *Have you got visitors arriving soon? *Do you hate cleaning your oven? *Have you recently purchased a home with a dirty oven? *Are you renting your property? *Are you trying to sell your home? *Does your oven smoke when turned on? LET BRILLIANT OVENS DO THE HARD WORK FOR YOU! NO MESS, NO FUMES, NO FUSS & IMMEDIATELY SAFE TO USE Tel: (0034) 952 033 503 Mobile: (0034) 699 272 516 Email: Website:
Tax consultants / Wills Fiscal Representation Conveyancing
Residence / Business Permits Insurance
Car Importation / Transfers Social Security
Translations / Interpreter Services Secretarial Services Formation of Companies Fax / Photocopying Driving Licence / Passport Renewals Legalisation of Buildings
C/ Playa Marina, 2C Edif Nautico 88 (next to Supersol) Torre del Mar, 29740, Malaga. Call: 95 254 06 11 Fax: 95 254 06 10 E-mail: /
Constructions Van Driel S.L.
We are just in front of Hotel Mainake (Torre del Mar) TEL: +34 952 96 78 60 MOBILE: +34 696 398 985 FAX: +34 952 545 419 E-MAIL: C/Los Prados nº 9 bajo, 29740 Torre del Mar (Malaga)
Ri - Jo
Dutch Bar Sky Sports available Specialities in Dutch cooking Open 10am - late 7 days a week Tel: 696 398 985 Algarrobo Costa (next to swimming pool)
Superb Daily menu at â‚Ź8,45 from 1.30pm until 4pm
Specialists in International Dishes
Avenida Andalucia 56, 29740 Torre del Mar Tel: 952 965 424 Mob: 629 264 032
Opening Hours: 19.00 - 22.30 Sunday Lunch & Bank Holidays 13.30 - 15.30 Closed Tuesdays CHEZ SPICE: Road to Los Romanes, La Carpa
Call: 650 887 100
RENTALS OF ALL TYPES OF VANS All sizes Refridgerator s 9 Seaters
New Location
VELEZ Poligono Industrial La Mata
Mon - Fri 12pm - 8pm Sat Appointments only (Roundabout next to Unicaja) Torrox Costa Tel: 656 752 990
School of Languages
¡Hablamos! Let’s Speak Every Fri - 12 - 2pm Call for details Camino viejo de Malaga, 12C - Velez Malaga
952 54 92 33
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Star Signs
Your star signs for the month of May with The Sentinella's very own Mystic Mag…
Capricorn - There are some days where getting up in the morning is the wrong thing to do. This is a month where you will have more than your fair share of these days. Lucky sign - There is no lucky sign for you this month
Aquarius - Have you ever thought about buying a boomerang? If you don't like the idea of a boomerang, buy a kite instead and fly it high in the sky. Lucky sign - A box of PG Tips Pisces - Something fishy is going on this month and you're determined to get to the bottom of it. Put on your detective hat and do some research. Lucky sign - A dishevelled mop head
Aries - You're feeling in a generous mood and more than one beggar is going to be laughing as you dish out the coins. Just make sure you hold onto the notes! Lucky sign - A yappy dog
Taurus - Who ate all the pies? Go easy on your over indulgence tendencies this month or you may find yourself piling on those pounds. Lucky sign - A full moon Cancer - "Ha! Told you so." This is what you will find yourself saying to a partner or acquantance when you realise you were right. You just can't help yourself!
To advertise
Lucky sign - An empty Eroski bag
Gemini - Watch your Ps and Qs this month, as no-one likes a rude and arrogant person. Look up the word ‘polite’ in a dictionary and read the explanation carefully. Lucky sign - Sunflower seed shells
Leo - Mind the pennies this month, as you may soon find the coffers are running dry as a result of your huge spending sprees. Calm it Kermit! Lucky sign - A pile of red bricks
Virgo - The cat sat on the mat and the mat got dirty. Go and buy a new mat this month and this time don't let the cat sit on it. Lucky sign - Why, a new mat of course!
Libra - You're missing your rellies so book a flight back to the UK to see them. Warning: Don't go for the cheapest or you won't get a free drink! Lucky sign - A madman ranting
Scorpio - You may receive a fright this month when someone or something pops up out of the blue. Be extra aware! Lucky sign - A big neon sign which reads 'lucky' Sagittarius - If you're finding it difficult to get to grip with the Spanish language maybe it's because you haven't yet mastered English. Lucky sign - A roofless finca
And if it’s your Birthday this month have a gay, May day! 91 call 664 210 468
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Whats on...? Sponsored by:
ARKWRIGHTS The British Store & More OPEN ALL “OURS”
Puente don Manuel
Call: 95 11 67 674 / 95 11 67 289 / 65 93 75 603
Lux Mundi, Torre del Mar - 1st May, Dinner& talk about Columbia, 6th Cordoba patio trip, 28th Trip to Gibraltar, 29th Pentecost Ecumenicial Prayer. Every Monday 3pm - 5pm - Art group, Every Thursday 3pm - Reflexology, informal classes, Every Friday 11am 1pm - Coffee morning boutique and library, Every Saturday 5pm - Catholic Church service, Every Sunday 9.30am - Anglican Church Service. Deposits required for all trips and events - For further information call in at the centre Avenida Moscatel No. 1,"I", Torre Del Mar or tel: 952 543 334
RBL - Trapiche Branch meets every Wednesday at 12 noon in El Trapiche Restaurant. 6th May Social MeetingBingo, 7th Bowling at El Ingenio 4.00 pm. 13th Social Meeting-Antiques Valued by our own “experts”, 20th Branch Meeting and Monthly Lunch at El Trapiche Restaurant, 27th Social Meeting-Quiz, 29th Almunecar Market then Chicken Shack, Otivar for Lunch. For more information, or to book call Helen Vivian on 952 519 736 or Jayne Turner on 951 167 092. For Recruitment call Chris Vivian on 952 519 736. Or in person at El Trapiche Restaurant any Wednesday from 12 noon. RBL - Los Romanes Branch meet every Tuesday at 4 Caminos, Cortijo Romero, Vinuela (formerly Ziggis) at the NEW TIME 12 noon. We hold our social meeting playing bingo, beetle, dominoes, quizes etc. and have a good laugh. On the first Tuesday of every month we have a menu del dia at 4 Caminos for 7€ , courtesy of the owners. If you would like to join us please do come along, all are welcome. For further information call: Margaret on 951 167 600. 92
ABC Ballroom and Dance Club, Our next dinner and dance is on Saturday 16th May, 7.30pm - midnight, la Vega restaurant (next to Mercadona) Torre del Mar. Choice of menu, Chicken, Rosada or Pork Chop 12€ per head. We offer a warm welcome to all dancers and non dancers, great venue, great meal, great value. A great social evening, something for everyone. David is the only teacher of many classic sequence dances in this area of the costas. Come and see for yourselves. Wednesdays dancing lessons at La Vaga Torre del Mar 7pm 9pm. For tickets at least 7 days prior and anymore info call: David: 952 531 259 or Jacine: 952 510 096. Email: Colmenar Gym, fitness/pilates classes, weight/circut training, fully equiped gym. Contact Carol 659 295 346 email:
Nerja History Group. Meets on the first Friday of every month at Nerja Cultural Centre, Calle Granada. Meetings start at 11.30 prompt and finish at 13.30. For more info. please contact Jill Chtristian-Smith on 664 760 405 or FHT Therapists Group Our next get together will be on Tuesday May 19th and will be a mix of Meditation and a look at The Metamorphic Technique. This will be in a private house and details will be sent to those interested. After the first enthusiastic meeting, with 10 therapists and 6 members of the public, we expect to go on to greater things! Several new members hope to join us but numbers are limited in May and I hope to be able to link up people for transport. If you are interested in maintaining and improving your health, having some fun and friendship thrown in, come and join us. Contact Jenny Wright 680 500 073 or 951 321 613,, or Mo Reeve 663 564 699,
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email
Whats on...? Cont...
RBL - Torre del Mar Branch meet each Wednesday at La Vega Restaurant, Torre del Mar (next to Mercadona). Everyone is assured of a warm welcome. We arrange a varied social calendar with bus trips to interesting places. We also arrange monthly trips to Gibraltar and occasional trips to Fuengirola market stopping at the Iceland store on the return journey. The Branch has an active gardening group as well as a sewing group. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings or on out trips. 6th May Branch meeting, 8th Trip to Gibraltar 10€ for all, 13th bingo and Sewing club, 19th Greenfingers gardening group, 29th Dee’s Quiz at la Vaga 21st22nd visit to Granada and Alhambra Palace (subject to sufficient bookings) 27th Dee’s Bingo at La vaga and meat raffle draw 28th Bowling at Ozone 8€ for all, El Ingenio and Trip to Toledo & Salamanca to be arranged late May. To book trips please contact Merryll: 663658354
RBL - Alcaucin Branch meets every Thursday noon at the Restaurant La Era, Puente Don Manuel ( entrance via Petrol Station) to enjoy social activities and meet new likeminded friends. We regularly have a quiz, bingo, surprise events and presentations. Regular trips are arranged departing locally. May 4th Gibraltar Shopping Trip (phone Ann 677 866 008) 7th Members bring and buy sale and new open the box game 14th Branch General Meeting 18th Sponsored walk in aid of Poppy Appeal (Details from Ann 677 866 008 or Jan 679 730 857) 28th Bob and Frank’s monthly music quiz 31st Car Boot Sale at Chiringuito Antonio in aid of Poppy Appeal Branch Contact is 696 391 224 Harvey. Social Contact is 677 866 008 Ann. Welfare Contact is 690 310 951 Dorothy. RBL- Benajarafe Branch Meet every Friday from 12.30 to 2.30 pm, at the coastal, Puerto Niza restaurant, we enjoy bingo, quizzes, more entertainment and monthly outings, a superb lunch inc. drinks*, and we welcome all new and existing RBL mem-
bers. For more information please ring: 952 514 226 or 669 201 927
Come dancing for Cudeca, Contact or phone Mike on 952 510 189 and Joyce 616 046 713
Swimming Classes for Babies & Children. Get ready for summer & sign up for these swimming courses in Nerja. Fun and games as well as expert instruction! Checkout the website for info, photos & videos or call Virginia: 662 463 452 /952 533 236
CAS events for May, 6th an evening at the Playa Maro Hotel. Buffet with wine. Entertainment with Andy Tine. 7.30pm for 8.00pm, Tickets 22€. 10th CAS Quiz at Burriana Properties, Burriana Beach. 7pm for 7.30pm. Meal with wine included. Booking essential. 9€ if booked and prepaid at the CAS Office. 12€ on the night. 23rd Scruffs Cómpeta 2009. The annual Cómpeta dog show at the Pavo Real. Ten Classes. Registration (5€ per dog per class) from 1.00pm. Judging from 2pm. Stalls, barbecue. A great family day out. 28th Concert in aid of CAS by the Cefn Hengoed Ladies Choir, founded in 1947 and directed by David J. Lewis. 8pm at Nerja Cultural Centre. Tickets 10€ direct from the Centre’s box office in calle Granada. 31st Cómpeta Quiz at La Roca, Cómpeta. 7pm for 7.30pm. Entrants 3€. Food available.Raffle and prizes. Please telephone the CAS office on 95 252 3607 (10am – 1pm). Out of office hours, call Vera on 95 252 9670 / 630 003 450 or Sheila on 630 003 473. Travelling Companions Christmas 2009 Tuesday 22nd December - Monday 28th December "Christmas in Benidorm” 14th Year at the same hotel. Full Board, wine and water. Gala Dinner. Heated pool, dancing and entertainment etc. Same Price as 2007. 395€ sharing, 455€ single. 200€ per person deposit. Booking details :- Trips organised by John and Nessa Reeve in aid of Cudeca Call; 95 252 5891. Your support helps a terminally ill cancer patient. Thank you.
To advertise call 664 210 468
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...In our own random order! Emergency Numbers Police Municipal: 092/952 549 238 National: 091/952 542 000 Fire: 952 558 091 Velez 952 500 000 Torre Ambulance: 061 Water: 952 540 662 Electricity: 952 540 662 Red Cross: 952 500 321 Hospital General Basico de la Axarquia, Torre del Mar: 951 067 000
Bus Times Telephone: 952 540 936 Nerja-Malaga 06:30*, 07:30, 08:30** 08:55, 10:10, 11:10, 12:25, 13:40, 14:55, 15:55, 17:10, 18:40, 19:40, 20:25 Malaga-Nerja 07:00, 08:15*, 09:15, 10:30, 11:45, 12:30**, 13:00, 14:00, 15:15; 17:30; 18:45, 20:15, 20:45**, 21:30 Expect to pay approx 2.90€ one way and 5.15€ round trip Nerja-Nerja Caves 08:10, 08:25, 09:40**, 10:40, 11:50; 11:55, 12:35, 13:10, 13:35, 14:25, 15:25; 16:40; 18:10**, 18:55, 19:30, 20:10 Nerja Caves-Nerja 08:45, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00**, 12:15, 12:50**, 13:30, 14:45. 15:45, 17:00 17:45; 18:30; 19:30; 20:15 Expect to pay approx 0.80€ one way Nerja-Torre see Nerja-Malaga times Torre-Nerja 07:45, 09:00, 09:15***, 10:00, 11:00***, 11:15; 11:45**, 12:30, 13:15, 14:45, 16:00, 17:30***, 18:15, 19:30, 21:00, 22:00.
Church services in English Anglican Nerja - San Miguel Church 11:30am Sundays Competa - Holy Communion every Sunday at 5.30pm in the Parish Church, Plaza Almijara, Cómpeta Malaga - St George's Church 12 midday Sundays Torre del Mar - Puente don Manuel 6pm Saturdays ANGLICAN communion. Alhama de Granada - St. Barnabas IERE (Anglican). English services 11 a.m. Sundays at Meson Diego, Plaza de 94
la Constitucion. Tel.958359388 (priest) or 952 510 921 (churchwarden) St Barnabas IERE (Anglican). English services 11 a.m. Sundays at Iglesia Evangelica, Torre del Mar, opposite the bus station. Tel.952030461 (priest) or 618640132 (churchwarden)
Roman Catholic Torre del Mar - Lux Mundi Ecumenical Centre, Saturdays 5pm, (Winter), Saturdays 6pm, (Summer)
Church of Scotland Lux Mundi Ecumenical Centre - Worship every Sunday at 11:30 Tel 952543334 or 687764705 for more information.
Evangelical Torre del Mar Evangelical (Presbyterian Church) Now meets every Sunday for Worship in English at 11.30 in the Picasso Room of the Hotel Torremar, off Paseo Larios, C/ Saladero Viejo 15 Torre del Mar. All welcome. Minister J. Hartsmith Foy Tel 952532825 Torrox Park Church every Thursday there is an informal church service at Livingstones Restaurant Torrox Park at 11.30 am. Livingstones is on the main road through Torrox Park opposite El Pino Camping. There is a Communion Service on the first Sunday of each month at Torre del Mar Church. Puente don Manuel - Fellowship of the King, Sunday Worship 11am. Tuesday Fellowship - 7pm (Prayer time 6pm) We meet at Fellowship of The King premises. Our new address is:- Fellowship of The King Venta Baja Road (next BLOCK up from Meson Sara) Puente don Manuel, Alcaucin. Phone: 952 518 185 or 952 033 021
Bank Hours Usually 8:30am-2pm except Sundays, Bank holidays and Fiestas. Please note, the majority of banks will not accept bills to be paid (ie: electric, phone, rates) after 11am. Taxis Torre: 952 540 016. Nerja: 952 520 537 Velez Malaga: 952 540 016
To advertise call 664 210 468
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Taxis continued... Puente Don Manuel: 952 510 992 Mob: 616 034 636.
Shops 10am - 2pm - 5pm - 8:30pm (generally) The municipal market (fruit and veg) and the weekly markets are only open mornings. Weekly Market days Mondays:: Torrox Costa & Market at Caramels, Puente don Manuel Tuesdays: Nerja & Country Farmers Market, at Jardines del Trapiche on the road to Benamagosa. Wednesdays; Rincon de la Victoria & Algarrobo Costa Thursdays:: Velez Malaga & Torre del Mar & Frigilana Fridays: Cala de Moral Saturdays: Caleta de Velez & Competa Sundays: Malaga Consulates UK Opposite the main bus station Edif, Eurocom Bloque Sur C/Mauricio Moro 2-2ยบ- Malaga 952 352 300 Ireland Avda, de los Boliches, Nยบ15 Fuengirola 952 475 108 Netherlands/Dutch Avda, Carlota Alesandria, 33 Edif. San Andres - 1ยบ-7 Torremolinos 952 380 888 Germany C/Mauricio Moro 2, Malaga 952 363 591 Sweden 952 604 383 France 952 226 590 / 952 214 888 Belgium 952 559 159
Denmark 952 211 797
Airports Malaga 24-hour information 952 048 484 or 952 048 804 Granada 952 048 804 Airlines
Telefonica Dial 1002 to report a fault on the line. For general enquiries dial 1004
Tourist Information Nerja: 952 521 531 Torre del Mar: 952 541 104 Water Supplies Velez Malaga: 952 506 450 Nerja: 952 520 154 Malaga: 952 135 013
Railway Stations Malaga: 952 360 202 Granada: 958 271 272
Town Halls Torre and Velez: 952 500 100 Torrox: 952 538 200 Nerja: 952 548 400 Competa: 952 516 006 Rincon: 952 402 300 Malaga: 952 135 000
Hospitals Nerja Ambulatorio: 952 523 131 Velez Malaga: 951 067 000
ITV 902 575 757 or 952 551 084 - Open Mon - Fri 08.00am - 18.45pm, Sat: 08:00am 12.45pm
To advertise call 664 210 468
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Puzzle Pages
Congratulations to those who contacted us regarding last month’s crossword. Well I have only one thing to say to you all!! - APRIL FOOL!!! You lot are are very impressive. We had 105 emails, texts and other points of contact! Get Quizical
1. What in the U.S.A. is a lister, to a farmer?
2. In which year did Tolstoy begin to write Anna Karenina?
3. Which solo artist had a 1989 Top 10 single with Leave a Light on?
4. In which city is El Greco buried?
5. Who composed the 1888 opera The Fairies?
6. Numbles is a food taken from which animal? 7. What is the capital of Nigeria?
8. What type of creature is a Ringlet?
9 .In which year did Dick Turpin die?
Hey Diddle Riddle
1. Can a non-veteran man living in the Washington D.C. area be buried in Arlington National Cemetery?
2. Two people who have never seen each other meet at the New York Embassy. They decide to have drinks together in a nearby bar. One of them is the father of the other one's son. How is this possible? 3. A man was critically wounded during a vicious fight in 1958, he died and was buried in 1957. How is this possible? 4. How many animals of each species did Moses bring aboard the Ark?
5. What common chemical compound is represented by the letters H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O?
10. What is Russ Abbots real name? Answers on bottom of page 98
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email
Two sets of clues but the same answer
Cryptic Clues
1 Relatives, after sleep, wanting serviette (6) 4 Eccentric threw a garland (6) 7 Gunners in shower (4) 8 Val's ages, surprisingly, finding this US city (3,5) 9 The queen, after metallic sound, making mistake (7) 12 Embarrassed socialist (3) 14 One male with couple revealing damage (6) 15 Insect appearing after smell of sweet (6) 16 River mostly used for nothing (3) 18 Trendy female - one led back with unbeliever (7) 22 A man in raincoat with one type of pasta (8) 23 Tablet making Penny sick (4) 24 Iron used by mother and the Frenchwoman (6) 25 Person who complains out of place on mare (6)
1 Scandinavian now in gear, possibly (9) 2 Head finding pair at home, cold, with one friend(9) 3 Synthetic material used by many Londoners (5) 4 Refuse a stew, possibly (5) 5 Woman with new flat (4) 6 Track down and find a tiny amount (5) 10 A Liberal - one with plea of being elsewhere (5) 11 Slice of bread eaten by groundsman (5) 12 Uprising involving eccentric, ill, with no beer (9) 13 Confusing Carol, gold neckwear for clergyman(3,6) 17 Likeness of one mother, eg turning up (5) 19 Rope loop upsetting one so (5) 20 One mod I confused with this mode of expression(5) 21 Long story involving silver in South Africa (4)
Coffee time
1 Serviette (6) 4 Garland (6) 7 Wet weather (4) 8 US city (3,5) 9 Blunder (7) 12 Scarlet (3) 14 Damage (6) 15 Boiled sweet (6) 16 Nothing (3) 18 Unbeliever (7) 22 Pasta tubes (8) 23 Tablet (4) 24 Woman (6) 25 Person who complains (6)
1 Scandinavian (9) 2 Head (9) 3 Synthetic material (5) 4 Squander (5) 5 Level (4) 6 Tiny amount (5) 10 Plea of being elsewhere (5) 11 Circular (5) 12 Uprising (9) 13 Clerical neckwear (3,6) 17 Likeness (5) 19 Rope loop (5) 20 Mode of expression (5) 21 Long story (4)
To advertise call 664 210 468
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Jokes he he he :-)
---------------------------------------------------Moe: "My wife got me to believe in religion." Joe: "Really?" Moe: "Yeah. Until I married her I didn't believe in Hell." ---------------------------------------------------A woman is recovering from surgery when a nurse asks her how she's feeling. "I'm OK, but I didn't like the four-letter word the doctor used in surgery," she answered. "What did he say," asked the nurse. "OOPS" ---------------------------------------------------While shopping for holiday clothes, my husband and I passed a display of swimming costumes. It had been at least ten years and twenty pounds since I had even considered buying a swimming costumes, so I sought my husband's advice. "What do you think?" I asked. "Should I get a bikini or an all-in-one?" "Better get a bikini," he replied. "You'd never get it all in one." He's still in intensive care. ---------------------------------------------------A Jewish woman phoned the obituary department of the local newspaper and asked how much it cost to place her husbands obituary. She was told that the first 5 words were free and then charged per word thereafter. The obituary read, “ Husband dead, volvo for sale”. Get Quizical Answers 1) A Plough, 2) 1873, 3) Berlinda Carlise, 4) Toledo, Spain, 5) Wagner, 6) Deer, 7) Abuja, 8) Butterfly, 9) 1739, 10) Russell Roberts Hey Diddle Riddle Answers 1) No, it is not legal to bury people wjo are alive, 2) The people are husband and wife, both blind since birth, 3) He was injured in 1958 B.C. and was buried in 1957 B.C., 4) None, Noah bought the animals on to the Ark, 5) H to O or H2O which of course is water.
Jonathon Ross got caught shoplifting in Debenhams the other day. Asked why he did it, he replied “I thought it was worth the whisk”. ---------------------------------------------------Medical update.. American Medical Association researchers have made a remarkable discovery. It seems that some patients needing blood transfusions may benefit from receiving chicken blood rather than human blood. It tends to make the men cocky and the women lay better. ---------------------------------------------------Guy says to his wife: "Darling, what would you do if I said I've won the lottery?" Wife replies: "I'd take half of it and leave you." Guy says: "Excellent! I had three numbers and won ten euros. Here's your fiver - now sod off!" ---------------------------------------------------Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage, and values. Stu said, "I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married. Did you?" Leroy replied, "I'm not sure, what was her maiden name?" --------------------------------------------------A doctor examined a woman, took the husband aside, and said, "I don't like the look of your wife at all." "Me neither doc," said the husband. "But she's a great cook and really good with the kids." ---------------------------------------------------An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 40 years. The Wizard says, "Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you". The old man says without hesitation, "I now pronounce you man and wife." ---------------------------------------------------A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, "Can you tell me how long it'll take to fly from San Francisco to New York City ?" The agent replies, "Just a minute." "Thank you," the blonde says, and hangs up.
To advertise call 664 210 468
C/Canalejas, 15 Local, Velez Malaga 952 55 83 63 Caring dentistry using the safest techniques for your “Health” E N G L I SH D E N TI S T S WE D I S H D E N T IS T Aesthetics General Implants Minimal Invasive Surgery
Complimentary initial examination and digital x-ray (OPG) Compare our quality and standards first
Wouldn’t it be foolish not to have a second opinion?
- Very competitive rates - single items to a whole truck load
SWEENEY TODDZ Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon
*Wella Colour Salon *Modern & Traditional Styles *Fully Qualified in all Aspects of Hair WEDNESDAY’S OFFERS Cut & Blowdry - 15€ Manicures - 10€
Also Spray Tanning, Facials, Massage, Non-Surgical Facelift, Make-Up, Waxing, Eyebrow/Lash Tinting, Manicure, Pedicure, Acrylic Nails, Nail Art, Wedding Packages Available
Te l : Si o bh a n 6 25 1 38 5 64
Open Mon - Fri 10am - 5pm (No Siesta) Sat - 10am - 2pm Late Night Appointments available Salon situated under La Maroma Inmobiliaria Puente don Manuel
Special Offer:
MODERN SPOTS Chrome & Green Max. 2 x 50W Special Offer:
Special Offer:
SENSOR 15W Day - on Night - off
Special Offer:
EXTERNAL LIGHT Bronze, Black or White Max. 100 W
Special Offer:
EXTERNAL LAMPS CEILING FAN Bronze, Black ARUBA or White White or Brown Max. 60W 420mm deep x 1070mm wide
Custudio Puga, 9-A TORRE DEL MAR Tel: 95 254 03 92 Fax: 95 254 32 93
A Professional company with friendly helpful advice
A long term cure for all your internal and external damp problems
No more annual external painting Cures for areas where running stream water etc is a problem
The ultimate timber treatment including: woodworm, dry & wet rot killers
All work is guaranteed and carried out by our fully trained technicians to a professionally high standard Free initial survey by Keith who is a well established surveyor with many years experience in solving damp problems & will provide free quotations to homeowners without obligation Unique U.K Supplied products
Call: 666 991 041 Sole proprietor Keith Bartley
Road opposite Police Station Open: 12pm - 4pm Weds - Sun 8pm - 11pm Mon - Sun
The Sentinella Trader
3€ for a maximum of 28 words or 15€ for boxed advert inc. photo. Payment to be made before the 17th of the month. Payments can be left at Arkwrights - Puente don Manuel, Viva Bar - Torre del Mar, Ribhouse - Torrox. Email before 15th of the month or Call Hayley on: 658 202 472 Yamaha YFM660 Grizzly Quad Front & Rear boxes. Tow Bar, Spanish reg. 5600kms. Immaculate ONLY 5,400€ Vinuela 663 515 341 Ford Transit Diesel Riviera 120 Campervan 1994, Sleeps 6, Shower room VGC, Call for full details 13,000€ 659 327 448
Suzuki Jimny 4 x 4 Cabriolet 2002, FSH, Lady Owner, 58,000km, Burgundy colour with white hard top roof, a/c, e/w, c/l, alloys, vgc, great price 6,500€ Tel: (0034) 647 590 566
1994 CITROEN XANTIA 1.9 turbo diesel. English car. Excellent runner. 550€ or near offer. Tel: 660 700 458 ------------------------------------------------------HYUNDAI SANTA FE turbo diesel 4 x 4. Colour silver, Spanish reg. ITV Aug 2009. 117000kms with Fsh. Electric windows, aircon and reversing sensors. In excellent condition. 10,500€ o.n.o. Tel: 952 550 628 or 678 490 331 (Caleta de Velez) ------------------------------------------------------SEAT TOLEDO 1994, White, 4 door saloon ITV’d, Spanish Reg Ring for full details 1,150€ Call: 663 515 341 ------------------------------------------------------RENAULT CLIO 1.9 Diesel, June 2000, ITV Aug 2010, LHD, a/c, e/w, c/l, good sevice history, white, €2,995. Tel: 618 379 930 or 676 570 967 ------------------------------------------------------MOBILITY SCOOTER Pride Legend LX8 roadgoing 2 speed with 30km range. Colour red. In excellent condition. Cost 600€. Tel: 952 550 628 or 678 490 331 (Caleta de Velez)
Mitsubishi L200 Met. Green, 2006 Spanish Reg, ITV 2010, Recent Service, 57,000kms, Air Con, Tinted Rear Windows, Tow Bar, Roll Bars, Side Step, Truck Liner 22,000€ 691 301 425
IVOR WILLIAMS TRAILER, double wheel base, checker plate floor needs attention hence low price of 495€. Tel 952 525 722 661 939 367 OTHER ITEMS FOR SALE CANE FURNITURE 2 Chairs 1X2 Seater. Good quality, removable cushion covers. Made in uk ,used in conservatory. 200€ GAZEBO very substancial wooden frame, scotch guard heavy beige material curtains and canopy.180€ AMATI KRASLICE ALTO SAXOPHONE as new, very little used. 400€. Call 657179626. ------------------------------------------------------LOUNGE FURNITURE for sale to include 90CM ROUND EXTENDABLE table with chairs 35, T.V CABINET 25€, UNIT WITH TWO TOP drawers and cupboard below 25€, LONG CABINET 35€, GLASS INLAID COFFEE TABLE 40€ , TWO CEILING lights 15€, these items all match in brown wood. RECLINING CHAIR covered in green and mustard material, dark brown wood surround sofa covered in blue material 60€, SKY DISH with wall mounted support 60€. All of the above are in vgc and buyer collects from Torrox Costa area 605 344 226 ------------------------------------------------------1,000 OLD ROOF TILES, single or job lot. Can deliver. Call: 676 719 066 / 620 627 214 / 952 517 502
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email SMALL ELECTRIC FRIDGE hardly used. 19” x 19” (48cm x 48cm) Ideal for flat/caravan. 50€. ELECTRIC MINCER never used. No box. 35€. COMPUTER. ACER. 17” flat screen monito. Lexmark Printer/Copier. Belkin Battery back-up. Web Cam. Ear phones. 275€ o.n.o. LADIES 18CT GOLD OMEGA WATCH approx 58 grams in weight.1,500€ or offers. Tel: 660 700 458 ----------------------------------------------------RIDGED BOTTOM 4 MAN DINGHYmariner 20 outboard motor. 2 wet suits, flippers, weights etc. 1 air tank. 999€ or best offer. Tel: 690 097 155 ----------------------------------------------------PINEWOOD SINGLE BED, complete with headboard and footboard, nearly new mattress. 70€ o.n.o. CROSS TRAINER, nearly new, owner bought as new for 600€ sell for 150€ Call: 647 590 566 ----------------------------------------------------2 SEATER & 3 SEATER Settee’s 200€ TV TABLE in silver wrought iron with glass top, coffee table to match 40€ each Dehumidifier New condition 40€ 952115984 ---------------------------------------------------GAMEBOY ADVANCE Tribal edition, Silver, with case, charger, car charger, earphones, & Gameboy to Gameboy connector 45€ Upright freezer VGC 100€ 658202472 ----------------------------------------------------TAYLOR ICE CREAM MACHINE Same as Burger King, Ideal for Bar/Café on seafront. Would be very popular/ 800€ 691 301 425 ----------------------------------------------------UPRIGHT FREEZER As new 95€ 658 202 472
Property for Sale/Rent
LAND FOR SALE. Side of Lake Vinuela. Total area nearly 32,000sq metres. Some with olive trees. Mains electric, water deposito. Solid with 2 bed static caravan. Ideal quite retreat. Suit artists, bird watchers, walkers. Small shower, Toilet block. Totally legal, fantastic views. 135,000€ or offers. May take house in part exchange. Tel: 660 700 458
FOR SALE OR LONG TERM RENTAL Cortijos Romero, Vinuela. 3/4 bed, 2 bath detached villa, private pool, south facing, great views. Rent to Buy also possible. Please call: 606 926 244
Property for long term rent
*Comprising 2 villas *1 x 2 beds & 1 x 3 beds *Both fully furnished with under floor heating *Full kitchen and washing facilities *Video/TV/Satellite *Larger villa has A/C and solar water heater *Shared pool (very big) *Located on the hillside above Torrox in 6500sq. mtrs of olive grove with stunning views of coast and mountains Will rent complete or separate Rent negotiable Would consider selling
F o r f u rt h e r d e t a i ls , p l e a s e c o n ta c t
Chris on 665 143 860
Los Romanes Independant Villa split into two 2 bedroom units, ideal for large sharing family or extra income potential. Including garage, 8 x 4 swimming pool, bar in garden, stunning lake views,
Ring for more details 690352791
Call Hayley today to reserve your space! On: 658 202 472 or Email: To advertise call 664 210 468
Please mention The Sentinella when replying to adverts
Business For Sale
ENGLISH BISTRO IN TORRE DEL MAR. 2 mins from the beach. Beautiful large premises. To include all fixtures and fittings. Massive potential. Please call: 609 108 759
Properties For Sale
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY in Sidcup, Kent England, £124,950. 1 bedroomed purpose built flat, communal entrance, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, communal gated parking, double glazed. 20 mins. London/West End/City. Low maintenance. Good rental income. No forward chain. Call: 0034 675 391 967
Properties For Rent
SUMMER RENT – 2 bedroom town house on Velesol urbanizacion, Velez Malaga with one bathroom, kitchen, dining room, sitting room and out house with small patio. The house is equipped with washing machine, gas cooker, gas water heating and air conditioning unit in the lounge. Available until October 2009. 420€ per month plus bills. Contact Kerry on 636 588 697.
FULL & PART TIME telesales staff and closers required for a successful/expanding telecoms company based in Nerja. Full Time: Generous basic + Comms + Bonus + Incentives 10am5pm Mon-Fri with overtime available. Part Time: Comms + Incentives. MonFri, 10am-9pm with various shifts available. Experience in sales preferred but not essential as enthusiasm, confidence, lively character with a will to succeed is more important. Be part of a winning team in a friendly and dynamic call centre. Opportunities, for career progression available in various departments. Contact Bev on 952 544 773.
CARER WANTED to help lady with ms in a wheelchair, driving licence essential must be over 5 5" energetic and fit. Call Sarah 952 967 114
FOR RENT Semi-detached villa, on Cortijos Romero Urb. La Vinuela. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, dining/living room. Air con/heating, fireplace, swimming pool, own garden, gated off road parking. Fully furnished. Long or short term rent. Telephone: 618 276 387
WANTED SMALL CHEST FREEZER, Will collect in Axarquia area. Call: 664 210 468
DO YOU NEED HOME HELP? Ex-English rest home owner, will visit you in your own home. Do chores like gardening, cleaning and will look after you or your spouses. For further information tel: Penny 662 097 051
WANTED Any old musical instruments call Niels on 952 55 00 83
Job Seekers
WANTED NEW MEMBERS at El Capitan Tennis Club Torre del Mar. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9.30 11.30. Phone 675 391 967
WANTED EXPERIENCE rider to share my mare based in Triana Call 659 132 502
To advertise call 664 210 468
The Sentinella Business Directory WE CAN LIST YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR JUST 5 EUROS A MONTH! (minimum 6 months)
CALL TODAY ON: 664 210 468
Escuela la Crujia Rural B & B & guesthouse in a pretty converted school, 10 minutes from Velez Malaga,Tel: 606 010 580. Email: Vista la Maroma Rural B & B La Vinuela Tel: 952 519 095 Mob: 666 396 562 E-mail: Website: 50,000 Cheap Hotels Online.
Maraverclima, C/Verdemar 2, Local 5, Torre del Mar, Malaga. Call: 952 54 40 99 / 658 955 751
Allotments for rent in Velez Malaga. 20 euros per month for 50 square metres. Close to El Ingenio shopping centre and Velez Malaga centre. Gardening tools available for use. Parking onsite. Come and join us - grow your own veg and save on your shopping! Call Jose on 639120707 Email:
Shademaker Awnings Enjoy the Al Fresco life style without burning to a crisp! Hundreds of choices of material, styles and models to suit all tastes. Also specialising in material
changes to your existing awnings. Save money... Pay in Sterling!!! Call Craig on: 637 058 478
Pasatiempo Calle Infantes 30, Torre del Mar, 952 543 703,
Arkwrights English Shop. Turn right at Venta Baja Crossroads or call: 95 11 67 674 or 65 93 75 603
Milton Construction - 20 yrs experience in all types of construction from routine maintenance and repairs to new builds, pools, landscaping.Tel:625 348 406 for free estimates. Professional Building Services 34 years in Building Trade Kitchens made or Just Fitted Reform, Extensions,Painting.NO JOB TOO SMALL FREE QUOTE call Garry or Olly Tel: 655279043 / 951167375 / 664156095 Spanish family builders for reforms, new builds, walls, pools etc. Good reputation with clients and known well in local town halls re: permissions etc. English speaking answering service. Please telephone: 660 144 402.
To advertise call 664 210 468
Please mention The Sentinella when replying to adverts
C&T Maintenance Building, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Gardening, D.I.Y & General Maintenance . All aspects of work considered, good rates. For a free no obligation quotation call Kevin on 952 551 013/ 652 826 628. Email: All types of building work undertaken, 37 years experience, Let me quote you. Call: 952 110 788 or 650 895 461
Earn executive level income working from home 2-3 hours a day. Must have phone and internet. Only looking for motivated individuals who desire a 6-figure salary. Call: 671 879 715
One way van hire, UK, France and Spain. Call: 952 541 147
Wanted all UK plated vehicles. Year 2000 onwards. cash paid. Call: 667 235 205
Andrew Rodgers 20 years experience in kitchens, wardrobes, shelving, aluminium door & windows. Call the Window Doctor for any window problem. Roller shutter blinds, mosquito blinds, security locks, repairs and renewals reasonable rates, Tel: 660 597 894 email: Carpentry & Joinery all aspects of carpentry including kitchens, windows & doors, Dave: 686 307 769 Madercobrita Poligono la Panoleta, C/Juan Gris, Velez Malaga, 952 501 543
Call Roy on: 958 640 068, Professional Machines, Best prices, Distance No Problem. 16years experience.
Food For Thought Catering offering fantastic quality food at competitive prices. Please phone us on 952 554 249 or 600 783 870
or visit our new website at: for more information.
Registered Chiropodist/Podiatrist offering a complete footcare service in the comfort of your own home. 15yrs experience NHS & private. Call: 636 866 715
Sunshine Cleaners for a sparkling clean result, daily, weekly or monthly visits. Also change overs and keyholding service. Give us a call on 639 583 400 M&M Cleaners in Competa and surrounding areas, cleaning all the way down to the coast. call the reliable ladies on: 952 553 729 or 647 145 628 Clean & Rosie - Private cleaning undertaken on villas and apartments, including windows, ironing and laundry. References available. Call Rose on 685 245 516
COMPUTERS All computer problems solved. Torrox/Nerja and surrounding areas. Free Advice. No Fix No Fee. Hardware ,Software and Website solutions. PC service only 50 Euros. Call Rab on: 952967124 or 645236259. Computer Help.Troubleshooting & Repairs. New PCs supplied with Windows in English. WiFi installations. Reasonable rates. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer since 2000. Patient & professional. Call David on 952 54 96 07 or 654 899 976. Computer Problems? Help is at hand. Upgrades, repairs, hardware and sofware problems solved, NO FIX - NO FEE. Advice on buying and setting up the right computer for you. Tuition from complete beginners to advanced, get the most out of your PC. Call David Fleck on: 952 510 729 / 620 328 382 or email:
Curtains/Blinds/Cushions/Bedding etc All Professionally made to measure, alterations undertaken, call for free estimate, 630 414 429 or 952 519 151
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email DENTISTRY
Unidental. English Dentist Practising Here C/Canalejas, 15 Local, Velez Malaga. Tel: 952 55 83 63 Ian Pett Dental Care, Five star dental care you can trust. Edif. Al-Zabel, Local 7, Cruce de Periana, 29713 Alcaucin, Puente don Manuel. 951 139 287 / 691 700 587 UK +44 1708 616 148.
Dogs - Home from home, boarding at my 10,000sqm finca in Rio Gordo. Offering a personal service where dogs live as family. Call: 678 189 019 or e-mail: Also within 15km daily home visits for dogs, cats, horses etc...
Domestic Appliance Engineer From Ariston - Zanussi Your kitchen appliances professionally repaired, 25yrs experience with major UK Company, Tel Mick: 616 370 539, email:
Electro-Cute! English J.I.B. Electrician For all your electrical needs and problems Fault finding/Lighting and power/Air conditioning Electric gates and Intercoms/Pumps Rewires/Upgrades Call Stefan 610048919 Lakeside Property Services, 24 hour call out emergency Electrician and Plumber. Call David on: 627 931 357
Ab Ax Properties Colinias del Puerto 124, Avenida de Andalucia, Caleta de Velez, 952 511 103, Axarquia Properties SL 952 554 235 or 626 038 851, Axces Property Direct call or email: 0034 625 346 200 Fleming Properties, Calle Las Melosas, Edf Nautico, Torre del Mar, 952 547 131 or 637 278 306,
Carousel Second Hand Furniture, Vinuela Pueblo (Under Cajamar Bank), access via steps at side of bank, or slip road behind bank, 630 211 907 The Furniture Barns, Tel: 626 160 869 Email: Country Furniture, furnishings, accessories and much, much more...Look on our website for our latest stock or visit us at our new shop in Andalucian Auctions, Campillos Cudeca Second Hand Furniture Shop, tel 952 545 212 Calle Infantes 48, Torre del Mar (by Thursday market) open from 10.00 to 16.30 Mon to Fri and 10.00 to 13.30 Sats. For donations of furniture please call Tony on 661 826 654.
Red Palm Beetles, Processionary Moths. Call us for treatment and disposal of these garden problems. Tel: 657 165 373 Garrick Welch Gardening and general maintenance, Torrox, Nerja and surrounding areas. Also tiling, painting and small building works. Hourly rates, references available, no job too small. Friendly reliable service. Enquiries: 664 226 509 / 690 848 951 / 952 539 674 or email:
Blades - 20 years experienced mobile hairdresser & nail technician for acrylic nails. Call: 658 733 661
Weight Control - Herbalife Independent Distributor, Bea Savory, 95 253 4795 Email: (business opportunity also available) WeightWatchers Meetings in English. Nerja, Velez and Torrox. Call Candace on 952 549 607 or 626 672 493 for further Feel great, with our inner & outer body nutrition products. Call Kev or Fiona, 952 551 013 or 652 826 628. Also 2 job opportunities. Email: Avon, for a brochure call Fiona 652 825 527. Why not invite family & friends & have an Avon Party
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Villas to Let Privately owned luxury villas to let. Contact Christine: 627 820 669
Gilly’s Fabric Workshop For all your Upholstery & Soft Furnishings. Tel: 660 743 468 or 958 36 40 16
Andalucia Horse riding, 1hr, 2 hr or day rides with picnic or bar lunch. Situated close to Lake Viñuela Also riding holidays with accomodation. Tel: 616 032 215, Pony Riding, Main road Torrox-Competa between km 13 &14. Call: 626 836 736 Professional International Horse Rider Trainer, UK qualified, available for lessons, schooling etc.. Call Tina: 666 135 516 Los Caballos del Puente, Horse riding in the area around Lake Vinuela. One hour 20€, two hours 30€. Call: 697 594 824 Alcaucin Horse riding, Lessons, trekking kids club on Sats 10am - midday. Ring Charlotte for more info. 620 609 374. Website:
House & Garage Clearances. Car Boot stock wanted. Fair prices paid. Call: 680 751 868 House Clearance & Removals. All items considered, cash payable on collection. Fast & Reliable service. Call Paul: 626 160 869
LCJ INSURANCE, Not the cheapest, Not the dearest, Almost certainly the best, *Health Insurance, * Travel Insurance - Multi trips, *Car and House Insurance, * Funeral Plans, Call: 952 515 224 MAPFRE Insurance: Specialising in health, home, vehicle, business & life insurance. Range of pensions & investment plans. English & Spanish speaking. Call Victoria Harding for a no-commitment quote. 952 551 460, fax: 952 555 212 or email: All types of Insurance available with Spains leading Insurance company Mapfre. We also offer highly competitive rates for
transfering currencies anywhere in the world. English speaking service. Please telephone: 660 144 402 or e mail us at
Riosat:SL, RioSat SL, No landline required. Internet and telephone services. Some areas free installation. Covering Andalucia. ADSL from 29€ per month. SDSL from 39€ per month. No necisita linea fija. Internet y telèfono. Instalacìon gratis. Cobertura Andalucìa. ADSL de 29€ al mes. SDSL de 39€ al mes Llàmenos / Call 951 239 310 / 626 679 018. Email: Web:
España Interpretation Service for English, German and Spanish for Estate Agents, Exhibitions and public. Contact Sultana Kahn for a prompt service. 639 532 741. Email:
Wagtails boarding kennels for cats and dogs. Dogs walked 3 times a day in 36,000 sq metres fenced land. Phone Val 655 579 792 or Richard 645 659 935 or The Dog House While you are away on holiday or a weekend break, your dogs live in our house alongside our dog. Large play area, lots of country walks. Pet collection/del. service. Vet services on call. Gourmet meals if required. 'Only the best for your pal'. Ring: Phil 649 079 321 Comares/Benamargosa. Ex cat & dog airlines.UK. Recommended. Refs available.
3-J's Campo Laundry Service Your Laundry Washed and Ironed. We Pick up and Drop off. Everyday is a washday for the 3-J's. Torre, Vinuela, Colmenar and inland. Julie 699 349 748
Carmen Silvia, Solicitors Abogados, Spanish solicitors, English Spoken, Torrox Costa, Urb. Costa del Oro local 8, (very near Notaria Office). Free initial consultation, 952 967 004 Email: International Law Solutions. English speaking Spanish
To advertise call 664 210 468
To advertise in The Sentinella call 664 210 468 or email Lawyer. English and Spanish legal advisors. Urb Torrox Park, Zona Comercial 3, 952 527 831 or 615 338 139,
aids, Toilet Aids, Long term rentals, Best prices on the Costa. Quality Service. Contact Gary Or Sara 952967015 / 635445279
British Locksmith - 24 hour service, good rates. Tel: 676 262 073
M TeK Building Services Engineers. Fully Qualified Team of Engineers, Consultancy service, Plumbing, Electrical, Gas, Construction. Total One Stop Solutions. Spanish speaking personnel. Tel: 952 512 491 - 617 839 660 - 7 days a week. e-mail:
Machines for hire, for all your building & reform requirements, with or without driver. Call: 696 547 646, on road to lake. Saxon SL JCB Digger Hire. New machine Good rates. Velez Malaga Call: 678 23 22 53 or 662 39 83 72
Jonathan Mark Leggott, S.M.T.O. I.T.E.C Remedial Massage, Advanced Sports massage, Soft tissue manipulation. Centro Mar y Salud, El Morche -Torrox Costa. Tel: 639 528 205, 952 53 2065
Centro Mar y Salud offers good professional care and treatment in a friendly and healing environment. Our centre not only emphasises diagnosis and cure but also promotes maintaining your health and feeling good. We offer a range of practitioners and treatments; General Medicine, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Obstetrics, Massage, Acupuncture, Gynaecology, Cosmetic surgery, Urology, Iridology, Colontherapy, Pedicure, Photo depilation, Yoga Classes, Gym classes. Paseo Marítimo, El Morche/Torrox Costa, 952 532 065 / 617 913 196,
Karen Fagan Independent Midwife registered with Colegio de Enfermeria Malaga & NMC London.Homebirth,waterbirth,birthing classes,breastfeedingsupport. Antenatal & postnatal care.Clinics held El Morche Centro Mar y Salud.TEL : 952 532 065 / 606 911 240 for appointments.
Blue Badge Mobility.S.L Hire & Sales of Mobility Scooters, Wheelchairs, Bathroom
Heiko Stumbeck, Avda Andalucia 119, Torre del Mar, 952 967 923 and C/Antonio Ferrandiz "Chanquete" 23-25, Nerja, 952 528 395. C/Jacinto, Benavente Edf. No. 6, Fuengirola, 952 197 565
Painting, Decorating & all minor repairs. Also villa changeovers, reliability and high quality work at a reasonable price. Phone Ian or Vanessa, 951 167 711 or 678 265 022 Puente don Manuel, Brush Strokes. Rooms painted from 60€ (i.e) one coat white) Villas painted from 300€ Tel: 686 307 769 or 639 738 624 Peter the Painter, Paints the Property Properly. All Interior, Exterior Work Undertaken, + Property Maintenance. Tel: 638 489 711. email
Pet Taxi- UK, France & Spain Delivered door to door. Call: 667 235 205
Sanne H. Mortensen, BSc (Hons), MCSP, SRP, Spanish registered, Col no 2066. Clinic appointments or home visits in the Axarqùia region. Experienced UK trained physiotherapist offering post-operative rehabilitation and general musculo-skeletal conditions. Tel 626 152 756
24hr plumbing, drainage & all gas appliances, call 666 123 055 / 648 806 016 / 952 514 333 Wayne’s Drains & Plumbing Est.1999. 24 Hour call out. Tel/Fax: 952 539 239. 24 Hour Service: 634 275 030
To advertise call 664 210 468
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Business Cards double sided from 140€ for 500. Flyers double sided full colour from 165€ for 1,000. Call: 664 210 468
Property Care, for cleaning, gardening, general property maintenance. Reliable service. Refs available. Call Denise or Dave for friendly chat on 616 869 429 Doctores de la Casa, We revitalise your property for re-sale or rental. Property or room makeovers, Property Management, Pool & Garden Maintenance, Guest Services. Call: 657 247 647 or email: AxarCare™ Property Management and Maintenance Services. A full range of property maintenance services carried out by professionals, Building, Painting, Electrical Work & Plumbing the one stop solution. Property Management Specialists a very comprehensive service, Including professional pool cleaning, full details on the AxarCare website. Axarcare we take care of all your property needs. Company Website: Tel :616-809-423
Move It, Removals & Light haulage Nerja-based, Call or email for free quote: 620459908. Email: Man and Van (high top). €22 per hour. Reliable and friendly service. Call Paul: 626 160 869
Tenants-All types of rental,holiday,long/short term lets etc.,Owners - Make sure I know about your property, Please ensure you have contacted me so that I can help you. Tina 0034 666135516 or Email: Rent a Home Avenida Andalucia, 133, Torre del Mar. Call: 952 547 554 or 680 210 414. Email: website: 4 / 3 bed 2 bathrooms, Canillas de Aceituno. Fabulous villa with independent guest annexe and stunning views across the countryside,
lake and mountains, Garage, private pool for long-term rent 695 Euro p/m tel: 951167603
Taj Mahal ( Torre del Mar ) Avda. Anadalucia, Blq. Jupiter, Pasaje Timon 2, C/Timon. Tel: 952 547 798 Taj Mahal (Puente don Manuel) Next door to Chiringuito Antonios, Venta Baja Tel: 952 510 886 or 667 934 731 Trendys International Bar & Restaurant. Paseo de Larios, Torre del Mar. Tel/Fax: 952 54 13 43 or 607 839 035
Total Satellite Installations Call Phil on: 629 556 266. Sky Shop Torre del Mar. Call: 667 235 205 or 952 541 147 Sat. Co. Sky and “Free Sat.” HD. Call us 7 days a week. Call Tom on: 657 484 853
Tecnicas Maro, Heating, Cooling & Solar Energy. Providing energy saving solutions since 1992. Email: Tel:952 52 95 38
C&D Solicitors Specialists in Real Estate, Civil and Tax Law. Tel: 952 532 582 or email:
Car, 4x4 and motorcycle tyres supplied and fitted. Punctures repaired, competitive prices. Also ITV (Mot) welding. For a no obligation quote call: 676 719 066 / 620 627 214 or 952 517 502. Email: *Also iron work made to order.
Spanglish Webs, Web designs, Data Base Programmes, Hosting, Domains, Menu Designs, English - Spanish Translation. All at realistic prices. Contact Rachel: or telephone: 691 660 187
To advertise call 664 210 468
Los Romanes
A very private three bedroom villa on a plot of 7,500m2 with 8m x 4m pool enjoying marvellous views over the surrounding countryside.
A unique three bedroom reformed house in a quiet cul de sac with a second site utilised as a 60m2 terrace offering uninterrupted views over Lake Vinuela. 119,500€
A spacious 3 bedroom villa of 156m2 built on a plot of 7,750m2 overlooking the village with a heated 10 x 4m pool for serious swimmers. ONLY 299,000€
A spacious four bedroom townhouse with 36m2 integral garage/workshop only minutes walk to the marina and all amenities. Landline phone & internet. FP0459 287,000€
Caleta - SPECIAL
Puente don Manuel
An 86m2, two bedroom, two bathroom villa on a 300m2 plot in a quiet cul de sac in this popular area with private off road parking and 7m x 3m pool. 175,000€
TORRE OFFICE Calle Playa Marina, 2D Torre del Mar. 29740 Tel: 952 54 71 31 Mob: 606 087 362 NERJA OFFICE Calle El Barrio, 11 Nerja. 29780 Tel: 952 52 41 40 Mob: 637 278 306