Organisational Effectiveness

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Organisational Effectiveness

Introduction Contact Person

Janet du Preez

Email Address

Cellphone Number

076 626 6047


Tools of Greatness provides resources to enable the health and effectiveness of individuals, teams, organisations and communities. The engaging, innovative, academically-sound products and services provided by our Associates and our Corps of independent researchers, consultants, facilitators, coaches and trainers are moving us towards becoming the ‘‘Go To’’ place to source cutting edge resources and professional expertise. Partners who are featured in this catalogue are: Beatrice Attrill & Associates ImprovID Teamgel WorldsView Academy Other online catalogue titles available in this range: Leadership; Innovation; Change and Complexity; Personal Development; Team Development and Building; Coaching and Consulting; Training


1. Certified Performance Technologist........................................................ page 1 2. Crafter ................................................................................................................ page 2 3. Effective Business Communication.......................................................... page 3 4. Nine Conversations in Leadership ........................................................... page 4 5. Serious Play ...................................................................................................... page 5 6. Contact Details................................................................................................ page 6

Certified Performance Technologist

The CPT is an internationally recognised accreditation for performance professionals offered by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). It recognises professionals who have demonstrated proficiency in the Ten Standards of Performance Improvement as required by ISPI. This programme is now available in South Africa for the first time through ISPI’s exclusive association with ImprovID Performance Specialists. CPT accreditation equips professionals with the competence required to apply the ISPI Standards of Performance Improvement as a methodology that most effectively addresses the performance improvement needs of their clients. Also, upgrade to higher levels of professional registration with the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP) and be placed on the national register of HR professionals. Why CPT? The CPT is the only proficiency and competence-based credential available in the performance improvement profession in South Africa and internationally. The CPT programme is the first professional certification and Code of Ethics in the performance improvement profession in South Africa. CPT standards incorporate the voice of employers and are based on demonstrated repeatable performance in performance competence.

Facilitator Belia Nel Belia, director at ImprovID Performance Consulting (Pty) Ltd, specialises in improving organisational performance. A member of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) and founder member and past president of ISPI South Africa, she received an international leadership award and service award from the ISPI. She focuses on improving human performance by aligning the performance of individuals and teams at a performer, process and organisational level to achieve sustainable results.

Delivery Method

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In-house Training Public Training


Crafter is a two day workshop. Crafter transforms the Organogram into a Shared Team Bond, then into a Shared Team View, and finally into Shared Team Action. Going beyond Porter, Maslow and friends who tell you what to do, Crafter makes “it” happen. Crafter energises the people responsible for making “it” happen. Only they can make “it” happen, through a Shared Team Bond, Shared Team View and Shared Action. How? Crafter uses the universal language of fun and play in a structured way to access the deep-seated skills, knowledge and attitudes of your most valuable assets, your people. PS. The secret ingredient is LEGO. Outcomes Crafter brings people together to make “it” happen. Be “it”: • Crafting Strategy • Crafting Customer Service • Crafting Team Spirit • Crafting Cohesion • Crafting Change • Crafting Implementation • Crafting Whatever Delivery Method

Facilitators Teamgel has two fulltime facilitators, Pete Smith and Christine Kere. Here’s why they make such a competent facilitation team. • Together they are broadly representative of the demographics of Southern Africa • Between them they have more than 50 years facilitation experience • Both of them have a sense of humour • Both have an MBA degree • Both have been trained by Dr Denise Meyerson in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ facilitation process.


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Effective Business Communication

The work done in any organisation depends upon the ability to communicate. All too often, we do not get the results we want because there has been a failure to communicate clearly and convincingly, with little attention paid to the factors which contribute to effective communication. This can lead to poorly executed tasks and initiatives and high levels of rework, and can significantly impact productivity. Effective Business Communication is a skills-based programme which focuses on verbal and written communication. Topics include: • Social and cultural factors • The social styles model • Communication model • Understanding what creates “noise” • Preparing for effective one on one and group meetings • How to review meetings • Appropriate use of technology-based communication media • Preparing presentations that deliver the messages you want to convey • Creating and editing reports Outcomes By the end of the programme, delegates will be able to: • Appreciate the impact of diversity on communication • Understand and practically utilise the social styles model within a business communication context • Review one-on-one and group meetings and influence future outcomes • Prepare a well organised, impactful presentation or report • Edit reports of self and others • Apply generally accepted protocol applicable to technologybased communication Delivery Method

Facilitators Ron Walter BAHons (Social Work & Labour Law); MAP; EDP (Wits Business School)

Ron is involved in a number of small businesses and in a variety of consulting activities. He specialises in business coaching, human capital strategy, transformation/change work and facilitation, and lectures on several Wits Business School programmes. Beatrice Attrill BA; HDipEd (Wits); Master of Management (Wits Business School); Coactive Coaching (Coaches Training Institute)

Beatrice is an experienced organisation development consultant, specialising in the areas of human capital strategy, business change and transformation, leadership development, facilitation and coaching. Beatrice has prior experience in the tertiary education and financial sectors.

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Beatrice Attrill & Associates

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In-house or External Workshop

Nine Conversations in Leadership™ Intervention For organisations seeking sustainable, results-orientated leadership development, Nine Conversations in Leadership™ is an innovative intervention that acts as a catalyst for long-term leadership development throughout the organisation. Unlike other leadership programmes, the Nine Conversations in Leadership™ intervention works at the levels of knowledge, values and behaviours to achieve holistic leadership growth. Outcomes The intervention consists of nine facilitated conversations that occur within a small peer group. The purpose of each conversation is to share and learn from one another's leadership challenges and successes and to co-create ideas and solutions from shared learning and wisdom.

Facilitators The facilitators have a vast range of experience in organisations and work with the leaders to assist them on their journey.

The Nine Conversations in Leadership™ intervention fuses organisational development and traditional training in a workshop format. The intervention examines leadership in the realms of Head (knowing), Heart (being) and Hands (doing). It brings participants together repeatedly, to explore and cover all aspects of leadership, from organisational leadership to team leadership and the leadership of individuals and self. Leadership alignment is a critical component for harnessing organisational energy to achieve the organisation's vision, values and strategy. Self-assessment and peer feedback are key leadership development tools which constitute the foundations of self-leadership and whilst leaders develop through experience, they can accelerate their readiness to lead by receiving constructive feedback. Assessments are made in the areas of knowledge, attitude and behaviour, all of which are developed during the leadership journey. Delivery Method Workshop

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LEGO® Serious Play™

The LEGO® Serious Play™ methodology is a powerful system for introducing change, managing change, facilitating strategic planning, increasing innovation and building strong teams. The LEGO® Serious Play™ methodology aids all participants to engage in deep reflection and effective open, authentic dialogue and can unleash possibilities due to the dynamic, ‘hands-on, mindson’ nature of the process. The LEGO® Serious Play™ methodology can be used as a group problem solving methodology to address a number of business issues. Here are a few of them: • Conferences • Strategic planning • Organisational Culture Change • Diversity & Equal Opportunity • Problem Solving Objectives • • • • • •

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To get 100% participation from everyone in the group To give all participants time to think before they speak To hear and be able to appreciate every person’s unique insight on the issue being discussed To get all participants to “step up to the plate” and be part of the discussion and decision-making To use ways of communicating that help everyone express their thoughts and insights To help the listener understand and remember what is being said and to minimize the risks for misunderstandings and miscommunications Not to favour one particular style of communication To help all participants focus on the message, not the messenger

Facilitators Teamgel has two fulltime facilitators, Pete Smith and Christine Kere. Here’s why they make such a competent facilitation team. • Together they are broadly representative of the demographics of Southern Africa • Between them they have more than 50 years facilitation experience • Both of them have a sense of humour • Both have an MBA degree • Both have been trained by Dr Denise Meyerson in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ facilitation process.

Delivery Method

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Workshop 076 626 6047 0865 035 066


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