Corporate Training

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Janet du Preez

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076 626 6047


Tools of Greatness provides resources to enable the health and effectiveness of individuals, teams, organisations and communities. The engaging, innovative, academically-sound products and services provided by our Associates and our Corps of independent researchers, consultants, facilitators, coaches and trainers are moving us towards becoming the ‘‘Go To’’ place to source cutting edge resources and professional expertise. Core to the ethos of our organisation is that we seek partners with experience in the field and who offer interventions which effectively engage people in the learning process. The focus of the training offered is on human capital and organisational development. Partners who are featured in this catalogue are: ImprovID WorldsView Academy Other online catalogue titles available in this range: Leadership; Innovation; Change and Complexity; Personal Development; Team Development and Building; Coaching and Consulting; Organisational Effectiveness


1. Business Acumen ........................................................................................... page 1 2. Certified Performance Technologist........................................................ page 2 3. Change Management................................................................................... page 3 4. Facilitation Skills ............................................................................................. page 4 5. Organisation Communication ................................................................... page 5 6. Organisation Design ..................................................................................... page 6 7. Organisation Development and Change ............................................... page 7 8. Organisation Development Concepts .................................................... page 8 9. Organisation Development Fundamentals .......................................... page 9 10. Organisation Development Practice ....................................................... page 10 11. Strategy and Action Planning .................................................................... page 11 12. Team Development ...................................................................................... page 12 13. Contact Details................................................................................................ page 13

Business Acumen

Human Resources (HR) and Organisation Development (OD) Practitioners play a key role in contributing strategically towards the growth and sustainability of organisations. The emphasis of this course is on developing an advanced understanding of how business works, and how to manage and influence the bottom line. The true power of dynamic practitioners is in their ability to translate Organisational Development and Human Resource requirements into strategies that make direct business sense and support business strategy. It will provide you with the skills, tools and frameworks to communicate in a way that your clients/organisation can understand. In this 2-day skills programme you will explore the key financial and business metrics and drivers that determine the effectiveness of an organisation. Outcomes The course covers: • The business case for an OD/HR interventions through the language of line • Key financial and business metric drivers of HR/OD at a complex level • The variables driving financial results • Business support, impact and demonstrating return on investment Delivery Method

Facilitator Craig Yeatman Craig is the CEO of the WorldsView™ Holdings group. His areas of expertise include entrepreneurial leadership and organisational development, with specific focus on the challenges of leadership and strategy. He has an MBA (cum laude) from the Wits Business School in Johannesburg and serves on various boards of South African businesses. Craig has appeared on television and radio, and has been a guest lecturer at leading South African business schools.

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Certified Performance Technologist

The CPT is an internationally recognised accreditation for performance professionals offered by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). It recognises professionals who have demonstrated proficiency in the Ten Standards of Performance Improvement as required by ISPI. This programme is now available in South Africa for the first time through ISPI’s exclusive association with ImprovID Performance Specialists. CPT accreditation equips professionals with the competence required to apply the ISPI Standards of Performance Improvement as a methodology that most effectively addresses the performance improvement needs of their clients. Also, upgrade to higher levels of professional registration with the South African Board for People Practices (SABPP) and be placed on the national register of HR professionals. Why CPT? The CPT is the only proficiency and competence-based credential available in the performance improvement profession in South Africa and internationally. The CPT programme is the first professional certification and Code of Ethics in the performance improvement profession in South Africa. CPT standards incorporate the voice of employers and are based on demonstrated repeatable performance in performance competence.

Facilitator Belia Nel Belia, director at ImprovID Performance Consulting (Pty) Ltd, specialises in improving organisational performance. A member of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) and founder member and past president of ISPI South Africa, she received an international leadership award and service award from the ISPI. She focuses on improving human performance by aligning the performance of individuals and teams at a performer, process and organisational level to achieve sustainable results.

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Change Management

The rate of organisational change is constantly increasing and relentless change has become a fact of organisational life. Since change is everywhere in business today, change management skills are necessary for organisations to succeed and thrive. It has become essential that managers and change team leaders possess strong change management skills to successfully effect change. This two day programme provides an understanding of change management as well as the skills needed to apply change management principles in various scenarios - an imperative in the face of today's relentless pace of organisational change. Outcomes Participants will: • Explain why change management is an important process for organisations to achieve sustainable trading results • Identify examples of planned change and reactive change in an organisation • Describe a model for effective change management and its management • Identify reasons for resistance to change and indicate ways to overcome them • Identify the risks inherent in any change management programme and indicate ways to manage them • Identify and apply the competencies of an effective change agent

Facilitator Lucille Greeff Lucille is facilitator and OD practitioner with a specific interest in reinventing management and organisations to be fit for human consumption. Lucille takes a systemic approach and believes in creating sustainable change in teams and organisations by not only addressing symptoms and patterns of behaviours, but by also addressing structural inconsistencies and challenging the mental models that sustain problems. As a facilitator she is known for her creativity, energy, conceptual ability and process-sensitivity.

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Facilitation Skills

The ability to effectively facilitate groups of people is an increasingly important and sought-after skill in organisations today. The facilitation of meetings, workshops, planning sessions and other group processes increases productivity, drives better planning and, ultimately, better business decisions. This 3-day skills programme will provide the necessary skills and techniques for successfully planning, preparing for and facilitating a variety of organisational and group processes. Outcomes Participants will: • Design a facilitation process, select and combine appropriate facilitation techniques • Engage with facilitation competencies for self-assessment and development • Practice and develop your facilitation skills through personalised feedback from peers and master facilitator • Develop fundamental facilitation skills, including powerful questioning, moving groups to insight, managing energy and engaging the whole person • Experience and practice various facilitation techniques Delivery Method In-house Training Public Training

Facilitator Renate Landman Renate is a personal coach to individuals and corporate teams, a workshop facilitator and inspirational speaker. Her unique approach has evolved into a powerful mix, combining her extensive training with three coach training institutes and her training with Dr John F Demartini. Her coaching relationships reach into corporations and homes. She believes that if we build from our core, choose consciously, commit, and take action, we can all have the lives we want, work that is engaging and enlivening.and relationships are dynamic and the results extraordinary.

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Organisational Communication

As organisations and change interventions become larger and more complex, communication becomes inherently more challenging. OD practitioners should be able to help build pathways and energy for rapid, adaptive communication by leveraging cutting-edge approaches and creating communication strategies that promote organisational contextualisation, sense-making and engagement. In this one-day module participants will explore the impact of personal communication styles on communication processes and build an understanding of the definition, nature and function of communication in organisations and those elements that impact on it. Participants will be exposed to a variety of techniques and skills which contribute to the effective management of organisational communication and will understand a range of formal and informal communication patterns in the organisations. Outcomes Participants will: • Understand a range of formal and informal communication patterns in organisations • Move from ‘buy-in’ to deeper levels of engagement through communication • Explore cutting-edge OD communication strategies Delivery Method In-house Training Public Training

Facilitator Christo van Staden Christo believes in improving organisational performance by creating learning, enabling collaboration and expanding consciousness. Conversation (its root meaning is "to turn together") is at the heart of human success – and he sees it as his primary task to enable rich and transformative conversations in and beyond the organisation. He has a wide range of experience from largescale culture transformation, talent management, living the brand and values to customer-centricity.

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Organisational Design

Participants will learn how to solve their own organisational challenges through organisational design solutions. Learning will encompass how to work in teams to apply the process of participatory design in a simulated real-world, complex business scenario. Outcomes Participants will: • Learn a step-by-step participatory organisational design process. • Work in teams to apply this process to a simulated realworld, complex business scenario. • Gain insight into how to solve their organisational challenges through organisation design solutions.

Facilitators The facilitators have a vast and wide range of skills and experience in Organisational Design.

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Higher Certificate: Organisation Development & Change The Higher Certificate in Organisation Development and Change provides a robust grounding in the fundamentals of Organisation Development (OD) and change theory and methodology. Increase your capacity as a champion of Organisation Development and change through the development of knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques encompassed in this Higher Certificate. Outcomes Eleven modules encompassing the complete OD practitioner, underpinned by the "OD way of work" • Understand the core concepts and fundamental values, processes and practices of organisation development and change management. • Identify and explore common models applied in the practice of organisation development. • Understand and apply the values, principles. and processes of change management in the workplace. • Understand and contribute to a strategic planning process. • Apply communication and project management skills in an organisation development and change context. • Apply facilitation skills in a variety of basic organisational processes. • Take responsibility for personal development in order to achieve effectiveness in a business environment, practising lifelong learning. • Understand and work within a team to meet set goals and objectives. • Identify financial risks and implications associated with organisation development and change work. • Become effective employees, employers and/or selfemployed members of society. • Develop the ability to assist within your community and thereby

Facilitators Craig Yeatman Craig has extensive career history in leadership positions and is a co-developer of all the WorldsView™ Consulting interventions. Lucille Greeff Lucille takes a systemic approach and believes in creating sustainable change in teams and organisations. Renate Landman Renate is a personal coach to individuals and corporate teams, aworkshop facilitator and inspirational speaker.

ensure social and economic transformation.

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Organisation Development Concepts

Laying the foundations for a better way of working with organisations. As a key building block in the Certificate in Organisation Development and Change, this two-day module introduces the core concepts of Organisation Development. Participants will begin to understand the OD practitioner's requisite skills and role in the organisation, through an exploration of definitions, foundational models and frameworks. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their gifts and growth areas as OD practitioners, seeking to better understand and respond to various business contexts. After reviewing the Organisation Development code and with these essential concepts, models and frameworks firmly bedded down, participants will be equipped to tackle the next module, Organisation Development Practice. Outcomes Participants will be introduced to: • The core concepts of organisation development (OD) • OD code and foundations • OD models and frameworks • How to accelerate the effectiveness of your organisation, in a healthy way Delivery Method In-house Training Public Training

Facilitator Craig Yeatman Craig is the CEO of the WorldsView™ Holdings group. His areas of expertise include entrepreneurial leadership and organisational development, with specific focus on the challenges of leadership and strategy. He has an MBA (cum laude) from the Wits Business School in Johannesburg and serves on various boards of South African businesses. Craig has appeared on television and radio, and has been a guest lecturer at leading South African business schools.

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Organisation Development Fundamentals Sets out the professional landscape and introduces the foundational knowledge of Organisation Development. The programme is underpinned by the WorldsView™ Academy’s Starfish Change Navigator© and the Establishment and Adaptation Landscape of Organisation Development©, providing a practical guide for practitioners. Outcomes Through the phases of the Starfish Change Navigator© you will be introduced to: • The Organisation Development history, values and code of practice. • Methods of contracting with your “internal or external” clients. • Processes that help you to work with your clients to make sense of organisational issues through the lenses of effectiveness, health and complexity. • Processes rooted in systems-thinking that help you and your client to place issues in the25 fields of the Establishment and Adaptation Landscape of Organisation Development©. • Processes that help you and your client to select interventions that are appropriate for the issue and the organisational context. • Processes that guide and track the issue and the related intervention through the 25 fields of the Establishment and Adaptation Landscape of Organisation Development©. The programme uses pre-set and participant cases to ground your learning in practical application. When you finish the Organisation Development Fundamentals programme, you can move on to other specialist classes offered by the WorldsView™ Academy to further develop your practice.

Facilitator Craig Yeatman Craig is the CEO of the WorldsView™ Holdings group. His areas of expertise include entrepreneurial leadership and organisational development, with specific focus on the challenges of leadership and strategy. He has an MBA (cum laude) from the Wits Business School in Johannesburg and serves on various boards of South African businesses. Craig has appeared on television and radio, and has been a guest lecturer at leading South African business schools.

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Organisation Development Practice

Applying the foundational concepts of organisation development in the workplace. In this three-day module, participants are introduced to the process, practice, ethics and selected tools, including a template, to track and navigate interventions for Organisation Development. This learning is premised on participants' newly-obtained OD fundamentals knowledge and exposure to tools, assessments and practices geared toward accelerating organisational effectiveness in a healthy way. Participants are empowered to start applying OD principles and processes in their own organisations. Upon completion of the Organisation Development Practice module, participants will be encouraged and supported, as they begin to gather and interpret data, make OD choices and design and deploy powerful interventions in their organisations. The programme is underpinned by the WorldsView™ Academy's Starfish™ Change Navigator and the Establishment and Adaptation Landscape of Organisation Development©, providing a practical guide for practitioners. Outcomes Participants will: • Apply OD principles and processes in the workplace • Gather and interpret data to target interventions • Design and deploy powerful interventions

Facilitator Craig Yeatman Craig is the CEO of the WorldsView™ Holdings group. His areas of expertise include entrepreneurial leadership and organisational development, with specific focus on the challenges of leadership and strategy. He has an MBA (cum laude) from the Wits Business School in Johannesburg and serves on various boards of South African businesses. Craig has appeared on television and radio, and has been a guest lecturer at leading South African business schools.

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Strategy and Action Planning

The ability to apply the right key techniques and processes to effectively and innovatively facilitate strategic planning sessions in extremely valuable skills for any person in a leadership position. This two-day programme provides the understanding and tools that enable you to lead and direct groups or teams to discover and clarify their own shared purpose. You will also be able to develop a basic strategic plan that will be sure to drive teams towards successful execution. Outcomes The course covers: • Building blocks of a strategic plan • Guidelines for developing a strategic plan and evaluating its effectiveness • Steps in the strategic planning process • Tools, tips and techniques to successfully facilitate a team through the strategic planning process • Designing and tailoring the strategic planning process to meet specific group requirements • Facilitating difficult situations and identifying pitfalls Delivery Method In-house Training Public Training

Facilitator Mark Peters Mark obtained a grant scholarship with the Ford Foundation in the US to research the financing of small business and community development, based in South Africa. This research involved working directly with Social Investment Banks in 12 countries over 30 months. He has held numerous positions in Wits Business School since 1988. He was a main board member of the JSE listed Educor. He was Henley Management College’s Lead Tutor in Marketing from 1998 – 2001. In 2002 he was appointed Director of Marketing at Wits Business School as well as a Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy.

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Team Development

Increasingly teams are becoming a core component of organisational life and an OD practitioner must be fully conversant with the frameworks and dynamics that affect team performance. This two-day module gives students access to a powerful model and process framework to accelerate team effectiveness. By understanding both the long-term dynamics and processes of team development, and immediate leverage points, students will be equipped with the knowledge to select and target team interventions based on their unique organisational contexts to deliver high performance teams. Students will also be cognisant of the dynamic relationship between leadership and OD in the arena of teams and as such capable of partnering powerfully with team leaders. Outcomes Participants will: • Analyse team challenges in the broader OD context. • Find leverage points to accelerate team performance. • Apply a team development model and process. Delivery Method In-house Training Public Training

Facilitator Craig Yeatman Craig is the CEO of the WorldsView™ Holdings group. His areas of expertise include entrepreneurial leadership and organisational development, with specific focus on the challenges of leadership and strategy. He has an MBA (cum laude) from the Wits Business School in Johannesburg and serves on various boards of South African businesses. Craig has appeared on television and radio, and has been a guest lecturer at leading South African business schools.

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