TOPS in Lexington - February 2022

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What’s Your Sign? by Allyson Mattingly

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Since last December, you’ve been going through it, Aquarius, but don’t give up; you’re almost there! You’ve been taking risks while majorly maturing, and this year will allow you to rewrite your narrative that other people have been controlling. Sharing your story will help others reveal truths about themselves and provide empowerment for all those involved. You’ve chosen to surround yourself with good friends already, but get ready to grow that group! You’re going to feel more outgoing, welcoming even more pure-hearted people into your life. Continue to take risks in 2022, especially with your career. Spearhead a new initiative, request a promotion, or go back to school; these could all lead to a huge professional milestone, lifting your ambitions to the sky! With this new outlook, a pay increase could be in your future. Take it easy on the spending, though, as expenses could rack up if you’re not careful.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, this year, you will find various opportunities to remind yourself how far you’ve come. Stay optimistic about what’s headed for you and find lessons in moments of joy. You may have been feeling a little anti-social, but in 2022 you’ll enjoy connecting with people again. Get involved by meeting your neighbors and local businesses, and open up to life in general. This will lead you to joy, success, and life’s endless possibilities. Make sure you watch out for guilt trips and pity parties, though, as there are far more effective ways to express your feelings. Your professional life this year will be filled with success as well. To accomplish your goals, you need to organize and make note of your endgame, which will help you up your game and assert yourself at work. Studying will also be important to you, as this could be the year you earn a degree or a certification. With so much luck on your side, you’re sure to succeed!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Get ready Aries; you’re in for a wild ride this year. 2022 is going to bring you a bittersweet yet exciting new chapter in your life marked by new career ventures, outgrowing relationships that no longer fit into your life, and identifying friends who see the real you. Once you cut ties with people who aren’t right for your goals, you’ll realize just how special your relationships are. You’re on the right track toward pursuing big dreams, but be ready to stay on your toes and share your gratitude for


mentors, meaningful relatives, and true friends. Gratitude will catapult you toward your goals, and you can show this through words of affirmation and gift-giving to those you love.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Chaos has been ruling your life for the past couple of years, Taurus, but get ready to take charge this year and start to see yourself as the main character! This is your time to thrive, especially in your career. Keep working hard – even if you have to put in extra hours – to receive praise from bosses and colleagues, a possible raise, and to establish yourself as an authority figure. Your popularity will soar in 2022, but don’t be afraid to do what’s best for you and end relationships that feel draining. This will allow space for new relationships and maybe even an unexpected love connection. Embrace the opportunity new connections bring, and you may find yourself in the arms of true love. If you’re already in a relationship, this is the year to deepen your connection and try new, exciting things.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Get ready to be a #boss this year, Gemini! 2022 is the year you will experience professional greatness along with a new level of balance and stability in your life. Your networking will pay off as the connections you’ve nurtured throughout your career will come back to help you achieve your goals. Be bold with your career moves, and you could be handsomely rewarded for working smarter, not harder. Along with all this professional success, try to center yourself and find comfort in the quiet. It’s okay to be comforted by your own presence, whether you’re currently in a relationship or not. Don’t give up on the life you envision for yourself, and practice meditation to find your center. This will allow you to find a healthy partner who will act as an emotional support system for you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, prepare to show your wild side in 2022. You’re going to be a little social butterfly, attending events and deeply connecting with others. You’ll find inspiration for your new lifestyle through traveling outside your comfort zone, experiencing new media, and learning. Make sure to take care of your mental health along the way, though, so you don’t experience burnout! Set yourself free mentally this year and realize your authentic self.

TOPS in Lexington | February 2022

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