“Some people see things that are and ask ‘why,’ and I see things that never were and ask ‘why not?’”
Robert F. Kennedy

“Some people see things that are and ask ‘why,’ and I see things that never were and ask ‘why not?’”
Robert F. Kennedy
Publisher: John Highland
Editor In Chief: Hannah H.
Graphic Designer: Laura Poyner
Contributing Authors: Luke Argue, Riley George, Jackie Kaminski, Zenith L., Nathan Pipkin, Mălina O.R.
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With warmest regards, Hannah
Do You Know How Cold Water Affects Your Health?
Sleep Debt: Can I Pay It Off?
The Surprising Benefits of Grounding
Mark Becker: A Pioneer of Holistic
Wellness in New York City
Protein Needs As We Age
What Does The Organic Label Mean?
What is Stress Tracking?
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In our fast-paced, modern world, where technology and urbanization dominate, it’s easy to lose touch with the natural world. A growing body of research suggests that reconnecting with the earth through a practice known as grounding, or earthing, can offer an array of health benefits!
Grounding involves direct physical contact with the earth, such as walking barefoot on grass, soil or sand, and has been associated with improved well-being across various aspects of physical and mental health.
Grounding is based on the principle that the earth carries a subtle electric charge, and direct contact with its surface can help balance the body’s electrical charge. This concept is rooted in the understanding that the earth’s surface is abundant in free electrons, which are negatively charged particles. When a person is in direct contact with the earth, these electrons can be transferred to the body, neutralizing positively charged free radicals and reducing inflammation.
Several studies have suggested that grounding may have antiinflammatory effects on the body. In a 2015 study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research, participants who grounded themselves showed a significant reduction in inflammatory markers, indicating that contact with the Earth may help modulate the body’s inflammatory response.¹
Grounding has been linked to better sleep quality and duration. A 2004 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that participants who slept grounded experienced improvements in sleep efficiency, total sleep time, and decreased nighttime awakenings.² The balancing effect on cortisol, the stress hormone, may contribute to these positive sleep outcomes.³
Grounding appears to have a calming effect on the nervous system, potentially reducing stress and anxiety. A small pilot study published in 2015 found that participants who practiced grounding techniques reported lower levels of stress and improved overall emotional wellbeing.⁴
Preliminary research suggests that grounding may positively impact cardiovascular health. A study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health in 2012 found that grounding resulted in improved blood viscosity and flow, potentially contributing to better overall cardiovascular function.⁵
Grounding has shown promise as a complementary approach to pain management. A 2017 study found that grounding reduced the intensity of chronic musculoskeletal pain and improved participants’ overall quality of life.⁶ While more research is needed, these findings suggest that grounding could be a valuable addition to pain management strategies.
Spend time walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, soil, or sand. This direct contact allows the transfer of electrons from the earth to your body.
Engage in gardening activities where you come into direct contact with the soil. Planting, weeding, or simply sitting on the ground can provide grounding benefits.
Take advantage of the beach environment, where the combination of sand and water provides an excellent grounding experience. Walk barefoot along the shore or sit in the sand to enhance the connection.
Grounding mats and sheets with conductive properties are designed to connect to the earth’s electric charge. Using these products while sleeping or sitting can offer the benefits of grounding indoors.
As we navigate the challenges of modern living, the simple act of connecting with the earth may hold profound health benefits. Grounding has the potential to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, alleviate stress, enhance cardiovascular health, and aid in pain management. While more research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind these effects fully, the existing evidence suggests that incorporating grounding practices into our daily lives could be a valuable component of a holistic approach to well-being. So, kick off your shoes, step onto the grass, and let the earth’s natural energy contribute to your overall health and vitality!
By Riley George
In the heart of New York City, a quiet revolution began in 1975, spearheaded by a visionary named Mark Becker. Recognizing a growing desire for holistic well-being, Becker founded the Serenity Natural Healing Center. This groundbreaking venture would become the city's first non-religious yoga studio and herb shop. This wasn't merely a business endeavor; it was the birth of a movement, a pivotal moment in the evolution of New York's health and wellness landscape. A true wellness pioneer and entrepreneur, Becker was driven by a deep commitment to sharing the transformative power of yoga and natural healing.
Becker shared one of Robert F. Kennedy’s quotes that inspired him to become the visionary he is today- “Some people see things that are and ask ‘why,’ and I see things that never were and ask ‘why not?’”
Another quote from the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid has also continued to inspire Backer- “You know Sundance, sometimes I feel like I have 20/20 vision and the rest of the world is wearing bi-focals.”
As a disciple of the three swamis who introduced yoga to the United States – Swami Satchidananda, Swami Vishnudevananda, and Swami Bua – Becker possessed a unique and profound understanding of the practice. He was determined to make yoga accessible to a broader audience, establishing the only non-Hindu yoga center that certified yoga teachers. A Master Yogi with over 50 years of experience, Becker has personally trained over 10,000 yoga students, including notable figures like Raquel Welch and Ali MacGraw, and mentored over 1,000 yoga instructors, including seasoned practitioners seeking to refine their teaching skills.
Becker’s influence extended beyond the studio. In 1977, he introduced the first yoga instructional LP, "Basic Yoga and You," which was nominated as one of the ten best fitness albums of the year, and later recognized as the
#1 yoga record by Mademoiselle magazine. He further solidified his position as a leader in the field by teaching Omega Institute's inaugural Yoga Teacher's Training Course in 1981.
His entrepreneurial spirit led him to create Serenity Magazine in 1977, followed by NEWLIFE Magazine in 1988, platforms that amplified the voices of holistic practitioners and promoted healthy living. In 1977 and 1978, he coproduced the Diet Expo at Madison Square Garden and the New York Coliseum, featuring pioneering figures like Linus Pauling and introducing holistic, alternative, and complementary medical doctors and dentists to a wider audience. This tradition continued with the creation of the NEWLIFE EXPO in 1990, a landmark event that has featured luminaries like Deepak Chopra and Dr. Oz. It remains the longest-running holistic expo in the country, with events in New York City and Florida.
In 1997, Becker's contributions were officially recognized when Manhattan's Borough President declared a "Mark Becker Day," honoring his two decades of guiding New Yorkers towards healthier lifestyles. He also innovated with Yogaerobics, a popular low-stress, high-energy workout in the 1980s. Beyond yoga, Becker is a skilled Holistic Practitioner, offering expertise in nutrition, herbology, bodywork (including Swedish, Shiatsu, Polarity, and Reflexology), Bach Flowers, Gem Essences, and Yoga Therapy. His workshops and trainings, encompassing bodywork, meditation, and yoga teacher training, continue to empower individuals to take control of their well-being. Mark and his instructors are also known for their unparalleled hands-on corrections approach, created by Yogi Mark.
This is the story of Mark Becker, a visionary who not only witnessed the rise of holistic wellness but actively shaped its course, leaving an indelible mark on New York City and beyond.
"I opened up the first yoga center in New York City in December of 75," Becker recounted, marking a pivotal moment in his career.
This wasn't simply another yoga studio but a pioneering venture, a space where burgeoning ideas about mindbody connections could take root.
"It was also the first herb shop, and in fact, that year I was in court three times because they wanted to have a pharmacist there for herbs," he said.
Becker's determination to establish the legitimacy of herbal remedies was unwavering, a battle fought with conviction. He proved that the herbs he was utilizing were not drugs but part of the FDA's GRAS list as a food.
His commitment to education extended far beyond the confines of his studio as he was frequently invited to speak to classes at various universities.
Becker sought to demystify the complexities of herbal medicine, bridging the gap between traditional knowledge and scientific understanding. This dedication to sharing knowledge became a hallmark of his career.
"I was showing people the chemical constituent of the herb. So, if you knew the chemical makeup of one herb
and what it does and saw another herb with that chemical constituent, you would know that herb would do the same thing as the other,” he said.
Becker's influence reached far beyond his immediate community, attracting a diverse following. His following included those who were gravitating towards what was then termed "alternative medicine."
He was a catalyst for change, helping to shift public perception and spending habits.
"More people were spending money out of pocket for alternative medicine than regular medicine," Becker noted. “This shift was to gravitate to expos like mine because nobody knew much about the holistic wellness community then. Where were they gonna learn about the doctors? Where were they gonna learn about the products? So I created the place for people to learn."
Becker’s influence was not limited to herbs and yoga. He also challenged conventional dietary wisdom, advocating for a more balanced approach.
"The food triangle was completely upside down, having meat and dairy on top and fruits and vegetables on the bottom," he recalled. "A wrong way of thinking about diet was being pushed in schools and even hospitals."
His advocacy for a holistic approach to health encompassed more than just diet and exercise, emphasizing the importance of the mind-body-spirit connection.
"People didn't realize how they could make the most out of their diet and exercise by simply practicing yoga because of its mind, body, and spirit connection," he said.
Becker's vision extended to the broader community, evidenced by his long-running NEWLIFE Expo, a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering connections.
He emphasized the importance of these events for both practitioners and the public.
"How are people gonna learn about holistic wellness practices? They come to an expo. They speak to a practitioner, one on one, and see the newest modalities they are showcasing. They can see and experience the benefits for themselves, and then they can tell their friends about it," he shared.
Looking ahead to his upcoming expo in March, Becker expresses enthusiasm for the continued growth of the holistic wellness community.
“I'm so happy that TopDoctor will be sponsoring The Upcoming NEWLIFE Expo and providing the trophies. We want to award those doing exceptional work in the health and wellness community and believe they should get recognition for what they do,” he said. "The NEWLIFE Expo provides a place for anyone to be able to
learn to take responsibility for their health, open their minds to all possibilities, and experiment with the new modalities presented in the lectures. We have six lectures every hour with the exhibitors from medical doctors to holistic practitioners that attendees can listen to and learn from.”
The NEWLIFE Expo will take place in Deerfield, Florida on March 22-23 & New York City, New York on March 29-30.
"If people want to learn more about holistic wellness and open their mind to the endless possibilities of how to take responsibility for their health, this is the place to do it,” he emphasized.
Becker’s enduring message is one of empowerment and enlightenment, a call to action for individuals to take charge of their well-being.
Mark Becker's legacy is one of unwavering dedication to holistic health and wellness. From the pioneering days of Serenity Natural Healing Center to the enduring success of the NEWLIFE EXPO, his contributions have shaped the landscape of alternative practices in New York City and across the nation. He has been a teacher, a mentor, an entrepreneur, and a visionary, empowering countless individuals to embrace healthier lifestyles and discover the transformative power of yoga and natural healing.
His commitment to education, evident in his yoga teacher trainings, workshops, and publications, has ensured that the wisdom of holistic practices is passed on to future generations. Becker's ability to bridge the gap between ancient traditions and modern understanding has made him a trusted authority in the field.
As the NEWLIFE Expo continues to thrive, and as Becker continues to share his knowledge and passion, his legacy as a pioneer of holistic wellness remains secure. He has not only witnessed the evolution of alternative practices but has actively shaped their course, leaving an enduring mark on the world of health and well-being.
NEWLIFE Expo March 29-30 IN NYC at the Hotel New Yorker. March 22-23, 2025 in Deerfield/Boca, Florida: Transform Your Mind, Body, & Spirit.
You can experience America's Longest Running Holistic, Mind-Body-Spirit Expo by visiting https://newlifeexpo.com/.
Protein! The King of Macronutrients!
By now, the health and fitness industry has shed an abundance of light on the importance of protein in your diet. But… do your protein needs change as you age?
Is the recommended dose of 20-30g of protein per meal or post-workout sufficient to induce that muscle-building response across the lifespan? The answer, unfortunately, is no.
If you’re wondering why, after age 50, the same nutrition tactics that might’ve once worked in your youth are no longer working, here’s why.
Muscle mass decreases at a rate of 1-8% per decade after the age of 30 and becomes more significant after the age of 60 (1). These losses occur partly due to alterations inside cells affecting muscle fiber size, muscle cell number, reduction of ATP and glycolytic enzymes, and blunted responses to meal ingestion. Hormonal changes also play a prominent role in the ability to build muscle. By the age of 60, a majority of men will experience significant drops in testosterone levels that decrease to levels below normal youthful values. Similarly, menopause is a significant life event where women experience more difficulty maintaining and building lean mass.
So, if all these physiological changes are occurring, what is the new required stimulus to help boost protein synthesis or the muscle-building response via food?
The optimal protein intake to create a maximal anabolic or muscle-building response in elderly individuals is 35-40g of protein per meal or 0.40g/kg/meal of high-quality protein. It is recommended to have a total daily protein intake of 1.2-2g/ kg per day. So, for an individual weighing 150 lb., that would equate to a total daily protein intake of 82-136g per day.
Several studies have demonstrated the need for higher protein doses in elderly individuals. One study evaluated lean body mass changes in men and women with an average age of 74.5 years. Protein intake was separated into five quartiles ranging from daily intakes of 0.8-1.2g/kg/day. The group in the highest quartile lost 40% less lean muscle mass than those in the lowest quartile group (3). Another study looking at muscle protein response following protein ingestion in young and older men found that a dose of 40g of highquality protein was required to maximize muscle protein synthesis (5).
Protein timing has been a long-debated topic. Should you split your daily protein needs evenly throughout the day, or can you consume everything you need in a single bolus?
Meeting total daily protein needs in a day is the most important. However, it is recommended to evenly space protein feedings throughout the day for exercising individuals. Consuming 35-40g of protein every 3-4 hours and within 2 hours after exercise will offer the greatest benefit in maintaining and building lean body mass. It is more important for women to consume protein as soon as possible after exercise.
Maximizing muscle protein synthesis is also largely dependent on the type and amount of dietary protein consumed. Leucine, an amino acid, is the most potent muscle-building stimulator. Therefore, a high-quality protein will contain roughly 3g of leucine per 35-40g serving of protein.
High-quality proteins are any animal-based protein. Examples include fish, eggs, chicken, beef, turkey and milk products.
If you consume a plant-based diet, you will need to consume a larger protein bolus to achieve the same anabolic response.
Plant proteins often lack one or more essential amino acids and are typically low in leucine. Additionally, the fiber and the presence of other phytochemicals blunt the absorption of proteins present in various plant-based sources.
What are the best muscle-building supplements for individuals as they age?
The more obvious supplements would be protein powders and amino acids. When it comes to protein powders, fastabsorbing protein (whey) will be more beneficial than slowdigesting proteins (casein) in order to achieve a maximal protein synthetic response, especially after exercise. Amino acids are the simplest form of protein and, therefore, will have the fastest absorption rates.
While protein consumption after exercise is required to enhance muscle protein synthesis, research has also shown really great benefits to supplementing with protein during exercise in older individuals. One study showed a 30-40% increase in muscle mass and strength when consuming protein during prolonged resistance training.
When purchasing amino acids, aim to get an essential amino acid that contains approximately 10g of EAA’s (essential amino acids) per serving.
Newer research has also shown some incredible benefits to consuming a 40g protein bolus right before bed. When elderly subjects consumed a 40g bolus of casein protein before bed, overnight muscle protein synthesis rates were 22% greater than individuals who consumed a placebo.
Creatine is a naturally occurring collection of amino acids that exists naturally within the muscles, brain and, to a small extent, the testes in men. Creatine is responsible for increasing muscle mass and strength. For older individuals, especially active older individuals, creatine has been shown to be a great aid in maintaining and building lean muscle mass. Recommended doses can range from 2-10g/day.
Collagen is the body’s most abundant form of structural protein, making up connective tissues, skin and tendons. As we age, the body produces less collagen, leading to thinner skin and an increased risk for joint and tissue injury. Many studies have indicated that the use of a daily collagen protein aided in reducing joint discomfort, improved bone mineral density, and increased lean body mass in elderly individuals.
As we age, many different physiological changes take place that can accelerate the loss of muscle mass, increase the risk of injury and make it harder to enjoy day-to-day activities. However, by maintaining an active lifestyle and making
minor adjustments to your diet, you can significantly mitigate the adverse effects of aging.
When it comes to diet, consuming protein is going to be the most important factor in order to build and maintain lean mass. As we age, consuming rich protein sources in larger boluses is more vital since the muscle protein synthesis response to food is blunted.
To maximize your muscle-building potential, follow these steps:
• Consume 35-40g of protein every 3-4 hours
• Consume 40g of whey protein after exercise
• Consume 40g of casein protein before bed
• Combine a collagen protein powder with your protein supplement to enhance joint health
• Consume 10g of essential amino acids during training to enhance muscle protein synthesis
• Consume 5g of creatine per day to increase muscle mass and strength
Protein is still the king of macronutrients! It just becomes more important as we age.
Jackie Kaminski- Registered Sports Dietitian Based Out of South Florida. Owner and CEO of Her Company: The Fight Nutritionist.
You can find Jackie at https://thefightnutritionist.com or on Instagram @thefightnutritionist
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3. Ibid.
4. Oschman, J. L., Chevalier, G., & Brown, R. (2015). The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Bodyworkers’ Pain and Overall Quality of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Explore, 11(4), 263–272.
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6. Sinatra, S. T., et al. (2017). Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine Strategies Should Include Earthing (Grounding): Review of Research Evidence and Clinical Observations. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 23(5), 347–354.
1. NEWLIFE Expo March 29-30 IN NYC at the Hotel New Yorker. March 22-23, 2025 in Deerfield/ Boca, Florida: Transform Your Mind, Body, & Spirit.
2. You can experience America's Longest Running Holistic, Mind-Body-Spirit Expo by visiting https:// newlifeexpo.com/.
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2804956/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924200/
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6. https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0189-4#:~:text=Ingesting a 20–40 g, body composition and performance outcomes.
7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6415027/#:~:text=Conclusions-,Protein ingested prior to sleep is effectively digested and absorbed, in both young and old.
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9. https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(23)02168-0.pdf
10. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00726-021-03072-x
11. Jackie Kaminski- Registered Sports Dietitian Based Out of South Florida. Owner and CEO of Her Company: The Fight Nutritionist.
12. You can find Jackie at https://thefightnutritionist.com or on Instagram @thefightnutritionist
1. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Melvyn C. Usselman, Richard O.C. Norman, and Carl R. Noller. “Organic Compound | Definition.” In Encyclopædia Britannica, March 7, 2019. https://www. britannica.com/science/organic-compound.
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12. McEvoy, Miles. “Organic 101: Understanding the ‘Made with Organic***’ Label.” www.usda.gov, May 16, 2014. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2014/05/16/organic-101-understanding-made-organic-label.
13. McEvoy, Miles. “Organic 101: Five Steps to Organic Certification.” www.usda.gov, October 14, 2020. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2012/10/10/organic-101-five-steps-organic-certification.
14. Bialik, Kristen, and Kristi Walker. “Organic Farming Is on the Rise in the U.S.” Pew Research
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15. Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. “USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service - Organic Agriculture.” Usda.gov, 2012. https://www.nass.usda.gov/Surveys/Guide_to_ NASS_Surveys/Organic_Production/.
16. Commodity.com. “U.S. States with the Most Organic Farms.” Global Trade Magazine, January 26, 2022. https://www.globaltrademag.com/u-s-states-with-the-most-organic-farms/.
1. Wikipedia Contributors. “Thoracic Diaphragm.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, December 21, 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoracic_diaphragm.
2. Read this article and more on topdoctormagazine.com.