Top Dog Weekly

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TopDogWeekly’s Cover Dog... TENASEN, MBIS GCh. Cahladens Perfect Ten

TENASEN is the #1 Dachshund (all varieties) and #6 Hound in Canada. TENASEN has taken the conformation ring by storm since the start of her Specials career in February 2013 with amazing handlers Trina Neil and Connie Krohn~K9Kru. Being honoured with 2 BEST IN SHOWS to date and going best of breed at the Eastern Ontario Dachshund Specialty have been just a few of the highlights so far this year. TENASEN achieved her GCH title quickly, and will soon be working to complete her GCHX, for which she only needs her performance title. TENASEN can be seen back in Western Canada for the remainder of the show season, to be closer to her owner who has missed her, and to work on obtaining her earth dog title. Trina, Connie and breeder/owner Lisa Maki are excited to welcome David & Pat Gignac to the team. TENASEN will attend shows in BC with the Gignacs. Bred, Owned & Loved by Lisa Maki, Cahladen Kennels Handled by Trina Neil & Connie Krohn & joined by Pat & David Gignac

BEST IN SHOWS week ending July 28th, 2013

Pacific Kennel Club – British Columbia Thursday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Rick Fehler Friday Siberian Husky Ch. Snowmist Wind N’ Reigning Judge: Susan Norris-Jones Saturday Bouvier Ch. Brocade Lil Deuce Coupe Judge Margaret Jones Sunday Siberian Husky Ch. Snowmist Wind N’ Regning Judge: Karen Doyle Prince George Kennel Club – British Columbia Friday Show 1 Newfoundland Ch. Cucarrick’s Amongst The Waves Judge: Don Fitzsimmons Friday Show 2 Newfoundland Ch. Cucarrick’s Amongst The Waves Judge: Jacqueline Risby Saturday Show 3 Boston Terrier Ch. Waylin’s Baja Rosa Judge: Thomas Alexander Saturday Show 4 German Shepherd Ch. Kohlein’s Marchesa Judge: Ole Nielsen Sunday Show 5 Norwegian Buhund Ch. Kyon’s Bold Norseman Judge Deborah Graffmann Sunday Show 6 Golden Retriever Ch. Goldcker A Boat Turn Judge: Mary White Valley Kennel Club – Ontario (cont’d) Wednesday Yorkshire Terrier Ch. NicNak’s Second To None Judge: Patricia Nemirovsky-Alsina Limestone Kennel Club – Ontario Friday PBGV Ch. Auriga’s Rock Star Judge: Honey Glendinning Saturday Rottweiler Ch. Brandy Hills Inherit The Wynn V Reichrott Judge: Wendy Paquette Sunday Std. Poodle Ch. Vetset Kate Winsit Judge: Leyda Perez Lakehead Kennel Club – Ontario Friday Basenji Ch. Ahmarhr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Judge: Valerie Hansen Saturday Doberman Pinscher Ch. Liberator’s Mirage Judge Wendy Maisey Sunday Basenji Ch. Ahmarhr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Judge: Edgar Bajona Fredericton Kennel Club – New Brunswick Friday NSDT Ch. Roaneden’s Int’l Harvester Judge. Fred Dewsbury Saturday Rhodesian Ridgeback Ch. Trumphills The X Factor Judge: Jan Buchanan Sunday Golden Retriever Ch. Bowbell’s Crosby Ajax Newton Judge: Fred Heal

UPCOMING SHOWS this weekend

Muskoka Kennel Club – Ontario Alberta Kennel Club – Alberta Avalon Kennel Club – Newfoundland

Barrie Kennel Club – Ontario Campbell River Kennel Club – British Columbia



Dog Name



Ch Whitebriar Jaw Dropper - West Highland White Terrier



GCh Polo's Air Force One - Afghan Hound



GChEx NicNak's Second To None - Yorkshire Terrier



GChEx Vetset Kate Winsit - Standard Poodle



Ch Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel - Basenji



GCh Roaneden's Int'l Harvester - Nova Scotia Duck Toller



Ch Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari - Affenpinscher



GChEx Goldgrove High Intensity - Doberman Pinscher



Ch Hearthside Riveredge Sure Is Summum - Australian Shepherd



Ch Tashtins Lookin For Trouble - Beagle


(TopDogWeekly does not verify these stats. They are supplied as a courtesy to our readers)


1) Home city? Woodville, Ontario 2) Breed or Breed’s you have bred? Coonhounds Black and Tan, Years ago I bred and exhibited Yorkshire Terriers 3) Years you have been Judging? 10 years 4) Licensed for or, on Permit for? Licensed for Sporting, Hounds and Toys, I am currently on permit for the front half of the Working Group. 5) Judged in what Countries? United States, New Zealand, Columbia 6) All time favourite assignment? Each time I Judge is my favourite time… Cop Out – not when you know me 7) Favourite dog or dogs Judged from the past? The past is the past, incredible dogs in the past. Every assignment fills me with anticipation that I am going to see and feel the dog that makes my heart sing. 8) Pet Peeve’s in your ring? Coloring coming off in my hands 9) Favourite way to relax? Curling up with the dogs and watching a decent movie 10) How do you occupy your time in travel? I sleep and read and do crossword puzzles 11) What do you think is the biggest problem facing our Sport? I do believe the answer may lie in show clusters but clubs have to cooperate with each other. We also have to encourage young people to get involved or the sport will die. We need to toss out the policy and procedure manual and start fresh. We need to stop blaming Breeders, Owners, Judges, Handlers, the CKC and as individuals look at what we can do to contribute to our Sport, 12) What are your thoughts on Limit shows? They are for what they were intended remote areas. The problem now seems to be defining “remote”. Thank you Mrs. HUNTLEY! Welcome to the TopDogWeekly family!


TopDogWeekly was ringside at the recent Limestone Kennel Club Shows (July 26,27,28) and asked - Name your favourite dog, either of your own breed or of any breed that you would have liked to have, owned, bred or shown? Doug McIntyre – Kerry Blue Terrier Ch. Class Act of Halsblu Cathy Smith – Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Ch. Stormwey Paddy John Griffith – Wire Fox Terrier Ch. Gasul Excellence Lynda Torrance – Pekingese Ch. Yakee If Only Rhoda Ace – Boxer Ch. Capri’s Woodsend Spellcaster Beth Ferrier – Old English Sheepdog – Ch. Sir Lancelot of Barvan Hailey Griffith – Smooth Fox Terrier Ch. J’Cobe Kemosabe Vigilante Justice Christina Heard – Dachshund Std. Wire – Ch. Starbarrack Food For Thought Brad Heard – Newfoundland Ch. Seabrook Headmaster Tabu Lynne Anderson – Newfoundland Ch. TopMast Blackberry Blossom William Alexander – Irish Setter – Ch. McCammon Marquis Katheryn Murray – Kerry Blue Terrier – Ch. Torum Scarf Michael Tom Curley – Boxer Ch. Scher-Khoun’s Shadrack Cathleen Cogan Bird – Boxer Ch. Polo’s The Aviator Sara Szauerzoef – Std. Poodle Ch. Dawin Stellar Performance Terri Alloway – Lakeland Terrier Ch. Larkspur Barbate Fitzwilly Danik Dancause – Pointer Ch. Hampton Wicked Game Trish Cooper – Italian Greyhound Ch. Donmar’s Scarlett Ribbons Elaine Whitney – Papillon Ch. Loteki Supernatural Being Jim Bricknell – Siberian Husky Ch. Karnovanda’s Niklas Wolf Christine Pollen - German Shepherd Ch. Altana’s Mystique Raul Olvera – Rottweiler Ch. Exxon Emily Burdon – German Shepherd Ch. Altana Mystique Robert Whitney – Afghan Hound Ch. Genesis Cailus of Jaffina

Thank you to this week’s responders!

BREEDER PROFILE Laurie Hunter, Nicnak Yorkshire Terriers

What attracted you to your breed? It was love at first sight!!!!! I think that they are the most beautiful dogs, they are so glamorous, BUT then beyond the glamour what I love about the Yorkies is their temperament. They are highly intelligent willing to do anything for their owners, but they have that very alert terrier characteristic which I love. There is nothing prettier than a gorgeous Yorkie who owns the ground it stands on. I love it when they stop dead and hit one of those beautiful poses when something catches their eye… that fabulous “look at me” stance that so many of the Terrier breeds do so beautifully. Whether it is an 8 week old puppy or that adult dog in dripping coat, that stature never fails to give me goose bumps… How many years have you been breeding and exhibiting? 25 years now, I have been exhibiting for 23 years. What are your accomplishments in your breed? To date NicNak Yorkshire Terriers have had 4 World Champions, (2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003. We also have had a Group 3 at the World Dog Show. We have had 4 Junior World Champions along with a World Dog Show Best Veteran in Show. 6 of our dogs have either had Winners Dog, or Winners Bitch, Best of Winners or Best Puppy in Sweepstakes awards at the U.S. National. We have won the Canadian Yorkshire Terrier National Specialty numerous times, as well as Toy Dog Specialties here in Canada. We have had Best In Show winning NicNak Yorkshire Terriers in Europe, Israel and Brazil where we have the current Top Winning Yorkie of All time. Here in Canada we have had great success with Multi BIS winners and currently our Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. NicNak’s Second to

None CGN is Canada’s #1 Yorkshire Terrier for the second year and currently Canada’s #1 Toy and #3 of All Breeds. We have had success in the U.S, with our Yorkies being in the Top 5 Breed rankings never shown on a full time basis. Did you have a mentor in your Breed? Absolutely I was most fortunate and had wonderful mentors, I believe behind every successful breeder these relationships are so important. Each day there is something to learn and by passing on knowledge and information learned, hopefully our breed will be preserved. What worries me is we are all aging and there are no new interested fresh minds, to continue on what many of us have spent most of our lives working on. My mentors are the late Mrs. Roberta Rothenbach (Rothby), Mrs. Lorraine Hayes (Pastoral), Maria Prezyna(Premar), Loreta Serafini (Oz)and Markus and Beate Ackerman (Camparis) all of whom I have been able to call friends. Thank You all!!!! Do you believe Judges have a good understanding of your breed? I believe over the years it has indeed got better, I believe many of our Canadian “senior” Judges have a good understanding of our breed. Canada has had some wonderful Yorkshire Terriers that can win anywhere in the world. I might be “tarred and feathered” but I stand by this statement that “some of the best” Yorkshire Terriers in the world have been Canadian bred dogs. Some of the newer Judges get caught up in coats, and fail to dig in and feel the structure of these dogs. The coat has to be the icing on a structurally sound cake!!!! In as few words as possible describe the essence of your Breed? Yorkshire Terriers are intelligent, confident, devoted and affectionate. They are small but hardy, bravely possessing typical terrier attitude. What are the medical problems in your breed? Hypoglycemia, Legg-Perthes Disease, Liver Shunt, Patella Luxation, Premature Dental Disease Fault wise, currently what needs the most improvement in your breed? Soundness, a Yorkshire Terrier should be sound on its legs, have a level topline and be able to move effortlessly with reach and drive, whether the top winning dog in the ring or the dog out for a walk with its owner, they must be sound. What do you believe to be the best dog you have bred? I think it is every breeder’s hope that with each breeding you better the past dogs in your kennel. You hope to breed and raise that next dog which in turn hopefully can produce the next one for you. You hope after all the work required in this breed bringing the dog to adulthood, that the dog is good enough to win anywhere you take it. I believe our current dog Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. NicNak’s Second to None CGN is the culmination of what I have produced to date, in each litter I hope his successor is in there to nurture and love and continue on with. What dog of your breed would you have loved to own? The great BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Rothby’s Renee’Gade How many dogs do you normally have in your kennel? Currently there are 18, 10 of which are over the age of 10 years old, The NicNak Senior Citizens home!!!

How many litters do you have in a year and what is the average size of your litters? 4 litters is enough for me, my girls like to give me 5 – 7 puppies in a litter. Are you having trouble selling or placing your puppies? Show puppies are not a problem I have a waiting list. Sadly pet or companion puppies whichever you prefer to call them, are becoming very difficult to place. The designer dogs fetch outrageous prices for a mixed breed, as well all these mixtures with Yorkshire Terriers makes me sick. The Canadian Kennel Club needs to step up and become a visible and viable voice for Purebred dogs. How many Canadian Shows do you attend in a year? I used to attend many shows in Canada, unfortunately with the dwindling interest in our sport it is becoming harder and harder to find competition in our breed. I never thought I would see the day that it would be difficult to attain a Canadian Championship on a Yorkshire Terrier because there are no entries in this breed. There are no young people coming up to take over from all of us, the Canadian Kennel Club should have acted when this designer dog/ anti purebred dog began, sadly I think it may be to late now. How many American Shows do you attend in a year? I love to attend the U.S. shows, although entries are down there as well, if we hit larger shows there is always competition. Do you attend your Canadian or American National Specialty Shows? National Specialty shows are there to showcase our breed, judge breeding stock and find that up and coming dog with promise, find that stud dog you might want to use, Yes I do my very best to attend them each year.

Thank you Laurie Hunter for sharing your love of the Yorkshire Terrier with the TopDogWeekly Family! We wish you continued success!

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