Top Dog Weekly

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TopDogWeekly’s Cover Dog... MBIS, MBISS Can.Ch. Am.Ch. Bramstoke’s Carved in Stone CGN

DAVID is a result of five generations of Bramstoke Bullmastiffs coming together in perfect harmony. He started off his first year following his half sister Bramstoke’s Paige Turner to the shows. Once he turned six months he finished his championship in one weekend at the Purina National Dog Show going Breed over specials. From there DAVID began to “wow” the judges with his easy and effortless gait and before his first year was through he was the #1 Working Dog Puppy and #2 Overall Puppy, with 10 BPIS and 20 group placements. At the U.S. Nationals he won the sweepstakes and was in the final cut for winners male and was the Best Puppy in the Working and Herding Specialty. Once he turned one, DAVID continued his career and is presently the #1 Bullmastiff in Canada and a Top Ranked working dog. He has been awarded five all breed Best in Shows and was Best of Breed at the Bullmastiff Fanciers of Canada National and Regional Specialties. The highlight for me was taking DAVID to New York City and showing him at Westminster KC. where he was awarded Best of Winners. I was also very pleased to take DAVID back to the Working and Herding Specialty at Kilbride KC and have him awarded Best in Specialty Show. DAVID has taken us as a team to places I had never been, and made friends with people I had never known. Not only is he a wonderful sound representative of the breed but he is a wonderful, kind and gentle soul. I have yet to have a judge that after going over him can’t resist giving him a big pat on the rump. I am proud to be beside him in the ring as his owner, breeder and handler and be beside him on the couch as his friend! I want to thank the judges who have awarded David BIS: Fred Peddie, Bruce Owen, Olga Gagne, Sandy Alexander, Conny Guitterez-Otero and Specialty BISS Edgar Bajona, Rick Blanchard and Steven Gladstone Bred, Owned and Presented by: Kay Reil - Bramstoke Reg’d Bullmastiffs

BEST IN SHOWS week ending September 15th, 2013

CALGARY KENNEL & OBEDIENCE CLUB – ALBERTA Friday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Brian Taylor Saturday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Sue-Ellyn Rempel Sunday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Margaret Jones OAKVILLE & DISTRICT KENNEL CLUB – ONTARIO Friday Chow Chow Ch. Mi-Pao’s Thor Judge: Gail Forsythe Saturday Beagle GChEx.Tashtin’s Lookin For Trouble Judge: Marjorie Martorella Sunday Barbet Ch. Flacon d’Paris of Neigenuveaux Judge: Dr. Isidro Castro CLUB CANIN DE L’ ESTRIE – QUEBEC Friday Affenpinscher Ch. Champagne Charly V.Tani Kazari Judge: Robert Whitney Saturday Affenpinscher Ch. Champagne Charly V.Tani Kazari Judge: Honey Glendinning Sunday Bouvier GCh. Boyero Magnificent Gladiator Judge: Elaine Whitney

UPCOMING SHOWS this weekend

Mount Cheam Canine Association – British Columbia Prairie Canine Academy – Saskatchewan Sudbury & District Kennel Club – Ontario Thunder Bay Kennel & Obedience Club – Ontario


We are very proud to be the breeder and handler of Sophia. She is an exceptional girl who loves the ring. We are proud of the accomplishments that we have achieved with her, 4 All Breed Best in Shows, 16 Best Puppy in Shows and 25 Group placements in Canada. SOPHIA also was awarded a Best in Specialty Show and Group 4 in the USA. All done breeder/owner handled! Thank you to all the judges who award Sophia on her Merits! And for all of the wonderful compliments! #SFFEFS 0XOFS )BOEMFS (FSSZ 5BNNZ %FTKBSEJOT t 5&(4 $IJIVBIVBT



Ch Whitebriar Jaw Dropper - West Highland White Terrier



Ch Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari - Affenpinscher



GChEx Vetset Kate Winsit - Standard Poodle



GChEx NicNak's Second To None - Yorkshire Terrier



GCh Polo's Air Force One - Afghan Hound



GChEx Roaneden's Int'l Harvester - Nova Scotia Duck Toller



Ch Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel - Basenji



Ch Hearthside Riveredge Sure Is Summum - Australian Shepherd



GChEx Goldgrove High Intensity - Doberman Pinscher



Ch Flacon d'Paris of Neigenuveaux - Barbet



Ch Flacon d'Paris of Neigenuveaux - Barbet


(TopDogWeekly does not verify these stats. They are supplied as a courtesy to our readers)


1) Home city? Hamilton, Ontario, I was born and raised in St. Thomas, Ontario 2) Breed or Breed’s you have bred? I purchased my first Irish Setter in 1972, I have bred Irish Setters. German Shorthaired Pointers, Shetland Sheepdogs & as well I have co- bred Affenpinschers 3) Years you have been Judging? 20 years 4) Licensed for or, on Permit for? All Breed 5) Judged in what Countries? South Korea, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Columbia, Canada and the U.S.A. 6) All time favourite assignment? The Melbourne Royal, I had a fantastic time and had the pleasure of Judging some wonderful dogs as well as 4 specialties while there, one of which was an Irish Setter Specialty. 7) Favourite dog or dogs Judged from the past? The Irish Setter Am. Can. Ch. Muldoon Dewitt’s Great One (Piper) was one of the best I have ever had the pleasure to judge. He broke Ch. Milson O’Boy whose record had been held for years. Ch. Milson O’Boy won the group at Westminster in 1936. Another was the Siberian Husky Am.Can.Ch. Karnovanda’s Niklas Wolf and the Bernese Mountain Dog, Am.Can.Ch. Avatar’s Try Try Again. There are so many others that I could go on and on. It is always a pleasure and an honour to judge the great dogs of the day. I so admire the breeders of these outstanding animals. 8) Pet Peeves in your ring? I guess it would be ring setup for ease of judging. I don’t really have a pet peeve with the exhibitor’s. I give lots of latitude and treat everyone with kindness especially the new comers to the sport and the kids.

9) Favourite way to relax? I have golfed since I was 12 years old and still golf as often as I can. My husband and I are members at a local course. 10) How do you occupy your time in travel? Read breed standards, books and watch lots of movies especially on long flights. 11) What do you think is the biggest problem facing our Sport? The absence of the new exhibitor and not doing what we need to do to attract new enthusiasts. The cost of showing a dog is high for young families. Maybe it is time for a change. The time of gathering together to compare each other’s breeding stock has long since past. It is all BIS, Group awards and Top Dog points. 12) What are your thoughts on Limit Dog Shows? I do not like the limited shows at all and for many reasons. The exhibitor pays more money to enter the double shows, the shows are much smaller and you can achieve BIS with only defeating a small number of dogs. There are just too many shows to support. A lot of all-breed clubs are suffering financially which in turn has an effect on the income of the CKC. I could go one but you get my point.

Thank you Mrs. Millman! Welcome to the TopDogWeekly family!


Which dog in the past was your favourite dog to show and why? Kerri Brangers Am GCh & Can GChEx Carnaby Promise Me CGN “Oreo”. She has that look at me attitude which makes her so easy to show and her winning record which included BOB at both American and Canadian Nationals has added to the fun. She is currently 9 years old and still enjoying herself with multiple specialty wins in both countries as a veteran. Donna Roadhouse Now that is a good question. First things first, Les Rogers called me and said you have to come to my house do you have $100.00 on you? Yes I did so over I went and we bought Brett, his outline and balance was outstanding. Brett had been advertised for sale in a laundry mat, and the family could not sell him as he did not have a full white collar so they brought him back to Les to see if he could place him. Brett was big and this was the reason we did not pick him at 8 weeks. Les bred his dam and arranged to use a stud dog in our area, the dam was owned by a family in the Okanagan at the time of the breeding. Now the fun began Brett was 1 1/2” over our dreaded size chart for his age. He would lie on Glenn’s chest at 3 1/2 months and watch hockey, so be became Brettzke, we kept our fingers crossed. Ch Forever Arpeggio Brett Butler, stayed in size 15 1/2” which was a miracle in Shelties and still holds the record for BIS’s for a male, plus the record for number of dogs defeated. He was the ultimate show dog, never let you down and loved every minute he was in the ring. When it was his time to retire – sulked at the back gate when the motor home backed out without him. Glenn had to take him for a ride in his truck to settle him down as he was determined to wait for me to come back and get him. Took a while. Unfortunately he had a health issue (tumor in one testicle and not visible to the naked eye) which created a huge hair loss, he was 8 when he was finally diagnosed with hardly any hair left except his legs and face. Brett’s hair came back in within months after the surgery, and he looked beautiful. Brett’s attitude never changed and as awful as he looked I would not give up on my buddy. When he was 10, I took him out to shows where he was allowed to play - he thought he had died and gone to heaven, still jumping straight up in the air and landing 4 square. Loved the photographer’s, and would set himself up wherever they moved with the camera and no lead necessary, had everyone in stitches. If Brett did not hear the click he stood in full show pose waiting for it, he was funny. You could not fool him on anything cookies included, he went into my friends purse one day after she said Brett I don’t have cookies, yes she did and he found it, boy did we laugh. Brett will always remain first in my heart as he was so very special, a true ambassador to the breed, and such a loving companion. A very special dog indeed, and our pet name for him was Fuzzy Butt. Jill Taylor Multi BIS Am & Can Ch.Quailfield Sytlish Success Windy, because she loved every minute of showing and I was younger, thinner and could run faster.

Raymond Yurick Your right it is a difficult question, that is why I am giving you 3 dogs, the reason for three is that I showed all of them together in a 2 1/2 year period and shortly after that I decided to retire from handling and move forward into Judging. I knew I would never be so lucky again to have such an amazing opportunity to have such a connection inside and outside the ring. Old English Sheepdog “Aussie“ for Terry and Gary Carter, Pomeranian “Merlin“ for Cathy and Garry Cinnamon . Whippet “Moxi” breeder/handled for owner Dennis Sumara It was a great way to end an amazing career I loved so much! Laurie Campbell There is no question for me!!!! Am Can Ch Vetset Forever Young, my beloved Mel. He was and still is one of THE greatest dogs I’ve ever had the honour to show. He was my heart dog and the reason I now have and breed St Poodles. I still miss him every day!!! Kim Cowie Without a doubt, BIS BISS Am. Can. Ch. Palasa Desiderata Spyanki, The Lhasa Apso owned by Al and Phyllis Lust. BIS record holder for the breed and Canada’s #3 all breed in 2009. He was such a joy to show and he never let me down. His temperament was to die for he just had an air about him. He always put a smile on my face. Wonderful Wonderful dog. Adam Bernardin Irish Setter, Multi BIS BISS GCh. Shadagee Caught Red Handed... When you campaign a dog like Emily and spend every day together for two years, you have a bond and love that is like no other. A boy and his dog! Shaunna Bernardin God ... That’s a really hard one, There have been so many I really loved both of the Doberman bitches Sparkle and Farrah, they never ever let me down once, they loved to show everyday with such intensity. I also was very young at the time and was able to have an amazing mentor in Mary White who taught me so many things about campaigning dogs, conditioning and training them etc. I will always have a special spot in my heart for Toy Poodle, Telina aka Rodent ...The best damn show dog ever!!!! She was so small with the heart of a lion!!! Torin the Irish Water Spaniel he was one of my best friends ever, he was a real ambassador for the breed he loved the ring so much… He always showed his heart out and loved all people. Although I didn’t show him often or for very long Megabucks the German Shepard is in my mind one of the greatest animals I have ever touched and my biggest let downs that I couldn’t have shown him to his top potential. He to has an amazing temperament and wonderful showmanship. Simon Briggs GCh Am GCh Can, Aust Gd Pvt Stk’s Fire In The Sky (Siberian Husky) He was my heart dog and best friend. Freddie always gave 120% and loved to show, He was smart, loyal and knew when to “turn it on”. Freddie travelled the world with me and took me on his magical journey of success winning 149 BIS wins across 3 countries. Not only an amazing show dog he was also an incredible sire, producing multi BIS winning progeny. I still think of him daily, still miss him and his fun loving ways.

Mary Merlo My favorite dog was my homebred Am/Can Ch Evergreen Chase The Clouds JH. “Flavio” had the most outstanding headpiece. It was such an honor to present that head to the judge... It was the first thing that was examined. I could see their eyes light up when they looked at his head and expression. Edgar Rojas Portugese Water Dog Ch. Claircreek Dolce Cordelia, not only was she a beautiful representative of the breed but she was a wonderful companion to be with. Peter Scott Silky, Aust & Am & Can Ch.Bogunda Krowallie “Sparky” would be my all time favorite dog that I have shown who ended up spending his whole life with me. Kim Wendling Lakeland Terrier Ch. Northcote No Doubt “Thomas” He was an amazing dog, not only a beautiful Lakeland Terrier he was a great show dog and fun to have around, my other all time favorite was our own homebred Shetland Sheepdog Ch. Lynphil’s Classy Lil’ Chassis “Shania” shown mostly at Specialty Shows, I would how her again in a minute. JoAnne Griffith My favorite dog would have to be the English Pointer Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Tahari’s Serious Alibi, “Sonny”. He came to live with us at 18 months of age and a year and a half later Sonny was Top Dog All Breeds in Canada!! Always the showman, dependable, sweet natured, it sounds too good to be true, but it was. I was showing him the day he finished in Canada under Anne Rogers Clark winning the breed over specials. He was most definitely John’s dog, but on occasion Hailey or myself got to show him. He lived with us for 14 years, and left a big hole in our household when he left us. I was so fortunate to have had him in my life. Trina Neil I have 2 dogs who always gave 110% every time they were shown, The Bearded Collie Can/ Am.CH.Bedlam-Buaidh Xerox Copy TT and the Tibetan Terrier Can/Am.CH.Shakira The Road Warrior. Sue Ellyn Rempel Multi BIS Ch. Tru-Blu’s Show Me A Re-Run the Lhasa Apso Re-Run Bred by Neil Graves and owned by Jan Cote MacDonald. Re-Run was the first coated breed that I had to campaign, he was such a consistent show dog who never let me down. Alana Smith Yes this is a hard question to answer, as an assistant I have been very lucky to show a few of my favorite dogs. I will pick a dog from my own breed, it would have been Stand Smooth Dachshund Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Valona’s Eagle Sprit “HEMI “ bred by Ed and Pat McDonald owned by Ryan Krokosinski. I will never forget the week end I won a hat trick of three Best in Shows on him, HEMI was that special dog that became my heart and soul dog, I was lucky enough to keep him in my life after his show career for the remainder of his life.

Penny Lewis After many years of having the honor to show many great dogs my favorite dog would have to be my first Whippet, MBISS MBIS Ch. Brushwood She B Smokin’ “ Billi”. She is my foundation of Bretica Whippets and a dog that taught me so much about being an owner handler. She was a real show dog and a crowd pleaser. Retired in 2008 as the number 1 Whippet, also #1 in 2005 and 2006 and the number 3 Hound and number 11 All Breed. Connie Krohn Do I have to pick just one? I have given this a lot of thought, and while I still think it is very unfair to so many of the GREAT dogs I have had the pleasure of showing. I think I would have to choose the Lakeland Terrier CH Delzar Waterwalk Stella Artois, owned by Judy Gruzelier. I could always depend on Stella to give 100%. She showed on the tip of her toes and was just a true pleasure to have on my lead. Thank you to this week’s responders!


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My mother bred Boxers and my father Wire & Smooth Fox Terriers & Irish Terriers so dog breeding was in my blood. When I was 14 I wanted to be different so I was given a Boston Terrier Bitch Ir. & Eng. Ch. Miss Print of Torlu who became the Top Winning Boston bitch UK in that year. It was not long before I wanted to be part of the Boxer scene as I really loved the breed and my mother gave me a bitch which I had managed to resuscitate after she was born near to death! From this bitch I had my own breeding line, in the early days all mine had a registered name beginning with A while my mother’s were registered with a T. I had taken a share of my mother’s prefix Tirkane and my first personal homebred Champion was in 1971 Tirkane Assailant .

In 1974 I made up my first UK Ch. Boxer who was also the top winning bitch in the UK 1974 I think, Ir. & Eng. Ch. Tirkane Avaunt, she was to be followed by 5 more English Champions and in total 43 Irish Champions before repeated injury to my achilles tendon forced me to give up showing the Boxers, which was truly devastating at the time! In the list of wins I had 3 Boxers which won Best In Show at All Breed Ch. Shows. In the late 70s we also started to breed Toy Poodles and having started with whites we carried on to Blacks and apricots and an occasional brown. Our first champion was a white we had bought in Ir. Ch. Panavon Little Pericet and w made up our first UK Ch. Hornstar Modern Mille in 1981 ( Top Irish Show Dog 1981?) In total there have been 14 UK Champions Toys and 52 Irish Champions plus 2 UK Ch. & 9 Irish Ch Miniatures . These included BOB Crufts Ir. & Eng. Sealaw Pacesetter and Dog CC Crufts with Ir. And Eng. Ch. Tirkane Just As Ambitious. Ir. & Eng. Ch. Tirkane Nina Simone was the Top Toy Poodle in the UK 2009 and Ir. & Eng. Ch. Tirkane Angels Kiss was the Top Brood bitch in the UK 2008 & 2009, We were Top Breeders UK 2009. Other significant wins were World Winner Stockholm 2008 with Int. & Ir. Ch. Tirkane Spiced Gold , the only apricot toy ever to win BOB at a World Show, she was also Top Brood Bitch in the UK 2012 also the first apricot to do so. Ir., UK & Dk Ch Tirkane Burning Desire won World Winner Denmark 2010 and 2011

Ir.,Deut.,Belg. & Ned. Ch. Tirkane Coeur De Lion was Reserve World Winner in Paris. In the mid 80s I was in partnership with Angela Corish and she had lived with Saxonsprings Fresno and Hackensack so wanted to have a Lhasa Again so Daisy aka Ir. & Eng. Ch. Oriana of Saxonsprings arrived to win both the Irish Show Dog of the Year Night competition and the Top Dog of The Year . She also won Best in Show Belfast Ch. Show and had 5 Best in Show wins at Irish Championship All Breed Shows. She produced 1 UK Ch. And 2 Irish Champion and was the foundation of several very successful present day Lhasa Kennels. I was 16 years old when I had my first judging appointment and 25 years old when I gave CCs in Boxers, a young age which can now never be equalled as the systems for judging have changed a lot since those days! I became an All Breeds Judge in 1984, and have judged in more than 41 countries, including America, Canada, Argentina , Colombia, Brazil , Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Thailland , Malaysia and most of Europe. Highlights of my judging career , Best In Show Helsinki Winners Show, Best In Show Brisbane Royal, All the Groups and Best inShow Midland Counties Ch. Show UK, I think I am the first Irish Judge to have this honour, Breeds at American Kennel Club Eukanuba Show, Boxers & Boston terriers at Crufts, hopefully next year Toy Poodles at Crufts and Group 9 and some breeds at The World Show Finland 2014. I try to keep a balance between judging and breeding , as I still love the excitement of bringing out a new puppy and watching them develop, but I also love judging when you see a dog which brings the hairs up on the back of your neck and you know it is a special one! I feel truly privileged to have the best of both worlds!

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