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PH Norm: Vote for sale
from MisOr Torch
by MisOr Torch
by Desiree Pangca
Vote buying is a common occurrence. It is commonly regarded as a commercial transaction in which a voter sells his or her vote to the highest bidder. Is this, however, a realistic perspective? What does it mean to buy votes? What various shapes does it take in various parts of the world? This paper, which was presented at an MIT conference, looks at vote purchasing from both the politicians’ and voters’ perspectives.
However, buying votes during an election is not new. For decades, that has been the custom in this country. It is the most certain way to win elections, and it has long been the habit of politicians, particularly conventional ones, in their quest to stay in power.
That is why we cannot blame youth candidates if they believe it is acceptable to buy votes during the SK election, because politicians have long practiced this and it is one of the reasons why they have