7 minute read
Mandatory Vaccination: Life Threat or Treat?
from MisOr Torch
by MisOr Torch
by Desiree Pangca
When the pandemic struck the world, almost every day was a nightmare. People were in a state of fear and anxiety, patiently waiting for a possible solution, a vaccine that would prevent the spread of the virus.
Now that vaccines have been rolled-out and distributed to all parts of the globe. Many received their first dose, including booster shots. However, some Filipinos’ were hesitant to be vaccinated because of the trauma from the previous incident of the Dengvaxia controversy that had pulled down the country’s immunization rates. In that case, will the government push a mandatory vaccination in the country? If so, do we have the right to choose or to refuse?
On March 2, 2021, a press release marked a historic event in our country since it was the start of the vaccination. Health Secretary Francisco Duque III urged every Filipino to be vaccinated to ensure a safe recovery of the country. Mandatory vaccination can be justified morally if the risk to public health is severe. Without the vaccination, a person’s immune system is weaker than one with the vaccine.
Medical Understaffing, Where are they?
Nurses at the city hall-run Dr. Jorge P. Royeca Memorial Hospital are struggling to take medical care for patients as colleagues contract COVID-19 or quit a dangerously understaffed profession before the pandemic.
“We don’t feel cared for, we are exhausted, but we always keep in mind that we have to help our people because… no one else will,” said Melbert Reyes of the Philippines Nurses Association.
Hospital administrators approached the nurses if they could wear adult diapers and work for 12 hours each shift to reduce PPE expenses. They noticed the shortage in oxygen supply, a lack of test kits and medical gear, and a declining number of medical services laborers. A few medical clinics have reported that many attendants and health laborers have left their precarious positions in light of the difficulties they experience and the
Divorce: Life Raft for Failed Marriage
by Marielle Jane Lagahit
low compensation they get.
Official data show COVID-19 wards and ICU bed occupancy rates at more than 70% nationwide as daily cases exceed over 20,000, resulting in hospitals boosting their bed capacity. Health workers have begun to pressure the Department of Health (DOH) to complete the release of several benefits, including a COVID-19 special risk allowance.
President Rodrigo Duterte has requested patience from the government to try to come up with the money. However, overworked and unpaid nurses, the way that they need to fall back on this concern says a lot about the kind of treatment they are getting from the government regardless of their critical job in this health crisis.
As COVID-19 patients disengaged in hospital rooms attempting to remain alive, nurses are the ones serving each job. From caretaker to a chaplain to
Staying together rather than respectfully ending the relationship will only harm both parties and limit individuals’ opportunities to grow and see the best version of themselves.
Choosing to stay in the relationship solely to put others ahead of your own emotions will never help. Be open and choose what’s best. Divorce is not a wrong choice to save oneself.
Marriage is a sacred ceremony that declares the love of two individuals. It’s said to be what most couples wish to strengthen their relationship. It sometimes applies, but often it does not. Marriage doesn’t always turn out as planned, so divorce exists to save individuals.
Growing up, I thought we were the ideal of a perfect family; we went to different places every weekend and enjoyed trips. Only to figure out, my parents were only putting on a show for our benefit. As the years ticked by,
The COVID-19 vaccine is carefully researched, performed several tests, and critically formulated by the best and most renowned medical practitioners. In a survey, mandatory vaccination is highly considered in Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School (MOGCHS). People feared that COVID-19 immunizations may kill them, however, tests have proven that the three approved vaccines are effective in preventing severe COVID-19 illness.
However, in terms of public health, a person can risk many individuals in a week; without the vaccination, a person’s immune system is weaker than one with the vaccine since the vaccine’s purpose is to establish immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19 without having to become ill. Vaccination is warranted since it protects the individual from the virus and other delta variants.
People feared that COVID-19 immunizations may kill them, however,
by Fritizi Mae Gapuz
substitute friends and family. Also, when those patients bite the dust, nurses and medical workers take that pain of loss upon themselves.
Since the pandemic started, they have shown us kindness and unparallel valor. Our good Samaritans. Our death-defying paladins. That’s the type of selflessness that goes overlooked constantly. To repay their unwavering long night shifts, at least give them the treatment they deserve. Nurses working long hours and earning ten thousand pesos monthly as mandated by the law will help them. Though, we can all agree that they deserve much more.
The point is that there’s a budget allocated for their benefits during the pandemic. Yet, why would they say they are not getting them fully? Is it a problem with negligence, or worse, government corruption?
everything became evident. The surroundings bothered me and didn’t provide me a peace of mind. That’s when I realized, staying together can never save a nearly-dead marriage.
The Philippines’ choice to legalize divorce improved my respect for the country’s concern for its citizens. Initially, we were stereotyped about the subject. However, it’s time to sharpen our views.
Divorce was set as the last thing that a person should do to save their respect and integrity as a person. Because when things go upside down, it serves as a raft to prevent couples from throwing hate and blaming each other. Staying in the marriage will prolong the agony.
Legalizing divorce will ease the burdens of irreconcilable couples. Family strife caused by faded love increases violence against women and child abuse. Thus, divorce is likely a safety net that provides better opportunities for both the children and couples. It lets them get back on track, follow their passion, focus on their progress, and regain empowerment. tests have proven that the three approved vaccines are effective in preventing severe COVID-19 illness.
Filipinos are known for strong family ties and do their best to save what they value the most—memories and loved ones. Still, the truth is bittersweet. When marriage leads to draining emotional stress and physical violence, divorce is a good option but not a solution. Does it make sense?
Divorce is a difficult choice to make. Nobody gets married to get a divorce. However, it’s sometimes the answer to a question. Broken homes are prevalent even without divorce. Martyrdom is not an option to choose. Live a life that’s worthy of fulfilling. Find hope and light in times of darkness. It’s not a selfish act to stand for what you think is reasonable. It’s never wrong to save everyone from drowning.
Clinical studies for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines revealed that they were completely successful at preventing serious diseases. The Johnson & Johnson vaccination was shown to be 85% effective against serious infection.
If the government considers mandatory vaccination, many people will protest the idea and retaliate. Compulsory vaccination deprives the rights of every person. On the contrary, the safety and welfare of every individual are at risk. Now, weighing the situation, it has a domino effect on our health and society. It is risky, but it is a necessity. How will we perceive it? Is it a threat or a treat?
Choose according to your heart’s content. In the end, it is our choice.
Self love: Caring more about less
by Fritizi Mae Gapuz
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life as a junior high school student, it would be this: caring too much and withholding emotions burdens the mind.

Honestly, I had to learn this the hard way since I had a very bumpy ride with my attitude and self-discipline as a freshman before, which resulted in me overstuffing my mind with contradictions in every situation. But things do fall into the right place, just as how I survived the four years of high school by not giving a damn about what people think and say about me.
At some point in our lives, especially when we hit puberty, we become more conscious of ourselves and other people’s opinions, leading us to overthink everything. When we overstimulate, the brain becomes our enemy and will take over our mental health. It makes it hard for us to focus on the brighter side.
Caring less does not mean being careless. There is a hefty line between the two. It implies caring more often about fewer things, focusing on what’s significant and taking out what is not, concentrating on your attention, abilities, and success, realizing when to think and what to do, and perceiving what’s adequate and what’s being excessive. Caring less is the foundation of genuine learning, for it brings about less unjustifiable stress, waste, blunders and expands productivity.
As the years continued, I learned to care less about perfection and more about completion. But I am not implying that I became a lazy student for not exerting enough effort just for compliance. Some people do their best work whenever they don’t often think about the result or outcome. You might achieve more when you care less. When you reduce the tension on yourself to accomplish perfection, you can stream more effortlessly and effectively through whatever you are doing. Always trust your instincts, and experience will direct you. But, I also learned to acknowledge how I will make errors and embrace those future stumbles as the best growth opportunities of my life.
Lastly, nobody cares—whether you missed a deadline, if you forgot your homework, or if you forgot to take a bath. Nobody will even notice. Or if they do, they would not fret over it. You might discover that it isn’t quite as terrifying as you suspected it. It is pretty ironic and lachrymose that caring less makes you more successful and happy. But, the bottom line is that caring less helps you overcome the struggles of complicated and challenging standards of the people and the society.