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SUB, SAB invite students to get involved
provides the opportunity for students, faculty and staff to join to beautify the campus, build a sense of community and receive recognition.
Diversity Week
Diversity Week is dedicated to celebrating and understanding the importance of diversity throughout the community and Tech. Join student organizations and departments across campus to celebrate diversity all week long.
The Spirit & Traditions committee plans events for Tech Homecoming Week each fall. Traditional events include Student Organization (S.O.) Sing, the parade, bonfire and the crowning of the Homecoming Court.
Late Night Movies
The SAB hosts weekly movie nights in the Student Union each semester. Visit the website, www. sab.ttu.edu, for more information.
A Student Tailgate Tradition
The SAB hosts a student tailgate experience before each home football game. Every year, thousands of Tech students attend the largest student tailgate on campus.