To the Texas Tech community, I would like to extend the warmest welcome.
My name is Marianna Souriall, and I am the new editor-in-chief of The Daily Toreador
While the fall of ‘23 not only takes us into the second half of the university’s Centennial year, it also brings The Daily Toreador one step closer to its own celebration; in the fall of ‘25 we will have served the Tech community for 100 years. As one of the oldest organizations on campus, the student-run publication has informed and educated nearly 100 years’ worth of Red Raiders.
I am privileged to keep that tradition alive, and I take much pride in growing the legacy of this publication.
However, the newspaper is not successful with the editor alone. To the past and present members of The DT , thank you for putting your trust in me and offering your unconditional support. To the
readers of The DT , thank you for giving purpose to the content we produce.
The readers of The DT have journeyed with us through daily print, weekly print and now a hybrid of monthly print and digital copy. Our job always has been to serve the Red Raider community and part of that is adapting to platforms where we can reach our readers.
Today, we have a presence on social media apps, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in addition to our website. We produce online content daily. Our print issue comes out once a month and can be found on red newsstands around campus.
We cover all of the Tech campus and strive for inclusivity because we truly believe that every community on campus is important and deserves to be seen.
Tech is your new home for the next few years, and following our news outlet will ensure you are always aware of what is going on
around you. The Daily Toreador is an awardwinning publication, and I will strive to maintain the excellence we have produced over the years.
I am beyond excited to begin this next chapter of my life, and to my family thank you for allowing me to dream. I would not have had the courage to step into this position if it weren’t for the endless love and confidence you have poured into me.
In that same regard this university encourages dreamers and fosters brilliance within each space. I hope each of you find your purpose at Texas Tech and create the best memories during your time here.
I look forward to growing alongside my fellow Red Raiders and to serving each of you daily.
Welcome to Texas Tech, I can’t wait to meet you all.
Editor Marianna Souriall
Reporters Nathan Kenison Jamar Brooks
Multimedia Cameron Zapata The DT Staff
Director / Adviser Sheri Lewis
Advertising Manager Dawn Zuerker
l o f L i g h t s T T U A r b o r D a y R o n a l d M c D o n a l d H o u s e L u b b o c k C h i l d r e n s H o m e , B o y S c o u t s , G i r l S c o u t s , S a v i n g G r a c e , P a n c a k e F e s t i v a l L u b b o c k I m p a c t S o u p K i t c h e n L u b b o c k D r e a m C e n t e r R e d C r o s s L i t e r a c y L u b b o c k D a n c e A l o n g R a i d e r t h o n H i g h w a y / P a r k / N e i g h b o r h o o d C l e a n u p s , B l o o d D r i v e s , a n d B o n e M a r r o w R e g i s t r i e s
The fall 2023 semester marks not only the second half of the year-long Centennial celebration but also a continuation of the voluneer initiative. The goal of the volunteer project is to log a cumulative 1 million hours of service across the Tech campus. Here is one project to help achieve that goal.
Raider Welcome and the Texas Tech Habitat for Humanity Chapter are teaming up to provide students with a way to give back to the Lubbock community before fall semester classes begin.
During the week of Aug. 14, students can help build a home for a deserving Lubbock family.
Each residence hall will have a designated time and date during which 15 students from that hall can volunteer at the build site, according to the Raider Welcome website, https://www.depts.ttu. edu/studentengagement/ raiderwelcome/service. php. Students will be on site for a few hours (mornings, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; afternoons noon to 4:30 p.m.) to assist with building/renovating the target houses.
Transportation to the build site and lunch will be provided, according to the website. Buses will arrive at 8 a.m./noon for loading and departure; volunteer shifts will begin at 8:30 a.m./12:30 p.m. daily.
Each volunteer must sign a liability waiver form period to departure (if the volunteer is a minor, a legal guardian must sign).
• Aug. 14 – Chitwood/Weymouth, morning shift; West Village, afternoon shift
• Aug. 15 – Hulen/Clement, morning; Wall/Gates, afternoon
• Aug. 16 – Talkington, morning; Horn/Knapp, afternoon
• Aug. 17 – Stangel/Murdough, morning; Bledsoe/Gordon/ Sneed, afternoon
• Aug. 18 – Murray/Carpenter Wells/Honors, morning; Coleman, afternoon
If all volunteer spots are filled for a complex, students may check with other complexes to find open volunteer positions.
Centennial Exhibit at the State Fair of Texas
Located in the Hall of State Building, this exhibit focuses on the first 100 years of Texas Tech from history, traditions
Homecoming Week at Texas Tech University
Enjoy a week of events around Texas Tech with the final event being a game against Kansas State on Oct. 14.
Centennial football game at Texas
Raider Welcome 2023, an assortment of events created for new and returning Texas Tech students, will run Aug. 13 through Sept. 2 at dozens of locations throughout campus.
Activities are designed to celebrate academic success, wellness and recreation, community involvement, culture and diversity, social connections and Tech traditions, according to the Raider Welcome website, https://www.depts.ttu.edu/ studentengagement/raiderwelcome/.
The majority of events are offered free of charge.
According to the website, Raider Welcome offers students the opportunity to get information about campus resources; become acquainted with roommates and classmates; learn to successfully navigate the Tech campus; become comfortable in your new home away from home; and ask questions you may have prior to the start of classes.
Below is a small sampling of the many Raider Welcome activities planned as of late July (many require a Tech ID, so be sure to pick that up on your way out the door):
It’s a dessert out there
Desserts from Lubbock food trucks will be offered at the Dessert Food Truck Welcome Party, corner parking lot of the United Supermarkets Arena and the Rec Center (near the rugby fields) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Aug. 14. Desserts will be free. Sponsored by the Journey at Southcrest.
Line up for Line Dancing
NOVUS, the Catholic Student Association, will offer free line dancing classes from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 14 at the John Saleh Catholic Student Center, 2217 Main St. knitting, sewing and other creative activities.
Tie Dye with CoMC
The third floor lounge of the College of Media & Communication will host a free T-shirt tie dye event (complete with treats) from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 15. Learn more about the event on the Raider Welcome website.
Painting with a TTwist
From 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 15, students can paint their own 8x8-inch tile at the Learning Center, Drane Hall Room 164, while learning more about the center’s resources. Music, snacks and painting supplies will be provided free; event will be limited to the first 125 students.
Popsicles and T-shirts
University Studies will be distributing T-shirts and free popsicles outside of Drane Hall (between the Black Cultural Center and Drane Hall) from noon to 2 p.m. Aug. 16. Bonfire, s’mores and more Raider Awakening, the Catholic Student Association, will host a bonfire at the John Saleh Catholic Student Center, 2217 Main St. The event, which will run from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Aug. 16, will include s’mores and scary stories by the fire.
Become a Maker University Libraries will host a free Become a Maker at the Library event from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Aug. 15, University Library Room 205 East. Visit the Raider Welcome website for more about this workshop/tour combo that will focus on 3D printing, laser cutting, sewing and other activities.
Ice cream social
The Baptist Student Ministry will host a free Ice Cream Night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Aug. 17 at the BSM Student Center, 2401 13th St., one block from campus).
High Riders info session
The High Riders, a women’s spirit organization that supports women’s athletics, will host an informational session from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Aug. 18 in the Double T Room, second floor of the Student Union Building.
Passport Party
The Department of Classical and Modern Languages & Literatures will host a Passport Party from 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 18 on its Main Floor Level. Students are invited to come enjoy “languages and literatures through diverse cultures” and get a feel for what it’s like to study abroad. Free iced coffee will be served, and prizes and a raffle are planned.
Welcome, y’all
The Honors College will host its Welcome Y’all event from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Aug. 18 on the McClellan Hall lawn. This event is open to all Honors students and members of their families and will include free tacos, Honors swag, introductions to the HC team and House points.
Cake Walk Raider Red’s Food Pantry will host a Cake Walk from noon to 2 p.m. Aug. 18 at the Doak Hall courtyard (close to the College of Human Sciences building). Come learn more about the food pantry and grab free cupcakes and other goodies.
Swag & Sweets
The College of Human Sciences will host a Swag & Sweets event from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 18 at the Human Sciences building’s southside doors. Free Tiff’s Treats yummies and CoHS swag will be given away. International games, trivia Study Abroad will host an International Games & Trivia event
from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Aug. 18 at the International Cultural Center Hall of Nations. Show off your trivia skills, try international snacks, meet new people and learn how you can study abroad. Prizes will be awarded to game winners.
Casino Night RISE and the Residence Hall Association will co-host a Casino Night from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Aug. 19 at the United Supermarkets Arena, 1701 Indiana Ave.; Use the student entrance. Casino games, prizes and food will be provided, and a caricature artist will be on hand.
Two-step Social
The Texas Tech Ballroom Dance Team will host a Two-Step Social from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 20 in the Student Union Building Ballroom, Room 118. Join the dance team for some two-stepping beginner lessons, make new friends and learn more about the organization. No partners required.
Henna Booth Tech Kahaani, Texas Tech’s only Bollywood dance team, will offer free non-permanent henna tattoos and Indian ice cream (Kulfi) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 20 at the Honor classroom located in the Honors Residence Hall.
Dive-in Movie
Pizza, refreshments and a screening of “Avatar: The Way of Water” will be part of the pool party planned from 8 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. Aug. 20 at the Rec Center Leisure Pool/Lazy River in Urbanovsky Park. The event will be sponsored by the Student Government Association.
Snow cones galore
The Honors College First Year Experience Welcome Event will run from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Urbanovsky gazebo near the sand volleyball courts. Honors students are invited to enjoy snow cones and meet First Year Experience mentors.dents to learn more about campus resources.
The annual 99-cent Steak Night, sponsored by the Baptist Student Ministry, will run from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Urbanovsky Park amphitheater. Students are encouraged to grab a steak, tortilla, bag of chips, salad, dessert and drink for 99 cents. This is a highly attended event, so get there early.
Raider Riot info session
Raider Riot will meet with students interested in learning more about the official student section for Texas Tech men’s basketball from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 21 in the United Supermarkets Arena.
Get a scoop at the job fair
The Ice Cream Social: Scoop an Opportunity Job Fair will run from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Texas Tech Career Center, located in the Wiggins Complex between Hartford and Flint Avenue on 18th Street (south side of building). Tech’s cheerleaders, Raider Red and the Masked Rider will be on hand for the event, which will include music, free ice cream and job info.
F45 Fitness fun
University Recreation will host a F45 Fitness Class from 6:15 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. on Aug. 22 at the Rec Center’s F45 Studio; 45 is designed to “provide a functional, full-body workout while improving energy levels, metabolic rate, strength and endurance.”
Get Your Funds Up
The School of Financial Planning will host Get Your Funds Up, an event that will include games and a chance to learn more about courses that will help with personal financial planning, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 22 in the Student Union Building’s Police Substation Courtyard.
Block Party, Tech style
The Wesley Foundation will host a Block Party, complete with a mechanical bull, inflatables, a hot dog-eating contest, games, Raider Red and the Masked Rider, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Aug. 22 at the Wesley Foundation building, 2420 15th St. (next to 7Brew Coffee).
Explore the Student Org Fair
Student Involvement will host the Raider Welcome Student Org Fair from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 22 in the Student Union Ballroom. This will be a great opportunity for students to learn more about
some of the student orgs on campus and how to get involved.
Attend Night at the SUB
Student Union & Activities will host its annual Night at the SUB, which will include giveaways, free games and activities and food, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Aug. 22. The entire SUB, including the North Plaza and outdoor Red Raider Plaza, will be utilized during the event.
TTUHSC Meet & Greet
The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center will host a Meet & Greet from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 22 in Red Raider Plaza. Participants can visit with current students and representatives from the TTUHSC schools – Medicine, Nursing, Health Professions, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, and Population & Public Health. Stop by for free FRIOS gourmet pops and T-shirts. Show off your retro trivia smarts
Join the Texas Tech Libraries for Retro Trivia Night, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 22, and test your knowledge of all things music, movies, TV and fashion from the late ‘90s and early 2000s. Slap bracelets and scrunchies will be given away at the door and prizes will be awarded to the winning teams (bring your friends).
Everything’s bigger in Texas
Atlas Campus Fellowship will play host to some Giant Volleyball from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 22 at the Urbanovsky Park volleyball courts and gazebo (closest to the pond). Games will be played with 6-foot volleyballs; popsicles will be served.
Late Night Pancakes, anyone?
Baptist Student Ministry will serve up free Late Night Pancakes from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Aug. 22 at the TechBSM Student Center, 2401 13th St., one block from campus across University Avenue.
Time for Brunch on Broadway
Coffee, pastries and other brunch-ables will be served up free at Atlas Campus Fellowship, 2406 Broadway, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Aug. 23.
Custom maps for transfers
Transfer Welcome Week: Personalized Campus Maps will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Student Union Building’s Caprock Room and Mesa Room. Sponsored by Transfer Connection, the event is designed to help transfer students create personalized maps of the Tech campus. Students should bring their class schedules.
Penne for our Thoughts
RISE (Risk Intervention & Safety Education) will host Penne for our Thoughts, providing a free pasta lunch and interactive workshop for students to learn more about campus resources. The event will run from noon to 2 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Student Union’s Red Raider Ballroom.
UREC Spectacular planned
The Student Rec Center will host UREC Spectacular from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 23. The event will showcase everything the Rec Center has to offer, from fitness classes, intramurals and tournaments, the rock wall, sports club fair and swimming (bring your suit); free food will be served and giveaways are planned. Sports Club Fair offered For more details or to join a specific sports club, check out the Sports Club Fair from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Student Rec Center, Court 2. Climbing, fencing, ice hockey, polo, soccer, tennis and others will be represented.
Be a part of the First Photo
The Student Government Association will organize the First Photo: A Red Raider Experience from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Student Union Building’s North Plaza. The experience will be an opportunity for incoming students to take their first group photo in a Double T formation on the baseball field, learn Tech traditions, and enjoy some food and music.
Swim with the ‘Guardians’
The Student Leisure Pool will be the site of the Dive-in Movie beginning at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 23. Hosted by UREC, the event
will feature the screening of “Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3.” Students should bring a swimsuit and towel to watch the movie under the stars/in the pool.
RISE & Shine at breakfast
RISE will host the RISE & Shine First Day of Class Breakfast from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Aug. 24 at the Student Union Building’s Indoor Courtyard (in front of the Allen Theatre). Free breakfast and coffee will be served.
Grab a BTS photo
Texas Tech’s Parent & Family Relations will offer free backto-school photos from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 24 at the Student Union gazebo.
Stretch out with Yoga in the Park
Join RISE, UREC and Fitwell for yoga near the pond at Urbanovsky Park (near the pond) from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 24. A limited number of yoga mats and popsicles will be provided; show up early to ensure you get one.
Coffee, cocoa and more, oh my
The College of Arts & Sciences Student Ambassadors will host Fun Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Holden Hall foyer area (outside of Room 104). Free coffee, hot cocoa and goodies will be provided.
The Write Place
The Undergraduate Writing Center will offer the Write Place for Cookies & Games from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 25 at the center (third floor of Weeks Hall). Games will be provided; sweets will be served. Grab some swag while you’re there.
Go outdoors with Lawn Olympics
University Recreation will host Intramural Sports Lawn Olympics from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 25 at Urbanovsky Park (next to the sand volleyball and basketball courts). Students can play spikeball, cornhole, kan jam and ladder golf. Register online at IMLeagues.com/TTU or just drop in.
Try the Summerween Spectacular
Halloween lovers, ghost enthusiasts, horror movie fans and anyone else who likes to walk on the spooky side may be interested in the Summerween Spectacular from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Student Union’s Red Raider Lounge, Room 119. Learn more about the Raider Power of Paranormal, the event host, and enjoy fortune-telling, demonstrations of the group’s paranormal investigation equipment, and free goodies.
Join the Disc Golf tourney
Join Intramural Sports for its first Disc Golf Tournament of the year beginning at 1 p.m. Aug. 26. Meet at home number one on the Urbanovsky Park disc golf course. The winner will receive the new intramural championship shirt. Register at IMLeagues. com/TTU or drop in.
Meet the Red Raiders squad
Students can meet members of the ’23 Red Raider football team from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Sports Performance Center’s Indoor Practice Field. There will be a limit of one autograph per person.
Aim to attend: Archery event
Try something new from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 27 in the Student Rec Center, Room 114, when Intramural Sports offers an introduction to archery. No experience is needed; all equipment will be provided. Participants will have a chance to win an intramural championship shirt.
Info on intramurals, officiating University Recreation will host a session from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 29 in the Rec Center’s Room 201 for information about intramural sports and/or how to become an intramural official.
Rainbow Raider Welcome event set
The Office of LGBTQIA Education & Engagement will host a Rainbow Raider Welcome from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Aug. 31 in the Student Union’s North Plaza. This is an opportunity for students to learn more about the programs planned for the semester, meet new people, play games and grab some giveaway items.
As the upcoming fall semester nears, so do opportunities to get involved on the Texas Tech campus. For incoming students looking to see all that the university has to offer, below is a composite list of the various ways to do so.
When Tech students become enrolled, they are given an eraider account. One of the perks that accompanies an eraider account is the access to TechAnnounce, the official email and announcement communication system at Tech. When student organizations on campus are hosting events or other miscellaneous activities are happening, TechAnnounce will release an email to all TTU emails on outlook. Outlook is the official TTU email service that students
are provided with when registering at Red Raider Orientation.
An alternative place to receive information about campus activities is the Tech Student Engagement page, which compiles a list of all upcoming student engagement events on a calendar while also providing links to those events and their respective information.
Additionally, the Tech Student Involvement page consists of many different resources that promote inclusivity, including links that entail information about the process of joining, creating and maintaining a student organization. A calendar of upcoming events is also included on the page as well as a link to the Student Involvement Weekly Newsletter. The
newsletter provides general announcements and further information about other happenings on campus.
TechConnect is another resource available to students. Unlike TechAnnounce, however, TechConnect is not automatically provided to students, meaning an account must first be made. Students can make an account by visiting the TechConnect website, which specifically focuses on student organizations. This site provides information about all the available organizations, their upcoming events and information about the officers of the programs. The site also includes pertinent documents such as the bylaws and constitutions.
• University Recreation offers programs and activities at no cost to undergraduate students with student ID. The Rec Center has organized team sport competitions, fitness classes, fitness equipment and machines and a huge intramural sports program. For more details, visit https://www.depts.ttu.edu/urec/.
• The Rec Center is home to the university’s Leisure Pool, which is open during the summer months. There also is an indoor pool that is open year-round. For pool hours, visit https://www.depts.ttu.edu/urec/facilities/hours.php.
can be found across the Texas Tech University System’s
When walking across Texas Tech campus, it would be difficult not to notice one of its many public art pieces. Whether they be sculptures, statues, mosaics or digital installations, these works contribute to Tech’s unique atmosphere and serve as recognizable campus landmarks. However, despite their ubiquity, many students still know very little about where these pieces of art actually come from.
Instituted by the Board of Regents in 1998 as an initiative to promote campus beautification across the Tech University System, the Public Art Program has since grown into one of the top public art collections in the country, with contributions from renowned artists all across the globe. Since its inception, the collection has quickly expanded to include over 150 works across the system’s five campuses.
Emily Wilkinson, executive director of public art for the Tech University System, credited this rapid growth to the school’s relatively young age, which has afforded the
program the opportunity to grow alongside the university.
“Starting in 1998, it definitely rapidly increased and I think part of that has to do with Tech (being) younger than some of the other state institutions. So we have had more room for growth … and in terms of buildings, we have more space to build,” Wilkinson said.
Tech dedicates one percent of the budgets from all major construction projects, including new buildings and renovations, to public art projects.
The artists are chosen by a committee through a competitive, multi-stage selection process.
Wilkinson emphasized the importance of choosing artists that will work within each project’s parameters, while still maintaining an appropriate balance of artistic freedom.
“Public artists have to be prepared for that collaborative element, which means their ideas are what drives a conversation, but there is a chance that some of that will change,” Wilkinson said. “We don’t tell the artists exactly what to make, but we do give
Tech students on the Lubbock campus are able to attend any Tech sporting event as athletic fees are included in their tuition. All that is required for admission into these events is to meet at the designated area of the sporting venue where student admission takes place.
Only football and basketball games require students to enter through specified areas.
them some kind of direction.”
The members of this committee can change depending on the specific needs of each project.
“We also have special representatives for each project. So if it’s an engineering project, the president’s office will appoint a few people that are from engineering specifically, so there’s that voice related to the actual project,” Wilkinson said. “I just love to see so many people come together to talk about art … and it’s people that normally wouldn’t talk about art or think of themselves as art people.”
Wilkinson said she hopes the public art pieces will foster a spirit of curiosity and creativity on campus.
“It gives you a place to sit outside and think about something outside of the classroom, so that your learning experience isn’t just when you’re in class, but it really encompasses the whole environment,” Wilkinson said. “The school is really trying to create a home for our students and a place that is not just where you go to school but where you live.”
When admitted into games, students will be escorted to designated student section seating. Many Tech students enjoy spectating from the student section, including Andres Solano, a psychology major from Lazbuddie.
“When I first started here (Texas Tech), my thing was just trying to make as many friends as I could,” Solano said. “Sitting in the student section gets you to know a lot of people.”
There are numerous transportation options available. The university provides a shuttle service that is of no cost to students and can go
anywhere on or off campus by providing their Tech ID card.
Students, particularly those on campus, may just opt to walk to the events, as it saves the hassle of trying to exit parking lots postgame and the risk of parking in the wrong place and getting towed or receiving a fine.
Adam Vilchez, a cinematic arts and business major from Lima, Peru, offered his thoughts regarding the best way for first-year students to travel to games.
“If you’re going there, don’t carpool. It’s not worth it. Just walk, it’s not that hard,” Vilchez said.
At football games, students may swipe their Tech ID to enter the student section starting two hours prior to kickoff. Students attending games at the USA and other venues on campus may enter the student section starting 60 minutes prior to tipoff.
By JAMAR BROOKS SportS Writer @JamarBrooksDTStudents attending sports games should plan on showing up earlier than the official announced start time of
the game. Certain sports, like football and basketball, may require a significantly earlier arrival time than other sports.
Adaryah Kidd, a mechanical engineering major from Dallas, subscribes to that thought process. “If you’re going to football games … you need to be there early. Any of the Big 12 games that are really serious, good teams, be there early because if not, you’re not gonna have a good seat,” Kidd said. “Definitely in the student section at the football stadium, you wanna have a good seat.”
Food and other items from concessions may not be purchased with cash at Tech athletic events as the university has transitioned to cashless facilities (credit and debit cards as well as other forms of electronic payment are accepted)
Purses, backpacks and other baggage items are not permitted in the athletic facilities previously mentioned in compliance with the Clear Bag Policy.
Looking for ways to reduce stress and maintain good mental health? Try these tips provided by the Texas Tech Student Counseling Center and keep them in your mental health toolbox:
• Exercise regularly
• Practice yoga or meditation
• Maintain a well-balanced, nutritional diet; avoid processed foods
• Keep a regular sleep schedule; get at least seven to eight hours of sleep
• Enjoy a long bath or shower
• Read a book, listen to music or do other things you enjoy
• Relax with friends or family
• Schedule a massage
Visit https://www.depts. ttu.edu/scc/self-help-resources/online-resources/ relaxation-tools/ for podcasts pertaining to stress and relaxation.
Visit https://mhanational.org/mental-healthmonth to explore Mental Health America’s Tools 2 Thrive, as well as information pertaining to taking time for self-care; processing major life changes; dealing with anger and frustration; and adapting after trauma.
In addition to its TechAlert mass notification system that delivers email, text and voice messages about emergency situations or class cancellations/ delays, Texas Tech has an outdoor siren system designed to alert student, staff, faculty and on-campus visitors about severe weather emergencies. The system is periodically tested, but members of the campus community are notified in advance of test dates through TechAnnounce, social
Get to where you’re going
• On-campus buses only run on days classes are in session. Buses do not run on university holidays.
• Need to familiarize yourself with Citibus campus routes? Visit https://citibus. com/maps-and-schedules/#ttu-route-schedule. Tech students can ride all normal Citibus routes throughout Lubbock for free with a valid student ID.
media and other message delivery platforms.
When the system is tested, the outdoor sirens are typically sounded for a short period of time –usually one minute – to allow campus officials to ensure that each of the devices is working properly.
In the event of an actual severe weather emergency, these sirens can be used to notify members of the campus community. If severe weather approaches and the sirens are sounded, act
Get well, stay well
quickly. Avoid windows. Go to the basement of the building you are in or to the lowest floor and get in a small center room, under a stairwell or in an interior hallway. Do not use elevators.
For more information about tornado safety, visit http://www.spc.noaa.gov/ faq/tornado/safety.html.
For more details about TechAlert or other university safety plans, visit http://www.depts. ttu.edu/communications/ emergency.
• The on-campus Student Wellness Center is a professional primary care clinic, offering mental health referrals, nutrition counseling, laboratory services, X-ray services, a sports medicine clinic and a pharmacy. To schedule an appointment, call 806-743-2848. For more information, visit https://www.depts.ttu.edu/studenthealth/.
• The Student Counseling Center offers services that help students manage their emotional and mental health needs. Students can walk in – no appointment necessary – or make appointments. The Texas Tech Crisis HelpLine (742-5555) is available 24/7/365 for students experiencing suicidal thoughts, mental health crises, sexual assault and interpersonal violence. For more details visit http://www.depts.ttu.edu/scc.
In 1975, two Texas Tech alumni established Red Raider Outfitter, and over 40 years
later, we’re still the heartbeat of Broadway. Equipping Red Raiders with the finest fan gear in Lubbock, we strive to provide next-level apparel for our fans. From countless t-shirt options, and an amazing variety of polos, sweats, jackets, and hats from top brands like New Era, we provide the largest selection of Collegiate Under Armor gear in the nation. Red Raider Outfitter promises an exciting and spirited shopping experience. As the creators of the original Game Day t-shirt
and the Blackout t-shirt, and the Prairie Dog Town Collection we proudly continue to showcase and create Texas Tech traditions. Etch yourself in history as you shop at our various locations across the Lubbock area.
“Congratulations and best wishes as you prepare for college. Make Red Raider Outfitter your first stop in Lubbock and become part of the tradition. See for yourself why RRO has been the Fan’s Favorite since 1975.”
On a classic fall Saturday night in the Hub City, there is a legacy that spans over two decades. The tradition has been worn an estimated 6 million times at the Jones. Every year, to the excitement of Tech fans all over the nation, Red Raider Outfitter unveils its original, authentic, and official Wreck ‘Em Tech Game Day t-shirt. This t-shirt started in the 90s as a way to unite the most intimidating fans in college football. This shirt, produced exclusively by Red Raider Outfitter, quickly became the fan’s uniform for Texas Tech
football. Each season we create a piece unlike any from the years before —The Wreck ‘Em tee. Red Raider Outfitter is the home of the original Wreck ‘Em Tech tee. You’ll see other stores try to fake it, but don’t be fooled. After all, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but there will only be one Wreck ‘Em tee. Follow the legions of fans as they make their annual pilgrimage to Red Raider Outfitter. This year, you too can get your 23rd Edition Game Day shirt and secure your piece of Tech football history. Find yourself amongst the millions of fans, friends, and family roaring at the Jones AT&T Stadium.
The Wreck ‘Em phrase and Official Gameday shirt were conceived over 20 years ago by Red Raider Outfitter founder John Spiegelberg, who had a vision for uniting the fanbase under a tradition that fans could participate in no matter where they were. This idea sprung to life with the Original Wreck ‘Em Gameday Shirt and has continued to grow in the hearts of Tech fans ever since.
The iconic phrase has become so synonymous with Tech fandom that Red Raider Outfitter gifted the beloved trademark to Texas Tech in 2006 and after which it was immediately adopted as an official trademark of the University. With intensive care taken each year in the production of the Official Wreck ‘Em Shirt, you might even call it Red Raider Outfitter’s secret formula. Nobody does it better!
Established in 1930, Prairie Dog Town has commemorated our fantastic West Texas critters as one of Lubbock’s claims to fame. This protected prairie dog colony was the first of its kind in the USA and houses our small friends for all of our out-of-town guests to come and visit them safely.
At Red Raider Outfitter, we thought, we have a one-of-a-kind attraction... why not celebrate?
As a token of gratitude for our prairie dogs, we have a collection of apparel and gifts that cherish their likeness inside our stores. To visit Lubbock, and get a piece of Prairie Dog Town memorabilia is simply a tradition that has been repeated for decades.
After all, if you have not gotten a Prairie Dog Town shirt, did you even go to Lubbock?”
Over the last 2 decades, meticulous craftsmanship has fueled the inception of each Wreck ‘Em design to ensure it captures the fan’s spirit each football season. Just one look at an era-defining Wreck ‘Em can transport you to the excitement of any given season. This official shirt developed by Red Raider Outfitter is an iconic cornerstone that has helped thrust THE JONES AT&T STADIUM into the top 10 toughest College Football stadiums to play in according to FOX SPORTS. We are extremely proud of this year’s limited 20th edition design and can’t wait to see it on your back come gameday in Raiderland. Red Raider Outfitter consistently creates the Official Wreck ‘Em Gameday Shirt as a labor of love that continues to unite Tech Fans Nationwide! Come get yours now so you too can participate in this storied tradition.
Chrome is one of the largest independent boutiques in the country, featuring
the best selection of designer collections that you cannot find anywhere else in Texas. Responsible for setting the standard of high fashion in West Texas, Chrome is Lubbock’s source of the latest trends.
Established in 2002, Chrome quickly became the diamond in the rough of West Texas. As
Texans, we are known to cherish our oil fields, cotton rows, cattle, and 10-gallon hats, but our true muse is the original American fashion icon...Buddy Holly. Holly, a Lubbock native, paved way for American fashion in the south and we continue to carry on his legacy through our store.
Chrome is a twist of luxury, a splash of design, and a homage to the original hipster. We are anchored on the exact birth spot of the rock ‘N roll legend. The heritage can be felt in every
turn as you peruse our lifestyle store. 20 years ago, we opened the doors with a focus on design, quality, and leading retail in new directions. Today, we have known the world over as changing the landscape of gifts, fashion, and shopping. If you are looking for what is next...right now...Chrome is your wonderland.
We hope you enjoy your experience as you visit our site. No matter where you may live in the world. Rest assured our buyers’ passion is to curate the
The 2023 bucket list is a composite of various activities and milestones that Texas Tech students can look forward to trying to complete throught the course of
Attend the annual Carol of Lights event, the closing ceremony for Texas Tech’s Centennial celebration, on Dec. 2 Visit the Lubbock Tornado Memorial in downtown Lubbock and learn how Tech was impacted when the storm hit May 11, 1970
Participate in at least five Raider Welcome events
Have your picture taken with the big ring sculpture outside the Alumni Center
Visit the Lubbock Lake Landmark and learn about the fossils found on the South Plains
Watch this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV and look for the Goin’ Band from Raiderland Hop on a Citibus and explore some of the offcampus offerings in Lub -
bock Build a snow sculpture on campus
Smile and say hello to a random someone in the Student Union
Take selfies with your favorite campus art installation
Join an intramural team and participate
Attend a Student Government Association meeting
Participate in a faceto-face academic advising session Start a “Raider Power!” chant at a Tech sporting event
Attend a party Find the Blarney Stone on the Texas Tech campus
Visit Prairie Dog Town in Lubbock’s Mackenzie Park
the year. These activities are not limited to just the Tech campus, but throughout the city of Lubbock. Use #TTUBucketlist23 when you complete any item on the list.
Invite your parents/family to Family Weekend/ Family Days on campus
Participate in Tech’s Sept. 4 Labor Day Centennial Service Event with Habitat for Humanity
Visit the Library and check out its many resources
Go a full semester without missing a class
Go bowling with friends
Buy a $5 gift card to your favorite coffee/tea/ soft drink stop and gift it to a helpful Tech employee
Take a selfie with the Masked Rider and the horse, Centennial Champion Recycle when and where you can on campus
Find one (or more) of the painted murals in town and grab a Lubbock selfie to post to social media
Earn a spot on the Dean’s or President’s List
Make time to take in a few West Texas sunsets
Visit the Buddy Holly Center and grab a photo of yourself with the giant glasses
Wear a fun, campusappropriate Halloween costume to your Oct. 31 classes
Find your favorite barbecue restaurant in Lubbock
Spend a Friday evening taking in the sights and sounds of the First Friday Art Trail
Round up some friends and go on a road trip to an out-of-town Tech sports event
Attend an on-campus event just for the free food or T-shirt
Take an arbitrary class unrelated to personal interests just to broaden your horizons
Go to Dirk’s and enjoy some food and the Techrelated items showcased in its dining room
Play a round of golf at the Jerry S. Rawls Golf Course
Try each of the independent burger joints along 34th and 50th streets
Follow the Goin’ Band from Raiderland from the Music building parking lot to Jones AT&T Stadium before a home football game
Sit in the courtyard behind the Administration Building and watch unsuspecting
Toss a tortilla at a football game without getting caught
Volunteer Center of Lubbock’s website)
Partake in a harmless prank war among friends at the residence hall
Eat at Skyviews of Texas Tech Splurge on a purchase that ordinarily would be beyond your budget
Enjoy a weekend of college-themed movies (“Animal House,” “Old School,” etc.)
Attend a Tech home softball game
Participate in a friendly snowball fight on campus
Take at least one selfie with Raider Red each year
Complete an internship relating to your major
Get your puppy fix by volunteering at The Haven Animal Care Shelter or Morris Safe House
Spend a day going to and from class without checking your cell phone
Attend RaiderGate before a home football game
Go to the Rec Center and work out daily for a week
Participate in a peaceful political rally or protest
Take part in one of the trips offered through the Outdoor Pursuits Center
Create your résumé and keep it updated
Enjoy some nachos at Chimy’s
Float the Lazy River at the Leisure Pool
Get re-tweeted by an official Tech Twitter account
Play flashlight tag at Memorial Circle at midnight
Take a group photo with friends at the “Riding into the Sunset” (Will Rogers & Soapsuds) statue
Treat a friend to a meal at One Guy’s across the street from campus
Take an offbeat class as an elective
Experience Mafia Queso
at Orlando’s
Volunteer to help build one of the homecoming parade floats
Learn the official words to the Texas Tech fight song and “The Matador Song”
Attend a Tech women’s soccer home game
Participate in Tech’s annual Arbor Day in the spring
Take in a Saturday baseball game at Dan Law Field Splash in the puddles following a campus rain
Rush the United Supermarkets Arena court when Tech upsets a ranked opponent
Sign up to participate in the 2023 Mayor’s Marathon on Oct. 29 in Lubbock
Enjoy one of the concerts featured at the USA Sled down a snow-cov -
ered hill at Urbanovsky Park
Visit the National Ranching Heritage Center or Texas Tech Museum
See the pioneers of the South Plains mural in the Holden Hall rotunda
Grab a freshman-year selfie at the Tech Seal (to pair with the one you’ll take your senior year in cap and gown)
Participate in the next SGA election — either as a candidate or by voting online
After your freshman year, lounge on the Double T Bench in the courtyard behind the Administration Building
Go online and read up on the alleged hauntings on the Tech campus
Take in the Tech Pom
Squad and Co-Ed Cheer team performances at Raider Alley before a home football game
Take a day trip to nearby Palo Duro Canyon
Visit one of Lubbock’s sushi eateries, order and eat the craziest thing on the menu
Conquer the rock wall at the Rec
Check out the Alt’Do Farms Corn Maize northwest of Lubbock
Take a road trip to the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico
Drive around the Loop
Enjoy a picnic at Buffalo Springs
Visit Lubbock’s South Plains Fair, Sept. 22-30, and enjoy some traditional fair food (turkey leg, anyone?)
Texas Tech students interested in learning more about local businesses should plan to attend the Hub City Fest 2023.
The event, organized by the Tech Office of Student Engagement, will run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25, in the R-11 band parking lot at 18th Street and Akron Avenue.
Freebies and samples, live music and prizes will be offered, as well as special deals from retailers, according to the event website, https://www. depts.ttu.edu/studentengagement/hubcityfest/ index.php. Students are encouraged to bring cash or their credit cards to “get in on the amazing deals.”
A broad assortment of
local retailers is expected to participate in the event. The first 1,500 students who present their student IDs will receive free Texas Tech laundry bags. A number of large door prizes are being secured for giveaway every 15-20 minutes during the event. Last year’s door prizes included a 55-inch Insignia 4K Fire TV; AirPods; concert tickets; an Inspiron 14 2-in-1 laptop; Kendra Scott jewelry; and dozens of gift cards for food and entertainment, as well as numerous other items.
To be eligible to win one of the door prizes, student IDs must be scanned upon entry to Hub City Fest, according to the website.
The Texas Tech Parents Association is busy making plans for the university’s Family Weekend in late September.
The TTPA’s celebration begins Sept. 28 with Arrival Survival, the official weekend check-in event, from 2 pm. To 5 p.m. at the McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center. There, families can pick up schedules, maps and tickets purchased through the TTPA, as well as parking passes, T-shirts and tickets to the weekend dinner buffet and tailgate.
Check-in will continue from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 29 at the Alumni Center and from 5 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. at the Student Union Building.
Visit the TTPA website at https://www.texastechparents.org/page/FWFD for more details.
On Sept. 29, the organization will host a family dinner buffet from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Student Union Ballroom (advance tickets required; check the website), sidelined by a Housing Fair in the SUB’s indoor courtyard.
Representatives from local apartment complexes will be on hand to visit with students and their parents. There is no cost to attend the Housing Fair, which is co-sponsored by The Daily Toreador.
Rounding out Family Fun Night at the SUB will be free games and activities
sponsored by the Student Activities Board.
On Sept. 30, the TTPA will host what’s billed as the largest tailgate on the Tech campus. It will begin
three hours prior to kickoff (time to be announced). Advance tickets purchase at https://www.texastechparents.org/page/FWFD
Texas Tech sets aside several dates each year to celebrate students and their families.
This year’s Family Weekend observance is set for Sept. 29-30, according to the Parent and Family Relations website, https:// www.depts.ttu.edu/parentrelations/family.php.
A list of tentatively scheduled activities includes:
• Sept. 29 – Red Raider Family Ice Cream Social hosted by Parent & Family Relations; the free comeand-go event will be in the Student Union Red Raider Plaza, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. or until ice cream supplies are exhausted.
• Sept. 29 – Family & Friends Night at the SUB – Watch the Parent and Family Relations website for more details about the free offerings.
• Sept. 30 – Raider Alley Tailgate (time to be announced; look for it to be four hours prior to kickoff). Fans can enjoy live music, family friendly tailgate games and inflatables; numerous food and beverage options will be available for purchase. Outdoor LED TVs will be broadcasting live college games from all over the country. The free
tailgate will be hosted by Texas Tech Athletics in the Engineering Key.
• Sept. 30 – Texas Tech vs. University of Houston, kickoff time to be announced, Jones AT&T Stadium. Discounted tickets are available now at the Texas Tech Athletic Ticket Office website; enter promo code FAMILY23 for a $35 ticket. (If you’d like your Tech student to sit with you at the game, you need to purchase a ticket for them. Tech students have free admission to Tech athletic events with their student IDs; however, this only allows them to sit in the student section.)
Check the website noted above for a direct link to tickets, assistance with ADA seating, parking suggestions and a link to the official Gameday Guide.
The university also encouraged families to visit their Red Raiders whenever it’s convenient for everyone involved. Check out the Parent and Family Relations Family Days Calendar, https://www.depts. ttu.edu/parentrelations/ familydayscalendar.php, for more details, as well as general visitor parking information.
As the upcoming semester nears, Hospitality Services plans to open and renovate several oncampus dining locations, providing students with several new meal, snack and grab-and-go options.
Vida Editor but instead of being that same daily menu for the entire semester, we’re going to do a bi-weekly rotation,” Nguyen said. “For two weeks it’s going to be the same menu (Monday through Friday), and then the next two weeks is gonna be a menu refresh and some new items that we offer daily.”
The largest of the upcoming changes will be the opening of 23 at Sneed, a new dining hall set to feature eight different concepts, as well as locations to purchase prepackaged and grab-and-go food items.
“23 at Sneed is going to be a brand new, renovated dining facility,” Dee Nguyen, unit manager of recruitment and retention for Hospitality Services at Texas Tech, said. “It operates similar to a retail concept where students get breakfast, lunch, late night options at this facility, but they can (also) get their retail items.”
In addition to this new facility, Tech Hospitality will be upgrading and renovating pre-existing dining locations. The Fresh Plate, Tech’s great value dining facility, will be moving from the Bledsoe/Gordon residence hall to its new home at Wall/ Gates. The Fresh Plate will continue to offer allyou-care-to-eat breakfast, lunch and dinner options during the weekdays, as well as brunch during the weekends, Nguyen said, but also will be making several operational changes. “Conceptually, it’s going to be a little bit different. It will still have daily rotation options …
The Mediterranean dining location Second to Naan, previously at the Student Union Building (SUB) Sam’s Place, is relocating to The Commons at Talkington Hall. Second to Naan will be replaced at the SUB with a Mexican food dining option, and The Commons is welcoming a new ramen concept.
Further, Quiznos no longer will be available on the Tech campus. The newly named Burkhart Cafe will offer Boar’s Head Deli sandwiches and thin crust pizza in its place.
“We’re expanding the Boar’s Head Deli product. It’s gonna be served at the Burkhart Cafe; I’m also excited to share that Sam’s Place West is going to feature Boar’s Head Deli,” Nguyen said.
Boar’s Head Deli will remain available at the SUB in addition to these two new locations.
Lastly, Tech Hospitality is adding a Starbucks to the SUB.
“It’s going to be bigger and better than the one
at Honor’s Hall,” Nguyen said. “(There will be the) full menu at the Starbucks at the Student Union Building.”
This new Starbucks will be located next to Sam’s Place SUB. With the opening of these new and renovated dining locations, new student job opportunities will also become available throughout Texas Tech Hospitality. All Hospitality locations are hiring for the upcoming school year, offering benefits including work for board, scholarships and flexible scheduling.
Many of the upcoming changes are the result of student feedback, Nguyen
said. Tech Hospitality utilizes focus groups and student surveys to ensure that campus dining remains updated and relevant for students.
“Texas Tech University always strives to be innovative, and we’re a part of that,” Nguyen said. “We want to make sure that dining is dynamic, that we’re not stagnant, that we’re listening to our students. Continuing to … push the boundaries of the culinary industry on campus, to be one of the best collegiate dining programs I think is why we continue to make these changes.”
Tech Hospitality hopes and plans to have these changes implemented dur-
ing this upcoming fall semester. Updates on hours of operation and the openings of these locations can be found on the Tech Hospitality website, as well as their various social medias and on The Daily Toreador website.
“We’re really pushing the boundaries when it comes to culinary diversity and kind of expanding our students’ palettes out here in West Texas,” Nguyen said. “(We’re) trying to make sure that our students have a diversified, exciting, delicious dining experience while they’re here to fuel their education.”
Texas Tech University has implemented many different practices and procedures to ensure the safety of students, faculty, staff and guests.
Listed below are some of the layers of security currently serving members of the Tech community, according to the Undergraduate Admissions website: Texas Tech Police Texas Tech Police officers patrol campus 24 hours a day.
The campus police department offers several programs designed to prevent crime in the Tech community. Officers are available to discuss topics such as theft prevention, alcohol aware-
ness, residential security and storm readiness. Anyone interested in scheduling such a program should call the TTPD’s non-emergency number: 806-742-3931.
Building security
Uniformed officers patrol and open all academic buildings prior to classes in the mornings.
Blue Phone network Tech provides more than 100 blue phones located throughout campus. These freestanding phones provide a direct line to the Texas Tech Police Department. At night, blue lights mounted on top of the phones make them easy to locate.
The Texas Tech Student
Government Association contracts with Citibus to provide bus service on campus and to designated off-campus areas during weekdays. Evening shuttle services also are provided.
TechAlert! Is Tech’s official emergency alert notification system. Within minutes of an emergency (severe weather or a school closure, for example) the system sends information via Texas message, telephone and email.
To ensure your information is entered correctly in the system, visit https:// www.depts.ttu.edu/communications/emergency/ index.php.
Time management is important to students striving for success
Managing time is crucial if you want to achieve success not only in the classroom, but in your job, relationships with family and friends, and involvement in other interests. For optimal success, try adopting some of these time management strategies:
• Make time management a priority. Organize and review your schedule weekly, prioritizing the tasks that must be accomplished. Schedule highpriority items first, they fill in with lower-priority tasks. Good planning is the key to good results.
• Don’t over schedule. Your plans for each week should be a guide, not an “ironclad contract.”
• Understand assignments and when they are due. Write down deadlines for each assignment, big and small, and break longer-term projects into smaller tasks with their own deadlines to help avoid procrastination.
• Develop a schedule and stick to it. Figure out what time of day works best for you – are you a morning person or someone who has more energy in the evening? – and try to use that to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to map out a daily or weekly to-do list if that helps.
• Learn to say “no.” Your time is valuable, and you’re the one who needs to make sure you have the time you need to accomplish
your goals. Sometimes that means saying “no.”
• Set time limits. Allotting a specific amount of time on assignmentrelated tasks will help keep you on track; however, do the same for other reoccurring tasks (cleaning your dorm room, grocery shopping, running weekend errands) to better manage your time.
• Minimize distractions. That may mean you don’t need to study at the coffee shop because of the noise and people around you. Or you may need to find someplace other than your dorm room because of the temptation of video games, music, visiting with friends, etc. Determine what works best for you and structure your study environment accordingly.
• Use technology wisely. When you log on to access reading materials, do research or tackle other classroom-related tasks, avoid getting sucked into web surfing or social media use. Maintain your focus on the task at hand. Turn off your phone if you need to.
• Schedule rewards for completing tasks. Life doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Plan time for breaks – time with friends and family, working out or whatever fun activities you enjoy. If you don’t, you risk burning out.
Sources: https://www. depts.ttu.edu/scc/Virtual_Library/time_management_primary.php and https://www.snhu. edu/about-us/newsroom/2020/01/time-management-strategies
The Murray Carpenter/Wells Clock Tower is located on the northwest side of the campus. One superstition involving the tower states that walking under the clock will result in not graduating on time.
The Double T Bench sits behind the Administration Building next to the statue of Preston T. Smith. The bench was donated by the Senior Class of 1931. As one of the oldest landmarks at Texas Tech, it is said that if an individual wants a date to the football game, all they have to do is sit on the bench and a date will find them.
The Bell Tower is perhaps one of the loudest landmarks on campus. After a Texas Tech victory or other significant achievement for the university, the bells ring for 30 minutes. This tradition started in 1936 when Arch Lamb, Saddle Tramps founder, made a promise to ring the bells in the event Tech won against TCU. Tech beat TCU 7- 0, and the tradition was born. The bells are tended to by the Saddle Tramps with the High Riders joining in 1976.
Created by artist Pho Shu Wang and unveiled in 2007, the stainless steel sphere sits between the Student Union Building and the Library. It acts similar to a bell with a small button to press, causing it to ring. It's said that if you ring this bell on your way to a test, you will pass.
The readers of The Daily Toreador asked questions coming into the new school year. We pulled your questions off social media and answered them below
There is no shortage of student organizations. Aside from flyers and the advising office, TechConnect stores all information regarding clubs on campus and events available to students. This page is online and will ask for your eRaider information to proceed.
Used by most instructors in both online and inperson classes, Blackboard is a website where students can access their assignments and view grades for their classes. There is also a Blackboard app that gives instant notifications when assignments or grades have changed.
There is a variety of dining options at Tech, including Chick-fil-A and Starbucks. However, Sam’s Place is favored as it not only offers food but snacks and over-the-counter medications as well. Many dorms also have a dining hall, and everything can be purchased with Dining Bucks stored on your Raider card. See page 15 for new dining additions.
There is plenty of wind and dirt in Lubbock. The seasons are very distinct as each of them welcome their respective characteristics. Car wash memberships definitely come in handy, and a heavy coat for the winter months will be useful.
What times do dorms close?
During the academic year, residence halls and front desk operations are open 24/7. However, many dorms will lock their doors past midnight, meaning your Raider card will be required for entry.
If you have a student at Texas Tech, you are a member of our Red Raider family. We offer ways to help you stay informed, be connected and remain an active part of your student’s success.
The Texas Tech Parents Association supports parent and family engagement with your students throughout their college experience.
Membership Benefits include:
• Discounted rates on hotels, storage facilities, tickets, Tech gear and more
• Road Raiders Safe Travel Network
• Scholarships and awards
• Family Weekend activities, including a fabulous tailgate
• Volunteer opportunities
• Fun, informative programs
• Local and virtual events