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授权概览中国 孩子的钱最好赚 — 这 是中国消费市场上的一 种说法。 根据国家媒体《经济日 报》的最新报道,中国 的儿童商品和服务市场 规模已扩大到 4.5 万 亿元人民币(6950 亿美元),涵盖了童 装、食品饮料、体育器 材和各类课外活动。
儿童经济蓬勃发展 随着家庭收入的增长,中国的儿童 商品和服务市场持续增长。 中国的儿童商品和服务市场价值近 7,000 亿美元,而一项调查显示, 中国家长花在孩子身上的钱通常都 占到家庭开支的 30% 至 50% 推动儿童市场发展的是中国城市里 富裕的家长越来越重视孩子的健康 和全面成长。 根据国家统计局的数据,北京居民 去年的年均可支配收入约为 6.9 万 元,而全国城镇居民的这一数字为 4.4 万元,农村居民为 1.7 万元。 而根据分析公司 QuestMobile 发 布的《2020 年儿童经济洞察报 告》,近半数的受访家庭表示自己 的总体支出中有 30% 至 50% 被用 在了孩子身上。除了日常用品外, 他们还主要把钱花在了教育、娱乐 以及音乐等培训课程上。 报告称,年龄在 25-40 岁之间并且 家里有 12 岁以下孩子的父母中, 有近 90% 的人每月会在孩子身上 花 1000-5,000 元人民币。 这样的消费自然就让全国各地的购 物中心赚到盆满钵满,特别是是那 些既能满足父母又迎合孩子需求的 综合商场。 在北京丰台区的银泰购物中心,管 理层正在考虑增加专门针对家庭娱 乐和儿童教育的门店数量。“我们 的大多数消费者年龄都在 35 至 45 岁之间,其中大多数都是孩子家
长,”一位发言人透露说。 报告显示,滑雪、骑马、游泳、烘 焙和乐高成为了中国家长与孩子最 喜欢的活动。 根据中国线上旅游公司 — 携程旅 行网 ( 一月份公布的一 份报告,中国的富裕家庭在旅行时 也更喜欢选择入住高质量的酒店。 报告还显示,大多数带孩子出行的 家长年龄都在 40 岁以下,而其中 一半喜欢选择四星及五星级酒店。 然而,由于数十年来推行的独生子 女政策,以及社会对家庭和婚姻的 态度转变,导致了中国的人口出生 率直线下降,从而导致了孩子的人 均支出增加。最近公布的初步数据 显示,2020 年的人口出生率下降
授权概览中国采访了 IMG 品 牌授权部亚洲高级副总裁 Miki Ya ma moto ,了解更多关于 IMG 在中国的各种授权项目。 Miki 在日本与她的中国团队紧密合 作,虽然她经常都会到访中国,但 中国政府的旅行限制使得她近期无 法前往中国。 我们请 Miki 介绍一下 IMG 在授权 方面的主要发展现状。 她从芝麻街开始讲起,谈到了芝麻
了约 15%。 报道称,出生率下降的原因包括住 房和教育成本攀升,以及年轻女性 越来越排斥婚姻。2019 年,结婚 率创下了十四年来的新低。
中国公安部发布的数据显示,2020 年的新生儿登记人数为 1003.5 万, 2019 年为 1180 万。而 2019 年 的数字原本就已是自中华人民共和 国于 1949 年成立以来的最低点。 登记数据还突显了持续的性别失衡 问题。近 53% 的新生儿是男孩, 比女孩人数约多出 54.5 万。 人口迅速老龄化,但却没有足够的 能力赡养所有的老人,因此下降的 人口出生率给中国经济敲响了警 钟。到 2050 年,预计将有约三分 之一的人口年龄将超过 60 岁;而 中国社会科学院 2019 年的一份报 告称,国家养老基金可能到 2035 年就会耗尽。
街、优衣库和艺术家 KAWS 的合 作在中国所取得的巨大成功。 “第一阶段的时装产品已于 2018 年夏季面向全球推出,而中国录 得了所有国家和地区中最高的销售 额。”Miki 解释道: “周杰伦、 藤井夏恋、罗杰·费德勒和上西怜 等名人都穿过这个系列的时装。在 2018 年冬季至 2019 年春季的第 二阶段产品上市之际,吸引了很多 中国消费者在优衣库门店前排队, 而由 KAWS 设计的芝麻街毛绒玩 偶很快就被抢购一空。” “芝麻街还尝试通过‘芝麻街英 语学校’将自己的教育业务拓展到 中国。截至 2020 年,它已在中 国开设了约 200 所学校。但请注 意,IMG 的重点是推动时尚合作 及授权产品,帮助芝麻街成为中国 年轻人及更多家庭的生活方式品
牌;我们与‘芝麻街英语学校’并 无任何工作关系。” 在品牌方面,事实证明 Jeep 非常 受欢迎。“我们目前在中国约有 3,000 家 Jeep 服饰店,此外还有 眼镜、箱包等产品在其他配件专柜 销售。受疫情影响,如今越来越多 的人们热衷于户外运动,而 Jeep 的户外用品成为了他们的热门之 选。” 在体育方面,中国消费者对欧洲 足球俱乐部的商品有着很大的需 求。“我们是尤文图斯和曼城在 中国的授权代表。去年,我们帮 尤文图斯促成了一笔重要的服装交 易,而他们的时装旗舰店将在今 年春天登陆天猫。”曼城在天猫 国际已经开设了一家中国旗舰店 (由 Fanatics 管理而不是 IMG)。 IMG 正在帮助曼城携手当地企 业,继续开拓中国各地的休闲时尚 商品市场。 “在中国足球方面,中超联赛 (CSL) 很受欢迎,而政府也一直 在扶持中超联赛的发展,并鼓励 向欧洲联赛学习。中超联赛目前的 运作方式更像是美国足球职业联 赛 — 包括商品在内的一切事务都 集中管理,各家俱乐部并无独立自 主的管理权。在赞助和媒体版权方 面,IMG 目前正与中超联赛展开 合作。”
中国的网上零售额已超过零售总 额的 50%
IMG 发展在中国的授权业务
截至 2021 年,中国的零售总额 中有 52% 源自电子商务,而整 个国家/地区的大部分零售都发 生在线上尚属全球首例。 这比 eMarketer 去年得出的 44.8% 的研究结果有所提高。世界上没有 任何其他国家或地区能与之相提并 论。 继中国之后,电子商务占零售总 额比例第二高的国家是韩国,今 年的网络零售额占到了零售总额 的 28.9%。英国以 28.3% 紧随其 后,位居第三。有趣的是,美国远 远落在了后面,只有 15% 的零售 源自网络,预计到 2022 年这一数 字将上升到 16.2%。 尽管美国在整体零售额上仍领先 于中国(2020 年美国的零售额为 5.506 万亿美元,而中国为 5.13
那么,Miki 及其中国团队未来 将如何发展。“IMG 是《堡垒之 夜》和《彩虹六号》的中国授权代 理商,随着这些电子游戏和电竞项 目在中国的受欢迎程度持续上升, 我们渴望扩大这些电子游戏和电竞 项目的规模与品牌。”
万亿美元),但在 2021 年,中 国的电子商务金额将领先美国近 2 万亿美元。 根据 eMarketer 的调查,多重 因素推动了中国的电子商务突破 50% 这一门槛。其中也包括社交 电子商务 — 去年在中国的增长达 到了惊人的 44.1%,而今年将继 续增长 35.5%,金额达 3632.6 亿美元。相比之下,美国今年的社 交电子商务总额才约为 360.9 亿 美元。 据 eMarketer 预测,中国明年的 电子商务占比将上升到零售总额的 55.6%。只有两件事能阻止这种强 劲的增长。首先,由于中国的经济 引擎早已今非昔比,因此预计未来 几年里,中国的整体零售销售增长 将比过去十年受到更大的限制。其
次,中国还有几亿人根本没有上 网,因此这些消费者带来的增长仍 尚需时日。 那么,是什么推动了这种非凡的增 长模式呢?事实上这源自于多种因 素。 第一,社交电子商务。 据估计,中 国的社交电子商务去年增长达到了 惊人的 44.1%,而今年将继续增长 35.5%,金额达 3632.6 亿美元。 此外,微信小程序也起到了推波助 澜的作用。尽管腾讯的超级应用在 中国已经存在了近十年,然而直到 最近,它的界面才开始巧妙地推动 第三方电子商务的发展。微信小程 序让企业能够更好地利用微信用户 群,事实证明,它们无论是在商家 还是消费者中都广受欢迎。 另一个因素是拼多多 (PDD)。这
中国电子商务销售额 — 2019 年至 2024 年预测 万亿 + 占零售总额的百分比(线上及线下)
电子商务销售总额 占中国总销售额的百分比
在最近几个月里,苏菲长颈鹿 (Sophie la giraffe) 迎来了四家进 入中国市场的被授权商。 Play&go Soft 是专注于儿童用品的 比利时品牌。Play&go(去玩)是 一种创新理念,它为宝宝推出了一 款游戏垫,同时还可用作收纳袋或
MOLANG 兔在亚洲的活动
$2,779 $2,297 $1,801
注:包括线上购买的产品和服务,但不包括旅行和活动、缴费、税金、餐饮服务和赌博。不包括香港 来源
为了庆祝农历新年牛年,Millimages 在亚洲各地庆祝一系列即将到来 的授权协议和令人兴奋的新广播 节目。 Molang 继续其在亚洲的全球推广 步伐 — 从新加坡最卡哇伊餐厅的 时尚 Pop-up Café 到最新玩具与 家居用品系列。 其中包括 2 月在新加坡播出的 Molang Pop Up x Kumoya
消费类电子品牌被授权商在中国打开成功之门的两把钥匙 LMCA Asia 在中国上海的办事处 代理了中国和东南亚地区最具标志 性的全球消费电子品牌。 随着中国政府持续专注于本国消费 市场的发展,消费类电子授权行业 的发展机会比比皆是,但未来数年 的市场竞争势必不断加剧,这就要 求各家公司寻找新的方法来实现产 品差异化,同时还要开拓新的消费 群体,以便保持业务增长。 如今,即使是在消费电子领域中一 些中国最大的本土品牌,也正在与 国际品牌建立授权合作伙伴关系, 以服务于更多的富裕消费者并创造 更高的利润。但在消费电子领域, 成功管理一个授权企业品牌离不开 大量的投资,而且还要与授权商携 手合作。 专职团队 — 首先,被授权商必须 准备投资组建一个专职团队,由各 主要学科的专业人员来为授权计划
房胜负已分。 中国将是其在全球范围内最大规模 的院线上映计划,但万达集团旗下 的传奇影业却与美国发行商华纳兄 弟公开撕破了脸皮。传奇影业扬言 要对华纳兄弟采取法律行动,因 为后者决定在首映日当天将 2021 年的全部影片交由 HBO Max 发 行。Netflix 曾经出价 2.5 亿美元
提供支持。被授权商至少要有专门 的人员,涵盖一般管理、产品设 计/开发、产品管理、销售、市场 营销和客户服务等方面。直接从现 有品牌或企业借用资源似乎看起来 很划算,特别是在计划开发的早期 阶段,但计划的长期成功还是要取 决于每天都有哪些资源可以让品牌 得以生存和发展。 与授权商的沟通与合作 — 有效的 授权合作关系就是伙伴关系!作为 品牌所有者,在允许被授权商使用 自己的品牌时,有时这些被授权商 远在半个地球之外,授权商最担 心的问题之一就是,如果被授权商 将品牌用在开发不足或次品上, 那么品牌在消费者的眼中可能就 会“受损”。同样,如果品牌的营 销材料和信息与全球其他市场的信 息和定位不一致,就会造成与消费 者脱节,好比被授权商无法提供强
有力的客户服务,让消费者对品牌 大失所望一样。每份商标特性协议 (TMLA) 都包含了授权商的审批 权,这样他们就能与被授权商携手 开发产品、市场推广材料以及操作 流程,从而支持品牌的长期价值并 建立互惠互利的合作伙伴关系。 为了减轻授权商的担忧,合作伙 伴需要实施强有力的流程来相互沟 通,一旦制定这些流程并达成了 一致意见,就必须由被授权商来推 动。例如,在大多数情况下,授权 商与本地市场的联系不够紧密,因 此无法了解授权产品的竞争环境。 被授权商需要明确每款产品为当地 消费者带来的价值主张,而且被授 权商还需要推动产品的开发来满足 消费者的需求,同时与市场上的其 他品牌/产品展开有效竞争。 然后,授权商将评估产品的设计 和计划的功能,以及产品本身的生 产前样品,以确保这些产品与品 牌在全球其他市场中的定位和整体 DNA 均保持一致。 为了让产品开发和生产日历按计划 进行,被授权商需要主动代表合作 伙伴来管理这些日历。因此,尽早 发现可能导致不必要延迟的潜在问 题,从而使业务能够尽可能平稳地 运行。 授权合作并不总是那么轻松,但是 通过投资一支高素质的专门团队来 管理该计划,同时专注于与品牌合 作伙伴的有效合作与沟通,被授权 商就能为成功做好准备。 46
原创节目。 第一个引人注目的系列将是《在 碗深处》(共 52 集,每集 5 分 钟),这是一部针对 8 至 12 岁 儿童的搞笑系列,灵感来自著名的 法国漫画 Le Fond du Bocal(作 者:Nicolas Poupon)。 该节目将 3D 动画与真人实景结 合在一起,描绘出了奇妙的水族馆 和美丽的鱼群,它们的经历反映 了儿童的日常生活。腾讯视频将与 荣获奥斯卡奖的卢森堡动画工作室 Zeilt Productions 共同制作该 剧,并已获得全部资金(包括卢森 堡电影基金会的资金),目前已在 制作中。 节目预计将于 2022 年播出,目前 Zeilt 和腾讯视频正在为该剧寻找 发行合作伙伴。 曾荣获英国电影和电视艺术学院奖 (BAFTA) 的 Sixteen South 是 英国和爱尔兰领先的原创动画公司 之一,专注于为全球儿童创作优 质电视节目。其成功作品包括: 澳大利亚收视率第一的儿童节目 《Wildwoods》,在中国的数字
IPTV、内蒙古有线、广西有线、 河北移动、江西移动播出。 除了在电视上大获成功外,Molang 还凭借新的贴纸包和一款只在韩国 发行的新手机游戏,以及在中国推 出的一系列 Molang 微信贴纸包在 数字领域继续大放异彩。
随着大力水手 (Popeye) 在中国市场的影响 力不断提高,King Features 着眼于 Olive Oyl 和热门游戏产业 Cuphead 的扩张。
要买下这部预算为 2 亿美元的大 片,但华纳兄弟对此却秘而不宣。 《哥斯拉大战金刚》是 Michael Dougherty 此前执导的《哥斯 拉 2:怪兽之王》的续集,该片 2019 年在中国取得了 1.35 亿美 元票房,比北美票房高出 2500 万 美元。2014 年,《哥斯拉》系列 的首部影片在中国取得了 7760 万 美元票房,但中国当年的银幕数量 远不及目前。 2006 年,Peter Jackson 执导的 《金刚》在中国取得了 1270 万美 元票房。十年之后的 2017 年, 《金刚:骷髅岛》的中国票房比美 国总票房略胜一筹。中国内地的票 房为 1.68 亿美元,仅比北美高出 20 万美元。 由于受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,《哥 斯拉与金刚》曾多次跳票,华纳兄 弟最终敲定影片将于 3 月 31 日登 陆北美院线及 HBO Max。HBO Max 流媒体平台目前尚无在中国 市场运营的计划。
Popeye 继续成为中国各地流行文 化的宠儿。2020 年 6 月,Hearst 旗下的 King Features 和中国香 港的本地代理商 Medialink 与香 港的玩偶制造商 A hidden Lab 合作,推出了限量版“Creepy Popeye”艺术玩偶。由西班牙艺 术家 Cote Escriva 设计,限量 300 个精心制作的黑胶人偶通过在 线零售商 Thundermates 独家发 售,并迅速售罄。Escriva 是一位 来自巴伦西亚的插画师,他将街头 艺术、经典卡通和纹身艺术融合在 一起,形成诡异而又迷人的设计风 格。他的作品曾在各种设计杂志上 发表,并在洛杉矶、新加坡、巴塞 罗那和瓦伦西亚等城市举办过许多 集体和个人展览。 在首次合作取得巨大成功之后,A hidden Lab 继 Popeye 发布之 后,又在 2020 年 12 月推出了 限量 300 个“Creepy Brutus” 艺术玩偶。Brutus 身高约 28 厘
中国不断发展的娱乐业 工厂的全部股份。 不过,好莱坞在中国的发展受 到了一定的限制,因为中国政 府对每年引进的外国电影采取 配额制,目前这一配额是 34 部。由于中国电影的审查制 娱乐业是如何快速发展起来 度,想在中国制作或发行电影 的? 的外国制片人经常会被要求删 娱乐公司在股市中年复一年的良好 中国电影产业 表现得益于两个主要原因。首先, 中国电影产业开始将目光投向 改电影中的场景,并且只允许 随着中产阶级的人口不断扩大,可 世界,通过出口电影来吸引世 保留一小部分的票房收入 — 通 支配的收入在不断增加,这使得很 界各地的观众,直接与好莱坞 常不超过总票房的 25%。 竞争。2018 年,中国国产电 多人有钱花在娱乐上。 中国游戏产业 其次,政府加大了对娱乐行业的投 影的票房收入突破了 87 亿美 游戏产业在中国是一个价值数十 入,仅 2014 年的投入金额就高 元。 亿的大产业。 数字游戏市场巨 达 8 亿元人民币。在 2008-2009 此外,行业还完成了一些重大 大,2018 年仅中国就有 6.2 亿人 年全球经济陷入动荡之后,制定中 交易,包括中国娱乐业巨头、 在玩移动游戏、电脑网络游戏和主 国“十二五”规划的决策者们试图 美国第二大电影连锁店所有者 机游戏。2018 年,中国游戏产业 摆脱对出口的严重依赖,开始探索 大连万达集团的大手笔。他们 创造了约 300 亿美元的收入,超 让经济变得更加多元化的途径。娱 收购了美国好莱坞传奇影业公 过全球游戏产业收入(约为 1150 司的控股权,该影业公司曾出 资拍摄了《侏罗纪世界》等电 亿美元)的四分之一,中国游戏市 场毫无疑问成为了产业的中心。然 影。 另一方面,好莱坞也热衷于帮 而,2018 年成为了中国游戏市场 助电影筹资或者联合拍摄,以 最艰难的一年,因为政府决定全年 期立足中国电影市场,而梦工 禁止推出一切新的视频游戏,以防 厂就是一个例子。梦工厂与上 止社会有太多的人沉溺于数字世界 海文广集团当初于 2012 年合 之中。禁令势必会对电子游戏公司 资成立了东方梦工厂。后来, 造成不利影响,像腾讯和网易丢失 黎瑞刚的华人文化产业投资基 的市场份额就分别达到了 25% 和 金 (CMC) 陆续收购了东方梦 35%。尽管如此,行业还是走出 中国娱乐业的发展远超整体经济的 速度。事实上,娱乐业被认为对中 国 GDP 总量至少做出了 5% 的 贡献。
腾迅视频签订共同制作协议 中国领先的在线视频流媒体平 台腾讯视频今天宣布,已与欧 洲领先的电影制片公司 Zeilt Productions、Sixteen South 和 Silvergate Media 达成了共同制作 协议,旨在共同开发出具有全球影 响力的新颖有趣的儿童节目。 这三个协议标志着腾讯视频多年战 略的开始,与欧洲领先的国际电影 公司达成互惠互利的联合制作协 议,将把学龄前的动画电视连续剧 作为腾讯最受欢迎的儿童平台上的
最后,Angels Cosmetics 面向中 国推出了两款采用安全原料的索菲 长颈鹿香水:包含 96% 天然原料 的淡香水以及包含 97% 天然原料 的香氛护肤水。它们可单件发售并 附赠一个磨牙环,并且还有毛绒玩 具套装发售。
《哥斯拉大战金刚》即将登陆各大院线 由华纳兄弟和传奇影业联合出品的 《哥斯拉大战金刚》内地定档 3 月 26 日,提前北美和线上 5 天 上映。 此前,哥斯拉和金刚两个系列的 电影在中国收获的票房都超越了北 美,而且美国各大院线受新冠肺炎 疫情的冲击仍处于关闭状态,因此 这部最新影片尽管尚未上映,但票
George Williams 是 LMCA Asia 的 总经理。George 是 将品牌授权引入亚洲的 先驱。他在战略联盟的 谈判和管理方面代表主 要国际品牌已有 20 多 年。他在中国分销、 营销和零售行业的内部 运作方面拥有丰富的经 验。George 拥有芝 加哥大学的工商管理硕 士 (MBA) 学位和科 罗拉多学院的经济学学 士学位。
Café,以及 1 月由 Lotteria 在韩 国推出的 Molang Figurines。 2 月还在韩国推出了 Aurora 设 计的 Molang 迷你屋,3 月推出了 Aurora 设计的毛绒玩具。 除此之外,Bearron Gift Co Ltd 推出的 Molang 文具即将亮相泰国 亮相,而 Ciyan 的 Molang 床上 用品系列也将在中国推出。 Millimages 最新的寓教于乐学前节 目《小兔路易和小瓢虫尤可》(共 78 集,每集 7 分钟)最近已在中 国 17 个不同的频道上线。无论是 桥梁、滑雪缆车、风力涡轮机还是 火箭;这些都不在话下!有了这个 神奇的工具箱,路易和尤可可以不 受限的创建任何东西。最有意义的 是,路易和尤可会教孩子怎么做。 该节目在爱奇艺、优酷、小米、创 维、海信、CHIQ、康佳、天津 IPTV、山东 IPTV、河南 IPTV、 北京 IPTV、山西 IPTV、深圳
作者:George Williams,LMCA Asia
手提包。该产品已在中 国发售。 此外,在中国也能买 到 Ilado 的孕妇铃项 链系列。该项链有很多 好处,让准妈妈能和肚 子里的宝宝沟通。宝 宝出生后,妈妈可以把 孕妇项链装到安抚玩偶 中。产品单件发售,同 时也有 Bola 胎教铃与 Doudou 苏菲长颈鹿 的套装。 Charlie Banana 是一 个设计和生产可重复使 用纸尿裤的环保品牌。 团队希望设计出任何人 都能放心用到宝宝身 上的产品,相信他们会 将品牌推荐给身边的朋 友。Charlie Banana 精心挑选每一种面料,同时尽可能 选择通过 Oeko-Tex 生态纺织品 认证的供应商。Charlie Banana x 苏菲长颈鹿产品现已登陆中国,满 足了很多重要且实际的父母与宝宝 的需求。
平台上也很受欢迎;开创性的混合 媒体动画系列《Lily's Driftwood Bay》,目前已在全球 125 个地 区播出;二维动画《Claude》, 该片已在欧洲、中东、非洲和澳 大利亚的各个国家播出。Sixteen South 正在与腾讯视频联合制作, 即将推出全新的原创 3D 喜剧系 列。 创意内容和授权公司 Silvergate Media 已经在中国取得了成功, 凭借其专业知识和理解力为市场 创作颇具吸引力的节目。其热门节 目包括《彼得兔》和《希尔达》 ,此外还有火遍全球的《海底小 纵队》— 亚洲领先的儿童 IP 之 一。Silvergate Media 目前正在 制作 CGI 动画喜剧系列,并将于 2022 年在腾讯儿童频道以及全球 各大 SVOD 平台播出。 36
乐业(也称为文化产业)被列为了 政府重点投资的产业之一。 政府还谨慎地允许媒体和娱乐业吸 纳外国投资,而与新加坡私募股权 公司以及美国跨国媒体巨头时代华 纳的合作就是这方面的范例。
Carla Silva
米,以 Escriva 标志性恐怖风格 为特色,手臂、躯干和腿部切口部 分露出骨头,原色和特制单色版 Brutus 人物业已售罄。 Popeye 和 Olive Oyl 是跨时代的 经典角色,因此在 2020 年,King Features 和 Medialink 发现了新 的商机,锁定年轻消费者,为他 们打造数字文化与酷元素融合的 品牌。随后,Medialink 又与华 为软件技术有限公司合作推出了 Popeye 和 Olive Oyl 主题的系列 表盘面,目前已在中国大陆上市。 华为智能手表用户可以下载安装精 选的表盘面,在手腕上呈现“清新 的海洋风”。 由于 Popeye 和他的朋友们在中 国大受欢迎,King Features 和 Medialink 现在正在寻求新的合作 伙伴和合作机会,充分利用 Olive Oyl 独特和独立的个性,在 2021 年及未来扩大其在中国的影响力。 “Medialink 继续采用全方位的 方法,将令人惊叹的产品和 服务关联起来,打造无缝的 消费者体验。”Medialink 执行董事 Noletta Chiu 表示。“Olive Oyl 将 成为女性市场的主角。 她是一个具有独立人 格的标志性人物,与 现代女性的价值观一 致。Medialink 将大力弘
扬 Olive Oyl 的品格精神,我们 将致力于在中国和香港地区的女性 商品市场争取新的合作。” King Features 和 Medialink 也 看到了在中国继续发展屡获殊荣的 游戏产业 Cuphead 的商机,并 正在投资一家游戏收藏品公司, 开发一系列 T 恤、毛绒玩具、配 饰等,在漫画和游戏大会、快闪 店、珍藏品零售渠道和在线商店为 粉丝提供。2021 年对世界各地的 Cuphead 粉丝来说将是伟大的一 年,因为 Cuphead 和 Mugman 正在付出双倍的努力,他们在 Netflix 上主演了有史以来第一个 系列作品,并推出了备受期待的新 热门视频游戏“最后一道美味”。 世界各地的粉丝有望在今年看到新 产品和合作产品问市。 “亚洲是一个有影响力的市场, 通过 Medialink,我们策划了一 场轰动全球的商品销售活动,旨 在通过 Popeye 的艺术和收藏价 值来吸引粉丝的目光。我们相信 Noletta 及其经验丰富的团队能够
Noletta Chiu
October 十月 2021
Co-Publisher Editor-in-Chief Francesca Ash Co-Publisher Jerry Wooldridge Editorial Director/ Editor Rebecca Ash Office Manager Helen Bowerman Subscriptions and Circulation Japan Agent Roger Berman, ZenWorks
Total Licensing China is published as a special issue of Total Licensing magazine.
Total Licensing Ltd 4 Wadhurst Business Park Faircrouch Lane Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 6PT England Tel: +44 1892 782220 Fax: +44 1892 782226 © 2021 Total Licensing Ltd
English Chinese News from China............................................................................................6....................................................................................... 8 Nickelodeon: Unleashing the power of content.................................... 18.................................................................................... 22 Chinese collaborations for Emoji.............................................................. 26.................................................................................... 28 V&A Inspiring design................................................................................... 32.................................................................................... 30 Global Trademark Licensing - a pioneering approach........................ 34.................................................................................... 37 Artists & museums - embracing brands................................................. 42.................................................................................... 40 Gen Z: Targeting licensed products......................................................... 44.................................................................................... 57 Miffy’s 20 years in China........................................................................... 50.................................................................................... 52 Universal Beijing: China’s theme park revolution................................. 54.................................................................................... 47 Brand mascots in China.............................................................................. 60.................................................................................... 66 China kids’ profile......................................................................................... 62.................................................................................... 62 Top Chinese retailers................................................................................... 71.................................................................................... 70 Boston Fine Arts Museum in China......................................................... 72.................................................................................... 72 Welcome to the October/Winter 2021 edition of Total Licensing China. Life has changed for many people over the last eighteen months and we are only now, really, beginning to emerge from the global pandemic. China was the first territory to suffer from Covid-19 and, as such, has been the first territory to emerge from its grip, albeit with various localised lockdowns when new cases appeared. Industrial production in the world’s second largest economy increased 6.4% year-on-year in July according to the National Bureau of Statistics, although this showed less growth than June when 8.3% was reported. Retail sales increased 8.5% in July from a year ago – an impressive figure but lower than the forecast 11.5% rise and June’s 12.1% uptick. China’s economy has rebounded to its pre-pandemic growth levels, but the expansion is losing steam as businesses grapple with higher costs and supply bottlenecks. New COVID-19 infections in July also led to fresh restrictions,
disrupting the country’s factory output already hit by severe weather this summer. From a licensing perspective, as the first territory to come out of lockdown, China is well placed to continue to grow its licensing activity. And this is an opportunity that Chinese companies are now taking advantage of. Consumers still want products, regardless of whether they purchase instore or online and the market for luxury goods is buoyant. Of course, a current impact of the pandemic is the postponement of China Licensing Expo. Pockets of new COVID cases have meant that the show will now take place in February (23 – 25). Hopefully, by that time, now only will China be in a better position but it will allow the opportunity for others around the world to visit. Francesca Ash Jerry Wooldridge Co-Publisher Co-Publisher
Chinese company Beijing Joy Culture Media Co., Ltd. have signed distribution rights for two Russian animated series produced by Parovoz Studio, commissioned by Digital Television Russia Media Holding and The All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK). Digital Television Russia and Beijing Joy Culture Media Co., Ltd. have entered into a distribution agreement on four seasons of Be-Be-Bears and two seasons of Leo and Tig to be broadcast on local television networks. Beijing Joy Culture Media will also be involved in the distribution of Russian animated projects on digital platforms and in marketing activities with a view to promoting and increasing awareness of the brands. The popular animated projects Be-Be-Bears and Leo and Tig have already been partially adapted and dubbed into Chinese, and a strategic partnership between the two major media companies will contribute to the completion of this work. Beijing Joy Culture Media Co., Ltd., an international company based in Beijing, is one of the leaders in the production, distribution and marketing of children’s animation and home entertainment. The company is engaged in adapting animation to the conditions of the Asian market, registering copyright and trademarks, distributing content, licensing and selling of goods, designing of books, production of original animation, co-production, and also acquisition and distribution of rights for various programs. Be-Be-Bears is a story of two bears: Bucky and Bjorn. Together with other characters in the series, young viewers will be able to learn about the world around them, get acquainted with various objects, find out what they are made of, go fishing, conduct their own mini-investigations, learn how to get honey, read books and even fly to the moon! The animated series Leo and Tig portrays the unusual natural environment of the Far East and its main inhabitants - a leopard named Leo and his friend, a tiger cub Tig.The lives of these animals are full of adventures, from which they emerge victorious, coping with their own fears and helping each other. Chinese viewers are already familiar with the animated projects of the Digital Television Russia Media Holding. In 2018, DTR and Alibaba Group closed a deal to sell the rights to ten popular animated series from Russia. They became available to subscribers of China’s largest online cinema YOUKU, which has a monthly tally of more than 500 million visitors. The deal with YOUKU expanded the portfolio of successfully completed Digital Television Russia projects in China. The largest pool of cartoon series has also become available to subscribers of China’s largest online cinemas:Tencent Video, iQIYI and Mango TV, which have a combined viewership of over one billion people per month. All cartoons have been adapted by Digital Television Russia for promotion in China.
Whateversmiles, Medialink Group‘s online art platform provides wellknown IP for artists and designers to develop products. June 29, the birthday of The Little Prince’s author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is globally marked as The Little Prince Day and this year marks the 75th anniversary of The Little Prince’s first publication in France. To celebrate The Little Prince Day, Whateversmiles worked with local
partners and brands, designing various The Little Prince themed goods like accessories and drip bags. Tung Yao Ceramics, local ceramic artist Leo Wong and PL.LAB held themed workshops of The Little Prince. Other than Whateversmiles, there are lots of different projects that launched this summer with The Little Prince. Including the Whatsapp stickers just published, a collectible figures designed by local illustrator Steven Choi and produced by Kaiyodo, art exhibition featuring eight artists, accessories by Fouette, cooking classes by ABC Cooking Studio, a special edition of The Little Prince afternoon tea set with AMMO (the Italian Japanese fusion restaurant) etc. Further products include a five piece coffee set, a wooden Braille night light, plastic accessories, hand dyed leather goods, pottery handcrafted earrings, gold jewelery, cork and paper and fabric card case and The Little Prince bowtie.
授权 概览中国
优扬传媒与 PLATOSHKA 签署协议
俄罗斯动画工作室 Platoshka 宣布与中国儿童媒体集团优扬传媒 达成一项合作协议。 两家公司已对在中国推出 Platoshka 的旗舰项 目——Beadies 动画系列达成一致意见。 优扬传媒已接下将 Beadies 转译为普通话的本地化工作,并将成为 该品牌在中国的独家代理商。这家俄罗斯工作室的项目能够很好 地完善优扬传媒的国际 IP 系列,其中已经包含宝可梦、小羊肖恩和 “Super Simple Songs”等热门品牌 IP。 优扬传媒将享有 Beadies 第一季(55 x 5 分钟)和主题剧集组合的独 家版权。 该公司将全方面监管 Beadies 在中国的开发和推广情况,覆 盖媒体发行、销售和授权。 “我们很高兴能够通过 Beadies 来让我们的俄罗斯节目首次进军中 国。尽管市面上已有大量儿歌品牌,但是对比任何其他节目而言, Beadies 与众不同,前 所未见。这就像是一 部儿童动画音乐剧。 它不仅主打原创音 乐和歌词,而且还能 传达教育和社会情 感价值。这场洋溢活 力的节目定能让广 大儿童感到十分快 乐 。”优扬传媒内容 投资和业务发展副 总裁杨峥表示。 “我们很高兴优扬 能够成为我们打入 中国的合作伙伴。我 确信我们将 Beadies 品牌交到了可靠负责的公司手上。本次海外协议能够说明国际市 场对 Beadies 的需求。 为数百万观众提供服务的中国公司更喜欢经 过考验且可靠的内容,因此当他们对一项年轻的俄罗斯项目有信心 时,这就能很好地说明情况。 ”Platoshka 首席执行官兼总制片人 Anna Shelegina 表示。 Beadies 是一款全新的学习动画系列,面向 0 至 4 岁的儿童。 这种 音乐项目的情节主线依托一个强大的教学计划,旨在互动式全面发 展。该项目秉承一大全球使命——成为父母在安排孩子的休闲和学 习活动方面的主要灵感之源,并为其提供帮助和建议。 2021 年 6 月,Beadies 在 YouTube 上以俄语首播,并两个月内收获超 过 1000 万次的播放量。 除了在 YouTube 上播放外,Beadies 还登上 了俄罗斯领先的 VOD 服务目录,并在电视上首次播出。 在准备好第一季 Beadies 的发布工作后,Platoshka 开始着手制作第 二季,并预计该季将于 2022 年夏季登上银幕。 该工作室还制作了 Beadies 真人实景节目,而在这档节目上,主持人帮助幼儿更好地掌 握系列内容,并为活动、游戏、手工艺和舞蹈内容提出多种建议。 创立于 2019 年的 Platoshka 是一家成立不久的俄罗斯动画工作室, 从最初阶段开始为所有年龄段的儿童开发和制作卡通片。 Platoshka 的创始人成功招募了一些业内最优秀的专家,而该工作室 的第一个项目也在动画市场内引起了极大回响。 除了 SVOD 学前学习应用程序 Ukids(配备精选内容,能够为儿童的 社会情感发展灌输良好的价值),优扬传媒的业务范围还覆盖动画 制作、发行、授权、销售和零售。优扬传媒在北京、上海和新加坡设有 办事处和生产设施。 8
中国 授权展延期举行
原定于 2021 年 10 月 19 日至 21 日由中国玩具和婴童用品协会 组织举办于上海新国际博览中 心的中国玩具展 (CTE)、中国婴 童用品展 (CKE) 和中国授权展 (CLE) 已延期至 2022 年 2 月 23 日至 25 日同一地点举行。 尽管中国在很大程度上已经控 制了新冠疫情,但最近零散出现 的新增病例仍然对大型贸易展 构成挑战。本次主办方归总道, 延期举办 CTE 和 CKE 将为所有 行业专业人士提供更好的条件 和机会。我们对所造成的任何不 便深表歉意,但在当前情况下, 延期是必然的解决方案。 与此同时,通过为参展商和买家 提供更高效线下和线上服务,以 紧扣当前和贯穿全年,主办方正 在 适 应 新 常 态 。作 为 唯 一 一 家 全国性玩具和婴童用品行业协 会,中 国 玩 具 和 婴 童 用 品 协 会 (CTJPA) 推出了认证供应商在线 平台。该平台汇集了来自中国各 大主要生产中心的优质可靠的 玩具和婴儿用品之制造商,让国 际买家能够更容易、更高效地采 购产品。此外,他们还能够应要 求提供定制的商业匹配服务。 有关详情,请访问
UYOUNG SIGN DEAL WITH PLATOSHKA Russian animation studio Platoshka has announced a deal with UYoung, a Chinese children’s media group. The companies have agreed on the launch of Beadies animation series, Platoshka’s flagship project, in China. UYoung has undertaken to localize Beadies into Mandarin and will be repping the brand exclusively in China. The Russian studio’s project will be a good complement to UYoung’s portfolio of international titles already containing such runaway hits as Pokemon, Shaun The Sheep and Super Simple Songs. UYoung will enjoy exclusive rights to the first season of Beadies (55 x 5 minutes) and thematic episode combos. The firm will oversee all aspects of Beadies exploitation and promotion in China – from media distribution to merchandising and licensing. “We are thrilled to bring our first show from Russia into China with Beadies. Although there are lots of children’s song brands in the market, Beadies is special and unlike any other shows out there. It’s like a children’s animated musical. Not only does it feature original music and lyrics, but it delivers educational and social emotional values. This vibrant show is sure to bring much joy to children,” says Clara Yang, Vice President of Content Investment and Business Development from UYoung. “We are delighted to have UYoung as our partner in China. I am certain that the Beadies brand is in good hands. This overseas deal is a telltale sign of international demand for Beadies. Chinese firms serving multi-million audiences prefer tested and proven content, so it speaks volumes when they put their trust in a young Russian project,” says Anna Shelegina, CEO and General Producer at Platoshka. Beadies is a new learning animation series for children aged 0 to 4 years. The plotline of this musical-styled project rests on a robust pedagogical program targeting interactive all-round development. The project’s global mission is to become parents’ chief source of inspiration, helper and advisor in matters of organizing leisure and learning activities for their tots. Beadies premiered in Russian on YouTube in June 2021, and amassed over 10 million views in two months. Besides YouTube, Beadies made it into the catalogs of Russia’s leading VOD services and debuted on TV. Having prepared the release of the first season of Beadies, Platoshka started work on the second one slated to hit the screens in summer 2022. The studio is also producing a live-action Beadies Show where hosts help toddlers better master the content of series and suggest ideas for activities, games, crafts and dance. Platoshka is a young Russian animation studio, founded in 2019 that develops and produces cartoons from square one for children of all ages. The founders of Platoshka have been able to recruit some of the best experts in the industry and the studio’s first project made a big splash in the animation market. Besides Ukids, an learning preschool SVOD app with curated content that instills good values for social emotional development, UYoung’s businesses include ani-
CHINA LICENSING EXPO POSTPONED China Toy Expo (CTE), China Kids Fair (CKE) and China Licensing Expo (CLE) organized by China Toy & Juvenile Products Association, originally scheduled for October 19-21, 2021 at Shanghai New International Expo Center has been postponed to February 23-25, 2022 at the same venue. Though the COVID-19 situation has largely been controlled within China, the recent scattered new cases still pose challenges to large-scale tradeshows. The organisers concluded that holding CTE & CKE on a later date will provide better conditions and opportunities for all industry professionals. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused but the postponement is an inevitable solution under the current circumstances. In the meanwhile, the organisers are adapting to the new normal by providing more efficient services from offline to online for their exhibitors and buyers to connect now and throughout the year. As the only nationwide toy & juvenile products industry association, CTJPA has launched the Certified Supplier Online Platform bringing together quality and reliable manufacturers of toys & baby products from main production hubs across China to make sourcing easier and more efficient for international buyers. Moreover, they are also providing customized business matching service upon request. For more information, visit
JASNOR EXPAND INTO CHINA For over 30 years the team at Jasnor have worked tirelessly to ensure they continue to deliver an amazing line-up of iconic brands and much-loved characters across the ANZ region. Now they are also focusing their attention globally and have expanded their distribution into Mainland China with a brand very close to their hearts – the World of Beatrix Potter. Jasnor have represented this iconic brand for over two decades and have a wealth of experience in managing this charming brand across a wide variety of formats and characters. They pride themselves on long-standing relationships with key partners who have supported them over their 30+ years. James Thurlow, the company’s CEO, said, “We are excited to expand our distribution of the toy and nursery range for this iconic brand into China, utilising our experience over two decades representing this beloved brand. Whilst we see this as a long-term partnership the timing couldn’t be better to launch into this market with the much anticipated 120th Anniversary of Peter Rabbit in 2022.” “We are very pleased that the Beatrix Potter plush range from Jasnor is expanding its distribution to Mainland China,” said Gary Chan, Vice President of CAAGBG, Frederick Warne & Co Ltd’s agent for Peter Rabbit and Beatrix Potter in China. “Beatrix Potter’s imaginative stories and exquisite illustrations are known and loved the world over. We worked closely with Jasnor to bring these high quality and sophisticated products for China consumers.” Jasnor has launched a Flagship store on Tmall Global and will manage the online presence. Jasnor are also collaborating with a highly-regarded digital agency to assit with the launch. They have also appointed a local Chinese distributor to handle offline sales – Shanghai You Le Fu Culture Media Co., Ltd. This is an exciting time for the family-owned and operated business. From humble beginnings, Jasnor has evolved from a small importing business to an awardwinning and industry-leading toy and gift supplier with the exclusive distribution and manufacturing rights to an enviable portfolio of licensed, iconic and bespoke brands.
LMI HERITAGE BRANDS LMI International in the UK have a number of properties they are promoting in China including British Motor Heritage, BSA, Highclere Castle and ISA. British Motor Heritage established in 1975 represent a selection of classic car marques including Austin, Austin Healey, MG, Morris, Rover & Wolseley, that have been and still are part of British motoring history. Recently licensed categories include apparel and e-mobility. BSA is “The bestselling motorcycle in the world.” The UK licensing programme is spearheaded by Poetic
Brands using heritage artwork from the golden years of BSA which has a timeless appeal. A new range of BSA motorcycles designed in the UK and produced by Mahindra group is to be announced shortly. HIighclere Castle is famously recognisable as the location for Downton Abbey and the licensing programme is expanding with Hangzhou Kanghou launching a luxurious range of quilts and pillows under brand name Sidanda. ISA International Space Archives’ licensing programme now has over 60 international licensees building on the awareness of space travel and Mars exploration. The global space programme features mission patches including but not limited to NASA from the Other properties in the LMI portfolio include Schönbrunn Place and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
LMI 传统品牌
英国 LMI International 正在中国 进行推广多个资产,包括 British Motor Heritage、BSA、海克利尔 城堡和 ISA。 British Motor Heritage 创立 于 1975 年,代表一系列经典 汽车品牌,包括 Austin、Austin Healey、MG、Morris、Rover 和 Wolseley,而一直以来,他们都 是,也将会是英国汽车历史的一 部分。最近获得授权的类别包括 服装和电动汽车。 BSA “世界上最畅销的摩托车” 英国授权计划由 Poetic Brands 牵头,使用来自 BSA 黄金年代、 极具经典魅力的传统艺术品。设
授权 概览中国
30 多年来,Jasnor 团队孜孜不倦地工 作,以确保他们继续在 ANZ 地区提 供惊人的标志性品牌和深受喜爱的 角色。现在,他们也将目光对准全球市 场,并通过非常贴近自身品牌核心的碧 翠克丝·波特的博物馆 (World of Beatrix Potter),力求将他们的分销业务扩展到中 国大陆。 Jasnor 代表这个标志性品牌已有 20 多 年之久,并且在这个迷人品牌——具有 各种形式和人物——上拥有丰富经验。 他们为自己与主要合作伙伴建立起 跨越 30 多年的长期合作关系而 倍感自豪。 公司首席执行官 James Thurlow 表示: “我们很高兴能够利用我们 二十多年来代表这个深受喜爱的 品牌所积累的经验,来帮助这个标 志性品牌的玩具和婴儿用品系列进 军中国市场。虽然我们将此视为长期 合作,但是选择 2022 年——备受期待的彼得 兔诞辰 120 周年——来打入这个市场无疑是最佳时机。 ” “我们很高兴看到 Jasnor 的 Beatrix Potter 毛绒系列正在将其分销 业务拓展到中国大陆,”CAA-GBG 副总裁兼彼得兔和 Beatrix Potter 中国代理商费德里克·沃恩有限责任公司 Gary Chan 表示。 “Beatrix Potter 的奇思妙想故事和精美插图风靡全球,深受各地人们的喜 爱。 我们与 Jasnor 开展了紧密合作,为中国消费者献上这些优质且 精致的产品。 ” Jasnor 已经在天猫国际开设了一家旗舰店,并将管理在线业务。 Jasnor 还与一家备受推崇的数字机构合作,以协助发布工作。他们 还指定了上海优乐福文化传媒有限公司(一家中国当地经销商)来 处理线下销售工作。 对于这家由家族拥有和经营的企业来说,这无疑是激动人心的时 刻。 Jasnor 从一家不起眼的小型进口公司发展成为业内屡获殊荣的 计于英国并由 Mahindra 集团生 一流玩具和礼品供应商,拥有令人艳羡的授权、标志和定制品牌组 产的新系列 BSA 摩托车即将问 合的独家分销和生产权。 世。 海克利尔城堡是著名的唐顿庄 园所在地,随着杭州康浩推出一 系列豪华的 Sidanda 被子和枕 头,相关授权计划正在扩大。 立足于太空旅行和火星探索的 认识之上,ISA 国际空间档案馆 的授权计划现在拥有超过 60 个 国际被授权人。全球太空计划主 打使命徽章,包括但不限于来自 的 NASA LMI 投资组合中的其他资 产包括 Schönbrunn Place 和莎士 比亚出生地信托基金会。
TOONZ 媒体重视中国 多年来,中国一直是 Toonz 关注 的国家。作为儿童和家庭娱乐的 战略性市场,中国依旧是其中一 家全球一流的儿童和家庭娱乐 公司 Toonz 传媒集团的重要业 务目的地。除了目前在各大平台 上播出大量节目外,他们还与中 国娱乐公司巨头签订了主要的 发行和授权与销售 (L&M) 协议。 他们当前在中国播出的一 些 节 目 包 括 科 学 冒 险 系 列“Darwin + Newts” (第 1 和 第 2 季)、 “Lucky Fred”第 1 季、 “Gummybar and Friends”系 列和 “Alisa”。 以上作品均由中 国一流的发行公司太平洋传媒 集团 (PMG) 负责发行,目前在 不同的流媒体和广播平台上 播 放,包 括 中 国 的 公 营 广 播 机 构 CCTV。 PMG 还持有“Darwin
授权 概览中国 + Newts”、 “Lucky Fred” 第 1 季和“GummyBear” 的 L&M 权。 除此之外,Toonz 还 与华视电视台签订了“Hogie the Globehopper”和“Lucky Fred”第 2 季的发行协议,并与甜橙娱乐 签订了“Cam & Leon”的发行协 议。 在制作方面,Toonz 正在与中国 制作工作室君舍文化传媒联手 制作两部节目,分别是《怪奇的 虫洞》(Kim and Jim’s Wormhole) 和《毛毛镇》(Wool Wool Town) 。 前者是一部 3D 冒险喜剧,而后 者则是一部童话主题 2D 学前系 列。 Toonz 传媒集团与 GummyBear International Inc 联合制作 动画系列“Gummybar and Friends:The Gummy Bear Show”。 Gummy Bear 是 YouTube 上观 看次数最多的动 画 角 色 之 一 。今 年 初,Gummy Bear 系列 内容在 YouTube 的多 个频道斩获了超过了 200 亿次的观看次数。 这个品牌具有巨大的全球吸引 力,不仅在中国广受欢迎,而且 收 获了众多粉丝,如 今已跻身为名 人代言和高端 品牌合作的 流行偶像之 列。 Toonz 与太 平洋传媒集团签订 了一项多年协议,内容 为 Gummybar and Friends 系 列以及正在前期制作并即将上 映的 GummyBear 电影的电视、 视频、数字开发和 L&M 权。 在中国,GummyBear 的销售方向 包括服饰系列,例如发布于 3 月 海上丝绸之路 2019 新加坡国际 时尚周的 GummyBear-Pollyanna 系列,以及 GummyBear*HiPee 药箱、高铁列车上的 GummyBear 主 题 车 厢、出 自 极 有 家 之 手 的 GummyBear 系列家具或日常用 品、GummyBear 系列盲盒、GB * 周大福联名珠宝和 IPTV 旗下酒
店的 GummyBear 主题客房。 在接下来的几个月里,Toonz 将在 中国打造全新 IP,包括 Zoonicorn、 PaJaMa 和 Aliens In My Backpack。 Zoonicorn 立足于风靡美国的 同名玩具品牌,在中国市场拥有 巨大的 L&M 潜力。 我们的策略 是首先寻找平台合作伙伴来扩 大 节 目 的 影 响 力,尤 其 是 对 学 龄 前 和 家 庭 观 众 的 影 响 力 。在 全球其他地区的 YouTube 上, Zoonicorn 音乐视频深受欢迎。 我们希望建立专门针对当地市 场的 Zoonicorn 童谣概念。 我 们还将在中国寻找合适该 IP 的 L&M 合作伙伴,以便我们能够复 制该品牌在美国取得的成功。 PaJaMa 是一部非对话式闹剧喜 剧,绝对能够俘获全球各地儿童 的喜爱。这是一部讨人喜欢的喜 剧,讲述了一个顽皮孩子 Ja 在体 验这个世界的小小奇迹期间发 生的各种横祸,以及 Ja 的天真行 为为他毫无防备的父亲 Pa 带来 让人捧腹大笑的后果。 “Aliens In My Backpack”是一 部 冒 险 喜 剧,出 自 多 次 获 奖 的 动画创作者 Rob Lee 之手,他 以“Fireman Sam”和“The Shoe People”等作品而为人熟知。 作为 面向 7 岁及以上儿童的星际冒 险之作,该 IP 也具有非常强大的 L&M 潜能,尤其是在游戏、收藏 品和活动方面。
MDR 扩大露华浓和 伊丽莎白雅顿
授权 概览中国
自 2021 年 1 月合作以来,MDR 品牌管理 (MDR)、露华浓和伊丽莎 白雅顿的全球品牌延伸合作伙伴确保这些品牌实现了快速增长。在 全球范围内,MDR 正在为露华浓争取沐浴和身体护理、护肤、护发、 口腔护理、男士美容和体验的机会,让该品牌能够触及新的受众,创 造消费者接触点并构建品牌参与度。 MDR 很高兴能够与在中国拥 有领先销量的伊丽莎白雅顿合作,并考虑其在中国市场的文化关联 性,鼓励合作伙伴探索沐浴和身体、护发、创新护肤和家居领域的授 权潜力。 MDR Brand Management 是一家屡获殊荣的品牌管理公司,该公司制 定长期的品牌建设战略,以应对并满足快速变化的消费者和零售环 境的需求。 这是全球首家隶属于国际律师事务所 Mishcon de Reya 的 品牌管理公司。 该公司成立于 2018 年,旨在提供独特的品牌管理服 务。
在近日举行的 2021 中国授权 方大会上,Line Friends 中国授 权业务负责人程民维(音译)表 示,Line Friends 不会退出中国市 场,而是将以更加多元化的线下 体验空间融入其中。 同时,授权业务已成为该公司的 核心业务模式。 可以看出,Line Friends 近年来扩 大了新用户市场,打造了不同的 线上和线下业务 场 景,且 这 些 场 景都调整了整体 战略,并围绕 IP 为核心展开。 根据授权方大会 上 的 内 容,在 关 闭传统线下门店 后,Line Friends 将针对不同区域市场和用户重 新打造多元化线下体验空间,同 时更加注重以内容为主的数字 资产的线上发展情况,如动漫、 短视频和虚拟主播等,并转移阵 地至种草平台和电商直播平台 等非传统电商平台上。
版权集团宣布与上海新天地朗 套帕丁顿熊主题下午茶体验,尽 廷酒店和广州朗豪酒店建立新 情乐享其中。 ” 的体验式合作伙伴关系。 “对于所有年龄段的粉丝而言, 入住上海和广州豪华酒店的宾 帕丁顿熊与朗廷酒店开展的新 客现可享受独家专享沉浸式帕 合作提供了绝佳机会,让他们能 丁顿熊体验,包括入住特别布置 够以不同方式与品牌互动,而且 的帕丁顿熊主题客房和享受配 开展的几项关键战略活动之一, 我们希望他们能在上海和广州 有帕丁顿熊纸杯蛋糕和主题糕 旨在加强品牌知名度和与消费 享受到这些有趣的体验。 ” The 点的帕丁顿熊下午茶体验。酒店 者的互动。在新电视剧《帕丁顿 Copyrights Group 品牌和国际授 商店还提供特别限量版帕丁顿 熊历险记》亮相中国后,这些活 权高级副总裁 Polly Emery 表示。 熊纪念品。 此次合作由中国帕丁顿熊的版 动由此问世。 伦敦朗廷酒店于 1865 年开业, “我 们 酒 店 与 帕 丁 顿 熊 的 重 新 权代理方 CAA-GBG 促成。 是 首 家 供 应 下 午 茶 的 酒 店,自 合作体现并加强了朗廷酒店的 此,朗廷/朗豪酒店以提供顶级 英式传承与传统,”上海新天地 下午茶体验而为世人熟知。在上 朗廷酒店销售和营销总监 Cindy 海,帕丁顿熊下午茶已被 2021 Ying 表示。 年第五届 Hotel 探索之旅酒店 “在朗廷酒店,乐趣和奇思妙想 大赏评选为最受欢迎的主题下 永不缺席,”Ying 补充道。 “我们 午茶。 的客人现在可以在上海中心享 上述两家酒店使用不同的帕丁 受全套帕丁顿熊体验,包括与帕 顿熊艺术品,展示帕丁顿熊品牌 丁顿熊见面和打招呼,与这位可 的多样特色。 爱的英国偶像合影留念,以及全 此联袂之作是帕丁顿熊在中国 15
IMG 发展品牌
授权 概览中国
中国国际文具及办公用 品展览会改期至 2022 年 5 月举行
IMG 报告指出他们在中国的许多产权均有所发展,包括愤怒的小 鸟、粉红豹、梵高博物馆和爱心熊。 作为全球最受欢迎的游戏和娱乐产权之一,由 Rovio Entertainment Corp. 开发的愤怒的小鸟系列继续吸引数千万活跃用户使用其游 由于疫情的缘故,2021 年和 2022 戏和动画内容。 愤怒的小鸟通过由 IMG 促成的新合作来改善其消 年中国国际文具及办公用品展 费品计划,包括与招商银行合作打造的愤怒的小鸟联名银行卡、与 览会将合并举办,时间为 2022 年 Chaoniao 合作打造的成人服装和配饰以及与上海 Liyu 合作打造的 5 月 12 日至 14 日。 两届展览会 儿童服装和配饰。今年初,位于沈阳的一个全新室内主题公园“愤怒 同期进行是为了确保商品展销 的小鸟世界”正式开业,并计划于未来几年在其他城市开设更多主 会安全和遵守当地政府的防控 题公园。 措施要求。 粉红豹继续成为全球风行的顶级流行文化象征之一。在中国,IMG 原定于 2021 年 10 月 15 日至 17 已促成多项时尚合作,包括与都市高级时尚品牌 Miss Sixty 开展合 日在国家会展中心(上海)举行, 作。 粉红豹牛仔裤售价 250 美元,且在面世后 48 小时内售罄。 此外, 而今年的展会将与 2022 年的展 粉 红 豹 联 合 时 尚 品 牌 地 会合并同地举办。作为亚洲领先 素推出女装和配饰,并由 的文具、办公用品、兴趣、艺术和 女 演 员 周 冬 雨 特 担 任 模 工艺用品的商品展销会,中国国 特,MiLiu 担任儿童系列和 际文具及办公用品展览会吸引 Zi Que 的成人和儿童系 了大批中国一线品牌在展会上 列的模特。 展示他们的最新产品和创新之 今年,通过一系列优质联 作。在带来商机的同时,该展览 袂之作和产品,IMG 和 会还以其广泛的非主流活动而 梵 高 博 物 馆 将 文 森 特 · 享誉中外,参与者可以通过这些 梵高的设计、艺术品和故 活动了解行业趋势和学生用品 事 延 伸 至 多 个 产 品 类 别 的最新国家安全标准。 中。 2023 年,该博物馆将 中 国 国 际 文 具 及 办 公 用 品 展 庆祝其成立 50 周年,并将 览会由中国文教体育用品协会 推出多款纪念品,其中就 (C S S G A)和 法 兰 克 福 展 览 ( 上 包括于中国推出的多款被 海)有限公司联合主办,是国内 授权产品。最近,梵高博物馆与中国极简主义女装品牌对白联手打 文具行业内唯一得到 CSSGA 官 造时尚之作。 方 支 持 的 商 品 展 销 会 。如 需 了 最后,在 2022 年爱心熊诞生 40 周年前夕,IMG 制定并推出了强大 解 本 次 展 会 的 更 多 详 情,请 浏 的授权计划,其中包括新款服装、玩具、健康和美容以及食品和饮料 览, 产品。最近,爱心熊与女装时尚品牌妖精的口袋合作,在中国推出了 或发送电子邮件至:stationery@ 49 件服饰系列。 此外,今年初,首家爱心熊室内家庭中心和咖啡馆在。 上海揭幕。
ZAG 在腾讯和芒果 TV 上发布 POWER PLAYERS ZAG 将于 2021 年 10 月向中国观众推出面向 6 至 11 岁男孩的 3D 动画/真人混合动作喜剧
片——“Power Players”。由 ZAG、ON kids & family (Mediawan) 和 Planeta Junior 联合制作的 78 x 11' 系列将同时登陆数字平台——腾讯和芒果 TV。
该品牌的中国媒体和 L&M 代理人雷曦文化促成前 者与腾讯和芒果 TV 展开合作,并与小米、海信、酷 开、TCL 在内的全国 OTT 提供商以及覆盖国内 30 多个省份的 60 多个平台的全国 IPTV 达成合作协 议,并将于首映后负责该系列。 雷曦文化也是 ZAG Lab 和 Playmates 的 Power Players 玩具系列的中国玩具分销商,而该系列预计 将于 2022 年春季问世。 该玩具系列包括各种以电 视节目内容为基础的精细铰接式 5 英寸活动人偶, 以及带有电子器件和音效的 9 英寸豪华活动人偶。 16
授权 概览中国
《芝麻街》背后的全球非营利教 区的腾讯、百视通、上海文广互 育组织芝麻街工作室已指定羚 动电视有限公司、Mampod 和小 邦集团作为其大中华区(包括中 小优趣应用上播放,且其全球授 国大陆、香港、台湾和澳门)授权 权产品零售额高达 14 亿美元。 代理人。羚邦集团将管理《芝麻 “《芝麻街》随处可见,”芝麻街 街》消费品的品牌授权工作,建 工作室副总裁兼大中华区总经 立零售关系,并与当地被授权人 理符致铭说道。 “ 为了实现这一 合作,以便在各自地区创建交叉 目标,我们通过电视和点播平台 促销活动。 来提供我们的创新视频内容,并 芝麻街工作室的使命是帮助世 与羚邦等合作伙伴合作,从而通 过芝麻街联名消费品、商品以及 互动体验邀请所有年龄段的孩 子和粉丝与我们备受喜爱的角 色进行互动。 ” “我 们 很 高 兴 在 大 中 华 区 代 表 芝麻街。对我们来说,能够与一 个秉承相似使命、强大和值得信 赖的学前品牌合作具有非凡意 界各地的孩子发展思维、增强体 义。 我们很高兴能够与芝麻街 质和更加和善,其内容由毛绒卡 合作。”羚邦动漫国际有限公司 通人物传达,极具教育意义和影 兼羚邦文化创意(广州)有限公 响力,且发自肺腑,同时妙趣横 司董事总经理赵小凤女士说。 生。 《芝麻街》节目触及全球 1.5 亿儿童,播放范围覆盖 150 多个 国家/地区,并在 YouTube 上拥 有 2,150 万名订阅用户。 该 节目创造了历史,斩获了 204 项艾美奖,并且是史上 首个获得肯尼迪中心荣誉 奖的电视节目。 今天, 《芝麻街》在大中华
去年夏天,咏声动漫在全球授权 展·中国站上推出了多款新品。 在 此 次 展 览 期 间,咏 声 推 出 了 他 们 最 新 的 玩 具 和 商 品,其 中 包 括 猪 猪 侠 、百 变 校 巴 、T e a m S.T.E.A.M.!、Metalion、FeyFeyStyle 和 CUBE-Q。 这些产品涵盖服饰、 食品和旅游等多个领域。 最值得关注的产品是名为“菲菲 的童话乐园”(Princess FeyFey’s Farytale Land) 的盲盒。 咏声与 YOU-Q 文化合作推出多 款玩具盲盒,其设计灵感源自咏 声旗下知名猪猪侠动画系列的 人气角色菲菲。 咏声将现有的 IP 元素与艺术玩具市场的客户偏 好相结合,为自有艺术玩具 IP 建 立了品牌 Youngdynasty。
咏声进军艺术玩具市场的举措 打破了猪猪侠面向儿童的传统 受众壁垒,并为旗下品牌营销提 供 了 更 多 方 向 和 潜 能 。除 了 艺 术 玩 具 行 业,咏 声 的 全 新 动 画
2020 年,中国玩具市场规模为 483 亿美元,预计到 2026 年将达 到 613 亿美元。 中国是世界上最大的玩具市场 之一。该市场的增长为国内外玩 具制造商带来了相当大的机会。 对于儿童而言,互动式和多功能 玩具的热门程度暴涨,这对玩具 市场产生了积极影响。 由于消费支出上升,公众对玩具 的需求不断增加。除了大都市居 民的收入水平和生活水平不断 上升外,人们还历经从传统玩具 向创新电子玩具的转变过程。 中国市场上有 各种各样的玩 具。 2019 年, 玩偶和毛绒玩 具取得了非凡 的 发 展,这 主 要得益于快速 崛起的盲盒收 藏品取得的惊 人成绩。由于在封锁期间关闭学 校,对建筑装置和模型的需求上 升。在更长时间内,这被视为绝 佳的儿童娱乐方式。 在新冠疫情封锁期间,线上行业 发展喜人。 研究表明,2020 年到 2026 年的中国玩具市场预计将 实现 4.04% 的年复合增长率。 猪猪侠第 17 季、百变校巴第 7 季、Team S.T.E.A.M.! 和 Metalions 也在展览中亮相。
UNLEASHING THE POWER OF CONTENT ViacomCBS, home to some of the biggest entertainment brands talks to Total Licensing China about their brands activities and plans for the coming year.
The ViacomCBS portfolio is home to some of the biggest brands in pop culture and entertainment: Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Comedy Central, CBS, Showtime, MTV, and Paramount, to name a few. We cater to every generation and demographic with our extensive library of content, which we activate and amplify across our whole ecosystem as well as through our partners. In China, we enjoy good long-term and strong partnerships with iQiyi, MangoTV, Youku, Tencent and CCTV, Toutiao, XiGua and these partnerships see our content reaching our targeted consumers on multiple platforms, be they traditional or emerging. ViacomCBS’s portfolio ranks #1 in terms of total share of TV viewing globally, and is the top media and entertainment company on social. From books and movies, to television series, video games, and podcasts, our content has kept viewers continually engaged, informed and entertained during these unprecedented years. Some of our most recognised properties include SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, Garfield, Dora the Explorer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Star Trek. Besides existing hero properties, we produce new content that is engaging and relevant to our audiences. We welcome ideas and collaborations to co-create global brands for China, not just for our own networks but
for third parties as well. With our wide global footprint and extensive platforms, we are proud to provide local content creators and filmmaking talent with the opportunity to showcase their work to the rest of the world. On the retail front, our Consumer Products division is focused on putting the full power of our ecosystem behind our most valuable IP, across a huge, global footprint that spans feature films, broadcast, cable, free-to-air partners, streaming and premium TV, experiences, and gaming. We have been focused on keeping our business ahead of the changes at retail and shifting consumer behavior, all while staying mindful of what’s happening in the world, and keeping ourselves relevant across every age, every aisle, everywhere. We continue to drive growth and deliver opportunities for all tiers including mass, ecommerce and new channels. Here in China the world’s number one preschool property PAW Patrol has been our major tour de force. We have stayed incredibly close to our fans and consumers through trend and insight analysis, and work hand-inhand with our best-in-class partners Master agent Guangzhou Art-land Holding Company Limited, Spin Master Ltd. and Medialink Animation International to deliver high quality innovative products. Apart from retail, we extend the brand through onground experiences in malls all over China as well as live shows in major Chinese cities. Meet-and-greets in partnership with major retailers like Toys”R”Us are key pulses that we include as part of our efforts to remain connected with our consumers while providing them with that additional touchpoint. This eagerness to connect with fans will see us expand our efforts
exponentially in the coming years with more on-ground and ticketed events, guaranteed to bring that extra engagement. We continue to adjust, pivot and recalibrate for new norms in the wake of the pandemic, keeping in mind that it is our belief that we have the best IP to drive your business. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS
SpongeBob SquarePants is a multigenerational icon with a fan base that can’t get enough. Fueled by the franchise’s 20th Anniversary in 2019 and slate of new content, the SpongeBob business has more than doubled since 2018. To date, SpongeBob has over 700 partners worldwide with 500-plus distinct products in over 20 different categories. In China, SpongeBob continues to be one of our star properties. Just this year alone, we’ve launched new fashion and Softline collaborations with Eptison, HLA, Bananain, N-max, Spao, Chocoolate and Belle. Global fashion partnerships such as with Tommy Hilfiger saw them land here in China too. Two hugely successful toy
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA collectible launches with POP MART took place – The Monsters and the Space Molly campaign that caused such an amazing online frenzy among fans. But it’s not just buzz-worthy collabs – SpongeBob is soaking up cross-category wins with his multigenerational, dual-gender appeal. 2020 saw significant growth across multiple key categories including Food & Beverage and Home as well. We will build on the massive success of SpongeBob SquarePants by diving deeper into the larger universe where there are more stories to explore - ripe for consumer products. In 2022, our beloved SpongeBob SquarePants series continues with Season 13 alongside new premieres of our two spin-off series. First, we will open the cabin doors to Kamp Koral and take fans back to when SpongeBob and his friends first met at summer camp in Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years. Since its March debut, the series has risen to the top as one of Paramount+’s most popular original titles for kids. In the second spin-off, we’re painting the town pink in honor of Patrick Star. In The Patrick Star Show, fans get to meet the whole Star family. If you love Patrick, just wait until you meet Grand-Pat. This wealth of content presents new opportunities for both SpongeBob as well as Patrick! Our Creative teams have been busy creating tools to support development: from new series style guides to exploratory look books, trend capsules, and more, you’re sure to feel inspired to take a trip down to Bikini Bottom. PAW PATROL There’s no question that PAW Patrol, created by Spin Master Entertainment, is a preschool powerhouse franchise reaching all corners of the world – 170 territories to be exact! These highlyrecognized and beloved pups from Adventure Bay have become a rite of passage for preschoolers and we are continuing to deliver more of what kids love about PAW Patrol – right here in China. Last November, box office receipts for the Mighty Pups
2021” in July 2021 for this product! Last June, when the pups appeared on CCTV’s digital Children’s Day celebration on Yang Shi Pin, they received an overwhelming reception from their fans in China! To further reach and deepen our engagement with kids, we are starting up PAW Patrol Live! tours as well as our everpopular mall events held in key cities across the country – these typically have monthly visits of more than 2 million visitors each time!
special episode movie took it to the #1 spot in the Kids Animation movie category for 2020! The theatrical release of PAW Patrol: The Movie is the biggest news this year. The combined marketing strength of Paramount,ViacomCBS and Spin Master took the franchise to new heights with top-tier retail promotional programs and A-level activations at both online and offline accounts across the world. Following the success of the movie, we’re laser-focused on maintaining momentum. With a steady pipeline of content, we’re set to continue fueling the business and remain one of the top preschool series, new themes super-serve our biggest fans. Content is the inspiration for the development of toys, anchored by Spin Master’s toy line. Consumer products and PAW Patrol continues to deliver. The property is a top performer across multiple CP categories including apparel and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), which is a growing business year over year. In our last Double Eleven online promotion with Tmall in collaboration with KOLs, we saw sales of more than 1.5 million PAW Patrol cheesesticks in less than 5 minutes! It was no surprise then that our partner Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co., Ltd won the “Best Licensee in Asia Award 2020” in January this year as well as “Licensee of the Year - Food/ Beverage in China Licensing Awards
GARFIELD Garfield, the world’s most syndicated comic strip, is alive and well in China! Already charting 95% awareness and likeability in our most recent Brand and Fans Insight Studies and having enjoyed a strong footing here for many years, we have plans to fuel this multi-generational consumer products juggernaut even further. Our collaborations with partners like Fun and BABiBOO apparel stores place Garfield in as many as a thousand retail points across China. We had several successful
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA partnerships last year with fashion houses like Cabbeen, Gofu Jewellery and a fantasy interpretive toy collection by POP MART, which helped fuel the appetite for more consumer products in the market. For those who ‘hate Mondays’ like our lasagna-loving friend, there was a leisurely Garfield river cruise in Guangzhou to beat the proverbial Monday Blues, while a Miniso presence endeared His Feline-ness even more to the nation. Regular mall events further boosted Garfield’s profile in the world’s most populous country. In 2022, with Medialink, we are planning to eventize Garfield in key cities with a huge celebration to solidify his place in pop culture and drive further CP sales. With local fans loving Garfield because he is funny, lovable and a classic, we see a lot more room to grow (sideways?) for this already cool cat. STAR TREK Star Trek is a worldwide phenomenon with a global fan base in over 188 countries and is considered to be one of the most iconic brands of all time. It is set in a utopian future where humanity has united and taken to the stars to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly going where no one has gone before. Star Trek is more than just a story; it embodies the dream of a future where optimism, equality, and heroism are the cornerstones and key values. It has become an inspiration and helped advanced science as we know it; it influenced the creation of modern day communication devices, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and many more. This year, Star Trek celebrates its
55th anniversary, a testament to its enduring appeal across generations and cultures. Even though Star Trek already has six classic series, three ongoing series, and 13 movies, there is no slowing down of creative output. With a growing fan base and new upcoming content, the resistance to consumer products is futile! Look out for new seasons and episodes for the three highly reviewed and muchloved ongoing series – Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Discovery, and Star Trek: Lower Decks – that continue to reach record-setting viewership on our various platforms. Many Star Trek collaboration projects in China have been a success. In 2019, the Star Trek: Discovery collaboration with VIVO saw the iQOO Smart Phone Gift Box flying off the shelves and selling out immediately after the first release. Its futuristic theme appeals especially to tech companies such as Alienware and sport companies like Hongxing Erke, which the property has engaged and collaborated with. The Star Trek Universe continues to expand in 2022 with Star Trek: Prodigy, the first entry into animated kids content. It tells the story of a group of lawless teens who discover a derelict Starfleet ship and use it to search for adventure, meaning and salvation. Prodigy is perfect for the whole family and for the next generation to enter the Star Trek Universe; it also will be the gateway to developing Star Trek consumer products just for kids. AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER Since 2005, the world of Avatar and its engaging characters has transported fans to a rich, immersive and diverse world. Avatar: The Last Airbender quickly made a name for itself with its compelling story of a young hero destined to become the Avatar, the only one who can master bending all four elements of air, water, earth and fire and thereby save the world. The sequel, called The Legend of Korra, continues the story into a modernized world featuring Avatar Korra, a seventeen-year-old girl and
successor of Avatar Aang from The Last Airbender. Avatar: The Last Airbender emerged from its three seasons (61 episodes) as one of the most beloved animated properties in history. It won the
Peabody Award, a Primetime Emmy, Annie Awards and Genesis Awards. When in premiered in the US on Netflix last May 2020, it set a record for 61 consecutive days in the Top 10 and was named the #1 US Animated Kids Show for 2020 by NPD. In addition to the series’ success, the property also has been translated into a successful comic book and graphic novel series, which continue to roll out new original stories. Also currently on Netflix and ranked #8 US Animated Kids Show for 2020 by NPD, The Legend of Korra launched in April 2012 on Nickelodeon and ran for four seasons (52 episodes). Its first season premiered as basic cable’s #1 kids show and drew 3.8 million viewers per episode, the highest for an animated series that year. Created and executive produced by Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the series is translated in more than 25 languages. The property has translated successfully into an ongoing graphic novel series written by TV series cocreator DiMartino. The first graphic novel storyline, Legend of Korra: Turf Wars, has captured various Top 10 sales spots across children’s fiction, YA science fiction, and graphic novel categories since its debut in 2017. The Avatar franchise is beloved to this day. The Avatar online fan base has 6.5M+ global followers and is the 2nd most engaged Nickelodeon brand on social, just behind SpongeBob SquarePants. With these
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA encouraging numbers, the Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel was created in May last year; it has since garnered more than 325 million views and is becoming the fastest growing and most engaged channel in the Kids & Family portfolio. Testament to the fact that fans new and old continue to be drawn into the world of Avatar. Older viewers gravitate to the show’s serious themes of warfare and emotional relationships while younger ones enjoy the action and humor of the twelve-year-old hero. As nostalgia is invoked amongst older fans and a new generation is discovering this richly immersive world, we are developing a refreshed curation of creative and design assets to capture the dynamism, friendship and beauty of Avatar to help translate into consumer products. Targeting adults aged 18 upwards, fans in China can look forward to exciting merchandise from apparel and collectibles, to toys and games. A recent global deal with McFarlane Toys will see a new range of Avatar: The Last Airbender action figures released soon. This, along with many other products, is something Avatar fans will not need to wait a hundred years for! LOCATION-BASED ENTERTAINMENT Connecting with audiences through immersive real world experiences remain an integral part of ViacomCBS’s global business. Partnering with premier leisure developers across the world, our Location Based Entertainment (LBE) division develops highly engaging experiences focusing on iconic properties from our Paramount, Nickelodeon, MTV and CBS brands. From theme parks, entertainment centers, live shows, festivals, hotels, and resorts,ViacomCBS continues to create unique, on-ground entertainment for fans and guests of all ages. In December 2020, we opened the first Nickelodeon PLAYTIME family entertainment center in Asia, which has four themed zones featuring SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol,
Dora the Explorer, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT), as well as a Nickelodeon branded retail store and play café. The 1500-squaremeter indoor attraction is the anchor entertainment offering at OCT Happy Harbor, one of Shenzhen’s top leisure shopping destinations. Since its opening, Nickelodeon PLAYTIME constantly ranks in the top family entertainment centers in Shenzhen on Dianping, one of China’s biggest attraction review and ticketing platforms. Nickelodeon PLAYTIME connects families with their favorite characters in a whole new way, meeting the strong demand in China for interactive and cross-generational entertainment. In designing and curating the experiences at Nickelodeon PLAYTIME, we used market data to select IP franchises that are not only popular but also have strong local appeal and cultural relevance, to best cater to a Chinese audience. One of the signature attractions is a story-driven multimedia experience, where guests can go “jellyfishing” at Bikini Bottom with Patrick Star and SpongeBob SquarePants. Building on the success of the Nickelodeon Universe theme parks in the Mall of America and American Dream malls in the US, the first Nickelodeon Universe in Asia is in development at the Mall of China in Chongqing, scheduled to open in 2022. At 35,000 square meters, the project in Chongqing will be
our largest indoor theme park with 29 themed attractions featuring 14 Nickelodeon properties that are much loved by Chinese families. The TMNT-themed coaster is expected to set four new world records for an indoor roller coaster ride: longest track, highest drop, most inversions, and fastest maximum speed. The park will also feature the first tilting drop tower attraction in Asia. Currently, Paramount Pictures is developing a theme park in Bali, that will soon give fans a chance to step into some of the iconic Hollywood studio’s classic films and blockbuster franchises such as Roman Holiday, The Godfather, Star Trek, Tomb Raider, and Mission Impossible. On the other side of the world, we are super excited that the brand-new Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya has opened in Mexico. The beachfront family resort features many firsts, including 280 oceanfront swim-up suites, a rooftop penthousestyle Pineapple Suite, the first-ever Turtle Lair Suite, and a one-of-a-kind Aqua Nick water park – in itself an incredibly fun destination with a lazy river, waterslides, a splash park, and an interactive water playground! As we expand our LBE business with new developments, we are actively pursuing opportunities for our brands as well as partnerships across multiple platforms. We will continue to fuel fandom, thrill audiences, and deliver unforgettable real world experiences to families everywhere.
旗下拥有一些最 知名娱乐品牌的 维亚康姆哥伦比 亚集团向授权概 览中国介绍了他 们的品牌活动以 及未来一年的计 划。
维亚康姆哥伦比亚集团 (ViacomCBS)拥有流行文化 和娱乐领域的一系列最知名 的品牌:Nickelodeon、Nick Jr.、Comedy Central、CBS、Showtime、MTV 和派拉蒙等。 我们通过丰富的内 容库来满足不同世代以及人群 的需求,并借助公司的整个生态 系统以及合作伙伴关系来发布 和推广这些内容。 在中国,我们 与爱奇艺、芒果 TV、优酷、腾讯、 中央电视台、今日头条、西瓜视 频等平台都建立了长期且强有 力的合作关系,正因如此,无论 是传统平台还是新兴平台,我们 的内容才得以在多个平台上覆 盖相关的目标消费者。 维亚康姆哥伦比亚集团的媒体 组合在全球电视收视总份额中 排名第一,同时还是在社交媒体 上,娱乐领域的顶级公司。 从书 籍和电影到电视连续剧、视频游 戏和播客,我们的内容在史无前 例的时代里让广大受众不断参 与、了解资讯和享受娱乐。 我们 最脍炙人口的一些精彩内容包 括《海绵宝宝》、 《汪汪队立大功》 、 《加菲猫》、 《爱探险的朵拉》、 《 忍者神龟》和《星际迷航》等。 除了现有的英雄主题外,我们还 制作了与观众息息相关的精彩
新内容。 我们欢迎各种想法和合 指数方式推出更多举措,举办更 作,共同为中国打造全球品牌, 多的现场和售票活动,确保吸引 不仅是为了我们自己的网络,也 额外的互动量。 为了第三方。 凭借我们广泛的全 在新冠疫情过后的新常态下,我 球网络和平台,我们很荣幸能为 们迅速行动起来,不断顺势而变 本地内容创作者和电影制作人 做出必要的调整,同时始终坚持 才创造机会,让他们向世界其他 一贯的信念 - 即我们拥有最好的 地区展示自己的作品。 IP 来推动您的业务发展。 在零售领域,我们的消费者产品 部门专注于以公司的生态系统 《海绵宝宝》 全力支持最有价值的 IP,范围 SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS 涉及全球并涵盖故事片, 广播、 有线电视、免费播出合作伙伴、 流媒体和优质电视台, 体验和游 戏。我们始终专注于让公司的 各项业务能够引领零售业变革 和消费者行为转变,并时刻关注 世界上正在发生的事情,让我们 与每个年龄段、每个通道、每个 地方都密不可分。 我们不断推动 发展,并为包括大众、电商和新 渠道在内的所有层级创造机会。 在中国,全球排名第一的适合学 龄前儿童的动画片《汪汪队立大 功》一直都是我们最重要的作 品。 凭借趋势和洞察力分析,我 们与广大粉丝和消费者保持着 惊人的密切关系,并与我们最优 秀的总代理广州艺洲人品牌管 海绵宝宝已经成为跨越多年龄 理股份有限公司、斯平玛斯特有 层的偶像,备受众多粉丝的追 限公司和羚邦动画﹙国际﹚有 捧。 在 2019 年开播 20 周年纪念 限公司携手合作,共同提供高品 活动以及新内容产出的刺激下, 质的创新作品。 除零售业务外, 《海绵宝宝》的业务自 2018 年 我们还通过在中国各地商场内 以来已增长了一倍以上。 截至目 开展多场活动,并在各大主要城 前, 《海绵宝宝》在全球已有 700 市举办舞台剧等现场体验,进一 多个合作伙伴,在 20 多个不同 步促进品牌推广。 类别中推出了 500 多种不同的 与玩具反斗城等大型零售商合 产品。 作举办的见面会亦是我们与消 在中国, 《海绵宝宝》仍然是我们 费者保持紧密联系的重要方式 的明星作品之一。 之一,同时也为消费者提供了更 仅在今年,我们就与百 多与喜爱的动画人物亲密接触 丽、海澜之家、蕉内、I.T 旗 的机会。 这种与粉丝亲密接触的 下:CHOCOOLATE、E·LAND衣 尝试将让我们在未来几年内以 恋旗下SPAO、衣品天成等品牌
域合作;同时,我们与 Tommy Hilfiger 等国际知名品牌的全球 时尚合作也进军中国。 与泡泡玛 特 (POP MART) 合作推出的两 款非常成功的玩具珍藏系列 --The Monsters 和 Space Molly 活动更是在粉丝中激起了惊人 的网络狂潮。 《海绵宝宝》以其对 跨越各年龄层男女粉丝的吸引 力,在跨品类中斩获了胜利。 在 2020 年, 《海绵宝宝》在包括食 品饮料和家居在内的多个关键 品类上,也出现了明显的增长。
司还在今年 1 月荣获了“2020 年亚洲最佳授权商奖” ,并且在 2021 年 7 月斩获了“2021 年 中国授权奖年度最佳授权商-食 品/饮料类”奖项。 去年 6 月,当冒险湾的狗狗们出 现在CCTV中央电视台“央视频” 的数字儿童节庆祝活动中时,它 们更是受到了中国粉丝的热烈 欢迎!为了进一步扩大和加深 与孩子们的互动,我们正在筹备 音乐剧《汪汪队立大功之海盗宝 藏》巡演,以及在全国主要城市 举行广受欢迎的商场活动,通常 每个月都会吸引超过 200 万人 次参与。
在《海绵宝宝》大获成功的基础 之上,我们将继续深耕更广阔的 市场,因为那里有更多未知的可 能性等待探索。 2022 年,广受欢 《加菲猫》 迎的《海绵宝宝》系列将迎来第 GARFIELD 儿童的必看动画,而我们也将 13 季的播出,同时我们的两个衍 继续在中国推出为更多孩子们 作为世界上发行量最大的连环 生剧系列也将迎来首播。 我们首 画, 《加菲猫》同样广受欢迎!在 所喜爱的《汪汪队立大功》。 去 先将开启《Kamp Koral》 (珊瑚 年 11 月, 《汪汪队立大功之超能 我们最近的品牌和粉丝洞察研 营地)的大门,通过《珊瑚营地: 《加菲猫》的知名度和喜爱 救援》特辑的票房收入使其成为 究中, 海绵宝宝的童年》把粉丝们带回 了 2020 年儿童动画电影类别的 度高达 95%,并且其地位多年 海绵宝宝和他的朋友们第一次 来难以撼动;为此,我们计划进 第一名! 在的夏令营上相遇的时刻。 自 3 《汪汪队立大功大电影》影院上 一步推动这一跨世代的周边产 月首播以来,该系列迅速飙升为 映, ,成为了本年度的最大新闻。 Paramount+ 上最受欢迎的儿 派拉蒙、维亚康姆哥伦比亚集团 童原创作品之一。 和斯平玛斯特的联合营销力量, 在第二部衍生剧中,为了向派大 通过顶级的零售促销计划和世 星致意,整个小镇都被涂成了粉 界各地线上和线下的大力宣传, 红色。 在《派大星秀》中,粉丝们 势必会将该系列电影推向新的 将和整个派大星家族见面。 如果 高度。 您喜欢派大星,那就等着迎接派 继电影取得成功之后,我们将精 大星爷爷吧! 准出击,继续保持良好势头。 构 这些丰富的精彩内容对海绵宝 建起稳定的内容渠道,我们将继 宝和派大星而言都是新的机会! 续为业务助力,努力保持最热门 我们的创意团队一直都忙于创 学龄前儿童教育系列之一的势 造工具来支持发展:从新系列 头不减,以更多新主题报答我们 的设计风格指南,到探索性的画 最庞大粉丝群的厚爱。 册、趋势指导等,您一定会迫不 围绕斯平玛斯特的玩具系列,内 及待地想踏上前往比基尼海滩 容成为了玩具开发的灵感。 周边 的旅程。 产品和《汪汪队立大功》剧集将 继续推出。 该动画片在多个周边 《汪汪队立大功》 产品类别中都有上佳的表现,包 PAW PATROL 括服装和包装消费品 (CPG),后 毫无疑问,由斯平玛斯特娱乐 者已成为一项逐年增长的业务。 (Spin Master Entertainment) 在去年与天猫合作推出的双十 推出的《汪汪队立大功》风靡全 一促销活动中,在短短的不到 5 球,确切地说已经成为了 170 个 分钟的时间里, 《汪汪队立大功》 地区最受欢迎的学龄前儿童IP。 奶酪棒的销量便突破了 150 万 这些来自冒险湾深受信任和喜 条!为此,我们的合作伙伴上海 爱的狗狗们,已经成为学龄前 妙可蓝多食品科技股份有限公
品巨无霸。 我们与 Fun 和 BABiBOO 服装 等合作伙伴展开合作,使得“加 菲猫”品牌服饰在中国的零售点 超过了 1000 个。 去年,我们与卡 宾、Gofu Jewellery 等时尚公 司以及泡泡玛特 (POP MART) 的梦幻场景玩具收藏系列展开 了多次成功合作,从而有助于激 发市场对更多周边产品的需求。 对于那些和这位喜欢千层面的 老朋友一样“讨厌星期一”的加 菲控来说,广州推出了悠闲的“ 加菲猫巡游项目” ,带领大家逃 脱众所周知的星期一忧郁症,而 名创优品 (Miniso) 的加入更是 让加菲猫的形象更加深受大众 的喜爱。
等和英雄主义为基石和主要价 要成为“Avatar”的年轻英雄--值观的未来梦想。 它已经成为 作为唯一能够掌握空气、水、土 一种灵感,帮助推动我们已知 和火四种元素的人类,他将肩负 的科学;它甚至影响了现代通 起拯救世界的重任。 而续集《降 信设备、人工智能(AI)、虚拟现实 世神通:科拉传奇》将故事转向 (AR)等的出现。 了一个现代化的世界,主角科拉 今年, 《星际迷航》迎来了自己的 是一个 17 岁的女孩,也是《降世 55 周年纪念,这也证明了它在 神通:最后的气宗》中阿昂的继 不同年代和文化中的持久吸引 承人。 力。 尽管《星际迷航》已经推出了 《降世神通:最后的气宗》凭借 6 个经典系列,3 个正在进行的 系列,以及 13 部电影,但其创意 产出并没有放缓脚步。 随着粉丝 群的不断壮大和即将推出的新 内容,周边产品势必又将再度掀 起热潮!三个备受好评和喜爱的 连续剧---《星际迷航:皮卡德》、 《 星际迷航:发现号》以及《星际迷 航:下层舰员》的新剧集引发期 定期举行的商场活动也进一步 待,继续在我们的各个平台上创 提升了《加菲猫》在这个世界上 下新的收视纪录。 人口最多的国家的形象。 2022 很多《星际迷航》合作项目在中 推出的三季(共 61 集)成为了 年,我们计划与羚邦合作,在一 国都大获成功。 2019 年, 《星际 史上最受欢迎的动画片之一。 为 些主要城市举办《加菲猫》活动, 迷航:发现号》携手 VIVO 推出 此,它荣获了“皮博迪奖”、 “艾美 巩固其在流行文化中的地位,同 iQOO 智能手机限量联名礼盒, 奖(黄金时段)”、 “安妮奖”和“创 时进一步推动周边衍生品销售。 一经发布就瞬间售罄下架。 它的 世纪奖”。 当 2020 年 5 月在美国 加菲猫搞笑、可爱、经典的形象 未来派主题尤其受到科技公司 奈飞(Netflix)首播时,该片创造 深受中国粉丝的喜爱,这只炫 (如戴尔 Alienware外星人电 了连续 61 天排名前十的记录, 酷的猫猫还将迎来更大的发展 脑)和运动品牌(如鸿星尔克)的 并被 NPD 评选为“2020 年美国 空间。 青睐,因此与它们开展了接触与 动画儿童节目第一名”。 除了剧 合作。 集的成功,该作品还被翻译成漫 《星际迷航》 2022 年, 《星际迷航》的宇宙将 画书和连环画小说系列,继续演 STAR TREK 继续扩张, 《星际迷航:神童》将 绎新的原创故事。 《星际迷航》掀起了一股全球热 成为以儿童动画内容为主题的 《科拉传奇》目前还在 Netflix 潮,在全球 188 个国家和地区 首部作品。 它讲述了一群少年发 播出,在 NPD 评选的 2020 年美 拥有无数粉丝,被认为是有史以 现了一艘废弃的星际舰队飞船, 国动画儿童节目中排名第 8 位; 来最具代表性的品牌之一。 故事 于是利用它来寻找冒险、意义和 该剧早在 2012 年 4 月就开始 发生在一个乌托邦式的未来世 救赎的故事。 《神童》是全家人一 在 Nickelodeon 播出,并且总 界,在那里,人类团结起来走向 起进入《星际迷航》宇宙的完美 共播出了四季(52 集)。 第一季 星空,探索陌生的新世界,寻找 之选;它也将开启通往专门针对 作为基本有线电视的第一大儿 新的生命和文明,勇踏前人未至 儿童的《星际迷航》周边产品的 童节目进行了首播,每一集都会 之境。 《星际迷航》不仅仅是一个 大门。 吸引 380 万观众,在当年创下了 故事,它体现了一个以乐观、平 动画系列的最高收视纪录。 该系 列由 Mike DiMartino 和 Bryan 《降世神通》 Konietzko 创作和监制,后来 AVATAR: THE LAST 被翻译成了超过 25 种语言。 这 AIRBENDER 部作品还被电视剧联合创作者 自 2005 年以来, 《降世神通》的 DiMartino 成功改编成了持续推 世界及其引人入胜的角色将广 出的漫画小说系列。 大影迷带入了一个丰富多彩、身 首部漫画小说《科拉传奇:土耳 临其境的世界。 《降世神通:最后 其战争》的故事情节自 2017 年 的气宗》凭借其引人入胜的故事 首次亮相以来,便一直保持在儿 一鸣惊人,故事讲述了一个注定 童小说、青少年科幻小说和漫画 24
小说等多个类别的销量前十位。 《降世神通》IP至今仍深受人 们的喜爱。 《降世神通》在线上 拥有超过 650 万的全球粉丝, 已成为仅次于《海绵宝宝》 ,在 社交网络上互动率排名第二的 Nickelodeon 品牌。 凭借这些 令人振奋的数字, 《降世神通:最 后的气宗》于去年 5 月开通了 YouTube 频道,目前已吸引超过 3.25 亿次观看,并正在成为儿童 和家庭产品组合中增长最快、互 动率最高的频道。 这就证明了新 老粉丝仍被《降世神通》的世界 所吸引这一不争的事实。 年长的 观众倾向于该剧的战争和情感 关系等严肃主题,而年轻的观众 则青睐这位 12 岁小英雄的身手 与幽默。 随着怀旧情绪在年长粉丝心中 被唤起,以及新一代开始探索这 个令人身临其境的世界,我们正 在开发一系列全新的创意和设 计要素,以便捕捉降世神通的活 力、友谊和美丽,进而帮助转化 为周边产品。 届时,中国 18 岁以 上成人粉丝可以期待令人激动 的周边产品,范围涵盖从服装和 收藏品到玩具和游戏。 最近与 McFarlane Toys 签署了 一项全球协议,新的《降世神通: 最后的气宗》动作人物玩偶很快 就会推向市场。 和其他许多产品 一样,这也将满足众多降世神通 迷们一直以来的梦想。
《实景娱乐》 LOCATION-BASED ENTERTAINMENT 通过沉浸式的实景娱乐体验与观 众近距离互动依然是维亚康姆哥 伦比亚集团全球业务的核心。 我 们的实景娱乐团队与全球领先 的文旅开发企业合作,携手打造 引人入胜的线下IP娱乐体验,并 且专注于以派拉蒙、 尼克儿童频 道、 MTV 和 CBS 品牌中最具代表 性和深入人心的IP深度开发。 从 主题公园、 娱乐中心、 现场表演、 节庆活动、 到酒店和度假村,维亚 康姆哥伦比亚集团不断为全年龄 段的粉丝和游客创造多元化的线 下触点和独特体验。 2020 年 12 月,我们在亚洲开设
了首家尼克欢乐时光家庭娱乐中 心,该中心分为四个主题区,分别 是《海绵宝宝》 、 《汪汪队立大功》 、 《爱探险的朵拉》 和《忍者龟》 ,并 且还设有尼克主题零售和游乐园 咖啡厅。 这处 1500 平方米的室内 景点位于深圳最佳休闲购物目的 地之一的华侨城欢乐海岸,也是 该都市娱乐商业综合体的旗舰项 目。 自开业以来,尼克欢乐时光持 续占据中国最大的景点评论和票 务平台一大众点评的深圳家庭娱 乐中心之榜首位置。 尼克欢乐时光以一种全新的方式 将亲子游客和他们喜爱的动画人 物联系起来,从而满足了中国市 场对互动型和多代家庭娱乐的强 大需求。 在设计和策划尼克欢乐 时光的体验时,我们通过市场数 据来筛选不仅大受欢迎,而且还 具有市场吸引力和文化相关性的 IP人物,以便最好地迎合中国观 众。 其中一项标志性景点便是带 有故事性的多媒体互动体验,游 客可以在比奇堡与派大星和海绵 宝宝一起“抓水母”。 在美国两大娱乐购物中心 「美国 摩」 和 「美国梦」 的尼克室内主题 乐园的成功基础上,亚洲首个尼 克乐园正在重庆的中国摩 (Mall of China) 开发建设,预计将于 2022 年开业。 重庆的项目占地 40,000平方米,将成为尼克最大 的室内主题公园,共设有 29 个主 题景点,其中包括 14 个深受中国
家庭喜爱的尼克IP。 以《忍者龟》 为主题的过山车预计将创下室内 过山车的四项全新世界纪录: 最 长的轨道、 最高的落差、 最多的翻 转和最高的极速。 该乐园还将推 出亚洲首个倾斜的跳楼机项目。 目前,派拉蒙影业计划在巴厘岛 打造一座主题公园,届时广大影 迷将有机会亲身体验该好莱坞著 名电影制片厂的经典电影和大 片系列,比如《罗马假日》 、 《教父》 、 《星际迷航》 、 《古墓丽影》 和《碟 中谍》。 在世界的另一端,我们的全新尼 克玛雅海岸酒店度假村已在墨西 哥盛大开业。 这座海滨家庭度假 村有着许多首创之处,包括 280 间海滨游泳套房、 屋顶阁楼式大 菠萝套房、 首次推出的忍者龟巢 穴套房,以及独一无二的 Aqua Nick 水上乐园 – 它本身就是一 个非常好玩的目的地,设有漂流 河、 水滑梯、 戏水公园和互动水上 游乐场! 随着新项目的陆续达成,我们进 一步拓展实景娱乐板块,为我们 的品牌打开更多的合作机会,探 索更多元化的全业态发展。 我们将为广大粉丝们继续努力, 为观众带来不一样的精彩,让世 界各地的家庭感受快乐难忘的 实景娱乐体验。 25
emoji® and Medialink Launch Exciting Collaborations in China emoji company GmbH and Medialink Animation International Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Medialink Group Limited, are set to bring a number of exciting collaborations to customers this year, forming a new partnership with Elizabeth Arden, a legendary beauty brand with over a century of professional experience.
The collaboration creatively uses a lively partnership between product and emoji®-The Iconic Brand. The unique brand crossover boosts product interest and sparks immediate brand awareness among consumers. The launch of the co-branded gift box and new packaging will help promote three iconic Elizabeth Arden products in China: ACE Eye Cream, Pink Capsules, and Ceramide Micro Essence. Medialink also licensed fashionable jewelry with Cigalong in China, and launched a special jewelry collection with emoji®- The Iconic Brand in August, providing customers with an exciting new line that merges the chic styling of Cigalong with the familiar emoji® brand icons.
Moreover, Medialink has licensed a beverage brand Daily C, a 100% refrigerated fresh juice provider in
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA Medialink Group Limited Medialink Group Limited is a leading dynamic market mover of media content distribution and brand licensing headquartered in Hong Kong with presence in China, Japan and Southeast Asia with its own Ani-One® anime platform in the region and over 1.78 million subscribers and more than 204 million views on its YouTube channel; edutainment VOD Ani-Kids™ channel and e-commerce platform Ani-Mall™. Medialink Group has been engaging in the business of media content distribution for over 26 years, and also operates the brand licensing business. China, and joined forces with the emoji® company GmbH to release a limited edition co-branded juice. Daily C insists on making 100% pure juice, which is truly pure and natural, satisfying both taste and nutritional needs and caring for the family. Combining fun emoji® brand icons with tasty juice, the collaboration provides a refreshing treat for summer.
Official partners of the emoji company include more than 1000 world famous global license partners amongst them Sony Pictures Animation, PUMA, L´Oreal, Ferrero, Unilever, Burger King, Zara, The Hershey Company, Walmart, Danone, Nikon, Fuji, Nestlé, Lidl, Kellogg´s, Danone, Nikon, Aldi, Pepsico, Miss Sixty, the BBC, C&A, The French Post amongst many others.
In addition to that, the emoji company is now operating seven emoji® Monobrand Apparel Stores and three Pop Up Stores in selected locations across Mainland China:
The globally and multiple awarded emoji® brand was decorated as the 3rd most influential brand behind Lego and Coca-Cola by the Powerlist. The emoji company is on position # 42 of the Top 150 Global Licensors and the emoji® brand is one of the most influential universal lifestyle brands of all times.
Chengdu Silverstone Plaza, New Century Department Store, Shazhichuan Outlet Mall, Lhasa Wanda Shopping Mall, Hualian Libao Shopping Mall, Dennis Wutiandi, Shenzhen Wanke Plaza, O’ Plaza Shopping Mall and Rainbow Huicheng Mall.
For licensing inquiries please contact Emoji at or visit the website
Under the media content distribution business, Medialink Group invests and cooperates closely with media content licensors through entering content production and distribution arrangements and distributes media content relating to animation series, variety shows, drama series and animated and live-action feature films. Under their brand licensing business, the Group is involved in the licensing of various rights in relation to brands owned by brand licensors including ‘merchandising rights’ for the use in toys, apparel and footwear, health and beauty products, food and beverages, ‘location-based entertainment rights’ for events, theme parks, shopping malls, cafes and restaurants; and ‘promotion rights’ in the Asia Pacific region. Contact:
emoji - The Iconic Brand The emoji company is the owner of the registered emoji® trademark in up to 35 classes for goods and services in more than 100 countries around the world. ®
The emoji company´s extensive rights portfolio covers more than 1,000 trademarks and more than 25,000 emoji® brand icons and designs protected under copyright laws and available for legal licensing and merchandising, promotions & events, for entertainment services and marketing campaigns.
emoji® is a registered trademark of the emoji company GmbH. © 2015-2021 emoji company GmbH. All rights reserved.
授权 概览中国
emoji® 和羚邦在中国展开激动人心的合作 今年,emoji company GmbH 和 羚邦集团有限公司的全资子公 司羚邦动画(国际)有限公司将联 手为众多客户带来一系列激动 人心的作品,同时与拥有超过百 年专业经验的传奇美容品牌伊 丽莎白雅顿建立新的合作伙伴 关系。 此次合作创造性地利用了产品
® 与 emoji(标志性品牌) 之间活 跃的合作联系。独特的品牌跨界 合作提升了产品利益,并瞬间在 消费者当中建立品牌知名度。联 名礼盒和新包装的发布将有助 于在中国推广三款标志性伊丽 莎白雅顿产品:ACE 眼霜、粉色 胶囊和时空焕活微精华露。
羚邦还向中国 Cigalong 授权时 尚珠宝,并于 8 月推出了带有 ® emoji(标志性品牌) 的特别珠宝 系列,为客户呈献了一大让人心 潮澎湃的全新系列——Cigalong 的时尚造型与熟悉的 emoji® 品 牌图标融为一体。 此 外,羚 邦 已 向 中 国 饮 料 品 牌 Daily C 授权,这是一家 100% 冷 藏新鲜果汁供应商,并与 emoji® company GmbH 合作推出限量 版联名果汁。 Daily C 坚持制作
100% 纯果汁,其产品真正纯天 然,满足口味和营养需求,并关 爱家人的健康。此次合作结合有 趣的 emoji® 品牌图标和美味果
授权 概览中国
内容发行业务,同时经营品牌授 权业务。
在媒体内容发行业务方面,羚邦 集团通过进入内容制作和发行 管理的方式进行投资并与媒体 内容授权方开展紧密合作,同时 发行与动画系列、综艺节目、电 视剧、动画和真人故事片相关的 媒体内容。
汁,为炎炎夏日带来清爽的赏味 体验。 除此之外,emoji 公司现于中国 大陆的选定地点经营着 7 家 emoji® Monobrand 服装店和 3 家 快闪店:
成都银石广场、新世纪百货、沙 之船奥特莱斯购物中心、拉萨万 达 购 物 中 心 、华 联 力 宝 购 物 中 心、丹尼斯五天地、深圳万科广 场、欢乐海岸购物中心从和彩虹 汇城购物中心。 emoji® - 标志性品牌 emoji 公司是全球 100 多个国 家/地区内近 35 类商品和服务 的 emoji® 注册商标所有者。
emoji 公司广泛的权利组合覆盖 超过 1,000 个商标和 25,000 个 emoji® 品牌图标和设计,它们受 到版权法保护,可用于合法授权 和销售、促销和活动、娱乐服务 和营销活动。 emoji 公司的官方合作伙伴由 1000 多家世界知名授权品牌构 成,包括索尼影视动画公司、彪 马、欧莱雅、费列罗、联合利华、 汉堡王、Z a r a 、好时公司、沃尔 玛、达能、尼康、富士、雀巢、Lidl、 家乐氏、阿尔迪、百事可乐、六十 小姐、BBC、C&A 以及法国邮政 等。 emoji®
在品牌授权业务中,该集团参与 多种产权的授权工作,涉及品牌 授权人持有的品牌,包括用于玩 具、服装和鞋类、健康和美容产 品、食品和饮料的“销售权”;活 动、主题公园、购物中心、咖啡馆 和餐厅的“基于位置的娱乐权”; 以及亚太地区的“推广权”。
荣,被 Powerlist 评为仅次于乐 高和可口可乐的第三大最具影 响力品牌。 emoji 公司在全球 150 强授权商中位列第 42 名,而 emoji® 品牌是有史以来最具影 邮箱 响力的全球生活方式品牌之一。 如 需 查 询 授 权 问 题 ,请 通 过 与我们联系或 访问网站
羚邦集团有限公司 羚邦集团有限公司是一家充满 活力的一流媒体内容发行和品 牌授权市场驱动者,总部位于香 港,凭借其自有的 Ani-One® 动 漫平台而成功占据中国、日本和 东南亚市场,且拥有超过 178 万 订阅用户,其 YouTube 频道的观 看次数超过 2.04 亿次;还拥有教 育娱乐视频点播 Ani-Kids™ 频道 和电子商务平台 Ani-Mall™。 在 26 多年来,羚邦集团一直从事媒体
emoji®® 是 emoji company GmbH 的注册商标。 © 2015-2021 emoji company GmbH。 保留所有权力。
授权 概览中国
无尽的设计灵感 之源
V&A 博物馆(位于伦敦的英国维多 利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆)屡获殊荣 的授权计划为众多产品类别提供了 几近无限的设计灵感源泉。 在 2021 年,V&A 博物馆举行了一些精彩的 首次亮相活动,其产品供应和全球 影响力也在持续增长和扩大。 随着 新被授权人加入和现有合作伙伴 发布更多新品,V&A 博物馆取得的 成就表明其在多个产品类别和领 域有着持续吸引力,让现有和新的 观众能够与其气势恢宏的藏品建立 联系。 东亚仍然是重点区域,而博物馆与 其中国授权代理商(品源文华)和韩 国(Infiniss)授权代理商密切合作,以 扩大产品类别,推出新系列并提高 品牌知名度。 自 2021 年初以来,中国市场已经迎 来了 50 多款新产品,V&A 博物馆 也继续在天猫旗舰店构建强大的产 品线。 热门主题包括阿尔丰斯·
穆夏的设计,这些设计出现在一 系列书签、包袋和文具上,还有 Tippoo's Tiger,这是收藏在 V&A 博物馆内的一款流行 18 世纪机 械管风琴,以及 Quacky Jack 系 列,其中包括独一无二的包袋、 服装、配饰、钥匙扣和毛绒玩具。 服装仍然是一个极为热门的品 类,中国今年已经迎来了三款女 士和儿童新品。 乐町的全新时装和配饰系列主 打印花设计,其创作灵感源自博 物馆内部分最热门的藏品。 该系 列的设计灵感包括威廉·莫里 斯的壁纸图案、莱昂·巴克斯特 的芭蕾设计和出自英国纺织商 Tootal Broadhurst Lee 之手的 20 世纪 30 年代裙装面料。 乐町对 经典设计的认识体现了 V&A 博 物馆对激发创意的创始承诺。 该 系列拥有超过 24 款单品,包括 连衣裙、单件衣服、围巾和发饰, 这些单品可在线购买,也可在设 Quacky Jack
授权 概览中国
中取材,打造出多个系列。 小羊肖恩的创作者 Aardman 和 V&A 博物馆联手为意大利运动 服装品牌斐乐推出了品质卓越 的童装系列。 为纪念 V&A 博物 馆内大量不同档案库中的装饰 艺术图案,斐乐儿童系列将小羊 肖恩中有趣的创意卡通角色与 V&A 博物馆藏装饰艺术图案的 大胆外形和多彩造型相结合。 今年秋季,还有其他激动人心的 系列首次亮相,包括主打维多 利亚时代艺术家约翰·坦尼尔 (John Tenniel) 为作家刘易斯·卡 罗尔 (Lewis Carroll) 红遍全球的 现象级书籍《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 所绘制的插图的各大类别,并与 V&A 博物馆当前引发轰动的展览 于中国主要城市的 37 家线下快 《爱丽丝:越发好奇》(Alice: Cu闪店内购买。 品牌大使和热门红 riouser and Curiouser) 同期进 人虞书欣推广了该系列,让 V&A 行。 法国时尚配饰专家 Olympia 博物馆能够利用她拥有 1500 万 Le-Tan 将热门书籍和玩味设计 粉丝的微博账号来吸引年轻受 重新打造为备受追捧的手拿包 众。 和配饰;皇家铸币厂发行了两枚 女装品牌可可尼推出了丰富的 可收藏的硬币;而美国门垫专家 系列,其中包括六大系列,涵盖 Entryways 则为他们的欢迎垫注 百搭 T 恤、连衣裙和针织品等单 入幽默气息。 品。 第一个系列“Voyage”于 9 月 V&A 博物馆是全球公认的强大 登场,其设计灵感源自 V&A 博 工艺宣传渠道,并拥有卓越的设 物馆系列中一本精美书籍,而该 计才华。 这个历史悠久拥有 90 书主题为植物学、伊兹尼克陶 多个被授权方, 且没有任何放缓 瓷和海洋主题设计和面料。 趣 的迹象,并通过开展新合作来继 味系列内含精美插图,体现了 博物馆内一些惊艳 的物品及其故事, 可可尼 而它们也巧妙地制 作为可穿戴的日间 单品。 紧随其后的 是“Deco Resort”。 该 系列为舒适休闲的 服饰,其设计灵感源 自一系列旅行和海 滨海报以及海洋主 题纺织图案;此外还 有“George Barbier” 系列,主打 20 世纪 20 年代的时装效果 图,Cocoon 在此系 列中创造性地融入 了由迷你珠饰和水 钻打造而成的奢华 细节;并从经典儿童 故事《爱丽丝梦游仙 境》和《穿靴子的猫》 乐町
Tippoo’s Tiger 管风琴
续欢迎扩大其零售和商品销售 的机会。
An infinite source of design inspiration launching new ranges and increasing brand recognition. In China, over 50 new products have launched since the beginning of 2021, continuing to build a strong product offering on the V&A’s Tmall flagship store. Popular themes include Alphonse Mucha designs, which feature on a range of bookmarks, bags and stationery, Tippoo’s Tiger, a popular 18th century mechanical organ held in the V&A’s collection, and the Quacky Jack series which includes unique bags, clothing, accessories, key rings and plush toys. Apparel continues to be a very popular category with three new launches this year for women and children in China. Ledin’s new range of fashion and accessories features prints inspired by some of the museum’s most popular holdings. Designs in the range include wallpaper patterns by William Morris, ballet designs by Léon Bakst The award-winning licensing programme of the V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum, London) offers an almost infinite source of design inspiration for a multitude of product categories. So far, 2021 has seen some fantastic debut launches for the V&A and the continued growth of its product offering and global reach. With new licensees joining and more launches from existing partners, its success indicates its ongoing appeal across multiple product categories and territories, enabling existing and new audiences to connect with the V&A’s magnificent collections. East Asia is still a key focus and the museum works closely with their licensing agents in China (Alfilo Brands) and South Korea (Infiniss) on expanding product categories,
Quacky Jack
and 1930s dress fabric by British textile merchant Tootal Broadhurst Lee. Ledin’s interpretation of classic designs showcase the V&A’s founding commitment to inspire creativity. The collection has over 24 pieces, including dresses, separates, scarves and hair accessories, available online and in 37 offline pop-up stores in major cities throughout China. Brand ambassador and popular influencer, Ester Yu promoted the range and enabled the V&A to attract a younger audience on Weibo on which she has 15m followers. Womenswear brand Cocoon has launched an extensive range which includes six Cocoon collections, comprising of versatile tees, dresses and knitwear. The first collection, ‘Voyage’, launched in September and was inspired by an elaborate book on botany, Iznik ceramics and marinethemed designs and fabrics from the V&A’s collection. The playful range is beautifully illustrated, reflecting some of the museum’s incredible objects and their stories, cleverly crafted into wearable daytime designs. Soon to follow are ‘Deco Resort.’ a collection
of comfortable and casual clothing inspired by an array of travel and seaside posters and a marine-themed textile pattern, the ‘George Barbier’ collection featuring fashion drawings from the 1920s, to which Cocoon has creatively added luxurious details of minute beading and rhinestones, and several collections inspired by classic children’s tales ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Puss in Boots’. Aardman, the creators of Shaun the Sheep, and the V&A, have launched an inspired range of children’s clothing for the Italian sportswear label, FILA. Celebrating Art Deco patterns held in the V&A’s vast and diverse archive, the FILA Kids collection brings together the fun and creative character of Shaun the Sheep with the bold shapes and colourful look of Art Deco designs, held in the V&A collection. Other exciting debut ranges this autumn include a variety of categories featuring illustrations by the Victorian artist John Tenniel for the author Lewis Carroll’s global phenomenon, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, coinciding with the V&A’s current blockbuster exhibit Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser. Ranging from French fashion accessories expert Olympia Le-Tan, who re-imagines favourite books and tongue-in-cheek designs into coveted clutch bags and acces-
Tippoo’s Tiger
sories, The Royal Mint released two collectable coins, and US doormat specialist Entryways, added humour to their welcome mats. The V&A is recognised globally as a powerful endorsement of craftsmanship and excellence in design. With over 90 licensees, the long-established programme shows no signs of abating and continues to welcome opportunities to broaden its retail and merchandise offer through new collaborations.
A PIONEERING APPROACH Introducing Global Trademark Licensing First established in 2008 in Hong Kong, Global Trademark Licensing Ltd (GTL) has grown to become a leading global licensing agency with seven offices located in the US, UK, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and the Philippines. As early pioneers in the Chinese market and with deep roots across Asian territories, GTL now ranks as one of Asia’s top five agencies, as well as being a top 15 licensing agency globally. GTL’s team of experts brings over 100 years of combined licensing experience across all major categories and a vast array of leading brands.
of mind for its partners, who trust in the agency to represent their brands and interests like an extension of their own team.
RACING TO CHINA LICENSING EXPO WITH LEADING AUTOMOTIVE BRANDS At China Licensing Expo in February, GTL will be showcasing its impressive roster featuring many of the world’s most famous automotive brands, including the London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC), Lotus Cars,
McLaren Racing, McLaren Automotive, Scania, Mercedes-Benz, Pagani, Jaguar Cars and Land Rover.
McLaren GTL is proud to represent both the luxury supercar Automotive and Racing divisions of McLaren. McLaren Racing has one single mission: to win Grands Prix and World Championships. To design, build and operate a Formula 1 car at race-winning levels requires focus, ambition, imagination, dedication, and microscopic attention to detail. McLaren’s successful racing heritage has been driven by a relentless desire to innovate and this is reflected in their licensing programme. GTL’s partnership with McLaren Automotive has seen the agency help create a benchmark licensing portfolio across all major toys and collectible categories. These include ride on vehicles, radio control cars, replica models as well as a kids’ mobility range featuring scooters and balance bikes. GTL has worked with McLaren and its licensees to ensure the programme is supported with extensive marketing and PR. Activations included stunts with Formula 1 drivers and a debut of ride on vehicles at McLaren’s stand at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. Additionally, to support McLaren’s fifth
This Asia focus makes GTL a unique proposition and with its highly experienced team at the helm, ensures the agency is ideally placed to capitalise on the many growth opportunities in this dynamic region. The GTL team prides itself on extensive market knowledge combined with a pro-active, innovative and creative business development approach that delivers outstanding results for its clients. GTL also offers a number of associated services, including revenue collection, industry-leading audit and inspections, and trademark protection that provide peace
Scania Scania is a world leading provider of transport solutions and, together with its partners and customers, is driving the shift towards a sustainable transport system. In 2019 alone, 91,700 trucks, 7,800 buses as well as 10,200 industrial and marine engines were delivered to customers. GTL began rep-
anniversary of the iconic McLaren P1TM, GTL successfully supported the brand with the launch of the very first kids’ mobility range of ride on vehicles. GTL is focused on expanding the toys and collectibles programme further.
LEVC GTL represents LEVC, which produces the iconic London taxi, on a worldwide basis and is developing a crosscategory global consumer products programme with an initial focus on toys, apparel, homewares, and gifting. LEVC’s history began in 1908 when they launched their first dedicated black cab specially designed and commissioned for use in London. With its unmistakable silhouette and classic design cues, this iconic British vehicle has defined the company for over a century. In 2018, LEVC introduced its latest taxi model, the electric TX, which is
the world’s cleanest, most advanced taxi ever, powered by LEVC’s revolutionary eCity technology.
Lotus By remaining true to the ethos of founder Colin Chapman, Lotus stands alone as a brand dedicated to pure drivers’ cars. Innovative engineering, cutting-edge technologies and advanced materials ensure that every Lotus proves the value of achieving performance through light weight. As Lotus moves forward with an exciting new strategy, GTL is supporting the company with an extensive licensing programme, working with top-class partners across the toys, collectibles and interactive categories. This activity will support Lotus’ ambitious product launch strategy, which includes ranges from Tamiya, Mattel, Scalextrix and Codemasters, with many more to be revealed soon.
resenting Scania earlier this year and, although the partnership is still in its infancy, there is already an incredible story to tell with many new licensees on board, including some of the largest players in the industry, alongside several new projects in the pipeline that will be revealed in the coming six18 months. For Scania, GTL is focused on seeking licensees across all major toys, collectibles, and lifestyle categories with a particular focus on kids’ mobility
Mercedes-Benz GTL is proud to have represented Mercedes-Benz for over 10 years in the toys and collectibles categories with a major focus on trademark protection in China, as well as growing the licensing programme in the US and Asian markets.
Pagani Founded in 1998 by Horacio Pagani, who Top Gear described as the “de Vinci of car builders”, Pagani Automobili SpA is an Italian manufacturer of hypercars. The first of its cars, the Zonda C12, was presented at the 1999 Geneva motor show. GTL is delighted to have represented Pagani for over five years in the toys and col-
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA lectibles categories and the agency is actively looking for new licensees to add to the growing portfolio.
Jaguar and Land Rover Since the first Jaguar car was produced in 1935, they have pushed the boundaries of what is possible. The current line-up of seven Jaguar cars and SUVs includes the luxurious XJ, which celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2018, alongside the Jaguar I-Pace the ultimate all-electric SUV. In 1970, Land Rover released the first production three-door Range Rover. Met with widespread critical acclaim, it was the first vehicle to deliver permanent Four-Wheel Drive. Today, the family of Land Rover extends to seven vehicles, from the ultimate luxury of the Range Rover to the adventurous Land Rover Defender. GTL has been representing Jaguar and Land Rover in the toys, collectibles, and interactive categories since 2015 and has helped grow their brand licensing programme to be amongst the leading in the automotive sector. There have been many highlights over the years, including the launch and joint press conference of the Lego Land Rover Defender at the Frankfurt Motor show, alongside the launch of the vehicle itself. GTL is actively seeking new partners in the toys , collectibles and interactive categories to add to the existing business.
A DIVERSIFYING PORTFOLIO – GTL POWERS UP CROSSFIRE REPRESENTATION Additionally, GTL will be heading to China Licensing Expo with a new addition to its growing and diversifying portfolio, CrossFire – a first-person shooter game that is now one of the world’s most renowned computer gaming titles. CrossFire has become one of the highest grossing online titles in China and currently boasts 670M active users across 80 countries. On behalf of the game’s developer and
IP owner, Smilegate Entertainment, GTL is now seeking partnerships for the hugely successful property across all categories, including apparel & accessories, toys, collectibles, food & beverage, health, beauty & personal care, computer gaming electronics, publishing, promotions & partnerships, experiential and more. There are currently over 90 CrossFire consumer products sold in China through online channels that will also be available to new licensees, including Tencent QQ Mall and Tmall. Since launching in 2007 as a PC game, CrossFire has successfully established itself over the past decade and a half as a cross-platform franchise with multiple touchpoints for its growing legion of fans. In the e-Sports space, there continue to be regularly scheduled league events since 2013, and CrossFire is now the second most played eSports game in China. The Crossfire World Championship has broken viewership records worldwide with 37.5 million unique viewers. Crossfire also extended into a 36-episode web drama, which is jointly produced by Smilegate, Tencent Pictures, Yaoke Media, Spark Media and Lingke Shining. It has generated an estimated cumulative view count of over 2.2 billion since its launching in July 2020. The series tells a coming-of-age story about two young Crossfire gamers – played by famous Chinese actors
Lu Han and Leo Wu Lei– trying to carve out a career in eSports. Building on the success of Crossfire content, Sony Columbia is currently developing an original global theatrical film of the hit game. Tencent Pictures will co-finance and participate in the production of the movie, which will be produced through Neal H. Moritz’s Original Film label. CrossFire has also entered into live events and attractions for fans in China, with Smilegate opening its first branded indoor theme park in 2020 in partnership with location-based entertainment company Grand Laser Strike Association. Located in Suzhou Center, China’s largest shopping mall and landmark, the CrossFire theme park utilises the in-game elements of the game to give Chinese fans a new experience of the game. Smilegate is planning to open five further indoor theme parks in China. The diary for appointments with Global Trademark Licensing at China Licensing Expo (Booth Number E3C13) is now open. Please contact Summer Lin ( to book your appointment. For any general inquiries please contact Additional company details can be found at:
授权 概览中国
引入全球商标授权 Global Trademark Licensing Ltd (GTL) 于 2008 年在香港成立,现 已发展成为领先的全球授权代 理机构,并于美国、英国、德国、 新加坡、中国香港、中国大陆和 菲律宾设有七个办事处。 作为早期进入中国市场的先锋 企业,并凭借着在亚洲地区打下 的深厚根基,GTL 现已成为亚洲 五大代理机构之一,也是全球 15 大授权代理机构之一。 GTL 的专家团队拥有 100 多年 的综合授权经验,涵盖所有主要 类别和众多领先品牌。
以亚洲为重点让 GTL 掌握独特 主张,而且在其经验丰富的团队 掌控全局下,确保该机构能够获 得理想条件,能够在这个充满活 力的地区内充分运用大量增长 机会。 GTL 团队以其广泛的市 场知识以及积极主动、创新性和 创造性的业务发展方法而自豪, 而这种方法能够为客户带来卓 越成果。 GTL 还提供多项相关 服务,包括收款服务、行业领先 的审计和检查服务以及商标保 护服务,从而让合作伙伴无所顾 虑,他们信任该机构是他们自有 团队的延伸,代表他们的品牌和 利益。
得大奖赛和世界锦标赛。为了设 计 、制 造 和 操 作 一 级 方 程 式 赛 车,需要专注敬业,放飞想象,心 怀抱负并细心关注细节。迈凯伦 能够掌握成功的赛车遗产,全赖 他们对创新的不懈渴望,而这一 点也反映在他们的授权计划中。 在 GTL 与迈凯伦汽车公司的合 作中,前者能够帮助打造覆盖所 有主要玩具和收藏品类别的标 准授权组合产品。其中包括骑乘 车辆、无线电遥控车、复刻模型 和主打滑板车和平衡自行车的 儿童玩具汽车系列。
GTL 已经与迈凯伦及其被授权 方进行合作,以确保该 争相进入中国领先的授权 计划得到广泛的营销 展汽车品牌 和公关支持。相关活动 包括一级方程式车手 在 2 月份的中国授权展上,GTL 的特技表演,以及在古 将带来一份瞩目名单,其中包括 德伍德速度节的迈凯 许多世界知名的汽车品牌,包括 伦展台上进行首驾。 伦敦电动汽车公司 (LEVC)、莲花 此 外,为 了 支 持 迈 凯 汽车、迈凯伦赛车、迈凯伦汽车、 伦旗下标志性迈凯伦 斯堪尼亚、梅赛德斯-奔驰、帕加 P1TM 电动汽车面世五 尼、捷豹汽车和路虎。 周年,GTL 成功协助该 品牌推出了首个儿童 迈凯伦 玩具汽车系列。 GTL 专 GTL 很荣幸能代表迈凯伦的豪 注于进一步扩展玩具 华超级跑车汽车和赛车部门。迈 和收藏品计划。 凯伦赛车部门只有一个任务:赢
GTL 代表 LEVC,后者在全球生 产标志性伦敦出租车,并正在开 发跨类别的全球消费品计划,而 该计划最初专注于玩具、服装、 家居用品和礼品。 LEVC 的历史 可追溯至 1908 年,当时该公司 推出了他们首辆专用黑色出租 车——一辆专门设计并应用于伦 敦的出租车。 该款标志性英国汽车有着鲜明 确切的外形和经典的设计细节, 这也成为自身一个多世纪以来 的特点。 2018 年,LEVC 推出了最新款的 出租车型,那就是 TX 电动汽车,
该款汽车也是全球有史以来最 清洁、最先进的出租车,由 LEVC 的革命性 eCity 技术提供动力。
授权 概览中国
通过始终秉承创始人科林·查普 曼 (Colin Chapman) 的精神,莲 花汽车是专注于纯驾驶汽车的 独立品牌。创新工艺、尖端技术 和先进材料能够确保每辆莲花 汽车均能通过轻量发挥性能,从 而证明自身价值。 由于莲花汽车运用令人兴奋的 新战略进行发展,GTL 正在通 过广泛的授权计划为其提供 帮 助,同 时 联 手 玩 具 、收 藏 品 和互动类别的顶级合作伙伴。 这项活动将支持莲花汽车雄 心 勃 勃 的 产 品 发 布 战 略,其 中 包括 Tamiya、Mattel、Scalextrix 和 Codemasters,还有 更 多 产 品 即 将 上 市 。
斯堪尼亚是世界一流的交通运 输解决方案供应商,并与其合作 伙伴和客户一起推动转型,从而 迈向可持续运输系统。 仅 2019 年,斯 堪 尼 亚 就 向 客 户 交 付 了 91,700 辆卡车、7,800 辆公共汽 车以及 10,200 台工业和船用引
擎。 GTL 于今年初开始代表斯堪 尼亚,尽管双方才开始合作,但 是令人难以置信是,已经有许多 新被授权方加入,其中包括一些 业内最大企业,以及几个正在筹 备中的新项目,而这些项目将于 未来 6-18 个月内拉开帷幕。 对 于斯堪尼亚,GTL 专注于寻找所 有主要玩具、收藏品和生活方式 类别的被授权方,特别强调儿童 玩具汽车
GTL 很荣幸能够在 10 多年里代 表梅赛德斯-奔驰的玩具和收藏 品,重点关注中国的商标保护工 作,以及发展美国和亚洲市场的 授权计划。
Pagani Automobili SpA 由拉西欧· 帕加尼 (Horacio Pagani) 创立于 1998 年,被《英国疯狂汽车秀》 (Top Gear) 誉为“汽车制造商的 达芬奇”。 Pagani Automobili SpA 是一家意大利超级跑车制造 商。 该制造商的首款汽车 Zonda C12 在 1999 年日内瓦车展上展 出。 GTL 很高兴能够在超过 5 年 里代表帕加尼的玩具和收藏品, 并正在积极寻找新的被授权人, 以扩大不断增加的产品组合。
自第一辆捷豹汽车于 1935 年 面世以来,捷豹汽车已经突破了 可能的技术界限。捷豹目前拥有 SUV 等七款车型,包括豪华 XJ 电动汽车。 捷豹于 2018 年庆祝 38
成立 60 周年,并推出了终极纯 电动 SUV 捷豹 I-Pace。 1970 年,路虎发布了首款量产三 门揽胜。该款车型获得了广泛好 评,是第一款提供永久性四轮驱 动的车辆。如今,路虎家族已扩 展至七款车型,包括极致奢华的 揽胜和大胆开拓的路虎卫士。 自 2015 年以来,GTL 一直代表 捷豹和路虎的玩具、收藏品和互 动类别,并帮助这些品牌发展其 品牌授权计划,让其能够跻身汽 车行业领袖之列。这些年来呈献 了众多精彩场面,包括乐高与路 虎卫士合作进行的法兰克福车 展发布和联合新闻发布会,以及 汽车发布。 GTL 正在积极寻找玩 具、收藏品和互动类别的新合作 伙伴,以扩大现有业务。
多元化投资组合 – GTL 助 力《穿越火线》演示
授权 概览中国
穿越火线》现已成为中国第二大 莫瑞兹 (Neal H. Moritz)的原创电 最火爆的电子竞技游戏。 “ 穿越 影厂牌负责。 火线世界锦标赛”以 3,750 万独 立观众的成绩打破了全球收视 《穿越火线》还为中国粉丝举办 率记录。 了现场活动和景点活动,而笑门
此外,GTL 还将为中国授权展带 来一款新作,以补充其不断增长 和多样化的产品组合——《穿越 火线》,这是一款第一人称射击 游戏,现在也是全球最知名的电 脑游戏之一。 《穿越火线》已成为 中国营收最高的在线游戏之一, 目前拥有 6.7 亿活跃用户,覆盖 80 个国家/地区。
GTL 代表游戏开发商和 IP 所有 者韩国笑门娱乐,并现正为所有 类别中大受欢迎的产权寻求合 《穿越火线》还衍生出一套 36 娱乐与基于位置的娱乐公司镭 作伙伴,这些类别覆盖服装和配 集网剧,由笑门娱乐、腾讯影业、 战大联盟合作,并于 2020 年开 饰、玩具、收藏品、食品和饮料、 耀客传媒、星火传媒、翎刻闪耀 设了其首个品牌室内主题公园。 健康、美容和个人护理、电脑游 影视联合出品。 自 2020 年 7 月 《穿越火线》主题乐园位于苏州 戏电子产品、出版、促销和合作 问世以来,该剧的观看次数预计 中心广场(中国最大的购物中心 伙伴关系以及体验等。目前有超 已超过 22 亿。 该剧集讲述了两 和地标) ,利用游戏内的元素,为 过 90 种《穿越火线》消费产品在 个年轻的《穿越火线》游戏玩家 中国粉丝带来全新的游戏体验。 中国在线渠道上销售,而这些产 的成长故事。这两名玩家由中国 笑门娱乐计划在中国开设另外 品也将向新的被授权方供应,包 知名演员鹿晗和吴磊饰演,他们 五个室内主题公园。 括腾讯 QQ 商城和天猫。 试图在电子竞技领域开创一番 事业。 中国授权展(展位号 E3C13)的全 自 2007 年作为 PC 游戏面世以 球商标授权预约簿现已开放。 来, 《穿越火线》已在过去十五年 请联系 Summer Lin 在《穿越火线》内容大获成功的 中成功地确立了自己作为特许 ( 进行预订。 基础上,索尼哥伦比亚目前正在 经营产品的地位,并为其不断增 如需了解一般问题,请联系 inqui开发一部改编自热门游戏的原 长的粉丝群提供了多个接触点。。 创全球戏剧电影。腾讯影业将共 在电子竞技领域,自 2013 年以 如需了解其他公司详情,请参阅 同出资并参与该电影的制作,且 来,联赛赛事继续定期举办,而《 该电影的制作工作将由尼尔·H· 39
授权 概览中国
在世艺术家和博物馆如何提高品牌的自主权: 艺述事开启创新授权模式 尽管受到了新冠疫情的冲 击 ,但 近 年 来 见 证 了 中 国 文 创 市 场 的 蓬 勃 发 展 。2 0 2 0 年 ,仅 中 国 市 场 内 与 艺 术 文 化相关的授权商品份额就 暴涨至 18.7%(数据来源:
Ignasi Monreal 操刀的 Gucci 2018 春夏广告大片,创作灵感 来自马德里普拉多博物馆内 耶罗尼米斯·博斯(1450-1516 )的《人间快乐园》 (1490-1500 )以及位于伦敦的英国国家美 术馆内扬·凡·艾克(13901441)的《阿尔诺芬尼夫妇像 》 (1434)。
国际授权业协会 2021 年 5 月) , 这预示着该领域存在持续增长 的巨大潜力。现在,人们认为这 个市场背后的新兴主要消费力 量是 Z 世代,而这一群体占世 界总人口的 30%。 现在,各大零 售商提出的一个基本问题已成 为: “ 这群多元化、参与社交和 自我表达的年轻客户对什么感 兴趣? ” 对于 Z 世代成员(尤其是在亚 洲),他们寻求既能展现他们个 性和独特性,又足够有名且具有 辨识度的品牌(根据麦肯锡 2020 年 6 月发表的研究)。 艺术文化 IP 授权的效果已经得 到证明,让品牌能够成功吸引年 轻消费者,如野兽派 X V&A OffWhite X 罗浮宫以 Vans X 梵高 博物馆等。 艺述事是艺术文化 IP 授权领域的专家,一直与世界顶 级博物馆和画廊合作,同时深入 研 究 他 们 的 藏 品,力 求 打 造 出 原创设计资产、产品开发和极具 吸引力的故事,从而为提高零售 商、制造商、DTC 品牌等的自主 权提供支持。 现在,市场对多元化产品和设计 的需求不断上升,而除了传统的 授权模式,还有什么不错的解决 方案?答案可以是加入来自在世
按产权类型分类,授权商品的零售价值(2020 年中国市场)
来源:国际授权业协会 2021 年 5 月
艺术家的另外一种视角。虽然博 物馆和文化组织并非典型的时 尚先锋,但是它们是许多当代艺 术家的灵感来源,而这些艺术家 极具张力的看法对 Z 世代产生 了巨大影响。根据数据显示,大 约 80% 的 Z 世代受到社交媒体
全新综效,让消费者能够通过重 新领会经典艺术作品来掌握当 季系列的核心理念。 博物馆和文化组织也早已参与 其 中 。在 惠 特 尼 博 物 馆 的 商 店 中,来自 D.S. & DURGA 的肖像 蜡烛成功吸引了消费者眼球,这
的影响,而艺术家是主要的网络 红人。 纵观全球市场,顶级品牌已经开 始 与 艺 术 家 展 开 紧 密 合 作 。在 18SS 广告中,Gucci 聘请了 27 岁 的西班牙艺术家 Ignasi Monreal 创作数字绘画,而这些绘画的创 作灵感源自早期绘画大师的艺 术作品,例如扬·凡·艾克(13901441)的《阿尔诺芬尼夫妇像 》 和约翰·埃弗里特·米莱斯爵士 (1829-1896)的《奥菲丽亚》。此 次联手触发了“新兴与传统”的
来自 D.S. & DURGA 的肖像蜡烛,其创作灵感 来自罗伯特·亨利(1865-1929)的《格特鲁德· 范德比尔特·惠特尼画像》。 画布油画,4915/16 x 72 英寸(126.8 x 182.9 厘米)。 位于纽约的惠 特尼美国艺术博物馆;由 Flora Whitney Miller 捐 赠 86.70.3
是一款拥有抽象轮廓的装饰品, 取材自馆内展出的艺术家罗伯 特·亨利(1865-1929)的《格特鲁 德·范德比尔特·惠特尼画像》。 最近,美国艺术家黛博拉·卡斯 (Deborah Kass) 向布鲁克林博物 馆授权使用她的作品,用于制作 口罩产品系列。这些设计的灵感
授权 概览中国
汇聚敦煌元素,灵感源自敦煌的标志性历史与 自然特征,由敦煌文创提供。
源自这位艺术家几年前在馆内 展出的黄色 OY/YO 雕塑。 更深入地考虑,三重联名品牌( 例如品牌 X 艺术家 X 博物馆) 会怎么样?这会让所有人更大程 度地受惠吗?答案是肯定的。对 于艺术家来说,他们有机会与世 界 顶 级 博 物 馆 合 作,这 能 够 提 升他们知名度,让大众更加了解 他们,尤其是对于新兴艺术家而 言。对于品牌来说,他们通过设 计独特且获得博物馆认证的产 品来让消费者有机会接触他们 喜 爱 的 艺 术 家 。这 无 疑 代 表 多 赢。 艺述事正在与多位艺术家(即将 官宣)和 AndArt 推行这种创新 授权模式。 AndArt 是一家总部位 于纽约的机构,能够提供独家创 意资源网络。艺述事将新增不可 估量的价值——来自世界顶级艺 术和文化组织的多个 IP,而且艺 述事还具备将“人工制品转化为 商品”和讲故事的核心能力。 近日,艺述事宣布与敦煌文创建 立新的合作伙伴关系,并持有该 文化品牌的全球独家授权。这次 合作将持续多年,不仅具有历史 意义,而且在同类合作中,这是 将中国文化 IP 授权给中国以外 的全球零售商和消费品牌的首 批举措之一。 敦煌位于历史悠久的丝绸之路 沿线,占据独特位置,是东西方 交汇要点,有利于多元文化蓬勃 发 展 。在 艺 术 媒 体 和 主 题 的 范 围、历史深度和审美多元化上, 它是艺术家的完美灵感来源。艺 术家将成为艺述事愿景的一份 子,并分享其愿景,从而通过重 新演绎敦煌跨越数百年历史的 文化元素,在中国和海外打造出 一个令人兴奋的市场。这一举措
不仅能提升中国本土品牌的自 主权,而且还能提升有志于扩大 自身全球影响力的品牌的自主 权。 艺述事简介
2021 年 1 月,IP 授权领域的先锋 团队创立艺述事。艺述事是专注 于艺术和文化 IP 授权的专家,具 备将“人工制品转化为商品”和 通过数字内容讲述故事的独特 能力,并得到伦敦、巴塞罗那、波 士顿、上海、北京和新加坡团队 的帮助。 除了敦煌文创,艺述事近日也宣 布与布鲁克林博物馆建立全球 授权合作伙伴关系。作为主被授 权人,艺述事向中国和全球市场 授权多款设计,而这些设计取材 自布鲁克林博物馆内国际知名 的 150 万件艺术品、工艺品、设 计和手工艺品藏品。
此外,艺述事正与英国国家美术 馆(伦敦)、波士顿美术馆和台北 故宫博物院合作,并在中国以外 的地区开展全球授权项目。艺述 事还得到了上海新诤信知识产 权投资公司(SIPIC)的支持—— 一家专注于艺术文化 IP 投资和 保护的实体,能够帮助艺述事构 建一个真正完善的艺术文化 IP 生态系统。 如需了解艺述事的更多详情, 请访问 官方微信账号: ARTiSTORY 艺述事
艺述事从敦煌的标志性艺术中取材并开发商 品 ©️2021敦煌文创,艺述事
Gucci’s Spring/Summer 2018 campaign artwork by Ignasi Monreal, inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1490-1500, by Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516), Museo Del Prado, Madrid, and The Arnolfini Marriage (1434), by Jan van Eyck (1390-1441), National Gallery, London.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the past few years have witnessed the thriving market of cultural enterprising in China. The share of licensed merchandise related to art and culture soared up to 18.7% in 2020 for the China market alone (data source: Licensing International May 2021), which foresees a huge potential for continuous growth in this sector. An emerging and major spending power behind this market is now believed to be Generation Z, a group which accounts for 30% of the world’s total population. An essential question that is now asked by retailers across industries has become: “What interests this diverse, socially engaging and self-expressive generation of young customers?” For members of Gen Z (especially in Asia), they seek brands that show their personality and uniqueness, yet meanwhile are well-known enough to be recognized (according to McKinsey’s research published June 2020). Licensing with art and culture IPs has already been proven successful for brands to attract young consumers, such as THE BEAST (野兽派) X V&A, OffWhite X Louvre, Vans X Van Gogh Museum, to just name a few. ARTiSTORY, a specialist in art and cultural IP licensing, has been working with world’s top museums and galleries and dives deeply into their collections to create original design assets, product development and engaging stories to empower retailers, manufactures, DTC brands and beyond. Now, the growing demand for diverse products and designs from the market, what would be a good solution be-
Retail Value of Licensed Merchandise, by Property Types, (China Market 2020)
Source: Licensing International May 2021
yond the traditional licensing mode? The answer can be adding in an additional perspective, from living artists. Although museums and cultural organizations are not the typical trendsetter, they are a source of inspiration for many contemporary artists, whose
the seasonal collection through reinterpretation of classical art works. Museums and cultural organizations have also been in the game for a long time. In Whitney Museum’s Shop, a portrait candle from D.S. & DURGA catches consumers’ eyes with an ab-
expressive voices have a huge impact on members of Gen Z. Data shows that about 80% of Gen Z is influenced by social media, and artists is a leading group of influencers on social media. Looking at the global market, top brands have started to work closely with artists. In its 18SS campaign, Gucci hired 27-year-old Spanish artist Ignasi Monreal to create digital paintings inspired by Old Master artworks such as The Arnolfini Marriage by Jan van Eyck (1390-1441) and Ophelia by Sir John Everett Millais (1829-1896). This collaboration sparked new synergy between the “Old and New”, allowing consumers to grasp the core idea of
PORTRAIT CANDLE from DS & DURGA, inspired by Robert Henri (1865-1929), Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, 1916. Oil on canvas, 4915/16 x 72 in. (126.8 x 182.9 cm).Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; gift of Flora Whitney Miller 86.70.3
stracted silhouette decoration inspired by artist Robert Henri (18651929)’s Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney held at the museum. More recently, American artist Deborah Kass licensed her artwork with the Brooklyn Museum for a face mask product collection.The designs are inspired by the artist’s yellow OY/YO sculpture which were exhibited at the museum a few years ago. To take one step further, what about a
Gathering of Dunhuang Elements, inspired by Dunhuang’s iconic features historically and naturally, courtesy of Dunhuang Inspiration.
three-way co-branding, such as, Brand X Artist X Museum? Would this multiply the benefits for all parties? Yes. For artists, they get the opportunity to be associated with the world’s top museums which generate publicity and awareness towards them, especially emerging artists. For brands, they provide consumers with access to their favorite artists via uniquely designed products which also are accredited by museums.This is a muli-lateral winning situation. ARTiSTORY is launching this innovative licensing mode with various artists (to be announced soon) and AndArt, a New York based agency that brings an exclusive network of creative resources. ARTiSTORY will add in an immeasurable layer of value – IPs from world’s top art and cultural organizations, plus ARTiSTORY’s core capability of transforming “Artefacts to Merchandise” and storytelling. Recently, ARTiSTORY has announced a new partnership with Dunhuang Inspiration, holding the cultural brand’s exclusive licensing rights for the global market.This historical, multi-year partnership is one of the firsts of its kind for a Chinese cultural IP to be licensed to global retailers and consumer brands outside China. Dunhuang sits at a unique position along the historical Silk Road, being an essential point for the West to meet the East and for diverse cultures to prosper. It serves as a perfect source of inspiration for artists in terms of the span of artistic media and topics, historic depth, and aesthetic diversity. Artists will join and share ARTiSTORY’s vision to create an exciting market both in China and overseas by reinterpreting Dunhuang’s cultural elements spanning centuries of history.
This effort will not only empower brands domestically in China but also those with an ambition to expand their reach globally. About ARTiSTORY Launched in Jan 2021 by a team of pioneers in IP licensing, ARTiSTORY is a specialist focusing on art and cultural IP licensing with unique capabilities of transforming “Artefacts to Merchandise” and storytelling via digital content empowered by teams in London, Barcelona, Boston, Shanghai, Beijing and Singapore. Apart from Dunhuang Inspiration, ARTiSTORY has recently announced global licensing partnership with Brooklyn Museum. As a Master Licensee, ARTiSTORY will license designs created from the Brooklyn Museum’s internationally-renowned collection of 1.5 million works of art, craft, design and artefacts, both for the China
market and the global market. In addition, ARTiSTORY is partnering with The National Gallery, London, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Taipei’s Palace Museum for global licensing programs outside China. ARTiSTORY is also supported by Sinofaith IP Investment Company (SIPIC) – an entity focusing on art and cultural IP investment and protection, which helps ARTiSTORY build a truly comprehensive eco-system of art and cultural IP. Learn more about ARTiSTORY at: Offical WeChat Account: ARTiSTORY 艺述事
Merchandise developed by ARTiSTORY, inspired by Dunhuang’s artistic icons, ©️2021 Dunhuang Inspiration, ARTiSTORY
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA By Charles Sun Licensing Team China Toy & Juvenile Products Association,
Generation Z:
Target Consumer for Licensed Products in China
The Universal Beijing Resort finally opened to the public this summer in Tongzhou, after years of preparation, and soon hit the headlines in China. One of the most popular destinations is The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which has created a big stir in the young audience. From magical spells to magical creatures, from dark villains to daring heroes, plus, experience pulse-pounding rides and attractions, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter transport visitors into a world of magical thrills and excitement.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at the Universal Beijing Resort
In September 2000, Harry Potter books were published in mainland China. Less than one year later, the
film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was also released, setting off an upsurge among the young Chinese generation at that time. Twenty years later, in September 2021, the mobile game Harry Potter: Magic Awakened was launched, licensed by Warner Brothers and produced by NetEase Games, and, once again ignited the magic world for the old and new fans, among which Generation Z (Gen Z) is the main component. Gen Z is a widely researched group around the world. In China, Gen Z is growing to become a leading force of in terms of consumption, especially for cultural entertainment and licensed
goods. The Chinese licensing industry is paying more attention to Chinese Gen Z, researching their consumption habits in order to seize the growing market opportunities.
Profile of Chinese Gen Z Consumers A widely accepted definition of Chinese Gen Z refers to people who were born between 1998 and 2014 which now account for a population of nearly 280 million. Up to now, over one third of Chinese Gen Z are adults, who have already started college or are working and, therefore, have strong consumption abilities. The China Licensing Industry Report 2021 by CTJPA Brand Licensing Council shows that, according to annual expenditure of Chinese Gen Z consumers on licensed products, the consumption sum of RMB 1,001-2,000 a year took up the highest proportion (36.3%), followed by that of RMB 2,001-3,000 (26.6%). The annual expenditure of Chinese Gen Z consumers on licensed products was mainly less than RMB 3,000, which was also positively correlated with the income of Chinese Gen Z consumers. As the income of Chinese Gen Z consumers increased, its capital investment in licensed products also had great growth potential.
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA When asked about their willingness to purchase in the future, 50.7% of Chinese Gen Z consumers expressed they would like to stay in line with their previous budgets, and 34.9% of them stated that their consumption budget would increase their budgets. On the whole, Chinese Gen Z consumers tended to maintain relatively high expenditures on licensed products. Chinese Gen Z consumers in terms of licensed products were relatively scattered, and relatively concentrated in the regions with fairly developed economies and high per capita disposable income. The Top 5 was Jiangsu Province (6.8%), Guangdong Province (6.5%), Shanghai (6.1%), Beijing (6.0%) and Zhejiang Province (5.6%), but the consumers were more evenly distributed overall. The purchasing power of youth in the markets in lower-tier cities and their enthusiasm and love for IPs should also not be underestimated.
Chinese Gen Z Consumers’ willingness to spend on licensed products/services in 2021
Properties Chinese Gen Z loves Chinese Gen Z was born and grew up with the Internet. Heavy use of social networks has enabled them to develop the habit of content consumption, such as Network literature, animation, computer games. Properties and characters are consumed, discussed and shared by Gen Z, resulting in the formation of subculture circles. Doula Continent owned by China Literature, Incarnation produced by
Source: China Licensing Industry Report 2021
Bilibili, Honor of Kings, Game for Peace produced by Tencent Interactive Entertainment have accumulated hundreds of millions of players. A remarkable feature of Gen Z’s is they in general have stronger pride and confidence than their elders in Chinese culture. Therefore, they are keen to pursue Chinese culture and Chinese brands, which lead to a trend known as China Fashion (guochao).
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, a mobile game by NetEase Games 45
CHART 3 Gen Z Consumers on Licensed Products by Region Jiangsu
Designer toys, a big cake Among all the categories of licensed goods and services, Designer toys are especially preferred by Chinese Gen Z, spawning several listed companies focusing on these businesses.
Guangdong Shanghai Beijing Zhejiang Shandong Fujian Henan Hubei Sichuan Others Source: China Licensing Industry Report 2021
CHART 4 Gen Z Consumers’ Motivations in purchasing Licensed Products
One of them is Pop Mart, owner of Molly, Dimoo and dozens of other popular designer toys among Chinese Gen Z, listed in Hong Kong stock market last winter, whose market value reached nearly RMB 100 billion this February. Compared with older groups, Gen Z consumers paid more attention to additional factors such as product appearance, expression of self-views and attitudes, emotional connection and trends in product consumption. The top three reasons why licensed products/services attracted Gen Z consumers were character setting or mood (26.6%), consumption atmosphere (23.7%) and good-looking products (15.7%).
Matching my image or mood Good consumption environment Stylish design Attracted by high popularity Exquisite craftsmanship/quality Affection and support of an IP Interesting and creative design Source: China Licensing Industry Report 2021
Source: China Licensing Industry Report 2021
Both licensors and licensees are adjusting their business strategies, paying more attention to industry seminars and exhibitions, to better satisfy the preferences of generation Z and to hopefully seek breakthroughs. From February 23 to 25 next Spring, licensors of animation, films, museums, art and other categories will gather again at the 15th session of China Licensing Expo at Shanghai New International Expo Center to promote the continued development of licensing business. After 15 years of development, China Licensing Expo is widely recognized as the most effective channel to understand the licensing market, promote brands, and expand licensing business in China and Asia.
授权 概览中国
中国主题乐园革命 在过去 20 年一直发展的北京环 球影城于近日开始试运营,并引 爆了整个国内文旅消费市场。作 为中国首家、亚洲第三家、全球 第五家的环球影城主题公园,早 于 8 月 20 日,北京环球影城就 首次开放进行员工内测,部分黄 牛私售的内测票价格逼近 8,000 元。 9 月 1 日,北京环球影城正式 开始试运营。各大社交平台上发 布了体验视频、游玩攻略以及偶 遇明星的时刻,进一步点燃了消 费者对北京环球影城的强烈兴 趣。许多国内消费者至今还对上 海迪士尼乐园开放时的火爆场 景历历在目。 在北京环球影城开放前,2016 年 上海迪士尼的正式开业也被视 为该行业发展的分水岭事件,这 也带动了国内主题公园的发展。 作为一线城市,北京虽然坐拥欢 乐谷等项目,但还是缺少了“主 题公园”。现在,北京环球影城就 填补了这个空缺。与此同时,继 北京环球影城之后,众多国际主 题乐园计划也在加速推进,其中 就包括梦工厂和乐高乐园。深圳 乐高主题乐园最快将于 2024 年 开 放 。面 对 日 益 激 烈 的 行 业 竞 争,国内主题公园将如何突出重 围?
发展方式 主题公园是立足于特定主题或 内容之上,汇聚多种娱乐活动、 休闲元素和服务招待设施的现 代旅游目的地。近年来,随着国 家经济的快速发展,主题公园产 业也迎来了强劲的发展势头。就 区域分布情况而言,目前的大型 主题公园主要集中在以广州和 深圳为中心的珠三角地区,以上 海和苏州为中心的长三角和环 渤海地区,以及多个中西部新一 线城市,例如长沙、武汉和成都 等。基本上,这种分布情况与我 国区域经济发展水平和国内旅 游市场结构保持一致。 中国主题公园的发展主要经历 了四个阶段。第一代主题公园主 要是游乐园、园林和影视剧拍摄 基地;第二代主题公园主要是微 缩景观,还伴随着影视城;第三 代主题公园培养现代主题文化; 第四代主题公园打造全产业链、 全新技术以及知名 IP。 发展动力 高人口密度+旅游开发 高人口密度和快速发展的旅游 业构成了人们对中国主题公园 的需求之基。全球知名主题公园 大多集中在高人口密度和高国
内生产总值的地区。 世界 25 大 主题公园集中在洛杉矶、东京、 香港、北京和首尔等地,这些地 方人口密度和人均国内生产总 值均处于高值。 消费需求升级 随着人均国内生产总值的继续 攀升,国内休闲度假旅游市场也 继续扩大,早于 2016 年就达到 约 6,000 亿元,且其在旅游消费 中的占比不断提高。居民消费水 平不断提高,推动旅游消费观念 不断变化升级。除了满足日常开 支外,居民对文化娱乐的需求不 断提高,而他们的消费意愿也显 著增强。中国主题公园公司逐渐 增多,而国际知名主题公园也进 入了中国市场。本土知名主题公 园也培养了中国特色 IP 文化,唤 起了公众消费中国主题公园体 验的热情。 知识产权文化快速发展 IP 文化是主题公园的核心,是 扩大品牌影响力、提升品牌知名 度、增强可持续竞争力的有效方 式。 近年来,国内外 IP 产业快速 发展,推动了主题公园产业快速 发展。 通过建立自有 IP、获得 IP 授权、合作打造 IP 等方式获取
授权 概览中国
IP,主题公园加深了公众对 IP 的 认识。 政策援助 2012 年,政府出台了《关于规范 主题公园发展的若干意见》,进
一步加强监管,明确主题公园范 围和类型,并进一步规范主题公 园产业发展。 2018 年,国家发改 委出台了《关于规范主题公园建 设发展的指导意见》。该《意见》 从三个方面,即丰富文化内涵、 提高科技含金量和扩大市场主 体,为主题公园的转型升级工作 提供了指导方向。中国主题公园 产业迈入了黄金发展时代。2018 年,中国主题公园产业市场零售 额突破 400 亿元。 与迪士尼园内充满梦幻和卡通 幻想元素的童话世界不同,环球 影城致力于打造实景体验和游 乐场项目模式。环球影城的母公 司 NBC 环球的业务分为四大部 分——有线网络、广播电视、电影
娱乐和主题公园。其中主题公园 业务主要包括好莱坞环球影城、 奥兰多环球影城、日本大阪环球 影城、新加坡圣淘沙环球影城以 及新开业的北京环球度假区。
财务状况 营业额:在 2019 财年,环球影城 主题公园的收益达 5.93 亿美元 (+4.4%) ,占 NBC 环球收益的 17.25%。游客消费内容覆盖门票 销售、食品、饮料以及园内供应 的其他商品。 2020 年,由于受到 疫情的影响,园区暂时关闭。大 阪环球影城从 2 月下旬开始闭 园。奥兰多和好莱坞环球影城从 3 月中旬开始闭园。 奥兰多和大 阪主题公园从 6 月起允许部分 游客入园。 因此,2020 年的收益 有所下降。 盈利能力:主题公园的成本主要 包括公园运营成本,包括维护及 相关管理成本、食品、饮料和商 品成本、劳务成本以及销售和营 销成本。由于闭园和营销相关成 本下降,2020 年的运营成本将减 少。 自 2014 年以来,环球影城的 净资产收益率 (ROE) 基本维持 在 15%,且 2017 年录得最高 33% ;而资产回报率 (ROA) 则稳定维 持在 4%-5%,并于 2017 年因净 利润增长而实现 12.15%。 环球影 城的 ROE 与迪士尼基本持平,但 是 ROA 逊色于迪士尼。
运营模式 目前,环球影城共设有 5 个主题 公园,均为独资自营、与其他公 司合资或授权第三方使用 IP 进 行运营。 其中,NBC 环球由两家 公司全资拥有并独立运营:佛罗 里达州奥兰多和加利福尼亚州 好莱坞。与其他公司和两家环球 控股设立的合资企业:日本大阪 环球影城由 NBC 环球与日本 USJ 公司共同拥有,其中环球控 股占 51%;对于落成于北京的第 五个主题公园,NBC 环球控股 占 30%,并由多家北京市国有企 业共同出资设立。 新加坡圣淘 沙名胜世界的全部股份归云顶 集团所有,并取得了环球影城授 权。西班牙地中海环球影城的授
授权 概览中国
权运营尚未获得通过,但被纳入 了研究范围。
IP 模式 在 IP 娱乐项目上,迪士尼乐园和 环球影城采用不同策略。迪士尼 乐园内的所有项目均建立在自 有 IP 的基础上,而环球影城主题 乐园内的游乐项目、景点和产品 更多是第三方 IP 授权或与第三 方联合开发和合作所得。
北京环球度假区 北京环球度假区是一个主题公 园旅游目的地综合体。 落成后将成为全球规模最大的 环 球 影 城 主 题 公 园 。首 期 占 地 159.57 公顷,包括环球影城好莱 坞主题公园、北京环球城市大道 以及两家度假酒店。环球影城园 区包括 7 大主题景区、37 个骑乘 娱乐设施及地标景点、24 种表演 165.83 公顷。 计划建设内容包含 演出。 中国元素的主题公园,并引入中 环球城市大道是集零售、餐饮、 国文化和孙悟空等 IP。 三期计划 娱乐于一体的综合商业体,内设 建设水上乐园。 80 个主题餐饮门店及 30 个售 卖特色商品的零售门店。两家度 溢出效应 假酒店为全球首批以环球品牌 主题公园可以产生极大的溢出 命名的环球影城酒店,以及首旅 效应。 拥有 IP 的旅游度假综合体 集团旗下诺金品牌的首家度假 (例如北京环球影城)能够产生 酒店。 的辐射效应是普通景区的 10-15 两家酒店一共能够提供 1200 间 倍。 客房。一期每年接待游客量预计 从经济效益上看,北京环球影城 为 1200-1500 万人次。 二期占地
在落成后可望提高北京的就业 和旅游业收入,同时提高旅游业 占 GDP 的比重,并且拉动相关 产业的发展。从社会效益上看, 北京环球影城在落成后可望在 不同程度上带动度假区周边区 域、京津冀以及我国旅游发展和 城市转型升级,并为市民提供了 新的旅游、度假和休闲空间。我 国和谐社会建设工作将推动政 府管理、服务创新和技术创新。 49
Coming up: Miffy’s 20th anniversary in China! ‘Born’ in 1955, Miffy is Dick Bruna’s best known and most popular character, featuring in more than 30 books, TV series, a movie, musicals and so on. Miffy appeals to children all over the world, instilling a sense of safety. Many children are able to identify with Miffy and her adventures. She is uncomplicated and innocent, has a positive attitude and is always open to new experiences.You may bump into Miffy anywhere in the world. Miffy books have now been translated into more than 50 languages, with more than 85 million copies sold worldwide. Based on the brand’s core asset – the 2D Dick Bruna illustrations - Miffy has achieved a significant success in the licensing market in Asia. Starting from a successful foothold in Japan as far back as the early 1970’s, Miffy gradually expanded to other market is Asia. After successful launches in South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan
in the late 1990’s, Miffy made her way to mainland China. Kicking off with the introduction of Miffy books in early 2002, this little bunny has hopped into Chinese fans’ life almost already two decades ago now. Nowadays there are dozens
of Miffy books available in Chinese, including story books, activity books, and many other types, from two professional and industry-leading Chinese publishers; Children’s Fun Publishing and 21st Century Publishing. From the early start Mercis, the
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA is more’ philosophy, meanwhile brings color and fun to millennial shoppers. Positioned at mid-high female executive apparel market,YINER is one of the core labels from Yinger Fashion Group, a leading fashion group with 25-year history. The Miffy x Yiner collection features elegant and fresh elements to embrace the wonderful spring season.
company that owns the worldwide rights of Dick Bruna, together with its local agent built up longstanding partnerships with some key players in the country, including M&G, the
apparel, collectible and souvenir; from all kinds of physical product to virtual items such as emoticons, educational games and mobile themes. Miffy is also finding her way into LBE in China. Last year Miffy’s flagship restaurant ‘Miffy Kitchen’ in Shenzhen was opened and by the end of this year, Miffy is going to have her new second Miffy Cafe in the same city. Aside from the successful merchandise licenses, Miffy is also collaborating with other iconic brands and has brought a number of popular crossover programs to the market. Ledin is a teenage label under Peacebird Group for energetic girls aged 16 to 22. The Miffy x Ledin summer collection echoes Miffy’s ‘less
Petit Bateau, the classic French brand of clothing and underwear for children, Miffy x Petit Bateau’s collection underscores Dick Bruna’s spirit of simplicity and minimalism. The art of “less is more”. There are many more co-branding partners in the list: fashion brand :Chocoolate,, Bossini and Eland. There are also collaborations with electronic appliance brand Aux and Fagor and digital accessories brand Mipow. While looking forward to the year 2023, year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese zodiac, it’s doubtless that Miffy will even be more active and on a roll. Being a brand with strong positive energy, Miffy will continue to bring joy and strength to everyone in China and the world! Come and meet Miffy, the sweet little bunny!
largest stationery brand in Asia; Kingshore, the top towel company in China, and many other big names in various categories. The awareness of Miffy in China has grown along with the healthy growth of these Chinese companies. It is the philosophy of Mercis is to build long lasting relationships and which has proven to be instrumental for the success of Miffy today. Today Miffy’s licensed products in China span all aspects of life, from maternity supplies, to baby feeding, nursing and playing stuff; from household necessities, to fashion
授权 概览中国
接下来:米菲登陆 中国 20 周年! 米菲“生于”1955 年,是迪克·布 鲁纳 (Dick Bruna) 最知名和最 受欢迎的卡通人物,其身影遍及 30 多本图书、电视剧、1 部电影、 多部音乐剧等中。 米菲受到全球 儿童的喜爱,并向他们灌输了安 全感。 许多儿童都能够与米菲及 其冒险经历产生共鸣。 她单纯天 真,心态积极,并总是乐于接受 新的体验。 您可能会在世界各地 看到米菲的踪迹。 米菲主题书籍 现已被翻译成 50 多种语言,全 球销量超过 8500 万册。
立足于品牌 IP 的核心资产(出自 迪克·布鲁纳之手的平面插图) , 米菲在亚洲授权市场取得了重 大成功。 早于 20 世纪 70 年代 初,米菲就成功在日本打下了坚 固的基础,并逐渐扩展到其他亚 洲市场。 在 20 世纪 90 年代后期 成功进军韩国、香港和台湾后, 米菲迈入了中国大陆的大门。 52
自 2002 年初米菲主题书籍发 行后,这只小兔子几乎已经陪伴 了其中国粉丝近 20 年之久。 目 前市面上有数十本米菲主题中 文书籍,包括故事书和活动用书 等多种类型,这些书籍来自两 家专业和行业领先的中国出版
商——童趣出版有限公司和 21 世纪出版社。
从一开始,拥有迪克·布鲁纳全 球版权的 Mercis 公司及其当地 代理商就与中国的一些公司建 立了长期合作伙伴关系,这些
授权 概览中国
菲 x 小帆船联名系列强调了迪 克·布鲁纳的质朴和极简精神。 “少即是多”之道。
还有更多的联合品牌合作伙伴, 例如时尚品牌:Chocoolate、堡 狮龙和衣恋。 还与电子电器品牌 Aux and Fagor 和数码配件品牌 Mipow 合作。 在展望 2023 年中国兔年时,米 菲无疑会更加活跃,势如破竹。
公司覆盖多个领域,其中包括亚 洲最大的文具品牌晨光和中国 顶级毛巾企业金号等知名企业。 随着这些中国公司稳健发展, 米菲在中国的知名度也越来越
除了成功的商品授权,米菲还与 其他标志性品牌合作,为市场带 来了热门的联名之作。
作为一个充满正能量的品牌,米 菲将继续为每一个中国人和世 界人民散播欢乐和力量! 快来认识可爱的米菲兔吧!
乐町是太平鸟集团旗下的青少 年品牌,面向 16 至 22 岁的活力 少女。 米菲 x 乐町联名夏季系列 呼应了前者“少即是多”的理念, 同时为千禧一代购物者提供极 具色彩魅力的玩趣产品。 音儿的定位是中高端女性行政 服装市场,也是拥有 25 年历史 的领先时尚集团音儿时尚集团 的核心品牌之一。 米菲 x 乐町联 名系列主打优雅清新的设计元 素,以迎接美妙春日。 小帆船 (Petit Bateau) 是经典的 法国儿童服装和内衣品牌,而米
高。 Mercis 的理念是建立持久的 合作关系,而事实证明,这种想 法对米菲能够取得今天的成绩 而言非常重要。
如今,中国的米菲授权产品覆盖 了生活的方方面面,包括孕妇用 品、 婴儿喂养、 护理和玩具、 家居 用品、 时尚服饰、 收藏品和纪念 品、 各种实物产品以及表情符号、 教育游戏和手机主题等虚拟物 品。 米菲也在寻找进军中国 LBE 的方式。 去年,米菲在深圳开设的 旗舰餐厅 “米菲主题厨房” 开业, 而在今年年底,米菲将在同城开 设第二家米菲主题咖啡厅。
China’s Theme Park Revolution Beijing Universal Studios, which has been in development for 20 years, recently began trial operations, detonating the entire domestic cultural tourism consumer market. As the first Universal Studios theme park in China, the third in Asia, and the fifth in the world, as early as August 20, when Universal Studios Beijing first opened the closed testing for employees, some of the testing tickets were offered by touts at nearly 8,000 yuan. On September 1st, Beijing Universal Studios officially started its trial operation. The experience videos, play guides and celebrity encounter moments released all over major social platforms, and further ignited consumers’ interest in Beijing Universal. Many domestic consumers still vividly remember the hot scene when Shanghai Disneyland opened. Prior to this, the official opening of Shanghai Disney in 2016 was also regarded as a watershed in the development of the industry, which also brought the development of domestic theme parks. As a first-tier city, Beijing still lacks a “theme park” despite having Happy Valley and other projects. Now, it has made up for this. At the same time, following Universal Studios Beijing, plans for international theme parks such as DreamWorks and Legoland to land in the country have
also accelerated. The Shenzhen Legoland theme park will open as soon as 2024. In the face of increasingly fierce competition in the industry, how will domestic theme parks break the situation? Development Path A theme park is a modern tourist destination that integrates many entertainment activities, leisure elements and service and reception facilities according to a specific theme or content. With the rapid development of the country’s economy in recent years, the theme park industry has also ushered in a momentum of vigorous development. From the perspective of regional distribution, the current large-scale theme parks are mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the core, the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Rim with Shanghai and Suzhou as the core, as well as the new firsttier cities in the central and western regions such as Changsha, Wuhan, and Chengdu. This distribution is basically consistent with the level of regional economic development in China and the structure of the domestic tourism market. The development of theme parks in my China has mainly experienced four
stages. The first-generation theme parks are mainly based on amusement parks, gardens, and film and television drama filming bases; the second-generation theme parks are mainly miniature landscapes, and film and television cities are supplemented by performances; the third-generation theme parks nurture modern theme culture; the fourth-generation theme parks build the whole industry chain + new technology + big IP. Development drivers High population density + tourism development High population density and rapid development of the tourism industry constitute the foundation of demand for theme parks in China. The world famous theme parks are mostly concentrated in areas with high population density + high GDP. The world’s TOP25 theme parks are concentrated in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing, Seoul and other places, all of which have high population density and per capita GDP. Upgrading of consumer demand As the per capita GDP continues to rise, the domestic leisure and vacation tourism market continues to expand, reaching about 600 billion yuan
TOTAL LICENSING CHINA and further standardize the development of the theme park industry. In 2018, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the “Guiding Opinions on Standardizing the Construction and Development of Theme Parks”, which gave the direction of the transformation and upgrading of theme parks from three aspects: enriching cultural connotation, improving scientific and technological content, and expanding market entities. China’s theme park industry has entered a growth trend Golden age. In 2018, China’s theme park industry market retail sales exceeded 40 billion yuan. Different from Disney’s fairy tale world full of dreams and cartoon fantasy, Universal Studios is committed to creating a real scene experience + playground project model. NBC Universal’s business, which Universal Studios belongs to, is divided into four parts, namely cable network, radio and television, movie entertainment and theme parks. The theme park business mainly includes Universal Studios Hollywood, Universal Studios Orlando, Universal Studios Osaka, Japan, Universal Studios Sentosa, Singapore, and the newly opened Universal Resort Beijing.
in 2016, and its proportion in tourism consumption continues to increase. The consumption level of residents is constantly improving, and the concept of tourism consumption is constantly changing and upgrading. In addition to meeting daily expenses, residents’ demand for culture and entertainment is increasing, and their willingness to consume has increased significantly. The number of Chinese theme park companies has gradually increased, and internationally renowned theme parks have entered the Chinese market. Local famous theme parks have also cultivated IP culture with Chinese characteristics, awakening the enthusiasm of Chinese theme park experience consumption.
The rapid growth of IP culture IP culture is the core of theme parks, an effective way to expand brand influence, improve brand recognition, and enhance sustainable competitiveness. In recent years, the rapid development of the IP industry at home and abroad has promoted the rapid development of the theme park industry.The theme park acquires IP by cultivating independent IP, obtaining IP authorization, and cooperating to create IP to deepen public awareness. Policy assistance In 2012, the government issued the “Several Opinions on Regulating the Development of Theme Parks” to further strengthen supervision, clarify the scope and types of theme parks,
Financial status Revenue: In fiscal year 2019, Universal Studios’theme parks achieved revenues of US $593 million (+4.4%), accounting for 17.25% of NBC Universal’s revenue. Tourist consumption includes ticket sales, food, beverages and other commodity consumption provided by the park. Parks were temporarily closed due to the epidemic in 2020. Universal Studios Osaka was closed from late February. Universal Studios Orlando and Hollywood were closed from mid-March. Orlando and Osaka theme parks allowed a certain number of visitors to enter the park from June. As a result, revenue has declined in 2020. Profitability: Theme park costs mainly include park operations, including maintenance and related management costs, food, beverage and commodity costs, labor costs, and sales and marketing costs. In 2020, operating
costs will fall due to park closures and lower marketing-related costs. The ROE of Universal Studios has basically remained at 15% 6% since 2014, and the highest reached 33% in 2017; ROA has stabilized at 4% -5%, and in 2017 it reached 12.15% due to the increase in net profit. ROE is basically similar to Disney, and ROA lags behind Disney. Operating model At present, there are 5 theme parks in Universal Studios, all of which are wholly-owned and independently operated, joint ventures with other companies, and authorized to third parties to use IP operations. Among them, NBC Universal is wholly-owned and independently operated by two companies: Orlando, Florida, and Hollywood, California. Joint ventures with other companies and two Universal Holdings: Osaka Universal Studios, Japan, jointly owned by NBC Universal and Japan’s USJ Company, Universal Holdings 51%; the fifth theme park built in Beijing, with NBC Universal holding 30% and more State-owned enterprises affiliated to Beijing Municipality jointly funded the establishment. The resort World Sentosa, Singapore is wholly-owned by Genting, and Universal Studios is only authorized. The authorized operation of Universal Studios Mediterranean in Spain has not yet been approved and was be included in the scope of the study.
IP mode Disneyland and Universal Studios have different strategies in terms of IP entertainment projects. All the projects in Disneyland are based on their own IP, and the amusement projects, attractions, and products in the Universal Studios theme park are more obtained through third-party IP authorization or joint development and cooperation with third parties. Universal Beijing Resort Universal Beijing Resort is a theme park tourist destination complex. After completion, it will be the world’s largest Universal Studios theme park. The first phase covers an area of 159.57 hectares, including Universal Studios Hollywood theme park, Beijing Universal City Avenue and two resort hotels. The Universal Studios Park includes 7 themed scenic spots, 37 rides and entertainment facilities and landmark attractions, and 24 performances. The Universal City Boulevard is a comprehensive commercial complex integrating retail, catering and entertainment, including 80 themed catering stores and 30 retail stores selling specialty goods. Two resort hotels are the world’s first Universal Studios hotels named after the Universal brand, and the first resort hotel under the NUO brand of BTG. The hotels provide a total of 1,200
rooms. The annual number of tourists in the first phase is expected to be 12 million to 15 million.The second phase covers an area of 165.83 hectares. It is planned to build a theme park with Chinese elements and introduce IP such as Chinese culture and Monkey King. The third phase plans to build a water park. Spillover Effect Theme parks can have a large spillover effect. Tourism and vacation complexes with IP such as Beijing Universal Studios can produce effects that are 10-15 times that of ordinary scenic spots. From the perspective of economic benefits, the completion of Beijing Universal Studios is expected to increase employment and tourism income in Beijing, increase the proportion of tourism in GDP, and have a boosting effect on related industries. From the perspective of social benefits, the completion of Beijing Universal Studios is expected to bring different levels of driving effects to the surrounding areas of the resort, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and China’s tourism development and urban transformation and upgrading, providing citizens with a new space for tourism, vacation and leisure. The construction of a harmonious society in China will promote government management, service innovation and technological innovation.
授权 概览中国 撰写人:孙畅 授权组 中国玩具和婴童 用品协会
经过多年筹备,坐落于通州的北 指出生于 1998 年至 2014 年之 京环球度假区终于在今夏向广 间的一代人,而这代人现在约有 截至目前为止,超过三分 大公众开放,并很快霸占了中国 2.8 亿。 之一的中国 Z 世代均已成年,并 新闻头条。这个度假区最受欢迎 的目的地之一在年轻观众中引 已经开始入读大学或正在就业, 起了轰动,那就是哈利波特的魔 因此这一代人具有很强的消费 法 世 界 。从 魔 法 咒 语 到 神 奇 生 能力。 物,从黑暗魔头到勇敢英雄,再 加上令人热血沸腾的游乐设施 CTJPA 品牌授权委员会发布的 年中国授权行业报告》 和景点体验,哈利波特的魔法世 《2021 界引领游客进入一个神奇刺激 指出,就中国 Z 世代消费者每 年购买授权产品的支出情况而 的世界中。 言,1,001-2,000 元的年度消费 2000 年 9 月, 《哈利波特》系列书 总额占比最高(36.3%),其次是 籍在中国大陆出版。在不到一年 2,001-3,000 元(26.6%)。 里,电影《哈利波特与魔法石》也 登上了中国银幕,并在当时的中 国年轻一代中掀起热潮。在二十 年后的 2021 年 9 月,由华纳兄 弟授权、网易游戏出品的手游《 哈利波特:魔法觉醒》面世,再次 点燃新老粉丝对魔法世界的兴 趣,其中主要受众为 Z 世代(Gen Z)。
中国 Z 世代消费者每年在授权 产品上的花费不超过 3,000 元, 这也与中国 Z 世代消费者的收 入情况呈正相关。 由于中国 Z 世 代消费者的收入提高,他们对授 权产品的资本投资也有着巨大 的上升潜力。 在询问中国 Z 世代消费者的未 来购买意愿时,其中 50.7% 表示 他们希望与之前的预算保持一 致,而 34.9% 则表示他们会提高 消费预算。 整体而言,中国 Z 世 代消费者的授权产品支出相对 较高。
北京环球度假区内 哈利波特的魔法 世界
在全球范围内,Z 世代被广泛研 究。 在中国,Z 世代正在成为主要 的消费力,尤其是在文化娱乐和 授权商品方面。 中国授权行业越来越关注中国 Z 世代,并研究他们的消费习惯, 从而抓住不断增长的市场机会。
中文简介 Z 世代消费者
根据普遍定义,中国 Z 世代是 57
授权 概览中国
中国产权 Z 世代之热爱
在出生和成长过程中,中国 Z 世 代离不开互联网。这一代人大量 使用社交网络,这让他们培养了 消 费 内 容 的 习 惯,例 如 网 络 文 学、动漫、电脑游戏。他们运用、 讨论和分享产权和任务,从而形 成了亚文化圈。 阅文旗下的《斗罗大陆》、哔哩哔 哩出品的《灵笼》、 《王者荣耀》以 及腾讯互动娱乐出品的《和平精 英》等 游 戏 已 经 积 累 了 数 亿 玩 家。 相比于他们的长辈,Z 世代的一 个显着特点是他们普遍对中国 文化有着更强的自豪感和自信 心。因此,他们热衷于追求中国 文化和中国品牌,从而引发了名 为“中国时尚” (国潮)的流行趋 势。
2021 年中国 Z 世代消费者 对授权产品/服务的消费意向
在所有授权商品和服务类别中, 要数设计师玩具最受中国 Z 世 代的追捧,因此几家专注于此类 业务的上市公司应运而生。 其中之一就是泡泡玛特。去年冬 天,泡泡玛特(持有 Molly 和 Dimoo 等数十款深受中国 Z 世代 欢迎的设计师玩具)在香港挂牌 上市,而在今年 2 月,该公司的 市值就已经逼近 1,000 亿元。 与较年长的群体相比,Z 世代消 费 者 更 关 注 附 加 因 素,例 如 产 品 外 观 、自 我 观 点 和 态 度 的 表 来源: 《2021 年中国授权行业报告》
就购买授权产品而言,中国 Z 世 代消费者相对分散,且相对集中 分布在经济较发达且人均可支 配收入较高的地区。
前五位分别是江苏省(6 . 8 %)、 广东省(6.5%)、上海(6.1%)、北京 (6.0%)和浙江省(5.6%) ,但总体 而言,消费者分布更加均匀。三 四等线城市市场的年轻人的购 买力和对 IP 的热情和热爱也不 可低估。 58
网易游戏出品的手游——《哈利 波特:魔法觉醒》
授权 概览中国
CHART 3 Gen Z Consumers on Licensed Products by Region Jiangsu Guangdong Shanghai Beijing Zhejiang Shandong Fujian Henan Hubei 达 、情 感 联 系 和 产 品 消 费 趋 势 等。 授权产品/服务能够吸引 Z 世代消费者的三大主要原因是 人物设定或心情(26.6%)、消费 氛围(23.7%)和精致美观的产品 (15.7%)。
授权方和被授权方都在调整各 自的经营策略,更加关注行业研 讨会和展览,以便更好地迎合 Z 世代的喜好,并希望能够寻求突 破口。 在明年春天 2 月 23 日至 25 日, 动漫、电影、博物馆、艺术等领域 的授权商将再次聚集在上海新 国际博览中心,参加第十五届中 国授权展,力求推动授权业务继 续发展。 经过 15 年的发展,中国 授权展得到广泛认可,被视为了 解授权市场、推广品牌、拓展中 国和亚洲授权业务的最有效渠 道。
Sichuan Others Source: China Licensing Industry Report 2021
CHART 4 Gen Z Consumers’ Motivations in purchasing Licensed Products Matching my image or mood Good consumption environment Stylish design Attracted by high popularity Exquisite craftsmanship/quality Affection and support of an IP Interesting and creative design
Source: China Licensing Industry Report 2021 来源: 《 2021 年中国授权行业报告》
Brand Mascot Characters in China Brand mascot characters aren’t just for kids’ brands in China. From Burberry’s cute critter WeChat stickers to the time-honoured KFC Colonel, having a cartoon representative may be more valuable than you realise. Matt Wills from Floob Creative and Benoit Raoult from Duhno Marketing explain. M&M’s, Michelin, Monopoly, Nintendo, KFC and Pringles - all household names, all with mascots that are synonymous with their brands. What helps these brands connect with their customers is a relatable, recogniz-
able and memorable character that creates an empathic reaction in a glimpse. Those familiar with Chinese giants TenCent, Meituan (the largest home delivery app) and T-Mall (the e-
TenCent, Meituan and TMall are all Chinese giants that have iconic, well-known mascots
commerce megalith) will immediately recognise the QQ penguin, delivery drivers on the streets of Shanghai
Jingjing and Chacha are animated characters used by the police to make public announcements
Animated WeChat stickers, seasonal posters and phone wallpapers used to promote Dark Horse Comics’ Hellboy-Q, an adaptation of the orginal character designed specifically for the Chinese market
dressed in yellow with kangaroo ears on their helmets, and the video game controller-shaped cat head from T-mall advertisements plastered throughout Chinese subway stations.
Both in the West and in China, companies use mascots to differentiate themselves from their competitors and convey their brand personalities, but the key difference is their ubiquity in China.
Engaging Customers Mascots, traditionally anthropomorphic cartoon characters, help companies build a more powerful brand image and persona, eliciting a direct intuitive response in consumers, and broaden the scope of a company’s customer engagement that takes the relationship beyond the purely transactional nature of purchasing. “The Effect of Brand Mascots on Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviors” (2016) by Proud Arunrangsiwed and Isari Pairoa, found that brand mascots significantly increase a customer’s willingness to purchase products, create a more positive attitude toward the products, and heighten the possibility of purchase. In “The Power of You: Why distinctive brand assets are a driving force of creative effectiveness” (2020) Ipsos found that brand characters are 5 times more effective than logos on customers’ brand linkage and recall. In China, using ‘ke-ai’ (Mandarin for ‘cute’) characters and cartoons to convey messages is appreciably more common than in the West, and far more acceptable to the adult cultural palette; even the CCP uses cartoons to make public announcements, and recommends television broadcasters give priority to animated series.
Social Media and Marketing Brand mascots are able to function as influencers on social media platforms and build a following around their stories, and mascots notably outperform celebrity endorsers. Most companies in China have official WeChat accounts, and those with mascots periodically create animated stickers for their followers to download, share and pepper into their chats, tapping into the 1.2 billion monthly user rate
of the platform. Similarly, Chinese companies’ marketing departments will release seasonal posters depicting their mascots celebrating major Chinese and Western holidays and downloadable phone wallpapers for followers to decorate their home screens.
Licensing Potential After applying for the appropriate trademarks, A company’s mascot can itself become a licensed intellectual property. Using the image and personality of a popular character can help the sales of consumer product lines such as apparel and toys, video
games and animated media, and generate licensing revenue for the IP owner. One example in China is B.Duck, which began as a company selling waterproof radios, and now has a successful line of products based solely around their character, including their own fashion apparel lines, as well as a long list of licensing awards.
licensing market in the world, with no signs of slowing down. Despite brand mascot usage already having strong roots in the marketing industry in China, an increasing number of companies are beginning to implement mascots in their branding and messaging to capitalize on their competitive advantages.
Mascot Design + Marketing: The Union of Floob Creative and Duhno Marketing Earlier this year, Matt Wills and Benoit Raoult joined forces to create “The
A Strong Future for Brand Mascots in China China accounted for more than half of global trademark filing activity in 2019 with 7.8 million trademark applications, and is now the fifth largest
Floob Creative’s own brand mascot, ‘Floob’ Ultimate Mascot Marketing Guide for China: Creating Habits of Purchase”, designed both for companies that are interested in creating their own mascot or licensing an existing IP to activate marketing. Matt from Floob Creative explains, “Whereas many design agencies focus broadly on logo and graphic design, we differentiate ourselves by specialising in character and product design.” Wills has a background in IP development and consumer product design, most recently as the creative director for Dark Horse Comics under ex-Disney Chairman Stanley Cheung. “Moving exclusively into designing brand mascot characters was a natural fit for me, so I found the best illustrators, animators and designers in my network, and a partnership with Duhno’s marketing expertise was a no-brainer.” Benoit from Duhno adds, “After years working with brand owners, P&L owners in China, and marketing managers we noticed that it was important to share some methodology to a larger public and promote the power of mascots. Happy to see this guide alive today!” The guide is available for free download at ultimatemascotsguide
CONTACTS: Matt Wills Floob Creative Ltd. Founder & Creative Director company/floob-creative/ Benoit Raoult Duhno Marketing Ltd. Founder & CEO company/duhno/ SOURCE LINKS: https://publications.waset. org/10004832/the-effectof-brand-mascots-onconsumers-purchasingbehaviors ipsos-mori/en-uk/poweryou-why-distinctive-brandassets-are-driving-forcecreative-effectiveness Ipsos PDF https://www.ipsos. com/sites/default/files/ ct/publication/documents/2020-02/Ipsos_ Views_Power_of_You.pdf expertise WIPO’s latest complete data on intellectual property activity around the world : infogdocs/en/ipfactsandfigures/ DOWNLOAD LINK:
China Kids Profile
7 - 14 years old
Harry Potter Detective Conan Marvel
Mickey Mouse Lego
Little Head Son The Smurfs Boonie Bears
Garfield Tom & Jerry
Snow White
SpongeBob Squarepants
Pleasant Goat
Ironman Superman
One Piece Honor of Kings
GG Bond
Paw Patrol
Peppa Pig
Super Wings
0 - 6 years old
About BrandTrends The report combines consumer research, in depth industry analysis and international trends in a single, comprehensive information source. Several times a year, a total of 105,040 children and young adults are surveyed via an online questionnaire on 42 countries across the following five age groups: Infants 0 - 2 years, Preschoolers 3 - 6 years, Children 7 - 9 years, Tweens & young teens 10 - 14 years,Young Adults 15 - 25 years (10 countries only). Each age group comprises 50% boys and 50% girls. For infants and preschoolers, parents are the respondents on behalf of a nominated child.Visual images of each brand are used to test awareness, ownership and purchase intentions, once all unaided questions have been submitted. Analysis and reporting are conducted in the week following fieldwork. For more information visit www.brandtrends. com
TOONZ MEDIA FOCUS ON CHINA China has been a country in focus for Toonz for some years now. As a strategic kids and family entertainment market, China remains an important business destination for Toonz Media Group, one of the leading kids and family entertainment companies in the world. Apart from a slew of shows currently airing in various platforms, they have major distribution and L&M deals with leading entertainment companies in China. Some of their shows that are currently available for broadcast in China are science adventure series Darwin + Newts (Season 1 & 2), Lucky Fred Season 1, Gummybar and Friends series and Alisa. All these titles are being distributed by leading Chinese distribution company Pacific Media Group (PMG) and are currently available on different streaming and broadcast platforms, including China’s public broadcaster
CCTV. PMG also holds the L&M rights of Darwin + Newts, Lucky Fred 1 and GummyBear. Besides this, Toonz has a distribution deal with Huashi TV for Hogie the Globehopper and Lucky Fred Season 2, and with Orange Entertainment for Cam & Leon. On the production side, Toonz is coproducing two shows Kim and Jim’s Wormhole and Wool Wool Town with Chinese production studio Jetavana Entertainment. While the former is a 3D adventure comedy, Wool Wool Town is a fairy themed 2D pre-school series. Toonz Media Group partnered with GummyBear International Inc to produce an animated series Gummybar and Friends: The Gummy Bear Show. Gummy Bear is one of the most watched animated characters on YouTube. The multi-channel content of the GummyBear franchise surpassed 20 billion content views on YouTube earlier this year. A brand, which has immense global appeal, has witnessed tremendous popularity and following in China, where it has now become sort of a pop icon with celebrity endorsements and top-end brand partnerships. Toonz has a multi-year deal with Pacific Media Group for television, video, digital exploitation and L&M rights of Gummybar and Friends series and the upcoming GummyBear movie, which is currently in pre-production. GummyBear merchandising in China includes apparel lines like GummyBearPollyanna series was revealed in Maritime Silk Road 2019 Singapore International Fashion Week in March, GummyBear*HiPee medication case, GummyBear themed carriage on highspeed railway trains, GummyBear series furniture or daily-use products by JIYOUJIA, GummyBear series blind box, GB*Chow-tai Fook jewelleries and GummyBear- themed room in hotels affiliated to IPTV.
In the coming months, Toonz will look to build its new IPs in China including Zoonicorn, PaJaMa and Aliens In My Backpack. Zoonicorn, which is based on the popular US toy brand of the same name, has immense L&M scope in the Chinese market. Our strategy would be to first find platform partners to expand the show presence notably among the preschool and family audience.The Zoonicorn music videos are popular on YouTube in the rest of the world. We will be looking to build Zoonicorn nursery rhymes concepts dedicated to the local market. We will also be looking for the right L&M partner for this IP in China, so that we can replicate the success the brand has enjoyed in the US. PaJaMa is a non-dialogue slapstick comedy that is sure to be a hit with kids from any part of the world. It is an endearing comedy that follows the misadventures of Ja, a naughty kid as he experiences the small wonders of this world and the hilarious consequences Ja’s innocent actions have on his unsuspecting father, Pa. Aliens In My Backpack is an adventure comedy created by award-winning animation creator Rob Lee who is know for titles like Fireman Sam and The Shoe People. Being an intergalactic adventure targeted at seven-year-olds and above, this IP also has very strong L&M scope, especially with games, collectibles and events.
MDR Brand Management (MDR), Revlon and Elizabeth Arden’s global brand extension partner have secured rapid growth for the brands since the start of the relationship in January 2021. Globally, MDR is securing opportunities, for Revlon, across bath & body, skincare, haircare, oral care, men’s beauty and experiential to allow the brand to reach new audiences, create consumer touchpoints and build brand engagement. MDR is excited to be working on a leading brand in China, Elizabeth Arden, and is encouraging partners to explore licensing opportunities across bath & body, haircare, innovative skincare and home, in light of its cultural relevance within the Chinese market. MDR Brand Management is an award-winning brand management business that develops long-term brand building strategies to address and deliver on the needs of the rapidly changing consumer and retail landscape. It is the world’s first brand management business to be part of an international law firm, Mishcon de Reya. The company was founded in 2018 with a purpose to deliver a unique brand of brand management.
At the 2021 China Licensor Conference held recently, Cheng Minwei, the head of Line Friends China’s licensing business, said that Line Friends will not withdraw from China, but will be part of the Chinese market with a more diverse offline experience space. At the same time, the licensing business has become the company’s core business model. It can be seen that in recent years, Line Friends has expanded its new user market and created different online and offline business scenarios, all of which have adjusted its overall strategy with IP as the core. According to the licensor conference, after closing offline traditional stores, Line Friends will recreate a diversified offline experience space for different regional markets and users, and pay more attention to the online development of content-centric digital assets, such as animation, short videos, virtual anchors, etc., and migrate to non-traditional e-commerce platforms such as grass-planting platforms and e-commerce live broadcast platforms.
PADDINGTON BEAR AT THE LANGHAM SHANGHAI The Copyrights Group have announced a new experiential partnership with The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi and Langham Place, Guangzhou. Guests at the luxury hotels in Shanghai and Guangzhou can now enjoy exclusive immersive Paddington experiences, including staycations in specially appointed Paddington themed rooms, Paddington afternoon tea with Paddington Bear cupcakes and themed pastries. Specially curated limited edition Paddington souvenirs are also available at the hotel shops. The Langham, London is the first hotel which served afternoon tea when it opened in 1865 and since then, Langham hotels around the world have been renowned for serving the best afternoon tea experiences. In Shanghai, the Paddington afternoon tea has already been awarded most popular themed afternoon tea by the 2021 5th Hotel Discovery Awards . The two hotel locations use different
Paddington artwork, showcasing the diversity of the Paddington brand. The partnership is one of several key strategic activations for Paddington in China, which aims to strengthen the awareness and the brand’s engagement with consumers. These activations are initiated in conjunction with the launch of the new TV series, ‘The Adventures of Paddington’ in China. “The renewed partnership with Paddington at our hotel reflects and reinforces The Langham’s British heritage and legacy,” said Cindy Ying, director of sales and marketing, The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi. “The fun and whimsical never stops at The Langham,” added Ying. “Our guests can now have a full Paddington experience right in the heart of Shanghai, from a meet and greet with Paddington, to taking a picture with the adorable British icon as a keepsake to experiencing a full epicurean Paddington themed afternoon tea delight.”
“This new collaboration for Paddington with The Langham Hotels is a wonderful opportunity for fans of all ages to engage with the brand in a different way and we hope they will enjoy these fun experiences in both Shanghai and Guangzhou.” said Polly Emery, SVP Brand and International Licensing, The Copyrights Group. The partnership was brokered by CAA-GBG, Copyrights’ agent for Paddington in China.
授权 概览中国
品牌吉祥物不仅适用于中国儿童品牌方。 从登陆 微信的 Burberry 可爱小动物贴纸到历史悠久的 KFC 上校贴纸,拥有一款代表性卡通设计可能带 来远超您所想的价值。 Floob Creative 的 Matt Wills 和 Duhno Marketing 的 Benoit Raoult 解释道。 M&M's、米其林、大富翁、任天堂、 肯德基和品客薯片——所有家喻 户晓的品牌都拥有等同于其品 牌的吉祥物。 帮助这些品牌与他 们的客户建立联系的是一个存 在关联、可以识别且令人难忘的
腾讯、美团、天猫 都是拥有标志性知名吉祥物的 中国企业巨头
卡通人物,而观众只要瞥一眼, 这个人物就能引起他们的共鸣。 熟悉中国企业巨头腾讯、美团( 最大的外卖到门应用程序)和天 猫(电子商务巨头)的人马上就 能认出 QQ 企鹅,上海街头上身
穿黄色制服并在头盔上戴着袋 鼠耳饰的外卖人员,以及中国地 铁站内贴得满满的天猫广告中
吉祥物历来是拟人化的卡通人 物,不仅能够帮助公司建立更强 大的品牌形象和角色,还能够直 接推动消费者做出直观反应,并 能够扩大公司客户的参与范围, 让这种关系超越单纯的购买交易 性质。 由 Proud Arunrangsiwed 和 Isari Pairoa 撰写的 “品牌吉祥物对 消费者购买行为的影响” (2016 年)的一文发现,品牌吉祥物显 着提升了客户购买产品的意愿, 并让他们对产品持有更积极的 态度,并提高了他们购买的可能 性。 根据益普索的 “你的力量: 为 什么独特的品牌资产是创造效率 的驱动力” (2020) ,就客户的品牌 联系和记忆力而言,品牌卡通人 物所产生的效果是品牌标志的 5 倍之多。 相比西方国家,中国使用“ke-ai” ( “可爱”的普通话发音)的人物 和卡通来传达信息是更加普遍 的现象,也更容易为成人文化所 接纳;甚至是中国共产党都用漫 画来宣传,并建议电视台优先播 放动画系列。
晶晶和恰恰是警方 用于发布公告的动画人物
微信动画 贴纸、季节性海报和手 机壁纸用于宣传黑马漫 画公司的 Q 版地狱男爵——专为 中国市场设计的改编原 创角色
的电子游戏手柄型猫头设计。 西 方和中国公司都使用吉祥物来 区分他们自己与竞争对手,并传 达其品牌个性,但是关键的区别 在于吉祥物在中国随处可见。
品牌吉祥物能够在社交媒体平 台上发挥影响力,并围绕自身故 事吸引粉丝,而吉祥物的表现明 显胜过名人代言人。 在中国,大 多数公司均设有官方微信账户, 而拥有吉祥物的公司还会定期 为他们的粉丝制作动画贴纸,以 供后者下载、分享并应用到他们 的聊天对话中,从而大力利用该 平台每月 12 亿的用户率。 同样, 中国公司的营销部门将每季推 出海报,而这些海报则刻画了他 们的吉祥物庆祝中国和西方重 大节日的场景,以及可供粉丝下 载以装饰其手机主屏幕的手机 壁纸。
授权 概览中国
在申请了合适的商标后,公司吉 祥物本身就可以成为授权知识 产权。 运用流行人物的形象和个 性可以有助于销售服装和玩具、 视频游戏和动画媒体等消费产 品线,并为知识产权所有者创造 授权收益。 在中国,其中一个例 子就是 B.Duck。 这家公司最初销 售防水收音机,而发展到现在, 它已经完全围绕这个卡通人物 创造了一系列成功的产品,包括
他们自有的时尚服装系列,并收 获了大量授权奖项。
Matt Wills Floob Creative Ltd. 创始人和创意 总监 company/floob-creative/
2019 年,中国的商标申请达 780 万件,占全球商标申请活动的半 数以上,也是目前全球第五大授 权市场,且没有放缓的迹象。 尽 管品牌吉祥物的应用已经深深 扎根于中国营销行业中,但越来 越多的公司开始在其品牌推广 和信息传递中使用吉祥物,从而
Floob Creative 的自有品牌吉祥物——Floob
吉祥物设计+营销: Floob Creative 和 Duhno Marketing 联袂之作
今年初,Matt Wills 和 Benoit Raoult 联手制作了 “中国吉祥物 终极营销指南: 建立购买习惯” , 专为有意打造自有吉祥物或授 权现有 IP 以启动营销的公司而 设。 来自 Floob Creative 的 Matt 解 释: “虽然众多设计机构大体上 关注标志和平面设计,但是我们 通过专注于角色和产品设计来 区分我们的与众不同。 ”Wills 拥 有 IP 开发和消费产品设计方面 的惊艳,最近担任前迪士尼主席 张志忠旗下黑马漫画公司的创 意总监。 “专门设计品牌吉祥物 是十分适合我的工作,所以我通 过我的人际网络找到了最好的 插画家、动画师和设计师,而且 很容易就能结合 Duhno 的营销 专业知识。 ” 来自 Duhno 的 Benoit 补充道: “ 在与品牌所有者、中国 P&L 所有 者和营销经理合作多年后,我们 发现向更多公众分享一些方法 并宣传吉祥物的力量是非常重 要的。 今天很高兴看到这个指南 上线! ” 您可前往 免费下载该
Benoit Raoult Duhno Marketing Ltd. 创始人和首席执行官 company/duhno/ 来源链接: https://publications.waset. org/10004832/the-effectof-brand-mascots-onconsumers-purchasingbehaviors ipsos-mori/en-uk/poweryou-why-distinctive-brandassets-are-driving-forcecreative-effectiveness 益普索 PDF https://www.ipsos. com/sites/default/files/ ct/publication/documents/2020-02/Ipsos_ Views_Power_of_You.pdf expertise WIPO 全球知识产权活 动的最新完整数据: infogdocs/en/ipfactsandfigures/
IMG GROW BRANDS IMG reports growth with a number of their properties in China including Angry Birds, Pink Panther,Van Gogh Museum and Care Bears. As one of the world’s most popular games and entertainment properties, the Angry Birds franchise, developed by Rovio Entertainment Corp., continues to draw tens of millions of active users to its games and animated content. Angry Birds has bolstered its consumer products programme through new deals brokered by IMG, including Angry Birds branded bank cards, created in partnership with China Merchants Bank, adult apparel and accessories with Chaoniao, and kids apparel and accessories with Shanghai Liyu. Earlier this year, ‘Angry Birds World’, a brand-new indoor theme park opened in Shenyang, with plans for more theme parks in other cities in the coming years. Pink Panther continues to be one of the top pop culture icons in the world. In China, IMG has brokered multiple deals for fashion collaborations including with urban high fashion brand Miss Sixty. The Pink Panther jeans, priced at $250, sold out within 48 hours of launching. Additionally, Pink Panther partnered with fashion brand Dazzle to launch women’s apparel and accessories, modelled by actress Zhou Dongyu, MiLiu for a children’s range and Zi Que’s adult and kids line. This year, IMG and the Van Gogh Museum have extended the designs, artwork and story of Vincent van Gogh across multiple product categories with a series of premium collaborations and products. In 2023, the museum will celebrate its 50th anniversary with multiple licensees in China set to join the celebrations with commemorative products. Most recently,Van Gogh Museum launched a fashion collaboration with Chinese minimalist womenswear label DUIBAI. Finally, ahead of Care Bears’ 40th anniversary in 2022, IMG has developed and launched a robust licensing program that included new apparel, toys, and health and beauty and food and beverage products. Most recently, Care Bears launched a 49-piece apparel collection in China with women’s fashion brand Elf Sack. Additionally, the first-ever Care Bears indoor family center and café opened in Shanghai earlier this year.
PAPERWORLD CHINA MOVES TO MAY 2022 Paperworld China 2021 will be integrated into its 2022 edition which will take place from 12 – 14 May, due to the pandemic. The integration of the two editions is to ensure a safe trade fair and to align with the local government’s prevention and control measures. Originally scheduled from 15 – 17 October 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), this year’s edition will merge with the 2022 show at the same venue. As a leading trade fair for stationery, office supplies, hobby, art and craft supplies in Asia, Paperworld China attracts a large contingent of first-tier Chinese brands to showcase their latest products and innovations at the show. Parallel to business opportunities, the show is also well-known for its wide variety of fringe events where participants are able to keep abreast of industry trends and the latest national safety standards for student supplies. Organised by the China Stationery and Sporting Goods Association (CSSGA) and Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd, Paperworld China is the only trade fair in the domestic stationery industry that receives official support from the CSSGA. For more information about the show, please visit www. or email:
ZAG LAUNCH POWER PLAYERS ON TENCENT AND MANGO ZAG will be launching the 3D animated/live-action hybrid action-comedy for 6-to-11 year old boys, Power Players, to audiences in China in October 2021. The 78 x 11’ series,
co-produced by ZAG, ON kids & family (Mediawan) and Planeta Junior, will premiere simultaneously on digital platforms Tencent and Mango TV. REESEE Entertainment, the brand’s media and L&M agent in China brokered the deals with Tencent and Mango TV, together with agreements with national OTT providers, including Xiaomi, Haixin, Kukai, and TCL, and national IPTVs covering over 60 platforms in over 30 provinces in China, who will carry the series following its premiere. REESEE is also the toy distributor in China for the Power Players toy line from ZAG Lab and Playmates, anticipated to roll out in spring 2022. The toy collection includes an assortment of highly detailed and articulated 5-inch action figures based on the TV show, as well as 9-inch deluxe action figures that are packed with electronics and sound effects.
SESAME STREET APPOINTS AGENT IN CHINA Sesame Workshop, the global nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, has named Medialink Group its licensing agent for the Greater China region including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. Medialink Group will manage the brand licensing of Sesame Street’s consumer products, build retail relationships, and work with local licensees to create cross-promotional activations in the respective territories. With a mission to help kids everywhere grow smarter, stronger, and kinder, Sesame Workshop’s content is educational, impactful, heartfelt, furry, and fun. Sesame Street reaches 150 million kids worldwide, with programming in over 150 countries and 21.5 million YouTube subscribers. It has won a historymaking 204 Emmy Awards and was the first TV show ever to be awarded a Kennedy Center Honor. Today, Sesame Street in available on Tencent, BesTV, SiTV, Mampod and
Ukids in Greater China, and generates $1.4 billion in worldwide retail sales of licensed products. “Sesame Street is everywhere kids are,” said Alvin Fu, Vice President and General Manager of Greater China for Sesame Workshop. “We achieve this by making our innovative video content available through TV and ondemand platforms and working with partners like Medialink to invite kids and fans of all ages to engage with our beloved characters through Sesame Street-branded consumer products and merchandise and interactive experiences.” “We are delighted to represent Sesame Street in Greater China. It is immensely meaningful for us to work with such a strong and trusted preschool brand that shares a similar mission to ours. It is our great pleasure to work with Sesame Street,” said Ms Noletta Chiu, Managing Director of Medialink Animation International Limited and Medialink Cultural & Creative (Guangzhou) Limited.
CHINA TOYS The Chinese toys market was $48.3 Billion in 2020 and is expected to be a $61.3 Billion industry by 2026. China is one of the biggest toy markets in the world. Its growth has generated a considerable opportunity for domestic & international toy manufacturers. A substantial rise in the popularity of interactive and multi-functional toys has been observed among children, positively impacting the toys market. Due to the increase in consumer spending, there is an increasing demand for toys. Besides expanding metropolitan residents’ income levels and rising living standards, a shift is being witnessed from conventional toys to innovative electronic toys. There are wide varieties of toys available in China’s market. Dolls and plush showed extraordinary growth in value terms in 2019, primarily driven by the huge success and rapid rise of blind collectables. There has been an increase in demand for construction sets and models with schools closed during the lockdown. That was seen as an excellent way to entertain children for a more extended period. During the COVID lockdown, the online industry has shown good growth. the research says that China Toy Market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 4.04% from 2020 to 2026.
WINSING DEBUT NEW PRODUCTS Winsing Animation launched a number of new products in Shanghai LEC this past Summer. During the exhibition, Winsing promoted their newest toys and merchandise featuring GG Bond, GOGOBUS, Team S.T.E.A.M.!, Metalion, FeyFeyStyle and CUBE-Q. The products covered many areas including garment, food, tourism and so on. The most noteworthy product was the blind box named Princess FeyFey’s Farytale Land. Cooperating with YOU-Q Culture, Winsing rolled out the blind toy boxes, inspired by Phoebe, a popular character from Winsing’s well-known animation series GG Bond. Combining existing IP elements with customer preference in the art toy market,
Winsing has built up the brand Youngdynasty for its own art toys’ IP. Winsing’s entry into the art toy market has broken the traditional audience barriers of GG Bond that is targeted at kids, and given the merchandising
of Winsing’s brands more directions and possibilities. Beyond the art toy industry, Winsing’s new animation GG Bond S17, GOGOBUS Season 7, Team S.T.E.A.M.!, Metalions were shown in the exhibition.
中国的顶级零售商 授权 概览中国
中国连锁商店和特许 经销店根据综合线下 和线上销售数据,协会 近日公布了 2020 年中 国百强连锁商店的 年 度排名情况。 位居榜首 的是苏宁易购,它也是 主要的电子产品零售 商和 意大利国际米兰 足球俱乐部的所有者。 苏宁自 2015 年起成为 中国最大的零售连锁 运营商,其 2020 年销 售额达到 4163.2 亿元 人民币。 国美零售控股 与 2019 年一样位居次 席,其 2020 年的销售 额为 1407.5 亿元人民币 (218 亿美元)。
永辉超市延续 2020 年的上升趋 势,超越高鑫零售和华润万家, 位列第四。然而,永辉超市的零 售门店数量减少了 18.6%,是降 幅最大的十强企业。沃尔玛中国 的排名与去年保持不变,在 百强 连锁商店中位居第七。 总部位于北京的全渠道零售商 物美集团于 2020 年 4 月购入了 德国批发商麦德龙 80% 的中国 业务股权。此次收购成功让物美 打入今年的十强榜单,尽管物美 自营门店的业绩表现差强人意。
消费品零售业的 6.1%,较 2019 年报告的 6.3% 略有下降。 自 1997 年以来,这是百强企业的销 售额首次出现负增长。调查还显 示,百强连锁商店中有 52 家的 2020 年销售额有所下降,整体下 降了 15.4%。
客流光顾公司的实体店,并成为 作为他们晚间活动的一部分。截 至 目 前,钱 大 妈 已 完 成 五 轮 融 资,极有可能在 2021 年上市。
在百强连锁商店中,仅有 15 家 实现了两位数的销售额增长,其 中大部分是区域龙头企业和社 区 超 市,分 别 是 永 辉、易 捷、物 美、美宜家、信誉楼、大参林、红 旗连锁、钱大妈、佳惠集团、大张 集团、新兴集团、天府集团、健之 调 查 显 示,百 强 连 锁 商 店 的 总 家健康药店和国美。 销售额下跌 7.2% 至 2.4 万亿元 (3720 亿美元)。 这一数字也占 表现最亮眼的年度增长成就出 自新鲜食品零售商钱大妈之手, 其 2020 年销售额暴涨 90% 至 133 亿元人民币(20.6 亿美元)。 钱大妈成立于 2012 年 4 月,目 前在中国开设了约 3,000 家门 店,其中大部分位于广东省。为 了竭力清货,该公司每晚 7 点 后提供不同程度的折扣。事实证 明,这种商业模式深受价格敏感 型消费者的欢迎,吸引了大量的
同样值得注意的是,社区团购公 司于 2020 年首次荣登百强榜 单。 兴盛优选凭借着近 30 亿元 人民币(4.65 亿美元)的营业额 位居榜单的第 97 位。
由于新冠疫情导致在线购物日 益 盛 行,许 多 零 售 商 对 送 货 上 门、团购和直播服务投入了大量 资金。 因此,在线销售已成为百强企业 业务增长的主要驱动因素,而这 些企业的 2020 年在线销售总额 达到 5600 亿元人民币(867 亿美 元) ,同比增长 12%,占总销售额 的 23.3%。
根据中国连锁商店和特许经销店的百强榜单,2020 年中国零售连锁商店的 十强排名如下表所示。
中国的 10 大顶级连锁商店
Sales billion Yuan
Sales Growth
Total Stores
Store Growth
1 Co Ltd
GOME Retail Holdings Ltd
Red Star Macalline Group
Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd
Sun Art Retail Group
China Resources Vanguard Co
Wal-Mart China) Investment Co
Sinopec Easy Joy Sales Co
Easyhome New Retail Group
Wumart Stores Inc
Source: Produce Report 2021
CHINA’S TOP RETAILERS Yonghui Superstores continued its upward trend in 2020, overtaking Sun Art Retail Group and China Resources Vanguard to claim the fourth place. However, the number of Yonghui’s retail stores decreased by 18.6%, registering the biggest drop among the top 10 companies.The ranking of Walmart China remained unchanged from the previous year, with the company occupying the seventh place among the 100 chains. Wumart Group, the Beijing-based omnichannel retailer, purchased an 80% stake of the China operations of German wholesaler Metro in April 2020. This acquisition successfully carried Wumart into the top 10 this year, even though the performance of its own stores was barely satisfactory. According to the survey, the total sales revenue of the top 100 chain stores in 2020 fell by 7.2% to 2.4 trillion yuan ($372 billion).This figure also accounted for 6.1% of the consumer goods retail sector, corresponding to a slight
drop from the 6.3% reported for 2019. This marks the first time that the sales revenue of the top 100 companies has seen negative growth since 1997. The survey also revealed that 52 of the top 100 chains witnessed declines in sales in 2020, down by 15.4% as a whole. Only 15 of the top 100 chains recorded double-digit sales growth, most of which were regional leading companies and community supermarkets, namely,Yonghui, Easy Joy,Wumart, Meiyijia, Xinyulou, Dashenlin, Hongqi Chain, Qiandama, Jiahui Group, Dazhang Group, Xinxing Group,Tianfu Group, Jianzhijia Health Drug Store, BUT Mart and GOME. The most impressive annual growth was achieved by fresh food retailer Qiandama, whose sales increased by a striking 90% to 13.3 billion yuan ($2.06 billion) in 2020. Founded in April 2012, Qiandama now operates approximately 3,000 stores throughout China, with the majority of them in Guangdong province. The company
CHINA’S TOP 10 RETAIL CHAINS According to the China Chain Store & Franchise Association’s top 100 list, the top 10 retail chains in China in 2020 were as shown in the following table.
Sales billion Yuan
offers varying degrees of discounts each day after 7 p.m. in an effort to clear stock.This business model has already proven immensely popular with price-conscious consumers, attracting large numbers of people to visit the company’s brick-and-mortar stores as part of their evening routine. To date, Qiandama has completed five rounds of financing and is very likely to become a listed company in 2021. It is also worth noting that community group-buying companies entered the top 100 league for the first time in 2020. Xingshengyouxuan ranked 97th with a revenue of almost 3 billion yuan ($465 million). With the increased popularity of online shopping due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many retailers have made substantial investments in home delivery, group buying and livestreaming services.
The China Chain Store & Franchise Association recently announced its annual ranking of China’s top 100 chain stores for 2020 based on combined offline and online sales figures. At the top of the list was, the major electronics retailer and owner of Italian football club Inter Milan. Suning has been the largest retail chain operator in China since 2015, with its annual sales in 2020 reaching 416.32 billion Chinese yuan. GOME Retail Holdings secured the second place as it did in 2019, with a sales revenue in 2020 of 140.75 billion yuan ($21.8 billion).
Consequently, online sales have become a predominant driver of business growth for the top 100 companies, with their total online sales in 2020 reaching 560 billion yuan ($86.7 billion), corresponding to a year-onyear increase of 12% and accounting for 23.3% of total sales.
Sales Growth
Total Stores
Store Growth
1 Co Ltd
GOME Retail Holdings Ltd
Red Star Macalline Group
Yonghui Superstores Co Ltd
Sun Art Retail Group
China Resources Vanguard Co
Wal-Mart China) Investment Co
Sinopec Easy Joy Sales Co
Easyhome New Retail Group
Wumart Stores Inc
Source: Produce Report 2021
The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston attracts new audiences in China
For information, contact Debra LaKind
Recent licensing activity includes collaborations in health, beauty, cosmetics, fashion and a pop-up shop. Alfilo Brands is the MFA’s master licensee in greater China. Founded in 1905 by German pharmacists, Herbacin very early on created a distinctive brand image, “to create a new personal care formula inspired from the heart of nature.” The MFA has partnered with Herbacin, drawing on their rich holdings of Claude Monet’s paintings. Who better to than Monet to bring out the splendor and magic of the play of light, flood of color and splash of shadows in the heart of nature. The range of products includes hand and skin care creams, plant-based shampoos and shower products with organic extracts for sensitive skins as well as aroma baths and bath additives. The MFA has collaborated with LANSUR cosmetics, a brand that blends the technique of color, optics and aesthetics all in one. LANSUR and the MFA have focused on the artwork of the Art Nouveau painter, illustra-
ish and trendy children’s shoe company for ages 3 -12. The brand’s mission to enjoy life and grow up happy. The themed butterfly collection uses de-
signs from the MFA’s extensive collection of graphic postcards. The MFA’s vast postcard collection also provides inspiration for Hélas Jewelry, a fashion company dedicated to providing jewelry that is suitable for the new generation of women to express themselves, their freedom and their emotions in a gentle but powerful way. From September to November 2021, the MFA and Monopoly are co-hosting the “Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Pop-up Store in The Sky”, a cross-dimensional creative co-branding event at Shenzhen’s tallest building, PAFC FreeSky, where Mr. Monopoly trans-
These new and exciting licensing collaborations support the MFA’s mission of bringing art and people together on many levels,” said Debra LaKind, Senior Director, Intellectual Property & Business Development and at the MFA. “We believe in the power of art, and are thrilled that our collec-
forms himself into an “art” mogul and leads public visitors to explore a fantasy journey. This art-inspired creative event set a new trend in Shenzhen’s arts and culture scene.
tions continue to be globally accessible throughout China with the help of Alfilo Brands, and the MFA’s Weibo, WeChat and other social media platforms.”
tor, and graphic artist, Alphonse Maria Mucha for a series of face powder and lipsticks. Expanding into children’s fashion, the MFA is collaborating with Snoffy, a styl-
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