Total Licensing China

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March 三月 2021

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TOTAL LICENSING CHINA/ 授权概览中国 March 三月 2021

March 三月 2021 Co-Publisher Editor-in-Chief Francesca Ash Co-Publisher Jerry Wooldridge Editorial Director/ Editor Rebecca Ash Office Manager Helen Bowerman Subscriptions and Circulation Total Licensing China is published as a special issue of Total Licensing magazine.

Total Licensing Ltd 4 Wadhurst Business Park Faircrouch Lane Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 6PT England Tel: +44 1892 782220 Fax: +44 1892 782226 Japan Agent Roger Berman, ZenWorks Printed in China © 2021 Total Licensing Ltd


News from China...........................................................................................6, 10 The Award-Winning V&A...........................................................................14, 15 Licensing China - Shenzhen show preview...........................................16, 18 Monopoly is big business amongst Chinese children.........................20, 22 IMG brands expand presence.................................................................21, 23 The growth of online retailing..................................................................24, 26 Licensing consumer electronics brands..................................................28, 30 Spending on children increases in China...............................................29, 32 Cover Story: Emoji the iconic brand........................................................34, 38 China’s entertainment and gaming industry........................................36, 44 Popeye expands in China..........................................................................42, 48 Tencent Video sees Superboom....................................................................... 50

Advertisers Emoji ..............................................................1 Howard Robinson .......................................3 King Features Syndicate ...........................5 Licensing China ........................................51 Licensing International ...........................52 The Business of Licensing.......................47 Total Licensing World..................................2 V&A ...............................................................9 Withit .........................................................13

Pick up your copy of Total Licensing China at Licensing China, Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Centre, 30 March - 1 April. You can also subscribe, free of charge, to Total Licensing via Welcome to the March 2021 edition of Total Licensing China. Published in Mandarin and English,Total Licensing China will once again have a presence at Licensing China in Shenzhen later this month and the issue includes a preview feature covering some of the show highlights.The show, which runs from 30 March until 1 April is held alongside Toy & Edu China and Baby & Stoller China. This issue of the magazine also includes a number of features and profiles as well as the results of some research. It is interesting to see how spending on children in China is, if anything increasing and, at the same time, how classic board game Monopoly is big amongst Chinese children. Ecommerce, of course, is becoming more and more important

and China is the first country to exceed 50% of all sales via ecommerce. Further features include licensing electronics brands, the latest from the award-winning V&A Museum and a look at the immense growth of entertainment and gaming in the country as well as the latest news from Emoji, our cover story. We very much hope you enjoy this issue and find it useful. If you have any suggestions for topics we should cover or would like more information about any of the subjects within these pages, do let us know.We look forward to hearing from you. Francesca Ash Jerry Wooldridge Co-Publisher Co-Publisher


康泰纳仕国际集团旗下 VOGUE CAFE 品牌 正式入驻中国 康泰纳仕国际集团首家 Vogue Cafe 落户中国北京。根据与北京 Sycamore Seed 广告传媒有限公司的授权协议,新咖啡馆开业标志着集团在中国计 划开设的一系列品牌咖啡馆中的首家。第二家 Vogue Cafe 将于 2021 年在上海开业。 咖啡馆位于北京市朝阳区标志性的国贸商圈,坐落在众多奢侈品旗舰店之 中。该商圈集零售、办公、酒店和住宅于一体,每年吸引着无数的国内外 游客。 咖啡馆的定位是“寻求独特用餐体验的购物者的终极目的地”,以及享用 精致外卖午餐的办公室白领。 “北京丰富的文化和悠久的历史,加上不断发展的餐饮业,使其成为中国 最具吸引力的城市之一,这就是为什么康泰纳仕集团热切地在北京开设中 国第一家 Vogue Café,”康泰纳仕国际集团全球品牌授权董事总经理 Markus Grindel 表示说: “北京的 Vogue Café 将奢华时尚和高端美食结合在一起,这种体验一 定会让当地人和游客都着迷。” 北京 Vogue Café 面积超过 400 平方米,设有两个餐厅和一个特色酒 吧。从设计风格上,与全球的 Vogue Café 保持一致,餐厅有一整面墙 是由 Vogue 杂志经典封面拼接而成,其中包括世界上最著名的模特和摄 影师的标志性照片。 Jack Yao 是北京 Vogue Café 的主厨,他的职业生涯已超过 14 年。Yao 主厨曾在意大利和新加坡接受过正式培训,其独创菜式融合了意大利与亚 洲美食的特点,带来诱人的风味。北京 Vogue Cafe 每天从上午 10 点到 晚上 10 点营业,还提供送货上门服务。 Vogue Cafe 北京店现已纳入了康泰纳仕国际集团旗下的全球授权业 务。康泰纳仕集团在全球的其他餐厅包括基辅、莫斯科、波尔图和利雅 得的 Vogue Cafés,吉隆坡的 Vogue Lounge,伊斯坦布尔的 Vogue Restaurant 和柏林的 GQ Bar。 自 2005 年推出《VOGUE》中国版以来,康泰纳仕在中国出版杂志已近 15 年,如今已成为中国最具影响力的时尚权威。 目前,康泰纳仕出版的《Vogue》、《Vogue Film》、《Vogue Me》、 《GQ》、《GQ Lab》、《GQ Style》、《Conde NastTraveler》、 《建筑文摘》等图书均与合作伙伴进行版权合作。

自拍带来微笑 随着新冠肺炎疫情的爆发与蔓延, 整个世界似乎都陷于了停顿,而这 也是反思我们当前状况以及所做工 作的大好机会。 关于封锁、口罩、社交距离和医院 的报道充斥着每天的新闻版面,因 此很高兴看到在儿童病房、学校、 牙医和兽医外科以及打算创建一个 平静空间的医生候诊室中安装了新 的自拍装置。在澳大利亚新南威尔 士州全新的 Dubbo Base 医院, 医学影像部最近就推出了新的自拍 装置。 疫情下的封锁重新激发起人们对业 余爱好和手工艺的兴趣,而拼图游 戏自然也成为人们打发时间、锻炼 大脑的热门活动之一,以至于在很 多商店都出现了脱销。最近的许多 授权活动也都是关于这方面的,比 如澳大利亚 Hinkler 公司的数字 油画,德国 Diamond Painting 和 荷兰 Dozelf 公司的钻石画套装, 阿根廷 Decolaser 公司的木制拼 图,美国 Art Needlepoint Co 的缝线套装,以及美国 Kidsbooks Publishing 公司的一系列自拍活动 书籍。

Howard 在我们的 Selfie Beach Resort 开业第一年就获得了最佳 海滨度假胜地的精英商业和领导力 大奖,尽管还有很多工作要做,但 他依旧感到非常荣幸和惊喜。由于 疫情封锁,目前一切都被搁置了起 来,但 Howard 和他的同事们把 这段时间充分地利用了起来,并为 能在这些困难时期帮助当地社区, 向三百多个最贫困的家庭定期分发 食品包而感到自豪。



LICENSING INTERNATIONAL 亚洲授权业卓越大奖 Licensing International 的 2020 年亚洲授权业卓越大奖得主 揭晓。 因受新冠肺炎疫情影响, Licensing International 亚洲授 权业卓越大奖以线上形式举行。 今年的奖项包括 64 项提名,共分 为 13 个类别,由来自业界各个领 域的亚洲授权专家组成的小组进行 评审,然后再由授权社区投票选 出。Licensing International 亚 洲授权业卓越大奖旨在表彰授权业 的卓越、创新和创意。 2020 年 Licensing International 亚洲授权业卓越大奖得主包括: 年度亚洲授权项目 Semk Products 公司的 B.Duck 年度企业品牌/时尚生活方式授 权项目

华特迪士尼(中国)有限公司的 《米老鼠(鼠年)》 年度数字授权项目 腾讯公司的《王者荣耀》 年度娱乐授权项目(动画) 华特迪斯尼公司的的《冰雪奇缘 II》 年度娱乐授权项目(非动画) 阿里巴巴文化娱乐集团的《中国 街舞》 年度新秀奖 上海东来也品牌管理有限公司的 《东来也》 年度授权推广项目 京东、波士顿艺术博物馆、大都 会艺术博物馆、英国国家美术馆、 维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆联手打 造的京东世界博物馆超级 IP 日 年度主题性娱乐体验项目 华特迪士尼(中国)有限公司/上 海豫园华灯文化创意集团有限公司

咏声动漫的《恐龙日记》定档 5 月上映 由咏声动漫出品的《恐龙日 记》将于 2021 年 5 月 1 日 在中国上映。这部 90 分钟的 故事片充满了喜剧、冒险、动 作等元素。影片讲述了一个食 草恐龙家族勇敢保卫家园的故 事。 明星经纪人实习生阿五从未来 出发,去寻找自己的高级合伙 人。在一个陌生的世界中,阿 五遇到了丫丫并得到了她的帮 助和指引。在这段旅程中,阿 五得知丫丫是濒危的恐龙家 族之一。同时,丫丫和其他食 草恐龙正遭到食肉恐龙入侵的 威胁。恐惧,只会让丫丫和她 的同伴们不断逃避无休止的侵 扰。然而,在勇敢的阿五的影 响下,丫丫终于克服了与生俱 来的恐惧,做出了一个决定 — 下一次食肉恐龙入侵时,她会像父亲一样 坚定地捍卫自己的家园。咏声动漫有着丰富的 IP 开发和制作经验,而《 恐龙日记》已是其推出的第七部影片。

的豫园米奇元宵灯会 年度零售商 福建利讯集团有限公司 - B.Duck 年度被授权商 – 服装/鞋履/配 饰 周大福珠宝公司 - LINE FRIENDS / 周大福 LINE FRIENDS 系列 年度被授权商 – 快速消费品 宝洁公司 – 米老鼠(鼠年)/SK-II 面霜

MONDO 向捷成华视 网聚出售《茜茜公主》 Mondo TV 宣布将深受小女孩喜 爱的最新动画片《茜茜公主 2:年 轻的皇后》出售给中国的国际知名 发行商。 《茜茜公主 2:年轻的皇后》的买 方是中国发行商捷成华视网聚,动 画片将于 2021 年春季开始在数字 媒体上播放。 捷成华视网聚是中国领先的移动和 线上平台新媒体版权运营公司。 《茜茜公主 2:年轻的皇后》源自 一位真实的历史人物 — 这位年轻 皇后在全球的知名度早已超出了她 的祖国奥地利。 《茜茜公主 2:年轻的皇后》的前 两部动画片在小女孩中取得了巨大 的成功,在 40 多个国家/地区都取 得了不错的收视率。去年推出的第 三季采用了全新的形式:总共 26 集、每集 11 分钟的 3D CGI 系 列,全新的剧情融合了更多的魔幻 与冒险,势必超越之前的第一部和 第二部,再创收视新高。

你知道吗? • 沃尔玛销售的所有商品中有 70% 至 80% 都是中国制造。 • 中国消费者每年花费 730 亿美元购买奢侈品。 • 中国家庭平均收入 10 年内提高了 400%。 7



VIACOM 中国区新任副总裁

作为 65 周年纪念活动的一部分,Mercis 宣布米菲 (Miffy) 品牌于 2020 年初冬在深圳启动了自己的中国酒店项目。 全球首家米菲主题旗舰店取名叫“米菲厨房”。它位于深圳著名的度假 区 — 欢乐海岸的曲水湾街区。这里聚集了许多热爱美食和时尚的年轻 人,吸引了世界各地的游客前来观光游览,享受休闲时光,同时也是社 交媒体的打卡地点。 “米菲厨房”拥有别致的环境,并且集美食与购物体验于一身。餐厅严 格遵循米菲创始人 Dick Bruna 的理念,真诚对待每一位大小朋友。 几乎每位路过曲水湾街区的游客都会被“米菲厨房”所吸引。 “米菲厨房”的第一份菜单可谓品质之作。餐厅特邀法国米其林星级厨 师,以精选食材烹饪各式菜肴。大厨将自己在国外旅行时品尝到的美食 与中国人的爱好有机结合,创新设计出了特色融合菜品。 2021 年春季,餐厅计划升级菜单,推出更多适合家庭顾客的菜品。 作为一家卡通主题餐厅,购物体验自然也是必不可少的。在“米菲厨 房”旗舰店内,顾客可以选购米菲时尚服饰、玩偶、手袋、手机配件、 餐具等。 BVGA 国际餐饮投资有限公司作为被授权商负责“米菲厨房”的运营。 作为米菲餐饮品类在中国的被授权商,BVGA 还在深圳南头古城开设了 米菲主题饮品店 — Miffy Café;春节期间还在深圳湾华润万象城的 Bay Market 开设了一家快闪店 — Miffy Booth。 从 2021 年下半年开始,BVGA 将为进一步发展米菲餐饮业务进行更多 探索,力争让更多的米菲粉丝在中国见到米菲。

ViacomCBS Consumer Products (VCP) 任命 Jennifer Pang 负责领 导其大中华区的业务。Pang 女士 将在香港工作,向 VCP 国际授权 高级副总裁 Mark Kingston 汇报 工作。 作为副总裁兼大中华区授权部主 管,Pang 女士负责领导 VCP 在 大中华区所有 ViacomCBS 特许 经营权市场的整体授权业务。她负 责管理团队、VCP 的主要被授权 商代理以及当地的全球合作活动, 同时吸引并执行当地的授权和推广 交易。此外,她还负责零售销售和 市场营销,通过关键客户管理来提 高收入。 Kingston 表示说:“亚洲是我们

重点关注的地区,因为我们将继续 与受众互动,并将我们最喜爱的 IP 和品牌拓展开来。凭借 Jennifer 对 该地区的洞察力和熟悉程度,以及 她自身的专业素养,我们希望积极 寻求新的合作伙伴关系,充分利用 这一关键市场的机遇。” Pang 女士在亚洲地区的授权、品 牌管理和战略方面拥有超过 11 年 的经验。她最近在孩之宝消费品公 司担任北亚地区品类授权主管,负 责管理 eOne 和孩之宝品牌的授权 计划。在此之前,Pang 女士曾在 Entertainment One 担任亚洲家 庭和品牌授权高级总监。

你知道吗? • 中国网络销售巨头阿里巴巴的商品交易量几乎是亚马逊的三倍,如果算上旗下子公司,它已经超越沃尔玛成 为了最大的零售商。阿里巴巴正在通过 AliExpress 进军美国电子商务市场,该网站目前已经成为美国第六大 在线购物网站。 8


CONDE NAST OPENS FIRST BRANDED PROPERTY IN CHINA WITH VOGUE CAFE Condé Nast has opened its first branded property venture in China with the launch of the Vogue Cafe Beijing. Opened under a licensing agreement between Beijing Sycamore Seed Advertising and Media, the new cafe marks the first of a sweep of planned branded cafes for China. The second Vogue Cafe will open in Shanghai in 2021. Located at the iconic China World Mall in the Chaoyang District in central Beijing, the Café sits among the city’s leading luxury flagship stores. The area brings together local and international visitors, with a mixture of retail, office spaces, hotels and residential. The Café is positioned as the ‘ultimate destination for shoppers seeking a unique dining experience’, as well as office workers looking to grab a takeaway lunch. “Beijing’s rich culture and long history paired with the constantly evolving restaurant scene makes it one of the most enticing cities in China, which is why Condé Nast is thrilled to open the country’s first Vogue Café in the capital,” said Markus Grindel, managing director, global brand licensing, Condé Nast. “Vogue Café Beijing will bring luxury fashion and high-end cuisine together – an experience sure to enchant both local and visiting epicures.” Vogue Café Beijing, spread over 400 sq. metres, features two elegant dining rooms and a feature cocktail bar. In keeping with Vogue Cafés globally, striking images and covers from the archives of Vogue adorn the walls, including iconic shots featuring some of the world’s most renowned models and photographers. Joining Vogue Café Beijing as head chef is Jack Yao, whose career spans over 14 years. Having formally trained in Italy and Singapore,Yao’s exclusive menu blends influences from Italian and Asian cuisine for an alluring mix of flavors.Vogue Café Beijing will be open seven days a week, between 10am and 10pm. The Café also operates a full home delivery service. Vogue Café Beijing joins Condé Nast’s portfolio of branded properties under its global licensing division. Other Condé Nast restaurants around the world include Vogue Cafés in Kiev, Moscow, Porto and Riyadh, Vogue Lounge Kuala Lumpur,Vogue Restaurant Istanbul and GQ Bar Berlin. Condé Nast has published its media titles in China for nearly 15 years, having launched Vogue China in 2005, which today ranks as the country’s most influential fashion authority. Today, Condé Nast China publishes titles including Vogue, Vogue Film, Vogue Me, GQ, GQ Lab, GQ Style, Condé Nast Traveler and Architectural Digest, under copyright cooperation with partners.

SELFIES BRING A SMILE As the COVID-19 virus appeared and spread and the whole world seemed to be put on hold it has been a good time to reflect at where we are and what we are doing. As the news has been totally dominated with lock-downs, masks, social distancing and hospital reports it has been nice to see new Selfie installations in children’s wards, schools, dentist and veterinary surgeries and doctors waiting rooms intending to create a calming space.The brand new Dubbo Base Hospital in NSW, Australia have recently revealed a new Selfie mural installation in their Medical Imaging Department. Not surprisingly the lock down had created a renewed interest in hobbies and crafts with jigsaw puzzles becoming one of the go to activities to fill in the time and keep people sane, many stores running out of stock. Much of the recent licensing activity has also been in this category with paint by numbers for Hinkler in Australia, diamond painting kits for both Diamond Painting Deutschland and Dozelf in the Netherlands, wooden puzzles with

Decolaser in Argentina, stitch kits with Art Needlepoint Co in the USA and a range of Selfie activity books with Kidsbooks Publishing in the USA. Howard was honoured and amazed to receive the Elite Business and Leadership Award for the Best Beach Front Resort in its first year of opening for the Selfie Beach Resort although there is much work still to be done. Everything is on hold at the moment due to the lock downs but Howard and his colleagues have used the time wisely and are proud to have helped the local community during these very hard times having their staff deliver regular food parcels to 300 of the poorest local families.



LICENSING INTERNATIONAL ASIAN LICENSING AWARDS The winners of Licensing International’s 2020 Asian Awards have been revealed. In response to the global coronavirus pandemic, the Licensing International Asian Awards ceremony has been moved to celebrate the best of the best in the Asian licensing business online. This year’s Awards featured 64 nominees across 13 categories judged by a panel of Asian licensing experts from all areas of the industry, followed by voting from the licensing community. The Licensing International Asian Awards which recognize the excellence, innovation and creativity in the licensing industry. The winners of Licensing International Asian Awards 2020 are: • Asian Property of the Year B.Duck from Semk Products

• Corporate Brand/Lifestyle Property of the Year Mickey Mouse (Year of the Mouse) from The Walt Disney Company (China) • Digital Property of the Year Honor of Kings from Tencent • Entertainment Property of the Year – Animated Frozen II from The Walt Disney Company • Entertainment Property of the Year – Live Action Street Dance of China from Alibaba Culture & Entertainment Group • The Newcomer Award Donglaiye from Shanghai Donglaiye Brand Management Co. • Licensed Promotion of the Year Jingdong World Museum Super IP Day from The Metropolitan Museum

of Art, National Gallery,Victoria & Albert Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / • Location-Based or Experiential Initiative of the Year Yu Garden Mickey Lantern Festival from The Walt Disney Company (China) Ltd. / Shanghai Yu Garden Huadeng Culture & Creative Group • Retailer of the Year Fujian Lixun Group Co B.Duck • Licensee of the Year – Apparel/ Footwear/Accessories Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Co – Line Friends / Chow Tai Fook Line Friends Series • Licensee of the Year – FMCG Procter & Gamble Company – Mickey Mouse (Year of the Mouse) / SK-II Facial

DIARY OF DINOSAURS FROM WINSING MONDO SELL SET TO LAUNCH IN MAY SISSI TO JETSEN Diary of Dinosaurs, produced by Winsing Animation, will theatrically release on HUASHI May 1st, 2021 in China. This 90-min feature film is based on the genre of comedy, adventure and action. It revolves around a family of herbivorous dinosaurs who try to defend their homeland. Woody, a star agent intern, is travelling from the future to find his senior partner. In such a strange world, he meets Yaya and gets her guidance and help. During this journey, Woody finds that Yaya is the endangered species of dinosaurs. Meanwhile, Yaya and other herbivorous dinosaurs are suffering from the invasion of the carnivorous dinosaurs. Fear means that Yaya and her fellows keep running away from their endless harassment. However, Yaya is greatly influenced by Woody’s braveness and finally overcomes her inborn fear and makes a decision - firmly stands her ground just like her father when the carnivorous’ invade next time. With rich experience on IP development and production, Diary of Dinosaurs is the seventh feature film created by Winsing.

Did you know? • Between 70% and 80% of all merchandise sold in Walmart is made in China. • Chinese consumers spend $US73 billion on luxury goods each year. • The average household income in China has increased by more than 400 percent in 10 years

Mondo TV has announced the sale to an internationally renowned distributor in China, of the new series of its popular animated hit for girls Sissi the Young Empress. The new series of Sissi the Young Empress has also been sold to the Chinese distributor Jetsen Huashi for showing on digital media starting from spring 2021. Jetsen Huashi is a distributor that acquires rights to license content to China’s leading mobile and online platforms, among others. Sissi the Young Empress is based on a real historical figure – a young empress who captured the public imagination well beyond her Austrian homeland. The first two series of Sissi the Young Empress have enjoyed big success with the show’s target audience of young girls and have been established ratings hits in over 40 countries. The third season launched last year with a brand-new format: a 26 x 11’ series in 3D CGI with a fresh new take and even more of the magic and adventure that made series one and two so popular.





As part of her 65th anniversary, Mercis report that Miffy launched her Chinese hospitality program in winter 2020, in Shenzhen. The first Miffy flagship restaurant is entitled Miffy Kitchen. It is located by the Qushui Bay in Happy Coast, a well-known resort in Shenzhen. It is home to many young people who love food and fashion, and the area attracts tourists from all over the world to visit and enjoy their leisure time, as well as for social media sharing. Miffy Kitchen has a special environment, combining a food and shopping experience. The restaurant strictly follows the concept from Dick Bruna, Miffy’s creator, to treat every friend, big or small, with sincerity. Almost every visitor passing by Qushui Bay will be attracted by Miffy Kitchen. Miffy Kitchen’s first menu is a work of quality. The restaurant has invited a French Michelin-star chef to design dishes with selected ingredients. The chef organically combines the food he tasted during his travels abroad with Chinese favor, and has innovatively designed special fusion dishes. In spring 2021, the restaurant plans to upgrade its menu by releasing more dishes for family customers. As a cartoon themed restaurant, the shopping experience is a must. In the Miffy Kitchen shop, visitors can find Miffy fashion apparel, dolls, handbags, mobile accessories and dinnerware. BVGA International F&B Investment Co., Ltd is the licensee responsible for Miffy Kitchen. As the licensee of the Miffy catering category in China, BVGA has also opened a Miffy themed drinking shop, Miffy Café, in Shenzhen Nantou Ancient City, and set up a pop-up store, Miffy Booth, during the Chinese New Year period at Bay Market, Shenzhen Bay. Beginning in the second half of 2021, BVGA will explore a further development of their Miffy catering business, in an effort to let more Miffy fans in China meet the character.

ViacomCBS Consumer Products (VCP) has appointed Jennifer Pang to lead its business in Greater China. Pang will be based in Hong Kong, reporting to Mark Kingston, Senior Vice President, International Licensing,VCP. As Vice President and Head of Licensing, Greater China, Pang leads VCP’s overall licensing business across markets in Greater China for all ViacomCBS franchises. She is responsible for managing the team, VCP’s master licensee agent as well as global partnership activity locally, while sourcing and executing local licensing and promotional deals. She also oversees retail sales and marketing, driving revenue through key account management.

Kingston said, “Asia is an important area of focus for us as we continue to engage with our audiences and extend our most loved IPs and brands beyond linear. With Jennifer’s insight and familiarity of the region as well as her expertise, we are looking forward to aggressively pursuing new partnerships and capitalising on opportunities in this key market.” Pang has over 11 years of experience in licensing, brand management and strategy across Asia. She was most recently with Hasbro Consumer Products where she served as Head of Category Licensing for North Asia, managing the licensing programme for eOne and Hasbro brands. Prior to that, Pang was with Entertainment One where she was Senior Director, Licensing – Asia, Family & Brands.

Did you know? • Alibaba, China’s online sales giant moves almost three times as much merchandise as Amazon and, when you count its subsidiaries, it has inched past Walmart as the biggest retailer. Alibaba is making a foray into the American e-commerce market with AliExpress, which is already the sixth-biggest online-shopping site in the US.


TOTAL LICENSING CHINA The award-winning licensing programme of the V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum, London) offers an almost infinite source of design inspiration for a multitude of product categories. Despite its challenges, 2020 saw some fantastic debut launches for the V&A and the continued growth of its product offering and global reach. With new licensees joining and more launches from existing partners, its success indicates its ongoing appeal across multiple product categories and territories, enabling existing and new audiences to connect with the V&A’s magnificent collections. East Asia is still a key focus and the museum works closely with their licensing agents in China (Alfilo Brands) and South Korea (Infiniss) on expanding product categories, launching new ranges and increasing brand recognition. There is promise of even more to look forward to in 2021 with some exciting launches scheduled for late spring and early summer. In China, over 120 new products launched in 2020, building a strong product offering on the V&A’s Tmall flagship store. Popular themes include the Strawbery Thief, the famous design by William Morris, featuring on a range of jewellery, tableware and key rings. New favourites include glamourous scent diffusers featuring artwork from George Barbier’s 1925 ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ series, and the Scottie dog collection which includes cute key rings, glassware, a jewellery range and a covetable embroidered bag. Recent collaborations in China include a new launch with Tempo tissues, fronted by beloved actor and singer,


Kris Wu. Tempo restyled their tissue packets using three William Morris designs, including one of his most popular tapestries The Forest, as well as Golden Lily and Acanthus. The Forest was woven by Morris & Co. at Merton Abbey in 1887 and depicts remarkable

animal drawings by Philip Webb, including the hare and fox which feature on Tempo’s design. Fashion designer JI CHENG and the V&A have also launched their first range together, featuring a series of artworks from the museum’s archive of botanical illustration, translated across sweatshirts, skirts and blouses. Inspired by a diverse range of plants and leaf shapes, JI CHENG applied their design notion of “warm and sophisticated pragmatism” to create an uplifting collection that brings a luxurious edge to a casual look. New home tech licensee Moido launched two firsts for the Museum: a

shower head and essential oils set, with a gift box featuring the Strawberry Thief artwork by William Morris; and a patterned foot massage mat and matching gift box based on Morris’ Windrush pattern, featuring wild flowers and trees inspired by the English Cotswolds. Both products were launched as part of Double 11. In other activity, the V&A and Alfilo Brands created an Art Deco themed experiential pop-up store in one of Shanghai’s most popular destination areas for shopping and leisure. At the ‘Grand Time Hotel’ located in Shimao Mall on Nanjing Road, visitors were brought back to the 1920s and 30s to savour the timeless modern atmosphere created by the Art Deco theme. The “Hotel” was divided in to six experience spaces including the Reception, the Lobby, the Boudoir, the Bar, the Art Shop and the Gallery. Room sets included murals, posters, clothing and furniture based on items in the V&A archives. This experiential store ran for three months from November until January, covering the popular festive season and New Year. With a strong demand for online activity, the V&A released its latest livestream on Kuaishou, focused on the pop up store. The stream started in the UK with a V&A museum tour focused on Art Deco, then switched to a Shanghai tour of the store, with an immersive theatre segment and prize giveaways of licensed product. The event was well received and had a viewership of 2.8 million and likes of 56,000.

授权概览中国 伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆 (V&A) 屡获殊荣的授权计划为众 多产品类别带来了近乎无限的设计 灵感来源。尽管面临诸多挑战,但 V&A 在 2020 年迎来了一些精彩 的首发,其产品及全球影响力也在 持续增长。随着新的被授权商加入 以及现有合作伙伴的推陈出新,其 成功体现了它在多个产品类别和地 区的持续吸引力,让新老观众能够 与 V&A 的宏伟收藏联系起来。 东亚地区仍然是一个重点,博物馆 与中国和韩国的授权代理商(分别 为 Alfilo Brands 和 Infiniss)紧 密合作,共同拓展产品类别,推出 新的系列,同时提高品牌知名度。 2021 年还有更多值得期待的承 诺,一些令人振奋的新品计划于春 末夏初推出。 在中国,2020 年 V&A 天猫旗舰 店推出了 120 余款新品,产品阵 容空前强大。颇受欢迎的主题包括 William Morris 的知名设计 —“ 草莓小偷”,它的身影出现在了一 系列珠宝、餐具和钥匙圈上。新宠 包括以 George Barbier 在 1925 年创作的“七宗罪”系列作品为特 色的魅力香氛扩香器,以及跃然于 可爱钥匙圈、玻璃器皿、珠宝系列 和可爱刺绣包上的苏格兰梗系列。 近期在中国还与广受喜爱的演员 兼歌手吴亦凡合作,由其代言发 布了 Tempo 纸巾新品。Tempo 用 William Morris 的三种装饰 图案重新设计了自己的纸巾包装, 其中就包括他最受欢迎的挂毯之 一“森林”,以及“金百合”和“

莨苕叶”。“森林”是由 Morris & Co. 于 1887 年在默顿修道院 的挂毯工坊完成,描绘了 Philip Webb 非同寻常的动物图画,包括 Tempo 设计中的野兔与狐狸。 时装设计师 JI CHENG 与 V&A 也推出了他们合作的第一个系列, 让博物馆植物插图档案中的一系列 艺术作品,跃然于运动衫、裙子和 衬衫之上。受各种各样植物和叶子 形状的启发,JI CHENG 运用“ 温暖而精致的实用主义”设计理念 打造了一个振奋人心的系列,将休 闲造型推向了奢华的前沿。 新的家居科技被授权商 Moido 为 博物馆推出了两款首创产品:淋 浴莲蓬头与精油套装,并在礼盒 上缀有 William Morris 的“草 莓小偷”艺术作品;此外还有以 Morris 的“温德拉什河”图案为 背景的脚底按摩垫和配套礼盒,而 图案中的野花和树木的灵感则源自 英国科茨沃尔德。这两款产品都是 为了“双十一”活动而专门推出 的。 在另一项活动中,V&A 与 Alfilo 品牌在上海最受欢迎的购物休闲目 的地之一打造了一家以装饰艺术为 主题的体验式快闪店。在南京路世 茂广场的“大时代酒店”,游客们 仿佛置身于上世纪二三十年代,亲 身体验了一把装饰艺术主题所营造 的永恒现代氛围。 “酒店”被分成了六个体验空间, 包括前台、大堂、闺房、酒吧、艺 术商店和画廊。房间里的摆设包括 壁画、海报、服装和家具,都是根

据 V&A 档案中的物品而设计的。 这家体验店从 11 月一直营业到第 二年的 1 月,为期三个月,涵盖了 节假日和新年旺季。 由于线上活动的需求强烈,V&A

在快手上推出了重点介绍快闪店的 最新直播节目。 这鼓风潮始于英国的 V&A 博物馆 之旅,侧重于装饰艺术,然后转到 上海的门店之旅,不仅包括沉浸式 剧场环节,更有特许产品的奖品赠 送。 活动反响强烈,观看人数多达 280 万,共有 5.6 万人点赞。 15


SHENZHEN PREPARES FOR 2021 LICENSING CHINA Previously held annually as a highly praised licensing product zone in Toy & Edu China (Shenzhen International Toy & Education Fair), Licensing China expanded and upgraded to become an individual fair in 2020, mirroring the growth of the licensing industry in China. The strong Chinese toy market has seen signs of recovery following the worldwide COVID-19 disruption. As South China’s leading trade platform for their respective industries, Toy & Edu China, Baby & Stroller China as well as Licensing China, were held last August, delayed from March and the next edition will be held at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center from 30 March to 1 April 2021, along with a number of digital

solutions to provide more business opportunities to onsite and virtual participants. China’s toy market was worth USD 14.9 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 27.2 billion by 2025, according to the market research firm Imarc Group. Even under the influence of the ongoing pandemic, the toys and games market in the country has proved resilient, with a growth of more than 6% recorded in June 2020. “Like many other industries in China, the toys and games sector has taken a hit from the pandemic,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented. “But the prospects are brighter as we are seeing gradual recovery. By getting the industry together, we hope this

For information visit 16

will help them to tap into the growth opportunities and navigate the new normal.” She added: “In a challenging time like this, it is important for us as a trade fair organiser to promote industry recovery and boost confidence among industry stakeholders. Therefore we have held a physical event complemented by a series of virtual services starting from 2020.” Mr Wu Guofang, General Manager of Yangzhou Aihao Toys shared his thoughts on the benefits of the 2020 event. “We believe participating in Toy & Edu China is one of the most important ways to recover from COVID-19. The fair provides new business opportunities as many genuine and highquality buyers are present and placing orders.”


Ms Pebble Zhang, General Manager, Licensing Business Division, Alpha Group Co Ltd, continued, “Different manufacturers from the toy, food and apparel industry, a technology company ByteDance and some retail brands approached us for more info. I think Licensing China being held in Shenzhen, is able to connect us with clients here in the Greater Bay Area, in particular the area is known for toy and apparel manufacturing.” Combining physical event with virtual elements to unlock business opportunities Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, Toy & Edu China, Baby & Stroller China and Licensing China will continue to offer a hybrid fair experience with an integrated digital platform ‘E-connect 360’ in order to support toy, baby product and licensing players across the globe in exploring business opportunities in China. The virtual marketplace will go hand in hand with the physical fairs, which will be held from 30 March to 1 April 2021 in Shenzhen. In response to the heightened demand for online exhibition services, ‘E-connect 360’ will feature a series of digital solutions that go beyond geographical locations and time differences to boost business interaction and information exchange, as well as helping brands achieve greater exposure. A dedicated website will be available by the end of February, giving exhibitors and buyers access to the services all in one place. Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented: “We are finding innovative and effective ways to help our stakeholders embrace the digital possibilities driven by the pandemic. As

an extension of the three in-person events, the online platform will present brands with valuable opportunities to establish connections and maximise coverage. Meanwhile, livestreaming of concurrent conferences and the fair tours will be employed for the first time during the fairs to enhance online participation.” Business matching upgrade To replicate face-to-face interactions for those who cannot travel to China, a business matching service will be available on the ‘Econnect 360’ platform four weeks before and after the fairs, allowing industry players to interact virtually and build new relationships in a more flexible manner. Users can check out other businesses’ profiles based on AIpowered recommendations or manual searches, and reach out to their preferred business partners using the built-in instant messaging tool. Moreover, it can be used to pre-arrange and hold video meetings during the fairs. For buyers who will visit the fairs in person, the business matching programme will also be useful for scheduling appointments with onsite exhibitors. Ms Siyi Ma, Business Development APAC at The Story Tailors highlighted the effectiveness of business matching at the 2020 event:“This is my first time joining the programme and it made my sourcing trip much easier. The organiser helped me set up meetings with the exhibitors that fit with my sourcing needs. I exchanged contacts with many of them and will consider to place orders afterwards.” In addition to business matching, exhibitors can utilise the ‘E-connect 360’ platform to promote their company

and product offerings. Brands can submit their product shots along with descriptions and video content which will be made available for viewing on the website. Moreover, an information centre that highlights the latest developments about the toy, baby product and licensing sectors will provide valuable insights to industry players. Shenzhen: a vital springboard to access South China In 2020 the fairs relocated from Guangzhou to the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, the world’s largest exhibition venue. With this move, global enterprises can benefit more from the economic growth brought by the Greater

Bay Area initiative and the city’s reputation for technological innovation. In addition, Shenzhen is home to many domestic e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce platforms, creating more online trading opportunities for exhibitors, especially when the pandemic has further accelerated the shift to e-commerce. The fairs in 2020 featured 1,321 exhibitors from eight countries and regions whilst 61,553 visitors attended, establishing them as an ideal marketplace to access the promising South China market. Toy & Edu China, Baby & Stroller China and Licensing China are organised by Guangdong Toy Association, Guangzhou Li Tong Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.



深圳为 2021 年做好准备国际授权及衍生品 (深圳)展览会 在此前每年举办的国际玩具及教育 产品(深圳)展览会上,国际授权 及衍生品(深圳)展览会都从未缺 席备受赞誉的授权产品展区,而到 了 2020 年,展会扩大规模并升 级成为了单独的展会,佐证了中国 授权行业的长足发展。 在因席卷全球的新冠肺炎一度停摆 之后,强劲的中国玩具市场出现了 复苏的迹象。 作为华南地区各自行业的领先贸 易平台,国际玩具及教育产品(深 圳)展览会、国际童车及母婴童用 品(深圳)展览会以及国际授权及 衍生品(深圳)展览会从去年 3 月 推迟到了 8 月举办,而下一届将于 2021 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 1 日 在深圳国际会展中心举办,并且还 推出了多项数字化解决方案,为现 场和虚拟参展方创造更多的商机。

根据市场研究公司 Imarc Group 的数据,2019 年中国玩具市场价 值 149 亿美元,预计到 2025 年 这一数字将达到 272 亿美元。 即使受到疫情的持续影响,中国国 内的玩具和游戏市场也显示出了良 好的弹性,在 2020 年 6 月取得了 逾 6% 的增长。 “与中国很多其他行业一样,玩 具和游戏行业也受到了疫情的冲 击,”法兰克福展览(香港)有限 公司的高级总经理温婷女士表示 说: “但随着行业的逐渐复苏,前景开 始变得明朗起来。通过凝聚整个行 业,我们希望帮助他们把握发展机 遇,拥抱新常态。” 她还表示说:“在这样一个充满挑 战的时期,对于贸易展览会的主办 方而言,重要的是推动行业复苏, 同时增强行业利益相关者的信心。

有关信息,请访问 18

为此,我们举办了一场实体展览 会,并从 2020 年开始推出了一系 列的虚拟服务。” Yangzhou Aihao Toys 总经理 Wu Guofang 先生分享了他对 2020 年 展会收效的看法。“我们相信,参 加国际玩具及教育产品(深圳)展 览会是走出新冠肺炎疫情阴霾最重 要的方式之一。展览会带来了新的 商机,因为很多真心实意的实力买 家都会到场订购。” Alpha Group Co Ltd 授权业务 部的总经理 Pebble Zhang 女士 补充说道:“玩具、食品和服装 行业的不同制造商,一家科技公 司 ByteDance 以及一些零售品牌 都在和我们接洽,希望了解更多信 息。我认为在深圳举办的国际授权 及衍生品(深圳)展览会,势必成 为我们与大湾区客户的桥梁,特别 是那些以玩具和服装制造而闻名的

授权概览中国 加速了企业向电子商务转型的情况 下。 2020 年的展会吸引了来自 8 个国家和地区的 1,321 家参展商, 共有 61,553 名观众莅临参观,成 为进军前景广阔的华南市场的理想 之选。 国际玩具及教育产品(深圳) 展览会、国际童车及母婴童用品 (深圳)展览会以及国际授权 及衍生品(深圳)展览会由广 东省玩具协会、广州力通法兰 克福展览有限公司及法兰克福展览 (香港)有限公司共同主办。 地区。” 线上平台实体展会相辅相成 因应当前新冠肺炎疫情,国际玩 具及教育产品(深圳)展览会、 国际童车及母婴童用品(深圳) 展览会以及国际授权及衍生品(深 圳)展览会继续推出集成数字平台 “E-connect 360 云易会”,与实 体展会齐头并进,为世界各地的玩 具、婴童用品和授权行业提供有效 商贸平台,探索中国市场新商机。 2021 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 1 日, 虚拟市场将与实体展会携手亮相深 圳。 为了满足对线上展览服务日益增长 的殷切需求,“E-connect 360 云 易会”将提供一系列打破地域及时 间界限的线上解决方案,促进商业 互动及资讯交流,协助品牌增加曝 光机会。全新设计的云易会网站也 将在 2 月底推出,一站式整合展 会线上服务,方便参展商和买家使 用。 法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司的 高级总经理温婷女士评论说:“疫 情正驱动行业的数字化转型,我们 要寻找创新有效的方法去帮助展会 利益相关者抓紧相关的机遇。作为 三个实体展会活动的延伸,线上平 台将提供宝贵机会予品牌联系业务 及提升知名度。我们也将首次在展 会期间提供直播服务,让观众可以 实时收看同期会议和展会导览,提 高线上参与度。” 商贸配对服务升级 建立联系对业务发展的重要性无庸 置疑,为了让无法前往展会的企业 也能体验展会带来的行业互动,在 展会前后为期四周时间内,“E-

connect 360 云易会”平台上将 推出商贸配对服务,让业界能够以 更灵活的方式进行线上互动,建立 新的业务关系。用户可按人工智能 推荐的名单或以手动搜索的方式查 看其他企业的资料,并通过内置即 时通讯工具与心仪的业务伙伴即时 联系。此外,用户还可以安排 在展会期间与参加实体展会的 企业举行视频会议。 对于将亲临展会的买家来说, 他们也可通过商贸配对服务预 先安排和现场展商的会议。 参加了 2020 年展会的 The Story Tailors 亚太区业务拓展马思一女 士对服务赞不绝口:“这是我第一 次参加商贸配对服务,这让我的采 购之旅变得更加轻松。主办方根据 我的采购需求帮我安排好与参展商 的会面。我与许多参展商都交换了 联系方式,并考虑在展会结束后下 订单。” 除了商贸配对服务,展商还可以利 用“E-connect 360 云易会”平 台宣传其公司和产品。各品牌可提 交附上说明的产品照片或视频内容 供网站使用者浏览。与此同时,线 上信息中心将介绍玩具、婴童用品 和授权行业的最新发展,为业界人 士提供宝贵的见解。 深圳:进军华南地区的重要跳板 2020 年,展会从广州迁至全球最 大的会展场址 — 深圳国际会展中 心。此举令全球企业都能更多地受 益于大湾区倡议带来的经济增长, 以及城市科技创新的声誉。此外, 深圳拥有许多国内和跨境电子商 务平台,可为参展商创造更多的在 线交易机会,特别是在疫情进一步 19


Nostalgia brings comfort to families as parents pass down childhood hobbies

The Insights People data shows a third of kids aged 3-9 play Monopoly in China, and irrespective of the changes in licensed imagery on the board or the technology integrated, the game is fundamentally identical to the original. Kids Insights China launched in September 2020 and has already surveyed more than 7,000 Chinese kids, tweens and teens. Following on from the success of Kids Insights and customer demand, The Insights People launches Parents Insights, which will survey 130,000 parents of children between the age of 1 and 16 in 13 countries. The Insights People, global leader in kids, parents, and family marketing intelligence, has recently identified a trend in its real-time data, which demonstrates nostalgia bridging the gap between different generations. Parents Insights China, part of The Insights People, went live on 1 January 2021 and surveys 10,000 parents of children aged 1-16 across China, every year. To mark the launch of Parents Insights, the company has produced its first ever, Parents Insights Future Forecast report, which makes 10 predictions for the parents and family sector in 2021. The report discusses how nostalgia bridges the gap across generations.


There is no doubt that nostalgia offers comfort in times of uncertainty and stress, looking back to happier times acts as an escape mechanism for many and the last year has proved this. During lockdown data insights from The Insights People has seen nostalgic experiences passed down the generations and kids became invested in parent’s old favourites as they spent more time together. Monopoly’s annual revenue makes up 30% of all mass-market board game sales in the world and the game continues to thrive. Irrespective of the changes in licensed imagery on the board or the technology integrated, the game is fundamentally identical to the game the parents of this generation of kids played growing up. In China, a third of kids aged 3-9 play Monopoly, a 26% increase since November. The challenge to creators, marketeers, and product developers this year, will be to develop content which resonates with parents and kids alike. The financial motive is clear - not only does it re-inspire the imaginations of

the generations who grew up with the previous instalment, but it opens the opportunity to create future brand advocates from their children too. As trends such as these develop across the kids ecosystem, it is more important than ever that brands understand their audience, as the kids media landscape continues fragment. Kids also have more influence and decision-making power within the home than any other previous generation. With this in mind, The Insights People has created the first real-time global media planning tool for kids, which will allow planners and marketeers to not only choose the right media mix for their campaigns but for IP owners and licensees to understand where children are spending their time to aid them in planning their ranges. For a demo of the new media planning tool or to download the full complimentary Parents Insights Future Forecast 2021 report, please visit: parentsinsights. com/portal-demo/


IMG 发展在中国的授权业务 授权概览中国采访了 IMG 品 牌授权部亚洲高级副总裁 Miki Ya ma moto,了解更多关于 IMG 在中国的各种授权项目。 Miki 在日本与她的中国团队紧密合 作,虽然她经常都会到访中国,但 中国政府的旅行限制使得她近期无 法前往中国。 我们请 Miki 介绍一下 IMG 在授权 方面的主要发展现状。 她从芝麻街开始讲起,谈到了芝麻

街、优衣库和艺术家 KAWS 的合 作在中国所取得的巨大成功。 “第一阶段的时装产品已于 2018 年夏季面向全球推出,而中国录 得了所有国家和地区中最高的销售 额。”Miki 解释道: “周杰伦、 藤井夏恋、罗杰·费德勒和上西怜 等名人都穿过这个系列的时装。在 2018 年冬季至 2019 年春季的第 二阶段产品上市之际,吸引了很多 中国消费者在优衣库门店前排队, 而由 KAWS 设计的芝麻街毛绒玩 偶很快就被抢购一空。” “芝麻街还尝试通过‘芝麻街英 语学校’将自己的教育业务拓展到 中国。截至 2020 年,它已在中 国开设了约 200 所学校。但请注 意,IMG 的重点是推动时尚合作 及授权产品,帮助芝麻街成为中国 年轻人及更多家庭的生活方式品

牌;我们与‘芝麻街英语学校’并 无任何工作关系。” 在品牌方面,事实证明 Jeep 非常 受欢迎。“我们目前在中国约有 3,000 家 Jeep 服饰店,此外还有 眼镜、箱包等产品在其他配件专柜 销售。受疫情影响,如今越来越多 的人们热衷于户外运动,而 Jeep 的户外用品成为了他们的热门之 选。” 在体育方面,中国消费者对欧洲 足球俱乐部的商品有着很大的需 求。“我们是尤文图斯和曼城在 中国的授权代表。去年,我们帮 尤文图斯促成了一笔重要的服装交 易,而他们的时装旗舰店将在今 年春天登陆天猫。”曼城在天猫 国际已经开设了一家中国旗舰店 (由 Fanatics 管理而不是 IMG)。 IMG 正在帮助曼城携手当地企 业,继续开拓中国各地的休闲时尚 商品市场。 “在中国足球方面,中超联赛 (CSL) 很受欢迎,而政府也一直 在扶持中超联赛的发展,并鼓励 向欧洲联赛学习。中超联赛目前的 运作方式更像是美国足球职业联 赛 — 包括商品在内的一切事务都 集中管理,各家俱乐部并无独立自 主的管理权。在赞助和媒体版权方 面,IMG 目前正与中超联赛展开 合作。”

那么,Miki 及其中国团队未来 将如何发展。“IMG 是《堡垒之 夜》和《彩虹六号》的中国授权代 理商,随着这些电子游戏和电竞项 目在中国的受欢迎程度持续上升, 我们渴望扩大这些电子游戏和电竞 项目的规模与品牌。”



父母的童年爱好— 被怀旧唤醒的家庭乐趣

The Insights People 的数据显 示,中国 3-9 岁的孩子有三分之一 都在玩“大富翁”游戏,尽管棋盘 上的授权形象或者采用的技术有所 不同,但游戏的本质都与原版游戏 并无二致。 Kids Insights China 于 2020 年 9 月启动,已经对 7,000 多名中国 儿童和青少年展开了调查访问。 继 Kids Insights 的成功并应客户 的要求,Insights People 又推出 了 Parents Insights,后者将对 13 个国家和地区的 130,000 名 1 至 16 岁孩子的父母展开调查访 问。 儿童、父母和家庭营销情报的全球 领导者 The Insights People 最近 在实时数据中发现了一种趋势 — 怀旧正在成为弥合代沟的桥梁。 作为 The Insights People 的一 部分,Parents Insights China 于 2021 年 1 月 1 日启动 ,每年将对 中国的 1 万名 1-16 岁儿童的家长 展开调查访问。为了庆祝 Parents 22

Insights 的启动,公司制作了有史 以来的第一份《Parents Insights 未来预测》报告,对 2021 年的父 母和家庭方面做出了 10 大预测。 这份报告讨论了怀旧如何弥合代 沟。毫无疑问,怀旧能让我们在面 对不确定性和压力时得到慰藉, 唤起心中对幸福时光的回忆,成为 很多人逃避现实的一种方式,这一 点在去年疫情期间得到了证明。 在疫情封锁期间,The Insights People 的数据洞察力见证了世代

相传的怀旧体验,随着大家有更多 的时间一起相处,孩子们也开始喜 欢上父母曾经的最爱。 “大富翁”的年收入占据了全球大 众市场棋盘游戏销售额的 30%, 而且势头仍在继续。不管棋盘上 的授权形象如何变化,也不管采用 何种技术,这款游戏从根本上来 说与父辈当年基本是相同的。在中 国,3-9 岁的孩子中有三分之一在 玩“大富翁”游戏,自 11 月份以 来增加了 26%。 对于创作者、营销人员以及产品开 发员,今年的挑战将是开发能够让 父母和孩子产生共鸣的内容。财务 动机很明确 — 不仅重新激起了在 前代产品陪伴下成长起来的父辈的 美好回忆,也让品牌未来在他们子 女一代的心目中扎根创造了机会。 随着这样的趋势在整个儿童生态系 统中的发展,以及儿童媒体格局的 不断细分,品牌对受众的了解比以 往任何时候都更为重要。孩子们在 家庭里的影响力和决策权也超过了 以往任何一代人。 考虑到这一点,The Insights People 推出了首款实时的儿童全球媒体策 划工具,它不仅能让策划者和营销 人员为自己的广告活动选择恰当的 媒体组合,还能让 IP 所有者和被 授权商了解孩子的时间都花在什么 上面,从而帮助他们规划产品系 列。 有关新媒体策划工具的演示,或 者要免费下载完整的 2021 年 《Parents Insights 未来预测》报 告,请访问 portal-demo/


IMG GROW LICENSING ACTIVITY IN CHINA We asked Miki to tell us about some of the key properties handled by IMG. She began talking about Sesame Street and the collaboration between Sesame Street, Uniqlo and the artist KAWS which was a huge success in China. “The first phase of apparel products launched globally in summer 2018 and China recorded the highest sales of any other country.” Explained Miki. “The collection was worn by celebrities including Jay Chou, Karen Fujii, Roger Federer and Rei Jonishi. For the phase two launch (winter 2018 – spring 2019), many Chinese consumers queued in front of Uniqlo stores, and Sesame Street plush dolls designed by KAWS sold-out immediately.” “Sesame Street is also trying to extend its educational mission in China with the Sesame Street English Schools. As of 2020, there are around 200 schools in China. However, please note IMG’s focus is on facilitating fashion collaborations and licensed products that help position Sesame Street as a lifestyle brand amongst young adults and families in China; we don’t do any work with or for the Sesame Street English School.” On the brand side, Jeep is proving hugely popular. “We currently have about 3,000 locations for Jeep apparel shops in China, in addition to products sold in other accessory counters such as eyewear and bags. People are participating in more outdoor sports now

Total Licensing China spoke to Miki Yamamoto who heads up IMG’s licensing efforts in Asia to find out more about IMG’s various licensing programmes in China.

as a result of the pandemic, and Jeep’s outdoor items are a popular choice for them.” On the sports side, there is high demand for European football club merchandise amongst Chinese consumers. “We are the licensing representative for Juventus and Manchester City in China. We brokered a major apparel deal for Juventus last year, and they are launching a flagship fashion apparel store at Tmall this spring.” Manchester City already has a flagship store in China (managed by Fanatics, not through IMG) in Tmall International. IMG is helping Manchester City to partner with local players to explore more casual fashion merchandise opportunities across China.

“With regards to football in China, the Chinese Super League (CSL) is very popular and the government has been encouraging it to grow and learn from the European leagues. CSL is currently run more like American leagues where everything (including merchandise) is managed centrally as opposed to by the individual clubs. At IMG, we are currently works with CSL in the sponsorship and media rights spaces.” So what does the future hold for Miki and her team in China. “IMG is the licensing agent for Fortnite and Rainbow Six in China, and we are keen to expand these video game and esports properties and brands as they continue to increase in popularity in China.”

Miki is based in Japan with a team working for her in China and visits China as frequently as possible – although because of Chinese government travel restrictions she has been unable to visit recently but hopes to in the near future.



ONLINE RETAIL IN CHINA EXCEEDS 50% OF TOTAL RETAIL In a world first, the majority of retail sales for an entire country will happen online with fifty-two percent of China’s entire retail sales coming from ecommerce in 2021. This represents an increase from 44.8% last year in research done by eMarketer. No other country in the world comes close to this. Following China, the country with the next highest rate of e-commerce as a percentage of total retail sales is South Korea, with 28.9% of retail sales taking place online this year. The UK follows in third place with 28.3%. Interestingly, the USA drags behind with only 15% of retail sales taking place online, rising to a projected 16.2% in 2022.

Despite the the US remaining just ahead of China in overall retail sales ($5.506 trillion against China’s $5.13 trillion in 2020), China will outpace the U.S. by nearly $2 trillion in e-commerce during 2021. According to eMarketer, there are several factors that can be credited for the recent increased that pushed ecommerce over the 50% threshold in China. These include social commerce, which grew by an astonishing 44.1% in China last year and will grow by another 35.5% this year, reaching $363.26 billion. In comparison, social commerce in the USA will total around $36.09 billion this year. For next year, eMarketer projects that

e-commerce will expand to reach 55.6% of total retail sales in China. Only two things will prevent this juggernaut growth. Firstly, China’s overall retail sales growth is expected to be far more constrained in the coming years than it has been over the past decade, as China’s economic engine is not what it once was. Secondly, several hundred million people in China are not yet online at all, and thus growth from these consumers will have to wait until a little later. So what has propelled this extraordinary growth pattern. In reality there are several factors. Firstly, social commerce: This is estimated to have grown by 44.1% in Chi-

Ecommerce sales in China - 2019 to 2024 forecast Trillions plus percentage of total retail sales (on and off line)


Total ecommerce sales % of total China sales



$2,779 $2,297 $1,801













Note: Includes products and services bought online excluding travel and events, bill payments, taxes, food and drink services and gambling. Excludes Hong Kong Source:



Top Countries by Retail Ecommerce 2020 $ billions 1 China $2296.95 2 USA $794.50 3 UK $180.39 4 Japan $141.26 5 South Korea $110.60 6 Germany $96.86 7 France $73.80 8 India $55.35 9 Canada $39.22 10 Spain $36.40 Excludes travel and event, bill paying, taxes, food and drink services and gambling. Source: eMarketer.

na last year and will grow by another 35.5% this year, reaching $363.26 billion. In addition, WeChat’s Mini Programs are also responsible. As ubiquitous as Tencent’s super app has been in China for nearly a decade, it was only recently that its interface began to skillfully facilitate third-party ecommerce. Mini Programs allow businesses to better leverage WeChat’s user base and have proven to be extremely popular among both merchants and consumers. A further reason is Pinduoduo (PDD). This group-buying-meetssocial-networking phenomenon has shot up from a 0.5% market share in 2016 to a projected 13.2% of China’s ecommerce market this year (Alibaba

Top Countries by Retail Ecommerce Sales Share 2021 1. China 2 South Korea 3. UK 4. Denmark 5 Norway 6 USA 7 Finland 8 Sweden 9 France 10 Spain

52.1% 28.9% 28.3% 19.1% 17.6% 15.0% 14.3% 13.2% 11.2% 10.9%

Excludes travel and event, bill paying, taxes, food and drink services and gambling. Source: eMarketer.

will claim 50.8% and will have 15.9%). PDD has unlocked China’s rural ecommerce participation more effectively than any other platform. Another reason is Livestreaming “Live Commerce”: Live Commerce

is almost by definition a social media activity, but in the first instance the traditionally non-social Alibaba properties led the way on livestreaming commerce. Eventually, however, everyone else jumped on the bandwagon, and the organically video-centric platforms like Douyin have an edge going forward. Finally, of course, COVID-19 helped the growth of ecommerce. Although China appeared to have suppressed the coronavirus threat far more quickly than any other country – and has been operating with a generally ‘normal’ economy for the last nine months

– it is still true that consumer behavior was altered last year. Online grocery shopping surged thanks to the virus lockdowns, and this preference may prove to continue to be popular in the longer term. Going forward, more of the same is anticipated from China. In 2022, an ecommerce sales growth of 11% is predicted which will push the sector’s share to 55.6% of total retail. The $3 trillion threshold for e-commerce sales should be breached as well (with a forecast $3.085 trillion for next year).



中国的网上零售额已超过零售总 额的 50% 截至 2021 年,中国的零售总额 中有 52% 源自电子商务,而整 个国家/地区的大部分零售都发 生在线上尚属全球首例。 这比 eMarketer 去年得出的 44.8% 的研究结果有所提高。世界上没有 任何其他国家或地区能与之相提并 论。 继中国之后,电子商务占零售总 额比例第二高的国家是韩国,今 年的网络零售额占到了零售总额 的 28.9%。英国以 28.3% 紧随其 后,位居第三。有趣的是,美国远 远落在了后面,只有 15% 的零售 源自网络,预计到 2022 年这一数 字将上升到 16.2%。 尽管美国在整体零售额上仍领先 于中国(2020 年美国的零售额为 5.506 万亿美元,而中国为 5.13

万亿美元),但在 2021 年,中 国的电子商务金额将领先美国近 2 万亿美元。 根据 eMarketer 的调查,多重 因素推动了中国的电子商务突破 50% 这一门槛。其中也包括社交 电子商务 — 去年在中国的增长达 到了惊人的 44.1%,而今年将继 续增长 35.5%,金额达 3632.6 亿美元。相比之下,美国今年的社 交电子商务总额才约为 360.9 亿 美元。 据 eMarketer 预测,中国明年的 电子商务占比将上升到零售总额的 55.6%。只有两件事能阻止这种强 劲的增长。首先,由于中国的经济 引擎早已今非昔比,因此预计未来 几年里,中国的整体零售销售增长 将比过去十年受到更大的限制。其

次,中国还有几亿人根本没有上 网,因此这些消费者带来的增长仍 尚需时日。 那么,是什么推动了这种非凡的增 长模式呢?事实上这源自于多种因 素。 第一,社交电子商务。 据估计,中 国的社交电子商务去年增长达到了 惊人的 44.1%,而今年将继续增长 35.5%,金额达 3632.6 亿美元。 此外,微信小程序也起到了推波助 澜的作用。尽管腾讯的超级应用在 中国已经存在了近十年,然而直到 最近,它的界面才开始巧妙地推动 第三方电子商务的发展。微信小程 序让企业能够更好地利用微信用户 群,事实证明,它们无论是在商家 还是消费者中都广受欢迎。 另一个因素是拼多多 (PDD)。这

中国电子商务销售额 — 2019 年至 2024 年预测 万亿 + 占零售总额的百分比(线上及线下)


电子商务销售总额 占中国总销售额的百分比



$2,779 $2,297 $1,801













注:包括线上购买的产品和服务,但不包括旅行和活动、缴费、税金、餐饮服务和赌博。不包括香港 来源



零售业国家排名 电子商务 2021 年销售份额

零售业国家排名 2020 年电子商务 亿美元 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

中国 美国 英国 日本 韩国 德国 法国 印度 加拿大 西班牙

22969.5 7945.0 1803.9 1412.6 1106.0 968.6 738.0 553.5 392.2 364.0

不包括旅行和活动、缴费、税金、餐饮服务和赌博。 来源:eMarketer。

1. 2 3. 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10

中国 韩国 英国 丹麦 挪威 美国 芬兰 瑞典 法国 西班牙

52.1% 28.9% 28.3% 19.1% 17.6% 15.0% 14.3% 13.2% 11.2% 10.9%

不包括旅行和活动、缴费、税金、餐饮服务和赌博。 来源:eMarketer。

九个月里,中国的经济运行总体上 都是“正常”的,但去年消费者的 行为确实发生了改变。由于应对疫 情而采取的封锁措施,网上购物激 增,而长远来看,这种购物偏好可 能会继续受到欢迎。 展望未来,预计中国会有更多类似 的情况发生。预计到 2022 年,电 子商务销售额将增长 11%,从而使

种团购拼单 + 社交网络的购物方 式已经从 2016 年 0.5% 的市场 份额一路狂飙到目前中国电子商务 市场 13.2% 的份额(阿里巴巴占 50.8%,而 占15.9%)。 相比其他平台,拼多多在推动中国 农村电子商务发展方面更胜一筹。 另一个因素是“直播带货”。从本 质上来说,“直播带货”几乎就 是一种社交媒体活动,但一开始, 率先在直播带货上发力的却是一贯 走传统非社交渠道的阿里巴巴。最 终,所有其他平台最终都跟风加 入,而像抖音这样的视频平台更是 占尽先机。 最后,新冠肺炎疫情当然也推动了 电子商务的发展。尽管中国似乎比 其他任何国家都更快地控制住了新 冠肺炎疫情的威胁,并且在过去的 其份额达到零售总额的 55.6%。3 万亿美元的电子商务销售额门槛也 势必被轻松迈过(预计明年将达到 3.085 万亿美元)。



作者:George Williams,LMCA Asia George Williams 是 LMCA Asia 的 总经理。George 是 将品牌授权引入亚洲的 先驱。他在战略联盟的 谈判和管理方面代表主 要国际品牌已有 20 多 年。他在中国分销、 营销和零售行业的内部 运作方面拥有丰富的经 验。George 拥有芝 加哥大学的工商管理硕 士 (MBA) 学位和科 罗拉多学院的经济学学 士学位。

消费类电子品牌被授权商在中国打开成功之门的两把钥匙 LMCA Asia 在中国上海的办事处 代理了中国和东南亚地区最具标志 性的全球消费电子品牌。 随着中国政府持续专注于本国消费 市场的发展,消费类电子授权行业 的发展机会比比皆是,但未来数年 的市场竞争势必不断加剧,这就要 求各家公司寻找新的方法来实现产 品差异化,同时还要开拓新的消费 群体,以便保持业务增长。 如今,即使是在消费电子领域中一 些中国最大的本土品牌,也正在与 国际品牌建立授权合作伙伴关系, 以服务于更多的富裕消费者并创造 更高的利润。但在消费电子领域, 成功管理一个授权企业品牌离不开 大量的投资,而且还要与授权商携 手合作。 专职团队 — 首先,被授权商必须 准备投资组建一个专职团队,由各 主要学科的专业人员来为授权计划


提供支持。被授权商至少要有专门 的人员,涵盖一般管理、产品设 计/开发、产品管理、销售、市场 营销和客户服务等方面。直接从现 有品牌或企业借用资源似乎看起来 很划算,特别是在计划开发的早期 阶段,但计划的长期成功还是要取 决于每天都有哪些资源可以让品牌 得以生存和发展。 与授权商的沟通与合作 — 有效的 授权合作关系就是伙伴关系!作为 品牌所有者,在允许被授权商使用 自己的品牌时,有时这些被授权商 远在半个地球之外,授权商最担 心的问题之一就是,如果被授权商 将品牌用在开发不足或次品上, 那么品牌在消费者的眼中可能就 会“受损”。同样,如果品牌的营 销材料和信息与全球其他市场的信 息和定位不一致,就会造成与消费 者脱节,好比被授权商无法提供强

有力的客户服务,让消费者对品牌 大失所望一样。每份商标特性协议 (TMLA) 都包含了授权商的审批 权,这样他们就能与被授权商携手 开发产品、市场推广材料以及操作 流程,从而支持品牌的长期价值并 建立互惠互利的合作伙伴关系。 为了减轻授权商的担忧,合作伙 伴需要实施强有力的流程来相互沟 通,一旦制定这些流程并达成了 一致意见,就必须由被授权商来推 动。例如,在大多数情况下,授权 商与本地市场的联系不够紧密,因 此无法了解授权产品的竞争环境。 被授权商需要明确每款产品为当地 消费者带来的价值主张,而且被授 权商还需要推动产品的开发来满足 消费者的需求,同时与市场上的其 他品牌/产品展开有效竞争。 然后,授权商将评估产品的设计 和计划的功能,以及产品本身的生 产前样品,以确保这些产品与品 牌在全球其他市场中的定位和整体 DNA 均保持一致。 为了让产品开发和生产日历按计划 进行,被授权商需要主动代表合作 伙伴来管理这些日历。因此,尽早 发现可能导致不必要延迟的潜在问 题,从而使业务能够尽可能平稳地 运行。 授权合作并不总是那么轻松,但是 通过投资一支高素质的专门团队来 管理该计划,同时专注于与品牌合 作伙伴的有效合作与沟通,被授权 商就能为成功做好准备。


SPENDING ON CHILDREN CONTINUES TO GROW China’s market for children’s goods and services has continued to grow as family incomes have risen. The country’s market for goods and services for children is worth almost US$700 billion and a survey suggests it is common for 30 to 50 per cent of Chinese parents’ spending to go on their children The growing market focused on kids comes with affluent, urban Chinese parents paying increasing attention to their children’s health and wellrounded growth. The average annual disposable income for Beijing residents last year was about 69,000 yuan, while it was 44,000 yuan for urban residents across the country and 17,000 yuan for rural residents, according to the National Statistics Bureau. Almost half of the families surveyed in the 2020 Children Economy Insights Report, conducted by analytics firm QuestMobile, said 30 to 50 per cent of their overall spending went on their children. Besides daily necessities, they spent mostly on education, entertainment and classes such as music tuition. Close to 90 per cent of parents aged 25 to 40 who had children aged under 12 spent 1,000 to 5,000 yuan on their children each month, the report said. Of course, spending such as this is generating growing revenue in shopping malls across the country, especially those that cater to both parents and children. The management of the Intime mall in the capital’s Fengtai district is considering increasing the number of stores focused on entertainment for families, and child education. “The majority of our consumers are between 35 and 45 years old and most of them are parents,” a spokesperson commented. The report listed skiing, horse riding,

swimming, baking and playing with Lego as some of the activities most favoured by Chinese parents and children. China’s well-off families also prefer high-quality hotels when they travel, according to a report in January by the Chinese online travel company It said most of the parents who travelled with children were below 40 years old and half of them favoured four-star and five-star hotels. However, spending on children per head may also increase as a result of decades of its one-child policy and changing social attitudes about family and marriage which are driving a plummeting birth rate in China. Preliminary figures released recently show a drop of about 15% in 2020. According to reports, the reasons for the low birth rates include the high costs of housing and education, and growing rejection of marriage among young women. In 2019 the marriage rate hit a 14-year low. The data released from the Chinese ministry of public security, showed the number of new birth registrations in 2020 was 10.035 million, compared with 11.8 million in 2019. The 2019 figure marked the lowest point since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. The registration figures also highlighted a continuing gender imbalance. Almost 53% of births were boys, with about 545,000 more born than girls. The decline in births has prompted warnings for China’s economy as its population ages quickly without suf-

Children’s money is money earned most easily, goes a saying in China’s consumer market. Covering kids’ clothes, food and drink, sports equipment and all kinds of extracurricular activities, the Chinese market for goods and services for children has expanded to 4.5 trillion yuan (US$695 billion), according to a recent report by state media outlet Economic Daily.

ficient support for all elderly people. About one-third of the population is predicted to be aged over 60 by the year 2050, and a 2019 report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said the state pension fund was likely to run out of money by 2035.


Two Licensee Keys for Success with Consumer Electronics Brands in China By George Williams, LMCA Asia George Williams is the Managing Director of LMCA Asia. George is a pioneer in bringing corporate brand licensing into Asia. He has represented major international brands in the negotiation and management of strategic alliances for over 20 years. He has a wealth of experience in the inner workings of China’s distribution, marketing and retail industries. George has an MBA from the University of Chicago and a BS in Economics from Colorado College.

From their offices in Shanghai, China, LMCA Asia represents some of the most iconic, global consumer electronics brands in China and SE Asia. As the Chinese government continues to focus on the development of the local consumer market, opportunities for growth in the CE licensing sector abound, but the increasing competitiveness of the market in the years ahead demands that companies find new ways to differentiate their products and reach new consumer segments to keep growing their businesses. Today, even some of China’s largest domestic brands in the CE space are entering into licensing partnerships with international brands to serve more affluent consumers and generate higher profits. But successfully managing a licensed corporate brand in consumer electronics, requires a significant amount of investment and cooperation with the licensor. Dedicated Team – First and foremost, licensees must be prepared to invest in a dedicated team of professionals across the primary disciplines that will support the licensing program. At a minimum, licensees should have dedicated staff covering General Management, Product Design/Development, Product Management, Sales, Marketing and Customer Care. Simply borrowing resources from your existing brand or business might seem


cost-effective, particularly in the early stages of your program’s development, but the long-term success of your program will depend upon focused resources that are living and breathing the brand every day. Communication and Cooperation with the Licensor – Effective licensing partnerships are just that, partnerships! As the owner of the brand, one of the licensor’s biggest concerns when giving the licensee the rights to use the brand, sometimes half a world away, is that the brand may become “damaged” in the eyes of consumers if the licensee places the brand on poorly developed or substandard products. Similarly, marketing material and messaging that is inconsistent with the brand’s message and positioning in other markets around the world creates a disconnect with consumers, just like when the licensee fails to provide strong customer care that doesn’t match consumers’ expectations of the brand. Every Trademark License Agreement (TMLA) includes approval rights for the licensor so that they can work with the licensee to develop products, MARCOM materials and operational processes that will support the long-term value of the brand and build a mutually beneficial partnership. To mitigate licensor concerns, the partners need to implement strong processes for communicating with each other, and it’s the licensee that

needs to drive these processes once they are defined and agreed to. As an example, in most instances, the licensor is not close enough to the local market to understand the competitive environment for the licensed products. It is the licensee who needs to define the value proposition that each product is offering to local consumers, and it is the licensee who needs drive the development of products that will meet consumer needs and compete effectively against other brands/products in the market. Licensors will then evaluate the designs and planned functionality of the products, as well as pre-production samples of the products themselves to ensure that those products are consistent with the brand’s positioning and overall DNA in other markets around the world. For licensees to keep their product development and production calendars on schedule, they need to be proactive in managing those calendars on behalf of the partnership. Thereby, working to identify potential problems that could cause unnecessary delays early so that the business can run as smoothly as possible. Licensing partnerships are not always easy, but by making an investment in a well-qualified, dedicated team to manage the program, and focusing on effective cooperation and communication with their brand partner, licensees will find themselves well positioned for success.

授权概览中国 孩子的钱最好赚 — 这 是中国消费市场上的一 种说法。 根据国家媒体《经济日 报》的最新报道,中国 的儿童商品和服务市场 规模已扩大到 4.5 万 亿元人民币( 6 9 5 0 亿美元),涵盖了童 装、食品饮料、体育器 材和各类课外活动。

儿童经济蓬勃发展 随着家庭收入的增长,中国的儿童 商品和服务市场持续增长。 中国的儿童商品和服务市场价值近 7,000 亿美元,而一项调查显示, 中国家长花在孩子身上的钱通常都 占到家庭开支的 30% 至 50% 推动儿童市场发展的是中国城市里 富裕的家长越来越重视孩子的健康 和全面成长。 根据国家统计局的数据,北京居民 去年的年均可支配收入约为 6.9 万 元,而全国城镇居民的这一数字为 4.4 万元,农村居民为 1.7 万元。 而根据分析公司 QuestMobile 发 布的《2020 年儿童经济洞察报 告》,近半数的受访家庭表示自己 的总体支出中有 30% 至 50% 被用 在了孩子身上。除了日常用品外, 他们还主要把钱花在了教育、娱乐 以及音乐等培训课程上。 报告称,年龄在 25-40 岁之间并且 家里有 12 岁以下孩子的父母中, 有近 90% 的人每月会在孩子身上 花 1000-5,000 元人民币。 这样的消费自然就让全国各地的购 物中心赚到盆满钵满,特别是是那 些既能满足父母又迎合孩子需求的 综合商场。 在北京丰台区的银泰购物中心,管 理层正在考虑增加专门针对家庭娱 乐和儿童教育的门店数量。“我们 的大多数消费者年龄都在 35 至 45 岁之间,其中大多数都是孩子家

长,”一位发言人透露说。 报告显示,滑雪、骑马、游泳、烘 焙和乐高成为了中国家长与孩子最 喜欢的活动。 根据中国线上旅游公司 — 携程旅 行网 ( 一月份公布的一 份报告,中国的富裕家庭在旅行时 也更喜欢选择入住高质量的酒店。 报告还显示,大多数带孩子出行的 家长年龄都在 40 岁以下,而其中 一半喜欢选择四星及五星级酒店。 然而,由于数十年来推行的独生子 女政策,以及社会对家庭和婚姻的 态度转变,导致了中国的人口出生 率直线下降,从而导致了孩子的人 均支出增加。最近公布的初步数据 显示,2020 年的人口出生率下降

了约 15%。 报道称,出生率下降的原因包括住 房和教育成本攀升,以及年轻女性 越来越排斥婚姻。2019 年,结婚 率创下了十四年来的新低。

中国公安部发布的数据显示,2020 年的新生儿登记人数为 1003.5 万, 2019 年为 1180 万。而 2019 年 的数字原本就已是自中华人民共和 国于 1949 年成立以来的最低点。 登记数据还突显了持续的性别失衡 问题。近 53% 的新生儿是男孩, 比女孩人数约多出 54.5 万。 人口迅速老龄化,但却没有足够的 能力赡养所有的老人,因此下降的 人口出生率给中国经济敲响了警 钟。到 2050 年,预计将有约三分 之一的人口年龄将超过 60 岁;而 中国社会科学院 2019 年的一份报 告称,国家养老基金可能到 2035 年就会耗尽。 32


GODZILLA VS KONG SET TO DEBUT Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment’s Godzilla vs. Kong has set a China release date of March 26, five days ahead of its U.S. debut in theaters and on streaming. The past two installments of the franchise have made more money in China than in North America, and with U.S. cinemas still closed in much of the country and taking a continuous beating from the COVID-19 pandemic, the same can be expected

for the latest movie. Its China release, which will be its largest theatrical outing globally, comes amid issues between Legendary, a subsidiary of China’s Wanda Group, and Warner Bros, its USA distributor. Legendary threatened legal action against Warner Bros over its decision to release all of its 2021 films on HBO Max day-and-date with their theatrical debut. Warner Bros. had made matters worse by apparently blocking

a Netflix bid to buy the $200 millionbudgeted film for $250 million. Godzilla vs. Kong is a sequel to Michael Dougherty’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which made $135 million in China, $25 million more than it did in North America. The franchise’s Godzilla film earned $77.6 million in China in 2014, at a time when the country had far fewer screens. The Peter Jackson-directed King Kong grossed $12.7 million in China back in 2006. Over a decade later, China sales matched and slightly exceeded U.S. grosses for 2017’s Kong: Skull Island. It earned $168 million in the mainland, $200,000 more than in North America. After shifting the release date for Godzilla vs. Kong around repeatedly to suit the circumstances of COVID-19, Warner Bros. landed on a March 31 debut in North America and on HBO Max. The streaming platform currently has no plans to operate in the China market.

TENCENT VIDEO IN CO-PRODUCTION DEALS Tencent Video, the leading online video streaming platform in China, has agreed co-production deals with leading European studios Zeilt Productions, Sixteen South and Silvergate Media to develop and produce innovative new kids properties with global appeal. The three deals mark the start of Tencent Video’s multi-year strategy to partner with major international studios across Europe in mutually beneficial co-production agreements that will see the children’s shows air as originals on Tencent Video’s popular kids’ platform, Tencent Kids, in China. The first series to make a splash will be Deep in the Bowl (52 x 5’), a new series aimed at kids aged 8-12 and inspired by the popular French comic books Le Fond du Bocal by Nicolas Poupon. Integrating 3D animation with live action, the show depicts amazing aquariums with a fantastic fishy cast whose experiences mirror those of children’s daily lives. Tencent Video is teaming

up with Oscar-winning, Luxembourgbased animation studio Zeilt Productions to co-produce the show, which is fully funded (including funding from Film Fund Luxembourg) and already in production. With broadcast expected in 2022, Zeilt and Tencent Video are currently looking for distribution partners for the series. BAFTA-winning studio Sixteen South, one of the UK and Ireland’s leading creators of original animated content, is passionate about creating quality television for children across the globe. Its success includes: Wildwoods, the #1 watched kids show in Australia, which is also popular in China on digital platforms; ground-breaking mixed media animated series Lily’s Driftwood Bay, which currently airs in 125 territories across the world; and 2D animation Claude which airs in every country across Europe, Middle East, Africa and Australia. Sixteen South is working with Tencent Video on a soon-to-be-announced, original new 3D comedy series.

Creative content and licensing company Silvergate Media has already enjoyed success in China giving it the expert knowledge and understanding to create appealing shows for the market. Its hit shows include Peter Rabbit and Hilda, plus the huge global success Octonauts, which is one of the leading children’s IPs in Asia. Silvergate is working on an animated CGI comedy series that will air on Tencent Kids and in the rest of the world on a major SVOD platform in 2022.



Marco Hüsges CEO / Founder, Emoji®

emoji® Brand and Medialink Celebrate the New Year with a Festive Style Guide! auspicious clouds, patterns, traditional headwear with the popular emoji® brand icons. The fun and inspiring emoji® brand icons bring – in combination with the Lunar New Year - joyous moment to everyone around the world in this special occasion.

Latest Partnerships / Updates: emoji® x L’Oreal emoji company GmbH and Medialink Group Limited (Stock Code 2230. HK) have been working hand in hand to deliver a festive style guide that fits perfectly for the Chinese New Year and the Year of Ox. The exclusive emoji® brand style guide was launched in November 2020 and comprises traditional Chinese elements such as


The emoji company and Medialink Group Limited continue to excite consumers with great collaborations. Together with L’Oreal Paris Group the emoji® brand released the exquisite co-branding gift box on November 11th, 2020.The signature Lancôme Tonique Confort pink bottle was customized and featured with four fun and energetic emoji® brand expres-

sions including “laugh”, “ke”, “love” and “monkey” that Lancôme fans will definitely fall for it! The special edition gift box comprises a signature Lancôme Tonique Confort pink bottle + a pink emoji® brand headband as a premium which customers can use during their daily beauty regimen.

授权概览中国 plans to open additional online stores on Pinduoduo and throughout 2021, delivering trendy fashion collections for teenagers and young adults.

emoji® -The Iconic Brand:

emoji® Mall Event in Ningbo Fubang City, China The emoji® brand activities which are being held all around the country historically bring happiness and joy to consumers. This time emoji® celebrated a Mall Event in Ningbo Fubang City Shopping Mall from 28th Aug – 1st Dec 2020. The mall had held the very first offline mall event after the recovery from virus situation in China. With the great success of the event, it brings

new hope and shows a good start of revitalization after the pandemic.

Expansion of emoji® brand stores! The expansion of the emoji® apparel & fashion accessories brand stores continue throughout mainland China. As of now 5 official emoji® brand stores have been opened, in different locations such as in Chongqing , Xiamen, Xinjiang, Lasa and Hefei. The emoji company plans to open more stores throughout 2021 together with its Chinese partner targeting cities such as Xian or Beijing. Moreover official emoji® brand stores are established on Tmall, Xiaohongshu, and Aikucun and the emoji company

The emoji company is the owner of the registered emoji® trademark in up to 35 classes for goods and services in more than 100 countries around the world. The emoji company´s extensive rights portfolio covers more than 1,000 trademarks and more than 25,000 emoji® brand icons and designs protected under copyright laws and available for legal licensing and merchandising, promotions & events, for entertainment services and marketing campaigns. Official partners of the emoji company include more than 1000 world famous global license partners amongst them Sony Pictures Animation, PUMA, L´Oreal, Ferrero, Unilever, Burger King, Zara, The Hershey Company, Walmart, Danone, Nikon, Fuji, Nestlé, Lidl, Kellogg´s, Danone, Nikon, Aldi, Pepsico, Miss Sixty, the BBC, C&A, The French Post amongst many others. The globally and multiple awarded emoji® brand was decorated as the 3rd most influential brand behind Lego and Coca-Cola by the Powerlist. With an annual retail revenue of more than 800 Million US$ the emoji company is on position # 57 of the Top 150 Global Licensors and the emoji® brand is one of the most influential universal lifestyle brands of all times. For licensing inquiries please contact or visit the website

Medialink Group Limited: Medialink Group Limited is a leading dynamic market mover of media content distribution and brand licensing headquartered in Hong Kong with presence in China, Japan and South East Asia via its own Ani-One® anime platform in the region and over 1.28 million subscribers with 129 million views on its YouTube channel, edutainment VOD Ani-Kids™ channel and

e-commerce platform Ani-Mall™. The Group has been engaging in the business of media content distribution for over 26 years, and also operates the brand licensing business. Ani-One® on YouTube: Ani-Kids™ Facebook: Ani-Mall™: Under the media content distribution business, the Group invests and cooperates closely with media content licensors through entering content production and distribution arrangements and distributes media content relating to animation series, variety shows, drama series and animated and live-action feature films. Under the brand licensing business, the Group is involved in the licensing of various rights in relation to brands owned by brand licensors including ‘merchandising rights’ for the use in toys, apparels and footwear, health and beauty products, food and beverage; ‘location-based entertainment rights’ for events, theme parks, shopping malls, cafes and restaurants; and ‘promotion rights’ in the Asia Pacific region.


中国不断发展的娱乐业 工厂的全部股份。 不过,好莱坞在中国的发展受 到了一定的限制,因为中国政 府对每年引进的外国电影采取 配额制,目前这一配额是 34 部。由于中国电影的审查制 娱乐业是如何快速发展起来 度,想在中国制作或发行电影 的? 的外国制片人经常会被要求删 娱乐公司在股市中年复一年的良好 中国电影产业 表现得益于两个主要原因。首先, 中国电影产业开始将目光投向 改电影中的场景,并且只允许 随着中产阶级的人口不断扩大,可 世界,通过出口电影来吸引世 保留一小部分的票房收入 — 通 支配的收入在不断增加,这使得很 界各地的观众,直接与好莱坞 常不超过总票房的 25%。 竞争。2018 年,中国国产电 多人有钱花在娱乐上。 中国游戏产业 其次,政府加大了对娱乐行业的投 影的票房收入突破了 87 亿美 游戏产业在中国是一个价值数十 入,仅 2014 年的投入金额就高 元。 亿的大产业。 数字游戏市场巨 达 8 亿元人民币。在 2008-2009 此外,行业还完成了一些重大 大,2018 年仅中国就有 6.2 亿人 年全球经济陷入动荡之后,制定中 交易,包括中国娱乐业巨头、 在玩移动游戏、电脑网络游戏和主 国“十二五”规划的决策者们试图 美国第二大电影连锁店所有者 机游戏。2018 年,中国游戏产业 摆脱对出口的严重依赖,开始探索 大连万达集团的大手笔。他们 创造了约 300 亿美元的收入,超 让经济变得更加多元化的途径。娱 收购了美国好莱坞传奇影业公 司的控股权,该影业公司曾出 过全球游戏产业收入(约为 1150 资拍摄了《侏罗纪世界》等电 亿美元)的四分之一,中国游戏市 场毫无疑问成为了产业的中心。然 影。 另一方面,好莱坞也热衷于帮 而,2018 年成为了中国游戏市场 助电影筹资或者联合拍摄,以 最艰难的一年,因为政府决定全年 期立足中国电影市场,而梦工 禁止推出一切新的视频游戏,以防 厂就是一个例子。梦工厂与上 止社会有太多的人沉溺于数字世界 海文广集团当初于 2012 年合 之中。禁令势必会对电子游戏公司 资成立了东方梦工厂。后来, 造成不利影响,像腾讯和网易丢失 黎瑞刚的华人文化产业投资基 的市场份额就分别达到了 25% 和 金 (CMC) 陆续收购了东方梦 35%。尽管如此,行业还是走出 中国娱乐业的发展远超整体经济的 速度。事实上,娱乐业被认为对中 国 GDP 总量至少做出了 5% 的 贡献。


乐业(也称为文化产业)被列为了 政府重点投资的产业之一。 政府还谨慎地允许媒体和娱乐业吸 纳外国投资,而与新加坡私募股权 公司以及美国跨国媒体巨头时代华 纳的合作就是这方面的范例。


了寒冬,再次迎来繁荣。 过去几年中,随着中国越来越多 的人们通过智能手机或平板电脑 接入移动互联网,移动游戏迎来 了爆发式的增长。MMORPG (大型多人在线角色扮演游 戏)和 MOBA(大型在线

2018 年,中国游戏产业创造 了约 300 亿美元的收入,超 过全球游戏产业收入(约为 1150 亿美元)的四分之一。 中国游戏市场毫无疑问 成为了产业的中心。 战斗竞技场)等电脑游戏继 续受到了玩家追捧,比如 《魔兽世界》和《英雄联盟》。 目前,PlayStation 和 Xbox 等 国外游戏机在中国的禁售令已被取 消,这意味着这些游戏机也加入了 中国游戏市场的鏖战。电竞比赛大 行其道,吸引了越来越多的年轻玩 家参与其中,将成为职业玩家作为 自己的梦想。 总部位于深圳的腾讯公司是全球规 模最大的电子游戏公司。 出乎意料的是,在中国之外,甚 至没有多少人听说过这个市值堪比 Facebook 的超级巨头。 腾讯与美国动视、暴雪公司、育碧

软件和英佩数码的合作而为人津津 乐道,巩固了自己作为最具影响力 的娱乐公司的地位。腾讯的影响力 绝非仅限于电子游戏,事实上,微 信也是其最知名的应用之一。

二线城市 在中国的二线城市,“西部大开 发”计划为娱乐和科技公司的涌 现铺平了道路。 该计划引导资金从相对发达的沿 海城市(如上海)流向西部地 区,并且为企业发展推出了资金 激励措施,包括为在中国内地设 立的公司提供无息贷款和税收减 免。 这一计划非常成功,西部地区很 快就涌现了大批的小微企业。事 实证明,中国的二线城市已经成为 上海和北京之外的热门选择,因为 企业不仅能享受到政府颇具吸引力

的投资政策,而且这些城市还拥有 廉价的劳动力以及较低的生活成 本。 西部大开发的第一个十年被认为 夯实了基础,将让中国的二线城市 迎来发展热潮,就像上海从 1992 年到 2000 年所经历的那样,让 它们赶上之前一直占主导地位的一 线城市的发展步伐。



Marco Hüsges 首席执行官/创始人,Emoji®

emoji® 品牌与 Medialink 共同庆 祝新年,推出节日风格指南! 将为世界各地的每个人带来欢乐。

最新合作伙伴关系/更新: Emoji® 携手欧莱雅

Emoji 股份有限公司与 Medialink 集团有限公司(股票代码 2230. HK)携手合作,为中国新年和 牛年送上一份完美的节日风格 指南。2020 年 11 月推出专属 emoji® 品牌风格指南,包含祥云 图案、传统头饰等中国传统元素以 及流行的 emoji® 品牌图标。在这 个特别的日子里,专为农历新年打 造的有趣励志的 emoji® 品牌图标 38

emoji 公司与 Medialink 集团有限 公司继续精诚合作,为消费者带来 欢愉时刻。 携手巴黎欧莱雅集团,emoji® 品 牌于 2020 年 11 月 11 日发布了 精致的联名礼盒。兰蔻 Tonique Confort 的标志性粉色瓶盖经过 定制,印有“笑脸”、“可”、 “爱”、“小猴”四种趣味十足、 活力四射的 emoji® 品牌表情,兰 蔻粉丝们一定会爱不释手! 特别版 礼盒由兰蔻 Tonique Confort 粉 色签名瓶和 emoji® 品牌粉色发箍 组成,是您每日护肤的优选佳品。

emoji® 商场活动在宁波富邦 城举行

emoji® 正在全国各地举办品牌活 动,给消费者带来前所未有的欢声 和笑语。此次 emoji® 于 2020 年 8 月 28 日 - 12 月 1 日在宁波富 邦城购物中心举行商场庆祝活动。 在中国疫情得到控制后,商城曾举 办过非常多的线下活动。活动取得 了巨大的成功,给人们带来了新的 希望,展现了疫情过后商业开始复 苏的美好景象。


拓展 emoji® 品牌 店! emoji® 服饰及时尚配 饰品牌店陆续进军中国 大陆市场。截至目前, 已在重庆、厦门、新疆、 拉萨、合肥等地开设了 5 家 emoji® 官方品牌 店。2021 年 emoji 公司 计划与中国合作伙伴一起 在西安或北京等城市开设 更多门店。 此外,emoji® 官方品牌店还将入驻 天猫、小红书、爱库存平台,2021 年 emoji 公司计划在拼多多和 VIP. com 增开网店,为青少年和年轻人 提供潮流时尚系列品牌。

Aldi、百事可乐、Miss Sixty、 BBC、C&A、法国邮政等。 在全球范围内多次获奖的 emoji® 品牌被 Powerlist 评为仅次于乐 高和可口可乐的第三大最具影响力 品牌。emoji 公司的年零售收入超 过 8 亿美元,在全球 150 强授权 商中排名第 57 位,emoji® 品牌始 终是最具影响力的日常生活方式品 牌之一。 有关授权咨询,请发送电子邮件至 与我们联系或 访问我们的网站

Medialink 集团有限公司。

emoji® - 标志性品牌: emoji 公司是 emoji® 注册商标的 所有者,在全球 100 多个国家/地 区提供多达 35 种商品和服务。 emoji 公司广泛的专利产品组合涵 盖 1,000 多个商标和 25,000 多 个 emoji® 品牌图标和设计,受版 权法保护,可用于合法授权和商品 销售、促销和活动、娱乐服务和营 销活动。 emoji 公司的官方合作伙伴包括 1000 多个世界著名的全球授权合 作伙伴,其中包括索尼影视动画公 司 (Sony Pictures Animation)、 PUMA、欧莱雅、费列罗、联 合利华、汉堡王、Zara、The Hershey Company、沃尔玛、 达能、尼康、富士、雀巢、 Lidl、Kellogg´s、达能、尼康、

Medialink 集团有限公司 (2230. hk)(简称“集团”)是媒体内容 发行及品牌授权行业领先的动态市 场推动者,总部设在香港,业务遍 及中国、日本及东南亚,在世界各 地拥有自己的 Ani-One® 动漫平 台,其 YouTube 频道、教育娱 乐视频点播 Ani-Kids™ 频道及电 子商务平台 Ani-Mall™,拥有超 过 128 万名订户,浏览量达 1.29 亿次。该集团从事媒体内容发行业 务超过 26 年,同时经营品牌授权 业务。 YouTube 上的 Ani-One®: https://

权利的授权,包括用于玩具、服装 及鞋类、健康及美容产品、食品 及饮料的“商品销售权”;用于活 动、主题公园、购物中心、咖啡馆 及餐厅的“基于地段的娱乐权”; 以及亚太地区的“推广权”。 Ani-Kids™ Facebook: https://www. Ani-Mall™:

关于媒体内容发行业务,本集团通 过确立内容制作和发行安排与媒体 内容许可方进行投资和紧密合作, 并发行与动画系列、综艺节目、戏 剧系列以及动画和真人电影有关的 媒体内容。 关于品牌授权业务,本集团涉及与 品牌授权人拥有的品牌有关的各种 39


MOLANG ACTIVITY IN ASIA In honor of the Lunar New Year, the year of the Ox, Millimages celebrates a spate of upcoming licensing deals and exciting new broadcasts across Asia. Molang continues its global trajectory throughout Asia - from a trendy pop-up café in Singapore’s most kawaii restaurant to new toy and homeware collections. The latest signings include a Molang

Pop Up x Kumoya Café in Singapore which opened in February and Molang figurines by Lotteria which launched in South Korea in January. February also saw the launch of Aurora’s Molang Mini House and March sees Aurora’s range of plush and toys. Moving further ahead, Molang stationery by Bearron Gift Co Ltd will debut shortly in Thailand and, in China, a range of Molang bedding by Ciyan is scheduled to debut. In terms of Milliamage’s Louie & Yoko Build series, Millimages latest edutainment preschool show (78x7’) has launched on 17 different channels in China recently.Whether it’s a bridge, a ski lift, a wind turbine or a rocket; it’s no problem! With the magic toolbox, there is no limit to what Louie and Yoko can build. And better still, Louie and Yoko show children how to do it. The show is available on: Iqiyi, Youku, Xiaomi, Skyworth, Hisense, CHIQ,

Konka, Tianjin IPTV, Shangdong IPTV, Henan IPTV, Beijing IPTV, Shanxi IPTV, Shenzhen IPTV, Inner Mongolia Cable, Guangxi Cable, Hebei Mobile and Jiangxi Mobile. Finally, in addition to its TV success, Molang continues to shine in the digital sphere with new sticker packs and a new mobile game launching exclusively in South Korea and a range of Molang WeChat sticker packs launched in China.

NEW LICENSES FOR SOPHIE LA GIRAFE In the last few months, Sophie la giraffe has welcomed four licensees that have distribution into China. Play&go Soft is a Belgian brand specialising in children’s products. Play&go is a creative concept that offers an early learning mat for babies that can be transformed into a storage or carry bag. The product is available in China.


Also available in China is Ilado’s range of maternity bells necklaces. These jewels have many benefits and allow expectant mothers to connect with their baby. Once baby is born, the mother can slide the maternity necklace into the cuddle toy. Product is sold per unit or in a box set comprising a bola and a doudou Sophie la giraffe. Charlie Banana is an ecofriendly brand that designs and manufactures reusable diapers. The team wants to design products that anyone would feel confident using on their babies, a brand they would recommend to their friends. Charlie Banana have carefully selected every fabric, and they use Oeko-Tex suppliers wherever possible. Available in China, Charlie Banana x Sophie la girafe products meet many important and actual parents and babies’ needs.

Finally, available in China, Angels cosmetics have created delicious Sophie la girafe fragrances with safe ingredients: an eau de toilette 96% natural and a scented skincare water 97% natural. They are sold per unit with a teething ring as a gift or in a box set with a plush.



在最近几个月里,苏菲长颈鹿 (Sophie la giraffe) 迎来了四家进 入中国市场的被授权商。 Play&go Soft 是专注于儿童用品的 比利时品牌。Play&go(去玩)是 一种创新理念,它为宝宝推出了一 款游戏垫,同时还可用作收纳袋或

手提包。该产品已在中 国发售。 此外,在中国也能买 到 Ilado 的孕妇铃项 链系列。该项链有很多 好处,让准妈妈能和肚 子里的宝宝沟通。宝 宝出生后,妈妈可以把 孕妇项链装到安抚玩偶 中。产品单件发售,同 时也有 Bola 胎教铃与 Doudou 苏菲长颈鹿 的套装。 Charlie Banana 是一 个设计和生产可重复使 用纸尿裤的环保品牌。 团队希望设计出任何人 都能放心用到宝宝身 上的产品,相信他们会 将品牌推荐给身边的朋 友。Charlie Banana 精心挑选每一种面料,同时尽可能 选择通过 Oeko-Tex 生态纺织品 认证的供应商。Charlie Banana x 苏菲长颈鹿产品现已登陆中国,满 足了很多重要且实际的父母与宝宝 的需求。

MOLANG 兔在亚洲的活动

为了庆祝农历新年牛年,Millimages 在亚洲各地庆祝一系列即将到来 的授权协议和令人兴奋的新广播 节目。 Molang 继续其在亚洲的全球推广 步伐 — 从新加坡最卡哇伊餐厅的 时尚 Pop-up Café 到最新玩具与 家居用品系列。 其中包括 2 月在新加坡播出的 Molang Pop Up x Kumoya

Café,以及 1 月由 Lotteria 在韩 国推出的 Molang Figurines。 2 月还在韩国推出了 Aurora 设 计的 Molang 迷你屋,3 月推出了 Aurora 设计的毛绒玩具。 除此之外,Bearron Gift Co Ltd 推出的 Molang 文具即将亮相泰国 亮相,而 Ciyan 的 Molang 床上 用品系列也将在中国推出。 Millimages 最新的寓教于乐学前节 目《小兔路易和小瓢虫尤可》(共 78 集,每集 7 分钟)最近已在中 国 17 个不同的频道上线。无论是 桥梁、滑雪缆车、风力涡轮机还是 火箭;这些都不在话下!有了这个 神奇的工具箱,路易和尤可可以不 受限的创建任何东西。最有意义的 是,路易和尤可会教孩子怎么做。 该节目在爱奇艺、优酷、小米、创 维、海信、CHIQ、康佳、天津 IPTV、山东 IPTV、河南 IPTV、 北京 IPTV、山西 IPTV、深圳

最后,Angels Cosmetics 面向中 国推出了两款采用安全原料的索菲 长颈鹿香水:包含 96% 天然原料 的淡香水以及包含 97% 天然原料 的香氛护肤水。它们可单件发售并 附赠一个磨牙环,并且还有毛绒玩 具套装发售。

IPTV、内蒙古有线、广西有线、 河北移动、江西移动播出。 除了在电视上大获成功外,Molang 还凭借新的贴纸包和一款只在韩国 发行的新手机游戏,以及在中国推 出的一系列 Molang 微信贴纸包在 数字领域继续大放异彩。



随着大力水手 (Popeye) 在中国市场的影响 力不断提高,King Features 着眼于 Olive Oyl 和热门游戏产业 Cuphead 的扩张。 Popeye 继续成为中国各地流行文 化的宠儿。2020 年 6 月,Hearst 旗下的 King Features 和中国香 港的本地代理商 Medialink 与香 港的玩偶制造商 A hidden Lab 合作,推出了限量版“Creepy Popeye”艺术玩偶。由西班牙艺 术家 Cote Escriva 设计,限量 300 个精心制作的黑胶人偶通过在 线零售商 Thundermates 独家发 售,并迅速售罄。Escriva 是一位 来自巴伦西亚的插画师,他将街头 艺术、经典卡通和纹身艺术融合在 一起,形成诡异而又迷人的设计风 格。他的作品曾在各种设计杂志上 发表,并在洛杉矶、新加坡、巴塞 罗那和瓦伦西亚等城市举办过许多 集体和个人展览。 在首次合作取得巨大成功之后,A hidden Lab 继 Popeye 发布之 后,又在 2020 年 12 月推出了 限量 300 个“Creepy Brutus” 艺术玩偶。Brutus 身高约 28 厘

Carla Silva


米,以 Escriva 标志性恐怖风格 为特色,手臂、躯干和腿部切口部 分露出骨头,原色和特制单色版 Brutus 人物业已售罄。 Popeye 和 Olive Oyl 是跨时代的 经典角色,因此在 2020 年,King Features 和 Medialink 发现了新 的商机,锁定年轻消费者,为他 们打造数字文化与酷元素融合的 品牌。随后,Medialink 又与华 为软件技术有限公司合作推出了 Popeye 和 Olive Oyl 主题的系列 表盘面,目前已在中国大陆上市。 华为智能手表用户可以下载安装精 选的表盘面,在手腕上呈现“清新 的海洋风”。 由于 Popeye 和他的朋友们在中 国大受欢迎,King Features 和 Medialink 现在正在寻求新的合作 伙伴和合作机会,充分利用 Olive Oyl 独特和独立的个性,在 2021 年及未来扩大其在中国的影响力。 “Medialink 继续采用全方位的 方法,将令人惊叹的产品和 服务关联起来,打造无缝的 消费者体验。”Medialink 执行董事 Noletta Chiu 表示。“Olive Oyl 将 成为女性市场的主角。 她是一个具有独立人 格的标志性人物,与 现代女性的价值观一 致。Medialink 将大力弘

扬 Olive Oyl 的品格精神,我们 将致力于在中国和香港地区的女性 商品市场争取新的合作。” King Features 和 Medialink 也 看到了在中国继续发展屡获殊荣的 游戏产业 Cuphead 的商机,并 正在投资一家游戏收藏品公司, 开发一系列 T 恤、毛绒玩具、配 饰等,在漫画和游戏大会、快闪 店、珍藏品零售渠道和在线商店为 粉丝提供。2021 年对世界各地的 Cuphead 粉丝来说将是伟大的一 年,因为 Cuphead 和 Mugman 正在付出双倍的努力,他们在 Netflix 上主演了有史以来第一个 系列作品,并推出了备受期待的新 热门视频游戏“最后一道美味”。 世界各地的粉丝有望在今年看到新 产品和合作产品问市。 “亚洲是一个有影响力的市场, 通过 Medialink,我们策划了一 场轰动全球的商品销售活动,旨 在通过 Popeye 的艺术和收藏价 值来吸引粉丝的目光。我们相信 Noletta 及其经验丰富的团队能够

Noletta Chiu


充满激情地推动 Olive Oyl 和 Cuphead 在各个地区成功奠定 影响力。”King Features 公 司副总裁/总经理兼全球授权负 责人 Carla Silva 表示。“King Features 致力于与世界各地的 本地代理商开展合作,我们很高 兴与 H&M 一起在中国推出最 新的 Popeye 和 Olive Oyl 全 球业务。” 大力水手是一名水手,一位硬 汉,一个英雄,也是一个传奇人 物。他是个弱者,前臂隆起,喜 欢意味深长的上勾拳动作,爱 吃菠菜罐头。他朴实无华、不 拘小节、不畏挑战,从 他走进连载漫画《The Thimble Theatre》的 那一刻起,便喃喃自语 地说着那句著名的台 词“你以为我是个牛

仔吗?”,Popeye 大力 水手俘获了全球数百万 粉丝的心。作为一名以 连载漫画和动画的形式 搬上大大小小的银幕的明 星,大力水手迅速在美国 文化中扎根,今天仍然是 世界上最知名的流行文化 偶像之一。 早在未来的爱人大力水手进 入银幕之前的十年,Olive Oyl 就已经在现场为读者 送上了欢笑。最近 Olive Oyl 迎来了 100 周岁生 日,她一直走在时代 的前列。 她坚持 自我,是一个充满 矛盾,但优势互 补的女人 , 这 让 她 看 起来既和蔼可亲又甜美迷 人。Olive 浪漫而多愁

善感,但她从不委曲求全。她虽然 以淑女为荣,但她的行为却一点也 不淑女。她不畏强权,在需要帮助 的时候会毫不犹豫地向他人求助。 Cuphead 主要讲述勇敢的 Cuphead 和 Mugman 两兄弟设法偿还欠魔 鬼的债务。在 Inkwell Isles 的奇异 世界中,玩家通过单人或本地合作 方式与巨大的、充满屏幕的 boss 战斗,获得新的武器并发现隐藏的 秘密。灵感来自于 20 世纪 30 年代 经典的跑酷动作电子游戏和卡通片 的结合,Cuphead 的视觉效果和 音效都是用那个时代的技术精心制 作的:传统的手绘赛璐珞 (cel) 动 画、水彩背景和原创爵士乐录音。 这款游戏先在 Xbox、Windows 10 PC、Steam 和 GOG 上推 出,后又在任天堂 Switch 和 PS4 上推出。2021 年 Cuphead Show 将在 Netflix 上推出。


China’s growing entertainment industry The entertainment industry in China has performed at a much faster rate than the overall economy. In fact, the entertainment sector is thought to contribute at least 5 percent to China’s total GDP.

HOW HAS THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY GROWN SO QUICKLY? The fact that entertainment companies fare well in the stock market year after year has two prime reasons. Firstly, as more and more people enter the middle class the amount of disposable income is increasing, allowing many people to spend their money on entertainment. Secondly, the government has invested millions in the industry, a substantial 800 million RMB back in 2014 alone. After the global economy was thrown into turmoil from 2008-2009, the policy makers who drew up China’s twelfth Five-year Plan sought out ways to diversify the economy away


from the country’s heavy reliance on exports. The entertainment sector (also known as the cultural industry) was named as one of the key industries that the government would invest large amounts of money in. The government is also cautiously allowing foreign investment as a source of funding for the media and entertainment sector, examples of this include partnerships with a Singapore Private Equity firm as well as the American multinational media powerhouse Time Warner.

CHINA’S FILM INDUSTRY China’s film industry has set its sights on going global and competing with Hollywood, by exporting its movies to draw in audiences from around the world. In 2018, Chinese-made films grossed over $8.7 billion. Major deals have already been completed, including that by Dalian Wanda Group, a Chinese entertainment giant and owner of the second biggest cinema chain in the

U.S. They bought a controlling stake in Legendary Pictures, the Hollywood studio that financed films like Jurassic World. On the other side, Hollywood is also keen to gain a foothold in China by helping to finance films or co-produce them; Dreamworks is an example. It set up Oriental Dreamworks in a joint venture with Shanghai Media Group.Li Ruigang’s China Media Capital (CMC) has since acquired full ownership of Oriental DreamWorks, which was originally established in 2012. However, Hollywood is somewhat limited in what it can achieve in China, as the government has an annual quota on how many foreign films can be imported each year; this figure currently stands at 34. Foreign producers wishing to produce or release their films in China are often required to alter or delete scenes for censorship reasons, and are only allowed to keep a small percentage of the box office revenues, usually less than 25%.


CHINA’S GAMING INDUSTRY Gaming is a multibillion-dollar industry in China. The market for digital gaming is enormous with 620 million people in 2018 playing mobile, PC online, and console games in China alone. China’s gaming industry has generated revenues of approximately $30 billion in 2018, over a quarter of the global income, which stands at around $115 billion, clearly showing that China is right at the heart of the gaming market. However, 2018 was the toughest year for the gaming market in China, as the government made a decision to ban all new video games for the entire year, in an attempt to prevent the society from spending so much time in their digital worlds. The ban understandably had an adverse effects on the video game companies, with the likes of Tencent and NetEase losing their market shares by 25% and 35% respectively. Nonetheless, the industry managed to recover and is flourishing again. Mobile gaming has seen a sharp increase in growth over the last few years as more Chinese gain access to mobile internet on smartphones or tablets. PC games which continue to prove popular are namely MMORPGs (massive multiplayer online role-

China’s gaming industry has generated a revenue of around $30 billion in 2018 - over a quarter of the global income - which stands at around $115 billion. This clearly shows that China is at the heart of the gaming market. playing games) and MOBAs (massive online battle arenas) such as World of Warcraft and League of Legends. The ban on foreign consoles in China such as PlayStation and Xbox has now been removed meaning these consoles are now in the Chinese gaming market. E-sports tournaments have become popular, acting as a driver for young gamers to play more in the hope of becoming professional gamers themselves. Tencent, the largest video game company in the world is based in Shenzhen. Surprisingly, not many people outside of China are even aware of this supergiant, whose market capitalisation is as significant as that of Facebook. Known to collaborate with Activision, Blizzard, Ubisoft and Epic Games, the company is cementing itself as the most influential entertainment corporation. Tencent’s reach does not end with

video games, and are in fact more recognised as the developers of WeChat.

SECOND TIER CITIES Within second tier China, the Go West initiative has paved the way for entertainment and technology companies to set up. Pushing funding away from booming coastal cities, such as Shanghai, the initiative provides funds incentives for business development including interest free loans and tax breaks for firms setting up in inland China. The initiative has been very successful, with small and not-so-small Western companies flocking to these cities. Second tier China, has proved a highly popular alternative to Shanghai and Beijing, as companies are attracted by not only the tempting government investment policies but also the cheap labour costs and lower cost of living these cities have to offer. The first decade of the Go West initiative has been seen as laying the foundation that will result in second tier China’s development boom, similar to what Shanghai experienced from 1992-2000, bringing them up to pace with the previously dominant first tier cities.



《哥斯拉大战金刚》即将登陆各大院线 由华纳兄弟和传奇影业联合出品的 《哥斯拉大战金刚》内地定档 3 月 26 日,提前北美和线上 5 天 上映。 此前,哥斯拉和金刚两个系列的 电影在中国收获的票房都超越了北 美,而且美国各大院线受新冠肺炎 疫情的冲击仍处于关闭状态,因此 这部最新影片尽管尚未上映,但票

房胜负已分。 中国将是其在全球范围内最大规模 的院线上映计划,但万达集团旗下 的传奇影业却与美国发行商华纳兄 弟公开撕破了脸皮。传奇影业扬言 要对华纳兄弟采取法律行动,因 为后者决定在首映日当天将 2021 年的全部影片交由 HBO Max 发 行。Netflix 曾经出价 2.5 亿美元

要买下这部预算为 2 亿美元的大 片,但华纳兄弟对此却秘而不宣。 《哥斯拉大战金刚》是 Michael Dougherty 此前执导的《哥斯 拉 2:怪兽之王》的续集,该片 2019 年在中国取得了 1.35 亿美 元票房,比北美票房高出 2500 万 美元。2014 年,《哥斯拉》系列 的首部影片在中国取得了 7760 万 美元票房,但中国当年的银幕数量 远不及目前。 2006 年,Peter Jackson 执导的 《金刚》在中国取得了 1270 万美 元票房。十年之后的 2017 年, 《金刚:骷髅岛》的中国票房比美 国总票房略胜一筹。中国内地的票 房为 1.68 亿美元,仅比北美高出 20 万美元。 由于受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,《哥 斯拉与金刚》曾多次跳票,华纳兄 弟最终敲定影片将于 3 月 31 日登 陆北美院线及 HBO Max。HBO Max 流媒体平台目前尚无在中国 市场运营的计划。

腾迅视频签订共同制作协议 中国领先的在线视频流媒体平 台腾讯视频今天宣布,已与欧 洲领先的电影制片公司 Zeilt Productions、Sixteen South 和 Silvergate Media 达成了共同制作 协议,旨在共同开发出具有全球影 响力的新颖有趣的儿童节目。 这三个协议标志着腾讯视频多年战 略的开始,与欧洲领先的国际电影 公司达成互惠互利的联合制作协 议,将把学龄前的动画电视连续剧 作为腾讯最受欢迎的儿童平台上的


原创节目。 第一个引人注目的系列将是《在 碗深处》(共 52 集,每集 5 分 钟),这是一部针对 8 至 12 岁 儿童的搞笑系列,灵感来自著名的 法国漫画 Le Fond du Bocal(作 者:Nicolas Poupon)。 该节目将 3D 动画与真人实景结 合在一起,描绘出了奇妙的水族馆 和美丽的鱼群,它们的经历反映 了儿童的日常生活。腾讯视频将与 荣获奥斯卡奖的卢森堡动画工作室 Zeilt Productions 共同制作该 剧,并已获得全部资金(包括卢森 堡电影基金会的资金),目前已在 制作中。 节目预计将于 2022 年播出,目前 Zeilt 和腾讯视频正在为该剧寻找 发行合作伙伴。 曾荣获英国电影和电视艺术学院奖 (BAFTA) 的 Sixteen South 是 英国和爱尔兰领先的原创动画公司 之一,专注于为全球儿童创作优 质电视节目。其成功作品包括: 澳大利亚收视率第一的儿童节目 《Wildwoods》,在中国的数字

平台上也很受欢迎;开创性的混合 媒体动画系列《Lily's Driftwood Bay》,目前已在全球 125 个地 区播出;二维动画《Claude》, 该片已在欧洲、中东、非洲和澳 大利亚的各个国家播出。Sixteen South 正在与腾讯视频联合制作, 即将推出全新的原创 3D 喜剧系 列。 创意内容和授权公司 Silvergate Media 已经在中国取得了成功, 凭借其专业知识和理解力为市场 创作颇具吸引力的节目。其热门节 目包括《彼得兔》和《希尔达》 ,此外还有火遍全球的《海底小 纵队》— 亚洲领先的儿童 IP 之 一。Silvergate Media 目前正在 制作 CGI 动画喜剧系列,并将于 2022 年在腾讯儿童频道以及全球 各大 SVOD 平台播出。

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As Popeye’s Presence Continues to Grow in China, King Features Eyes Expansions for Olive Oyl and Hit Gaming Property Cuphead Popeye continues to be a pop culture favorite across China. In June 2020, King Features, a unit of Hearst, along with Medialink, their local agent in Hong Kong with a presence in China, partnered with Hong Kong-based toy figure maker A hidden Lab on a limited-edition “Creepy Popeye” art toy figure. Designed by Spanish artist Cote Escriva, a limited-edition 300unit run of the uniquely crafted vinyl figure was made available exclusively through online retailer Thundermates and it quickly sold out. A Valenciabased illustrator, Escriva mixes street art, classic cartoons and tattoo art to create his eerie yet captivating designs. His work has been published in various design magazines and has been featured in numerous exhibitions, both collective and individual, in cities like Los Angeles, Singapore, Barcelona and Valencia. Following the massive success of the initial collaboration, A hidden Lab followed the Popeye release

Carla Silva


with a limited-edition 300-unit run of a “Creepy Brutus” art toy figure in December 2020. Standing at approximately 28cm height and featuring Escriva’s signature creepy style with exposed bones showing through cutaway sections on Brutus’ arms, torso, and legs, both the original color and special mono versions of the Brutus figures sold out as well. Popeye and Olive Oyl are classic characters that resonate across generations, so in 2020 King Features and Medialink explored new opportunities to reach younger consumers who are seeking brands that merge digital culture with cool factor. Medialink then brokered a partnership with Huawei Software Technologies Co., Ltd. for a collection of Popeye and Olive Oyl themed watch faces, available now across mainland China. Huawei Smartwatch users can download and install a selection of watch faces to bring a Salty Sailor twist to their wrist. Building on the popularity of Popeye and his friends in China, King Features and Medialink are now looking to grow Olive Oyl’s presence in the territory in 2021 and beyond with new partners and collaborations that capture her unique and independent personality. “Medialink continues to adopt a

360-degree approach to interconnect amazing products and services to create a seamless consumer experience,” said Noletta Chiu, executive director of Medialink Group and Managing Director of Medialink Animation International Limited. “Olive Oyl will be the leading character in our female market. She is an iconic character with an independent personality who connects with the values of today’s modern woman. Medialink will strongly promote the spirit of Olive Oyl’s character as we work toward securing new collaborations for female merchandise in China and Hong Kong.” King Features and Medialink also see an opportunity to continue growing the award-winning gaming property Cuphead in China and they are tapping a gaming collectibles company to develop a collection of tees, plush, accessories and more to be available for fans at comics and game conventions, pop up shops, hobby retail channels and online stores.

Noletta Chiu


2021 is going to be a great year for Cuphead fans everywhere as Cuphead and Mugman are doing doubletime by starring in their firstever series on Netflix as well as launching The Delicious Last Course, the highly anticipated next chapter to their hit video game. Fans around the world can expect to see new products and collaborations heading to retail throughout the year. “Asia is an influential market and through Medialink we have built a strong merchandise program that captures the artistic and collectible aspects of Popeye that fans seek. And we are confident that Noletta and her team have the passion and skills to successfully drive the growth of Olive Oyl and Cuphead in the region,” said Carla Silva, vice president/general manager, global head of licensing, King Features. “Together with our local agents around the world, King Features is laser-focused on global collaborations, and we’re excited for our latest global deal for Popeye and Olive Oyl with H&M to launch in China.” Popeye is a sailor, a tough guy, a hero and a legend. He is an underdog with bulging forearms, a mean uppercut and a love of canned spinach. Unassuming, unsophisticated and undeterred by a challenge, from the minute he walked into the comic strip, The Thimble Theatre, and muttered his famous “Ja think I’m a cowboy?” line, Popeye the Sailor Man captured the hearts of millions of fans around the globe.

As the star of his own comic strips and animated content on the big screen and small, Popeye became quickly ingrained in American culture, and today remains one of the most recognizable pop culture icons in the world. Olive Oyl was on the scene delivering laughs to readers ten years before her future sweetheart Popeye entered the picture. Having recently celebrated her 100th birthday, Olive Oyl has always been ahead of her time. She is nothing but herself, a woman full of complementary contradictions that make her both relatable and charming. Olive is romantic and sentimental but refuses to settle for anything less than the passionate love she knows she deserves. And while she is proud

to be a lady, her actions are not always lady-like. She’s not afraid to stand up for herself and doesn’t hesitate to ask for help when she needs it. Cuphead centers around brave brothers Cuphead and Mugman in their quest to pay back their debt to The Devil. Across the strange world of the Inkwell Isles, players battle massive, screen-filling bosses, acquire new weapons and discover hidden secrets in single player or local co-op. Inspired by a mixture of classic run-and-gun action video games and cartoons of the 1930s, Cuphead’s visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era: traditional hand-drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds and original jazz recordings. The game launched on Xbox, Windows 10 PC, Steam and GOG, and has since come to Nintendo Switch and PS4. The Cuphead Show will be coming to Netflix in 2021.



Tencent Video sees Super Boom in International demand for its home-grown shows Tencent Video, the leading online video streaming platform in China, today announced a raft of sales to international broadcasters for its original homegrown series: Super BOOMi, A Squad and CoNaBLUE. The deals follow the recent announcement of co-production deals with three leading European studios, Sixteen South, Zeilt Productions and Silvergate Media. Super BOOmi, one of Asia’s most popular shows, has been bought by Canal+, following on from its sale to Treehouse Canada last year. A positive, creative series about the power of imagination and friendship, the 52 x 11’ 3D CG action-adventure features vibrant characters and richlyenvisaged worlds. Imaginative little bear BOOMi, his dog Bibop and their best friends play and learn in a wondrous virtual reality game universe. As the first ever Family Ambassador for the National Hockey League (NHL) in Greater China, BOOMi has brought millions of new fans to the sport of ice hockey ahead of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. A Squad has been acquired by KBS Kids in Korea. The 52 x11’ series highlights the spirit of Cute Rescue as Captain Leo, Dash, Timmy, Ezio, Mumbo and their master Sam form a rescue team to maintain the safety


of Activ Town. No matter how difficult and dangerous their rescue tasks may be, together they do their best to solve each problem and spread safety knowledge to the town’s inhabitants so they can live safe and happy lives. CoNaBLUE (52 x 11’) is available in ASEAN countries including Singapore, Indonesia,Vietnam,Thailand and Myanmar via MeWatch, Mediacorp’s digital entertainment service offering live and on-demand entertainment across multiple platforms. A joyful, adventurous journey about exploration, investigation, and the protection of nature, CoNaBLUE follows the exploits of five very different little sea creatures who form a united adventure team. The series won two international awards last autumn: Bronze prize in the science animation category at the China Dragon Awards and shortlisted in the China-ASEAN Excellent Communication Case Awards organized by China-ASEAN TV Week. In addition, Mini Mind Warriors (52 x 7’) is being represented by Monster Entertainment for international distribution. Inspired by videogames and graphic novels, the world of Mini Mind Warriors is high-energy, action-packed, and bursting with comedy. Mini warrior heroes Taffy and Snug must battle

the evil Trouble Monsters who are always meddling with kids’ lives and causing havoc, from stopping students from revising for a test to breaking up friendships. Our heroes must power up their positive energy and use their combined strengths and smarts to restore our lives to normal. The deals confirm the continuing success of Tencent Video’s multi-year growth strategy which is seeking to increase sales of its home-grown content globally whilst also forming strong partnerships with major international studios across the world. Mutually beneficial co-production agreements, such as those recently announced with Sixteen South, Zeilt Productions and Silvergate Media, aim to create high-quality content for both domestic and global audiences and will see the resulting children’s shows air as originals on Tencent Video’s hugely popular kids’ platform, Tencent Kids, in China. Tencent Video is the leading online video streaming platform in China. With an extensive content library of drama series, films, variety shows, animation, sports, documentaries, news and many more, Tencent Video provides the best entertainment experience to audiences across different platforms and devices.

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