Media Art City Intervention Workshop play-ing
freedom is what you do with what's been done to you.
Introduction Floor Plan PlaY-lng 01 Play-mg 02 PlaY-lf1g 03 PlaY- lng 04 Ararn Bartholl
G.R L (Graff iti Research Lab)
L.A.S.E.R. Tag
Igor StrornaJer & Brane Zorman
Ballettikka Internettikka Intermenttikka
.~ III
Seoul is changing everyday. Cheonggyecheon has bec.ome an example for a successful city development plan that has enabled people relax and take a break in front of 20-meter-high sculpture named 'Spring', an artwork by Claes Oldenburg. With the success of this artificial stream, the city of Seoul has developed a new plan to make Seoul a city of art . With this in mind, we decided to contribute to this development plan in terms of media art by executing the city intervention project .
PLAY \NITI-IIVIElJlt\! Breaking out of white cube spaces, media art is heading out to the street! With the world famous artists like Aram Bartholl, G.R.L.(Graffiti Research Lab) and Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman, Digital Playground 2008: Hack the City! I delivers messages on locations.
HACI{ THE CITY! The word 'HACK', in the context of this ex.hibition, is not the 'hacking' that one steals information by taking advantage of weakness in a certain system but more of cracking. In the encyclopedia, 'hacking' is defined as an act of finding a weak point in a computer network system, calling attention to it. and as a result strengthening it further. From this comprehensive idea, Digital Playground 2008: Hack the City!! has started a project, hack the city of Seoul.
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playbook vol. 1
FL[][]I~ PLt\l~
i ~)T FL[][]li A Aram Bartholl WoW
B Igor Stromaler & Brane Zorman 8,;I!et:I;~'] IritE'''''E~t "<? !ilte"n~iltt:,-
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C Graffiti Research Lab (James Powderly & Evan Roth) LA'EKTag
playbook vol.l
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PLtW-II\I[] [Jl IJt\T[ .JU LY 1[-) [WI=I]] " JlJLY 22 [iUI] 2[][m IJ [J 1\1 [JIJt\ I: IVI lJ 1\1 ~JTt\IJI lJIVL IJ [)N[}IJt\El\IIlJl\l l\Iit\I~I< I=T t\ I~ I=t\ P I~[][J I~t\l\lr : [ITV I I \I\It\ ~JI[]I\1 IJV Imm ~) ili [] I\lltUm [J IJI~t\ I\IE Z[]lil\lit\I\1
July 22. 2008 _Action Timetable 04: 14 Alarm clock : waking up Leaving Ewha-Samsung International House (Daehyun-dong, Seodaemun-gu) Taking the subway train at the Ewha Womans University station Arriving to Dongdaemun Stadium station Entering the Dongdaemun (Great East Gate) construction site (near Dongdaemun Market) Turning on the computers, cameras and other equipment, connecting to WiFIlwLAN Starting live Internet broadcast and the Construction Site Guerrilla Net Ballet [Ballettikka tnternellikka IntermenllikkaJ; Live Broadcast 06:30 Terminating and the Construction Site Guerrilla Net Ballet and live internet broadcast 06:32 Terminat ing W,Fi wireless internet connection and securing the equipment 06:36 Exiting the Dongdaemun (Great East Gate) construction site (near Dongdaemun Market) 06:38 Securing the recorded material and turning olf the computers, cameras and other equipment 06:49 Taking the subway train at the Dongdaemun Stadium station 06:59 ArriVing to Ewha Womans University station 07: 13 Returning to the Ewha-Samsung International House
04:38 05:16 05:39 05:51 05:53 05:59
04:14 04:38 05:16 05:39 05:51 05:53 05:59
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playbook voL1
PLt\Y-II\I[J [)2 IJ/\TE: .JULY 17 [Tl-IlJ). 2[)[m, 17:[][] VEI\llJl::: I<T[}[J ~JI\I\I[J~J/\I\I[J I\III\IJ/\I\I [J [-3F [/\I=E PI~ (][JI~/\I\lI: 17:[)[) Imm ~JTI~[)I\lI/UEI~ [} 131~J\I\II:: Z[]PIViJ\ 1\1 HU][] [JI~J\I= FITI m:~) EI\I~CI-I L/\13 lSH][] [J [} 1\ / IJE)C lJ ~J ~JHJI\1 012
Hongik Univ. Station
Seogyo Intersection
Park KT&G ~ .....,:.... "'" Madang ~
Hapjeong Stat ion
Hongik Un iv.
Buy the way
playbook va!. 1
Evan Roth and Jamel Powderly of G.R.l. and the Itaffl gOt on the three cars wit h [l.A.S.E.R. Tag[ Iystem and headed ou t to the first place to tag. KT&G Sangldng Madang.
[8. 2008 20:00 Total Museum of Contemporary Art
Ju l y
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22:00 - 23:00 Hongik University 21:00 - 21:40 KT&G Sangsang Madang
The next performance was done at the front gate of Hongik University about 22 :00. Wi th many flOdting population and the ones With artistic enthU Siasm, it was the best performance ever. 10!.I'l" EI !. I~:<'l Cl§ 01£~ " QI ~ -lo ::: "tQ.!Ul~.ll!.
The start went pre1ty well with lOISof cu nous participants who were hung ou t In Hongik
University area. People wrote their own messages on this concrete w all of Sangldl1g Madang and G.R.l. went to the next place around 22 .00.
~ .got~ .
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there . •t was interesting to see the Il A.S.E.R. Tagl ill the heart of Seolll, symbolic area wi th (he Cily Hall. Gwanghwamun and (heonggyecheon. Afler a while, bunch of cops came along and lhey,
G.R.l. QJ otI AI XI ..J
though they we re interest, shut it out fot the
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playbook vol.1
July 21 . 2008 I 1:00 - 12:30 Aram Bartholl Presentation Ewha Womans University SK Telecom Bldg. #203 Before the actual performance. there was an hour long present ation about comprehensive projects by Aram Bartholl
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// PLt\Y-II\I[J []LI IJt\TE: JULY 21 [I\II[]I\I], 2[)[]B, ll:[][] VEI~lJE: EWI-III W(]MlII~~J lJNIVER~JITY, ~JI< TELE[()M
/ / BL~G .
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17:[][] - 1a[][] PEI~F[]I~I\M\I\I[I: [JI\I THE
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13:00 - 16:00 Preparation Ewna Womans University SK Telecom Bldg. #203
In pairs. panicipanls as avatar with thei r names floa ting above their heads. went out 10 intervene Seoui.
Started to make names fOf the performance ..
Cutting and pas ti ng~ OIXII E'<'i!Oj2.5'.
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17:30 Sine non Railway Station The first place 10 perform was the lively SHeel in
front of Ewha Womans University area near $inchon Railway Station. tJ~7 1~ 1~~
AI L/. tH~~~ 01 LI 21 .:t.~QI OIUl ~ Ji2j7r ~ Er~t .
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18:30 Sinchon Myeongmulgeori Intersection
18:00 Sincnon Myeongmulgeori-gil
Smchon Myeongmulgeori where there are lots oilioat ing populallon
in Sinchon area.
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In Sinchon Myeongmul geon wheff three universities imersecling, performers acted as usual despi te the pedestrians calling their names and eyeing them strangely.
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IXj ~1!l ~ ?J~C: ~?'}CI .
playbook vol.1
Aram Bartholl
The [WoW] project is a workshop and intervention in public space that uses computer playworlds as a means of calling attention to the changing ways people deal with privacy and identity in the public sphere. Every day, millions of people spend a great deal of time in online virtual worlds like 'World of Warcraft' . They congregate there to go on adventures, solve puzzles and experiment with new digital artifacts. Many players remain in these worlds many hours a day. Even when they're seated alone before their computer, they have lots of friends in the online world and share experiences with them . Although these experiences are played out 'only' in the realm of virtuality, they nevertheless become memories in the particular person's overall wealth of experiences. When 40 players operating according to a precisely organized division of labor being executed every weekend over the course of months 'play' out an adventure and finally vanquish their ultimate opponent, a gigantic monster holed up in a cave, the screenshot of all the members of this tightly-knit group constitutes a graphic document commemorating this important occasion in their lives . The process of social bonding that occurs in such groups that frequently communicate only via messaging in the virtual realm ought not to be underestimated . Each player is represented by an individual avatar, which is given an unalterable name that by no means corresponds to the real name of the player but serves as a clear means of identification in the online world. This so-called nickname floats above the avatar's head and is constantly visible by all other players. There is no anonymity for the avatars themselves; each on-screen game figure is clearly labeled with its nickname. Nevertheless. changing roles via multiple accounts and avatars presents no problem to the users behind them. The IWoWI project takes this mode of publicizing players' names that's typical of online 3D worlds and transfers it into the physical domain of everyday life. Participants of the IWoWIworkshop will be able to construct their own name out of cardboard and then parade around in public with it hovering above their head. What happens when a person's customary anonymity in the public sphere is obliterated by the principles operative in virtual worlds online)
IWoWI g£~§.l:: ~~ ~ ~OiIAi JH<2JQj Af{!i~21 ~.xjl ~ ~ Cf $!= ~ ~o l ~ oIl 7 1l:: ~OII -'f-~I~ ~17 1 AI 71 71 ~I oll ~ #- Ej 7il ~ Ail ljl ~ 01 iH:! ~~ ~ ~ 011 Ai ~ 011 All:: ~j .3.g<2J §- AIOII 711 ?,J 0Iq Oll~ 9- ~ '2J '2lQj AI 'Ei ~ OI ' ~-'=. 2 -'='. ~3. 2.lI g§' ·21 ~g g2.l <2J 71~ Ailljl 0li Ai ~ 'Bt l ~dg A I~ ~ .5!.\:tIq .:J.~g 2~~ [[ILf:il. nL=~ ~ oj AH £g Cf A I~ ~~~ ~~of71 ~lolI.:l~ 0I12 <2J Cf
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playbook vol. 1
1995 \::1$ Ei ;:15 771;:1 1:!11 ~~ 01l ~'l! A I 'Q ~ o l 1= Ljls'f,j3 [iiO IEj ,(j l~ g ~ Ail ~~~ -il oll Ol ~ ~EH5!. QEfLI1=7f, Ef- s:! ol AIOl t:lj ~ ~ op.j ~2. I ~ ~~Q5!. 2 :LJ. 9) 1= 7f, el ;:l ~ ~ ~ o l ~'2\ 0I1 Oj ~ 'El ~~ D I ~I1= 7 12.1 ~ g Ljls~3 [ii OIEj ~ :c!2j ~~ ~ ~~ 2j t!7jI~ -?- J:II -}oll= 'Q~ ~ ol:LJ. 91 ef o f ~ tJ f~g
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Since 1995 Aram Banholl lives and works in Berlin. In his art work he thematizes the relationship of net data space and every day life. In which form does the network data world manifest itself in our everyday life, What comes back from cyberspace into physical space, How do digital innovations influence our everyday actions
Aram Bartholl studied architecture at the University of the Arts UdK Berlin and graduated there in 2001 with the thesis 'Bits on Location' This work also won him the Browserday competition 2001 During his studies, he completed a 10month internship in the architecture practice MVRDV Rotterdam.
His art work has been shovlin on international media an festivals such as Ars Electronica 06 or Transmediale 07. Furthermore he participated in exhibitions at TENT Netherlandse, VOORUIT Belgiun, Eyebeam New York, Enemy Gallery Chicago, Trampoline Night Berlin and LAB ORAL Spain, among others. In more than 25 lectures and workshops Aram Bartholl presented his works.
Aram Barlholl is a permanent member of the 'Urban Media Salon' founded by Mirjam Struppek and visits regularly the annual Congress of the Chaos Communication Club Berlin. After his studies Aram Bartholl has been working as a freelance concept creator and media designer for MVRDV, DMC, Fraunhofer Instltut Fokus, Institut for Electronic Business und City & Bits, among others.
TECI-INICAL I~E[JlJII~EI\lIENT WorkshopTools and materials 3ransparent plastic tubes and rods for WoW poles _Cutter knives _Cutting mats _Cardboard -500gr/m , 8 big sheets A 1 _Light green A4 papers to print names _Laser printer b/w Exh ibition _DVD Player Xl _PDP Monitor Xl
playbook vo!.l
: .\". IV. dclteniollll elE'
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INTI: 1~\lI 1:\1\1 Hello, This work is called [WoW] which relates to 'World of Warcraft' which is a computer game, online game where a lot of people play against monsters and play against each other. So it's fantasy scenario and in this fantasy world online game, all the avatars have their names, their nick names floating above their head. And this project [WoWI translates this interface object of this names floating above the head Into real life. We had workshop with 12 people and everybody was building his own name in green letters and then afterwards we went to the city, had thiS group performance So here we see, for example, me walking on the street with my name. On one hand, it's translation from the game to real world, and on the other hand it's also themitizing this privacy topic how do we use let's say in the web people much more open with their privacy for example in social networks like leave all their information but in real life we are pretty strict about it. More rules and we would never walk in the street with our names. So it's also topic on work on this topic And It's the whole relation from digital space to everyday life I'm trying to approach here.
playbook vol.1
Theodore Watson, Evan Roth and James Powderly [LAS E.R. Tag[ IS an open-source WMD(Weapon of Mass Defacement) from the GRL(Grafiiti Research Lab), designed to enable graffiti writers, artists, activists, pranksters and ordinary citizens to communicate In the urban environment on the same scale as advertisers, corporations and the State. [LASE.R Tag[. and the Mobile Broadcast Unit, combine 1800 watts of audio and 5000 lumens of video projection capability mounted on an industrial tricycle, car, 70's-era school bus or snowmobile. The [LAS.ER Tag] payload allows individuals to write their own personal communications and expressions with a 60 milliwatt green laser on industrial and government facilities, monuments, towers, bridges, city skylines, mountains and other hard and soft targets of interest. The design and custom software for the [LASER Tag] payload has been released open source, without copyright or patent, into the public domain. Hobbyists, hackers and other private citizens are encouraged to freely use, modify and release their own deSigns. [LAS.ER Tag] units currently exist in NYC, Vienna, Barcelona, Taipei, Toronto, Montreal, Amsterdam, Minneapolis, Utah and London. The NYC [LASER Tag] unit can be 'checked-out' for free from the G.R.L. resource library and arsenal in Brooklyn, NY for use by interested parties. Advertisers need not apply.
[CiIOIAi EH.::lJ~ G.R.L.(.::l2.jjilIEI 2.IAi~1 'E!l)01 ~'2!~ 2.g ±!:,.£ -'E! WMD(Weapon of Mass Defacement)£ 18002f~ 2j 2C122f 5000Ef-~2j I::I1Cl2 .!!.£~tt~ ~~~ Ol~ tg% :gl::ll~ ~~§.g~ 2£l::If01. 70\::lQl !:"~I::!i!:", ~g ~.g;<;fOlI :g~~ ~OICf . .::l2.jj III EI ~7L OfEI!:"~, g~7L :g8.::1f2.PI. ~g 'liJ~~ AI'2J,§g 60 '§!2.I2f~2j ~~ CllolAPf Ll2~ 01 :gt:JI~ OI§oHAi ~JIOlIAi ~~AI~ 0ILl {:j-9!AI~, 71 lEl 1::11, Ef!f.j, Cf2.1. ~AI !:""fOI2.f'2J, ~ .::l2.I~ Cf§ ~~Ol '1!~ 2§- [H~OlI ~~~, 71~'2J .::l2.I.:il ~{:j-9!2f ~g .;:t2£ .::l'§'2J2j 7H'2J~'2J m,?-L\7jloltt~ [;f7iLl f,f{:j.H.~~ ~ 9 '1!Cf [CiIOIAi EH.::lJ~!fl~ ClAf'2J ~ W~~ ±.!!.~illIOi~ Ai~-rlOILl ~[;i iliOI ~~~Q10l1 2.g ±!:,.£ ~7H~~PI rrHgOlI. ?jOI£ [;f~ Af'Et'§OILl oH"i'§, .::l2.I~ Cf§ AI'2J~g Ol~~ Af~~7i1 01§of7iLf ~~~ 9 '1!Cf. Cf'2J, Ol~ol 2.g±!:,.0171 ITHgOlI. Af~§ 7i1 Af§~, .::l~01 '2J§- ClAf'2J~ ~7Hof7l~ I::If~Cf. [CiIOIAi EH.::lJ :gl::ll~ ~AH 'rr~, I::II~LI, I::Ifs~£LL EfOIIljIOI, £e£, g~2.I~, 'E:t!:"E!I.~I~L olL\OlI~2.I!:", ~Ef .::l2.I~ 'C1'2!OlII::lI~I~Oi '1!Cf. 'rr~ [CiIOIAi EH.::lJ~ ~~Ol '1!~ -'T-.:r-LI 'rr~ ~Ef-~~Oll '1!~ G.R.L. Af-fi. ~AiB~ ~71~0lIAi ~li£ ~];J 9 '1!AI'2J ~~~'§g Af~~q.
GRL.(Graffitl Research Lab) is dedicated to outfllilng graffiti writers, artists, pranksters and protesters with open source 10015 lor urban communication. The goal of Ihe G.R.L. is to technologically empower individuals to creatively alter their surroundings on the scale of advertisers, corporations and the state in order to reclaim public space from both authoritarian and consumer culture. G.R.L. WMD(Weapon of Mass Defacement) are the result of numerous grants, awards and commissions from rogue governments, educational institutes and arts organizations. including an Award of Distinction from Ars Electronlca In 2006. They have shown their work in the streets on five continents and have been featured in the Museum of Modern Art In New York City, the Tate Modern in London and similar toilet stalls allover the world. Their first documentary film, G.RL • The Complete First Season, recently premiered at the Sundance Film Feslival and sold-out the MoMA They have been featured in or contributed to publications, books and other mass media, like the New York Times, Time Magazine, Time Asia. The Taipei Times, Excelsior, Time Out New York, the Village Voice, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Wired, II COrrlere Della Sera, EI PaiS, Street Renegades, The Tate's Street An, NBC, ABC, CNN, BBC, MTV, CNET,, and on the front page of Youtube. But more
importantly, thousands of ubiqUitous, clandestine agents have trained themselves, via the web. to use G.R.L. tools and techniques to create their own public interventions all over the world. G.R.L. splinter cells have formed in Amsterdam, Vienna, Barcelona, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Yokohama, Tijuana, Hong Kong, Taipei, Minneapolis, Australia and London. G.R.L. NYC is honored to be New York's representative to the US Department of Homeland Graffiti. The G.R.L. is a FAT (Free Art and Technology) production headquartered in the County of Kings, Brooklyn, NY. We are the G.R.L. and we approve of this message.
w,VJ!\ graffltIIP\f<nhtah COIll grl@fffffat
ptaybook vo!.l
We intend to come to Seoul and create a series of public events, document them and create a 3-5 minutes 'G.R.L. in Seoul' video to display in the gallery. While working on that video we can provide another video to display in the gallery until the 'G .R.L in Seoul' video IS completed .
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in Seoul'
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TECI-II\IICt\L I~E[JUII~EI\IIEI\IT _IL.A.S.E.R. Tag] System _Documentation DVD _Projector (for displaying video in the gallery) X1 _DVD player (for playing documentation video) X1 _Speaker X1 set
GRL(:l 2jjIlIEI 2.j},i*1 ~ lo~ :l 2.l1III EI ~71, OIEI!',s, ';'g '2 ¥ 2.P I, :l2.I.:i2 AI -'fIAf §- Oillil 5:. AI7'-'fi-LI7iI0Itl ~ -'fl~ 2. g "'-~£ ~ 5:.-=]l~ ~EoIE[i l ~ 'ElOfClj, ~ 2.IQj ~nE 7H7H'2J §- 01aa ~~ ~ Y:I -'fj ~OI .:i2 ~ tJl;q 3~Qj g2:} £!:f- Ei 7H {:j 01 71 -'floHAi :l §- -9-~ ~ '2 Qj ~ Q £ ~~o ~~ ~ ~ ~ jl ~ , 7 1 ~~ ~g ~!?.2t ~g 6 ~1~ £ ~ 9- '?} 5:. ~ 7 1~ ~Q £ AI ![;l ol~ ~OI Cf GRL 2I WMD(Weapon of Mass Defacement)E 9-~g !:2. 3:;.-§ , ~-§ :l2.I.:i2 ~!:f-, .lll ~7 1~ , 2006\::1 ~9-~~ 9-():j~ Ol ~~ ~ ~ s£ LI712.1 ~g OjI~8*il ~ £!:f- EiQj
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E This is the ILAS.E.R. Tagl system. We use It for artist activist and protesters primarily however it's free for everybody to download the software. The basic set up is there's a camera which is here and that's doing motion tracking so It' S trying to find a laser pointer and that's bfiD..g sent into the laptop which is then projecting the light back on screen. So what you see on the building is just projected light from the projector but it's using a laser as an input form and this works well when you tend to work with graffiti writers or people that wanna make things on location .
J We've used IL .A.S.E .R. TagJ ... we initially created this system in Rotterdam with the coding design help of Theo Watson who's G.R.L. Amsterdam director and subsequently we 've used It allover the world . We've used it in Hong Kong, we've used it in Korea now and we've used it in allover the Europe from Austria to London, we used it in the United States. allover Spain and we are about to start sorl of a world tour, we call it the antiAmerican tour where we are going everywhere where people hate the United States . And we are starting in Seoul, Korea and Korea hates our country because of beef and we are going to Serbia next and they hate our country because we bombed hell out of them in 1999 and then we are going to Kosovo, I don't think ... they just hate
America for general reasons, then we are going to Sao Paolo, Brazil and they hate America because of the North American Free Trade America We are gOing to be In Beijing where they hate America for obvious reasons and then we are finally going to go to Tokyo where I think they ... maybe they like America. I don't know. E James What's the goal of the I hate Am erica Tour) I guess there really isn't any goal It's Just more opportunities to use the ILASE .R. Tag] system in bunch of provocative countries and give local artists, protestors and just normal citizens a chance to say exaclly what they feel about America but on the scale that normally only advertisers and governments have the opporlunltles to speak out. E We talk about the system a lot as a free speech machine and we come to this place . Sometimes it's us writing but ideally the other people writing . So when we go to different cities usually it's the local people writing and hopefully they are saying something that they wouldn't be ~llowed to say otherwise in that scale and a place that was invisible
playbook vaLl
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playbook voLl
.. ,..
We used : _1 PC Laptop ASUS A8JS - Core 2 Duo 1,83 Ghz 11 GB Ram 1 Nvideo Geforce Go 7300 256M B VGA and DVI out 1 Pansonic PTD5600U 5000 ANSI Lumens 1024x768 DLP Projector _1 Watec 221S Security 1 Astrononmy Camera w ith manual iris zoom lens _1 Bogen magic arm and super clamp _1 Pinnacle PCTV USB capture card
Location: Choose a building or wall that the laser shows up well on. If using a building make sure the lights aren't on as this will make the tracking of the laser beam harder (also it is not a good idea to point powerful lasers at a building with people in it) Pick a spot far enough back that the projector can overshoot the building by a couple of feet on all sides. Alignment and calibration : the building is vertically orientated and the prOjector can handle it, put the projector on its side so you are using the full image of the projection Jix the projector in place and then lix the camera underneath the lens of the projector so that it is looking at the projection area. Allow the camera to see a little more than the projection area so that you can designate an area as a clear button. _Make sure all the settings on the camera are set to manual· no auto exposure or gain control etc. _Adjust the color balance of the camera so that it looks as natural as possible - make sure any lights in the shot don't look green as this will confuse the tracking sytem.
Software setup : _Set your resolution of your screen to _Connect the projector to the PC and control panel set the display mode to This should span the Desktop across
1024 X 768. in your display horizontal span. the laptop screen
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1 60mW Green Laser (super illegal in a lot of places and very dangerous) and loads of AAA batteries
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and the projector so that you have one large screen of 2048 X 768 resolution. If you have access to openGL and 3D preferences in the control panel, set all settings to performance _Connect the camera to the usb capture card and the capture card to the Pc. You can use Amcap to make sure you can capture video okay. Start the app and you should see something like the Image bellow, Follow the instructions In the diagram to align the camera to the projection surface. Once the camera IS aligned to the prOjector hide the white alignment lilies on the prOjected image by pressing L. Tum down the IriS of the camera to the pOint where the surface IS as dark as posslbJe but the laser still shows up strong . Settings: _The settings for the app are saved in an xml file so once you have made your adjustments hit the S key to save your changes , _The up and down arrows on your keyboard will run through the list of settings and the left and right arrows can adjust the values. _The first settings you will want to adjust is the four at the bottom· which define the color tracking of the laser.
NOTES _ Once everyth ing is setup be very careful not to bump either projector or camera as even a move of a 1mm wil l be enough to mess the alignment. _ The settings are saved in settings.xml file - if you want to back up your settings for a location just zip the file and rename it. _ If you are pushed for framerate - try overclocking your graphics w ith hacked drivers from laptopvide02go, you will notice quite a difference! _ Press h to hide all gui except the projected image, this can also g ive you a bump in the framerate too .
Hue Point Hue Thresh _Sat Thresh _Value Thresh Any tiling til,l t
Should be the value of green that the camera sees the laser as How wide a range from the hue point It should conSider. The minimum amount of saturation. The minimum bnghtness
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Here is an exp lanation of the rest of the settings: Slides the screen over so you can see _Slide what is being projected _Verticle Mode If the projedor IS being used on its side. Use Blobs Should stay on, blob tracking ended up being more reliable than motion difference, Motion Diff Don't touch Use Camera Toggle between using the live camera and an Included test video _Drips Mode When on, small drips of paint will descend from the letter forms, Siowely fades the image over time Fade Out - alternative 10 clear button Slant Brush Toggles chisel brush and fatcap mode Clear Zone Use an area of the image as a clear zone, if the laser is detected there It
clears the Image. Size of brush How many drips you want - lower is more _Activity Thresh ThiS determines the time before starting a new line, the background screen should flash red whenever a new line begins. Min Blob Size The smaller this value the more sensitive to noise it will be but also the smoother the line motion. The max distance to draw a line _Jump Dist between two captured points, any distance greater means it starts a new line. _Line Resolution How many points to Interpolated a line with, higher number means smoother line but uses more cpu. Adjust x position of clear area. Clear X Clear Y Same for y Lower means a more sensitive clear Clear Thresh area, higher less sensitive - adjust so that only laser point clears Image. Brush Width _Drips Freq
playbook vol.1
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Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman Ballettikka Internettikka Intermenttikka
Brane Zorman www .ljudmila .org/beitthron Brane Zorman is a composer and sound manipulator. Between 1982 and 1986 he was frontman for the Slovene punk group 0 I KUL1. He IS a pioneer of the Slovene techno scene. Since 1987 he has been composing music for both Slovene and international theatre. dance and multimedia performances and projects and has made guest appearances throughout Europe. Recently he works with Irena Pivka on a series of audio-visual installations ZONE (~CQlliL~).
I.s'2!g -Q~7f O I Oj gg,t ~ ~ A fOlC-I .::l2": 1982 \::1.!¥ EI 1986\::1 7)ITI O!KULT 2.12": ~£ I:III LI O f '2) 3 .::l~ Qj ;:!Ef ~Ef O I 'i:i 2 0j 2 £1:111 LI Of Ell 3.'r.1¥N QI / H ~ TfOI 71~ QfCf 1987 \::l.!¥Ei2": 2£ tJl1LIO f21~ Ail ~ '2.!
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playbook vol.l
Igor Stromajer & Brane lorman
BalieHikka InterneHikka Intermenttikka
Ol C .~
a::'" Igor Stromajer www.intima .org
15 an intimate mobile communicator . He researches intima Ie emotJonal lactics and traumatic low-tech guerrilla sir alegles. He has shown his work at more than a hundred exhibitions in fifty countries on all the continents and received a number of awards. His works are included in the permanent collections of the Centre Georges Pompidou. Paris: the Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid; Moderna galerijd Ljubljana. Slovenia: Computerfinearts Gallery, New York and others .
OI JIs. .0-££OfOI01 i::: ~~~ 2 tJ l ~ 7'mLiJjl OIEj Ol cf .::Ii::: ~~~ bi~ 0i12~ofi::: ~~2f £2f Ofo f~ .5:'. -EII3 )j 1~2f ~ Sf~~ '2'1-TI ~q.::IQj ~-§- ~g ~Al lljiQj 507 11~ Of I Ai
1002.1 O i ~ ~ A I ~1 ~ .Jl ~ JtI Qj 9~5:. ~ JI, {!l Ei. Of~21~ Qj cjlO ILi ~nlof ~'8 ol ~-2:I , ~£ tJj I L IOfQj -W~2~Lf 2'2f ~2121. .::I2iJI !n- ~ Qj E:l -¥r-Ej nf'2J Ofs ~212 1 B OiI)..i ~~ ~AI ~iJI~ q. Ilf21Qj
For creating the project in secret _Lapt op X2 MiniDV cameras X2 Micro camera Xl _Microphone and
Externa l audio ca rd Xl Robots Xll _Battery packs _Battery cha rgers
mp3 audio recording device Xl
_Cables and connectors
External video ca rd Xl
_M ini DV tapes
For publicly presenting / exhibiting the project _DVD disc _DVD Player Xl (with repeat/loop function) _LCD Display X2
_Com puter Xl W indow XP / Firefox Browser / Real one player _Headphone X2
playbook voLl
01 C .~
\I\IE \1\11: WE WE WE
FUJI-IT THI:I\II [JI\I TI-II: ElI:/\CHE~), ~)H/\LL FUJHT THEI\II [JI~ THE L/\I~IJII\I[J []I~[JlJl\IIJ~), ~)H/\LL 1=I[j1-lT II\! THE FIELlJ~) I\I~IJ II\! THE ~)TPEET~), ~)H/\LL 1=I[j1-lT II\! THE HILL~;, ~)H/\LL 1\IE\lm ~;lJl~I~EI\IIJEll
\1\1, CHlJl~CHILL
13t\LLI:TT1I<I<t\ I I~TI: Ii I~ I:TT1 1<I<t\ [Balletlikka Internettikka] is a series of tactical art projects which began In 2001 with the exploration of internet ballet. It explores wireless internet ballet performances combined with guerrilla tactics and mobile live internet broadcasting strategies After invading The Bolshoi Theatre In Moscow (2002), La Scala in Milan (2004), The National Theatre in Belgrade (2005), Volksbuhne in Berlin (2006) City Hall and Lippo Centre in Hong Kong (2007) and other institutions and their concepts, Stromajer and Zorman performed a new internet ballet [Ballettikka Internettikka Intermenttikka] as a
part of the Digital Playground 2008: Hack the City!!, illegally broadcasting live from the targeted construction site in Seoul, performing a robotic mortal ballet. The artists grouted the sad and lonel y Silverlit RIC robot with cement and inte r it into the foundations of the selected rISing building. Robots often cry - why shouldn't you' [ ~i'.IIE[ 7f
'2JEiLiIEI7f1E 2001 \::1 A I~~ '2JEi?!i ~i'.11218~ 5fE ~~Q.j ~~:sj'2J O f ~ Q£~~£ JII'§2.f ~~21 2tJ f~ '2J Ei ?!i ~'2,I~ ~ ~~ ~~~ Ei'- ~ '2JEi?!i ~211 lli .£ '2:! !:: ~ ~ -r~Cf 2002 \::1 2 ~ 3tJl *{c OI ~8 , 2004 \::1 ~2.f.s:. !o. ~2.f 2 nll2.f 5f.'i?- ~ , 200S l21 t:tII2.::l2.I~ ;;~~8 , 2006 121 t:tIl~~ ~3~ !f-ILi l. 2007121 ~~ AI {9 21 2.1.£ 0J Ei~ .£~~ ~~ Cfe 7[.t! ~~ 8~~ A s<;'!OfOIOJ 21 'l' s'2Jg 2008 \::1 Ai ~ OII Ai ( ~ i'.11 EI7f '2J Ei Lil EI7f '2J Ei 011 EI1fl2.IE .(1I £g '2J Ei?!i ~ i'.I1~ 51<;:1 CI o l~g [IAI~ ~2iIOI:J.2Ig£ 2008: £AI~ ~H~t;121!! Q.j ~~ £ £ );1~Q.j ~ '2J ~ 21* ~ gOlI Ai £~ 2sEIs ~i'.I1~ 51E ?,!~ ~~ £ £ ~'2,I~ ~ ?,!Ol ci .::l~g '§E..Jl 2.1£g 01 g JJi RlC £ * ~ 21 * %'2J Lt~ 21 £ [11011 A I~~ ~0I1 ~ 9t Cf £ ~ ~g OICLliS 2:,=-lz!cl - ~tJ~ ) AI ~£
playbook val. 1
www .intlma .org
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TI £ ~E!= 2 A 3tJr *:6:001 sf-f '§J2r!:c. A ~2.1211Jl2.t o I.§? A {irE! ~$J Qj2.! Sfio.~ '1i \-9011 §O-\Ji'AJ ~~o£ ~~ol!= :;'i~Llq ~ o HOII != pf?}$J A!@OJlAi WII IJ9ia Llq 2~ Ol~ 6AI0I1 .§?21!= Ai-@- .;§-[H~ ';?- .;§- Sf ?j;JOII9)!= ?i1!~SfOII *~o£ WOPIA! £¥@ AI~IEOII?1-.J1 ~~jl.!-H¥ t 12 .:il Wa ll et. £ ¥f2- 91 i'I 01 J ~0I1 Mw ~i~Llq
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*15 AI~212.I~
B £ ~ 0I1 i= GPS AI !:o.'2j OI ~ ~'"-I (}j 9)(}j ~2171 ~~jl~~ t iE 2 '§-$ Ej Qj ~ ~'2!g GPS7t ~ ~~ !:2.ll!7I1 ~LI Lt J21.:il GPS tJII Ej2171 ~(}jAj L-j ol~ ~~ 7 t 2AI '2.tQ~ ~21i= £ ~ $J ~g~ {:j £ ~ ~'fj LILt
I[)[] Ii [113Iit\l~ EI I~TEli\/IE\f\l B We are [Ballettikka Internettikka] team. Igor Stromaler and Brane Zorman . I And we are doing this project since 2001 . We are invading different places like Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow La Scala in Milan (ity Hall in Hong Kong and Lippo ( entre in Hong Kong and other places each year one or two places and this year we did it in Seoul Korea . So actually today in the morning at 6 a.m. we went to the construction site near the central stadium in Seoul and we went inside illegally and we grouted the robot we oerformed robotic funeral we have put the robot into the cement and it's going to stay in there in foundation of this bUilding forever. B And the robot is equipped with the GPS system which will be broadcasted, let's say couple of days time from now, from the date when we went to the cement to the concrete and when the GPS system dies we will declare the robot finally died as well.
This was [Ballettlkka Internettikka Intermenttikka] Seoul 2008.
playbook vo!.l
Aram Bartho ll +E XHI BITI ON
[Chat[ performance casa del en cendida Madrid ES [Ch at! performance at inspired FAO Lisbon PT [Mapl at [C ardin al Pointl exhibition Richman Gallery Baltimore US [Chat[ performance Club Transmediale Berlin DE
17th Video Art Award Bremen DE 1st price GAK Bremen DE [Random Screen! honorable mention Transmediale Award 07 Tran smediale Berlin DE
2007 [Random Screen ] Workshop and bhibition Lab30 Augsburg DE [Sandboxllecture Workshop and Exhibition Sku!pturenpark Berlin DE [Speech Bubble[ performance Picnic C onfer~lKe..Amsterdam NL [Second City : WoW Tree Chat Missing Image several Workshopsl Ars Electronica Linz AT [WoWI work shop and performan ce 'Public Play' during GC Leipzig [Silvercelll exh ibition, 'Cyborg : Man or Milchine' Newcastle, UK [WoWI Workshop and performance Voorkamer Lier BE [Speech Bubblel De~~azes New HO Berli.o.....Q.E. [256m,1 Performance Alexanderplatz Berlin/New Berlin [First Peroon Shooter] Ausstellung lilborallGameworld For ms [ Gilon ES [First Person Shoolerl and [SReech Bubble! Ausstell ung and workshop Eyebeam [Open Ci!yl NY city USA [Random Screen [ and [WoW[ Ausslellung and performance Veoruil [Time's upl Gent BE [Random Screenl Ausstellung Transmediale 07 Berlin DE lfaper Pixelsl Ausstellung Borderline Behaviour TENT Rotterdam Filmfestival NL
2006 [First Person Shooter[ Ausstellung and Workshop Trampoline Night HAU2 Berlin DE [Speedl Ausstellung jm Offentlichem Roum Platlform Boh nenstrasse Bremen DE [Random ScreenI !paoer Pixelsl and !Sjlyer ( .fil l Ausslellung and Work shoO Ars Eledronica [Simpllclty[ Linz AT [Random Screen[ [WoWI [de dusll IPIYI Ausstellung and Work shop Projeklraum leeci n'est oas UO restaurant[ Berlin DE ISilver Cell [ Nominierl Fur den Viper Inlernational Arward Viper New Media Art festival BaruJ:l::! [Random ScreenI Ausstellung 3rd (A) r4WBlt5 micro Fesl at ENEMY Gallery Chicago US 2005 [Random Screen I Auss lellung 22 Chaos Communication Coooress des Chaos Computer Clubs Berlin DE
2004 [Paoieroixels[ and [Silver Cell[ 21 . Chaos Communication Congress des Chaos Comouler Cl ubs Berlin DE
1995-98 Mitarbeil bei der Kunstlergruppe [Freies Fachl (Heute [AnArchilekturll gegrundet an der Fakultat Architektur der Universilat der Kunste Berlin mit va Jesko Fezer leilname an verschiedenen temporaren Aktionen im Offent!ichen Raum zu tadtpolitischen Themen.
Ooe Alexander Place
1997 1996 1995
ill!.!m! ~
2001 [Daten am Ort l l .Preis Wettbewer b Browser@y Thema [Mobile Mindedl Browserday Weqbewerb Volksbuhne Berlin DE +SU PPORT 2008 Institut iur Auslandsbezlehungen e.V Forderung Reisekosten ISEA Singapur 200B ~ KUNSTFONDS ArbeitSltipen diu m 2008
2007 Senalwerwaltung fur kulturelle Angelegenheiten Berlin Projec t Forderung 2007
Igo r Stromajer & Brane Zorman +E XHIBITION
2008 Digital Playground 2008' Hack the Cityll Total Museum of Contemporary Art Seoul Korea Cuiturallncubator MB Maribor Sloven ia ACAF AleM nd ria Alexandria Egypt International Sputnik Dayexhibition Metro Gallery Berlin Berlin Germany ECQnomie 0 / Upgrade! Paris: Das Kapital LA Menagerie de verre and Ars LQngo Paris France VfC - Interyiew Ams terdam The Net herlanq Visual Foreign Correspondenls Amsterdam The Netherland Transmediale 08 - CONSPIRE Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin Germany ~ht of networks University of Turk u Rosenlew museum, Pori Finland Exhibitions - Archives 1996-2007
2007 Art lsl Residencv Turku Finland Microwave Felilval - Media x Activism Poster Conlerenc~ Hong Kong CYNET art Tale-Plateau Trans - Media Akademie Hellerau Dresden.~rmany Breaking Solitude Montpellier France KIBLIX Fest ival - MMC KIBLA Maribor Slovenia ILA T - intimate Latin American Tour SantiagQ Chile The In ternatiQnal Sputnik Day 2007 Press to eXit project space & CAC The Contemporary Arts Center Skopje, Macedonia Borderline Fesllval Be ijing China Sala parpall - new media room Valencia....2Mjn Upgrade! Paris Paris France Research Center for Contemporary and Dlgilal Performa nce Ipnden UK DE APPEL - the shadow cabinet Amslerdam Nelh erland Imaginary WQrldsllzmisljeni svelovi SimQna Vidmar Slovenia FIIUMANI Rljeka Croat ia CeC & CeC The India International Centre New Delhi India INTIMACY LABAN Da nce Center and the Albany Theare London Open Library Platform Garanti ContemQQ[il'Y Art Cenler Istanbul Turke:,' MFRUIIFCA - 131h International Festival of CQmputer Artl MKC Maribor Sloven ia Univerza V Ljubljanl Fakulteta l a arhitek turo Un iversity of Ljubljana Faculty of architecture Llubllana Slovenia On Air Museum of Mordern and contemPOraN art Rijekam CrQatia File Fesllval Sea Paulo Brazil 2006 CeC & CeC the India International Center New Delhi India Ifurtively / secrelly : Volksbl Berlin Germany Panopie org Montpoll ie r France Piemonte Share Festival Turin Italy Undwâ&#x201A;Ź.ctrl Forull1 Stadtpark Gr.3l Auslria Modema galerila Ljubllana prolecl2023 Arteast Collection 2000+23 Slovenia WJ-s web performances in public space Maribor/ L~
055 FT JOANNEUM Gral Austria The master's programme in Digital Culture The UniverSity of Faculty of Hu manities Finland TkH Belgrade Serbia DAM -Digit"1 An Museum Berlin Germa ny -5minutes GalieN P74 ljubllan" Sioveniil. Intima Virtual Base t996-2006:Ten Year of Net IntimacY babaLAN / Old Powerolant / Maska Ljubljana Slovpf}I_" web _museum e,V / netart-Datenbank Berlin Germany LaAgencia Madrid SOQin Dialogue in the Kitchen Volume I Gallery P74 LJvbllana Slovenia MC Krsko Krsko Slovenia Kultumi dom Cerknica kustos Slovenia 030NE Art Space & TkH Belgrade ~ 2005 Galeria Metropolitan,] de Barcelon" - Off LOOP2005. Barcelona Soain International Dance TechnQIQOy - Lab 2005 University of Birmingham VRU Notlingham UK MMC Kibl~ Goill.ery, MilJiltQl~ Unuiversity 01 Groningen - NP3 - Tschumipaviljoen Groningen The Netherlands Violence Wilhout Bodies Museo Nacional de Me Reina Madrid $QQin Cork Vision Ce nlre - Multimedia Centre KIBLA grOUP exhibition Cork Ireland CEC AersLink N~w York NY USA New York UniversiJy - Performance studies New York NY USA David Winston Bell Gallery Lilt Art Center Brown University. Providence RI USA DeRQY Lecture Series Wayne State UniverSity Detroit Micblge.rr.JlSl< Maryland Institute College of Art Balt imore Maryland USA New York Atelier Grant - Ministrv of Culture RS New York NY USA Territories Idenlities Nets: Slovene Art 1995 -2005 Slovene Museum of ContemPOrarv Arts Liubljana slovenia Moderna galerija Ljubljana SIQvene Museum Qf Contemporary ArlS Llubllana Slovenia ~ rocking the web Universlteit Antwerpen Thealre Studies Departmenl Antwerp Belgium University if GrQningen Depa rtment of Arts Groningen The Netherlands Web museum e V - netart date nbank & J-box Berl in Germany University of OsnabrLiKL.Q,nabrueck Germany Drugo more Rijeka ~ Museo Michettj-In and out Francavilla al mare Italy Thailand 3rd New Media Arts Festiva l 2005 Bangkok Thailand Les reconlres audiovisuelles MaisQn Folie de Wazemmes Lille France On Air : videQ in onda dall' Itali" Lugo di Romagna Ravenna Italy ESC Labor Graz Au stria SEEcuit Belgrade SCG A+A Gallery. group exhlbilion with the coliaboation The Maribor Art Gallery Venice Italy C/O careof - Spazlo de prte e Centro di Doncumentallone di Milano Milan IIdly
ECM Kawenga Eloace Culture Multimedia Montpe~ France Up to date' An-Technology centro culture de Espana Santiago Chile & Escuela de arte de la Unlversldad de playa ancha Cordoba ~ e-Crealive Demo-Performances The Ind ia Inlernationsll Centre & The Academy of ElectrQnic Arts New Delhi India ActingoutTechnology Brussels Belgium
playbook vol, 1
Graffiti Research lab - Evan Roth +EDUCATION 2003/08-2005/05
MFA Design Technologv (MFADT) - Parsons School of Design NY 397 GPA I Class valediC[orian I ReciQient of the Dean's Scholarship' 1996/08-2000/05
.B .S. ArchiteClUre University of Maryland, College Park MD 35 GPA 4.0 studio GPA I Graduate of the University Honors Program +WO RK 2008-Present Free Art & Technology Lab Co-Founder and Research Director FAT. Lab Brooklyn NYC - hnp/ 2004-Present MFA Design and Technology Inst ructor Parson s School of Design New York - htlpJ/cdt.parsons edu 2005-2007 Senior Research and Develooment Fellow Eyebeam At elier New York - htlP/leyebeam .org
Art New York Adelaide Bank Feslival of the Am Adelaide Australia Spark Festival University of Minnesoto Minneapolis Minnesota lightWave Festival Trinity College Dub lin Ireland Pesign and the ElastiCMind LA SE.R tog Museu m of Modern Art New York Sundance Film Festival New Front iers Park City UT ~I Luminis Carle Blanche - LAS E R Tog Lausanne Switzerland Enzlmi - LA S.E.R. Tag Rome..Jl.i!!y Taiwan Digital Art Festival Talp~ Microwave Festival Hong Kong China c,iloget-Off Liberty Science Cen ter New York NY 2007 Nuit Blanche Toronto, Canada Transitio New Media Mexico City Ars Etectonlca Second City Linz Austfla Art Rotte rdam ROllerdam Netherlands OFFF New Media Festival Barcelona Spain Creator Series Tomorrow Unlimited LA USA Creator Series Tomorrow Unli mited NY USA Laboral Gijon Spain Open City - Eyebeam New York City USA
2004-2004 New Medja Museum Exhibition Coordinalor First Beijing New Media Arts Exhibition and w::wosium Beijing http/
2001-2003 Project Archit ect Hanson Architecture Los Angeles hilP Ilhansonla com
Ars Electronica L in7~ Electrohype Malmo Sweden SIGGRAPH Guerrilla Studio Boston MA Maker Falfe San Mateo CA
2006 Lower Manh"'tdn Cul tural Cou ncil: Off the Record New York NY
2009 Graffiti Research Lab performance and exhibilion The Centre Pompldou Paris France 2008 MJlQsel Miami Miam i - G.R.L. performance and exh ibition Florida USA Digdest - G R.L oerform ance and exhibition Alhens Greece G.R.L. in Perugia - LA5.E .R. Tag Perugia Italy Europea n Day of Languages - Mul tiple G.R.L.-cell LAS .E.R_Tag Paris France ~rimenta Design Amsterdam 2008 - G R.L performance and ~xhibition Amsterdam Netherlands Nuart 2008 - GR .L. performance and exhibit ion, Stavanger Norway EIZONE - LAS.E.R. Tag Yokohama Japan APMT - LASE.R. Tag and G.R.L. galle ry exhibition Tokyo Japan Conon Razor Blade @ 798 - G.R L gallery exhibition Beijing China FILE 08 - LAS .E.R Tag Sao Paulo Brdzil LAS .E.R. Tag and G.R.L. Tot,,1 Museum of Con1empordr'I...6!.L Seoul Korea Depanmen1 of Homeland Graf/ll i Liqujdation S<1le Gallery Anno Domini San Jose Califorma Street Art exhibition Tate Museum of Modern Art London UK Screening of G R L : The Compl ete First Season Brooklyn Academy of Music Brooklyn NYC White Glove Tracking presented as part of Rh izome's 2007 Artists Commission New Museum New York Clt\'...!'IY Seoul Digital Forum - Vi sionary Presenter Seou l South Korea C, .RL The Comp lete First Season - Pop Rally Museum of Modern
2004 The Cracow Film Festival Cr"cow Polanq +AWARD 2008 Rh izome 2009 CommisSlon- T.SA Communication ilworded Rhizome 's M e~eiliQD_award In structables Laser Culler Competition - Enter the Ghetto M~ awarded Grand Prize ~ark Fest ival Commission - G.R.L Adelaide Art Festival Commission ond Master Class Rhizome 2007 Commission Wh ite Glove Tracking awarded d Rhizome Comm iSSion 2007 Cadre-Montavalo Research Residency Finaiisl - Graffiti Research Lab Liverpool Biennial Visible Virals Commission Tate Liverpool and the European Cult ural Capital Celebration - Graffiti Research Lab. Atelier Rij ksbouwmeester Commission for Art Rotterdam 2007 LASER Tag 2006-2007 Eyebeam OpenLab Senior Fellowsh ip Lower Manhattan Cu ltural Council Off the Record CommiSSion
057 2006 ARS Electronica Li n?, Austria 2004-2006 FITC Design and
,Jppearing on the cover of the typography issue
Festival Toronto Canada
2004 Computer Arts Issue 66 - Co-author of Crea te Imagery US ing Digi tal Type
2003-2005 Flash For wa rd Film Festival NYC & San FranciscQ 2005 Norapolls IntI. Multimedia Fest ival Moselle Fr ,lnce +B OO K CONTR IB UTI ONS 2008 Field Guide for Public Works Volume # 1, Parson s the New School tor Design US DeSign and the Elastic Mind MoMA Exh ibition Cata log US 2007 St reet Renegades Francesca Gavin UK Space Craft: Fleeting Arc hi tecture and Hideou ts Die Gestalten Verlag Germany Goodbye Privacy Ars Electronica Ars Electronica Austria 2006 SII"ulicity Ars Electronica Ars Electronica Austria CyberArt s (cover photo) Ars Elewonica Ars Electrorllca +SELECTED PRESS & PUBLICATION 2008 FHM Taiwan Corriere della Sera cover 2007 Corllere de lla Sera - Colosseo e Pira midLillser firma I gr aff it i ~
The Ta ipei T im ~ Time Asia - How Graff iti Art ists are C l e~ Modart Mag,lzlll Es Ire Mag@.Dft The Gen ius Issue - How to S arllCou r Own Graffiti Research Lilb ~Q!le..~Ih e Hot Issue New York Times - The Writing' ABC News_- Let There be Light 2006 Wifed Magazine路 Graffiti Goes LED Dazed and Con fu d New York Times - Graffi ti bv the (Extensively Ana lyzed) Numbers Tim Ou N w Y rk - Th e Exhi i i nl t Time Mi19ilZine - Innovators Food for the Eyes and Ears Make Magazine Issue 6 - LED Throwies Village Voice - DIY .org RES Vol. 9 Num. 2 - Interviewed and fea tured as one of th e 10 most in teresting recen t gradu ates of 2006 2005 Wired Issue 6 - Fea ture on technology based graffiti wh ich high lighted the Graffiti Anal \!N.P~ Animal Magazine Issue 6 - InterView with focus n w rk r la street art and graffit i Digit al Creat ive Arts Typography Issue - Created Illustration
playbook '101.1
Graffiti Research Lab - James Powderly +EDUCATION
2002 New York University Tisch School of the Arts Inlp.rMlivp. Telecommunications Program M.P.S in InleraClivp. Art
- Eyebeam (Curated & Exhibited) New York NY Art Rotterdam Rotterdam Ne~ ~ower Manhattan Cultural Council: Off the Record Commission New York NY
2006 2000 University Of Tennessee at Challanooga Cadek Depar!ment of Music B.M. in Music CompositjonlTheory Cum Laude Hjghest Departmental Honors +SELECTED EXHIBITIONS AND PERFORMANCES
2009 Graffiti Research Lab perinrmance and exhibition The Centfg Pompidou Paris France
flectrohyoe Malmo~ Artbots Regional Show Location One New York NY (SOHO) Nuart Stayanger Norway Ars Electronica (Given an Award of Distindion for G.R.U Linz Austria lQQ...CMnn Sebastopol California llijGRAPH Guerrilla Studio Boston Mas\QChu,em Maker Faire San Mateo California Next Wave Fest ival Sideshow Melbourne Australia
2005 ~~d~~wYork
1st Annual Street Art & Urban Contemporary Art Fair Art Basel Miami - G.R.L. performance and exhibi tion Miami Florida Digifest - G.R.L. performance and exhibition Athens Greece G.R.L. in Perugia - LAS. E.R. Tag Perugia ttaly Europea n Day of Languages: Multiple GR.L.-cell LASER Tag Paris France Experjmenta Design Amsterdam 2008 - G.R.L. nerformance and exhibition Amsterdam Netherlands Nuart 2008 - G.R.L. performance and exhibition Stavanger Norway EIZONE - L.A.S.f.R. Tag Yokohama Japan APMT - L.A S.E.B. Tag and G.R.L. gallery exhibition Tokyo Japan Calion Razor Blade@ 798 - G.RL. gallery exhibi tion Beijing China FILE 08 - L.A 5 E.R. Tag Sao Paulo Brazil GRL in Kosovo - L.A S.E.B. Tag Prist ina KOlovo ru;_LEF 08 - LAS.E.R. Tag Belgrade Serbia LAS.E.R. Tag and G.B L. video exhibition Total Museum 01 Contemparary Art Seoul Korea Department of Homeland Graffiti Liquidation Sale Gallery Anno Domini San Jose California GR.L .: Th e Complete First SeasQ!1..fuQpklyn Academy of MUIIC Brooklyn NY Street Art Tate Museum of Modern Art London UK Visionary Presenter Seoul Digital Forum Seoul South Korea G.RL The Complete Fir>t Season Museum of Modern Art New York NY Adelaide Bank Festival of the Art'L.Melaide Australia Spark Festival University of Minnesota Minn eapolis Minnesota LightWave Festival Trinity College Dublin Ireland Design and the Elastic Mind Mu>?um of Modern Art New York USA Sundance Film Festival New Frontiers Park City Utah
Festival Lumints Carte Blanche laUSanne Switzerland Enzimi Rome Italy Taiwan Digital Art Festival Taipei Taiwan Microwave Feslival Hong Kong China §.a~QH Libeny ~,ience Center New York NY Nuit Blanche Toronto Canada Transilio Mexico City Mexico ABS Elewonica Second Cjty Lim Auslria Maker Faire San Mateo California Creator Series Tomorrow Unlimited Los Angeles California Q.~iltpr Series Tomorrow Unlimited New York NY OFFF Barcelona Spain Klein Art Gallery Philadelphia PennW<.ania habor al Gilon Spain
'0 OJ
NY Eyebeam Holiday Hackshop New York NY Eyebeam Automated Biographies New York NY
2004 Artbots New York NY (Harlern)
2002 Spring Show Interadive Telecommunications Program New York NY 2002 Fall Show Interactive Telecommunications Program New York NY
2001 Thesis Show Interadive Telecommunications Program New York NY SlJrtng Physical Computing Show Interactive Tel ecommunications Program New York NY The Naked Show (live nude sireaming game-,how) New York NY
2000 Roland Hayes Concert Hall Make it Take it' ChattanOQga TN The Cress Gallery University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga TN 1999 Birmingham Southern New Music Festival Like Gold to Airy Thinness Beat Birmingham Alabama Cadek Conservatory Power Lunch Chattanooga TN Rolann H;w€s Concert Hall Mnemosyne and the Boller Coaster Dummy Chattanooga TN 1998 Cadek Conservatory Two Pieces for Three InSirumentl ChattilJLOoga TN +AWARD, COMMISSION, GRANT AND RESIDENCY 2008 Spark Festival Commission Adelaide Art Festival Commission and Master ClilSS
2007 Cadre-Montavalo Research Residency Finalist ~ ool Biennial Visible Virals Commission Tate Liveroool and the 2008 European Cultural Capital Celebration &"-'ier Bijksbouwmeester Commission for Art Rotterdam 2007
2006-2007 ~yebeam
OpenLab Senior Fellowship
059 L9wer Manh"!!"n C!JltJ.!ral Council Off the Record Commission
2006 Ars Electronica Award of Distinction in Interactive Art 2006
1999 Editor In chief Sequoyah ReView UniverSity of Tennessee at ~ halJ.illlQQgi! +BOOK CONTRIBUTIONS
2005-1006 ~eam OpenLab Fellowship 1005 ~eam
Artist in Residen ce Summer 2005
2000-2001 ITP NYU Graduate Fellowshio
2008 Field Guide for Public Works Volume # 1 Parsons the New School for Design U.S. Design a.llii..1hLElastic Mind MoMA Exhibition C~
1000 lli'J)artmental Honors
1007 Street Reneg.aQ~ Space Craft: Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts Die Gestalten Verlag Germany Goodbye Privacy Ars Eleclronlca Austria
1999 Provost Student Research Grant for IMoseia1 1999 Denman Langford Music Composition Award
2006 Simpllflty Ars Electronica Austria (yberArts (coyer ohoto) Ars Electronica Austria
Artist Scholarshio
2008 FHM Taiwan
1996 ~oyah
Review Poetry Prize
+PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 200S-present Resea rch Director Co-founder Free Art & Technology Lab
2007-2008 Adlunctlnstr\lctor Parsons The New School for Design Communication Design and Technology Dep rtmen 2006-2007 Senior Research Fellow Eyebeam Art and Technology Center R&D OoenLab 2005-2006 Research Fellow Evebeam Art and Technology Center R&D
Wen.l.QQ 2005 Director of Technology Development Honeybee Robotics 2004-2005 Aoplicatlons Engineer Honeybee Robotics Te_chnoloOJ: Development Group 2001-2004 Engineering Technician Lab Foreman Honeybee Robotics
2002 Adlunctlnstructor Pratt Academy of Art and Design
2007 Carriere della Sera front page choto Dec. 4th Corriere della Sera Colosseo e Piramlde: il Iser firma I graffiti della noUe Idee. 3rd The Taioei Times Time Asia How Graffiti Artists are Cleaning Un Madan Magazine Windows and Wallpapering: Ouestions ~ Art Technology and Poetic Interference Esauire Magazine The Genius Issue: How to Start your Own Graffiti Research Lab B9lliD.R$tone The Hot Issue New York Times The Wfltlng' s Olf the Wall ABC New$ Let There be Liaht 2006 Wired Magazine Graffiti Goes LED p-,,_zed "nd Confused New York Times Graffiti by the (Extensively Analyzed) Numbers Time Out New York The ExhibitloOistS Time Magazine Innovators Make Magazine Issue 6 LED Throwies Village Voice
1005 Make Magazine Issue 5 Artbots
2004 New York Times Martian Robots Take Orders from a Manhattan ~ +ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS
2001-2005 Co-foLinder Robot Clothes 2000-2002 Graduate Assistant New York University Inter active Telecommunications Program
2005 Bartlell P. Carlson L. Chu P c. Gorevan S P Kusack A G Myrick T. M. Wilson J. J. Powderly J Summary of the Rock Abrasion Tool Results Pertinent to the Mars Exploration Rover Science Data Set 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference League City Texa_,
playbook voLI
2004 Powder Iv J Yachbes I Wilson J. Banlett P. Gorevan S. Subsu rface Analyzer an d Sample Handler lor ResQY.@ Reconnaissance and Preliminary Si te Assessment at the Lunar Cold Traps The Space Resources Roundtable Golden CO Myflck T. Cha u J. J. Carlson l. Powderly J. Bartlett P. Gorevan S The RAT as a Rock Physica l Propenies Tool AIAA Space 2004 Orlando Fl 1998
Danny Za ic (Chapbook) Translation lrom Slovene Chattanooga Tennessee: Poetry Miscell any Press +TEC H ICAl CERTIF ICATION
Aram Bartholl Graffiti Research Lab Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorr n,m Media Art Clly In tervention Workshop Play-ing July 16 - August 24 . 2008
playbook vo!.l
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