Move Well Design Zine

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Disclaimer This publication contains information about exercise and nutrition that may not be applicable to everyone. If you are concerned about your fitness goals, body image, or ability to perform physical activity of any kind, please consult a healthcare professional to address your individual needs.

Dear readers,

RACHEL TSAO Editor in Chief


Finding time to exercise in college can be a challenge even for the most diligent of students. During the academic year, we often times feel overwhelmed by all the different responsibilities and commitments that college life brings. Nevertheless, staying active is important for all aspects of our health–physical, mental, and spiritual–though it is, of course, easier said than done. In creating this zine, our goal is to challenge college students to incorporate more physical movement into their daily lives. Specifically, by presenting creative ways to balance fitness with school and honest tips on how to reignite motivation, we hope to inspire our readers to move a little more, whatever form it takes. Moving well is a personal journey that sees no boundaries. We are excited to share our experiences and insights, and be a part of your adventure. Happy exercising, Rachel, Stephanie, and Aly

ALY QUACH Art Director


BEFORE YOU WORKOUT Get a good sleep the night before. Sleeping at least six and a half hours is essential for your performance and muscle recovery. Hydrate! Drinking water prevents you from getting dehydrated. Make it fun by flavoring your drink or setting daily goals to drink more water.

Have a dynamic warm-up. Warming up reduces risk of injury during your workout.

AFT ER YOU WORKOUT Stretch it out. Holding each pose for 15 seconds can release tension in your muscles.

Breathe. Placing your hands behind your head in this elevated arm position can facilitate breathing.

Food. Eating protein-rich foods like nuts, seeds, and lean meats can help replenish glycogen stores and rebuild muscle.

~do each stretch for 30 seconds~ SIDES



Angela Pu


HIIT the Gym High Intensity Interval Training

Do each exercise for followed by

30 seconds, 10 seconds

Jumping Jacks 1) Stand upright with your legs together, arms by your side.

2) As you jump, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out and over your head.

quick and easy !"#$%#&'()

Mady Hoo

rest, repeat


High Knees 1) Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lift up your knee to your chest.

2) Switch to lift your

other knee to your chest. Alternate legs and move at a sprinting pace.

Mountain Climbers

2) Raise one knee up

and in towards your midsection. Contract and hold your abs briefly but forcefully. Switch legs and repeat.

Note: Do not let your knees touch the ground.

1) Get into plank position. Squeeze your core.

Note: Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your toes.

Plank Hold 1) Get into pushup position, either with your forearms or hands on the ground.

2) Squeeze your glutes and tighten your abs. Hold that position.

Note: Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your toes.

1) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold both arms in front of you with your hands in fists. One arm should be positioned in front of the other.

1) Stand with your feet facing outward in a wide stance.


Get low enough where your thighs are parallel to the ground.

2) Hold both arms out in front of you. As you throw a punch, twist your body in the same direction. Alternate sides and repeat the motion.

2) Throw the arm positioned closer to your body in a rounded out motion in front of you. Bring it back into ready position. Repeat the same motion with your other arm.

Squat Hold Punches

Work Work it it at at Work Work


Leslie Hwang

Exercises to do by your desk

Seated Cross Body Crunches >8$ 9#+(#$23#'$:%#'$;""#$;,+#$ %6$#'"$&(%/60$+60$'+60.$ :"'360$7%/($'"+08$

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Desk Push Ups >8$ !""#$#%&"#'"()$*+,-.$ .'%/,0"(1230#'$+*+(# ?8 4%2"($#%$#'"$0".5$ +60$*/.'$+2+78

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For all exercises, keep your back straight and feet flat on the ground!

Squats 73 !"#$%&'(")&*++"& ,)-./%+01'(%")& #2#0"3& :3 4+$%&)(2,&#$%& ,5.#"&%-'$3&


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Leg Extensions




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cardio on-the-go Candice Lau

What can you gain Dumbell chest press

Basic Squat

Dumbell Row

from weight training? !"#$%#&'()

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Danielle Wilfrand

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Elika Asis


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rest > burnout !+."#$."*',--'4+:'%""1'$*','%&'()9

who are we? Total Wellness Design Team

Stephanie Chen

Aly Quach

Angela Pu

Stephanie Yang

Geena Wang

Candice Lau

Mady Hoo

Danielle Wilfrand

Leslie Hwang

Elika Asis

Cynthia Bui


Total Wellness

Total Wellness is a division of the UCLA Student Wellness Commission (SWC), dedicated to spreading awareness of and sharing knowledge on student health issues through a digital media platform and print publications. To learn more or join our mission, check out our website! @uclatotalwellness

Total Wellness is a free, student-run publication and is supported by advertisers, the Student Wellness Commission (SWC), the Undergraduate Students Association (USAC), the Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center, UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI), UCLA Recreation, and UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. Contact 308 Westwood Blvd., Kerckhoff Hall 308 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Phone 310.825.7586, Fax 310.267.4732 Subscription, past issues, and advertising rates available upon request.

Š 2020 by Total Wellness Magazine. All rights reserved. Parts of this magazine may be reproduced only with written permission from the editor. Although every precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the published material, Total Wellness cannot be held responsible for the opinions expressed or facts supplied by authors. We do not necessarily endorse products and services advertised. The information in Total Wellness is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult a health care provider for clarification.

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