Aug / Sept 2010
Grace A touch of
Influencing the world for Christ
Community School
Rich Reflection
“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children…” Deut. 4:9 Do you ever wonder why God gave us seasons, and why He revealed to man that we should measure time in years? I mean, couldn’t God have just made the weather constant year round (like San Diego), everywhere? Why do we measure time like we do? I’m sure there are lots of reasons for that within the sovereignty of God, but one reason surely has to be to provide us an opportunity to reflect. As we come to the end of one year, and look to the beginning of the next, our natural inclination is to look back on what has happened in our lives, and the life of our families. This natural tendency of the heart, when filled by the Holy Spirit, is an amazing opportunity to teach Jesus to our children. Sometime this season, when you’re sitting around the dinner table or fire (even in Texas!), talk about your year: What have been the real blessings of our year? How have we suffered, and shared the sufferings of others, and what has God taught us through that? What godly character qualities have we seen the Spirit strengthen or grow in our lives, and which ones have we seen develop in each one of our children? What one or two lessons have each of you learned about life, love, and your relationships this year, and how did God teach it to you? Why do you think you will need those lessons and character qualities when you and your family serve Him in the New Earth and New Jerusalem? God commanded Israel to make memorials, or markers, to commemorate what God had done for them. (See Joshua 4). What spiritual markers will you as a family set down to commemorate what God has done for you in 2010? These times of reflection are rich and wonderful. They teach our children: • that God is sovereign, and that everything happens by His Hand. • that God is good, even when life is hard, and that there is purpose and meaning for everything that happens, resonating here and in eternity. • to cultivate a heart of gratefulness for God’s precious gifts, even when those gifts are masked as pain, and a heart of humility and reliance upon God’s strength (qualities that are so necessary to serve Him well). • that Our Father is Jehoveh-jireh, the God who provides, and the God who loves. This being the Christmas season, your discussion will naturally lead to God’s greatest gift, the sacrifice of His precious Son. That sacrifice not only saved you, but made possible everything you and your family learned and enjoyed this year. God doesn’t just suggest that reflection is a good idea, or that it might be helpful: He commands it. And, as with keeping all His commandments, reflecting upon His good gifts is, in itself, a precious gift.
Have a blessed Christmas, and a wonderful new year.
I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in the upright paths. Proverbs 4:11
GCS School Board
Mr. Steve Pinkston - President Mr. Brad Blacketer Mr. Chris Glenney Dr. Charley Gordon Mrs. Janet Fulmer Mrs. Stacy Hamilton Mrs. Jill Hickerson Mr. Jeff Johnson Mrs. Stephanie Nickel Mr. Scott Pierce Mr. Steve Spitzer Mr. Greg Strnadel Mr. Mark Whatley Mr. Clay White Mr. Walter Wilhelmi
GCS Administration
Jay Ferguson – Headmaster Karla Foreman – Elementary Principal Tom Taylor – Junior High Principal Wanda Shaeffer – High School Principal
To assist Christian parents in equipping our
PARENTING POINTERS This is the final in our “ELM” tips for parenting. The first two, in previous issues were: E=Entertain with more simplicity. L=Let them learn first. Now the final and most important:
M - Model Jesus.
Your child will default to the level of passion for Jesus that they see at home. Grace is here to assist Christian parents; it can’t replace you. If you are actively growing spiritually, regularly involved in studying and submitting your life to the authority of the Scriptures, ministering to others, involved in and accountable to a community of believers in a local church, and loving Jesus more deeply - then that is what your child will see. If you are not - start NOW. The best thing you can do for your child is to passionately pursue Jesus. When it comes to our kids it is so easy to lose perspective. So over these next precious years remember:
ELM for elem school Entertain more simply. Let them learn. And above all - the M - model Jesus.
young people to influence the world for Christ.
Notes from the Guidance office Which Comes First, the College or the Major?
A common tendency among students and parents that warrants a discussion is the college search process. For many, this process is driven by interest in a particular major, which seems reasonable. If a student wants to be an architect, shouldn’t he/she choose a college that actually offers an architecture program? Some students truly feel a strong calling into a particular field, so it makes sense to find a college that meets that interest. But for most students, that strong compulsion toward a particular profession has not developed yet. In fact, recent reports indicate that the average college student will change majors three times, and statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor say that adult workers will change jobs an average of 10 times and completely change careers three times! Given this data, maybe the college search should not be driven so much by a student’s interest in a major. Maybe we need a different approach. College is about much more than getting a job. This unique 4-year experience will impact the life of a young adult more than any other period of time in forming and shaping who they will be for life. Since the culture and environment of the college will play the most significant role in this formation, the selection of the school itself should take precedence over the choice of major for most students. Families should primarily be concerned with finding the best fit for their student – factors like spiritual climate, physical location, distance from home, level of academic rigor, and size of the college. Once the big questions about fit are answered and the options have been pared down, then a focus on a major can help determine which college may be best. So which should come first for your student? I trust the Lord will direct you as you prayerfully seek His will. - Joshua
It’s Re-enrollment Time for school year 2011-2012. You have until
February 1st, 4pm.
Siblings wishing to enroll for next year should be included in re-enrollment. Required fees are due at this time as well.
Recommend a Future Cougar
and receive a $200 credit to apply to your tuition. For details or questions, please call Jo Ann Krafft at 903-566-5678, ext. 129
Still accepting applications
for the
2011-2012 School Year
Now scheduling tours on both campuses. For information, or to schedule your personal tour, please call Jo Ann Krafft at 903-566-5678, ext. 129
New Developments
Grace Community School continues to experience record growth, not only in numbers of new students, but also in programs, facilities and staff. This progression was never more evident than in November, when more than 600 parents and friends came together to support the future of Grace Community School at Lights, Camera, Auction. God certainly blessed us with an incredible night of fellowship and support for the mission of our school! In November, The Grace Fund Committee was born! Under the leadership of The Grace Fund Chairs, Leann & Greg Strnadel, the campus chairs distributed over 3500 Grace Fund brochures to parents and friends of Grace. Beginning in 2011, grade level representatives will begin hosting gatherings to provide fellowship and information regarding The Grace Fund. Our goal is to increase knowledge and participation in whatever form is right for your family. Leann & Greg Strnadel
Grace Fund Chairs Elementary Campus Chairs Lori & Scott Ellis Shannon & Chris Glenney
JH Campus Chair HS Campus Chair Gigi & Brent Wadle Sabrina & Jeff Warr
As we count our blessings this holiday season, we are reminded that “to whom much is given, much is required”. As your family plans year-end giving, I ask you to consider the many wonderful support opportunities through The Grace Fund. Your gift is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Thank you for your support! Tim Connor PS. Hurry to to make your year-end gift before December 31!
Honoraria and Memorials
Gifts given to honor or in memory of family members, faculty, students and friends by the donors listed below. Gifts are acknowledged immediately by a personal card to the bereaved or honored family. No mention is made of the gift amount. Many find this living memorial more meaningful than flowers. (Gifts received as of printing deadline for this issue.)
In memory of Mr. Jay Kimmey: Given by: Kathy & Ben Kizer
In memory of Ruth Wall, great-grandmother of Hannah (10th), Mary Kathryn (7th) and Henry Bauman (1st): Given by: Jennifer & Phil Bane
In memory of Opal Bass, great-grandmother of Grant Childress (11th), Drew (11th) and Haley Evans (8th): Given by: Jennifer & Phil Bane
To send an Honorarium or Memorial, you can go to or make checks to Grace Community School and send instructions to Grace Community School, 3001 University Blvd., Tyler, TX 75701
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage
Grace Community School 3001 University Boulevard • Tyler, TX 75701
Tyler, TX
Permit No. 936
Grace Community School . . . Influencing the World for Christ DECEMBER 6 8 13-16 13 14 16
18 20-31
4 7
13 14
Football Banquet 6pm Jazz Band plays at Hamptons High School Exams JH Christmas Potpourri Concert 7pm JH Orchestra Concert 7pm 2nd & 3rd Grade Christmas Program 8am and 7pm
UPPER CAMPUS: 3001 University Boulevard, Tyler, TX 75701 Jr. High: (903)566-5600 Sr. High: (903)566-5661
Christmas Break - No School
JANUARY Elementary Honors Chapel Alumni Chapel 10am Alumni Soccer Game 6pm Parenting Series - Galen Taylor 6:30pm Glimpse of Grace - Upper Campus 10am - 12pm
Elementary Preview - Lower Campus 10am - 12pm
17 21 21 26 26-28 28
LOWER CAMPUS: 3215 Old Jacksonville Road, Tyler, TX 75701 (903) 593-1977
High School Christmas Gala 8pm
No School - Teacher Workday K4 Parent Preview Morning Elementary Night at the Basketball Games Juniors to Jefferson Elementary Speech Meet District Spelling Bee hosted at Grace
Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!