Grace Fund Brochure

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____________________________________________________________ First & Last Name

____________________________________________________________ Address

____________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP

____________________________________________________________ Phone Number

Email Address

† YES, as God allows, I want to pray for and partner with Grace Community School. I want to support this ministry and can help in the following way: YOUR PLEDGE INFORMATION The Grace Fund Pledge Amount: ___________________________________ † Full amount enclosed (Make checks payable to The Grace Fund) † Initial payment of $ ________________ enclosed, with the remaining payments to be made : † Semi-annually † Quarterly † Monthly † Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

† Matching Gift Company: _______________________________________ ! !

† Charge:

† Visa

† Mastercard

† Discover

† Amex

" # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ % $$$$$$$$$$$ Name on Card _____________________________________________________ Signature


YOUR GIFT DESIGNATION: † Needs-based Financial Aid † Technology † Fine Arts † Outdoor Science Center † Field Enhancements † Area of Greatest Need MORE INFORMATION: Please send me more information about: † Gifts that pay me income (Charitable Trusts and Annuities) † Including Grace in my Will or Trust † Gifts of Appreciated Assets including Stocks and Real Estate † Other ways to give to Grace † Creating a Named Scholarship or other Endowment at Grace

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