Tower Hill Botanic Garden Annual Report 2020-2021

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Dear Tower Hill Family, We are living through an unprecedented moment in time, but what gives me hope is our equally unprecedented commitment to responding to the needs of our community. I hold out hope, that no matter what, our shared humanity is at the core of who we all are. When asked what, the big idea behind Tower Hill is, I’ve always said that at its core, Tower Hill is not just a cultural institution, it is an inspiration community. Fueling that inspiration is a passionate community who is pushing the frontier, innovating the future in front of our eyes. This year the Trustees approved a new strategic plan, which will set the course of continuity, stewardship and growth for years to come. We are engaged, energized and thinking about this 180-year-old society with exciting and practical initiatives. We remain committed to be fiscally stable and diverse, governed by a dedicated board and run by devoted and professional staff. As we grow throughout the community, the community has grown within the Garden. Over 1000 people have opened their hearts to help Tower Hill, all coming together to meet tragedy with generosity. The steadfastness of our members and friends has been key to the Garden's resilience this year. To have reached this level of support in such a difficult year speaks both to the power of Tower Hill‘s mission and aspiration and to the tremendous generosity of those who have provided support. As Tower Hill rises, we are dreaming of possibilities. We have been honored to serve. Grace C. Elton Chief Executive Officer

Jim Karadimos Board President

Joy of Volunteering

at Tower Hill Botanic Garden by Rick Leif, Secretary, Board of Trustees

MY WIFE, JEAN, AND I HAVE BEEN MEMBERS OF TOWER HILL BOTANIC GARDEN SINCE THE EARLY 1990 s . We have found the Garden to be a place of unending joy since we originally walked the property many years ago and have been so pleased to be able to be part of the amazing growth that we have witnessed as members, volunteers, and donors. When we decided to become more involved at Tower Hill as volunteers, we concentrated our efforts in the gardens, working with the horticulture staff and many other volunteers to help keep everything in the wonderfully maintained condition that we so appreciated on our visits. We derive great satisfaction from being a part of this effort and feel a sense of pride when we hear other visitors to the Garden remark about the beauty of Tower Hill. It was not long before our volunteer efforts expanded to assisting in classes, leading field trips for second graders, setting up flower shows, and stringing miles of lights through the gardens in advance of the annual Night Lights exhibition. Most meaningful for me has been the time I have spent as a docent, leading visitors through the gardens on tours and sharing my knowledge of and passion for Tower Hill with them and helping to increase their appreciation for all of the wonders that Tower Hill possesses. I have also been very appreciative of the opportunity to serve on the Board of Trustees. During my time as a Trustee, I have been able to experience first-hand the incredible dedication the staff displays to continue to position Tower Hill as a great asset to the Worcester community and, in an ever-increasing manner, as a great asset to New England and the rest of our country. As long as we are able, Jean and I will continue to pull weeds, string lights, lead tours, and do whatever we can to support this wonderful place.

“I take a great deal of satisfaction in being able to play a part in helping to bring the benefits that Tower Hill provides to an expanding audience.”


IN MARCH OF LAST YEAR, TOWER HILL STAFF WERE CONFIDENT THAT 2020 WOULD BE A YEAR OF FINANCIAL STABILITY. We were coming off a year which broke records for visitation. We had plans for garden innovations and exhibitions and programs that would deliver our mission to even more visitors. We budgeted for new staff to support growing operations. We anticipated significant revenue from summer weddings and our winter lights event. And then came the pandemic, and it moved quickly. The Garden closed on March 16. Some staff were laid off when their job functions were no longer possible in a pandemic. Other employees were ordered to work from home if they could. In the space of a day, we packed up and left the property. The most immediate concern was short-term financial stability. How could Tower Hill survive to see 2021? 2

And how could we plan for that when we had no idea how long the pandemic would last? We certainly had no inkling that we would be swept up in a changing cycle of federal and state controls that would affect every part of our operations. The federal Paycheck Protection Program offered hope. In early April, we applied for a loan. We received approval two days later. Now we could exhale while we focused on a longer-term response plan. We reopened slowly in June. We prepared a new budget for the fiscal year, omitting what the pandemic would make impossible. For example, we could no longer plan on revenue from weddings or from programs that would bring visitors into close contact or large groups. We made a decision in May to cancel our well-known Night Lights which was projected to bring in more than $500,000. Night Lights takes six months of advance planning. We could not wait any longer to see if pandemic controls would

REOPENING Success & Challenges by Jane Ellis, Chief Financial and Operating Officer

allow us to hold the event in December. We made the difficult decision to cancel. And then we all turned, collaboratively, to explore what we could do. We developed a lower-key lights event in the fall, Autumn Illuminated. Our education department offered outdoor exhibitions and small group programming. My financial and operational responsibility was to assess the new plans, the associated costs, and to the extent possible, project the health and safety guidelines under which Tower Hill could continue to operate. It was a very uncertain time. The Board of Trustees demonstrated faith in our ability to succeed. In the end, we had a new budget and new game plan. How did FY21 unfold? It was a year of pivots and plans and success. The number of visitors exceeded our expectations, thanks in large part to the safety protocols put in place by our staff Reopening Task Force and embraced by the public. Our visitors came, solo and with friends and family. They shopped

in our Garden Shop (setting new sales records), embraced Autumn Illuminated, applauded our online offerings, visited our exhibitions and gardens, and most important to our long-term success, continued to support us as members and donors. It was exhilarating and affirming.

“Our pandemic experience has taught us to plan with optimism, meet the unexpected head-on, and use our resilience to pivot, shift, and innovate. We are already looking ahead to the opportunities that come from a new garden and expanded parking lots. On to 2022!” 3



by Jessica Pederson, Director of Education


THE TOWER HILL EDUCATION TEAM IS A CREATIVE AND DETERMINED BUNCH, WHO DO NOT SHY AWAY FROM A CHALLENGE. So, when the Garden shut down last March, we did just that, we created. We created online content and lessons, at home activity guides for families, and classes and content for adults. We also planned for our eventual reopening. By April we had a variety of proposals for an assortment of reopening scenarios, guided by four goals 1) deliver our mission, 2) keep people safe, 3) enhance the visitor experience, and 4) bring people joy when they need it most!

came to a halt so instead we focused on the needs of the many families working and learning from home, my family included. We offered more in-person and outdoor workshops for families than ever before and created engaging online content for families and schools with a focus on getting kids outside. We expanded our adult programming into the virtual world which allowed us to engage with people from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The move to an online format allowed us to bring speakers to Tower Hill that would not have been within our reach before.

You may not know that the education team plans its exhibits and programming up to a year in advance. So, in April, when I asked the team to wipe the slate clean, and start over, it was not an easy ask, but without hesitation they rose to the occasion and the result was truly awesome. Instead of major weekend events, and a summer exhibition that was stymied when our artist got trapped in Canada, we offered experiences like a fairy house hunt and hands-free scavenger hunt and then Mythical Creatures, Yeti, Set, Go!, and Yarnstorm. Visitation from schools

As we dream into 2021, with our four “pandemic pivot goals” and the guidance of our new strategic plan in mind, we are excited to engage and teach more people than ever. I am particularly excited for the new Ramble family garden and the Climate Victory Garden which will move us forward as we support more youth and families in lifelong learning and climate change education. In spite of the curves thrown our way in the last year, we are more committed than ever because we know our mission, and we know that those who can, TEACH!





by Mark Richardson, Director of Horticulture

IN 2020, WE LEARNED EXACTLY HOW RESILIENT WE CAN BE WHEN FACED WITH CONSTANT UNCERTAINTY, AN ENDLESS STREAM O F D E VA STATIN G N E WS , A N D COLLECTIVE BOREDOM. Many of us also learned exactly how much we value our connection with plants and how important time in the garden is for our mental health. Because of the initial shutdown during the early days and weeks of the pandemic, the garden was eerily silent last spring, with only a handful of staff on site. For eleven weeks, including the peak of our spring displays, the horticulture staff missed the sights and sounds of people enjoying our hard work, but boy did we get some work done! While staff in many industries learned to work remotely, our horticulture staff learned to work safely in the garden, taking care to protect each other by wearing masks, physical distancing, sanitizing tools, and continuing the important work of maintaining our collections. A year later, the garden is anything but silent. Despite continuing physical distancing, mask fatigue, and timed ticketing, the gardens have been buzzing with people, eager to return to the garden they love or to enjoy a new experience they didn’t realize they needed before the whole world changed.




together! by André Gorgenyi, Chief Development Officer

“YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH TOWER HILL MEANS TO ME,” ONE MEMBER WROTE THIS WINTER, “how much I delight to say hello to each blossom, like a long lost relative. I am grateful and fortunate to be the recipient of beauty, surprise, and love.”

will feature a central lawn, water feature, an amphitheater, small spaces for play and relaxation, a picnic pavilion, and a restroom. We know it will be a popular place for the young and the young at heart and will attract multi-generations from around New England.

We are incredibly grateful that so many people In a challenging year, Tower Hill embraced her visited, became members, made meaningful gifts, resilience and mission. Propelled by a generous and and purchased items at our Garden Shop. It was passionate community, the Garden proved to be a a wonderful symbiotic relationship: We provided solution to many of the challenges people are facing a place to find joy, peace, and hope, while guests while providing a place of inspiration, respite, kept our organization strong and wonder. In an extraordinary and helped ensure this amazing demonstration of support, the “I am so grateful to all at Garden will thrive for generations Tower Hill community (members, individual donors, foundations, Tower Hill for providing to come. and trustees) generously gave Tower Hill Botanic Garden is $1.2 million to the Garden a safe place for me to see emerging from a year like no Resiliency Fund. my grandchildren, you other. The new relationships have truly provided my forged during these challenging “We are awake to the issues, but many of us are asking the same family with much needed times have made us stronger and more resilient. Our commitment to question: ‘What can we do?’” a hope. Thank you to making the world a better place former trustee wrote. “I always think of education. In Tower Hill’s Tower Hill for providing for people and plants is now more urgent than ever before. case, that is giving young people that glimmer of hope.” Together, we have so much more an opportunity to connect with to accomplish. knowledge and plants and getting –MEMBER their hands in the soil.” Going forward, we will focus on food insecurity by continuing to donate vegetables grown in our garden By providing educational programs and thoughtful to local foodbanks. Last year, we donated more than exhibitions, Tower Hill inspires by sharing knowledge 1,100 pounds of food that was desperately needed with the community about critical environmental by families in the area. threats and how we can combat them. When we reopened to members on June 1, 2020, and the We are facing our commitment to diversity, equity, general public on June 8 – we sensed that Tower Hill and inclusion in so many ways. We have provided might be a place the community could recharge and accessible pathways all over the Garden to facilitate escape the challenges of remote working and learning. visitors of all abilities. Collaborations with local Education, hands-on experiences, and interacting organizations have resulted in new visitors from with the natural world provide insight and underdiverse backgrounds, lowering the barrier to access standing about our world and how we interact with it. our Garden and its educational offerings. Our commitment to building early ties to the We have been hard at work preparing the Orchard environment and creating the next generation of for its next life. This year will be a big step forward nature lovers through joyful learning will play out as we begin to replant the new trees that are grafted in the Ramble – a children’s garden currently under from the original trees. construction. When completed this fall, the Ramble 9




John Green Society

Betty Jo and Peter Dowd

Sam and Frank Reece

Grace and Alexander Elton

Pamela Reid


Mary and Warner Fletcher

Deb and Arthur Remillard

Louise Riemer

Helen Glaenzer

Nicole and Regan Remillard

Melissa and Andre Gorgenyi

Elaine Richardson

Doris and David Gould

Linda and Ted Robbins

Patricia Gray

Diane and William Robbins


Rosalie and David Grenon

Aisling and Kent Russell

James Heald

Susan and John Groves

Susan Schiro and Peter Manus

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Linda and Abe Haddad

Jan Seymour and Eric Brose

Ervin Johnson

Anita and Thomas Hagspiel

Linda and Mark Shelton

Ellen Rohde and Brian Williamson

Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Patricia Halpin

Sara and Bruce Shields

Schwartz Charitable Foundation

Jean and Dale Harger

Jang Singh

Barbara Scolnick

Phyllis Harrington

Glena and Rick Sisson

Mary and Ted Shasta

Danielle and Michael Haxton

Anne-Marie Soullière

Ken Hedenburg

Chloe Sundberg

Margaret Hurley

Martha and Tony Tilton

Tom Kane

Suzy and Herb Tobin

Jean Keamy and Mike Fitzpatrick

Gayle and Chick Weiss

Maureen and Bill Kelleher

Elise and Roger Wellington

Eileen and David Kim

Barbara and Mark Wetzel

Judy King

Robin and Wally Whitney

Sharon and Allen Krause

Phyllis and Dick Whitten

Susan and John Lawrence

Shirley and Peter Williams

Diane Lebel and Alan Harris*

Faren Williams and Luke Maki

Annette and John Lee

Tara and Adam Young

Stephen and Valerie Loring

Marillyn Zacharis


Frances and M Howard Jacobson


Sarah and Allen Berry Tommy Dearborn Allen Fletcher and Dolly Vasquez Perry V. Haines Foundation Lisa Kirby Gibbs and Peter Gibbs Jim Karadimos and Bill Beever Dix and Roxy Leeson Jean and Rick Leif Indira and Baltej Maini Beth and Wayne Mezitt Kate and Tom Napoli Cindy and Steve Pitcher Susan Primm Thel Barbara Rolfes Lynne and George Tonna Carol and Leif Uptegrove MEMBER

Kathy Abbott John Amoroso Cheryl and Scott Baker Susan and Jack Bassick Barbara C. Bernardin Martha Bigelow* Pat Bigelow Judy and Frank Bissett Islay and David Boeri Penny and Geof Booth Tammy and George Butler Deborah Coleman and Steven Prittie Margaret Coleman Dr. Robert Dalessandro and Marian Lynn Betsy DeMallie

Ingrid Mach and Dany Pelletier Michael Machnowski and Jenny Loew Matt Mattus and Joe Phillip Samantha McDonald and Ossain Cooney C. Jean McDonough Lisa and Neil McDonough Kathy and Henry* Michie Linda and David Milton Diane and John Mirick Sheema and Satya Mitra Jane and Andres Molina Mahroo Morgan Barbara Morse Jack Murphy Sharon and Dennis Murphy Liz Myska Judy and Ira Ockene Christopher and Susan Palatucci Martha Pappas Jennifer and Bradley Paradee Phyllis Pollack Kita and Chris Reece

Gifts to Tower Hill’s Operations, Programs, & Events INDIVIDUALS

Anonymous (7) Margaret Aalto Carol Abbot Diana Abbott Lee Abdella Kimberly Abraham Suzanne Adams Carol Addy Ritu Aggarwal Eneida Aguilar Caitlyn Aguirre Patti and Mike Aha Nancy and Arman Ahrabi-Nejad Richard Allen Caroline and Eric Alper

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Tania Alvarez Perez

Judith Benedetto

Ellen Brezniak

Mary and Bob Ambrose

Randi Benson

Elizabeth Bridleman

John Amoroso

Iris Berdrow

Reeves Briggs

Linda Amsden

Anne and Steve Bergeron

Robert Britt

Alice and Alan Anacheka-Nasemann

Paul Bergeron

Karen Brockney

Alfred Anderson

Barbara C. Bernardin

Dawn Brooks-Rapp

Heather Anderson

Allen and Sarah Berry

Erin Broudo

Dave and Alexandra Andrews

Elissa Berry

Ann Brown

Trudy and Roy Antonelli

Betty Berry

Daniel Brown

Jesse Arbuckle

Darlene and Trent Beshaw

Kathleen Brown

Ella Ariel

Makeda Best

Kolby Brown

Norman Arter and David Hoskins

Sisir Bhattacharya

Mara Browndorf

Carolyn Artin

Matthew Biegler

Stephanie Brunnett

Cathy and Dean Arvidson

Karin Bielecki

Roxanne Bruno

Kathleen Ashe

Pat Bigelow

Michael Bryne

Katie Astrofsky

Bill and Maria Bigelow

Lauren Bubela

Martha Atkins

Jason Bikofsky

Patricia Bukoski

Virginia Atwood

David Bisceglia

Martha and Jim Buma

Samara Audet

Judy and Frank Bissett

Kevin Bunszell

Desiree Azzalina

Jessica Bitely

Catherine and Andrew Burchat

Patricia Bachmann

Jonathan Black

Laura and Robert Burgess

Garret Bailey

Magen and Elena Blake

Janet Burns

Sarah and Baird

Dee Blanton

Cheryl Bursaw

Ryland Baker

Lauren Blaquiere

Vicki and Charly Busky

Anita Baltzersen

Andrew Bodge

Lynn and David Butler

Ron and Alex Banay

David and Islay Boeri

Tammy and George Butler

Stacie and Alan Barker

Santos Bojorquez

Minerva Butler

Jeanne and Blake Barnes

Vic and Iona Bonneville

Misty Byers

Nancy Barnes

Penny and Geof Booth

Karen Byler

Beverly Barrett

Christopher Borg

Beth Cail

Susan Barrett

Elisabeth Borg

Ruth Cain

Patricia Barrie

Richard Borjeson

Steven Caissie

Rosanne Barsamian

Eileen Boss

Janelle and Edward Calamari

Maria and John Bartlett

Diana and Thomas Bostock

Christopher Caldwell

Jack and Susan Bassick

Hallie Botnovcan

Barbara Callahan

Kate Baty

Judith and David Bottom

Frank Callahan

Whitney Beals and Pamela Esty

John Bouchard

Dick and Jane Callahan

James Beaman

Suzan and Arthur Boucher

Jessica Cameron

Karen and Stephen Bean

Michele and Gregory Boucher-Johnson

Alice Campbell

John and Molly Beard

Danielle Boudrow

Sue and Paul Campion

Laura and Matt Beaton

Tricia Boulet

Sophia Cappello

David and Penelope Beatty

Anne Bouvier-Monroe

Makius Carabai

Molly Beaudin

Rhys and Rebecca Bowen

Kristen Cariglia

Jerry Beavers

Kelly Boyle

Rae and Peter Carlsen

Maria Beiter-Tucker

Jeanne Bracken

Sally Carlton

Mara and Conrad Beliveau

Carolyn Brandt

Jane Antoun Cartelli

Brittany Bell

Diane Brazelton

Dom and Kerry Cassone

Holly and Samuel Bell

Virginia Bremer

Stacey Cayer

Sara Bempkins

Susan Brennan

Martha Chagnon

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Lok-Ken Chan

Linda Cragin

Jeanne Dietel

Abby and Jim Chandler

Nicholas Cram

Donna Dimock

Beth Chartier

Kathleen Crane

Mary Dineen

David and Erin Charubini

James Craver

Sharon Dinitz

Jennifer Chase

Christine and Peter Crepeault

Vanessa DiPilato

Wambaki Chege

Joan and Ralph Crowley

Elizabeth DiRusso

Edward Chen

Lauren Cruikshank

Christine and Jeremy Ditullio

Maggie Childress

Jessenia Cruz

Andi Doane

Chris Chiumento

Diane Cryan

Luke Donius

Eric Chivian

Carole Cunniff

Martha Donnell

Gary and Doris Christelis

Grace Curley

Caroline Donnelly

Kim Ciborowski

Kate Curtis

Stephen and Gretchen Doret

Andrienne Clark

Diane Cusumano

Nick Dormer

Susan B. Clark

Kim and Bruce Cutler

Michael Dosmann

Lauren Clayton

Jaana Cutson

Sheila Dowd

Nadia Clifford

Lori Czech

Pat Downes

Judy Cmero

Nancy Dagdigian

Mayumi Doyama

Alison Cohen

Matthew Dailey

Stephen and Marguerite Drouin

David Cohen

Mary and Dick Dale

Erin Drusedum

Nancy Cohen

Dr. Robert Dalessandro and Marian Lynn

Cynthia Duerden

Justine Colbert

Beverly Dammin

Catherine Dufault

Maria Cole

Jeremy Darling and Wissam Deeb

Mary Duffy

Deborah Coleman and Steven Prittie

Caitlan Davis

The Duffy Family

Kerri Coleman

John Davis

Rebecca Duhaime

Margaret Coleman

Jonathan Davis

Alissa Duke

Catherine Colinvaux and Phillip Zamore

Laurie and Phil Davis

Nicole Dunlop

Carol and Randy Collord

Andrew Davison

John Duquette

Beth Colombo

Cynthia Dawson

Lorena Duquette

Sharon Colombo

Lucy and Neil Dean

Melissa Duquette

Ted Conna

Anthony DeAngelis

Rose and Paul Duquette

Jeanie Connolly

Tommy Dearborn

Joannie and Bob Duris

Joanna Connolly

Judson Decew

Leslie Duthie

Kelly and Lance Connolly

Elizabeth Deck

Kathleen Dwyer

Nancy Connolly

John Deedy

Michelle Dwyer

Maureen and Richard Connors

Nancy Degon

Mark Dyen

Jen Converse

Daniel DelVecchio

Catharine Ebling

Benjamin Cook

Betsy DeMallie

Margot Eckert

Kate and Rick Cooper

Donald Dembsey

Ashley and Brian Edwards

Claire Corcoran

Judy Dembsey

Kate Eldridge

Brian Cormier

Lorri Demers

John Ellenberger and Patti Thompson

Phil Cornetta

Claudia Dent and Pamela Hurley

Jane and Perry Ellis

Lisa Cornwall

Mary Lee DeSantis

Grace and Alexander Elton

Carol Corrigan

Ken and Leslie Descoteaux

Sheri Elwell

Sarah Cosford

Danielle Desilets

Lauren Eng

Susan Cosman

Maggie Deslauier

Susan Engel

Susan Cote

Trisha and Thomas Desmond

Jeremy Epworth

Elisabeth Cotton

Kathleen Devericks

Daniela Equatore

Judy and Jason Cotton

Nick Devine

Zach Ernst

Ed and Bridget Council

Jean Dexter

Lin Erskine

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Nikki Erskine

Robert Friesner

Diane Gray

Amy Esposito

Joyce Fuller

James Gray

Pamela and Whitney Esty

Jan and Mark Fuller

Dot Green

Elizabeth Evans

Marcy Gage

Barry Greene

Bobbie Ewels

Gary Gagne

Samantha Greene

J. F.

Siobhan Gallagher

Leslie Grenier

Susan Farkas

Laura Galyan

Rosalie and David Grenon

Claire and Christopher Farrell

David Gamari

Alexis Griffin

Jessica Farrell

Sarah Gardner

Heather Griffin

Sally Faulkner

Nicole Garvey

Marcia and Shaun Grimley

Grace Fauver

Wakana Gates

Susan and John Groves

Rosie Fayard

Jean Gaudet

Larry Gruber

Tiffany Featherstone

Laura Gaudette

Alisha Gruntman

Martha Feeney-Patten

Virginia Gauss

Margaret Guardiani

Catherine Feerick

Marge Gauthier

Lisa Guarino

Christopher and Laura Fehl

Michael Gauthier

Devyn Guertin

Lauren Fenn

Charlsey Gentile

Celina Guitare

Tia Ferguson

Richard Geoffroy

Diane Guldner

Rute Fernandes

Gloria and Arne Gericke

Erica and Branden Gunn

Gabi Ferreira

Diana Ghize

Paul and Kris Gustafson

Evan Ferrell

Robert and Theodore Gill

Eulalie Gutman

Janice Ferrell

Cindy and Richard Gingrich

Juan Guzman

Debra Ferrera

Joe Giroux

Linda and Abe Haddad

Jim Fessenden

Louise and David Gleason

John and Zella Haesche

Steven Fiedler

Laurie Gleason

Rebecca Hageman

Alison Figucia

Melissa Gleckel

Alyssa Haggerty

Adrien Finlay and Christopher Ranjitkar

Karen Glowacki

Donna Haggett

Elaine Fisher

Joyce Godfrey

Michelle Hagl

Dennis Fitzgerald and Nancy Lanzarone

Richard Godfrey

Anita and Thomas Hagspiel

Desiree Fitzgerald

Joanne and Timothy Goggins

Serena Davis Hall

Cynthia Flaherty

Mona Gold

Erin Hall

Nevin Flanagan

Ellen Goldman

Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Patricia Halpin

Alexandra Fleischman

Amanda Golledge

Susan and Jim Halpin

Allen Fletcher and Dolly Vasquez

Bambi Good

Tom and Kate Halpin

Jane Fletcher

Paula Goodrich

Christopher and Lisetta Hamlin

Mary and Warner Fletcher

Debora Goodwill

Amy Hampe

Shannon Flood

Melissa and André Gorgenyi

Jeffrey Hannaford

Dania Flores-Heagney

Emily Gorman

Elizabeth Hanscom

Jacquelyn Flynn

Ruth Gorman

Serena Hansraj

Nanette Flynn

Thomas Gorman

John Hardiman

Martin and Kathy Fogle

Matthew Gottbrecht

Dale and Jean Harger

Corinna Foley

Doris and David Gould

Phyllis Harrington

Janet and John Foley

Dayanara Goulet

Tom Harrington

Meghan Foley-Cionek

Evan and Cynthia Graber

Dottie Harris

Kerrie Forbes

Nancy Grady

Lura and Lynn Harrison

Bernie and Kathleen Forletta

Richard and Lauren Grady

Deborah and Stephen Hartline

Elizabeth and Tim Fox

Natalie Graham

Debra Hartman

Pamela Fredrickson

Simon Graham

Jeff Haselton

Andra Freeman

Sara Graves

Sepi Hashemi

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Connie Hastings

Marybeth Hunt

Janet Kazienko

Danielle and Michael Haxton

Margaret Hurley

Christi Kearns

Alexandra W. Fleischman

Pam and Claudia Hurley

Jeannine Keedy

Jim Heald

Amal Hussein

John and Elizabeth Keiderling

Deirdre Healy

Jason Hutchins

Maureen and Bill Kelleher

Bobbi Heath

The Tarlow Family

Peggy Kellner

Ken Hedenburg

Tricia and Brian Izzio

Aimee Kelly

Lila and Bob Heideman

Anna Jablonka

Laura Kelmar

Alexander Heinricher

Rafal Jablonka

Danielle Kemsley

Matthew Helser

Fran Jacobson

Stacey Kendall

Emily Hendricks

Karen Jacobson

Jennifer Kennedy

Ulrich Herken

Frances and M Howard Jacobson

Pamela Kennedy

JoAnna Hermanns

Michael Jacobson

Maria Kent

Maude Herr Mailly

Robert Jacobson

Catherine Kershaw

Anne Hersh

Molly Jacques

Glenn Kershaw

Honee and Phil Hess

Gitu and Navin Jain

Henry and Ilene Keutmann

Corrine and Kenneth Hetzler

Paul Janocha

Julia Khan

Kevin and Laurie Hickey

Betty Jean and Kent Jaskoviak

Jim Kieras

Maria Hickey

Tay Ann Jay

Sarah Kim

Nancy and Don Hicks

Trevine Jean

Nancy Kimball

John and Amy Hill

Ann Jenkins

Rick Kimball

Carole Hilton

Donald Jin and Alyssa Shepard

Judy King

Lou Anna Hinckley

Diane Johns

Lisa Kirby Gibbs and Peter Gibbs

Jane and Mark Hirsh

Brice Johnson

Katy and Iris Kleitz

Geoffrey Hirsowitz

Elaine Johnson

James and Dean Kocik

Marie and Bill Hobart

Ervin Johnson

Erin Koester

Sarah Hobart

Gregory and Michele Johnson

Christopher Kohler

Cacky and Rick Hodgson

Hartley Johnson

Roy and Cheryl Konik

Martha Hoffman

Beth and Kevin Johnson

Jessica Kosinski

Jill and Timothy Hoffman

Patricia Johnson

Barbara Kostick

Eric Hoffmann

Sharon Johnson

Brooks Kowal

Sheila Hokanson

Cortney Jones

Donna Kramer

Edward Holcomb

Julie and Carol Jones

Allen and Sharon Krause

Morgan Holland

Suzanne Joris

Ginny and John Krawetz

Victoria Holland

Shannon Josephs

Caroline Krehbiel

Barbara and Tom Hollister

Susan Joyce

Jennifer Kremer

Lars Holzman

Veronica Kacerik

Joshua Kriegel

Herb and Norma Honn

Penny Spear and Gene Kaczyk

Nancy Krolewski

Ryan Hopping

Maria-Elena Kadala

Deborah Kully

LeeAnn Horner

Bill and Marie Kadish

Lisa and Louis Kunhardt

Jeanne and Edward Horrigan

Joel Kahn

Linda Kusnierz

David Hoskins

Maneesha and Udayan Kamerkar

Pamela Kutzer

Jeffrey Hovhanesian

Ali Kane

Christa La Capra

Maria Howlett

Tom Kane

Lauren Labreche

Robert and Mary Hoyt

Lindsay Kaplan

Margot Lafreniere

Mark Hruby

Jim Karadimos and Bill Beever

Patricia Lake

Peggy Hubbard

David Kasprzak

Germaine Lambergs

Cynthia Hunt

Pam Kates

Michael Lambert

David and Teresa Hunt

Adrianne Kaufmann

Meredith Lamont

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Maurice Lamontagne

Michael Lowery

Lori Mazzarelli

John Lane

David and Andrea Lowy

Martha Mazzone

Jessica Lang

Laura Lunig

Sandra McCann

Jean Langley

Megan Lussier-Wong

Donna McCarthy

Lucia LaPalme

Lia Luus

John McCarthy

Nancy and Susan LaPelle

Maribeth and Richard Lynch

Tom and D'Arcy McCarthy

Judyth Laporte

Amanda MacArthur

Zoe McCarthy

Shannon Laptewicz

Ingrid Mach and Dany Pelleiter

Pamela McConnell

Sally Larmon

Michael Machnowski and Jenny Loew

Susan McConville

Sandra Laserte

Bryan MacInnes

Patricia McCord

Danielle Lau

Michael Mackin

Colleen McCormick

Maggie Lavelle

Richard Mackoul

Joanne McCourt

Jen Lawlor

Sue MacLaren

Laurie and Kevin McCrohon

Michelle Lawson

Andrea MacRitchie

Nancy and Lawrence McCusker

Diane Lebel and Alan Harris*

Jennifer Maher

Samantha McDonald and Ossian Cooney

Cary LeBlanc

Patrick Mahoney

C. Jean McDonough

Karen LeBlanc

Sandra and Richard Mailloux

Lisa and Neil McDonough

Katherine LeBlanc

Baltej and Indira Maini

Maureen McGee

Alison Leclair

Nancy Maki

Anna McGlynn

John and Annette Lee

Leanne Maloney

Marguerite and Stephen McGrail

Dix and Roxy Leeson

Dara Man

Martha McLure

Jean and Richard Leif

Caitlin Mandel

Bridget and Ed McManus

Bret Lenehan

Julie Mankowsky

Samantha McMillion

Giorgio Leo

Mario Marcaccio

Amy McNulty

Sheila-Beth Leonard

Heather and Stephen Marchant

Laura Melancon

Heather Leonardo

Iris L. Marcus

Rita Melia

Inga Leonova

Rosemary Marini

Rajendra Melville

Catherine H. Levine

Rocco Marino

Pearl Menezes

Robert Lew

Erika Mark

Rayna Merryfield

Angela Lewandowski

Brian Markham

Lauren Metivier

Linda G. Lewandowski

Spencer Marks

Julia and Dan Metzidakis

Mark Lewandowski

Sarah Marshall

Catherine Metzler

Catherine Lewis

Sharon Marshall

Betty and Bernard Meyer

Kelly Lewis

Carla Martin

Diane and Douglas Meystre

Diane and David Libbey

Marjorie Martin

Merylyn Mezitt

Heidi Liedberg

Laurie Martinelli

Beth and Wayne Mezitt

Elizabeth Lind

Elsie Martinez

Kathy and Henry* Michie

Ann T. Lisi and Joel P. Greene

Jodie and David Martinson

David Mickelson

Richard Listerud

Josephine H. Martinson

Brian Mildish

Peter Littlefield

Victoria Masotta-Scioli

Stacy Miller

Elaine Loehmann

Leslee Masten

Regina Miloslavsky

Edith and Harold Lohr

Anita Masterson

Linda and David Milton

Carol Long

Tara Mathur

Diane and John Mirick

Jackie Long-Goding

Linda Mattlage

Mary Mitchell

Kate Lord

Jennifer Maue

Rachel Mitchell

Stephen and Valerie Loring

Mala Maurer

Tom Mitchell

Claire Louis

Susan Mayer

Sheema and Satya Mitra

Zachary Loureiro

Peggy Mayfield

Samantha Miville

Taisia Lowe

Paul Mayo

Amal Moamar

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Susan Molinda

Susan and Thomas O'Connor

Sandra Peterson

Kathryn Monahan

Maura O'Donnell

Janetta Petkus

Donna Mooradian

Doris O'Keefe

Carol Petrow

Erik Moore

Arabella and Raymond Olander

Suzanne and Bob Petrucci

Georgina Morales-Hampe

Crystal Olson

Christine Pfeiffer

Amanda Moran

Chris Olwell

Sue and Craig Phyfe

Ellen and Micha More

Susan Ondovic

Kathryn Pierce

Elizabeth Morely

Nancy Opp

Mary Jane and Dick Pierson

Mahroo Morgan

Susan and John Osborn

Cynthia and Stephe Piesco

Amy Morgan

Suzan Osborn

Cindy and Steve Pitcher

Gale and Flip Morgan

Michael Osipenko

Maria Polanco

Peggy and Michael Morris

Bill and Jane O'Toole

Phyllis Pollack, MD

Barbara Morse

Luisa O'Toole

Evelyn Polli

Paula Mosgofian

Jess Ottaviano

Edward Porzio

Andrea Moulton

Kathleen and Joe Pagano

Eileen and Doug Potter

Pamela Moulton

Pagano Family

Jennifer Potter

Lakshmi Mudgal

Susan and Walter Page

Rob Potter

Christine Muller

Christopher and Susan Palatucci

Stephen Powers

Mark Muncey

Linda Palladino

Emily Prashad

Mary Munson

Judith Palmieri

Evelyn Pratt

Sharon and Dennis Murphy

Kevin Palmieri

Susan Primm Thel

Gillian Murphy

Robert Pantzer

Corey and Tammy Prince

Jim Murphy

Martha Pappas

Bhagchand Prithyani

Jack Murphy

Karen and John Pare

Melissa Proulx

Kathleen Murphy

Hemali and Ketan Parekh

Catherine Purdum

Robert S. Murphy

Priscilla Parkhurst

Wendy Putnam

Robin Murphy

Vanessa Parks

Carl Querfurth

Diane Murray

Lauren Parrilla

Regina Raboin

Lynn Murray

Garcia Passley

Stephanie Rae Jefferson

Sally Muspratt

Jeff and Karen Paster

Meena Ramakrishnan and Mani Sundaram

Kate and Tom Napoli

Janice Pasternak

Emily Ramasra

Stephen Nault

Jan Patterson

Gail Randall

Robert Neff

Bonnie and Dick Patterson

Kristen Ranere

Barbara Neilson

Hannah Pavini

Susan Rapoport

Carl Nelson

Jack Peacock

Dr. K.J. Rawson

Cheryl Nelson

Jane and Ralph Peck

Billie Raymond

Christopher and Sarah Nelson

Jessica and Joshua Pederson

Heather Reardon

Sandra and Carl Nelson

Rev. Thomas Pederson

Kita and Chris Reece

Aaron Neslin

Lindsey Pedigo

Sam and Frank Reece

Caroline and Kyle Neumann

Richard Pegas

Nigel Rees

Joy Nicholson

Alicair Peltonen

Pamela Reid

Larry Nirenberg

Lucy and Maura Pendell

Harold and Glenda Reiss

Dominic and Ann Nompleggi

Debbie Pendleton

Stephen Rellas

Dawna Norum

Dana Perkins

Nicole and Regan Remillard

Wanda and Donald Null

Richard and Cynthia Perkins

Deb and Arthur Remillard

Naomi O'Brien

Elaine Perreault

Joe Remy

Virginia O'Brien

Ann Peters

Dorothy Renaghan

Ira and Judy Ockene

Christine Peters

Savannah Renaud

Clare and Brian O'Connor

Ellen Petersen

Katherine Reynolds

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Shirley Reynolds

Steven and Anne Samuels

Joseph Sicree

Sarah and Joe Ribeiro

Elizabeth Sanning

Korrey Sidler

Elaine Richardson

Michael Santoro

Joan Sienkiewicz

Allison and Mark Richardson

Dianne Sargent

Andrew Sigel

Devin Richardt

Wallada Sarraf

Liz Siladi

Estelle Richman

Vincent Sasso

Eric Silveira

Louise Riemer

Cristina Sastre

Anthony Simonutti

Louise and William Riemer

Michael Saunders

Jang Singh

Diane and William Robbins

Skylar Saunders

Glena and Rick Sisson

Dorothy Robbins

Patricia Saunders-Hixson

Nancy Sitta

Linda and Ted Robbins

Joseph Savaria

Ruth and Larry Skala

Heidi Robbins

Cara Savelli

Elizabeth Skidmore

Jon and Monica Roberts

Robert Savoy

Timothy Skinner

Diana Robles

Judith and Chris Sawdon

Catherine Skove

Ashley Rockwell

Kimberley Scammon

Andrew Skrzypczak

Shelley and Todd Rodman

Susan Schiro and Peter Manus

Caeli Smith

Maryann Rodrigues

Amy Schoeff

Carol Smith

Gabriella Rodriguez

Gisela Scholz

Kevin and Carol Smith

Suzanne Rodriques

Hazel Schroder

Lynda Smith

Elizabeth Rogers

Andrew Schwartz

Ruth Smolash

Bucky and Ruth Rogers

Barbara Scolnick

Angela and Jerry Snell

Barbara Rolfes

Carol Seager

Maryanne Snow Pitts

Marsha and Steve Rolle

Emily Seaman

Rich Sobel

Donna and Robert Rooks

Cheryl Secora Pearl

Robert Sorrenti

Adam Rose

Mark and Elise Seeley

Joyce Southworth

Kim Rose

Kathryn Selvitelli

Deanna Souza

Richard Roseberry

Sarah Semerjian

Dorothy Spaulding

Pamela Rosi

Susan Seppa

Peg Spaulding

Taylor Ross

George Sermuksnis

Erin Spencer

Carol Roupenian

Arnold Servais

David Sperry

Jen and Tom Mitchell

Kim Seserman

Carlos Spinola

Ronald Roy

Ruth Seward

Maggie Spring

Trudy Roybal and Steve Rowell

Jan Seymour and Eric Brose

Karen Spurling

Hope Rubin

Edwin R. Shaffer

Susan and George St. Maurice

Ruth Rubin

Michael Shaldone

Margaret and Ronald St. Laurent

Anne and Charles Rudig

Barbara Shapiro

Tammy Staal

Aisling and Kent Russell

Rashmi Sharma

James Stack

Linda Russell

Jacquelyn and Daniel Shartin

Consuelo Staheli

Savanna Russell

Ted and Mary Shasta

Ann and Milton Stamm

Ellen Rutter

Bonnie Shattuck and Ira Hoffman

Lucy Stanley

Crystal Ryan

Dennis Shaw

Beth Stark

Monica and John Ryan

John Sheehan

Sam Stauffer

Meghan Ryan

Luz Shepherd

Adam Stephano

Michele Ryan

Cate and Terence Shepherd

Diane and Robert Stewart

Jodi Rymer

Paulette Sherrill

Jennifer Stewart-Owen

Jennifer Sabot

Sara and Bruce Shields

Edward Stillwell

Bob Sakakeeny

Vivian Shortreed

Chris Stoker

Amanda Salois

Maria Shteinlukht

Alisa Stone

Nicholas Sampson

Nicole Shugrue

Kate Storro

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Val and John Stowe

Patricia and Simon Trussler

Phyllis and Dick Whitten

Amber Strom

Larry and Barbara Turka

Regina Wiedenski

Jeffrey Strom

Susan and Thomas Ukena

Mary Jane Wignot

Marie Sturgis

Linda Underwood

Arthur Williams

Jo-Ann Sullivan

Carol and Leif Uptegrove

Donna and Ted Williams

Paula Sulmasy

Josh Valentine

Faren Williams and Luke Maki

Brady Summers

Vanessa Valery

Sandra and Art Williams

Helen Sumpter

Alice Valle

Shirley and Peter Williams

Chloe Sundberg

David Valleli

Amy Wilson

Rhonda Surette

Robert Van Dyck

Michelle and Patrick Wilson

Kasia Susmann

Donna and Dave Vanderbeek

Rebecca Wilson

Hayley and Jonathan Sutherland

Herbert and Jean Varnum

Sally Wilson

Michelle Sutherland

Luis Velazquez

Kathy Winacoo

Nick and Joan Swearer

Patti and Paul Verderese

Penelope Winkler

Jean Sweet

Ann Verhage

Janet Winquist

Charles Swenson

Elaine and Donald Vescio

Dave Woessner

Dorota Szonert

Beth and Thomas Vetras

Abigail Wood

Betsy Szymczak

Meghan Vigne

Trisha Wooldridge

Karen Tadry

Angela Villani

Michele Wrenn

Alicia Taggart

James Vitagliano

Bridget Wright

Lynn Tamulis

Kanika Vong

Deborah Wright

Megan Tartasky

Brenda Waber

Charles Wyman

Jessica Tashjian

Wendy Wakeman

Tina Yelle

Janet Tast

Leslie Wales

Tara and Adam Young

Lisa Tavares

Laura Walters

Marillyn Zacharis

Emily Taylor

Lynn and Andrew Waples

Toby and Michael Zaltsman

Kevin Taylor

Lucy Ward

Sandy Zaritt

Kevin Teves

Matthias Waschek and Steve Taviner

Rob Zeleniak

Jacqueline Thayer

Liam Wash

Alicia Ziegler

Nicole and Ulrich Thomann

Carrie Waterman

Sharon Zolper

Patti and John Thompson

Kristin and Edmund Waters

Chester Zwonik

Tamisha and Troy Thompson

Carlton and Anita Watson

Kathleen Thurmond

Ruth Webb

Tony and Martha Tilton

Jacquelyn Weber

Ellenette Tindall

Mary Weber

Herb and Suzy Tobin

Andrea Weed

Carolyn Todd

Thomas Weeks

Pat Tomlinson

Xianhe Wei

Lynne and George Tonna

Gayle and Chick Weiss

Jay Torgerson

Elise and Roger Wellington

Nahir Torres

Lisa Welsh

Phyllis and Maurice Tougas

Norman Wendth

Siobhan Towey

Mark and Barb Wetzel

Kandra and Anthony Tranghese

Jonathan Wexler

Valerie and Robert Tratnyek

Susan and Bill Whalen

Moyra and Robert Traupe

John and Maureen Wheeler

Susan and Phil Treide

Robin Wheeler

Lorraine Troisi

Tiffany Whiles

Joseph and Claudine True

Robin and Wally Whitney


AARP Massachusetts The George I. Alden Trust American Public Gardens Association American Rhododendron Society, Massachusetts Chapter Arvidson Charitable Giving Fund Arvidson Childs Giving Fund Bank of America Bay State African Violet Society Berkshire Bank Foundation Bose Corporation Boylston Historical Society and Museum Bright Family Charitable Fund H. Paul and Sara B. Buckingham III Fund

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Buxton Branch of the American Begonia Society

New England Daylily Society

Islay and David Boeri

Polly C. and Joseph R. Carter Fund

Noanett Garden Club

Raymond Boylan

Northborough Garden Club

Linda Carlson

Cheryl and David O'Neil Family Fund

Ken and Betsy Cloutier

Peaslee Elementary School

Nazneen Cooper

Perkins School

Shirley Cummings

Sarah Daniels Petit and William O. Pettit Jr.

Tommy and Dick* Dearborn

Fund of GWCF

Betsy DeMallie

Reliant Medical Group

Carol Dowling

Riverside Community Care

Cynthia Deysher

Rockwell Foundation

Heather Dubrule

Jeanne Curtis Fund at GWCF

The Paul and Fay Rossley Fund of Greater Worcester Community Foundation

Curtis Falzoi

C-Zone Entertainment

Ryan Associates, Inc.

The Dale Foundation

Samiotes Consultants, Inc.

Patricia and Gerald Gates

Dan's RV

SAP Matching Gift Program

Davey Resource Group, Inc.

Schwartz Charitable Foundation

The Dean Fund

Scituate Garden Club

The Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation

TDD Foundation

The Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation

Thrive Real Estate Specialists

Cavicchio Greenhouses, Inc. Central One Federal Credit Union ckSmithSuperior Michael S. Coffin LLC The Helen W. Coleman Foundation The Coleman Foundation Commonwealth Electrical Technologies Cornerstone Academy CSL Consulting

Fiduciary Investment Advisors, LLC Frances Herron Fund The Helen Clay Frick Foundation Patricia A. Gray Charity Fund Greater Worcester Community Foundation, Inc. Green Hill Park Coalition, Inc. The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, Inc. The Heald Foundation Trust The Richard A. Heald Fund Hirsh Family Foundation HomeLight IBM Corporation Jaffe, Yaffe & Feingold, P.C. Donald and Yvonne Keamy Family Foundation Judy and Tony King Foundation Kitchings Family Foundation The Manton Foundation

Tewksbury Garden Club Unum The Verano Fund Vertex Pharmaceuticals Webster Five Cents Savings Bank Webster Five Foundation The Nathaniel Wheeler Trust The Willows at Westborough, Resident Association Albert O. Wilson Foundation, Inc. City of Worcester Worcester Educational Development Foundation, Inc. Worcester Garden Club

Patricia Gray Judith Green Linda and Abe Haddad Kate and Tom Halpin Jean and Dale Harger James Heald Ken Hedenburg Barbara and Amos Hostetter Thomas and Jeanette Ingersoll Frances and M Howard Jacobson Susan and Edward Jasiewicz Tom Kane Jim Karadimos and Bill Beever Linda Kenerson David Kim and Family David Kirchner and Scott Warner Roxy and Dix Leeson Sharon and Allen Krause Annette and John Lee Jean and Rick Leif

Growing Boldly Campaign Gifts

Jenny Loew and Mike Machnowski

Campaign Contributors, including the Ramble and Capital Projects

Ann Marie Pilch

Kita and Chris Reece, Campaign Chairs

C. Jean McDonough

Massachusetts Cultural Council - Universal Participation


Massachusetts Lions District 33A

Oliver Ames


Anonymous (2)

Mezitt Horticultural Foundation

Sarah and Allen Berry

Julie and Dennis Murphy Family Foundation

Kristen Berry

National Grid USA Service Company, Inc.

Pat Bigelow

Kathy Abbott

Carol Bibeau

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Mary and Warner Fletcher

Martha McClure Matt Mattus and Joe Phillip Wendy Mayrose Lisa and Neil McDonough Sandra McManus Eileen McMorran Sheema and Satya Mitra Kevin Mohan Mahroo and Barry* Morgan Barbara Morse Sharon and Dennis Murphy Liz Myska

Bruce Nagle

Richard A. Heald Fund

Grace Elton

Mike Pagano

Hirsh Family Foundation

Abbass Eslami*

Susan and Chris Palatucci

Hoche-Scofield Foundation

Rita Fleming*

Martha Pappas

The Manton Foundation

Patricia Gray

Lisa Pepi

Massachusetts Cultural Council

Reginald Hall

Carolyn Pierson

Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation

George Harrington

The C. Jean & Myles McDonough Charitable Foundation

Dan & Gloria Heavren*

Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation

Pamela Hurley

Cindy and Steve Pitcher Marsha Platt Phyllis Pollack Doug and Liz Radigan Kita and Chris Reece Sam and Frank Reece Diane and William Robbins Trudy Roybal and Steven Rowell Aisling and Kent Russell Edwin Shaffer

Mezitt Horticultural Foundation Arthur M. and Martha R. Pappas Foundation Pate Landscape Architecture, Inc. PEACE Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation Roybal-Rowell Family Fund

Ruth Shapiro

Estate of Ivan Spear and Hope Hartwell Spear

Philip Shea

The Stoddard Charitable Trust

Duncan Spelman Chloe Sundberg

UMass Memorial Hospital, 4 Observation Unit

Suzy and Herb Tobin

The Verano Fund

Patricia Thivierge

Webster Five Cents Savings Bank

Robin and Wally Whitney

Worcester Garden Club

Shirley and Peter Williams

Alan Harris* Anita Hooker* Margarita Jenkins* Ryan Franklin Jin* Ruth Kaprelian* Jim Karadimos Alexander Kozlov* Robert Krueger* Carl Larson* Robin Laurits Dix Leeson Rick Leif Theresa and Joseph Lipinski Jane McCourt* Veronique Meynard Dixey Barry Morgan* Evelyn Morris*

Marillyn Zacharis

Honors and Memorials


Dean Arvidson*

Mike Pagano

George I. Alden Trust

Virginia Atwood

Judah and Rose Pederson

Architectural Resources Cambridge

Philip Beals*

Marie Petersen*

Estate of Isabel K. Arms

Leita Benoit*

Shirley Peterson*

Robert W. Booth Fund in Memory of George F. Booth of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation

Ida Bershad*

Alice and John Powers*

Martha Bigelow*

Nancy Primm

Marjorie Borg*

Robert Primmer*

Brigham Hill Foundation C. Richard and Olive J. Brose Hie Hill Foundation Cullen Mechanical Inc. The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation Eaton Vance Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation

Julie Bozicas Joyce Brezniak* Martha Buma Mary Callahan* Lori Capone Carolyn Chapell* Priscilla Cirillo*

J. Irving and Jane L. England Charitable Trust

Jacalyn Coghlin-Strom

The Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation

Lynn Marie Cote

The Fletcher Foundation

Melissa Dame

The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation The Albert J. Gifford Charitable Trust Greater Worcester Community Foundation

Mary Communale Linda Daley* Glenn Deming Robert Duffy* Susan Duquette* Elaine Eden*

Barbara Morse

Mark Richardson Leon Roberge Mary Rogan* Thomas Ryan, Sr.* Richard Sigel* Beatrice Spencer* Karen Spurling* Helen St. Denis* Phyllis Stoddard* Marsha Susmann-Grogan* Amit Taneja Patricia Ton* John Trexler* Amy Walsh Gayle Weiss David Woods* Evelyn Zink*

*we are saddened by the loss and inspired by the legacy of these friends


Staff Leadership

Grace C. Elton, Chief Executive Officer Jane Ellis, Chief Finance & Operating Officer Jessica Pederson, Director of Education Mark Richardson, Director of Horticulture André Gorgenyi, Chief Development Officer Robert Burgess, Senior Communications Manager

Board of Trustees

Samantha McDonald Dennis Murphy Elizabeth Myska Susan Palatucci Martha Pappas Stephen Pitcher Diane Robbins

Matthew Beaton Patricia Bigelow Curtis Falzoi Patricia Gray Abraham Haddad Thomas Halpin M Howard Jacobson John Lee

Trustees Emeriti Allen D. Berry Penelope Booth .Gladys Bozenhard Diane Dalton Betsy C. DeMallie Linwood Erskine Joyce I. Fuller Dale Harger Kenneth B. Hedenburg

Tay Ann Jay Allen Krause R. Wayne Mezitt Gale Y. Morgan Jeremy O’Connell Christopher S. Reece Theodore Shasta, Jr. Robin Whitney Marillyn Zacharis

For more information about supporting Tower Hill, contact 508.869.6111 x168 or

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© Alexandra de la Pena, Mala Lam, Matt, Modoono,Troy Thompson, Kataram Studios, Robert Burgess, Gitanjali 'Gitu' Jain

James Karadimos, President Lisa McDonough, First Vice President Dix Leeson, Vice President Matthew Mattus, Vice President Michael Pagano, Vice President Franklin Reece, Vice President Kent dur Russell, Vice President Shirley Williams Vice President Michael Machnowski, Treasurer Richard Leif, Secretary

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