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ACTIVE STREETSCAPE A mix of businesses, creating lively and engaging streets where people can move around in a safe and inclusive manner.

ACTIVE EDGES / PERMEABLE EDGE Active building frontages that engage passing pedestrians with a “permeable edge” between the building and the street. This ensures a physical and visual connection from the sidewalk to the commercial spaces in the building.


DUAL FRONTAGE Businesses and retail frontage on the main street as well as back lanes. This gives the opportunity to activate back lanes with storefronts, spill-out cafes and patios.

INTERPRETIVE ELEMENTS Design elements that allow the possibility to closely observe and analyze facts, ideas and/or assumptions. Interpretive elements can be used in spaces with historic and cultural value or incorporated into the built environment to inform the public about the significance of an area.

LIVE/WORK A property that gives the opportunity to combine residential living space with commercial or manufacturing space.

MULTIMODAL NETWORK A network that includes multiple types of transportation such as walking, driving, cycling and taking public transit. PUBLIC REALM The public realm is the space that is shared communally by the public. It is the area around, between and within buildings that are publicly accessible, such as streets, squares, parks and open spaces. These are the everyday spaces that we move through and linger within—the places where we live, work and play.

SENSITIVE INFILL Sensitive infill defines the usage of land within a builtup land for further construction. The neighbourhood of Elma Street is categorized as sensitive infill to allow for redevelopment and growth, while conserving the existing architecture and character of the area. This development approach retains the image of the town and streetscapes by proposing additions behind the front facade of existing character buildings. Sensitive additions would embrace sustainable measures to preserve and enhance buildings with heritage value.

SHARED STREET / WOONERF Shared Streets are informal street layout programs with little to no demarcations or curb edges to separate users from each other. Speeds are brought down to very low levels through a variety of traffic-calming tools and visual cues that encourage caution and gives priority to pedestrians. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN Sustainable design employs ecologically-conscious approaches to minimize the impacts of built form on the environment. An efficient use of materials and energy is an example of considering how an individual site can impact its broader environment. Ideas for sustainable measures are discussed in the design guidelines for both architecture and open space.

SWALE Swales are infiltration basins planted with tolerable grasses/other vegetation. As a primary method of absorbent landscaping to manage stormwater runoff of roads, swales also help to filter pollutants and increase rainwater infiltration.

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