迹·建筑|TAO 作品集 Portfolio 2008-2015

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2008 2015


Trace is surviving mark of things, and evidence of time fragments


accumulation. The production of architecture is a process with


confrontation of various will powers and values, full of contradiction

关注 " 痕迹与过程 " 表明 TAO 事务所对建筑的态度,TAO 的实践通过

and complexity. Architecture itself is a record of its time and nature.


Looking at “trace and process” suggests our approach to architecture.


With most projects positioned in particular cultural and natural settings


in China, TAO explore the essence of place; make architecture deeply

与建造方式等命题的探讨,构成了 TAO 每个项目工作的核心内容。

rooted in its cultural and environmental context with respect of local condition. The sense of place, response to climate, efficient use of local resource, site-responsive construction method, such issues are always explored in every TAO project responding to its specific situation.

迹·建筑事务所 / 北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地村 241-15 号 /

Trace Architecture Office / No.241-15 Caochangdi, Chaoyang, Beijing 100015 / tel+86-10-51273258 / fax+86-10-51273258-1018 / office@t-a-o.cn / www.t-a-o.cn /

华黎,迹·建筑事务所(TAO)创始人及主持建筑师,1972 年出生,

Born in 1972 in China, HUA Li received his B. Arch. from Tsinghua


University in 1994. He then studied at Yale University and received his

曾实践于纽约。2009 年在北京创立 TAO。TAO 对当代建筑在全球化

M. Arch. in 1999. He practiced in New York and Beijing before founding


his own firm TAO (Trace Architecture Office) In 2009.

观中,建筑被视为一个进化的有机体,与其环境构成不可割裂的整体, 而非仅仅是一个形式物体。华黎以及 TAO 的设计作品曾赢得过亚洲建

Being critical at contemporary architecture as an obsession to

协奖、入围 2013 阿卡汗国际建筑奖,美国建筑实录杂志评选的 2012

fashionable forms in media driven globalized consumerism, HUA Li


visions architecture as an evolving organism, being an inseparable

及 WA 建筑奖等多个奖项。TAO 的作品多次受邀在国际建筑展中展出,

whole with its environment, rather than just a formal object.

包括 2014 威尼斯双年展 ADAPTATION 中国建筑展、2013 维也纳当 代东亚建筑与空间实践展、2015 纽约中国当代建筑展等。华黎在清华

HUA Li and TAO has won several important architectural awards


including ARCASIA Award, shortlisted in Aga Kahn Award 2013,


Architectural Record GDGB Award, China Architecture Media Award and WA Award, and TAO was listed in Design Vanguard 2012 by Architectural Record Magazine. TAO’s works have been exhibited internationally in Venice, Vienna and New York. HUA Li also teaches at Tsinghua University as a visiting professor and has been a guest critic for studio reviews at HKU, CAFA and UdK Berlin. He has given lectures in many universities and conferences in both Asia and Europe.

“建筑是一个不断对抗和寻找的过程,这有如爬山,只 有当你用身体丈量了每寸山路后,你才真正理解了山, 这过程并无捷径。”

"Architecture is a journey of confrontation and exploration, just like climbing a mountain. Only after you measure the mountain with your body, you can fully understand the mountain. And there is no shortcut in this process."


Design Philosophy








人的武断。有三个重要元素:1. 真实——一种品质,可以抗拒事物意


义被错位和乱用。2. 清晰——表达结构性和材料的真实逻辑的愿望, 尽管不能完全从视觉上体现;3. 此时此地——尊重我们当下所处的时 间与空间所带来的“重”,建筑无论从环境或文化角度都属于特定的 场地和背景,因此我们应当面对局限用创造性的态度去发现答案。



Space is a memory, discovery and inspiration. It is definitely not just

The construction is the essential means of realizing architecture. Thus,

a rational term defining functions. Space is perhaps most powerful

architecture is not just abstract but physical and material. The tectonics

aspect in architecture which can challenge our unconsciousness to our

should obey an order following laws of nature, instead of arbitrariness

existence condition. Inspiring space can ask us questions: where you

relying on technologies. In this, there are three things important: 1.

are? How you want to exist? So to create spaces which can provoke

Authenticity----a quality which resists the dislocation of meaning. It

our curiosity and doubts is the most profound mission for architecture.

reveals the essence of things; 2. Clarity----a desire of expression of true logic in structural and material although it may not be completely achieved visually; 3. Here and now—--a respect to “gravity” of our existence in sense of place and time. Architecture belongs to specific site and context in both environmental and cultural sense, we should work with limits and discover the solution with a creative mind.














Beauty is not dead. Also “beauty can not be created overnight” (Kahn).

Doing architecture, we are anticipating the future, but with our memory.

Beauty is always there, waiting to be discovered by man, only the way

Architecture is a dramatic meeting between past and future, while has

of seeing beauty is transforming constantly. This is a belief in feelings,

to be realized by present means. Thus Architecture belongs to a time,

rather than thoughts. If thoughts are the shadows of our feelings —

but it can also go beyond its time. Architecture without style, without

always darker, emptier, simpler (Nietzsche), then we should really be

appearance, without metaphor, will last and present itself in spirit.

suspicious to the abusing power of any concepts in name of intellect. Beauty thus exists in silence.



博物馆建造在云南腾冲高黎贡山下新庄村边的田野中,建筑的目的是 为了向来访者展示新庄古老的手工造纸工艺,及相关于手工纸的文化 产品,建筑内部也设有办公空间、茶室和客房等。设计将建筑做成由 几个小体量组成的一个建筑聚落,如同一个微缩的村庄。而整个村庄 连同博物馆又形成一个更大的博物馆——每一户人家都可以向来访者 展示造纸的工艺。访问者对建筑的游览将是在内部展览和外部优美的 田园景观之间不断转换的一种体验,以此来提示建筑、造纸和环境的 不可分。 设计采用当地的杉木,竹子、手工纸等低能耗、可降解的自然材料来

The museum is situated in a beautiful landscape next to xinzhuang village under Gaoligong Mountain of Yunnan, a world ecological preserve area in southwest of China. The village has a long tradition on handcraft paper making. To exhibit the history and culture of paper making, this museum will include gallery, bookstore, work space and guest rooms. The museum is conceived as a micro-village, a cluster of several small buildings. The spatial concept is to create a visiting experience alternating between interior of galleries and landscape outside when visitor walks through the museum, so as to provoke an awareness of the inseparable relationship between paper making and environment.

减少对环境的影响。在建构形式上真实反映材料、结构等元素的内在 逻辑,以及建造过程的痕迹与特征。建筑适应当地气候,充分利用当 地材料、技术和工艺,结合了传统木结构体系和现代构造做法,全部 由当地工匠完成建造,使项目建设本身成为地域传统资源保护和发展 的一部分。

The design is aimed at making a climate responsive and environment friendly building. Local materials such as wood, bamboo, handcraft paper and volcano stone are used for exterior finish, roof, interior finish and floor respectively. With time passed, these materials will worn and fade into a more harmonious color with the landscape. The construction is to maximize the usage of local materials, technique and craftsmanship. The building combines traditional timber structural system featuring nail-less tenon (SunMao) connection and modern detailing. It was built completely by local builders.


Gaoligong Museum of Handcraft Paper



项目地点:云南腾冲界头乡新庄村 项目功能:博物馆、书店、茶室、办公、客房等 建筑面积:361 平方米 2013/05

入围 2013 阿卡汗国际建筑奖短名单




2012 WA 中国建筑奖 优胜奖



Location: Xinzhuang village, Tengchong, Yunnan, China Program: museum, work space, guest room etc. Floor area: 361 sq. m. 2013/05 Shortlisted for the 2013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2012/12 2012 CAMA Award, Final listed Best Architecture Award 2012/12 2012 WA Award 2012/07 2012 Architectural Record “Good Design is Good Business” China Awards, Best Public project, Honor Award

5.12 汶川地震使德阳市旌阳区孝泉镇民族小学的教学楼变成了危房并 且被拆除。学校迫切需要重建。 学校的灾后重建得到包括江苏太仓红 十字会,广东四会六祖寺慈善普济会,清华—香港中文大学金融 MBA 四川援建组,北大汇丰商学院私募股权 108 基金,侨爱协会及四川省 光彩事业促进会等社会各方的爱心捐助。建设内容包括 18 个班的教学 楼、各种活动室、学生宿舍、食堂等,共 8800 多平米。校园占地面 积 16826 平方米,需要容纳 900 多学生。 设计将校园视为一个微型城市,在校园内创造出许多类似于城市空间 的场所:街巷、广场、庭院、台阶。这些场所给孩子们提供了不同尺 度的游戏角落和迷宫式的空间体验,试图在延续孝泉镇的城市空间记 忆的同时,激发孩子们的好奇心和想象力,使他们在游戏中去自我发 现和释放个性。 我们希望基于自然生长而形成的城镇所特有的自下而 上式的空间复杂性在建筑中得以呈现,并给予个体更多的环境选择。 设计中针对当地气候,对遮阳、通风、隔热作了仔细的考虑;并且充 分运用当地材料和工艺,如页岩青砖、木材、竹子等,还包括地震后

The old XiaoQuan Elementary School was severely damaged during the catastrophic 5.12 Sichuan earthquake in 2008 and was demolished afterwards. Supported by donations from several sponsors, the project is to build new school in the center of Xiaoquan old town. The program consists of main classroom buildings, classrooms for various activities, teacher’s office, student dormitory buildings, and dining hall. The new school will host more than 900 students. The design is conceived as a cluster of small buildings to create a micro-city like campus. The fragmentary instead of unified building composition creates many urban like place such us streets, plazas, courtyards, and steps at various scales. These places are intended to encourage diversified and spontaneous activities of children. Small-scale playful corners and labyrinth like space as passage and playground are created to provoke children’s curiosity and imagination. Through this, we also intend to continue the urban space memory of Xiaoquan town in the school building, so as to avoid completely losing the continuity of urban fabric during rebuilding process after earthquake.

回收的旧砖,使其参与到重建中获得再生的意义。 建筑结构采用现浇 混凝土框架体系,外露的梁柱和部分混凝土墙面以清水方式处理,填 充墙为外层清水砖墙和内层保温砌块的复合墙体,门窗采用实木门窗, 固定扇为玻璃,开启扇为木头。上述元素在建筑立面上均清晰体现出 其交接关系,反映出建构体系的逻辑。整个项目建筑工程造价在 1500 元 / 平米以下,很好地实现了整体预算控制。

The design responds to Sichuan's hot and humid climate. Sunshade device, natural ventilation and heat reduction are important elements considered in design. We also explore to maximize the use of local resource and craftsmanship which can be acquired. Local materials such as wood, brick and bamboo are used for windows, walls, and ceilings. The recycled bricks from earthquake are used in pavement. Cast-in-situ concrete are used for exposed structure. The construction is completely done by a local contractor. The construction cost is well controlled within the budget of RMB1500yuan per square meter.


Xiaoquan Elementary School

项目地点:四川德阳孝泉镇 项目功能:教学楼、多功能教室群、办公、学生宿舍、食堂等 建筑面积:8,900 平方米 2013/10

获 2013 亚洲建协建筑奖


获 2012 香港亚洲设计奖荣誉奖



Location: Xiaoquan town, Deyang, Sichuan, China Program: classroom, multi-purpose rooms,office, student dormitory, dining hall etc. Floor area: 8,900 sq. m. 2013/10

2013 ARCASIA Award, Honorable Mention


2012 Design for Asia (DFA) Award 2012 Merit Recognition


2012 Architectural Record “Good Design is Good Business” China Awards, Best Public project, Honor Award

2008 2010

水边会所坐落在盐城大洋湾的一条小河边,延伸的地平线,天空,河 心的小岛,静谥的水面,茂密的芦苇等共同营造了场地宁静、纯粹而 有诗意的场所氛围。在这样一个环境中,建筑以一种谨慎地态度来介 入场地中,力求不破坏原有的意境同时,通过建筑实现人与周边环境 最亲密的接触。因此一个在水边树丛中透明的玻璃盒子自然而然地成 为建筑最原初的设计意向,人、建筑、景观合而为一。 设计以玻璃盒子的经典之作——密斯的范斯沃斯别墅为原型,通过对

The clubhouse is located on one side of a river in yancheng, surrounded by a park and sports field. The extended horizon, sky, water, island in river, and reed, these elements of the site define a tranquil, pure and poetic atmosphere. In such an environment, we think architecture must be a careful intervention to the site, to avoid ruining the original sense of place and meanwhile create the close contact with nature. Thus a glass building on riverside and in trees naturally comes to mind as beginning idea, to integrate visitor, architecture and landscape.

建筑体量的拉伸、环绕和折叠等动作, 获得了减小进深(使建筑更通 透)、形成内院(丰富了空间和景观的层次)、亲近水面和利用屋顶(延 展可活动和观景的空间)的空间效果。 在此,透明使建筑的物质性被 消解,建筑做为实体的造型不再重要,重要的是创造流动而透明的空间, 以最大化人对建筑外部自然意境的感受。

The design takes Mies’ Farnsworth as a prototype concept and creates a new form through a series of actions on it: stretch, loop, and fold. These actions lead to following results: smaller building depth with better views, introversive courtyard space offering more privacy, getting closer to water and accessible roof as extension of landscape. The transparency dematerializes architecture. The concern to physical form of building is replaced by desire to create flowing and see-through space to maximize visitors’ experience of natural environment outside.



Riverside Clubhouse


项目地点:江苏盐城 项目功能:接待、展示、休闲、多媒体放映、洽谈、办公等 建筑面积:500 平米 Location:

Yancheng, Jiangsu, China


exhibition, reception, lounge, multimedia, meeting, office.

Floor area: 500 sq. m.

常梦关爱中心位于北京通州区徐辛庄内军庄村,由著名的公益爱心人 士常梦女士创办,是一所托养了十余名肢体残疾儿童、智障儿童和孤 儿的民间公益机构,2007 年我们为关爱中心的小食堂进行了无偿的 建筑设计,并于 2008 年建成,之后我们一直持续地为中心提供建筑 设计的支持。包括 2011 年设计了康复室(因资金不够未建成),到 2013 年设计了儿童画廊以及对整个中心的未来做出整体规划。 2007 年旧食堂因漏水成为危房被拆除,在捐助者的筹资帮助下,新食 堂得以开始建设。设计将新的食堂转了 90 度面向中间的庭院来布局, 希望加强庭院作为孩子的主要活动场所的中心作用。建筑内部主要空 间以一个 6 米长的餐桌为核心,孩子们可以在此用餐或学习游戏。我 们希望通过营造这样一个所有人可以一起活动的主空间,形成具有凝 聚力的家庭感,餐桌上方的天窗加强了这一感觉。后面的两个小餐室 则提供了独立活动的区域,而餐室间的小庭院将室外引入建筑内部使 室内空间更富有生机。西侧面向庭院的柱廊成为一个看向中间院子的 过渡空间,兼起遮阳作用。建筑抬起形成可坐的平台,以强调中间院 子的围合感。主空间里的长条窗对应于人坐下时的视线高度,加强了 内部与庭院的联系。 由于预算非常有限,设计必须采用最经济的和易操作的方式来建造: 砖墙承重、轻型钢屋架、波纹金属屋面。坡屋顶角度变化是为更好地 排雨且不设檐沟;玻璃直接固定于墙体中,省去了隔热的窗框,只对 应于视线的要求;而可开启的木窗用于通风的功能,建筑元素因之还 原为最单纯也最有力的意义。这是一个建筑回到基本、回到起点的尝试。 朴素、纯粹、安静、诗意是它的本质。


ChangMeng Care Center Dining Hall&Gallery

项目地点:北京 项目功能:食堂、厨房、画廊、VIP 室等 建筑面积:360 平方米 Location:

Beijing, China


dining hall, kitchen, gallery, VIP room, etc.

Floor area: 360 sq. m.

2007/2008 2012

半山林取景器位于威海塔山公园半山上的一片树林中,是一个服务于 市民的公园服务设施。为了尽可能保护场地里的现状树,建筑在平面 上分成三个枝杈,以避让树木,而三个枝杈分别指向城市的三个景观: 刘公岛、海港、环翠楼,使这个小的景观建筑与城市建立起紧密的视 线联系。建筑结合山地的地形,半嵌入坡地中,从入口下半层进入建 筑内部,到达悬挑于山坡上的可观景的茶室和展示空间;而通过台阶 拾级而上则到达豁然开朗的屋顶——一个景色绝佳的观海平台,这里 成为市民欣赏城市风景和户外健身的开放公共空间。

The pavilion is located in woods on the hill of TashanPark in Weihai, a coastline city in Shandong. To protect the trees in site and offer the view to major sights of city, the building is conceived as a merged volume with three viewing tubes like tree branches orientating to different axis. Half buried and half cantilevered, the building provides to the visitor different experience on two levels: walking down half level, one will enter the inside of teahouse and gallery space with framed views to various scenery; walking up through the preserved trees in landscape to the roof terrace, one will enjoy a unfolded breathtaking panoramic view to the ocean on this viewing platform.



Viewing Pavilion on Hill


项目地点:山东威海 项目功能:观海平台、展厅、茶室、办公 建筑面积:256 平方米 2013/08


Location: Weihai, Shandong, China Program:

terrace of viewing, gallery, tea room, work space

Floor area: 256 sq. m. 2013/08

Blue Star Cup, the Seventh China Weihai International Architectural Design Competition, Bronze Award

武夷山竹排育制场是武夷山九曲溪旅游漂流用竹排的储存及制作工厂, 项目位于武夷山星村镇附近乡野中的一块台地上,由竹子储存仓库, 竹排制作车间,办公及宿舍楼这三栋建筑及其围合的庭院组成。每年 冬天这里要采集晾晒约 22000 根毛竹,之后储存于竹子仓库,用于每 年 1800 张竹排的制造。 建筑的布局与朝向结合地形、风向考虑,仓库沿基地西南侧呈线性展开, 与主导风向相对,平面内毛竹均按风向角度摆放,以获得最佳通风效果, 同时缩小建筑进深,改善室内采光。 制作车间分为两组,内部为大跨度空间,横向满足毛竹 9 米长烧制时 移动的需要,长向则按照火烧竹尾、竹头和绑扎的工序,形成三到四 组生产单元。通过顶部开向北侧的侧天窗采光,以避免眩光。与制作 区相联系的小尺度空间形成休息、储藏、卫生间、庭院等服务功能。 建筑大部分采用坡屋顶以利于排雨和屋顶隔热。办公宿舍楼采用外廊 式布局,一层为办公,二层为宿舍、食堂,外廊采用竹子形成遮阳格栅, 利于隔热通风。

Located atop a plateau in the rural Xingcun village, Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory is a building complex for the manufacture and storage of bamboo rafts, used to sail the Nine Bend River in Wuyi Mountain for tourism. Each winter 22,000 bamboo stems are harvested which, following a storage period, are used to manufacture 1,800 bamboo rafts annually. The site layout responds to the distinct programmatic, topographical, and climatic requirements. The “L” shaped manufacturing workshop accommodates six fire areas for the bending of the bamboo and the assembling of rafts. The interior of the workshop is an open layout of 14 meters span required for the working space. Natural light is filtered through oblique skylights, which are oriented northward in order to get softer and homogeneous light. Aside from the working areas, the workshop houses resting spaces, storage rooms, restrooms, courtyards, and other service functions. The office and dormitory building adopts a veranda layout, with offices occupying the first floor, and dormitory and cafeteria occupying the second floor. Bamboo stalks are applied along the veranda to form shading louvers, which also provide well-ventilated insulation. The main structure is constructed with in-situ concrete, hollow concrete blocks, and cement tiles. Bamboo and wood are used for sunshading, doors, and windows. The industrial character of the project discourages superfluous design. By using the most basic elements, the architecture reveals its structural and material logic; and achieves a simple but not simpler aesthetics with a limited budget.



Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory

项目地点:福建武夷山 项目功能:制作厂房,储藏,办公室,宿舍 建筑面积:16,000 平方米 Location: Xingcun Town, Wuyishan Mountain, Fujian, China Program: workshop, storage, office, dormitory Floor area: 16,000 sq. m.



The site is located in the historic Hutong area near White Pagoda Temple (Baitasi, built in 1279AD), one of 33 conservation districts of history and culture in Peking’s historic city area. Single story courtyard houses (Siheyuan) and narrow alleys (Hutong) form the historic urban structure which is well preserved. Pitched roof buildings covered with grey tiles and bricks, trees, pigeons, electric lines in the air, bicycles, slow paced Hutong life, all these create the typical image of famous Beijing Hutong area. To the south of this area, is the high density Financial Street District, a compound of modern high-rise office buildings and hotels, developed in past twenty years on the site used to be Hutong. Such contrast between modern and old, rich and poor, vertical and horizontal is the typical image of contemporary Beijing. The project is the launching project of urban regeneration plan of this area. The program is a rental house, which can be shared by 4 young people working in this area. In traditional courtyard house (Siheyuan), the central courtyard is the center of house and all rooms face the yard. Such spatial layout is responding to traditional family living, no longer suit for today’s young individual life style. The core need of individual living is privacy. So our idea is to divide the site into four sets of spaces, each with a room and a private small yard. With each set facing a different orientation, they form a pinwheel configuration on layout. In such way, privacy for each room and yard is ensured. In contrast to traditional courtyard house, this house is named split courtyard house(Sifenyuan 四 分 院 ). In Chinese, the change from 合 (Unity) to 分 (Split) suggests the transformation of social structure and life style in the house. The spatial sequence is carefully considered. In tradition, courtyard is entered at first and room second, meaning courtyard is public and room is private. In Split Courtyard House, the sequence is from room to yard, meaning yard is the most private place. This is responding to the change from collective living to individual living. What is not changed is that yard is always with the living core, which conforms to the Chinese keen of nature in living.

The yard is small but of great significance for the life in here, as it forms an intimate relationship between man and nature. Two apricot trees and two date trees are carefully chosen for four yards, concerning the specific scale of each yard and the traditional Chinese aesthetics. In each room, the bed is lifted into attic space to free the ground space for living and bathroom. The skylight and full height glazing facing the yard bring in natural light and make contact to nature, offering a quiet and introverted atmosphere. The central join of the four individual units is turned into shared living space for dining and chatting. A window is opened between the shared living space and each yard, with translucent glass protecting privacy. Each window acquires a unique traditional shape and the tree planted near to it in the yard may cast vivid shadows on it. Transformed from traditional courtyard house typology, Split Courtyard House is a new type of single story courtyard house inserted into Hutong context. Its external surfaces are constituent parts of the local context, so it inherits pitched roof covered with grey tiles and walls covered with grey bricks or plaster. The inside materials are completely modern. White wall and wooden floor bring in a simple and bright background for modern living. Adapting to limitation of construction condition in Hutong, such as compact site (10m x 10m), transportation, noise etc, the house is constructed with prefabricated lightweight wall panel system, to shorten the onsite work period and minimize the impact to neighbors. With this system, we also try to minimize the wall thickness in order to save more space. Small yet functional, intimate yet open to nature, a modern living style yet with attachment to Chinese traditional aesthetics, is what split patio house offers to urban individuals in high density historical context of Beijing’s old city.



Split Courtyard House


项目地点:北京市西城区 项目功能:出租公寓 建筑面积:82 平方米 Location: Xicheng District, Beijing, China Program: shared rental house Floor area: 82 sq. m.

林建筑项目位于北京通州运河森林公园,建成后将提供餐饮、聚会、 展览、会议等服务。设计受树木形状启发,最初的想法是创造一个树 下的空间,那么树的枝干将相互连成一种结构形式并在其遮蔽之下形 成空间。这样在公园里,人工的森林将与自然的树木共舞。 以柱子为中心并伸出四条悬臂梁的树一般的基本单元,在合理的高度 变化控制下重复组合成结构。平面基于有些曲折的规律格网,它的边 界自由,便于绕开场地现存树木并获得分期施工的灵活性。 建筑座在“飘浮”于地面的混凝土平台上,这样一方面有利于木结构 防潮,另一方面,将机电设备服务层布置于平台之下,使屋顶下部解 放出来,还原为纯粹的结构和空间。 建筑主体材料为木和夯土,它们的自然质感呼应了场地中的泥土与树 木。这些材料可以自然呼吸,有效调节室内外的相对湿度温度,将来 也可自然降解回归自然。立面上木和夯土墙间以玻璃幕墙填充,为室 内使用者提供了同时身处人工与自然森林间的感受。

Located in Grand Canal Forest Park, Forest Building is supposed to provide catering services and hold reunions, exhibitions and business meetings. The design is inspired by the form of trees. The first idea is to create space under trees, then bunches of trees will create a pattern and sheltered space. The manmade forest dances with the natural woods in the park. The structure is made from the repetition of a basic unit, a tree like column with four cantilevered beams that varies on height. The plan is based on a zigzagging grid that is capable of adapting to the site and existing trees and achieving flexibility during the different construction phases. The building is sitting on a floating concrete platform, protecting the timber structure from moisture. At the same time, the mechanical installation runs underneath the concrete floor so that the ceiling is free to express the pure structure and space. The architecture is mainly constructed from wood and rammed earth. These materials are able to breath, adjusting the relative humidity and temperature of indoor and outdoor areas, and will biodegrade in the future. Glass curtain walls are filled between timber structures and rammed earth walls on facades, providing the experience of being in the manmade and natural forest at the same time.



Forest Building


项目地点:北京运河森林公园 项目功能:接待,餐厅,会议,酒吧,办公 建筑面积:4000 平米 Location:

Grand Canal Forest Park, Beijing, China


reception, restaurant, conference, bar, office

Floor area: 4000 sq. m.




2015/04 T+A 时代建筑 林建筑

TAO 事务所办公空间厂房改造,北京,2009

2015/04 建筑学报 武夷山竹筏育制场


2015/04 AREA( 意大利 ) 建造中——四分院


2015/03 UED 武夷山竹筏育制场


2015/02 WA 世界建筑 武夷山竹筏育制场


2015/01 C3( 韩国 ) 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆


2014/12 AREA( 意大利 ) 武夷山竹筏育制场

林中办公楼,威海 2013

2014/10 室内设计师 武夷山竹筏育制场


2014/09 T+A 时代建筑 武夷山竹筏育制场


2014/04 WA 世界建筑 清华建筑学人 (1978-) 孝泉民族小学


2014/04 NEMOHA( 日本 ) 华黎 / 迹·建筑事务所


2014/04 C3( 韩国 ) 水边会所 2014/02 Lotus ( 意大利 ) 孝泉民族小学


2014/02 建筑学报 林间办公楼

2013/10 孝泉民族小学获 2013 亚洲建协建筑奖

2014/01 建筑技艺 常梦关爱中心 半山林取景器

2013/10 华黎获得北京国际设计周 2013 D21 中国建筑设计青年建筑师奖

2014/01 art4d ( 泰国 ) 华黎访谈

2013/05 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆入围 2013 阿卡汗国际建筑奖短名单

2013/12 城市 空间 设计 迹·建筑事务所

2012/12 TAO 入选美国建筑实录杂志评选的全球设计先锋

2013/12 MARK ( 荷兰 ) 北京迹 · 建筑事务所:TAO 华黎用当地建造技术在偏远地区建造

2012/12 华黎获得第三届中国建筑传媒奖青年建筑师奖

2013/11 WA 世界建筑 2013 阿卡汗建筑奖专辑 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

2012/12 2012 WA 中国建筑奖优胜奖 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

2013/11 PASAJES DE ARQUITECTURA ( 西班牙 ) 水边会所

2012/12 Design for Asia (DFA) 孝泉民族小学获得 2012 香港亚洲设计奖荣誉奖

2013/10 华黎文章《Tracing the Roots, Museum of Handicraft Paper》收录于香港大学

2012/07 美国《建筑实录》杂志“好设计创造好效益”中国奖“最佳公共建筑奖” 四川孝泉民族小学,高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

建筑学院 Joshua Bolchover, Christiane Lange 及林君翰所编书籍 Homecoming: Contextualizing, Materializing and Practicing the Rural in China 2013/10 进程——西岸 2013 建筑与当代艺术双年展 半山林取景器 孝泉民族小学 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

展览 2015/05 纽约 - 北京 - 纽约:2015 当代中国建筑展,纽约

2013/10 世界建筑导报 此时此地——华黎访谈 在地:华黎的建筑之道和他的建造痕迹

2014/06 威尼斯建筑双年展- Adaptation 应变——中国的建筑和变化,威尼斯

2013/08 B-1 ( 泰国 ) 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

2013/10 西岸建筑与当代艺术双年展,上海

2013/07 外滩画报 中国建筑师中坚力量 华黎 接地气的建筑师

2013/07 Cut’n’Paste, 纽约当代艺术博物馆 (MoMA), 街亩城市

2013/06 Eastern Promises:当代东亚建筑与空间实践展 , MAK 博物馆

2013/06 Eastern Promises:当代东亚建筑与空间实践展 , MAK Museum, 维也纳 , 奥地利

2013/05 走向公民建筑第二辑

2013/03 在地/迹·建筑作品展览,Studio-X 哥伦比亚大学北京建筑中心

2013/04 My School, My City, C3, 韩国

2012/12 中国设计大展,深圳

2013/03 建筑学报 半山取景器

2012/09 入选建筑中国 100 展览/ Architecture China 100 Contemporary Projects,

2012/12 建筑实录杂志 Architectural Record 全球设计先锋 Design Vanguard 2012

德国曼海姆 莱斯—英格霍恩博物馆 2011/10 2011 成都双年展-国际建筑展《物我之境:田园/城市/建筑》 TAO 实践——还原与呈现 ( 实践展 );街亩城市——东村 ( 策略展 )

2012/12 《绿色建筑现在时 2》( 德国 ) 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆 2012/10 《混凝土建筑和设计》( 瑞士 ) 孝泉民族小学 2012/07 建筑实录杂志 Architectural Record“好设计创造好效益”中国奖 2012/05 Surface ( 纽约 ) Talent-Architecture TAO


2012/04 建筑评论 Architectural Review ( 英国 ) 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆(封面)

2015/09 第三届本土设计论坛,大理,华黎演讲:地·景中的建筑 (Building in LAND-scape)

2012/04 XXI( 土耳其 ) 孝泉民族小学

2015/05 韩国大学,首尔,华黎演讲

2012/01 建筑学报 水边会所

2014/12 中国当代建筑创作论坛,昆明,华黎演讲

2011/11 T+A 时代建筑 时代建筑 断裂与延续,孝泉民族小学

2014/07 同济大学,华黎演讲:材料与地域性实践

2011/11 UED 城市 . 环境 . 设计 华黎 /TAO 迹·建筑事务所专题介绍“还原与呈现”

2014/02 印度 Pune,“Artists in Concrete Awards”会议,华黎演讲

2011/10 Abitare 住杂志 ( 意大利 ) 微型城市——孝泉民族小学

2013/12 台湾 ADA 新锐建筑展东亚建筑师研讨会,台中,华黎演讲

2011/09 Space( 韩国 ) 手工造纸博物馆

2013/12 中央美术学院建筑学院 华黎演讲:起点与重力

2011/07 建筑学报 微型城市——四川德阳孝泉民族小学灾后重建

2013/10 意大利米兰 Triennale,“Architecture in China today”会议,华黎演讲

2011/07 城市中国 原乡建筑

2013/10 乡村“七”望 论坛,华黎演讲:乡村实践

2011/06 Casabella ( 意大利 ) China Tale, Gaoligong Museum 手工造纸博物馆

2013/09 南京大学建筑学院,对话,华黎 vs 傅筱

2011/06 建筑学报 建造的痕迹,云南高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

2013/09 澳大利亚建筑师协会“场所精神”建筑师会议,华黎演讲

2011/05 domus 微缩之城——四川孝泉民族小学灾后重建

2013/05 清华大学建筑学院,华黎演讲 : 起点与重力

2011/01 AV ( 西班牙 ) MADE IN CHINA,高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

2013/05 中国建筑设计研究院,华黎演讲

2011/01 T+A 时代建筑 高黎贡手工造纸博物馆

2013/05 泰国皇家建筑师协会 ASA Forum, 华黎演讲,曼谷

2010/11 Wallpaper ( 英国 ) Top 20 Reasons to be in China

2013/04 哥伦比亚大学北京建筑中心 Studio X Beijing, 华黎演讲:“在地”

2010/07 A+U ( 日本 ) Hua Li/ TAO Architect’s Office

2012/11 德国凯泽斯劳腾大学建筑学院,华黎演讲

2009/12 MD ( 德国 ) Exemplary Metamorphosis

2012/11 德国斯图加特大学建筑学院,华黎演讲:Architecture In-Situ On Beginning

2009/03 AREA( 意大利 ) 华黎的建筑观

2012/07 Datum International Architectural Design Conference, Malaysia,

2008/12 Architects -- Made In China


2008/12 T+A 时代建筑 常梦关爱中心小食堂

2012/05 双廊公益论坛,云南大理

2007/07 WA 世界建筑 华黎 设计作品及访谈

2012/04 Homecoming Symposium, Hong Kong University 华黎在香港大学建筑学院

2006/11 domus 与 78 位中国建筑师 / 设计师

Homecoming 研讨会上做题为“寻根——TAO 乡村实践”的演讲 2011/10 Domus 下午茶讲座,华黎演讲:建筑——记忆重构,北京,798 2009/11 中央美术学院建筑学院 华黎演讲:建筑奥德赛,北京 2008/10 Area 域杂志中国创刊论坛,华黎演讲:地域实践,北京 2008/06 汶川地震灾后重建——建筑行动 , 建筑论坛,成都

Major project list


ChangMeng Care Center Dining Hall, Beijing, 2008.

2015/04 T+A Forest Building

TAO Architect’s Office, Refurbishment of a Warehouse, Beijing, 2009.

2015/04 Architectural Journal Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory

Museum of Handcraft Paper, Xinzhuang Village, Tengchong, Yunnan, 2010.

2015/04 AREA Split Courtyard House

Rebuilding of XiaoQuan Elementary School, Sichuan, 2010.

2015/03 UED Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory

Riverside Clubhouse, Yancheng, 2010.

2015/02 WA Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory

Viewing Pavilion on Hill, Weihai, 2012.

2015/01 C3 Museum of Handcraft Paper

Huancui Courtyard Houses, Weihai, 2012.

2014/12 AREA Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory

Office in Woods, Weihai, 2013.

2014/10 Interior Designer Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory

Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory, Fujian, 2014.

2014/09 T+A Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory

Kindergarten & Art School, Deyang, Sichuan, 2014.

2014/04 WA Tsinghua Architecture Alumni (1978-) XiaoQuan Elementary School

Forest Building, Grand Canal Forest Park, Beijing, 2014.

2014/04 NEMOHA HUA Li / Trace Architecture Office

Split Courtyard House, Beijing, 2015.

2014/04 C3 Riverside Clubhouse 2014/02 Lotus XiaoQuan Elementary School


2014/02 Architectural Journal Office in woods

2013/10 ARCASIA Award, XiaoQuan Elementary School, Honorable Mention,

2014/01 Architecture Technique ChangMeng Care Center, Viewing Pavilion on hill

2013/10 Beijing Design Week China Architecture Design in 21st Century Young Architect Award

2014/01 art4d The interview with HUA Li

2013/05 Aga Khan Award shortlisted, Museum of Handcraft Paper Design Vanguard 2012,

2013/12 URBAN FLUX Trace Architecture Office

Architectural Record, US 2012/12 Design Vanguard 2012, Architectural Record

2013/12 Mark TAO in Beijing: HUA Li of TAO uses local construction techniques to build in remote places

2012/12 CAMA Award, Young Architect Award, Hua Li

2013/11 WA Issue of 2013 Aga Khan Award Museum of Handcraft Paper

2012/12 WA Award, Museum of Handcraft Paper

2013/11 PASAJES DE ARQUITECTURA Riverside Clubhouse

2012/12 Design for Asia (DFA) Award 2012, Hong Kong, Merit Recognition,

2013/10 Homecoming: Contextualizing, Materializing and Practicing the Rural in China

XiaoQuan Elementary School 2012/07 Architectural Record “Good Design is Good Business” China Awards, Best Public project, Honor Award, XiaoQuan Elementary School, Museum of Handcraft Paper

Tracing the Roots, Museum of Handicraft Paper 2013/10 Reflecta, The West Bank Architecture and Contemporary Art Biennale Viewing Pavilion on Hill, XiaoQuan Elementary School, Museum of Handcraft Paper 2013/10 Architectural Worlds Now and Here The Path of Hua Li


2013/08 B-1 Museum of Handcraft Paper

2015/05 New York-Beijing-New York: 2015 Chinese Contemporary Architecture Exhibition,

2013/07 The Bund HUA Li : A down to earth architect.

New York

2013/06 Eastern Promises: Contemporary Architecture and Spatial Practices in East Asia

2014/06 Venice Architecture Biennale 2014, ADAPTATION, Venice

2013/05 Toward Civil Architecture 2011-2012

2013/10 West Bank Architecture and Contemporary Art Biennale, Shanghai

2013/04 My School, My City, C3 343, Korea

2013/07 Cut’n’Paste, MoMA, New York, TAO’s Streetacre City

2013/03 Architectural Journal Viewing Pavilion on Hill

2013/06 Eastern Promises Contemporary Architecture and Spatial Practices in East Asia,

2012/12 Architectural Record Design Vanguard 2012

MAK Museum, Vienna, Austria

2012/12 Green Architecture Now vol.2, (Taschen), Philip Jodidio Museum of Handcraft Paper

2013/03 In-Situ/TAO Exhibition, Studio-X Beijing (GSAPP, Columbia University)

2012/10 Concrete Architecture & Design (Braun) Manuela Roth XiaoQuan Elementary School

2012/12 China Design Exhibition 2012, Shenzhen

2012/07 Architectural Record 2012 Good Design is Good Business China Awards

2012/09 Architecture China 100 Contemporary Projects Exhibition, Germany, Manheim

2012/05 Surface Talent-Architecture

2011/10 Chengdu Architectural Biennale Exhibition Holistic Realm: Landscape/Urbanism/

2012/04 Architectural Review Museum of Handcraft Paper

Architecture, TAO’s practice---- Origin and Presence; Streetacre City, East Village

2012/04 XXI XiaoQuan Elementary School 2012/01 Architectural Journal Riverside Clubhouse


2011/11 T+A Rupture and Continuum, XiaoQuan Elementary School Reconstruction

2015/09 The 3rd Local Design Forum, HUA Li Lecture: Building in LAND-scape, Dali

2011/11 UED Special issue report of TAO, Origin and Presence

2015/05 Korea University, Seoul, HUA Li Lecture

2011/10 Abitare Mini City

2014/12 The Contemporary Architecture Forum of China, Kunming, HUA Li Lecture

2011/09 Space Museum of Handcraft Paper

2014/07 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, HUA Li Lecture:

2011/07 Architectural Journal Micro-city, XiaoQuan Elementary School

Practice of Material and Regionality

2011/07 Urban China The Aboriginal Architecture

2014/02 Artists in Concrete Awards Conference, Pune, India, HUA Li Lecture

2011/06 Casabella China Tale, Gaoligong Museum

2013/12 Taiwan ADA East Asia Young Architects Symposium, Taizhong

2011/06 Architectural Journal Trace of Construction, Museum of Handcraft Paper

2013/12 The Central Academy of Fine Arts, HUA Li lecture: Origin and Gravity

2011/05 domus Rebuilding of XiaoQuan Elementary School

2013/10 “Architecture in China Today” Conference, Triennale, Milano, Italy, HUA Li Lecture


2013/10 Expectations of Villages Forum, HUA Li Lecture: Practices in Villages

2011/01 T+A Museum of Handcraft Paper, Yunnan

2013/09 School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Dialogue, HUA Li Lecture

2010/11 Wallpaper Top 20 Reasons to be in China

2013/09 Spirit of Place Conference, Cairns, Australia, HUA Li Lecture: Origin and Gravity

2010/07 A+U Li Hua/TAO Architect’s Office-- Refurbishment of a Warehouse

2013/05 School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, HUA Li Lecture

2009/12 MD Exemplary Metamorphosis

2013/05 China Architecture Design & Research Group, Beijing, HUA Li Lecture

2009/03 AREA Perception of Li Hua’s “Universal Architecture”

2013/05 ASA Forum, Bangkok, Thailand, HUA Li Lecture

2008/12 Architects -- Made In China

2013/04 Studio X Beijing, HUA Li Lecture

2008/12 T+A Changmeng Care Center Dining Hall, Beijing

2012/11 School of Architecture, University Kaiserslautern, HUA Li Lecture

2007/07 WA design works and interview with Li Hua

2012/11 School of Architecture, University Stuttgart, HUA Li Lecture:

2006/11 domus and 78 Chinese Architects/ Designers

Architecture In-situ On Beginning 2012/07 Datum International Architectural Design Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, HUA Li Lecture: Architecture In-situ 2012/05 Shuanglang Public Forum——Pain in the Transformation of a Bai Zu Village, Dali 2012/04 Homecoming Symposium,Faculty of Architecture, HKU, Hua Li Lecture: TAO’s Rural Practice 2011/10 Domus talk series, Lecture: Architecture-Rebuilding of Memory, Beijing 2009/11 Architecture Odyssey, HUA Li Lecture at School of Architecture, CAFA 2008/10 Forum of Biennale by AREA, HUA Li Lecture: In-Site Architecture Beijing, 2008/06 Forum on “Rebuilding after the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan”, Chengdu, HUA Li Lecture: Thoughts on Reconstruction

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