迹·建筑|TAO 常梦关爱中心小食堂 ChangMeng Care Center Dining Hall

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 —— 回归建筑起点的旅程 ChangMeng Care Center Dining Hall
 —— a journey back to the beginning

迹·建筑 | TAO

谨以此书感谢所有为这幢建筑付出过的⼈人并纪念离开我们的⽼老⻩黄 This book is to thank everyone who had passion and made contribution to this building and to memorize Mr. Lao Huang who had left us.

村庄,在五⾕谷丰盛的村庄,我安顿下来 我顺⼿手摸到的东⻄西越少越好! 珍惜⻩黄昏的村庄,珍惜⾬雨⽔水的村庄 万⾥里⽆无云如同我永恒的悲伤 ——海⼦子


常梦关爱中⼼心是由慈善⼈人⼠士常梦与她的先⽣生⽼老⻩黄共同创⽴立的⼀一个收养了⼗十余名残疾、智障⼉儿童和孤 ⼉儿的慈善机构,位于北京郊区通州区内军庄。2006年底,旧⾷食堂因为漏⽔水和地基下沉已成为危房, ⼀一直为常梦中⼼心提供帮助的荷兰俱乐部捐献了⼆二⼗十五万元⼈人民币来建设⼀一个新的⾷食堂。 在来⾃自各⽅方捐助者的⽀支持下,新⾷食堂开始了⼀一年多时间的建设。这其中经历了原有部分校舍的倒塌 和修复中⽼老⻩黄因劳累突然的去世,⽽而⼯工程也因为拮据的预算屡次陷⼊入停顿和施⼯工质量粗糙问题的困 扰。然⽽而通过所有参与者的努⼒力,这个⼩小建筑最终得以实现了。每个阳光的下午,它安静的沐浴在 光线中,⽤用丰富的光影变化表达着它的感情,诉说它的过去、现在和未来。

ChangMeng Care Center is a charity organization founded by Mrs. Chang Meng, and Lao Huang, her husband. It is located in a village at Tongzhou district in Beijing and currently taking care of 18 retarded and disabled children. The previous dining room has been demolished due to serious leaking problem and danger of structure. Dutch club, a non-profit organization in Beijing donate 250,000 RMB to build the new dining hall. With supports from sponsor, designer and contractor, the new dining hall started construction in 2007 and last for one year. During this time, the bad news came in a row, the part of dormitory collapsed due to rainstorm, and Mr. Lao Huang, died of heart attack during repairing work. The project also stopped many times due to the over budget and quality problem. After a long effort by everyone who gets involved, the building finally get realized. On each afternoon with sunlight, the building express its emotion with dancing light and shadows, which seems telling the story of its past, present and future.

1. 光与影 light and shadow

2. ⾊色彩的记忆 memory of color

3. 设计之路 design process 这个建筑将是⼀一次机会:⼀一个回归建筑⾃自 ⾝身的机会。它应当摒弃⼀一切想要附加在建 筑上的任何矫情、主观的东⻄西,剥去任何 ⽆无谓的形式感和装饰,直指建筑的本质, 还原它最基本的意义。也就是说,建筑就 是建筑⾃自⼰己,它不是其它事物的载体。建 筑应当回到起点 The building is a chance to get rid of any formal and arbitrary thing and just being itself without representing. It is a fundamental return to the essence of architecture and beginning of things.

2007年初,Emilie Lu找到我问我能不能⽆无偿做⼀一下 ⼩小⾷食堂的设计,他们原来有⼀一个⽅方案,但不是很满 意。得知常梦中⼼心是⼀一个爱⼼心机构,我接受了邀请。 07年2⽉月14⽇日,我和Emilie以及捐资的荷兰俱乐部贾 乐松、Rini、Andrea⼀一同到常梦中⼼心考察现状。旧 ⾷食堂所在的是⼀一间坐北朝南的普通砖⽡瓦房,漏⽔水、 局部地基下沉,房⼦子已不能在⽤用。与常梦和⽼老⻩黄交 流了⼀一下,初步了解了他们对使⽤用的需求。我的设 计条件是总造价预算20万元,Rini 代表的材料⼚厂家 Maxi可以提供墙体材料和地⾯面材料。 设计之初,⾸首先想到的是:这个建筑应当是⾮非常朴 素的,因为预算很有限。然⽽而,正因为这个限制条 件,这个建筑将是⼀一次机会:⼀一个回归建筑⾃自⾝身的 机会。它应当摒弃⼀一切想要附加在建筑上的任何矫 情、主观的东⻄西,剥去任何⽆无谓的形式感和装饰, 直指建筑的本质,还原它最基本的意义。也就是说, 建筑就是建筑⾃自⼰己,它不是其它事物的载体。

Visit to previous dining hall with Emilie, Rini, Andreas and Ja Lesong on feb,14,2007.

原来的房⼦子全是南北向的,中间⼀一条路,院⼦子 都是东⻄西⻓长,平⾏行⽽而单调,也缺少⼀一个有凝聚 ⼒力的室外空间。因此第⼀一个想法,是将新建筑 转90度。变成东⻄西向,这样就形成⼀一个较⼤大的 具有围合感的庭院,可以成为孩⼦子们室外活动 的主要空间。建筑转过来以后,主要⾯面向⻄西(有 点像四合院的东厢房),考虑到⻄西晒会⽐比较热, 在建筑前⾯面作了⼀一个廊⼦子空间,可以遮阳,⼜又 能在⾬雨雪天可以从北侧的宿舍⽅方便的到达⾷食堂。 The new building is rotated 90 degree to create a bigger courtyard as central place. The veranda facing west provides a passage linking to dormitory building on north, meanwhile function as a sunshade device.

这个⾯面向庭院的廊⼦子成为⼀一个看向中间院⼦子的过渡 空间。我们将廊⼦子内的建筑地⾯面抬起30公分,设想 孩⼦子们可以坐在这⼉儿观看庭院⾥里其他⼈人的活动,希 望这样能增加院⼦子的吸引⼒力。后来由于地⾯面由南到 北有坡,到北侧⾼高差已经不⼤大,所以改成了坐在柱 ⼦子间隔的三条⽊木头⻓长凳上。这样既可以对着院⼦子, ⼜又可以对着廊⼦子,提供⼀一个休息的地⽅方。 the building is lifted to create a terrace for sitting and looking to the central courtyard.

关于就餐 建筑内部的主要空间以⼀一个可以坐 20个⼈人的⻓长餐桌为核⼼心成为主要的 活动场所,孩⼦子们可以在此⽤用餐或 学习游戏。这是希望关爱中⼼心的每 个⼈人在就餐或活动时能围坐在⼀一起, 这样可以增加关爱中⼼心象家庭⼀一样 的团结和凝聚⼒力。 We propose one table instead of several to make everyone dining or playing here as in one family. Dining is a ritual, a social activity

主空间正中在屋顶开了⼀一道⻓长6⽶米的天窗,让⾃自然光正好关照位于中⼼心的⻓长餐桌。 The skylight above the long dining table is to strengthen the role of table as central place.

开始设想这个向⻄西的廊⼦子将成为⼀一个光廊,下午的阳 光洒进来,带来⼀一种宁静感,也是孤独的,就如 Edward Hopper的画。 The veranda space on west side is imagined as a light corridor. The afternoon sunlight will bring in a sense of silence and solitude, as in the painting of Edward Hopper.

主空间的东侧并没有紧贴围墙,那样 建筑会变成单向的空间,且通⻛风不好。 这⾥里我们⽤用了窗户邻虚的概念,在后 ⾯面插⼊入了两个⼩小的庭院,将室外景⾊色 引⼊入建筑内部使室内空间更富有⽣生机。 Two small courtyards are inserted on east side to create another spatial layer and bring the view and air to inside.

从主空间⼀一进来看到的不是⼀一⾯面墙,⽽而是⼀一⽚片绿⾊色。 at entrance the view goes through to the garden instead of blocked by a wall.

⼩小庭院之间的⼩小餐室提供了⼀一个 ⼩小范围独⽴立活动的区域,关上推 拉⻔门具有⼀一定的私密性,⽽而在⾥里 ⾯面既有阳光,也能看到⼩小庭院⾥里 的⻛风景。 Private rooms provide an independent area for dining or talk when closing the sliding door. While the natural light and air still can come in.


facing emptiness

在确定了基本的空间格局后,紧接着的问题 就是:这样的⼀一个⼩小建筑应该采⽤用什么样的 建筑语⾔言?怎么开窗,屋顶应该采⽤用什么形 式,⽤用什么材料。经过思考,我想既然这个 建筑的初衷是朴素的,它的形式就应该由最 基本的因素来决定:⾬雨⽔水、光、空⽓气、视线 等。因循这⼀一逻辑,形式⾃自⼰己浮出了⽔水⾯面。 The building is conceived as a very basic device responding to most essential elements of nature: rain, wind, sunlight and view. The building thus acquires its form out of this naturalness.

在建筑⾯面向⻄西向院⼦子的墙上开了6⽶米⻓长,700⾼高的⽔水平条窗,它的位置正好在⼈人眼的⾼高度,为了室内、廊 ⼦子和院⼦子之间的视线交流。 A 6 meters long strip window right at eye level brings the views of central courtyard to the main space.

主空间的东侧⾯面向⼩小庭院的墙上开了2.2⽶米⻓长的条窗,这样能看到⼩小院⾥里的⽩白墙。创 造⼀一种窗户邻虚的感受。 A 2.2 meter long strip window on east side wall looking to small courtyard creates a sense of “facing emptiness” which is often seen in Chinese garden.

主体采⽤用坡屋顶,⽤用最⾃自然的⽅方式排⽔水,到檐廊和⼩小 餐厅处坡屋顶⾓角度变化是为了更好地排⾬雨且不设檐沟 采⽤用⾃自由排⽔水。 The changed angle of roof is for the better rain draining effect.

建筑的主体结构最开始设计采⽤用的是框架钢结构,后来由于预算紧张,改成了砖墙承重、屋⾯面采⽤用三⾓角形 轻型钢屋架,这使得开始设计时希望的室内空间⽐比较纯净和抽象的效果打了折扣,但后来将其刷⽩白后,略 带⼯工业⾊色彩的屋架在⾼高5⽶米的主空间并没有显得唐突,反⽽而显得很真实。 The economical construction method and material is applied including brick load bearing wall, steel roof truss. The worries on steel truss being too “industrial” turns out to be unnecessary. The white painted truss is not so abrupt with an abstract interior space, instead, it is very authentic.

主空间⾥里的⻓长桌⼦子开始设计时⻓长达7.2⽶米,⺫⽬目的是想让它成为空间中不可分的成分,内部钢框架 ⽀支撑,外部MDF板喷⽩白,后来考虑到空间多⽤用,将它分成了两个3.6⽶米⻓长的桌⼦子。 A 7.2 meter long dining table is conceived as the daily place for children to eat and play at the beginning. Concerning the flexibility, the table was divided into two finally. it was built with a steel frame inside and MDF board as finish.

由于预算⾮非常有限,设计必须采⽤用最经 济的和易操作的⽅方式来建造:我们将这 些⽔水平条窗设计成固定的,玻璃直接固 定于墙体中,省去了隔热的窗框,窗户 因⽽而只对应于视线的要求,它成了⼀一个 ⻛风景的窗⼝口,⽽而在每个空间的⾓角部设置 的可开启的⽊木窗则⽤用于通⻛风的功能, 这 使得建筑⾥里的每个元素都还原为其最单 纯和基本的意义。 The fixed glass at opening for view and wood window for air is to gain an essential meaning for each element and be economical.

建筑的外墙直接采⽤用了捐助⼚厂家Maxit提供的EIFS系统,这种朴素的墙⾯面挺适合关爱中⼼心宁静、缓慢的氛围。 地⾯面也是Maxit提供的⽔水泥⾃自流平。屋顶采⽤用了波纹镀锌钢的⾦金属屋⾯面,这种材料中性⽽而含蓄,下⾬雨的时候发 出⼀一种幽暗的光泽,它赋予⼩小⾷食堂崭新的特征,并且与原来的乡村建筑环境形成⼀一种对话。 The wall finish is stucco and EIFS system offered by Maxit for free. It has a harmony with the peaceful and slow atmosphere of care center. The floor is self leveling cement floor also by Maxit. The corrugated metal is applied on roof. This grey color material has a special dark glowing effect in rain. It creates a sense of new to the building with its industrial character and also makes a dialog with the existing rural environment.

回看⼩小⾷食堂的设计和建造历程,我发现正是这样⼀一个处于边缘状态⽽而⼜又没有太多利益诉求 的项⺫⽬目使得我们有机会更接近建筑的实质,也许这也是它最打动⼈人的地⽅方,它摆脱了建筑 往往成为⼀一种欲望符号或媒介的宿命,回到建筑⾃自⼰己,回到起点,变得安静⽽而诗意。

Looking back to the design and construction process, I found it is this marginal and non-profitable project which made us closer to the essence of architecture. Perhaps this is also the most touching part of it. It escaped from its destiny to be a symbol or sign in our cultured society, and returns to itself, to the beginning of things, being silent and poetic.

特别感谢贾乐松和⺩王健,为你们持续不断所付出的关⼼心与努⼒力。 Special thanks to Ja Lesong and Wang Jian for your continuous effort and support.

设计单位:迹·建筑事务所(TAO) 主持⼈人:华黎 设计团队:华黎、孟昊 基地⾯面积:260平⽅方⽶米 建筑⾯面积:180平⽅方⽶米 设计时间:2007 施⼯工时间:2008 摄影:舒赫、华黎、远瞻照明 书籍设计:华黎 Architects: Trace Architecture Office (TAO) Principal architect: HUA Li Design team: HUA Li, Meng Hao Site area: 260 sq. m. Floor area: 180 sq. m. Design: 2007 Construction: 2008 Photographers: Shu he, HUA Li, Yuanzhan Lighting Book design: Hua Li

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