Taking into account young people’s personal and global expectations in science engagement activities

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Taking into account young people’s personal and global expectations in science engagement activities: a research-action within the SiS Catalyst project. Tenir compte des attentes individuelles et collectives des enfants et des adolescents dans les activités de science en société. Matteo Merzagora Meriem Fresson* Vanessa Mignan (TRACES, Paris) with Sis-Catalyst consortium members. *Author for correspondence: secretariat@groupe-traces.fr

Abstract SiS catalyst – Children as change agents for science in society is a four-year, FP7 funded project under the MML scheme of the science in society program. It aims at combining the science in society agenda with the social inclusion agenda, focusing on children who are least likely to progress to study science in post secondary education for reasons unrelated to their skills or life project. Within the project, we are carrying on an investigation to identify how the voice of children and teenagers can be incorporated into science in society activities and influence higher education institutions and the way they interact with the rest of society. This research-action involved two phases. First the analysis of several types of science in society activities in terms of their capability to dialogue with their young publics. Second, a series of workshops involving teenagers held in Liverpool, Paris, Ankara and Bucharest. In these workshops we explored how the expectations of young people can be taken into account in science in society activities. By expectations, we mean both their vision for the world of tomorrow (the world they would like to live in), and their own projected educational journey in science. The possibility of linking these two aspects (that is, considering higher education studies in science as a way to build a world closer to the one they would like to live in) is going to be analyzed, together with the possible implications for higher education institution in presenting their educational offer also in these terms. We will present here preliminary results of the first phase (analysis of case studies through semistructured interviews) and highlight the main case studies in order to draw ergonomics of listening and empowering, that is, a better understanding of the key elements that make dialogue with young people possible or difficult, and of how this can influence institutional change. Keywords Listening, dialogue, empowerment, social inclusion, science and society, young people, children

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