Laser Dentistry

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laser gum procedures common procedures performed in laser dentistry

reshaping a gummy smile


Would you like a more attractive smile? Your dentist will gently and precisely shape the excess tissue that surrounds your teeth, exposing more of the tooth surface. This procedure is often performed on the front teeth to optimize tooth proportions for aesthetically pleasing results. The procedure is quick and painless.




easing tongue & cheek attachments Do you or someone you now suffer from a tongue tie? With a laser, a dentist can perform a simple procedure to remove unwanted tissue attachments that can cause speech impediments or gum recession. BEFORE

This laser procedure is gentle, bloodless, and pain-free in most cases.


gum disease therapy

cold sores and canker sores

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research estimates that two out of three American adults currently have some form of gum disease.* Evidence also suggests there is a cause and effect relationship between gum disease and an increased risk of heart attack, stroke or other heart-related issues.**

Lasers are often used to treat cold sores before they have a chance to cause you discomfort. The next time you feel one developing, call your dentist and prevent the problem before it occurs. BEFORE

laser dentistry

Laser treatment can be used in the same way to treat canker sores. Within seconds, the sores are desensitized before they cause you any more pain.

Dental laser treatments are a safe and effective way to treat gum disease. Traditional methods involve painful, invasive surgery. A laser allows a non-surgical approach, killing bacteria and removing diseased tissue with little to no discomfort. Laser treatments allow better healing and regeneration of healthy tissues. AFTER

*Third National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (N HANES III) 1988 – 1994 **Abstract Journal of Periodontology 2007,Vol. 78, No.2, Pages 322 – 327

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