Male Fat reduction with Coolsculpting Zeltiw

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Your challenge: Exercise-resistant fat

Your cool solution: CoolSculpting™

You’re physically fit and your weight is

Now you can experience CoolSculpting.

The ZELTIQ system was developed from breakthrough research

A team of scientists and physicians

by world-renowned dermatologists Dieter Manstein, MD and

stable. You have a healthy diet and

developed the procedure to address

R. Rox Anderson, MD of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine

lifestyle. But, no matter how much you

the concerns of people like you. This

at Massachusetts General Hospital, a teaching affiliate of

exercise or diet, you have lumps, bumps,

Harvard Medical School.

and bulges you just can’t get rid of.

revolutionary procedure uses a precisely controlled cooling method called

Most men face the frustrating truth

Cryolipolysis™ to target, cool, and

of it every day: Love handles–those pesky

eliminate fat cells without damage to

bulges of fat near the waistband and

neighboring tissue. After a one-to-

hips. Not much, but just enough. These

three-hour CoolSculpting procedure

small areas of fat don’t seem to warrant a

with your doctor, your body goes to

surgical procedure. But you’re tempted.

work. Over the next two to four months,

What else can you do?

the crystallized fat cells break down and they are naturally flushed from your body.

4698 Willow Road Pleasanton, CA 94588 Telephone: (925) 474-2500 Fax: (925) 474-2599

“I saw results in about a month– my pants fit better!” Jeff P.

The CoolSculpting procedure for non-invasive fat layer reduction is available worldwide. Copyright © 2008-2010 ZELTIQ. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication or use is prohibited. CoolSculpting, Cryolipolysis and ZELTIQ are trademarks of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. in the United States of America and other countries. All rights reserved. The products described in this document may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 7,367,341 and D568,258. Other patents and patent applications pending worldwide. IC 0124-A

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Fat!

Before the CoolSculpting procedure Three months after one CoolSculpting procedure Procedure by Steven Weiner, MD

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