2024 McMurphy Farms Fall Production Sale

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Sale Schedule

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 9:00 am - Cattle available for viewing 11:30 pm - Brisket Lunch served 1:00 pm - 2024 McMurphy Farms Fall Production Sale

Sale Location

McMurphy Farms Headquarters - 32162 HWY 64 Alva, OK 73717

The McMurphy Farms Headquarters is located 12 miles west of Alva, OK on HWY 64 or 14 miles north of Waynoka, OK at the intersection of US HWY 64 and Oklahoma State HWY 14. The sale location is on the south side of road just east of the intersection. There are two entrances.

Randy & Paula McMurphy - Cody, Megan, Avery & Reece McMurphy - Casey, Tracy, Layton, Grayson & Harper McMurphy

Welcome to the Sale

Welcome friends to the inaugural McMurphy Farms Fall Production Sale. We have been selling a select group of females in the fall over the past few years online, but we felt like it was time to get some people to the headquarters to see what we have been working on over the past 2 decades. This year is our first live sale that will include some elite females along with some exceptional age- advantaged bulls that we would normally hold until the Trusted Performance Bull Sale in March. These are younger, Spring-born bulls that we would have had to push too hard to market the first of March. We have a great track record with longevity in our bulls when we don’t push them too hard, too early. We also feel like 18-month-old bulls are the sweet spot for most of our customers and we continue to get calls for bulls for fall calving herds. The females we have in the offering this year are too good to not come see in person. We truly believe if you make the trip to Northwest Oklahoma you will not be disappointed. These females are from the best genetics we have generated over the past 20 years. Please do yourself a favor and come look!

Our family has worked extremely hard to provide you with what we think are as good and as deep a set of Red Angus Cattle that you will find in the country. We hope you enjoy the offering as much as we do and are confident you will find something that will help you move your program forward. Cattle are available anytime for you to view and evaluate and we would love to visit with you about their genetics and how we think they will fit your goals. We want to make sure you know that we will help market or purchase your offspring out of our genetics because we want you to be successful in your business and we know our genetics value!

Thank you again for taking a look at what we have to offer and if there’s not one for you this year please think of us again next year when considering a breeding piece or herd sire to your operation.


The McMurphy Family

Sale Details & Information


Col. Jered Shipman - (806) 983-7226


Cody McMurphy - (405) 880-4587

Casey McMurphy - (806) 679-0213

Randy McMurphy - (580) 829-3150


Graham Blagg - (530) 913-6418

Jered Shipman - (806) 983-7226

Tim Anderson - (605-682-9343


DeRon Helderman, Special Assignment - (405) 850-5102

Ryan Denton - Special Assignment - (918) 629-3004

Colton Pratz, Oklahoma Cowman - (405) 385-1054


Dr. Todd Stone – (620) 886-3132

Redland Vet Clinic Medicine Lodge, KS

Buffalo Vet Clinic – (580) 735-2113


All cattle are to be settled for sale day unless prior arrangements have been made. The cattle sell under the terms and conditions of the Red Angus Association of America, the American Angus Association and the American Simmental Association.


All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise, for their safety or the behavior of animals. The owners assume no liability for property loss or accident that may occur.


A supplemental update sheet will be available sale day and all announcements made at the block take precedence over printed material in this sale book.


Holiday Inn Express - (580) 327-1400

Comfort Inn and Suites - (580) 327-0000


Online bidding will be provided by CCi.live.


All bulls are guaranteed against breeding injury and are guaranteed to breed cows the first breeding season. The first breeding season ends August 1st of the year of purchase and any request for a replacement bull needs to be made by that date. If a bull fails to perform or becomes wild during the first breeding season and a replacement bull is available, he will be provided, or if the buyer prefers, credit toward one bull will be given in the following year’s sale, less salvage value of the injured bull. Replacement bulls are not covered by this guarantee. Death loss is the buyer’s risk and mortality insurance is available on all bulls at the sale. Normal care and adequate nutrition need to be provided. It is suggested that bulls receive supplemental feed after the breeding season until they reach maturity. Please contact Dr. Casey McMurphy (806) 679-0213 if you have questions regarding nutrition.

Sight Unseen Purchase: All bull purchases made on order or over the internet with Trusted Performance breeders are 100% satisfaction guaranteed upon delivery.


• Haul your own rebate: Buyers who haul their bulls home day of the sale will receive a $100 rebate per buyer. If bulls cannot be taken sale day or arrangements have not been made with us within the first week for delivery, the seller can house bulls until pick up at a rate of $4/day, however we will not be responsible for sickness or injury. If you anticipate any issues hauling bulls please call to make arrangements prior to sale day.

• Free delivery within 150 miles of the farm and free nation-wide delivery on purchases greater than $20,000. This does not include heifers.


McMurphy Farms will retain 1/3 semen interest in all bulls unless otherwise noted in the catalog.



Jimmy James: (580) 481-0955

Jake Grossnicklaus: (405) 320-4170


THM Promotions, LLC - Tracy McMurphy - (806) 679-0231


Shannon Cook - (405) 714-5087

One of the most dynamic things about the beef industry is its diversity and the opportunities offered within. From ranch to rail, the possibilities to raise a family and make a sustainable living are very real. For those who embrace those opportunities and utilize great business practices with discipline are generally around for multiple generations. Also, for those who are willing to make sacrifices when needed, those willing to go without for a period to endure a challenge to come out on the right side of the situation, and those who pass that grit and determination on to the next generation through example, those operations become empires. Randy and Paula McMurphy are salt of the earth people who are very involved in their Western Oklahoma community. They provided the bare necessities to fuel a fire and passion for production agriculture for each of their two sons. The desire and the ability to execute jointly is why McMurphy Farms is what it is today with the foundation for the next generation to carry the torch.

Both Casey and Cody married well and are greatly blessed with children who share the same desire for the ranching and agricultural lifestyle. The third generation is very active in 4-H, FFA, and youth livestock activities. They are competitive within the states of Texas and Oklahoma for various livestock projects and on a national level as well with their Red Angus stock. A junior project for both of the brothers has evolved into what we know as McMurphy Farms today. In the beginning, this was a commercially focused ranch entity, and that is why, as producers of seedstock, they know and understand what the commercial rancher and cattleman need for their operations at the end of the day.

The ownership is involved in nearly every facet of the business. From finance and risk management to nutrition and the feeding sector to reproduction and genetics, both Casey and Cody are very knowledgeable. That’s why this female sale is an event that Red Angus and commercial cattlemen should pay attention to as it will be an annual event and an event that will grow in size and number from year to year as they continue to grow and expand the McMurphy brand.

As you flip through the pages of this sale book, you will find it dense in cow family with several maternal and full siblings representing both sexes. The quality is as good as they have ever offered, and as more and more sample the program, they return to tie into what’s next to come. The quality of the females is as good as they have ever offered. As for the bulls, they may very well be as deep in quality from one to the next as they have ever assembled for public appraisal as well. Feet is a buzzword industry wide, and we are certain that the hoof structure and skeletal integrity of this set of stock would improve a big swath of the Red Angus cattle out there as well as any operation they are introduced to commercially. All are ready to go to work for you and should have the credentials to enhance your cattle experience.

The Innovation Ag Marketing team strongly encourages you to attend the first live auction fall event at McMurphy Farms, west of Alva, Oklahoma. We also encourage you to contact Cody or Casey about scheduling a preliminary visit to view the stock and the program before sale day. This time of year can be consumed with family, athletics, church and community commitments, so know that the McMurphy Family and the marketing firm are available at any time to answer any questions about the offering. Thank you for your interest.

Enjoy the cattle,

Graham Blagg Jered Shipman Tim Anderson

Genetic Selection Information


EXPECTED PROGENY DIFFERENCE (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus.

PROS, Profi tability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).

HERDBUILDER (HB), HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).

GRIDMASTER (GM), GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the postweaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).

CALVING EASE DIRECT (CED), predicts the probability of calves being born unassisted out of 2-year-old heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

BIRTH WEIGHT EPD (BW), predicts the difference, in pounds, for birth weight, and is also used in the calculation of Calving Ease Direct (CED) EPD.

WEANING WEIGHT EPD (WW), predicts the difference, in pounds, for weaning weight (adjusted to age of dam and a standard 205 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to weaning.

YEARLING WEIGHT EPD (YW), predicts the expected difference, in pounds, for yearling weight (adjusted to a standard 365 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to yearling.

ADG, Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)

DMI, Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)

MILK EPD (MILK), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.

ME, Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)

HPG, Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)

CALVING EASE MATERNAL (CEM), predicts the probability of a given animal's daughters calving unassisted at two years of age.

STAYABILITY (STAY) Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)

MARBLING EPD (MARB), predicts differences for carcass marbling score as expressed in marbling score units. Higher marbling scores are positively correlated with higher carcass quality grades.

RIBEYE AREA EPD (REA), predicts differences of carcass Rib Eye Area between the 12th and 13th rib. Increased Rib Eye Area has a beneficial effect on Yield Grade which also includes Carcass Weight and Fat Thickness.

YG, Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)

CW, Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)

The Female Offering

FEMALES The Female Offering

MF JOKER 962 Son of Lot 1 RED SOO LINE POWER EYE 161X Sire of Lot 1


• The dam of the senior herd sire, MF Joker 962, will sell in her entirety on November 12, 2024. This female is incredible in her build and construction, flawless in motion, and extremely fundamental. She is certainly modern in her kind and produces the kind that are very easy to trade or retain.

• 6234 is from the most prevalent cow family on the ranch, MF Marilyn 0165, and would be tied to many of the cattle featured throughout this offering.

• MF Lakina 6234 calved in June with a natural calf that we recently weaned. We have put great emphasize on building around this female and have put in a number of embryos out of this prolific female. We made the decision to leave her open so that the new owner has the opportunity to flush her right away and capitalize on their investment. To date, 6234 has averaged 8 viable embryos per flush. We look forward to watching her make an impact within the new program that puts her to work!

• Buy with confidence in one that has never cost the program a dime and is a proven generator!


Lot 1 - MF LAKINA 6234

FEMALES The Female Offering

Lot 2 - MF MARILYN 1719

• What an impressive individual from certainly a tried and true, productive cow family! The MF Marilyn 0165 donor is laced throughout the lineage of the very best of the program. Multiple sons and daughters have been merchandised for years and they still continue to surface today.

• WEBR Night Train 324 shows up close towards the top of the pedigree once again.

• 1719 is very impressive. Size, scale, depth, width, and a very genuine cow family to support her sheer quality and appraisal value on sale day!

LOT 2A | BULL CALF BORN 10/10/24 BY RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

DOB: 3/1/21 Reg: 4511795 A





AR Tattoo: 1719



MF MARILYN 7190 - Dam of Lot 2

FEMALES The Female Offering

• A proven and prolific cow family represents the quality featured in this female. Her dam is a full sister to lots 11 and 12 from the Rachel donor dam. The impact of PIE Fusion 576 is significant in the gene pool in regard to maternal power and proof positive production.

• 206 is the natural calf from the youthful, proven MF Ella 062 donor. This direct daughter of Bar S Beartooth 0168 is very attractive and sharp about her feminine features. She is incredibly dense, bold, and sound. A productive breeding piece bred and built to withstand any pressures and acclimate to nearly any environment she is exposed to.

DUE TO CALVE 10/25/24 TO 4MC FRANCHISE 1227 (RAAA: 4509119).

ELLA 062 - Dam of Lot 3

• One of the very impressive mature females in the offering!

• A refreshing Red Angus production female with genuine shape, skeletal width, and sheer power from every angle one can evaluate her at.

• The breed needs more like her and this can be your opportunity to propagate the kind that are rare but needed to make the red hided cattle legit again.


MF MARY 6238 2238

FEMALES The Female Offering

• There is little to question why this female is so phenotypically impressive as the firm successfully campaigned her dam, MF Nancy 5153, to multiple backdrop opportunities.

• 2004 is very high end and should be the taste of many that view the sale offering.

• She is flawless, seamless, and collected in her balance and build. This is one of the sure fire sale features of the fall sale season.

DUE TO CALVE 11/4/24 TO 4MC FRANCHISE 1227 (RAAA: 4509119).

MF NANCY 5153 1004 2004


4MC FRANCHISE 1227 Service sire to several females throughout the offering!


FEMALES The Female Offering


• A female that would descend from a multitude of productive dams that represent not only the products of McMurphy Farms but also the likes of the TC Reds and Bixler programs. In short, this female is built with a lot of forward-thinking, progressive cattlemen behind her.

• She will be one of the burlier, broodier females of the bred heifer offering and comes with the service to the 9 Mile Franchise 6305 son with the influence of LSF Saga 1040Y that Cody and Casey selected from the McEntire program of Sweetwater, Oklahoma.

• A quick return on the way with genetics stacked for generations that are proven to generate and remain productive for the years ahead.

DUE TO CALVE 10/25/24 TO 4MC FRANCHISE 1227 (RAAA: 4509119).

• This would be a natural calf from one of the programs foundation donor dams, KIP Ms C237 Mimi H31 sired by the ranch’s selection from the Bar S Ranch program of Kansas, Bar S Beartooth 0168.

• There is no doubt that the firm should be retaining her for the future, but they want to make this an annual event that people look forward to and so the best is being offered.

• KIP Ms C237 Mimi H31 left a huge impression when this low birth weight beauty came to the weaning pen to adjust to 765 pounds of weaning weight!

• She is certainly one of the dense, square built females of the offering and quite possibly one of the very best in her underline transitions. She’s very intriguing and ranks in the 20% for Milk.

• A future calf raiser and generator with no reservations! Plus she’s a maternal sister to some of the bulls in the offering. Dial in on the cow family and invest with confidence.

LOT 7A | BULL CALF BORN 10/18/24 BY 4MC FRANCHISE 1227 (RAAA: 4509119).

MF CLAIRE 031 231




Lot 6 - MF HAZEL 3971
Lot 7 - MF CLAIRE 031 231

FEMALES The Female Offering

• Quite the cow family! A maternal sister to lot 7 and a full sister to three of the very good herd sire prospects in the bull offering.

• This future legend is sired by the popular and proven WEBR Maxed Out 627 and out of the very prolific KIP Ms C237 Mimi H31 donor dam.

• What a female when one discusses legitimacy within the business, this one could very well be the prototype to support the claim.

• Not only is she sound and elegant, but she comes with the rib, center body shape, and substance to fill the shoes of her donor dam.

• Pay attention to the entire offering as one never knows when they will find their next donor female. A rare opportunity from McMurphy Farms to own one this young of this caliber. The decision is in your hands.

DUE TO CALVE 1/13/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

MF CLAIRE 031 256 3256

DOB: 3/26/23 Reg: 4950808 A -




Lot 8 - MF CLAIRE 031 256 3256

FEMALES The Female Offering

• The Rachel cow was put into our donor battery to create females that would go the distance and this natural calf out of her will do that.

• Another one that you need to appreciate for the length and frame along with the dark red hide that a lot of us have grown to love.

• This female was bred for the long haul and has the numbers to prove it, being in the top 25% for HB and top 9% for stayability. Her calf by Red U2 Head Games 14H should be worth investment.

DUE TO CALVE 12/15/24 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

• An owned daughter of the Griswold Red Angus stud, EGL GCC Red Eagle E7194 from the proven and productive Rachel donor dam.

• This dark, cherry red female comes with the extras in terms of bone and foot. She, too, is extended and big in her outline, deeming her suitably complimentary for most of today’s Red Angus sires of choice.

DUE TO CALVE 12/15/24 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).


Lot 9 - MF RACHEL 2111

FEMALES The Female Offering

11 - MF RACHEL 1111 384

• The daughters of PIE Fusion 576 have become mainstays within the program. 576 continues to stamp his stock with ideal body shape and fleshing ability. The 576 cattle are sensible at calving, fast growing to weaning, and are efficient to a year in terms of feed conversion. The daughters are proving to be wet, productive, and low maintenance.

• Here is an ultra-attractive daughter of PIE Fusion 576 that is bold ribbed, deep flanked, and flawless on her feet and legs. She is a square built, thick made female that offers a tremendous brood cow look from every angle!

DUE TO CALVE 1/7/25 TO 4MC FRANCHISE 1227 (RAAA: 4509119).

PIE FUSION 576 - Sire of Lots 11 & 12

• Rachel, no doubt, has left her imprint on the program of Alva, Oklahoma. Bred, selected, and developed to withstand the challenges of the harsh Western Oklahoma seasonal climate.

• This pair of sisters are the right kind and will enhance the quality and productivity of any operation they are selected by.

• 337 is a moderate framed, easy fleshing female that is loaded with quality and maternal excellence. A tremendous brood cow prospect!

DUE TO CALVE 1/13/25 TO 4MC FRANCHISE 1227 (RAAA: 4509119).

MF RACHEL 1111 384

MF RACHEL 1111 337

DOB: 1/24/23 Reg: 4950814 A - 100% AR Tattoo:



FEMALES The Female Offering

• Yet another descendent of the Rachel cow family whose presence and influence is unrivaled in this set of high quality Red Angus females.

• A maternal sister to 379 commanded a $20,000 price tag as the selection of Jerod Arthur a year ago.

• This cow consistently produces the kind that are top shelf for phenotype with added style and balance.

• Here is one that sets high out of her blade while staying collected and strong in her spine with a high and square pin set.

• Ranks in the top 7% for Fat, 14% for YG, and 25% DMI.

DUE TO CALVE 3/6/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

• Whoa! Her kind is not on every Red Angus sale or marketing event within the breed, we promise that much!

• Again, very refreshing to be able to evaluate a female in the breed with true dimension and production value.

• She is the kind that will generate those breedchanging herd sires and multi-generational, influential donor females that will impact the business for many years.

• This female traces back to the powerful MF Lakina through the McMurphy Farms bred MF Joker 962, and her dam was bred in the stockman-friendly program of Eldorado, Texas.

• Take advantage of an opportunity to advance any program in the right direction.

DUE TO CALVE 1/17/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

Lot 13 - MF RACHEL 7908 379
Lot 14 - MF RED RUM 076 3076
MF RACHEL 7908 - Dam of Lot 13
MS RED RUM 076H - Dam of Lot 14

FEMALES The Female Offering

DONNA 3425 3628

• A moderate framed, big bodied, easy fleshing female that should prove to be low maintenance in production.

• She comes with the production oriented influence of the great WEBR Night Train 324. The daughters of 324 are consistent with quality and pounds of calf raised. His influence is strong within the program and these cattle of influence are worthy of any critical cattleman or woman.

• This gem would be one of the very biggest bodied ones in the offering. Her ability to withstand pressures of any challenged environment or climate should be significant in her ability to contribute to any bottom line.

DUE TO CALVE 2/5/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

• Cody put a sort of females in this offering that are moderate but modern in their kind and design. They went out and purchased Red U2Q Head Games 14H a couple of years ago with the intention of creating calving ease livestock that are easy keeping, but still have the look to catch anyone’s eye, no matter the color.

• This female along with Lot 15 are a prime example of what they have tried to accomplish. This one would be the Stan Bixler kind, one loaded with true width and dimension.

• The skeletal quality of this beast is easily recognized, and her design allows her to be titled as “good livestock”! Don’t hesitate to inject one like her into your program.

DUE TO CALVE 2/25/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

FEMALES The Female Offering

• RREDS Seneca 731C has left his imprint on the Red Angus breed. It’s one of positive nature too as his cattle are consistently saturated with density, substance, fleshing ability, skeletal integrity, and the daughters are dynamic in production.

• 334 is a maternal sister to the RED SSS Gravity 296E female that Cody’s daughters would have shown this past show season from the MF Lexie 7334 dam that is a direct daughter of the resident herd sire PIE Fusion 576.

• We have discussed in detail about the quality and proven maternal prowess the 576 injected into the program during his tenure on the ranch and it is tried and true.

• If you prefer cattle that are the moderate to ideal in their size, square and deep in their overall body design, and come with the look of quality, then you must have strong consideration for 334.

DUE TO CALVE 1/20/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

• Here is a daughter out of MF Emmy 6359 that Avery McMurphy showed successfully several years ago. She is a descendent of the great WEBR Night Train 324 on the maternal side and is sired by MF Sudden Impact, a sire that was bred and utilized by the McMurphy program in the early years of building the cowherd.

• His daughters are wet in production, with outstanding udder quality as they produce cattle with pounds and look consistently.

• Fleshing ability and cowpower on board!

DUE TO CALVE 3/1/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

SUDDEN IMPACT 1208 - Sire of Lot 18

MF COWGIRL 6359 93 393

FEMALES The Female Offering

MF COCO 9023 99 399



• A SimGenetic female that comes with a double shot of the intensely used and highly influential W/C Bankroll 811D.

• Her sire is the Embryos on Snow $300,000 sale feature, TRCC Pandemic, and her dam was selected from the Werning Cattle Company program of South Dakota. There will be no need to drive to Emery if you’re in attendance or online for this inaugural fall production sale for the McMurphy’s and their genetic contributors as she represents everything good about the brand and the program.

• For those Red Angus pedigree gurus, her dam was a past sale feature for the Werning firm. She is a direct daughter of the proven 4MC King of the Cowboys 706 and from a very wet and productive dam of Beckton Nebula Y593.

• She comes with the “out there” aesthetics and the extra bone and foot with added performance on board as well!


U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

PANDEMIC - $300,000 Sire of Lot 19 W/C GCC S-H MISS SODAK 2609K $60,000 Maternal Sister in Blood to Lot 19

Lot 19 - MF COCO 9023 99 399

FEMALES The Female Offering

Lot 20 - MF STORM 395


DOB: 3/3/23


• Red, blaze faced, sired by a son of W/C Bankroll 811D bred on the ranch and from a very good daughter of the Bootjack Ranch’s BJR Make My Day 981.

• She is stacked with a resume for length, shape, and maternal function.



• This individual ranks among the top 1% for YG, top 2% Fat and the top 7% for REA as well.

DUE TO CALVE 1/13/25 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).

FEMALES The Female Offering

• The outfit has acquired some SimGenetic stock over the past few years to offer some built in heterosis to the bull clientele. This decision has been met with reward and acceptance by commercial ranchers who have been customers of the program for some time while attracting new interest as well.

• When one can make stock stout and three dimensional like this leading blaze faced production prospect, why wouldn’t you just take the step to implementing her into your program.

• Her lineage is laced with stock that keep them genuine in the muscle and body shape with added bone and foot as well.

DUE TO CALVE 11/12/24 TO RED U2Q HEAD GAMES 14H (RAAA: 4614707).




LLSF PAYS TO BELIEVE ZU194 - Sire of Lot 21

FEMALES The Female Offering

• A star faced, multi-generational SimGenetic breeding piece, that comes with the phenotype and balance to impress the masses.

• Her sire is a past sale feature for Werning Cattle Company of South Dakota. He is known for stamping his progeny with extra body shape and skeletal flexibility.

• The dam of 284 is bred in the Schaake Farms program of Kansas and comes with the universal influence of the Express Ranches herdsire, PVF Insight 0129.

• High quality, exceptional in her balance, with the credentials to remain productive in your program for years to come.

• If you’re into independent bull production for your personal ranching entity, she is the kind that will generate herd sires and replacement quality females for any progressive outfit.

DUE TO CALVE 11/1/24 TO 4MC FRANCHISE 1227 (RAAA: 4509119).


DOB: 9/8/22 Reg: 4420517 - 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Tattoo: 284

Lot 22 - GPAR MISS KISS 284

The Bull Offering

BULLS The Bull Offering

• What a telling mating from one of the youthful and elite donor dams in the program, KIP Ms C237 Mimi H31. A full sister to this herd sire prospect trio, sells as lot 8 in a female division that runs deep in pedigree and Red Angus merit for further improvement of the entire breed. The gentlemen also have a maternal sister that sells as lot 7. There’s no doubt in how much this outfit believes in what this donor can do, and we are certain that there are more yet to come in the pipeline at McMurphy Farms.

• Lot 23 is the moderate framed and modern designed brother. His pattern and build is of utmost quality as he has the potential to generate as much look and presence as any in the offering.

• 365 is bold, stout, and pulled apart underneath and would be suitable for any progressive seedstock firm in the land and would certainly impact any commercial operations in the country.

BULLS The Bull Offering

• Lot 24 is deep, blood red in color with extra length and genuine skeletal width with as much true beef cattle shape as any.

• This creature sets to the surface on one of the biggest sets of feet in the business with the extra bone and substance not often found in modern-day Red Angus stock.

• Lot 25 favors the look and kind of Lot 24 within the trio. He is extra extended and smooth in his transitions and build

impeccable structure in motion.

• 354 comes with the extras in terms of substance of bone, foot size, and true muscle shape from end to end. He is big in his pin set, deep in his twist, and sets on a durable skeleton.

• What a super ovulation event this was for the beef business and the Red Angus breed. For those interested in enhancing a program in one generation, then you need to take serious note of what these brothers have to offer.

• We lead off a set of sons by the resident Mann Red Box 55C sired herd sire who bears the influence of C-Bar Miss Mimi 458B. As Red Angus enthusiasts, we all know the maternal impact of the C-Bar prefix and the “Mimi” descendants.

• 314 came to the weaning pen with 710 pounds to ratio 102 with a very sustainable entry into existence at 67 pounds. Cowboy logic implies that he is suitable for any outfit with real world performance like that.

• This individual is masculine, long, athletic, and has the shape and expression to be a high cutability sire as her charts in the top 23% for YG and stays in the top half of the breed for REA and growth traits as well. Numeric balance with phenotype!

Lot 26 - MF RED BOX 1463 314
MANN RED BOX 55C - Paternal Grandsire of Lots 26-28

BULLS The Bull Offering

Lot 27 - MF RED BOX 8950 350

• This rugged, stout, rancher’s select stud is from one of the proven donor families on the ranch. He is a grandson of MF Marilyn 0165 that has a significant influence on the program.

• If you are in search of a red-hided stud to use on a mature set of cows that should transmit shape and performance, then 350 needs to be on your list prior to sale day.

• This stud is as stout featured as any, as he sets to the surface with a giant set of paws with extra length, weight, and visual performance.

• These sons of MF Red Box 143 129 are extremely consistent from one to the next in terms of muscle, build, extension, and agility.

• This one comes from an outstanding maternal leader with the influence of WEBR Night Train 324. 324 left a trail of daughters across the country that are wet, nice uddered, productive females with plenty of longevity. They influence a lot of programs and still surface in many of today’s quality Red Angus cattle.

• 359 is a tall fronted, athletic beast, that sets on plenty of foot and bone. He too comes blessed with an abundance of shape and expression from end to end.

• A curve bender for weight and performance as he weaned at 854 to ratio 108 with the enhanced advantage of ranking in the top 15% for WW and top 19% for YW. Plus he charts in the top 6% for Fat, top 27% for Milk, and the top 28% for ADG.

• Quite the resume for a high quality consideration for your respective program.

• 350 will chart in the top 21% for HPG and within the top third for WW, YW, and ADG as well. Lot 28 - MF RED BOX 6359 359

BULLS The Bull Offering

MF JOKER 8915 389



• A long bodied, moderate birth weight individual with sustainable weaning performance.

• The cattle by MF Joker 962 have had many friends over the years from many of our commercial clients and the daughters retained will not disappoint.

• Shape and power in a productive and functional package.

29 - MF JOKER 8915 389

BULLS The Bull Offering

MF JOKER 963 396

DOB: 5/18/23







• This MF Joker 962 son is from a female that the firm selected from the popular TC Reds program of Wisconsin. She is a direct daughter of the proven MLK Big Foot that is known for contributing to quality, build, and overall production merit.

• 396 is plenty good from every angle of evaluation with plenty of substance.

• He ratioed 103 at weaning among his contemporaries and was sensible at birth.

MF BOXER 6238 3238

DOB: 4/7/23 Reg: 4867386 A - 100% AR Tattoo: 3238




• A very sensible, nice performance driven son of MF Joker 962.

• In search of a bull with a bit more frame? 3238 needs to be on your list if so! He is one of the bigger framed bulls of the entire group and his EPD values are indicative of that as well.

• He is a heavy, stout built critter that ranks in the top 5% for ADG, the top

YW, and the top 24% at weaning as well.


DOB: 5/1/23 Reg: 4956692 A - 100% AR Tattoo: 3955

CEDAR 1626

• Without hesitation, this is one of the very sons of the MF Joker 962 herd sire!

• His basic beef business kind is unrivaled within his sire group as he may surface to be one of the very best in this entire bull offering.

• He is a slick hided stud which adds to the appeal for those in the fescue belt as well as one of the bigger testicled prospects in the lineup.

• His feet are good and good sized as his athletic build allows him to go without issue.

• A moderate framed, low input stud that ranks in the top 23% for ME and the top 28% for DMI as well.

BULLS The Bull Offering

• We initiate the MF Poker Face 120 6332 sire group with one that traces back to the MF Marilyn 0165 senior donor dam or merit.

• This prospect is the maternal brother to the featured lot 2 in the female division.

• He comes with the credentials to be able to withstand any high pressure environment with a masculine build, plenty of shape and dimension, and an impeccable skeleton that sets to the surface as good and true as any.

• What a herd sire prospect that comes saturated with cow family.



POKER FACE 120 6332


MF MARILYN 7190 - Dam of Lot 33
Lot 33 - MF RELOAD 7190 371

BULLS The Bull Offering

MF POKER FACE 9238 392

DOB: 4/18/23




• Another impressive, big spread son of MF Poker Face 7862 that was impressive at weaning time as he posted 800 pounds from a 64 pound initiation.

• We think that you will appreciate the extended pattern and frame size this herd sire prospect has to offer as well with his flawless design.

• His maternal granddam, MF Quintessence 2238 day lights many of the pedigrees throughout this inaugural event.

MF PROFIT 5103 351



MF POKER FACE 120 6332




• Besides look and eye appeal, the “Poker Face” sons are efficient and low input, consistently.

• They also trend to be sharp and crisp in their transitions and pattern and come with the added shape and look that one finds in lot 35.

• Proven and consistent with a very productive cow family to support.

MF ATOMIC 6133 3133

DOB: 7/10/23 Reg: 4956696 A - 100% AR Tattoo: 3133





• Pay attention! What an incredible individual that mashed the scales down at weaning with 951 pounds to ratio 126 in combination with a very conservative birth weight of 74 pounds. That’s real world ranching performance.

• Cody will tell you that he would not be afraid to introduce this bull to any set of heifers. He believes that he will be more than sensible at calving time and has the numbers to back it up with CED 14 and -2.2 BW.

• One with the ideal color and credentials to be your next herd sire.


BULLS The Bull Offering

• The stock by LSF SRR Takeover 5051C have highlighted many programs throughout the nation. His progeny tend to be sensible on a variety of angles from phenotype to paper values across the board.

• Here’s a complete individual that will leave you a very nice, productive set of daughters worthy of retention as he ranks in the top 12% for Milk.

• He should also transmit pre-weaning growth comparable to his impressive weaning weight of 808 pounds.

• A well rounded prospect with profit built in.

• Opportunities to buy full brothers aren’t available often so when they are offered one better tie into them to enhance the uniformity of your future calf crops. The females, if retained, will certainly play to the hand of uniformity if you practice the philosophy for multiple generations.

• Here is the one on the longer side with the extra frame to compliment.

• Over 747 pounds at weaning time spells profit as well.

BEARTOOTH 3425 334

BULLS The Bull Offering

• Bar S Beartooth 0168 was selected by the firm from the Bar S Ranch program of Kansas. The cattle that graze the big pastures north of Russell, Kansas are full of cattle that have been selected for decades to be hustling and efficient foragers. They must do most of the work and that’s why it made since to add a bull to the herd sire battery in Alva with true low input ranching genetics.

• Don’t overlook the opportunity to add something different to your program.

• MF Sudden Impact 1208 has sired many cattle that have been sale features for McMurphy Farms over the years. 1208 was sold to Dan Leddy of Texas where he experienced use to sire red hided females suitable for Red Angus show steer production in Texas.

• The phenotype and balance of the sire group has proven to be successful and well-received and the daughters to be excellent in production as well.

• This bull could have led off the bull division of this marketing event but he will accent the inaugural event with a very high-quality presence to conclude.

• A creature that is deep sided with a very even and seamless underline transition. He too is impeccable in his top line, high in his pin set, and sets on one of the very best rear leg builds in the offering.

• Yes, the gene pool might be a bit dated, but good cattle, and proven pedigrees never go out of style.

• Over 800 pounds at weaning put the exclamation point on his resume for your operation.


BULLS The Bull Offering


• If you want to add to your calving ease battery, here is a Paternal sib to Lot 40.

• Both sired by 4MC Franchise 1227 that was purchased from the McEntire family with intentions of creating true calving ease bulls.

• This bull himself is out of a first calf heifer and should be a sure fire heifer bull with the EPD profile to back it up.

• The true calving ease, heifer bull of the entire sale offering sells as lot 40.

• This low birth weight sire is very long sided and loose in his build.

• He ranks in the top 9% for BW plus maintains carcass advantages that put him among the top 5% for YG and Fat, and in the top 16% for REA.

• Calving ease, carcass, length, and frame all inclusive.


4MC FRANCHISE 1227 - Sire of Lots 41 & 42

BULLS The Bull Offering

MF EAGLE 210 3210

• This stud is from the TC Hanna 105E donor dam that comes with the outcross genetic profile on the bottom side of his pedigree. Meado-West TC Hannah was a cornerstone donor dam for two of the most influential firms in the breed, MeadoWest Farms and TC Reds.

• In terms of measured performance, the ranch would recommend this herd sire prospect for use on heifers and two year olds as he records an actual birthweight of 63 pounds. He has the performance and look to get it done.

• 3210 ranks among the top 7% for Fat and the top 20% for YG.

• 50% interest and 50% possession sells in this ageadvantaged, experienced, and proven herd sire.

• The son of the many-time champion and heavily used, KJHT Power Take Off (a.k.a “PTO”) is one that was owned jointly with a couple who retired this past year, sold their cows, and so they no longer need their interest and possession in the stud.

• McMurphy Farms will continue to utilize his service so the winning bidder will certainly have great partners.

• The cattle sired by 399 are high quality stock with balance, shape, and look. He consistently sires cattle collected in their kind with big, sound feet, impeccable structure, high fertility, and sheer reproductive merit.

• He is certainly youthful in his presence with an athletic, flexible, agile build to go with your potential investment.

• It should definitely be a boost of confidence because the McMurphy family has big plans for his continued use and service. Contact Cody McMurphy at 405.880.4587 with any questions and for additional details.

Offering 50% Interest and 50% possession


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2024 McMurphy Farms Fall Production Sale by Tracy McMurphy - Issuu