Dear Cattle Enthusiasts,
As far as I know this is the first ever breed wide semen directory for the Braunvieh Breed. I know some breeders have done their own directory in the past, Golden Link comes to mind, but I believe this is the first one that is inclusive to all Braunvieh Breeders and all Braunvieh sires. While this is not a BAA produced directory it is produced and supported by BAA members and something all BAA members can participate in the future. I feel this is a tremendous accomplishment for the breed to have a centralized location of sires that have semen available.
Artificial Insemination (AI) is the greatest tool that is available to cattle breeders for genetic advancement and diversity. It is also the most economical when compared to other forms of elite propagation. If you are a Braunvieh Breeder and have never used AI I encourage you to consider it. If you are a Braunvieh Breeder that utilizes AI then your task of finding must use bulls to add to your semen inventory just got easier.
If you never used Braunvieh genetics and are considering it or if this directory is your first exposure to Braunvieh cattle then I ask you to please study this directory. Braunvieh may be the oldest pure breed cattle on the Earth. Development of the breed came into its own in the 18th century in the mountain valleys of Switzerland. Today, roughly 40% of cattle in Switzerland are Braunvieh, and the breed has spread throughout the world. Braunvieh cattle are known for their adaptability, docility, feedlot efficiency and strong maternal traits. You can have it all with Braunvieh. Hybrid vigor of Braunvieh influenced cattle is unmatched, they will make any breed better. Still not convinced, then breed a few cows to some of the bulls in this directory this year. I promise you, next year you will breed even more.
Robert Williams - BAA PresidentTHE HISTORY
Sometime in 2021 I received a call from John Hall telling me about an AI program using Braunvieh sires he had begun with a commercial producer in Arkansas to gather and compare data on genetics within our breed. There are many important and meaningful things that are being done by Braunvieh breeders, and I don’t want to discredit any of those worthwhile endeavors, but when John told me what he was doing I quickly decided that this could be the most meaningful thing ever done for the good of the Braunvieh breed. As we discussed the progress he had made and started discussing what still needed to be done, I asked him how he was going to get these additional steps done, he told me “that’s why I am calling you I need your help on this,” which I quickly agreed to do.
As this program has evolved, new partnerships and processes have been implemented to accomplish a meaningful data set for the entire Braunvieh breed. However, the initial vision remains the same, to compare worthy bloodlines from multiple breeders within a contemporary group so all Braunvieh breeders could better choose what genetics are the most legitimate options for them to use in their breeding programs. Birth weight, gestation length, calving ease, disposition, calf vigor, weaning weights, yearling weights, feed efficiency, gain, marbling, rib eye area, are the traits being measured with all phenotypic data entered into the BAA database to quantify and influence our EPD’s accuracy and real usefulness and including genomics to drive results for all of to use.
The BAA has collaborated with us and has allowed us to enter all data into digital beef making this a real joint effort between breeders and the association. Also, without the partnership with our commercial herd, this project could not be possible. Every year they synchronize a large part of their 900 head cow herd to be AI’ed to enrolled sires. Many Braunvieh breeders also contributed clean up bulls which will provide us with more useful data.
In order to get feedyard data a notable Hereford TX feedyard has partnered with us in this project. Also, to collect intake data and to make this a multi breed data set, two breeders with non Braunvieh cattle have collaborated with us to make both of these things happen. West Texas A & M is assisting us with data collection and entry to ensure credible data and much appreciated help.
To date, 915 cows have been AI’ed over 4 breeding seasons and included 4 total breeds with half or more AI sires being Braunvieh. The first set of calves which were born last fall, are currently on feed and will be harvested next spring.
Thank you to everyone who is participating and for all those of you who are viewing this Semen directory. All proceeds from the development of this directory are being used to defray sire evaluation expenses. All semen you purchase from this directory will help breeders continue to participate in this endeavor to breed and provide truly beneficial genetics to our great Beef industry and beef consumers.
EPD Definitions
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) are statistics that help us predict the performance ability of a sire or dam for certain traits relevant to beef production. Cattle breeders use EPDs to make comparisons between animals about their genetic potential. EPDs take into account an animal’s performance data (their own and any related cattle), pedigree, and if available, genomic testing information in their calculation.
If you were comparing two bulls to buy at a sale, these are the EPDs you might see listed in the catalog:
Calving Ease Direct (CED): The CED EPD is listed as a percentage of unassisted calvings. A higher CED EPD predicts a sire that will have a higher percentage of unassisted calves.
Birth Weight (BW): Compares the differences in the weight of calves at birth. It is measured in pounds, and cattle with higher BW EPDs are predicted to produce heavier calves.
Weaning Weight (WW): The WW EPD is expressed in pounds and predicts differences in weaning weight of a sire’s calves. Bulls with higher WW EPDs predict heavier calves across the scale at weaning.
Yearling Weight (YW): Just like WW, only at the next stage of life. The YW EPD is expressed in pounds. Higher YW EPDs are likely to produce heavier yearlings.
Milk (MK): The hardest trait to measure, since we don’t measure milk production in beef cows. The MK EPD is measured in pounds of calf weaning weight due to his mother’s milking ability. A higher MK EPD predicts that a bull will sire daughters who raise heavier calves due to their milk production.
Total Maternal (TM): Total Maternal EPD is a simple formula. TM= MK EPD + ½ WW EPD. It measures impact on calf weaning weight due to both milk production and the cow’s genetics for growth. Bulls with a higher TM EPD should sire daughters with a bigger impact on their calves’ weaning weight.
Calving Ease Maternal (CEM): Measures the ability of a bull’s daughters to calve unassisted as two year olds. The higher the CEM EPD, the easier calving should be when a bull’s daughters have that first calf.
Stayability (ST): Cows who work longer make more money. The ST EPD predicts the ability of a bull to sire cows that “stay around”. The ST EPD is shown as a percentage of how much more likely a bull’s daughters will stay in your herd to the age of 6. A higher ST EPD bull is more likely to have daughters stay around for a long time.
Docility (DOC): Docility is becoming increasingly important in the beef cattle industry. The DOC EPD utilizes breeder-submitted docility scores to determine which lines of cattle exhibit more docility. Animals with a higher DOC EPD value are expected to produce more docile calves.
Carcass Weight (CW): The CW EPD is all about pounds of beef on the rail. Higher CW EPDs mean that a bull is more likely to sire feeders with heavier carcass weights.
Ribeye Area (REA): REA is measuring the size of the muscle that gives us the ribeye in square inches. Higher REA EPDs indicate a bull is expected to produce larger ribeyes in their offspring.
Marbling (MB): The MB EPD is in units of percentage of intramuscular fat within the ribeye. Higher MB EPD bulls should sire higher marbling (and grading) feeder calves.
Fat Thickness (FT): Inches of backfat (in hundredths of an inch) is the unit of measurement for FT. More negative FT EPDs are indicative of a bull that should sire less backfat in his calves.
Selection Indexes
Selection indexes weight multiple EPDs with an economic value to create a simplified selection tool built to meet the goals of your (and your bull customers’) operation. Whether it’s production of superior replacement females or quality feeder cattle, selection indexes combine the traits that drive profits to identify the genetics suited to meet your needs.
All Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold in quality-based marketing scenarios. Combines traits of importance for both maternal characteristics, as well as traits of importance in the fed cattle market. Commercial customers who raise their own replacement heifers should consider API as their index of choice.
Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature cows with all offspring put on feed and sold in grid-based marketing scenarios. The TI index focuses solely on traits of importance for marketing feeder cattle into the supply chain and places no emphasis on traits of importance when selecting for replacement females. Commercial producers who sell all their calves into the feeder cattle sector should use TI in their decision making.
EPDs are able to give us an idea of what an animal can produce in our herd, but they aren’t perfect predictors. They need information feeding the calculations to make them better. We use EPD accuracies to help us determine the reliability of an EPD. Accuracy is expressed as a value from 0 to 1, with higher values giving us more confidence in that EPD value.
The EPDs on a yearling bull start with a baseline of the average between his parents, a very low accuracy EPD (less than 0.20). As his data is recorded, his EPDs change to reflect his performance and his accuracy will increase. Genomic testing will further increase accuracy (up to about 0.40), but large volumes of progeny performance data are what lead to high accuracy EPDs on a sire.
EPD Accuracies
Very Low Less than 0.20
Low 0.21 - 0.40
Medium 0.41 - 0.70
High Greater than 0.71
Young cattle with little data
Cattle with data and genomics
Young sires with progeny data
Heavily used sires
The West Texas A&M University Agriculture Department is really excited to be a part of the Braunvieh Association of America Sire Evaluation Project. It has been a privilege for the Animal Science professors and graduate students to collect data for pregnancy status, parent validation and other aspects of the project.
The data being collected will be evaluated by a current WTAMU Ph.D. student who is anxious to share this great information with the beef industry. Early results certainly suggest a range of gestation lengths by sire which indicates many positive options for any cattle enthusiast looking for optimum Braunvieh genetics in future breeding decisions. Preliminary results indicate gestation length in Braunvieh bulls is a heritable trait that can be selected for to improve calving ease.
It has been our privilege to work with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butler in Arkansas as well as all the Braunvieh leaders on this industry worthy research project. We are also appreciative of Montie Soules and the entire BAA staff for helping us with use of the Digital Beef platform to enter the data we have collected up to date.
Tommy Perkins, Ph.D.
• He’s in the top 1% of the Braunvieh breed for CED, BW, CEM and API index.
• We have four calf crops on the ground,
• EZ calves had light birth weights, came easy and were vigorous. They grew into capacious, thick and eye-catching yearlings.
• Most calves were out of first calf heifers.
• High Noon (right) was in EZ Sleep’s first calf crop. He was out of a 2 year old and we selected him to use in our own herd.
• High Noon’s first calves are due in spring 2023. He has all the great traits from EZ Sleep, plus the bonus of BLC Toronto on his dam’s side.
• EZ Sleep gives us peace of mind during calving season. Call us for semen.
S: SG Colonial 924D MGS: MHF Captain Clark
• Top 1% of the breed for API at 146.7
• Top 1% of the breed for CED, BW and CEM
• Top 15% of the breed for TI at 76.86
• WW EPD 41, YW 60, MM 19
• Act. BW 66 lb. out of a 2 year old heifer. WW ratio 111.
Bob & Marilyn Brink 765 80th St., Piedmont, KS 67122 Bob (785) 766-6449 • Marilyn (785) 766-8713 e-mail: website:
If you’re looking for true Fullblood power this bull has it. He is easy fleshing, eye appealing and has all the numbers to back it up. He had an impressive weaning weight of 853 lbs. and an equally impressive yearling weight of 1355. In addition, he was GrowSafe tested and posted a 4.7 ADG and did it efficiently with -1.34 RFI/5.9 lbs feed to gain. Traditional and heifer semen available.
Lonestar is a line bred Northstar Vernon that did a great job in our program. His BW’s are in the low 80’s and he weans many over 600 lbs. He is very balanced front to rear and his calves are phenotpically correct with good feet and legs. He is the heart of our full blood program to be sure.
If you need to add growth to your calf crop Record is the bull for you. He is long and is a little bigger framed. Even on smaller cows we’ve had no birthing issues and he’s an easy handling bull to be around. He is an outcross pedigree for most of today’s herd in the US.
JBB Ulyssess 898F ET is an outcross pedigree for most modern day herds. He will add growth to your calf crop, and carries 5 of 8 quantum genes as he is homozygous in IGF2 which is muscle and carcass weight. He is also homozygous in PMCH for marbling and tenderness and he carries one leptin gene. His Predic-gen score for tenderness is 77 and way above average for all animals tested through Zoetis Predic-gen. To add to all of this his Gro-safe numbers were off the charts with an RFI score of -4.25.
H97 is a moderate framed bull that traces back to JF Gage and Spittin Image on the top and bottom sides of his pedigree. Weaning weight and yearling weight EPD’s are above average for him. He was tested for carcass DNA through Predic-gen and his yield grade was above average at 86 and his tenderness score was a 68, some of the highest tested in the Predic-gen program. He should give you some outstanding calves with growth and if you are interested in a meat program, you should use this bull.
MR CEF 811ET is a moderate framed, thick made bull. He is out of MR CEF 24ET, a son of AAA Yukon’s image 25T ET, and is a phenotypical copy of his grandsire and Miss JV Grace Mae L102, which is an integral part of our donor program. Yukon’s image heifers have placed 9 out of 18 times in the fullblood breeders cup and we are confident that 811’s heifers will follow in their footsteps. 811 spent his first two breeding seasons in Montana in commercial herds and those producers were extremely happy with his progeny. He will add pounds to your calf crop and a disposition second to none.
With Silverwood Dragon, Northstar Vernon, A97, and Sam 627, Vigor’s pedigree is saturated with some of the best original fullblood genetics. Moderate size calves who excel to match Vigor’s weaning and yearling EPD’s while being extremely calm and easy to work with. Longevity at it’s best.
A son of TLC Vigor Z2119 that will bring style and growth to your calf crop. His EPDS for weaning weight are in the top 10%, yearling weight in the top 5% and top 15% of ribeye area in an easy fleshing package. His paternal sister CEF 626 was a beautiful heifer that was very successful in the show ring, winning the Bonanza in it’s inaugural year. Cupid will bring easy handling and longevity to your program, as his sire is 10 years old and is still producing outstanding progeny.
Your herd is covered.
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We bred Bob with the sole purpose of being a heifer bull. He comes from the tried and proven BLC Tru Pol Ranger. He’s not what you generally picture when thinking of a heifer bull. This polled, traditionally colored bull packs a clean build on a moderate frame. He is GrowSafe tested and feed efficient. His first calf crop has not disappointed with an average BW of 54 lbs. These aren’t your typical throw away first calves. So, if you need a guaranteed low BW sire that brings a little eye appeal, Bob is your man.
Silver King is quite possibly the best bred son of the immortal Silver Link. Backed by a two time National Champion sire and our maternal queen, 3A Diva 6311Y, Silver King will write his own paragraph in the BAA sire summary. Incredible phenotype and a bit more extreme in his skeletal width than his sire and maintains flawless structure. Silver King is one to use to make those fancy show heifers when used on plainer type cows. Match him with a pretty power cow and it’s game over.
If you’re looking for the complete package, Warlock is your bull. He is a heavy muscled, stout boned bull that is also attractively designed. To date, the birthweight of his calves are less than breed average. He also ranks in the top 30% for both REA and MARB. He sires well made, maternal replacement heifers and stout featured bull progeny.
An own son of the well known My Maria and MHF Undaunted, Deacon is homozygous polled and a very well mannered bull. Deacon sired the top selling female at the 2022 National Braunvieh Sale for $20,000.
Homozygous black and polled! Parson was the
Mack is a very moderate birthweight bull that is tested homozygous black and polled. He is an 84.8% AGM bull that is Angus black. His calves express very high weaning and yearling performance while maintaining good phenotype. He has very good fertility in his females.
CEM Stay
This young black, homozygous polled bull is just starting his second season in the bull battery. First calf crop weighed in from 65 to 72 lbs on heifers. His sire JBB Badboy’s Dawson 528C is proving to be short gestation in the sire evaluation project that is being conducted in Arkansas and Creek seems to be following in his footsteps. His Predic-gen numbers for marbling are some of the highest we’ve seen and his Gro-safe gain test backed that up with an adjusted marbling score of 4.41 IMF and an ADG of 3.79 and REA/CWT of 1.33. We are excited to see where he takes us. If you’re needing low birth weight , give him a try.
Owner: J Bar Braunvieh
For Semen Contact: John Hall 806-930-2560
Del Rio Bob is homozygous black and homozygous polled, moderate framed with a great disposition. He was used in the sire evaluation project, as clean up bull for breeding seasons in 2021. We brought him home and put him on our fall herd of black cows and we are loving the calves we have on the ground so far. We Ai’d him to some first calf heifers and the first calf hit the ground at 60 lbs. anxious to see what the rest will be as they get here. His sire is 9 years old and still working, and Del Rio’s pedigree is stacked with outstanding Braunvieh genetics to add longevity and options for your herd.
An own son of MHF Xerox 002, Denaro is a moderate framed polled bull with a soggy middle and he’s passing that phenotype on to his progeny. He goes back to Polled Plus and El Conquistador on the top and the famous lifeline cow, RCH Miss Lifeline K0002 on the bottom. He is homozygous Leptin, homozygous IGR2 and homozygous PMCH in quantum genes. He had an IMF of 3.91 at scan time and a REA/CWT of 1.24. Denaro will add pounds to your calves and give you some fancy replacement heifers, his progeny won the get of sire group class at NAILE in 2022.
An own son of Undaunted U820ET, Echo is homozygous black and homozygous polled in an attractive moderate framed package. He will add style to your heifers, paternal sibs JBB Undaunted Ester 788E and JBB Undaunted Ellie 790E were successful in the show ring. Echo will also increase yield in your feeder calves, as his Pregic-gen score for yield was 94, higher than 94%of the animals tested by Predic-gen while adding longevity to your herd. His sire Undaunted lived and worked until he was 14 years old. We used Echo on our spring herd of black cows this year and are looking forward to those calves hitting the ground in about 30 days.
This Milestone son is homozygous Leptin and carries 5 of 8 quantum genes, and is heterozygous polled. He will add growth to your calves with a REA/CWT of 1.31 and feed efficiency as well as his Gro-safe RFI score was -4.99 with a 3+ lb per day ADG. His kind and gentle demeanor is being passed along to his progeny. We have bulls on bull test, heifers in the replacement pasture and show ring, and steers in the junior steer profitability trial that are all sired by Fargo. I do believe he’s an all-around kind of sire that will do you a good job on mature cows. Pictured is a paternal sib.
If EPD’s are your thing then Lord Culpeper is the bull for you. A Xerox son that brings calving ease and unparalleled growth. His sons are consistently the highest weaning weights in the pen. In addition, his daughters are sound, long and have very large pelvic measurements. At 7 years old his longevity cannot be questioned. He gets out and covers as many cows as you can put in front of him. If you need a dark hided Purebred that brings tremendous power, look no further!
Trait leader, black hided, flawless phenotype! When we decided to go black it was an easy decision to buy this bull. “Playing Dirty,”
Montoya progeny recorded four out of five prime carcasses at the JHL Ranch. Montoya excelled in every trait at Green Springs Test. Paternal sib to Polarsteel, with their sire the shortest gestation sire ever at the 7 Ranch. Maternal brother to Havelock, with their fertile Dam being one of the best ever at the 7 Ranch posting a 149 MPPA.
Owner: Alexander Braunvieh Ranch, JHL Ranch, Diamond N 7 Ranch For Semen Contact: Dwight Alexander
Bojangles has been an outstanding sire for our herd, producing quality females and bulls for our herd. Many of his progeny have had success in the show ring. Bojangles should provide an optimal growth curve with added milk and calving ease to his daughters. Bojangles was purchased from Dove Cattle Company.
One of the leading calving ease bulls in the breed. The calves come light with a lot of growth that doesn’t sacrifice on the other end. Just as he does, his calves have a “Teddy Bear” disposition.
JBB Wizard’s Denali 655D is the most structurally correct bull we have in our bull battery and is homozygous leptin and homozygous PMCH and heterozygous in the IGF2 making him 5 of 8 in quantum. His yield grade score from Predic-gen was 85 and has a REA/CWT of 1.42 so will add some growth and style to your calf crop. He was successful in the show ring as a yearling bull in Fort Worth and Houston, winning Grand Champion Beefbuilder bull at both those shows. His progeny are following in his footsteps as his daughter JBB Kinsey 9511G was show heifer of the year 2020 and 2021, and JBB Halley 043H was not far behind. Both have progeny that are already catching the judges eye in the show ring. He was named Beefbuilder Show Sire of the Year for 2020 and 2021. His disposition alone will make you fall in love with him.
Owner: J Bar Braunvieh For Semen Contact: John Hall 806-930-2560
This young Beefbuilder bull is fast becoming the leading herd sire for the Mini Braunvieh development project that we are in the middle of. He produces low birth weight calves in the 50-60 lb range that are perfect for first calf heifers and those calves carrying his great disposition making great projects for younger kids wanting to get into the show ring and are just a bit intimidated by a bigger heifer. ZZ also has decent carcass DNA for someone with small acreage that is interested in producing their own beef for consumption. The Mini’s are feed efficient and take much less input to maintain or to finish out. We have fed several of the Minis and flavor and tenderness of the meat is top of the line.
Reg # Sire
Cane Code Straws Avail Cost/Per Straw
SI10 RISS BU08 18 $20.00
SI21 SURO BU06 27 $20.00
SI50 PASSGAL B4123 54 $50.00
SI51 GRANAT 49B4123 54 $20.00
SI52 MARKUS 49B61260 564 $20.00
SI53 ADMIRAL B453 10 $50.00
SI94 DADO 114BU52 43 $20.00
SI733 NELSON 114AU02 14 $50.00
SI7681 QUINTO QUIUTO 37 $30.00
OB86 STARLINE LUTZ 745B007 6 $20.00
OB696 U400 BRBOY 14 $50.00
OB741 SAM 627 DAIVD JR 30 $20.00
OB742 SAMPSON 629 B4111 190 $20.00
OB925 SAMBO 737 BU218 19 $20.00
OB1156 GLB 803 36B4 001 60 $20.00
OB1468 DESIGNER X630 63 $20.00
OB1805 STARLINE 114RUS 63 $20.00
OB2260 MR PRIME 56 BU017 310 $20.00
OB2378 DOMINO ZOO 49BU122Y 10 $20.00
OB3578 SILVERWOOD DRAGON 90BU477 7 $30.00
OB5610 MR CGF 361A 49BU122Y 10 $20.00
OB5772 PRIDE OF ERLE 145BU005 30 $20.00
OB6032 BENJAMIN B230 2BU10 15 $20.00
OB6203 NS VERNON 2B4503 34 $20.00
Reg # Sire Cane Code Straw s Avail Cost/Per Straw
AS6077 SPLIT DIAMOND U400 C404 178SB608 4 $20.00
AS6892 PARAGON BU38 505 $20.00
AS50405 MR JAMES 49BU3227 10 $20.00
PB6900 GLB PLD EAGLE BU12J 10 $20.00
OB14380 RCBES3T VNO BU14S 4 $20.00
PB14380 PLD THUNDER BOLT PB38971 58 $20.00
PB20112 PLD LIGHTNING PB32795 59 $20.00
PB24888 BLK OUT BU172 18 $20.00
PB25265 GLB PLD GOLD 49BU3230 20 $30.00
PB25994 BLK ICON 109BU07 15 $30.00
PB26415 PLD FRANK 49BU1015 50 $20.00
PB33907 FINAL ANSWER 2BU528 20 $20.00
PB39201 RCB L103 DEUCE 49BU3223 20 $20.00
PB39245 RUMBLES 103L 156BU025 4 $20.00
PB41577 JUST 7 49BU3221 5 $20.00
PB42513 MRL 51 109BU25 95 $20.00
PB436214 BLK POWDER 49BU1005 20 $20.00
PB50999 HERCULES 60N HEREALES 7 $20.00
PB57690 SYNERGY 36BU20 3 $20.00
PB61080 POWER STAR 49BU1020 40 $20.00
PB26474 BONINA PHENOMENAL 59BU45 30 $20.00
BC65762 MR TNB BAGLEYS ROMEO 49BU1026 40 $20.00
AS419 MR SAMBO 49BU8078 24 $20.00
Reg # Sire Cane Code Straws Avail Cost/Per Straw
OB4919U MR 126C 49EK324 145 $20.00
BU180 9 $20.00
OB0790 MOULES 49BU180 190 $20.00
OB54873 49BU1596 9 $20.00
OB57604 LYNARD SKYNARD 1ETBU105 180 $20.00
OB60141 PRESIDENTE 16PV 20 $20.00
OB61274 Mr. TROOPER 4ZEQ10ZZ 20 $20.00
OB62901 RJC T23F 49EU1774 90 $20.00
OB68600 KKB 4299 44BU1670 80 $20.00
OB74378 DOUBLE TIME X125 49BU3273 230 $20.00
OB75535 DJF Vernon 49BU3268 120 $20.00
OB80743 WOODRING’S ZACK 49BU3262 45 $20.00
OB87367 MR KKB B240 49BU02132 180 $20.00
CA5525 MARANATHA ARTHUR 49K409 3 $50.00
CA8954 STARLINE CAMPBELL 49EU1685 17 $20.00
CA9954 CONCORDE 154BU026 48 $20.00
CA14717 NORTH STAR VICTOR 49BU1901 6 $30.00
CA14718 NS ELVIS 49BU1915 5 $30.00
CA18447 ALEX 007 49BU1754 360 $20.00
MX14614 INTERNET BU148 8 $30.00
SI17815 URAL URAL 28 $30.00
SI19412 BENNI 8889-43 HUETTEN BENNI 3 $30.00
SI19414 ADEL17911-21 METTMENSTETTEN ADEL 10 $30.00
SI20876 MIRO MIRO 5 $30.00
474390 MOJAFT MOJAFT 14 $30.00
OB41339 MR GLB 1516 J9EUS21 32 $20.00
OB6873 Mr. RTR STONEMAN 49BU3214 485 $20.00
OB6986 EL MALADOR BU168 10 $20.00
OB7600 KITTY'S SSB MR BEAU 49BU1553 390 $20.00
OB8128 GLB RISSON BU134 10 $30.00
OB10222 BRUNO 49EU1689 20 $20.00
OB10B60 SBI 4317 49BU1193 9 $20.00
OB10848 SW CHINOOK 90BU2709 120 $30.00 OB11025 MR ETS 497P ET 49BU3517 90 $20.00 OB12426 ALPINE RENALDO 49BU3217 80 $20.00
OB12871 VISTA MARVEL E585 BU004 26 $20.00
OB13581 JK EUPHOR BU082 32 $20.00 OB14509 F007ET BLBU032 45 $20.00 OB17890 KWC HAL F606 49BU032 40 $20.00
OB17966 EXCALIBUR F14 49BU1934 20 $20.00
OB18161 SIMON SAM 60 STBSBU002 50 $20.00
OB19668 VISTA ARTURO BU042 90 $20.00
OB21855 GLB CONVERTER 49BU3221 30 $20.00
OB25992 GOLDEN LINK 8143 48BU104 49 BU 3224
140 $20.00
OB27312 GLB 7001 BU37 240 $20.00
OB29812 SILVER WOOD SPRINT 23G 114BU003 5 210 $20.00
OB30071 TLC IKE BU11 5 $30.00
OB6747 MUSCLE MAN 36BU003 9 $20.00 OB37503 VISTAT K486 BU096 50 $30.00
OB6244 BRG CHIEF 3301 BO22 310 $20.00
CANAAITA 74PA0004 6 $12.00
JACGUES 54PA11TAT9CCZE 130 $12.00
GATEEU G5T 10 $12.00
INAIZIDNE 11 $12.00 FRISSCAI 4 $12.00 KARA KIRI 7 $12.00
GRILLIOU GRIEL 12 $12.00 ECUSSON 3 $12.00 GENIAL 15 $12.00 LOOBIN 15 $12.00 JEUDI 15 $12.00
CANALTA TX COCOS CL655IC 28PA001 32 $12.00
16588-3 AR9 T200 O9C ECUSSON 7889003629 $100.00 16589-4 AR9 T200 09C ECUSSON 7989003628 $100.00 16730-5 AR9 T200 09C KARA KIRI 7137327 $100.00 16731-3 AR9 T200 09C KARA KIRI 7137327 $100.00 GO837-1 AR9 T200 09C COCO’S CLASSIC $100.00 G1070-4 NU BARLUCKY T81-140 COCO‘S CLASSIC $100.00 13245-5 OBUIOVE NANDELLE 257 COCO’S CLASSIC $100.00 16878.2 15E 20 15E GRILLOW 7135627 $100.00
Sire Index
4KR HULK 68J - Page 22
AAAC SILVER KING 1126D - Page 23
BLC EZ SLEEP 811G - Page 23
DHR MACK - Page 26
GU RECORD - Page 13
JBB DEL RIO BOB 645D - Page 27
JBB DENARO 6-23D - Page 27
JBB ECHO 791E - Page 28
JBB FARGO 874F - Page 28
JBB ULYSSES 898F ET - Page 14
JBB ZZ TOP 9-1G - Page 41
LLB MR NITROUS H97 - Page 14
MR BF BATMAN 1452 - Page29
MR CEF 811 ET - Page 15
MR HLJ E721- Page 30
MR RCB G965 - Page 31
MR RCB H071 - Page 31
MR RCB J173- Page 32
MR TNB YUMA 1137 ET - Page 15
N7R MONTOYA 27E - Page 33
TLC VIGOR Z2119 - Page 16
WINV CUPID H309 - Page 16
WW GLB SAM 627 019H - Page 17
WW MIRO KARA 061H - Page 17
WW XEROX 861F - Page 36
Owner Index
4 Kings Ranch - Pages 12, 22, 29
Allgood Show Cattle - Pages 22, 23, 25, 30, 35
Alexander Braunvieh Ranch - Page 33
Bagley Farms - Pages 15, 29, 35
Big Blue Braunvieh - Pages 24, 34
Blue Bonnet Braunvieh - Page 33
Blue Feather Ranch - Page 32
Brink Livestock - Pages 23, 24
C Farms - Page 23
Circle C Ranch - Pages 12, 13
Diamond H Ranch - Pages 13, 26, 40
Diamond N 7 Ranch - Pages 32, 33
Farmer Land and Cattle - Pages 22, 23, 25, 30, 35
J Bar Braunvieh - Pages 14, 15, 26, 27, 28, 40, 41
JN Braunvieh - Page 17
JHL Ranch - Page 33
Lane & Lane Braunvieh - Pages 14, 16
Lazy H Farms - Page 24
R&D Farms - Pages 16, 25, 34
Rock Creek Braunvieh - Pages 31, 32
Salt Creek Ranch - Page 24
Scott Houghton - Page 23
Top of The Hill Farm - Page 30
W/W Cattle Co - Pages 25, 36
Wilderness View Braunvieh - Page 32 Windy Valley Farm - Page 16
Advertiser Index
4K Braunvieh Cattle - Page 41
Bagley Farms - Page 7
BLC EZ Sleep - Page 10
BLC Maria’s Warlock - Page 45
Bullnanza Stud Services - Page 19
Circle C Ranch - Page 38
Diamond H Braunvieh - Page 36
Eades DCT Farms & Ranch, LLC - Page 21
High Noon Ranch - Page 18
Horn Livestock - Pages 8 - 9
Jay H Farms LLC & Trucking - Pages 39, 45, 46
Keith & Keith Braunvieh - Pages 42 - 44
Neogen - Page 20
Show Me Genetics - Page 11
Texas Braunvieh Association - Page 46
W/W Cattle Company - Page 37
West Texas A & M University - Page 7