2011 Media Kit: Global LEDs/OLEDs

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LEDs and OLEDs form the foundation for solid state lighting (SSL) technologies, the next step in the continuing evolution of lighting technology. Addressing the technical and design issues affecting the multi-faceted market for LED luminaires and the emerging market for OLED luminaires and displays is the mission of Global LEDs/OLEDs magazine. Significant research efforts by established corporations, start-ups, academia and government agencies are underway worldwide to improve SSL devices for commercialization. The technologies necessary to realize commercial processes and equipment sets can lead to a low manufacturing cost structure. Commercialization research and development efforts, as well as manufacturing optimization processes address a multitude of issues ranging from semiconducting materials development and thermal, mechanical and electrical design to manufacturing cost reductions and sustainability. These efforts are underway to improve: • • • • •

Efficiency: for reduced energy consumption Color: for improved user experience Form factor: for more product and market opportunities Manufacturing cost: for greater consumer acceptance and increased profit margins Sustainability: for lower overall carbon footprint and environmental responsibility

The result of these investments has been improved LED SSL lamp performance that in some cases is equal to or better than existing incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Long lived SSL products yield cost savings through reduced maintenance costs, further enhancing the SSL value proposition. Consequently, LED-based lamps are now commercially available, and in more and more cases are becoming cost competitive with incandescent and fluorescent lighting systems. The excitement within the SSL industry arises from the rapid performance increase demonstrated by LED-based lighting technology. Since most incandescent and fluorescent lamps are commodity products, LED and OLED SSL products will ultimately participate in a commodity market. SSL products can command premium pricing in their initial roll-out, but in the established lighting value chain, cost will be a critical factor as SSL competes against the incumbent technologies. Global LEDs/OLEDs magazine will present to its readers technologies that drive toward solutions critical for ultimate market success. In this rapidly evolving SSL industry, new supply chains and distribution channels are developing. Along the supply chain companies are learning how to design and manufacture SSL products and test their performance. Global LEDs/OLEDs magazine will bring to its readers the necessary knowledge to help them participate in these new value chains and increase their market share.

“Addressing the technical and design issues affecting the multi-faceted market for LED luminaires and the emerging market for OLED luminaires and displays is the mission of Global LEDs/OLEDs magazine.” The inaugural Global LEDs/OLEDs magazine issue will focus on technologies that support the evolving SSL supply chain and value chain. The special features section will examine the European Union’s government funded programs in the LED and OLED space. The second issue will look at the materials used in fabricating LED and OLED devices. Articles from companies participating in substrates, packages and encapsulants will be featured. The special features section will look at light emitting materials, such as quantum dots or phosphors, as well as OLED fabrication.

The final issue of 2011 will take an in depth look at the SSL test & measurement technologies and the issue of SSL sustainability. The special features section will address the US DOE Gateway Projects. Marc Chason Editor-In-Chief Global LEDs/OLEDs

Editorial Advisory Board Global LEDs/OLEDs has assembled an Editorial Advisory Board composed of leading technologists in the industry to provide editorial direction of the publication. Chaired by Marc Chason, Global LEDs/OLEDs’ editor-in-chief, present members include: • • • •

Dr. Ravi Bhatkal, vice president, Energy Technologies, Cookson Electronics Dr. Makarand H. (Chips) Chipalkatti, sr. dir. SSL & Emerging Market Initiative, Osram Sylvania Inc. Dr. G. (Raj) Rajeswaran, group CTO, Moser Baer India Ltd, CEO, Moser Baer Technologies, Inc. Dr. Tamim P. Sidiki, global marketing manager, DSM Engineering Plastics

Invitations have been extended to several other technology leaders from around the world for their consideration.

PRINT Global LEDs/OLEDs Circulation: 15,000


uction in SMT prod way: LEDs Lighting the

Ds in e way: LE h t g in t h Lig uction SMT prod

uction in SMT prod way: LEDs Lighting the

The Global Assembly Journal for SMT and Advanced Packaging Professionals

Volume 1 Number 1 Spring 2011 ISSN 1474 - 0893

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Lighting the way: LeDs in sMt proDuction pec (printeD eLectronic circuit) process for LeD interconnection LeD bin vaLiDation anD traceabiLity printeD eLectronics for fLexibLe soLiD state Lighting


9 – Global

s – Spring




oled www.globalled

Digital Editions Each issue of the magazine is produced in both print and digital formats. The digital editions, available as a downloadable PDF or via a web browser, can be read from computers, netbooks, tablets, many smart and mobile phones, and the Apple iPad. Notifications are sent to our digital subscribers when a new issue goes online. The digital edition is also promoted in the e-newsletter, giving your print advertisement the widest possible exposure. Contact your local sales rep for login access to the digital archive. *Circulation rates include print-only subscribers, print-plus-digital subscribers and digital-only readers.

Readers by region

Readers by job title

CEO 8% Engineers 27%

Canada 6%

Chairman 4%

Asia Pacific 12%

VP 14% Presidents 6%

Architects 13% Designers 28%

Readers by technology White LEDs and color mixing Optics & packaging Arrays & modules Drives & control Test Design & manufacture OLEDS All others

USA 44%

Europe 36%

Readers by purchasing influence 62.3% 34.3% 59.3% 43.2% 29.5% 15.7% 22.4% 17.2%

Readers by application General Entertainment Architecture Displays Automotive Portable devices Industrial Projections

Rest of World 2%

66.2% 35.3% 38.5% 41.3% 32% 16.2% 32.3% 31.4%

Assembly & manufacturing Backlighting modules Chip-on board arrays Displays IC's Controllers Encapsulants & bonding materials Metal substrates

28.4% 24.3% 18.7% 34.4% 26.4% 32.5% 13.5% 4.9%

Chips Packages OLED manufacturing equipment Software PCBs Test & measurement

36.9% 52.9% 15.7% 22.4% 24.2% 25.9%

BANNER ADs Global LEDs/OLEDs offers both global and regional reach through our popular newsletters and websites.


Display ads LED production & assembly equipment LED technology is being used in more products every day. LED Mfg Solutions makes its easy to stay competitive by adding LED assembly cability to your production floor.


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Dispensing systems, placement machines and solder & curing systems

LED Mfg Solutions Inc. Premium Website Display: 300 pixels wide x 250 pixels tall.

Text ads Complete Solar Manufacturing Solutions Expert turnkey production lines for manufacturing solar/PV cells and modules. Power up with Solar Mfg Solutions Inc

Text: Max. 170 characters, including spaces.

Standard banner LED production & assembly equipment Dispense, place, solder & cure — LED Mfg Solutions Inc Premium Banner: 468 pixels wide x 60 pixels tall.

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production & assembly equipment

production & assembly equipment

LED Mfg Solutions Inc

Dispense, place, solder & cure

Square: 125 pixels sq.

Technology Showcase email

LED Mfg Solutions makes its easy to stay competitive by adding LED assembly cability to your production floor.

LED Mfg Solutions Inc Skyscraper: 120 pixels wide x 240 pixels tall.

Because it doesn’t look like advertising, it’s more likely to be read.

New for 2011 The Technology Showcase mailer. Each one of these newsletters highlights up to six new products and services for the solar/ PV manufacturing industry. We can put together your listing from a press release, if you’d like.

Make the Technology Showcase a part of your new product introduction marketing plan.

Technology Showcase listing Headline: Max 60 characters, including spaces Body copy: Max 400 characters, including spaces Plus one product image

Video Global LEDs/OLEDs offers video packages to give your company and its products and services more exposure than ever.

Technical Interviews

in-house training

product overviews/demos

product training for customers

tips and solutions SERIES

Corporate Communications There is no better way to promote a new product than to capture the enthusiasm of the product manager as he describes the main features and benefits. Our video productions are scripted ahead of time and can be shot at your facility or, to keep costs down, at major industry exhibitions. Existing video footage, photos or other assets can be edited into the final film for your use at trade shows, on your website or to give your sales team. The video is also hosted on the Global LEDs/OLEDs website and distributed via our e-newsletters.

70% of adult Internet users watch videos online, according to a recent Pew survey.

Tips and Solutions series Your products and services solve problems every day. Let potential customers see how, and help current customers get the most out of their purchase, with a series of tips and solutions video clips that can be posted to your website, globalledoled.com, YouTube, and anywhere else videos can be uploaded. Make them part of an email campaign. Distribute them at trade shows on DVD or USB flash drives. Product training videos Get—and keep—customers up and running with their new equipment by providing an instructional video on the use, maintenance and troubleshooting of your products.

Product overviews/demos A product overview or demo can act as an in-depth commercial for your products. Perfect for new product introductions.

Facility tours Showcase your applications lab, R&D department, brand new factory and more. Encourage confidence by introducing your company and employees to potential customers via video.

Video advertising Video advertisements provide an excellent, high visibility opportunity. Add video or Flash to your print advertisement for our digital edition, or run them on our website.

Editorial calendar Issue

Technology Features

Special Features

Additional Distribution

Spring issue 1.1

Supply Chain and Value Chain: Indian LED lighting market LED-Edison base replacement LED Color Control OLED-Transparent Conductive Oxides

LIGHTFAIR International European Union R&D programs

LIGHTFAIR International, Philadelpha, PA, USA, May 17-19 LED Asia, Guangzhou, China, June 9-12 L-OPEC, Frankfurt, Germany, June 28-30

• • • • •

LED Materials Substrates Ceramic Packages Polymers for LEDs OLED Materials: • Substrates • Encapsulants

Strategies in Light Quantum Dots for SSL

LED Japan, Yokohama, Japan, September 28-30

• • •

Test & Measurement and Standards Lighting standards SSL Sustainability

LEDS 2011

Summer issue 1.2

Autumn issue 1.3

• • •

OLED Technology

US DOE Gateway Projects

LEDs 2011, San Diego, CA, USA, October 24-26

Articles Deadline

News Deadline

Ad Mat’ls Deadline

Apr. 1

Apr. 8

Apr. 22

Jun. 21

Jun. 28

Jul. 12

Aug. 25

Sep. 16

Sep. 30

Publication dates are 5-7 business days after ad materials deadlines. Submit papers and articles to editor@globalledoled.com, news to news@globalledoled.com and ad materials to ads@globalledoled.com.

Print ad specifications Full page ad

Double page spread

Trim: 203 mm x 275 mm (8" x 10 4/5")

Trim: 406 mm x 275 mm (16" x 10 4/5")

Bleed: 211 mm x 285 mm (8 1/2" x 11 1/4")

Bleed: 416 mm x 285 mm (16.25" x 11 1/4")

Type area: 178 mm x 254 mm (7" x 10")

Type area: 318 mm x 254 mm (15" x 10")

With double page spreads there will be an area 30mm wide running down the page that may be obscured.

2/3 page vertical

1/2 page vertical

114 mm x 248 mm (4 1/2" x 9 3/4")

87 mm x 248 mm (3 3/8" x 9 3/4")

1/3 page vertical

1/2 page island

2/3 page horizontal

1/2 page horizontal

1/3 page horizontal

57 mm x 248 mm (2 1/4" x 9 3/4")

114 mm x 187 mm (4 1/2" x 7 3/8")

178 mm x 164 mm (7" x 6 1/2")

178 mm x 124 mm (7" x 4 7/8")

178 mm x 82 mm (7" x 3 1/8")

1/4 page 87 mm x 124 mm (3 3/8" x 4 7/8")

Send ads in print quality Adobe® PDF format (preferred). We also accept InDesign CS4 & CS5, Adobe® photoshop (PSD, JPEG, EPS or TIFF) and Adobe® Illustrator. Images should be supplied at 300dpi, line art scanned at 1200dpi. A colour printout or Acrobat® pdf file for proofing purposes should accompany all artwork that isn’t submitted as PDF. All colors are taken from the four-color (CMKY) process unless a specific spot/match color is specified. Match colors are quoted separately on request.

2011 Show Planner

Don’t miss an opportunity to boost traffic to your trade show booth with this handy reference for materials deadlines. Deadlines

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨



Press release

Print ad materials

Banner ad

Video materials

Event dates

Lightfair International


Apr 8

Apr 22

Apr 30

Apr. 30

May 27-29

LED Asia


Apr 8

Apr 22

Apr 30

Jun 9-12



Apr 8

Apr 22

Apr 30

Jun 28-30

LEDs 2011


Sep 16

Sep 30

Sep 30

Sep 30

Oct 24-26

Send press releases to shows@globalledoled.com. Include your booth number and, if available, a 300 dpi image of one of the products you will be exhibiting.

Send print ads under 25 MB and all banner ads to ads@globalledoled.com. Upload print ads over 25 MB to our drop box at www.globalledoled.com/dropbox.htm.

Please note that we cannot accept SWF/Flash banner ads for the pre- and post-show newsletters—jpg and gif files only.

Those with premium/sponsorship video packages should send video materials (logos, animations and any video footage to be incorporated into the final product), to editor@globalledoled.com.

If you’d like to receive email reminders of upcoming deadlines, send an email to shows@globalledoled.com with the list of shows you’d like reminders for.


Advertising Contacts

Editorial Contacts

Americas Ron Friedman +1 (860) 805-5988 rfriedman@globalledoled.com

Europe Global LEDs/OLEDs Trafalgar Publications Ltd Unit 18, 2 Lansdowne Crescent Bournemouth Dorset BH1 1SA United Kingdom Tel: +44 7766 951665

Europe Elisangela Dahlke edahlke@globalledoled.com +44 7924 554456 Asia sales@globalledoled.com

United States Global LEDs/OLEDs PO Box 7579 Naples, FL 34102 USA Tel: (239) 245-9264 Circulation & Subscriptions Tel: +1 (239) 245-9264 x106 subscriptions@ globalledoled.com

Editor-in-Chief Marc Chason Tel: +224-659-2446 editor@ globalledoled.com Send news to news@ globalledoled.com Send ad materials to ads@globalledoled.com

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