Holcim insight

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100 naêm Söùc maïnh. Ñænh cao. Taâm huyeát.

insights Holcim Vietnam- Q2/2012

Riviera Point 4 Khôœi ñaàu moät phong caùch soáng hieän ñaïi The starting point for a quality lifestyle Vaønh ñai Taân Sôn Nhaát - Bình Lôïi 8 Giaœi phaùp toaøn dieän Tan Son Nhat - Binh Loi Outer Ring Road A comprehensive solution 12

© Couleurs

Ñònh höôùng phaùt trieån nhaø cao taàng cuœa Thaønh phoá High-rise building development in Ho Chi Minh City

Thö ngoœ

Thö ngoœ

Message from CEO Quyù baïn ñoïc thaân meán, Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh voán ñaõ raát naêng ñoäng, nay caøng ñöôïc phaùt trieån hôn vôùi söï xuaát hieän ngaøy caøng nhieàu caùc toøa nhaø choïc trôøi. Heä thoáng cô sôû haï taàng cuõng ñöôïc phaùt trieån moät caùch ñoàng boä, naâng cao hieäu quaû giao thoâng trong noäi thaønh vaø caùc tænh thaønh laân caän vôùi nhöõng döï aùn troïng ñieåm nhö Ñaïi loä Ñoâng Taây, Haàm Thuû Thieâm … Qua baøi phoûng vaán chuyeân bieät vôùi Phoù giaùo sö - Tieán só Nguyeãn Troïng Hoøa, Vieän tröôûng Vieän Nghieân cöùu phaùt trieån thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh, Quyù baïn ñoïc seõ coù cô hoäi hieåu roõ hôn veà xu höôùng phaùt trieån nhaø cao taàng taïi Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh hieän nay cuõng nhö ñònh höôùng cuûa thaønh phoá trong vieäc phaùt trieån caùc quy cheá quaûn lyù kieán truùc ñoâ thò. Laø moät trong nhöõng ñoái taùc cung caáp vaät lieäu xaây döïng vôùi beà daøy kinh nghieäm hôn 100 naêm, Holcim ñaõ vaø ñang tham gia vaøo quaù trình xaây döïng taïi phía nam Vieät Nam. Chuùng toâi mong muoán chia seû nhöõng kinh nghieäm, cuõng nhö nhöõng giaûi phaùp beâ toâng cho nhöõng döï aùn tieâu bieåu cuûa thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh nhö döï aùn Riviera Point; hay döï aùn ñöôøng vaønh ñai Taân Sôn Nhaát Bình Lôïi. Hy voïng Quyù baïn ñoïc tìm ñöôïc nhieàu thoâng tin höõu ích qua xuaát baûn Insights Q2, 2012 naøy. Traân troïng. Vôùi mong muoán caûi tieán noäi dung cuûa taïp chí Insights vaø ñaùp öùng nhu caàu baïn ñoïc, Quyù baïn ñoïc vui loøng traû lôøi maãu khaûo saùt ñöôïc göûi qua email. Khaœo saùt naøy seõ ñöôïc thöïc hieän trong thaùng 7. Vaø hôn heát chuùng toâi raát mong nhaän ñöôïc nhöõng ñoùng goùp cuûa Quyù baïn ñoïc qua ñòa chæ email insights-vnm@holcim.com. Dear Reader, Ho Chi Minh City nowadays becomes more and more dynamic, with the construction of high-rise buildings, new hotels and shopping malls. The infrastructure system is improving the efficiency of traffic in the city and between its neighboring provinces with key projects such as the East-West highway and the Thu Thiem tunnel, etc. Through an exclusive interview with Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoa, President of Ho Chi Minh City Institute for Development Studies. We get a better understanding on current high rise buildings development in Ho Chi Minh City as well as the strategy of City’s government to build up management regulations for urban architecture. As a leading partner of construction projects since 100 years all over the world, Holcim has been involved in many construction projects in the south of Vietnam. We are proud to share with you some important projects in Ho Chi Minh City that use our innovative concrete and cement solutions: the Riviera Point high rise project and Tan Son Nhat Binh Loi Outer Ring Road project. Wish you a great reading of this Insights magazine. Sincerely yours

Gary Schutz General Director of Holcim Vietnam In order to improve the content of the Insights magazine and to meet your expectations, Holcim would like to request your feedback via the online survey in July. The survey link is sent to you via your email address. Of course, you can still send us your comments and suggestions at insights-vnm@holcim.com.



Muïc luïc


Contents Thö ngoû


Riviera Point Khôœi ñaàu moät phong caùch soáng hieän ñaïi


Vaønh ñai Taân Sôn Nhaát - Bình Lôïi Giaœi phaùp toaøn dieän


Message from CEO

The starting point for a quality lifestyle


Tan Son Nhat - Binh Loi outer ring road A comprehensive solution

Ñònh höôùng phaùt trieån nhaø cao taàng cuœa Thaønh phoá


Holcim Awards laàn 3


Caùc döï aùn chính


High-rise building development in Ho Chi Minh City

3 International Holcim Awards rd

Project flash



Muïc luïc




Riviera Point

Riviera Point - Khôœi ñaàu moät ph The starting point for a quality lifestyle

Ñöôïc hôïp taùc phaùt trieån bôûi Keppel Land, moät trong nhöõng nhaø phaùt trieån baát ñoäng saûn haøng ñaàu Chaâu AÙ vaø Taán Tröôøng, ñoái taùc taïi Vieät Nam, döï aùn Riviera Point taïo neân moät chuaån möïc môùi veà phong caùch soáng hoaøn haûo ven soâng. Vöôn mình kieâu haõnh taïi Quaän 7, Tp. Hoà Chí Minh, Riviera Point laø moät döï aùn daân cö phöùc hôïp ven soâng cao 40 taàng. Taïi ñaây, cö daân deã daøng taän höôûng moät taàm nhìn roäng môû veà thaønh phoá töø caùc phoøng khaùch roäng lôùn cuûa caùc caên hoä 2, 3 vaø 4 phoøng nguû. Ngoaøi ra, Riviera Point coøn mang ñeán haøng loaït caùc tieän ích haáp daãn cuøng caùc tieän nghi caän keà, giuùp chuû nhaân töông lai hoaøn toaøn yeân taâm vôùi nhieàu löïa choïn cho caùc thuù vui mua saém vaø aåm thöïc.

Vôùi kinh nghieäm ña quoác gia trong vieäc xaây döïng nhieàu döï aùn cao taàng khaùc nhau nhö döï aùn Marina Bay Sands ôû Singapore, Ssangyong ñöôïc Keppel Land tin töôûng chæ ñònh laø nhaø thaàu chính cuûa döï aùn Riviera Point. Laàn ñaàu tieân nhaän döï aùn taïi Vieät Nam, Ssangyong mong muoán ñaùp öùng toát nhaát nhöõng yeâu caàu veà tieán ñoä cuõng nhö thi coâng an toaøn cuûa chuû ñaàu tö.



Phoái caœnh - Perspective

Riviera Point

ong caùch soáng hieän ñaïi

Riviera Point, jointly developed by Keppel Land, one of Asia's premier property developers, and local partner, Tan Truong, is setting new benchmarks in quality waterfront living. The tallest development in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Riviera Point is a 40-storey high mixed-use development which is set to transform the city's skyline. Commanding breathtaking views of the city from spacious living spaces in the 2-, 3and 4-bedroom apartments, Riviera Point boast a comprehensive range of recreational facilities and amenities as well as a wide variety of dining and retail options.

Keppel Land has appointed South Korean builder, Ssangyong Engineering & Construction (Ssangyong) as the main contractor for Riviera Point. With a large, accumulated experience in Korean and international construction projects, such as Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, Ssangyong has built up a strong track record for delivering high quality projects on time and safely.



Riviera Point

Döï aùn cao 40 taàng treân 1 neàn moùng vöõng chaéc. Taïi thôøi ñieåm naøy, Ssangyong ñang xaây döïng 3 khoái nhaø ñaàu tieân. Vôùi chieàu cao 3 meùt vaø caàn khoaûng 11.000m3 beâ toâng, moùng beø ñöôïc chia laøm 5 laàn ñoå beâ toâng caùch nhau 14 ngaøy. Do kích thöôùc lôùn neân nhieät sinh ra töø phaûn öùng thuûy hoùa cuûa xi maêng vaø nöôùc ñöôïc xem xeùt kyõ löôõng vaø laø nguyeân nhaân gaây nöùt do nhieät trong beâ toâng. Vì theá, vieäc kieåm soaùt nhieät ñoä laø raát quan troïng. Beân caïnh ñoù, naêng löïc cung caáp beâ toâng phaûi lieân tuïc trong 14 giôø ñeå ñaûm baûo tính toaøn khoái cuûa caáu truùc. Giaûi phaùp Holcim Mass Beton giuùp kieåm soaùt nhieät ñoä beâ toâng khoái lôùn trong quaù trình ñoâng cöùng baèng caùch laøm maùt coát lieäu vaø söû duïng nöôùc laïnh, nöôùc ñaù. Keát quaû ñaõ cho beâ toâng töôi coù nhieät ñoä döôùi 28oC. Trong suoát quaù trình ñoâng cöùng, nhieät ñoä beân trong khoái beâ toâng khoâng vöôït quaù 70oC, vaø ôû taïi hai ñieåm baát kyø khoâng quaù 20oC ñaùp öùng yeâu caàu cho thi coâng beâ toâng khoái lôùn. Nhöõng döï aùn cao taàng laø bieåu töôïng cho söï phoàn vinh cuûa thaønh phoá. Cuøng vôùi nhöõng döï aùn nhaø cao taàng khaùc nhö Times Square, M&C Tower…, Riviera Points ñang goùp phaàn taïo neân moät dieän maïo môùi cho thaønh phoá.



A strong foundation is needed to support the 40 storey-high development. Up to now, Ssangyong has been working on the large foundation of the first three towers. This foundation has a thickness of 3 meters with a total volume of 11,000m3 of concrete, and is divided into 5 casting zones, every 14 days. Because of the 3 meter thick foundation, executed in a single cast, heat transfer from the exothermic reaction between cement and water had to be carefully controlled in order to avoid thermal cracks. In addition, supply capacity for successive 14 hours placement was required to ensure the homogeneity of the whole structure. The solution of Holcim Mass Beton offers strict and precise control over temperature during the hardening of the massive foundation. The fresh concrete temperature is kept below 28oC by using different methods such as cooling down the aggregate temperature and the use of ice and chilled water. To meet the quality requirements of a mass pour, maximum temperature at the center of the foundation did not exceeded 70oC and temperature discrepancies between 2 points were kept at a maximum of 20oC. The high-rise buildings symbolize the prosperity of a developing nation. Along with many signature highrise projects such as Times Square, M&C Tower, etc., Riviera Point is set to transform the city skyline as a new iconic landmark.

Mr. Cho Ryong, Manager of Overseas Building E&C Department of Ssangyong, made the following comments related to the mass pour.

OÂng quan taâm nhaát ñieàu gì khi thöïc hieän khoái ñoå lôùn?

What were your biggest concerns when casting the mass pour?

Hai ñieàu toâi quan taâm nhaát laø laøm sao ñeå kieåm soaùt nhieät ñoä khoái beâ toâng toát nhaát vaø naêng löïc cung caáp beâ toâng trong suoát quaù trình thi coâng.

We were concerned on the best way to control the temperature and ensure an adequate supply capacity throughout the casting process.

Ñaâu laø yeáu toá chính ñeå Ssangyong choï n Holcim Beton cung caá p beâ toâ n g cho khoá i ñoå naøy?

What are the main factors in Ssangyong’s decision to work with Holcim Beton as a partner for this mass pour?

Chuùng toâi ñaõ coù kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc vôùi Holcim Indonesia khi thi coâng döï aùn môû roäng cao oác phöùc hôïp Indonesia Plaza naêm 2006-2009. Vôùi döï aùn Riviera Point, vieäc kieåm soaùt nhieät ñoä laø raát quan troïng vaø Holcim ñaõ ñöa ra giaûi phaùp Mass Beton ñaùp öùng ñöôïc yeâu caàu cuûa chuùng toâi. Holcim luoân coù dòch vuï vaø ñoäi nguõ kyõ thuaät hoã trôï kòp thôøi trong suoát döï aùn. Chuùng toâi tin vaøo naêng löïc cung caáp beâ toâng hieäu quaû do Holcim coù hai traïm troän beâ toâng gaàn coâng trình.

We have had good experience working with Holcim Indonesia on the extension project of Plaza Indonesia Complex in Jakasta from 2006 – 2009. For this project, it was absolutely essential to control temperature and Holcim offered the solution of Mass Beton which meets our requirement. Furthermore, their prompt technical support was key factors in our decision. A final reason for choosing Holcim was their effective supply capacity thanks to the two batching plants located near our project site. So, the transportation is in a timely and efficient manner.

Treân thöïc teá khi söû duïng, oâng thaáy Holcim Mass Beton coù nhöõng ñieåm naøo noåi troäi hôn beâ toâng thöông phaåm khaùc? Söû duïng Holcim Mass Beton cho pheùp chuùng toâi thi coâng khoái lôùn lieân tuïc, haïn cheá nöùt, maïch ngöøng, choáng thaám v.v… vaø chuùng toâi coù theå thi coâng khoái ñoå keá tieáp trong voøng 14 ngaøy. Holcim Beton laø ñoái taùc tin caäy trong vieäc phaùt trieån caùc giaûi phaùp chuyeân bieät ñaùp öùng yeâu caàu cuûa töøng döï aùn; vaø hôn heát, Holcim hieåu ñöôïc vieäc ñaûm baûo chaát löôïng coâng trình laø ñieàu raát quan troïng ñeå chuùng toâi taïo döïng nieàm tin töø chuû ñaàu tö.

In practice, what are the benefits of Holcim Mass Beton as compared to normal concrete? By using Holcim Mass Beton, we were able to use our preferred method of casting - all at one time – to avoid problems structurally such as leaking, cold joints, etc; and ensure the possibility for the next casting phase taking place after 14 days. We believe that Holcim is reputable for customer solutions and they fully understand that building up a stable structure for this project is critical for us to gain trust and confidence from the developers.



Riviera Point

OÂng Cho Ryong, Tröôûng phoøng E&C coâng ty Ssangyong, cho bieát nhöõng ñieàu oâng quan taâm khi thi coâng cho moùng beø cuûa döï aùn.

Taân Sôn Nhaát - Bình Lôïi

Ñöôøng vaønh ñai Taân

Sôn Nhaát -

Tan Son Nhat Binh Loi Outer Ring Road – A comprehensive Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh ñaõ vaø ñang môû roäng, naâng caáp caùc tuyeán ñöôøng huyeát maïch cuûa thaønh phoá, naâng cao hieäu quaû giao thoâng trong noäi thaønh vaø caùc tænh thaønh laân caän. Ngoaøi nhöõng tuyeán ñöôøng ñaõ ñöôïc ñöa vaøo hoaït ñoäng nhö Ñaïi loä Ñoâng Taây, haàm Thuû Thieâm vaø caàu Phuù Myõ…, ñöôøng vaønh ñai ngoaøi Taân Sôn Nhaát – Bình Lôïi cuõng laø moät trong nhöõng döï aùn troïng ñieåm cuûa thaønh phoá trong naêm nay.



Ho Chi Minh City is improving the efficiency of traffic movement within the city and its neighboring provinces. Apart from the streets and highways that have already been put in use such as the EastWest Highway, the Thu Thiem Tunnel, Phu My bridge, etc., Tan Son Nhat-Binh Loi Outer Ring Road is also a key project in this master plan of the city.

Tan Son Nhat - Binh Loi

Bình Lôïi: Giaûi phaùp toaøn dieän


Vaønh ñai ngoaøi Taân Sôn Nhaát Bình Lôïi

Tan Son Nhat-Binh Loi Outer Ring Road

Vôùi toång voán ñaàu tö laø 340 trieäu USD, ñaây laø tuyeán ñöôøng huyeát maïch cuûa TP. HCM, sau khi hoaøn thaønh seõ taïo ñieàu kieän keát noái trung taâm thaønh phoá vôùi caùc khu ñoâ thò veä tinh xung quanh vaø caùc tænh laân caän nhö Bình Döông, Ñoàng Nai. Laø moät nhaø thaàu vôùi beà daøy kinh nghieäm trong vieäc thöïc hieän 56 döï aùn caàu ñöôøng treân toaøn theá giôùi vôùi kyõ thuaät hieän ñaïi, GS E&C ñaõ ñöôïc choïn laø nhaø thaàu chính cho döï aùn naøy. Ñöôøng vaønh ñai ngoaøi Taân Sôn Nhaát-Bình Lôïi coù toång chieàu daøi 13,7km, baét ñaàu töø saân bay Taân Sôn Nhaát vaø ñieåm cuoái laø ñieåm giao vôùi Quoác Loä 1, Phöôøng Linh Xuaân, Quaän Thuû Ñöùc.

Upon completion, this road will be a major artery in Ho Chi Minh City, ensuring an easy connection of the entire metropolis with the surrounding provinces such as Binh Duong and Dong Nai. With its depth of experience in more than 56 highway and bridge projects around the world, GS E&C has become the main contractor for this project, totaling more than 340 million USD. Tan Son Nhat-Binh Loi Outer Ring Road with a total length of 13.7km, starts at Tan Son Nhat airport and ends at Linh Xuan, Thu Duc district where it meets Highway #1.



Taân Sôn Nhaát - Bình Lôïi

Khi hoaøn thaønh Taân Sôn Nhaát-Bình Lôïi höùa heïn seõ caûi thieän naêng löïc giao thoâng giöõa thaønh phoá vaø caùc tænh mieàn Ñoâng, goùp phaàn thuùc ñaåy phaùt trieån kinh teá nieàm Nam trong töông lai.

Khaû naêng chòu taûi cao vaø khoâng gaây suït luùn Sau khi hoaøn thaønh, tuyeán ñöôøng vaønh ñai Taân Sôn Nhaát – Bình Lôïi seõ ñoùn nhaän moät löôïng lôùn xe löu thoâng, neân coâng trình yeâu caàu cao veà naêng löïc chòu taûi vaø khoâng gaây luùn maët ñöôøng, haïn cheá aûnh höôûng ñeán nhaø daân ôû khu vöïc xung quanh coâng trình. Coâng ngheä troän saâu gia coá neàn baèng coïc xi maêng ñaát (CDM) ñöôïc GS E&C söû duïng giuùp gia coá coïc ñaát. So vôùi nhöõng kyõ thuaät thi coâng khaùc, coâng ngheä CDM cho khaû naêng chòu taûi toát hôn, giaûm suït luùn, kinh teá hôn vaø ruùt ngaén thôøi gian thi coâng. Vôùi kinh nghieäm cung caáp giaûi phaùp xi maêng cho thi coâng gia coá coïc ñaát ôû nhieàu döï aùn, gaàn ñaây laø döï aùn Long Thaønh Daàu Giaây, xi maêng Holcim ñaõ ñöôïc choïn laøm ñôn vò cung caáp xi maêng cho haïng muïc naøy. Ñoù laø giaûi phaùp xi maêng Holcim Stable Soil, loaïi PCB 40 theo tieâu chuaån TCVN 4316; giuùp caûi thieän cöôøng ñoä coïc xi maêng ñaát toát hôn (>=0.8 MPa) so vôùi xi maêng PCB 40 thoâng thöôøng. Vì vaäy, vôùi cuøng moät yeâu caàu veà cöôøng ñoä, giaûi phaùp naøy mang laïi hieäu quaû kinh teá cao khi tieát kieäm 20-30% haøm löôïng xi maêng treân 1m3 ñaát. Haïng muïc thi coâng tieáp theo laø lôùp caùt gia coá xi maêng daøy 1m coù taùc duïng phaân boá taûi troïng xe leân coïc xi maêng ñaát. Sau 6 thaùng laøm vieäc, caùc kyõ sö cuûa GS E&C vaø Holcim ñaõ thoáng nhaát caáp phoái toái öu cho lôùp caùt gia coá söû duïng xi maêng Holcim Compact Rock vaø coát lieäu toái öu hoùa, cho cöôøng ñoä 2.5 MPa, cao hôn cöôøng ñoä yeâu caàu laø 2 MPa. Vieäc söû duïng xi

Thi coâng coïc CDM / CDM operation 10


Khoan loõi coïc CDM ñeå kieåm soaùt cöôøng ñoä Coring in CDM column to control the strength

How to bear the heavy trucks without settlements? Because the Tan Son Nhat-Binh Loi will serve a large amount of cars and heavy trucks, it required a high bearing capacity of the road without significant settlement of the road and limited impact to surrounding houses. To meet these requirements, the contractor applied the cement deep mixing (CDM) technology for soil treatment. Compared with other soil improvement technologies, CDM offers several advantages like higher bearing capacity, less material required, limited residual settlement and shorter construction time. With experience in providing solutions for improving soil treatment for many projects, Long Thanh Dau Giay for instance, Holcim was chosen as the cement supplier for this construction method. Holcim Stable Soil PCB 40 complies with the standard TCVN 4316 and allows meet the high strength requirements (0.8 MPa insitu in CDM pile) at economical dosage of cement/m3 soil. To distribute the loads of the trucks to the CDM piles, 1 meter thick sand/cement mat is applied. After 6 consecutive months working between the technicians of GS E & C and Holcim, the complete solution from mix design to quality control system was developed by using cement Holcim Compact Rock and an optimized choice of aggregates. The strength of this sand/cement mat reaches 2.5 MPa, higher than the designed requirement of 2 MPa. The benefits of the solution with Holcim Compact Rock are not only the reduction of more than 20% of

Tan Son Nhat - Binh Loi

After completion, the Tan Son Nhat-Binh Loi Outer Ring Road promises to Ho Chi Minh City with the Eastern provinces and contributes to the future

Lu leøn lôùp caùt gia coá xi maêng Compacting of sand/cement mat

economic growth of south Vietnam.

maêng Holcim Compact Rock ñaõ giuùp tieát kieäm 20% haøm löôïng xi maêng treân caáp phoái. Theâm vaøo ñoù, nhôø vaøo thôøi gian ñoâng keát daøi hôn cuûa hoãn hôïp caùt, xi maêng ñaõ giuùp vieäc vaän chuyeån vaø thi coâng ñaàm neùn ñöôïc thuaän lôïi, vaø haïn cheá nguy cô giaûm chaát löôïng cuûa hoãn hôïp vaät lieäu.

cement in the mix design. Additionally the longer setting time of the sand/cement mix offers longer time for transport and compact, and reduces the risk of quality loss of the fresh material.

Thaùch thöùc trong khaâu giao nhaän

Transportation challenging

Laø moät ñôn vò cung caáp giaûi phaùp xi maêng vaø beâ toâng cho döï aùn, Holcim khoâng nhöõng phaùt trieån nhöõng giaûi phaùp phuø hôïp cho coâng trình, maø coøn ñaûm baûo khaâu vaän chuyeån haøng hoùa hieäu quaû nhaát theo tieán ñoä thi coâng cuûa nhaø thaàu. Moät phaàn döï aùn Taân Sôn Nhaát – Bình Lôïi naèm trong khu vöïc noäi thaønh TP. Hoà Chí Minh, neân vieäc giao nhaän xi maêng baèng xe taûi laø moät thaùch thöùc lôùn. Theo quy ñònh, xe taûi khoâng ñöôïc pheùp löu thoâng trong thaønh phoá töø 6 giôø saùng 9 giôø toái. Phoøng cung öùng Holcim ñaõ laøm vieäc vôùi nhaø thaàu GS E&C ñeå ñöa ra giaûi phaùp giao haøng toái öu nhaát, ñaûm baûo tieán ñoä xaây döïng cuûa döï aùn.

Therefore, the delivery of cement from Holcim plants to project site is a huge challenge: any delay has a direct impact on the schedule of the project. For this reason, Holcim logistics department collaborates closely with the contractor GS E&C, so that the supply of cement is guaranteed for the whole day.

Holcim has been working as a partner for this project not only for construction materials but for the effective logistic solutions as well. The project Tan Son Nhat-Binh Loi lies within the boundaries of Ho Chi Minh City where trucks are not allowed to travel from 6 AM until 9 PM, daily.

Taœi troïng/ Loading Keát caáu maët ñöôøng Road structure Lôùp neàn caùt gia coá xi maêng Sand / cement mat

Gia coá neàn ñaát yeáu baèng CDM Ground stabilized by CDM

Coïc ñaát CDM / CDM columns



Xu höôùng nhaø cao taàng

Ñònh höôùng phaùt trieån nhaø cao taàng High-rise building development in Ho Chi Minh City

Xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng laø bieåu töôïng cuûa söï hieän ñaïi vaø toác ñoä phaùt trieån kinh teá, xu höôùng xaây döïng naøy ñaëc bieät ñang ñöôïc phaùt trieån maïnh ôû caùc thaønh phoá lôùn cuûa chaâu AÙ. Khoâng naèm ngoaøi xu höôùng ñoù, Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh ñaõ vaø ñang xaây döïng haøng loaït toaø nhaø cao taàng nhö Bitexco Financial Tower (68 taàng), Saøi Goøn M&C Tower (39 taàng) v.v… Chính quyeàn Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh ñaõ vaø seõ ñònh höôùng nhö theá naøo ñeå baét nhòp xu höôùng xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng? Chuùng toâi ñaõ coù buoåi phoûng vaán ngaén vôùi PGS. TS. Nguyeãn Troïng Hoøa, Vieän Tröôûng Vieän Nghieân cöùu phaùt trieån thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh xung quanh vaán ñeà naøy.

Phoù giaùo sö - Tieán só Nguyeãn Troïng Hoøa laø chuyeân gia trong quy hoaïch vaø kieán truùc. Tröôùc ñaây oâng ñaõ tröïc tieáp tham gia giaûng daïy taïi ÑH Kieán truùc vaø laø Giaùm ñoác Sôû Quy hoaïch vaø Kieán truùc Thaønh phoá. Naêm 2008, oâng ñöôïc boå nhieäm chöùc vuï Vieän tröôûng Vieän Nghieân cöùu phaùt trieån thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh vaø ñaõ tham gia nhieàu vaøo quaù trình ñeà xuaát chính quyeàn thaønh phoá cho xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng ôû khu trung taâm. OÂng cuõng ñeà xuaát thaønh phoá ñeå quaûn lyù khoâng gian kieán truùc cuûa thaønh phoá ôû khu trung taâm thì phaûi coù qui cheá quaûn lyù kieán truùc ñoâ thò.



Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoa is an expert in planning & architecture. He used to be a professor at Architect University and Director of Department of Planning and Architecture, Ho Chi Minh City. In 2008, he was appointed as President of Ho Chi Minh City Institute for Development Studies and has been involved in the development of master planning for high rise buildings in the central city. He also recommended to have regulations on urban architecture management of Ho Chi Minh City.

Xin oâng cho bieát vieäc caáp pheùp xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng taïi trung taâm thaønh phoá hieän nay nhö theá naøo? Nhaø cao taàng laø bieåu töôïng cuûa söï phaùt trieån ôû theá kyû 20, 21 ñaëc bieät ôœ nhöõng thaønh phoá môùi phaùt trieån cuûa chaâu AÙ nhö Thöôïng Haûi, Hoàng Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Jakarta… ÔÛ thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh, phaùt trieån nhaø cao taàng cuõng ñöôïc xem laø moät xu höôùng taát yeáu ñeå thu huùt vaø taïo nieàm tin cho caùc nhaø ñaàu tö trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc. Beân caïnh phaùt trieån caùc khu ñoâ thò môùi nhö Thuû Thieâm, Phuù Myõ Höng…, chính quyeàn thaønh phoá cuõng ñaõ cho pheùp xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng taïi trung taâm thaønh phoá ñeå taän duïng nhöõng loâ ñaát coù saün, nhöõng khu ñaát thay ñoåi chöùc naêng vaø caùc xí nghieäp di dôøi giaûi toûa.

Khi caáp pheùp xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng, thaønh phoá ñaõ xem xeùt ñeán naêng löïc giao thoâng nhö theá naøo? Ngoaøi nhöõng coâng trình ñaõ ñöôïc xaây döïng thì coøn coù nhieàu coâng trình cao taàng khaùc trong khu trung taâm cuõng ñaõ ñöôïc pheâ duyeät thieát keá. Ngay thôøi

High-rise Building

cuûa Thaønh phoá

ñieåm naøy, vieäc xaây döïng moät soá nhaø cao taàng trong khu trung taâm thaønh phoá seõ taùc ñoäng tieâu cöïc ñeán giao thoâng. Tuy nhieân, thaønh phoá ñaõ nghieân cöùu vaø xem xeùt naêng löïc giao thoâng cuûa khu trung taâm. Trong ñoù beân caïnh giao thoâng treân maët ñaát thì naêng löïc giao thoâng coâng coäng baèng xe buyùt cuõng ñöôïc phaùt trieån vaø ñaëc bieät phaùt trieån caùc tuyeán metro ñeå giaûm aùp löïc giao thoâng taïi khu vöïc trung taâm trong töông lai. Chuùng toâi ñang xem xeùt cho pheùp xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng döïa vaøo naêng löïc giao thoâng trong töông lai gaàn.

Xaây döïng nhaø cao taàng trong thaønh phoá nhö theá naøo ñeå khoâng aûnh höôûng ñeán khoâng gian kieán truùc chung , thöa oâng? Taát caû caùc coâng trình cao taàng moïc leân ñeàu coù söï xeùt duyeät raát chaët cheõ bôûi Hoäi ñoàng Quy hoaïch – Kieán truùc thaønh phoá vaø caùc sôû ban ngaønh lieân quan. Song song vôùi vieäc xeùt duyeät cho xaây döïng moät soá coâng trình tieâu bieåu, chuùng toâi ñang nghieân cöùu moät giaûi phaùp mang tính ñoàng boä ñeå quaûn lyù khoâng gian ñoâ thò bao goàm quy hoaïch chi tieát vaø caùc quy cheá quaûn lyù trong ñoù nhaán maïnh ñeán quy cheá baûo toàn, quy





Xu höôùng nhaø cao taàng

High-rise Building

cheá quaûn lyù kieán truùc ñoâ thò. Naêm 2007, chuùng toâi ñaõ toå chöùc moät cuoäc thi quoác teá veà xaây döïng qui cheá quaûn lyù kieán truùc ñoâ thò ôû khu trung taâm hieän höõu roäng 930 hecta goàm moät phaàn Quaän 1, Quaän 3, moät phaàn Quaän 4 ôû khu ñaát caûng, moät phaàn Quaän Bình Thaïnh doïc caàu Saøi Goøn ñeán Taân Caûng, Ba Son. Coâng ty Nikken Sekkei cuûa Nhaät laø ñôn vò ñaït giaûi nhaát. Ñeà aùn ñaït giaœi naøy seõ taäp trung xaây döïng qui cheá quaûn lyù kieán truùc ñoâ thò bao goàm vieäc nhìn nhaän caùc coâng trình ñaõ vaø ñang ñöôïc xaây döïng, töø ñoù ñeà xuaát quy hoaïch khoâng gian kieán truùc cho töông lai, keát hôïp vaán ñeà giao thoâng, caûnh quan ñoâ thò cuõng nhö baûo toàn kieán truùc hieän höõu vaø baûo veä moâi tröôøng…, chaäm nhaát laø ñeán giöõa naêm nay, ñeà aùn naøy seõ ñöôïc Thaønh Phoá xeùt duyeät.

OÂng ñaùnh giaù nhö theá naøo veà coâng ngheä thi coâng nhaø cao taàng ôû Vieät Nam hieän nay? Chuû ñaàu tö vaø nhaø thaàu cuûa caùc toøa nhaø cao taàng chuû yeáu laø nöôùc ngoaøi hoaëc lieân doanh vôùi nöôùc ngoaøi. Trong quaù trình xaây döïng, Vieät Nam ñaõ hoïc hoûi ñöôïc raát nhieàu coâng ngheä thi coâng töø caùc nöôùc. Do ñoù, Vieät Nam ñaõ coù moät böôùc tieán vöôït baäc trong vieäc phaùt trieån coâng ngheä thi coâng. Moät ví duï ñieån hình nhö coâng ngheä laøm töôøng vaây, nhöõng kyõ thuaät hieän ñaïi nhaát ñaõ ñöôïc ñöa vaøo söû duïng, cho pheùp chuû ñoäng xaây döïng toøa nhaø cao hôn 40 taàng maø khoâng laøm aûnh höôûng ñeán khu vöïc xung quanh, taát nhieân caàn phaûi tuaân thuû ñuùng qui trình kyõ thuaät. Coù moät vaøi söï coá xaûy ra theo toâi ñaùnh giaù laø do khaûo saùt khoâng kyõ vaø do coâng nhaân, kyõ sö thöïc hieän thao taùc kyõ thuaät chöa ñuùng qui trình.

Hieän nay xu höôùng Xaây Döïng Xanh ñang ñöôïc quan taâm nhieàu, oâng ñaùnh giaù nhö theá naøo veà xu höôùng naøy hieän nay taïi Vieät Nam cuõng nhö höôùng phaùt trieån cuûa thaønh phoá trong töông lai? Caàn hieåu ñuùng Xaây Döïng Xanh laø xaây döïng beàn vöõng, tieát kieäm naêng löôïng vaø giaûm oâ nhieãm moâi tröôøng. Xaây Döïng Xanh khoâng phaûi chæ laø phuû xanh coâng trình. Veà toång theå Xaây Döïng Xanh ñoøi hoûi söï ñaàu tö daøi haïn. Do ñoù, chuùng ta caàn nhöõng nhaø ñaàu tö coù taàm nhìn chieán löôïc vaø quan taâm ñeán nhöõng lôïi ích cho xaõ hoäi trong töông lai thì Xaây Döïng Xanh môùi ñöôïc aùp duïng roäng raõi. Hieän nay thaønh phoá ñang raát quan taâm ñeán vaán ñeà naøy, vaø ñaõ chæ ñaïo Hoäi Kieán truùc sö thaønh phoá, Sôû Xaây döïng cuøng caùc sôû ngaønh nghieân cöùu ñeå coù theå thieát laäp quy cheá quaûn lyù hôïp lyù veà xaây döïng Xanh. Chuùng toâi cuõng ñang xaây döïng "giaûi thöôûng kieán truùc Xanh" ñeå khuyeán khích hôn nöõa vieäc öùng duïng khaùi nieäm naøy vaøo caùc coâng trình xaây döïng. Ñaây laø moät khaùi nieäm raát môùi vaø caàn coù thôøi gian. Nhöõng qui ñònh veà xaây döïng Xanh hieän taïi coøn mang tính khuyeán khích. Phoûng vaán: Nhoùm bieân taäp Insights



Nhaø cao taàng © Couleurs

High-rise building is a symbol of social and economic development in a modern city, especially this trend is demonstrating the new wealth and affluence throughout the major cities of Asian countries. With no exception from that trend, Ho Chi Minh City, has developed a series of high rise buildings such as Bitexco Financial Tower (68 floors), Saigon M & C Tower (39 floors)… What is vision and strategy of Ho Chi Minh City’s government in order to catch up this trend and to have a good planning for high rise building development? We will have better understanding from the exclusive interview with Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoa, President of Ho Chi Minh City Institute for Development Studies.

Could you share with us the current situation of high rise building development in the city? High-rise buildings are really symbols of economic and cultural development in the 20th and 21st centuries, particular, the development of Asia’s cities, such as Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and Jakarta-just to name a few-have centered on these high-rise buildings. In Ho Chi Minh City, this has also been the inevitable trend since high-rise buildings will attract and increase the domestic and foreign investment. In addition to the development of new urban areas around the city such as Thu Thiem and Phu My Hung, the city has allowed developing high-rise buildings in the center to utilize available land area or land from clearance of old factories.



When granting construction license of high-rise buildings, what issues does the city consider with regard to traffic capacity? In addition to the buildings already in existence, there are also many other projects got design approval from the city. At this time, we do aware that an excessively large number of high-rise buildings would negatively impact the traffic. However, future traffic capacity of the city’s center has been carefully considered. Addition to the private vehicles and current public transportation services by bus, the development of special metro routes was designed to reduce the impact of traffic in the downtown area. It means approval for developing current high-rise projects is based on the future transportation capacity in the city.

High-rise Building

In your opinion, what is the current state of technology used in the construction of high-rise buildings in Vietnam today?

Do you believe that the construction of a large number of high-rise buildings will change the architecture planning of the city in any way-negative or positive? Construction for all high rise buildings has to follow strictly approval from Committee of Urban Planning and Architecture and the relevant government authorities to ensure compliance with construction policy. Simultaneously, we are developing synchronous solutions including detailed master plan and management regulations which emphasize on the preservation regulations and regulations on urban architecture management. In 2007, we opened an international competition to develop a master solution on urban architecture management for the central area of the 930ha including a part of District 1, District 3, port land in District 4 and a part of Binh Thanh District along the Saigon River to Ba Son, Tan Cang. Nikken Sekkei, a Japanese company, has won the contest with the best submission. Their work focuses on building management regulations for urban architecture, base on existing structures to develop future regulation in consideration of transportation capacity, urban landscape and environmental issues. Latest by middle of this year, this project will be considered and approved by the city’s government.

For the most part, owners and contractors of these buildings are foreign investors or joint-ventures between foreign companies and Vietnamese companies. During this period of extensive growth and construction, Vietnam has learned a lot about construction technology from other countries. Because of this, I know that Vietnam has made progress in leaps and bounds for the development of its construction technology. An example of this is the use of diaphragm-wall technology and the most up-to-date construction technologies being used here. This allows the construction of a 40 story building without affecting the surrounding areas and with only the need to ensure compliance with construction standards. There have been a few cases where the outcome was not foreseen but, in my opinion, this was the result of either technical imprecision or in some of these cases, engineers, workers have been technically deficient, which not complied construction process.

These days, the term Green Building is often heard. What is your assessment of the current trend of Green Building in Vietnam and what effect do you think it will have on the development of the city as a whole? Firstly, it should be correctly understood the definition of Green Building. This term defines sustainable construction, reduces the consumption of utilities and the pollution of the environment. In general, Green Building require a long term investors who take into account of social benefits in the future. At this time, the city highly concerns about Green Building and has instruction for City Architecture Association and Construction Department to work closely with relevant authorities to develop proper management regulations on Green Building. The government is also encouraging the use of Green Building through Green awards for construction projects. However, this is a new concept and it will take some time for development and implementation in Vietnam. Interview: Insights team – Holcim Vietnam



Giaœi thöôœng Holcim

Holcim Awards laàn 3 3rd Global Holcim Awards

Cuoäc thi Holcim Award laàn 3 heát haïn ñaêng kyù döï thi vaøo ngaøy 23/03/2011. Keát quaû giaûi thöôûng caáp 5 khu vöïc ñöôïc coâng boá vaøo cuoái naêm 2011. Nhöõng döï aùn ñoaït giaûi Vaøng, Baïc, Ñoàng caáp khu vöïc naêm 2011 ñöôïc choïn tham döï giaûi toaøn caàu. Beân caïnh ñoù, 53 döï aùn thaéng giaûi khu vöïc bao goàm giaûi “Acknowledgement” vaø giaûi “Next Generation” seõ tham gia giaûi Global Holcim Innovation. Giaûi naøy toân vinh nhöõng saùng kieán trong vaät lieäu vaø coâng ngheä xaây döïng höôùng ñeán xaây döïng beàn vöõng. Saùu giaûi thöôûng toaøn caàu (goàm 3 giaûi Global Holcim Award vaø 3 giaûi Global Holcim Innovation) seõ ñöôïc toå chöùc trao giaûi theo töøng quoác gia thaéng giaûi keát hôïp vôùi ñaïi dieän coâng ty Holcim quoác gia ñoù.

The 3rd International Holcim Awards competition closed for registrations on March 23, 2011. Results of the regional phase of the competition were announced in late-2011 at five regional Holcim Awards ceremonies. Projects awarded Holcim Awards Gold, Silver and Bronze in 2011 automatically qualified for the global phase of the competition. In addition, for the first time, all 53 prizewinning projects at the regional level – including the “Acknowledgement” and “Next Generation” winners – automatically competed for Global Holcim Innovation prizes. It is additional prize based on their contributions to innovative building materials. The six global prizes (3 prizes of Global Holcim Award and 3 prizes of Global Holcim Innovation) will be presented to the winners in individual events and in close cooperation with the respective Holcim Group companies in the course of the next half year.



Ñaây laø döï aùn veà moät ngoâi tröôøng trung hoïc taïi Burkina Faso, do Kieán truùc sö Dieùbeùdo Francis Keùreù, thuoäc coâng ty Kieán truùc Keùreù, Berlin thieát keá ñaõ giaønh giaûi vaøng vôùi caùc giaûi phaùp tích hôïp veà xaõ hoäi vaø moâi tröôøng. Theo ñoù, heä thoáng thoâng gioù töï nhieân ñöôïc taêng cöôøng baèng caùch ñònh tuyeán khoâng khí thoâng qua oáng ngaàm; troàng caây xanh; söœ duïng 2 lôùp thieát keá cho maùi nhaø vaø maët tieàn. Khoâng khí thoaùng maùt seõ giuùp vieäc daïy vaø tieáp thu baøi hoïc deã daøng hôn.

GOLD prize

A secondary school project in Burkina Faso that integrates social and environmental performance won the gold prize. The design for the school in the village of Gando was created by Diébédo Francis Kéré of Kéré Architecture in Berlin. Passive cooling during oppressive summer heat creates an indoor climate conducive to learning by routing air through subterranean tubes, planting vegetation, stack-effect air currents, and using double-skin roofs and façades.

(a) Phoái caûnh döï aùn (b) Thö vieän laø ñieåm noåi baät cuûa döï aùn

(a) Perspective (b) The library is a focal point of the Gando school project





Holcim Award


Giaœi thöôœng Holcim

Giaœi BAÏC

Giaûi baïc naêm nay thuoäc veà döï aùn caûi taïo vuøng ñaát xoùi moøn ôû Paraisoùpolis favela, Saõo Paulo thaønh vuøng ñaát maøu môõ vôùi khoâng gian coâng coäng naêng ñoäng. Döï aùn naøy do 2 kieán truùc sö Alfredo Brillembourg vaø Hubert Klumpner ñeán töø coâng ty Urban-Think Tank, Brazil thieát keá, bao goàm moät khoâng gian coâng coäng vôùi moâ hình baäc thang coù khu vöïc daønh cho phaùt trieån noâng nghieäp ñoâ thò, moät heä thoáng quaûn lyù nöôùc, moät tröôøng daïy aâm nhaïc, moät thính phoøng, khu theå thao, khoâng gian coâng coäng vaø cô sôû haï taàng giao thoâng.

SILVER prize

The silver prize went to a project that transforms an eroded landscape within the Paraisópolis favela in Saõo Paulo into a productive zone and dynamic public space. The project led by architects Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner of UrbanThink Tank, Brazil, includes a terraced public space with areas for urban agriculture, a water management system, a public amphitheater, a music school, a concert hall, sports facilities, public spaces and transport infrastructure.

(a) Phoái caûnh döï aùn (b) Saân hieän laø nôi sinh hoaït coäng ñoàng cuûa khu daân cö ñoâng daân naøy (a) Landscape and building systems (b) Terraces provide necessary public space in dense urban fabric





Giaœi ñoàng ñöôïc trao cho döï aùn chuyeån ñoåi moät nhaùnh soâng Spree ôû Berlin chöa ñöôïc khai thaùc hieäu quaû thaønh moät “beå bôi töï nhieân” daøi 745m. Döï aùn Flussbad naøy do moät nhoùm kieán truùc sö ngöôøi Ñöùc ñöùng ñaàu laø Jan vaø Tim Edler thieát keá naèm ngay trung taâm cuûa thaønh phoá lòch söû seõ mang ñeán khoâng gian vui chôi coâng coäng gaàn vôùi Museuminsel. Döï aùn bao goàm moät khu baûo toàn saäy töï nhieân roäng 1,8ha. Nhöõng caây saäy taïi khu baûo toàn töï nhieân naøy cuøng lôùp caùt seõ thöïc hieän chöùc naêng loïc nöôùc.

BRONZE prize

An urban plan for transforming an under-utilized arm of the River Spree in Berlin into a natural 745m-long “swimming pool” won the bronze prize. The Flussbad project in the heart of the historic city provides a public urban recreation space adjacent to the Museuminsel. The project includes a 1.8ha reed bed natural reserve with sub-surface sand bed filters to purify the water was developed by a team led by architects Jan and Tim Edler of realities united, Germany.

(a) Sô ñoà döï aùn (b) Phoái caûnh khu vöïc hoà bôi taïi Dom, Lustgarten vaø Castle (a) Sitemap (b) View of pool area towards Dom, Lustgarten and Castle





Holcim Award


Caùc döï aùn chính

Caùc döï aùn chính Project Flash Saân bay Quoác teá Phuù Quoác

Vietcombank Tower

Caûng haøng khoâng Quoác Teá Phuù Quoác coâng suaát ñoùn 3 trieäu löôït khaùch moät naêm ñaõõ ñöôïc khôûi coâng xaây döïng ngaøy 23/11/2008. Saân bay quoác teá Phuù Quoác sau khi hoaøn thaønh seõ khai thaùc ñöôïc caùc tieàm naêng saün coù veà du lòch sinh thaùi bieån – ñaûo vaø ñaàu tö thöông maïi.

Döï aùn Vietcombank Tower goàm 35 taàng, 4 taàng haàm vôùi caùc khu baùn leû, nhaø haøng vaø baõi ñaäu xe ñöôïc xaây döïng treân dieän tích khoaûng 3.200m2. Döï aùn laø lieân doanh giöõa ba ñoái taùc goàm ngaân haøng TMCP Ngoaïi thöông Vieät Nam, Coâng ty TNHH Ñaàu tö Bonday cuûa Hoàng Koâng vaø Coâng ty Dòch vuï Du lòch Beán Thaønh. Toång voán ñaàu tö 96,5 trieäu ñoâ la Myõ. Döï aùn ñang ñöôïc thi coâng vaø döï kieán hoaøn thaønh vaø ñöa vaøo söû duïng töø thaùng 07/2013.

Xi maêng Holcim cung caáp cho döï aùn tính ñeán thaùng 5/2012: 6.500 taán xi maêng.

Khoái löôïng beâ toâng söû duïng tính ñeán thaùng 5/2012: 17.700m3.

International Phu Quoc airport

Vietcombank Tower

International Phu Quoc airport with handling

Vietcombank Tower project which consists of 35

in construction on 23 November 2008. The airport

restaurants, parking area and other facilities was

capacity of 3 million passengers per year was put

when completed will exploit the potentials for marine eco tourism and call for investment. Holcim has provided

May, 2012.

6,500 ton of cement up to

floors and 4 basements including retail stores,

built on area of 3,200m2. The project is joint-

invested by Vietcombank, Bonday (Hongkong) and Ben Thanh Tourist, total value of 96.5 million USD. It is on construction progress and expected to be completed by July 2012.

Holcim Beton has provided

May, 2012.



17,700m3 up to

Project Flash

Nhaø maùy söõa Dielac

Celadon City

Döï aùn “Xaây döïng Nhaø maùy söõa Dielac” do Coâng ty Coå phaàn Söõa Vieät Nam – Vinamilk laøm Chuû Ñaàu tö vôùi toång giaù trò goùi thaàu gaàn 300 tyû ñoàng xaây döïng treân toång dieän tích ñaát 6 ha, thôøi gian thi coâng 12 thaùng. Ñaây ñöôïc xem laø döï aùn troïng ñieåm, coù qui moâ lôùn trong haøng loaït caùc nhaø maùy söõa cuûa Coâng ty Vinamilk ñeå môû roäng saûn xuaát maët haøng söõa boät cao caáp Dielac.

Döï aù n Celadon City toï a laï c taï i P. Sôn Kyø , Q.Taâ n Phuù vôù i toå n g möù c ñaà u tö khoaû n g 25.000 tyû ñoà n g. Celadon City sau khi hoaø n thaø n h seõ laø moä t khu ñoâ thò hieä n ñaï i , sang troï n g baä c nhaá t taï i TP.HCM. Sacomreal ñaõ hôï p taù c cuø n g Taä p ñoaø n Gamuda Berhad ñeå cuø n g phaù t trieå n döï aù n Caê n hoä Celadon City.

Khoái löôïng beâ toâng söû duïng tính ñeán thaùng 5/2012: 10.900m3 .

Khoái löôïng beâ toâng söû duïng tính ñeán thaùng 5/2012: 12.800m3.

Dielac milk factory

Celadon City

The project “Dielac milk factory” was invested by

Celadon City is located on Son Ky ward, Tan Phu

billion VND and built on area of 6 ha, 12 month

When completed, the project will form a most

VINAMILK with total investment value of 300

construction. It is the main project of VINAMILK to increase projection capacity of Dielac power milk. Holcim Beton has provided

May, 2012.

10,900m3 up to

District and invested around 25,000 billion VND.

modern and luxury town in HCM City. Celadon City was invested by Sacomreal and Gamuda Berhad Group.

Holcim Beton has provided

May, 2012.

12,800m3 up to



Holcim (Vietnam) Ltd. Fideco Tower, 9th & 10th Floors 81 - 85 Ham Nghi Street, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Phone: +84 8 39149000 Fax: +84 8 39149001 Email: insights-vnm@holcim.com Website: www.holcim.com/vn

Printed on PEFC standard sustainable paper. Soá ñaêng kyù KHXB: 67-2012/CXB/363-01/TTTT. Soá QÑXB: 158/QÑ-NXB TTTT ngaøy 21/6/2012

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