Transform x Brainrental "Tomorrow online exhibition"

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北 市 松 山 區 敦 化 北 路 220 號 3 樓 3F., No.220, Dunhua N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan + 886.2.8712.3233

This is the intellectual property of Transform Design Studio, Transform Design Studio reserves the right to take legal action, should there be unauthorized disclosing and sharing of contents to a third party without prior written agreement from Transform Design Studio. © Transform Design Studio 2011-2014. All rights reserved


yesterday Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they're here to stay oh, I believe in yesterday.

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play Now I need a place to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be There's a shadow hanging over me Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she have to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say I said something wrong Now I long for yesterday.

Why she had to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say I said something wrong Now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play Now I need a place to hide away Oh, I believe in yesterday

John Denver

Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine I'll taste your strawberries, I'll drink your sweet wine A million tomorrows shall all pass away Ere I'll forget all the joy that is mine today I'll be a dandy, and I'll be a rover You'll know who I am by the songs that I sing I'll feast at your table, I'll sleep in your clover Who cares what the morrow shall bring Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine I'll taste your strawberries, I'll drink your sweet wine A million tomorrows shall all pass away Ere I'll forget all the joy that is mine, today I can't be contented with yesterday's glory I can't live on promises winter to spring Today is my moment, now is my story I'll laugh and I'll cry and I'll sing Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine I'll taste your strawberries, I'll drink your sweet wine A million tomorrows shall all pass away Ere I forget all the joy that is mine today

Brainrental is a group of 3 based out of Hong Kong there, taking influences from the absurd modern c cross and blend humor with commentary, Brainre osity and a little bit of wonder for all to ponder.

Brainrental’s creations include illustration, mura “illustrative objects”.

Clients: WIRED Germany Magazine, Converse, Oly Crawford, Milk Magazine, MilkX Magazine and mor

g experimenting here and city life. Artists who ental helps create curi-

al, lifestyle product and

ympus Camera, Lane re.

About Brainrental

About Brainrental

Kevin Chu Roger 可否簡單的介紹你自己?


我們叫Brainrental (大腦出租),由我,Chu 跟 Roger 於2010年在香港成立。我 們三個喜歡設計、繪畫和藝術,以大都會的荒誕面作靈感,進行了大大小小各 種不同的實驗,透過插畫、壁畫、設計和描繪物把這些概念實體化,並加以幽 默反諷,把扭曲的現實呈現給大眾討論。 是在什麼樣的情況下,開始了插畫的創作?


我們雖然是讀產品設計出身,畫的是實用性為主的設計圖,但其實我們一直都 很喜歡插畫,因為插畫比較少限制,可以很隨性,很自由表達出我們的理念, 所以我們團隊除了設計產品,也開始一起創作插畫,希望可以創作出屬於我們 的風格跟角色。 在你的作品裏,有出現了一個明顯的角色(這個角色是否與你有什麼直接的關 聯,也或者是否你希望透過這角色傳達什麼樣的議題)


他們叫Bunnymen,其實那兔的樣子,是由我們三個的樣子演化出來,靈感也 是來自大都會的荒誕面。在畫「城市人」前,我們會想像,有甚麼動物能夠呈 現呢?我們就想像出兔子,因為一般人認為,兔子是跑得很快的動物,但在龜 兔賽跑的故事中,兔是輸家,我們認為兔子是一個充滿矛盾的角色,跟城市人 一樣,生活節奏很快,但生活的素質卻追不上。


我們設定兩隻兔子有不一樣的性格,其中一隻樣子比較蠢鈍,盲目地使用身邊 的事物;另一隻則以為自己很聰明,但實際上牠根本不知道自己在做甚麼,我 們想透過Bunnymen去講我們跟城市,科技的關係。

About Brainrental

Kevin Chu Roger IBM Thinkpad、TV、Microwave、Leica M3 是我們印象最深刻的幾件作品,我想 理解在創作之初是怎麼選定這些物件的,而你又是怎麼決定這些物件裡面組合了不 同的世界,這幾件作品中是否有所關聯呢?


是,這幾件作品是有所關聯的。這一系列名為尋常行為的作品是表達了人與科技親 切而陌生的關係,所以我們選用這些我們日常生活中最常見和常用的電子產品和家 庭電器去展現這種荒誕的現象。你會發現這些物件的型號都是些已過時的款式,除 了是我們比較喜歡經典的設計外,這些現在已經過時的產品也曾經是當時的高科技 的產物,更能反映我們追逐科技的同時,是否遺忘了某些東西。 物件裡面的不同世界大多是我們日常的生活空間,這些空間或習慣卻慢慢受到科技 產品的出現而轉變,只是我們置身其中而沒有察覺。因此我們用咭紙造成物件,物件 形態還在但功能拿走了,把生活空間內藏其中,希望能把觀眾暫時抽離現實世界, 讓他們在作品的空間裏重新思考我們與科技之間的關係。 在創作的過程中,你認為最重要的環節是什麼?


團隊的創作,瞭解彼此的想法是很重要的,所以我們會一直討論,直話直說,到實 踐的時候才會有默契。


還有就是要享受創作的過程,連自己都不喜歡就沒意義了。 你的創作歷程裡是否有受到什麼樣的影響,而造就了現在的作品觀點!


應該是因為修讀了產品設計吧,三年不停學習和思考有關產品的東西,到我們的畢 業作品都以批判性設計為方向,就是以產品對一些事情或是現狀提出問題和討論, 把“講故事”變成產品的功能,過程中我們的導師,Remi,給我們看不同有趣的參 考,啟發我們很多。可能就是這個影響,令我們至今的創作都比較像是不斷提出問 題,讓觀眾和我們去思考和反思。


對,產品不一定是產品,插畫也不一定是插畫,先有問題,再有概念,然後才去找 一個容器,產品也好,插畫也好,能把故事講好,觀眾才有共鳴,作品才能完滿。

About Brainrental

Kevin Chu Roger 平常有什麼特別的休閒嗎?不工作的時候通常都在做些什麼?


有特別的興趣或嗜好嗎? 看漫畫! 如果不是一個(藝術家、插畫家、或設計師)你會是什麼樣的角色!(或者如果可 以重來你仍會選擇目前的職業嗎?)












可以說是繪畫和產品的一種融合,呈現一種新體驗。 給我們一些年輕的(藝術家、插畫家、或設計師)一些建議!


其實我們也是 (應該)很年輕,我們也在接收不同的建議。但要說的話應該就是要 做好玩,有趣的事情,最少要自己覺得啊。


對啊! 而且要好好利用年輕這本錢作多方面的嘗試, 透過接觸不同的創作, 慢慢就能 找到自己特有風格。

Kevin Chu Roger 請先讓我們知道你們對於明天的想法 (關於生活、關於創作)?


我們覺得我們正活在一個永久的當下,過去所期盼的未來沒有來, 而當下就是現實的未來,所以我們只是活在永遠的當下,今天是當下,明天也是當下。 我們的創作就是圍繞我們活在的當下。 相對於明天,你認為當下對你們來說有些什麼樣的影響? 無 過去、當下、未來 分別對於你們有什麼樣的意義,以及在作品的呈現上有些什麼樣的影響?


我們利用過去的經歷跟體驗,觀察並記錄當下,而我們的作品就是過去跟當下所組成的, 也是我們對未來的幻想吧! 請告訴我們一個你會期待明天趕快到來的事情?







是的,我們的作品大部份都以大都會的荒誕面作為出發點, 所以作品就是當下的狀況, 反映的是現代人生活的尋常而又離奇的行為,所以面對當下可以說是一開始設定好的。




About Tomorrow Online Exhibition

Tomorrow Online Exhibition Works




Bridge The Gap Hong Kong 2014 Logo Design This is a collaborative project with the Harbour Runners. Bridge the gap is an experience of collision. A bombardment of unique personalities, different cultures, and the combined energy of many people getting to know each other in a very short period of time. Bringing together international running crews in one pre-determined city, everyone parties it up while running a race sometime in between all of the hanging out, eating, drinking, and exploring. Each bridge the gap is different city to city. Hong Kong is no exception, sharing the idea that there is no time to rest, there is always something to do. Pen and Digital | 2014


Converse APAC Headquarter A wall mural project for Converse APAC Headquarter located in Shanghai. The idea is to create a sphere of music, a nation of emotions experimentations and inspirations. POSCA pen on wall | Shanghai | 2014


Electro-City Break The trivial matters of the bunnymen POSCA pen on drawing paper | 150cm x 105cm | 2014


112 Bunnymen The trivial matters of the bunnymen POSCA pen on canvas | 200cm x 90cm | 2012


The Lost View – London Pen on paper | 28cm x 38cm | 2013


The Lost View – Hong Kong Pen on paper | 38cm x 28cm | 2013


The Lost View – Guadalajara Pen on paper | 28cm x 38cm | 2013


Bunnymen – iPhone POSCA pen on drawing paper | 29.7cm x 42cm | 2014


Bunnymen – Microwave Oven POSCA pen on drawing paper | 29.7cm x 42cm | 2014


The Pursuit of Power # 1 “Once there was a time when the bringing-forth of the true into the beautiful was called Techne. And the poiesis of fine arts also was called techne.” - Heidegger This is an experiment inspired by Heidegger’s writing, ‘Question Concerning Technology’, he explained that the word technology stems from the Greek ‘techne’, which is the name not only for the activities and skills of the craftsman but also for the arts of the mind and the fine arts. The means of modern technology however are more scientific, practical and instrumental, less human’s commitment are involved. Etching was once considered an advanced technology, the spirit of craftsmanship and imperfectness within etching however provide the sense of poeticness and uniqueness. The process of carving, etching and printing all require a huge commitment from human. The purpose of this experiment is to show how situation have been altered from technology rely on human to human rely on technology. I attempted to bring etching forward, instead of etching the history and contemporary, I attempted to etch the future by making drawings that never appears on etching prints, which is anachronistic, nostalgic but at the same time anticipating the fear and fantasy of the future. Hands of human are the key elements in the drawings, it represent human activity, it is interesting to see how technology is designed to fit into our hands, as if they are trying to be part of our body. Etching on zinc plate | 21cm x 14.9cm | 2013


The Pursuit of Power # 2 Etching on zinc plate | 21cm x 14.9cm | 2013


The Pursuit of Power # 3 Etching on zinc plate | 21cm x 14.9cm | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Hand Drawn Animation # 1 Hand drawn & Digital | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Hand Drawn Animation # 2 Hand drawn & Digital | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – IBM Thinkpad Ordinary Behavior’ explores the uncanny relationship between human and technology in an everyday context. We have created a set of illustrative objects as the tools of revealing the absurd situations. They are all made of paper cardboard and appear to be everyday electronic appliances and devices that can be found in our domestic environment, however, their interiors are modified into miniaturized human scaled space. We seeked to detach the audience from the real world temporarily, provide them with a space to rethink and reconsider the way we behave and think about the relationship between ourselves, objects and environment with technology in a more conscious way. White Cardboard | 2014


Ordinary Behavior – Microwave Oven White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Macintosh 512K with Keyboard White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Leica M3 White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – iPhone White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – TV White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Floppy White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Keyboard White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Macintosh 512K White Cardboard | 2013


Ordinary Behavior – Plug White Cardboard | 2013


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